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Dear Sir,
With reference to your mail ,Pay world service was closed from Sunday noon to Monday morning due to
some technical fault from Pay world end, I have discussed the same issue with concerned VLE.
Dear All,
Please go though the trace mail. This VLE has a lot of grievance regarding CSC project. You are requested
to talk the VLE telephonically and revert back to this office today positively.
Dinesh Sharma,
Deputy Manager,
Cell 9418455355
Dear Sir,
It is intimated that pay world services of GNG Group almost remain closed, due to which
customers now prefering to avail this service from local retailers. Now a days only few percentage of
customers are coming to avail this service. Sir this service is closed since Sunday ie 7 Nov 2010.
Despite repeated reminders it was resumed at about 1pm. Again it was found closed at about 5pm.
Due to unsatisfactory services of pay world, it is requested that a case may kindly be taken up with
concerned officials to close this service so that VLE as well as customers are not harrassed.
Anil Kumar
Cell: +919816877817
Dear Sir,
With reference to your mail, Please find attached the revenue generated through LMKs.
Dear All,
Kindly submit following details regarding B2C and G2C services to this department by 11.00 AM
e of Revenue Generated
Serv Janu Febru Mar Ap Ma Jun Jul Aug Septem Octo Novem Total
ice ary, ary, ch, ril, y, e, y, ust, ber, ber, ber, (From the
2010 2010 201 20 20 20 20 2010 2010 2010 2010 commenc
0 10 10 10 10 (Till ement of
Date) CSC
project to
till date)
Dinesh Sharma,
Deputy Manager,
Cell 9418455355
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