Operation & Maintenance Manual: Compressor Model Xp185Wir P260Wir
Operation & Maintenance Manual: Compressor Model Xp185Wir P260Wir
Operation & Maintenance Manual: Compressor Model Xp185Wir P260Wir
Code: D14 Code: D13
This manual must be available to the personnel who operate and maintain this machine.
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Drawbar Notice - This machine may have been shipped from the factory with the drawbar
positioned upright. To convert from Shipping Position to Towing Position. . . . . . . . . . 2-2
SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39
MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-47
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
Scheduled Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
Compressor Oil Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-48
Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49
Fuel Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49
Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49
Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49
Radiator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50
Hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50
Compressor Oil Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
Compressor Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
Receiver-Separator Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
Scavenge Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-52
Exterior Finish Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-52
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-54
LUBRICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-55
Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-56
Portable Compressor Fluid Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-56
ENGINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-65
The contents of this manual are considered to be proprietary and confidential to Doosan
Infracore Portable Power (herein referred to as “Portable Power”), and should not be
reproduced without the prior written permission of Portable Power.
Nothing contained in this document is intended to extend any promise, warranty or
representation, expressed or implied, regarding the products described herein. Any such
warranties or other terms and conditions of sale of products shall be in accordance with the
standard terms and conditions of sale for such products, which are available upon request.
This manual contains instructions and technical data to cover all routine operation and
scheduled maintenance tasks by operation and maintenance staff. Major overhauls are
outside the scope of this manual and should be referred to authorized Portable Power Service
All components, accessories, pipes and connectors added to the compressed air system
should be:
This machine has been designed and supplied for use only in the following specified
conditions and applications:
Use of the machine to produce compressed air for:
a) direct human consumption
b) indirect human consumption, without suitable filtration and purity checks.
Use of the machine outside the ambient temperature range specified in the GENERAL
This machine is not intended and must not be used in potentially explosive atmospheres,
including situations where flammable gases or vapors may be present.
Use of the machine fitted with non Portable Power approved components/lubricants/ fluids.
Use of the machine with safety or control components missing or disabled.
Use of the machine for storage or transportation of materials inside or on the enclosure
except when contained within the toolbox.
Use of the generator to supply load(s) greater than those specified.
Use of unsafe or unserviceable electrical equipment connected to the generator.
Use of electrical equipment:
(a) Having incorrect voltage and/or frequency ratings.
(b) Containing computer equipment and/or similar electronics.
The company accepts no responsibility for errors in translation of this manual from the original
English version.
Operating & Maintenance Manual DRAWBAR NOTICE
DRAWBAR NOTICE Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual DRAWBAR NOTICE
Operating & Maintenance Manual Safety
Safety Precautions
General check valves and isolation valves must be
fitted and controlled by work procedures, so
Ensure that the operator reads and
that one machine cannot accidentally be
understands the decals and consults the
pressurized or over pressurized by another.
manuals before maintenance or operation.
Compressed air must not be used for a feed
Ensure that the Operation and Maintenance
to any form of breathing apparatus or mask.
manual, and manual holder if equipped, are
not removed permanently from the machine. The discharged air contains a very small
percentage of compressor lubricating oil and
Ensure that maintenance personnel are
care should be taken to ensure that
adequately trained, competent and have
downstream equipment is compatible.
read the manuals.
If the discharged air is to be ultimately
Make sure that all protective covers are in
released into a confined space, adequate
place and that the canopy/doors are closed
ventilation must be provided.
during operation.
When using compressed air, always use
The specification of this machine is such that
appropriate personal protective equipment.
the machine is not suitable for use in
flammable gas risk areas. If such an All pressure containing parts, especially
application is required then all local flexible hoses and their couplings, must be
regulations, codes of practice and site rules regularly inspected, be free from defects and
must be observed. To ensure that machine be replaced according to the Manual
can operate in a safe and reliable manner, instructions.
additional equipment such as gas detection,
Avoid bodily contact with compressed air.
exhaust spark arrestors, and intake (shut-off)
valves may be required, dependent on local The safety valve located in the separator
regulations or the degree of risk involved. tank must be checked periodically for correct
Air discharged from this machine may
contain carbon monoxide or other Never operate unit without first observing all
contaminants which will cause serious injury safety warnings and carefully reading the
or death. Do not breathe this air. operation and maintenance manual shipped
from the factory with this machine.
