Study of UHF and VHF Compact Antennas

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Technological University Dublin

Doctoral Engineering


Study of UHF and VHF Compact Antennas

Abraham Loutridis
Technological University Dublin

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Loutridis, A. (2015). Study of UHF and VHF compact antennas. Doctoral thesis. Dublin Institute of Technology. doi:10.21427/

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Abraham Loutridis

Doctor of Philosophy

Prof. Max J. Ammann
Dr. Matthias John

Dublin Institute of Technology

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

July 2015
This thesis presents and describes designs of small antennas that operate in UHF and

VHF frequency bands. The proposed antennas are designed for integration into small

volumes, therefore low profile, compact size and good radiation properties are the key

parameters in this work. A further investigation on miniaturization techniques, as well as

the ground plane effects on the general performance, is also made.

The main objective is the design of novel compact sized geometries, lightweight and

cost efficient, operating in the lower UHF and VHF frequency bands. The groundplane

size and the antenna position with respect to it, are two parameters which are investigated

and contribute to optimum design performance. Compact solutions are realised in this

work based on folded, meander-line and inverted-F geometries providing broadband

operation and omnidirectional radiation properties.

The investigation of broadband properties of a dual band folded monopole led to a

controllable frequency-ratio with wide range, operating in the WLAN frequency

spectrum. The proposed solution offers high efficiency and gain and stable

omnidirectionality across the operating frequency band.

The study also deals with planar inverted-F antennas (PIFA) operating in the LTE

frequency bands. The two highly efficient broadband antennas provide compactness, gain

stability and are fabricated using low-cost materials. By configuring an optimised position

of the PIFA on the groundplane, the impedance bandwidth, the gain and the total

efficiency can be significantly improved. A more compact solution of a dual band PIFA

structure is provided with omnidirectional radiation characteristics and large frequency

ratio for machine-to-machine applications.

A novel tuneable meander line structure operating over the frequency range of

412 − 475 MHz is designed for integration into smart meter devices. The resonant

frequency of this antenna can be tuned using a sliding via connector. A matching stub is

introduced into the proposed geometry to improve the impedance matching and to shift

the resonant frequency to lower values. This innovative solution overcomes material

loading problems when installed on a concrete wall, as well as the S 11 characteristic are

not impaired with the small sized ground plane.

Finally, a dual band meander line folded monopole antenna in the lower UHF and

VHF frequency bands is proposed for smart metering and Wireless M-Bus applications.

The miniaturization of the proposed solution is based on a double-sided meandering

structure which also offers good isolation between the two sections and an easily

controlled large frequency-ratio. The introduction of a shunt lumped inductor improves

the impedance matching at both frequencies. The antenna despite its compact size offers

high total efficiency and gain across the operating frequency bands.


I certify that this thesis which I now submit for examination for the award of PhD, is
entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work of others, save and to the
extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work.
This thesis was prepared according to the regulations for postgraduate study by
research of the Dublin Institute of Technology and has not been submitted in whole or in
part for another award in any other third level institution.
The work reported on in this thesis conforms to the principles and requirements of the
DIT's guidelines for ethics in research.
The Institution has permission to keep, to lend or to copy this thesis in whole or in
part, on condition that any such use of the material of the thesis be duly acknowledged.

Signature: Date
Abraham Loutridis

I am sincerely thankful to my supervisors, Professor Max J. Ammann and Doctor

Matthias John, for the guidance they provided me during the elaboration of my work. I

would also like to thank them for the patience, the support and the encouragement shown

to me all this time.

I thank all my colleagues at the Antenna and High Frequency Research Centre for

their support and interesting discussions. In particular, I am very grateful to Giuseppe and

to Kansheng for their assistance and our discussions regarding to issues related to antenna

miniaturization techniques. I also wish to express my gratitude to my colleagues Padraig,

Antoine, Xiulong, Afshin, Oisin, Adam and Domenico with whom I had the great

pleasure to work and socialize for the last four years.

I thank my colleagues at the Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain Research

group for the extraordinary learning experience we shared those years. I am also very

grateful to Science Foundation Ireland for supporting my research work.

My heartfelt thanks to all my friends here in Dublin and back in Greece for their

invaluable company has been always greatly supportive and valuable to me.

Very special thanks go to my housemates Panos for our countless hours of

philosophising and Rasa for making me feel at home all the time and for the great fun we

had altogether during the last year of my studies.

I would like to express all my gratitude to my close family back in Greece for their

lasting love. Finally, I dedicate this thesis to my parents, to my sister to my grandmother

and to my brother in law for their support and love that they showed me all these years.

AMR Automatic Meter Reading
AUT Antenna Under Test
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CST Computer Simulation Technology GmbH
ECC Electronic Communication Committee
EIRP Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
ESA Electrically Small Antenna
FIT Finite Integration Technique
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobiles
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
LTE Long Term Evolution
MWS CST Microwave Studio
M2M Machine-to-Machine
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCS Personal Communication System
PIFA Planar Inverted-F Antenna
RF Radio Frequency
SGH Standard Gain Horn
VNA Vector Network Analyzer
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network


ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... I
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... III
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................................... IV
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... VI
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 MOTIVATION FOR ELECTRICALLY SMALL ANTENNAS ....................................... 7
1.4 OUTLINE OF THE THESIS ........................................................................................ 9
2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 11
2.1 ANTENNA T HEORY ................................................................................................ 11
2.1.1 DIPOLE AND MONOPOLE ANTENNAS ............................................................... 11
2.1.2 PLANAR I NVERTED-F ANTENNAS ..................................................................... 13
2.1.3 MEANDER LINE ANTENNAS .............................................................................. 14
2.1.4 INPUT IMPEDANCE ............................................................................................. 15
2.1.5 RETURN L OSS AND BANDWIDTH ...................................................................... 16
2.1.6 RADIATION PATTERN ........................................................................................ 17
2.1.7 DIRECTIVITY AND GAIN .................................................................................... 18
2.1.8 ANTENNA E FFICIENCY ...................................................................................... 19
2.1.10 WHEELER CAP METHOD ................................................................................ 21
2.1.11 COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS .......................................................... 25
2.2 SOFTWARE SIMULATION AND MODELLING TOOLS ........................................... 25
2.2.1 TIME & FREQUENCY DOMAIN SOLVER ........................................................... 27
2.3 PROTOTYPING ....................................................................................................... 28
2.4 MEASUREMENT SETUP ......................................................................................... 28
2.4.1 VECTOR NETWORK ANALYZER (VNA) ........................................................... 30
2.4.2 ANECHOIC CHAMBER ........................................................................................ 31

2.4.3 STANDARD GAIN ANTENNA (SGA) .................................................................. 31
2.4.4 COORDINATE SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 32
3. PRINTED FOLDED MONOPOLE ANTENNA ................................................... 33
3.1 ANTENNA DESIGN ................................................................................................. 33
3.2 PARAMETRIC STUDY ............................................................................................. 36
3.3 GROUND PLANE INVESTIGATION ........................................................................ 40
3.4 SIMULATED AND MEASURED RESULTS ............................................................... 46
3.5 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................... 49
4. PLANAR INVERTED-F ANTENNAS ................................................................... 51
4.1 DUAL BAND LTE PIFA FOR M2M APPLICATIONS ........................................... 51
4.1.1 ANTENNA DESIGN .............................................................................................. 52
4.1.2 PARAMETRIC STUDY ......................................................................................... 54
4.1.3 GROUND PLANE I NVESTIGATION ..................................................................... 58
4.1.4 SIMULATED AND MEASURED RESULTS ............................................................ 65
4.2 DUAL LTE PIFA FOR M2M APPLICATIONS ...................................................... 69
4.2.1 ANTENNA DESIGN .............................................................................................. 69
4.2.2 PARAMETRIC STUDY ......................................................................................... 72
4.2.3 SIMULATED AND MEASURED RESULTS ........................................................... 76
4.3 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................... 82
5. MEANDER LINE MONOPOLE ANTENNA ........................................................ 83
5.1 MEANDERED ANTENNA FOR M2M APPLICATIONS ........................................... 84
5.2 ANTENNA CONFIGURATION ................................................................................. 84
5.3 MATCHING STUB ................................................................................................... 87
5.4 GROUND PLANE SIZE ............................................................................................ 88
5.5 MEASURED AND SIMULATED RESULTS ............................................................... 89
5.6 INSTALLED PERFORMANCE .................................................................................. 95
5.7 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................... 98
6. VHF & UHF MEANDERED MONOPOLE ANTENNA ...................................... 99
6.1 VHF & UHF MEANDERED MONOPOLE ANTENNA .......................................... 100
6.2 ANTENNA CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 100
6.3 PARAMETRIC INVESTIGATION ........................................................................... 105
6.4 SIMULATED AND MEASURED RESULTS ............................................................. 109
7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ............................................................ 114
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 118
APPENDIX A. ............................................................................................................. 130

List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Wireless Communication Technology. ...................................................... 3

Figure 1.2. The radiansphere. ........................................................................................ 6
Figure 1.3. (a) λ/2 dipole, (b) λ/4 monopole on a ground plane................................... 8
Figure 2.1. Voltage and Current distribution of (a) half wave and (b) full wave
dipole. ............................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.2. Voltage and Current distribution of quarter wave monopole. .............. 13
Figure 2.3. The evolution of the PIFA design. ............................................................ 14
Figure 2.4. Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) structure. ........................................ 14
Figure 2.5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna structure. ......................................... 15
Figure 2.6. The three radiation pattern types (a) isotropic, (b) omnidirectional and
(c) directional [1]. .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.7. Measurement Wheeler Cap method [57]. ................................................ 22
Figure 2.8. Different shapes of shields is used in the Wheeler Cap method [57]. ... 23
Figure 2.9. The (a) Tetrahedral and the (b) Hexahedral mesh type......................... 26
Figure 2.10. Measurement setup. ................................................................................. 29
Figure 2.11. Near R1 and Far R2 field boundaries. ................................................... 30
Figure 2.12. Standard Spherical Coordinate System. ................................................ 32
Figure 3.1. Evolution of the folded monopole antenna. ............................................. 34
Figure 3.2. Antenna geometry. ..................................................................................... 35
Figure 3.3. Manufactured folded monopole antenna prototype. .............................. 35
Figure 3.4. The simulated S11 dependence on the height (h) of the monopole. ........ 36

Figure 3.5. The simulated S11 dependence on the width (a) of the horizontal strip of
the monopole. ................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 3.6. The simulated S11 dependence on the length (l) of the monopole. ......... 38
Figure 3.7. The simulated S11 dependence on the width (f) of the feeding strip of the
monopole ........................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 3.8. The current distribution at (a) 2.45 GHz and (b) 5.8 GHz. ................... 39
Figure 3.9. The simulated S11 dependence on the size of the ground plane. ............ 41
Figure 3.10. Simulated Total Efficiency for various ground plane sizes. ................ 42
Figure 3.11. Simulated radiation patterns for various ground plane sizes at
2.45 GHz. ........................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 3.12. Simulated radiation patterns for various ground plane sizes at 5.8 GHz.
......................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.13. The simulation model with the antenna located in the (a) centre of the
plastic enclosure and the antenna located in the (b) corner of the plastic enclosure.
......................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 3.14. Simulated S11 for two different locations of the antenna into the plastic
enclosure. ....................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 3.15. Simulated and measured S11 for the printed folded monopole antenna.
......................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.16. The printed folded monopole antenna in the anechoic chamber. ....... 47
Figure 3.17. Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 2.45 GHz. ................... 48
Figure 3.18. Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 5.8 GHz. ..................... 49
Figure 4.1. Rear view (a), Front view (b), Left view (c), General view (d), CST
simulation model and the coordinate system (e). ....................................................... 53
Figure 4.2. Manufactured dual band LTE PIFA prototype. .................................... 54
Figure 4.3. The simulated S11 dependence on the feeding strip position (a) of the
PIFA. .............................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 4.4. The simulated S11 dependence on the height (h) of the PIFA. ............... 55
Figure 4.5. The simulated S11 dependence on the length of the rear folded section (b)
of the PIFA. .................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 4.6. The simulated S11 dependence on the length of the front folded section
(d). ................................................................................................................................... 57

Figure4.7. The simulated S11 dependence on the shorting strip position (s) of the
PIFA. .............................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 4.8. The parameters X and Y which define the position of the PIFA antenna.
......................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4.9. Ground plane current distribution at 825 MHz for three different
position of the PIFA. ..................................................................................................... 60
Figure 4.10. Simulated S11 when moving the antenna along y-axis. ......................... 60
Figure 4.11. Simulated S11 when moving the antenna along x-axis. ......................... 61
Figure 4.12. Radiation patterns for different positions of the PIFA on the ground
plane. .............................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 4.13. The simulated S11 dependence on the size of the ground plane. .......... 63
Figure 4.14. Simulated Total Efficiency for various ground plane sizes. ................ 63
Figure 4.15. Current Distribution at 867, 1917 and 2652 MHz. ............................... 64
Figure 4.15. Simulated and measured S11 for the PIFA antenna. ............................ 65
Figure 4.16. The simulated total and radiation efficiency. ........................................ 66
Figure 4.17. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c)
(z-x) plane patterns at 825 MHz. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 4.18. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c)
(z-x) plane patterns at 2200 MHz. ............................................................................... 68
Figure 4.19. Schematic illustration of dual LTE PIFA design evolution. ................ 70
Figure 4.20. Antenna Model and the coordinate system. .......................................... 71
Figure 4.21. Antenna geometry and parameters. ....................................................... 71
Figure 4.22. Dual PIFA LTE Antenna prototype....................................................... 72
Figure 4.23. Simulated S11 variation for different values of (a). ............................... 73
Figure 4.24. Simulated S11 variation for different values of (b). ............................... 73
Figure 4.25. Simulated S11 variations for different values of (c)............................... 74
Figure 4.26. Simulated S11 variations for different values of (w). ............................. 75
Figure 4.27. The current distribution at (a) 760 MHz and (b) 1860 MHz. .............. 76
Figure 4.28. Simulated and measured S11 for the PIFA antenna. ............................ 77
Figure 4.29. StarLab spherical coordinate system [74]. ............................................ 78
Figure 4.30. Measured and simulated total efficiency and realized gain. ................ 78

