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Guide To Production Information For Commercial Floriculture Growers

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Guide to Production Information for

Commercial Floriculture Growers
Brian E. Whipker and P. Allen Hammer
The following is a reference list of informative publications for experienced and new commercial producers of
floricultural crops. Accompanying each reference is a brief description of the publication. Although the list does
not include every publication designed for commercial floriculturists, it contains many of the more useful refer-
ences. Prices listed are as of May, 1990, and should be regarded only as a guideline.

Publications may be ordered from the listed source, or your local bookstore may be able to obtain a title for you.
The list contains a few books which are out of print. These books may be available at a good horticultural library.

BOOKS BY TOPIC Cornell Recommendations for Commercial Floricul-

ture Crops. Part I: Cultural Practices
Crop Management 1981
Distribution Center C 7 Research Park,
Ball Red Book - Greenhouse Growing, 14th edition Cornell University
1985 Ithaca, NY 14850
Vic Ball, Editor 60 pp. $9.95
Ball Seed Company A guide for cultural practices and production
P.O. Box 335, West Chicago, IL 60185 planning.
720 pp. $26.95
An excellent book for all growers. This time-honored Cornell Recommendations for Commercial Floricul-
book has been updated continuously on such topics as ture Crops. Part II: Pest Control
greenhouse management, plant culture, and nutrition. 1987
Distribution Center C
Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases 7 Research Park, Cornell University
1986 Ithaca, NY 14850
Duane L. Coyier and Martha K. Roane, Editors 75 pp. $9.95
APS Press A guide for pest identification and control.
3340 Pilot Knob Road
St. Paul, MN 55121 Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants, 5th Edition
65 pp. $20.00 1978
An excellent reference for rhododendron and azalea P. O. Pirone
diseases. Lists disease symptoms, cycles, and controls, John Wiley and Sons
along with numerous color photographs for easy 605 Third Ave.
identification. New York, NY 10158
566 pp. $34.95
An excellent guide for disease and insect pests of
trees, shrubs, and flowers. Plants are listed by scien-
tific name, accompanied with a description and
control of common maladies. Controls listed are
Diseases of Ornamental Plants General Reference
Junius L. Forsberg Care and Handling of Flowers and Plants
Univ. of Illinois Press, Ag. Publications 1985
Room 47, Mumford Hall, 1301 W. Gregory Dr. Society of American Florists
Urbana, IL 61801 1601 Duke Street
222 pp. $5.50 Alexandria, VA 22314
An excellent guide book for diagnosing diseases in 200 pp. $35.00
floral crops for growers and extension personnel. A guide containing colored photograph fact sheets on
Black and white photographs and descriptions of the fresh flowers, decorative foliage, flowering plants, and
symptoms aid in identification. Control methods may green plants. Fact sheets contain cultural requirements
be dated. Out of Print. and list the major pests. (Available to SAF members
for $20.00.)
Greenhouse Management for Flower and Plant
Production, 2nd Edition
1980 Exotic House Plants, l0th Edition
K. S. Nelson Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. 1976
19-27 N. Jackson St. A. B. Graf
Dansville, IL 61832-0594 Roehrs Co.
250 pp. $19.95 P. O. Box 125, 136 Park Ave.
A book presenting the management approach to the East Rutherford, NJ 07073
greenhouse facilities, planning cropping schedules, 178 pp. $8.95
and the growth environment. A pictorial guide for identifying over 1200 house
plants. Sections also list each plant’s scientific
Insect, Mite and Disease Control on Commercial name, native homeland and growth characteristics.
Floral Crops
C. C. Powell and R. K. Lindquist Exotic Plant Manual, 5th Edition
Publications Office, Cooperative Extension Service 1978
Ohio State Univ., 2120 Fyffe Rd. A. B. Graf
Columbus, OH 43210-1099 Roehrs Co., Inc.
42 pp. $4.20 P. O. Box 125, 136 Park Ave.
A guidebook to pest management in the green- East Rutherford, NJ 07073
house. Contains sections on recommended pesti- 840 pp. $37.50
cides and safety and 50 full color photographs. An authoritative reference to tropical plants, with
over 4,200 photographs. Sections describe each plant
and its growth characteristics.
Westcotts Plant Disease Handbook, 5th Edition
R. K. Horst
Van Nostrand Reinhold
135 W. 50th St.
New York, NY 10020
976 pp. $59.95
A valuable reference for diagnosing diseases of trees,
shrubs, flowers, and vegetables. Sections include host
plants and their diseases, descriptions of diseases and
chemical controls. Controls listed are for home
gardeners and are dated.