Compressed air can be dangerous if
incorrectly handled. Before doing any work Never operate the engine of this machine
on the unit, ensure that all pressure is vented inside a building without adequate
from the system and that the machine cannot ventilation. Avoid breathing exhaust fumes
be started accidentally. when working on or near the machine. Do not
alter or modify this machine.
Ensure that the machine is operating at the
rated pressure and that the rated pressure is A battery contains sulfuric acid and can give
known to all relevant personnel. off gases which are corrosive and potentially
explosive. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and
All air pressure equipment installed in or
clothing. In case of contact, flush area
connected to the machine must have safe
immediately with water.
working pressure ratings of at least the
machine safety valve rating. Exercise extreme caution when using
booster battery. To jump battery, connect
If more than one compressor is connected to
ends of one booster cable to the positive (+)
one common downstream plant, effective
terminal of each battery. Connect one end of
Safety Operating & Maintenance Manual
other cable to the negative (-) terminal of the flammable gas. USE SPARINGLY! DO NOT
booster battery and other end to a ground use ETHER if unit has GLOW Plug starting
connection away from dead battery (to avoid aid. Engine damage will result.
a spark occurring near any explosive gases
Never allow the unit to sit stopped with the
that may be present). After starting unit,
pressure in receiver-separator system. As a
always disconnect cables in reverse order.
precaution, open manual blowdown valve.
High Pressure Air can cause serious injury or
Never operate unit with guards, covers or
death. Relieve pressure before removing
screens removed. Keep hands, hair,
filler plugs/caps, fittings or covers.
clothing, tools, blow gun tips, etc. well away
Air pressure can remain trapped in air supply from moving parts.
line which can result in serious injury or
Make sure wheels, tires and tow bar
death. Always carefully vent air supply line at
connectors are in safe operating condition
tool or vent valve before performing any
and tow bar is properly connected before
This machine produces loud noise with doors
Steps for determining correct load limit -
open or service valve vented. Extended
exposure to loud noise can cause hearing
1. Locate the statement “The
loss. Always wear hearing protection when
weight of cargo should never
doors are open or service valve is vented. exceed xxx kg or xxx lbs” on
Never inspect or service unit without first your vehicle’s placard.
disconnecting battery cable(s) to prevent
2. This figure equals the
accidental starting.
available amount of cargo
Do not remove the pressure cap from a HOT and luggage load capacity.
radiator. Allow radiator to cool down before
removing pressure cap. 1. Determine the combined
weight of luggage and cargo
Do not use petroleum products (solvents or being loaded on the vehicle.
fuels) under high pressure as this can That weight may not safely
penetrate the skin and result in serious exceed the available cargo.
Whenever the machine is stopped, air will
Wear eye protection while cleaning unit with flow back into the compressor system from
compressed air to prevent debris from devices or systems downstream of the
injuring eye(s). machine unless the service valve is closed.
Disconnected air hoses whip and can cause Install a check valve at the machine service
serious injury or death. Always attach a valve to prevent reverse flow in the event of
safety flow restrictor to each hose at the an unexpected shutdown when the service
source of supply or branch line in accordance valve is open. Stop machine to add fuel.
with OSHA Regulation 29CFR Section Hazardous Substance Precaution
The following substances are used in the
Rotating fan blade can cause serious injury. manufacture of this machine and may be
Do not operate without guard in place. hazardous to health if used incorrectly.Avoid
Use care to avoid contacting hot surfaces ingestion, skin contact and breathing fumes
(engine exhaust manifold and piping, air for the following substances:Antifreeze,
receiver and air discharge piping, etc.). Compressor Oil, Engine Lubricating Oil,
Preservative Grease, Rust Preventative,
Ether is an extremely volatile, highly Diesel Fuel and Battery Electrolyte.
