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doi:10.1111/jog.12910 J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. Vol. 42, No.

3: 246–251, March 2016

Vaginal misoprostol versus intravenous oxytocin for the

management of second-trimester pregnancies with
intrauterine fetal death: A randomized clinical trial

Zhila Abediasl1,2, Mahdi Sheikh1, Parichehr Pooransari3, Zahra Farahani1 and Farah Kalani2
Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 3Shohadaye Tajrish Hospital, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, and 2Shariati Hospital, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar-Abbas, Iran

Aim: The aim of this study was to compare vaginal misoprostol versus intravenous (i.v.) oxytocin in the manage-
ment of pregnancies with second-trimester intrauterine fetal death (IUFD).
Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 85 pregnant women with IUFD and unripe cervix
who were admitted for labor induction. Forty were randomly allocated to receive 200 mcg vaginal misoprostol
every 12 h, and 45 were randomly assigned to receive high-dose i.v. oxytocin (starting from 6 mU/min to reach
the maximum dose of 40 mU/min). This study is registered at www.irct.ir (IRCT201307159568N5).
Results: The induction-to-delivery interval in the misoprostol group (10.5 ± 5.3 [range 4–27] h) was significantly
lower than that in the oxytocin group (14 ± 6.8 [range 4–30] h) (P = 0.009). The total hospital stay in the misoprostol
group (22.6 ± 9.5 [range 12–48] h) was significantly lower than that in the oxytocin group (35.3 ± 16.4 [range 12–72]
h) (P = 0.000). Although the successful induction rate was higher in the misoprostol group, this was not significant
(95% vs 86.7%, P = 0.1). Placenta retention occurred more in the oxytocin group (20% vs 5%, P = 0.03).
Conclusion: Both vaginal misoprostol and high-dose i.v. oxytocin are highly effective in labor induction in
second-trimester pregnancies with IUFD and an unripe cervix. However, vaginal misoprostol seems to be supe-
rior to i.v. oxytocin.
Key words: demise, fetus, induction, intrauterine fetal death, labor.

Introduction which is increasingly being used because of its efficacy

and safety.2,3
Intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) is the death of a product Oxytocin is one of the oldest and most common induc-
of human conception before the complete expulsion or tion and cervical-ripening agents used worldwide, espe-
extraction from its mother.1 IUFD is a stressful situation cially prior to the introduction of prostaglandins.4
for the mother, her family and for health-care providers Before 24 weeks of gestation, the uterus is less responsive
and it occurs in 1% of pregnancies.2 The management to the usual infusion concentrations of oxytocin, however
of IUFD remains challenging. There are two options in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
caring for these patients: (i) waiting for the onset of labor (ACOG) has suggested that high-dose oxytocin infusion
(as most women will spontaneously labor within 3 is comparable to other methods and is an acceptable
weeks of IUFD; however, the development of dissemi- choice.5 Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin-E1 ana-
nated intravascular coagulation, severe hemorrhage logue that has been used effectively for labor induction in
and maternal death remains a serious concern with the second trimester of pregnancy.6 Although misopros-
expectant management); and (ii) induction of labor, tol is still not approved by the US Food and Drug

Received: June 21 2015.

Accepted: October 21 2015.
Reprint request to: Dr Mahdi Sheikh, Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Research Center, Vali-asr Teaching Hospital, Imam Khomeini Hospital
Complexes, Keshavarz Blvd, Tehran, 1419733141, Iran. Email: [email protected]

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Misoprostol vs oxytocin in IUFD

