ET Mumbai 01.06.20 PDF
ET Mumbai 01.06.20 PDF
ET Mumbai 01.06.20 PDF
States With Most Cases 10 Worst-Hit Cities Samples Tested TOTAL CASES
Active Total Death Share
89,995 (+3,573) Active Recovered Deaths [% Recovery Rates] Cases Rate Total* 6.21 Million
Unrest and Curfew
Source: covid19india
Deaths M’rashtra [43.1] 65,168 3.4% 58.43% In Past 3.73
24 Hours* Million DEATHS
5,164 (+193) Tamil Nadu [56.6] 21,184 0.8% 125,428 372,067 in Several US Cities
Delhi [43.5] Share 18,549 2.2%
Cured In Total Positive Cases^ 4.82%
TOTAL CASES 182,143 86,984 (+4,614) Gujarat [56.5] 16,343 6.2% Recovered AROUND THE WORLD11
IN INDIA 71.3% Mum Chennai Thane Indore Jaipur Source: ICMR *As of 9am,
(+8,380) Source: MoHFW, 8am Rajasthan [66.6] 8,617 2.2% Del Ahm Pune Kol Surat May 31 ^3-day average 2.77 Million
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of Our Future
force — and the fact that timings
tain area believed to be rich in natural
reopen soon as industry for dine-in have been curtailed to
Key markets Delhi-
NCR & Mumbai
tion utilities at 9.5% under the
.̀ 90,000-crore liquidity infusion
deposits. Manu Pubby reports.3 awaits clarity from 9 pm will also make the going to-
ugh, they argue.
with several
containment package as the government may
states, faces labour woes Plus, Delhi and Mumbai — the zones may see consider relaxing working capital
Rejection Slips to be two big markets in terms of busi-
ness volumes and footfalls — conti-
limited business borrowing limits of discoms, What’s in a Shape
Ratna Bhushan, Varuni Khosla Liquor sales at standalone reports Sarita Singh. 4
Delayed as Assam’s & Anumeha Chaturvedi
nue to be red zones and hence will
see limited business, with many stores & home delivery allowed
From Nike’s swoosh to smoking pipes, experts use
interesting shapes to describe India’s economic recovery
NRC Yet to be Notified areas under containment or opera- But bars not permitted to
National Register of
New Delhi: Thinking of grab-
bing a chilled beer at your favouri-
ting with severe restrictions.
In fact, Maharashtra on Sunday
open under MHA guidelines BDR Enters into Nike swoosh
1 Sharp plunge
Smoking pipe
1 Broad-
Citizens (NRC) author- te bar come June 8?
Well, it’s not going to happen so
prohibited the reopening of ho- Dine-in timings
curtailed to 9 pm
Deal with Cipla to 2 Short stay based decline
ities in Assam may start tels and restaurants from June 1 at the bottom 2 Recovery
issuing rejection slips to
soon. to June 30. Over half of dine-in Make Remdesivir 3 Gradual spanning 2-3
Restaurants and cafes say reope- business in high-end climb quarters
Grim Picture3
BDR Pharmaceuticals
those left out of the ning will not be easy despite the restaurants happens after 9 pm
home ministry’s revised guideli- has signed a con-
final register published
nes under its Unlock 1.0 road map. Malls Focus on Safety SHORTAGE OF MIGRANT tract-manufacturing V-shaped W-shaped
last year only after the NRC is notified For one, restobars — which dri- 1 Steep decline 1 Sharp fall
LABOUR, CURBS ON PUBLIC deal with Cipla Ltd. for rem-
by the Registrar General of India, ve business especially late in the Malls across the country are in 1 quarter followed by
evenings — have been excluded gearing up to open with strin- desivir, a patented product of
reports Bikash Singh. 2 TRAVEL AMONG CONCERNS 2 Strong recovery
from the list. gent safety measures. 6 US firm Gilead Sciences ap- recovery in the 2 Recovery falters
proved to treat Covid-19 pa- next quarter 3 Strong recovery again
tients, reports Teena Thacker.
India Unlocked But No One to Stand Guard BDR, however, doesn’t have a
licensing pact with Gilead. 5
Predicting recovery
Illustration: ANIRBAN BORA
shapes, including in India.