Operating & Maintenance Manual Safety
Safety Operating & Maintenance Manual
Look for these signs on machines shipped to markets in North America, which point out
potential hazards to the safety of you and others. Read and understand thoroughly. Heed
warnings and follow instructions. If you do not understand, inform your supervisor.
Operating & Maintenance Manual Safety
DANGER (Red Background) indicates an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING (Orange Background) indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION (Yellow Background) indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE (Blue Background) indicates important set-up, operating or
maintenance information.
Safety Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual Safety
Safety Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual Safety
Operating & Maintenance Manual NOISE EMISSION
Noise Emission
Tampering with Noise Control System Prohibited
NOISE EMISSION Operating & Maintenance Manual
The Noise Control Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 1234) prohibits tampering with the noise control
system of any compressor manufactured and sold under the above regulations, specifically
the following acts or the causing thereof:
(1) the removal or rendering inoperative by any persons, other than for purposes of
maintenance, repair, or replacement, of any device or element of design incorporated into new
compressor for the purpose of noise control prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate
purchaser or while it is in use; or (2) the use of the compressor after such device or element
of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by any person.
The unit for which this Maintenance Log is provided conforms to U.S. E.P.A. Regulations for
Noise Emissions, applicable to Portable Air Compressors.
The purpose of this book is to provide (1) the Maintenance Performance Schedule for all
required noise emission controls and (2) space so that the purchaser or owner can record what
maintenance was done, by whom, where and when. The Maintenance Schedule and detailed
instructions on the maintenance items are given on following page.
Operating & Maintenance Manual NOISE EMISSION
Maintenance Schedule
Item Area Period
A. Compressed Air Leaks As Detected
B. Safety and Control Systems As Detected
C. Acoustic Materials Daily
D. Fasteners 100 hours
E. Enclosure Panels 100 hours
F. Air Intake & Engine Exhaust 100 hours
G. Cooling Systems 250 hours
H. Isolation Mounts 250 hours
I. Engine Operation See Operator’s Manual
J. Fuels & Lubricants See Operator’s Manual
C. Acoustic Materials
In daily inspections, observe these materials. Maintain all acoustic material as nearly as
possible in its original condition. Repair or replace all sections that have: 1) sustained damage,
2) have partially separated from panels to which they were attached, 3) are missing, or have
otherwise deteriorated due to severe operating or storage conditions.
D. Fasteners
All fasteners such as hinges, nuts, bolts, clamps, screws, rivets, and latches should be
inspected for looseness after each 100 hours of operation. They should be retightened,
repaired, or if missing, replaced immediately to prevent subsequent damage and noise
emission increase.
E. Enclosure Panels
Enclosure panels should also be inspected at 100 hour operational intervals. All panels that
are warped, punctured, torn, or otherwise deformed, such that their noise containment
function is reduced, should be repaired or replaced before the next operation interval. Doors,
access panels, and hatch closures especially, should be checked and adjusted at this time to
insure continuous seating between gasket or acoustic material and the mating frame.
G. Cooling Systems
All components of the cooling system for engine water and compressor oil should be inspected
NOISE EMISSION Operating & Maintenance Manual
every 250 hours of use. Any discrepancies found should be corrected before placing the unit
back in operation. Unrestricted airflow over the radiator and oil cooler must be maintained at
all times during operation.
H. Isolation Mounts
Engine/airend isolation mounts should be inspected after each 250 hours of operation. Those
mounts with cracks or splits in the molded rubber, or with bent or broken bolts due to operation
or storage in severe environments, all should be replaced with equivalent parts.
I. Engine Operation
Inspect and maintain engine condition and operation as recommended in the manuals
supplied by the engine manufacturer.
