'Seven Mindsets of Success - Cheatsheet - PDF' PDF
'Seven Mindsets of Success - Cheatsheet - PDF' PDF
'Seven Mindsets of Success - Cheatsheet - PDF' PDF
Sten Morgan
Know this— Habits are not enough—when the going
gets tough, you need to have the right “lens” in order to
Just knowing the theories of what you should do will not
effectively accomplish your dreams.
lead to success. You first must change the way you think What to do— Adopt the 7 Mindsets of Success. This will
about the world, naturally filtering out the bad in favor of allow you to preserver and achieve even when the going
the effective. gets tough.
Know this — If you rely on a safety net of comfort (like a bad albeit Know this — Wisdom is knowing that you do not know.
predictable job), you will never push your boundaries hard enough in What to do — Find incredible, top of the line mentors wherever and
order to fully reach your potential. whenever possible. Pick their brains. Become their friends. Ask them the
What to do — Eliminate all possibility of failure by making the right questions. Learn in this way and you will skip steps.
consequences of failure inconceivable. Put your back against the wall.
Jump off the cliff—and you’ll naturally learn how to make a parachute
on the way down.
TIME BALANCE Know this — You must know why you are doing what you are
doing—and the best “why” we have is generosity. In other words—do
Know this — Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. The things for others.
trick is to use it wisely. What to do — Why do you do what you do? Why do you struggle
What to do — For each day, have one thing that you know you need through tough times? Why do you have those difficult conversations?
to accomplish and then accomplish it regardless of what happens. For whom are you fighting?
Focus. Pay attention only to what matters.
Answer this—and remind yourself of it daily.
If nothing else—remember this…
1. There is no “reality”—there is only how we view reality. Adopting the 7
Mindsets of Success is the best lens you can wear in order to effectively
conquer life’s biggest challenges.
3. To best adopt The 7 Mindsets, you must know why you’re adopting
them, and this why should be in honor of someone else, be it society
family, or the world at large. Do not focus on yourself.