2011 GMC Sierra Owner PDF
2011 GMC Sierra Owner PDF
2011 GMC Sierra Owner PDF
Introduction iii
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Part No. 25965915 B Second Printing 2010 General Motors LLC. All Rights Reserved.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (4,1)
iv Introduction
Introduction v
vi Introduction
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
In Brief 1-1
1-2 In Brief
Instrument Panel
Instrument Panel (Base/Uplevel Version)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
In Brief 1-3
A. Air Vents on page 8‑11. G. Infotainment on page 7‑1. Q. Horn on page 5‑5.
B. Turn and Lane-Change Signals H. Instrument Panel Storage on R. Steering Wheel Controls on
on page 6‑6. page 4‑1. page 5‑3 (If Equipped).
Windshield Wiper/Washer on I. Integrated Trailer Brake S. Automatic Transfer Case
page 5‑5. Controller (If Equipped). Control (If Equipped).
C. Driver Information Center (DIC) See Trailer Towing on See Four-Wheel Drive on
Buttons. See Driver Information page 9‑95. page 10‑34.
Center (DIC) on page 5‑33. J. Exterior Lamp Controls on T. Ashtray (If Equipped).
D. Hazard Warning Flashers on page 6‑1. See Ashtrays on page 5‑12 and
page 6‑5. K. Data Link Connector (DLC) Cigarette Lighter on page 5‑11.
F. Shift Lever. See Automatic L. Hood on page 10‑5. Ultrasonic Parking Assist on
Transmission on page 9‑46. M. Parking Brake on page 9‑69. page 9‑76 (If Equipped).
Tow/Haul Selector Button N. Dome Lamps on page 6‑8. Pedal Adjust Button
(If Equipped). See Tow/Haul (If Equipped). See Adjustable
Fog Lamps on page 6‑6 Throttle and Brake Pedal on
Mode on page 9‑51. (If Equipped). page 9‑35.
Range Selection Mode (Allison O. Cruise Control on page 9‑73.
Transmission and Hydra-Matic® Exhaust Brake (If Equipped).
6‐Speed Button (If Equipped). P. Steering Wheel Adjustment on See “Brakes” in the Duramax
See Manual Mode on page 5‑2. Diesel Supplement.
page 9‑50.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (4,1)
1-4 In Brief
In Brief 1-5
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (6,1)
1-6 In Brief
In Brief 1-7
A. Air Vents on page 8‑11. K. Dome Lamps on page 6‑8. U. Power Outlets on page 5‑10.
B. Turn and Lane-Change Signals L. Automatic Transfer Case Cigarette Lighter (If Equipped).
on page 6‑6. Control. (If Equipped). See Ashtrays on page 5‑12 and
Windshield Wiper/Washer on See Four-Wheel Drive on Cigarette Lighter on page 5‑11.
page 5‑5. page 10‑34. V. StabiliTrak® System on
C. Instrument Cluster on M. Data Link Connector (DLC) page 9‑70 (If Equipped).
page 5‑13. (Out of View). See Malfunction Pedal Adjust Button
Indicator Lamp on page 5‑25. (If Equipped). See Adjustable
D. Hazard Warning Flashers on
page 6‑5. N. Hood on page 10‑5. Throttle and Brake Pedal on
O. Parking Brake on page 9‑69. page 9‑35.
E. Shift Lever. See Automatic
Transmission on page 9‑46. P. Cruise Control on page 9‑73. Ultrasonic Parking Assist on
page 9‑76 (If Equipped).
F. Tow/Haul Mode on page 9‑51 Q. Steering Wheel Adjustment on
(If Equipped). page 5‑2. Exhaust Brake (If Equipped).
See “Brakes” in the Duramax
G. Driver Information Center (DIC) R. Horn on page 5‑5. Diesel Supplement.
Buttons. See Driver Information S. Steering Wheel Controls on
Center (DIC) on page 5‑33. W. Passenger Airbag Off Control
page 5‑3. (If Equipped). See Airbag
H. Infotainment on page 7‑1. T. Climate Control Systems On-Off Switch on page 3‑37.
I. Exterior Lamp Controls on (with Air Conditioning) on
page 6‑1. page 8‑1 or Climate Control
J. Integrated Trailer Brake Systems (with Heater Only) on
Controller (If Equipped). page 8‑4 (If Equipped).
See Trailer Towing on Dual Automatic Climate
page 9‑95. Control System on page 8‑5
(If Equipped).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (8,1)
1-8 In Brief
In Brief 1-9
1-10 In Brief
Windows The driver door has a switch for Power Sliding Rear Window
the passenger window and rear
Turn the hand crank on each door windows.
to manually raise or lower the
manual windows. Press the switch to lower the
window. Pull the switch up to
Power Windows raise it.
For more information, see:
. Windows on page 2‑18.
. Power Windows on page 2‑19.
In Brief 1-11
1-12 In Brief
Power Lumbar
. On vehicles with four-way Reclining Seatbacks
lumbar, press and hold the
front or rear of the control to Manual Reclining Seatbacks
increase or decrease lumbar
support. To raise or lower the
height of the support, press
and hold the top or bottom
of the control.
See Lumbar Adjustment on
page 3‑6 for more information.
In Brief 1-13
To return the seatback to the upright Power Reclining Seatbacks Memory Features
1. Lift the lever fully without
applying pressure to the
seatback, and the seatback
will return to the upright position.
2. Push and pull on the seatback to
make sure it is locked.
See Reclining Seatbacks on
page 3‑6 for more information.
1-14 In Brief
Storing Memory Positions 2. Press and hold “1” until Easy Exit Driver Seat
To save into memory: two beeps sound. This feature can move the seat
1. Adjust the driver seat and 3. Repeat for a second driver rearward to allow extra room to
seatback recliner, both outside position using “2.” exit the vehicle.
mirrors, and the throttle and To recall, press and release “1” B : Press to recall the easy exit
brake pedals, if available. or “2.” The vehicle must be in seat position. The vehicle must be
See Power Mirrors on page 2‑16 P (Park). A single beep will sound. in P (Park).
and Adjustable Throttle and The seat, outside mirrors, and See “Memory Seat, Mirrors,
Brake Pedal on page 9‑35 for adjustable throttle and brake pedals, and Pedals” under Power Seat
more information. if available, will move to the position Adjustment on page 3‑4 and Vehicle
previously stored for the identified Personalization (with DIC Buttons)
Not all mirrors and adjustable driver.
throttles and brake pedals will on page 5‑52 for more information.
have the ability to save and See “Memory Seat, Mirrors,
recall their positions. and Pedals” under Power Seat
Adjustment on page 3‑4 and Vehicle
Personalization (with DIC Buttons)
on page 5‑52 for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (15,1)
In Brief 1-15
1-16 In Brief
In Brief 1-17
1-18 In Brief
In Brief 1-19
1-20 In Brief
5 : Turns on the headlamps, Windshield Wiper/Washer 6: Turn the band up for more
parking lamps, taillamps, instrument frequent wipes or down for less
panel lights, roof marker lamps frequent wipes.
(if equipped) and license plate 6 : Slow wipes.
For more information, see:
? : Fast wipes.
. Exterior Lamp Controls on
L : Push the paddle at the top of
the lever to spray washer fluid on
page 6‑1. the windshield.
. Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) 8: Single wipe, turn to 8, then See Windshield Wiper/Washer on
on page 6‑4. release. Several wipes, hold the page 5‑5.
. Fog Lamps on page 6‑6. band on 8 longer.
9 : Turns the windshield Climate Controls
wipers off. These systems control the heating,
cooling, and ventilation.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (21,1)
In Brief 1-21
1-22 In Brief
In Brief 1-23
1-24 In Brief
Press the plus/minus buttons, Transfer Case Buttons Electronic Transfer Case
located on the steering column shift
The vehicle will have one of
lever, to select the desired range of
these three styles of transfer case
gears for current driving conditions.
controls. Use these controls to
See Manual Mode on page 9‑50.
shift into and out of the different
While using Range Selection Mode, Four-Wheel Drive modes.
cruise control and the Tow/Haul
mode can be used. Manual Transfer Case
Grade Braking is not available when
Range Selection Mode is active.
See Tow/Haul Mode on page 9‑51.
Four-Wheel Drive
If the vehicle has Four-Wheel Drive, This transfer case knob is located
you can send the engine's driving next to the steering column.
power to all four wheels for extra
In Brief 1-25
Automatic Transfer Case 2 m (Two-Wheel-Drive High): This N (Neutral): Shift the transfer case
setting is used for driving in most to Neutral only when towing the
street and highway situations. vehicle. See Recreational Vehicle
Towing on page 10‑103 or Trailer
AUTO (Automatic Four-Wheel Towing on page 9‑95.
Drive): This setting is ideal for
use when road surface traction 4 n (Four-Wheel-Drive Low): This
conditions are variable. setting sends maximum power to
all four wheels. You might choose
4 m (Four-Wheel High): Use the Four-Wheel-Drive Low if you are
Four-Wheel-Drive High position driving off-road in deep sand, deep
when extra traction is needed, such mud, deep snow, and while climbing
as on snowy or icy roads or in most or descending steep hills.
off-road situations.
See Four-Wheel Drive on
This transfer case knob is located page 9‑54.
next to the steering column.
Each transfer case design offers
different drive options. The list
below described the different drive
options that may be available.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (26,1)
1-26 In Brief
In Brief 1-27
1-28 In Brief
In Brief 1-29
b g : Press to silence the vehicle Cruise Control + RES : Press briefly to make
speakers only. Press again to turn the vehicle resume to a previously
the sound on. Press and hold longer set speed, or press and hold to
than two seconds to interact with accelerate.
OnStar® or Bluetooth systems, SET − : Press to set the speed and
if equipped. activate cruise control or make the
vehicle decelerate.
+ e − e : Press to increase or
decrease volume. [ : Press to disengage cruise
control without erasing the set
c x : Press to reject an speed from memory.
incoming call, or to end a call.
See Cruise Control on page 9‑73.
SRCE: Press to switch between
the radio and CD, and for equipped
vehicles, the DVD, front auxiliary,
and rear auxiliary. The cruise control buttons are
¨: Press to seek the next radio located on the left side of the
station, the next track or chapter steering wheel.
while sourced to the CD or DVD T : Press to turn the system on
slot, or to select tracks and folders or off. The indicator light is on when
on an iPod or USB device. cruise control is on and turns off
For more information, see Steering when cruise control is off.
Wheel Controls on page 5‑3.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (30,1)
1-30 In Brief
In Brief 1-31
1-32 In Brief
In Brief 1-33
The sunroof also has a roller Vent: From the closed position, Performance and
sunshade that can be used to block press the rear of the passenger side
the rays of the sun. To open the switch (B) to vent the sunroof. Maintenance
sunshade, press and unlatch it, and Manual-Open/Manual-Close:
roll it back. To close, pull it forward To open the sunroof, press and StabiliTrak® System
and latch it into the closed position. hold the rear of the driver side If equipped, the vehicle has a
Crew Cab switch (A) until the sunroof reaches traction control system that limits
the desired position. Press and hold wheel spin and the StabiliTrak
the front of the driver side switch to system that assists with directional
close it. control of the vehicle in difficult
Express-Open/Express-Close: driving conditions. Both systems
To express-open the sunroof, turn on automatically every time
fully press and release the rear the vehicle is started.
of the driver side switch (B) until . To turn off traction control, press
the sunroof reaches the desired
and release 5 on the instrument
position. To express-close the
sunroof, fully press and release panel. F illuminates and the
the front of the driver side switch. appropriate DIC message
Press the switch again to stop it. displays. See Ride Control
System Messages on page 5‑47.
The sunroof also has a sunshade
A. Open or Close that you can pull forward to block
B. Vent the rays of the sun. The sunshade
must be opened and closed
There are two sunroof switches manually.
located in the overhead console
above the rearview mirror. See Sunroof (Extended Cab) on
page 2‑21 or Sunroof (Crew Cab)
on page 2‑22.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (34,1)
1-34 In Brief
. To turn off both traction control
and StabiliTrak, press and
If the warning light comes on, stop Engine Oil Life System
as soon as possible and inflate the
hold 5 until F illuminates and tires to the recommended pressure The engine oil life system calculates
the appropriate DIC message shown on the Tire and Loading engine oil life based on vehicle use
displays. See Ride Control Information label. See Vehicle Load and, on most vehicles, displays a
System Messages on page 5‑47. Limits on page 9‑25. The warning DIC message when it is necessary
light will remain on until the tire to change the engine oil and filter.
. Press and release 5 again to pressure is corrected. The oil life system should be reset
turn on both systems. to 100% only following an oil
During cooler conditions, the low tire change.
For more information, see pressure warning light may appear
StabiliTrak® System on page 9‑70. when the vehicle is first started and Resetting the Oil Life System
then turn off. This may be an early To reset the Engine Oil Life System
Tire Pressure Monitor indicator that the tire pressures are on most vehicles:
This vehicle may have a Tire getting low and the tires need to be
inflated to the proper pressure. 1. Display OIL LIFE REMAINING
Pressure Monitor System (TPMS). on the DIC. If the vehicle does
The TPMS does not replace normal not have DIC buttons, the
monthly tire maintenance. It is the vehicle must be in P (Park)
driver’s responsibility to maintain to access this display.
correct tire pressures.
2. Press and hold the SET/RESET
See Tire Pressure Monitor System button on the DIC, or the trip
on page 10‑68. odometer reset stem if the
vehicle does not have DIC
The TPMS warning light alerts buttons, for more than
you to a significant loss in pressure five seconds. The oil life
of one of the vehicle's tires. will change to 100%.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (35,1)
In Brief 1-35
. Always follow posted speed
On all vehicles, the Engine Oil Life Driving for Better Fuel limits or drive more slowly when
System can be reset as follows:
Economy conditions require.
1. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN with
the engine off. Driving habits can affect fuel . Keep vehicle tires properly
mileage. Here are some driving inflated.
2. Fully press the accelerator tips to get the best fuel economy
pedal slowly three times within possible.
. Combine several trips into a
five seconds. single trip.
. Avoid fast starts and accelerate
3. Display OIL LIFE REMAINING smoothly.
. Replace the vehicle's tires with
on the DIC. If the display shows the same TPC Spec number
100%, the system is reset.
. Brake gradually and avoid molded into the tire's sidewall
abrupt stops. near the size.
See Engine Oil Life System on
page 10‑11.
. Avoid idling the engine for long . Follow recommended scheduled
periods of time. maintenance.
Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol) . When road and weather
conditions are appropriate,
Vehicles that have a FlexFuel badge use cruise control.
and a yellow fuel cap can use either
unleaded gasoline or ethanol fuel
containing up to 85% ethanol (E85).
See Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol) on
page 9‑87. For all other vehicles,
use only the unleaded gasoline
described under Recommended
Fuel on page 9‑84.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (36,1)
1-36 In Brief
In Brief 1-37
How OnStar Service Works Not all OnStar services are OnStar service can’t work unless
available on all vehicles. For more the vehicle is in a place where
Q : Push this blue button to information, see the OnStar Owner's OnStar has an agreement with
connect to a specially trained
Guide; visit www.onstar.com (U.S.) a wireless service provider for
OnStar Advisor to verify your
or www.onstar.ca (Canada); contact service in that area, and the
account information and to
OnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTAR wireless service provider has
answer questions.
(1‐888‐466‐7827) or TTY coverage, network capacity,
] : Push this red emergency 1‐877‐248‐2080; or push the Q reception, and technology
button to get priority help from button to speak with an OnStar compatible with OnStar service.
specially trained OnStar Emergency Advisor 24 hours a day, 7 days Service involving location
Advisors. a week. information about the vehicle
X : Push this button for hands‐free, can’t work unless GPS signals
For a full description of OnStar are available, unobstructed,
voice‐activated calling and to give services and system limitations,
voice commands for Hands‐Free and compatible with the OnStar
see the OnStar Owner's Guide in hardware. The vehicle has to have
Calling and Turn‐by‐Turn the glove box.
Navigation. a working electrical system and
OnStar service is subject to the adequate battery power for the
Automatic Crash Response, OnStar Terms and Conditions OnStar equipment to operate.
Emergency Services, Crisis Assist, included in the OnStar Glove OnStar service may not work if the
Stolen Vehicle Assistance, Vehicle Box Kit. OnStar equipment isn’t properly
Diagnostics, Remote Door Unlock, installed or you haven’t maintained
Roadside Assistance, Turn‐by‐Turn OnStar service requires wireless it and the vehicle is in good working
Navigation, and Hands‐Free Calling communication networks and the order and in compliance with
are available on most vehicles. Global Positioning System (GPS) all government regulations.
satellite network. Not all OnStar
services are available everywhere
or on all vehicles at all times.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (38,1)
1-38 In Brief
If you try to add, connect, or modify OnStar Steering Wheel Your Responsibility
any equipment or software in the Controls Increase the volume of the radio
vehicle, OnStar service may not
This vehicle may have a Talk/Mute if the OnStar Advisor cannot be
work. Other problems OnStar can’t
button that can be used to interact heard.
control may prevent service to you,
such as hills, tall buildings, tunnels, with OnStar Hands-Free calling. If the light next to the OnStar
weather, electrical system design See Steering Wheel Controls on buttons is red, the system may
and architecture of the vehicle, page 5‑3 for more information. not be functioning properly.
damage to important parts of the On some vehicles, the Talk button Push the Q button and request a
vehicle in a crash, or wireless phone can be used to dial numbers into vehicle diagnostic check. If the light
network congestion or jamming. voice mail systems, or to dial phone appears clear (no light appears),
See Radio Frequency Statement on extensions. See the OnStar Owner's your OnStar subscription has
page 13‑19 for information Guide for more information. expired and all services have been
regarding Part 15 of the Federal deactivated. Push the Q button to
Communications Commission confirm that the OnStar equipment
(FCC) rules and Industry Canada is active.
Standards RSS-210/220/310.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
K (Unlock): Press once to unlock Press and hold L for more than Programming Transmitters to
only the driver door. If K is pressed two seconds to activate the panic the Vehicle
again within three seconds, all alarm. The turn signal lamps flash Only RKE transmitters programmed
remaining doors unlock. The interior and the horn sounds repeatedly to this vehicle will work. If a
lamps may come on and stay on for for 30 seconds. The alarm turns transmitter is lost or stolen, a
20 seconds or until the ignition is off when the ignition is moved to replacement can be purchased and
turned on. ON/RUN or L is pressed again. programmed through your dealer.
If enabled through the DIC, the turn The ignition must be in LOCK/OFF When the replacement transmitter
signal lamps flash twice to indicate for the panic alarm to work. is programmed to this vehicle, all
unlocking has occurred. See Vehicle The vehicle comes with two remaining transmitters must also
Personalization (with DIC Buttons) transmitters. Each transmitter will be reprogrammed. Any lost or
on page 5‑52. If enabled through have a number on it: "1" or "2." stolen transmitters will no longer
the DIC, the exterior lights may turn These numbers correspond to the work once the new transmitter
on. See “Approach Lighting” under driver of the vehicle. For example, is programmed. Each vehicle
Vehicle Personalization (with DIC the memory seat position for can have up to eight transmitters
Buttons) on page 5‑52. driver 1 will be recalled when programmed to it. See your dealer
using the transmitter labeled "1", for transmitter programming.
Pressing K on the RKE transmitter if enabled through the DIC.
disarms the content theft‐deterrent Battery Replacement
See “Memory Seat, Mirrors,
system. See Anti-Theft Alarm and Pedals” under Power Seat Replace the battery if the REPLACE
System on page 2‑12. Adjustment on page 3‑4 and Vehicle BATTERY IN REMOTE KEY
L (Vehicle Locator/Panic Personalization (with DIC Buttons) message displays in the DIC.
Alarm): Press and release to on page 5‑52 for more information. Notice: When replacing the
locate the vehicle. The turn signal battery, do not touch any of the
lamps flash and the horn sounds circuitry on the transmitter. Static
three times. from your body could damage the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
3. Insert the new battery, positive During a remote start, if the vehicle
side facing down. Replace with a has an automatic climate control
CR2032 or equivalent battery. system and heated seats, the
4. Snap the transmitter back heated seats will turn on during
together. colder outside temperatures and
will shut off when the key is turned
to ON/RUN. If the vehicle does
Remote Vehicle Start not have an automatic climate
If available, this feature allows you control system, during remote start,
to start the engine from outside of manually turn the heated seats on
the vehicle. It may also start up the and off. See Heated Front Seats on
vehicle's heating or air conditioning page 3‑8 for additional information.
systems and rear window defogger. Laws in some communities may
To replace the battery:
Normal operation of the system will restrict the use of remote starters.
1. Separate the transmitter with a return after the key is turned to the For example, some laws may
flat, thin object, such as a flat ON/RUN position. require a person using the remote
head screwdriver. start to have the vehicle in view
If the vehicle has an automatic
. Carefully insert the tool into climate control system, the climate when doing so. Check local
the notch located along control system will default to a regulations for any requirements
the parting line of the heating or cooling mode depending on remote starting of vehicles.
transmitter. Do not insert on the outside temperatures. If the
the tool too far. Stop as vehicle does not have an automatic
soon as resistance is felt. climate control system, the system
. Twist the tool until the will turn on at the setting the vehicle
transmitter is separated. was set to when the vehicle was
last turned off.
2. Remove the old battery. Do not
use a metal object.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (6,1)
Do not use the remote start To start the vehicle using the remote 3. If it is the first remote start since
feature if the vehicle is low on fuel. start feature: the vehicle has been driven,
The vehicle may run out of fuel. 1. Aim the transmitter at the repeat these steps, while the
If the vehicle has the remote vehicle. engine is still running, to extend
start feature, the RKE transmitter the engine running time by
functions will have an increased 2. Press and release Q. 10 minutes. Remote start can
range of operation. However, The vehicle's doors will be extended one time.
the range may be less while lock. Immediately press and After entering the vehicle during a
the vehicle is running. hold / until the turn signal remote start, insert and turn the key
There are other conditions which lamps flash. If you cannot see to ON/RUN to drive the vehicle.
can affect the performance of the the vehicle's lamps, press and To cancel a remote start:
transmitter. See Remote Keyless hold / for two to four seconds. . Aim the RKE transmitter at
Entry (RKE) System on page 2‑3 Pressing / again after the the vehicle and press and
for additional information. vehicle has started will turn
hold / until the parking
/ (Remote Start): This button will the engine off.
lamps turn off.
be on the RKE transmitter if the When the vehicle starts, the
vehicle has remote start.
. Turn on the hazard warning
parking lamps will turn on and
remain on while the vehicle is
running. . Turn the ignition on and then
back off.
If the vehicle is left running,
it will automatically shut off
after 10 minutes unless a time
extension has been done.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
The vehicle can be remote started Once two remote starts, or a single Remote Start Ready
two separate times between driving remote start with one time extension
If the vehicle does not have the
sequences. The engine will run for has been done, the vehicle must be
remote vehicle start feature, it may
10 minutes after each remote start. started with the key. After the key
have the remote start ready feature.
Or, you can extend the engine run is removed from the ignition, the
This feature allows your dealer to
time by another 10 minutes within vehicle can be remote started again.
add the manufacturer's remote
the first 10 minute remote start time The vehicle cannot be remote vehicle start feature.
frame, and before the engine stops. started if the key is in the ignition,
See your dealer to add the
the hood is not closed, or if there
For example, if Q and then / are is an emission control system
manufacturer's remote vehicle
pressed again after the vehicle start feature to the vehicle.
malfunction and the check engine
has been running for 5 minutes, light is on.
10 minutes are added, allowing
the engine to run for 15 minutes. Also, the engine will turn off during a
remote vehicle start if the coolant
The additional 10 minutes are temperature gets too high or if the
considered a second remote vehicle oil pressure gets low.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (8,1)
Open the tailgate by lifting up on To remove the tailgate: 2. With the tailgate about halfway
its handle while pulling the tailgate open, lift the right edge of the
toward you. tailgate from the lower pivot.
To shut the tailgate, firmly push it On vehicles with the tailgate
upward until it latches. assist feature, raise the tailgate
After you put the tailgate back up, nearly all the way to the closed
pull it back towards you to be sure it position prior to removing the
latches securely. left edge.
3. Move the tailgate to the right to
Tailgate Removal release the left edge.
The tailgate can be removed to Reverse this procedure to reinstall
allow for different loading situations. the tailgate. Make sure the tailgate
Someone may need to assist with is secure.
removal to avoid damage to the
vehicle. 1. Raise the tailgate slightly and
release both retaining cable
On vehicles with a Rear Vision clips. To release the retaining
Camera, it must be disconnected cable clips, lift the cable so it
before removing the tailgate. points straight out. Lift the clip
See Rear Vision Camera (RVC) on over the bolt, and push the cable
page 9‑78 for more information. forward then rotate down.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
If the engine still does not start, and See your dealer or a locksmith who 4. Insert the new key to be
the key appears to be undamaged, can service PASS-Key III+ to get a programmed and turn it to
try another ignition key. At this new key blank cut exactly as the the ON/RUN position within
time, you may also want to check ignition key that operates the five seconds of turning the
the fuse. See Fuses and Circuit system. ignition to the LOCK/OFF
Breakers on page 10‑50. If the To program the new additional key: position in Step 3.
engine still does not start with the The security light will turn
other key, the vehicle needs service. 1. Verify that the new key has
off once the key has been
If the vehicle does start, the first key a 1 stamped on it. programmed.
may be faulty. See your dealer who
can service the PASS-Key III+ to 2. Insert the original, already 5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 if
have a new key made. programmed key in the ignition additional keys are to be
and start the engine. If the programmed.
It is possible for the PASS-Key III+ engine will not start, see your
decoder to learn the transponder dealer for service. If you lose or damage your
value of a new or replacement key. PASS-Key III+ key, see your dealer
Up to 10 keys may be programmed 3. After the engine has started, or a locksmith who can service
for the vehicle. The following turn the key to LOCK/OFF, and PASS-Key III+ to have a new
procedure is for programming remove the key. key made.
additional keys only. If all the Do not leave the key or device
currently programmed keys are that disarms or deactivates the
lost or do not operate, you must theft-deterrent system in the vehicle.
see your dealer or a locksmith who
can service PASS-Key III+ to have
keys made and programmed to the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (15,1)
Exterior Mirrors Manual Mirrors Manually pull out the mirror head to
extend it for better visibility when
Adjust the outside mirrors for a towing a trailer.
Convex Mirrors clearer view.
The lower portion of the mirror is
Using hood-mounted air deflectors convex. A convex mirror's surface
{ WARNING and add-on convex mirror is curved to see more from the
attachments could decrease driver seat. The convex mirror can
A convex mirror can make things, mirror performance.
like other vehicles, look farther be adjusted manually to the driver
preferred position for better vision.
away than they really are. If you Trailer-Tow Mirrors
cut too sharply into the right lane, The mirror may have a turn signal
you could hit a vehicle on the arrow that flashes in the direction
right. Check the inside mirror or of the turn or lane change.
glance over your shoulder before
changing lanes.
Power Windows
Leaving children in a vehicle with
the keys is dangerous for many
reasons. Children or others could
be badly injured or even killed.
They could operate the power
windows or other controls or
even make the vehicle move.
The windows will function and
The vehicle aerodynamics are they could be seriously injured or Crew Cab Shown
designed to improve fuel economy killed if caught in the path of a If the vehicle has power windows,
performance. This may result in closing window. Do not leave controls are located on each door.
a pulsing sound when either rear keys in a vehicle with children.
window is down and the front The driver door has a switch for
windows are up. To reduce the When there are children in the the passenger and rear windows as
sound, open either a front window rear seat use the window lockout well. The power windows will work
or the sunroof (if equipped). button to prevent unintentional when the ignition is in ON/RUN
operation of the windows. or ACC/ACCESSORY, or when
Retained Accessory Power (RAP)
Manual Windows is active. See Retained Accessory
Turn the hand crank on each door Power (RAP) on page 9‑40.
to manually raise or lower the Push the switch down to lower the
manual windows. window, and pull up the front of the
switch to raise the window.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (20,1)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
Head Restraints
The front seats have adjustable
head restraints in the outboard
seating positions.
With head restraints that are
not installed and adjusted
properly, there is a greater
chance that occupants will suffer
a neck/spinal injury in a crash. Adjust the head restraint so that the Pull the head restraint up to raise it.
Do not drive until the head top of the restraint is at the same To lower the head restraint, press
restraints for all occupants are height as the top of the occupant's the button, located on the top
installed and adjusted properly. head. This position reduces the of the seatback, and push the
chance of a neck injury in a crash. restraint down.
Push down on the head restraint
after the button is released to make
sure that it is locked in place.
The head restraints are not
designed to be removed.
The rear seat has headrests that
can be adjusted up and down.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
Power Seat Adjustment To adjust the seatback, see Storing Memory Positions
“Power Reclining Seatbacks” under To save into memory:
Reclining Seatbacks on page 3‑6.
1. Adjust the driver seat, seatback
Memory Seat, Mirrors, and recliner, both outside mirrors,
Pedals and the throttle and brake
pedals, if available.
See Power Mirrors on page 2‑16
and Adjustable Throttle and
Brake Pedal on page 9‑35
for more information.
Not all mirrors and adjustable
throttles and brake pedals will
have the ability to save and
To adjust a power seat, if equipped: recall their positions.
. Move the seat forward or 2. Press and hold “1” until
rearward by sliding the control two beeps sound.
forward or rearward. 3. Repeat for a second driver
. If available, raise or lower the On vehicles with the memory position using “2.”
front or rear part of the seat feature, the controls on the driver
door are used to program and To recall, press and release “1”
cushion by moving the front or or “2.” The vehicle must be in
rear of the control up or down. recall memory settings for the
driver seat, outside mirrors, and P (Park). A single beep will sound.
. If available, raise or lower the the adjustable throttle and brake The seat, outside mirrors, and
entire seat by moving the entire pedals, if equipped. adjustable throttle and brake pedals
control up or down. will move to the position previously
stored for the identified driver.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
Memory Remote Recall If something has blocked the driver A single beep sounds. The driver
The memory feature can recall seat and/or the adjustable pedals seat moves back approximately
the driver seat, outside mirrors, while recalling a memory position, 8 cm (3 in). To move the seat back
and pedals, if available, to stored the recall may stop. Remove the farther, press the easy exit seat
positions when entering the vehicle. obstruction; then press and hold the button again until the seat is all
appropriate manual control for the the way back.
To activate, unlock the driver memory item that is not recalling
door with the Remote Keyless If something has blocked the driver
for two seconds. Try recalling the seat while recalling the exit position,
Entry (RKE) transmitter. The driver memory position again by pressing
seat, outside mirrors, and adjustable the recall may stop. Remove the
the appropriate memory button. obstruction; then press and hold
pedals, if available, will move to the If the memory position is still not
memory position associated with the power seat control rearward for
recalling, see the dealer for service. two seconds. Try recalling the exit
the transmitter used to unlock the
vehicle. Easy Exit Driver Seat position again. If the exit position is
still not recalling, see the dealer for
This feature can be turned on or off This feature can move the seat service.
using the vehicle personalization rearward to allow extra room to
menu. See “Memory Seat Recall” exit the vehicle. See “Easy Exit Recall” and
“Easy Exit Setup” under Vehicle
under Vehicle Personalization (with B (Easy Exit Driver Seat): Press Personalization (with DIC Buttons)
DIC Buttons) on page 5‑52 for more to recall the easy exit seat position.
information. on page 5‑52 for more information.
The vehicle must be in P (Park).
To stop recall movement, press one If the easy exit seat feature is
of the power seat controls, memory programmed on in the vehicle
buttons, or power mirror buttons, personalization menu, automatic
or the adjustable pedal switch. seat movement occurs when the
ignition key is removed.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (6,1)
To return the seatback to the upright Power Reclining Seatbacks Heated Front Seats
1. Lift the lever fully without
applying pressure to the
seatback, and the seatback will If you cannot feel temperature
return to the upright position. change or pain to the skin, the
2. Push and pull on the seatback to seat heater may cause burns
make sure it is locked. even at low temperatures.
To reduce the risk of burns,
people with such a condition
should use care when using
the seat heater, especially for
long periods of time. Do not
place anything on the seat that
To recline a power seatback, insulates against heat, such
if equipped: as a blanket, cushion, cover,
. Tilt the top of the control or similar item. This may cause
rearward to recline. the seat heater to overheat.
An overheated seat heater may
. Tilt the top of the control forward
to raise. cause a burn or may damage
the seat.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (9,1)
Press the button once for the Remote Start Heated Seats
highest setting. With each press When it is cold outside, the heated
of the button, the heated seat seats may turn on automatically
will change to the next lower during a remote vehicle start.
setting, and then to the off setting. The heated seats will be canceled
The lights indicate three for the when the ignition is turned on. Press
highest setting and one for the the desired button to use the heated
lowest. seats after the vehicle is started.
The passenger seat may take The lights on the heated seat
longer to heat up. buttons do not turn on during a
The heated seats will be canceled remote start.
10 seconds after the ignition is The temperature performance of an
If available, the buttons are on the turned off.
front doors. unoccupied seat may be reduced.
This is normal.
I (Heated Seatback): Press to
heat the seatback only. See Remote Vehicle Start on
page 2‑5 for more information.
J (Heated Seat and Seatback):
Press to heat the seat and
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (10,1)
Rear Seats (All Split To return the seat to the normal Safety Belts
seating position, slowly pull the
Bench and Hybrid Full seat cushion down. This section of the manual
Bench) Make sure the safety belts are
describes how to use safety belts
properly. It also describes some
Folding Rear Seat not twisted or caught in the seat
things not to do with safety belts.
Either side of the rear seat can be
folded for added cargo space.
Notice: Folding a rear seat with
the safety belts still fastened may Do not let anyone ride where
A safety belt that is improperly
cause damage to the seat or the a safety belt cannot be worn
routed, not properly attached,
safety belts. Always unbuckle the properly. In a crash, if you or
or twisted will not provide the
safety belts and return them to your passenger(s) are not
protection needed in a crash.
their normal stowed position wearing safety belts, the injuries
The person wearing the belt could
before folding a rear seat. can be much worse. You can hit
be seriously injured. After raising
things inside the vehicle harder
Make sure that nothing is on the rear seatback, always check
or be ejected from the vehicle.
the seat. to be sure that the safety belts
You and your passenger(s) can
To fold the seat, slowly pull the seat are properly routed and attached,
be seriously injured or killed.
cushion up. and are not twisted.
In the same crash, you might
not be, if you are buckled up.
Always fasten your safety belt,
and check that your passenger(s)
are restrained properly too.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
Put someone on it. Get it up to speed. Then stop the The person keeps going until
vehicle. The rider does not stop. stopped by something. In a real
vehicle, it could be the windshield...
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (14,1)
Q: If my vehicle has airbags, why Q: If I am a good driver, and I How to Wear Safety Belts
should I have to wear safety never drive far from home,
belts? why should I wear safety
A: Airbags are supplemental belts? This section is only for people of
systems only; so they work A: You may be an excellent driver, adult size.
with safety belts — not instead but if you are in a crash — even Be aware that there are special
of them. Whether or not an one that is not your fault — you things to know about safety belts
airbag is provided, all occupants and your passenger(s) can be and children. And there are different
still have to buckle up to get the hurt. Being a good driver does rules for smaller children and
most protection. That is true not not protect you from things infants. If a child will be riding in
only in frontal collisions, but beyond your control, such the vehicle, see Older Children on
especially in side and other as bad drivers. page 3‑49 or Infants and Young
collisions. Most accidents occur within Children on page 3‑51. Follow those
40 km (25 miles) of home. rules for everyone's protection.
And the greatest number of It is very important for all occupants
serious injuries and deaths to buckle up. Statistics show that
occur at speeds of less than unbelted people are hurt more
65 km/h (40 mph). often in crashes than those who
Safety belts are for everyone. are wearing safety belts.
Occupants who are not buckled up
can be thrown out of the vehicle in a
crash. And they can strike others in
the vehicle who are wearing safety
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (16,1)
First, before you or your worn low and snug on the hips, Q: What is wrong with this?
passenger(s) wear a safety belt, just touching the thighs. In a crash,
there is important information you this applies force to the strong
should know. pelvic bones and you would be
less likely to slide under the lap
belt. If you slid under it, the belt
would apply force on your abdomen.
This could cause serious or even
fatal injuries. The shoulder belt
should go over the shoulder and
across the chest. These parts of
the body are best able to take
belt restraining forces.
The shoulder belt locks if there is a
sudden stop or crash. A: The shoulder belt is too loose.
It will not give as much
protection this way.
Sit up straight and always keep
your feet on the floor in front of you.
The lap part of the belt should be
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (17,1)
3. Push the latch plate into the To unlatch the belt, push the button
buckle until it clicks. on the buckle. The belt should
Pull up on the latch plate to return to its stowed position.
make sure it is secure. If the belt Before a door is closed, be sure the
is not long enough, see Safety safety belt is out of the way. If a
Belt Extender on page 3‑27. door is slammed against a safety
5. To make the lap part tight, pull belt, damage can occur to both the
If the latch plate will not go fully up on the shoulder belt.
into the buckle, check if the safety belt and the vehicle.
correct buckle is being used. It may be necessary to pull
stitching on the safety belt
Position the release button on through the latch plate to fully
the buckle so that the safety belt tighten the lap belt on smaller
could be quickly unbuckled if occupants.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (23,1)
A safety belt that is not properly
worn may not provide the
protection needed in a crash.
The person wearing the belt could
be seriously injured. The shoulder
belt should go over the shoulder
and across the chest. These parts
of the body are best able to take
belt restraining forces.
3. Be sure that the belt is 4. Buckle, position, and release
not twisted and it lies flat. the safety belt as described
The elastic cord must be under previously in this section. Make
the belt and the guide on top. sure the shoulder portion of the
belt is on the shoulder and not
falling off of it. The belt should
be close to, but not contacting,
the neck.
To remove and store the comfort
guide, squeeze the belt edges
together so that the safety belt can
be removed from the guide. Slide
the guide onto the storage clip.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (26,1)
Safety Belt Use During The best way to protect the fetus is
to protect the mother. When a safety
Pregnancy belt is worn properly, it is more likely
Safety belts work for everyone, that the fetus will not be hurt in a
including pregnant women. Like all crash. For pregnant women, as for
occupants, they are more likely to anyone, the key to making safety
be seriously injured if they do not belts effective is wearing them
wear safety belts. properly.
Safety Belt Care Replacing Safety Belt After a minor crash, replacement of
safety belts may not be necessary.
Keep belts clean and dry. System Parts After a But the safety belt assemblies that
Crash were used during any crash may
{ WARNING have been stressed or damaged.
Airbags inflate with great force, Children who are up against,
faster than the blink of an eye. or very close to, any airbag
Anyone who is up against, or when it inflates can be seriously
very close to, any airbag when it injured or killed. Airbags plus
There is an airbag readiness light
inflates can be seriously injured lap-shoulder belts offer protection
on the instrument panel cluster,
or killed. Do not sit unnecessarily for adults and older children,
which shows the airbag symbol.
close to any airbag, as you would but not for young children and
be if you were sitting on the edge infants. Neither the vehicle The system checks the airbag
of the seat or leaning forward. safety belt system nor its airbag electrical system for malfunctions.
Safety belts help keep you in system is designed for them. The light tells you if there is an
position before and during a Young children and infants electrical problem. See Airbag
crash. Always wear a safety belt, need the protection that a child Readiness Light on page 5‑20
even with airbags. The driver restraint system can provide. for more information.
should sit as far back as possible Always secure children properly
while still maintaining control of in the vehicle. To read how, see
the vehicle. Older Children on page 3‑49 or
Occupants should not lean on Infants and Young Children on
or sleep against the door or side page 3‑51.
windows in seating positions with
seat-mounted side impact airbags
and/or roof-rail airbags.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (31,1)
Frontal airbags may inflate Thresholds can also vary with The vehicle may have dual‐stage
at different crash speeds. specific vehicle design. frontal airbags. Dual-stage airbags
For example: Frontal airbags are not intended to adjust the restraint according to
. If the vehicle hits a stationary inflate during vehicle rollovers, rear crash severity. The vehicle has
object, the airbags could inflate impacts, or in many side impacts. electronic frontal sensors, which
at a different crash speed than if help the sensing system distinguish
If the GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight between a moderate frontal impact
the vehicle hits a moving object. Rating) of your vehicle is 3 855 kg and a more severe frontal impact.
. If the vehicle hits an object that (8,500 lb) or above, the vehicle has For moderate frontal impacts,
deforms, the airbags could single stage airbags. If the GVWR dual-stage airbags inflate at a
inflate at a different crash speed is below 3 855 kg (8,500 lb) then level less than full deployment.
than if the vehicle hits an object the vehicle has dual stage airbags. For more severe frontal impacts,
that does not deform. Vehicles with a full bench seat are full deployment occurs.
. If the vehicle hits a narrow object equipped with single state airbags.
You can find the GVWR on the Vehicles with dual stage airbags
(like a pole), the airbags could also have seat position sensors
inflate at a different crash speed certification label on the rear edge
of the driver door. See Vehicle which enable the sensing system
than if the vehicle hits a wide to monitor the position of the driver
object (like a wall). Load Limits on page 9‑25 for
more information. seat (all models), and on crew cab
. If the vehicle goes into an object and extended cab models the right
at an angle, the airbags could front passenger seat on light duty
inflate at a different crash speed models only. The seat position
than if the vehicle goes straight sensor provides information that is
into the object. used to determine if the airbags
should deploy at a reduced level
or at full deployment.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (34,1)
The vehicle may or may not have In any particular crash, no one What Makes an Airbag
seat‐mounted side impact and can say whether an airbag should
roof-rail airbags. See Airbag System have inflated simply because of
on page 3‑29. Seat‐mounted side the damage to a vehicle or because In a deployment event, the sensing
impact and roof-rail airbags are of what the repair costs were. system sends an electrical signal
intended to inflate in moderate to For frontal airbags, inflation is triggering a release of gas from the
severe side crashes. In addition, determined by what the vehicle hits, inflator. Gas from the inflator fills the
these roof-rail airbags are intended the angle of the impact, and how airbag causing the bag to break out
to inflate during a rollover or in a quickly the vehicle slows down. of the cover and deploy. The inflator,
severe frontal impact. Seat‐mounted For seat‐mounted side impact and the airbag, and related hardware are
side impact and roof-rail airbags will roof-rail airbags, deployment is all part of the airbag module.
inflate if the crash severity is above determined by the location and
Frontal airbag modules are located
the system's designed threshold severity of the side impact. In a
inside the steering wheel and
level. The threshold level can vary rollover event, roof-rail airbag
instrument panel. For vehicles with
with specific vehicle design. deployment is determined by
seat‐mounted side impact airbags,
Roof-rail airbags are not the direction of the roll.
there are airbags modules in the
intended to inflate in rear impacts. side of the front seatbacks closest
A seat‐mounted side impact airbag to the door. For vehicles with
is intended to deploy on the side roof-rail airbags, there are airbag
of the vehicle that is struck. Both modules in the ceiling of the vehicle,
roof-rail airbags will deploy when near the side windows that have
either side of the vehicle is struck, occupant seating positions.
or if the sensing system predicts
that the vehicle is about to roll over,
or in a severe frontal impact.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (35,1)
How Does an Airbag Rollover capable roof-rail airbags What Will You See After
are designed to help contain
Restrain? the head and chest of occupants
an Airbag Inflates?