Operating & Maintenance Manual NOISE EMISSION
Operating & Maintenance Manual GENERAL DATA
General Data
Unit Model:
Compressor Lubricant...............................................12 quarts (11.4 litres)
Engine Crankcase Lubricant ....................................10.8 quarts (10.2 litres)
Fuel Tank .................................................................27 U.S gal. (103 litres)
Tire Size....................................................................ST205/75D15
Inflation Pressure (Cold) ...........................................50 psi
Towing Speed (Maximum) ........................................65 mph (105 km/hr)
GENERAL DATA Operating & Maintenance Manual
Modification or alteration of this machine. Can result in severe injury or
death. Do not modify or alter without the express written consent of
Doosan Infracore Portable Power.
Operating & Maintenance Manual GENERAL DATA
Operating & Maintenance Manual OPERATION
! WARNING Always raise (or remove) jack for
maximum ground clearance before
Failure to follow these instructions
CAN cause severe injury or death.
• Assure tow vehicle has towing
• Position as level as possible. The
capacity for weight of this unit as
design of these units permits a 15
stated on general data decal.
degree sidewise limit on out-of-level
• Position the tow vehicle to align its operation.
hitch with the pintle eye or coupler of
the compressor. • When the unit is to be operated out-
of-level, it is important:
• Engage the parking brake and chock
the tires of the tow vehicle. 1. To keep the engine crankcase oil level
near the high level mark (with the unit
• Stand to the side and ensure pin is level).
FULLY inserted (secure) in tube of 2. To have the compressor oil level gauge
jack. . show no more than mid-scale. Do not
overfill either the engine crankcase or
• Crank jack to seat pintle eye or the compressor lubricating oil system.
coupler onto hitch. Latch and lock
hitch. Cross safety chain(s) under 3. The side doors must be closed to
drawbar. Attach to vehicle maintain a cooling air path and to avoid
recirculation hot air.
• Crank jack to raise pad off the
ground. Pull pin from tube of jack. TOWING
• Fold jack handle down and forward.
Swing up jack tube and FULLY insert
pin in tube. ! WARNING
• Remove tire chocks.
Failure to follow these instructions
• Test brakes, if so equipped. CAN cause severe injury or death.
OPERATION Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual OPERATION
10. Spare
12. Fuel Level Gauge (Optional) -
Indicates amount of fuel in tank.
13. Tachometer (Optional) - Indicates
engine speed
Before Starting
OPERATION Operating & Maintenance Manual
This machine produces loud noise Do not operate the starter motor for more
with doors open. Extended exposure than 10 seconds without allowing at least
to loud noise can cause hearing loss. 30 seconds cooling time between start
Wear hearing protection when doors attempts.
or valve (s) are open.
Release Power Switch (it will automatically
• Close all doors to maintain a cooling air move to the “ON” position) when the engine
path and to avoid recirculation of hot air. starts and sustains running.
This will maximize the life of the engine
and compressor and protect the hearing • Allow engine to warm up 5 to 10
of surrounding personnel. minutes.
Operating & Maintenance Manual OPERATION
NOTICE Do NOT wire around or bypass a
shutdown sensor or switch.
Whenever the machine is stopped, air will
flow back into the compressor system
from devices or systems downstream of Machine has shutdown and sensors
the machine unless the service valve is as follows:
closed. Install a check valve at the
machine service valve to prevent reverse • Low Engine oil pressure, in the
flow in the event of an unexpected engine.
shutdown when the service valve is open.
• High engine coolant temperature, in
the engine.
Close air service valves.
• Allow the unit to run at idle for 3 to 5
minutes to reduce the engine Compressor Air/Oil Temperature:
• Turn Power Switch to “OFF” position. • At the airend outlet.
Since the service valve is closed, air
downstream of the valve may be trapped.
A vent hole in the service valve will slowly
bleed air from the hose. Do not
disconnect hoses until all pressure has
been vented.