Figure 4.31. Measured and Simulated Peak Directivity. ........................................... 79
Figure 4.32. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c)
(z-x) plane patterns at 760 MHz. ................................................................................. 80
Figure 4.33. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c)
(z-x) plane patterns at 1860 MHz. ............................................................................... 81
Figure 5.1. Illustration of the antenna designed steps. .............................................. 84
Figure 5.2. Simulated S11 for the two different antenna models. .............................. 85
Figure 5.3. Antenna geometry and the coordinate system. ....................................... 86
Figure 5.4. (a) Improved impedance matching and control of frequency, (b) Smith
chart................................................................................................................................ 87
Figure 5.5. Simulated S11 dependence on the ground plane size. .............................. 88
Figure 5.6. Simulated and measured S11. .................................................................... 91
Figure 5.7. Current distribution at 450 MHz. ............................................................ 92
Figure 5.8. Total measured and simulated efficiency of the antenna at 420, 450 and
470 MHz. ........................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 5.9. The antenna inside the anechoic chamber. .............................................. 93
Figure 5.10. Azimuth radiation patterns in the xz-plane at 450 MHz. .................... 93
Figure 5.11. Elevation radiation patterns in the xy-plane at 450 MHz. ................... 94
Figure 5.12. Elevation radiation patterns in the yz-plane at 450 MHz. ................... 94
Figure 5.13. The simulation model with ground plane (a) parallel to the wall and (b)
perpendicular to the wall. ............................................................................................. 95
Figure 5.14. Simulated and measured S11 for the parallel case. ............................... 97
Figure 5.15. Simulated and measured S11 for the perpendicular case. .................... 97
Figure 6.1. Schematic illustration of the three basic design models. ...................... 101
Figure 6.2. Simulated S11 for the three basic design models. .................................. 101
Figure 6.3. Folded meander line monopole antenna and coordinate system. ........ 103
Figure 6.4. Improved impedance matching and control of frequency. .................. 104
Figure 6.5. Manufactured meandered monopole prototype (a) Front View, (b) Rear
View. ............................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 6.6. The simulated S11 dependence on the height r of the back meander line
section. .......................................................................................................................... 105

Figure 6.7. The simulated S11 dependence on the height f of the front meander line
section. .......................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 6.8. The simulated S11 dependence on the height f1 of the last front four
meander line strips. ..................................................................................................... 107
Figure 6.9. The current distribution of the antenna in (a) 169 MHz and (b) 433 MHz.
....................................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 6.10. Simulated and measured S11. ................................................................ 110
Figure 6.11. Wheeler Cap measurement setup (a) without cap, (b) with cap. ...... 111
Figure 6.12. Azimuth radiation patterns in the xy-plane at 433 MHz. .................. 112
Figure 6.13. Elevation radiation patterns in the xz-plane at 433 MHz. ................. 112

List of Tables

Table 1.1. The frequency spectrum. .............................................................................. 4

Table 1.2. Wireless Communication Frequency Spectrum. ........................................ 4
Table 2.1. Properties of FR4 and Brass used for antenna prototyping. ................... 28
Table 4.1. Measured and Simulated Total Efficiency and Realized Gain. .............. 79
Table 5.1. Comparison of theoretical and measured total efficiency. ...................... 91

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

T he rapid evolution of wireless cellular communications started with the

deployment of the 1st generation of mobile networks in the early 1980s and led to

the requirement for compact terminal antennas. The new communication systems and

newly introduced applications operating at frequencies in the ultra-high frequency (UHF)

and super-high frequency (SFH) bands (Table 1.1) set strict requirements for the antenna

in terms of size and efficiency. The portability and mobility of wireless technology

demands compact and handheld devices with small enough size to be easily carried, of

light weight and with low cost.

Dipole and monopole antennas were the two most practically used antennas types for

wireless communication systems in the early stage of their development. The broadband

radiation characteristics and manufacturing simplicity made monopoles the most widely

used antennas for portable devices such as mobile and cordless phones, laptops, wireless

metering devices, etc. The introduction of Global System for Mobiles (GSM), General

packet radio service (GPRS) and other mobile services such as Wireless Local Area

Network (WLAN), Bluetooth, ad-hoc networks, etc. (Table 1.2) as well the availability

1. Introduction

of the frequency spectrum generated further specifications and requirements for antenna


In 1889, Heinrich Hertz was the first developer of a wireless communication system

in which he forced an electrical spark to occur in the gap of a dipole antenna. For the

receiver he used a loop antenna. By 1901, Marconi was transmitting data across the

Atlantic Ocean by using several vertical wires attached to the ground. Across the Atlantic

Ocean, the receive antenna was a 200 meter wire held up by a kite [1]. Since then, an

extensive evolution of electrically small antennas (ESA) and compact integrated antennas

followed making it one of the important elements that make modern wireless devices


Modern mobile communication applications require large available channel capacity,

large quantities of transmitting data, high efficiency, flexibility and capability to handle

multiband frequencies. Modern mobile terminals define additional requirements for the

antennas used, like compact size, low profile and low-cost, omnidirectional radiation

characteristics, adopted low and safe levels of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values [2,

3] for devices operating within close proximity to the human body as specified in [4]. The

trend in universal wireless access connectivity and the compatibility of different devices

drive the motivation for miniaturization of antennas able to work well across a broadband

bandwidth with good efficiency.

Nowadays, wireless communication technology (Fig. 1.1) has replaced the wired

networks in an efficient way, increasing the distance beyond the capabilities of typical

cabling. Wireless communication technology is used to meet many needs such as:

1. Introduction

 To provide a backup connection in case of network failure,

 To link portable or temporary workstations,

 To overcome problems where cabling is difficult or financially impractical,

 To remotely connect mobile users or networks.

A large range of wireless applications involves home security systems, Wi-Fi, cellular

phones, wireless power transfer, wireless sensors and smart meters. The implementation

and optimization of existing wireless technology can be addressed also in automotive,

airborne and medical applications offering reliability and low operating cost.

Figure 1.1. Wireless Communication Technology.

1. Introduction

Table 1.1. The frequency spectrum.

Band Frequencies Wavelengths*
VLF 3 kHz 30 kHz 100 km 10 km
LF 30 kHz 300 kHz 10 km 1 km
ML 300 kHz 3 MHz 1 km 100 m
HF 3 MHz 30 MHz 100 m 10 m
VHF 30 MHz 300 MHz 10 m 1m
UHF 300 MHz 3 GHz 1m 10 cm
SHF 3 GHz 30 GHz 1 cm 1 mm
*Wavelength: 𝜆(𝑚) = 300⁄𝑓(𝑀𝐻𝑧) ⇒ 𝜆(𝑐𝑚) = 30⁄𝑓(𝐺𝐻𝑧)

Table 1.2. Wireless Communication Frequency Spectrum.

Wireless System Frequency Range
AM/FM Radio 535-1605 KHz/88-108 MHz
Broadcast TV (Ch. 2-6) 54-88 MHz
Broadcast TV (Ch. 7-13) 174-216 MHz
ISM Band (LPD433) 433.05-434.79 MHz
DVB-T/TVWS (UHF) 470-862 MHz
1G/2G Cell Phones 806-902 MHz/1.85-1.99 GHz
3G UMTS 746-798 MHz, 814-894 MHz
3G UMTS 1.7-1.85 GHz, 2.5-2.69 GHz
Satellite Digital Radio 2.32-2.325 GHz
4G LTE 690-960 MHz, 1.7-2.69 GHz
ISM Band (Bluetooth, 802.11b WLAN) 2.4-2.4835 GHz
5.8 GHz ISM Band 5.725-5.875 GHz
Digital Broadcast Satellite 12.2-12.7 GHz
Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) 27.5-29.5 GHz, 31-31.3 GHz
Fixed Wireless Services 38.6-40 GHz

1. Introduction


In according to Harold A. Wheeler, a small antenna is one in which the maximum

dimension is less than the “radianlength”. The radianlength is equal to 1/2π wavelength

[5]. Another expression to define a compact antenna is that it fulfils the condition ka<1,

which k=2π/λ where, a is the radius of the minimum sphere (radiansphere) [6] that

encloses the antenna (Fig. 1.1). For over 60 years, extensive research took place on the

theoretical and practical field of fundamental limitations and small antennas by Chu [7],

Wheeler [5, 6], Harrington [8], Fano [9] and other pioneers providing facts and results

which are invaluable for the antenna engineers.

Over the years new miniaturization techniques have been documented to reduce the

size of an antenna for a given frequency. Using high dielectric constant substrates enables

more miniaturization as more of the antenna fields are coupled in the substrate [1, 10]. A

variety of different folded [11, 12, 13, 14], spiral [15, 16], fractal [17, 18, 19, 20] and

meander line [21, 22, 23, 24] geometries are reported in order to reduce the antenna size.

Antenna designers also employ lumped elements (capacitors and inductors) and

varactor diodes [25, 26, 27, 28, 29] to improve impedance matching and antenna

bandwidth as well to control the resonant frequency. Lumped elements can be used to

achieve a good impedance matching to the source but they introduce additional losses

into the antenna system. On the other hand, incomplete matching is more critical and has

stronger impact on the antenna total efficiency than inserted losses from lumped elements.

Despite of this disadvantage, these kind of compact antennas with external matching

networks exist in many real applications because of their simple design methodology.

1. Introduction

Figure 1.2. The radiansphere.


Monopole antennas have been used as the best choice for various portable and mobile

equipments. The simplicity of the antenna design, the fulfilment of the performance

specifications, particularly with respect to bandwidth and efficiency, are the basic criteria

for the antenna designers to create electrically small antennas that are compatible with

modern wireless technology, which will also operate on a small ground plane.

The ongoing evolution of wireless communication and the demand for high speed and

high quality data transfer using portable and personal communication (PCS) services [30,

31] has led to the need for a reorientation of antenna design specifications as a basic part

of any wireless system. The modern handheld devices require antennas which are

embedded on a small area, a relatively short distance from a user body tissue operating in

accordance with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Regulations.

1. Introduction

Modern wireless units tend to have small and compact size, low-cost

manufacturability, flexibility to integrate with the wireless communication system and an

omnidirectional radiation performance in at least one plane. The consideration of

frequency of operation, impedance matching, broadband or wideband operation, high

gain and efficiency, omnidirectional radiation pattern, ground plane size and Specific

Absorption Rate (SAR) are the fundamental electrical characteristics that drove the

designers to introduce a wide variety of antenna structures and topologies to balance the

particular demands for modern wireless communication systems.


At its resonant frequency f0, the length L of the half-wavelength (λ/2) dipole is equal

to a half of the wavelength λ0. The quarter-wavelength (λ/4) vertical monopole consists

of one arm of a half-wavelength (λ/2) dipole, placed on a horizontal ground plane

(Fig. 1.3).

Monopoles and dipoles have good radiation properties but for a 4G mobile phone

which operates at 800 MHz, a quarter-wavelength (λ/4) is almost 9.4 cm, hence a typical

dipole would not be suitable to embed in a modern portable device.

Moreover, some constrains such as the narrow bandwidth (up to 10% FBW)

performance, as well as the balanced feeding, (need for baluns in some cases) and the

protrusive and extended structure make them less attractive solutions for compact designs

especially for low frequencies.

1. Introduction


Figure 1.3. (a) λ/2 dipole, (b) λ/4 monopole on a ground plane.

Miniaturization techniques and methods enable antenna designers to enclose

monopole antennas with large electrical length into a compact physical size. Electrically

small and compact antennas including monopoles, dipoles, normal-mode helix antennas

[32, 33], planar inverted-F antennas (PIFA’s) [34, 35, 36, 37, 38], microstrip patches [39,

40] and meander line antennas [21, 22, 23, 24] used mostly for small terminals and

handheld units. Additionally, miniaturization techniques give more freedom to the

available space and allow the integration of other components on the same Printed Circuit

Board (PCB). The low manufacturing cost is favoured from this integration.

This thesis presents an investigation of electrically small and compact antennas and

the use of miniaturization techniques. A variety of topologies that include folded and

meander-line monopoles and Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFA’s) are designed and

studied, as well an extensive investigation of the ground plane size which is an integral

part of the electrically small antennas. Miniaturisation techniques are analysed and

1. Introduction

developed for application to antennas which are ready to be integrated into different types

of mobile and compact units.


