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Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV)

Technical reference
HIC manifold design guidelines, tooling,
torque specifications, port and cavity dimensions
Technical reference
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR HYDRAULIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (HIC)....................................................... M-4
PREFERRED TOOLING FOR MACHINING OF CUSTOM MANIFOLDS.............................................................. M-7
PREFERRED TOOLING FOR MACHINING CUSTOM MANIFOLDS.................................................................... M-8
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................................. M-9
PORT INFORMATION......................................................................................................................................... M-10
CAVITY TOOLS.................................................................................................................................................... M-12
C–**–2(P)............................................................................................................................................................. M-14
C-**-2 CAVITY DIMENSIONS............................................................................................................................ M-15
C-**-3 CAVITY DIMENSIONS............................................................................................................................ M-16
C-**-3S CAVITY DIMENSIONS.......................................................................................................................... M-17
C-**-4 CAVITY DIMENSIONS............................................................................................................................ M-18
C-**-4U CAVITY DIMENSIONS.......................................................................................................................... M-19
C-**-5S CAVITYDIMENSIONS........................................................................................................................... M-20
CARTRIDGE CAVITIES........................................................................................................................................ M-21
TC CAVITY........................................................................................................................................................... M-34

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-3
General guidelines for
hydraulic integrated circuits (HIC)

Reviewing circuit Initial design Material sizes Datum point

All designs begin with a Once the circuit is fully To obtain an optimal cost The datum point or origin point
schematic circuit design understood, it is advisable to manifold it is desirable to (0,0,0) on machining drawings
inspired by the application. lay the design out by hand select a standard material size is the upper left corner when
Before the planning stage, first. Things to consider while for the manifold, compare the facing the front view.
review the design utilizing the planning the design are: block size with the standard
following steps: material size table. See Assembly dimensioning
• Block size is often specified Dimension all ports, mounting
• Match schematic symbols by customer. Standard Material Sizes (page
M-5). If a standard size is not holes and overall envelope
to model codes. • Specify an overall size.
available, a cut plate may be
• Note size and cavity of envelope size, in addition used.
each valve and write it on to the specified block External clearances
schematic. size. Overall envelope size Hydraulic schematic Allow enough room for
• Note port numbers of the includes block size and any If a schematic is desired clearance around solenoid
valves and write them on valves or fittings protruding on the assembly, it may coils, handknobs, levers and
schematic. from the manifold block. be created from existing wrench clearance for fittings.
• Note manifold port types • Restrictions specified for symbols. As an alternative, the If 90° elbow fittings are to be
and sizes specified by a mounting surface of the entire circuit may be created used, some may be required
customer. manifold block. Valves and outside of an assembly and to swing a full 360 arc.
Note pressure, flow and ports may be restricted imported as a symbol (block).
• Assembly notes
material of manifold block from a particular surface. All of the Vickers screw-
in cartridge valves have Notes are added for standard
(steel or aluminum). • Specify mounting holes,
schematic symbols which can or special assembly, handling,
threaded holes and thru
Circuit questions should be be found in the SICV Cartridge or shipping instructions, as
holes (if necessary).
answered by the customer Valve Library of Symbols well as special stampings.
• Arrange valves in a logical
before beginning a design. manner. Valves and ports in CD, used in conjunction with Port table
It is also recommended that the same regions should be AutoCad software. Schematic
Include a port table with
schematic hydraulic regions located in close proximity to symbols not found in the
names and sizes of all ports.
or networks be color coded each other. library may be created on an
using color pens. Regions “as needed” basis. Standard tooling
or networks may be broken
• Eliminate as many turns in
the regions as possible to Accurate design In order to obtain fast
down in individual colors turnaround on designs, limit
(pressure, tank, pilot, etc.) but reduce the number of cross All dimensions on CAD design
drill holes or construction the tooling used to that listed
it may be easier to design if must be accurate and to
lines. This helps keep in the standard tooling table.
regions are broken down into scale in order to be utilized by
pressure drops (­DP) and See Preferred Tooling for
sub-regions such as pressure CAM software in conjunction
manufacturing costs down. Machining Manifolds
from port one of a solenoid with CNC machine tools.
(page M-6).
valve to port two of a relief Manually or interactively
valve. Colored layers may modified dimension cannot be
be assigned later to match tolerated.
schematic circuit coloring. NNote: Failure to ensure that CAD
dimensions are accurate and
to scale may result in improper
machinery by CNC Machine Tools.

This information is designed
to assist the engineering
professional in the design of
manifold blocks and related
hydraulic systems. It is the
designer’s responsibility to
verify the adequacy of the
design through approporate
M verifications, review and
testing of the final design.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-4 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
General guidelines for
hydraulic integrated circuits (HIC)

Datum Point Example in orthographic Use of expander plugs and

third angle projection: zero leak gold sae o-ring
On small HIC packages,
expander plugs can be used to
block off construction drilling
at the surface of a face. Larger
than a 12mm expander plug
are not recommended in
(a) aluminum. Any construction
drillings larger than 0.4” (10
mm) are plugged with zero leak
gold SAE O-Ring plugs (internal
hex type). The machining
Squaring up the block Machining depths callout for these plugs can be
Always “square up” the raw All machining depths are to either the industry standard
block before machining the the corner of the full diameter SAE straight thread O-ring
cavities, ports and holes. This as opposed to the drill point. boss port configuration or the
is to eliminate any potential All depths are measured from straight thread O-ring boss
“drill walk” which leads to the face plane (surface) of a short port configuration. Refer
scrapped manifolds. When manifold block. (b) to Port Dimensions (page M-9
squaring up a block, remove and M-10).
Avoid any drill depths greater
approximately 0.015” of
than 25 diameters. Spotface depths Surface treatments
material from each face for
Aluminum blocks and 0.030” Additional line lengths may All SAE ports and cavities Any manifold face that calls
of material from each face result in increasing pressure have spotface depths of .031” for a surface mounted (gasket
for steel blocks. This is done drops. (.8 mm) unless otherwise mounted) valve such as a
to ensure that all six faces specified. BSPP ports have DG4V type directional control
Machining notes
are parallel or perpendicular. spotface depths of .060” valve, or a pump or motor
Finished machining should Machining notes are to be (1.5 mm) unless otherwise interface, should have a
reflect the squared up added for standard or special specified. minimum roughness callout
dimensions. See Standard machining, handling and of 63 microinches (.0016mm)
Material Sizes (Table 1). shipping instructions. Counterbores and a flatness callout of .002”
In counterbore cases, the actual (.05mm). See examples
Example: 4.0” x 5.0” x 6.0” Drillings
cavity spotface is located at below.
(101.6 mm x 127 mm x Drillings that go completely the depth of the counterbore.
152.4 mm) block will be through a cavity port area When counterbore depths
dimensioned to 3.97” x should be on the center are greater than 0.125”, the 63
4.97”x 5.97” (100.8 mm x axis of the cavity wherever following diameters should .002
126.2 mm x 151.6 mm). possible; see Figure (a). be used:
Otherwise it should intersect
Creation of machining table
the cavity tangent to the
Create a machining operation outside diameter of the bore it
table or bore chart. Machining Valve
connects with; see Figure (b). Series Counterbore To prevent corrosion, steel
depths are given from the manifolds are oil dipped or
surface of the block. List all Inch Metric (mm)
Note: Breaking into a cavity at coated with rust protective
drill depths, mills, taps and 8 1.38” 35,0 fluid, unless otherwise
some point in between these
form tools in the machining specified. To prevent
recommended areas will lead 10 1.38” 35,0
table. Call out drill depths at oxidation, aluminum manifold
to drill walk and can result in
the shoulder depth of the drill, 12 1.75” 44,5 blocks are gold anodize,
a high scrap rate, as well as
not to the drill point depth. unless otherwise specified.
premature drill breakage. 16 2.00” 50,8
Aluminum manifolds where
20 2.56” 65,0 the internally grounded coil is
used should not be anodized.
Prototypes are supplied
without surface treatment.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-5
General guidelines for
hydraulic integrated circuits (HIC)

Wall thickness  ife cycle of manifold

L Creating bill of material –
For pressures up to 3000 psi blocks BOM
Failure to follow the
(210 bar), aluminum may be Be aware that designing to Develop a BOM that includes
recommended wall
used, for pressures above these general guidelines will quantity, model codes, part
thicknesses may lead to
3000 PSI (210 bar). Dura-Bar not guarantee the manifold numbers and descriptions
manifold failure.
cast iron manifold material is will survive any finite number of the HIC. Model codes of
recommended. of cycles. The only way to some valves require pressure
properly assure a specified life settings. A machining
Larger cavities or bores
is to run a thorough testing of operation table or bore chart
require a greater wall
both burst and endurance in should be created. All plugs,
thickness. The table below
the actual application circuit. orifice plugs, disks, check
shows recommended
valves, pistons, and any other
minimum wall thicknesses for
part should be included in
Aluminum and Dura-Bar.
the BOM.

Drill size/cavity bore diameter Wall thickness

Inch Ø Metric (mm) Ø Inch Metric (mm)
.250” 6,35 .125 3,18
.250” up to .500” 6,35 up to 12,7 .250 6,35
.500” up to .750” 12,7 up to 19,05 .375 9,53
.750” up to 1.000” 19,05 up to 25,4 .500 12,70
1.000” up to 1.312” 25,4 up to 33,34 .600 15,24

Table 1 Standard 6061-T6 aluminum bar stock sizes

Standard material sizes
Size Size Size
2x2 2.5 x 4.5 4x4
2x3 3x3 4 x 4.5
2x4 3 x 3.5 4x5
2x5 3x4 4x6
2x6 3 x 4.5 4.5 x 4.5
2.5 x 2.5 3x5 5x5
2.5 x 3 3.5 x 3.5 5x6
2.5 x 3.5 3.5 x 4 5.5 x 5.5
2.5 x 4 3.5 x 4.5 6x6

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-6 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Preferred tooling for machining of
custom manifolds

Preferred tooling for machining manifolds

Spot drill Jobber length drill Screw machine length drill

Size Size Size Size

1” x 90 #38 (.1015) 5/32” 1/2”

Dexport C-16 spot face #29 (.136) 11/64” 37/64”
Dexport C-16 short spot face D (.246) 3/16” 43/64”
1/4” spot drill R (.339) #1 (.228) 45/64”
R (.339) F (.257) 51/64”
U (.368) 3/8” 13/32”
59/64” 27/64” 1-7/32
size inches Size inches Size inches Rougher