OPERATION Operating & Maintenance Manual
Before Starting
Operating & Maintenance Manual OPERATION
Operating & Maintenance Manual MAINTENANCE
easiest and the least expensive type of
maintenance. Maintaining your unit and
! CAUTION keeping it clean at all times will facilitate
Any unauthorized modification or
failure to maintain this equipment may
make it unsafe and out of factory Scheduled Maintenance
warranty. The maintenance schedule is based on
normal operation of the unit. This page can
If performing more than visual be reproduced and used as a checklist by the
inspections, disconnect battery service personnel. In the event unusual
cables and open manual blowdown environmental operating conditions exist, the
valve. schedule should be adjusted accordingly.
MAINTENANCE Operating & Maintenance Manual
To service the air cleaners on all units When filling the fuel tank on this unit, by
proceed as follows: methods other than a pump and hose, use a
CLEAN non-metallic funnel.
1. Loosen outer wing nut and remove with
cover. Remove Element.
2. Inspect air cleaner housing for any Battery
condition that might cause a leak and
Keep the battery posts-to-cable connections
correct as necessary.
clean, tight and lightly coated with a grease.
3. Wipe inside of air cleaner housing with a Also the electrolyte level in each cell should
clean, damp cloth to remove any dirt cover the top of the plates. If necessary, top-
accumulation, especially in the area up with clean distilled water.
where the element seals against the
A weekly inspection is recommended. Tires
4. Install new elements in the reverse order that have cuts or cracks or little tread should
to the above. Tighten wing nut firmly. be repaired or replaced. Monthly check the
5. Inspect to ensure that end cap seals wheel lug nuts for tightness.
tightly 360° around air cleaner body.
In addition, the air cleaner system (housing Fasteners
and piping) should be inspected every month
for any leakage paths or inlet obstructions. Visually check entire unit in regard to bolts,
Make sure the air cleaner mounting bolts and nuts and screws being properly secured.
clamps are tight. Check the air cleaner Spot check several capscrews and nuts for
housing for dents or damage which could proper torque. If any are found loose, a more
lead to a leak. Inspect the air transfer tubing thorough inspection must be made. Take
from the air cleaner to the compressor and corrective action.
the engine for leaks.
Make sure that all clamps and flange joints
are tight.
The instruments or gauges are essential for
safety, maximum productivity and long
service life of the machine. Inspect the The use of water alone in this engine
gauges and test any diagnostic lamps prior to can result in major engine failure.
start-up. During operation observe the Refer to engine section for coolant
gauges and any lamps for proper functioning. recommendation.
Refer to Operating Controls, for the normal
Operating & Maintenance Manual MAINTENANCE
To ensure freedom from air leaks, all rubber Compressor Oil Filters
hose joints and the screw-type hose clamps
must be absolutely tight. Regular inspection The oil filter must be replaced every 500
of these connections for wear or deterioration hours of operation or six (6) months,
is necessary. whichever comes first.
Premature wear of both the engine and To service oil filters it will first be necessary
compressor is ASSURED whenever dust- to shut the unit down. Wipe off any external
laden air is permitted to enter the engine’s dirt and oil from the exterior of the filter to
combustion chamber or compressor intake. minimize any contamination from entering
the lubrication system. Proceed as follows:
The flexible hoses used in the fuel, oil and air
lines on these units are primarily used for
their ability to accommodate relative
movement between components. It is ! WARNING
important they be periodically inspected for
wear and deterioration. It is also important High pressure air can cause severe
the operator does not use the hoses as injury or death from hot oil and flying
convenient hand hold or steps. Such use can parts. Always relieve pressure before
cause early cover wear and hose failure. removing caps, plugs, covers or other
parts from pressurized air system.