Initially, in Chapter 2 an overview of dipole, monopole, PIFA and meander line

antennas is provided. A theoretical background on the operation principle of antennas is

also presented. The simulation software, prototyping method, measurement setup and

techniques used in the thesis are introduced and described.

A printed folded monopole antenna for WLAN applications is investigated in

Chapter 3. The effects of key geometrical parameters of the monopole and the role of the

ground plane size in the general performance of the antenna are studied.

In Chapter 4, two LTE Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFAs) for M2M application are

introduced. Both configurations are optimised and developed for better impedance

matching and bandwidth. The PIFA position on the ground plane and the ground plane

size are investigated.

Chapter 5 deals with the design of a novel tuneable meander line monopole operating

in the lower UHF band. A parametric study of the ground plane size is made and the

antenna is optimised for impedance matching. The installed performance of the monopole

embedded in a plastic housing and placed on a concrete wall is investigated.

A dual-band meander-line monopole operating in VHF and lower UHF bands for

smart meters is presented in Chapter 6. The proposed design is optimised in both

frequency bands for impedance matching. A geometrical parametric investigation is made

1. Introduction

and the frequency-ratio performance is also reported. The radiation and total efficiency

of proposed antenna is measured based on the Wheeler Cap Method providing good

agreement with the simulated results.

Chapter 7 gives conclusions and outlines as well as possibilities for future work. A

List of Journal and Conference Publications are listed in chronological order given in

Appendix A.

The novelty which is provided in this work is summarized in the following paragraph.

A compact low profile dual band folded monopole for WLAN applications enable to

control large frequency ratio with more than 90% efficiency and 2 dBi gain across the

two bands is presented. In an effort to move to lower frequencies and to maintain the

compact size of the design, two LTE PIFAs with large and easily controlled frequency

ratio ranges are provided with more than 80% efficiency and 2 dBi gain across the

operating frequency range. A novel forked feed is introduced providing compactness. A

tuneable novel UHF meander line monopole for M2M applications with very compact

size and with good and stable efficiency (21%-24%) across the tuneable band is proposed.

The tuneability of the antenna is based on a novel tuneable sliding via connector which

controls the antenna electrical length offering adjustability to its radiation performance.

Finally, the first dual band printed meander line monopole antenna is presented operating

at 169 MHz and 433 MHz offering more than 20% and 50% efficiency at the first and

second resonant frequencies, respectively.

2. Background

2. Background

n antenna can be defined as an electrical device which converts electric power

into radio waves and vice versa [41]. The IEEE defines the antenna as a means

for radiating or receiving radio waves [42]. In this chapter the definitions of fundamental

parameters and performance metrics of an antenna are given.

The design and software simulation tools used in this work are presented.

Additionally, facilities used for the analysis, fabrication and measurement of the proposed

antennas are described.


A dipole antenna is the simplest and most widely used antenna type which consists of

two identical conductive wires. Between the two halves of the dipole, a current source is

applied, connected to the two adjacent ends. Dipole antennas are resonant, with the

current flowing back and forth between the ends of the two elements. A half-wave dipole

has two wire elements of approximately a quarter wavelength long (λ/4). In Fig. 2.1 a half

2. Background

wave and a full wave dipole with their voltage and current distribution along the two

structures is shown.



λ +V
λ/2 Ipeak



(a) (b)
Figure 2.1. Voltage and Current distribution of (a) half wave and (b) full wave dipole.

The basic principle of a conventional quarter wavelength (λ/4) monopole mounted

over a ground plane is that the length L, is equal to a quarter of the wavelength λ/4 at its

fundamental resonant frequency f0 (𝐿0 = 𝜆0 ⁄4 , 𝑓0 = 1⁄𝜆0 ⇒ 𝜆0 = 1⁄𝑓0 ) [1]. Fig 2.2

below shows the corresponding voltage and current distribution along a quarter

wavelength monopole structure. The reflections from the ground plane produce a virtual

identical monopole below it (mirror effect) and the monopole antenna can be evaluated

in much the same way as dipole antenna.

2. Background



Ground Plane Ipeak

Mirror Image


Figure 2.2. Voltage and Current distribution of quarter wave monopole.

Τhe radiation pattern for the monopole antenna is strongly affected by a finite sized

ground plane while its impedance is minimally affected [43]. Whereas a ground plane

with diameter of 10λ or larger (infinite size) has a fairly small effect on the feed-point

impedance of a monopole antenna [44].


Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFAs) are a widely used terminal antenna type with

many advantages which make them suitable for integration in portable and compact

devices [45]. The evolution of the PIFA design [46, 47, 48] can be started from a quarter

wavelength (λ/4) wire monopole (Fig. 2.3 (a)) which is placed above a ground plane and

it is folded by 90° as it shown in Fig. 2.3 (b). By connecting the monopole to the ground

plane through a shorting pin, a significant impedance matching improvement can be

2. Background

achieved. The overall height is reduced while the antenna maintains the good


Feeding Point 50 Ω Feeding Point 50 Ω Shorting Point Feeding Point 50 Ω

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.3. The evolution of the PIFA design.

Finally, the bandwidth of the antenna can be improved if the wire is replaced by a

planar radiating patch, as it shown in Fig. 2.4.

Radiating Patch
Ground Plane

Feeding Pin
Shorting Pin

Figure 2.4. Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) structure.


Meander Line Antennas [49, 50, 51] are a type of monopole antenna which can

achieve miniaturization in size. The starting evolution point of the basic meander

2. Background

monopole design is achieved by folding the conductor back and forth, decreasing the

overall height of the antenna and introducing more wire into the structure (Fig. 2.5).

A meander line monopole is a set of horizontal and vertical wires which form turns.

For a fixed wired length, as the number of turns increases, the antenna volume decreases

and as the separation between the wires increases, the resonant frequency decreases [23].

Feeding Point 50 Ω Feeding Point 50 Ω

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna structure.


The antenna input impedance 𝑍𝑖 (𝑓) relates the voltage and current at the antenna input

port. The real part 𝑅𝑖 (𝑓) of the input impedance represents the power that the antenna

radiates or absorbs. The imaginary part 𝑗𝑋𝑖 (𝑓) of the input impedance represents the

power that is stored in the near field of the antenna. The input impedance is frequency

dependent [52]:

𝑍𝑖 (𝑓) = 𝑅𝑖 (𝑓) + 𝑗𝑋𝑖 (𝑓) (2.1)

2. Background


The return loss is the ratio that compares the power reflected 𝑃𝑟 at the antenna port to

the power 𝑃𝑖 that is fed into the antenna from the transmission line. It is usually expressed

as a ratio in decibels (dB):

𝑅𝐿(𝑑𝐵) = 10 log 𝑃𝑖 ⁄𝑃𝑟 (2.2)

The return loss is also expressed as the negative of the magnitude of the reflection

coefficient in dB,

𝑅𝐿(𝑑𝐵) = −20 log|𝛤|, (2.3)

where the reflection coefficient is given by

𝑍𝑖 − 𝑍0
𝛤= (2.4)
𝑍𝑖 + 𝑍0

The return loss is related to the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and expressed

by the following equation:

1 + |𝛤|
𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅 = (2.5)
1 − |𝛤|

The impedance bandwidth (BW) is another fundamental antenna parameter. It

describes the frequency range over which the antenna has a return loss remains below

−10 dB (VSWR 2:1). For electrically small antennas which operate at relatively low

frequencies, a return loss below −6 dB (VSWR 3:1) is acceptable. The fractional

bandwidth (FBW) is the ratio of the bandwidth divided by the centre frequency and is

given by:

2. Background

𝑓𝑢 −𝑓𝑙
𝐹𝐵𝑊 = 𝑓0
× 100%, (2.6)

where fu is the upper frequency and fl is the lower frequency.


The radiation pattern of an antenna is the three dimensional spatial distribution of

radiated energy as a function of the antenna position along a constant radius [1]. Radiation

properties include radiation intensity, field strength, phase and polarization.

Figure 2.6. The three radiation pattern types (a) isotropic, (b) omnidirectional and (c)
directional [1].

An antenna with isotropic radiation pattern is an ideal antenna having equal radiation

in all directions. A directional antenna radiates more effectively in some directions than

in others. Some antennas may also be described as omnidirectional which have an

2. Background

isotropic radiation pattern in a single plane. An example of omnidirectional antenna is the

dipole antenna (Figure 2.6 (b)).


The antenna directivity D is defined the ratio of the radiation intensity in a certain

direction to the radiation intensity of an isotropic radiator [1]:

𝑈 4𝜋𝑈
𝐷=𝑈 =𝑃 , (2.7)
0 𝑟𝑎𝑑

where U is the radiation intensity, U0 is the radiation intensity of the isotropic radiator

and Prad is the total radiated power.

The antenna gain G is related to directivity D and to the radiation efficiency η of an

antenna [1]

𝐺(𝜃, 𝜑) = 𝜂 × 𝐷(𝜃, 𝜑) (2.8)

The antenna gain is usually expressed in dBi and signifies the ratio of radiated power

in a given direction relative to that of an isotropic radiator which is radiating the electrical

power uniformly in all directions.

According to the IEEE standards, gain does not include losses arising from impedance

and polarization mismatches [53]. The term realized gain is used when mismatch effects

are included.

2. Background


The antenna radiation efficiency η is defined as the ratio of radiated power Prad to the

power delivered (input power) Pinput to the antenna:

𝜂= (2.9)

An efficient antenna radiates most of the input power. An inefficient antenna has more

of the power absorbed as losses within the antenna. The losses can be due to limited

conductivity of the antenna or due to dielectric losses.

The Total Efficiency ηT of an antenna is the Radiation Efficiency η multiplied by the

impedance mismatch loss (1 − |𝛤|2 ) of the antenna:

𝜂𝑇 = (1 − |𝛤|2 ) × 𝜂 (2.10)

For electrically small antennas, 40 to 50% (−3.9 to −3 dB) of Total Efficiency is

usually the acceptable level in the design phase and it is challenging to obtain a fully

embedded antenna.


In recent years there has been some emphasis on establishing a link between the

volume occupied by an electrically small antenna and the Quality Factor (Q) and its

bandwidth (BW). Early studies on the fundamental limitations and performance of small

antennas were published by Harold Wheeler [5, 6]. Chu determined the lowest possible

Quality Factor Q (2.11) of a linearly-polarized omnidirectional antenna and introduced

the concept of maximal and practical gain [7]:

2. Background

1 1
𝑄 > 𝑘 3 𝑎3 + 𝑘𝑎, (2.11)

where k is the wave number in free space, k=2π/λ and a is the radius of the minimum

sphere that encloses the antenna.

Following Chu’s work and same principle for a circularly-polarized antenna, McLean

obtains the smallest possible Q [53]:

1 1 3 2
𝑄 = 2 [(𝑘𝑎) + 𝑘𝑎], (2.12)

In 1958, Harrington [8] extended Chu’s previous obtained results and defined the

natural gain limit for a practical antenna:

𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (𝑘𝑎)2 + (𝑘𝑎), (2.13)

Based on the theory of the evaluation of the energy stored around the antenna, Fano

[9], Collin [55] and Fante [56] derived expressions for the radiation Q which verify Chu’s

earlier results.

The theoretical investigation on the fundamental limits of an electrically small

antenna expands to the relationship between the bandwidth (BW) which is an important

parameter for antennas and the Quality Factor (Q). Considering the antenna as a resonant

RLC circuit, the Fractional Bandwidth (FBW) can be defined by:

𝐹𝐵𝑊 = (2.14)

In practice, an antenna’s Fractional Bandwidth is also defined in terms of VSWR.

The relationship between Q and VSWR is given by:

2. Background

𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅 − 1
𝑄= (2.15)

Fano introduced an expression for the maximum Fractional Bandwidth that can be

achieved with a lossless matching network that matches to a resonant circuit (antenna)

27 1
𝐹𝐵𝑊 = , (2.16)

where RL is the desired return loss.


One of the simplest, cheapest and most accurate methods to determine the antenna

radiation efficiency is the Wheeler Cap method which was presented by H. A. Wheeler

in 1959 [6]. Harold Wheeler presented a method for measuring the efficiency of

electrically small antennas (ESAs) and it is more accurate compared with other methods,

such as, gain comparison, radiometric and pattern integration.

The wheeler cap method is based on the "radiansphere" concept which defines the

boundary between the near field and the far field of any small antenna (Fig. 2.7). The

distance between the Antenna Under Test (AUT) and the walls of wheeler cap is called

"radianlength" and it is λ/2π. The measurement procedure separates into two parts which

are without cap (measurement in free space) and with cap and they will respectively

determine the radiation resistance and loss resistance (Fig. 2.7). The cap consists of a

conducting radiation metal shield.

2. Background

Wheeler suggested that the placement of the antenna within a conductive cavity would

reduce the radiation in the far-field without affecting the losses of the antenna. The

method is based on the assumption that the placement of the antenna into the cavity shorts

the radiation resistance Rrad, while the losses Rloss remains constant. Wheeler indicates

that the size of the cavity must be very large to avoid the excitations of the near-field and

small enough to prevent the emergence of resonances at the frequency of measurement.

Figure 2.7. Measurement Wheeler Cap method [57].

In the practice, there are many factors that influence the measurement accuracy, such

as the thickness of the shield and the reflections by walls, floor and ceiling of the room if

the measurements is made indoors. Otherwise, the choice of material and shape of the

caps will affect results during measurement.