The Swoosh shape signifies that
Exodus during lockdown, need for Covid-trained people to put strain on private security industry there will be sharp plunge, a long-
dustry (CAPSI) said. The industry ty guards pan-India,” said Kunwar at entry-exit points and other
INDIA BATS FOR graphs, economists ish stay below the trend line of
growth and a gradual climb up.
Rica.Bhattacharyya FLEXIBILITY IN IPR
employed 9 million people before
Covid-19 struck but as retail out-
Vikram Singh, chairman of CAP-
SI, which has 23,000 security agen-
spaces has doubled due to manda-
tory Covid-related checks. PACTS FOR ACCESS add cool shapes to HDFC’s Abheek Barua thinks In-
dia is headed for Swoosh shape.
lets, malls, restaurants and movie cies as members. The security industry has always TO ESSENTIAL plain vanilla V or But chief economic advisor KV
Mumbai: As the lockdown eases theatres downed shutters, many The first wave of demand is been understaffed due to unequal MEDICINES Subramanian bets on a nice V —
across the country, India could be
faced with a shortage of private
returned to their villages.
“We are preparing for post-Coro-
coming from corporates, factories,
hospitals, construction sites and
and low wages. Currently, security
guards get paid `. 5,000-16,000 a PAGE 9 U trajectories contraction, then sharp recovery.
Barua bats for
security guards, the Central Asso- na security challenges. There is a vacant properties. In factories and month depending on minimum Swoosh by argu-
ciation of Private Security In- 35-40% shortage of private securi- offices, demand for trained guards wage rules in various states. Gaurav.Noronha Economists ing that “lack of
“The need for Covid-trained Unorganised warn against coordination
people will put a strain on the an L-shaped among states, la-
EMPTY CABINS FIRST WAVE OF MORE DEMAND industry already reeling under Workers may New Delhi: Economists just lo- recovery bour shortage
DEMAND FROM EXPECTED FROM manpower shortage,” said Anil ve graphs — and those graphs and income de-
9 million people 1 Corporate offices
OPENING OF Puri, CMD, AP Securitas. Get ID Numbers have never been as cool. As prac-
where initial
fall in growth clines” will hit
employed in pre- CAPSI’s Singh said, “Even in the The government has titioners of the dismal science rate doesn’t both demand
2 Factories 1 Retail outlets
Covid times pre-Covid times there was person- plot possible recovery paths of return to and supply .
2 Malls
pulled out a 2014
3 Construction sites nel shortage. Now, with many pe- Covid-hit economies, they have trendline Subramanian
35-40% personnel 3 Restaurants ople returning to their villages, the proposal to provide added new shapes to plain vanil- sees a V by fin-
shortage expected 4 Vacant properties demand-supply gap will widen.” la V or U trajectories. ding a parallel in economic his-
identification numbers to the
as lockdown eases 5 Local police 4 Movie theatres To be sure, many guards, natives There’s the Swoosh, a recovery tory. As he had told ET in an in-
unorganised sector workers after
departments of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jhark- pattern that looks like Nike’s fa- terview: “The Spanish flu is a
23,000 private hand, Madhya Pradesh and North facing criticism for not doing mous logo. There’s the smoking reasonable proxy... and because
security agencies East, visit their villages at this time much for migrant labour hit hard pipe graph. There’s a W, Z and an there was a V-shaped recovery, I
operating in India of the year to participate in har- L. Entirely predictably, because think it is reasonable to say that
by lockdown, reports Yogima
under industry vest-related work. they can never agree on anything we can expect the same.”
body CAPSI Sharma. This number will be that’s important, different econo-
Cash Crunch8 seeded with Aadhaar. 9 mists are championing different All Eyes on Virus Containment8
Illustration: ANIRBAN BORA
Illustration: ZAHID
on May 22 that the health ministry
[email protected]
different kind, yet Corona did not
spread as fast as it did in other count-
ries. The mortality rate of corona too Workers Public: CIC to Govt Members, Staff +Ve; had
New Delhi: With ‘Unlock 1.0’ begin- is a lot less in our country,” he said.