1/8” (3-1/2” flute length) 11/32” (6” flute length) 11/16” (6” flute length) C-4-2 C-12-3
1/8” (6” flute length) 3/8” (6” flute length) 3/4” (6” flute length) C-4-3 C-12-3S
3/16” (6” flute length) 3/8” (8” flute length) 51/64” (6” flute length) C-7-3 C-12-4
#7 (.201) (6” flute length) 13/32” (6” flute length) 13/16” (6” flute length) C-8-2 C-16-2
7/32” (6” flute length) 7/16” (6” flute length) 7/8” (6” flute length) C-8-3 C-16-3
1/4” (3-1 / 2” flute length) 7/16” (8” flute length) 15/16” (6” flute length) C-8-4 C-16-3S
1/4” (6” flute length) 31/64” (6” flute length) 31/32” (6” flute length) C1-8-2 C-16-4
1/4” (8” flute length) 1/2” (6” flute length) 1” (6” flute length) C-10-2 C-20-2
9/32” (3-1 / 2” flute length) 1/2” (8” flute length) 1-3/32” (6” flute length) C-10-3 C-20-3
9/32” (6” flute length) 17/32” (6” flute length) 1-1/8” (6” flute length) C-10-3S C-20-3S
5/16” (3-1 / 2” flute length) 9/16” (6” flute length) 1-1/4” (8” flute length) C-10-4 C-20-4
5/16” (6” flute length) 39/64” (6” flute length) 1-3/8” (6” flute length) C-12-2
5/16” (8” flute length) 5/8” (6” flute length) 1-13/32” (6” flute length)
11/32” (3-1 / 2” flute length) 43/64” (6” flute length) 1-1/2” (6” flute length)

Flat bottom Reamer Reamer Slot Ball End mill

Finish tool drill size size size cutter end mill

C-4-2 C-12-3S 7/16" .1285” 5mm #3 T 9/32" 1/2"

C-4-3 C-12-4 13/32" .485" 7mm #5 T 11/32" 3/8"
C-8-2 C-16-2 1/2" .562" (flat bottom) 8mm C-12-2UT 7/16"
C-8-3 C-16-2 (undersized) 17/32" .6255" (flat bottom) 9mm #6 T 13/32"
C-8-4 C-16-3 43/64" 1.1255" (flat bottom) 10mm 13/16"
C2-8-2 C-16-3S 39/64" 1.437" (flat bottom) 12mm 7/8"
C-10-2 C-16-4 1-3/32" 14mm 15/16"
C-10-2 (undersized) C-20-2 1-13/32" 16mm 1"
C-10-3 C-20-2 (undersized) 1-13/16"
C10-3S C-20-3 1-3/8"
C-10-4 C-20-3S 1-1/2"
C-12-2 C-20-4 2"
C-12-3 2.562"

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-7
Preferred tooling for
machining custom manifolds

Preferred tooling for machining manifolds continued

Port tool
SAE #2 Dexport #8 Dexport #24 SP-05 SP-16 BSPP-75-8225
SAE #3 Dexport #10 Waukesha #20 SP-06 BSPP-13-8221 BSPP-125-8227
SAE #4 Dexport #12 SP-02 SP-08 BSPP-25-8222
SAE #5 Dexport #14 SP-03 SP-10 BSPP-38-8223
SAE #6 Dexport #16 SP-04 SP-12 BSPP-50-8224

Sense check took Counter sink Drill Center drill Press tap

SC-4-2-75 2" x 90 1/4" x 90 #5 #6-32 X

SC-4-2-88 2" x 5" #10-24 X
1/4" x 90 1/4"-20 X

Tap Pulley tap

1/4"-20 5/8"-11 1/8"-28 BSPP 1/2"-14 NPTF 1/4" - 20

5/16"-18 5/8"-18 1/4"-19 BSPP 3/4"-14 NPTF 5/16" - 24
5/16"-24 3/4"-16 3/8"-19 BSPP 1"-11 1/2 NPTF 7/16" - 20
3/8"-16 7/8"-14 1/2"-14 BSPP M10 x 1.5 Metric 9/16" - 18
3/8"-24 1"-14 3/4"-14 BSPP M10 x 1.25 Metric 3/4" - 16
7/16"-14 1-1/16"-12 1"-11 BSPP
7/16"-20 1-3/16"-12 1/16"-27 NPTF
1/2"-13 1-5/16"-12 1/8"-27 NPTF
1/2"-20 1-5/8"-12 1/4"-18 NPTF
9/16"-18 1-7/8"-12 3/8"-14 NPTF

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-8 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Torque specifications
For cartridge valves and fittings

Installation torque: cartridge into cavity

For application pressure <210 For application pressure 210
bar (3000 psi) bar (3000 psi) to 350 bar
Size Aluminum cavity Nm (ft. Lbs) Steel cavity Nm (ft. Lbs)

4 Series 8.2 - 13.6 (6 - 10) 8.2 - 13.6 (6 - 10)

8 Series 34.0 - 40.8 (25 - 30) 34.0 - 40.8 (25 - 30)
10 Series 47.6 - 54.4 (35 - 40) 68.0 - 75.0 (50 - 55)
12 Series 81.6 - 95.2 (60 - 70) 102.0 - 115.0 (75 - 85)
16 Series 108.8 - 122.4 (80 - 90) 136.0 - 149.6 (100 - 110)
20 Series 128 - 155 (95 - 115) 163.0 - 183.0 (120 - 135)

Installation torque: plugs and fittings into aluminum or steel manifolds

Installation torque

Nominal size Nm (ft. Lbs)

SAE 2 4.6 - 5.6 (3.4 - 4.1)

SAE 3 6.8 - 9.5 (5 - 7)
SAE 4 1/4” BSPP 8.2 - 13.6 (6 - 10)
SAE 5 13.6 - 20.4 (10 - 15)
SAE 6 3/8” BSPP 20.4 - 27.2 (15 - 20)
SAE 8 1/2” BSPP 34.0 - 40.8 (25 - 30)
SAE 10 5/8” BSPP 47.6 - 54.4 (35 - 40)
SAE 12 3/4” BSPP 81.6 - 95.2 (60 - 70)
SAE 14 108.8 - 122.4 (80 - 90)
SAE 16 1” BSPP 136.0 - 149.6 (100 - 110)
SAE 20 1.1/4” BSPP 149.6 - 163.2 (110 - 120)

Installation torque: miscellaneous

Installation torque

Nm (ft. Lbs)

1/2-20 Retaining nut, short or long, used on standard solenoid valves 5.4 - 8.2 (4 - 6)
1/2-20 Large retaining nut used on explosion proof solenoid coils 9.5 - 13.6 (7 - 10)
1/2-20 Cap not used on RV, FC, ETC. 9.5 - 13.6 (7 - 10)
10-24 Set screw used on Knobs 4.1 - 5.4 (3 - 4)
7/8-24 Nut used on SV1-16-3-*-** solenoid valves 13.6 - 20.4 (10 - 15)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-9
Port information
SAE and BSPP Ports

Port dimensions SAE sizes

Key dimensions in standard
SAE Thread Minimum Minimum full
housings – mm (inch) size size spotface ø thread depth

4 0.437”-20 UNF-2B 21,1 (0.82) 11,5 (0.45)

6 0.563”-18 UNF-2B 24,7 (0.96) 12,7 (0.50)
8 0.750”-16 UNF-2B 30,2 (1.18) 14,2 (0.56)
10 0.875”-14 UNF-2B 34,2 (1.34) 16,6 (0.65)
12 1.062”-12 UN-2B 41,3 (1.62) 19,0 (0.75)
16 1.312”-12 UN-2B 48,6 (1,91) 19,0 (0.75)

0,8 (0.03)


Min. full
thread depth

BSPP sizes

BSPP Minimum Minimum full thread

thread size spotface ø depth

1/4” 24 (0.94) 12,2 (0.48)

3/8” 27 (1.06) 12,2 (0.48)
1/2” 33 (1.29) 15,0 (0.59)
3/4” 42 (1.65) 16,3 (0.64)
1” 47 (1.85) 19,1 (0.75)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-10 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Port information
Short SAE ports

Port dimensions Dash Nominal

Short port – Straight thread No. tubing Millimeter Thread size J full K
O–Ring boss – SP–** +0.4 (+0.015
O.D.d mm (inch) SAE J475 Thd –0.0 –0.000)
ISO R725 inch depth min. mm (inch)

NNote: To be used for SAE plugged 02 0.125” – 5 /16 –24UNF–2B .31” 1.9 (0.07)
construction holes only. Not
intended to be used for external 03 0.1875” 4 (0.1575) 3 /8 –24UNF–2B .31” 1.9 (0.074)
porting with 04 0.250” 6 (0.235) 27/16 –20UNF–2B .35” 2.4 (0.093)
standard fittings.
05 0.3125” 8 (0.3150) 1/2 –20UNF–2B .36” 2.4 (0.093)
06 0.375” 10 (0.3937) 9/16 –18UNF–2B .38” 2.5 (0.097)
08 0.500” 12 (0.4724) 3/4 –16UNF–2B .45” 2.5 (0.100)
10 0.625” 16 (0.6299) 7/8 –14UNF–2B .50” 2.5 (0.100)
12 0.750” – 1-1/16 –12UN–2B .59” 3.3 (0.130)
16 1.000” 25 (0.9842) 1-5 /16 –12UN–2B .59” 3.3 (0.130)

a Diameter U shall be Dash no. O Pc Sb U Dia.a Y Z

concentric with thread pitch
+0.005 +0.13
diameter within 0.0005 in.
Min. Dia. Min. Min. –0.000 –0.0
(0.13mm) FIR, and shall be mm inch inch inch inch mm inch ± 1°
free from longitudinal and
spiral tool marks. Annular 02 0.438 11 0.468” 0.0312” 0.358 9.1 0.439” 12
tool marks up to 100 mu in. 03 0.500 13 0.468” 0.0312” 0.421 10.7 0.531” 12
max. are allowed.
04 0.563 15 0.438” 0.0312” 0.487 12.4 0.594” 12
b If face of boss is on a
machined surface, dim. Y 05 0.625 16 0.438” 0.0312” 0.550 13.9 0.656” 12
and S need not apply. 06 0.688 18 0.515” 0.0312” 0.616 15.6 0.719” 12
c Tap drill depths given require 08 0.875 22 0.563” 0.0312” 0.811 20.6 0.906” 15
use of bottoming taps to
produce the specified full 10 1.000 26 0.625” 0.0312” 0.942 23.9 1.031” 15
thread lengths. Where 12 1.250 32 0.719” 0.0312” 1.148 29.2 1.281” 15
standard taps are used, the
16 1.500 38 0.906” 0.0312” 1.398 35.5 1.562” 15
tap drill depths must be
increased accordingly.
d Nominal tubing O.D. is
shown for the standard inch
sizes and the conversion
to equivalent to mm sizes. Y 1.
Figures are for reference U Dia.
only, as any boss can be O 2.
used for a tubing size, 0.010 (0.25)
depending upon other 0.015 (0.37) D
design criteria. K S
Z 100 K