2. Background

Figure 2.8. Different shapes of shields is used in the Wheeler Cap method [57].

 The Constant Power Loss Method

The radiation efficiency can be defined as radiated power is directly proportional to

input power, where input power is the sum of radiated power and loss power. Thus the

radiation efficiency, η, is given by:

Prad I2 R rad R rad

η= P = 2 2 = , (2.17)
rad +Ploss I R rad +I R loss R rad +R loss


Prad is radiation power of antenna

Pin is input power

Ploss is loss power (reflection power)

I is the input current

Rrad is radiation resistance of antenna

Rloss is loss resistance.

With the Wheeler Cap on, the radiation resistance is zero and the antenna reflection

coefficient is measured and referred to as S11WC.

2. Background

=1- S211WC (2.18)

Without the Wheeler Cap the radiation resistance is that of the antenna radiating into

free space and the antenna reflection coefficient is measured and referred to as S11FS.

Prad +Ploss
=1- S211FS (2.19)

The antenna efficiency becomes

Prad (1-|S11FS |2 )-(1-|S11WC |2 ) |S11WC |2 -|S11FS |2

η= = = (2.20)
Prad +Ploss (1-|S11FS |2 ) 1-|S11FS |2

 The Constant Loss Resistor Method

Also, the antenna reflection coefficient S11WC can be represented as

S11WC=(Rloss-Rs)/(Rloss+Rs ) (2.21)

The antenna reflection coefficient S11FS can be represented as

S11FS=((Rrad+Rloss )-Rs)/((Rrad+Rloss )+Rs ), (2.22)

where Rs is the source resistance.

Equations (2.17), (2.21) and (2.22) are transposed to become

Rloss/Rs =(1+S11WC)/(1-S11WC ) (2.23)

((Rrad+Rloss ))/Rs =(1+S11FS)/(1-S11FS ) (2.24)

The radiation efficiency now is

1+S 1+S
R rad ( 1-S 11FS ) - ( 1-S 11WC ) (1-S11FS )(1+S11WC )
η= = 11FS 11WC
=1- (2.25)
R rad +R loss 1+S11FS (1+S11FS )(1-S11WC )
( 1-S )

2. Background


The most common method used to measure the radiation efficiency of an antenna is

the Gain /Directivity method which is based on anechoic chamber measurements [58].

The advantage of G/D method is the ability for accurate measures. However, this method

has some limitations, such as requiring large space for installation [59]. In order to reduce

the costs of design and development of an antenna, a simpler and quicker method, such

as the Wheeler Cap method, was used [60].

Another method to determine small antennas efficiency in multipath environment is

the reverberation chamber (RC) method [61]. A reverberation chamber is a screened room

with a maximum of reflections of electromagnetic energy. It operates as a multi-mode

cavity with one or two mechanical stirrers to perturb the boundary conditions of the

electromagnetic environment or stir the inevitable standing waves. Inside the chamber,

two antennas can be allocated; a transmit antenna which excites the chamber and an

antenna under test (AUT) with a radiation efficiency which is to be determined [62].

The Wheeler Cap method was used due to the ease to implement, the fast accurate

results which are in a very good agreement with simulations.


CST Microwave Studio (CST MWS) [63] is a 3D electromagnetic software simulation

tool which is used to design and to simulate the antennas presented in this work. In a

comprehensive design environment (CAD interface), CST MWS allows modelling of the

antenna geometry, the properties of the materials and the surrounding space. The

2. Background

electromagnetic behaviour of the design can be analysed. The simulation delivers a

variety of parameters including far field radiation pattern, gain, the total and radiation

efficiency, S-parameter information and VSWR. Electric and magnetic field as well the

surface current distribution are also available. The time domain and frequency domain

solver are mainly used for the simulations. A unique meshing and sub-gridding technique

(Tetrahedral or Hexahedral mesh type) is used for every antenna structure (Fig. 2.9).

Figure 2.9. The (a) Tetrahedral and the (b) Hexahedral mesh type.

CST MWS also allows exporting of parameter data for further analysis and processing

and the geometry data in a format readable by the circuit board plotter software used to

prototype the antennas.

2. Background


The Time Domain Solver (TDS) calculates the electromagnetic fields through time at

discrete locations and at discrete time samples. It calculates the transmission of energy

between various ports or other excitation sources of the designed structure to the

boundaries. A Time Domain Solver (TDS) is efficient for High Frequency structures such

as connectors, transmission lines and antennas obtaining the broadband frequency

behaviour of the simulated device.

The Frequency Domain Solver (FDS) calculates by using a broadband frequency

sweep (frequency by frequency) in order to derive the full broadband spectrum from a

relatively small number of frequency samples. Frequency Domain Solver (FDS) is

suitable for compact structures or devices with a high Quality Factor (Q) value.

CST MWS is based on the Finite Integration Technique (FIT) which was proposed in

1977 by Thomas Weiland [64] and it is a spatial discretization numerical method to solve

electromagnetic field problems in time and frequency domains. It delivers the spatial

properties of the continuous equations such as conservation of charge and energy.

The basis of this approach is to apply Maxwell equations in integral form suitable for

complex geometries. The Finite Integration Technique (FIT) is a method with high

flexibility in geometric modelling and boundary handling as well as incorporation of

arbitrary material distributions and material properties such as anisotropy, non-linearity

and dispersion. Additionally, the use of a three-dimensional (3D) Cartesian mesh

combined with a time integration scheme leads to efficient calculation algorithms, which

allow simulating real world electromagnetic field problems [65].

2. Background

For the manufacturing of prototypes, a LPKF ProMat C60 Circuit Board (PCB) plotter

was used to mill prototype designs from a PCB material layer. The substrates used are

single or double-sided FR4 laminates with specific properties [66] (Table 2.1).

Additionally, thin layers of Brass were used as main components of some prototypes. To

facilitate measurements 50 Ω SMA (Sub Miniature version A) connectors were used to

excite the prototypes providing good performance from DC to 18 GHz and also good

mechanical durability.

Table 2.1. Properties of FR4 and Brass used for antenna prototyping.
Properties FR4 Brass
εr 4.2-4.5±0.2 (1 GHz) -
μ 1 1
tanδ 0.02 (1 MHz) − 0.014 (1 GHz) -
Electric Conductivity - 2.74 × 107 S m−1
Thermal Conductivity 0.3 K m W−1 109 K m W−1
Thickness 1.52 mm 0.15 mm
Copper Layer Thickness 0.035 mm -


The accuracy of the measurement results are due to the use of the measurement setup

which consists of a partially anechoic chamber, the Antenna Under Test (AUT) and a

Standard Gain Horn Antenna (SGH) which are both mounted in the chamber (Fig. 2.10).

2. Background

The Antenna Under Test is placed on the top of a fiberglass mast which is centred on the

turntable base which rotates by 360° in Azimuth. Both antennas are connected to a vector

network analyzer. The turntable and measurement data from the vector network analyzer

are gathered, processed and plotted in a PC using software which controls both devices.

The measured radiation patterns are obtained in far field conditions (Fig. 2.11).

Figure 2.10. Measurement setup.

2. Background

Figure 2.11. Near R1 and Far R2 field boundaries.


For measuring the performance of the prototype antennas a Vector Network Analyzer

(VNA) Rohde&Schwarz ZVA 24 is used [67, 68]. A Vector Network Analyzer measures

the amplitude and phase of the wave quantities and uses these values to calculate a

complex S-parameter, VSWR as well as Smith Chart. The real and the imaginary part of

the impedance are also available.

The VNA is connected to a PC and can be controlled since all its functions are

available to the PC via a network. Proprietary software controls the measurement of

radiation pattern.

2. Background


A radio frequency anechoic chamber is an electromagnetic shielded space whose

walls are covered with absorbing materials that can absorb almost all of the incident

electromagnetic radiation, providing an approximate free space environment. The partial

anechoic chamber used in the measurement setup has absorbing materials which were

placed in strategic positions on the walls to absorb the incident power and to degrade the

signal reflections from the antenna that could impair and affect the accuracy of the

measurement results.

The absorbing material used in the partial chamber is EMERSON & CUMING

ECCOSORB VHP-18 pyramidal carbon loaded urethane foam absorber of 45.7 cm total

height and a maximum reflectivity of −30 dB at 500 MHz, −40 dB at 1 GHz, −45 dB at

3 GHz and −50 dB above 5 GHz [69].


Horn antennas of known gain and S-parameters value have been used as reference

antennas to measure and to calculate the gain of the antennas under test. The measurement

setup uses two standard gain horn antennas, one covering from 1 GHz (3.8 dBi) to 10 GHz

(17.7 dBi) and the other from 500 MHz (5.3 dBi) to 2.9 GHz (11.1 dBi). The manufacturer


The calculation of the AUT’s gain is made by the Friis transmission equation [1],

which relates the power Pr which is delivered to the receiver to the input power of the

transmitter Pt:

2. Background

4𝜋𝑅 𝑃
(𝐺𝐴𝑈𝑇 )𝑑𝐵 = 20 log ( ) + 10 log (𝑃𝑟 ) − (𝐺𝑆𝐺𝐻 )𝑑𝐵 , (2.26)
𝜆 0

where (GSGH) dB is the known gain of the horn antenna and R is the distance between

the two antennas.


Based on the IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Antennas [71], the antenna’s

coordinate system presented in the following Figure 2.5. The radiation pattern of an

antenna under test which located at the centre of the spherical coordinate system is

dependent on the two angular coordinates Θ and Φ. The distance R from the antenna

under test (AUT) to the measuring point (SGH) is fixed and only the two angular

coordinates (Θ, Φ) are variables in a given radiation pattern.

Figure 2.12. Standard Spherical Coordinate System.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

P rinted Folded Monopole Antennas [11, 12, 13, 14] are designed with the main

advantage of the low profile size and ease of integration to compact size devices,

offering a very easy and a low cost prototyping and fabrication.

In this chapter a probe-fed printed folded monopole antenna placed on a conventional

rectangular ground plane for WLAN applications is presented and discussed. The dual

band antenna is operating at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz. It is a low profile size antenna with

omni-directional radiation characteristics in both bands. A parametric study of key

geometrical parameters is reported as well as the effect of the ground plane size on the

radiation performance.


The evolution of the folded monopole design can be started from a conventional

quarter wavelength (λ/4) PIFA antenna placed on a ground plane. By reducing the length

of the extended horizontal arm of the PIFA as it shown in Fig. 3.1 a folded monopole

antenna shorted to the ground plane, with dual band performance can be achieved.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.1. Evolution of the folded monopole antenna.

A 70 mm × 70 mm brass ground plane (Table 2.1) was used. The folded monopole

with perimetric length of 53.38 mm (≈ 0.44λ0 with λ0 = 122.4 mm at 2.45 GHz) and height

of h = 20.2 mm (≈ 0.165λ0) is printed on a single-side FR-4 substrate (Table 2.1) with

dimensions 22.2 mm × 17 mm. The width of the shorting and the feeding strip is

s =0.5 mm and f = 1.98 mm respectively. The length (l) of the horizontal arm of the

antenna is l = 10.5 mm and the width a = 3.57 mm. The monopole is fed via a 50 Ω SMA

connector through the ground plane (Fig. 3.2).

From the fabrication point of view, the FR-4 substrate is touched on the metallic

ground plane and does not affect the measured and simulated results. The connection

between the two parts (FR-4 substrate and ground plane) is via shorting strip which is

soldered to it.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna


Figure 3.2. Antenna geometry.

Figure 3.3. Manufactured folded monopole antenna prototype.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna


A parametric investigation of the variation of S11 with respect to four geometric

parameters of the printed folded monopole shown in Fig. 3.2 is made.

The frequency of operation of the monopole is strongly dependant on its height (h).

The height (h) of the monopole was varied from 16.2 mm to 22.2 mm in 2 mm increments.

Fig. 3.4 shows the simulated S11 for different values of height (h) of the antenna. The

results indicate that as the height (h) is increased both resonant frequencies shifted

upwards with a significant impedance matching improvement for the second resonance.

By selecting the proper value of h = 20.2 mm can be tuned both resonances to the desired


Figure 3.4. The simulated S11 dependence on the height (h) of the monopole.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

The width (a) of the horizontal strip of the monopole was found to have a significant

influence on the frequency-ratio range of the antenna. The width (a) of the horizontal strip

was varied from 0.57 mm to 5.07 mm in 1.5 mm increments. From the graph (Fig. 3.5) it

is clearly visible that increasing the value (a) shifts the second resonance upwards with

little effect on the lower resonance. The frequency-ratio between the upper and the lower

resonance Fr = fu/fl continuously increases from 1.88 to 3.82 as the value of (a) changes

from 0.57 mm to 5.07 mm. The desirable frequency-ratio for the proposed antenna is


Figure 3.5. The simulated S11 dependence on the width (a) of the horizontal strip of
the monopole.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

The horizontal arm length (l) is one of the geometrical parameters which is also

investigated and varied from 2.5 to 12.5 mm with a step size of 4 mm. The results

(Fig. 3.6) clearly indicate that as the length (l) increases the lower resonance shifts

upwards while in the upper resonance a significant impedance matching improvement

occurs as well as a frequency shifting. In that case the proposed value is 10.5 mm.