Administration (FDA) for this indication, the World groups: the vaginal misoprostol group or the i.v. oxyto-
Health Organization (WHO) and a Cochrane review sug- cin group (Fig. 1).
gest that vaginal misoprostol is an effective treatment for A computerized random-number generator was used
termination of non-viable pregnancies before 24 weeks.7,8 for sequence generation, which was carried out by M.S.
Despite many studies that have assessed and com- Simple randomization was used in this study. We used
pared the efficacy, side-effects and doses of misoprostol consecutive opaque envelopes for the concealment of al-
and oxytocin in the induction of labor in pregnancies location, which was performed by F.K. The envelopes
with live fetuses during the second and third gestational were opaque when held to the light, and opened sequen-
trimesters, studies regarding the use of misoprostol and tially and only after the participant’s name and other de-
oxytocin in the induction of labor in pregnancies with tails had been written on the appropriate envelope. The
early IUFD are limited.2,3,7–9 The dose, route and use of implementation of assignments was carried out by Z.A.
induction agents in women with IUFD are different from The primary outcome of our study was the time of
those with live fetuses; there is a possibility of dissemi- induction-to-delivery interval. Secondary outcomes were
nated intravascular coagulation complicating IUFD and the success rate, duration of admission, post-partum
jeopardizing the woman’s life.3 However, the success hemorrhage and complications of labor induction.
rate is higher and the abortion time is shorter in dead- Due to the setting of our center, the direct measure-
fetus pregnancies compared to live-fetus pregnancies.10 ment of blood loss during labor was not possible, there-
Two Cochrane Reviews, the WHO, and FIGO have fore post-partum hemorrhage was diagnosed primarily
recognized the limitations and paucity of randomized through visual and clinical estimation when blood loss
clinical trials regarding the proper management of IUFD resulted in dizziness, palpitation and tachycardia in the
and have indicated that future research efforts should be patient. However, because this definition is not accurate,
directed towards determining the optimal route, dose only those patients who had a confirmed postsurgical
and frequency of administration of prostaglandins in decline of 10% or more in the baseline hematocrit level
the management of IUFD.2,3,7–9 In addition, the optimal were defined as having post-partum hemorrhage.
intravenous (i.v.) oxytocin concentration and dosing reg- This study was approved by the research deputy and
imens in the management of second-trimester IUFD are the ethics committee of Hormozgan University of Medi-
yet to be defined.11 We therefore conducted this study cal Sciences (Reference ID: 88–84-32). This study is regis-
to compare the success rate, efficacy and side-effects of tered at the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (www.irct.
vaginal misoprostol versus i.v. oxytocin in labor induc- ir), which is a Primary Registry in the WHO Registry
tion in women with early IUFD. Network (Registration Number: IRCT201307159568N5).

Methods In the randomly assigned vaginal misoprostol group, the
dose and route of misoprostol administration were cho-
Study population and study design sen based on the WHO recommendations in the Repro-
This randomized, open-label trial was conducted on 85 ductive Health Library commentary.9 The starting dose
pregnant women with confirmed IUFD who were ad- was 200-mcg misoprostol vaginal tablets. The tablet was
mitted for labor induction at Shariati Hospital, Bandar wet with a drop of water for injection and inserted into
Abbas, Iran, from January 2013 through January 2014. the posterior fornix of the vagina using a speculum and
The inclusion criteria were: pregnant women with a spatula. After 12 h, if the conception products were
documented IUFD, a gestational age of 15–24 weeks, not expelled and the effective uterine contractions
and a Bishop score < 4. Exclusion criteria were: multiple (>3 contractions/10 min) were not established, another
pregnancies, any contraindication for induction of dose of 200-mcg misoprostol vaginal tablets was inserted,
labor (including maternal cardiac disease, clinical reaching a maximal total dose of 400 mcg. If labor was not
chorioamnionitis, placenta previa, vasa previa, cord pro- established within 24 h of induction, this was regarded as
lapse, invasive carcinoma of the cervix and previous failed induction. In case of induction failure in this group,
myomectomy), having a history of two or more cesarean high-dose i.v. oxytocin was used as the second-line treat-
sections, and a Bishop score ≥ 4. ment and if no response was obtained after 6 h, the patient
After explaining the whole procedure, informed writ- was considered a candidate for hysterotomy.
ten consent was obtained from the participants. The In the randomly assigned i.v. oxytocin treatment
women were then randomly allocated to one of two group, based on the ACOG recommendations,

© 2015 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 247

Z. Abediasl et al.

Figure 1 Flow chart of the study

showing randomization of patients.

high-dose i.v. oxytocin was used.5 The oxytocin infusion two groups were performed using the t-test for indepen-
was given in 500 cm3 of 5% dextrose with the starting dent samples. Furthermore, Χ2 analysis, Fisher’s exact
oxytocin dose of 6 mU/min. If no effective uterine con- test, the independent-samples T-test, and one-way
tractions were noted, the dose was increased at a rate analysis of variance were used to examine the relation
of 6 mU/min at 45-min intervals to reach a maximal between maternal drugs and demographic factors in
dose of 40 mU/min. If labor was not established within the two groups. The level of statistical significance was
24 h of induction, this was regarded as failed induction. set at P-value < 0.05.
In case of induction failure in this group, 200 mcg
misoprostol was inserted vaginally as the second-line
treatment and if no response was obtained after 6 h, the
patient was considered a candidate for hysterotomy. Descriptive statistics
In both groups, in case of incomplete expulsion of the This study was conducted on 85 pregnant women with
placenta or significant vaginal bleeding in the third stage IUFD between the gestational ages of 15 and 24 weeks.
of labor, uterine curettage was performed. One hundred pregnant women agreed to participate in
the study, 15 of whom were excluded due to having
Statistical analysis one or more of the exclusion criteria; 40 women were
The sample size was calculated for a power of 80%, randomly assigned to receive vaginal misoprostol and
α = 0.05, β = 20%, and a standard effect size of 0.84. All 45 were randomly assigned to receive i.v. oxytocin for
the statistical analyses were performed using SPSS ver- the induction of labor.
sion 18. Data were displayed using mean, standard devi- The mean ± SD for maternal age was 26.4 ± 5.1 years; ges-
ation (SD) and range. Mean comparisons between the tational age was 18.9 ± 2.2 weeks; duration from cessation of