Exotica IV: Pictorial Cyclopedia of Exotic Plants and Herbaceous Perennial Plants
Trees 1989
1985 A. M. Armitage
A. B. Graf Varsity Press, Inc.
Charles Scribner & Sons P. O. Box 6301
597 Fifth Avenue Athens, Georgia 30604
New York, NY l00l7 680 pp. $37.95
2 volumes An extensive guide to over 2700 species, varieties
1,834 pp. $187.00 and cultivars of herbaceous perennials. Contains an
An extensive pictorial reference book index of both scientific and common names, plus 160
containing over 12,000 illustrations of tropical line drawings and 96 color photographs.
plants. Each plant photograph is identified by its
scientific name, as well as descriptions of native
habitat and growth characteristics.
Horticulture Principles and Practical Application
Flower and Plant Production in the Greenhouse R. P. Poincelot
3rd Edition Prentice-Hall
1978 200 Old Tappan Road
K.S. Nelson Old Tappan, NJ 07675
Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. 652 pp. $18.95
19-27 N. Jackson St. A guide for beginning students of horticulture or
Dansville, IL 61832-0594 for those who want a review of the basics.
335 pp. $19.95
Primarily for secondary school instructors.
Its many illustrations make it useful to a person with Hortus Third
little greenhouse experience. New edition expected in 1976
the fall of 1990. Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University
MacMillan Publ. Co., Inc.
866 Third Avenue
Greenhouse Engineering New York, NY 10022
1989 1304 pp. $135.00
R.A. Aldrich and J.W. Bartok, Jr. The premier reference guide to 34,305 families,
Dept. of Agric. Engineering, U-87, Room 308 genera and species of plants. Each plant entry includes
University of Connecticut, 1376 Storrs Road a description of the correct botanical name, common
Storrs, CT 06269-4087 name, native area of origin, propogation, culture, and
271 pp. $20.00 use.
An excellent technical guide for planning greenhouse
construction. Chapters include greenhouse planning,
structures, materials handling, environment, equip- Interior Plantscapes - Installation, Maintenance &
ment for heating and cooling, environment modifica- Management, 2nd Edition
tion, remodeling greenhouses, and energy 1987
conservation. G. H. Manaker
Reston Publishing Co., Inc.
11480 Sunset Hills Rd.
Reston, VA 22090
320 pp. $34.67
A practical guide for those involved in the interior
plant business. A useful reference to environmental
and cultural considerations.

Interiorscapes: Planning, Graphics and Design Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada
1987 1964
G. Piercall J.M. Kingsbury
Prentice-Hall Prentice Hall
200 Old Tappan Road 200 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675 Old Tappan, NJ 07675
340 pp. $52.00 626 pp.
A useful book to students and landscapers alike. It The guide to the description, distribution, and
provides background and ideas on interiorscape toxicity of plants, fungi, and algae common to the
principles and considerations, as well as graphics and U.S. Out of print.