In moderate to severe frontal in the outboard seating positions After the frontal airbags and
or near frontal collisions, even in the first and second rows. seat-mounted side impact airbags
belted occupants can contact the The rollover capable roof-rail inflate, they quickly deflate, so
steering wheel or the instrument airbags are designed to help quickly that some people may not
panel. In moderate to severe side reduce the risk of full or partial even realize an airbag inflated.
collisions, even belted occupants ejection in rollover events, although Roof-rail airbags may still be at least
can contact the inside of the no system can prevent all such partially inflated for some time after
vehicle. ejections. they deploy. Some components of
Airbags supplement the protection But airbags would not help in the airbag module may be hot for
provided by safety belts. many types of collisions, primarily several minutes. For location of the
Frontal airbags distribute the because the occupant's motion airbag modules, see What Makes
force of the impact more evenly is not toward those airbags. an Airbag Inflate? on page 3‑34.
over the occupant's upper body, See When Should an Airbag The parts of the airbag that
stopping the occupant more Inflate? on page 3‑32 for more come into contact with you
gradually. Seat‐mounted side information. may be warm, but not too hot
impact and roof-rail airbags Airbags should never be regarded to touch. There may be some
distribute the force of the as anything more than a supplement smoke and dust coming from
impact more evenly over the to safety belts. the vents in the deflated airbags.
occupant's upper body.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (36,1)
Airbag inflation does not prevent The vehicle may have a feature In many crashes severe enough to
the driver from seeing out of the that may automatically unlock the inflate the airbag, windshields are
windshield or being able to steer the doors, turn on the interior lamps and broken by vehicle deformation.
vehicle, nor does it prevent people hazard warning flashers, and shut Additional windshield breakage
from leaving the vehicle. off the fuel system after the airbags may also occur from the right
inflate. You can lock the doors, turn front passenger airbag.
{ WARNING off the interior lamps and hazard
warning flashers by using the
. Airbags are designed to inflate
only once. After an airbag
When an airbag inflates, there controls for those features. inflates, you will need some
may be dust in the air. This dust new parts for the airbag system.
could cause breathing problems { WARNING If you do not get them, the
for people with a history of airbag system will not be there
asthma or other breathing trouble. A crash severe enough to inflate to help protect you in another
To avoid this, everyone in the the airbags may have also crash. A new system will include
vehicle should get out as soon damaged important functions airbag modules and possibly
as it is safe to do so. If you have in the vehicle, such as the fuel other parts. The service manual
breathing problems but cannot system, brake and steering for your vehicle covers the need
get out of the vehicle after an systems, etc. Even if the vehicle to replace other parts.
airbag inflates, then get fresh air appears to be drivable after a
by opening a window or a door. moderate crash, there may be
If you experience breathing concealed damage that could
problems following an airbag make it difficult to safely operate
deployment, you should seek the vehicle.
medical attention. Use caution if you should attempt
to restart the engine after a crash
has occurred.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (37,1)
United States
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (38,1)
This switch should only be turned Child age 1 to 12. A child Medical Condition. A passenger
to the off position if the person in age 1 to 12 must ride in the has a medical condition which,
the right front passenger position front seat because: according to his or her physician:
is a member of a passenger risk . My vehicle has no rear seat; . Causes the passenger airbag
group identified by the national to pose a special risk for the
. Although children ages 1 to 12
government as follows: passenger; and
ride in the rear seat(s) whenever
Infant. An infant (less than possible, children ages 1 to 12 . Makes the potential harm from
1 year old) must ride in the sometimes must ride in the front the passenger airbag in a crash
front seat because: because no space is available in greater than the potential harm
. My vehicle has no rear seat; the rear seat(s) of my vehicle; or from turning off the airbag and
. The child has a medical allowing the passenger, even if
. My vehicle has a rear seat belted, to hit the dashboard or
too small to accommodate a condition which, according to
the child's physician, makes it windshield in a crash.
rear-facing infant seat; or
necessary for the child to ride in
. The infant has a medical
condition which, according to
the front seat so that the driver { WARNING
can constantly monitor the
the infant's physician, makes it child's condition. If the right front passenger
necessary for the infant to ride in airbag is turned off for a
the front seat so that the driver person who is not in a risk
can constantly monitor the group identified by the national
child's condition. government, that person
will not have the extra protection
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (39,1)
Passenger Sensing
If the vehicle has one of the
indicators pictured in the following
illustrations, then the vehicle has
a passenger sensing system for
the right front passenger position,
unless there is an airbag off switch
located in the glove box. If there
is an airbag off switch, the vehicle
does not have a passenger sensing
United States Canada and Mexico system. See Airbag On-Off Switch
on page 3‑37 for more information.
To turn the right front passenger
airbag on again, insert the ignition The passenger airbag status
key into the switch, push in, and indicator will be visible on the
move the switch to the on position. overhead console when the
vehicle is started.
The right front passenger frontal
airbag is now enabled (may inflate). In addition, if the vehicle has a
See Airbag On-Off Light on passenger sensing system for the
page 5‑21 for more information. right front passenger position, the
label on the vehicle's sun visors
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (41,1)
The passenger sensing system is build. Everyone in your vehicle If the On Indicator is Lit for a
designed to turn on (may inflate) who has outgrown child restraints Child Restraint
the right front passenger frontal should wear a safety belt
airbag anytime the system senses properly — whether or not there If a child restraint has been installed
that a person of adult size is is an airbag for that person. and the on indicator is lit:
sitting properly in the right front 1. Turn the vehicle off.
passenger seat. { WARNING 2. Remove the child restraint from
When the passenger sensing the vehicle.
system has allowed the airbag to be If the airbag readiness light ever
comes on and stays on, it means 3. Remove any additional items
enabled, the on indicator will light
that something may be wrong from the seat such as blankets,
and stay lit to remind you that the
with the airbag system. To help cushions, seat covers, seat
airbag is active.
avoid injury to yourself or others, heaters, or seat massagers.
For some children, including
have the vehicle serviced right 4. Reinstall the child restraint
children in child restraints, and for
away. See Airbag Readiness following the directions
very small adults, the passenger
Light on page 5‑20 for more provided by the child restraint
sensing system may or may not
information, including important manufacturer and refer to
turn off the right front passenger
safety information. Securing Child Restraints
frontal airbag, depending upon the
(Rear Seat Position) on
person's seating posture and body
page 3‑66 or Securing Child
Restraints (Right Front Seat
Position) on page 3‑69 or
Securing Child Restraints
(Center Front Seat Position) on
page 3‑78.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (44,1)
5. If, after reinstalling the child If the Off Indicator is Lit for an use the following steps to allow the
restraint and restarting the Adult-Size Occupant system to detect that person and
vehicle, the on indicator is enable the right front passenger
still lit, turn the vehicle off. frontal airbag:
Then slightly recline the vehicle 1. Turn the vehicle off.
seatback and adjust the seat
cushion, if adjustable, to make 2. Remove any additional material
sure that the vehicle seatback is from the seat, such as blankets,
not pushing the child restraint cushions, seat covers, seat
into the seat cushion. heaters, or seat massagers.
Also make sure the child 3. Place the seatback in the fully
restraint is not trapped under upright position.
the vehicle head restraint. 4. Have the person sit upright in
If this happens, adjust the the seat, centered on the seat
head restraint. See Head cushion, with legs comfortably
Restraints on page 3‑2. If a person of adult-size is sitting extended.
6. Restart the vehicle. in the right front passenger seat, 5. Restart the vehicle and have the
but the off indicator is lit, it could be person remain in this position for
The passenger sensing system
because that person is not sitting two to three minutes after the on
may or may not turn off the
properly in the seat. If this happens, indicator is lit.
airbag for a child in a child
restraint depending upon the
child’s seating posture and
body build. It is better to secure
the child restraint in a rear seat.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (45,1)
Additional Factors Affecting system to turn the airbag off for The on indicator may be lit if
System Operation some adult size occupants. If this an object, such as a briefcase,
happens, let the belt go back all the handbag, grocery bag, laptop or
Safety belts help keep the way and start again. other electronic device, is put on
passenger in position on the an unoccupied seat. If this is not
seat during vehicle maneuvers A thick layer of additional material,
such as a blanket or cushion, desired, remove the object from
and braking, which helps the the seat.
passenger sensing system or aftermarket equipment such
maintain the passenger airbag as seat covers, seat heaters, and
status. See “Safety Belts” and seat massagers can affect how { WARNING
“Child Restraints” in the Index for well the passenger sensing system
operates. We recommend that Stowing of articles under the
additional information about the
you not use seat covers or other passenger seat or between the
importance of proper restraint use.
aftermarket equipment except when passenger seat cushion and
If the shoulder portion of the belt approved by GM for your specific seatback may interfere with the
is pulled out all the way, the child vehicle. See Adding Equipment to proper operation of the passenger
restraint locking feature will be the Airbag-Equipped Vehicle on sensing system.
engaged. This may unintentionally page 3‑46 for more information
cause the passenger sensing about modifications that can affect
how the system operates.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (46,1)
In addition, the vehicle may have If you have any questions Q: What if I added a snow plow?
a passenger sensing system about this, you should contact Will it keep the airbags from
for the right front passenger's Customer Assistance before you working properly?
position, which includes sensors modify your vehicle. The phone A: We have designed our airbag
that are part of the passenger's numbers and addresses for systems to work properly under
seat. The passenger sensing Customer Assistance are in a wide range of conditions,
system may not operate Step Two of the Customer including snow plowing with
properly if the original seat Satisfaction Procedure in vehicles that have the optional
trim is replaced with non-GM this manual. See Customer Snow Plow Prep Package
covers, upholstery or trim, Satisfaction Procedure (U.S. (RPO VYU). But do not change
or with GM covers, upholstery and Canada) on page 13‑1 or defeat the snow plow's
or trim designed for a different or Customer Satisfaction “tripping mechanism.” If you do,
vehicle. Any object, such as Procedure (Mexico) on it can damage your snow plow
an aftermarket seat heater page 13‑3. and your vehicle, and it may
or a comfort enhancing pad If the vehicle has rollover cause an airbag inflation.
or device, installed under or roof-rail airbags, see Different
on top of the seat fabric, could Size Tires and Wheels on
also interfere with the operation page 10‑79 for additional
of the passenger sensing important information.
system. This could either
prevent proper deployment
of the passenger airbag(s) or
prevent the passenger sensing
system from properly turning
off the passenger airbag(s).
See Passenger Sensing
System on page 3‑40.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (48,1)
If an airbag inflates, you will need Child Restraints The manufacturer's instructions that
to replace airbag system parts. come with the booster seat state the
See your dealer for service. weight and height limitations for that
Older Children booster. Use a booster seat with
If the airbag readiness light stays on
after the vehicle is started or comes a lap-shoulder belt until the child
on when you are driving, the airbag passes the fit test below:
system may not work properly. . Sit all the way back on the seat.
Have the vehicle serviced right Do the knees bend at the seat
away. See Airbag Readiness Light edge? If yes, continue. If no,
on page 5‑20 for more information. return to the booster seat.
. Buckle the lap-shoulder belt.
Does the shoulder belt rest on
the shoulder? If yes, continue.
If no, try using the rear safety
belt comfort guide. See “Rear
Safety Belt Comfort Guides”
under Lap-Shoulder Belt on
Older children who have outgrown
page 3‑21 for more information.
booster seats should wear the
If the shoulder belt still does not
vehicle safety belts.
rest on the shoulder, then return
to the booster seat.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (50,1)
Never do this. Children can be seriously injured
Never allow a child to wear the or strangled if a shoulder belt
safety belt with the shoulder belt is wrapped around their neck
behind their back. A child can be and the safety belt continues to
seriously injured by not wearing tighten. Never leave children
the lap-shoulder belt properly. unattended in a vehicle and never
In a crash, the child would not be allow children to play with the
restrained by the shoulder belt. safety belts.
The child could move too far
forward increasing the chance of Airbags plus lap‐shoulder belts
head and neck injury. The child
Infants and Young offer protection for adults and older
might also slide under the lap Children children, but not for young children
belt. The belt force would then Everyone in a vehicle needs and infants. Neither the vehicle's
be applied right on the abdomen. protection! This includes infants safety belt system nor its airbag
That could cause serious or fatal and all other children. Neither the system is designed for them. Every
injuries. The shoulder belt should distance traveled nor the age and time infants and young children ride
go over the shoulder and across size of the traveler changes the in vehicles, they should have the
the chest. need, for everyone, to use safety protection provided by appropriate
restraints. In fact, the law in every child restraints.
state in the United States and in
every Canadian province says
children up to some age must be
restrained while in a vehicle.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (52,1)
Securing an Add-On Child the LATCH system. See Lower In some areas of the United States
Restraint in the Vehicle Anchors and Tethers for Children and Canada, Certified Child
(LATCH System) on page 3‑57 for Passenger Safety Technicians
more information. Children can be (CPSTs) are available to inspect
{ WARNING endangered in a crash if the child and demonstrate how to correctly
A child can be seriously injured restraint is not properly secured in use and install child restraints.
or killed in a crash if the child the vehicle. In the U.S., refer to the National
restraint is not properly secured When securing an add-on child Highway Traffic Safety
restraint, refer to the instructions Administration (NHTSA) website
in the vehicle. Secure the child
that come with the restraint which to locate the nearest child safety
restraint properly in the vehicle
may be on the restraint itself or in a seat inspection station. For CPST
using the vehicle safety belt or
booklet, or both, and to this manual. availability in Canada, check with
LATCH system, following the Transport Canada or the Provincial
instructions that came with that The child restraint instructions
are important, so if they are not Ministry of Transportation office.
child restraint and the instructions
in this manual. available, obtain a replacement Securing the Child Within the
copy from the manufacturer. Child Restraint
To help reduce the chance of injury, Keep in mind that an unsecured
the child restraint must be secured child restraint can move around in a
collision or sudden stop and injure
in the vehicle. Child restraint
systems must be secured in vehicle people in the vehicle. Be sure to A child can be seriously injured
seats by lap belts or the lap belt properly secure any child restraint or killed in a crash if the child
portion of a lap-shoulder belt, or by in the vehicle — even when no is not properly secured in the
child is in it. child restraint. Secure the child
properly following the instructions
that came with that child restraint.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (56,1)
Your child restraint may have Lower Anchor and Top Tether
a single tether (A) or a dual Anchor Locations
tether (C). Either will have a
single attachment (B) to secure
the top tether to the anchor.
Some child restraints that have
a top tether are designed for use
with or without the top tether being
attached. Others require the top
tether always to be attached.
In Canada, the law requires that
forward-facing child restraints have
a top tether, and that the tether Regular Cab — Three-Passenger
be attached. Be sure to read and Front Seat
follow the instructions for your
child restraint.
Regular Cab — Two-Passenger i (Top Tether Anchor): Seating
Front Seat positions with top tether anchors.
Do not install a child restraint
in the center front seat position.
See Securing Child Restraints
(Rear Seat Position) on page 3‑66
or Securing Child Restraints (Right
Front Seat Position) on page 3‑69
or Securing Child Restraints (Center
Front Seat Position) on page 3‑78
for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (60,1)
Crew and Extended Cab Rear Seat For regular cab models, there is an Regular Cab
i (Top Tether Anchor): Seating anchor symbol on the covers to Do not install a child restraint in the
positions with top tether anchors. assist you in locating the top tether center seat position. See Securing
anchors. Child Restraints (Rear Seat
j (Lower Anchor): Seating Position) on page 3‑66 or Securing
positions with two lower anchors.
Child Restraints (Right Front Seat
Position) on page 3‑69 or Securing
Child Restraints (Center Front Seat
Position) on page 3‑78 for more
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (61,1)
For regular cab models, the top For crew and extended cab models, Do not secure a child restraint in a
tether anchors are located under the top tether anchors are the loops position without a top tether anchor
covers on the back panel behind located near the top of the seatback if a national or local law requires
the passenger seat. Remove the for each rear seating position. that the top tether be attached, or if
trim plug to access the anchor. These loops will be used to route the instructions that come with the
Be sure to use an anchor located the top tether through, as well as, to child restraint say that the top tether
on the same side of the vehicle as secure the top tether in the vehicle. must be attached.
the seating position where the child Be sure to use an anchor (loop) According to accident statistics,
restraint will be placed. located on the same side of the children and infants are safer
vehicle as the seating position when properly restrained in a child
where the child restraint will be restraint system or infant restraint
placed. system secured in a rear seating
Be sure to read the instructions position. See Where to Put the
following to properly install a child Restraint on page 3‑56 for
restraint using these loops. additional information.
2. See Securing Child Restraints Crew and Extended Cab Models 2. If the child restraint manufacturer
(Rear Seat Position) on 1. Attach and tighten the recommends that the top tether
page 3‑66 or Securing Child lower attachments to the be attached, attach and tighten
Restraints (Right Front Seat lower anchors. If the child the top tether to the top tether
Position) on page 3‑69 or restraint does not have lower anchor (loop), if your vehicle has
Securing Child Restraints attachments or the desired one. Refer to the child restraint
(Center Front Seat Position) on seating position does not have instructions and the following
page 3‑78 for instructions on lower anchors, secure the child steps:
installing the child restraint restraint with the top tether and
using the safety belts. the safety belts. Refer to your
3. Before placing a child in the child restraint manufacturer
child restraint, make sure instructions and the instructions
it is securely held in place. in this manual.
To check, grasp the child 1.1. Find the lower anchors
restraint at the LATCH path for the desired seating
and attempt to move it position.
side‐to‐side and back‐and‐forth.
There should be no more than 1.2. Put the child restraint on
2.5 cm (1 in) of movement for the seat.
proper installation. 1.3. Attach and tighten the lower
attachments on the child Example — Rear Driver Side
restraint to the lower Position
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (65,1)
2.4. Tighten the top tether Replacing LATCH System Securing Child Restraints
when and as the child
restraint manufacturer's
Parts After a Crash (Rear Seat Position)
instructions say. When securing a child restraint in
When the top tether is
{ WARNING a rear seating position, study the
tightened, the anchor (loop) instructions that came with the
A crash can damage the child restraint to make sure it is
may bend. This is normal LATCH system in the vehicle.
and will not damage the compatible with this vehicle.
A damaged LATCH system may
vehicle. If the child restraint has the
not properly secure the child
3. Before placing a child in the restraint, resulting in serious LATCH system, see Lower Anchors
child restraint, make sure and Tethers for Children (LATCH
injury or even death in a crash.
it is securely held in place. System) on page 3‑57 for how and
To help make sure the LATCH
To check, grasp the child where to install the child restraint
system is working properly after using LATCH. If a child restraint
restraint at the LATCH path a crash, see your dealer to have
and attempt to move it is secured in the vehicle using a
the system inspected and any safety belt and it uses a top tether,
side‐to‐side and back‐and‐forth. necessary replacements made
There should be no more than see Lower Anchors and Tethers
as soon as possible. for Children (LATCH System) on
2.5 cm (1 in) of movement for
proper installation. page 3‑57 for top tether anchor
If the vehicle has the LATCH system locations.
and it was being used during a Do not secure a child seat in a
crash, new LATCH system parts position without a top tether anchor
may be needed. if a national or local law requires
New parts and repairs may be that the top tether be anchored, or if
necessary even if the LATCH the instructions that come with the
system was not being used at child restraint say that the top strap
the time of the crash. must be anchored.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (67,1)
If the child restraint has the You will be using the lap-shoulder
LATCH system, see Lower Anchors belt to secure the child restraint in
and Tethers for Children (LATCH this position. Follow the instructions
System) on page 3‑57 for how and that came with the child restraint.
where to install the child restraint 1. Move the seat as far back as
using LATCH. If you secure a child it will go before securing the
restraint using a safety belt and forward-facing child restraint.
it uses a top tether, see Lower
Anchors and Tethers for Children When the passenger sensing
(LATCH System) on page 3‑57 system, if equipped, has turned
for top tether anchor locations. off the right front passenger
frontal airbag, the off indicator
Do not secure a child seat in a in the passenger airbag status
position without a top tether anchor indicator should light and stay 4. Push the latch plate into the
if a national or local law requires lit when you start the vehicle. buckle until it clicks.
that the top tether be anchored, or if See Passenger Airbag Status
the instructions that come with the Position the release button so
Indicator on page 5‑23. that the safety belt could be
child restraint say that the top strap
must be anchored. 2. Put the child restraint on quickly unbuckled if necessary.
the seat.
In Canada, the law requires that
forward-facing child restraints have 3. Pick up the latch plate, and run
a top tether, and that the tether be the lap and shoulder portions of
attached. the vehicle's safety belt through
or around the restraint. The child
restraint instructions will show
you how.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (71,1)
You will be using the lap-shoulder 3. Pick up the latch plate, and run
belt to secure the child restraint in the lap and shoulder portions of
this position. Follow the instructions the vehicle's safety belt through
that came with the child restraint. or around the restraint. The child
1. Move the seat as far back as restraint instructions will show
it will go before securing the you how.
forward-facing child restraint.
If you have no other choice
but to install a rear-facing child
restraint in this seat, make sure
the airbag is off once the child
restraint has been installed.
5. Pull the shoulder belt all the way
When the airbag off switch out of the retractor to set the
has turned off the right front lock. When the retractor lock is
passenger frontal airbag, the off set, the belt can be tightened but
indicator in the airbag off light not pulled out of the retractor.
should light and stay lit when
you start the vehicle. See Airbag
On-Off Light on page 5‑21. 4. Push the latch plate into the
2. Put the child restraint on buckle until it clicks.
the seat. Position the release button so
that the safety belt could be
quickly unbuckled if necessary.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (75,1)
7. If your vehicle does not have If you turned the airbag off with
a rear seat and your child the switch, turn on the right front
restraint has a top tether, follow passenger airbag when you remove
the child restraint manufacturer's the child restraint from the vehicle
instructions regarding the use unless the person who will be sitting
of the top tether. See Lower there is a member of a passenger
Anchors and Tethers for airbag risk group. See Airbag
Children (LATCH System) on On-Off Switch on page 3‑37
page 3‑57. for more information, including
8. Before placing a child in the important safety information.
child restraint, make sure it is Heavy Duty Crew Cab Only
securely held in place. To check,
grasp the child restraint at the This vehicle has airbags. A rear
6. To tighten the belt, push down
safety belt path and attempt seat is a safer place to secure
on the child restraint, pull the
to move it side to side and a forward-facing child restraint.
shoulder portion of the belt to
back and forth. When the child See Where to Put the Restraint on
tighten the lap portion of the belt,
restraint is properly installed, page 3‑56.
and feed the shoulder belt back
into the retractor. When installing there should be no more than A label on the sun visor says,
a forward-facing child restraint, it 2.5 cm (1 in) of movement. “Never put a rear-facing child seat
may be helpful to use your knee To remove the child restraint, in the front.” This is because the risk
to push down on the child unbuckle the vehicle safety belt and to the rear-facing child is so great,
restraint as you tighten the belt. let it return to the stowed position. if the airbag deploys.
Try to pull the belt out of If the top tether is attached to a top
the retractor to make sure tether anchor, disconnect it.
the retractor is locked. If the
retractor is not locked, repeat
Steps 5 and 6.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (76,1)
Never put a rear-facing child If the child restraint has the In Canada, the law requires that
restraint in the right front passenger LATCH system, see Lower Anchors forward-facing child restraints have
seat. Here is why: and Tethers for Children (LATCH a top tether, and that the tether be
System) on page 3‑57 for how and attached.
{ WARNING where to install the child restraint
using LATCH. If you secure a child
You will be using the lap-shoulder
belt to secure the child restraint in
A child in a rear-facing child restraint using a safety belt and this position. Follow the instructions
restraint can be seriously it uses a top tether, see Lower that came with the child restraint.
injured or killed if the right front Anchors and Tethers for Children
passenger's airbag inflates. (LATCH System) on page 3‑57 1. Move the seat as far back as
This is because the back of for top tether anchor locations. it will go before securing the
forward-facing child restraint.
the rear-facing child restraint Do not secure a child seat in a
would be very close to the position without a top tether anchor 2. Put the child restraint on
inflating airbag. Always secure if a national or local law requires the seat.
a rear-facing child restraint in a that the top tether be anchored, or if 3. Pick up the latch plate, and run
rear seat. the instructions that come with the the lap and shoulder portions of
child restraint say that the top strap the vehicle's safety belt through
must be anchored. or around the restraint. The child
If the vehicle does not have
a rear seat that will accommodate restraint instructions will show
a rear-facing child restraint, a you how.
rear-facing child restraint should not
be installed in the vehicle, even if
the airbag is off.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (77,1)
4. Push the latch plate into the 5. Pull the shoulder belt all the way 6. To tighten the belt, push down
buckle until it clicks. out of the retractor to set the on the child restraint, pull the
Make sure the release button is lock. When the retractor lock is shoulder portion of the belt to
positioned so you would be able set, the belt can be tightened but tighten the lap portion of the belt,
to unbuckle the safety belt not pulled out of the retractor. and feed the shoulder belt back
quickly if necessary. into the retractor. When installing
a forward-facing child restraint,
it may be helpful to use your
knee to push down on the child
restraint as you tighten the belt.
Try to pull the belt out of
the retractor to make sure
the retractor is locked. If the
retractor is not locked, repeat
Steps 5 and 6.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (78,1)
Storage 4-1
Armrest Storage
Vehicles with a rear seat
armrest have two cupholders.
Pull the armrest down from the rear
seatback to access the cupholders.
Access the storage area by
pressing and holding in the driver
side of the handle and pull out on
the exposed portion of the handle.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (2,1)
4-2 Storage
3. Press and release w or c x Navigating an iPod or USB Device c x (End): Press to reject an
to scroll up or down the list. on the Music Navigator Screen incoming call, or end a current call.
(Vehicles with a Navigation
. To select a folder, press System) SRCE (Source/Voice
and hold w, or press Recognition): Press to switch
¨ when the folder is 1. Press and release w or c x between the radio and CD, and
highlighted. to select the next or previous for equipped vehicles, the DVD,
track within the selected front auxiliary, and rear auxiliary.
. To go back further in category.
the folder list, press and For vehicles with the navigation
2. Press and hold w or c x to system, press and hold this
hold c x. button for longer than one second
move quickly through the tracks
Navigating an iPod or USB Device within the selected category. to initiate voice recognition.
on the Main Audio Screen See “Voice Recognition” in the
(Vehicles with a Navigation 3. Press and release ¨ to move up Navigation System manual for
System) one track within the selected more information.
category. ¨ (Seek): Press to go to the
1. Press and release w or c x
to select the next or previous b g (Mute/Push to Talk): Press to next radio station while in AM,
silence the vehicle speakers only. FM, or XM™.
track within the selected
category. Press again to turn the sound on. For vehicles with or without a
For vehicles with Bluetooth or navigation system:
2. Press and hold w or c x to OnStar systems, press and hold
move quickly through the tracks. for longer than two seconds to Press ¨ to go to the next track or
interact with those systems. chapter while sourced to the CD
3. Press and release ¨ to move up or DVD slot.
See Bluetooth on page 7‑50 and
one track within the selected
the OnStar Owner's Guide for
more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
To calibrate the compass, use the 3. Press the set/reset button to Clock
following procedure: start the compass calibration.
Or, if the vehicle does not have AM-FM Radio and AM‐FM
Compass Calibration Procedure DIC buttons, press and hold Radio with CD Player
1. Before calibrating the compass, the trip odometer reset stem
To set the clock:
make sure the compass zone for two seconds to start the
is set to the variance zone in compass calibration. 1. Turn the ignition key to
which the vehicle is located. ACC/ACCESSORY or ON/RUN,
4. The DIC will display
See “Compass Variance (Zone) CALIBRATING: DRIVE IN then press the O button to turn
Procedure” earlier in this CIRCLES. Drive the vehicle the radio on.
section. in tight circles at less than
2. Press the H button until the hour
Do not operate any switches 8 km/h (5 mph) to complete the
numbers begin to flash, then
such as window, sunroof, calibration. The DIC will display
climate controls, or seats during CALIBRATION COMPLETE turn the f knob to increase or
the calibration procedure. for a few seconds when the decrease the hour.
calibration is complete. The DIC
2. Press the vehicle information 3. Press the H button until the
display will then return to the
button until PRESS V TO previous menu. minute numbers begin to flash,
CALIBRATE COMPASS then turn the f knob to increase
displays. Or, if the vehicle or decrease the minutes.
does not have DIC buttons,
press the trip odometer
reset stem until CALIBRATE
COMPASS displays.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (9,1)
4. Press the H button until the 3. Press the softkey located under To change the time default setting
12HR or 24HR time format any one of the tabs to change from 12 hour to 24 hour or to change
that setting. the date default setting from month/
begins to flash, then turn the f
4. To increase the time or date, do day/year to day/month/year:
knob to change the time format.
one of the following: 1. Press the H button and then
5. Press the H button again until . Press the softkey below the the softkey located below the
the clock display stops flashing forward arrow tab. 12H, 24H, the
selected tab.
to set the currently displayed date MM/DD (month and day),
time, or wait until the flashing . Press the ¨ SEEK button. and DD/MM (day and month)
stops after five seconds and displays.
the current time displayed . Press the \ FWD button.
automatically sets. 2. Press the softkey located below
. Turn the f knob clockwise. the desired option.
MP3 Radios with a Single CD 5. To decrease the time or date, do
or a Single CD and DVD Player 3. Press the H button again to
one of the following: apply the desired option, or let
To adjust the time and date: the screen time out.
. Press the © SEEK button.
1. Turn the ignition key to
ACC/ACCESSORY or ON/RUN, . Press the s REV button.
then press the O button to turn . Turn the f knob
the radio on. counterclockwise.
2. Press the H button to display
HR, MIN, MM, DD, YYYY (hour,
minute, month, day, and year).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (10,1)
MP3 Radio with a Six-Disc CD 5. To decrease the time or date, do Power Outlets
Player one of the following:
Accessory power outlets can
To set the time and date: . Press the © SEEK button. be used to plug in electrical
1. Turn the ignition key to equipment, such as a cell phone,
. Press the s REV button. MP3 player, etc.
then press the O button to turn . Turn the f knob The vehicle may have two
the radio on. counterclockwise. accessory power outlets located
below the climate control system,
2. Press the MENU button and To change the time default setting
or may have one accessory power
then the softkey under the H tab from 12 hour to 24 hour or to change
outlet and one cigarette lighter.
the date default setting from month/
to display HR, MIN, MM, DD, The cigarette lighter is designed
day to day/month:
YYYY (hour, minute, month, day, to fit only in the receptacle closest
and year). 1. Press the MENU button to the driver.
and then the softkey under
3. Press the softkey located under There may be another accessory
any one of the tabs to change the H tab. power outlet in the rear cargo area.
that setting. 2. Press the softkey located below If the vehicle has a floor console,
4. To increase the time or date, do the forward arrow tab. 12H, 24H, there is an accessory power outlet
one of the following: the date MM/DD (month and inside the storage bin and one on
day), and DD/MM (day and the rear of the floor console.
. Press the softkey below the month) displays. Remove the cover to access and
selected tab.
3. Press the softkey located below replace when not in use.
. Press the ¨ SEEK button. the desired option.
. Press the \ FWD button. 4. Press the MENU button again to
apply the desired option, or let
. Turn the f knob clockwise. the screen time out.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (11,1)
The accessory power outlets are Certain power accessory plugs Cigarette Lighter
powered, even when the ignition may not be compatible to the
is in LOCK/OFF. Continuing to use accessory power outlet and could To use the cigarette lighter, push it
power outlets while the ignition is in overload vehicle or adapter fuses. in all the way, and let go. When it
LOCK/OFF may cause the vehicle's If a problem is experienced, see is ready for use, the lighter pops
battery to run down. your dealer. back out.
When adding electrical equipment, Notice: Holding a cigarette lighter
{ WARNING be sure to follow the proper in while it is heating does not let
installation instructions included the lighter back away from the
Power is always supplied to the with the equipment. See Add-On heating element when it is hot.
outlets. Do not leave electrical Electrical Equipment on page 9‑125. Damage from overheating can
equipment plugged in when the occur to the lighter or heating
vehicle is not in use because the Notice: Hanging heavy element, or a fuse could be
equipment from the power blown. Do not hold a cigarette
vehicle could catch fire and cause
outlet can cause damage not lighter in while it is heating.
injury or death.
covered by the vehicle warranty.
The power outlets are designed
Notice: Leaving electrical for accessory power plugs only,
equipment plugged in for an such as cell phone charge cords.
extended period of time while
the vehicle is off will drain the
battery. Always unplug electrical
equipment when not in use and
do not plug in equipment that
exceeds the maximum 20 ampere
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
Instrument Cluster
English Light Duty Premium Shown. Metric, Uplevel, Base, Heavy Duty Similar.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (14,1)
When the fuel tank is low the If the vehicle has a diesel engine,
FUEL LEVEL LOW message see the Duramax diesel supplement
appears. See Fuel System for more information.
Messages on page 5‑46 for If the vehicle is a hybrid, see
more information. the hybrid supplement for more
Here are some situations owners information.
can experience with the fuel gauge.
None of these indicate a problem Engine Oil Pressure
with the fuel gauge.
. At the gas station, the fuel pump
shuts off before the gauge
reads full.
. It takes a little more or less fuel
The engine oil pressure gauge
to fill up than the fuel gauge
shows the engine oil pressure
indicated. For example, the
in kPa (kilopascals) or psi (pounds
gauge may have indicated the
per square inch) when the engine is
tank was half full, but it actually
took a little more or less than
half the fuel tank's capacity to
fill it.
. The gauge goes back to empty
when the ignition is turned off. Metric
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (17,1)
When the engine is running, this This condition is normal since the Safety Belt Reminders
gauge shows the condition of the charging system is not able to
charging system. The gauge can provide full power at engine idle. Driver Safety Belt Reminder
transition from a higher to lower or As engine speeds are increased, Light
a lower to higher reading. This is this condition should correct itself
When the engine is started, a chime
normal. If the vehicle is operating as higher engine speeds allow the
sounds for several seconds to
outside the normal operating range, charging system to create maximum
remind a driver to fasten the safety
the charging system light comes power.
belt, unless the driver safety belt is
on. See Charging System Light on The vehicle can only be driven for a already buckled.
page 5‑24 for more information. short time with the readings outside
The voltmeter gauge may also read the normal operating range. If the
lower when in fuel economy mode. vehicle must be driven, turn off all
This is normal. accessories, such as the radio and
Readings outside the normal air conditioner.
operating range can also occur Readings outside the normal
when a large number of electrical operating range indicate a possible
accessories are operating in problem in the electrical system. The safety belt light flashes for
the vehicle and the engine is Have the vehicle serviced as soon several seconds, then comes on
left idling for an extended period. as possible. solid for several more.
This chime and light sequence
are repeated if the driver remains
unbuckled and the vehicle is in
motion. If the driver safety belt is
already buckled, neither the chime
nor the light comes on.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (20,1)
WARNING (Continued)
Do not turn off the passenger
airbag unless the person sitting
there is in a risk group identified
by the national government.
See Airbag On-Off Switch on
page 3‑37 for more on this,
including important safety
WARNING (Continued)
Passenger Airbag Status
To help avoid injury to yourself or If the vehicle has one of the
others, have the vehicle serviced indicators pictured in the following
right away. See Airbag Readiness illustrations, then the vehicle has
Light on page 5‑20 for more a passenger sensing system for
information, including important United States
the right front passenger position
safety information. unless there is an airbag off switch
located in the glove box. If there
If the word ON or the on symbol is an airbag off switch, the vehicle
is lit, it means that the right front does not have a passenger system
passenger frontal airbag is enabled system. See Airbag On-Off Switch
(may inflate). See Airbag On-Off on page 3‑37.
Switch on page 3‑37 for more The passenger airbag status Canada and Mexico
information, including important indicator is on the overhead When the vehicle is started, the
safety information. console. See Passenger Sensing passenger airbag status indicator
If, after several seconds, both status System on page 3‑40 for important will light ON and OFF, or the symbol
indicator lights remain on, or if there safety information. for on and off, for several seconds
are no lights at all, there may be a In addition, if the vehicle has a as a system check. Then, after
problem with the lights or the airbag passenger sensing system for the several more seconds, the status
on-off switch. See your dealer for right front passenger position, the indicator will light either ON or OFF,
service. label on the vehicle's sun visor or either the on or off symbol to let
refers to “ADVANCED AIRBAGS”. you know the status of the right front
passenger frontal airbag.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (24,1)
Emissions Inspection and The vehicle may not pass Brake System Warning
Maintenance Programs inspection if:
Some state/provincial and . The malfunction indicator lamp is
on with the engine running, or if With the ignition on, the brake
local governments may have system warning light comes on
programs to inspect the on-vehicle the light does not come on when
the ignition is turned to ON/RUN when the parking brake is set. If the
emission control equipment. vehicle is driven with the parking
For the inspection, the emission while the engine is off.
brake engaged, a chime sounds
system test equipment is connected . The critical emission control when the vehicle speed is greater
to the vehicle’s Data Link systems have not been than 8 km/h (5 mph).
Connector (DLC). completely diagnosed by
the system. This can happen The vehicle brake system
if the battery has recently consists of two hydraulic circuits.
been replaced or if the battery If one circuit is not working, the
has run down. The diagnostic remaining circuit can still work to
system evaluates critical stop the vehicle. For normal braking
emission control systems during performance, both circuits need to
normal driving. This can take be working
The DLC is under the instrument several days of routine driving. If the warning light comes on and
panel to the left of the steering If this has been done and the a chime sounds there could be a
wheel. See your dealer if assistance vehicle still does not pass the brake problem. Have the brake
is needed. inspection, your dealer can system inspected right away.
prepare the vehicle for
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (28,1)
If the regular brake system warning Four-Wheel-Drive Light Tow/Haul Mode Light
light is not on, the vehicle still has
brakes, but not antilock brakes.
If the regular brake system warning
light is also on, the vehicle does not
have antilock brakes and there is
a problem with the regular brakes.
See Brake System Warning Light on
page 5‑27.
The four-wheel-drive light For vehicles with the Tow/Haul
For vehicles with a Driver comes on when a vehicle with Mode feature, this light comes on
Information Center (DIC), see Brake a manual transfer case is shifted when the Tow/Haul Mode has been
System Messages on page 5‑42 for into four-wheel drive and the front activated.
all brake related DIC messages. axle engages. For more information, see Tow/Haul
For vehicles with a Hybrid, see Some delay between the shifting Mode on page 9‑51.
the Hybrid Supplement for more and the light coming on is normal.
See Four-Wheel Drive on page 9‑54
for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (30,1)
StabiliTrak® Indicator The light flashes if the system is When the Light is On Steady
active and is working to assist the
Light driver with directional control of the
This indicates that one or more
of the tires are significantly
vehicle in difficult driving conditions. underinflated.
See StabiliTrak® System on A tire pressure message can
page 9‑70 for more information. accompany the light. See Tire
If the vehicle is a hybrid, see Messages on page 5‑49 for more
the hybrid supplement for more information. Stop as soon as
information. possible, and inflate the tires to
For vehicles with the StabiliTrak the pressure value shown on the
system, this light comes on briefly Tire Pressure Light Tire and Loading Information label.
while starting the engine. See Tire Pressure on page 10‑66
for more information.
If it does not, have the vehicle
serviced by your dealer. If the When the Light Flashes First and
system is working normally the Then is On Steady
indicator light then goes off. This indicates that there may be
If the light comes on and stays a problem with the Tire Pressure
on while driving, there could be a Monitor System. The light flashes
problem with the StabiliTrak system For vehicles with the Tire Pressure for about a minute and stays on
and the vehicle might need service. Monitor System (TPMS), this light steady for the remainder of the
When this warning light is on, the comes on briefly when the engine ignition cycle. This sequence
StabiliTrak system is off and does is started. It provides information repeats with every ignition cycle.
not limit wheel spin. about tire pressures and the TPMS. See Tire Pressure Monitor
Operation on page 10‑69 for
more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (31,1)
Engine Oil Pressure Light Notice: Lack of proper engine oil Low Fuel Warning Light
maintenance can damage the
engine. The repairs would not be
covered by the vehicle warranty.
Always follow the maintenance
schedule for changing engine oil.
This light comes on briefly while
starting the engine. If it does not,
have the vehicle serviced by your This light, under the fuel gauge,
{ WARNING dealer. If the system is working comes on briefly while the engine is
normally the indicator light then being started.
Do not keep driving if the oil goes off.
pressure is low. The engine can This light and a chime comes on
become so hot that it catches fire. If the light comes on and stays on, it when the fuel tank is low on fuel.
Someone could be burned. Check means that oil is not flowing through The Driver Information Center also
the oil as soon as possible and the engine properly. The vehicle displays a “FUEL LEVEL LOW”
have the vehicle serviced. could be low on oil and it might message. See Fuel System
have some other system problem. Messages on page 5‑46 for more
If the vehicle is a hybrid, see the information. When fuel is added this
hybrid supplement for more light and message should go off. If it
information. does not, have the vehicle serviced
by your dealer.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (32,1)
For information regarding this light The fog lamp lights come on when The cruise control light comes on
and the vehicle's security system, the fog lamps are in use. whenever the cruise control is set.
see Anti-Theft Alarm System on The lights go out when the fog The light goes out when the cruise
page 2‑12. lamps are turned off. See Fog control is turned off. See Cruise
Lamps on page 6‑6 for more Control on page 9‑73 for more
High-Beam On Light information. information.
The compass and outside Trip/Fuel Menu Items The trip odometer can be reset to
temperature will also be shown (with DIC Buttons) zero by pressing the set/reset
in the display. The temperature button while the trip odometer is
will be shown in °C or °F depending 3 (Trip/Fuel): Press this button displayed. You can also reset the
on the units selected. to scroll through the following menu trip odometer while it is displayed
items: by pressing and holding the trip
T (Vehicle Information): Press odometer reset stem.
this button to display the oil life, Odometer
units, tire pressure readings for Press the trip/fuel button until The trip odometer has a feature
vehicles with the Tire Pressure ODOMETER displays. This display called the retro-active reset. This
Monitor System (TPMS), trailer shows the distance the vehicle has can be used to set the trip odometer
brake gain and output information been driven in either kilometers (km) to the number of miles (kilometers)
for vehicles with the Integrated or miles. Pressing the trip odometer driven since the ignition was last
Trailer Brake Control (ITBC) system, reset stem will also display the turned on. This can be used if the
engine hours, compass zone odometer. trip odometer is not reset at the
setting, and compass recalibration. beginning of the trip.
To switch between metric and
U (Customization): Press this English measurements, see “Units” To use the retro-active reset feature,
button to customize the feature later in this section. press and hold the set/reset button
settings on the vehicle. See Vehicle for at least four seconds. The trip
Personalization (with DIC Buttons) Trip Odometer odometer will display the number of
on page 5‑52 for more information. Press the trip/fuel button until TRIP kilometers (km) or miles driven since
V (Set/Reset): Press this button to displays. This display shows the the ignition was last turned on and
set or reset certain functions and to current distance traveled in either the vehicle was moving. Once the
turn off or acknowledge messages kilometers (km) or miles since the vehicle begins moving, the trip
on the DIC. last reset for the trip odometer. odometer will accumulate mileage.
Pressing the trip odometer reset
stem will also display the trip
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (35,1)
For example, if the vehicle was For example, if driving in traffic and Fuel Used
driven 8 km (5 miles) before it making frequent stops, this display Press the trip/fuel button until
is started again, and then the may read one number, but if the FUEL USED displays. This display
retro-active reset feature is vehicle is driven on a freeway, shows the number of liters (L) or
activated, the display will show the number may change even gallons (gal) of fuel used since the
8 km (5 miles). As the vehicle though the same amount of fuel last reset of this menu item. To reset
begins moving, the display will is in the fuel tank. This is because the fuel used information, press
then increase to 8.2 km (5.1 miles), different driving conditions produce and hold the set/reset button while
8.4 km (5.2 miles), etc. different fuel economies. Generally, FUEL USED is displayed.
freeway driving produces better
Fuel Range fuel economy than city driving. Timer
Press the trip/fuel button until Fuel range cannot be reset. Press the trip/fuel button until
FUEL RANGE displays. This display TIMER displays. This display can
shows the approximate number of Average Economy
be used as a timer.
remaining kilometers (km) or miles Press the trip/fuel button
the vehicle can be driven without until AVG ECONOMY displays. To start the timer, press the
refueling. The display will show This display shows the set/reset button while TIMER is
LOW if the fuel level is low. approximate average liters per displayed. The display will show
100 kilometers (L/100 km) or miles the amount of time that has passed
The fuel range estimate is based since the timer was last reset, not
on an average of the vehicle's fuel per gallon (mpg). This number is
calculated based on the number of including time the ignition is off.
economy over recent driving history Time will continue to be counted as
and the amount of fuel remaining L/100 km (mpg) recorded since the
last time this menu item was reset. long as the ignition is on, even if
in the fuel tank. This estimate will another display is being shown
change if driving conditions change. To reset AVG ECONOMY, press
and hold the set/reset button. on the DIC. The timer will record
up to 99 hours, 59 minutes, and
59 seconds (99:59:59) after which
the display will return to zero.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (36,1)
To stop the timer, press the set/reset This display shows the Vehicle Information Menu
button briefly while TIMER is instantaneous fuel economy in Items (with DIC Buttons)
displayed. liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km)
or miles per gallon (mpg). Unlike T (Vehicle Information): Press
To reset the timer to zero, press this button to scroll through the
and hold the set/reset button while average economy, this screen
cannot be reset. following menu items:
TIMER is displayed.