The dependence of the S11 on the width of the feeding (f) strip was investigated for

the two bands. The results are shown in the following Fig. 3.7. The width of the feeding

strip as increased from 0.98 mm to 3.98 mm an upward shift of the first resonance with

little effect of the impedance matching on both resonances occurred.

Figure 3.6. The simulated S11 dependence on the length (l) of the monopole.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.7. The simulated S11 dependence on the width (f) of the feeding strip of the

Figure 3.8. The current distribution at (a) 2.45 GHz and (b) 5.8 GHz.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

The current distribution at both frequencies is shown in Fig. 3.8. For the first resonant

frequency (Fig. 3.8(a)) the main part of the monopole which resonates is the feeding and

the shorting strips. The electrical length of the two strips is almost 33 mm and it is slightly

over λ0/4 at 2.45 GHz (λ0/4 = 30.6 mm). The distance between the horizontal strip and

the ground plane is less than λ0/4 and due to the mirror effect, there is a current cancelation

between the two parts. For the second resonance (Fig. 3.8(b)) the main current distribution

comes from the horizontal part of the monopole and partially from the two vertical strips

where the current is strong but with opposite phase. The length of the horizontal strip is

almost 13 mm which is slightly over λ0/4 at 5.8 GHz (≈ 12.9 mm) and the distance from

the ground plane (≈ 16.63 mm) allows the contribution given by these currents to radiation

to become dominant.


The size of the ground plane was found to have a significant influence on the radiation

performance of the folded monopole antenna. A parametric study of the ground plane size

was made and simulations were carried out for ground plane sizes of 30 × 30 mm2 to

90 × 90 mm2. Fig. 3.9 shows a plot of the simulated S11 results as a function of ground

plane size. From the results it becomes obvious that the lower resonant frequency can be

effectively controlled (impedance matching and frequency shifting) by the size of the

ground plane. The upper resonance is unaffected by the ground plane size which is

electrically large and almost twice wavelength (99 mm ≈ 2λ0) at 5.8 GHz (λ0 ≈ 51.7 mm).

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Fig. 3.10 shows a plot of the simulated total efficiency (%) for various ground plane

sizes. The efficiency for the lower resonance is very high (more than 92%) for its centre

frequency f0 for each ground plane size. For the upper resonance the total efficiency is

stable without notable changes. The simulated maximum value of the total efficiency at

2.45 and 5.8 GHz is 98% and 90% respectively for ground plane size of 70 × 70 mm.

Radiation patterns cuts (x-y, z-x and z-y) were simulated using CST MWS and are

presented in Figs. 3.11 and 3.12 for both frequencies in 10 dB/division scaled plots. The

patterns are shown for ground plane sizes of 30 × 30 mm2, 50 × 50 mm2, 70 × 70 mm2

and 90 × 90 mm2.

Figure 3.9. The simulated S11 dependence on the size of the ground plane.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.10. Simulated Total Efficiency for various ground plane sizes.

For the azimuth plane (x–y) the radiation patterns are omnidirectional for both

frequencies with a small variation of gain as the ground plane size varies. The two

elevation radiation patterns (z–x) and (z–y) at the lower resonant frequency are found to

be more dipole-like with two visible nulls at θ = 0° and θ = 180° as the ground plane size

is increased from 30 mm × 30 mm to 90 mm × 90 mm.

As the size of the ground plane is increased the gain at θ = 30° and θ = 330° is

increased. For the upper resonant frequency, in both elevation planes (z–x) and (z–y)

(Fig. 3.12) the gain below the ground plane (θ = 180°) is decreased and respectively

increased above the ground plane (θ = 0°) as the size increases.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.11. Simulated radiation patterns for various ground plane sizes at 2.45 GHz.

To investigate the installed performance of the proposed antenna, a simulation model

is created (Fig. 3.13) with the antenna in a plastic enclosure made from Plexiglas (εr = 3.6,

tanδ = 0.001 and thickness = 3 mm) with outer dimensions 190 × 190 × 40 mm3

(L × W × H). Two scenarios were evaluated, with the antenna located in the centre and

in the corner of the plastic enclosure as shown in the Fig. 3.13.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.12. Simulated radiation patterns for various ground plane sizes at 5.8 GHz.

Fig. 3.14 show the simulated S11 for the two different positions. From inspection of

the results, the first resonant frequency shifts slightly downwards due to the wall

permittivity loading and this becomes more acute when the monopole is closer to the wall

surface (corner). For the case that the antenna is located in the centre of the enclosure the

resonant frequency shifted downwards by 0.01 GHz and for the corner located case the

frequency shifted downwards by 0.05 GHz.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.13. The simulation model with the antenna located in the (a) centre of the plastic
enclosure and the antenna located in the (b) corner of the plastic enclosure.

Figure 3.14. Simulated S11 for two different locations of the antenna into the plastic

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna


The simulated and measured S11 for the folded monopole with the 70 × 70 mm2 ground

plane is shown in Fig. 3.15. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement.

The lower band has a −10 dB impedance bandwidth of 300 MHz (2.34 − 2.64 GHz) for

the simulated results and 280 MHz (2.32 − 2.6 GHz) for the measured results. For the

upper band the simulated results provide 530 MHz (5.56 − 6.09 GHz) bandwidth, while

the measured results provide 500 MHz (5.61 − 6.11 GHz) bandwidth. The fractional

bandwidth for the first band is 11.4% and for the second 8.6%.

Figure 3.15. Simulated and measured S11 for the printed folded monopole antenna.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

The simulated and measured azimuth (y–x) and elevation (z–x) plane radiation pattern

at both frequencies are illustrated in Figs. 3.17 and 3.18. All the measured gain patterns

are illustrated against the simulated patterns in 10 dB/division scaled plots. For each

radiation pattern the cross-polar and the co-polar components are presented together.

From the obtained results it is seen that at the lower frequency (Fig. 3.17) the

omnidirectional pattern provides good polarization discrimination in the azimuth (y–x)

plane. Cross-polar components in the higher frequency (Fig. 3.18) in both planes are due

to the greater flow of current in the horizontal strip of the monopole. The measured peak

realized gain is 2.0 dBi for the first resonance and 5.7 dBi for the second resonance.

Figure 3.16. The printed folded monopole antenna in the anechoic chamber.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.17. Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 2.45 GHz.

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 3.18. Measured and simulated radiation patterns at 5.8 GHz.

This chapter presented the study of the performance of a printed folded monopole

antenna in the WLAN frequency range which is placed on a conventional rectangular

ground plane. A parametric investigation of key geometrical parameters of the monopole

as well as the effect of each parameter to the general radiation performance of the

3. Printed Folded Monopole Antenna

monopole is reported. The folded monopole is studied also in terms of the ground plane

size. The obtained results showed that the ground plane as an integral part of the antenna

effectively controls the first resonant frequency (impedance matching and frequency

shifting), improving also the total efficiency over the operating frequency range. The

effect of the ground plane on radiation pattern as its size increased is turned to be a more

dipole-like at the E–plane for the first resonance. For the second resonance when the

ground plane size is increased the antenna becomes more directive at θ = 0° direction and

less directive at θ = 180°. The proposed antenna provides good omnidirectional radiation

characteristic at both bands, is low profile, with additional benefit of a large frequency-

ratio range which is easy to control.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

lanar Inverted-F Antennas [32, 33, 34, 35, 36] are generally used in the portable

devices market due to their low-cost and low profile architecture. They provide

broad band and omnidirectional radiation properties.

This chapter describes the implementation of two Planar Inverted-F antennas (PIFAs)

which can be used for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications in a broad frequency

range. Performance metrics include impedance bandwidth and radiation patterns.

In the first section a dual-band Planar Inverted-F antenna covering the lower and the

upper LTE band is described. The second section introduces a dual PIFA antenna which

is more compact and covers the whole lower LTE band and partially the upper LTE band.

A parametric investigation of key geometrical parameters of both antennas is given as

well as the effect of the ground plane size on the general radiation performance.


A dual band PIFA antenna was designed for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications

to enable broadband functionality at both LTE frequency bands 690 − 960 MHz and

1710 − 2690 MHz. It is required to meet standards specifications of −6 dB S11 and 50%

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

total efficiency or greater across the proposed frequency range. The antenna size is

suitable to integrate in terminal devices for mesh networking applications, automotive

and vehicles and generally for indoor and outdoor assets.


The geometry and coordinate system of the antenna is shown in Fig. 4.1. A

178 mm × 247 mm ground plane consists of a single sided FR-4 substrate (Table 2.1).

The front and the rear part of the PIFA antenna (Fig. 4.1(a), (b)) are printed on FR-4

layers (Table 2.1) with dimensions l = 67 mm (≈ 0.18λ0 with λ0 = 481.15 mm at

623.5 MHz) mm × h = 30 mm (≈ 0.08λ0). The top part of the PIFA antenna consists of a

thin brass layer (Table 2.1) with dimensions l = 67 mm × w=33 mm (≈ 0.09λ0). The PIFA

is fed via a 50 Ω SMA connector through the ground plane to a feeding strip of width

f = 2.7 mm which is located a = 20.5 mm from the left edge of the antenna. The fold-over

metallization lengths for the front and back sections are d = 23 mm and b = 12 mm

respectively. The shorting strip has width (c) of 7.4 mm and is printed on a thin FR-4

layer (thickness = 0.2 mm) it touches the inner part of the FR-4 rear side layer and

connects to the top face of the antenna. The shorting strip is located 20 mm (s) away from

the left edge of the antenna.

In Fig. 4.2 a general view of the manufactured dual band LTE PIFA prototype is

demonstrated. Several fabrication details can be considered as typical for the considered

antenna prototype. The soldering of the top plate with the two vertical FR-4 layers was

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

very crucial as well as the connection of the very thin shorting strip with the brass top

plate and the ground plane was challenging and precise execution was needed.

Figure 4.1. Rear view (a), Front view (b), Left view (c), General view (d), CST simulation model
and the coordinate system (e).

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.2. Manufactured dual band LTE PIFA prototype.


A parametric study of five key geometrical parameters of the antenna is made. The

position of feeding strip (a) is optimised to obtain the desired resonance bands. From the

S11 (Fig. 4.2) it is seen that moving the feeding strip of the PIFA antenna from the left to

the right side shifts the first resonance upwards and effectively controls the impedance

matching of both bands. The optimised value of the parameter (a) for the proposed

antenna is 19.15 mm.

The operating frequency of the antenna is strongly dependent on its height (h). The

height (h) is varied from 25 mm to 40 mm in 5 mm increments. As the height increases

(Fig. 4.3), the impedance matching at the first resonance improves. For the second and

third resonance as the height increases, the impedance matching deteriorates. The

optimized value of the height (h) for the proposed antenna is 30 mm, providing good

matching for both LTE bands.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.3. The simulated S11 dependence on the feeding strip position (a) of the PIFA.

Figure 4.4. The simulated S11 dependence on the height (h) of the PIFA.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

The height (b) of the back folded section is investigated. In Fig. 4.4 simulated results

for the parameter (b) are shown. As the value of the back folded section (b) increases

from 5 mm to 27 mm, the second band shifts downwards with a little effect on the lower

resonance. A proposed value for the PIFA length (b) was chosen to be 12 mm.

The height of the front folded section (d) is also investigated. From the obtained

results (Fig. 4.5) it is clear that the impedance matching of the second resonance is

improved as the parameter (d) is increased. However, the impedance matching of the first

resonance is also strongly dependent on this parameter. The proposed value of the

parameter (d) is 23 mm.

Figure 4.5. The simulated S11 dependence on the length of the rear folded section (b) of the

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Another way to obtain the desirable frequency bands is to define the position (s) of

the shorting strip. The positon of the shorting strip is varied from the left side (0 mm) of

the antenna to the right side (67 mm). The obtained results clearly show that all resonant

frequencies can be controlled (impedance matching and frequency shifting) by varying

the parameter (s). By considering the results of Fig. 4.6 the best value of the length (s) is

20 mm.

Figure 4.6. The simulated S11 dependence on the length of the front folded section (d).

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure4.7. The simulated S11 dependence on the shorting strip position (s) of the PIFA.


The position of the PIFA antenna on the ground plane (Fig. 4.7) as well as the ground

plane size, has a significant influence on the antenna performance [72]. A parametric

study of the PIFA position on the ground plane demonstrates that the optimum position

is the bottom left corner of the ground plane. For the y-axis the antenna is moved from

the bottom left corner (0 mm) of the ground plane to the top right corner (111 mm) with

a step size of 37 mm. For the x-axis the antenna is moved from the bottom left corner

(0 mm) to the bottom left corner (210 mm) with a step of 70 mm.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.8. The parameters X and Y which define the position of the PIFA antenna.

Figs. 4.9 and 4.10 show that the position of the PIFA along the edge greatly influences

the impedance matching and the bandwidth of the lower resonances of the antenna. The

position of the PIFA also effects the radiation pattern and the gain (Fig. 4.11). This can

be explained by the finite ground plane having distinct characteristic modes depending

on its size and the frequency [73]. The surface current of the ground plane for three

different positions of the PIFA at 825 MHz is simulated using CST MWS and is presented

in Fig. 4.8. When the PIFA is positioned in the bottom right corner of the ground plane a

strong current distribution across the right side of the ground plane and especially at the

two corners is excited. The ground plane excitation modes is turned to be a more dipole-

like. On the other hand, when the PIFA is positioned in the middle of the bottom side and

the right side of the ground plane the current distribution is weak without significant

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

contribution to the antenna radiation performance. In that case, the ground plane

excitation modes is more monopole-like.