The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and

Introduction to Floriculture Florist and Nursery Stocks
1980 1986
R. A. Larson, Editor J. M. Mutz, et al
PPGA USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 66
P. O. Box 27517 U. S. Govt. Printing Office
Lansing, MI 48909 Washington, D. C. 20402
607 pp. $44.95 94 pp. $6.00
An excellent book with chapters by twenty-one A guide containing the proper storage temperatures
authoritative authors. The book is divided into two and conditions for over l50 floral crops.
sections, Cut Flowers and Potted Plants, and
covers the major floriculture crops produced in the
United States. The New York Botanical Garden Illustrated Encyclo-
pedia of Horticulture
Media and Mixes for Container-Grown Plants T. H. Everett
1988 Garland Publishing Co., Inc.
A. C. Bunt 136 Madison Ave.
Allen and Unwin New York, NY 10016
8 Winchester Place 10 Volumes
Winchester, MA 01890 1468 pp. $240.00
309 pp. $55.00 An excellent guide to ornamental and food plants.
A scientific guide to growing media. In-depth cover- Crops are arranged in alphabetical order by scientific
age of media components, nutrition principles and names. Each plant has a description of its growth
elements, mix formulation, and media sanitation is characteristics, area of origin and cultural
provided. requirements.

Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture

4th Edition 1942
l983 L. H. Bailey
H. T. Hartman and D. E. Kester MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc.
Prentice-Hall 866 Third Ave.
200 Old Tappan Road New York, NY 10022
Old Tappan, NJ 07675 3 Volumes
724 pp. $29.95 3,539 pp.
A guidebook for any individual who propagates An excellent reference to cultural information on
plants. The book provides an in-depth coverage of horticultural crops. Out of print.
propagation that isnt found anywhere else.

Tropica: Color Cyclopedia of Exotic Plants and Greenhouse Operations and Management
Trees, 2nd Edition 3rd Edition
1981 1985
A. B. Graf P. V. Nelson
Charles Scribner & Sons Reston Publication
597 Fifth Ave.
11480 Sunset Hills Rd.
New York, NY 10017
Reston, VA 22090
1136 pp. $115.00
A photographic guide to 7,000 plants native to 563 pp. $34.00
tropical climates. A background guide for operating a greenhouse.
The book covers structures, equipment, general
Greenhouse Environment plant culture and post-harvest handling.

A Guide for the Hydroponic and Soilless Culture

Growers The Commercial Greenhouse Handbook
1983 l98l
J. Benson Jones, Jr. J. W. Boodley
Timber Press Reinhold Van Nostrand
9999 S.W. Wilshire 135 W. 50th St.
Portland, OR 97225 New York, NY l0020
124 pp. $19.95 568 pp. $25.95
A complete guide to the principles of hydroponic A book written for students of horticulture. The
culture. Chapters include in-depth coverage of the basics are covered: growing structures, growing
nutritional and cultural requirements. Out of media culture, nutrition, and specifics on produc-
print. ing some of the major floricultural crops.

Greenhouse Management, 2nd Edition The Greenhouse Environment: The Effect of

1983 Environmental Factors on Flower Crops
R. W. Langhans 1977
Halcyon House Publishers, Inc. J. W. Mastalerz
P. O. Box 9547 John Wiley and Sons
Kansas City, MO 64133 605 Third Avenue
270 pp. $19.50 New York, NY 10158
A guide to structures, environmental control, 629 pp. $32.95
materials handling, crop programming, and This book stresses how greenhouse conditions
business analysis. affect the growth and development of floral
crops. Emphasis is on the technical approach, and
the book is ideal for those individuals who desire
an advanced coverage of the topic.

The Growth Chamber Manual: Environmental Profitable Garden Center Management, 2nd Edition
Control for Plants 1982
1978 L. Berninger
R. W. Langhans, Editor Reston Publishing Co., Inc.
Comstock Publishing Company 11480 Sunset Hills Rd.
Reston, VA 22090
750 Cascadilla St.
396 pp. $32.00
Ithaca, NY 14850 Chapters cover getting started in business,
240 pp. $29.00 management, merchandising, pricing, and advertising.
An in-depth, scientific coverage of how growth
chambers work, construction, and plant produc-
tion. The Retail Florist Business, 4th Edition
Management and Marketing P. B. Pfahl & P. B. Pfahl, Jr.
Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.
Floral Marketing 19-27 N. Jackson St.
1980 Danville, IL 61832-0594
D.C. Goodrich 500 pp. $25.25
Lebhar-Freedman Books A good basic guide for the operators of a floral
New York, NY business. Chapters cover marketing, personnel,
227 pp. $18.95 business management, and floral design.
Covers the historical and structural system of floral
crops marketing in the U.S. BOOKS BY CROP