An Active Fuel Management Oil Life
Transmission Temperature indicator displays on the right Press the vehicle information
Press the trip/fuel button until side of the DIC, while INST ECON button until OIL LIFE REMAINING
TRANS TEMP displays. This displays on the left side. Active displays. This display shows an
display shows the temperature of Fuel Management allows the engine estimate of the oil's remaining
the automatic transmission fluid to operate on either four or eight useful life. If you see 99% OIL LIFE
in either degrees Celsius (°C) or cylinders, depending on driving REMAINING on the display, that
degrees Fahrenheit (°F). demands. When Active Fuel means 99% of the current oil life
Management is active, V4 will remains. The engine oil life system
Instantaneous Economy and
display on the DIC. When Active will alert you to change the oil on
Active Fuel Management™
Fuel Management is inactive, a schedule consistent with your
V8 will display. See Active Fuel driving conditions.
If the vehicle has this display, press Management® on page 9‑44 for
the trip/fuel button until INST ECON more information. When the remaining oil life is low,
V8 displays. This display shows the the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON
current fuel economy at a particular Blank Display message will appear on the display.
moment and will change frequently This display shows no information. See “CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON”
as driving conditions change. under Engine Oil Messages on
page 5‑45. You should change the
oil as soon as you can. See Engine
Oil on page 10‑7. In addition to the
engine oil life system monitoring the
oil life, additional maintenance is
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (37,1)
Compass Zone Setting Odometer driven since the ignition was last
This display allows for setting the Press the trip odometer reset turned on. This can be used if the
compass zone. See Compass on stem until ODOMETER displays. trip odometer is not reset at the
page 5‑6 for more information. This display shows the distance the beginning of the trip.
vehicle has been driven in either To use the retro-active reset feature,
Compass Recalibration kilometers (km) or miles (mi). press and hold the trip odometer
This display allows for calibrating reset stem for at least four seconds.
the compass. See Compass on Trip Odometer The trip odometer will display
page 5‑6 for more information. Press the trip odometer reset stem the number of kilometers (km) or
until TRIP displays. This display miles (mi) driven since the ignition
Blank Display shows the current distance traveled was last turned on and the vehicle
This display shows no information. in either kilometers (km) or was moving. Once the vehicle
miles (mi) since the last reset begins moving, the trip odometer
Trip Odometer Reset Stem for the trip odometer. will accumulate mileage.
Menu Items (with DIC Buttons) For example, if the vehicle was
The trip odometer can be reset to
Use the trip odometer reset stem zero by pressing and holding the trip driven 8 km (5 miles) before it
to view the odometer and trip odometer reset stem while the trip is started again, and then the
odometer. The Language selection odometer is displayed. retro-active reset feature is
and Engine Hours display can also activated, the display will show
be accessed with the trip odometer The trip odometer has a feature 8 km (5 miles). As the vehicle
reset stem. called the retro-active reset. This begins moving, the display will
can be used to set the trip odometer then increase to 8.2 km (5.1 miles),
to the number of miles (kilometers) 8.4 km (5.2 miles), etc.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (39,1)
The trip odometer has a feature Transmission Temperature To adjust trailer gain see “Integrated
called the retro-active reset. This Press the trip odometer reset Trailer Brake Control System” under
can be used to set the trip odometer stem until TRANS TEMP displays. Towing Equipment on page 9‑112
to the number of miles (kilometers) This display shows the temperature for more information.
driven since the ignition was last of the automatic transmission fluid
turned on. This can be used if the Compass Zone Setting
in either degrees Celsius (°C) or
trip odometer is not reset at the degrees Fahrenheit (°F). This display allows for setting the
beginning of the trip. compass zone. See Compass on
To use the retro-active reset feature, Trailer Gain and Output page 5‑6 for more information.
press and hold the trip odometer On vehicles with the Integrated Compass Recalibration
reset stem for at least four seconds. Trailer Brake Control (ITBC) system,
the trailer brake display appears in This display allows for calibrating
The trip odometer will display
the DIC. Press the trip odometer the compass. See Compass on
the number of kilometers (km)
reset stem until TRAILER GAIN page 5‑6 for more information.
or miles (mi) driven since the
ignition was last turned on and and OUTPUT display. Oil Life
the vehicle was moving. Once the TRAILER GAIN shows the trailer To access this display, the vehicle
vehicle begins moving, the trip gain setting. This setting can be must be in P (Park). Press the trip
odometer will accumulate mileage. adjusted from 0.0 to 10.0 with either odometer reset stem until OIL LIFE
For example, if the vehicle was a trailer connected or disconnected. REMAINING displays. This display
driven 8 km (5 miles) before it
OUTPUT shows the power output shows an estimate of the oil's
is started again, and then the
to the trailer any time a trailer with remaining useful life. If you see
retro-active reset feature is
electric brakes is connected. Output 99% OIL LIFE REMAINING on the
activated, the display will show
is displayed in 0 to 10 bars. Dashes display, that means 99% of the
8 km (5 miles). As the vehicle
may appear in the OUTPUT display. current oil life remains. The engine
begins moving, the display will
oil life system will alert you to
then increase to 8.2 km (5.1 miles),
change the oil on a schedule
8.4 km (5.2 miles), etc.
consistent with your driving
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (41,1)
When the remaining oil life is low, Vehicle Messages Battery Voltage and
message will appear on the display. Messages displayed on the DIC Charging Messages
See “CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON” indicate the status of the vehicle BATTERY LOW START
under Engine Oil Messages on or some action may be needed VEHICLE
page 5‑45. You should change to correct a condition. Multiple
the oil as soon as you can. messages may appear one after When the vehicle’s battery is
See Engine Oil on page 10‑7. another. severely discharged, this message
In addition to the engine oil life will display and four chimes
The messages that do not
system monitoring the oil life, will sound. Start the vehicle
require immediate action can be
additional maintenance is immediately. If the vehicle is not
acknowledged and cleared by
recommended in the Maintenance started and the battery continues
Schedule in this manual. pressing V (Set/Reset) or the to discharge, the climate controls,
See Scheduled Maintenance on trip odometer reset stem. heated seats, and audio systems
page 11‑2 for more information. The messages that require will shut off and the vehicle may
immediate action cannot be cleared require a jump start. These systems
Remember, you must reset the will function again after the vehicle
OIL LIFE display after each oil until that action is performed.
is started.
change. It will not reset itself. Also, All messages should be taken
be careful not to reset the OIL LIFE seriously and clearing the message
display accidentally at any time does not correct the problem.
other than when the oil has just
The following are the possible
been changed. It cannot be reset
messages and some information
accurately until the next oil change.
about them.
To reset the engine oil life system,
see Engine Oil Life System on
page 10‑11.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (42,1)
Engine Oil Messages OIL PRESSURE LOW STOP Engine Power Messages
Notice: If you drive the vehicle
This message displays when the while the engine oil pressure This message displays and a
engine oil needs to be changed. is low, severe engine damage chime may sound when the cooling
When you change the engine oil, may occur. If a low oil pressure system temperature gets too hot
be sure to reset the CHANGE warning appears on the Driver and the engine further enters the
ENGINE OIL SOON message. Information Center (DIC), stop engine coolant protection mode.
See Engine Oil Life System on the vehicle as soon as possible. See Engine Overheating on
page 10‑11 for information on how Do not drive the vehicle until the page 10‑25 for more information.
to reset the message. See Engine cause of the low oil pressure is This message also displays when
Oil on page 10‑7 and Scheduled corrected. See Engine Oil on the vehicle's engine power is
Maintenance on page 11‑2 for page 10‑7 for more information. reduced. Reduced engine power
more information. can affect the vehicle's ability
This message displays if low oil
ENGINE OIL HOT IDLE pressure levels occur. Stop the to accelerate. If this message
ENGINE vehicle as soon as safely possible is on, but there is no reduction
and do not operate it until the cause in performance, proceed to your
This message displays when the destination. The performance may
of the low oil pressure has been
engine oil becomes hotter than the be reduced the next time the vehicle
corrected. Check the oil as soon
normal operating temperature. Stop is driven. The vehicle may be driven
as possible and have the vehicle
and allow the vehicle to idle until it at a reduced speed while this
serviced by your dealer. See Engine
cools down. See Engine Coolant message is on, but acceleration and
Oil on page 10‑7.
Temperature Gauge on page 5‑17. speed may be reduced. Anytime
this message stays on, the vehicle
should be taken to your dealer for
service as soon as possible.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (46,1)
Fuel System Messages Key and Lock Messages Object Detection System
This message displays and a REMOTE KEY PARK ASST BLOCKED SEE
chime may sound if the fuel level This message displays if a Remote OWNERS MANUAL
is low. Refuel as soon as possible. Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter If the vehicle has the Ultrasonic
See Fuel Gauge on page 5‑15 battery is low. The battery needs Rear Parking Assist (URPA) system,
and Fuel on page 9‑84 for more to be replaced in the transmitter. this message displays if there is
information. See “Battery Replacement” under something interfering with the park
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) assist system. See Ultrasonic
TIGHTEN GAS CAP System Operation on page 2‑3. Parking Assist on page 9‑76 for
This message may display along more information.
with the check engine light on Lamp Messages
the instrument panel cluster if the PARK ASSIST OFF
vehicle's fuel cap is not tightened TURN SIGNAL ON
If the vehicle has the Ultrasonic
properly. See Malfunction Indicator This message displays and a chime Rear Parking Assist (URPA) system,
Lamp on page 5‑25. Reinstall sounds if a turn signal is left on for after the vehicle has been started,
the fuel cap fully. See Filling the 1.2 km (0.75 mile). Move the turn this message displays to remind the
Tank on page 9‑88. The diagnostic signal/multifunction lever to the off driver that the URPA system has
system can determine if the fuel position. been turned off. Press the set/reset
cap has been left off or improperly button or the trip odometer reset
installed. A loose or missing fuel stem to acknowledge this message
cap allows fuel to evaporate into the and clear it from the DIC display.
atmosphere. A few driving trips with To turn the URPA system back on,
the cap properly installed should see Ultrasonic Parking Assist on
turn this light and message off. page 9‑76.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (47,1)
SERVICE PARK ASSIST Stop; turn off the engine for at least STABILITRAK OFF
15 seconds; then start the engine
If the vehicle has the Ultrasonic If the vehicle has StabiliTrak, this
again. If this message still comes
Rear Parking Assist (URPA) system, message displays when you turn
on, it means there is a problem.
this message displays if there is off StabiliTrak, or when the stability
You should see your dealer for
a problem with the URPA system. control has been automatically
service. The vehicle is safe to
Do not use this system to help you disabled. To limit wheel spin
drive; however, you do not have
park. See Ultrasonic Parking Assist and realize the full benefits of
the benefit of StabiliTrak, so reduce
on page 9‑76 for more information. the stability enhancement system,
your speed and drive accordingly.
See your dealer for service. you should normally leave
SERVICE TRACTION StabiliTrak on. However, you
Ride Control System CONTROL should turn StabiliTrak off if your
vehicle gets stuck in sand, mud, ice,
Messages If the vehicle has StabiliTrak, this or snow and you want to rock your
message displays when there is a vehicle to attempt to free it, or if
SERVICE STABILITRAK problem with the Traction Control you are driving in extreme off-road
If the vehicle has StabiliTrak and System (TCS). When this message conditions and require more wheel
this message displays, it means displays, the system will not limit spin. See If the Vehicle is Stuck on
there may be a problem with the wheel spin. Adjust your driving page 9‑23. To turn the StabiliTrak
StabiliTrak system. If you see this accordingly. See your dealer for system on or off, see StabiliTrak®
message, try to reset the system. service. See StabiliTrak® System on System on page 9‑70.
page 9‑70 for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (48,1)
There are several conditions that TRACTION CONTROL OFF Anti-Theft Alarm System
can cause this message to appear.
If the vehicle has StabiliTrak, this Messages
. If the vehicle is overheating, message displays when the Traction
which could occur if StabiliTrak Control System (TCS) is turned off. SERVICE THEFT DETERRENT
activates continuously for an Adjust your driving accordingly. See SYSTEM
extended period of time. StabiliTrak® System on page 9‑70 This message displays when there
. If the brake system warning for more information. is a problem with the theft-deterrent
light is on. See Brake System system. The vehicle may or may not
Warning Light on page 5‑27. Airbag System Messages restart so you may want to take the
vehicle to your dealer before turning
. If the stability system takes SERVICE AIR BAG off the engine. See Immobilizer
longer than usual to complete its
This message displays if there is Operation on page 2‑13 for more
diagnostic checks due to driving
a problem with the airbag system. information.
Have your dealer inspect the
. If an engine or vehicle related system for problems. See Airbag Starting the Vehicle
problem has been detected Readiness Light on page 5‑20 and
and the vehicle needs service. Airbag System on page 3‑29 for
See your dealer. more information. FAST IDLE ON
. If the vehicle is shifted into 4LO. If your vehicle has this feature, this
The message turns off as soon message displays when the fast idle
as the conditions that caused the feature is on. See Fast Idle System
message to be displayed are no on page 9‑39 for more information.
longer present.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (49,1)
Tire Messages TIRE LEARNING ACTIVE (left rear), or RIGHT RR (right rear)
to indicate the location of the low
SERVICE TIRE MONITOR If the vehicle has the Tire Pressure
tire. The low tire pressure warning
Monitor System (TPMS), this
SYSTEM message displays when the system
light will also come on. See Tire
Pressure Light on page 5‑30.
If the vehicle has the Tire Pressure is re-learning the tire positions on
You can receive more than one
Monitor System (TPMS), this your vehicle. The tire positions must
tire pressure message at a time.
message displays if a part on the be re-learned after rotating the tires
To read the other messages that
system is not working properly. or after replacing a tire or sensor.
may have been sent at the same
The tire pressure light also flashes See Tire Inspection on page 10‑73,
time, press the set/reset button or
and then remains on during the Tire Rotation on page 10‑73,
the trip odometer reset stem. If a
same ignition cycle. See Tire Tire Pressure Monitor System on
tire pressure message appears on
Pressure Light on page 5‑30. page 10‑68, and Tire Pressure on
the DIC, stop as soon as you can.
Several conditions may cause page 10‑66 for more information.
Have the tire pressures checked
this message to appear. See Tire
TIRE LOW ADD AIR TO TIRE and set to those shown on the Tire
Pressure Monitor Operation on
Loading Information label. See Tires
page 10‑69 for more information. If the vehicle has the Tire Pressure on page 10‑57, Vehicle Load Limits
If the warning comes on and stays Monitor System (TPMS), this on page 9‑25, and Tire Pressure on
on, there may be a problem with message displays when the page 10‑66. The DIC also shows
the TPMS. See your dealer. pressure in one or more of the the tire pressure values. See Driver
vehicle's tires is low. This message Information Center (DIC) on
also displays LEFT FRT (left front), page 5‑33.
RIGHT FRT (right front), LEFT RR
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (50,1)
When this message displays, power TRAILER CONNECTED Washer Fluid Messages
is no longer available to the trailer
On vehicles with the Integrated WASHER FLUID LOW ADD
Trailer Brake Control (ITBC) system,
As soon as it is safe to do so, this message displays briefly when
carefully pull the vehicle over to the a trailer with electric brakes is first This message displays when the
side of the road and turn the ignition connected to the vehicle. windshield washer fluid is low.
off. Check the wiring connection to Fill the windshield washer fluid
This message clears itself after
the trailer and turn the ignition back reservoir as soon as possible.
several seconds. This message also
on. This message clears if the trailer See Engine Compartment Overview
clears if you acknowledge it. After
is reconnected. This message also on page 10‑6 for the location
this message clears, the TRAILER
clears if you acknowledge it. If this of the windshield washer fluid
GAIN/OUTPUT display appears in
message still displays, either the reservoir. Also, see Washer Fluid on
the DIC.
vehicle or the trailer needs service. page 10‑29 for more information.
See your dealer. See “TRAILER GAIN/OUTPUT”
under Driver Information Center
See “Integrated Trailer Brake
(DIC) on page 5‑33 and “Integrated
Control System” under Towing
Trailer Brake Control System” under
Equipment on page 9‑112 for more
Towing Equipment on page 9‑112
for more information.
This message displays when ice
conditions are possible.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (52,1)
DISPLAY LANGUAGE NO CHANGE: No change will be Press the customization button until
This feature allows you to select made to this feature. The current AUTO DOOR LOCK appears on
the language in which the DIC setting will remain. the DIC display. Press the set/reset
messages will appear. To select a setting, press the button once to access the settings
set/reset button while the desired for this feature. Then press the
Press the customization button until customization button to scroll
the DISPLAY LANGUAGE screen setting is displayed on the DIC.
through the following settings:
appears on the DIC display. Press You can also change the language
the set/reset button once to access by pressing the trip odometer SHIFT OUT OF PARK (default):
the settings for this feature. Then reset stem. See “Language” under The doors will automatically lock
press the customization button to Driver Information Center (DIC) on when the vehicle is shifted out of
scroll through the following settings: page 5‑33 for more information. P (Park).
AUTO DOOR UNLOCK ALL AT KEY OUT: All of the doors Press the customization button until
This feature allows you to turn will unlock when the key is taken REMOTE DOOR LOCK appears on
off the automatic door unlocking out of the ignition. the DIC display. Press the set/reset
feature. It also allows you to select ALL IN PARK (default): All of the button once to access the settings
which doors and when the doors will doors will unlock when the vehicle is for this feature. Then press the
automatically unlock. See Automatic shifted into P (Park). customization button to scroll
Door Locks on page 2‑9 for more through the following settings:
NO CHANGE: No change will be
information. made to this feature. The current OFF: There will be no feedback
Press the customization button until setting will remain. when you press the lock button on
AUTO DOOR UNLOCK appears on the RKE transmitter.
To select a setting, press the
the DIC display. Press the set/reset set/reset button while the desired LIGHTS ONLY: The exterior lamps
button once to access the settings setting is displayed on the DIC. will flash when you press the lock
for this feature. Then press the button on the RKE transmitter.
customization button to scroll REMOTE DOOR LOCK HORN ONLY: The horn will sound
through the following settings: This feature allows you to select the on the second press of the lock
OFF: None of the doors will type of feedback received when button on the RKE transmitter.
automatically unlock. locking the vehicle with the Remote HORN & LIGHTS (default): The
DRIVER AT KEY OUT: Only the Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. exterior lamps will flash when you
driver door will unlock when the key You will not receive feedback when press the lock button on the RKE
is taken out of the ignition. locking the vehicle with the RKE transmitter, and the horn will sound
transmitter if the doors are open. when the lock button is pressed
DRIVER IN PARK: Only the driver See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
door will unlock when the vehicle is again within five seconds of the
System Operation on page 2‑3 for previous command.
shifted into P (Park) . more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (55,1)
NO CHANGE: No change will be Press the customization button DELAY DOOR LOCK
made to this feature. The current until REMOTE DOOR UNLOCK On vehicles with a crew cab, this
setting will remain. appears on the DIC display. Press feature turns the delayed door locks
To select a setting, press the the set/reset button once to access on or off. When locking the doors
set/reset button while the desired the settings for this feature. Then with the power door lock switch
setting is displayed on the DIC. press the customization button to and a door is open, this feature
scroll through the following settings: will delay locking the doors until
REMOTE DOOR UNLOCK LIGHTS OFF: The exterior lamps five seconds after the last door is
This feature allows you to select will not flash when you press closed. You will hear three chimes
the type of feedback received the unlock button on the RKE to signal that the delayed locking
when unlocking the vehicle with transmitter. feature is in use. The key must be
the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) LIGHTS ON (default): The exterior out of the ignition for this feature to
transmitter. You will not receive lamps will flash when you press work. You can temporarily override
feedback when unlocking the the unlock button on the RKE delayed locking by pressing the
vehicle with the RKE transmitter if transmitter. power door lock switch twice.
the doors are open. See Remote See Delayed Locking on page 2‑8
Keyless Entry (RKE) System NO CHANGE: No change will be for more information.
Operation on page 2‑3 for more made to this feature. The current
information. setting will remain.
To select a setting, press the
set/reset button while the desired
setting is displayed on the DIC.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (56,1)
Press the customization button until EXIT LIGHTING NO CHANGE: No change will be
DELAY DOOR LOCK appears on This feature allows you to select made to this feature. The current
the DIC display. Press the set/reset the amount of time you want setting will remain.
button once to access the settings the exterior lamps to remain on To select a setting, press the
for this feature. Then press the when it is dark enough outside. set/reset button while the desired
customization button to scroll This happens after the key is turned setting is displayed on the DIC.
through the following settings: from ON/RUN to LOCK/OFF.
OFF: There will be no delayed APPROACH LIGHTING
Press the customization button
locking of the vehicle's doors. until EXIT LIGHTING appears on This feature allows you to select if
ON (default): The doors will not the DIC display. Press the set/reset the exterior lights turn on briefly
lock until five seconds after the last button once to access the settings during low light periods after
door is closed. for this feature. Then press the unlocking the vehicle using the
customization button to scroll Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
NO CHANGE: No change will be transmitter.
made to this feature. The current through the following settings:
setting will remain. OFF: The exterior lamps will not Press the customization button until
turn on. APPROACH LIGHTING appears on
To select a setting, press the the DIC display. Press the set/reset
set/reset button while the desired 30 SECONDS (default): The button once to access the settings
setting is displayed on the DIC. exterior lamps will stay on for for this feature. Then press the
30 seconds. customization button to scroll
1 MINUTE: The exterior lamps will through the following settings:
stay on for one minute. OFF: The exterior lights will not
2 MINUTES: The exterior lamps will turn on when you unlock the vehicle
stay on for two minutes. with the RKE transmitter.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (57,1)
passenger outside mirror will be If the vehicle has this feature, If the features are enabled through
tilted down when the vehicle is it allows you to select your the EASY EXIT SETUP menu, the
shifted into R (Reverse). preference for the automatic easy driver seat will move back when the
BOTH MIRRORS: The driver and exit seat feature. See “Memory key is removed from the ignition or
passenger outside mirrors will be Seat, Mirrors, and Pedals” in Power the easy exit seat button is pressed.
tilted down when the vehicle is Seat Adjustment on page 3‑4 for The automatic easy exit seat
shifted into R (Reverse). more information. movement will only occur one time
NO CHANGE: No change will be Press the customization button until after the key is removed from the
made to this feature. The current EASY EXIT RECALL appears on ignition. If the automatic movement
setting will remain. the DIC display. Press the set/reset has already occurred, and you put
button once to access the settings the key back in the ignition and
To select a setting, press the remove it again, the seat will stay
set/reset button while the desired for this feature. Then press the
customization button to scroll in the original exit position, unless
setting is displayed on the DIC. a memory recall took place prior to
through the following settings:
removing the key again.
automatic seat exit recall will occur. NO CHANGE: No change will be
The recall will only occur after made to this feature. The current
pressing the easy exit seat button. setting will remain.
To select a setting, press the
set/reset button while the desired
setting is displayed on the DIC.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (59,1)
EASY EXIT SETUP NO CHANGE: No change will be ON: The driver seat and, on
If the vehicle has this feature, it made to this feature. The current some vehicles, the outside mirrors
allows you to select which areas setting will remain. will automatically move to the
will recall with the automatic easy To select a setting, press the stored driving position when the
exit seat feature. It also allows set/reset button while the desired unlock button on the Remote
you to turn off the automatic easy setting is displayed on the DIC. Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter
exit feature. See “Memory Seat, is pressed. On some vehicles with
Mirrors, and Pedals” in Power MEMORY SEAT RECALL the adjustable throttle and brake
Seat Adjustment on page 3‑4 and If the vehicle has this feature, it pedal feature, the pedals will also
“EASY EXIT RECALL” earlier for allows you to select your preference automatically move.
more information. for the remote memory seat recall NO CHANGE: No change will be
Press the customization button until feature. See “Memory Seat, made to this feature. The current
EASY EXIT SETUP appears on the Mirrors, and Pedals” in Power Seat setting will remain.
DIC display. Press the set/reset Adjustment on page 3‑4 for more To select a setting, press the
button once to access the settings information. set/reset button while the desired
for this feature. Then press the Press the customization button setting is displayed on the DIC.
menu up/down button to scroll until MEMORY SEAT RECALL
through the following settings: appears on the DIC display. Press REMOTE START
OFF: No automatic seat exit will the set/reset button once to access If your vehicle has this feature, it
recall. the settings for this feature. Then allows you to turn the remote start
press the customization button to off or on. The remote start feature
SEAT ONLY (default): The driver scroll through the following settings: allows you to start the engine from
seat will recall. outside of the vehicle using the
OFF (default): No remote memory
seat recall will occur. Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter. See Remote Vehicle
Start on page 2‑5 for more
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (60,1)
Press the customization button until FACTORY SETTINGS EXIT FEATURE SETTINGS
REMOTE START appears on the This feature allows you to set all of This feature allows you to exit the
DIC display. Press the set/reset the customization features back to feature settings menu.
button once to access the settings their factory default settings.
for this feature. Then press the Press the customization button until
customization button to scroll Press the customization button until PRESS V TO EXIT FEATURE
through the following settings: FACTORY SETTINGS appears on SETTINGS appears in the DIC
the DIC display. Press the set/reset display. Press the set/reset button
OFF: The remote start feature will button once to access the settings
be disabled. once to exit the menu.
for this feature. Then press the
ON (default): The remote start customization button to scroll If you do not exit, pressing the
feature will be enabled. through the following settings: customization button again will
return you to the beginning of
NO CHANGE: No change will be RESTORE ALL (default): The the feature settings menu.
made to this feature. The current customization features will be set
setting will remain. to their factory default settings.
To select a setting, press the DO NOT RESTORE: The
set/reset button while the desired customization features will not be
setting is displayed on the DIC. set to their factory default settings.
To select a setting, press the
set/reset button while the desired
setting is displayed on the DIC.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (61,1)
4. The indicator lights will blink 6. Press and hold the button
slowly. Enter each switch setting that will be used to control the
from Step 2 into your vehicle's garage door until the garage
Universal Home Remote. door moves. The indicator
You will have two and one-half light above the selected button
minutes to complete Step 4. should slowly blink. This button
Now press one button on the may need to be held for up to
Universal Home Remote for 55 seconds.
each switch setting as follows: 7. Immediately release the button
. If you wrote “Left,” press when the garage door moves.
the left button (A) in the The indicator light will blink
vehicle. rapidly until programming is
A. Left Button (Up, +, or On) complete.
. If you wrote “Right,” press
B. Middle Button the right button (C) in the 8. Press and release the same
(Middle, 0, or Neutral) vehicle. button again. The garage door
C. Right Button . If you wrote “Middle,” press should move, confirming that
(Down, −, or Off) the middle button (B) in the programming is successful and
vehicle. complete.
Any of the three buttons can be 2. Once the indicator lights begin
reprogrammed by repeating the to blink, release both buttons.
instructions. The codes from all buttons will
be erased.
Erasing Universal Home For help or information on the
Remote Buttons Universal Home Remote System,
The programmed buttons should be call the customer assistance phone
erased when the vehicle is sold or number under Customer Assistance
the lease ends. Offices (U.S. and Canada) on
page 13‑5 or Customer Assistance
Offices (Mexico) on page 13‑5.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (68,1)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
Lighting 6-1
6-2 Lighting
The exterior lamps control has four When the vehicle is turned off 2 (Headlamps): Turns on the
positions: and the headlamps are in AUTO, headlamps together with the
O (Off): Turns off the automatic the headlamps may automatically following:
headlamps and daytime running remain on for a set time. The time of
the delay can be changed using the
. Parking Lamps
lamps (DRL). Turn the headlamp
control to the off position again to DIC. See Driver Information Center . Instrument Panel Lights
turn the automatic headlamps or (DIC) on page 5‑33. . Taillamps
DRL back on. ; (Parking Lamps): Turns on . License Plate Lamps
For vehicles first sold in Canada, the parking lamps together with
the following: . Roof Marker Lamps
the off position will only work when
(If Equipped)
the vehicle is shifted into P (Park). . Instrument Panel Lights
When the headlamps are turned
AUTO (Automatic): Automatically . Taillamps
on while the vehicle is on, the
turns on the headlamps at normal . License Plate Lamps headlamps turn off automatically
brightness, together with the
. Roof Marker Lamps 10 minutes after the ignition is
(If Equipped) turned off. When the headlamps
. Parking Lamps are turned on while the vehicle
. Instrument Panel Lights is off, the headlamps will stay
on for 10 minutes before
. Taillamps automatically turning off to prevent
. License Plate Lamps the battery from being drained.
. Roof Marker Lamps
(If Equipped)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
Lighting 6-3
6-4 Lighting
Lighting 6-5
The DRL and automatic headlamp The headlamps will also stay Hazard Warning Flashers
system are only affected when the on after you exit the vehicle.
light sensor detects a change in This feature can be programmed
lighting lasting longer than the using the Driver Information Center
delay. (DIC). See Vehicle Personalization
If the vehicle is started in a dark (with DIC Buttons) on page 5‑52.
garage, the automatic headlamp If the vehicle is not equipped
system comes on immediately. with DIC buttons, exit lighting
Once the vehicle leaves the garage, is automatic. When it is dark
it takes approximately one minute enough outside, the exterior lamps
for the automatic headlamp system remain on for 30 seconds after the
to change to DRL if it is bright ignition is moved from ON/RUN to
enough outside. During that delay, LOCK/OFF.
the instrument panel cluster may For vehicles without a radio, the
not be as bright as usual. Make instrument panel light remains on
sure the instrument panel brightness for 30 seconds with the driver door | (Hazard Warning Flashers):
control is in the full bright position. closed. For vehicles with a radio, Press this button located on top of
See Instrument Panel Illumination the instrument panel light remains the steering column, to make the
Control on page 6‑7. on for 10 minutes with the driver front and rear turn signal lamps
To idle the vehicle with the door closed. See Retained flash on and off. This warns others
automatic headlamp system off, Accessory Power (RAP) on that you are having trouble. Press
turn the control to the off position. page 9‑40. again to turn the flashers off.
The regular headlamp system can When the hazard warning flashers
be turned on when needed. are on, the vehicle's turn signals will
not work.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (6,1)
6-6 Lighting
Turn and Lane-Change The lever returns to its starting Fog Lamps
position whenever it is released.
Signals For vehicles with fog lamps, the
If after signaling a turn or a lane control is located next to the exterior
change the arrows flash rapidly or lamps control on the instrument
do not come on, a signal bulb could panel, to the left of the steering
be burned out. column.
Have the bulbs replaced. If the bulb The ignition must be in the ON/RUN
is not burned out, check the fuse. position for the fog lamps to
See Fuses and Circuit Breakers on come on.
page 10‑50.
An arrow on the instrument panel # (Fog Lamps): Press to turn the
Turn Signal On Chime fog lamps on or off. A light will come
cluster flashes in the direction of
the turn or lane change. If the turn signal is left on for more on in the instrument panel cluster.
than 1.2 km (3/4 of a mile), a chime When the fog lamps are turned on,
Move the lever all the way up or will sound at each flash of the turn
down to signal a turn. the parking lamps automatically
signal and the message TURN turn on.
Raise or lower the lever for less SIGNAL ON will also appear in the
than one second until the arrow Driver Information Control (DIC). When the headlamps are changed
starts to flash to signal a lane To turn the chime and message off, to high beam, the fog lamps also go
change. This causes the turn move the turn signal lever to the off off. When the high-beam headlamps
signals to automatically flash position. are turned off, the fog lamps will
three times. It will flash six times come on again.
if tow-haul mode is active. Holding Some localities have laws that
the turn signal lever for more than require the headlamps to be on
one second will cause the turn with the fog lamps.
signals to flash until you release
the lever.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
Lighting 6-7
6-8 Lighting
Lighting 6-9
6-10 Lighting
Theft-Deterrent Feature
TheftLock® is designed to
discourage theft of the vehicle's
radio by learning a portion of the
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
The radio does not operate if it
is stolen or moved to a different AM-FM Radio
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
Radio with CD (MP3) Shown; Radio with USB and CD (MP3), Radio with
USB and Six-Disc CD (MP3), and Radio with CD Similar
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (4,1)
Using the Radio Speed Compensated Volume Setting the Tone (Bass/Treble)
(SCV): Radios with Speed (AM-FM Radio and AM-FM
O (Power/Volume): Press to turn
Compensated Volume (SCV)
the system on and off. Radio with CD)
automatically adjust the radio
Turn clockwise or counterclockwise volume to compensate for road To adjust the bass or treble:
to increase or decrease the volume. and wind noise as the vehicle's 1. Press the f knob until Bass or
4 (Information) (AM-FM Radio and speed changes while driving, so that
Treble displays.
AM-FM Radio with CD): Press to the volume level stays consistent.
2. To adjust the setting, do one of
switch the display between the radio To activate SCV:
the following:
station frequency and the time.
1. Set the radio volume to the
While the ignition is off, press this
desired level.
. Turn the f knob.
button to display the time. Press to
display additional text information 2. Press the MENU button to . Press either ¨ SEEK,
related to the current FM-RDS or display the radio setup menu. or © SEEK.
XM station; or CD, MP3, or WMA 3. Press the softkey under the
song. If information is available AUTO VOLUM (automatic
. Press either \ FWD,
during XM, CD, MP3, or WMA volume) tab on the radio display. or s REV.
playback, the song title information
displays on the top line of the 4. Press the softkey under the EQ (Equalization): Press this
display and artist information desired Speed Compensated button to choose bass and treble
displays on the bottom line. Volume setting (OFF, Low, Med, equalization settings designed for
When information is not available, or High) to select the level of different types of music. Selecting
“NO INFO” displays. radio volume compensation. MANUAL, or changing bass or
The display times out after treble, returns the EQ to the manual
approximately 10 seconds. Each bass and treble settings.
higher setting allows for more Unique EQ settings can be saved
radio volume compensation at for each source.
faster vehicle speeds.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (6,1)
Setting the Tone 3. Adjust the setting by doing one To quickly adjust all tone and
(Bass/Midrange/Treble) of the following: speaker controls to the middle
(All Except AM-FM Radio . Turn the f knob clockwise position, press the f knob for
and Radio with CD) or counterclockwise. more than two seconds until a
beep sounds.
BASS/MID/TREB (Bass, Midrange,
or Treble): To adjust the bass,
. Press the ¨ SEEK, EQ (Equalization): Press this
midrange, or treble: or © SEEK. button to choose bass and treble
equalization settings designed for
1. Press the f knob until the tone . Press the \ FWD, different types of music. Selecting
control tabs display. or s REV. MANUAL, or changing bass or
2. Highlight the desired tone treble, returns the EQ to the manual
If a station's frequency is weak or if
control tab by doing one of bass and treble settings.
there is static, decrease the treble.
the following: Unique EQ settings can be saved
To quickly adjust bass, midrange,
for each source.
. Press the f knob. or treble to the middle position,
press the softkey positioned under If the radio has a Bose® audio
. Press the softkey under the system, the EQ settings are either
the BASS, MID, or TREB tab for
desired tab. MANUAL or TALK.
more than two seconds. A beep
sounds and the level adjusts to
the middle position.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
Adjusting the Speakers Adjusting the Speakers 3. Adjust the setting by doing one
(Balance/Fade) (AM-FM Radio (Balance/Fade) (All Except of the following:
and AM-FM Radio with CD) AM-FM Radio and Radio . Turn the f knob clockwise
To adjust the balance or fade: with CD) or counterclockwise.
BAL/FADE (Balance/Fade): To
1. Press ` or press the f knob adjust the balance or fade:
. Press the ¨ SEEK,
until the speaker control label or © SEEK.
displays. 1. Press the f knob until the
speaker control tabs display. . Press the \ FWD,
2. To adjust the setting, do one of
the following: 2. Highlight the desired speaker or s REV.
control tab by doing one of the To quickly adjust all speaker and
. Turn the f knob. following: tone controls to the middle position,
. Press either ¨ SEEK, . Press the f knob. press the f knob for more than
or © SEEK. two seconds.
. Press the softkey under the
. Press either \ FWD, desired tab. If the Rear Seat Audio (RSA) is
turned on, the radio disables FADE
or s REV. and mutes the rear speakers.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (8,1)
¨ SEEK: Press to seek the next Storing Radio Stations Setting Preset Stations
radio station. Press and hold for a Drivers are encouraged to store To store presets:
few seconds until a beep sounds to the radio station while the vehicle
scan for radio stations in ascending 1. Tune to a radio station.
is parked; see Defensive Driving on
order; press the © SEEK button page 9‑2. Tune to stored radio 2. Press and hold one of the
again to stop scanning radio stations using the presets, favorites six numbered pushbuttons for
stations. The radio only seeks and button, and steering wheel controls, three seconds until a beep
scans stations with a strong signal if the vehicle has this feature. sounds.
that are in the selected band. Radios that have a FAV button 3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to store
For the AM-FM Radio, press and store radio stations as favorites. Up additional radio stations.
hold the ¨ SEEK for four seconds to 36 stations can be programmed Storing a Radio Station as a
until a double beep sounds to scan as favorites using the six softkeys Favorite
the preset stations. The station below the radio station frequency
tabs and by using the FAV button. To store a station as a favorite:
frequency flashes while the radio
is in the scan mode. Press the FAV button to go through 1. Tune to a radio station.
up to six pages of favorites, each
s REV: Press to manually tune to having six favorite stations available 2. Press the FAV button to display
a radio station in descending order. per page. Each page of favorites the page where the station will
be stored.
\ FWD: Press to manually tune to can contain any combination of AM,
a radio station in ascending order. FM, or XM, if equipped, stations. 3. Press and hold one of the six
Radios that do not have a softkeys until a beep sounds.
FAV (Favorites): Press to select
different favorites pages for stored FAV button store radio stations 4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 to
radio stations. as presets. Up to 18 stations store additional radio stations.
(6 FM1, 6 FM2, and 6 AM), can
be programmed on the six
numbered pushbuttons.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (10,1)
The number of favorites pages can Satellite Radio 4 (Information) (XM Satellite Radio
be set up using the MENU button. Service): For vehicles with XM,
To set up the number of favorites XM™ Satellite Radio Service
press 4 to display additional text
pages: XM is a satellite radio service based information related to the current
1. Press the MENU button. in the 48 contiguous United States XM channel. If information is
2. Press the softkey located below and 10 Canadian provinces. available, the song title information
XM Satellite Radio has a wide displays on the top line of the
the FAV 1-6 tab.
variety of programming and display and artist information
3. Select the number of favorites commercial-free music, coast to displays on the bottom line.
pages by pressing the softkey coast, and in digital-quality sound. When information is not available,
located below the displayed A service fee is required to receive “NO INFO” displays.
page numbers. the XM service. If the service
needs to be reactivated, the Finding a Channel
4. Press the FAV button, or let
the menu time out, to return radio will display “No Subscription BAND: Press to switch between
to the original main radio Please Renew on channel XM1.” AM, FM, or XM™, if equipped.
screen showing the radio station For more information, contact
XM at www.xmradio.com or f (Tune): Turn to manually select
frequency tabs and to begin an XM channel.
the process of programming 1-800-929-2100 in the U.S.,
favorites. and www.xmradio.ca or © SEEK: Press to go to the
1-877-438-9677 in Canada. previous XM channel.
¨ SEEK: Press to go to the next
XM channel.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (11,1)
s REV: Press to go to the 2. Press either of the two softkeys Adding and Removing Categories
previous XM category. below the desired category tab Categories cannot be added or
to immediately tune to the first removed while the vehicle is moving
\ FWD: Press to go to the next XM station in that category.
XM category. faster than 8 km/h (5 mph).
To go to the previous or next XM To add or remove a category:
FAV (Favorites): Press to select station in the selected category,
different favorites pages for stored do one of the following: 1. Press the MENU button.
radio stations.
. Turn the f knob. 2. Press the softkey located below
CAT (Category): The CAT button is the XM CAT tab.
used to find XM channels when the . Press the softkey below the
radio is in the XM mode. right or left arrows in the 3. Turn the f knob to display the
category tab. category to add or remove.
Finding a Category (CAT)
Station . Press © SEEK or ¨ SEEK. 4. Press the softkey located under
the Add or Remove tab.
To find XM channels in a category: 3. To exit the category search
mode, press the FAV button To restore all removed
1. Press the CAT button to display categories, press the softkey
the category tabs. Continue or BAND button to display the
favorites again. under the Restore All tab.
pressing the CAT button until the
desired category name displays. 5. Repeat the steps to remove
more categories.
. Radios with CD and DVD
can also navigate the
category list by pressing
the \ FWD or the s REV
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
Storing XM Channels 3. Press and hold one of the six XM Radio Messages
softkeys until a beep sounds.
Drivers are encouraged to store XL (Explicit Language
XM channels while the vehicle is 4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 to Channels): These channels,
parked; see Defensive Driving on store additional radio stations. or any others, can be blocked at
page 9‑2. Tune to stored radio The number of favorites pages can a customer's request, by calling
stations using the presets, favorites be set up using the MENU button. 1-800-929-2100 in the U.S. and
button, and steering wheel controls, To set up the number of favorites 1-877-438-9677 in Canada.
if the vehicle has this feature. pages: XM Updating: The encryption
Up to 36 stations can be 1. Press the MENU button. code in the receiver is being
programmed as favorites using updated, and no action is required.
the six softkeys below the radio 2. Press the softkey located below This process should take no longer
station frequency tabs and by the FAV 1-6 tab. than 30 seconds.
using the FAV button. Press the 3. Select the number of favorites No XM Signal: The system is
FAV button to go through up to six pages by pressing the softkey functioning correctly, but the vehicle
pages of favorites, each having six located below the displayed is in a location that is blocking the
favorite stations available per page. page numbers. XM signal. When the vehicle is
Each page of favorites can contain moved into an open area, the
any combination of AM, FM, or XM, 4. Press the FAV button, or let
the menu time out, to return to signal should return.
if equipped, stations.
the original main radio screen Loading XM: The audio system is
Storing an XM Channel as a showing the radio station acquiring and processing audio and
Favorite frequency tabs and to begin text data. No action is needed. This
To store a station as a favorite: the process of programming message should disappear shortly.
1. Tune to an XM channel. Channel Off Air: This channel is
not currently in service. Tune in to
2. Press the FAV button to display
another channel.
the page where the station will
be stored.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (13,1)
Channel Unauth: This channel is No Information: No text or XM Radio ID: If tuned to channel 0,
blocked or cannot be received with informational messages are this message alternates with the
your XM subscription package. available at this time on this XM Radio eight‐digit radio ID label.
Channel Unavail: This previously channel. The system is working This label is needed to activate the
assigned channel is no longer properly. service.
assigned. Tune to another station. No Subscription Please Renew: Unknown: If this message is
If this station was one of the The XM subscription needs to received when tuned to channel 0,
presets, choose another station be reactivated. Contact XM there could be a receiver fault.
for that preset button. at www.xmradio.com or call Consult with your dealer.