Operating & Maintenance Manual MAINTENANCE
Receiver-Separator Systems
5. Install new filter by turning the element
clockwise until gasket makes initial
contact. Tighten an additional 1/2 to 3/4
turn. ! WARNING
6. Start unit and allow to build up to rated
pressure. Check for leaks before placing High pressure air can cause severe
unit back into service. injury or death from hot oil and flying
parts. Always relieve pressure before
removing caps, plugs, covers or other
Compressor Oil Cooler parts from pressurized air system.
The compressor lubricating and cooling oil is • Open service valve at end of machine.
cooled by means of the fin and tube-type oil
• Ensure pressure is relieved, with BOTH:
cooler, located beside the radiator. The
lubricating and cooling oil, flowing internally — Discharge air pressure gauge reads
through the core section, is cooled by the air zero (0).
stream from the cooling fan flowing past the
— No air discharging from service valve.
core section. When grease, oil and dirt
accumulate on the exterior surfaces of the oil Remove plug in bottom of separator tank to
cooler, its efficiency is impaired. drain compressor oil.
Each month it is recommended that the oil When adding oil, remove and replace (make
cooler be cleaned by directing compressed tight) plug on side of separator tank.
air which contains a nonflammable, non- In the compressor lubricating and cooling
caustic safety solvent through the core of the system, separation of the oil from the
oil cooler. This should remove the compressed air takes place in the receiver-
accumulation of grease, oil and dirt from the separator tank. As the compressed air enters
exterior surfaces of the oil cooler core so that the tank, the change in velocity and direction
the entire cooling area can transmit the heat drop out most of the oil from the air.
of the lubricating and cooling oil to air stream.
Additional separation takes place in the oil
In the event foreign deposits, such as sludge separator element which is located in the top
and lacquer, accumulate in the oil cooler to of the tank.
the extent that its cooling efficiency is
impaired, a resulting high discharge air Any oil accumulation in this separator
temperature is likely to occur, causing shut element is continuously drained off by means
down of the unit. To correct this situation it of a scavenge tube which returns the
will be necessary to clean it using a cleaning accumulated oil to the system.
compound in accordance with the The life of the oil separator element is
manufacturer’s recommendations. dependent upon the operating environment
(soot, dust, etc.) and should be replaced
every twelve months or 1000 hours. To
Compressor Oil replace the element proceed as follows:
The lubricating and cooling oil must be • Ensure the tank pressure is zero.
replaced every 500 hours of operation or six
• Disconnect the hose from scavenge tube.
(6) months, whichever comes first. Refer to
warranty section about extended warranty. • Remove scavenge tube from tank cover.
• Disconnect service line from cover.
MAINTENANCE Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual MAINTENANCE
9. To apply the texture coat, use Duponts minutes or until dry to touch.
1854S Tuffcoat Primer. The proper
10. Apply any of Duponts Topcoat Finishes
technique to do this is to spray the
such as Imron™ or Centari™ according
Tuffcoat Primer using a pressure pot and
to the label instructions.
use about 2-5 pounds of air pressure.
This will allow the primer to splatter NOTE: To re-topcoat the textured surfaces
causing the textured look. when sheet metal repairs are not necessary,
follow steps 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10.
Operating & Maintenance Manual MAINTENANCE
Operating & Maintenance Manual LUBRICATION
Portable Compressor Fluid
Refer to these charts for correct compressor
fluid required. Note that the selection of fluid
is dependent on the design operating
pressure of the machine and the ambient
temperature expected to be encountered
before the next oil change.
Operating Specification
100 psi to -100F to 1250F Preferred:
300 psi IR Pro•Tec™
(-230C to 520C)
ISO Viscosity Grade 46 with rust
and oxidation inhibitors, designed Preferred Ingersoll-Rand Fluids - Use of
for air compressor service. these fluids with original I-R filters can extend
350 psi (-230C to 520C) Preferred: airend warranty. Refer to operator’s manual
IR XHP 605
-100F to 1250F warranty section for details or contact your IR
Alternate: representative.
ISO Viscosity Grade 68 Group 3
or 5 with rust and oxidation
inhibitors designed for air
compressor service.