45˚ 5˚

Thd. Min

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-11
Cavity tools

Roughing tools Cavity For material Model code Part number

Roughers are basically step 2–Way
drills which leave .030” per
cutting diameter and .015” C-4-2 Aluminum / Steel RT-4-2-AS-8306 02-173997
above all radii for the finishing C–8–2 Aluminum / Steel RT1–8–2–AS–8028 02–165580
reamer, with an additional
.015” depth in the cavity C–10–2 Aluminum RT–10–2–A–8030 889509
bottom as clearance. The C–10–2 Steel RT–10–2–S–8035 889510
roughing tool is necessary
to prepare the cavity for the C–12–2 Aluminum / Steel RT–12–2–AS–8213 02–160625
finishing reamer, which has C–16–2 Aluminum RT–16–2–A–8031 889515
not been designed for the
C–16–2 Steel RT–16–2–S–8036 889516
primary forming or bottom
cutting. C–20–2 Aluminum RT–20–2–A–8032 565822
C–20–2 Steel RT–20–2–S–8037 889519

C-4-3 Aluminum / Steel RT-4-3-AS-8304 02-173271

C–8–3 Aluminum / Steel RT1–8–3–AS–8291 02–162384
C–10–3 Aluminum RT–10–3–A–8038 889511
C–10–3 Steel RT–10–3–S–8043 889512
C–12–3 Aluminum / Steel RT–12–3–AS–8217 02–153261
C–16–3 Aluminum RT–16–3–A–8039 565825
C–16–3 Steel RT–16–3–S–8044 889517
C–20–3 Aluminum RT–20–3–A–8041 02–165581
C–20–3 Steel RT–20–3–S–8046 566706
3–Way short

C–10–3S Aluminum RT–10–3S–A–8099 565824

C–10–3S Steel RT–10–3S–S–8209 566703
C–12–3S Aluminum / Steel RT–12–3S–AS–8220 02–113178
C–16–3S Aluminum RT–16–3S–A–8040 02–165582
C–16–3S Steel RT–16–3S–S–8045 566704
C–20–3S Aluminum RT–20–3S–A–8042 889520
C–20–3S Steel RT–20–3S–S–8047 566705

C–8–4 Aluminum / Steel RT–8–4–AS–8292 02–172803

C–10–4 Aluminum RT–10–4–A–8072 889513
C–10–4 Steel RT–10–4–S–8073 889514
C–12–4 Aluminum RT–12–4–A–8313 02-176377
C–16–4 Aluminum RT–16–4–A–8074 889518
C–16–4 Steel RT–16–4–S–8075 565828
C–20–4 Aluminum RT–20–4–A–8076 565829
C–20–4 Steel RT–20–4–S–8077 566707
5–Way short

C–12–5S Aluminum RT–12–5–A–8350 02-187301

C–12–5S Steel RT–12–5–S–8358 02-187309
C–16–5S Aluminum RT–16–5–A–8352 02-187303
C–16–5S Steel RT–16–5–S–8360 02-187311
C–20–5S Aluminum RT–20–5–A–8354 02-187305
C–20–5S Steel RT–20–5–S–8356 02-187307

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-12 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cavity tools

Finishing tools Cavity For material Model code Part number

These finishing tools have 2–Way
been designed as precision
reamers for finishing C–4–2 Aluminum FT–4–2–A–8297 02–182339
operations only. They are not C–8–2 Aluminum / Steel FT1–8–2–AS–8070 02–112933
intended for primary forming
or bottom cutting operations. C–10–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–10–2–AS–8048 566235
Vickers recommends that a C–12–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–12–2–AS–8214 02–162162
finishing tool only be used in a
properly roughed hole. Failure C–16–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–16–2–AS–8078 565832
to conform to this practice C–20–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–20–2–AS–8079 565833
will produce unsatisfactory 3–Way
size and finishes and possibly
break the tool. C–4–3 Aluminum FT–4–3–A–8275 02–172006
C–8–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–8–3–AS–8295 02–171292
C–10–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–10–3–AS–8050 565834
C–12–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–12–3–AS–8244 02–163001
C–16–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–16–3–AS–8080 565836
C–20–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–20–3–AS–8082 889358
3–Way short

C–10–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–10–3S–AS–8210 566708

C–12–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–12–3S–AS–8242 02–162998
C–16–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–16–3S–AS–8081 889356
C–20–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–20–3S–AS–8083 889359

C–8–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–8–4–AS–8296 02–171291

C–10–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–10–4–AS–8052 565838
C–12–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–12–4–AS–8312 02-175596
C–16–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–16–4–AS–8084 566571
C–20–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–20–4–AS–8085 889360
.5–Way short

C–12–5S Aluminum FT–12–5–A–8351 02-187302

C–12–5S Steel FT–12–5–S–8359 02-187310
C–16–5S Aluminum FT–16–5–A–8353 02-187304
C–16–5S Steel FT–16–5–S–8361 02-187312
C–20–5S Aluminum FT–20–5–A–8355 02-187306
C–20–5S Steel FT–20–5–S–8357 02-187308
Finishing form tools
speed & feed for CNC Machine tool Bridgeport / lagun type machines
aluminum 6061–T6 (T651)
Tool size RPM IPM Tool size RPM IPM
This information is
recommended as a good C–10–2 600 4 C–10–2 800-1000 5-6
starting point. Speeds and/ C–10–3 600 4 C–10–3 800-1000 5-6
or feeds may be increased
or decreased depending on C–10–4 600 4 C–10–4 800-1000 5-6
actual machining conditions. C–16–2 600 4 C–16–2 800-1000 5-6
NNote: Finish form tools may C–16–3 600 4 C–16–3 800-1000 5-6
require 1/2 to 1 1/2 second dwell
to obtain necessary finish. C–16–4 500 3 C–16–3S 250 2 1/2
C–20–2 500 3 C–16–4 250 2 1/2
C–20–3 500 3 C–20–2 250 2 1/2
C–20–3S 500 3 C–20–3 250 2 1/2
C–20–4 500 3 C–20–3S 250 2 1/2
C–20– 250 2 1/2

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-13

Dimensions Cavity bores can be machined manufacture customized

accurately in aluminum or manifolds or housings Warning
mm (inch)
steel. The necessary UNF, or dedicated to individual For EPV-10 & CV16-10, the
UN threads may be machined applications. We call the cavity should be machined
using standard small tools, resulting valve packages to the 14,29 (0.562) max
possibly already in your Hydraulic Integrated Circuits diameter (dimension X) and to
machine shop or from a local (HIC). Cartridges selected the maximum depth of 36,0
tool supplier. for your application can be (1.417) (dimension J)

Either you, our customer, or accommodated in one or

Eaton can design and more HICs, according to your


C-8-2P 1.188 0.813 0.688 0.750 0.500 0.108 0.750 0.501

C-10-2P 1.188 0.945 0.812 0.875 0.625 0.108 0.937 0.626
C-12-2P 1.500 1.148 0.975 1.063 0.875 0.138 1.375 0.938
C-16-2P 1.750 1.401 1.234 1.313 0.875 0.138 1.344 1.127
C-20-2P 2.270 1.716 1.540 1.625 0.813 0.140 1.750 1.439


1.188 0.578 0.344 0.501/0.502 2.295 1.328 0.344 0.312 0.24

1.312 0.719 0.438 0.625/0.626 2.969 1.500 0.375 0.500 0.26
M 1.825 1.100 0.500 0.937/0.9385 3.220 2.000 0.500 0.750 0.24
1.844 0.969 0.750 1.125/1.1265 4.219 2.219 0.750 0.875 0.50
2.312 1.219 1.000 1.437/1.438 5.094 2.844 1.000 1.063 0.63

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-14 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
C-**-2 Cavity

Dimensions Cavity bores can be machined manufacture customized

accurately in aluminum or manifolds or housings Warning
mm (inch)
steel. The necessary UNF, or dedicated to individual For EPV-10 & CV16-10, the
UN threads may be machined applications. We call the cavity should be machined
using standard small tools, resulting valve packages to the 14,29 (0.562) max
possibly already in your Hydraulic Integrated Circuits diameter (dimension X) and to
machine shop or from a local (HIC). Cartridges selected the maximum depth of 36,0
tool supplier. for your application can be (1.417) (dimension J)
Either you, our customer, or accommodated in one or
Eaton can design and more HICs, according to your

D A 0,190±?0.0635 2-way cavity with undercut (u)
R 0.0075?±0.0025
–B– 0,7938
C (0.031) W

F E min. Z
P 45º


Dia 1,588
2-way cavity (0.0625)

These diameters 0,051mm (.002 inch) B unless otherwise specified

These diameters 0,025mm (.001 inch) A unless otherwise specified

Cavity A B C D E F G H J P R X
+0,051 ±0,051 Full ±0,0254) Max. Max.
mm (inch) Spotface (+0.002) (±0.002) Thread thread (±0.001) Dia. Dia.

21,03 12,37 9,80 9,53 2,36-2,74 15,49 8,74 23,37 9,93 6,35 6,35
C-4-2 .4375”—20
(0.828) (0.487) (0.386) (0.375) (0.093-0.108) (0.610) (0.344) (0.920) (0.391) (0.250) (0.25)
30,16 20,65 17,47 12,70 2,54-2,92 19,05 12,72 30,17 14,68 8,74 11,11
C-8-2 .750”—16
(1.188) (0.813) (0.688) (0.500) (0.100-0.115) (0.750) (0.501) (1.188) (0.578) (0.344) (0.438)
30,16 24,00 20,62 15,88 2,54-2,92 23,81 15,90 33,32 18,23 11,11 14,29
C-10-2 .875”—14
(1.188) (0.945) (0.812) (0.625) (0.100-0.115) (0.937) (0.626) (1.312) (0.718) (0.437) (0.562)
38,10 29,15 24,76 22,22 3,30/3,68 34,92 23,82 46,35 27,94 12,70 22,22
C-12-2(U) 1.062”—12
(1.500) (1.148) (0.975) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.375) (0.938) (1.825) (1.100) (0.500) (0.875)
44,45 35,58 31,34 22,22 3,30/3,68 34,14 28,62 46,84 24,60 19,05 19,05
C-16-2 1.312”—12
(1.750) (1.401) (1.234) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.344) (1.127) (1.844) (0.968) (0.750) (0.750)
57,66 43,59 39,12 20,64 3,35/3,73 44,45 36,55 58,72 30,96 25,40 30,16
C-20-2 1.625”—12
(2.270) (1.716) (1.540) (0.812) (0.132-0.147) (1.750) (1.439) (2.312) (1.218) (1.000) (1.188)
Cavity W Y Z
mm (inch)

C-12-2U 30,82 12,70 34,29

(only) (1.214) (0.500) (1.350)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-15
C-**-3 Cavity


0,190? ± 0.0635
B R 0,0075?± 0.0025
D –B–
C 0,8 (0.03)

45º min.
R Dia.