No Artist Info: No artist 1-800-929-2100. Check Antenna: If this message
information is available at this CAT Not Found: There are no does not clear within a short period
time on this channel. The system channels available for the selected of time, the receiver or antenna
is working properly. category. The system is working could have a fault. Consult with
No Title Info: No song title properly. your dealer.
information is available at this XM Theftlocked: The XM receiver Check XM Receivr: If this
time on this channel. The system in the vehicle could have previously message does not clear within a
is working properly. been in another vehicle. For security short period of time, the receiver
No CAT Info: No category purposes, XM receivers cannot be could have a fault. Consult with
information is available at this time swapped between vehicles. If this your dealer.
on this channel. The system is message is received after having XM Not Available: If this message
working properly. the vehicle serviced, check with does not clear within a short period
your dealer. of time, the receiver could have a
fault. Consult with your dealer.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (14,1)
s REV (Fast Reverse): Press For the Radio with CD (MP3) and MP3‐Supported Files
and hold to reverse playback quickly Radio with USB and CD (MP3):
The Radio with CD (MP3), Radio
within a track. 1. Press the softkey positioned with USB and CD (MP3), and Radio
\ FWD (Fast Forward): Press under the RDM tab until Random with USB and Six-Disc CD (MP3)
and hold to advance playback Current Disc displays. have the capability of playing an
quickly within a track. 2. Press the softkey again to turn MP3 CD-R or CD-RW disc.
RPT (Repeat): For the AM-FM off random play. Format
Radio with CD, press and release For the Radio with USB and Radios that have the capability of
the RPT button to repeat the current Six-Disc CD (MP3): playing MP3s can play .mp3 or .wma
track. Press RPT again to turn off files that were recorded onto a
repeat play. 1. Press the softkey positioned
under the RDM tab until CD-R or CD-RW disc. The files can
RDM (Random): Press to listen Randomize All Discs displays be recorded with the following fixed
to tracks in random, rather than to play tracks from all CDs bit rates: 32 kbps, 40 kbps, 56 kbps,
sequential order. To use random, loaded in random order. 64 kbps, 80 kbps, 96 kbps, 112 kbps,
do one of the following: 128 kbps, 160 kbps, 192 kbps,
2. Press the softkey positioned 224 kbps, 256 kbps, and 320 kbps
For the AM-FM Radio with CD: under the RDM tab until Random or a variable bit rate.
1. Press the RDM button until the Current Disc displays to play
random icon displays. tracks from a single CD in Compressed Audio or Mixed Mode
random order. Discs
2. Press the RDM button again
until the random icon disappears 3. Press the same softkey again to The radio can play discs that
from the display. turn off random play. contain both uncompressed CD
audio and MP3 files. If both formats
are on the disc, the radio reads
all MP3 files first, then the
uncompressed CD audio files.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (19,1)
Playlists that have an .m3u or .pls Playing an MP3 s REV (Reverse): Press and hold
file extension and are stored on a to reverse playback quickly. Sound
USB device may be supported by
4 (Information): Press to
display additional text information is heard at a reduced volume and
the radio with a USB port. the elapsed time of the file displays.
related to the current song.
Playlists can be changed by using If information is available, the Release s REV to resume playing.
the softkeys below the S c song title information displays \ FWD (Fast Forward): Press
and c T tabs, the f knob, on the top line of the display and and hold to advance playback
artist information displays on the quickly. Sound is heard at a reduced
the © SEEK button, or the ¨ SEEK bottom line. When information is
button. An MP3 CD-R or CD-RW volume and the elapsed time of the
not available, “NO INFO” displays.
that has been recorded without file displays. Release \ FWD to
using file folders can be played. f (Tune): Turn to select MP3s on resume playing. The elapsed time
If a CD-R or CD-RW contains more the CD currently playing. of the file displays.
than the maximum of 50 folders, © SEEK: Press to go to the start of S c (Previous Folder): Press
15 playlists, and 512 folders and the track, if more than 10 seconds
files, the player allows access and the softkey below the S c tab to
have played. Press and hold or
navigates up to the maximum, but press multiple times to continue go to the first track in the previous
all items over the maximum are not moving backward through tracks. folder.
¨ SEEK: Press to go to the next c T (Next Folder): Press the
track. Press and hold or press softkey below the c T tab to go
multiple times to continue moving to the first track in the next folder.
forward through tracks.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (21,1)
RDM (Random): Press to listen h (Music Navigator): Press the To change from playback by artist to
to tracks in random, rather than softkey below the h tab to play
playback by album:
sequential order. To use random, 1. Press the softkey located below
the files in order by artist or album.
do one of the following: the Sort By tab.
The player scans the disc to sort
For the Radio with CD (MP3) and 2. Press one of the softkeys below
the files by artist and album ID3 tag
Radio with USB and CD (MP3): the Album tab from the sort
information. It can take several
1. Press the softkey positioned minutes to scan the disc depending screen.
under the RDM tab until Random on the number of files on the disc. 3. Press the softkey below the
Current Disc displays. The radio may begin playing while Back tab to return to the main
2. Press the softkey again to turn it is scanning in the background. music navigator screen.
off random play. When the scan is finished, the disc The album name displays on the
For the Radio with USB and begins playing files in order by second line between the arrows,
Six-Disc CD (MP3): artist. The current artist playing is and songs from the current album
shown on the second line of the begin to play. Once all songs from
1. Press the softkey positioned display. Once all songs by that artist
under the RDM tab until that album have played, the player
are played, the player moves to the moves to the next album in
Randomize All Discs displays to next artist in alphabetical order and
play tracks from all CDs loaded alphabetical order on the CD and
begins playing files by that artist. begins playing MP3s from that
in random order.
To listen to files by another artist, album.
2. Press the softkey positioned press the softkey located below
under the RDM tab until Random To exit music navigator mode, press
either arrow tab. The disc goes the softkey below the Back tab to
Current Disc displays to play to the next or previous artist in
tracks from a single CD in return to normal MP3 playback.
alphabetical order. Continue
random order. pressing either softkey below
3. Press the same softkey again to the arrow tab until the desired
turn off random play. artist displays.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (22,1)
Notice: If a label is added to Care of CDs and DVDs If the surface of a disc is soiled,
a CD, or more than one CD is clean it with a soft, lint‐free cloth or
If playing a CD-R or CD-RW, the
inserted into the slot at a time, dampen a clean, soft cloth in a mild,
sound quality can be reduced due to
or an attempt is made to play neutral detergent solution mixed
CD-R or CD-RW quality, the method
scratched or damaged CDs, the with water. Make sure the wiping
of recording, the quality of the music
CD player could be damaged. process starts from the center to
that has been recorded, and the
While using the CD player, use the edge.
way the CD-R or CD-RW has been
only CDs in good condition
handled. Handle them carefully. Audio Output
without any label, load one CD at
Store CD-Rs or CD-RWs in their
a time, and keep the CD player Only one audio source can be heard
original cases or other protective
and the loading slot free of through the speakers at one time.
cases and away from direct sunlight
foreign materials, liquids, and An audio source is defined as DVD
and dust. The CD or DVD player
debris. slot, CD slot, XM, FM‐AM, front
scans the bottom surface of the
If an error displays, see “CD disc. If the surface of a disc is auxiliary jack, USB port, or rear
Messages” later in this section. damaged, such as cracked, broken, auxiliary jack.
or scratched, the disc does not play Press the O button to turn the radio
properly or not at all. Do not touch on. The radio can be heard through
the bottom side of a disc while all of the vehicle speakers.
handling it; this could damage the
surface. Pick up discs by grasping
the outer edges or the edge of the
hole and the outer edge.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (24,1)
Front seat passengers can listen Inserting a Disc If loading and reading of a disc
to the radio (AM, FM, or XM if cannot be completed, due to
Insert a disc partway into either slot,
equipped) by pressing the BAND unknown format, etc., and the disc
label side up. The player pulls it in
button or the DVD/CD AUX button fails to eject, press and hold for
and the disc should begin playing.
to select CD slot, DVD slot, front more than five seconds to force
(Loading a disc into the system,
auxiliary input, USB port, or rear the disc to eject.
depending on media type and
auxiliary input (if available).
format, ranges from 5 to 20 seconds Playing a CD (in Either the
If a playback device is plugged for a CD, and up to 30 seconds for DVD or CD Slot)
into the radio’s front auxiliary input a DVD to begin playing.)
jack, USB port, or the rear auxiliary If the ignition or radio is turned off
jack, the front seat passengers Ejecting a Disc with a CD in the player, it stays in
are able to listen to playback Z CD (Eject): Press and the player. When the ignition or
from this source through the release to eject the disc that is radio is turned on, the CD starts
vehicle speakers. See “Using the currently playing. The CD ejects playing where it stopped, if it was
Auxiliary Input Jack” in Auxiliary from the bottom slot. A beep the last selected audio source.
Devices on page 7‑34, or “Audio/ sounds and Ejecting Disc displays. The CD is controlled by the buttons
Video (A/V) Jacks” under Rear Once the disc is ejected, Remove on the radio faceplate or by the RSA
Seat Entertainment (RSE) System Disc displays. The disc can be unit. See Rear Seat Audio (RSA)
on page 7‑39 for more information. removed. If the disc is not removed, System on page 7‑48 for more
after several seconds the disc information. The DVD/CD decks
In some vehicles, depending on (the upper slot is the DVD deck
audio options, the rear speakers automatically pulls back into
the player. and the lower slot is the CD deck)
can be muted when the RSA power of the radio are compatible with
is turned on. See Rear Seat Audio Z DVD (Eject): Press and most audio CDs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs,
(RSA) System on page 7‑48 for release to eject the disc that is and MP3s.
more information. currently playing in the top slot.
A beep sounds and Ejecting Disc
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (25,1)
When a CD is inserted, the text If a front auxiliary device is f (Tune): Turn to select tracks on
tab DVD or CD symbol displays connected, the DVD/CD AUX the disc that is currently playing.
on the left side of the radio display. button cycles through all available
As each new track starts to play, options, such as: DVD slot, CD slot, © SEEK: Press to go to the start
the track number displays. Front Auxiliary, and Rear Auxiliary of the current track, if more than
(if available). See “Using the five seconds on the CD have
The CD player can play the smaller played.
8 cm (3 in) single CDs with an Auxiliary Input Jack” in Auxiliary
adapter ring. Full-size CDs and the Devices on page 7‑34 or “Audio/ Press to go to the previous track if
smaller CDs are loaded in the same Video (A/V) Jacks” under Rear Seat less than five seconds on the CD
manner. Entertainment (RSE) System on have played.
page 7‑39 for more information.
DVD/CD AUX (Auxiliary): Press Press and hold, or press multiple
to cycle through DVD, CD, If a disc is inserted into the top DVD times, to continue moving backward
or Auxiliary when listening to the slot, the rear seat operator can turn through the tracks on the CD.
on the video screen and use the
radio. The DVD/CD text tab and
remote control to navigate the CD
¨ SEEK: Press to go to the next
a message showing the track or track.
chapter number will display when (tracks only) through the remote
control. Press and hold, or press multiple
a disc is in either slot. Press the
times, to continue moving forward
DVD/CD AUX button again and 4 (Information): Press to display
through the tracks on the CD.
the system automatically searches additional text information related
for an auxiliary input device; see to the current song. If information is
Auxiliary Devices on page 7‑34 for available, the song title information
more information. If a portable audio displays on the top line of the
player is not connected, “No Aux display and artist information
Input Device” displays. If a disc is in displays on the bottom line.
both the DVD slot and the CD slot, When information is not available,
the DVD/CD AUX button cycles “NO INFO” displays.
between the two sources and does
not indicate “No Aux Input Device.”
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (26,1)
s REV (Fast Reverse): Press MP3 and WMA Supported Files CD‐R or CD‐RW Supported File
and hold to reverse playback quickly and Folder Structure
within a track. The DVD player supports:
The radio can play .mp3 or .wma
\ FWD (Fast Forward): Press files that were recorded onto a
. Up to 255 folders.
and hold to advance playback CD-R or CD-RW disc.
quickly within a track.
. Up to 8 folders in depth.
Root Directory function does not function on a Tracks are played in the following
The root directory of the disc is disc that was recorded without order:
treated as a folder. If the root folders or playlists. When displaying . Play begins from the first track
directory has compressed audio the name of the folder, the radio in the first playlist and continues
files, the directory displays as displays ROOT. sequentially through all tracks
F1 ROOT on the radio. When the disc contains only in each playlist. When the last
If a disc contains both playlists and compressed audio track of the last playlist has
uncompressed CD audio and files, but no folders, all files are played, play continues from the
MP3/WMA files, a folder under the located under the root folder. first track of the first playlist.
root directory called CD accesses The folder down and the folder up . Play begins from the first track
all of the CD audio tracks on buttons search playlists first and in the first folder and continues
the disc. then go to the root folder. When sequentially through all tracks in
the radio displays the name of the each folder. When the last track
Empty Folder folder, the radio displays ROOT. of the last folder has played,
Folders that do not contain files are Order of Play play continues from the first
skipped, and the player advances to track of the first folder.
the next folder that contains files. Compressed audio files are
accessed in the following order: When play enters a new folder, the
No Folder display does not automatically show
. Playlists (Px). the new folder name unless the
When the disc contains only . Files stored in the root directory. folder mode has been chosen as
compressed files, the files are
. Files stored in folders in the root the default display. The new track
located under the root folder.
directory. name displays.
The next and previous folder
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (28,1)
File System and Naming Playing an MP3 or WMA \ FWD (Fast Forward): Press
The song name that displays is the (in Either the DVD or CD Slot) and hold to advance playback
song name that is contained in the If a disc is inserted into the top DVD quickly.
ID3 tag. If the song name is not slot, the rear seat operator can turn S c (Previous Folder): Press
present in the ID3 tag, then the on the video screen and use the the softkey below the S c tab to
radio displays the file name without remote control to navigate the CD go to the first track in the previous
the extension (such as .mp3) as the (tracks only). folder.
track name.
f (Tune): Turn to select MP3/WMA c T (Next Folder): Press the
Track names longer than files.
32 characters or 4 pages are softkey below the c T tab to go
shortened. Parts of words on the © SEEK: Press to go to the start of to the first track in the next folder.
last page of text and the extension the track, if more than five seconds
have played. Press and hold or RDM (Random): Press to listen
of the file name do not display. to tracks in random, rather than
press multiple times, if less than
Preprogrammed Playlists five seconds have played, to sequential order.
Preprogrammed playlists that continue moving backward To use random:
were created using WinAmp™, through tracks.
1. Press the softkey under the
MusicMatch™, or Real Jukebox™ ¨ SEEK: Press to go to the next RDM tab until Random Current
software can be accessed; however, track. Disc displays
they cannot be edited using the
Press and hold, or press multiple 2. Press the same softkey again to
radio. These playlists are treated
times, to continue moving forward turn off random play.
as special folders containing
through tracks.
compressed audio song files. h (Music Navigator): Press the
Playlists that have an .m3u or .pls
s REV (Reverse): Press and hold softkey below the h tab to play
to reverse playback quickly. files in order by artist or album.
file extension and are stored on a
USB device may be supported by
the radio with a USB port.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (29,1)
The player scans the disc to sort To change from playback by artist to Using the DVD Player
the files by artist and album ID3 tag playback by album:
The DVD player can be controlled
information. It can take several 1. Press the softkey below the Sort by the buttons on the remote
minutes to scan the disc depending By tab. control, the RSA system, or by
on the number of files on the disc.
2. Press one of the softkeys below the buttons on the radio faceplate.
The radio may begin playing while
the Album tab from the sort See “Remote Control” under Rear
it is scanning in the background.
screen. Seat Entertainment (RSE) System
When the scan is finished, the disc on page 7‑39 and Rear Seat Audio
begins playing files in order by 3. Press the softkey below the (RSA) System on page 7‑48 for
artist. The current artist playing is Back tab to return to the main more information.
shown on the second line of the music navigator screen.
The DVD player is only compatible
display. Once all songs by that artist The album name displays on the with DVDs of the appropriate region
are played, the player moves to the second line between the arrows, code printed on the jacket of
next artist in alphabetical order and and songs from the current album most DVDs.
begins playing files by that artist. begin to play. Once all songs from
that album have played, the player The DVD slot of the radio is
To listen to files by another artist,
moves to the next album in compatible with most audio
press the softkey located below
alphabetical order on the CD and CDs and CD-R/RW, DVD-Video,
either arrow tab. The disc goes
begins playing MP3 files from that DVD-Audio, DVD-R/RW, and
to the next or previous artist in
album. DVD+R/RW media, along with
alphabetical order. Continue
MP3 and WMA formats.
pressing either softkey below the To exit music navigator mode, press
arrow tab until the artist displays. the softkey below the Back tab to If an error message displays on the
return to normal MP3 playback. video screen or the radio, see “DVD
Display Error Messages” under,
Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE)
System on page 7‑39, and “CD/DVD
Player Messages” later in this
section for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (30,1)
O (Power): Press to turn the © SEEK: Press to return to the Using Softkeys to Play a DVD-V
radio on or off. Turn clockwise or start of the current track or chapter. (Video)
counterclockwise to increase or Press again to go to the previous Once a DVD-V is inserted, the
decrease the volume. Press and track or chapter. This button might radio display menu shows several
hold for more than two seconds to not work when the DVD is playing tab options for playback. Press the
turn off the entire radio and Rear the copyright information or the softkey located under any tab option
Seat Entertainment (RSE) system previews. during DVD-V playback.
and to start the Parental Control ¨ SEEK:
feature. Parental Control prevents
Press to go to the next r / j (Play/Pause): Press either
track or chapter. This button might the Play or Pause tab displayed on
the rear seat occupant from not work when the DVD is playing
operating the Rear Seat Audio the radio, to toggle between pausing
the copyright information or the or restarting playback of a DVD.
(RSA) system or remote control. previews. If the forward arrow is showing on
A lock symbol displays next to the s REV (Fast Reverse): Press the display, the system is in pause
clock display. The Parental Control to quickly reverse the CD or DVD mode. If the Pause tab is showing
feature remains on until the knob at five times the normal speed. on the display, the system is in
is pressed and held for more than To stop fast reversing, press again. playback mode. If the DVD screen
two seconds again, or until the This button might not work when is off, press the play button to turn
driver turns the ignition off and the DVD is playing the copyright the screen on.
exits the vehicle. information or the previews. Some DVDs begin playing after the
f (Tune): Turn to select tracks on \ FWD (Fast Forward): Press previews have finished, although
a CD or DVD. to fast forward the CD or DVD at there could be a delay of up to
five times the normal speed. To stop 30 seconds. If the DVD does
fast forwarding, press again. This not begin playing the movie
button might not work when the automatically, press the softkey
DVD is playing the copyright located under the play/pause
information or the previews. symbol tag displayed on the radio.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (32,1)
If the DVD still does not play, q (Return): Press to exit the Using Softkeys to Play a DVD-A
refer to the on-screen instructions, current active menu and return to (Audio)
if available. the previous menu. This button Once a DVD-A is inserted, the
c (Stop): Press to stop playing, operates only when a DVD is radio display menu shows several
rewinding, or fast forwarding a DVD. playing and a menu is active. tab options for playback. Press the
r (Enter): Press to select the The rear seat passenger can softkey located under any tab option
choices that are highlighted in navigate the DVD-V and DVD-A during DVD-A playback.
any menu. menus and controls through the r / j (Play/Pause): Press either
remote control. See “Remote the play or pause icon displayed on
y (Menu): Press to access Control” under Rear Seat the radio, to toggle between pausing
the DVD menu. The DVD menu Entertainment (RSE) System on
is different on every DVD. Use or restarting playback of a DVD.
page 7‑39 for more information. If the forward arrow is showing on
the softkeys located under the The video screen automatically
navigation arrows to navigate the the display, the system is in pause
turns on when the DVD-V is mode. If the pause tab is showing
cursor through the DVD menu. inserted into the DVD slot, and
After making a selection press this on the display, the system is in
does not automatically power on playback mode.
button. This button only operates when the DVD-A is inserted into
when using a DVD. the DVD slot. It must be manually q Group r : Press to cycle
Nav (Navigate): Press to display turned on by the rear seat occupant through musical groupings on
directional arrows for navigating through the remote control power the DVD-A disc.
through the menus. button. Nav (Navigate): Press to display
directional arrows for navigating
through the menus.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (33,1)
e (Audio Stream): Press to cycle Stopping and Resuming CD/DVD Player Messages
through audio stream formats Playback Disc Format Error: This message
located on the DVD-A disc. To stop playing a DVD without displays if the disc is inserted with
The video screen shows the turning off the system, press the disc label wrong side up, or if
audio stream changing. the disc is damaged.
the c button on the remote control,
The rear seat passenger can or press the softkey located under Disc Region Error: This message
navigate the DVD-V and DVD-A
the c or the r / j tabs displayed displays if the disc is not from a
menus and controls through the correct region.
remote control. See “Remote on the radio. If the radio is sourced
Control” under Rear Seat to something other than DVD-V, No Disc Inserted: This message
Entertainment (RSE) System on press the DVD/CD AUX button to displays if no disc is present when
page 7‑39 for more information. make DVD-V the active source. the Z or DVD/CD AUX button is
The video screen automatically To resume DVD playback, press the pressed on the radio.
turns on when the DVD-V is r / j button on the remote control, Optical Error: This message
inserted into the DVD slot, and or press the softkey located under displays if the disc was inserted
does not automatically power on the r / j tab on the radio. The DVD upside down.
when the DVD-A is inserted into should resume play from where it
the DVD slot. It must be manually last stopped if the disc has not been Disk Read Error: This message
turned on by the rear seat occupant ejected and the stop button has not displays if a disc was inserted with
through the remote control power been pressed twice on the remote an invalid or unknown format.
button. control. If the disc has been ejected
or the stop button has been pressed
twice on the remote control, the disc
resumes playing at the beginning of
the disc.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (34,1)
Player Error: This message If any error occurs repeatedly To use a portable audio player,
displays if there are disc load or or if an error cannot be corrected, connect a 3.5 mm (1/8 in) cable to
disc eject problems. contact your dealer. If the radio the radio's front auxiliary input jack.
. It is very hot. When the displays an error message, write it When a device is connected, press
temperature returns to normal, down and provide it to your dealer the radio CD/AUX button to begin
the disc should play. when reporting the problem. playing audio from the device over
the vehicle speakers.
. The road is very rough. When Auxiliary Devices
the road becomes smoother, the For optimal sound quality, increase
disc should play. Using the Auxiliary Input Jack the portable audio device's volume
to the loudest level.
. The disc is dirty, scratched, wet, Radios with an auxiliary input jack
or upside down. It is always best to power the
located on the lower right side of the
portable audio device through its
. The air is very humid. If so, wait faceplate can connect to an external
own battery while playing.
about an hour and try again. audio device such as an iPod®,
MP3 player, or CD player, for use as O (Power/Volume): Turn clockwise
. There was a problem while another source for audio listening. or counterclockwise to increase
burning the disc. This input jack is not an audio or decrease the volume of the
. The label is caught in the output; do not plug headphones portable player. Additional volume
CD/DVD player. into the front auxiliary input jack. adjustments might have to be made
from the portable device if the
If the disc is not playing correctly, Drivers are encouraged to
volume is not loud or soft enough.
for any other reason, try a known set up any auxiliary device
good disc. while the vehicle is in P (Park). BAND: Press to listen to the radio
See Defensive Driving on page 9‑2 when a portable audio device is
for more information on driver playing. The portable audio device
distraction. continues playing.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (35,1)
USB‐Supported File and Folder To connect an iPod, connect one Using the Radio to Control a
Structure end of the USB cable that came USB Storage Device or iPod
The radio supports: with the iPod to the iPod’s dock
connector and connect the other The radio can control a USB
. Up to 700 folders end to the USB port located in the storage device or an iPod using
center console or on the instrument the radio buttons and knobs, and
. Up to 8 folders in depth display song information on the
panel. If the vehicle is on and the
. Up to 65,535 files. USB connection works, “OK to radio’s display.
. Folder and file names up to disconnect” and a GM logo may f (Tune): Turn to select files.
64 bytes appear on the iPod, and iPod
appears on the radio display.
© SEEK: Press to go to the start of
. Files with an .mp3 or .wma file the track, if more than 10 seconds
The iPod music appears on the
extension have played. Press and hold or
radio’s display and begins playing.
press multiple times to continue
. AAC files stored on an iPod The iPod charges while it is moving backward through tracks.
. FAT16 connected to the vehicle if the
vehicle is in the ACC/ACCESSORY
¨ SEEK: Press to go to the next
. FAT32 track. Press and hold or press
or ON/RUN position. When the
multiple times to continue moving
Connecting a USB Storage vehicle is turned off, the iPod
forward through tracks.
Device or iPod® automatically powers off and
will not charge or draw power s REV (Reverse): Press and hold
The USB port can be used to from the vehicle's battery. to reverse playback quickly. Sound
control an iPod or a USB storage is heard at a reduced volume.
device. If you have an older iPod model
that is not supported, it can still Release s REV to resume playing.
To connect a USB storage device, be used by connecting it to the The elapsed time of the file
connect the device to the USB port auxiliary input jack using a standard displays.
located in the center console or on 3.5 mm (1/8 in) stereo cable. See
the instrument panel. “Using the Auxiliary Input Jack”
earlier for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (37,1)
\ FWD (Fast Forward): Press j (Pause): Press the softkey 4. Turn f to scroll through the files
and hold to advance playback below j to pause the track. in the selected folder.
quickly. Sound is heard at a reduced The tab appears raised when pause 5. Press f to select the desired file
volume. Release \ FWD to is being used. Press the softkey
to be played.
resume playing. The elapsed below j again to resume playback.
time of the file displays. To skip through large lists, the five
Back: Press the softkey below the softkeys can be used to navigate in
4 (Information): Press to display back tab to go back to the main the following order:
additional information about the display screen on an iPod, or the
selected track. root directory on a USB storage
. First softkey, first item in the list.
Using Softkeys to Control a device. . Second softkey, 1% through
USB Storage Device or iPod c (Folder View): Press the the list each time the softkey is
The five softkeys below the radio softkey below c to view the
display are used to control the contents of the current folder on
. Third softkey, 5% through the list
functions listed below. the USB drive. To browse and each time the softkey is pressed.
select files: . Fourth softkey, 10% through
To use the softkeys:
the list each time the softkey
1. Press the first or fifth softkey 1. Press the softkey below c. is pressed.
below the radio display to 2. Turn f to scroll through the list
display the functions listed
. Fifth softkey, end of the list.
of folders.
below, or press the softkey
below the function if it is 3. Press f to select the desired
currently displayed. folder. If there is more then one
2. Press the softkey below the tab folder, repeat Steps 1 and 2 until
with the function on it to use that the desired folder is reached.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (38,1)
If you move too far forward or step If the foam ear pads attached to Audio/Video (A/V) Jacks
out of the vehicle, the headphones the headphones become worn or
lose the audio signal. damaged, the pads can be replaced
To adjust the volume on the separately from the headphone set.
headphones, use the volume To purchase replacement ear pads,
control located on the right side. call 1‐888‐293‐3332, then prompt
zero (0), or contact your dealer.
For optimal audio performance, the
headphones must be worn correctly. Battery Replacement
Headphones should be worn with To change the batteries on the
the headband over the top of the headphones:
head for best audio reception.
The symbol L (Left) appears on the 1. Turn the screw to loosen the
outside bottom edge of the ear cup battery door located on the
and should be positioned on the left left side of the headphones.
ear. The symbol R (Right) appears Slide the battery door open. A. Yellow: Video Input
on the outside bottom edge of the 2. Replace the two batteries in the B. White: Left Audio Input
ear cup and should be positioned compartment. Make sure that
C. Red: Right Audio Input
on the right ear. they are installed correctly, using
the diagram on the inside of the The A/V jacks are color coded to
Notice: Do not store the match typical home entertainment
headphones in heat or direct battery compartment.
system equipment.
sunlight. This could damage 3. Replace the battery door and
the headphones and repairs will tighten the door screw. The A/V jacks, located on the
not be covered by the warranty. rear of the floor console, allow
If the headphones are to be stored
Storage in extreme cold can audio or video signals to be
for a long period of time, remove the
weaken the batteries. Keep the connected from an auxiliary device
batteries and keep them in a cool,
headphones stored in a cool, such as a camcorder or a video
dry place.
dry place. game unit to the RSE system.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (42,1)
Adapter connectors or cables the wired headphones. See “Using Audio Output
(not included) may be required the Auxiliary Input Jack” under
Audio from the DVD player or
to connect the auxiliary device Auxiliary Devices on page 7‑34 for
auxiliary inputs can be heard
to the A/V jacks. Refer to the more information about changing
through the following possible
manufacturer’s instructions for the source.
proper usage.
Changing the RSE Video Screen . Wireless headphones
Power for auxiliary devices is not Settings
supplied by the radio system. . Vehicle speakers
The screen display mode (normal,
To use the auxiliary inputs of the full, and zoom), screen brightness, . Vehicle‐wired headphone jacks
RSE system, connect an external and setup menu language can be on the RSA system, if the
auxiliary device to the color-coded changed from the on screen setup vehicle has this feature.
A/V jacks and turn both the auxiliary menu. To change any feature: The RSE system always transmits
device and the video screen power the audio signal to the wireless
on. If the video screen is in the DVD 1. Press the z (display menu)
headphones, if there is audio
player mode, pressing the AUX button on the remote control.
available. See “Headphones” earlier
(auxiliary) button on the remote
2. Use the remote control n, q, in this section for more information.
control switches the video screen
from the DVD player mode to the p, o (navigation) arrows and The DVD player is capable of
auxiliary device. The audio of the the r (enter) button to use the outputting audio to the wired
connected source can be listened setup menu. headphone jacks on the RSA
to over the speakers by sourcing system, if the vehicle has this
3. Press the z button again to feature. The DVD player can be
the radio to the auxiliary device or
by sourcing the RSA to the Rear remove the setup menu from the selected as an audio source on the
Aux and listening with the wireless screen. RSA system. See Rear Seat Audio
headphones on Channel 2 or with (RSA) System on page 7‑48 for
more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (43,1)
When a device is connected to the When the video screen is not in Remote Control
A/V jacks, or the radio's auxiliary use, push it up into its locked
input jack if the vehicle has this position.
feature, the rear seat passengers If a DVD is playing and the screen
are able to hear audio from the is raised to its locked position,
auxiliary device through the wireless the screen remains on. This is
or wired headphones. The front seat normal, and the DVD continues to
passengers are able to listen to play through the previous audio
playback from this device through source. Use the remote control
the vehicle speakers by selecting power button or eject the disc to
AUX as the source on the radio. turn off the screen.
Video Screen The overhead console contains
The video screen is located in the the infrared transmitters for the
overhead console. wireless headphones and the
infrared receivers for the remote To use the remote control, aim it at
To use the video screen: control. They are located at the the transmitter window at the rear
1. Push the release button located rear of the console. of the RSE overhead console and
on the overhead console. press the desired button. Direct
Notice: Avoid directly touching sunlight or very bright light could
2. Move the screen to the desired the video screen, as damage may affect the ability of the RSE
position. occur. See “Cleaning the Video transmitter to receive signals
Screen” later in this section for from the remote control. If the
more information. remote control does not seem
to be working, the batteries might
need to be replaced. See “Battery
Replacement” later in this section.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (44,1)
Objects blocking the line of sight Remote Control Buttons r (Enter): Press this button to
could also affect the function of the O (Power): Press this button to select the choice that is highlighted
remote control. turn the video screen on and off. in any menu.
If a CD or DVD is in the Radio DVD P (Illumination): Press this button z (Display Menu): Press this
slot, the remote control O (power) to turn the remote control backlight button to adjust the brightness,
button can be used to turn on the on. The backlight automatically screen display mode (normal,
video screen display and start the times out after 7 to 10 seconds full, or zoom), and display the
disc. The radio can also turn on the if no other button is pressed while language menu.
video screen display. See Operation the backlight is on. q (Return): Press this button
on page 7‑2 for more information.
v (Title): Press this button to to exit the current active menu
Notice: Storing the remote return the DVD to the main menu of and return to the previous menu.
control in a hot area or in direct the DVD. This function could vary This button operates only when
sunlight can damage it, and the for each disc. the display menu or a DVD menu
repairs will not be covered by the is active.
warranty. Storage in extreme cold y (Main Menu): Press this button
to access the DVD menu. The DVD c (Stop): Press this button to
can weaken the batteries. Keep stop playing, fast reversing, or fast
the remote control stored in a menu is different on every DVD.
Use the navigation arrows to move forwarding a DVD. Press this button
cool, dry place. twice to return to the beginning of
the cursor around the DVD menu.
If the remote control becomes After making a selection press the DVD.
lost or damaged, a new universal the enter button. This button only s (Play/Pause): Press this
remote control can be purchased. operates when using a DVD. button to start playing a DVD. Press
If this happens, make sure the
universal remote control uses a n, q , p , o (Menu Navigation this button while a DVD is playing to
Arrows): Use the arrow buttons to pause it. Press it again to continue
code set of Toshiba®. playing the DVD.
navigate through a menu.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (45,1)
While the DVD is playing, the DVD r (Fast Reverse): Press this { (Subtitles): Press this button to
can be played slowly by pressing button to quickly reverse the DVD turn on or off subtitles and to move
the play/pause button then pressing or CD. To stop fast reversing a DVD through subtitle options when a
the fast forward button. The DVD video, press the play/pause button. DVD is playing. The format and
continues playing in a slow play To stop fast reversing a DVD audio content of this function vary for
mode. Also, reverse can be played or CD, release the fast reverse each disc.
slowly by pressing the play/pause button. This button might not work
button and then pressing the fast AUX (Auxiliary): Press this button
when the DVD is playing the to switch the system between the
reverse button. To cancel slow play copyright information or the
mode, press the play/pause button. DVD player and an auxiliary source.
t (Previous Track/Chapter): [ (Fast Forward): Press this
2 (Camera): Press this button to
Press this button to return to the change camera angles on DVDs
button to fast forward the DVD or that have this feature while a DVD is
start of the current track or chapter. CD. To stop fast forwarding a DVD
Press this button again to go to playing. The format and content of
video, press the play/pause button. this function vary for each disc.
the previous track or chapter. To stop fast forwarding a DVD audio
This button might not work when or CD, release the fast forward 1 through 0 (Numeric Keypad):
the DVD is playing the copyright button. This button might not work The numeric keypad provides the
information or the previews. while the DVD is playing the capability of direct chapter or track
u (Next Track/Chapter): Press copyright information or the number selection.
this button to go to the beginning previews. \ (Clear): Press this button within
of the next chapter or track. e (Audio): Press this button to three seconds after entering a
This button might not work while change audio tracks on DVDs that numeric selection, to clear all
the DVD is playing the copyright have this feature when the DVD is numerical inputs.
information or the previews. playing. The format and content of
this function vary for each disc.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (46,1)
DVD Distortion Rear Seat Audio (RSA) The RSA functions can be used
even while the main radio is off.
Video distortion can occur when System The front audio system will display
operating cellular phones, scanners,
Vehicles with this feature allow the headphone icon when the RSA
CB radios, Global Position Systems
the rear seat passengers to listen is on, and it will disappear from the
(GPS)*, two-way radios, mobile fax
to and control any of the music display when the RSA is off.
machines, or walkie talkies.
sources: radio, CDs, DVDs, or other Audio can be heard through wired
It might be necessary to turn off the auxiliary sources. However, the rear headphones (not included) plugged
DVD player when operating one of seat passengers can only control into the jacks on the RSA. If the
these devices in or near the vehicle. the music sources the front seat vehicle has this feature, audio can
*Excludes the OnStar® System. passengers are not listening to also be heard on Channel 2 of the
(except on some radios where dual wireless headphones.
Cleaning the RSE Overhead control is allowed). For example,
Console rear seat passengers can control Depending on the audio system,
and listen to a CD through the the rear speakers may continue to
When cleaning the RSE overhead play when the RSA audio is active
headphones, while the driver
console surface, use only a clean through the headphones.
listens to the radio through the
cloth dampened with clean water.
front speakers. The rear seat To listen to an iPod or portable
Cleaning the Video Screen passengers have control of the audio device through the RSA,
volume for each set of headphones. attach the iPod or portable audio
When cleaning the video screen,
use only a clean cloth dampened The radio functionality is controlled device to the front auxiliary input
with clean water. Use care when by both the RSA and the front radio. (if available), located on the front
directly touching or cleaning the Only one band can be tuned to at audio system. Turn the iPod on,
screen, as damage could result. one time. Changing the band on the then choose the front auxiliary input
RSA or the front radio will change with the RSA SRCE button.
the band on the other system,
if they are both sourced to the radio.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (49,1)
Deleting a Paired Phone 3. Say “Change phone.” Digit Store: This command allows
If the phone name you want to . If another cell phone is a phone number to be stored as a
delete is unknown, see “Listing All found, the response will be name tag by entering the digits one
Paired and Connected Phones.” “<Phone name> is now at a time.
connected.” Delete: This command is used to
1. Press and hold b g for delete individual name tags.
two seconds.
. If another cell phone is not
found, the original phone Delete All Name Tags: This
2. Say “Bluetooth.” remains connected. command deletes all stored
3. Say “Delete.” The system asks name tags in the Hands‐Free
Storing and Deleting Phone Calling Directory and the OnStar
which phone to delete.
Numbers Turn‐by‐Turn Destinations Directory,
4. Say the name of the phone you if equipped.
want to delete. The system can store up to
30 phone numbers as name tags Using the “Store” Command
Connecting to a Different Phone in the Hands‐Free Directory that is
To connect to a different cell phone, shared between the Bluetooth and 1. Press and hold b g for
the Bluetooth system looks for the OnStar systems, if equipped. two seconds.
next available cell phone in the The following commands are used 2. Say “Store.”
order in which all the available cell to delete and store phone numbers.
phones were paired. Depending 3. Say the phone number or group
Store: This command will store of numbers you want to store all
on which cell phone you want to
a phone number, or a group of at once with no pauses, then
connect to, you may have to use
numbers as a name tag. follow the directions given by the
this command several times.
system to save a name tag for
1. Press and hold b g for this number.
two seconds.
2. Say “Bluetooth.”
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (53,1)
Using the “Digit Store” Command Using the “Delete” Command Using the “List” Command
If an unwanted number is 1. Press and hold b g for 1. Press and hold b g for
recognized by the system, say two seconds. two seconds.
“Clear” at any time to clear the
last number. 2. Say “Delete.” 2. Say “Directory.”
To hear all of the numbers 3. Say the name tag you want to 3. Say “Hands‐Free Calling.”
recognized by the system, delete. 4. Say “List.”
say “Verify” at any time. Using the “Delete All Name Tags”
Making a Call
1. Press and hold b g for Calls can be made using the
two seconds. This command deletes all stored
following commands.
name tags in the Hands‐Free
2. Say “Digit Store.”
Calling Directory and the OnStar Dial or Call: The dial or
3. Say each digit, one at a time, Turn‐by‐Turn Destinations Directory, call command can be used
that you want to store. After if equipped. interchangeably to dial a phone
each digit is entered, the system number or a stored name tag.
To delete all name tags:
repeats back the digit it heard
Digit Dial: This command allows
followed by a tone. After the 1. Press and hold b g for a phone number to be dialed by
last digit has been entered, two seconds. entering the digits one at a time.
say “Store,” and then follow the
directions given by the system to 2. Say “Delete all name tags.” Re‐dial: This command is used to
save a name tag for this number. Listing Stored Numbers dial the last number used on the cell
The list command will list all stored
numbers and name tags.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (54,1)
Using the “Dial” or “Call” To hear all of the numbers Receiving a Call
Command recognized by the system, say
When an incoming call is received,
“Verify” at any time.
1. Press and hold b g for the audio system mutes and a ring
two seconds. 1. Press and hold b g for tone is heard in the vehicle.
two seconds.
2. Say “Dial” or “Call.” . Press b g to answer the call.
3. Say the entire number without 2. Say “Digit Dial.”
. Press c x to ignore a call.
pausing, or say the name tag. 3. Say each digit, one at a time,
Once connected, the person called that you want to dial. After each Call Waiting
will be heard through the audio digit is entered, the system
Call waiting must be supported on
speakers. repeats back the digit it heard
the cell phone and enabled by the
followed by a tone. After the
wireless service carrier.
Using the “Digit Dial” Command last digit has been entered,
The digit dial command allows a say “Dial.” . Press b g to answer an
phone number to be dialed by Once connected, the person called incoming call when another call
entering the digits one at a time. will be heard through the audio is active. The original call is
After each digit is entered, the speakers. placed on hold.
system repeats back the digit it
Using the “Re‐dial” Command . Press b g again to return to the
heard followed by a tone.
original call.
If an unwanted number is 1. Press and hold b g for
two seconds.
. To ignore the incoming call, no
recognized by the system, say
“Clear” at any time to clear the action is required.
2. After the tone, say “Re‐dial.”
last number. . Press c x to disconnect the
Once connected, the person called
current call and switch to the call
will be heard through the audio
on hold.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (55,1)
Temperature Control: Turn 6 (Floor): Air is directed to the The recirculation mode cannot be
clockwise or counterclockwise floor outlets, with some air directed selected in the defog or defrost
to increase or decrease the to the windshield and side window mode. When either mode is
temperature inside the vehicle. outlets. In this mode, the system selected, the system runs the air
9 (Fan Control): Turn clockwise automatically selects outside air. conditioning compressor, unless
or counterclockwise to increase or Recirculation cannot be selected the outside temperature is close
decrease the fan speed. Turn the in floor mode. to freezing.
knob all the way counterclockwise - (Defog): This mode clears the Do not drive the vehicle until all the
to turn the front system off. windows of fog or moisture. Air is windows are clear.
Air Delivery Mode Control: Turn directed to the windshield, floor : (Outside Air): Press to
clockwise or counterclockwise to outlets, and side window vents. turn the outside air mode on.
change the direction of the airflow 0 (Defrost): This mode removes An indicator light comes on to
inside the vehicle. The knob can fog or frost from the windshield show that outside air is on.
be positioned between two modes more quickly. Air is directed to In this mode outside air circulates
to select a combination of those the windshield and the side throughout the vehicle. The outside
modes. window vents, with some air air mode can be used with all
Select from the following: directed to the floor vents. modes, but it cannot be used
The system automatically forces with the recirculation mode.
H (Vent): Air is directed to the outside air into the vehicle.
instrument panel outlets.
) (Bi-Level): Air is divided
between the instrument panel
and floor outlets.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
? (Recirculation): Press to # (Air Conditioning): Press to The rear window defogger only
turn the recirculation mode on. turn the air conditioning system on works when the ignition is in
An indicator light comes on to or off. An indicator light comes on to ON/RUN. The rear window
show that recirculation is on. show that the air conditioning is on. defogger stays on for approximately
The air conditioning can be selected 10 minutes after the button is
This mode recirculates and helps pressed, unless the ignition is
to quickly cool the air inside the in any mode as long as the fan
switch is on. turned to ACC/ACCESSORY or
vehicle. It can be used to help LOCK/OFF. The defogger can
prevent outside air and odors from The air conditioning system also be turned off by turning off
entering the vehicle. removes moisture from the air, the engine.
The recirculation mode cannot so a small amount of water might
drip under the vehicle while idling or Notice: Do not use anything
be used with floor, defog or sharp on the inside of the rear
defrost modes. If recirculation after turning off the engine. This is
normal. window. If you do, you could cut
is selected with one of these or damage the warming grid, and
modes, the indicator light flashes Rear Window Defogger the repairs would not be covered
three times and then turns off. by the vehicle warranty. Do not
While in recirculation mode the For vehicles with a rear window
defogger, a warming grid is used to attach a temporary vehicle
windows may fog when the weather license, tape, a decal, or anything
is cold and damp. To clear the fog, remove fog from the rear window.
similar to the defogger grid.
select either the defog or defrost < (Rear): Press to turn the
mode and increase the fan speed. rear window defogger on or off.
The recirculation mode can be An indicator light on the button
turned off by pressing the outside comes on to show that the rear
air button, or by turning off the window defogger is on.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (4,1)
Climate Control Systems (with Heater Only) 9 (Fan Control): Turn clockwise
or counterclockwise to increase or
With this system the heating and ventilation can be controlled. decrease the fan speed. Turn the
knob all the way counterclockwise
to turn the front system off.