ning from Monday, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi said a major segment
of the economy was opening up and
Modi said a lot changed over the
last one month. “The last time I spo-
ke to you through Mann Ki Baat, pas-
CIC gives govt one week to upload data and submit compliance report Attended Cabinet Meet
industry was returning to normalcy. senger train servi-
The PM, however, cautioned people ces, buses and [email protected]
to remain extra careful as Covid-19 PM in his flights had come to
‘CM, ministers and
continued to be a threat and advised
no laxity in wearing masks, maintai-
Mann Ki Baat
a standstill. This ti-
me around, much
New Delhi: The Central Informa-
tion Commission (CIC) has direc-
bureaucrats may opt
ning two-yard social distancing and
staying at home to the extent possible.
reiterates have resumed —
Shramik special
ted the government to make pub-
lic data on migrant workers stran-
for self-quarantine’
India’s good
Senior government officials told ET record in trains are operatio- ded in different parts of the count-
that the decision on ‘Unlock 1.0’ was fighting the nal; other special ry, relief camps or at workplaces. Our Political Bureau
driven by three factors — a high reco- pandemic trains too have be- The directive comes in response to
very rate, which touched almost 50% gun. With utmost a complaint filed by RTI activist Ven- New Delhi: Uttarakhand’s tou-
at the end of Lockdown 4.0, a high tes- precautions, flights have resumed; katesh Nayak, who had sought infor- CHANDIGARH rism minister Satpal Maharaj, in-
ting rate of 1.25 lakh samples daily industry too is returning to normal- mation from the chief labour com- cluding his family members and
and the mortality rate dipping below cy; thus, opening up a major seg- missioner on the number of mig- Assessing the gravity of the situa- is no reason why this public authori- staff, tested positive for Covid-19 on
3%. “These were the targets aimed at ment of the economy,” the PM said. rant workers stranded, the district- tion, information commissioner ty ought not to have such informa- Sunday in Dehradun. His wife Am-
the end of Lockdown 4.0. We will hit 2 Modi referred to the migrant labour wise list of male and female workers, VN Sarna heard the complaint out tion in their custody when such in- rita, who tested positive on Saturday,
lakh tests daily in June as big states issue saying the “most gravely affec- the sector-wise breakup of migrant of turn and took a grim view of the formation has been specifically cal- is admitted to AIIMS, Rishikesh.
like Rajasthan and UP will increase ted by the crisis” are the underprivi- workers and the states to which they way the application was handled. led for through the letter,” Sarna ob- State government officials said
their testing to 25,000 samples daily leged labourers. “Their agony, their belonged. On April 8, chief labour “There is no reason why the regio- served in her 13-page judgement. Maharaj’s sample was collected on QUARANTINED RESIDECE
by mid-June. Cases will rise in June pain, their ordeal cannot be expres- commissioner asked all regional he- nal heads would not have complied Terming the handling of appli- Saturday. “Apart from Maharaj, at
but the focus is to keep deaths to the sed in words. Who amongst us cannot ads to enumerate every migrant wor- with the instructions of the respon- cation as “callous and casual”, least 17 persons, including his fami- Dehradun
minimum and increase recovery,” sa- understand and feel what they and ker. The reports from 20 regional dent public authority to complete Sarna directed the chief labour ly members and staff, have also tes-
id a senior government official. their families are going through. All centres had to be submitted in three the enumeration exercise and send commissioner to disclose maxi- ted positive,” an official in the sta- admin quar-
The recovery rate was at 47.75% at
the end of Lockdown 4.0 on Sunday
of us are trying to share their dis-
tress, torment,” the PM said. He said
days. However, the chief labour com-
missioner’s office replied under RTI
the data within the time period spe-
cified in the said letter. Therefore the
mum data. CIC has given the go-
vernment one week to upload this
te’s health department told ET.
Maharaj had attended the Cabi-
antined Mah-
morning; up from 38% at the end of
Lockdown 3.0. Big states such as Ra-
their distress is representative of
that of the country’s eastern region.
that it had no such information.