R 1,575 These diameters

46 L 0,051mm (.002 inch) B
unless otherwise specified

T Dia These diameters

X 0,025mm (.001 inch) A
1,575 R 3-way cavity
K unless otherwise specified

Cavity A B C D E F G H
±0,051 Full (±0,0254)
mm (inch) Spotface ±0,051 (±0.002) (±0.002) Thread thread (±0.001)

C-4-3 21,03 12,37 9,80 .4375”—20 9,53 2,36-2,74 15,49 8,74

(0.828) (0.487) (0.386) (0.375) (0.093-0.108) (0.610) (0.344)
C-8-3 30,16 20,65 17,47 .750”—16 12,70 2,54-2,92 18,23 15,90
(1.188) (0.813) (0.688) (0.500) (0.100-0.115) (0.718) (0.626)
C-10-3 30,16 24,00 20,62 .875”—14 15,87 2,54-2,92 21,59 17,50
(1.188) (0.945) (0.812) (0.625) (0.100-0.115) 0.850) (0.689)
C-12-3 38,10 29,15 24,76 1.062”—12 22,22 3,30-3,68 34,92 23,82
(1.500) (1.148) (0.975) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.375) (0.938)
C-16-3 44,45 35,58 31,34 1.312”—12 22,22 3,30-3,68 34,13 28,62
(1.750) (1.401) (1.234) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.344) (1.127)
C-20-3 57,66 43,59 39,12 1.625”—12 20,64 3,35-3,73 44,45 36,55
(2.270) (1.716) (1.540) (0.812) (0.132-0.147) (1.750) (1.439)

Cavity J K L P R S T X

(±0,0254) Max. Max. Max.

mm (inch) (±0.001) Dia. Dia. Dia.

C-4-3 30,05 7,95 38,10 9,93 6,35 24,61 6,35 7.14

(1.183) (0.313) (1.500) (0.391) (0.25) (0.969) (0.25) (0.281)
C-8-3 33,25 14,30 43,25 14,68 5,94 28,98 5,94 12,70
(1.270) (0.563) (1.703) (0.578) (0.234) (1.141) (0.234) (0.500)
C-10-3 38,10 15,90 47,62 18,26 6,35 34,13 6,35 14,27
(1.500) (0.626) (1.875) (0.719) (0.250) (1.344) (0.250) (0.562)
M C-12-3 57,78 22,25 69,21 27,94 12,70 50,80 12,70 20,62
(2.275) (0.876) (2.725) (1.100) (0.500) (2.000) (0.500) (0.812)
C-16-3 62,71 27,02 75,39 24,60 15,88 53,18 15,88 19,05
(2.469) (1.064) (2.968) (0.969) (0.625) (2.093) (0.625) (0.750)
C-20-3 85,72 33,38 100,02 30,96 25,40 71,44 25,40 30,16
(3.375) (1.314) (3.938) (1.218) (1.00) (2.812) (1.000) (1.188)
Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-16 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
C-**-3S Cavity

Dimensions 15º
mm (inch)

R 0,190 ± 0.0635
B 0,0075 ±0.0025
D –B–
F 0,7938
H (0.031)
45º min.



T Dia. L
1,575 R 46

1,575 R 3-way short cavity

(0.062) X

These diameters 0,051mm (.002 inch) B unless otherwise specified

These diameters unless otherwise specified
0,025mm (.001 inch) A

Cavity A B C D E F G H

mm ±0,051 ±0,051 Full ±0,0254

(inch) Spotfac (±0.002) (±0.002) Thread thread (±0.001)

C-10-3S 30,16 24,00 20,62 0.875”—14 14,29 2,54-2,92 16,51 19,08

(1.188) (0.945) (0.812) (0.562) (0.100-0.115) (0.650) (0.751)
C-12-3S 38,10 29,15 24,76 1.062”—12 22,22 3,30-3,68 25,40 23,82
(1.500) (1.148) (0.975) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.000) (0.938)
C-16-3S 44,45 35,58 31,34 1.312”—12 17,46 3,30-3,68 20,62 28,62
(1.750) (1.401) (1.234) (0.687) (0.130-0.145) (0.812) (1.127)
C-20-3S 57,66 43,59 39,12 1.625”—12 20,64 3,35-3,73 23,82 36,55
(2.270) (1.716) (1.540) (0.812) (0.132-0.147) (0.938) (1.439)

Cavity J K L P R S T X

mm ±0,0254 Max. Max. Max.

(inch) (±0.001) Dia. Dia. Dia.

C-10-3S 38,48 17,50 47,62 14,29 3,18 30,96 13,49 15,88

(1.515) (0.689) (1.875) (0.562) (0.125) (1.218) (0.531) (0.625)
C-12-3S 48,26 22,25 59,69 22,22 4,82 41,27 12,70 20,62
(1.900) (0.876) (2.350) (0.875) (0.190) (1.625) (0.500) (0.812)
C-16-3S 46,02 25,45 55,58 16,67 6,35 37,31 15,88 19,05 M
(1.812) (1.002) (2.188) (0.656) (0.250) (1.468) (0.625) (0.750)
C-20-3S 64,29 33,38 77,77 19,84 6,35 50,00 25,40 30,16
(2.531) (1.314) (3.062) (0.781) (0.250) (1.968) (1.000) (1.188)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-17
C-**-4 Cavity

mm (inch) A

B 0.010 R
F H (0.031) –A–

S 45º
L R Dia.


T Dia. 46 1,575 R
(0.062) These diameters
0,051mm (.002 inch) B
V Dia.
unless otherwise specified

1,6 R 4-way cavity

These diameters
0,025mm (.001 inch) A
4-way cavity
K unless otherwise specified

Cavity A B C D E F G H J K
mm ±0,051 ±0,051 Full ±0,0254 ±0,0254
(inch) Spotface (±0.002) (±0.002) Thread thread (±0.001) (±0.001)

C-8-4 30,16 20,65 17,47 0.750”—16 12,70 2,54-2,92 18,24 15,90 32,26 14,30
(1.188) (0.813) (0.688) (0.500) (0.100-0.115) (0.718) (0.626) (1.270) (0.563)
C-10-4 30,16 24,00 20,62 0.875”—14 15,88 2,54-2,92 22,22 19,08 38,10 17,50
(1.188) (0.945) (0.812) (0.625) (0.100-0.115) (0.875) (0.751) (1.500) (0.689)
C-12-4 38,10 29,15 24,76 1.062”—12 22,22 3,30-3,68 34,92 23,82 57,78 22,25
(1.500) (1.148) (0.975) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.375) (0.938) (2.275) (0.876)
C-16-4 44,45 35,58 31,34 1.312”—12 22,22 3,30-3,68 34,14 28,62 62,71 27,02
(1.750) (1.401) (1.234) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.344) (1.127) (2.469) (1.064)
C-20-4 57,66 43,59 39,12 1.625”—12 20,64 3,35-3,73 44,45 36,55 85,72 33,38
(2.270) (1.716) (1.540) (0.812) (0.132-0.147) (1.750) (1.439) (3.375) (1.314)

Cavity L M N P R S T U V X
mm ±0,0254 Max. Max. Max
(inch) (±0.001) Dia. Dia. Dia.

C-8-4 46,48 12,72 56,13 14,68 5,94 28,98 5,94 43,25 5,94 11,13
(1.830) (0.501) (2.210) (0.578) (0.234) (1.141) (0.234) (1.703) (0.234) (0.438)
C-10-4 53,98 15,90 63,50 18,26 6,35 34,13 6,35 50,00 6,35 14,29
(2.125) (0.626) (2.500) (0.718) (0.250) (1.343) (0.250) (1.968) (0.250) (0.562)
C-12-4 80,64 20,65 92,07 27,94 12,70 50,80 12,70 73,66 12,70 19,05
M (3.175) (0.813) (3.625) (1.100) (0.500) (2.000) (0.500) (2.900) (0.500) (0.750)
C-16-4 91,29 25,45 103,99 24,60 15,88 53,16 15,88 81,76 15,88 19,05
(3.594) (1.002) (4.094) (0.968) (0.625) (2.093) (0.625) (3.218) (0.625) (0.750)
C-20-4 127,00 31,78 141,27 30,96 25,40 71,44 25,40 112,71 25,40 30,16
(5.000) (1.251) (5.562) (1.218) (1.000) (2.812) (1.000) (4.437) (1.000) (1.188)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-18 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
C-**-4U Cavity

mm (inch)


For use with B 0.010 R
VCB1-10/12 –B– 0.005
Cartridge Only D
C 0,79
F H –A–

45º E P
R DIa. U

T Dia. 1,575R Z
These diameters
0,051mm (.002 inch) B V Dia.
unless otherwise specified

1,6 R W
These diameters
0,025mm (.001 inch) A
4-way cavity with slot
unless otherwise specified M

Cavity A B C D E F G H J K
±0,051 ±0,051 Full (±0,0254) ±0,0254
mm (inch) Spotface (±0.002) (±0.002) Thread thread (±0.001) (±0.001)

C-10-4 30,16 24,00 20,62 0.875”—14 15,88 2,54-2,92 22,22 19,08 38,10 17,50
(1.188) (0.945) (0.812) (0.625) (0.100-0.115) (0.875) (0.751) (1.500) (0.689)
C-12-4 38,10 29,15 24,76 1.062”—12 22,22 3,30-3,68 34,92 23,82 57,78 22,25
(1.500) (1.148) (0.975) (0.875) (0.130-0.145) (1.375) (0.938) (2.275) (0.876)

Cavity L M N P R S T U V X
mm (inch) (±0.001) Max. Dia. Max. Dia. Max. Dia.