Air Delivery Mode Control: Turn
clockwise or counterclockwise
to increase or decrease the
temperature inside the vehicle.
The knob can be positioned
between two modes to select a
combination of those modes.
Select from the following:
H (Vent): Air is directed to the
instrument panel outlets.
A. Fan Control Temperature Control: Turn ) (Bi-Level): Air is divided
B. Temperature Control clockwise or counterclockwise between the instrument panel and
to increase or decrease the floor outlets.
C. Air Delivery Mode Control temperature inside the vehicle.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
O (On/Off): Press to turn the Driver and Passenger Side temperature display shows the
climate control system on or Temperature Controls temperature setting increasing or
off. Outside air still enters the decreasing.
The driver and passenger side
vehicle, and is directed to the temperature buttons are used to The passenger temperature
floor. This direction can be changed adjust the temperature of the air setting can be set to match the
by pressing the mode button. coming through the system on driver temperature setting by
Recirculation can be selected once the driver or passenger side of pressing the PASS button and
you have selected vent or bi-level the vehicle. The temperature can turning off the PASS indicator.
mode. The temperature can also be be adjusted even if the system is When the passenger temperature
adjusted using either temperature turned off. This is possible since setting is set different than the driver
button. If the air delivery mode or outside air always flows through setting, the indicator on the PASS
temperature settings are adjusted the system as the vehicle is button illuminates and both the
with the system off, the display moving forward unless it is driver side and passenger side
illuminates briefly to show the set to recirculation mode. temperature displays are shown.
settings and then returns to off. See “Recirculation” later in
The system can be turned back When in defrost mode the
this section. passenger temperature setting
on by pressing either O, D, C, #, cannot be changed.
Press the + or − buttons to increase
the defrost or the AUTO button.
or decrease the cabin temperature.
The driver side or passenger side
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
Automatic Operation The air inlet will normally be set system remains at the maximum
to outside air. If it is hot outside, heat setting. Choosing either
AUTO (Automatic): When
the air inlet may automatically maximum setting will not cause
automatic operation is active,
switch to the recirculate mode to the vehicle to heat or cool any
the system controls the inside
help quickly cool down the air faster.
temperature, the air delivery,
inside the vehicle. The light Do not cover the solar sensor
and the fan speed.
on the button comes on in located on the top of the instrument
Use the steps below to place the recirculation. panel near the windshield.
entire system in automatic mode:
2. Set the driver and passenger This sensor regulates air
1. Press the AUTO button. temperature. temperature based on sun load.
When AUTO is selected, the To find your comfort setting, start For more information on the solar
display changes to show the with a 23°C (74°F) temperature sensor, see “Sensors” later in this
current temperature(s) and setting and allow about section.
AUTO is lit on the display. 20 minutes for the system to To avoid blowing cold air in cold
The current air delivery mode regulate. Use the driver or weather, the system delays
and fan speed are also passenger temperature buttons turning the fan on until warm air
displayed for about five seconds. to adjust the temperature setting is available. The length of delay
When AUTO is selected, the air as necessary. If a temperature depends on the engine coolant
conditioning operation and air setting of 15°C (60°F) is chosen, temperature. Pressing the fan
inlet are automatically controlled. the system remains at the switch overrides this delay and
The air conditioning compressor maximum cooling setting. changes the fan to a selected
may run when the outside If a temperature setting of speed.
temperature is above freezing. 32°C (90°F) is chosen, the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (8,1)
Manual Operation Pressing either mode button while in - (Defog): This mode clears
automatic control places the mode the windows of fog or moisture.
D C (Fan Control): Press these
under manual control. The air
buttons to increase or decrease the Air is directed to the windshield,
delivery mode setting displays and floor outlets, and side window vents.
fan speed.
the AUTO light turns off. The fan In this mode, the system turns
Pressing either fan button while in remains under automatic control. off recirculation and runs the air
automatic control places the fan
under manual control. The fan
H (Vent): Air is directed to the conditioning compressor unless
instrument panel outlets. the outside temperature is close to
setting remains displayed and freezing. The recirculation mode
the AUTO light turns off. The air ) (Bi-Level): Air is divided cannot be selected while in the
delivery mode remains under between the instrument panel and defrost mode.
automatic control. floor outlets. Some air is directed
toward the windshield and side 0 (Defrost): This mode removes
H G (Air Delivery Mode Control): window outlets. fog or frost from the windshield
Press these buttons to change the more quickly. Air is directed to the
direction of the airflow in the vehicle. 6 (Floor): Air is directed to the windshield and side window vents,
Repeatedly press either button until floor outlets, with some to the with some directed to the floor
the desired mode appears on the windshield, side window outlets, vents. In this mode, the system
display. and second row floor outlets. In this automatically forces outside air
mode, the system automatically into the vehicle and runs the air
Pressing either mode button while
selects outside air. conditioning compressor unless
the system is off changes the air
delivery mode without turning the the outside temperature is close to
system on. freezing. The recirculation mode
cannot be selected while in the
defrost mode.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (9,1)
The recirculation mode can be The defogger can also be turned off Sensors
turned off by pressing the outside by turning the engine off. Do not
air button, or by turning off the drive the vehicle until all windows
ignition. are clear.
; (Outside Air): Press to turn the Notice: Do not use a razor blade
outside air mode on. An indicator or sharp object to clear the inside
light on the button comes on to rear window. Do not adhere
show that outside is on. When anything to the defogger grid
selected, air from outside the lines in the rear glass. These
vehicle circulates throughout the actions may damage the rear
vehicle. The recirculation mode defogger. Repairs would not be
cannot be used with the outside covered by your warranty.
air mode. Heated Mirror: For vehicles with
Rear Window Defogger heated outside rearview mirrors, the
mirrors heat to help clear fog or frost The solar sensor, located in the
The rear window defogger uses a from the surface of the mirror when defrost grille in the middle of the
warming grid to remove fog from the the rear window defog button is instrument panel, monitors the solar
rear window. pressed. See Power Mirrors on heat. Do not cover the solar sensor
< (Rear Window Defogger): page 2‑16. or the system will not work properly.
For vehicles with this feature,
press to turn the defogger on or off.
It automatically turns off several
minutes after it has been activated.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (11,1)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
Death and injury associated with Medical research shows that Braking
drinking and driving is a global alcohol in a person's system
tragedy. can make crash injuries worse, See Brake System Warning Light on
especially injuries to the brain, page 5‑27.
Alcohol affects four things that
anyone needs to drive a vehicle: spinal cord, or heart. This means Braking action involves perception
judgment, muscular coordination, that when anyone who has been time and reaction time. Deciding
vision, and attentiveness. drinking — driver or passenger — is to push the brake pedal is
in a crash, that person's chance of perception time. Actually doing
Police records show that being killed or permanently disabled it is reaction time.
almost 40 percent of all motor is higher than if the person had not
vehicle-related deaths involve been drinking. Average reaction time is about
alcohol. In most cases, these three‐fourths of a second. But that
deaths are the result of someone is only an average. It might be less
Control of a Vehicle with one driver and as long as two
who was drinking and driving.
In recent years, more than The following three systems or three seconds or more with
17,000 annual motor vehicle-related help to control the vehicle while another. Age, physical condition,
deaths have been associated with driving — brakes, steering, and alertness, coordination, and
the use of alcohol, with about accelerator. At times, as when eyesight all play a part. So do
250,000 people injured. driving on snow or ice, it is easy to alcohol, drugs, and frustration. But
ask more of those control systems even in three‐fourths of a second,
For persons under 21, it is against than the tires and road can provide. a vehicle moving at 100 km/h
the law in every U.S. state to drink Meaning, you can lose control of the (60 mph) travels 20 m (66 ft).
alcohol. There are good medical, vehicle. See StabiliTrak® System on That could be a lot of distance in
psychological, and developmental page 9‑70. an emergency, so keeping enough
reasons for these laws. space between the vehicle and
Adding non‐dealer accessories
The obvious way to eliminate the others is important.
can affect vehicle performance.
leading highway safety problem is See Accessories and Modifications
for people never to drink alcohol on page 10‑3.
and then drive.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (4,1)
And, of course, actual stopping brakes. If the brakes are pumped, Steering Tips
distances vary greatly with the the pedal could get harder to push
It is important to take curves at a
surface of the road, whether it is down. If the engine stops, there will
reasonable speed.
pavement or gravel; the condition still be some power brake assist but
of the road, whether it is wet, dry, it will be used when the brake is Traction in a curve depends on the
or icy; tire tread; the condition of the applied. Once the power assist is condition of the tires and the road
brakes; the weight of the vehicle; used up, it can take longer to stop surface, the angle at which the
and the amount of brake force and the brake pedal will be harder curve is banked, and vehicle speed.
applied. to push. While in a curve, speed is the one
factor that can be controlled.
Avoid needless heavy Adding non‐dealer accessories
braking. Some people drive in can affect vehicle performance. If there is a need to reduce speed,
spurts — heavy acceleration See Accessories and Modifications do it before entering the curve, while
followed by heavy braking — rather on page 10‑3. the front wheels are straight.
than keeping pace with traffic. Try to adjust the speed so you can
This is a mistake. The brakes Steering drive through the curve. Maintain a
might not have time to cool between reasonable, steady speed. Wait to
hard stops. The brakes will wear Power Steering
accelerate until out of the curve,
out much faster with a lot of heavy If the vehicle is a hybrid, see and then accelerate gently into
braking. Keeping pace with the the hybrid supplement for more the straightaway.
traffic and allowing realistic following information.
distances eliminates a lot of
unnecessary braking. That means If power steering assist is lost
better braking and longer brake life. because the engine stops or the
power steering system is not
If the engine ever stops while the functioning, the vehicle can be
vehicle is being driven, brake steered but it will take more effort.
normally but do not pump the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
Loss of Control The three types of skids correspond these conditions. It is important to
to the vehicle's three control slow down on slippery surfaces
Let us review what driving experts systems. In the braking skid, because stopping distance is longer
say about what happens when the the wheels are not rolling. In the and vehicle control more limited.
three control systems — brakes, steering or cornering skid, too much
steering, and acceleration — do not While driving on a surface with
speed or steering in a curve causes reduced traction, try to avoid
have enough friction where the tires tires to slip and lose cornering force.
meet the road to do what the driver sudden steering, acceleration,
And in the acceleration skid, too or braking, including reducing
has asked. much throttle causes the driving vehicle speed by shifting to a lower
In any emergency, do not give up. wheels to spin. gear. Any sudden changes could
Keep trying to steer and constantly If the vehicle starts to slide, ease cause the tires to slide. You might
seek an escape route or area of your foot off the accelerator pedal not realize the surface is slippery
less danger. and quickly steer the way you until the vehicle is skidding. Learn
Skidding want the vehicle to go. If you start to recognize warning clues — such
steering quickly enough, the vehicle as enough water, ice, or packed
In a skid, a driver can lose control of may straighten out. Always be ready snow on the road to make a
the vehicle. Defensive drivers avoid for a second skid if it occurs. mirrored surface — and slow
most skids by taking reasonable down when you have any doubt.
care suited to existing conditions, Of course, traction is reduced when
and by not overdriving those water, snow, ice, gravel, or other Remember: Antilock brakes help
conditions. But skids are always material is on the road. For safety, avoid only the braking skid.
possible. slow down and adjust your driving to
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
If you think you will need some Notice: Operating your vehicle Loading Your Vehicle for
more ground clearance at the front for extended periods without Off-Road Driving
of your vehicle, you can remove the the front fascia lower air dam
front fascia lower air dam. The air installed can cause improper air
dam is held in place by 2 bolts flow to the engine. Always be
and 10 snaps accessible from sure to replace the front fascia . Cargo on the load floor piled
underneath the front fascia. air dam when you are finished higher than the seatbacks
To remove the air dam: off-road driving. can be thrown forward during
After off-roading, be sure to reinstall a sudden stop. You or your
1. Remove the 2 outboard air dam passengers could be injured.
bolts. the air dam:
Keep cargo below the top of
2. With a flat‐blade tool, disengage 1. Line up the snaps and push the the seatbacks.
the snaps. air dam rearward to engage the
snaps. . Unsecured cargo on the
3. After the bolts are removed and load floor can be tossed
the snaps are disengaged, push 2. Install the 2 outboard bolts. about when driving over
forward on the air dam until it rough terrain. You or your
is free. passengers can be struck
by flying objects. Secure the
cargo properly.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (9,1)
Scanning the Terrain Surface Obstacles: Unseen or When driving over bumps, rocks,
hidden obstacles can be hazardous. or other obstacles, the wheels can
Off-road driving can take you over
A rock, log, hole, rut, or bump can leave the ground. If this happens,
many different kinds of terrain.
startle you if you are not prepared even with one or two wheels, you
Be familiar with the terrain and
for them. Often these obstacles are cannot control the vehicle as well or
its many different features.
hidden by grass, bushes, snow, at all.
Surface Conditions: Off-roading or even the rise and fall of the Because you will be on an unpaved
surfaces can be hard-packed dirt, terrain itself. surface, it is especially important to
gravel, rocks, grass, sand, mud,
Some things to consider: avoid sudden acceleration, sudden
snow, or ice. Each of these surfaces
. Is the path ahead clear? turns, or sudden braking.
affects the vehicle's steering,
acceleration, and braking in different . Will the surface texture change Off-roading requires a different kind
ways. Depending on the surface, abruptly up ahead? of alertness from driving on paved
slipping, sliding, wheel spinning, roads and highways. There are no
delayed acceleration, poor traction,
. Does the travel take you uphill or road signs, posted speed limits,
and longer braking distances can downhill? or signal lights. Use good judgment
occur. . Will you have to stop suddenly about what is safe and what is not.
or change direction quickly?
When driving over obstacles or
rough terrain, keep a firm grip on
the steering wheel. Ruts, troughs,
or other surface features can jerk
the wheel out of your hands.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
Driving Uphill
. Ease up on the speed as you If the vehicle stalls, or is about to
approach the top of the hill. stall, and you cannot make it up
Once you decide it is safe to drive . Attach a flag to the vehicle to the hill:
up the hill:
be more visible to approaching . Push the brake pedal to stop
. Use a low gear and get a firm traffic on trails or hills. the vehicle and keep it from
grip on the steering wheel. . Sound the horn as you approach rolling backwards and apply
. Get a smooth start up the hill the top of the hill to let opposing the parking brake.
and try to maintain speed. traffic know you are there. . If the engine is still running, shift
Not using more power than . Use headlamps even during the the transmission to R (Reverse),
needed can avoid spinning
day to make the vehicle more release the parking brake, and
the wheels or sliding.
visible to oncoming traffic. slowly back down the hill in
R (Reverse).
{ WARNING { WARNING . If the engine has stopped
Turning or driving across steep running, you need to restart it.
hills can be dangerous. You could Driving to the top (crest) of a With the brake pedal pressed
lose traction, slide sideways, and hill at full speed can cause an and the parking brake still
possibly roll over. You could be accident. There could be a applied, shift the transmission to
seriously injured or killed. When drop-off, embankment, cliff, P (Park) and restart the engine.
driving up hills, always try to go or even another vehicle. You Then, shift to R (Reverse),
could be seriously injured or release the parking brake,
straight up.
killed. As you near the top of a and slowly back down the
hill, slow down and stay alert. hill as straight as possible
. Try to drive straight up the hill if in R (Reverse).
at all possible. If the path twists
and turns, you might want to find
another route.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (14,1)
Driving Downhill
. Never go downhill with the
When off-roading takes you
{ WARNING transmission in N (Neutral),
called free-wheeling. The brakes
downhill, consider: Heavy braking when going will have to do all the work and
. How steep is the downhill? Will I down a hill can cause your could overheat and fade.
be able to maintain vehicle brakes to overheat and fade.
Vehicles are much more likely to
control? This could cause loss of control stall when going uphill, but if it
and a serious accident. Apply the happens when going downhill:
What is the surface like?
brakes lightly when descending a
Smooth? Rough? Slippery? 1. Stop the vehicle by applying the
hill and use a low gear to keep
Hard-packed dirt? Gravel? regular brakes and apply the
vehicle speed under control.
. Are there hidden surface parking brake.
obstacles? Ruts? Logs? 2. Shift to P (Park) and, while still
Boulders? Things not to do when driving down
a hill: braking, restart the engine.
. What is at the bottom of the hill? 3. Shift back to a low gear, release
Is there a hidden creek bank or
. When driving downhill, avoid
turns that take you across the the parking brake, and drive
even a river bottom with large straight down.
rocks? incline of the hill. A hill that is
not too steep to drive down 4. If the engine will not start, get
If you decide you can go down might be too steep to drive out and get help.
a hill safely, try to keep the vehicle across. The vehicle could
headed straight down. Use a low roll over.
gear so engine drag can help the
brakes so they do not have to do all
the work. Descend slowly, keeping
the vehicle under control at all
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (16,1)
Driving Across an Incline end over end. But when driving For these reasons, carefully
across an incline, the narrower consider whether to try to drive
An off-road trail will probably go
track width — the distance across an incline. Just because
across the incline of a hill. To decide
between the left and right the trail goes across the incline
whether to try to drive across the
wheels — might not prevent the does not mean you have to drive it.
incline, consider the following:
vehicle from tilting and rolling The last vehicle to try it might have
over. Driving across an incline rolled over.
{ WARNING puts more weight on the downhill If you feel the vehicle starting
wheels which could cause a to slide sideways, turn downhill.
Driving across an incline that is downhill slide or a rollover.
too steep will make your vehicle This should help straighten out
roll over. You could be seriously
. Surface conditions can be a the vehicle and prevent the side
injured or killed. If you have any problem. Loose gravel, muddy slipping. The best way to prevent
doubt about the steepness of the spots, or even wet grass can this is to “walk the course” first, so
incline, do not drive across it. cause the tires to slip sideways, you know what the surface is like
downhill. If the vehicle slips before driving it.
Find another route instead.
sideways, it can hit something
that will trip it — a rock, a rut,
. A hill that can be driven straight etc. — and roll over.
up or down might be too steep . Hidden obstacles can make the
to drive across. When going steepness of the incline even
straight up or down a hill, the worse. If you drive across a rock
length of the wheel base — the with the uphill wheels, or if the
distance from the front wheels to downhill wheels drop into a rut
the rear wheels — reduces the or depression, the vehicle can tilt
likelihood the vehicle will tumble even more.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (17,1)
Stalling on an Incline Driving in Mud, Sand, Snow, Hard packed snow and ice offer
or Ice the worst tire traction. On these
{ WARNING When you drive in mud, snow,
surfaces, it is very easy to lose
control. On wet ice, for example,
or sand, the wheels do not get the traction is so poor that you
Getting out on the downhill (low) good traction. Acceleration is not
side of a vehicle stopped across will have difficulty accelerating.
as quick, turning is more difficult, And, if the vehicle does get moving,
an incline is dangerous. If the and braking distances are longer.
vehicle rolls over, you could be poor steering and difficult braking
crushed or killed. Always get out It is best to use a low gear when can cause it to slide out of control.
on the uphill (high) side of the in mud — the deeper the mud, the
vehicle and stay well clear of the lower the gear. In really deep mud,
keep the vehicle moving so it does
rollover path.
not get stuck. Driving on frozen lakes, ponds,
When driving on sand, wheel or rivers can be dangerous.
If the vehicle stalls when crossing traction changes. On loosely packed Underwater springs, currents
an incline, be sure you, and sand, such as on beaches or sand under the ice, or sudden thaws
any passengers, get out on the dunes, the tires will tend to sink into can weaken the ice. Your vehicle
uphill side, even if the door there the sand. This affects steering, could fall through the ice and
is harder to open. If you get out on accelerating, and braking. Drive at you and your passengers could
the downhill side and the vehicle a reduced speed and avoid sharp drown. Drive your vehicle on safe
starts to roll over, you will be right turns or abrupt maneuvers. surfaces only.
in its path.
If you have to walk down the slope,
stay out of the path the vehicle will
take if it does roll over.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (18,1)
Driving in Water Find out how deep the water is After Off-Road Driving
before driving through it. Do not
Remove any brush or debris that
{ WARNING try it if it is deep enough to cover
the wheel hubs, axles, or exhaust
has collected on the underbody,
chassis, or under the hood. These
Driving through rushing water can pipe — you probably will not get
accumulations can be a fire hazard.
be dangerous. Deep water can through. Deep water can damage
sweep your vehicle downstream the axle and other vehicle parts. After operation in mud or sand,
and you and your passengers have the brake linings cleaned and
If the water is not too deep, drive
could drown. If it is only shallow checked. These substances can
slowly through it. At faster speeds,
cause glazing and uneven braking.
water, it can still wash away the water splashes on the ignition
Check the body structure, steering,
ground from under your tires, and system and the vehicle can stall.
suspension, wheels, tires, and
you could lose traction and roll Stalling can also occur if you get the
exhaust system for damage and
the vehicle over. Do not drive tailpipe under water. If the tailpipe is
check the fuel lines and cooling
through rushing water. under water, you will never be able
system for any leakage.
to start the engine. When going
through water, remember that when The vehicle requires more frequent
Heavy rain can mean flash flooding, the brakes get wet, it might take service due to off-road use. Refer
and flood waters demand extreme longer to stop. See Driving on Wet to the Maintenance Schedule for
caution. Roads on page 9‑19. additional information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (19,1)
Other Rainy Weather Tips Highway Hypnosis Hill and Mountain Roads
Besides slowing down, other wet Always be alert and pay attention Driving on steep hills or through
weather driving tips include: to your surroundings while driving. mountains is different than driving
. Allow extra following distance. If you become tired or sleepy, find on flat or rolling terrain. Tips for
a safe place to park the vehicle driving in these conditions include:
. Pass with caution. and rest. . Keep the vehicle serviced and in
. Keep windshield wiping Other driving tips include: good shape.
equipment in good shape.
. Keep the vehicle well ventilated. . Check all fluid levels and brakes,
. Keep the windshield washer fluid tires, cooling system, and
reservoir filled.
. Keep interior temperature cool.
. Have good tires with proper
. Keep your eyes moving — scan .
the road ahead and to the sides. Shift to a lower gear when going
tread depth. See Tires on down steep or long hills.
page 10‑57. . Check the rearview mirror and
. Turn off cruise control. vehicle instruments often.
If you do not shift down, the
brakes could get so hot that they
would not work well. You would
then have poor braking or even
none going down a hill. You could
crash. Shift down to let the engine
assist the brakes on a steep
downhill slope.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (21,1)
Blizzard Conditions
WARNING (Continued) WARNING (Continued)
Being stuck in snow can be a
serious situation. Stay with the If the vehicle is stuck in the snow: For more information about
vehicle unless there is help nearby. carbon monoxide, see Engine
. Clear away snow from around
If possible, use the Roadside Exhaust on page 9‑44.
the base of your vehicle,
Assistance Program (U.S. and
especially any that is blocking Snow can trap exhaust gases
Canada) on page 13‑8 or Roadside
the exhaust pipe. under your vehicle. This can
Assistance Program (Mexico) on
page 13‑10. To get help and keep . Check again from time to cause deadly CO (Carbon
everyone in the vehicle safe: time to be sure snow does Monoxide) gas to get inside.
not collect there. CO could overcome you and kill
. Turn on the hazard warning
you. You cannot see it or smell it,
flashers. . Open a window about 5 cm
(2 in) on the side of the so you might not know it is in your
. Tie a red cloth to an outside vehicle. Clear away snow from
vehicle that is away from
mirror. around the base of your vehicle,
the wind to bring in fresh air.
especially any that is blocking the
{ WARNING . Fully open the air outlets
on or under the instrument
Snow can trap engine exhaust panel.
under the vehicle. This may Run the engine for short periods
. Adjust the climate control only as needed to keep warm, but
cause exhaust gases to get system to a setting that
inside. Engine exhaust contains be careful.
circulates the air inside
Carbon Monoxide (CO) which the vehicle and set the fan
cannot be seen or smelled. speed to the highest setting.
It can cause unconsciousness See Climate Control System
and even death. in the Index.
(Continued) (Continued)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (23,1)
To save fuel, run the engine for only If the Vehicle is Stuck
short periods as needed to warm { WARNING
the vehicle and then shut the engine Slowly and cautiously spin the
off and close the window most of wheels to free the vehicle when If the vehicle's tires spin at high
the way to save heat. Repeat this stuck in sand, mud, ice, or snow. speed, they can explode, and
until help arrives but only when you See “Rocking Your Vehicle to Get you or others could be injured.
feel really uncomfortable from the It Out” later in this section. The vehicle can overheat,
cold. Moving about to keep warm If the vehicle has a traction system, causing an engine compartment
also helps. it can often help to free a stuck fire or other damage. Spin the
vehicle. Refer to the vehicle's wheels as little as possible and
If it takes some time for help to
traction system in the Index. If stuck avoid going above 55 km/h
arrive, now and then when you run
the engine, push the accelerator too severely for the traction system (35 mph).
pedal slightly so the engine runs to free the vehicle, turn the traction
faster than the idle speed. This system off and use the rocking For information about using tire
keeps the battery charged to restart method. chains on the vehicle, see Tire
the vehicle and to signal for help Chains on page 10‑83.
with the headlamps. Do this as little
as possible to save fuel.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (24,1)
Rocking Your Vehicle to Get vehicle. If that does not get the
It Out vehicle out after a few tries, it might
need to be towed out. Recovery
Turn the steering wheel left and hooks can be used, if the vehicle
right to clear the area around the has them. If the vehicle does need
front wheels. For four-wheel-drive to be towed out, see Towing the
vehicles, shift into Four‐Wheel Vehicle on page 10‑103.
High. For vehicles with StabiliTrak ®,
turn the traction control part of the Recovery Hooks
system off. Shift back and forth
between R (Reverse) and a forward
gear, spinning the wheels as little as
possible. To prevent transmission These hooks, when used, are
wear, wait until the wheels stop Notice: Never use recovery
under a lot of force. Always pull
spinning before shifting gears. hooks to tow the vehicle.
the vehicle straight out. Never pull Your vehicle could be damaged
Release the accelerator pedal on the hooks at a sideways angle.
while shifting, and press lightly and it would not be covered by
The hooks could break off and warranty.
on the accelerator pedal when you or others could be injured
the transmission is in gear. Slowly from the chain or cable For vehicles with recovery hooks at
spinning the wheels in the forward the front of the vehicle, you can use
snapping back.
and reverse directions causes a them if you are stuck off-road and
rocking motion that could free the need to be pulled to some place
where you can continue driving.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (25,1)
The tire and loading information There is also important loading 3. Subtract the combined
label shows the number of information on the vehicle weight of the driver and
occupant seating positions (A), Certification/Tire label. It tells passengers from XXX kg
and the maximum vehicle you the Gross Vehicle Weight or XXX lbs.
capacity weight (B) in kilograms Rating (GVWR) and the Gross 4. The resulting figure equals
and pounds. Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) the available amount of cargo
The Tire and Loading for the front and rear axles. and luggage load capacity.
Information label also shows the See “Certification/Tire Label” For example, if the “XXX”
size of the original equipment later in this section. amount equals 1400 lbs
tires (C) and the recommended Steps for Determining Correct and there will be five 150 lb
cold tire inflation pressures (D). Load Limit passengers in your vehicle,
For more information on tires 1. Locate the statement the amount of available cargo
and inflation see Tires on “The combined weight of and luggage load capacity
page 10‑57 and Tire Pressure occupants and cargo should is 650 lbs (1400−750
on page 10‑66. never exceed XXX kg or (5x150) = 650 lbs).
XXX lbs” on your vehicle's
2. Determine the combined
weight of the driver and
passengers that will be
riding in your vehicle.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (27,1)
Refer to your vehicle's tire and The label shows the size of
loading information label for your vehicle's original tires and
specific information about your the inflation pressures needed
vehicle's capacity weight and to obtain the gross weight
seating positions. The combined capacity of your vehicle. This is
weight of the driver, passengers, called Gross Vehicle Weight
and cargo should never exceed Rating (GVWR). The GVWR
your vehicle's capacity weight. includes the weight of the
Certification/Tire Label
vehicle, all occupants, fuel,
and cargo.
The Certification/Tire label also
Example 3 tells you the maximum weights
A. Vehicle Capacity Weight for for the front and rear axles,
Example 3 = 453 kg (1,000 lbs) called Gross Axle Weight
B. Subtract Occupant Weight @ Rating (GAWR). To find out the
91 kg (200 lbs) × 5 = 453 kg actual loads on your front and
(1,000 lbs) rear axles, you need to go to a
C. Available Cargo
weigh station and weigh your
Weight = 0 kg (0 lbs) vehicle. Your dealer can help
you with this. Be sure to spread
out your load equally on both
A vehicle specific Certification/ sides of the centerline.
Tire label is found on the
rear edge of the driver door.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (29,1)
Any load that extends beyond Remember not to exceed Loading Points
the vehicle's taillamp area must the Gross Axle Weight
be properly marked according to Rating (GAWR) of the front
local laws and regulations. or rear axle.
Remember not to exceed Maximum
the Gross Axle Weight * Equipment Weight
Rating (GAWR) of the front
or rear axle. Ladder Rack 340 kg
and Cargo (750 lbs)
Add-On Equipment
Cross Toolbox 181 kg
When you carry removable and Cargo (400 lbs)
items, you may need to put
a limit on how many people Side Boxes 113 kg per
you carry inside your vehicle. and Cargo side (250 lbs A. Primary Load Points
Be sure to weigh your vehicle per side) B. Secondary Load Areas
before you buy and install the * The combined weight for all C. Cargo Management Option
new equipment. rail‐mounted equipment should Holes
Notice : Overloading the not exceed 454 kg (1,000 lbs). Structural members (A) and (B) are
vehicle may cause damage. included in the pick-up box design.
Repairs would not be covered Additional accessories should use
by the vehicle warranty. these load points. Depending on
Do not overload the vehicle. the accessory design, use a
spacer under the accessory at
the load points to remove gap.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (32,1)
The holes for the Cargo When installing and loading a Refer to the Truck-Camper
Management System (C) are slide-in camper, check the Loading Information label in the
not intended for attachment manufacturer's instructions. glove box for dimensions A and
of aftermarket equipment. B as shown in the following
See www.gmupfitter.com for When carrying a slide-in
camper, the total cargo load of illustration.
additional pick-up box load
bearing structural information. the vehicle is the weight of the
camper, plus the following:
Truck-Camper Loading . Everything added to the
Information camper after it left the factory
A vehicle-specific Truck‐Camper . Everything in the camper
Loading Information label is
attached to the inside of the
. All the people inside
vehicle's glove box. This label The CWR is the maximum
indicates if a slide-in camper weight of the load the vehicle
can be carried, how much of a can carry. It does not include
load the vehicle can carry, and the weight of the people inside.
how to correctly spread out the But, use about 68 kg (150 lbs) Use the rear edge of the load
load. It will help to match the for each seat. floor for measurement purposes.
right slide in camper to the The total cargo load must not be The recommended location
vehicle. more than the vehicle's CWR. for the cargo center of gravity
Your dealer can help make a is at point C for the CWR. It is
good vehicle-camper match the point where the mass of
and help determine the Cargo a body is concentrated and,
Weight Rating (CWR). if suspended at that point, would
balance the front and rear.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (33,1)
Here is an example of proper When the truck is used to carry Any accessories or other
truck and camper match: a slide‐in camper, the total cargo equipment that are added to
load of the truck consists of the the vehicle must be weighed.
manufacturer's camper weight Then, subtract this extra weight
figure, the weight of installed from the CWR. This extra weight
additional camper equipment not may shorten the center of
included in the manufacturer's gravity zone of the vehicle.
camper weight figure, the weight If the slide-in camper and its
of camper cargo, and the weight load weighs less than the CWR,
of passengers in the camper. the center of gravity zone for
The total cargo load should your vehicle may be larger.
not exceed the truck's cargo
weight rating, and the camper's Secure loose items to prevent
center of gravity (A) should fall weight shifts that could affect
A. Camper Center of Gravity within the truck's recommended the balance of the vehicle.
center of gravity zone (B) when
B. Recommended Center of
Gravity Location Zone
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (34,1)
Adjustable Throttle and Press the bottom of the control to Ignition Positions
move the pedals closer. Press the
Brake Pedal top of the control to move the
On vehicles with this feature, you pedals away.
can change the position of the Before you start driving, fully
throttle and brake pedals. press the brake pedal to confirm
No adjustment to the pedals can the adjustment is right for you.
be made when the vehicle is in While driving, make only small
R (Reverse) or while using cruise adjustments.
control. The vehicle may have a memory
function which lets pedal settings
be saved and recalled. See Power
Seat Adjustment on page 3‑4 for
more information.
The ignition switch has four different
To shift out of P (Park), the
The control used to adjust the
ignition must be in ON/RUN or
pedals is located on the instrument
ACC/ACCESSORY and the regular
panel below the climate control
brake pedal must be applied.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (36,1)
A (STOPPING THE ENGINE/ In an emergency: The steering can bind with the
LOCK/OFF): When the vehicle is 1. Brake using a firm and steady wheels turned off center. If this
stopped, turn the ignition switch to pressure. Do not pump the happens, move the steering wheel
LOCK/OFF to turn the engine off. brakes repeatedly. This may from right to left while turning the
Retained Accessory Power (RAP) deplete power assist, requiring key to ACC/ACCESSORY. If this
will remain active. See Retained increased brake pedal force. doesn't work, then the vehicle
Accessory Power (RAP) on needs service.
page 9‑40. 2. Shift the vehicle to neutral. This
can be done while the vehicle is Notice: Using a tool to force the
This position locks the ignition. moving. After shifting to neutral, key to turn in the ignition could
It also locks the transmission on firmly apply the brakes and steer cause damage to the switch or
automatic transmission vehicles. the vehicle to a safe location. break the key. Use the correct
The key can be removed in key, make sure it is all the way in,
LOCK/OFF. 3. Come to a complete stop, shift and turn it only with your hand.
to P (Park), and turn the ignition If the key cannot be turned by
Do not turn the engine off when the to LOCK/OFF. On vehicles with
vehicle is moving. This will cause a hand, see your dealer.
an automatic transmission, the
loss of power assist in the brake shift lever must be in P (Park) B (ACC/ACCESSORY): This
and steering systems and disable to turn the ignition switch to the position lets things like the radio
the airbags. LOCK/OFF position. and the windshield wipers operate
while the engine is off. Use this
4. Set the parking brake. See position if the vehicle must be
Parking Brake on page 9‑69. pushed or towed.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (37,1)
C (ON/RUN): This position can Starting the Engine Before adding electrical
be used to operate the electrical equipment, check with your
accessories and to display some If the vehicle has a Duramax diesel dealer. If you do not, the engine
instrument panel cluster warning engine, see the Duramax diesel might not perform properly.
and indicator lights. The switch supplement for more information. Any resulting damage would
stays in this position when the If the vehicle is a hybrid, see not be covered by the vehicle
engine is running. The transmission the hybrid supplement for more warranty.
is also unlocked in this position on information.
automatic transmission vehicles. Starting Procedure
Notice: Do not try to shift to
If you leave the key in the 1. With your foot off the accelerator
P (Park) if the vehicle is moving.
ACC/ACCESSORY or ON/RUN pedal, turn the ignition key to
If you do, you could damage the
position with the engine off, the START. When the engine starts,
transmission. Shift to P (Park)
battery could be drained. You may let go of the key. The idle speed
only when the vehicle is stopped.
not be able to start the vehicle if the will go down as your engine gets
battery is allowed to drain for an Move the shift lever to P (Park) or warm. Do not race the engine
extended period of time. N (Neutral). The engine will not start immediately after starting it.
in any other position. To restart the Operate the engine and
D (START): This is the position that engine when the vehicle is already transmission gently to allow
starts the engine. When the engine moving, use N (Neutral) only. the oil to warm up and lubricate
starts, release the key. The ignition all moving parts.
switch returns to ON/RUN for Notice: The engine is designed to
driving. work with the electronics in the
vehicle. If you add electrical parts
A warning tone will sound when or accessories, you could change
the driver door is opened and the the way the engine operates.
ignition is in ACC/ACCESSORY or
LOCK/OFF, and the key is in the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (38,1)
The vehicle has a When the Low Fuel warning 2. If the engine does not start
Computer-Controlled lamp is on and the FUEL LEVEL after 5‐10 seconds, especially
Cranking System. This feature LOW message is displayed in in very cold weather (below
assists in starting the engine the Driver Information Center −18°C or 0°F), it could be
and protects components. (DIC), the Computer‐Controlled flooded with too much gasoline.
If the ignition key is turned Cranking System is disabled Try pushing the accelerator
to the START position, and to prevent possible vehicle pedal all the way to the floor
then released when the engine component damage. When and holding it there as you
begins cranking, the engine this happens, hold the ignition hold the key in START for up
will continue cranking for a switch in the START position to 15 seconds. Wait at least
few seconds or until the vehicle to continue engine cranking. 15 seconds between each try, to
starts. If the engine does not Notice: Cranking the engine for allow the cranking motor to cool
start and the key is held in long periods of time, by returning down. When the engine starts,
START for many seconds, the key to the START position let go of the key and accelerator.
cranking will be stopped after immediately after cranking has If the vehicle starts briefly but
15 seconds to prevent cranking ended, can overheat and damage then stops again, do the same
motor damage. To prevent the cranking motor, and drain the thing. This clears the extra
gear damage, this system also battery. Wait at least 15 seconds gasoline from the engine. Do not
prevents cranking if the engine between each try, to let the race the engine immediately
is already running. Engine cranking motor cool down. after starting it. Operate the
cranking can be stopped by engine and transmission gently
turning the ignition switch to until the oil warms up and
the ACC/ACCESSORY or lubricates all moving parts.
LOCK/OFF position.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (39,1)
WARNING (Continued)
Shifting Into Park 1. Hold the brake pedal down, then
set the parking brake.
You could be seriously injured. { WARNING See Parking Brake on page 9‑69
for more information.
Plug the cord into a properly It can be dangerous to get out of
grounded three-prong 110-volt AC 2. Move the shift lever into the
the vehicle if the shift lever is not P (Park) position by pulling
outlet. If the cord will not reach, fully in P (Park) with the parking
use a heavy-duty three-prong the shift lever toward you and
brake firmly set. The vehicle can moving it up as far as it will go.
extension cord rated for at least roll. If you have left the engine
15 amps. running, the vehicle can move 3. Be sure the transfer case is in a
suddenly. You or others could drive gear — not in N (Neutral).
4. Before starting the engine, be be injured. To be sure the vehicle 4. Turn the ignition key to
sure to unplug and store the will not move, even when you are LOCK/OFF.
cord as it was before to keep on fairly level ground, use the 5. Remove the key and take it with
it away from moving engine steps that follow. With four-wheel you. If you can leave the vehicle
parts. If you do not, it could drive, if the transfer case is in with the ignition key in your
be damaged. N (Neutral), the vehicle will be hand, the vehicle is in P (Park).
The length of time the heater should free to roll, even if the shift lever
remain plugged in depends on is in P (Park). So, be sure the
several factors. Ask a dealer in the transfer case is in a drive
area where you will be parking the gear — not in N (Neutral). If you
vehicle for the best advice on this. are pulling a trailer, see Driving
Characteristics and Towing Tips
on page 9‑91.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (42,1)
Shifting Out of Park To shift out of P (Park) use the Parking Over Things
This vehicle is equipped with That Burn
an electronic shift lock release 1. Apply the brake pedal.
system. The shift lock release is
designed to:
2. Move the shift lever to the { WARNING
desired position.
. Prevent ignition key removal Things that can burn could touch
If you still are unable to shift out of
unless the shift lever is in hot exhaust parts under the
P (Park):
P (Park) with the shift lever vehicle and ignite. Do not park
button fully released. 1. Ease the pressure on the shift over papers, leaves, dry grass,
lever. or other things that can burn.
. Prevent movement of the shift
2. While holding down the brake
lever out of P (Park), unless
the ignition is in ON/RUN or pedal, press the shift lever all
ACC/ACCESSORY and the the way into P (Park).
regular brake pedal is applied. 3. Move the shift lever to the
The shift lock release is always desired position.
functional except in the case of an If you are still having a problem
uncharged or low voltage (less than shifting, then have the vehicle
9 volt) battery. serviced soon.
If the vehicle has an uncharged
battery or a battery with low voltage,
try charging or jump starting the
battery. See Jump Starting on
page 10‑98 for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (44,1)
Automatic There are several different positions P (Park): This position locks the
for the shift lever. rear wheels. It is the best position
Transmission to use when starting the engine
because the vehicle cannot move
If the vehicle is a hybrid, see
easily. When parked on a hill,
the hybrid supplement for more
especially when the vehicle has a
heavy load, you might notice an
Vehicles with an automatic increase in the effort to shift out of
transmission have an electronic P (Park). See “Torque Lock” under
shift position indicator within Hydra-Matic® 4-Speed Automatic Shifting Into Park on page 9‑41 for
the instrument panel cluster. Transmission more information.
This display comes on when
the ignition key is turned to
the ON/RUN position.
It is dangerous to get out of the
vehicle if the shift lever is not fully
in P (Park) with the parking brake
Heavy Duty 6-Speed firmly set. The vehicle can roll.
Automatic Transmission Shown Do not leave the vehicle when
(Light Duty 6‐Speed Similar) the engine is running unless
See “Range Selection Mode” under you have to. If you have left the
Manual Mode on page 9‑50. engine running, the vehicle can
move suddenly. You or others
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (47,1)
D (Drive): This position is for Downshifting the transmission in The transmission uses
normal driving. It provides the best slippery road conditions could result adaptive shift controls.
fuel economy. If you need more in skidding. See “Skidding” under Adaptive shift controls continually
power for passing, and you are: Loss of Control on page 9‑6. compares key shift parameters to
. Going less than about 55 km/h The vehicle has a shift stabilization pre-programmed ideal shifts stored
(35 mph), push the accelerator feature that adjusts the transmission in the transmissions computer.
pedal about halfway down. shifting to the current driving The transmission constantly makes
conditions in order to reduce rapid adjustments to improve vehicle
. Going about 55 km/h (35 mph) or performance according to how the
more, push the accelerator all upshifts and downshifts. This shift
stabilization feature is designed vehicle is being used, such as with
the way down. a heavy load or when temperature
to determine, before making an
By doing this, the vehicle shifts upshift, if the engine is able to changes. During this adaptive shift
down to the next gear and has maintain vehicle speed by analyzing control process, shifting might feel
more power. things such as vehicle speed, different as the transmission
throttle position, and vehicle load. determines the best settings.
D (Drive) can be used when towing
a trailer, carrying a heavy load, If the shift stabilization feature When temperatures are very cold,
driving on steep hills, or for off-road determines that a current vehicle the Allison Transmission and
driving. You might want to shift speed cannot be maintained, the Hydra-Matic 6-Speed transmission's
the transmission to a lower gear transmission does not upshift and gear shifting could be delayed
selection if the transmission shifts instead holds the current gear. providing more stable shifts until
too often. In some cases, this could appear the engine warms up. Shifts could
to be a delayed shift, however the be more noticeable with a cold
transmission is operating normally. transmission. This difference in
shifting is normal.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (49,1)
M (Manual Mode): This position It can help control vehicle speed as For an Allison Transmission or
is available on vehicles with the you go down steep mountain roads, Hydra-Matic 6-Speed transmission,
Allison Transmission or Hydra-Matic but then you would also want to use this position reduces vehicle speed
6-Speed transmission. It lets the brakes off and on. without using the brakes. You can
drivers select the range of gears If you manually select 2 (Second) use it for major/severe downgrades
appropriate for current driving in an automatic transmission, the and off-road driving where the
conditions. If the vehicle has this transmission will start in second vehicle would otherwise accelerate
feature, see “Range Selection gear. You can use this feature for due to steepness of grade. When
Mode” under Manual Mode on reducing the speed of the rear you shift to 1 (First) it provides the
page 9‑50. wheels when you are trying to lowest gear appropriate to current
3 (Third): This position is also used start the vehicle from a stop on road speed and continues to
for normal driving. It reduces vehicle slippery road surfaces. downshift as the vehicle slows,
speed more than D (Drive) without eventually downshifting to
1 (First): For the Hydra-Matic 1 (First) gear.
using the brakes. You might choose 4-Speed transmission this position
3 (Third) instead of D (Drive) when reduces vehicle speed even more Notice: Spinning the tires or
driving on hilly, winding roads, when than 2 (Second) without using the holding the vehicle in one
towing a trailer, so there is less brakes. You can use it on very steep place on a hill using only the
shifting between gears and when hills, or in deep snow or mud. If the accelerator pedal may damage
going down a steep hill. shift lever is put in 1 (First) while the transmission. The repair will
2 (Second): This position reduces the vehicle is moving forward, the not be covered by the vehicle
vehicle speed even more than transmission does not shift into first warranty. If you are stuck, do not
3 (Third) without using the brakes. gear until the vehicle is going slowly spin the tires. When stopping on
You can use 2 (Second) on hills. enough. a hill, use the brakes to hold the
vehicle in place.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (50,1)
Manual Mode To use this feature, do the following: Grade Braking is not available when
1. Move the shift lever to Range Selection Mode is active.
Range Selection Mode M (Manual Mode). See Tow/Haul Mode on page 9‑51.