Nayak filed a complaint with CIC.
reply of the CPIO is difficult to belie-
ve and highly unacceptable. There
data and submit a compliance re-
port to the commission.
net meeting chaired by chief mi-
nister Trivendra Singh Rawat on
araj’s private residence
Friday. Many bureaucrats were
also present at the meeting.
after a few persons
FRESH ENROLMENT LOW “All ministers, including the visiting him tested
BJP Comfortably Placed as SP, BSP chief minister, and bureaucrats
positive recently
Aadhaar Authentications
may opt for self-quarantine,”
the official added. Apart from
[email protected]
Samaj Party in his public statements
in the past few months. This reflects
Twitter handle of its chief Mayawa-
ti. During the lockdown the BSP lea-
offered `56-57 lakh to help people
in distress,” national secretary
CRPF DIG at MHA Control Room +Ve
the dwindling relevance of the two dership has been active on social and party spokesman Rajeev Rai NEW DELHI: A CRPF deputy inspector general (DIG) at the
New Delhi: Aadhaar-based authen- regional opposition parties, which media and Mayawati has been pos- told ET. “I personally have adop- Ministry of Home Affairs control room has tested positive
tications touched a record high in have largely been absent from the ting two-three tweets every day. She ted two districts, Balia and Mau.
April and May, topping 120 crore this ground as well as political discourse has been either offering sugges- When our leaders and workers go for Covid-19, officials said on Sunday. They said the test
month, as the government rolled out at a time when the country has been tions to the state government or, on out to help, the government regis- report was received on Saturday. The DIG was attached
direct benefits to people using the Aadhaar authentications grappling with its worst pandemic. some occasions, taking on Cong- ters cases against them. But we with the ministry to monitor the work of its control room located in North
Aadhaar platform under the PM Ga- mean the number of times Congress, on the other hand, has ress. However, several BSP MPs ET are doing all that is possible.” SP
rib Kalyan Package (PMGKP). Howe- an Aadhaar number is used managed to provide some sem- spoke to said they had not received and BSP seem to be wary of being Block, they said. Two persons who worked with him have been quaranti-
ver, fresh enrolment were low in April to authenticate a ben- blance of opposition with protests any instruction from her during seen close to Congress. ned and all safety protocols are being followed, an MHA official said. — PTI
and May due to the lockdown. eficiary’s identity before
As per details with ET, Aadhaar-ba-
money is electronically
sed authentications stood at 118 cro-
re in April and 120.1crore this month
till May 30, which was the highest fi-
gure recorded so far in any month
transferred into his/her
bank account ‘We are Reaching Peak, So People Must Observe Self-discipline’
since the Modi government started 120.1 crore figure pact. He said that the state has ei- practice social distancing. He from next Sunday. In a comment
its second term last June. for May would include ther reached the peak of the coro- asked people with co-morbidities directed at railway minister Piy-
“This shows the big success of deli- multiple benefits received
State will allow na spread or on the verge of it, and not to venture out of their homes ush Goyal, Uddhav said that after
very of PMGKP on the ground during
the lockdown and a record number of
by one individual newspaper delivery asked the citizens to be more vigi-
lant and practice self- discipline.
unless necessary.
Slamming those who were de-
he complained about lack of
trains, Goyal made available more
people benefitting from monetary
help directly in their bank accounts ty before money is electronically
from next Sunday, Exhorting people to use new re-
laxations judiciously, he said that
manding Presidents’ rule in the
state, the CM said, “The situation
trains which solved the issue of
migrants wanting to go back to
using Aadhaar. Rolling out such a big
package directly to people without a
transferred into his/her bank acco-
unt. The 120.1 crore figure for May
says Uddhav the government will be forced to
roll back these measures if the
is fine here. Out of the total 66,000
infected people, 28,000 have reco-
their states. “I thank Piyush Goyal
today because what I said that day,
hitch would not have been possible would include multiple benefits re- people do not observe self-disci- vered and gone home. 1,200 per- you took it to your heart and gave
without the Aadhaar and DBT fram- ceived by one individual. Krishna.Kumar pline and begin crowding the sons’ condition is a bit worri- trains to the state, which helped us
ework which have been in place,” a PM Modi in his address to the nation shops. some and there are only 200 peo- send the migrants back home.”