C-10-4U 53,98 15,90 63,50 19,83 3,17 10,31 3,17 51,58 6,35 14,29
(2.125) (0.626) (2.500) (0.781) (0.125) (0.406) (0.125) (2.031) (0.250) (0.562)
C-12-4U 80,61 20,64 92,04 27,93 12,70 50,78 12,70 73,63 12,70 19,04
(3.175) (0.813) (3.625) (1.100) (0.500) (2.000) (0.500) (2.900) (0.500) (0.750)

Cavity Thread W Z

mm (inch)

C-10-4U All 15,9 (0.625) ø 6,3 (0.25)

C-12-4U SAE12 22,4 (0.88) ø 12,6 (0.50)
1/2” BSPP 17,5 (0.68)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-19

Dimensions Thread
mm (inch) .001 A
ØB -B-
.001 A
See Detaill A .002 B

-A- F°
ØN J 100 ØE
M T .001 A
3 .002 B
ØU 45° ± 5°
R .005
ØY Detail A
Scale 2/1

3 Spotface depth to be
shown on detail drawing
30° ± 1° R .062± .005
.001 A
.002 B
.001 A
.002 B
.001 A ØL
.002 B .001 A
.002 B

Cavity A B C D E F H K L M N
±0,13 ±0,13 +0,38 (±0.005) ±0,05 ±0,03 ±0,03 ±0,13
(±0.005) (±0.005) (+0.005) (±0.002) ±1° (±0.001) (±0.001) (±0.005)
Thread (-0.0) Min Max Max

12,70 30,16 2,54 14,48 20,65 17,42 - 17,52 11,13 15,90 29,51 3,81
C-8-5S 0.75”—16 15
(0.500) (1.188) (0.100) (0.570) (0.813) (0.686-0.690) (0.438) (0.626) (1.162) (0.150)
15,88 30,16 2,54 22,09 24,00 20,57 - 20,67 14,30 19,08 38,10 6,76
C-10-5S 0.875”—12 15
(0.625) (1.188) (0.100) (0.870) (0.945) (0.810-0.814) (0.563) (0.751) (1.500) (0.266)
17,53 38,10 2,54 19,79 29,21 24,69 - 24,79 19,08 23,83 38,84 4,78
C-12-5S 1.0625”—12 15
(0.690) (1.500) (0.100) (0.779) (1.150) (0.972-0.976) (0.751) (0.938) (1.529) (0.188)
17,53 44,45 3,30 20,02 35,59 31,29 - 31,39 25,45 30,20 41,40 6,35
C-16-5S 1.3125”—12 15
(0.690) (1.750) (0.130) (0.788) (1.401) (1.232-1.236) (1.002) (1.189) (1.630) (0.250)
17,53 57,66 3,35 20,02 43,59 39,12 - 39,29 33,38 38,16 44,45 6,35
C-20-5S 1.625”—12 15
(0.690) (2.270) (0.132) (0.788) (1.716) (1.543-1.547) (1.314) (1.502) (1.750) (0.250)

Cavity J R S U T V W Y X AA BB CC DD
±0,13 ±0,03 ±0,13 ±0,13 ±0,03 ±0,13 ±0,13 ±0,13 ±0,13
(±0.005) (±0.001) (±0.005) Max (±0.005) (±0.001) (±0.005) Max (±0.005) Max Max (±0.005) (±0.005)

12,19 14,30 43,79 5,94 26,41 12,72 58,04 5,94 40,64 9,91 5,94 66,80 54,86
(0.480) (0.563) (1.724) (0.234) (1.040) (0.501) (2.285) (0.234) (1.600) (0.390) (0.234) (2.630) (2.160)
18,26 17,50 53,98 6,75 33,78 15,90 69,85 6,76 49,78 13,00 6,76 79,38 65,79
(0.719) (0.689) (2.125) (0.266) (1.330) (0..626) (2.750) (0.266) (1.960) (0.512) (0.266) (3.125) (2.590)

M C-12-5S
16,08 28,63 65,56 11,18 35,36 27,03 86,33 12,70 57,94 19,05 11,18 97,69 80,52
(0.633) (1.127) (2.581) (0.440) (1.392) (1.064) (3.399) (0.500) (2.281) (0.750) (0.440) (3.846) (3.170)
16,00 36,55 70,10 36,83 36,83 34,98 94,23 15,09 61,47 25,40 14,22 106,69 86,61
(0.630) (1.439) (2.760) (0.562) (1.450) (1.377) (3.710) (0.594) (2.420) (1.000) (0.560) (4.200) (3.410)

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-20 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities

Valve Cavity Page number

1CE120, 1CEB120, 4CK120, 5CK120 A877 M-21

1CLLR100 A878 M-21
1DR2, 1DR30, 3CA20, 3CP2 A879 M-21
S207, S217 (A, H), PDR21A
1DS30, 1DS100, 1PS100, 1PSC100, 1UPS100, 1PA100 A880 M-21
1AR100, 1ARC100, 1UAR100, 1GR30, 1GR100 A881 M-22
1SB10 A893 M-22
1LR300 A1126 M-22
1PUL200 A3145 M-23
1VR100, 1UL60 A3146 M-23
S229, PPD2 2A A3531 M-23
1SB304 A5302 M-23
1CE30, 1CER30, 1CEB30, 1CEL30 A6610 M-24
4CK30, 5CK30, 1PSC30
PFR2 4A, PFR21H A6701 M-24
1CEBD120, 1CPBD120 A6726 M-24
1CE300, 1CEB300, 4CK300, 5CK300 A6935 M-25
2CFRC60, 2CR80 A7447 M-25
1PUL60 A12088 M-26
1CEBD90, 1CPBD90 A12196 M-26
1CE90, 1CEB90, 1CER90, 1CEL90, 4CK(D)90 A12336 M-26
1HP7, 1CLLR50 A12370 M-26
S520(H), S521(H), S525, S526 A12743 M-27
S541, S542, 2CFD50, 4CKKT50 A12744 M-27
1CEBD300, 1CPBD300 A13098 M-27
LE402, 3CA300 A13245 M-28
1VR200, 1PA200, 1PS200 A16102 M-28
1SH10 A16927 M-28

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-21
Cartridge cavities

Valve Cavity Page number

1CE140, 1CER140, 1CEL140 A20081 M-28

1CPBD30 A20530 M-29
1RDS702 A21145 M-29
LEV402 A21773 M-29
1CE20 A22903 M-29
1GR60 CVA-20-01-0 M-30
1DS60, 1PS60 CVA-22-06-0 M-30
2CFP60 CVA-27-04-0 M-30
2CFD200 CVB-42-04-0 M-31
1SH60 C-I-M18-3 M-31

Our cavities have been standard cavities. The diagram Great care must be taken
designed to achieve below shows the sequence of to ensure that the tools are
standardization based on tooling using tools specified in inserted along the same
each thread size to reduce the the following pages. machining axis to maintain
amount of tooling required correct concentricities, hence
to cover the valve range. All bodies should not be moved
new designs of cartridge NNote: a pilot drill may be required between operations.
are made to fit the ISO before the form drill.
recommendations for

Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 3

form drill form reamer plug tap

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-22 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A877 Cavity A878
Cavity tools Cavity tools (0.003)
Form Drill A1161 Form Drill A885
Form Reamer A1162 Form Reamer A1173
Plug Tap 1 5/16-12 UNF Plug Tap 7/8-14 UNF

Ø 45.00 Ø 28.00
(1.772) (1.102)
Ø 34.54 Ø 23.06 Ø 0.08 B
(1.360) (0.908) (0.003)
Ø 0.08 B
(0.003) Ø 34.49 Ø 23.02
(1.358) (0.906)
Ø 31.25 (0.003) B
Ø 0.08 A (1.230) 1-5/16-12UNF-2B 0.8 B
(0.003) (0.032) 7/8-14 UNF-2B
Ø 31.04 0.08
Ø(0.003) A
Ø 0.08 A Ø 20.24
Ø 29.64 (0.797)
Ø 0.08 A
Ø R 0.20
Ø 29.59 4º (0.008)
Ø 0.08 A (1.165)
(0.003) 0.08 Ø R 0.08 Ø19.07 (0.751)
Ø 28.62 (0.003) B (0.003) 19.05 (0.750)
0.8 (1.127) -A-
1.6 0.8
(0.032) Ø 28.57 (0.063) (0.032) Ø 3.30
- A- (1.125) 3.30 (0.130)
0.3 1.6
17.00 R 0.20 (0.008)
(0.130) 1.6
(0.012) Ø 3.05 (0.063)
(0.032) 3.05 16.00 (0.063) (0.120)
0.670 0.05 (0.020 (0.012) (0.120) (0.630)
20.60 16.00
36.5 45º 21.00 (0.630) 30.16
(1.437) 3 45.20 76.00 (0.827)
Ø6.00 2 (1.187) 40.00
57.20 (1.780) (2.992)
30º (1.575) 44.00
max drilled (1.732)
30º (2.756)
reamed 18.00
min Ø
Ø 16.5 1 (0.709)
max 1

Cavity A879 Cavity A880

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A1040 Form Drill A1302
Form Reamer A1041 Form Reamer A1303
Plug Tap 3/4-16 UNF Plug Tap 1-14 UNS
Ø 26.00
Ø 30.00
Ø 20.73 0.08
(0.816) 1.6
Ø 27.04 (0.003) A
20.60 (0.062) (1.064)
Ø 0.08 Ø (0.811)
(0.003) B Ø 26.99
R 0.2 (0.008)
15º (1.063) Ø 0.05 A
0.1 ( 0.012) 0.8 (0.002)
Ø 0.08 3/4-16 UNF-2B (0.003) 1-14
(0.003) A UNS-2B
Ø 0.08 Ø 0.05 A
17.20 2.65 (0.003) A 19.07 (0.002)
(0.677) (0.104) Ø 23.41 Ø(0.751)
12.50 1.6
16.90 14.00 2.45 0.3
(0.665) (0.551) (0.096) (0.011) (0.492) (0.062) Ø 19.03
32.40 19.40
45º Ø 5.00 A 1.6
8.50 (0.197) 0.8 0.3 18.25 (0.062)
(1.275) 28.60 (0.763)
Form (1.125) 2 (0.335) max (0.011) (0.719)
30º 30º
Ø 9.00
(0.354) 30º 30.00
max 3 (1.181)
1 51.50 71.80
Ø 10.75
(2.028) 63.50 (2.827)89.30
(0.423) (2.500) Drill (3.516)
max AXP
1301 Drill
Ø 12.75 30º AXP
(0.501) 1302
(0.062) Ø 12.70 45º
(0.500) Ø 24.00
-A- (0.945) 0.50
max (0.020)
max Ø 16.00
1 (0.630)
Note: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-23
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A881 Cavity A893