(Allison® Transmission or While using Range Selection Mode,
Hydra-Matic® 6-Speed 2. Press the plus/minus buttons,
located on the steering column Cruise Control and the Tow/Haul
Transmission) Mode can be used.
shift lever, to select the desired
range of gears for current driving If the vehicle has an exhaust
conditions. brake, it can also be used, but will
When M (Manual Mode) is selected not automatically downshift the
a number displays next to the M, transmission. See Exhaust Brake in
indicating the current gear. the Duramax Diesel supplement.
Grade Braking assists in Cruise Grade Braking the correct gear for the operating
maintaining desired vehicle (Allison Transmission condition. If vehicle speed is above
speeds when driving on or Hydra-Matic 6-Speed the desired speed the transmission
downhill grades by automatically Automatic Transmission) will downshift to slow the vehicle.
implementing a shift schedule that If vehicle speed is near or below
utilizes the engine and transmission Cruise Grade Braking assists desired speed the trans will upshift,
to slow the vehicle. This reduces when driving on a downhill grade. allowing vehicle speed to increase.
wear on the braking system and It maintains vehicle speed by
automatically implementing a shift While in the Range Selection Mode,
increases control of the vehicle. Cruise Grade Braking is not
Grade Braking monitors vehicle schedule that uses the engine
and the transmission to slow the available.
speed, acceleration, engine torque
and brake pedal usage. Using this vehicle. Cruise Grade Braking This feature is active when
information, it detects when the operates while Cruise Control is the exhaust brake is enabled
truck is on a downhill grade and engaged in Tow/Haul Mode to assist (if equipped).
the driver desires to slow the in maintaining vehicle speed under
See “Range Selection Mode” under
vehicle by pressing the brake. loaded vehicle conditions. It utilizes
Manual Mode on page 9‑50.
vehicle acceleration and deviation
This feature is active when from desired speed to determine
the exhaust brake is enabled
(if equipped).
Also see Towing Equipment on
page 9‑112 for more information.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (54,1)
Drive Systems While driving on clean dry pavement Manual Transfer Case
and during tight turns, you may
experience vibration in the steering
Four-Wheel Drive system.
If the vehicle has Four-Wheel If the vehicle has StabiliTrak®,
Drive, you can send the engine's shifting into Four-Wheel Drive
driving power to all four wheels Low will turn Traction Control and
for extra traction. To get the most StabiliTrak off. See StabiliTrak®
satisfaction out of Four-Wheel System on page 9‑70.
Drive, you must be familiar with its
operation. Read the following before Front Axle
using Four-Wheel Drive. See the The front axle engages and
appropriate text for the transfer disengages automatically when you
case in the vehicle. shift the transfer case. Some delay
Notice: Driving on clean, dry for the axle to engage or disengage The transfer case shift lever is on
pavement in Four-Wheel Drive is normal. the floor to the right of the driver.
High or Four-Wheel Drive Low for Use this lever to shift into and out
an extended period of time may of Four-Wheel Drive.
cause premature wear on the
vehicle's powertrain. Do not
drive on clean, dry pavement
in Four-Wheel Drive High or
Four-Wheel Drive Low for
extended periods of time.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (55,1)
The transfer case knob is located You can choose among four driving remains illuminated when the
next to the steering column. settings: shift is complete. If for some
Use the dial to shift into and out of Indicator lights in the dial reason the transfer case cannot
four-wheel drive. show which setting you are in. make a requested shift, it will return
The indicator lights will come on to the last chosen setting.
briefly when you turn on the ignition 2 m (Two-Wheel Drive High): This
and one will stay on. If the lights do setting is used for driving in most
not come on, you should take the street and highway situations.
vehicle to your dealer for service. The front axle is not engaged in
An indicator light flashes while Two-Wheel Drive. This setting also
shifting the transfer case and provides the best fuel economy.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (60,1)
Turn the knob to the Four-Wheel 30 seconds and not complete the Notice: Shifting the transmission
Drive Low position. You must shift unless the vehicle is moving into gear before the requested
wait for the Four-Wheel Drive less than 5 km/h (3 mph) and the mode indicator light has stopped
Low indicator light to stop flashing transmission is in N (Neutral). flashing could damage the
and remain on before shifting the After 30 seconds the transfer transfer case. To help avoid
transmission in gear. case will shift to Four-Wheel damaging the vehicle, always
Notice: Shifting the transmission Drive High mode. wait for the mode indicator lights
into gear before the requested to stop flashing before shifting
Shifting Out of Four-Wheel the transmission into gear.
mode indicator light has stopped Drive Low
flashing could damage the It is typical for the vehicle to exhibit
To shift from Four-Wheel Drive significant engagement noise
transfer case. To help avoid
Low to Four-Wheel Drive High,
damaging the vehicle, always and bump when shifting between
or Two-Wheel Drive High, the Four-Wheel Drive Low and
wait for the mode indicator lights
vehicle must be stopped or moving Four-Wheel Drive High ranges
to stop flashing before shifting
less than 5 km/h (3 mph) with or from transfer case N (Neutral)
the transmission into gear.
the transmission in N (Neutral)
It is typical for the vehicle to exhibit with the engine running.
and the ignition in ON/RUN.
significant engagement noise The preferred method for shifting If the knob is turned to the
and bump when shifting between out of Four-Wheel Drive Low Four-Wheel Drive High,
Four-Wheel Drive Low and is to have the vehicle moving or Two-Wheel Drive High switch
Four-Wheel Drive High ranges 1.6 to 3.2 km/h (1 to 2 mph). position when the vehicle is in gear
or from transfer case N (Neutral) Turn the knob to the Four-Wheel and/or moving, the Four-Wheel
with the engine running. Drive High or Two-Wheel Drive Drive High, or Two-Wheel Drive
If the knob is turned to the High position. You must wait High indicator light will flash for
Four-Wheel Drive Low position for the Four-Wheel Drive High or 30 seconds but will not complete the
when the vehicle is in gear and/or Two-Wheel Drive High indicator shift unless your vehicle is moving
moving, the Four-Wheel Drive light to stop flashing and remain less than 3 mph (5 km/h) and the
Low indicator light will flash for on before shifting the transmission transmission is in N (Neutral).
into gear.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (62,1)
Shifting into Neutral 10 seconds. Then slowly release Shifting Out of Neutral
To shift the transfer case to the dial to the four low position. To shift the transfer case out of
N (Neutral) do the following: The N (Neutral) light will come N (Neutral) do the following:
on when the transfer case shift
1. Make sure the vehicle is parked to N (Neutral) is complete. 1. Set the parking brake and apply
so that it will not roll. the regular brake pedal.
7. If the engine is running, verify
2. Set the parking brake and that the transfer case is in 2. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN
press and hold the regular brake N (Neutral) by shifting the with the engine off, and shift
pedal. See Parking Brake on transmission to R (Reverse) the transmission to N (Neutral).
page 9‑69 for more information. for one second, then shift the 3. Turn the transfer case dial to
3. Start the vehicle or turn the transmission to D (Drive) for Two-Wheel Drive High.
ignition to ON/RUN. one second.
After the transfer case has
4. Shift the transmission to 8. Turn the ignition to shifted out of N (Neutral), the
N (Neutral). ACC/ACCESSORY, which N (Neutral) light will go out.
will turn the engine off.
5. Shift the transfer case to 4. Release the parking brake prior
Two-Wheel Drive High. 9. Place the transmission shift to moving the vehicle.
lever in P (Park).
6. Turn the transfer case dial
clockwise to N (Neutral) until 10. Release the parking brake prior
it stops and hold it there until to moving the vehicle.
the Neutral light starts blinking. 11. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.
This will take at least
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (63,1)
Notice: Shifting the transmission Automatic Transfer Case You can choose among five driving
into gear before the requested settings:
mode indicator light has stopped Indicator lights in the dial
flashing could damage the show which setting you are in.
transfer case. To help avoid The indicator lights will come on
damaging the vehicle, always briefly when you turn on the ignition
wait for the mode indicator lights and one will stay on. If the lights do
to stop flashing before shifting not come on, you should take the
the transmission into gear. vehicle to your dealer for service.
5. Start the engine and shift the An indicator light will flash while
transmission to the desired shifting the transfer case. It will
position. remain illuminated when the shift
Excessively shifting the transfer is complete. If for some reason
case into or out of the different the transfer case cannot make a
modes may cause the transfer case The transfer case knob is located requested shift, it will return to
to enter the shift protection mode. next to the steering column. the last chosen setting.
This will protect the transfer case Use the dial to shift into and out of 2 m (Two-Wheel Drive High): This
from possible damage and will only Four-Wheel Drive. setting is used for driving in most
allow the transfer case to respond street and highway situations.
to one shift per 10 seconds. The front axle is not engaged in
The transfer case may stay in this Two-Wheel Drive. This setting also
mode for up to three minutes. provides the best fuel economy.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (64,1)
AUTO (Automatic Four-Wheel 4 n (Four-Wheel Drive Low): This N (Neutral): Shift the vehicle's
Drive): This setting is ideal for setting also engages the front axle transfer case to N (Neutral)
use when road surface traction and delivers extra torque. You may only when towing the vehicle.
conditions are variable. When never need this setting. It sends See Recreational Vehicle Towing on
driving the vehicle in AUTO, maximum power to all four wheels. page 10‑103 or Towing the Vehicle
the front axle is engaged, but the You might choose Four-Wheel Drive on page 10‑103 for more
vehicle's power is sent only to the Low if you are driving off-road in information.
front and rear wheels automatically deep sand, deep mud, deep snow, If the SERVICE 4 WHEEL DRIVE
based on driving conditions. Driving and while climbing or descending message stays on, you should
in this mode results in slightly lower steep hills. take the vehicle to your dealer for
fuel economy than Two-Wheel service. See “SERVICE 4 WHEEL
Drive High. If the vehicle has StabiliTrak®,
shifting into Four-Wheel Drive DRIVE message” under
4 m (Four-Wheel Drive High): Use Low will turn Traction Control and Transmission Messages on
the Four-Wheel Drive High position StabiliTrak off. See StabiliTrak® page 5‑50.
when extra traction is needed, such System on page 9‑70. Shifting Into Four-Wheel Drive
as on snowy or icy roads or in most High or AUTO (Automatic
off-road situations. This setting also
engages the front axle to help drive
{ WARNING Four-Wheel Drive)
the vehicle. This is the best setting Shifting the transfer case to Turn the knob to the Four-Wheel
to use when plowing snow. Drive High or AUTO position. This
N (Neutral) can cause the vehicle
can be done at any speed, except
to roll even if the transmission
when shifting from Four-Wheel
is in P (Park). You or someone Drive Low. The indicator light will
else could be seriously injured. flash while shifting. It will remain
Be sure to set the parking brake on when the shift is completed.
before placing the transfer case in
N (Neutral). See Parking Brake on
page 9‑69.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (65,1)
Shifting Into Two-Wheel To shift to the Four-Wheel Drive It is typical for the vehicle to
Drive High Low position, the ignition must be exhibit significant engagement
Turn the knob to the Two-Wheel in ON/RUN and the vehicle must be noise and bump when shifting
Drive High position. This can be stopped or moving less than 5 km/h between Four-Wheel Drive Low
done at any speed, except when (3 mph) with the transmission in and Four-Wheel Drive High ranges
shifting from Four-Wheel Drive Low. N (Neutral). The preferred method or from N (Neutral) with the engine
The indicator light will flash while for shifting into Four-Wheel Drive running.
shifting. It will remain on when the Low is to have the vehicle moving If the knob is turned to the
shift is completed. 1.6 to 3.2 km/h (1 to 2 mph). Turn Four-Wheel Drive Low position
the knob to the Four-Wheel Drive when the vehicle is in gear and/or
Shifting Into Four-Wheel Low position. You must wait for the moving, the Four-Wheel Drive
Drive Low Four-Wheel Drive Low indicator Low indicator light will flash for
When Four-Wheel Drive Low is light to stop flashing and remain 30 seconds and not complete the
engaged, vehicle speed should on before shifting the transmission shift unless the vehicle is moving
be kept below 72 km/h (45 mph). into gear. less than 5 km/h (3 mph) and the
Extended high-speed operation in Notice: Shifting the transmission transmission is in N (Neutral).
Four-Wheel Drive Low may damage into gear before the requested After 30 seconds the transfer
or shorten the life of the drivetrain. mode indicator light has stopped case will shift to Four-Wheel
flashing could damage the Drive High mode.
transfer case. To help avoid
damaging the vehicle, always
wait for the mode indicator lights
to stop flashing before shifting
the transmission into gear.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (66,1)
Shifting Out of Four-Wheel transfer case. To help avoid Shifting into Neutral
Drive Low damaging the vehicle, always To shift the transfer case to
To shift from Four-Wheel Drive wait for the mode indicator lights N (Neutral) do the following:
Low to Four-Wheel Drive High, to stop flashing before shifting
the transmission into gear. 1. Make sure the vehicle is parked
AUTO or Two-Wheel Drive High, so that it will not roll.
the vehicle must be stopped or It is typical for the vehicle to
moving less than 5 km/h (3 mph) exhibit significant engagement 2. Set the parking brake and
with the transmission in N (Neutral) noise and bump when shifting apply the regular brake pedal.
and the ignition in ON/RUN. between Four-Wheel Drive Low See Parking Brake on page 9‑69
The preferred method for shifting and Four-Wheel Drive High ranges for more information.
out of Four-Wheel Drive Low or from N (Neutral) with the engine 3. Shifting the transfer case into
is to have the vehicle moving running. N (Neutral) can be done with
1.6 to 3.2 km/h (1 to 2 mph). Turn If the knob is turned to the or without the engine running.
the knob to the Four-Wheel Drive Four-Wheel Drive High, AUTO, Shifting without the engine
High, AUTO or Two-Wheel Drive or Two-Wheel Drive High switch running should be done with
High position. You must wait for position when the vehicle is in gear the ignition in ON/RUN.
the Four-Wheel Drive High, AUTO and/or moving, the Four-Wheel
or Two-Wheel Drive High indicator 4. Put the transmission in
Drive High, AUTO or Two-Wheel N (Neutral).
light to stop flashing and remain Drive High indicator light will flash
on before shifting the transmission for 30 seconds but will not complete 5. Shift the transfer case to
into gear. the shift unless the vehicle is Two-Wheel Drive High.
Notice: Shifting the transmission moving less than 5 km/h (3 mph)
into gear before the requested and the transmission is in
mode indicator light has stopped N (Neutral).
flashing could damage the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (67,1)
6. Turn the transfer case dial 10. Release the parking brake prior 4. Release the parking brake prior
clockwise to N (Neutral) until to moving the vehicle. to moving the vehicle.
it stops and hold it there until 11. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF. Notice: Shifting the transmission
the N (Neutral) light starts into gear before the requested
blinking. This will take at least Shifting Out of Neutral mode indicator light has stopped
10 seconds. Then slowly release To shift out of N (Neutral) do the flashing could damage the
the dial to the four low position. following: transfer case. To help avoid
The N (Neutral) light will come damaging the vehicle, always
on when the transfer case shift 1. Set the parking brake and apply
the regular brake pedal. wait for the mode indicator lights
to N (Neutral) is complete. to stop flashing before shifting
7. If the engine is running, make 2. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN with the transmission into gear.
sure that the transfer case is the engine off, and shift the
transmission to N (Neutral). 5. Start the engine and shift the
in N (Neutral) by shifting the transmission to the desired
transmission to R (Reverse) 3. Turn the transfer case dial position.
for one second, then shift the to Two-Wheel Drive High,
transmission to D (Drive) for Four-Wheel Drive High,
one second. or AUTO.
8. Turn the ignition to After the transfer case has
ACC/ACCESSORY, which shifted out of N (Neutral), the
will turn the engine off. N (Neutral) light will go out.
9. Place the transmission shift
lever in P (Park).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (68,1)
Braking in Emergencies If the ignition is on, the brake Brake Assist (Except
system warning light will come on.
ABS allows the driver to steer and
See Brake System Warning Light on
With 4.3L V6 Engine)
brake at the same time. In many
page 5‑27. If this vehicle has StabiliTrak®, it
emergencies, steering can help
Notice: Driving with the parking also has a Brake Assist feature
more than even the very best
brake on can overheat the brake designed to assist the driver in
system and cause premature stopping or decreasing vehicle
wear or damage to brake system speed in emergency driving
Parking Brake conditions. This feature uses the
parts. Make sure that the parking
brake is fully released and the stability system hydraulic brake
brake warning light is off before control module to supplement
driving. the power brake system under
conditions where the driver has
To release the parking brake, hold quickly and forcefully applied the
the regular brake pedal down, then brake pedal in an attempt to quickly
push down momentarily on the stop or slow down the vehicle.
parking brake pedal until you feel The stability system hydraulic brake
the pedal release. Slowly pull your control module increases brake
foot up off the parking brake pedal. pressure at each corner of the
If the parking brake is not released vehicle until the ABS activates.
when you begin to drive, the brake
system warning light will flash and a
chime will sound warning you that
Set the parking brake by holding
the parking brake is still on.
the regular brake pedal down, then
pushing down the parking brake If you are towing a trailer and
pedal. are parking on a hill, see Driving
Characteristics and Towing Tips on
page 9‑91.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (70,1)
Minor brake pedal pulsation or activated. During the transition Ride Control Systems
pedal movement during this time period between when the driver
is normal and the driver should releases the brake pedal and starts
continue to apply the brake pedal to accelerate to drive off on a grade, StabiliTrak® System
as the driving situation dictates HSA holds the braking pressure The vehicle may have a vehicle
The Brake Assist feature will for a maximum of two seconds stability enhancement system called
automatically disengage when to ensure that there is no rolling. StabiliTrak®. It is an advanced
the brake pedal is released or The brakes will automatically computer-controlled system that
brake pedal pressure is quickly release when the accelerator pedal assists the driver with directional
decreased. is applied within the two‐second control of the vehicle in difficult
window. If the vehicle is equipped driving conditions.
Hill Start Assist (HSA) with the Integrated Trailer Brake
StabiliTrak activates when the
Control (ITBC) system, HSA may
2500 and 3500 series vehicles with also apply the trailer brakes. It will computer senses a discrepancy
StabiliTrak have a Hill Start Assist not activate if the vehicle is in a between the intended path and
(HSA) feature, which may be useful drive gear and facing downhill or the direction the vehicle is actually
when the vehicle is stopped on a if the vehicle is facing uphill and traveling. StabiliTrak selectively
grade. This feature is designed to in R (Reverse). There may be applies braking pressure at any one
prevent the vehicle from rolling, situations on minor hills (less than of the vehicle's brakes to assist the
either forward or rearward, during 5% grade) with a loaded vehicle or driver with keeping the vehicle on
vehicle drive off. After the driver while pulling a trailer where HSA the intended path.
completely stops and holds the will not activate.
vehicle in a complete standstill on
a grade, HSA will be automatically
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (71,1)
When the vehicle is started CONTROL OFF, SERVICE The system may be heard or felt
and begins to move, the system TRACTION CONTROL, while it is working; this is normal.
performs several diagnostic checks STABILITRAK OFF, SERVICE
to insure there are no problems. STABILITRAK. If these DIC
The system may be heard or messages appear, make sure the
felt while it is working. This is StabiliTrak system has not been
normal and does not mean there turned off using the StabiliTrak
is a problem with the vehicle. on/off button. Then turn the vehicle
The system should initialize off, wait 15 seconds, and turn it
before the vehicle reaches 32 km/h back on again to reset the system. The traction control disable button
(20 mph). In some cases, it may If any of these messages still is located on the instrument panel
take approximately 3.2 km (2 mi) of appear on the DIC, the vehicle below the climate controls.
driving before the system initializes. should be taken in for service.
For more information on the DIC The Traction Control System (TCS)
If cruise control is being used when part of StabiliTrak can be turned
StabiliTrak activates, the cruise messages, see Ride Control
System Messages on page 5‑47. off by pressing and releasing the
control automatically disengages. StabiliTrak button. To disable both
The cruise control can be TCS and StabiliTrak, press and
re-engaged when road conditions
allow. See Cruise Control on hold 5 until F illuminates and the
page 9‑73 for more information. appropriate DIC message displays.
If the system fails to turn on or TCS and StabiliTrak can be turned
activate, the StabiliTrak light on by pressing and releasing the
along with one of the following StabiliTrak button if they are not
The StabiliTrak light will flash on the automatically shut off for any other
messages will be displayed
instrument panel cluster when the reason.
on the Driver Information
system is both on and activated.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (72,1)
When TCS or StabiliTrak is When the transfer case is in 4LO, traction while driving. If traction
turned off, the StabiliTrak light the stability system is automatically control is turned off, only the
and the appropriate message disabled, the StabiliTrak light comes brake-traction control portion
will be displayed on the DIC to on, and the STABILITRAK OFF of traction control will work.
warn the driver. The vehicle will message will appear on the DIC. The engine speed management
still have brake-traction control Both traction control and StabiliTrak will be disabled. In this mode,
when traction control is off, but will are automatically disabled in this engine power is not reduced
not be able to use the engine speed condition. automatically and the driven
management system. See “Traction wheels can spin more freely.
Control Operation” next for more Traction Control Operation This can cause the brake-traction
information. The traction control system is part control to activate constantly.
When the traction control system of the StabiliTrak system. Traction Notice: If the wheel(s) of one axle
has been turned off, system noises control limits wheel spin by reducing is allowed to spin excessively
may still be heard as a result of the engine power to the wheels (engine while the StabiliTrak®, ABS, brake
brake-traction control coming on. speed management) and by warning lights, and any relevant
applying brakes to each individual DIC messages are displayed, the
It is recommended to leave the wheel (brake-traction control) as
system on for normal driving transfer case could be damaged.
necessary. The repairs would not be covered
conditions, but it may be necessary
to turn the system off if the vehicle The traction control system is by the vehicle warranty. Reduce
is stuck in sand, mud, ice or snow, enabled automatically when the engine power and do not spin
and you want to “rock” the vehicle vehicle is started. It will activate the wheel(s) excessively while
to attempt to free it. It may also be and the StabiliTrak light will flash these lights and messages are
necessary to turn off the system if it senses that any of the wheels displayed.
when driving in extreme off-road are spinning or beginning to lose
conditions where high wheel spin
is required. See If the Vehicle is
Stuck on page 9‑23.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (73,1)
The traction control system may 2500 and 3500 series vehicles Cruise Control
activate on dry or rough roads with StabiliTrak have a Trailer Sway
or under conditions such as Control (TSC) feature. See Trailer
heavy acceleration while turning Sway Control (TSC) on page 9‑124. { WARNING
or abrupt upshifts/downshifts of the 2500 and 3500 series vehicles
transmission. When this happens, Cruise control can be dangerous
with StabiliTrak have a Hill Start where you cannot drive safely at
a reduction in acceleration may be Assist (HSA) feature. See Hill Start
noticed, or a noise or vibration may a steady speed. So, do not use
Assist (HSA) on page 9‑70. the cruise control on winding
be heard. This is normal.
Adding non‐dealer accessories can roads or in heavy traffic.
If cruise control is being used when affect the vehicle's performance.
the system activates, the StabiliTrak Cruise control can be dangerous
See Accessories and Modifications
light will flash and cruise control will on slippery roads. On such roads,
on page 10‑3.
automatically disengage. Cruise fast changes in tire traction can
control may be reengaged when cause excessive wheel slip, and
road conditions allow. See Cruise Locking Rear Axle you could lose control. Do not use
Control on page 9‑73. Vehicles with a locking rear axle can cruise control on slippery roads.
StabiliTrak may also turn off give more traction on snow, mud,
automatically if it determines that ice, sand, or gravel. It works like a
For vehicles with cruise control, a
a problem exists with the system. standard axle most of the time, but
speed of about 40 km/h (25 mph)
If the problem does not clear itself when traction is low, this feature will
or more can be maintained
after restarting the vehicle, see your allow the rear wheel with the most
without keeping your foot on the
dealer for service. traction to move the vehicle.
accelerator. Cruise control does
not work at speeds below about
40 km/h (25 mph).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (74,1)
Resuming a Set Speed Reducing Speed While Using Using Cruise Control on Hills
If the cruise control is set at a Cruise Control How well the cruise control will work
desired speed and then the brakes If the cruise control system is on hills depends upon the vehicle
are applied, the cruise control is already activated, speed, load, and the steepness of
disengaged without erasing the . Press and hold the SET– button the hills. While going up steep hills,
set speed from memory. on the steering wheel until the you might have to step on the
Once the vehicle speed reaches desired lower speed is reached, accelerator pedal to maintain the
about 40 km/h (25 mph) or more, then release it. vehicle speed. While going downhill,
press the +RES button on the you might have to brake or shift to
. To slow down in small amounts, a lower gear to keep the vehicle
steering wheel. The vehicle returns press the SET– button on the
to the previous set speed and stays speed down. When the brakes
steering wheel briefly. Each time are applied the cruise control is
there. this is done, the vehicle goes disengaged.
Increasing Speed While Using about 1.6 km/h (1 mph) slower.
Cruise Control Passing Another Vehicle While
If the cruise control system is Using Cruise Control
already activated, Use the accelerator pedal to
. Press and hold the +RES button increase the vehicle speed. When
on the steering wheel until the you take your foot off the pedal,
desired speed is reached, then the vehicle will slow down to the
release it. previous set cruise speed.
. To increase vehicle speed in
small amounts, press the +RES
button. Each time this is done,
the vehicle goes about 1.6 km/h
(1 mph) faster.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (76,1)
Vehicles without Navigation To turn the RVC system on again, Turning the Rear Vision Camera
System press and hold z until the left System On or Off
The Rear Vision Camera system is indicator light illuminates. The RVC To turn the RVC system on or off:
designed to help the driver when system display is now enabled and
1. Shift into P (Park).
backing up by displaying a view of the display will appear in the mirror
the area behind the vehicle. When normally. 2. Press the MENU button to enter
the key is in the ON/RUN position the configure menu options,
Vehicles with Navigation then press the MENU hard key
and the driver shifts the vehicle System
into R (Reverse), the video image to select Display or touch the
automatically appears on the inside The RVC system is designed to Display screen button.
rearview mirror. Once the driver help the driver when backing up by 3. Select the Rear Camera Options
shifts out of R (Reverse), the video displaying a view of the area behind screen button. The Rear Camera
image automatically disappears the vehicle. When the driver shifts Options screen will display.
from the inside rearview mirror. the vehicle into R (Reverse), the
video image automatically appears
Turning the Rear Vision Camera on the navigation screen. Once the
System Off or On driver shifts out of R (Reverse), the
To turn off the RVC system, press navigation screen will go back to the
and hold z, located on the inside last screen that had been displayed,
rearview mirror, until the left after a delay.
indicator light turns off. The RVC
display is now disabled.
The delay after shifting out of ] (Brightness): Touch the + (plus) The symbols appear when an object
R (Reverse) is approximately or – (minus) screen buttons to has been detected by the URPA
10 seconds. The delay can be increase or decrease the brightness system. The symbol may cover the
cancelled by performing one of of the screen. object when viewing the navigation
the following: screen.
_ (Contrast): Touch the + (plus) or
. Pressing a hard key on the – (minus) screen buttons to increase To turn the symbols on or off:
navigation system. or decrease the contrast of the 1. Make sure that URPA has not
. Shifting into P (Park). screen. been disabled.
. Reaching a vehicle speed of Symbols 2. Shift into P (Park).
8 km/h (5 mph). The navigation system may have 3. Press the MENU hard key
There is a message on the rear a feature that lets the driver view to enter the configure menu
vision camera screen that states symbols on the navigation screen options, then press the MENU
“Check Surroundings for Safety.” while using the RVC. The Ultrasonic hard key repeatedly until Display
Rear Park Assist (URPA) system is selected or touch the Display
Adjusting the Brightness and must not be disabled to use the screen button.
Contrast of the Screen caution symbols. If URPA has
4. Select the Rear Camera Options
To adjust the brightness and been disabled and the symbols
screen button. The Rear Camera
contrast of the screen, press the have been turned on, the Rear
Options screen will display.
MENU button while the rear vision Parking Assist Symbols Unavailable
camera image is on the display. error message may display. 5. Touch the Symbols screen
Any adjustments made will only See Ultrasonic Parking Assist on button. The screen button will
affect the rear vision camera screen. page 9‑76. be highlighted when on.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (81,1)
Rear Vision Camera Error The camera uses a special lens. The following illustration shows
Messages The distance of the image that the field of view that the camera
appears on the screen differs from provides.
Service Rear Vision Camera the actual distance. The area
System: This message can display displayed by the camera is limited.
when the system is not receiving The camera does not display
information it requires from other objects which are close to either
vehicle systems. corner of the bumper or under the
If any other problem occurs or if a bumper. The area displayed on
problem persists, see your dealer. the screen can vary according
to vehicle orientation or road
Rear Vision Camera Location conditions.
If the vehicle has the 6.2L V8 engine Gasoline Specifications California Fuel
(VIN Code 2), use premium
unleaded gasoline with a posted
(U.S. and Canada Only) Requirements
octane rating of 91 or higher. At a minimum, gasoline should If the vehicle is certified to meet
You can also use regular unleaded meet ASTM specification California Emissions Standards,
gasoline rated at 87 octane or D 4814 in the United States it is designed to operate on fuels
higher, but the vehicle's acceleration or CAN/CGSB‐3.5 or 3.511 in that meet California specifications.
could be slightly reduced, and Canada. Some gasolines contain See the underhood emission control
a slight audible knocking noise, an octane-enhancing additive called label. If this fuel is not available in
commonly referred to as spark methylcyclopentadienyl manganese states adopting California Emissions
knock, might be heard. If the octane tricarbonyl (MMT). We recommend Standards, the vehicle will operate
is less than 87, you might notice against the use of gasolines satisfactorily on fuels meeting
a heavy knocking noise when you containing MMT. See Fuel Additives federal specifications, but emission
drive. If this occurs, use a gasoline on page 9‑86 for additional control system performance might
rated at 87 octane or higher as soon information. be affected. The malfunction
as possible. Otherwise, you could indicator lamp could turn on and the
damage the engine. If heavy vehicle might fail a smog‐check test.
knocking is heard when using See Malfunction Indicator Lamp on
gasoline rated at 87 octane or page 5‑25. If this occurs, return to
higher, the engine needs service. your authorized dealer for diagnosis.
If it is determined that the condition
is caused by the type of fuel used,
repairs might not be covered by the
vehicle warranty.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (86,1)
Some gasolines that are We encourage the use of E85 in To ensure quick starts in the
not reformulated for low vehicles that are designed to use it. wintertime, the E85 fuel must be
emissions can contain an The ethanol in E85 is a “renewable” formulated properly for your climate
octane-enhancing additive fuel, meaning it is made from according to ASTM specification
called methylcyclopentadienyl renewable sources such as corn D 5798. If you have trouble starting
manganese tricarbonyl (MMT); and other crops. on E85, it could be because the
ask the attendant where you buy Many service stations will not have E85 fuel is not properly formulated
gasoline whether the fuel contains an 85% ethanol fuel (E85) pump for your climate. If this happens,
MMT. We recommend against available. The U.S. Department switching to gasoline or adding
the use of such gasolines. Fuels of Energy has an alternative fuels gasoline to the fuel tank can
containing MMT can reduce website (www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/ improve starting. For good starting
spark plug life and affect emission locator/stations/) that can help you and heater efficiency below 0°C
control system performance. find E85 fuel. Those stations that (32°F), the fuel mix in the fuel tank
The malfunction indicator lamp do have E85 should have a label should contain no more than 70%
might turn on. If this occurs, indicating ethanol content. Do not ethanol. It is best not to alternate
return to your dealer for service. use the fuel if the ethanol content is repeatedly between gasoline and
greater than 85%. E85. If you do switch fuels, it is
Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol) recommended that you add as
At a minimum, E85 should meet much fuel as possible — do not
Vehicles that have a FlexFuel badge ASTM Specification D 5798. add less than 11 L (3 gal) when
and a yellow fuel cap can use either By definition, this means that fuel refueling. You should drive the
unleaded gasoline or ethanol fuel labeled E85 will have an ethanol vehicle immediately after refueling
containing up to 85% ethanol (E85). content between 70% and 85%. for at least 11 km (7 mi) to allow
For all other vehicles, use only the Filling the fuel tank with fuel the vehicle to adapt to the change
unleaded gasoline described under mixtures that do not meet ASTM in ethanol concentration.
Recommended Fuel on page 9‑84. specifications can affect driveability
and could cause the malfunction
indicator lamp to come on.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (88,1)
Trailering is different than just Weight of the Trailer Trailer weight rating (TWR) is
driving the vehicle by itself. calculated assuming the tow vehicle
How heavy can a trailer safely be?
Trailering means changes in has only the driver but all required
handling, acceleration, braking, It depends on how the rig is used. trailering equipment. Weight of
durability, and fuel economy. Speed, altitude, road grades, additional optional equipment,
Successful, safe trailering takes outside temperature, and how much passengers, and cargo in the tow
correct equipment, and it has to the vehicle is used to pull a trailer vehicle must be subtracted from
be used properly. are all important. It can depend the trailer weight rating.
on any special equipment on the
The following information has many Use the following chart to determine
vehicle, and the amount of tongue
time-tested, important trailering tips how much the vehicle can weigh,
weight the vehicle can carry. See
and safety rules. Many of these are based upon the vehicle model and
“Weight of the Trailer Tongue” later
important for your safety and that of options.
in this section for more information.
your passengers. So please read Weights listed apply for
this section carefully before pulling conventional trailers and fifth-wheel
a trailer. trailers unless otherwise noted.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (97,1)
Ask your dealer for trailering vehicle, any cargo carried in it, and
information or advice, or write us at the people who will be riding in the
our Customer Assistance Offices. vehicle as well as trailer tongue
See Customer Assistance Offices weight. Vehicle options, equipment,
(U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑5 passengers and cargo in the vehicle
or Customer Assistance Offices reduce the amount of tongue weight
(Mexico) on page 13‑5 for more the vehicle can carry, which will also
information. reduce the trailer weight the vehicle
can tow. See “ Vehicle Load Limits”
Weight of the Trailer Tongue for more information about the
The tongue load (A) of any vehicle's maximum load capacity.
trailer is very important because
it is also part of the vehicle weight.
Trailer tongue weight (A) should be
The Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)
10 to 15 percent and fifth-wheel or
includes the curb weight of the
gooseneck kingpin weight should be
15 to 25 percent of the loaded trailer
weight up to the maximums for
vehicle series and hitch type
shown here:
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (111,1)
Fifth-Wheel and Gooseneck The hitch should be located in the Safety Chains
Trailering pickup bed so that its centerline is
Always attach chains between the
over or slightly in front of the rear
Fifth-wheel and gooseneck trailers vehicle and the trailer. Cross the
axle. Take care that it is not so far
can be used with many pickup safety chains under the tongue
forward that it will contact the back
models. These trailers place a of the trailer to help prevent the
of the cab in sharp turns. This is
larger percentage of the weight tongue from contacting the road
especially important for short box
(kingpin weight) on the tow vehicle if it becomes separated from the
pickups. Trailer pin box extensions
than conventional trailers. Make hitch. Instructions about safety
and sliding fifth-wheel hitch
sure this weight does not cause the chains may be provided by the
assemblies can help this condition.
vehicle to exceed GAWR or GVWR. hitch manufacturer or by the trailer
There should be at least six inches
manufacturer. If the trailer being
Fifth-wheel or gooseneck kingpin of clearance between the top of the
towed weighs up to 2 271 kg
weight should be 15 to 25 percent of pickup box and the bottom of the
(5,000 lbs) with a factory-installed
the trailer weight up to the maximum trailer shelf that extends over
step bumper, safety chains may
amount specified in the trailering the box.
be attached to the attaching points
chart for the vehicle. See “Weight of Make sure the hitch is attached to on the bumper; otherwise, safety
the Trailer” under Trailer Towing on the tow vehicle frame rails. Do not chains should be attached to holes
page 9‑95 for more information. use the pickup box for support. on the trailer hitch platform. Always
leave just enough slack so the
combination can turn. Never allow
safety chains to drag on the ground.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (114,1)
Trailer Brakes If everything checks out this far, Trailer Wiring Harness
make the brake tap at the port on
A loaded trailer that weighs more The vehicle is equipped with one of
the master cylinder that sends the
than 900 kg (2,000 lbs) needs to the following wiring harnesses for
fluid to the rear brakes. Use only
have its own brake system that towing a trailer or hauling a slide-in
steel brake tubing to make the tap.
is adequate for the weight of the camper.
trailer. Be sure to read and follow Auxiliary Battery
the instructions for the trailer brakes Basic Trailer Wiring
so they are installed, adjusted, and The auxiliary battery provision can All regular, extended cab and crew
maintained properly. be used to supply electrical power cab pickups have a seven‐wire
to additional equipment that may be trailer towing harness.
If the vehicle is equipped with added, such as a slide-in camper.
StabiliTrak, the trailer cannot tap If the vehicle has this provision, For vehicles not equipped with
into the vehicle's hydraulic brake this relay will be located on the heavy duty trailering, the harness
system. driver side of the vehicle, next to is secured to the vehicle's frame
The trailer brake system can tap the underhood electrical center. behind the spare tire mount.
into the vehicle's hydraulic brake The harness requires the installation
Be sure to follow the proper of a trailer connector, which is
system only if: installation instructions included available through your dealer.
. The trailer parts can withstand with any electrical equipment that
20 650 kPa (3,000 psi) of is installed. If towing a light‐duty trailer with
pressure. a standard four‐way round pin
Notice: Leaving electrical connector, an adapter is available
. The trailer's brake system equipment on for extended from your dealer.
will use less than 0.3 cc periods will drain the battery.
(0.02 cubic inch) of fluid from Always turn off electrical
the vehicle's master cylinder. equipment when not in use
Otherwise, both braking systems and do not use equipment that
will not work well or at all. exceeds the maximum amperage
rating for the auxiliary battery
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (115,1)
Integrated Trailer Brake cause the vehicle’s antilock brake The ITBC system is fully functional
Control System or StabiliTrak systems to activate, only when the ignition is in ON or
power sent to the trailer's brakes in RUN.
will be automatically adjusted to The ITBC system can only be used
minimize trailer wheel lock-up. with trailers with electric brakes.
This does not imply that the trailer
has StabiliTrak.
2500 and 3500 series vehicles
with StabiliTrak have a Trailer Sway Connecting a trailer that is not
The vehicle may have an Integrated Control (TSC) feature. See Trailer compatible with the ITBC system
Trailer Brake Control (ITBC) system Sway Control (TSC) on page 9‑124. may result in reduced or complete
for electric trailer brakes. loss of trailer braking. There
2500 and 3500 series vehicles
This symbol is located on the with StabiliTrak have a Hill Start may be an increase in stopping
Trailer Brake Control Panel on Assist (HSA) feature. See Hill Start distance or trailer instability which
vehicles with an Integrated Trailer Assist (HSA) on page 9‑70. could result in personal injury or
Brake Control system. The power damage to the vehicle, trailer,
output to the trailer brakes is based If the vehicle’s brake, antilock
brake, or StabiliTrak systems are or other property. An aftermarket
on the amount of brake pressure controller may be available for
being applied by the vehicle’s brake not functioning properly, the ITBC
system may not be fully functional use with trailers with surge, air,
system. This available power output or electric‐over‐hydraulic trailer
to the trailer brakes can be adjusted or may not function at all. Make
sure all of these systems are brake systems. To determine the
to a wide range of trailering
fully operational to ensure full type of brakes on the trailer and
functionality of the ITBC system. the availability of controllers,
The ITBC system is integrated check with your trailer
with the vehicle’s brake, antilock The ITBC system is powered
through the vehicle's electrical manufacturer or dealer.
brake, and StabiliTrak (if equipped)
systems. In trailering conditions that system. Turning the ignition off
will also turn off the ITBC system.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (119,1)
When trailering, make sure of the Trailer Brake Control Panel information. The control panel
following: allows adjustment to the amount
. The ITBC system is used only of output, referred to as trailer
with trailers that are equipped gain, available to the electric
with electric brakes. trailer brakes and allows manual
application of the trailer brakes.
. All applicable local and federal The Trailer Brake Control Panel is
laws and regulations are used along with the Trailer Brake
followed. Display Page on the DIC to adjust
. All electrical and mechanical and display power output to the
connections to the trailer are trailer brakes.
made correctly. Trailer Brake DIC Display Page
. The trailer’s brakes are in proper The ITBC system displays
working condition. messages on the vehicle’s
. The trailer and vehicle are A. Manual Trailer Brake Apply Driver Information Center (DIC).
properly loaded for the towing Lever See Driver Information Center (DIC)
condition. on page 5‑33 for more information.
B. Trailer Gain Adjustment Buttons
The ITBC system is a The display page indicates Trailer
The ITBC system has a control
factory-installed item. Out‐of‐factory Gain setting, power output to
panel located on the instrument
installation of this system should not the electric trailer brakes, trailer
panel to the left of the steering
be attempted. GM is not responsible connection, and system operational
column. See Instrument Panel
for warranty or performance of the status.
(Base/Uplevel Version) on page 1‑2
system resulting from out‐of‐factory or Instrument Panel (Premium
installation. Version) on page 1‑6 for more
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (120,1)
The Trailer Brake Display Page can All DIC warning and service 0.0 (zero) gain is the factory default
be displayed by performing any of messages must first be setting. To properly adjust trailer
the following actions: acknowledged by the driver gain, see “Trailer Gain Adjustment
. Scrolling through the DIC menu by pressing the odometer trip stem Procedure” later in this section.
pages using the odometer or the DIC Vehicle Information TRAILER OUTPUT: This is
trip stem or the DIC Vehicle button (if equipped) before the displayed any time a trailer with
Information button (if equipped). Trailer Brake Display Page can electric brakes is connected.
be displayed and Trailer Gain Output to the electric brakes is
. Pressing a Trailer Gain can be adjusted.
button—If the Trailer Brake based on the amount of vehicle
Display Page is not currently TRAILER GAIN: This setting is braking present and relative to
displayed, pressing a Trailer displayed any time the Trailer Brake the Trailer Gain setting. Output
Gain button will first recall the Display Page is active. This setting is displayed from 0 to 10 bars for
current Trailer Gain setting. can be adjusted from 0.0 to 10.0 each gain setting.
After the Trailer Brake Display with either a trailer connected or On vehicles with Trailer Sway
Page is displayed, each press disconnected. To adjust the Trailer Control (TSC) or Hill Start Assist
and release of the gain buttons Gain, press one of the Trailer Gain (HSA), output to the electric trailer
will then cause the Trailer Gain adjustment buttons located on the brakes may be displayed when the
setting to change. Trailer Brake Control Panel. Press systems are active. See Trailer
and hold a gain button to cause the Sway Control (TSC) on page 9‑124
. Activating the Manual Trailer Trailer Gain to continuously adjust.