Bedding Plants
Management for Retail Florists with Applications to
Nurseries and Garden Centers Bedding Plants III
1980 1985
G.H.Sullivan, J.L.Robinson, and G.L.Staby John W. Mastalerz and E. Jay Holcomb
W. H. Freeman and Co. Pennsylvania Flower Growers
4419 West l980 South l2 Cavalier Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Ambler, PA l9002
533 pp. $31.95 560 pp. $20.00
A thorough, readable text on business management An in-depth resource book for the bedding
and marketing for retail florists. plant grower. Chapters detail the total spectrum of
production from planning and growing to marketing.

Nursery Management, Administration and Culture

2nd Edition Bedding Plants, 2nd Edition
1988 1976
H. Davidson, R. Mecklenburg, and C. Peterson C. H. Potter
Prentice Hall Florists Publishing Co., American Nurseryman
200 Old Tappan Road 111 N. Canal St.
Old Tappan, NJ 07675 Chicago, IL 60606-7203
413 pp. $36.33 62 pp. $4.95
An excellent guide for business management Contains a general overview of bedding plant
organization and production of nursery stock. production, from seeding through marketing.
A useful section on financial management and
inventory control.

Growing Hardy Perennials Tips on Growing Potted Chrysanthemums
1981 1989
K. Beckett Ohio State University
Timber Press Publications Office, 258 Kottman Hall
9999 S. W. Wilshire 2021 Coffey Road
Portland, OR 97225 Columbus, Ohio 43210
182 pp. $14.95 An excellent, up-to-date, grower-oriented bulletin
A resource for the hardy perennial grower who is that covers all aspects of potted chrysanthemum
searching for more in-depth information. Includes an production.
extensive listing of the cultural requirements of over
300 genera and species. Cut Flowers

Commercial Field Production of Cut and Dried

Tips on Growing Bedding Plants Flowers
1989 1988
Ohio State University Extension Special Programs
Publications Office, 258 Kottman Hall 405 Coffey Hall, 1420 Eckles Avenue
2021 Coffey Road St. Paul, MN 55108
Columbus, Ohio 43210 204 pp. $20.00
104 pp. $17.50 This book contains the proceedings from the National
An excellent, up-to-date, grower-oriented bulletin Symposium on outdoor flower production. It is an
that covers all aspects of bedding plant production excellent guide filled with material from some of the
from seed germination, fertilization and pest control to leading growers and researchers.
cost of production. Each chapter is written by a
specialist in that area.
Commercial Flower Growing
Tips on Growing Potted Perennials and Biennials J. P. Salinger
1989 Butterworths Publishing
Ohio State University 33-35 Cumberland Place, CPO Box 472
Publications Office, 258 Kottman Hall Wellington, New Zealand
2021 Coffey Road 269 pp. $19.95
Columbus Ohio 43210 A grower-oriented book from New Zealand covering
54 pp. $13.85 indoor and outdoor cut flower production.
An excellent, up-to-date, grower-oriented bulletin.

Chrysanthemums Cut Flowers from Bulbs, Grower Guide No. 22

Chrysanthemums: Year-Round Growing A. A. DeHertogh
1983 Grower Books
B. Machin and N. Scopes 50 Doughty St.
Grower Books London, England WC1N 2LP.
50 Doughty St. 82 pp. 3.75 (British currency)
London, England WC1N 2LP. A practical guide to the culture of eleven major cut
233 pp. 4.25 (British Currency) flowering bulbs.
A book covering the cultural practices and pest
management of cut and pot chrysanthemums. An
advanced coverage.