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A1183 Form Drill A894
Form Reamer A1036 Form Reamer AT491
Plug Tap 1 -14 UNF Plug Tap 7/8-14 UNF

Ø 30.0 0.08
(1.181) (0.003) A ø26.00
Ø 27.04 (1.064)
26.99 (1.063) Ø 0.05 Ø0.08 23.40 (0.921)
(0.002) A (0.003) B ø23.25 (0.915)
1.6 (0.063) 5°
1-14 UNS-2B Ø 0.05 B
(0.002) A Ø0.08 1.6
(0.003) A 7/8-14UNF-2B
Ø 23.42 (0.922) Ø 0.05 3.27 (0.129)
(0.002) A Ø0.08 R0.20 (0.008) 3.17 (0.125)
1.6 0.10 (0.004) 0.3 13.0
(0.063) 0.3 4.08 (0.161) 14.0 50.40 (0.003) B (0.012) (0.512)
(0.012) 3.84 (0.151) (0.551) (1.984) 1.6
Max Ø9.0
30º 17.0 (0.354) 30°
(0.669) 21.50
36.5 25.4 37.50 3 (0.846)
(1.437) (1.000) 43.0
48.30 57.45 (1.476) (1.693) 56.0
(1.902) (2.263) 80.2 61.00 30°
(2.205) 64.0
reamed (3.157) Min (2.52)
(2.402) 2 Reamed Drilled
depth piloted
30º drill
AXP Max Ø11.0 30°
30º 1183 (0.433) 1

(0.063) Max Ø14.0 18.05 (0.711)
(0.551) 1.6 ø18.00 (0.709)
(0.002) A
Ø13.5 (0.532) 19.05 (0.750)
1.6 ø19.00 (0.748)
Ø 19.07 (0.751) -A-
19.03 (0.750)

Cavity A1126
Cavity tools
Form Drill AT422
Form Reamer AT488
Plug Tap 1 5/8-12 UNF

Ø 55.60 (2.189)

0.08 B
(0.003) 15˚ 43.66 (1.719)
Ø 43.51 (1.713) Ø 0.08 B
(0.063) B
3.75 (0.148) 1-5/8-12 UNF-2B Ø 0.08 A
3.35 (0.132) (0.003)
1.6 (0.012) R 0.2 (0.008)
0.1 (0.004)

59.00 45˚ (1.535)
74.00 (2.323) 30˚
(2.193) (0.807)

Ø 40.00
71.00 max
Ø 37.00 (1.457) max

M 1.6
Ø 38.16 (1.502)
38.10 (1.500)
Note: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-24 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A3145 Cavity A3146

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A3226 Form Drill A3315
Form Reamer A3227 Form Reamer A3316
Plug Tap 1 5/16-12 UN Plug Tap 1 1/8-12 UNF

Ø 45.00 (1.771) Ø 38.00

Ø 30.30 (1.193)
30.20 (1.189)
34.54 (1.360) Ø 0.08
Ø 0.08
Ø 34.49 (1.358)
0.08 (0.003) B
(0.003) B (0.003) B
B 4º 71.30 1-1/8-12UNF-2B
1 5/16-12UN-2B (2.807) Ø 0.08 A
Ø 0.08 71.00 (0.003)
(0.003) A 1.6
Ø 25.44 (1.002) 0.08
29.64 (1.167)
Ø 29.59 (1.165) 1.6
(0.063) 25.40 (1.000) (0.003) B
-A- (0.063)
20.00 0.3 (0.063) R 0.2 (0.008) 1.6
0.1 (0.004) (0.063) 3.30
(0.787) (0.012) R 0.2 (0.008) 1.6 (0.130) 1.6
Ø4.00 3.30 18.50 0.1 (0.004) (0.063) 0.3 3.05 (0.063)
3.05 (0.728) (0.012) (0.120)
4 45º
36.50 max (0.120) 5.00
(1.437) (0.197) 3 45º
58.00 19.00 max 50.00
(2.283) 3 (0.748) 40.50
(1.594) (1.969)
Ø4.00 30º 22.30 18.00 49.70 62.30
(0.016) (0.878)
30º (0.709) (1.957) (2.453)
2 30º 62.00
max 22.00 21.30 (0.839) (2.441)
30º (0.866) Ø18.00 2 21.00 (0.827)
45º (0.709)
max 45º
(0.984) 1 0.80 (0.032)
max 1 0.70 82.30 Ø 20.00
(0.028) (3.240) (0.787)
Ø22.00 (0.866) max max 82.00
(3.228) 1.6
1.6 (0.063)
(0.063) 28.62 (1.127)
Ø 28.57 (1.125)
Ø 0.05 Ø 23.85 (0.939)
(0.002) A 23.80 (0.937) Ø 0.05
(0.002) A

Cavity A3531 Cavity A5302

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A3538 Form Drill A5668
Form Reamer A3539 Form Reamer A5669
Plug Tap 3/4-16 UNF Plug Tap 7/8-14 UNF

Ø 30.20 (1.189) Ø34.00 (1.339)

20.72 15º Ø 24.05 (0.947)
23.95 (0.943) Ø 0.08
Ø (0.816)
(0.003) B (0.003) B
(0.811) Ø 0.08 1.6 B
0.08 (0.003) B (0.063)
(0.003) B 1.6 7/8-14 UNF-2B Ø 0.08 A
(0.063) 3/4-16 B (0.003)
Ø 19.10 (0.752)
UNF-2B Ø 0.08 A R 0.2 (0.008)
0.1 (0.004)
19.05 (0.750) -A-
(0.681) 2.92 (0.003)
(0.115) 17.30 1.6 0.3 21.40 1.6
1.6 2.54 0.3 13.90 (0.063) (0.843) (0.063)
(0.063) (0.681) (0.012)
(0.100) (0.012) (0.547)
45º 30.30 (0.130)
45º 3.10 (0.122)
31.50 28.30 39.20
(1.240) (1.114) (1.543)
14.30 30º 53.20 30º 16.70
55.00 (0.563) (2.094) (0.657) 57.80
(2.165) Ø5.50 (2.276) 68.00
30º 34.90
(0.217) (1.374) (2.677)
max typ 30º 30º
43.70 (1.720) 45º
min ream
13.70 (0.539) (0.295)
Ø13.60 (0.535) max typ

14.33 (0.564) Ø15.50 (0.610) max

Ø14.27 (0.562) 1.6

(0.063) Ø 0.08 1.6
(0.003) A (0.063) Ø 15.92 (0.627)
15.88 (0.625) Ø 0.05
15.93 (0.627)
Ø15.88 (0.625) 1.6 1.6 (0.002) A
-A- (0.063) Ø 17.50 (0.689)
17.45 (0.687) Ø 0.05
(0.002) A
Note: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-25
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A6610 Cavity A6701

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill AT447 Form Drill AT482
Form Reamer AT448 Form Reamer AT483
Plug Tap M20 x 1.5 Plug Tap 3/4-16 UNF

Ø 30.0
Ø 26.00
Ø 21.90 (1.024)
Ø 21.80
(0.858) Ø 0.08 A Ø 0.08 Ø 20.73 (0.816)
20.60 (0.811)
M20x1.5 (0.003) B 15o
15º -6H Ø 0.08 A
0.08 B (0.063)
(0.003) A
1.6 B
(0.063) 1.6
17.55 (0.691) Ø 0.08 (0.063)
17.50 (0.689) (0.003) A 3/4-16 UNF-2B
-A- 0.08 R0.2 (0.008)
1.6 (0.003) B 0.1 (0.004)
2.80 (0.063) 2.65 (0.104) 0.3
2.45 (0.096) (0.012) 1.6 12.70

1.6 (0.110
(0.063) 13.5 2.40 0.3 45° 13.5 (0.063) (0.500)
C (0.532) (0.094) (0.012) (0.532)

10.0 (0.394) 4.0 45o

43.0 (0.157) 28.60
30.0 30.0 (1.125)
(1.693) (1.181) 30° (1.181)
ream 30o
depth Ø 9.50
14.00 Ø 10.75 (0.374)
30° Ø 8.0 (0.315) max 27.60 17.70 (0.551) (0.423) max
(1.087) (0.697) max
40.0 ream 17.45
(1.575) depth (0.687) 1.6
Ø 15.00 (0.063) 15.93 (0.627)
Ø 15.88 (0.625)
max -A-
Ø 16.05

(0.063) Ø 16.00
(0.630) Ø 0.05 A
Cavity A6726
Cavity tools
Form Drill A6933
Form Reamer A6934
Plug Tap 1 5/16-12 UNF

Ø 37.55 (1.478)
37.50 (1.476) Ø 0.08 B
34.54 (1.360) (0.003)
Ø 34.49 (1.358) 1.6
Ø 0.08 B
0.08 (0.003)
(0.003) B
clamping face 4º 1.6 1-5/16- B
12UN-2B Ø 0.08
7.50 Ø 2.00 (0.003) A
11.00 (0.295) (0.079)
(0.433) 0.80 (0.032)
max 30º min
1.6 R0.20 (0.008) 45º (1.063) 81.00
(0.062) 0.05 (0.002) (3.189)
30º R 0.1 reamed
(0.004) depth
max 30.60
Valve (1.205) (3.385)
56.20 depth
30º (2.213)
28.00 Ø 5.00
(1.102) (0.197) Cyl
47.50 Ø 16.50 Ø 28.00 (1.102)
(1.870) (0.650)
max Ø 28.62
68.20 3.30 (0.130)
(0.062) (1.127)
(2.685) 3.05 (0.120) Ø 28.57
(1.125) Ø 0.05 A
M Ø 29.64 (1.167)
29.59 (1.165)

Note: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-26 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A6935 Cavity A7447

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill AT501 Form Drill A8115
Form Reamer AT502 Form Reamer A8117
Plug Tap 1 5/8-12 UN Plug Tap M27 X 2

ø40.00 Min
Ø 58.00 (2.283) (1.575)
0.08 B o
(0.003) Ø 43.64 (1.718) Ø 0.08 B Ø0.08 ø29.45 (1.159)
43.50 (1.713) (0.003) (0.003) B 29.40 (1.157)
(0.063) 1-5/8-12UN-2B Ø 0.08 A
(0.003) B
Ø7.00 Ø0.08 M27x2.0-6H
38.05 (1.498) (0.003) A
(0.276) Ø 38.00 (1.496) 1.6
22.50 max -A-
(0.886) 26.90 ø23.05 (0.908)
0.3 1.6 3.52 -A-
(0.063) (0.139) (1.059) 23.00 (0.906)
1.6 (0.012)
(0.063) 3.35 26.50
(0.132) (1.043) 3.50 (0.138)
3.10 (0.122) 1.6
Ø0.08 Min19.00 0.3
59.90 (0.003) B (0.748) (0.012)
R0.20 (0.008)
48.75 (2.358) 1.6 0.10 (0.004)
(9.919) 59.50
19.50 (2.343)
R0.2 (0.768) 45°
71.50 (0.008) 28.50
(2.815) 30º
R0.1 77.00 46.5 35.90(1.413) (1.122)
(0.004) (3.032) (1.831) 35.50(1.398)
30º Min
Ø 20.50 45º
(0.807) 30°
max Max Ø13.00
Ø 35.00 (1.378)

