The Protein and Water Content of Ten Variations of The Feed Cassapro of Yeast Tape

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Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing

120 Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology

ISBN: 978-602-60569-5-5

The Protein And Water Content Of Ten Variations Of The Feed Cassapro Of Yeast Tape
Indrawaty Sitepu1,
Departement of Agriculture, Methodist University of Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia, [email protected]

Abstract—This research was conducted to find out how the protein and water content ten variations of the feed cassapro
of yeast tape. This research was conducted in March-May 2016. The results showed manufacture of tapioca pulp and fish
flour has increased very high protein after fermentation with yeast tape. Ten variations of feed cassapro of yeast tape
according to the highest order as follows: variations 10, protein content of 66.12%; variation 9, protein content of 59.16%;
variation 8, protein content of 67.54%; variation 7, protein content of 36.78%; variations 6, protein content of 38.14%;
variation 5, protein content of 33.37%; variation 4, protein content of 26.82% variation 3, protein content of 24.76%; variation
2, protein content of 17.81%; the first variation, protein content of 68.63%. From the sequence can generally be seen that the
higher the protein content if mixed fish flour higher. Although there are exceptions, namely the treatment of mixtures or
variations first, seventh and ninth. It can be concluded that: the highest protein content of 66.12% was found in 10% variation
cassapro blended with 90% fish flour and protein content of 17.81% is lowest that is a variation of 90% and 10% cassapro
and fish flour. While most high water content is 17, 23% are on a variation of 80% and 20% tapioca pulp fish flour and the
lowest water content is 6, 33% are on a variation of 10% tapioca pulp and 90% fish flour

Keywords—feed cassapro, tapioca dregs, fish flour, protein content, water content.

INTRODUCTION done in order to make recommendations of the best

1. Background variations.
The feed is a very important factor for the growth of
2. Formulation Problems
fish. By feeding the fish appropriate and proportionate, How much protein and water content ten
makes the pet-fish to be fully developed. Instead, the variations cassapro of yeast tape.
selection of the wrong fish feed could lead to less
maximum yields could even cause harm. Quality fish feed
3. Research Objectives
not only be seen from the amount, but also of its To find out how much protein and water content
nutritional value. ten variations cassapro of yeast tape.
High prices of feed to make the farmers worry because
opportunities to benefit increasingly thin, because the fish
feed costs could reach more than half of the total LITERATURE REVIEW
investment incurred. The solution is certainly not negate 1. Feed
or reduce forage fish, but to look for alternative feed from Feed is the general name used to describe food that is
raw materials that are abundant around us or even of utilized or eaten by animals including fish for survival and
waste that we can process into alternative feed. If farmers growth of the body. Uneaten fish feed comes from nature
are able to make their own food can certainly reduce the (so-called natural food) and from man-made (so-called
cost of purchasing fish feed more expensive price. artificial feed). Artificial feed mixed from several raw
Cassapro based feed is expected to be an alternative feed materials that contain specific nutrients. Raw materials
in question. processed in a simple or processed in bulk and produce
Cassapro is an acronym for ‘cassava protein tinggi’ artificial feed in the form of pellets, powder or crumb or
(cassava high-protein ). Cassapro raw materials. The raw crumble and pasta. (Khairuman and Khairul, 2002).
material can be in the form of cassava, peel or pulp According Mudjiman (2004) there are several
manufacture of tapioca flour. Utilization in the properties of the feed must be known in order to be
manufacture of tapioca pulp into cassapro (cassava high accepted by the artificial feed the fish pets and can be
protein) is the application of fermentation technology with used efficiently among other things:
the help of yeast tape. On this occasion cassapro feed in
1) Water content : Artificial feed can be prepared
question is feed the raw material is pulp manufacture of
dengna water levels vary. By variation of the water
tapioca flour. Dregs manufacture of tapioca flour is the
waste can be turned into feed containing high protein. content of the artificial feed dekenal dry (moisture
The main function of the protein or builder substances, content of about 10%), moisture (water content between
30-45%), wet (water content of more than 50%) or
namely growth and maintenance of tissues. The growth
between the water content.
and maintenance of tissues is possible when provided
2) Form feed : Forms of both dry and moist feed is
specific amino acid sequence that is appropriate. Protein
very diverse. Dry feed can be made in the form of pellets,
also serves as a source of energy. Other proteins function
is as a transporter of nutrients and other molecules. crumbs (crumble), granules (granular), flour (meal or
Protein quality is determined by the type and mash) and sheets (flake). Moist feed can be spherical or
meatballs (ball) and a steamed bun (cake). For wet feed is
proportion of amino acids it contains. Complete proteins
generally shaped porridge or pasta (paste) .Measure
or proteins with high biological value or high-grade is a
pellets ranges between 3-3.5 mm, while the crumb ranges
protein that contains all essential amino acids in
between 1-2 mm. Violence pellets depends on how the
appropriate proportions for growth.
Protein requirements of fish will decrease if the older manufacturing, raw material, type of adhesive, and the
the age of the fish. But instead of fish that young age amount of adhesive.
3) Texture feed : Besides the form of feed, alain
require a high protein. The fish protein deficiency will use
physical factor is the texture of the feed. Texture is the
protein reserves that exist in the body, if not supplai, fish
degree of fineness of the raw material before mixed.
growth will decline. Carnivorous fish protein needs 30-
60% and 18-28% whereas herbivores. Good feed made from raw materials berbetuk refined
Thus the availability of alternative feed quality to meet flour or at least in the form of flour pass strain through a
the needs of fish and chicken are needed. Therefore
4) Buoyancy (power float) in the feed water : The
provide such feed is an effort that is expected to be
buoyancy of the water in the feed needs to be considered.
available in the market. Cassapro based feed is expected
In general, artificial feed is sinking. However, through a
to become the alternatif feed. Because it conducts
research and analysis of how the protein content and a special process, the pellets can float or floats. The
wide variety of water-based feed cassapro needs to be buoyancy of feed has something to do with a specific
gravity feed. The greater the density of feed than the

