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Subject: Islamiyat

Enroll No: 01-165182-031

Class: Geology-4A

Submitted to: Dr Sanaullah

Submitted by: Awais Arshad




Social Peace and Islam
Basics of the Muslim Belief

i. Believing in one God

ii. Believing in Angels

iii. Believing in revealed Books

iv. Believing in the Revealed Prophet

v. Believing in the day of Judgement

Five Pillars of Islam

i. Charity
ii. Hajj
iii. Fasting
iv. Shahada
v. Salat
Islamic Holiday
Status of women in Islam

The word “ISLAM” is Arabic. Islam is the complete way of life for all humanity. It is the
religion of submission (or Surrender) to one God, the religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness.

Islam means submission to one God and it also means ‘Peace’. The word Muslim means the one
who has submitted him/herself to God and lives with peace. If one’s life is not peaceful, he/she
should be concerned about his/her level of submission to God. The more you submit yourself to
God, the more you enjoy peace, tranquility, and contentment in life. 

The spirit of Islam is peace (Assalamu-Alaikum wa rahmatullah). Peace is the method of Islam
as also the way of nature.

The Quran, 36:40;

“The sun is not allowed to overtake the moon, nor does the night outpace the day. Each in its
own orbit runs.”

Inner content of Islam is faith and its external manifestation is submission.

“Islam is manifestation, and faith in a heart.” Prophet Muhammad;

One day Gabriel came to the Prophet and asked, "What is faith?" The Prophet replied, “Faith is
to believe in God, His angels, the meeting with Him, His prophets, and to believe in life after
death." Then he asked, "What is Islam?" The Prophet replied, "To worship God alone and none
else, to offer prayers regularly, to pay the compulsory charity (zakat) and to observe fasts during
the month of Ramadan.”

Social peace and Islam

Islam is a religion of peace in the fullest sense of the word. The Quran calls its way “the paths of
peace”. Islam has great association with peace in fact the root word of Islam is “Silm” which
itself means peace. So the spirit of Islam is the spirit of peace. The first verse of the Quran
breathes the spirit of peace. It reads: in the name of God, the most merciful, the most

The ideal society according to the Quran is Dar as-Salam, literally, "the house of peace" of which
it intones: And Allah invites to the 'abode of peace' and guides whom He pleases into the right

Islam spread the message of peace:

“Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects
false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks.
And Allah hears and knows all things” (2:256)

Is Islam an Arab Religion?

No! Islam is a religion for all humanity. It is the first religion, which had a universal beginning.
The early followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace is upon him) came from Arabia, Africa, Iran,
Asia, and the West. Racism, tribalism, and nationalism divided the world before Islam. Some
people claimed to have been chosen by God and others as inferiors. The rich considered the poor
as people of lower classes.

Islam came with:

“O people! God created you from a single pair of male and female and made you unto tribes and
nations so that you may know one another (not to chastise one another) The best among you is
the one who is the most conscious of God”(Al Qur’an: 49:13).

Who is Muhammad?

Muhammad was the son of Abdullah and Amina and was born in Makkah, Saudi Arabia in 570
CE. God chose him to be the last prophet, the seal of prophets and prophecy, at the age of 40. He
died in Madina (Saudi Arabia) at the age of 63. He communicated the message of Islam to
humanity. He was known as Amin (trustworthy), Sadiq (truthful) from his childhood. He was
humble and sincere, loving and caring, forgiving and showing mercy to all.
What is Quran?

Quran is the record of exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was revealed piece by piece over about 23 years, then
memorized and written down by the early followers of Islam. This makes Quran, the unique and
miraculous text preserved as it was revealed in the textual history of world religions. The Quran
amazingly contained information 1400 years ago that only today are we finding out about

Basics of the Muslims Belief:

i. Believing in One God

Muhammad taught that there was only one God, Allah, which means “the God” in Arabic. In that
way, Islam is like Judaism and Christianity. It is a monotheistic religion, a religion based on a
belief in one God. Although People of all three religions believe in one God, their beliefs about
God are not all the same.

