RA No. 8556
RA No. 8556
RA No. 8556
To ensure that all relevant organizations and shareholders, especially those from
the private sector, are able to take part in the drafting of the amendments in the IRR, we
are exposing the same for public comments. For the early implementation of the
Amended IRR, please submit your duly signed written comment and/or suggestions
on or before August 15, 2017 by any of the following means of communication:
To effectively carry out the provisions of Republic Act No. 8556 (The Financing
Company Act of 1998), the Securities and Exchange Commission, pursuant to the
powers vested in it under said Act, Republic Act No. 1143 and Presidential Decree No.
902-A, as amended, hereby promulgate the following amended rules and regulations:
The following definition of terms shall apply for purposes of these Rules:
d) “Commission” shall mean the office of the Securities and Exchange Commission
of the Philippines;
e) “Funds” shall mean total assets inclusive of valuation reserves and deferred
income but shall not include investments in real estate, in shares of stock of real
estate development corporations or in real estate based projects, leasehold rights
and improvements, fixed assets, foreclosed properties and prepayments.
f) "Credit" shall mean any loan, mortgage, financial lease, deed of trust, advance or
discount, any conditional sales contract, contract to sell, or sale or contract of sale
of property or service, either for present or future delivery, under which, part of
all or the price is payable subsequent to the making of such sale or contract; any
contract, any option, demand, lien or pledge, or to the other claims against, or for
the delivery of, property or money, any purchase, or other acquisition of or any
credit upon the security of, any obligation or claim arising out of the foregoing,
and any transaction or series of transactions having similar purpose or effect;
i) "Lease rentals" shall refer to the periodic payments made by the lessee to the lessor
under Section 1 (e), above;
m) "Paid-up capital" refers to the amount paid for the subscription of stock in a
corporation including the amount paid in excess of par value;
a. Equity ownership
ii. US $225,000.00 or its Philippine peso equivalent* for financing
companies located in other classes of Cities
c. Other Requirements:
SECTION 3. Rights and Powers. — Financing companies shall have the following
powers: —
c. Issue bonds and other capital instruments subject to pertinent laws, rules
and regulations;
f. Provide foreign currency loans and leases to enterprises that earn foreign
currency by exports or other means, subject to existing laws and rules and
regulations promulgated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
The Commission shall allow the inclusion of the foregoing rights and powers in
the Articles of Incorporation of a financing company after submission by the applicant
financing company of the appropriate license/authority issued by the government
agency involved.
a. Traditional Marketing:
a.1. By securing a CA for a branch, agency, extension
office, satellite office, or unit;
b. Digital Marketing in accordance with Section 8 (b) of
this Rules);
1. Cover Sheet
2. Application Form
3. Notarized Personal Information Sheet of Directors & officers
using the prescribed format by the Commission.
b. Immigration Certificate of Registration
8. Board Resolution on the Adoption of the Manuals Certified
by the Corporate Secretary;
c. Latest GIS;
The Notice and Order shall state, among others, the name of the
proposed financing company, the capital structure, and the names and
residences of its directors.
c) Opposition to Registration
a. The Commission shall register the Articles of Incorporation and issue the
Certificate of Authority to Operate as Financing Company to any
proposed financing company if it is satisfied that the establishment of such
company will promote public interest and convenience and:
days from date of grant of such certificate. Failure to operate within the
one hundred twenty (120) day period shall subject the financing company
to a fine of not less than Ten Thousand (P10,000.00) Pesos.
2. Application Form;
3. Information Sheet;
8. Such other documents as may be required by the Commission.
Municipalities P250,000
(P10,000.00) Pesos or revocation of the CA, after due hearing at the
discretion of the Commission.
SECTION 8. Digital Financing
a. Financing companies with quasi banking license;
A license fee of 1/10 of 1% of the paid up capital of the financing company shall
be charged for the issuance of a Certificate of Authority to Operate as a Finance
A fee of P1,000 for every city (in Metro Manila city or other 1st class cities)
where Off-site location/s are situated.
A fee of P500 for every city (other classes of city) where Off-site location/s are
A fee of P250 for every municipality where Off-site location/s are situated.
b. More than fifty (50%) percent of the funds of a financing company shall be
used or invested in financing company activities; Provided, that in the
computation of the amount of funds used or invested in financing
company activities, investments in government securities with maturity of
not more than one (1) year and special savings deposits shall be taken into
c. The total credit that a financing company may extend to its directors,
officers, and stockholders shall not exceed fifteen (15%) percent of its
networth. For purposes of this Section, loans and other credit extended by
a financing company to the following related interests shall be deemed to
have been extended to its directors, officers, and stockholders:
d. The total credit that a financing company may extend to any person,
company, corporation or firm shall not exceed thirty (30%) percent of its
net worth.
f. A 100% allowance for probable losses should be set up for the following:
1. Clean loans and advances past due for a period of more than six (6)
3. Past due loans secured by real estate mortgage title which is subject
to an adverse claim rendering settlement through foreclosure
b. Accounts which have been factored or discounted by, the lease receivables
of, and other evidence of indebtedness (not covered in item a, above)
issued or negotiated to, a financing company shall not be sold, assigned or
transferred in any manner except to banks including their trust accounts,
trust companies, non-bank financial intermediaries authorized to engage
in quasi-banking functions, investment houses including their trust
accounts, financing companies, investment companies, non-stock savings
and loan associations, insurance companies, government financial
institutions, pension and retirement funds approved by the Bureau of
Internal Revenue, educational assistance funds established by the National
Government; Provided: That the negotiation of evidence of indebtedness
to pension funds or educational assistance funds shall be on a recourse
SECTION 15. Periodic Reports. — Every financing company shall file with the
Commission, the following reports:
a. Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of the fiscal year, four
(4) copies of the audited financial statements;
and (4) hereof shall be submitted within thirty (30) working days from
date of the aforesaid change;
The reports shall be signed under oath by the company's principal executive
officer and principal financial officer.
b. A basic fine of not less than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000) and P100 for
each day of continuing violation, but in no case shall the total fine be more
than One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000) per category of violation;
The imposition of the foregoing administrative sanctions shall not preclude the
institution of appropriate action against the officers and directors of the financing
company or any person who might have participated therein, directly or indirectly, in
violation of R.A. 8556 and this Rules and Regulations.
party, may issue a Cease and Desist Order without the necessity of a prior hearing if in
its judgment the act or practice, unless restrained, may cause grave or irreparable injury
or prejudice to the investing public or may amount to fraud or violation of the
requirements of R.A. 8556 and the rules and regulations of the Commission.
The issuance of such Cease and Desist Order automatically suspends the
authority to operate as a financing company.
Immediately upon the issuance of such Order, the Commission shall furnish the
parties involved with a copy thereof and schedule a hearing not later than fifteen (15)
days after service of notice. The Commission shall, within thirty (30) days upon
submission of the case for resolution, decide on whether to lift the Cease and Desist
Order and/or to impose the administrative sanctions provided for in Section 14.
SECTION 18. Repealing Clause. — These Rules and Regulations supersede the
( THE FINANCING COMPANY ACT) AS AMENDED dated October 16, 1991 and the
Rules and Regulations to Implement the Provisions of Republic Act No. 8556 (the
Financing Company Act of 1998) dated May 20, 1999. All other rules, regulations,
orders memorandum circulars of the Commission which are inconsistent herewith are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 20.Effectivity. — These rules and regulations shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation in the