248 © 2015 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Misoprostol vs oxytocin in IUFD

fetal movements till induction was 5.8 ± 4.5 days;

induction-to-delivery time was 12.4 ± 6.5 h (range 4–30 h);
and the duration of total hospital stay was 29.3 ± 14.9 h
(range 12–72 h). Induction failure occurred in eight
(9.4%) women; 51 women (60%) had a gestational age
< 20 weeks; 41 (48.2%) were nulliparous; eight (9.4%)
had a history of one previous cesarean section;
52 (61.1%) had a Bishop score ≥ 2; 11 (12.9%) required
curettage due to retained placenta; and three (3.5%)
experienced post-partum hemorrhage. Hypotension,
uterine rupture, chorioamnionitis, hydric intoxication,
and fever/shivering were not observed in any of
the participants.
There were no statistically significant differences be-
tween the women who received vaginal misoprostol
and those who received i.v. oxytocin for labor induction
(Table 1).

Effect of treatment allocation on main study

outcomes Figure 2 Kaplan–Meier curve comparing the induction-to-
The mean ± SD for the duration of induction-to-delivery delivery interval between the groups treated with vagi-
interval in the vaginal misoprostol group was 10.5 ± nal misoprostol (thick line) and i.v. oxytocin (thin line).
5.3 h (range 4–27 h). This was significantly lower than
the duration of induction-to-delivery interval in the i.v. (20% vs 5%, P = 0.03). Also, post-partum hemorrhage oc-
oxytocin group, which was 14 ± 6.8 h (range 4–30 h) curred more in the oxytocin group compared to the mi-
(Fig. 2). The duration of hospital stay in the vaginal miso- soprostol group; however, this was not statistically
prostol group was 22.6 ± 9.5 h (range 12–48 h). This was significant (4.4% vs 2.5%, P = 0.6). No other complica-
significantly lower than the duration of hospital stay in tions occurred in either of the groups (Table 2).
the i.v. oxytocin group, which was 35.3 ± 16.4 h (range
12–72 h). The successful induction rate was higher in
the vaginal misoprostol group compared to the i.v. Discussion
oxytocin group; however, this was not statistically signif-
Oxytocin is a neurohypophysial hormone produced by
icant (95% vs 86.7%, P = 0.1) (Table 2).
the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior pitui-
tary gland.12 Diluted oxytocin for i.v. use was first sug-
Effect of treatment allocation on complications of gested in 1943 for the induction of labor by Page et al.
labor induction and it soon gained great attention in obstetrics.13 Oxyto-
Retention of the placenta occurred significantly more in cin was synthesized in 1954 to be the first synthesized
the oxytocin group compared to the misoprostol group polypeptide hormone.14 Oxytocin has since been widely

Table 1 Participant demographics in the vaginal misoprostol and intravenous oxytocin groups
Demographics Vaginal misoprostol Intravenous P-value
n = 40 oxytocin n = 45
Maternal age (years) (mean ± SD) 27.3 ± 4.2 26.1 ± 3.4 0.7 (NS)
Gestational age (weeks) (mean ± SD) 18.5 ± 2.2 19.3 ± 2.2 0.18 (NS)
Duration from cessation of fetal movements till induction 5.2 ± 4.3 6.4 ± 4.7 0.19 (NS)
(days) (mean ± SD)
Gestational age < 20 weeks [number (%)] 28 (70%) 23 (51.1%) 0.08 (NS)
Bishop score ≥ 2 [number (%)] 26 (65%) 26 (57.7%) 0.32 (NS)
Nulliparity [number (%)] 19 (47.5%) 22 (48.8%) 1 (NS)
History of one CS [number (%)] 3 (7.5%) 5 (11.1%) 0.5 (NS)
CS, cesarean section; NS, non-significant; SD, standard deviation.

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Z. Abediasl et al.