Figure 4.9. Ground plane current distribution at 825 MHz for three different position of the

Figure 4.10. Simulated S11 when moving the antenna along y-axis.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.11. Simulated S11 when moving the antenna along x-axis.

A parametric study of the ground plane size was made and simulations were carried

out for ground plane sizes of 133 × 178 mm2 to 237 × 346 mm2. From the graph (Fig. 4.13)

it is clearly visible that the antenna is not heavily dependent on the ground plane size due

its electrical large size (< 0.84λ0 at 825 MHz) and does not significantly affect the three


Fig. 4.14 shows a plot of the simulated total efficiency (%) for various ground plane

sizes. From the obtained results it is understood that the total efficiency of the antenna

does not change significantly as the ground plane size varies.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.12. Radiation patterns for different positions of the PIFA on the ground plane.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.13. The simulated S11 dependence on the size of the ground plane.

Figure 4.14. Simulated Total Efficiency for various ground plane sizes.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.15. Current Distribution at 867, 1917 and 2652 MHz.

The surface current distribution at three frequencies is shown in Fig. 4.15. For the first

resonant frequency it is evident that the main part of the antenna which resonates is the

front folded part of PIFA and partially the back folded one. For the second and the third

resonance the back folded part of PIFA contributes more to the radiation of the antenna.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

From the top view it is particularly interesting be stated that the ground plane is an integral

part of the antenna and contributes as a main part of the radiator at the three frequencies.


The measured and simulated S11 for the PIFA antenna placed on the 178 × 247 mm2

ground plane are in good agreement as seen in Fig. 4.14. The S11 was less than −10 dB

over the range 688.5 − 1009.8 MHz, 1736.3 − 2121.5 MHz and 2459 − 2698 MHz giving

fractional bandwidths of 40.6%, 20.87% and 9.31%, respectively. The frequency range

for S11 less than −6 dB is 623.5 − 1111.8 MHz and 1621.74 − 3007.04 MHz, (62% and

75%, respectively).

The simulated total efficiency at 825 MHz and 2200 MHz is 85% and 97%

respectively. The maximum value is 98% at 1915.4 MHz (Fig. 4.15).

Figure 4.15. Simulated and measured S11 for the PIFA antenna.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.16. The simulated total and radiation efficiency.

In Figs. 4.16 and 4.17 the simulated and measured radiation patterns for (x–y) azimuth

and (z–y), (z–x) elevation planes at 825 MHz and 2200 MHz are illustrated.

In the three planes at 825 MHz it is observed that the phi (φ) component provides

good omnidirectional characteristics, which is also observed at the azimuth (x–y) plane

of 2200 MHz for the theta (θ) component. Moreover, at 825 MHz in the elevation (z–y)

plane good discrimination between the two components is provided.

The measured maximum gain for the lower and upper band is 4.5 dBi and 6.4 dBi,

respectively. The measured gain, averaged over the principle plane cuts (x–y, z–y and

z–x) was −1.1, −1.2 and −2.1 dBi for 825 MHz and −1.4, −1.7 and −1.6 dBi for

2200 MHz.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.17. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c) (z-x) plane
patterns at 825 MHz.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.18. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c) (z-x) plane
patterns at 2200 MHz.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas


A Dual Planar Inverted-F-Antenna [32, 33, 34, 35, 36] placed on a 130 mm × 70 mm

ground plane which is a typical M2M device PCB size. The antenna was designed with

smaller size compared to the antenna of the first section and covers the lower LTE band

(690 – 960 MHz) and partially the upper LTE band (1670 – 2067 MHz). The antenna is

suitable for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications.


As a first step of the dual LTE PIFA antenna implementation is a single PIFA which

resonates and provide one resonance. A long arm PIFA antenna resonates at lower

frequency f1 as well as a short arm PIFA resonates at higher frequency f2 as it shown in

Figure 4.19. A novel forked feed is introduced to combine the two PIFAs in the same

geometry sharing the same feed, providing the dual band operation.

The antenna structure and coordinate system is depicted in Fig. 4.20. The radiating

element is located on a FR-4 (Table 2.1) rectangular ground plane with dimensions

13 × 70 × 1.5 mm3. The sides of the prototyped antenna are printed on thin FR-4 layers

of thickness 0.2 mm with dimensions 70 mm (≈ 0.15λ0 with λ0 = 455.9 mm at

658 MHz) ×19 mm (≈ 0.041λ0). The top part of the antenna consists of two thin copper

layers (thickness = 0.15 mm). The top left (59.61 mm × 11 mm) and the top right

(9.92 mm × 11 mm) part have a fold-over segments of length a = 9.7 mm and b = 18.3 mm

respectively. The antenna comprises two PIFAs sharing the same feed. A small gap

(0.2 mm) separating the two PIFAs (Fig. 4.21). The shorting strip of each PIFA has a

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

width of 0.2 mm. The antenna is fed via a 50 Ω SMA connector through the ground plane

to a 5.1 mm wide feeding strip, forked at the top with a small gap (0.2 mm) to separate

the two feeds.

Figure 4.19. Schematic illustration of dual LTE PIFA design evolution.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.20. Antenna Model and the coordinate system.

Figure 4.21. Antenna geometry and parameters.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.22. Dual PIFA LTE Antenna prototype.


The dependence of the lower resonance on the height (a) of the left folded part was

investigated for four different values. It is apparent that the matching and first resonant

frequency is heavily dependent on this parameter as well as some effects on the second

resonance. The optimum value of this parameter (a) is 9.7 mm.

The upper resonance is strongly dependent on the height (b) of the right folded section.

The height (b) is varied from 16 mm to 19 mm. From the obtained result (Fig. 4.24) it is

evident that the second resonant frequency can be controlled (impedance matching and

frequency shifting) by varying the parameter b. The proposed value of the folded length

(b) is 18.3 mm.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.23. Simulated S11 variation for different values of (a).

Figure 4.24. Simulated S11 variation for different values of (b).

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

The position (c) of the feed and the shorting point can determine the electrical length

of both PIFAs. As the feed and shorting point moved from the right side (5.97 mm) of the

antenna to the centre (35 mm) both resonances are shifted. The frequency ratio Fr = fu/fl

between the upper and the lower resonance continuously increases from 1.43 to 2.99 as

the value of (c) changes from 35 mm to 5.97 mm. The proposed value of the parameter

(c) is 9.97 mm.

Figure 4.25. Simulated S11 variations for different values of (c).

Finally, the last key parameter which is studied for this antenna is the width (w) of the

top part of the two PIFAs. From the obtained results it is clear that the second resonance

is effectively controlled and shifted downwards as the parameter (w) increased from 5 mm

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

to 14 mm. The width (w) has a strong impact and improves the impedance matching of

the first resonant frequency. The proposed value of (w) is 11 mm.

Figure 4.26. Simulated S11 variations for different values of (w).

The current distribution at both frequencies is shown in Fig. 4.27. For the first resonant

frequency (Fig. 4.27(a)) the main part of the antenna which resonates is the longest arm

PIFA. The electrical length of the longest PIFA is almost 90 mm which is almost a quarter

wavelength at 760 MHz (λ0/4 = 98.6 mm). For the second resonance (Fig. 4.27(b)) the

main current distribution comes from the shorter arm PIFA of the antenna. The length of

the shortest PIFA is almost 46 mm which is slightly over a quarter wavelength at

1860 MHz (λ0/4 ≈ 40.3 mm).

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

(a) (b)

Figure 4.27. The current distribution at (a) 760 MHz and (b) 1860 MHz.


In Fig. 4.28 the measured and simulated S11 show good agreement. The antenna

operates at 760 MHz with a −10 dB and −6 dB impedance bandwidth of 208 MHz

(682 – 890 MHz) and 306 MHz (658 – 964 MHz) respectively for the lower band and at

1860 MHz with a −10 dB and −6 dB impedance bandwidth of 220 MHz

(1750 – 1970 MHz) and 396 MHz (1671 – 2067 MHz) respectively for the upper band.

The simulated results provide a −10 dB and −6 dB impedance bandwidth of 162 MHz

(711 – 873 MHz) and 281 MHz (680 – 961 MHz) at the centre frequency of 765 MHz for

the first band and a −10 dB and −6 dB impedance bandwidth of 192 MHz

(1797 – 1989 MHz) and 341 MHz (1725 – 2066 MHz) at the centre frequency of

1893 MHz for the second band.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.28. Simulated and measured S11 for the PIFA antenna.

In Fig. 4.30 the measured and the simulated total efficiency and realized gain are

given. There is a reasonable agreement between the simulated and measured results. The

total efficiency and the realized gain of the antenna were measured by Microwave Vision

Group (MVG) in StarLab 0.6 – 18 GHz and are listed in Table 4.1. This chamber uses the

nearfield measurement technique to calculate the equivalent far-field data of the AUT.

The antenna under test is positioned in the centre of a circular ‘arch’ which contains 15

separate measurement probes spaced equally apart as can be seen in Fig. 4.29. The

antenna is rotated horizontally through 360° and the combination of this rotation and the

array of probes allows a full 3D scan of the antenna to be carried out, allowing full 3D

radiation patterns to be measured, plotted and analysed. Efficiency, gain and directivity

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

information can be transformed and calculated from the far-field radiation pattern data


Figure 4.29. StarLab spherical coordinate system [74].

Figure 4.30. Measured and simulated total efficiency and realized gain.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Table 4.1. Measured and Simulated Total Efficiency and Realized Gain.
Total Efficiency (%) Realized Gain (dBi)
Frequency (MHz) Simulated Measured Simulated Measured
690 78.2 64.8 1.2 1.9
760 98.5 83.6 2.5 3.6
960 73.8 58 1.5 0.8
1710 68.8 65.2 4.4 3.5
1860 96.9 79.8 5.4 4.1

The radiation patterns of the three plane cuts (x–y, z–x and z–y) for 760 MHz and

1860 MHz are shown in Figs. 4.32 and 4.33 respectively. All the measured patterns are

illustrated against the simulated patterns in 10 dB/division scaled plots.

It is observed that the theta (θ) component provides good omnidirectional

characteristics in the (x–y) plane for both frequencies, which is also observed in the

(z–y) plane for 760 MHz for the phi (φ) component.

Figure 4.31. Measured and Simulated Peak Directivity.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.32. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c) (z-x) plane
patterns at 760 MHz.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

Figure 4.33. Measured and simulated (a) azimuth (x-y), (b) elevations (z-y) and (c) (z-x) plane
patterns at 1860 MHz.

4. Planar Inverted-F Antennas

This chapter presented the study of the performance of two Planar Inverted-F antennas

on rectangular ground planes in the LTE frequency range respectively. A parametric

investigation of key geometrical parameters of the two antennas are reported.

The first PIFA antenna is studied in terms of the ground plane size and positioning.

The obtained results show that the position of the PIFA on the ground plane effectively

controls both resonant frequencies (impedance matching and frequency shifting). The S11

shows stronger dependence on the ground plane size than the radiation properties and the

total efficiency does not change significantly.

The second PIFA antenna which is smaller and mounted on a typical device size

ground plane covers the lower LTE band and partially the upper. The proposed antenna

has been optimised with good omnidirectional radiation characteristic at both bands, high

efficiency and gain, is low profile, with additional benefit of a large frequency-ratio range

fu/fl = 2.44 which is easy to control.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

M eander line monopole antennas [21 22, 23, 24] are mainly used in compact and

portable smart devices. With this state of the art technology, antenna designers

are able to integrate compact meander line structures in small envelopes achieving

broadband performance, providing also high gain and efficiency for its compact size.

This chapter proposes a geometry based on a folded meander line structure which is

suitable for automated meter reading (AMR) systems [75]. The Electronic

Communication Committee (ECC) allocates narrowband channels in the 410 – 470 MHz

range [76]. CDMA and more recently eLTE operate in this band with channel bandwidths

in the region of ~1 − 5 MHz [77, 78]. Performance metrics include impedance bandwidth,

radiation patterns and total efficiency.

In this section a tuneable folded meander-line monopole antenna covering the lower

UHF band (412 – 475 MHz) is studied. The antenna configuration is optimized for

impedance matching. The effect of the ground plane size on the general radiation

properties is analysed. Finally, the installed performance of the proposed antenna is

investigated with the antenna embedded in a plastic housing and placed on a concrete


5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna


The antenna is designed for integration into a compact smart meter device for cellular

communications technologies [79] which provides a tuneable functionality over the

frequency range of 412 – 475 MHz. According to specifications for 450 MHz meter

reading system applications [80], there is a requirement for an omnidirectional antenna

and a S11 of better than −6 dB over the proposed frequency range with narrow channel

bandwidths and maximum EIRP of +27 dBm. Designing a small-size, high-efficiency,

broadband antenna, is a considerable challenge for the antenna designer.


The initial implementation idea which leads to the final meander line design is a

folded monopole antenna as it shown in Fig. 5.1. The position of the feeding and the

shorting strips is changed to the back side of the FR4 substrate allows more available

space to confine the electrical length (meander line) into a compact physical size and to

move to lower frequencies (Fig. 5.2).

