A Brief History of Kanamara Matsuri

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A brief history of Kanamara Matsuri features vary not only by width but also by how

More formally known as the Festival of the Steel Phallus,

Kanamara Matsuri is celebrated annually on the first Sunday in
they are graphically represented in a drawing.
April, at Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, just south of Tokyo. Line significance is conveyed by line weight or
Its origins can be traced back to an ancient Japanese legend. As the thickness of the line. Every line is drawn at
story goes, a vicious demon hid inside the vagina of a young different thickness and darkness to express
woman after falling in love with her. Such was this entity’s
jealousy that it proceeded to bite off the penises of two young men contrast as well as importance. Lines that are
on two separate wedding nights. In the aftermath of this grisly less important are thin and light. Key to
ordeal, the woman sought help from a blacksmith who fashioned successful drafting is to have a good technical
an iron phallus to break the demon’s teeth, which in turn led to the
item’s enshrinement at Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki.
knowledge of these various line characteristics
Sex and religion in Japan are by no means exclusive thanks to the – to understand where and when to apply them
flexibility of the Shinto, a form of worship that acknowledges in technical drawing.
and honours spirits found in nature. The Kanayama Shrine became
a focal point for couples who wished to pray for fertility and good
fortune in their marriage. From the 17th to the 19th century, sex
workers would frequent the site to pray for either protection or cure 1. OBJECT OR VISIBLE LINES – Thick dark
from sexually transmitted diseases. line use to show outline of object, visible edges
It was around this time that the first festivals focussing on sexual
health took place at the shrine, but the tradition had fizzled out by
and surfaces.
the end of the 19th century. It wasn’t until 1970 that the chief priest
at the time, Hirohiko Nakamura, decided to resurrect the event,
albeit on a fairly small scale, and at night. After about 40 years of
this, the festival’s popularity skyrocketed when, in 2012, TV star 2. CONSTRUCTION LINE – Very light and thin
Matsuko Deluxe – an outspoken advocate of sex positivity and line use to construct layout work.
LGBTQ rights – name-checked the festival. By now, it’s a fixture
on the festival circuit and sees about 50,000 attendees each year.
In recent years, it caused a sensation in Japan and abroad
being introduced as a "penis festival" and has also gathered
attention as a major event in the LGBT+ social calendar. 3. DIMENSION LINE – Thin and dark lines use
However, Kanamara Matsuri is first of all a sacred event born to show the size (span) of an object with a
out of the sincere wish for a festival that anyone could enjoy
without being discriminated.
numeric value. Usually terminates with
Kanamara Matsuri is held at Kanayama Shrine, which is arrowheads or tick markings.
located within the grounds of Wakamiya Hachimangu Shrine
in Kawasaki.
Kanayama Shrine is dedicated to Kanayama Hiko no
Kami and Kanayama Hime no Kami, a divine couple
4. HIDDEN LINE – Short dash lines use to
celebrated as the protectors of blacksmiths and of sexuality.
That is why the main festival of this shrine is held as a prayer show non visible surfaces. Usually shows as
for the blessing of children and smooth marital relationships. medium thickness.

Technical drawings provide clear and accurate

5. CENTRE LINE – Long and short dash lines.
information how an object is to be
Usually indicates centre of holes, circles and
manufactured. It shows and describes clearly
arcs. Line is thin and dark.
and accurately the information required to build
or manufacture a product.
Technical drawing is a form of design
communication based on line symbols 6. EXTENSION LINE – Thin and dark line use
recognized and understood worldwide. Hence, to show the starting and ending of dimension.
technical drawing is often referred to as a
universal language understood (readable) by
anyone regardless of the language they speak.
Contractors, estimators, tradesmen and
builders rely totally on technical drawings for 7. CUTTING PLANE LINE – Extra thick line use
the information they need to build, construct to show cutaway views or plane of projection
and manufacture a product. To work in design where a section view is taken. Arrow indicates
and manufacturing industries, the study of direction of view.
technical drawing –ability to prepare, read and
interpret technical drawing is essential.
Line symbols used in technical drawing are
often referred to as ALPHABET OF LINES.
The use of line symbols enables 8. SHORT AND LONG BREAK LINES –Short
engineers/designers to express features of and long medium line use to show cutaway
designed products clearly and accurately.  Line view of a long section.
9. LEADER LINE – Medium line with arrowhead
to show notes or label for size or special
information about a feature.

10. PHANTOM LINE – Long line followed by

two short dashes use to show alternate position
of a moving part.

11. SECTION LINE – Medium lines drawn at 45

degrees use to show interior view of solid areas
of cutting plane line.


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