Brake Apply lever. and Hill Start Assist (HSA) on
To turn the output to the trailer off, page 9‑70.
. Connecting a trailer equipped adjust the Trailer Gain setting to
with electric trailer brakes. 0.0 (zero).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (121,1)
The Trailer Output will indicate Manual Trailer Brake Apply Trailer Gain Adjustment Procedure
“- - - - - -” on the Trailer Brake The Manual Trailer Brake Apply Trailer Gain should be set for a
Display Page whenever the Lever is located on the Trailer specific trailering condition and
following occur: Brake Control Panel and is used must be adjusted any time vehicle
. No trailer is connected to apply the trailer’s electric brakes loading, trailer loading, or road
. A trailer without electric brakes independent of the vehicle’s brakes. surface conditions change.
is connected (no DIC message This lever is used in the Trailer Gain Setting the Trailer Gain properly
is displayed) Adjustment Procedure to properly is needed for the best trailer
adjust the power output to the trailer stopping performance. A trailer
. A trailer with electric brakes brakes. Sliding the lever to the left
has become disconnected that is over-gained may result in
will apply only the trailer brakes. locked trailer brakes. A trailer that
(a CHECK TRAILER WIRING The power output to the trailer is
message will also be displayed is under-gained may result in not
indicated in the Trailer Brake enough trailer braking. Both of
on the DIC) Display Page on the DIC. If the these conditions may result in
. There is a fault present in the vehicle’s service brakes are applied poorer stopping and stability of
wiring to the electric trailer while using the Manual Trailer Brake the vehicle and trailer.
brakes (a CHECK TRAILER Apply Lever, the trailer output power
WIRING message will also be will be the greater of the two.
displayed on the DIC) The trailer's and the vehicle's brake
. There is a fault in the ITBC lamps will come on when either
system (a SERVICE TRAILER vehicle braking or manual trailer
BRAKE SYSTEM message will brakes are applied.
also be displayed in the DIC)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (122,1)
Other ITBC-Related DIC Messages If the disconnect occurs while To determine if the electrical
In addition to displaying TRAILER the vehicle is stationary, this fault is on the vehicle side or trailer
GAIN and TRAILER OUTPUT message will automatically side of the trailer wiring harness
through the DIC, trailer connection turn off in about 30 seconds. connection, do the following:
and ITBC system status are This message will also turn off 1. Disconnect the trailer wiring
displayed on the DIC. if the driver acknowledges this harness from the vehicle.
message or if the trailer harness
TRAILER CONNECTED: This is re-connected. 2. Turn the ignition off.
message will be briefly displayed 3. Wait 10 seconds, then turn the
when a trailer with electric brakes If the disconnect occurs
while the vehicle is moving, ignition back to RUN.
is first connected to the vehicle.
This message will automatically turn this message will continue 4. If the CHECK TRAILER WIRING
off in about 10 seconds. The driver until the ignition is turned off. message re-appears, the
can also acknowledge this message This message will also turn off electrical fault is on the
before it automatically turns off. if the driver acknowledges this vehicle side.
message or if the trailer harness
message will be displayed if: message only re-appears when
2. There is an electrical fault in connecting the trailer wiring
1. The ITBC system first the wiring to the electric trailer harness to the vehicle, the
determines connection to a brakes. This message will electrical fault is on the
trailer with electric brakes and continue as long as there is trailer side.
then the trailer harness becomes an electrical fault in the trailer
disconnected from the vehicle. wiring. This message will
also turn off if the driver
acknowledges this message.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (124,1)
SERVICE TRAILER BRAKE An authorized GM dealer may without the driver pressing the brake
SYSTEM: This message will be be able to diagnose and repair pedal. If the vehicle is equipped with
displayed when there is a problem problems with the trailer. However, the Integrated Trailer Brake Control
with the ITBC system. If this any diagnosis and repair of the (ITBC) system, StabiliTrak may also
message persists over multiple trailer is not covered under the apply the trailer brakes. The TCS/
ignition cycles, there is a problem vehicle warranty. Please contact StabiliTrak warning light will flash on
with the ITBC system. Take the your trailer dealer for assistance the instrument panel cluster to notify
vehicle to an authorized GM dealer with trailer repairs and trailer the driver to reduce speed. If the
to have the ITBC system diagnosed warranty information. trailer continues to sway, StabiliTrak
and repaired. will reduce engine torque to help
If either the CHECK TRAILER Trailer Sway slow the vehicle.
WIRING or SERVICE TRAILER Control (TSC) Adding non‐dealer accessories can
BRAKE SYSTEM message is affect the vehicle's performance.
displayed while driving the vehicle, Trailer Sway Control (TSC) See Accessories and Modifications
power is no longer available 2500 and 3500 series vehicles with on page 10‑3 for more information.
to the trailer brakes. When traffic StabiliTrak have a Trailer Sway
conditions allow, carefully pull the Control (TSC) feature. If the vehicle
vehicle over to the side of the road is towing a trailer and the system
and turn the ignition off. Check the detects that the trailer is swaying,
wiring connection to the trailer and the vehicle's brakes are applied
turn the ignition back on. If either of
these messages continues, either
the vehicle or trailer needs service.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (125,1)
Conversions and Adding a Snow Plow or Some vehicles are built with a
special snow plow prep package,
Add-Ons Similar Equipment called RPO VYU. If your vehicle
Before installing a snow plow on the has this option, you can add a
Add-On Electrical vehicle, here are some things you plow to it, provided certain weights,
need to know: such as the weights on the vehicle's
Equipment axles and the Gross Vehicle
Notice: If your vehicle does
Notice: Do not add anything Weight (GVW), are not exceeded.
not have the snow plow prep
electrical to the vehicle unless The plow the vehicle can carry
package, adding a plow can
you check with your dealer first. depends on many things, such as:
damage your vehicle, and the
Some electrical equipment can
repairs would not be covered by . The options the vehicle came
damage the vehicle and the
warranty. Unless your vehicle was with, and the weight of those
damage would not be covered
built to carry a snow plow, do not options.
by the vehicle's warranty. Some
add one to your vehicle. If your
add-on electrical equipment can . The weight and number of
vehicle has the snow plow prep
keep other components from passengers you intend to carry.
package, called RPO VYU, then
working as they should.
the payload your vehicle can . The weight of items added to
Add-on equipment can drain the carry will be reduced when a the vehicle, like a tool box or
vehicle battery, even if the vehicle snow plow is installed. Your truck cap.
is not operating. vehicle can be damaged if either
the front or rear axle ratings or
. The total weight of any
The vehicle has an airbag system. additional cargo you intend
Before attempting to add anything the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)
are exceeded. to carry.
electrical to the vehicle, see
Servicing the Airbag-Equipped
Vehicle on page 3‑46 and Adding
Equipment to the Airbag-Equipped
Vehicle on page 3‑46.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (126,1)
This has the effect of reducing the Total vehicle reserve capacity is the
load on the front. However, the front WARNING (Continued) difference between the GVWR and
GAWR, rear GAWR, and the Gross the weight of the truck with full fuel
Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) must always follow the snow plow and passengers. It is the amount of
never be exceeded. manufacturer or installer's weight that can be added to the
recommendation for rear ballast vehicle before reaching the GVWR.
{ WARNING to ensure a proper front and rear
weight distribution ratio, even
Keep in mind that reserve capacity
numbers are intended as a guide
On some vehicles that have though the actual front weight when selecting the amount of
certain front mounted equipment, may be less than the front equipment or cargo the truck can
such as a snow plow, it may be GAWR, and the total vehicle carry. If unsure of the vehicle's front,
possible to load the front axle to weight is less than the gross rear, or total weight, go to a weigh
the front gross axle weight rating vehicle weight rating (GVWR). station and weigh the vehicle.
(GAWR) but not have enough Maintaining a proper front and Your dealer can also help with this.
weight on the rear axle to have rear weight distribution ratio is The total vehicle reserve capacity
proper braking performance. necessary to provide proper for the vehicle can be found
If your brakes can not work braking performance. in the lower right corner of the
properly, you could have a crash. Certification/Tire label as shown
To help your brakes work properly previously.
when a snow plow is installed, See your dealer for additional
(Continued) advice and information about
using a snow plow on the vehicle.
Also, see Vehicle Load Limits on
page 9‑25.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (129,1)
Pickup Conversion to
Chassis Cab
We are aware that some vehicle
owners might consider having
the pickup box removed and a
commercial or recreational body
installed. Owners should be aware
that, as manufactured, there are
differences between a chassis cab
and a pickup with the box removed
which could affect vehicle safety.
The components necessary to adapt
a pickup to permit its safe use with
a specialized body should be
installed by the body builder.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (130,1)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
5.3 L V8 Engine Shown (4.3 L V6 Engine, 4.8 L V6 Engine, 6.0 L V8 Engine, and 6.2 L V8 Engine Similar)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
Checking Engine Oil When to Add Engine Oil Notice: Do not add too much
oil. Oil levels above or below
It is a good idea to check the
the acceptable operating range
engine oil level at each fuel fill.
shown on the dipstick are harmful
In order to get an accurate reading,
to the engine. If you find that
the vehicle must be on level ground.
you have an oil level above the
The engine oil dipstick handle
operating range, i.e., the engine
is a yellow loop. See Engine
has so much oil that the oil level
Compartment Overview on
gets above the cross-hatched
page 10‑6 for the location If the oil is below the cross-hatched area that shows the proper
of the engine oil dipstick. area at the tip of the dipstick, add operating range, the engine
Obtaining an accurate oil level 1 L (1 qt) of the recommended could be damaged. You should
reading is essential: oil and then recheck the level. drain out the excess oil or limit
See “Selecting the Right Engine Oil” driving of the vehicle and seek a
1. If the engine has been running in this section for an explanation of
recently, turn off the engine and service professional to remove
what kind of oil to use. For engine the excess amount of oil.
allow several minutes for the oil oil crankcase capacity, see
to drain back into the oil pan. Capacities and Specifications on See Engine Compartment Overview
Checking the oil level too soon page 12‑2. on page 10‑6 for the location of the
after engine shutoff will not engine oil fill cap.
provide an accurate oil level
Add enough oil to put the level
somewhere in the proper operating
2. Pull out the dipstick and clean range. Push the dipstick all the way
it with a paper towel or cloth, back in when through.
then push it back in all the way.
Remove it again, keeping the tip
down, and check the level.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (9,1)
Engine Oil Additives/Engine What to Do with Used Oil Engine Oil Life System
Oil Flushes Used engine oil contains certain When to Change Engine Oil
Do not add anything to the oil. elements that can be unhealthy for
The recommended oils with the your skin and could even cause This vehicle has a computer system
dexos specification and displaying cancer. Do not let used oil stay on that indicates when to change the
the dexos certification mark are all your skin for very long. Clean your engine oil and filter. This is based
that is needed for good performance skin and nails with soap and water, on engine revolutions and engine
and engine protection. or a good hand cleaner. Wash or temperature, and not on mileage.
properly dispose of clothing or rags Based on driving conditions, the
Engine oil system flushes are not mileage at which an oil change is
containing used engine oil. See the
recommended and could cause indicated can vary considerably.
manufacturer's warnings about the
engine damage not covered by For the oil life system to work
use and disposal of oil products.
the vehicle warranty. properly, the system must be reset
Used oil can be a threat to the
every time the oil is changed.
environment. If you change your
own oil, be sure to drain all the On some vehicles, when the system
oil from the filter before disposal. has calculated that oil life has been
Never dispose of oil by putting it diminished, a CHANGE ENGINE
in the trash or pouring it on the OIL SOON message comes on
ground, into sewers, or into streams to indicate that an oil change is
or bodies of water. Recycle it by necessary. See Engine Oil
taking it to a place that collects Messages on page 5‑45. Change
used oil. the oil as soon as possible within
the next 1 000 km (600 miles).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
It is possible that, if driving under How to Reset the Engine Oil On all vehicles, the Engine Oil Life
the best conditions, the oil life Life System System can be reset as follows:
system might indicate that an oil 1. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN with
change is not necessary for up Reset the system whenever the
engine oil is changed so that the the engine off.
to a year. The engine oil and filter
must be changed at least once system can calculate the next 2. Fully press the accelerator
a year and, at this time, the engine oil change. Always reset the pedal slowly three times within
system must be reset. For vehicles engine oil life to 100% after every five seconds.
without the CHANGE ENGINE OIL oil change. It will not reset itself.
To reset the system on most 3. Display the OIL LIFE
SOON message, an oil change REMAINING on the DIC.
is needed when the OIL LIFE vehicles:
If the display shows 100%,
REMAINING percentage is near 1. Display the OIL LIFE the system is reset. See Driver
0%. Your dealer has trained service REMAINING on the DIC. Information Center (DIC) on
people who will perform this work If the vehicle does not have page 5‑33.
and reset the system. It is also DIC buttons, the vehicle must
important to check the oil regularly be in P (Park) to access this If the vehicle has a CHANGE
over the course of an oil drain display. See Driver Information ENGINE OIL SOON message
interval and keep it at the proper Center (DIC) on page 5‑33. and it comes back on when
level. the vehicle is started and/or the
2. Press and hold the SET/RESET OIL LIFE REMAINING is near 0%,
If the system is ever reset button on the DIC, or the the engine oil life system has not
accidentally, the oil must be trip odometer reset stem been reset. Repeat the procedure.
changed at 5 000 km (3,000 miles) if the vehicle does not have
since the last oil change. DIC buttons, for more than
Remember to reset the oil life five seconds. The oil life will
system whenever the oil is changed. change to 100%.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (13,1)
A cold fluid check can be made Checking the Fluid Level Then, without shutting off the
after the vehicle has been sitting Prepare the vehicle as follows: engine, follow these steps:
for eight hours or more with the
engine off, but this is used only 1. Park the vehicle on a level
as a reference. Let the engine place. Keep the engine running.
run at idle for five minutes if outside 2. With the parking brake applied,
temperatures are 10°C (50°F) place the shift lever in P (Park).
or more. If it is colder than 10°C
(50°F), the engine may have to idle 3. With your foot on the brake
longer. Should the fluid level be low pedal, move the shift lever 1. Locate the transmission dipstick
during this cold check, the fluid must through each gear range, handle with this graphic which is
be checked when hot before adding pausing for about three seconds located at the rear of the engine
fluid. Checking the fluid hot will give in each range. Then, position compartment, on the passenger
you a more accurate reading of the the shift lever in P (Park). side of the vehicle.
fluid level. 4. Let the engine run at idle for See Engine Compartment
three minutes or more. Overview on page 10‑6 for
more information on location.
2. Flip the handle up, then pull out
the dipstick and wipe it with a
clean rag or paper towel.
3. Push it back in all the way, wait
three seconds and then pull it
back out again.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (15,1)
If the decision is made not to lift the Notice: If the engine catches fire
hood when this warning appears, while driving with no coolant, the WARNING (Continued)
get service help right away. vehicle can be badly damaged.
See Roadside Assistance Program The costly repairs would not If you keep driving when the
(U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑8 be covered by the vehicle vehicles engine is overheated,
or Roadside Assistance Program warranty. See Overheated Engine the liquids in it can catch fire.
(Mexico) on page 13‑10. Protection Operating Mode on You or others could be badly
page 10‑28 for information on burned. Stop the engine if it
If the decision is made to lift the overheats, and get out of the
hood, make sure the vehicle is driving to a safe place in an
emergency. vehicle until the engine is cool.
parked on a level surface.
If Steam is Coming from the See Overheated Engine
Then check to see if the engine
cooling fans are running. If the Engine Compartment Protection Operating Mode on
engine is overheating, both fans page 10‑28 for information on
driving to a safe place in an
should be running. If they are not,
do not continue to run the engine
{ WARNING emergency.
and have the vehicle serviced. Steam from an overheated engine
Notice: Engine damage from can burn you badly, even if you
running your engine without just open the hood. Stay away
coolant is not covered by the from the engine if you see or
vehicle warranty. See Overheated hear steam coming from it.
Engine Protection Operating Turn it off and get everyone
Mode for information on driving away from the vehicle until it
to a safe place in an emergency. cools down. Wait until there
is no sign of steam or coolant
before you open the hood.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (27,1)
If No Steam is Coming from If the ENGINE OVERHEATED Continue to drive the vehicle slowly
the Engine Compartment STOP ENGINE or the ENGINE for about 10 minutes. Keep a safe
OVERHEATED IDLE ENGINE vehicle distance from the vehicle in
The ENGINE OVERHEATED message appears with no sign of front. If the warning does not come
STOP ENGINE or the ENGINE steam, try this for a minute or so: back on, continue to drive normally.
message, along with a low coolant 1. Turn the air conditioning off. If the warning continues, pull
condition, can indicate a serious 2. Turn the heater on to the highest over, stop, and park the vehicle
problem. temperature and to the highest right away.
If there is an engine overheat fan speed. Open the windows If there is no sign of steam, idle
warning, but no steam is seen or as necessary. the engine for five minutes while
heard, the problem may not be too 3. If stopped in a traffic jam, apply parked. If the warning is still
serious. Sometimes the engine can the brake, shift to N (Neutral); displayed, turn off the engine until it
get a little too hot when the vehicle: otherwise, shift to the highest cools down. Also, see “Overheated
gear while driving — D (Drive) Engine Protection Operating Mode”
. Climbs a long hill on a hot day later in this section.
or 3 (Third).
. Stops after high-speed driving
If the temperature overheat gauge
. Idles for long periods in traffic is no longer in the overheat zone
. Tows a trailer; see Trailer Towing or an overheat warning no longer
on page 9‑95. displays, the vehicle can be driven.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (28,1)
Overheated Engine Engine Fan This fan noise may also be heard
when starting the engine. It will go
Protection If the vehicle has a clutched engine away as the fan clutch partially
Operating Mode cooling fan, when the clutch is disengages.
engaged, the fan spins faster to
If an overheated engine condition provide more air to cool the engine. If the vehicle has electric cooling
exists and the ENGINE POWER IS In most everyday driving conditions, fans, the fans may be heard
REDUCED message displays, an the fan is spinning slower and spinning at low speed during
overheat protection mode which the clutch is not fully engaged. most everyday driving. The fans
alternates firing groups of cylinders This improves fuel economy and may turn off if no cooling is required.
helps to prevent engine damage. reduces fan noise. Under heavy Under heavy vehicle loading, trailer
In this mode, a loss in power and vehicle loading, trailer towing, towing, high outside temperatures,
engine performance will be noticed. and/or high outside temperatures, or operation of the air conditioning
This operating mode allows the the fan speed increases as the system, the fans may change to
vehicle to be driven to a safe clutch more fully engages, so an high speed and an increase in fan
place in an emergency. Driving increase in fan noise may be heard. noise may be heard. This is normal
extended km (mi) and/or towing a This is normal and should not be and indicates that the cooling
trailer in the overheat protection mistaken as the transmission system is functioning properly.
mode should be avoided. slipping or making extra shifts. The fans will change to low speed
Notice: After driving in the It is merely the cooling system when additional cooling is no
overheated engine protection functioning properly. The fan will longer required.
operating mode, to avoid engine slow down when additional cooling
damage, allow the engine to cool is not required and the clutch
before attempting any repair. disengages.
The engine oil will be severely
degraded. Repair the cause
of coolant loss, change the oil
and reset the oil life system.
See Engine Oil on page 10‑7.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (29,1)
Some driving conditions or climates Drum brakes have an inspection Replacing Brake System Parts
can cause a brake squeal when hole to inspect lining wear during
The braking system on a vehicle is
the brakes are first applied or scheduled maintenance. When
complex. Its many parts have to be
lightly applied. This does not mean the front brake pads are replaced,
of top quality and work well together
something is wrong with the brakes. have the rear brakes inspected, too.
if the vehicle is to have really good
Properly torqued wheel nuts are Brake linings should always be braking. The vehicle was designed
necessary to help prevent brake replaced as complete axle sets. and tested with top-quality brake
pulsation. When tires are rotated, parts. When parts of the braking
inspect brake pads for wear and Brake Pedal Travel system are replaced, be sure to get
evenly tighten wheel nuts in See your dealer if the brake pedal new, approved replacement parts.
the proper sequence to torque does not return to normal height, If this is not done, the brakes might
specifications in Capacities and or if there is a rapid increase in not work properly. For example,
Specifications on page 12‑2. pedal travel. This could be a installing disc brake pads that
If the vehicle has rear drum brakes, sign that brake service might are wrong for the vehicle, can
they do not have wear indicators, be required. change the balance between the
but if a rear brake rubbing noise is front and rear brakes — for the
Brake Adjustment worse. The braking performance
heard, have the rear brake linings
inspected immediately. Rear brake Every time the brakes are applied, expected can change in many
drums should be removed and with or without the vehicle moving, other ways if the wrong replacement
inspected each time the tires are the brakes adjust for wear. brake parts are installed.
removed for rotation or changing.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (32,1)
Front Axle
When to Check and Change
It is not necessary to regularly
check front axle fluid unless a leak
is suspected, or an unusual noise is
heard. A fluid loss could indicate a
problem. Have it inspected and
How to Check Lubricant
To get an accurate reading, the 1500 Series All Except 1500 Series
vehicle should be on a level
A. Fill Plug A. Fill Plug
B. Drain Plug B. Drain Plug
. When the differential is cold,
add enough lubricant to raise the
level from 0 mm (0 in) to 3.2 mm
(1/8 in) below the fill plug hole.
. When the differential is at
operating temperature (warm),
add enough lubricant to raise
the level to the bottom of the fill
plug hole.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (37,1)
Among those acts presumed to Exhaust: 2. Firmly apply both the parking
constitute tampering are the acts . Removal of the muffler and/or brake and the regular brake.
listed below. resonator. See Parking Brake on
page 9‑69.
Insulation: . Removal of the exhaust pipes
and exhaust pipe clamps. Do not use the accelerator
Removal of the noise shields or any pedal, and be ready to turn off
underhood insulation. the engine immediately if it
Starter Switch Check starts.
3. Try to start the engine in each
Removal or rendering engine speed
governor, if the vehicle has one,
{ WARNING gear. The vehicle should start
inoperative so as to allow engine When you are doing this only in P (Park) or N (Neutral).
speed to exceed manufacturer inspection, the vehicle could If the vehicle starts in any other
specifications. move suddenly. If the vehicle position, contact your dealer for
Fan and Drive: moves, you or others could be
. Removal of fan clutch, if the
vehicle has one, or rendering
clutch inoperative. 1. Before starting this check, be
sure there is enough room
. Removal of the fan shroud, if the
around the vehicle.
vehicle has one.
Air Intake:
. Removal of the air cleaner
. Modification of the air cleaner.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (40,1)
Automatic Transmission 3. With the engine off, turn the Park Brake and P (Park)
ignition on, but do not start the
Shift Lock Control engine. Without applying the
Mechanism Check
Function Check regular brake, try to move the
shift lever out of P (Park) with { WARNING
{ WARNING normal effort. If the shift lever
moves out of P (Park), contact When you are doing this check,
When you are doing this your dealer for service. the vehicle could begin to move.
inspection, the vehicle could You or others could be injured
move suddenly. If the vehicle Ignition Transmission and property could be damaged.
moves, you or others could be Make sure there is room in front
Lock Check of the vehicle in case it begins to
While parked, and with the parking roll. Be ready to apply the regular
brake set, try to turn the ignition brake at once should the vehicle
1. Before starting this check, be to LOCK/OFF in each shift lever begin to move.
sure there is enough room position.
around the vehicle. It should
be parked on a level surface.
. The ignition should turn to
LOCK/OFF only when the
2. Firmly apply the parking shift lever is in P (Park).
brake. See Parking Brake on
page 9‑69.
. The ignition key should come
out only in LOCK/OFF.
Be ready to apply the regular
brake immediately if the vehicle Contact your dealer if service is
begins to move. required.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (41,1)
Headlamp Aiming The vehicle should: Headlamp aiming is done with the
vehicle's low-beam headlamps.
. Be placed so the headlamps
The vehicle has a visual optical The high-beam headlamps will be
are 7.6 m (25 ft) from a
headlamp aiming system. The aim correctly aimed if the low-beam
light‐colored wall.
of the headlamps has been preset headlamps are aimed properly.
. Have all four tires on a level
at the factory and should need no
surface which is level all the To adjust the vertical aim:
further adjustment.
way to the wall. 1. Open the hood. See Hood on
However, if the vehicle is damaged
. Be placed so it is perpendicular page 10‑5.
in a crash, the aim of the headlamps
may be affected and adjustment to the wall.
may be necessary. . Not have any snow, ice, or mud
If oncoming vehicles flash their high on it.
beams at you, this may mean the . Be fully assembled and all other
vertical aim of the headlamps needs work stopped while headlamp
to be adjusted. aiming is being performed.
It is recommended that the vehicle . Be loaded with a full tank of
be taken to the dealer for service if fuel and one person or 75 kg
the headlamps need to be adjusted. (160 lbs) sitting on the
It is possible, however, to re-aim the driver seat.
headlamps as described.
. Have the tires properly inflated.
. Have the spare tire in its proper 2. Locate the aim dot on the lens of
location in the vehicle. the low‐beam headlamp.
3. Record the distance from the
ground to the aim dot on the
low‐beam headlamp.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (43,1)
A. Backup Lamp
B. Stoplamp/Taillamp/Turn
Signal Lamp
Electrical System Replace a bad fuse with a new one Windshield Wipers
of the identical size and rating.
If the wiper motor overheats due to
Electrical System If there is a problem on the road heavy snow or ice, the windshield
and a fuse needs to be replaced, wipers will stop until the motor cools
Overload the same amperage fuse can be and will then restart.
The vehicle has fuses and circuit borrowed. Choose some feature of
Although the circuit is protected
breakers to protect against an the vehicle that is not needed to use
from electrical overload, overload
electrical system overload. and replace it as soon as possible.
due to heavy snow or ice may
When the current electrical load is Headlamp Wiring cause wiper linkage damage.
too heavy, the circuit breaker opens Always clear ice and heavy snow
and closes, protecting the circuit An electrical overload may cause from the windshield before using
until the current load returns to the lamps to go on and off, or in the windshield wipers.
normal or the problem is fixed. some cases to remain off. Have
the headlamp wiring checked right If the overload is caused by an
This greatly reduces the chance
away if the lamps go on and off or electrical problem and not snow or
of circuit overload and fire caused
remain off. ice, be sure to get it fixed.
by electrical problems.
Fuses and circuit breakers protect
the following in the vehicle:
. Headlamp Wiring
. Windshield Wiper Motor
. Power Windows and Other
Power Accessories
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (50,1)
Fuses Usage
Trailer Brake
7 Front Washer
8 Oxygen Sensor
Antilock Brakes
System 2
Trailer Back-up
Driver Side
11 Low-Beam
Engine Control
Module (Battery)
Fuel Injectors,
Fuses Usage Fuses Usage 13 Ignition Coils
Right Trailer Left Trailer (Right Side)
1 3
Stop/Turn Lamp Stop/Turn Lamp Transmission
Electronic 4 Engine Controls 14 Control Module
Suspension (Battery)
Engine Control
2 Control, Automatic 5 Module, Throttle Vehicle Back-up
Level Control 15
Control Lamps
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (52,1)
Relays Usage
Rear Defogger
RUN/CRNK Switched Power
(B) TPC Spec (Tire (D) DOT (Department of (F) Tire Ply Material : The type
Performance Criteria Transportation): The of cord and number of plies in
Specification): Original Department of Transportation the sidewall and under the tread.
equipment tires designed to (DOT) code indicates that (G) Single Tire Maximum
GM's specific tire performance the tire is in compliance Load: Maximum load that can
criteria have a TPC specification with the U.S. Department of be carried and the maximum
code molded onto the sidewall. Transportation Motor Vehicle pressure needed to support
GM's TPC specifications meet Safety Standards. that load when used as a
or exceed all federal safety (E) Tire Identification Number single. For information on
guidelines. (TIN): The letters and numbers recommended tire pressure see
(C) Dual Tire Maximum Load: following DOT code are the Tire Tire Pressure on page 10‑66
Maximum load that can be Identification Number (TIN). The and Vehicle Load Limits on
carried and the maximum TIN shows the manufacturer and page 9‑25.
pressure needed to support plant code, tire size, and date
that load when used in a dual the tire was manufactured.
configuration. For information on The TIN is molded onto both
recommended tire pressure see sides of the tire, although only
Tire Pressure on page 10‑66 one side may have the date of
and Vehicle Load Limits on manufacture.
page 9‑25.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (61,1)
Tire Designations (C) Aspect Ratio: A two‐digit (F) Service Description: These
number that indicates the tire characters represent the load
Tire Size height‐to‐width measurements. index and speed rating of the
The following examples show For example, if the tire size tire. The load index represents
the different parts of a tire size. aspect ratio is 75, as shown the load carrying capacity a tire
in item C of the tire illustration, is certified to carry. The speed
it would mean that the tire's rating is the maximum speed a
sidewall is 75 percent as high tire is certified to carry a load.
as it is wide.
(D) Construction Code: A
letter code is used to indicate
Passenger (P‐Metric) Tire the type of ply construction in
(A) Passenger (P‐Metric) Tire: the tire. The letter R means
The United States version of radial ply construction; the
letter D means diagonal or Light Truck (LT‐Metric) Tire
a metric tire sizing system.
The letter P as the first bias ply construction; and the (A) Light Truck (LT‐Metric)
character in the tire size letter B means belted‐bias ply Tire: The United States version
means a passenger vehicle construction. of a metric tire sizing system.
tire engineered to standards (E) Rim Diameter : Diameter of The letters LT as the first two
set by the U.S. Tire and Rim the wheel in inches. characters in the tire size means
Association. a light truck tire engineered to
standards set by the U.S. Tire
(B) Tire Width: The three‐digit
and Rim Association.
number indicates the tire section
width in millimeters from
sidewall to sidewall.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (62,1)
(B) Tire Width: The three‐digit (E) Rim Diameter : Diameter of Accessory Weight: This
number indicates the tire section the wheel in inches. means the combined weight
width in millimeters from (F) Load Range : Load Range. of optional accessories.
sidewall to sidewall. Some examples of optional
(G) Service Description: The accessories are, automatic
(C) Aspect Ratio: A two‐digit service description indicates the
number that indicates the tire transmission, power steering,
load index and speed rating of a power brakes, power windows,
height‐to‐width measurements. tire. If two numbers are given as
For example, if the tire size power seats, and air
in the example, 120/116, then conditioning.
aspect ratio is 75, as shown this represents the load index for
in item C of the light truck single versus dual wheel usage Aspect Ratio: The relationship
(LT‐Metric) tire illustration, (single/dual). The speed rating of a tire's height to its width.
it would mean that the tire's is the maximum speed a tire is Belt: A rubber coated layer of
sidewall is 75 percent as high certified to carry a load. cords that is located between
as it is wide. the plies and the tread. Cords
(D) Construction Code: A Tire Terminology and may be made from steel or
letter code is used to indicate Definitions other reinforcing materials.
the type of ply construction in Bead: The tire bead contains
the tire. The letter R means Air Pressure: The amount
of air inside the tire pressing steel wires wrapped by steel
radial ply construction; the cords that hold the tire onto
letter D means diagonal or outward on each square inch
of the tire. Air pressure is the rim.
bias ply construction; and the
letter B means belted‐bias ply expressed in psi (pounds per
construction. square inch) or kPa (kilopascal).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (63,1)
Bias Ply Tire: A pneumatic DOT Markings: A code GAWR RR: Gross Axle
tire in which the plies are laid molded into the sidewall of Weight Rating for the rear axle.
at alternate angles less than a tire signifying that the tire See Vehicle Load Limits on
90 degrees to the centerline is in compliance with the U.S. page 9‑25.
of the tread. Department of Transportation Intended Outboard Sidewall :
Cold Tire Pressure: The (DOT) motor vehicle safety The side of an asymmetrical tire,
amount of air pressure in a tire, standards. The DOT code that must always face outward
measured in kPa (kilopascal) includes the Tire Identification when mounted on a vehicle.
or psi (pounds per square inch) Number (TIN), an alphanumeric
designator which can also Kilopascal (kPa): The metric
before a tire has built up heat unit for air pressure.
from driving. See Tire Pressure identify the tire manufacturer,
on page 10‑66. production plant, brand, and Light Truck (LT‐Metric) Tire: A
date of production. tire used on light duty trucks and
Curb Weight: The weight of a some multipurpose passenger
motor vehicle with standard and GVWR: Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating. See Vehicle Load Limits vehicles.
optional equipment including
the maximum capacity of fuel, on page 9‑25. Load Index: An assigned
oil, and coolant, but without GAWR FRT: Gross Axle number ranging from 1 to 279
passengers and cargo. Weight Rating for the front axle. that corresponds to the load
See Vehicle Load Limits on carrying capacity of a tire.
page 9‑25.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (64,1)
When you end this high‐speed pressure label. (If your vehicle has Please note that the TPMS is
driving, return the tires to the cold tires of a different size than the size not a substitute for proper tire
inflation pressure shown on the indicated on the vehicle placard or maintenance, and it is the driver's
Tire and Loading Information tire inflation pressure label, you responsibility to maintain correct tire
label. See Vehicle Load Limits on should determine the proper tire pressure, even if under‐inflation
page 9‑25 and Tire Pressure on inflation pressure for those tires.) has not reached the level to trigger
page 10‑66. As an added safety feature, your illumination of the TPMS low tire
vehicle has been equipped with a pressure telltale.
Tire Pressure Monitor tire pressure monitoring system Your vehicle has also been
System (TPMS) that illuminates a low equipped with a TPMS malfunction
tire pressure telltale when one or indicator to indicate when the
The Tire Pressure Monitor System
more of your tires is significantly system is not operating properly.
(TPMS) uses radio and sensor
under‐inflated. The TPMS malfunction indicator is
technology to check tire pressure
Accordingly, when the low tire combined with the low tire pressure
levels. The TPMS sensors monitor
pressure telltale illuminates, you telltale. When the system detects a
the air pressure in your tires and
should stop and check your tires as malfunction, the telltale will flash for
transmit tire pressure readings to
soon as possible, and inflate them approximately one minute and then
a receiver located in the vehicle.
to the proper pressure. Driving on remain continuously illuminated.
Each tire, including the spare This sequence will continue upon
a significantly under‐inflated tire
(if provided), should be checked subsequent vehicle start‐ups as
causes the tire to overheat and can
monthly when cold and inflated to long as the malfunction exists.
lead to tire failure. Under‐inflation
the inflation pressure recommended
also reduces fuel efficiency and
by the vehicle manufacturer on the
tire tread life, and may affect the
vehicle placard or tire inflation
vehicle's handling and stopping
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (69,1)
For additional information and The TPMS can warn about a TPMS Malfunction Light and
details about the DIC operation and low tire pressure condition but Message
displays, see Driver Information it does not replace normal tire
Center (DIC) on page 5‑33 and maintenance. See Tire Inspection The TPMS will not function properly
Tire Messages on page 5‑49. on page 10‑73, Tire Rotation on if one or more of the TPMS sensors
page 10‑73 and Tires on are missing or inoperable. When
The low tire pressure warning light the system detects a malfunction,
may come on in cool weather when page 10‑57.
the low tire pressure warning light
the vehicle is first started, and then Notice: Tire sealant materials are flashes for about one minute and
turn off as the vehicle is driven. not all the same. A non-approved then stays on for the remainder of
This could be an early indicator that tire sealant could damage the the ignition cycle. A DIC warning
the air pressure is getting low and TPMS sensors. TPMS sensor message also displays. The
needs to be inflated to the proper damage caused by using malfunction light and DIC warning
pressure. an incorrect tire sealant is message come on at each ignition
A Tire and Loading Information not covered by the vehicle cycle until the problem is corrected.
label shows the size of the original warranty. Always use only Some of the conditions that can
equipment tires and the correct the GM-approved tire sealant cause these to come on are:
inflation pressure for the tires when available through your dealer
or included in the vehicle.
. One of the road tires has been
they are cold. See Vehicle Load replaced with the spare tire.
Limits on page 9‑25, for an example The spare tire does not have a
of the Tire and Loading Information TPMS sensor. The malfunction
label and its location. Also see light and the DIC message
Tire Pressure on page 10‑66. should go off after the road
tire is replaced and the sensor
matching process is performed
successfully. See "TPMS Sensor
Matching Process" later in this
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (71,1)
There are two minutes to match The horn sounds twice to signal 6. Proceed to the passenger
the first tire/wheel position, and the receiver is in relearn mode side front tire, and repeat the
five minutes overall to match all and TIRE LEARNING ACTIVE procedure in Step 5.
four tire/wheel positions. If it takes message displays on the DIC 7. Proceed to the passenger
longer, the matching process stops screen. side rear tire, and repeat the
and must be restarted. If the vehicle does not have RKE procedure in Step 5.
The TPMS sensor matching or DIC buttons, press the trip 8. Proceed to the driver side rear
process is: odometer reset stem located on tire, and repeat the procedure
1. Set the parking brake. the instrument panel cluster until in Step 5. The horn sounds two
the PRESS V TO RELEARN times to indicate the sensor
2. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN with TIRE POSITIONS message
the engine off. identification code has been
displays. The horn sounds matched to the driver side rear
3. Press the Remote Keyless twice to signal the receiver tire, and the TPMS sensor
Entry (RKE) transmitter's LOCK is in relearn mode and TIRE matching process is no longer
and UNLOCK buttons at the LEARNING ACTIVE message active. The TIRE LEARNING
same time for approximately displays on the DIC screen. ACTIVE message on the DIC
five seconds. The horn sounds 4. Start with the driver side display screen goes off.
twice to signal the receiver front tire.
is in relearn mode and TIRE 9. Turn the ignition switch to
LEARNING ACTIVE message 5. Place the relearn tool against LOCK/OFF.
displays on the DIC screen. the tire sidewall, near the valve 10. Set all four tires to the
stem. Then press the button recommended air pressure
If the vehicle does not have
to activate the TPMS sensor. level as indicated on the Tire
RKE, press the Driver A horn chirp confirms that the
Information Center (DIC) vehicle and Loading Information label.
sensor identification code has
information button until the
been matched to this tire and
PRESS V TO RELEARN TIRE wheel position.
POSITIONS message displays.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (73,1)
Tire Inspection
. The tire has a bump, bulge, See When It Is Time for New
or split. Tires on page 10‑76 and Wheel
We recommend that you Replacement on page 10‑82.
regularly inspect the vehicle's
. The tire has a puncture, cut,
tires, including the spare tire, or other damage that cannot If your vehicle has dual rear
if the vehicle has one, for signs be repaired well because of wheels, also see Dual Tire
of wear or damage at least once the size or location of the Rotation on page 10‑75.
a month. damage.
Always remove the tires if any Tire Rotation
of the following statements
are true: Tires should be rotated every
12 000 km (7,500 miles).
. You can see the indicators at See Scheduled Maintenance on
three or more places around page 11‑2.
the tire.
The purpose of a regular tire
. You can see cord or fabric rotation is to achieve a uniform
showing through the tire's wear for all tires on the vehicle.
rubber. This will ensure that your vehicle
. The tread or sidewall is continues to perform most like it
cracked, cut, or snagged did when the tires were new. If your vehicle has single rear
deep enough to show cord wheels and the tread design for
Any time you notice unusual the front tires is the same as
or fabric. wear, rotate your tires as soon the rear tires, use the rotation
as possible and check wheel pattern shown here when
alignment. Also check for rotating the tires.
damaged tires or wheels.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (74,1)
Lightly coat the center of the Make sure the spare tire, if your
{ WARNING wheel hub with wheel bearing vehicle has one, is stored
Rust or dirt on a wheel, or on grease after a wheel change or securely. Push, pull, and then
the parts to which it is fastened, tire rotation to prevent corrosion try to rotate or turn the tire.
can make wheel nuts become or rust build-up. Do not get If it moves, tighten the cable.
loose after time. The wheel could grease on the flat wheel See “Storing a Flat or Spare
come off and cause an accident. mounting surface or on Tire and Tools” under Tire
When changing a wheel, remove the wheel nuts or bolts. Changing on page 10‑86.
any rust or dirt from places where If your vehicle has a Tire
the wheel attaches to the vehicle. Pressure Monitor System Dual Tire Rotation
In an emergency, use a cloth or a
(TPMS), reset the TPMS When the vehicle is new,
paper towel to do this; but be sure or whenever a wheel, wheel
sensors after rotating the tires.
to use a scraper or wire brush bolt or wheel nut is replaced,
later, if needed, to get all the rust
See Tire Pressure Monitor
Operation on page 10‑69. check the wheel nut torque
or dirt off. See If a Tire Goes Flat after 160, 1 600 and 10 000 km
on page 10‑84. (100, 1,000 and 6,000 miles) of
driving. For proper torque and
wheel nut tightening information,
see “Removing the Spare Tire and
Tools” under Tire Changing on
page 10‑86.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (76,1)
The outer tire on a dual wheel When It Is Time for New tires have only 1.6 mm (1/16 in)
setup generally wears faster than or less of tread remaining.
the inner tire. Your tires will wear
Tires Some commercial truck tires may
more evenly and last longer if you Various factors, such as not have treadwear indicators.
rotate the tires periodically, see Tire maintenance, temperatures, See Tire Inspection on page 10‑73
Inspection on page 10‑73 and Tire driving speeds, vehicle loading, and Tire Rotation on page 10‑73
Rotation on page 10‑73. Also see and road conditions influence for additional information.
Scheduled Maintenance on when you need new tires. The rubber in tires ages over time.
page 11‑2. This is also true for the spare tire,
if the vehicle has one, even if it is
{ WARNING not being used. Multiple conditions
affect how fast this aging takes
If you operate your vehicle with a place, including temperatures,
tire that is badly underinflated, the loading conditions, and inflation
tire can overheat. An overheated pressure maintenance. Tires will
tire can lose air suddenly or catch typically need to be replaced due to
fire. You or others could be wear before they may need to be
injured. Be sure all tires (including replaced due to age. Consult the tire
the spare) are properly inflated. manufacturer for more information
on when tires should be replaced.
See Tire Pressure on page 10‑66,
for information on proper tire One way to tell when it is time for
inflation. new tires is to check the treadwear
indicators, which appear when the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (77,1)
Vehicle Storage Buying New Tires GM's exclusive TPC Spec system
considers over a dozen critical
Tires age when stored normally GM has developed and matched specifications that impact the
mounted on a parked vehicle. Park specific tires for the vehicle. overall performance of the
a vehicle that will be stored for at The original equipment tires vehicle, including brake system
least a month in a cool, dry, clean installed on the vehicle, when performance, ride and handling,
area away from direct sunlight to it was new, were designed to meet traction control, and tire pressure
slow aging. This area should be General Motors Tire Performance monitoring performance. GM's TPC
free of grease, gasoline or other Criteria Specification (TPC Spec) Spec number is molded onto the
substances that can deteriorate system rating. If you need tire's sidewall near the tire size.
rubber. replacement tires, GM strongly If the tires have an all‐season
Parking for an extended period recommends that you get tires tread design, the TPC spec
can cause flat spots on the tires with the same TPC Spec rating. number will be followed by an
that may result in vibrations while This way, the vehicle will continue MS for mud and snow. See Tire
driving. When storing a vehicle for to have tires that are designed to Sidewall Labeling on page 10‑58
at least a month, remove the tires give the same performance and for additional information.
or raise the vehicle to reduce the vehicle safety, during normal use,
weight from the tires. as the original tires.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (78,1)
If a tire goes flat, avoid further tire When the vehicle has a flat tire (B),
and wheel damage by driving slowly WARNING (Continued) use the following example as a
to a level place, well off the road, guide to assist you in the placement
if possible. Turn on the hazard 3. If you have a of wheel blocks (A).
warning flashers. See Hazard four-wheel-drive vehicle,
Warning Flashers on page 6‑5. be sure the transfer case
is in a drive gear – not in
N (Neutral).
{ WARNING 4. Turn off the engine and do
Changing a tire can be not restart while the vehicle
dangerous. The vehicle can is raised.
slip off the jack and roll over 5. Do not allow passengers to
or fall on you or other people. remain in the vehicle.