36.05 (1.419) (0.063) Max Ø22.00
Ø 36.00 (1.417) Ø 0.08 A (0.866)

Note: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-27
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A12088 Cavity A12196

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A3315 Form Drill A12197
Form Reamer A3316 Form Reamer A12198
Plug Tap 1 1/8-12 UNF Plug Tap M27 X 1.5

Ø38.00 (1.496) Ø 0.05 B Ø 31.47 (1.239)

31.42 (1.237)
30.30 (1.193)
Ø 30.20 (0.002)
Ø 0.08 B (1.189)
Ø 0.05 B 1.6 Ø 29.30 (1.154)
29.20 (1.150)
(0.003) (0.002) (0.063)
B (0.003) B 0.08
Ø 4.00
Ø 0.08 A (0.003) B (0.157)
1-1/8-12UNF-2B B max
(0.003) Ø 0.08 A M27x 15o
1.6 25.44 (1.002) 30º 1.5-6H Ø 4.00 10.00
18.50 (0.063) Ø 25.40 (1.000) (0.003)
-A- (0.157) (0.394)
(0.728) 13.00 1.6 max
3.30 18.00 (0.512) (0.063)
30.00 1.6 (0.130) (0.709)
R 0.2 (0.008) (0.063) 0.3 3.05 1.6
(1.181) 0.1 (0.004) (0.012) (0.063)
(0.120) R0.1
65.00 1.00 (0.004)
Ø5.00 (0.039) 45º max 64.00
45º (2.560)
(0.197) max min (2.520)
50.00 30º 31.00
(1.969) ream R 0.20 (0.008) (1.220)
30º 49.70 0.10 (0.004)
21.30 (0.839) (1.957) 30º
30º 21.00 (0.827)
Ø1.50 55.00 3.30 (0.130) 49.00
43.50 (0.059) 45º 3.05 (0.120) Ø10.00 (1.929)
(2.165) (0.394)
(1.713) max
67.00 29.00 (1.142) max
0.80 62.30 (2.452) (2.638)
Ø12.50 (0.032) 62.00 (2.441) 33.50 (1.319) Ø 22.00 (0.866)
Ø 23.05 (0.907)
Ø20.00 (0.787) max (0.063)
1.6 23.00 (0.906) Ø 0.05 A
Ø 23.85 (0.939)
23.80 (0.937) Ø 24.55 (0.967)
Ø 0.05 A 24.50 (0.965)
(0.002) -A-

Cavity A12336 Cavity A12370

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A12337 Form Drill A12439
Form Reamer A12338 Form Reamer A12440
Plug Tap M27 X 1.5 Plug Tap 7/8-14 UNF

Ø 40.00 (1.575) Ø 30.00

(1.181) 1.6
Ø 0.05 B Ø 29.30 (1.154) (0.062)
29.20 (1.150) Ø 24.05
(0.002) (0.947)
0.08 Ø4.00 0.08 A Ø 24.00
1.6 (0.945) 0.08
(0.003) B (0.063) 15o (0.157) (0.003) (0.003) B
B max
Ø 0.08 A M27x1.5-6H B
(0.003) 7/8-14 UNF-2B 0.08
3.30 18.00 (0.003) A
1.6 16.00 (0.130) 0.3 (0.709) (0.115)
(0.063) 3.05 (0.012)
(0.630) 1.6 0.3 2.54
(0.120) (0.062) (0.100)
18.25 45° 16.00
36.00 30° (0.630) 23.80 26.00
(1.417) (0.719)
56.00 (0.937) (1.024) 33.40
R 0.20 (0.008) 30º
(2.205) 0.10 (0.004) 51.00 Inlet (1.315)
Ø 11.00
30º (0.433)
Ø 10.00
54.00 20.50 (0.807) (0.394) Ø 14.00
(2.126) max (0.551)
min 42.00 (1.654) Outlet
ream Ø 22.00 (0.866)
(0.063) Ø 15.92 1.6
(0.627) (0.062)
Ø 23.05 (0.907)
M 23.00 (0.906)
Ø 0.05 A
Ø 15.88
(0.063) -A-
Ø 24.55 (0.967)
24.50 (0.965)

NNote: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-28 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A12743 Cavity A12744

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A12802 Form Drill A12804
Form Reamer A12803 Form Reamer A12805
Plug Tap 7/8”-14 UNF Plug Tap 7/8-14 UNF
Ø 34.00 34.00
(1.339) Ø(1.339)

Ø 24.05 Ø 24.05
(0.947) (0.947)
° Ø 0.08 B 15°
15 Ø 23.93 (0.003) Ø 23.93
Ø 0.08 B (0.942) (0.942)
B 7/8-14 UNF-2B
0.08 B 1.6 0.08 Ø 0.08 A
(0.003) B (0.003) B 1.6 Ø19.10
Ø 0.08 A (0.063) 7/8-14 UNF-2B (0.003) (0.752) R 0.2 (0.008)
(0.062) 0.1 (0.004)
(0.003) Ø 19.05
R 0.2 (0.750)
2.92 (0.008) - - - A-
(0.115) 0.3 16.00 2.92 1.6 1.6
16.00 0.1 (0.012) (0.630) (0.115) (0.062) (0.062)
2.54 (0.004)
(0.630) (0.100) 22.20 45° 18.30
(0.874) (0.720)
0.3 18.30 38.10 34.00
(0.012) 23.30 21.60 30°
(0.720) 54.00 (1.500)
(1.339) 50.00
(0.850) 45° 34.00 30° (1.969)
47.65 38.10 (0.917) (1.339)
63.50 (2.126)
55.00 (1.876) (1.500) 70.00 (2.500)
30° (2.756) 30°

30° 30°
6.35 Ø 6.35
(0.250) (0.250)
max typ
max Ø 15.00
Ø 15.00 TYP (0.591)
(0.591) max
Ø 14.60
Ø 15.93 Ø 14.50
1.6 (0.627) (0.571)
Ø 15.88 Ø 15.93
Ø 0.05 A (0.625) 1.6 (0.627)
(0.002) (0.062) Ø 15.88
Ø 17.53 Ø 0.05 A (0.625)
1.6 (0.690) (0.002)
Ø 17.53
(0.063) Ø 17.48 (0.690)
(0.688) Ø 0.05 A 1.6 17.48
-A- (0.062) Ø (0.688)

Cavity A13098
Cavity tools
Form Drill A13099
Form Reamer A13100
Plug Tap 1 5/8”-12 UN

45.55 (1.793)
B Ø 0.08 Ø 45.50 (1.791)
43.64 (1.718)
B Ø 0.08 Ø 43.50 (1.713)
B (0.063)
A Ø 0.08 38.05 (1.498)
(0.003) Ø 38.00 (1.496)
15.50 -A-
(0.610) 15º 0.08
1.6 (0.003) B
1.6 0.75 (0.063)
(0.063) (0.139) 11.00

35.00 38.00
(1.378) 3.52 (0.139) 3.00 (1.496)
3.35 (0.132) 45º (0.118) max
42.40 (1.669) 7.00
92.50 42.00 (1.654) (0.276) max
20.50 (2.530)
75.40 (2.969) max
75.00 (2.953)
Ø 35.00 (1.378)
Ø 36.05 (1.419)
A Ø 0.08
36.00 (1.417)

NNote: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-29
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A13245 Cavity A16102

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A13246 Form Drill A3226
Form Reamer A13247 Form Reamer A3227
Plug Tap 1 5/8”-12UNF-2B Plug Tap 1 5/16-12UNF-2B

Ø 58.00 Ø 45.00
15˚ Ø 34.54
Ø 0.08 B (1.360)
(0.003) Ø 43.64
(1.718) Ø 0.08 B
(0.003) Ø 34.49
B Ø 43.51 1.6 (1.358)
(1.713) (0.062) 4°
0.08 B
Ø 0.08 A 1 5/16-12UN-2B
(0.003) B (0.003) Ø 0.08 A
(0.003) Ø 29.64
3.73 1-5/8 UNF-2B (1.167)
R 0.2 0.08
(0.147) Ø 29.59 1.6 (0.008) (0.003) B
3.35 0.50 (1.165)
(0.062) -A- (0.063) R 0.1
(0.132) (0.020) 0.3 1.6 (0.004) 1.6
(0.012) (0.063) (0.063)

32.00 20.00 Port 19.00

44.50 (1.260) (0.787) 45° (0.748)
58.70 (1.752)
(2.311) 1.60 58.00 4.00 3.30 71.30
19.10 Ø (0.157) (2.807) 82.30
(0.062) (2.283) (0.130) 22.30
(0.752) max max (0.878) 71.00 (3.240)
(0.120) 22.00 (2.795) 82.00
23.00 30° 30° (0.866) (3.228)
(0.906) Ø 25.00 Port 2
max max 45°
Ø 36.50
1.6 Ø 22.00
(0.062) 36.58 (0.866) Port 1
max 0.70
(1.440) (0.028)
36.53 max
(1.438) 1.6 Ø 28.62
-A- (0.063)
Ø 39.17 Ø 28.57
(1.542) Ø 0.05 A (1.125)
Ø 39.07 (0.002)
Ø 0.08 A (1.538)

Cavity A16927 Cavity A20081

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Reamer AT1097 Form Drill AT2369/1
Plug Tap M10 x 1.0 Form Reamer AT2369/2
Plug Tap M38 x 2-6H

11.25 (0.443)
Ø 10.75 (0.423)
Ø0.08 A Ø 51.00
Ø 40.70
-A- (1.602)
Ø 40.60
(1.598) Ø 0.05 A
M10x1.0 15° (0.002)
(0.063) M38x2.0-6H Ø 0.08 A
Datum 3.00 (0.003)
11.00 R 0.20 (0.008)
(0.433) (0.118) 19.50 3.50 Ø 36.00 R 0.10 (0.004)
1.6 (0.768) (0.138) (1.417)
(0.063) min 3.30 0.30 45.50
1.6 full th’d (0.130) (0.012) (1.791)
13.00 C