650F to 1250F Preferred:
(-18°C to 52°C) XHP605
IR XHP1001
1 gal. (3.8 Litre) 5 gal. (19.0 Litre) 55 gal. (208.2 Litre) 220 gal. (836 Litre)
Preferred Fluids
IR Pro-Tec™ 36899698 36899706 36899714 36899722
IR XHP605 - 22252076 22252050 22252068
IR XHP1001 - 35612738 35300516 -
XHP405 - 22252126 22252100 22252118
Engine Oil 54480918 36875938 36866903
LUBRICATION Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual LUBRICATION
Trouble Shooting
Operating & Maintenance Manual Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Operating & Maintenance Manual
Operating & Maintenance Manual Trouble Shooting
- Failure Flashes can be read on the Engine Failure Lamp when the on/off power switch is
“ON” or when the unit is running.
- The Engine Failure Lamp is located behind the front end panel (see figure).
- The Failure Lamp is luminated for 2 seconds when the ECU is powered on.
- A lamp flash duration of 0.5 second is a “Short” flash.
- A lamp flash duration of 1.5 seconds is a “Long” flash.
- A failure flash sequence of “1 Long and 3 Short” would be displayed by flashing the lamp one
time with a duration of 1.5 seconds and three times with a duration of .5 seconds.
- When two or more failures have occurred simultaneously, the failure lamp will pause for 3
seconds between flash sequences.
- Failure flash sequences continuously repeat with 3 second pauses between flash sequences
until the failure is corrected.
Table 1:
Table 2:
Engine Identification
Serial Number Location
The engine serial number is stamped on engine name plate on top of rocker cover. See
illustration on Table 1.
Confirmation of Engine Number
It is advisable to quote the engine serial number together with the machine serial number, as
it is required when you contact the Portable Power branch or distributor for repair, service or
parts ordering.
Conduct confirmation of engine serial number with the engine stopped.
To avoid being injured, do not check it while the engine is still hot.
Fuel Requirements
The fuel injection pump, injector or other parts of the fuel system and engine can be damaged
if you use an fuel or fuel additive other than those specifically recommended by Portable
If any fuel other than the one specified is used, engine operation will be impaired. Engine
failure or malfunction resulting from use of such improper fuel will not be warranted by Portable
To help avoid fuel system or engine damage, please read the following:
Do not use diesel fuel which has been contaminated with engine oil. Besides causing engine
damage, such fuel can also affect emission control. Before using any diesel fuel, check with
the fuel supplier to see if the fuel has been mixed with engine oil.
Your engine is designed to use either Number 1-D or Number 2-D diesel fuel. However, for
better fuel economy, use Number 2-D diesel fuel whenever possible. At temperatures less
than -7°C, (20°F), Number 2-D fuel may pose operating problems (see “Cold Weather
Operation” which follows).
At colder temperatures, use Number 1-D fuel (if available) or use a “winterized” Number 2-D
(a blend of Number 1-D and Number 2-D). THis blended fuel is usually called Number 2-D
also, but can be used in colder temperatures than Number 2-D fuel which has not been
Check with the fuel supplier to be sure you get the properly blended fuel.
Do not use home heating oil or gasoline in your diesel engine. Either may
cause engine damage.
Handling of Fuel
Any fuel containing dust particles or water might cause engine failure. Therefore, the following
must be observed:
• Take care to protect the fuel from entry of dust particles or water when filling the tank.
• If refueling is done from an oil drum directly, ensure that is has been kept stationary
to allow any dust, sediment or water to settle at the bottom. Do not draw fuel direct
from the bottom of the drum to prevent pickup of any settled foreign material.
• Always fully fill the fuel tank. Drain the sedimentary particles in the fuel tank
Using a mixture of different When handling Long Life
brands or quality of oils will Coolant Antifreeze, wear
adversely affect the original protective rubber gloves. If
oil quality; therefore, never contact with the eyes or
mix different brand or skin should occur, wash
different type oils. with clean water.