Table 2 Comparison of main outcomes and complications between the two treatment groups
Outcome Vaginal misoprostol n = 40 Intravenous oxytocin n = 45 P-value
Induction-to-delivery interval (h) (mean ± SD) 10.5 ± 5.3 (range 4–27) 14 ± 6.8 (range 4–30) 0.009*
Total hospital stay (h) (mean ± SD) 22.6 ± 9.5 (range 12–48) 35.3 ± 16.4 (range 12–72) 0.000*
Successful induction rate [number (%)] 38 (95%) 39 (86.7%) 0.1 (NS)
Placenta retention requiring curettage [number (%)] 2 (5%) 9 (20%) 0.03*
Post-partum hemorrhage [number (%)] 1 (2.5%) 2 (4.4%) 0.6 (NS)
*Statistically significant. NS, non-significant; SD, standard deviation.

used and is approved by the FDA and recommended by commentary recommended the use of 200 mcg vaginal mi-
the ACOG for labor induction.4,5 However, before 24 soprostol every 12 h for labor induction and indicated that
gestational weeks, the uterus is relatively unresponsive misoprostol is an effective and safe alternative to surgical
to the usual doses of oxytocin. This could be due to the evacuation in the management of second-trimester IUFD.9
low numbers of oxytocin receptors, which begin to ap- In the current study, in the pregnancies with second-
pear at 13 weeks of gestation and increase throughout trimester IUFD and an unripe cervix, the induction of la-
pregnancy to reach the maximum levels at term.12,15 bor with 200 mcg vaginal misoprostol every 12 h was an
In our study, in the pregnancies with second-trimester effective method with a high (95%) successful induction
IUFD and unripe cervix, the induction of labor with rate and an induction-to-delivery interval of 10.5 ± 5.3 h.
high-dose i.v. oxytocin was an effective method with The complications of induction were rare in this group
a high (86.7%) successful induction rate and an (<5%) and potentially fatal complications, such as uter-
induction-to-delivery interval of 14 ± 6.8 h with no po- ine rupture, hypersensitivity reactions, and hypotension,
tentially fatal complications, such as uterine rupture, hy- were not observed. In the study by Yapar et al., 49 preg-
persensitivity reactions, sever hypotension, or water nant women (46% with IUFD) received 200-mcg vaginal
intoxication. In the study by Yapar et al., 36 women misoprostol for second-trimester pregnancy termination.
(55.5% with IUFD) received high-dose i.v. oxytocin for This was associated with a 77.5% success rate and an
second-trimester pregnancy termination. This was asso- induction-to-delivery interval of 24 ± 22.2 h with no fatal
ciated with a 97.3% success rate and induction- complications.15 In the above-mentioned study, more
to-delivery interval of 12.2 ± 14.4 h, with one case of than half of the pregnant women who received miso-
uterine rupture and maternal death.15 Two other studies prostol had live-fetus pregnancies and, as indicated by
that were conducted on pregnant women with IUFD other studies, labor induction with misoprostol is associ-
and unfavorable cervix at ≥18 gestational weeks also ated with a less successful induction rate and a longer
reported a success rate of more than 96% in the i.v. oxy- induction-to-delivery interval in live-fetus pregnancies
tocin group; however, the induction-to-delivery intervals compared to dead-fetus pregnancies.10 In three other
were much higher than those in our study. No fatal com- studies that included pregnant women with IUFD at
plications were observed in these studies.16,17 The lower ≥18 gestational weeks, two used high doses of vaginal
successful induction rate in our study could be due to the misoprostol (maximum dose of 750–800 mcg) and one
differences in the definition of successful induction and used low doses of vaginal misoprostol (maximum dose
in the gestational ages of the participants; in our study, of 400 mcg).16,17,19 There was a 100% successful induc-
we defined successful induction as delivery within a tion rate with both misoprostol doses with a median
24-h period while in the other studies, a 48-h period induction-to-delivery interval of 14–15 h in the high-
was used.15–17 Also, the longer induction-to-delivery dose treatment and 12.6 h in the low-dose treatment,
times observed in the studies by Nakintu16 and Bugalho while the induction complications were rare (less than
et al.17 seem to be due to the use of low-dose i.v. oxytocin 5%) with no fatal complications.16,17,19
in their studies, while in our study and in the study by In the current study, although both induction agents
Yapar et al.,15 high-dose oxytocin was used. were highly effective, vaginal misoprostol was superior
Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue to high-dose i.v. oxytocin in the labor induction of
that has mucosal protective properties. It was originally de- second-trimester IUFD with an unripe cervix. Induction
veloped in the 1970s for the prevention of peptic ulcers.18 with vaginal misoprostol was associated with a shorter
Since the early 1990s, misoprostol has been widely used induction-to-delivery interval, a shorter duration of hos-
in obstetrics. The WHO in its Reproductive Health Library pital stay and a lower complication rate. These results

250 © 2015 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Misoprostol vs oxytocin in IUFD

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