Meandered Monopole Antenna

Folded Monopole Antenna

Figure 5.1. Illustration of the antenna designed steps.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

Figure 5.2. Simulated S11 for the two different antenna models.

The antenna geometry, shown in Fig. 5.3, is printed on double-sided FR-4 substrate

(Table 2.1). The antenna of height h = 15 mm ≈ 0.02λ0 (λ0 = 724.5 mm at 414 MHz) and

length l = 42.3 mm ≈ 0.058λ0 is located on the corner of a 130 mm × 70 mm ground plane

which represents a typical device PCB. The feeding and shorting strips (width = 0.5 mm

and 0.7 mm respectively) are located on the rear side of the substrate and connected to

the meander line (width = 0.5 mm) on the front side using a via and a slider connector.

The separation between the horizontal strips a1, a2 and a3 is 0.85 mm. The gap

between the vertical strips b1, b2 and b3 is 0.83 mm. The lower horizontal strips c1 and c2

have a separation of 0.5 mm and between c2 and c3 the separation is 0.68 mm. The gap

between the two vertical strips d1 and d2 is 0.8 mm. The separation between the strips is

optimised to obtain the best impedance matching for the desired frequency.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

The moveable U-shaped aluminium via-slider is mounted through a slot in the

substrate, connecting the two sides of the PCB. The start and end positions of the via-

slider are at 0 mm ≤ P ≤ 33.5 mm (Fig. 5.3). The monopole antenna is fed using a 50 Ω

microstrip line (width = 1.3 mm) with a SMA connector below the ground plane.

Figure 5.3. Antenna geometry and the coordinate system.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna


To improve the impedance matching of the antenna, a matching stub is added and

shorted to the ground plane as shown in Fig 5.4 (a) and also shifts downwards the resonant

frequency by introducing additional capacitance and reducing the real impedance towards

50 Ω (Fig. 5.4 (b)). The matching stub consists of two strips (width = 0.5 mm) with

horizontal and vertical length 10 mm and 2.5 mm, respectively.

Figure 5.4. (a) Improved impedance matching and control of frequency, (b) Smith chart.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna


The ground plane size was found not to have significant influence on the antenna

performance. A parametric study of the ground plane size was made and simulations were

carried out for ground plane sizes of 40 × 100 mm2 to 170 × 230 mm2. Fig. 5.5 shows a

plot of the S11 for different ground plane sizes. From the graph it is clear that the ground

plane size does not significantly affect the resonant frequency and the impedance

matching of the antenna. For the given ground plane sizes the resonant frequency does

not change more than 4 MHz.

Figure 5.5. Simulated S11 dependence on the ground plane size.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna


In Fig. 5.6 the measured and simulated S11 for 5 different tuning positions of the via-

slider connector P, which controls the resonant frequency are shown. The measured

−10 dB and −6 dB tuneable impedance bandwidth, is 412.4 – 474.8 MHz

(BW = 62.4 MHz) and 71.6 MHz (409.5 – 481.1 MHz) respectively. The measured −6 dB

and −10 dB bandwidths at 414 MHz (λ0 ~ 724.5 mm) are ~8 MHz and ~3 MHz


The position of the via-slider for resonance at 450 MHz is P = 17 mm with a −10 dB

impedance bandwidth of 7.2 MHz (446.5 – 453.7 MHz) and a −6 dB impedance

bandwidth of 12.6 MHz (444.1 – 456.7 MHz).

The tuneability of the proposed antenna could be also achieved with diodes or

varactors. However, the installation of diodes and varactors in a limited available space

with the requirement of bias and DC suppliers is a constraint for implementation.

The meander-line monopole is the dominant part of the antenna which contributes and

resonates at 450 MHz. The current distribution is shown in Fig. 5.7. The two open

circuited lines after the slider connector are an integral part of the antenna

reconfigurability and have been included in all simulations and measurements including

total efficiency. If the open circuited strips are cut after tuning the antenna, this would

cause a slight upward shift in frequency.

The total efficiency was simulated and measured and is illustrated in Fig. 5.8 for three

different frequencies and indicates 21% total measured efficiency at 420 MHz, 24% at

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

450 MHz and 21.7% at 470 MHz. It is observed that there is a reasonable agreement

between the simulated and measured results.

In an attempt to calculate the maximum theoretical total efficiency of the proposed

antenna and to define how close is the measured values to the fundamental limitations, a

mathematical explanation is described.

Harrington [7] defined the natural gain limit for a practical antenna: Gmax =(ka)2 +(ka).

In [81] the maximum directivity of an antenna appointed with the following reasonable

formula: Dmax =(ka)2 +3. The relation between the antenna gain and directivity is

expressed through the following formula:

𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜂 × 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 ⁄𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (𝑘𝑎)2 + 𝑘𝑎 ⁄(𝑘𝑎)2 + 3 (5.1)

Based on the previous expression, the maximum total efficiency is equal to:

𝜂 𝑇 = (1 − |𝛤|2 ) × 𝜂 = (1 − |𝛤|2 ) × [(𝑘𝑎)2 + 𝑘𝑎⁄(𝑘𝑎)2 + 3], (5.2)

where k is the wave number in free space, k = 2π/λ and a is the radius of the minimum

sphere that encloses the antenna. The theoretical and measured total efficiency values of

the antenna are listed in Table 5.1. The radius a of the proposed antenna’s radiansphere

was calculated at 74.2 mm which is 0.11λ0 of the respective wavelength λ0 ≈ 667 mm at

450 MHz. The wavenumber k at 450 MHz is 0.0094 and ka = 0.0094 × 74.2 ≈ 0.69. The

theoretical maximum total efficiency is calculated through the formula (5.2):

ηT =(1-|Γ|2 )× [(ka)2 +ka⁄(ka)2 +3]=(1-|Γ|2 )×0.335=0.98×33.5=0.328≈32.8%.

As can been seen from the acquired results in Table 5.1 the measured total efficiency

is very close to the theoretical maximum values, which shows that the proposed antenna

is quite efficient compared to its size and to the operating frequency range.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

Table 5.1. Comparison of theoretical and measured total efficiency.

Total Efficiency (%) 420 MHz 450 MHz 470 MHz
Theoretical 28 32.8 30
Measured 21 24 21.7

Figure 5.6. Simulated and measured S11.

In Figs. 5.10 to 5.12 the measured and simulated azimuth (x–z) and elevation (x–y)

and (y–z) plane radiation patterns at 450 MHz are illustrated. In Fig. 5.11 it is seen that

the omnidirectional pattern provides good polarization discrimination in the elevation

(x–y) plane. The maximum measured gain is −6.1 dBi. There is good agreement between

the measured and the simulated results. The radiation patterns are stable across the

tuneable band.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

Figure 5.7. Current distribution at 450 MHz.

Figure 5.8. Total measured and simulated efficiency of the antenna at 420, 450 and 470 MHz.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna


Figure 5.9. The antenna inside the anechoic chamber.

Figure 5.10. Azimuth radiation patterns in the xz-plane at 450 MHz.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

Figure 5.11. Elevation radiation patterns in the xy-plane at 450 MHz.

Figure 5.12. Elevation radiation patterns in the yz-plane at 450 MHz.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna


To investigate the installed performance of the proposed antenna, a simulation model

is created (Fig. 5.13) with the antenna in a Plexiglas housing (εr = 3.6, tanδ = 0.001 and

thickness = 3 mm) with outer dimensions 81 × 266 × 172 mm3 (H × L × W) and placed

on a concrete wall (εr = 5.8 at 450 MHz, thickness = 200 mm). Two scenarios were

evaluated, with the antenna ground plane oriented parallel and perpendicular to the wall

surface as shown in the Fig. 5.13.

Figs. 5.14 and 5.15 show the measured and simulated S11 for the two different

orientations. From inspection of the results, the resonant frequency shifts downwards due

to the wall permittivity loading and this becomes more acute when the monopole is closer

to the wall surface (parallel case).

Figure 5.13. The simulation model with ground plane (a) parallel to the wall and (b)
perpendicular to the wall.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

The distance between the edge of the ground plane and the wall for the parallel and

perpendicular case was respectively 13.1 mm and 3.5 mm. For the parallel case the

resonant frequency shifted downwards by 8 MHz for simulation and by 9 MHz measured.

For the perpendicular case the frequency shifted downwards by 7 MHz for simulation and

by 7.5 MHz for the measured case.

To mitigate the wall proximity loading detuning effects, the slider was adjusted to

tune the antenna back to 450 MHz. This also improved the total efficiency for both cases.

The simulated total efficiency for the parallel case before retuning was 17.6% and after

retuning was 22.9%. For the perpendicular case the simulated total efficiency before

retuning was 14.5% and after was 19.7%. In both cases some energy is absorbed by the

concrete wall. This absorption is greater for the perpendicular case where the total

efficiency is 3.2 percentage points less than for the parallel case. For both cases the via-

slider was re-adjusted to tune the resonant frequency to 450 MHz. The via-slider positions

were P = 21.3 mm and P = 20.3 mm for the parallel and perpendicular cases respectively.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

Figure 5.14. Simulated and measured S11 for the parallel case.

Figure 5.15. Simulated and measured S11 for the perpendicular case.

5. Meander Line Monopole Antenna

In this chapter a study of a meander-line folded monopole antenna for emerging

applications in smart metering at 450 MHz was presented. The proposed compact antenna

was studied in terms of the ground plane size, the matching stub role and the via-slider

connector with respect to the monopole performance. The results show that the S11

characteristic is not heavily dependent on the ground plane size. The frequency is shifted

downwards by 23 MHz with a significant impedance matching improvement by adding a

matching stub into the antenna geometry. The electrical length of the monopole is

increased and controlled by introducing a via-slider which connects the sides of the PCB.

The rear feeding and grounding position allows more freedom of available space for the

meander-line and confines the electrical length into a compact physical size. The antenna

provides 21% to 24% measured total-efficiency across the tuneable bandwidth.

The packaged antenna performed well despite material loading and when installed on

a concrete wall. The via-slider tuneable position can re-adjusted to tune the resonant

frequency of the monopole to 450 MHz.

7. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole


I ntelligent metering systems for the measurement of water, gas, heat and electricity

consumption enable modern smart cities. These smart metering applications

require a long range link between the sensor grid nodes and the data aggregators,

overcoming building penetration losses. The demand for harmonised frequency bands for

several existing and new applications led the Electronic Communication Committee

(ECC) [82] to reconsider the use of the 169 MHz and 433 MHz bands. The Wireless

Metering Bus (WM-Bus) specification, introduced a narrow band channel of 75 kHz with

a maximum EIRP of +27 dBm (+500 mW) [83] providing long range solutions.

The size of a smart metering device is typically around 150 × 150 mm2 with a volume

which must house the electronic components, battery and the integrated antenna. Meander

line structures [21, 22, 23, 24] due to their low compact size are suitable for integration

in small envelopes achieving broadband performance with omnidirectional


In this chapter a dual-band folded meander line monopole antenna for Advanced

Metering Infrastructure (AMI) [84] and Wireless-M-Bus applications operating in the

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

VHF and lower UHF bands is presented. Performance measures include impedance

bandwidth, radiation patterns, total and radiation efficiency.


A dual-band printed antenna is designed for integration in smart meter devices for

Wireless M-Bus and M2M applications operating at 169 MHz and 433 MHz. The antenna

configuration is optimized for impedance matching at both frequencies. A parametric

investigation of key geometrical parameters is reported. The proposed antenna provides

omnidirectional radiation characteristics and excellent measured total efficiency.


The basic procedure steps for designing a novel dual-band miniaturized antenna based

on a meander line topology is presented in Fig. 6.1. As the first step, a basic folded

monopole (Fig. 6.1 (a)) is employed to design the antenna. The antenna resonates at

around 1100 MHz with poor impedance matching (Fig. 6.2 blue line). The two horizontal

strips (feeding and shorting) are meander (Fig. 6.1 (b)) in order to introduce more

electrical length to the antenna geometry shifting the resonant frequency downward by

500 MHz (Fig. 6.2 red line). The final design step is defined with the shorting strip not

be shorted anymore, but with an open end and positioning to the back side of the substrate

(Fig. 6.1 (c)) providing better isolation from the feeding strip and increasing the electrical

length of the antenna. The last antenna is dual band (Fig. 6.2 black line) with the lowest

resonant be shifted downwards more than 300 MHz from the previous one.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.1. Schematic illustration of the three basic design models.

Figure 6.2. Simulated S11 for the three basic design models.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

The antenna (Fig. 6.3) is printed on double-sided FR4 substrate, (Tabled 2.1) with

dimension of 150 mm × 150 mm ≈ (0.085λ0, λ0 = 1775.15 mm at 169 MHz) representing

the meter motherboard. The meandered monopole of height h = 40.23 mm (≈ 0.02λ0) and

length l = 45.02 mm (≈ 0.025λ0) is located on the corner of the ground plane. The antenna

is fed with an SMA connector through a 50 Ω microstrip line (width = 2.94 mm) which

is stepped to a short section (length = 0.85 mm and width = 0.35 mm) which connects to

the antenna through via 1. The rear meander line (width = 0.35 mm) with uniform spacing

runs up the substrate to via 2 which connects to an extended meander line section located

at the front with an 4.25 mm open end which terminates 0.31 mm away from the ground

plane level. The introduction of a shunt lumped inductor (L = 56 nH, 0.2 Ω) 20.15 mm

away from via 1 improves the matching at both frequencies as shown in Fig. 6.4.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

Figure 6.3. Folded meander line monopole antenna and coordinate system.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

Figure 6.4. Improved impedance matching and control of frequency.

