Fire Department Press Release Toolkit
Fire Department Press Release Toolkit
Fire Department Press Release Toolkit
Dealing with the public and the media is not usually considered part of the firefighter’s
job description. However, it is becoming a more and more integral part of any depart-
ment’s livelihood. Presenting a good image provides many benefits for your department.
And any missteps are amplified by the sound chamber of the media. Be prepared and
proactive when dealing with the media, and your job will be much easier.
PSAs............................................................................................................................. pg. 9
When dealing with the media, you should always aim to be proactive. Always seek to
develop a relationship with those who will be covering local events. Create a media
list, a list of journalists in your area that you will be working with. Offer to be a sub-
ject-matter expert for them, provide your own press releases and send them relevant
information when requested. That way, when issues do arise, you’ve already built a
relationship with the very person or people who will cover it, which can be a boon in
times of crisis.
Always try to understand things from their perspective. Like many professions, news
people are overworked and often have too little time to get their stories done. You want
to make their lives as easy as possible: don’t delay in returning their calls. If you don’t
have an answer handy, let them know that you’ll get back to them when you do get it.
Above all, appear helpful. Provide them with facts, either as a technical resource or on
specific cases, if possible. Reporters aren’t experts, and if you want them to get it right,
you have to help them.
Always present information in as few words as possible. This has many benefits, but the
most important here is that they neither have the time nor desire to rework what you’ve
said. If you’re dealing with a newspaper, offer to provide a photograph to accompany the
story. Make it easy on them, and they’ll make it easy on you.
Before speaking to a reporter, do your research, and have a fact sheet on hand. What
form this takes will depend you and the situation, but it should include the principle mes-
sage you’d like to get across and the most relevant facts.
A media list is a critical tool for your department’s PR efforts. Put simply, it is a list of
journalists in your area and their contact information. These are the people you’ll be
working with to share news about your department. A sample media list can be found
immediately following this list.
1. List the media outlets that you read, listen to, or watch. Do a web search and find
other local news outlets (don’t forget to include exclusively online news outlets).
2. As you build your list, divide it by the type of outlet (print, TV, etc.) and frequency
of publication (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly).
3. Once you have your list, find out who to contact in each organization. You can often
do this using a Google search and a quick phone call or two. You’ll want to collect
the following information:
■■ Media outlet name
■■ Contact name
■■ Phone number
■■ Fax
■■ Address
■■ Deadline (journalists may request news be given, for example, a week before
a story goes to print)
■■ Circulation
■■ Miscellaneous notes
4. Always call and confirm that the contact information is correct, and introduce
yourself to the contact person.
5. Once you have your list created, you’ll want to check in every six months or so
and update any necessary information.
Name Contact Phone Email Address Address Deadline Fax Circulation Notes
55 Broadway
Anytown, USA 4 days before
CR Publications Jake Jacobs 415-555-3322 [email protected] 46789 either date 415-555-3380 12,000
■■ Remember to keep moving the interview in the direction you want it to go,
it airs.
■■ Don’t refer to a handout. This does not look good on TV. You’re going to have
Putting the best foot forward is crucial in our ever-more media conscious society. In
order to do that, you want to have a proactive presence in the media, providing updates
on the good things your department is doing and how you’re helping the community.
The best way to share this information with the public is through the tried-and-true press
It can be surprisingly easy to write effective press releases—if you understand the
individual parts and prepare accordingly. News people are overworked and if you can
provide them with something newsworthy they don’t have to rewrite, they’ll reward
you by sharing it, sometimes verbatim. This is the real power of the press release: your
words will be shared with their audience.
If you still aren’t a believer, then check out Conan O’Brien’s recurring Newscasters
Agree segment. Want to know how it is that new stations across the country happen
to say the exact same thing? Someone crafted an excellent press release, and all of the
stations went ahead and aired it because (1) they didn’t have to rewrite it and (2) they
didn’t have to rewrite it.
So, now that you see what a press release can do, you want to create one for your orga-
nization. To do it effectively, you need:
■■A clear topic/event in mind—don’t try to jam too much into one press release.
Ask yourself:
• What is the news/event?
• Why is it newsworthy?
• If this is an event, what are the dates, times and deadline to apply/register?
■■A strong headline—If you’re going to spend time anywhere, spend it here. If
people don’t read your press release, it’ll be difficult to reach them.
■■A sound bite—This is a catchy introductory sentence or two designed to provide
the newsperson who reads your press release with a chunk of their work already
done. To get an idea of what this means, see the Conan segment above.
(continued on next page)
numbers or other date you provide. A small slip up here ■■ Summertime safety (grills, etc)
can be a big black eye later, so take the extra time here and ■■ Smoke alarms
save yourself the headache. ■■ Fire department funding or other issues where
Social Media
Social media is becoming an increasingly integral part of our lives. For your organization, you’ll want to make sure
you have a strong social media policy in place to ensure that you’re in control of how your department is perceived.
■■ Ensure that everyone knows that they are representatives of the department, even when they aren’t in
■■ Limit the number of people who can update your department’s official social media policies, ideally just one
or two.
■■ Avoid negative remarks about people, organizations, and events.
■■ Share useful tips when you don’t have anything specific to write about.
Contact Person
City, State —(always include City, State and an em dash (—) before the first sentence) The sound bite and introduc-
tion: summarize the press release here, just the basic information
The Body: This is where you expand upon the who, what, where, when, and why, also always include the quote you’ve
prepared. This section will often be more than one paragraph, be sure to keep the quote towards the top.
Organization’s Information: In the final paragraph, you want to include a preapproved, short paragraph length stock
description of your organization and its history. This will usually not be unique to each press release, but it will appear on
all of them.
You will generally want to keep press releases as short as possible and always aim for under a page. Those seeking more
information will contact the person you identify at the top.
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) can help position you and your department as a
vital resource for the community. In addition, they are of great educational value. PSAs
can come in various forms. Print PSAs can be distributed at events in the community,
either hosted by the fire department or not. Radio and Television PSAs are often
aired for free, but usually only when a station has commercial time that has not been
The U.S. Fire Administration has a wide array of PSAs available in all three formats, as
well as helpful tip on how to achieve a better reach with them.
Contact people inside of each outlet that you can speak to about getting your PSAs out
into the community. The telephone is still the best option, allowing you to make your
case in a more personal way than email or fax. Some outlets and publication have spe-
cific rules for submissions, so be sure to check.
When pitching your PSA to a media outlet, include a simple letter explaining the PSA
and why or how it relates to the issues faced by your community; include the PSA, and
information about your department.
The International Code Council’s Public Relations for Building and Fire Officials
Here, you’ll find prepared press releases on a variety of topical and seasonal subjects
such as: holiday tree safety, snow loads, and summer safety tips. With a little cus-
tomization, you can prepare press releases in a fraction of the time.