Food Technology The Protein And Water Content Of Ten Variations Of The Feed Cassapro Of Yeast Tape
Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing
Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology 121
ISBN: 978-602-60569-5-5

density of water (specific gravity of water = 1), the feed  The raw material pulp manufacture of tapioca
in question more quickly sank. If the weight of the type plus aqua.
of feed approximately 1 then feed it will float, whereas if  Nutrient Plus + urea and stir evenly with raw
the density of the feed is less than 1, the feed will float. materials.
5)Durability in water : Artificial feed should be able  Plus Tape yeast, stir evenly.
to survive that is not immediately destroyed or dispersed  Drained 1-2 days.
when entering the water. In general, the durability b. Printing and grinding feed with 10 variations in
(stability) of shrimp feed in water ranging between 3-5 the mix :
hours. The durability of the artificial feed in water is  Variation 1 : (100% tapioca dregs and 0%
influenced by several factors, such as the number and fish flour)
types of raw materials, the manufacturing method,  Variation 2 : (90% tapioca dregs and 10%
amount and type of adhesive materials, as well as raw fish flour )
materials flouring.
 Variation 3 : (80% tapioca dregs and 20%
In intensive fish farming artificial feed is provided to fish flour )
meet the needs of the fish. Based on the level of need of
 Variation 4 : (70% tapioca dregs and 30%
artificial feed can be divided into three groups, namely:
fish flour )
1) Feed extra : Additional feed is feed that is
 Variation 5 : (60% tapioca dregs and 40%
intentionally designed to meet the needs of fish feed in
fish flour ).
this case is cultivated already get food from nature. But
the number is not sufficient to grow well so we need to  Variation 6 : (50% tapioca dregs and 50%
add artificial feed as a feed supplement. fish flour ).
2) Feed supplements : Feed is a feed supplement that  Variation 7 : (40% tapioca dregs and 60%
purports to add certain nutritional components that can fish flour ).
not afford disedikan natural feed.  Variation 8 : (30% tapioca dregs and 70%
3) The main feed : The main feed is feed that purports fish flour ).
to replace most or all natural food.  Variation 9 : (20% tapioca dregs and 80%
fish flour ).
2. Content of Protein  Variation 10 : (10% tapioca dregs and 90%
Nutrient content is the type and amount of nutrients fish flour)
contained in the feed. In practice these nutrients from the c. Drying with the drying 2 days
feed required by the fish to grow and thrive, including  Phase 3 : Test protein and moisture content to
replacing damaged cells and generate power in their daily PPKS.
activities.  Stage 4 : Analysis of protein-based feed ten
. The nutritional requirements of carnivorous fish variations cassapro.ragi tape.
different away with the nutritional needs of herbivorous
fish or omnivorous fish's nutritional needs. The content of RESULT AND DISCUSSION
the most important nutrients and fish body needs is Analysis of protein and moisture content implemented
protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This in two phases to PPKS (Palm Research Center) Medan.
feed nutritional needs are not the same between species of The first phase dates: 8 to 17 March 2016 and the second
fish and the other one (Khairuman and Khairul, 2002). phase dates: March 29-April 6, 2016.
Protein also known as albumen. Protein is the main Results of Test Methods Reagents - SNI 01.0008.1987
component of the formation of tissues and organs of the and MPOB k1.2.2004 in Oil Palm Research Center
body of the fish. Proteins are made up of substances (PPKS) on 08-17 March 2016 the first stage and the
nitrogen in the form of amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, second stage dates: March 29-April 6, 2016 is as follows:
hormones, and vitamins. The use and supply of
continuous protein in feed is necessary to support the TABLE I. Protein Content Test Result Water Levels
growth and repair of cells damaged fish. Ten Variations Mixed Tape yeast
Judging from the element formation, protein is Protein Water
composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. No Variation content content
(%) (%)
The main elements of the preparation of the protein is
fairly constant percentage of nitrogen (range 15-18%, or 1 100% tapioca dregs and 0 % fish flour 68,63 11,06
an average of 16%). In general, the protein also contains
sulfur, phosphorus, and iron. 2 90% tapioca dregs and 10 % fish flour 17,81 8,26
Fish need food that contains protein in the range
3 80% % tapioca dregs and 20 % fish flour 24,76 17,23
varies, usually between 20-60%, while the need for
optimum ranges between 30-36%. 4 70% % tapioca dregs and 30 % fish flour 26,82 6,71
Protein can come from plants (vegetable protein) and
animal (animal protein). According to the research, more 5 60%% tapioca dregs and 40 % fish flour 33,37 9,26
digestible animal protein than plant protein. The essential 6 50%% tapioca dregs and 50 % fish flour 38,14 6,90
amino acid content is more complete than vegetable
protein (Khairuman and Khairul, 2002). 7 40% % tapioca dregs and 60 % fish flour 36,78 9,65