Fuel Level
Check the remaining fuel oil level in the fuel
tank and re-fuel if necessary.
Checking Coolant Level
The coolant level could drop because any
mixed air is expelled in about 5 minutes after
the engine started. ! CAUTION
Stop the engine, remove radiator cap, and
add coolant. If you see or hear escaping
steam or suspect a serious
overheating condition, stop
the engine immediately.
! CAUTION If the Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge
(where fitted) shows an overheat condition,
or you have reason to suspect the engine
remove radiator cap when
may be overheating, take the following steps.
the engine is hot. Cover the
radiator cap with a thick
• Close the service valve to reduce
cloth and loosen the cap
the load.
slowly to reduce the
pressure, then remove the • Let the engine run at normal idle
cap. speed for two or three minutes. If
the engine coolant temperature
OPERATION AND CARE OF A NEW MACHINE does not start to drop, turn off the
engine and proceed as follows:
Your Portable Power engine is carefully
tested and adjusted in the factory, however, To avoid being burned -
further run-in is necessary. Avoid any harsh
engine operation within the initial 100
operating hours.
Do not operate the unit at full load until the
engine is warmed-up.
Do not open the canopy or
Do not allow the engine to run unloaded for door if you see or hear
extended periods so as to minimize the risk steam or engine coolant
of cylinder bore glazing. escaping. Wait until no
During operation, pay attention to the steam or engine coolant
following points if the engine shows any sign can be seen or heard before
of abnormalities. opening the engine canopy
or door.
Engine Oil Pressure - The engine oil
pressure is monitored by a switch that will
stop the engine if the pressure falls below a
pre-set value.
Coolant Temperature - The engine
performance will be adversely affected if
engine coolant temperature is too hot or too
cold. The normal coolant temperature is 75 to
85°C (167°to 185°F).
Important: Do not overfill the oil pan with When all the water has been evacuated,
engine oil. Be sure to keep the specified level tighten the drain valve “E” and follow the “fuel
between upper and lower limit on the system air bleeding” procedure below.
Change Procedure:
When this has been completed, the pump
head must be screwed back into the filter/ • Unscrew the element “C” from the
separator assembly.
head taking care not to spill fuel
Start the engine and visually check the fuel inside the machine. Drain any fuel
system for leaks. within into a suitable container, then
unscrew the clear bowl “D” from the
Replacing Fuel Filters element.
Replace the fuel filter at specified intervals
before it is clogged with dust to adversely • Discard the old element.
affect the fuel flow. Also, replace the fuel filter
after the engine has fully been cooled. • Remove the old “O” ring from the
bowl “D” and install the new one
1) Remove the fuel filter using a filter wrench supplied with the element. Apply a
(customer procured). When removing the light coat of clean engine oil to the
fuel filter, hold the bottom of the fuel filter with “O” ring and screw the bowl “D”
a piece of rag to prevent the fuel oil from onto the new element “C”.
dropping. Wipe up any fuel spillage.
2) Clean the filter mounting surface and • Using a clean cloth, wipe the
slightly apply fuel oil to the gasket of the new sealing face of the filter/separator
fuel filter. head to ensure correct seating of
the sealing ring.
3) Install the new filter, manually turning until
it comes into contact with the mounting • Fill the element/bowl assembly with
surface, and tighten it further to 1/2 at a turn, clean fuel oil then apply a light coat
using a filter wrench. of clean engine oil to the new
element seal ring.
Tightening torque:
11.8 ~15.6N•m (1.2~1.6kgf•m) • Screw the new element onto the
head firmly by hand.
Applicable Fuel Filter Part No. 16539462.
4) Bleed the fuel system. Refer to Inspection • Follow the “fuel system air
at 50 hours. bleeding” procedure.
IMPORTANT: Use genuine IR part (super
fine mesh filter). Otherwise, it will result in
engine damage, uneven engine performance
and shorter engine life.