C (0.512) 45° 22.00

(0.866) 17.50
68.00 (0.689)
55.00 3
73.00 (2.677) (2.165) 25.00 1.6 1.6 max
(2.874) min (0.984) (0.063)
17.15 ream 30° 2
(0.675) Seating 6.00 45°
17.00 Face 5.00 (0.236) 1
(0.197) max 69.00
(0.670) 60° Ø 5.00 (2.717)
Port Ø 6.00 Ø 31.00
(0.236) max

Ø6.00 Ø 32.05
1.6 (1.262)
M Ø0.08
(0.003) A
(0.236) max (0.063)
Ø 32.00
0.01 Ø 0.05

NNote: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-30 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities

Cavity A20530 Cavity A21145

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill AT2573 Form Drill AT2962
Form Reamer AT2574 Form Reamer AT2963
Plug Tap M20 x 1.5 6H Plug Tap 1 1/16 12 UN - 2B

Ø 41.00 (1.614)
Ø25.05 (0.986) 29.28 (1.153)
Ø25.00 (0.984) Ø 0.05 A Ø 29.16 (1.148)
Ø 0.05
(0.002) (0.002) A
Ø21.90 (0.862) 1-1/16-12UN-2B Ø 0.08
Ø21.80 (0.858) Ø 0.05 A 1.6
(0.003) A
(0.002) 25.02 (0.985)
23.82 (0.938) 0.03
Ø 23.77 (0.936)
0.08 15° 0.30 (0.012)
-A- R 0.20 (0.008) (0.001) A
(0.003) A M20x1.5-6H Ø 0.08 A 1.6
(0.003) (0.063) 1.6
Ø18.50 1.6 0.50 (0.020) (0.063)
(0.728) (0.062) 0.30 (0.012) C
Face 28.75 45º 3.67 (0.144)
Full (0.110) 30°
4.00 (1.132) 3.30 (0.130)
14.00 R0.10 11.00 53.40
Th’d 2.40 1.00 max (0.157) 4 22.20 (0.874)
(0.551) (0.094) (0.039) max (0.433) (2.102) min full th’d
4 77.90 98.00
27.50 25.00 1.6
C (0.062)
25.50 (3.067) 30º 30º 35.40 (3.858) 100.0
59.00 57.00 (1.083) (0.984)
min 3 (1.004) 40.00 99.00 3 1.6 (1.394) min (3.937)
(2.323) (2.244) 44.00 (1.575) (3.898) (0.063) ream
Drill Ream (1.732) 30° 2 54.00
60.10 (2.366)
Depth Depth 30° (2.126) 30º

45° 2 1.6
1 Ø12.70 (0.500)
0.20 84.60 (3.330)
Drill Ø 8.00 Ø 4.00 max typ 45º
(0.008) (0.003) (0.157)
R 0.10 Ø 15.00 max max 60º
(0.591) 1
Ø 16.05
(0.632) 1.6 Ø 18.00 (0.709) max
Ø 16.00 Ø 19.50 (0.768)
Ø 0.05 A 1.6
(0.002) 20.67 (0.814)
Ø 17.55 Ø 20.62 (0.812)
(0.691) 1.6 Ø 0.05
(0.062) (0.002) A
Ø 17.50 - A- 1.6
(0.689) 22.27 (0.877) (0.063)
Ø 22.22 (0.875)
Ø 0.05
(0.002) A

Cavity A21773 Cavity A22903

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill AT3308 Form Drill AT3616
Form Reamer AT3309 Form Reamer AT3617
Plug Tap 1 5/8”-12UNF-2B Plug Tap M18x1.5-6H
Cavity Tools: Ø58.00 (2.283)
Form drill
Ø23.0 (0.906)
at 3308 43.63
Ø 19.90 (0.783)
Form reamer 15º (1.718)
Ø 43.59 Ø 0.08
at 3309 B 19.70 (0.776) Ø 0.08
(0.003) B
1.6 (0.003)
(0.063) (1.716)
1-5/8-12 B
Ø 0.08 UNF-2B
(0.003) B Ø 0.08 A M18 x
3.75 (0.003) 15º 1.5-6H Ø 0.08
(0.148) 0.08 (0.003) A
(0.003) A
1.6 1.6
80.00 66.00 3.35 0.30 R 0.2 (0.008) 19.80 (0.063)
(3.150) (2.598)
(0.132) (0.012) 0.1 (0.004) (0.780) Ø 15.05 (0.593) B

Ø 6.00 12.40 R0.2 (0.008) 15.00 (0.591)

(0.236)max (0.488) 0.1 (0.004)
(0.935) 45º
50.00 Ø 12.00 2.80 1.6
Ø 3.00
64.00 25.40 (1.969) (0.472) (0.118)
78.00 (2.520) (1.000) 20.60 1.6 (0.110) (0.063)
1.6 Ø 2.40 0.3 max 10.50

(3.071) (0.413)
30º 30º Ø 25.40 (0.063) C (0.094) (0.012) 45º
1.6 (1.000) max
45º Scale 3:1 37.65 23.25
(1.482) 9.5 (0.374) 1.6 (0.163) (0.915)
36.85 30º

Ø 30.00 (1.181) max
Ø 32.50 (1.280) 26.90 (1.059) 30º 1.6 (0.163)
Ø 26.50 (1.043)

Typical in 36.0
2 places
Ø 6.50
33.40 (1.315) 1.6
Ø 33.35 (1.313) (0.063 38.00 (0.256) (1.417)
) (1.496) max min
min Ø 12.50 (0.492)
36.58 (1.440) 1.6
Ø 36.53 (1.438) (0.063) 1.6
-A- R 0.25 (0.010) (0.063)
0.10 (0.004) Ø 13.55 (0.533)

13.50 (0.532) Ø 0.05

(0.002) A

NNote: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-31
Cartridge cavities

Cavity CVA- 20- 01- 0 Cavity CVA- 22- 06- 0

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A8961 Form Drill A8966
Form Reamer A8962 Form Reamer A8967
Plug Tap M20 X 1.5 Plug Tap M22 X 1.5

32.00 Ø 34.00
Ø (1.260) (1.339)

Ø 21.90 Ø 24.17
Ø 24.07
Ø 21.80 Ø 0.08 B (0.948)
(0.858) Ø 0.05 (0.003)
(0.002) B
B M22x1.5-6H
0.08 15°
(0.003) A B
M20x1.5-6H Ø 0.08 A 0.08
1.6 Ø 0.05 A (0.003) 15° (0.003) A
(0.063) (0.002) Ø 20.50
(0.807) 1.6
2.80 (0.063) R 0.2
18.50 (0.008)
(0.728) 2.80 (0.110) 1.6
(0.110) 43.70 17.00 2.40 R 0.1
14.50 0.3 (0.004)

(0.571) 0.3 2.40 1.6 (1.720) (0.670) (0.094) (0.012)

(0.012) (0.094) (0.063)
22.20 4.50
54.00 (0.874) (0.177) max 19.25 (0.758)
30.50 21.20
32.00 (1.201) (0.835) (2.126)
min 30°
(1.260) min
ream 30° 17.50 ream
(0.689) depth
1.6 Ø 6.00 30° (1.478)
(0.236) Ø 10.50
max (0.413)
Ø 17.05
Ø 17.05 56.00 (0.671) max
(0.671) (2.205)
Ø 17.00
Ø 17.00
(0.063) (0.670)
(0.670) Ø 0.05 A
Ø 19.05
1.6 (0.750)
Ø 19.00

NNotes: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Cavity CVA- 27- 04- 0
Cavity tools
Form Drill A12784
Cavity C-I-M18-3
Form Reamer A496
Plug Tap M27 X 2 Cavity tools
Form Drill ---
Form Reamer ---
(1.575) Plug Tap ---
Ø0.08 29.50 (1.161)
(0.003) B ø29.40 (1.158)
Ø0.08 M27x2.0-6H
(0.003) A
23.50 (0.925)
-A- ø23.00 (0.906)

3.5(0.178) Ø0.08
3.1(0.122) 1.6 (0.003) B
19.0 0.3 Max ø13.00
(0.748) (0.012) (0.512)

30° 28.50
33.9(1.335) (1.122)
60.4(2.378) 53.0
60.0(2.362) (2.087) 71.00
73.5(2.894) (2.795)
72.5(2.854) 30° Min

Max ø13.00
M (0.512)
Ø 20.00(0.787)

21.05 (0.829)
ø21.00 (0.827)
(0.002) A

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-32 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018
Cartridge cavities
ISO Standard

Cavity CVB- 22- 06- 0 CVB- 42- 04- 0

Cavity tools Cavity tools
Form Drill A8966 Form Drill BT499
Form Reamer A8967 Form Reamer AT498
Plug Tap M22 X 1.5 Plug Tap M42 X 2

Ø 34.00
(1.339) ø56.00
Ø 24.17 1.6
(0.952) Ø0.08 44.50 (1.752)
(0.003) B ø44.45 (1.748)
Ø 0.08 B Ø 24.07
(0.948) B 15°
B M22x1.5-6H (0.003) A M42x2.0-6H
Ø 0.08 A 0.08
(0.003) 15° (0.003) A 3.5 (0.138)
Ø 20.50
(0.807) 1.6
R 0.2 3.1 (0.122) Max
43.70 2.80 (0.063) Ø0.08 Ø20.50
(0.008) (0.003) B 0.3
(1.720) (0.110) 1.6 (0.012) (0.807)
17.00 2.40 R 0.1 1.6
0.3 (0.004)
(0.670) (0.094) (0.012)
19.5 45°
22.20 6.0 (0.768)
54.00 (0.874) (0.236) max 18.75(0.738) 33.25
(2.126) 30°
min 30° 77.4(3.047) 66.25
R0.20 (0.008) (2.608)
ream 77.0(3.031) 0.10 (0.004)
30° (1.478) 30°
Ø 10.50 91.0
(3.583) 44.4(1.748)
(0.413) 44.0(1.732)
56.00 max 153.0
(2.205) (6.024)
(0.063) 17.05(0.671)
Ø 0.05 A Ø 17.00(0.670) Max Ø20.50
(0.002) (0.807)
19.05 (0.750)
-A- Ø
19.00 (0.748)

ø 35.5 (1.398)

1.6 36.05 (1.419)

ø 36.00 (1.417)
(0.002) A
1.6 38.05 (1.498)
ø38.00 (1.496)

NNote: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018 M-33
TC Cavity

Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

M-34 Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E3—January 2018
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Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.

Eaton Hydraulic Screw-in Cartridge Valves (SiCV) E-VLSC-MC001-E6—January 2018

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