Muslims believe in one unique, Incomparable, superior undivided God. Muslims belief that God
is one and one only, he has no wife, children. He has never been born and shall never die. The
Word Allah Is an Arabic translation for Lord or God and it is the same word used by Arab
Christians and Jews. Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begets
not, nor is He be gotten; And there is none like unto Him. (Quran: 112)
ii. Believing in Angels

Muslims belief in the Angles created by God and that they are created from light and they never
disobey God. Among the Angles names we know:

Gabriel (Archangel) the angle of revelation.

Mikail(Angel of Weather).

Israfel(Angel of Death).

Kiramunand Katibeen(Writer of the Deeds)

Munkirand Nakeer(Questioners in the Graves)

iii. Believing in the Revealed Books

Muslims belief in all the original texts of the revealed books including:

Taurat or Torah (Given to Moses)

Zaboor or Psalms (Given to David).

Injeel or Gospel (Given to Jesus)

Quran(Given to Mohammed and The Final Revelation of Allah)

iv. Believing in the Revealed Prophets

Muslims belief in all the Prophets through whom God’s revelations were brought to humankind,
beginning with Adam and including:

Noah (Nuh)

Isaac (Ishaq)

Moses (Musa)

Solomon (Sulayman)

Elias (Ilyas)

John the Baptist (Yahya)

Muhammad S.A.W (The final messenger and Prophet of Allah).

Abraham (Ibrahim)

Jacob (Ya'qub)

Joseph (Yusuf)

Moses (Musa)

David (Daoud)

Jesus (Isa)

v. Believing in the Hereafter, Day of Judgment

The Day of Judgment is coming. When God will resurrect the entire mankind. In the hereafter
every Individual is accounted for his/her actions and deeds in their life. Every soul will be
brought back to life and our deeds will bear their fruits good or bad. God's complete authority
over our destiny. Human’s free will to choose their path in their life weather its good or bad.

The five Pillars of Islam

The five pillars of Islam are the practical aspects of Islam. They are to make you conscious of
God and to bring harmony and peace between the physical desires and spiritual needs of a human
being. The world is not an illusion to a Muslim. It is a place to work and enjoy; nourish physical
and spiritual needs; care and love; forgive and respect others. A Muslim lives a righteous life in
this world with a hope enter paradise in the hereafter.
i. Declaration of Faith

Shahada(to witness): It is to witness that there is no god but One God and Muhammad (peace be
upon him) is the messenger and servant of God. The declaration of Shahada is necessary if one is
to be a Muslim and joins Muslims in worship.
ii. Salat(worship)

A Muslim has to worship God five times a day. It is better to worship in congregation in a
mosque. One can still perform the worship at home, at work, or anywhere else. Friday is the
sacred day of Islam. All Muslims are to leave their jobs and assemble in the central mosque of
the area for a sermon and congregational worship at noon. Worship in Islam is a direct
communication of an individual with God. It is a highly spiritual and a continuous reminder of
one’s duty toward God. It is also highly social, teaching unity, equality, and the universality of
Islam. These five prescribed prayers contain verses from the Quran, and are said in Arabic, the
language of the Revelation. Personal supplications, however, can be offered in one's own
language and at any time.

Prayer Times




after sunset


iii. Zakat (Charity)

Islam is the first religion that made Zakat obligatory on rich to give to the poor. In Islam
everything belongs to God. Zakat means both "purification" and "growth“. Zakat is mandatory
charity and it is different than voluntary charity. Eligible Muslims pay it on an annual basis. It
helps to "purify" their wealth. Funds collected are distributed to the poor, orphans, and needy in
society. Zakat consists of giving 2.5% of one’s accumulated wealth excluding such items as
primary residence, car and professional tools. Islam teaches that helping the needy helps one’s
spiritual growth.