Freesias, Grower Guide No. 1 Compendium of Ornamental Foliage Plant Diseases
1979 1987
D. Smith A. R. Chase
Grower Books APS Press
50 Doughty St. 3340 Pilot Knob Road
London, England WC1N 2LP. St. Paul, MN 55121
90 pp. 3.75 (British currency) 92 pp. $20.00
A practical cultural guide for freesias, giving An excellent reference to foliage diseases. Lists
detailed information for growers. disease symptoms, cycles and controls, along with
numerous color photographs for easier identification.

New Cut Flower Crops, Grower Guide No. 18

1980 Foliage Plant Production
Grower Books 1981
50 Doughty St. J. N. Joiner, Editor
London, England WC1N 2LP. Prentice-Hall
80 pp. 3.75 (British currency) 200 Old Tappan Road
An interesting guide which highlights new potential Old Tappan, NJ 07675
cut flower crops and their cultural requirements. 614 pp. $42.67
An excellent reference book that is the work of 24
specialists in foliage production. Contains in-depth
Quality in Cut Flowers, Grower Guide No.11 coverage of propagation, culture and pest
1980 management.
Grower Books
50 Doughty St. Geraniums
London, England WC1N 2LP.
34 pp. 3.75 (British currency) Geraniums III
A grower-oriented book covering how to improve cut l982
flower quality. Pennsylvania Flower Growers
l2 Cavalier Drive
Foliage Plants Ambler, PA l9002
410 pp. $15.00
A Pictorial Atlas of Foliage Plant Problems An in-depth book on geranium production. Details
1983 production practices, nutrition and pest control, with
R. W. Henley particular attention to diseases.
Central Chapter, Florida Foliage Assn.
P. O. Box 2507
Apopka, FL 32704-2507 Seed Propogated Geraniums
40 pp. $6.00 1986
A photographic guide with descriptions of nutritional, A. M. Armitage
disease, insect, and physiological plant problems. Timber Press
9999 S. W. Wilshire
Portland, OR 97225
86 pp. $9.95. Paper
Detailed coverage provided on growing hybrid

Tips on Growing Zonal Geraniums Roses
Ohio State University, Publications Office, Compendium of Rose Diseases
Publications Office, 258 Kottman Hall 1983
2021 Coffey Road R. Kenneth Horst
Columbus, Ohio 43210 APS Press
76 pp. $14.25 3340 Pilot Knob Road
An excellent, up-to-date, grower-oriented bulletin St. Paul, MN 55121
that covers all aspects of zonal geranium production. 50pp. $20.00
An excellent reference for rose diseases. Lists
Poinsettias disease symptoms, cycles, and controls, along with
numerous color photographs for easier identification.
Commercial Poinsettia Production
R. W. Larson, et al. Greenhouse Roses: Diagnostic and Remedy of Nutri-
North Carolina Agriculture Extension Service tional Disorders
Publication Ofc., 318 Ricks Hall 1980
North Carolina State University J. W. White
Raleigh, NC 27607 Roses, Inc.
44 pp. $2.50 1152 Haslett Rd.
A guide written for the grower. Covers the complete Haslett, MI 48840
production cycle of the poinsettia. 46 pp. $50.00
A guide to nutrient disorders of roses, with emphasis
on identification.
The Poinsettia Manual, 3rd Edition
P. Ecke, Jr., O. A. Matkin, and D. F. Hartley Roses Under Glass, Grower Guide No. 9
Paul Ecke Poinsettias 1981
P. O. Box 488 Grower Books
Encinitas, CA 92024 50 Doughty St.
260 pp. $48.95 London, England WC1N 2LP.
A guide book to all facets of poinsettia production, 78 pp. 3.75 (British currency)
from stock plant management to sales and marketing. A guide to the methods used in Great Britain for
A practical and easy-to-read guide with numerous producing greenhouse roses.
photographs and information tables.