You and they could be badly
To be even more certain the A. Wheel Block
injured or even killed. Find a level
vehicle will not move, put blocks B. Flat Tire
place to change your tire. To help
at the front and rear of the tire
prevent the vehicle from moving: The following information explains
farthest away from the one being
1. Set the parking brake firmly. changed. That would be the tire how to use the jack and change
on the other side, at the opposite a tire.
2. Put an automatic
transmission shift lever in end of the vehicle.
P (Park), or shift a manual
transmission to 1 (First) or
R (Reverse).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (86,1)
Tire Changing
Removing the Spare Tire and
For regular cab models, the 1. Open the spare tire lock cover
equipment you will need is on the bumper and use the
behind the passenger seat. ignition key to remove the spare
For extended and crew cab tire lock (J). To remove the spare
models, the equipment is on the tire lock, insert the ignition key
shelf behind the passenger side turn and pull straight out.
second row seat.
1. Turn the knob on the jack
counterclockwise to lower the
jack head to release the jack
from its holder.
2. Remove the wheel blocks
A. Spare Tire (Valve Stem
and the wheel block retainer
Pointed Down)
by turning the wing nut
counterclockwise. B. Hoist Assembly
3. Remove the wing nut used to C. Hoist Cable
retain the storage bag and tools D. Tire/Wheel Retainer
by turning it counterclockwise.
E. Hoist Shaft
You will use the jack handle 2. Assemble the wheel wrench (H)
extensions and the wheel wrench F. Hoist End of Extension Tool and the two jack handle
to remove the underbody-mounted G. Hoist Shaft Access Hole extensions (I) as shown.
spare tire.
H. Wheel Wrench
I. Jack Handle Extensions
J. Spare Tire Lock (If equipped)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (88,1)
wrench until the spare tire can Removing the Flat Tire and
be pulled out from under the Installing the Spare Tire
Use the following pictures and
5. Pull the spare tire out from under instructions to remove the flat tire
the vehicle. and raise the vehicle.
2. If your vehicle has wheel nut If the wheel has a smooth center 3. Use the wheel wrench and turn it
caps, loosen them by turning the cap, place the chisel end of the counterclockwise to loosen the
wheel wrench counterclockwise. wheel wrench in the slot on the wheel nuts. Do not remove the
If the vehicle has a center cap wheel, and gently pry it out. wheel nuts yet.
with wheel nut caps, the wheel
nut caps are designed to stay
with the center cap after they
are loosened. Remove the
entire center cap.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (90,1)
Front Position - 1500 Models Front Position - All Other Models Rear Position – 1500 Models
4. Position the jack under the Position the jack under the 5. If the flat tire is on the rear,
vehicle as shown. If the flat tire vehicle as shown. If the flat tire for 1500 models position the
is on the front of the vehicle is on the front of the vehicle (all jack under the rear axle about
(1500 Model vehicles), position other models), position the jack 2 inches (5 cm) inboard of the
the jack under the bracket on the frame behind the flat tire. shock absorber bracket.
attached to the vehicle's frame,
behind the flat tire.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (91,1)
Rust or dirt on a wheel, or on the Never use oil or grease on bolts
parts to which it is fastened, can or nuts because the nuts might
make wheel nuts become loose come loose. The vehicle's wheel
after time. The wheel could come could fall off, causing a crash.
off and cause an accident. When
changing a wheel, remove any 10. Put the wheel nuts back on
rust or dirt from places where the with the rounded end of the
wheel attaches to the vehicle. nuts toward the wheel.
In an emergency, use a cloth or
a paper towel to do this; but be 11. Tighten each wheel nut by
8. Remove any rust or dirt from the hand. Then use the wheel
sure to use a scraper or wire
wheel bolts, mounting surfaces, wrench to tighten the nuts
brush later, if needed, to get all and spare wheel. until the wheel is held against
the rust or dirt off. See If a Tire
9. Install the spare tire. the hub.
Goes Flat on page 10‑84.
12. Turn the wheel wrench
counterclockwise to lower
the vehicle. Lower the jack
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (93,1)
If wheel studs are damaged, they Wheel nuts that are improperly or
can break. If all the studs on a incorrectly tightened can cause
wheel broke, the wheel could the wheels to become loose or
come off and cause a crash. come off. The wheel nuts should
If any stud is damaged because be tightened with a torque wrench
of a loose-running wheel, it could to the proper torque specification
be that all of the studs are after replacing. Follow the torque
damaged. To be sure, replace all specification supplied by the
studs on the wheel. If the stud aftermarket manufacturer when
holes in a wheel have become using accessory locking wheel
13. Tighten the nuts firmly in a
larger, the wheel could collapse in nuts. See Capacities and
crisscross sequence as shown
operation. Replace any wheel if Specifications on page 12‑2 for by turning the wheel wrench
its stud holes have become larger original equipment wheel nut clockwise.
or distorted in any way. Inspect torque specifications.
hubs and hub‐piloted wheels For vehicles with dual wheels, have
for damage. Because of loose a technician check the wheel nut
Notice: Improperly tightened tightness of all wheels with a torque
running wheels, piloting pad wheel nuts can lead to brake
damage may occur and require wrench after the first 100 miles
pulsation and rotor damage. (160 km) and then 1,000 miles
replacement of the entire hub, for To avoid expensive brake repairs, (1600 km) after that. Repeat
proper centering of the wheels. evenly tighten the wheel nuts this service whenever you have
When replacing studs, hubs, in the proper sequence and to a tire removed or serviced. See
wheel nuts or wheels, be sure to the proper torque specification. Capacities and Specifications on
use GM original equipment parts. See Capacities and Specifications page 12‑2 for more information.
on page 12‑2 for the wheel nut
torque specification.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (94,1)
6. Raise the tire fully against the To store the jack and jack tools: 1. Put the tools (D) in the tool
underside of the vehicle by bag (E) and place them in the
turning the wheel wrench retaining bracket (C).
clockwise until you hear two 2. Tighten down the wing nut (C).
clicks or feel it skip twice.
You cannot overtighten the 3. Assemble the wheel blocks (B)
cable. and jack (G) together with the
wing nut (A) and retaining
bolt (H).
4. Position the jack (G) in the
mounting bracket (F). Position
the holes in the base of the
jack (G) onto the pin in the
mounting bracket (F).
A. Wing Nut Retaining Wheel 5. Return them to their original
Blocks location in the vehicle. For more
information, refer to “Removing
B. Wheel Blocks the Spare Tire and Tools” for
C. Wing Nut Retaining Tool Kit more information.
Full-Size Spare Tire Notice: If the vehicle has After installing the spare tire on your
four-wheel drive and the different vehicle, you should stop as soon as
Your vehicle, when new, had a size spare tire is installed on the possible and make sure the spare
fully-inflated spare tire. A spare vehicle, do not drive in four-wheel tire is correctly inflated. Have the
tire may lose air over time, so drive until you can have your damaged or flat road tire repaired
check its inflation pressure regularly. flat tire repaired and/or replaced. or replaced as soon as you can
See Tire Pressure on page 10‑66 You could damage the vehicle, and installed back onto your vehicle.
and Vehicle Load Limits on and the repair costs would not This way, the spare tire will be
page 9‑25 for information regarding be covered by your warranty. available in case you need it again.
proper tire inflation and loading your Never use four-wheel drive when
vehicle. For instruction on how to Do not mix tires and wheels of
the different size spare tire is different sizes, because they will
remove, install or store a spare tire, installed on the vehicle.
see “Removing the Flat Tire and not fit. Keep your spare tire and its
Installing the Spare” and “Storing a Your vehicle may have a different wheel together. If your vehicle has
Flat or Spare Tire and Tools” under size spare tire than the road tires a spare tire that does not match
Tire Changing on page 10‑86. originally installed on your vehicle. your vehicle's original road tires
This spare tire was developed for and wheels in size and type, do not
use on your vehicle, so it is all right include the spare in the tire rotation.
to drive on it. If your vehicle has
four-wheel drive and the different
size spare tire is installed, keep
the vehicle in two-wheel drive.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (98,1)
8. Do not let the other end 10. Connect the other end of the
touch metal. Connect it to negative (−) cable to a heavy,
the positive (+) terminal of the unpainted metal engine part
good battery. Use a remote or to the remote negative (−)
positive (+) terminal if the terminal, on the vehicle with
vehicle has one. the dead battery.
9. Now connect the black 11. Start the vehicle with the good
negative (−) cable to the battery and run the engine for a
negative (−) terminal of the while.
good battery. Use a remote 12. Try to start the vehicle that
negative (−) terminal if the had the dead battery. If it will
vehicle has one. not start after a few tries, it
5.3L engine (4.3L, 4.8L, 6.0L
Do not let the other end touch probably needs service.
and 6.2L similar) anything until the next step.
7. Connect the red positive (+)
cable to the positive (+) terminal
of the vehicle with the dead
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (102,1)
Dinghy Towing Two-wheel-drive vehicles should 2. Turn the engine off and firmly set
not be towed with all four wheels the parking brake.
Two-Wheel-Drive Vehicles on the ground. Two-wheel-drive 3. Securely attach the vehicle
transmissions have no provisions being towed to the tow vehicle.
for internal lubrication while being
Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicles
Shifting a four-wheel-drive
vehicle's transfer case into
N (Neutral) can cause the vehicle
to roll even if the transmission is
in P (Park). The driver or others
could be injured. Make sure the
parking brake is firmly set before
the transfer case is shifted to
Notice: If the vehicle is N (Neutral).
towed with all four wheels
on the ground, the drivetrain
components could be damaged. 4. Shift the transfer case to
The repairs would not be covered N (Neutral). See “Shifting into
by the vehicle warranty. Do not Neutral” under Four-Wheel Drive
Use the following procedure to
tow the vehicle with all four on page 9‑54 for the proper
dinghy tow a four-wheel-drive
wheels on the ground. procedure to select the Neutral
position for the vehicle.
1. Position the vehicle being towed
behind the tow vehicle and shift
the transmission to P (Park).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (105,1)
5. Release the parking brake only Dolly Towing transmission could be damaged.
after the vehicle being towed is The repairs would not be covered
firmly attached to the towing Front Towing (Front Wheels Off by the vehicle warranty. Never
vehicle. the Ground) – Two-Wheel-Drive tow the vehicle with the rear
Vehicles wheels on the ground.
6. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF
and remove the key — the Two-wheel-drive vehicles should
steering wheel will still turn. not be towed with the rear wheels
After towing, see “Shifting Out of on the ground. Two-wheel-drive
Neutral” under Four-Wheel Drive on transmissions have no provisions
page 9‑54 for the proper procedure for internal lubrication while being
to take the vehicle out of the Neutral towed.
position. To dolly tow a two‐wheel‐drive
vehicle, the vehicle must be towed
with the rear wheels on the dolly.
See “Rear Towing (Rear Wheels Off
the Ground)” later in this section for
more information.
Notice: If a two-wheel-drive
vehicle is towed with the rear
wheels on the ground, the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (106,1)
Front Towing (Front Wheels Off 3. Shift the transmission to 6. Secure the vehicle to the dolly
the Ground) – Four-Wheel-Drive P (Park). following the manufacturer's
Vehicles 4. Firmly set the parking brake. instructions.
7. Shift the transfer case to
{ WARNING N (Neutral). See “Shifting into
Neutral” under Four-Wheel Drive
Shifting a four-wheel-drive on page 9‑54 for the proper
vehicle's transfer case into procedure to select the neutral
N (Neutral) can cause the vehicle position for the vehicle.
to roll even if the transmission is 8. Release the parking brake only
in P (Park). The driver or others after the vehicle being towed is
could be injured. Make sure the firmly attached to the towing
parking brake is firmly set before vehicle.
the transfer case is shifted to 9. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.
N (Neutral).
After towing, see “Shifting Out of
Use the following procedure to dolly Neutral” under Four-Wheel Drive on
tow a four-wheel-drive vehicle from 5. Use an adequate clamping page 9‑54.
the front: device designed for towing to
1. Attach the dolly to the tow ensure that the front wheels are
vehicle following the dolly locked into the straight position.
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Drive the front wheels onto the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (107,1)
Rear Towing (Rear Wheels 3. Firmly set the parking brake. Four‐Wheel‐Drive Vehicles
Off the Ground) See Parking Brake on Use the following procedure to dolly
page 9‑69. tow a four-wheel-drive vehicle from
Two‐Wheel‐Drive Vehicles
4. Put the transmission in P (Park). the rear:
5. Secure the vehicle to the dolly 1. Attach the dolly to the tow
following the manufacturer's vehicle following the dolly
instructions. manufacturer's instructions.
6. Use an adequate clamping 2. Drive the rear wheels onto
device designed for towing to the dolly.
ensure that the front wheels are 3. Firmly set the parking brake.
locked into the straight position. See Parking Brake on
7. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF. page 9‑69.
4. Put the transmission in P (Park).
5. Secure the vehicle to the dolly
following the manufacturer's
Use the following procedure to dolly
tow a two-wheel-drive vehicle from
the rear:
1. Attach the dolly to the tow
vehicle following the dolly
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Drive the rear wheels onto the
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (108,1)
6. Use an adequate clamping Appearance Care Do not wash the vehicle in direct
device designed for towing to sunlight. Use a car washing soap.
ensure that the front wheels are Do not use cleaning agents that
locked into the straight position. Exterior Care are petroleum based or that contain
Silicone grease on weatherstrips acid or abrasives, as they can
{ WARNING will make them last longer, seal damage the paint, metal or plastic
on the vehicle. Approved cleaning
better, and not stick or squeak.
Shifting a four-wheel-drive Apply silicone grease with a clean products can be obtained from your
vehicle's transfer case into cloth. During very cold, damp dealer. Follow all manufacturers'
N (Neutral) can cause the vehicle weather frequent application may directions regarding correct
to roll even if the transmission is be required. See Recommended product usage, necessary safety
in P (Park). The driver or others Fluids and Lubricants on page 11‑8. precautions and appropriate
could be injured. Make sure the disposal of any vehicle care
Washing the Vehicle product.
parking brake is firmly set before
the transfer case is shifted to The best way to preserve the Rinse the vehicle well, before
N (Neutral). vehicle's finish is to keep it clean washing and after to remove all
by washing it often. cleaning agents completely. If they
Notice: Certain cleaners contain are allowed to dry on the surface,
7. Shift the transfer case to they could stain.
N (Neutral). See “Shifting into chemicals that can damage the
Neutral” under Four-Wheel Drive emblems or nameplates on the Dry the finish with a soft, clean
on page 9‑54 for the proper vehicle. Check the cleaning chamois or an all-cotton towel to
procedure to select the neutral product label. If it states that it avoid surface scratches and water
position for the vehicle. should not be used on plastic spotting.
parts, do not use it on the vehicle
8. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF. or damage may occur and it
After towing, see “Shifting Out of would not be covered by the
Neutral” under Four-Wheel Drive on warranty.
page 9‑54.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (109,1)
High pressure car washes may If the vehicle has a basecoat/ Exterior painted surfaces are
cause water to enter the vehicle. clearcoat paint finish, the clearcoat subject to aging, weather and
Avoid using high pressure washes gives more depth and gloss to chemical fallout that can take
closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to the colored basecoat. Always their toll over a period of years.
the surface of the vehicle. Use of use waxes and polishes that are To help keep the paint finish looking
power washers exceeding 8 274 kPa non-abrasive and made for a new, keep the vehicle garaged or
(1,200 psi) can result in damage or basecoat/clearcoat paint finish. covered whenever possible.
removal of paint and decals. Notice: Machine compounding Protecting Exterior Bright Metal
Cleaning Exterior or aggressive polishing on a Parts
Lamps/Lenses basecoat/clearcoat paint finish
Bright metal parts should be
may damage it. Use only
Use only lukewarm or cold water, a cleaned regularly to keep their
non-abrasive waxes and polishes
soft cloth and a car washing soap luster. Washing with water is all that
that are made for a basecoat/
to clean exterior lamps and lenses. is usually needed. However, chrome
clearcoat paint finish on the
Follow instructions under “Washing polish may be used on chrome or
the Vehicle”. stainless steel trim, if necessary.
Foreign materials such as calcium
Finish Care Use special care with aluminum
chloride and other salts, ice melting
trim. To avoid damaging protective
Occasional waxing or mild polishing agents, road oil and tar, tree sap,
trim, never use auto or chrome
of the vehicle by hand may be bird droppings, chemicals from
polish, steam or caustic soap to
necessary to remove residue from industrial chimneys, etc., can
clean aluminum. A coating of
the paint finish. Approved cleaning damage the vehicle's finish if they
wax, rubbed to high polish, is
products can be obtained from your remain on painted surfaces. Wash
recommended for all bright metal
dealer. the vehicle as soon as possible.
If necessary, use non-abrasive
cleaners that are marked safe for
painted surfaces to remove foreign
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (110,1)
Windshield and Wiper Blades Aluminum or Chrome-Plated Notice: Using strong soaps,
Wheels and Trim chemicals, abrasive polishes,
Clean the outside of the windshield
cleaners, brushes, or cleaners
with glass cleaner. The vehicle may have either that contain acid on aluminum
Clean the rubber blades using a aluminum or chrome-plated wheels. or chrome-plated wheels, could
lint free cloth or paper towel soaked Keep the wheels clean using a damage the surface of the
with windshield washer fluid or a soft clean cloth with mild soap and wheel(s). The repairs would
mild detergent. Wash the windshield water. Rinse with clean water. After not be covered by the vehicle
thoroughly when cleaning the rinsing thoroughly, dry with a soft warranty. Use only approved
blades. Bugs, road grime, sap clean towel. A wax may then be cleaners on aluminum or
and a buildup of vehicle wash/ applied. chrome-plated wheels.
wax treatments may cause wiper
Notice: Chrome wheels and other The surface of these wheels is
streaking. Replace the wiper blades
chrome trim may be damaged similar to the painted surface of the
if they are worn or damaged.
if the vehicle is not washed vehicle. Do not use strong soaps,
Wipers can be damaged by: after driving on roads that have chemicals, abrasive polishes,
. Extreme dusty conditions been sprayed with magnesium, abrasive cleaners, cleaners with
calcium or sodium chloride. acid, or abrasive cleaning brushes
. Sand and salt These chlorides are used on on them because they could
. Heat and sun roads for conditions such as damage the surface. Do not use
ice and dust. Always wash the chrome polish on aluminum wheels.
Snow and ice, without proper vehicle's chrome with soap
removal Notice: Using chrome polish on
and water after exposure. aluminum wheels could damage
the wheels. The repairs would
not be covered by the vehicle
warranty. Use chrome polish
on chrome wheels only.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (111,1)
Use chrome polish only on Sheet Metal Damage Chemicals used for ice and snow
chrome-plated wheels, but avoid removal and dust control can collect
If the vehicle is damaged and
any painted surface of the wheel, on the underbody. If these are not
requires sheet metal repair or
and buff off immediately after removed, corrosion and rust can
replacement, make sure the body
application. develop on the underbody parts
repair shop applies anti-corrosion
Notice: Driving the vehicle such as fuel lines, frame, floor pan,
material to parts repaired or
through an automatic car wash and exhaust system even though
replaced to restore corrosion
that has silicone carbide tire they have corrosion protection.
cleaning brushes, could damage At least every spring, flush these
Original manufacturer replacement
the aluminum or chrome-plated materials from the underbody
parts will provide the corrosion
wheels. The repairs would not be with plain water. Clean any areas
protection while maintaining the
covered by the vehicle warranty. where mud and debris can collect.
vehicle warranty.
Never drive a vehicle that has Dirt packed in close areas of the
aluminum or chrome-plated Finish Damage frame should be loosened before
wheels through an automatic being flushed. Your dealer or an
car wash that uses silicone Any stone chips, fractures or deep underbody car washing system
carbide tire cleaning brushes. scratches in the finish should be can do this.
repaired right away. Bare metal will
Tires corrode quickly and may develop
into major repair expense.
To clean the tires, use a stiff brush
with tire cleaner. Minor chips and scratches can be
repaired with touch-up materials
Notice: Using petroleum-based
available from your dealer. Larger
tire dressing products on the
areas of finish damage can be
vehicle may damage the paint
corrected in your dealer's body
finish and/or tires. When applying
and paint shop.
a tire dressing, always wipe off
any overspray from all painted
surfaces on the vehicle.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (112,1)
Your dealer has products for Cleaners can contain solvents that
. Never apply heavy pressure or
cleaning the interior. When cleaning can become concentrated in the rub aggressively with a cleaning
the interior, only use cleaners interior. Before using cleaners, cloth. Use of heavy pressure can
specifically designed for the read and adhere to all safety damage the interior and does
surfaces that are being cleaned. instructions on the label. While not improve the effectiveness
Permanent damage can result cleaning the interior, maintain of soil removal.
from using cleaners on surfaces adequate ventilation by opening . Use only mild, neutral-pH soaps.
for which they were not intended. the doors and windows. Avoid laundry detergents
Apply the cleaner directly to the Do not clean the interior using the or dishwashing soaps with
cleaning cloth to prevent over-spray. following cleaners or techniques: degreasers. Using too much
Remove any accidental over-spray soap will leave a residue that
from other surfaces immediately. . Never use a knife or any other leaves streaks and attracts
sharp object to remove a soil dirt. For liquid cleaners, about
Notice: Using abrasive cleaners from any interior surface.
when cleaning glass surfaces on 20 drops per 3.78 L (1 gal) of
the vehicle, could scratch the . Never use a stiff brush. It can water is a good guide.
glass and/or cause damage to cause damage to the interior . Do not heavily saturate the
the rear window defogger. When surfaces. upholstery while cleaning.
cleaning the glass on the vehicle, .
use only a soft cloth and glass Cleaners that contain solvents
cleaner. can damage the interior.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (114,1)
Do not use silicone or wax-based to clean the interior because they Care of Safety Belts
products, or those containing can alter the appearance by
Keep belts clean and dry.
organic solvents to clean the increasing the gloss in a
interior because they can alter non-uniform manner.
the appearance by increasing the Some commercial products may
gloss in a non-uniform manner. increase gloss on the instrument Do not bleach or dye safety belts.
Instrument Panel, Vinyl and panel. The increase in gloss may It may severely weaken them.
other Plastic Surfaces cause annoying reflections in the In a crash, they might not be able
windshield and even make it difficult to provide adequate protection.
To remove dust, a soft cloth to see through the windshield under
dampened with water can be Clean safety belts only with mild
certain conditions.
used. If a more thorough cleaning soap and lukewarm water.
is necessary, a clean soft cloth Notice:: Air fresheners contain
dampened with a mild soap solution solvents that may cause damage
can be used to gently remove dust to plastics and painted surfaces.
and dirt. Never use spot lifters Follow the manufacturer’s
or removers on plastic surfaces. instructions when using air
Many commercial cleaners and fresheners in the vehicle. If air
coatings that are sold to preserve freshener comes in contact with
and protect soft plastic surfaces paint or a plastic surface, blot
may permanently change the immediately with a soft cloth.
appearance and feel of the interior Damage caused by using air
and are not recommended. Do not fresheners would not be covered
use silicone or wax-based products, by the vehicle warrant.
or those containing organic solvents
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (116,1)
First Engine Oil Change After First Engine Oil Change After
. Four‐wheel drive only: Transfer
Every 40 000 km/25,000 Miles Every 80 000 km/50,000 Miles case fluid change (severe
service) for vehicles mainly
. Four‐wheel drive only: Transfer . Engine air cleaner filter driven when frequently towing
case fluid change (extreme duty replacement. See Engine Air a trailer, or used for taxi, police,
service) for vehicles mainly Cleaner/Filter on page 10‑19. or delivery service. Check
driven off‐road in four‐wheel . Automatic transmission fluid vent hose at transfer case for
drive. Vehicles used for farming, change (severe service) for kinks and proper installation.
mining, forestry, Department of vehicles with Gross Vehicle Check to be sure vent hose is
Natural Resources (DNR), and Weight Rating (GVWR) over unobstructed, clear, and free of
snow plowing occupations meet 3 901 kg (8,600 lbs) or mainly debris. During any maintenance,
this definition. Check vent hose driven in heavy city traffic in hot if a power washer is used to
at transfer case for kinks and weather, in hilly or mountainous clean mud and dirt from the
proper installation. Check to be terrain, when frequently towing underbody, care should be taken
sure vent hose is unobstructed, a trailer, or used for taxi, to not directly spray the transfer
clear, and free of debris. During police, or delivery service. case output seals. High pressure
any maintenance, if a power See Automatic Transmission water can overcome the seals
washer is used to clean mud Fluid (4-Speed Transmission) on and contaminate the transfer
and dirt from the underbody, page 10‑13 or Automatic case fluid. Contaminated fluid
care should be taken to not Transmission Fluid (6-Speed will decrease the life of the
directly spray the transfer case Transmission) on page 10‑16. transfer case and should be
output seals. High pressure replaced.
water can overcome the seals
and contaminate the transfer
case fluid. Contaminated fluid
will decrease the life of the
transfer case and should be
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (7,1)
Usage Fluid/Lubricant
Lubriplate Lubricant Aerosol (GM Part No. 12346293, in Canada 992723)
Floor Shift Linkage
or lubricant meeting requirements of NLGI #2 Category LB or GC-LB.
Chassis Lubricant (GM Part No. 12377985, in Canada 88901242) or
Chassis Lubrication
lubricant meeting requirements of NLGI #2, Category LB or GC-LB.
Front Axle (1500 Series) ‐ SAE 80W-90 Axle Lubricant (GM Part No. 89021671,
Four‐Wheel Drive in Canada 89021672).
Front Axle (1500, 2500 HD, and SAE 75W-90 Synthetic Axle Lubricant (GM Part No. 89021677,
3500 HD Series) in Canada 89021678).
SAE 75W-90 Synthetic Axle Lubricant (GM Part No. 89021677,
Rear Axle
in Canada 89021678).
Transfer Case (Four‐Wheel Drive) DEXRON®-VI Automatic Transmission Fluid.
Front Axle Propshaft Spline or
One-Piece Propshaft Spline Spline Lubricant, Special Lubricant (GM Part No. 12345879,
(Two-Wheel Drive with 4‐Speed in Canada 10953511).
Auto. Trans.)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (10,1)
Usage Fluid/Lubricant
Chassis Lubricant (GM Part No. 12377985, in Canada 88901242) or
Rear Driveline Center Spline
lubricant meeting requirements of NLGI #2, Category LB or GC-LB.
Multi-Purpose Lubricant, Superlube (GM Part No. 12346241,
Hood Hinges
in Canada 10953474).
Body Door Hinge Pins, Tailgate
Multi-Purpose Lubricant, Superlube (GM Part No. 12346241,
Hinge and Linkage, Folding Seats,
in Canada 10953474).
and Fuel Door Hinge
Tailgate Handle Pivot Points, Hinges, Multi-Purpose Lubricant, Superlube (GM Part No. 12346241,
Latch Bolt, and Linkage in Canada 10953474).
Weatherstrip Lubricant (GM Part No. 3634770, in Canada 10953518) or
Weatherstrip Conditioning
Dielectric Silicone Grease (GM Part No. 12345579, in Canada 992887).
Synthetic Grease with Teflon, Superlube (GM Part No. 12371287,
Weatherstrip Squeaks
in Canada 10953437).
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (11,1)
Maintenance Records
After the scheduled services are performed, record the date, odometer reading, who performed the service, and the
type of services performed in the boxes provided. Retain all maintenance receipts.
Maintenance Record
Date Serviced By Services Performed
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (13,1)
Vehicle Data
Capacities and Specifications
The following approximate capacities are given in metric and English conversions. See Recommended Fluids and
Lubricants on page 11‑8 for more information.
If the vehicle has a diesel engine, see the Duramax diesel supplement for more information.
Metric English
For the air conditioning system refrigerant charge
Air Conditioning Refrigerant R134a amount, see the refrigerant label located under the
hood. See your dealer for more information.
Cooling System
4.3L V6 1500 Series 15.6 L 16.5 qt
4.8L V8 1500 Series 16.0 L 16.9 qt
5.3L V8 1500 Series 16.0 L 16.9 qt
6.0L V8 2500 Series and 3500 Series 15.5 L 16.4 qt
6.2L V8 1500 Series 15.9 L 16.8 qt
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
Metric English
Engine Oil with Filter
4.3L V6 4.3 L 4.5 qt
4.8L V8; 5.3L V8; 6.0L V8; 6.2L V8 5.7 L 6.0 qt
Fuel Tank
1500 Series Standard and Short Box 98.4 L 26.0 gal
1500 Series Long Box 128.7 L 34.0 gal
2500 Series Standard Box 136.3 L 36.0 gal
2500 Series and 3500 Series Long Box 136.3 L 36.0 gal
3500 Series Chassis Cab 240.4 L 63.5 gal
3500 Chassis Cab – Front Tank 89.0 L 23.5 gal
3500 Chassis Cab – Rear Tank (if equipped) 151.4 L 40.0 gal
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (4,1)
Metric English
Transfer Case Fluid 1.5 L 1.6 qt
Transmission Fluid - Automatic (Pan Removal and Filter Replacement)
4-Speed Transmission 4L60-E Electronic Transmission 4.7 L 5.0 qt
6-Speed Transmission 6L80-E 5.7 L 6.0 qt
6-Speed Transmission 6L90-E 6.0 L 6.3 qt
6-Speed Transmission Allison 7.0 L 7.4 qt
Wheel Nut Torque 190 Y 140 ft lb
All capacities are approximate. When adding, be sure to fill to the approximate level, as recommended in this
manual. Recheck fluid level after filling.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
Engine Specifications
Engine VIN Code Transmission Spark Plug Gap
4.3L V6 (LU3) X Automatic 1.52 mm (0.060 in)
4.8L V8 (L20) A Automatic 1.02 mm (0.040 in)
5.3L V8 FlexFuel with
Active Fuel Management™ 0 Automatic 1.02 mm (0.040 in)
(Iron Block) (LMG)
5.3L V8 FlexFuel with
Active Fuel Management™ 3 Automatic 1.02 mm (0.040 in)
(Aluminum Block) (LC9)
6.0L V8 (Iron Block) (LC8) B Automatic 1.02 mm (0.040 in)
6.0L V8 (Iron Block) (L96) G Automatic 1.02 mm (0.040 in)
6.2L V8 FlexFuel
2 Automatic 1.02 mm (0.040 in)
(Aluminum Block) (L9H)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (6,1)
V8 Engines
V6 Engines If the vehicle has a diesel engine,
see the Duramax diesel supplement
for more information.
If the vehicle is a hybrid, see the
hybrid supplement for more
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
Courtesy Transportation
Customer Program (U.S. and
Customer Information
Information Canada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11
Collision Damage Repair Customer Satisfaction
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . 13-12 Procedure (U.S. and
Customer Information Service Publications Canada)
Customer Satisfaction Ordering Information . . . . . . 13-15
Your satisfaction and goodwill
Procedure Reporting Safety Defects are important to the dealer and
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-1 Reporting Safety Defects to
Customer Satisfaction to GMC. Normally, any concerns
the United States with the sales transaction or the
Procedure (Mexico) . . . . . . . . 13-3 Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16
Customer Assistance Offices operation of the vehicle will be
Reporting Safety Defects to resolved by the dealer's sales or
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-5 the Canadian
Customer Assistance Offices service departments. Sometimes,
Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16 however, despite the best intentions
(Mexico) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5 Reporting Safety Defects to
Customer Assistance for Text of all concerned, misunderstandings
General Motors . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17 can occur. If your concern has not
Telephone (TTY) Users
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-6 Vehicle Data Recording and been resolved to your satisfaction,
Online Owner Center . . . . . . . . 13-6 the following steps should be taken:
GM Mobility Vehicle Data Recording and STEP ONE: Discuss your concern
Reimbursement Program Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17 with a member of dealership
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-7 Event Data Recorders . . . . . . 13-17 management. Normally, concerns
Roadside Assistance Program OnStar® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18 can be quickly resolved at that
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-8 Navigation System . . . . . . . . . 13-18 level. If the matter has already
Roadside Assistance Radio Frequency been reviewed with the sales,
Program (Mexico) . . . . . . . . . 13-10 Identification (RFID) . . . . . . . 13-19 service, or parts manager, contact
Scheduling Service Radio Frequency the owner of the dealership or the
Appointments Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-19 general manager.
(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . 13-10
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (2,1)
STEP TWO: If after contacting a When contacting GMC, remember 40 days. If you do not agree with
member of dealership management, that your concern will likely be the decision given in your case,
it appears your concern cannot resolved at a dealer's facility. you may reject it and proceed with
be resolved by the dealership That is why we suggest following any other venue for relief available
without further help, in the U.S., Step One first. to you.
call 1-800-462-8782. In Canada, STEP THREE — U.S. Owners: You may contact the BBB Auto
call General Motors of Canada Both General Motors and the dealer Line Program using the toll-free
Customer Communication at are committed to making sure telephone number or write them
1-800-263-3777 (English) or you are completely satisfied with at the following address:
1-800-263-7854 (French). the new vehicle. However, if you BBB Auto Line Program
We encourage you to call the continue to remain unsatisfied after Council of Better Business
toll-free number in order to give following the procedure outlined in Bureaus, Inc.
your inquiry prompt attention. Have Steps One and Two, you can file 4200 Wilson Boulevard
the following information available with the Better Business Bureau Suite 800
to give the Customer Assistance (BBB) Auto Line® Program to Arlington, VA 22203-1838
representative: enforce your rights.
Telephone: 1-800-955-5100
. Vehicle Identification The BBB Auto Line Program is an www.dr.bbb.org/goauto
Number (VIN). This is available out-of-court program administered
from the vehicle registration or by the Council of Better Business This program is available in
title, or the plate at the top left of Bureaus to settle automotive all 50 states and the District of
the instrument panel and visible disputes regarding vehicle repairs or Columbia. Eligibility is limited by
through the windshield. the interpretation of the New Vehicle vehicle age, mileage, and other
Limited Warranty. Although you may factors. General Motors reserves
. Dealership name and location. the right to change eligibility
be required to resort to this informal
. Vehicle delivery date and dispute resolution program prior to limitations and/or discontinue
present mileage. filling out a court action, use of the its participation in this program.
program is free of charge and your
case will generally be heard within
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (3,1)
Recycled original equipment As a result, these parts may fit Insuring The Vehicle
parts may also be used for repair. poorly, exhibit premature durability/
Protect your investment in the
These parts are typically removed corrosion problems, and may not
GM vehicle with comprehensive
from vehicles that were total losses perform properly in subsequent
and collision insurance coverage.
in prior crashes. In most cases, collisions. Aftermarket parts are not
There are significant differences
the parts being recycled are from covered by the GM New Vehicle
in the quality of coverage afforded
undamaged sections of the vehicle. Limited Warranty, and any vehicle
by various insurance policy terms.
A recycled original equipment GM failure related to such parts is not
Many insurance policies provide
part may be an acceptable choice covered by that warranty.
reduced protection to the GM
to maintain the vehicle's originally
Repair Facility vehicle by limiting compensation
designed appearance and safety
for damage repairs by using
performance; however, the history of GM also recommends that you aftermarket collision parts. Some
these parts is not known. Such parts choose a collision repair facility that insurance companies will not
are not covered by the GM New meets your needs before you ever specify aftermarket collision parts.
Vehicle Limited Warranty, and any need collision repairs. The dealer When purchasing insurance, we
related failures are not covered by may have a collision repair center recommend that you ensure that
that warranty. with GM-trained technicians and the vehicle will be repaired with
Aftermarket collision parts are state‐of‐the‐art equipment, or be GM original equipment collision
also available. These are made by able to recommend a collision parts. If such insurance coverage
companies other than GM and may repair center that has GM-trained is not available from your current
not have been tested for the vehicle. technicians and comparable insurance carrier, consider switching
equipment. to another insurance carrier.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (14,1)
If the vehicle is leased, the leasing Gather the following information: Managing the Vehicle Damage
company may require you to have . Driver name, address, and Repair Process
insurance that ensures repairs with telephone number.
Genuine GM Original Equipment In the event that the vehicle requires
Manufacturer (OEM) parts or . Driver license number. damage repairs, GM recommends
Genuine Manufacturer replacement .
that you take an active role in its
Owner name, address, and repair. If you have a pre-determined
parts. Read the lease carefully, as telephone number.
you may be charged at the end of repair facility of choice, take the
the lease for poor quality repairs.
. Vehicle license plate number. vehicle there, or have it towed
there. Specify to the facility that any
. Vehicle make, model, and
If a Crash Occurs model year.
required replacement collision parts
be original equipment parts, either
If there has been an injury, call . Vehicle Identification new Genuine GM parts or recycled
emergency services for help. Do not
Number (VIN). original GM parts. Remember,
leave the scene of a crash until all
. Insurance company and policy recycled parts will not be covered
matters have been taken care of.
number. by the GM vehicle warranty.
Move the vehicle only if its position
puts you in danger, or you are . General description of the Insurance pays the bill for the repair,
instructed to move it by a police damage to the other vehicle. but you must live with the repair.
officer. Depending on your policy limits,
Choose a reputable repair facility your insurance company may
Give only the necessary information that uses quality replacement parts. initially value the repair using
to police and other parties involved See “Collision Parts” earlier in this aftermarket parts. Discuss this with
in the crash. section. the repair professional, and insist
For emergency towing see If the airbag has inflated, see What on Genuine GM parts. Remember,
Roadside Assistance Program Will You See After an Airbag if the vehicle is leased, you may
(U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑8 Inflates? on page 3‑35. be obligated to have the vehicle
or Roadside Assistance Program repaired with Genuine GM parts,
(Mexico) on page 13‑10. even if your insurance coverage
does not pay the full cost.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (15,1)
If another party's insurance Each bulletin contains instructions Current and Past Models
company is paying for the repairs, to assist in the diagnosis and
Technical Service Bulletins and
you are not obligated to accept service of the vehicle.
Manuals are available for current
a repair valuation based on that
Owner Information and past model GM vehicles.
insurance company's collision
policy repair limits, as you have no Owner publications are written ORDER TOLL FREE:
contractual limits with that company. specifically for owners and intended 1-800-551-4123 Monday - Friday
In such cases, you can have control to provide basic operational 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern Time
of the repair and parts choices information about the vehicle. For Credit Card Orders Only
as long as the cost stays within The Owner Manual includes the (VISA-MasterCard-Discover), visit
reasonable limits. Maintenance Schedule for all Helm, Inc. at: www.helminc.com.
Service Publications In-Portfolio: Includes a Portfolio,
Or write to:
Ordering Information Owner Manual, and Warranty Helm, Incorporated
Booklet. P.O. Box 07130
Service Manuals Detroit, MI 48207
Service Manuals have the $35.00 (U.S.) plus handling and Prices are subject to change
diagnosis and repair information shipping fees. without notice and without incurring
on the engines, transmission, axle, obligation. Allow ample time for
suspension, brakes, electrical, Without Portfolio: Owner delivery.
steering, body, etc. Manual only.
All listed prices are quoted in
Service Bulletins U.S. funds. Make checks payable
$25.00 (U.S.) plus handling and in U.S. funds.
Service Bulletins give additional shipping fees.
technical service information
needed to knowledgeably service
General Motors cars and trucks.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (16,1)
This data can help provide a better law enforcement, that have the OnStar®
understanding of the circumstances special equipment, can read the
in which crashes and injuries occur. information if they have access to If the vehicle is equipped with
the vehicle or the EDR. an active OnStar system, that
Important: EDR data is recorded system may also record data in
by the vehicle only if a non-trivial GM will not access this data or crash or near crash‐like situations.
crash situation occurs; no data is share it with others except: with the The OnStar Terms and Conditions
recorded by the EDR under normal consent of the vehicle owner or, provides information on data
driving conditions and no personal if the vehicle is leased, with the collection and use and is available
data (e.g., name, gender, age, consent of the lessee; in response in the OnStar glove box kit,
and crash location) is recorded. to an official request by police or at www.onstar.com (U.S.) or
However, other parties, such as similar government office; as part www.onstar.ca (Canada), or
law enforcement, could combine of GM's defense of litigation through
by pressing the Q button and
the EDR data with the type of the discovery process; or, as
personally identifying data required by law. Data that GM speaking to an advisor.
routinely acquired during a collects or receives may also be
crash investigation. used for GM research needs or may Navigation System
To read data recorded by an EDR, be made available to others for If the vehicle has a navigation
special equipment is required, and research purposes, where a need is system, use of the system may
access to the vehicle or the EDR is shown and the data is not tied to a result in the storage of destinations,
needed. In addition to the vehicle specific vehicle or vehicle owner. addresses, telephone numbers, and
manufacturer, other parties, such as other trip information. Refer to the
navigation system operating manual
for information on stored data and
for deletion instructions.
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (19,1)
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (1,1)
D Driving E
Characteristics and
Damage Repair, Collision . . . . . 13-12 E85 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-87
Towing Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-91
Danger, Warnings, and Electrical Equipment,
Defensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Add-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-125
Drunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Data Recorders, Event . . . . . . . 13-17 Electrical System
Highway Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . .9-20
Daytime Running Engine Compartment
Hill and Mountain Roads . . . . . .9-20
Lamps (DRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Fuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-50
If the Vehicle is Stuck . . . . . . . . .9-23
Defensive Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Fuses and Circuit
Loss of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
Delayed Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-50
Off-Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Devices, Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34 Instrument Panel Fuse
Off-Road Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Dome Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-54
Vehicle Load Limits . . . . . . . . . . .9-25
Door Overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-49
Wet Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-19
Ajar Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-43 Engine
Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-21
Delayed Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Air Cleaner/Filter . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
Driving for Better Fuel
Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Check and Service Engine
Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-35
Power Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Soon Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25
Dual Automatic Climate
Rear Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10 Compartment Overview . . . . . . .10-6
Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
Driver Information Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22
Dual Tire
Center (DIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33 Coolant Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-40
Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-75
Coolant Temperature
Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-17
Rear Seat Entertainment
Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-39
DVD/CD Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (5,1)
i-10 INDEX
INDEX i-11
Remote Vehicle Start . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Ride Control Systems Safety Defects Reporting
Replacement Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-47 Canadian Government . . . . . . 13-16
Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-41 Roads General Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17
Replacement Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . 10-48 Driving, Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-19 U.S. Government . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16
Replacement Parts Roadside Assistance Safety Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-48 Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8, 13-10 Safety System Check . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11 Roof Satellite Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
Replacing Airbag System . . . . . . 3-48 Sunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21, 2-22 Scheduled Maintenance . . . . . . . 11-2
Replacing LATCH System Rotation, Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-73 Scheduling Appointments . . . . . 13-10
Parts After a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66 Routing, Engine Drive Belt . . . . . 12-6 Seats
Replacing Safety Belt Running the Vehicle While Adjustment, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
System Parts After a Parked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45 Center Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 Head Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Reporting Safety Defects S Heated Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Canadian Government . . . . . . 13-16 Safety Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 Lumbar Adjustment, Front . . . . . 3-6
General Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17 Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-28 Power Adjustment, Front . . . . . . 3-4
U.S. Government . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16 Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27 Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10, 3-11
Restraints How to Wear Safety Belts Reclining Seatbacks . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Where to Put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-56 Properly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-15 Securing Child
Retained Accessory Lap Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-26 Restraints . . . . . . . . 3-66, 3-69, 3-78
Power (RAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-40 Lap-Shoulder Belt . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21 Security
Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-19 Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-32
Replacing After a Crash . . . . . .3-28 Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12
Use During Pregnancy . . . . . . . .3-26
GMC Sierra Owner Manual - 2011 Black plate (12,1)
i-12 INDEX
INDEX i-13
i-14 INDEX
V W Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19
Warning Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19
Vehicle Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-20
Brake System Light . . . . . . . . . . .5-27
Canadian Owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii Windshield
Warning Lights, Gauges,
Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 Wiper/Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Identification Winter Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-21
Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Number (VIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1 Wiper Blade Replacement . . . . 10-41
Cautions and Danger . . . . . . . . . . . .iv
Load Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-25
Hazard Flashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-41
Washer Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-52
Washer Fluid Messages . . . . . . . 5-51
Reminder Messages . . . . . . . . . .5-50
Remote Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12
Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-103