Practically, the presence of lumped elements (inductors/capacitors) introduce

additional losses to antenna, but the main advantage of such designs is to improve

impedance matching (Fig. 6.4), reducing the missmatch losses and thus, to increase the

total efficiency of the antenna system. Looking at the S11 results in Fig. 6.4 it becomes

evident that the introduction of an inductor reduce the missmatch losses from 0.75 dB to

0.07 dB for the first resonance and from 0.28 dB to 0.01 dB for the second one.

(a) (b)
Figure 6.5. Manufactured meandered monopole prototype (a) Front View, (b) Rear View.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna


A parametric investigation of the variation of S11 with respect to three geometric

parameters of the meander line monopole shown in Fig. 6.1 is made.

The dual band operation of the monopole is strongly dependence on the height (r) of

the rear meandered section, which was varied from 34 mm to 58 mm. The results indicate

(Fig. 6.6) that as the height (r) is increased the first resonant frequency is shifted upwards

while the second resonance is shifted downwards. From the current distribution

Fig. 6.9(b) it can be seen that the rear meandered section mainly determinates the upper

resonance. By selecting the value of r = 38.3 mm both resonances can be tune to the

desired values.

Figure 6.6. The simulated S11 dependence on the height r of the back meander line section.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

The height (f) of the front meander line section of the monopole was found to have a

significant influence on the frequency-ratio range of the antenna. This height was varied

from 30 mm to 48 mm. The simulations were made with uniform separation between the

meander line strips. From the S11 (Fig. 6.7) it is clearly visible that increasing the value

(f) shifts the first resonance downwards with little effect on the upper resonance. The

frequency-ratio between the upper and the lower resonance Fr = fu/fl continuously

increases from 1.61 to 3.11 as the value of (f) changes from 30 mm to 48 mm.

Figure 6.7. The simulated S11 dependence on the height f of the front meander line section.

The dependence of the first resonance on the height (f1) of the last two meander lines

on the front of the monopole was investigated. The results are shown in Fig. 6.8. When

the height (f1) of the two last meander line strips is increased from 10 mm to 17.7 mm the

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

first resonance is shifted from 203 MHz to 144.5 MHz with little effect on the impedance

matching. The second resonant frequency is not heavily dependent on from the height

(f1). This is confirmed by the current distribution (Fig. 6.9(b)) where the four last meander

line strips do not carry a strong current. The proposed value is f1 = 13.34 mm.

Figure 6.8. The simulated S11 dependence on the height f1 of the last front four meander line

The performance of the antenna is based the fundamental frequency at which the

structure resonates and radiates. That fundamental frequency is related to the antenna’s

resonant length which is caused by current paths (Fig. 6.9) within the structure. For the

proposed antenna the lower rear side meandered section and the upper front side

meandered sections determine the upper resonance (Fig. 6.9(b)) and the combined line

sections provide the lower resonance (Fig. 6.9(a)). In both resonant frequencies the

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

ground plane excites strong currents at the horizontal and the vertical side which have

same phase with the currents of the monopole. In the proposed antenna the ground plane

is an integral part and reinforces and contributes to the radiation performance. It should

be noted that in the upper resonance (Fig. 6.9 (b)) the current reversed the direction after

a full wavelength along the rear side meandered section.

Figure 6.9. The current distribution of the antenna in (a) 169 MHz and (b) 433 MHz.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

Placing meander line sections on opposite sides of the PCB provides isolation,

miniaturization and greater freedom in controlling the frequency ratio. The frequency

ratio fu/fl of 2.56 is tuned and optimized by non-uniformity in the front meander line

section as well as some coupling of the front and back meander lines.


In Fig. 6.10 the measured and simulated S11 is presented providing good agreement.

The measured −6 dB and −10 dB impedance bandwidth was 5.8 MHz

(165.7 − 171.5 MHz) and 3.3 MHz (167 − 170.3 MHz) respectively at 169 MHz and

53.9 MHz (417.5 − 471.4 MHz) and 26.4 MHz (424.7 − 451.1 MHz) at 433 MHz. The

fractional bandwidths in −6 dB is 3.4% for the first resonance and 12.4% for the second,

while the fractional bandwidths in −10 dB is 1.95% for the first resonant frequency and

6.1% for the second.

The simulated −6 dB and −10 dB impedance bandwidth was 5.7 MHz

(164.9 − 170.6 MHz) and 3.1 MHz (166.2 − 169.3 MHz) at 169 MHz and 30.4 MHz

(419.1 − 449.5 MHz) and 17.2 MHz (425.1 − 442.3 MHz) at 433 MHz.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

Figure 6.10. Simulated and measured S11.

Efficiency measurements are performed using the Wheeler cap method [85] (Fig 6.11)

using a metallic box of 610 × 610 × 360 mm3. The measured radiation and total efficiency

for the first resonance is 20.4%. For the second resonance the measured radiation and

total efficiency is 50% and 49.4% respectively. These results are in good agreement with

simulation which indicate a radiation and total efficiency of 18.3% and 17.8% at 169 MHz

and 48.2% and 47.9% at 433 MHz respectively.

In Figs. 6.12 and 6.13 the measured and simulated azimuth (x–y) and elevation (x–z)

plane radiation patterns at 433 MHz are illustrated. The maximum measured gain is

4.6 dBi. There is a good agreement between measurement and simulation. The maximum

simulated realized gain at 169 MHz is −1.8 dBi. In AHFR Lab there is no suitable SGH

available to test and measure the radiation patterns at 169 MHz.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna


Figure 6.11. Wheeler Cap measurement setup (a) without cap, (b) with cap.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

Figure 6.12. Azimuth radiation patterns in the xy-plane at 433 MHz.

Figure 6.13. Elevation radiation patterns in the xz-plane at 433 MHz.

6. VHF & UHF Meandered Monopole Antenna

In this chapter a dual band folded meander line monopole antenna for emerging smart

metering and M2M applications at 169 and 433 MHz is presented. Three key geometrical

parameters of the proposed electrically small antenna were studied as well as the effect

to the frequency ratio Fr = fu/fl is reported. The introducing of a shunt lumped inductor

was found to significantly improve the impedance matching of both resonant frequencies.

The antenna provides good omnidirectional radiation characteristic at 433 MHz and more

than 20% and 49% measured total efficiency at 169 MHz and 433 MHz respectively. The

measured gain at 433 MHz is 4.6 dBi and the simulated gain at 169 MHz is −1.8 dBi. The

antenna is low cost and easy fabricated with additional benefit of a large easy controlled

frequency-ratio range.

7. Conclusions and Future Work

7. Conclusions and Future Work


number of small novel antenna designs have been researched, developed and are

described in this thesis. Parametric studies were carried out on folded and

meander line monopoles and planar inverted-F antennas. The proposed geometries are

optimised and designed to provide sufficient bandwidth, good impedance matching,

omnidirectional radiation characteristics with high gain and efficiency, maintaining

compact size.

The main contributions of this dissertation are the following:

A folded and shorted printed monopole antenna has been proposed. A compact low

profile structure has been designed based on these principles offering an easy controlled

large frequency-ratio range and stable broad band omnidirectional radiation

characteristics. Moreover, this approach provides a good polarization purity between

horizontal and vertical polarized signals which is essential for maintaining the good link

between the receiver and the transmitters.

Two Planar Inverted-F structures have been designed operating broad band, with high

gain and efficiency. The effects of their key dimensional parameters have been

7. Conclusions and Future Work

parametrically studied. Moreover, the antenna performance for different locations on the

ground plane and for various dimensions of ground plane layout have been investigated

accordingly. A size reduction of almost 50% was achieved when two PIFAs combined in

one antenna share the same feed. The study has demonstrated a controllable large

frequency-ratio range when the feeding and shorting point change position.

By seeking more compact solutions for low frequencies, two novel meander line

folded monopole antennas were designed. Miniaturization has been provided by double

sided PCB printed technique allowing integrating more electrical length into a compact

physical size and isolating the two printed sides. Matching stub structures have been

applied in order to improve the impedance matching. A via slider connector has been used

to connect the two sides of the PCB, enabling tuneability of the impedance matching

across a large frequency range and offering stable omnidiarectionality over the tuneable

range. The strong dependence of the frequency-ratio range on the meander line separation

was investigated in depth.

7. Conclusions and Future Work


D uring the development and test phase of this dissertation some research topics

which are worth further investigation have been identified and are outlined here.

Further investigation could be made in topics related with installed performance of

various antennas when they are integrated in actual devices. When an antenna is

integrated in housing, the impedance bandwidth was slightly increased as well as the

resonant frequency was shifted downwards [86]. The walls of the enclosure are

effectively decreasing the gain and the efficiency of the installed antenna. Future work

could focus on investigating the positioning of an antenna inside an enclosure in order to

find the optimum position and orientation.

Another interesting topic for extensive investigation is the packaging impact to an

integrated antenna in an actual device which contains numerous metal structures that

could potentially interfere its performance. Metal structures near antennas can change

input impedances and phase of received signals. Design guidelines to eliminate the

electromagnetic interference (EMI) emitted from the RF components and circuits could

be developed [87, 88]. To eliminate the electromagnetic emissions and keep EMI to a

minimum it would be very important to arrange the layout of ground planes to minimize

EMI [89, 90].

Further development could be done on ground planes which have been found to affect

the general performance of antennas [91, 92, 93]. The position and the orientation of the

antenna on the ground plane can dramatically affect the general performance [94]. Further

research could be devoted to the extensive investigation of different ground plane shapes.

7. Conclusions and Future Work

Two compact solutions suitable for integration into packaging were proposed in this

thesis for smart metering applications. The double sided PCB printed meandered shape

and the matching stub technique were the two techniques for miniaturization providing

isolation between the meander line sections and improving the impedance matching

across the operating frequency range. A further study on broad-banding meander line

antennas should be made as well as an investigation on providing more than 2 bands

[95, 96].

A compact VHF antenna is proposed suitable for integration into packaging. Test and

measurements of the radiation patterns at 169 MHz were not carried out due to the non-

availability of a large sized anechoic chamber and a suitable Standard Gain Horn antenna.

Further research efforts should focus on the outdoor measurements [97, 98] where many

factors, such as the directivity of the antenna under test, the frequency range and

mechanical features of the antenna (size, weight and volume) should be considered to

ensure the performance metrics are measured with sufficient accuracy.



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Appendix A. List of Publications

Appendix A.

I n this dissertation many of the ideas and designs have been published in various

journals and international conferences. These publications are listed here in reverse

chronological order.

Journal Publications

[JP1] K. Yang, A. Loutridis, X. Bao, G. Ruvio and M. J. Ammann, "Printed Inverted-F Antenna
with Reconfigurable Pattern and Polarization", IEEE Transactions Antennas and
Propagation Letters; (In review).

[JP2] A. Loutridis, M. John and M. J. Ammann, "Folded Meandered Monopole for Emerging
Smart Metering & M2M Applications in the Lower UHF Band," IEEE Antenna &
Propagation Magazine; (In review).

[JP3] A. Loutridis, M. John and M. J. Ammann, "Folded Meander Line Antenna for Wireless
M-Bus in the VHF and UHF Bands," Electronics Letters IET, vol. 51, no. 15, pp. 1138-
1140, July 2015.

Appendix A. List of Publications

[JP4] A. Loutridis, M. John, M. J. Ammann, "A Dual Band LTE PIFA Antenna for M2M
Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1655-1658,
July 2015.

[JP5] A. Loutridis, M. John, M. J. Ammann, "Dual Band LTE Planar Inverted-F Antenna for
M2M Applications," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 12, pp.
2925–2929, Dec 2013.

Conference Proceedings

[CP1] A. Loutridis, K. Yang, M. John and M. J. Ammann, "Dual Band Printed Antenna for
M2M Applications in ISM and GSM bands," Loughborough Antennas & Propagation
Conference (LAPC), Loughborough, UK. 2015; (Accepted).

[CP2] A. Loutridis, K. Yang, M. John and M. J. Ammann, "Compact Printed Spiral FM

Antenna," Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, (PIERS), Prague, Czech
Republic, July 2015.

[CP3] A. Loutridis, M. John and M. J. Ammann, "Printed Folded Meander Line Dual-Band
Monopole for TV White Space and GSM," European Conference of Antennas and
Propagation (EuCAP), Hague, Netherlands, Feb. 2014, pp. 2848-2852.

[CP4] A. Loutridis, M. John, M. J. Ammann, G. Ruvio, "A Wideband Printed Inverted-F

Antenna for M2M Applications in the Lower UHF Band," Loughborough Antennas &
Propagation Conference (LAPC), Loughborough, UK, Nov. 2013, pp. 242-245.

[CP5] A. Loutridis, M. John, G. Ruvio, M. J. Ammann, "A 2.45/5.8 GHz Folded Monopole
Antenna for WLAN Applications," Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
(LAPC), Loughborough, UK, Nov. 2012.


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