Roses: A Manual on the Culture, Management,

Tips on Growing Poinsettias, 2nd Edition Diseases, Insects, Economics and Breeding of Green-
1990 house Roses
Ohio State University 1987
Publications Office, 258 Kottman Hall R. W. Langhans, Editor
2021 Coffey Road Roses Incorporated
Columbus, Ohio 43210 P. O. Box 99
110 pp. $19.00 ll52 Haslett Road
An excellent, up-to-date, grower-oriented bulletin Haslett, MI 48840
that covers all aspects of poinsettia production. 372 pp. $50.00
A complete reference book to the cultural practices
and pest management, identification, and control of
roses. Contains chapters from 20 authors.

Miscellaneous Crops Holland Bulb Forcers Guide, 4th Edition
Commercial Flower Forcing, 8th Edition A. DeHertogh
1979 The Netherlands Flower Bulb Institute
A. Laurie, D. C. Kiplinger, and K. S. Nelson Five World Trade Center, Suite 6217
McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York, NY 10048
1221 Avenue of the Americas 300 pp. $30.00
New York, NY 10020 An authoritative guide on flower bulb production.
514 pp. $42.95 Covers all the major crops that are produced by
A book describing the practical aspects of how to forcing and outdoor cut flowers. Also contains
promote flowering in cut-flowers, pot-plants and production, diseases, insects, and physiological
bedding plants. Also contains information on plant disorders.
growth and environment condition.

Flowering Pot Plants, Grower Guide No. 30 Tips on Growing Easter Lilies
1989 1990
Grower Books Ohio State University,
50 Doughty St. Publications Office, 258 Kottman Hall
London, England WC1N 2LP. 2021 Coffey Road
76 pp. 9.50 (British currency) Columbus, Ohio 43210
Contains information on the latest growing techniques 57 pp. $19.00
used in Europe. Includes such crops as azalea, An excellent, up-to-date, grower-oriented bulletin
begonia, cineraria, gloxina, and poinsettia. that covers all aspects of easter lilies production.

Growing Azaleas Commercially

A. M. Kofranek and R. A. Larson
Publications, Univ. of Calif., Div. of Ag. Sciences
1422 S. 10th St.
Richmond, CA 94804
108 pp. $7.50
A useful guide to the cultivars, propagation, nutrition,
culture, and pests management of azaleas. Each
chapter written by a leading researcher in that area.

George J. Ball, Inc.
American Nurseryman 250 Town Road
American Nurserymens Publishing Co. West Chicago, IL 60185
3105 South Michigan Ave. $19.00 yr.
Chicago, IL 60604 A leading periodical covering floral crop production.
$l7.00 yr. Published monthly.
A periodical devoted to the commercial nursery
industry. Published twice monthly.
Interior Landscape Industry
American Nurseryman Publishing Co.
Greenhouse Grower 111 N. Canal St., Suite 545
Meister Publishing Co. Chicago, IL 60606-7276
37841 Euclid Ave. $24.00 yr.
Willoughby, OH 44904 A magazine for the interior landscaping industry.
$12.00 yr. Published monthly.
An informative periodical for the greenhouse floral
crop producer. Published monthly.
Brantwood Publications, Inc.
Greenhouse Manager 3023 Eastland Blvd., Suite 103
Branch-Smith Publishing Co. Clearwater, FL 34621-4106
P.O.Box 1868 $12.00 yr.
120 St. Louis Ave. An interiorscaping industry magazine.
Ft. Worth, TX 76104 Published monthly.
$24.00 per yr.
A grower-oriented magazine. Published monthly.

NEW 4/91 (1M)

Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, state of Indiana, Purdue University and U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.
H. A. Wadsworth, Director, West Lafayette, IN. Issued in furtherance of the acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
The Cooperative Extension Service of Purdue University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.

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