iv. Sawm(Fasting)

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory on all adult, sane, and healthy Muslims. Fasting
means abstaining from any food, drink, and sexual relations. Muslims fast from dawn to sunset.
Fasting teaches self-control and self-restraint. It is highly spiritual activity constantly reminding
the believers to be conscious of God. Fasting teaches Muslims to be in control of their tongue, to
be respectful and to be forgiving. But spiritual uplifting in Ramadan is once again tied with
helping the needy. Before the end of Ramadan, every head of the Muslim household who can
afford should pay an amount of about 5-8 dollars per member of his/her family to the poor in the
v. Hajj (pilgrimage)

Hajj is obligatory on every Muslim once in a lifetime who can afford it. Hajj is to commemorate
the works of Abraham (peace be upon him), his teachings of One God, and his sacrifices in the
path of God. He and son Ishmael built the Kaba(the House of God) and since then people have
been asked to perform the pilgrimage to the House of God. When Muhammad (peace is upon
him) came, he recalled the commitment of Abraham to one God. He performed the Pilgrimage
and asked Muslims to follow. Hajj is highly spiritual but at the same time highly social and
universal activity of Islam. It is a practical demonstration of Islam’s call for “ONE PEOPLE
UNDER ONE GOD”. When Malcolm X went on the Hajj and witnessed the universality of
Islam, he returned to America as a new man, preaching the concept of One God and one
humanity. About 2-3 million people perform the Hajj annually.
Islamic Holidays

Eid Al Fitr: Celebrating the end of Ramadan and asking for the acceptance of the fasting.

Eid Al Adha: Celebrating the end of Hajj, with sacrifices, prayers and the exchange of gifts in
Muslim communities everywhere. In 2001 the USA issued the first stamp joining the Eid
celebration with Muslims.

Does Islam Tolerate Other Beliefs?

Yes. The Quran states unequivocally: There is no compulsion in religion." (Quran2:256). The
original, unchanged revelations given to Abraham and other prophets came from the One God.
This common origin explains the similarities and is why Islam tolerate all other religions.
Protection of the rights of non-Muslims to worship is an intrinsic part of Islamic law. It is also
stated in the Quran. Historically, Christians & Jews have always lived peacefully under the
Islamic state

Status of Women in Islam

Woman is recognized by Islam as a full and equal partner of man. She is equal to man in bearing
personal and common responsibilities and in receiving rewards for her deeds. She is equal to
man in the pursuit of education and knowledge. She is entitled to freedom of expression as much
as man is. Woman enjoys certain privileges of which man is deprived. Women are not blamed
for violating the "forbidden tree," nor is their suffering in pregnancy and childbirth a punishment
for that act.
Does Islam respect other religions?

Islam is the first religion that recognized the presence of other religions and faiths. Islam honors
and respects diversity. Islam asks the believers not to abuse or look down upon other faiths or
followers of other faiths.

Why is family important in Islam?

Family is the foundation of Muslim society. A stable family is must for the sound spiritual and
physical growth of our future generation. Children are the blessing of God. Good parenting in the
light of Islam has high merits, bringing near God. What is marriage in Islam?

Islam regards male and female as equals before God. Marriage in Islam is a contract between
two equals. The wife does not necessarily have to carry the husband's name. Divorce is
permissible but is to be avoided.

How does someone become a Muslim?

Just say the Shahadah:

"There is no God but One God, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger and
servant of God." With its declaration, you become a member of the universal community of
Islam. Islam is a simple religion. There is no priesthood, no intermediary between you and God.
Worship God, be conscious of God, and enjoy the beauty and freedom of Islam

Thus Islam is a religion of peace in the complete sense of the word. Every teaching of Islam is
based on the principles of peace and avoidance. Any deviation from the model is a deviation
from Islam and is due to misconceptions. We should, therefore, understand the ideology of peace
given in Islam and base our actions upon this ideology so that peace will prevail in the world.

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