RESEARCH METHODS 8 30%% tapioca dregs and 70 % fish flour 67,54 7,89

9 20%% tapioca dregs and 80 % fish flour 59,16 10,36

a. Materials and Tools
Ingredients: KCl, NaH2PO4, FeSO4, CuSO4, Urea, 10 10% tapioca dregs and 90 % fish flour 66,12 6,33
tapioca starch Dregs, tape yeast, sugar
Tool: Machine tool feed maker, Scales, Ember, Points
of drying or drying feed
b. Method of Implementation Research: From the table above it can be seen that an increase in
Stage 1: Preparation of all materials and tools needed protein content. This indicates that the dregs of the
manufacture of starch increased very high protein after
Stage 2: Making Cassapro Yeast Tape fermentation with yeast treated tape. Of the 10 treatment
a. Making Cassapro Yeast Tape dose variation cassapro yeast feed the tape according to

Food Technology The Protein And Water Content Of Ten Variations Of The Feed Cassapro Of Yeast Tape
Proceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing
122 Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnology
ISBN: 978-602-60569-5-5

the highest order is as follows: 10 variations to the protein [7] Sawargi. Pakan Ikan. SlideShare. Posting 8 Juni
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59.16%; 8 variations to the protein content of 67.54%; 7 [8] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2009) ’Peningkatan kandungan
variation to the protein content of 36.78%; variations to 6 protein cassapro sebagai salah satu sumber protein
protein content of 38.14%; 5 variation to the protein pakan ternak secara fermentasi dengan bantuan
content of 33.37%; 4 variations to the protein content of Aspergillus niger’, Jurnal Bidang Ilmu Pertanian 7
26.82% variation to 3 protein content of 24.76%; variation (1): 49-56. Kopertis Wilayah I
into 2 protein content of 17.81%; the first variation of the [9] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2011) ‘Cassapro sebagai altrnatif
protein content of 68.63%. From the sequence can produk pertanian presisi menuju kedaulatan pangan’,
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powder or flour ikannnya higher. Although there are [10] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2012) ’Analisis efisiensi
exceptions, namely the treatment of mixtures or variations penggunaan pakan berbasis cassapro dan pakan
first, seventh and ninth. This may be due to the mistakes konvensional pada budidaya ikan mujahir’ Jurnal
of the researchers in the mixing or oversight on the part of Bidang Ilmu Pertanian 2 (2):36-44.
PPKS in conducting the test. To avoid errors in Kopertis Wilayah I
concluding and so as not to bias the researcher will ignore [11] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2012) ’Analisis efisiensi
the three variations of the mixture. penggunaan pakan berbasis cassapro dan pakan
konvensional pada budidaya ikan patin’
Jurnal Bidang Ilmu Pertanian 10 (2): 58-64.
[12] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2012) ’Analisis efisiensi
a. Conclusion penggunaan pakan konvensional dan penambahan
We can coclude that The highest protein content pakan cassapro pada budidaya ikan lele’ Jurnal
was 66.12% contained at 10% variation cassapro pulp Bidang Ilmu Pertanian 10 (1): 43-48. Kopertis
blended with 90% of the fish. The protein content of Wilayah I
17.81% is lowest that is a variation of 90% and 10% pulp [13] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2012) ‘Cassapro ampas dan
cassapro fish The highest water content was 17, 23% are onggok ubi kayu sebagai alternative produk
on a variation of 80% and 20% tapioca pulp fish meal pertanian presisi menuju pertanian berkelanjutan’,
The lowest water content is 6, 33% are on a variation of Seminar Nasional dan Rapat Tahunan Bidang Ilmu-
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b. Recomendation [14] Sitepu, Indrawaty. (2013) ’Analisis tingkat efisiensi
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Food Technology The Protein And Water Content Of Ten Variations Of The Feed Cassapro Of Yeast Tape

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