top government official told ET. on May 12 had said: “Who could have “Please don’t begin crowding the ple on ventilators, and even these The CM said that the state would
Aadhaar authentications stood at thought that money sent by govern- Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief shops and if the norms are violat- people are recovering. This de- be going for more testing and in-
104 crore in January, 72 crore last De- ment will reach the pockets of poor Minister Uddhav Thackeray on ed, we will have to shut these reaching it,” he said. faming of Maharashtra needs to crease the number of labs during
cember, and 81crore last June. Aadha- farmers directly? But it has happened. Sunday said that the new relaxa- shops… We will check whether He further added that the cases stop. It’s a conspiracy to defame monsoon. “We will create 25,000
ar authentications imply the number That also happened when all the go- tions in lockdown conditions were cases are increasing or not and will fall and increase for a while the state and I am hurt by this.” beds with oxygen supply, 2.50 lakh
of times an Aadhaar number is used vernment offices were closed; the me- like a ‘trial’ and the state govern- then take a call. We have either re- and then come down after 8 to 10 He announced that the state will isolation beds and 8,500 ICU
to authenticate a beneficiary’s identi- ans of transport were shut down.” ment would be watching their im- ached the peak or on the verge of days, but for that the people must allow delivery of newspapers beds,” he said.
Pure Politics 3
Two Pak HC
NEAR-CERTAIN ADOPTION While diplomatic moves are underway, Nepal is likely to adopt the Bill
In a glass of its own!
Expelled for
India Weighing Response As o / v
Nepal Tables Bill on New Map a memorandum of understanding
New Delhi: India on Sunday DipanjanRoy.Chaudhury Poliloquy R PRASAD was signed between China and India
declared two officials from Pa- on ‘Resumption of Border Trade’
kistan High Commission as which mentioned Lipulekh as a mu-
persona non grata after they New Delhi: India began weighing tually recognised border trading po-
were caught spying by the po- various options to send strong mes- int. India and China signed a ‘Proto-
lice. The two have been identi- sages to Nepal as its Minister for col of Entry and Exit Procedure’ for
fied as Tahir Khan and Abid Law, Justice and Parliamentary Af- border trade in July 1992 which again
Hussain. They were working fairs Shivamaya Tumbahangphe mentioned Lipulekh as a mutually
as visa assistant at the com- on Sunday presented the Constitu- recognised border trading point.
mission in New Delhi. tion Amendment Bill (second On April 11, 2005, the then Chinese
The two were held while me- amendment) in Parliament to upda- premier, Wen Jiabao, and his then
eting their contact in Delhi te the political map of the country Indian counterpart, Manmohan
during which they tried to ex- that includes Indian territories. Ne- Singh, signed an agreement aimed
tract information on Indian pal’s Parliament is likely to adopt at confidence-building along the Li- quor is allowed to be sold at
Army and Railways. The duo
were keen to know about the
the Bill even as hectic diplomatic
moves are underway.
ne of Actual Control. Article V of
this agreement stated: “Both sides
Grim Picture standalone outlets and thro-
ugh home delivery…,” he says.
recent dalit movement in In- India believes that Nepal is ignoring agree in principle to expand the me- Amit Roy, partner at Shilton
dia, sources said. While Tahir the fact that the area of Lipulekh chanism of border meeting points to From Page 1 Hospitality, adds, “Why are
came to India in 2016, Abid joi- (which Nepal is claiming as its terri- include Kibithu-Damai in the Eas- The picture, in short, is not ro- restaurants serving alcohol
ned last year as part of the vi- tory) has been a border trading point tern Sector and Lipulekh Pass/Qi- sy, they told ET. “We will wait being categorically shunned
sa facilitation teams. The two between India and China based on INDIAN TRADING POINT pacting people-to-people ties, say Ne- ang La in the Middle Sector. The pre- for the guidelines by various …when we are getting notices
are suspected to be trained by pacts since 1991. pal watchers. The hand of China be- cise locations of these border mee- states. Many important cities to renew our liquor licences
ISI After questioning, they
were declared PNG and were
The first objection to Lipulekh as
part of India’s new map was raised by
India will telling hind the episode cannot be ruled out.
India will be raising with Nepal its
ting points will be decided through
mutual consultations.”
may not open and we will as-
sess our preparedness after
without any sight of when the
customer will come in next.”
told to leave the country wit- the Opposition Nepali Congress in Nepal that its decision to alter the map ignoring Delhi suffered a setback when the that. Besides, lack of migrant The restrictions under the fo-
hin 48 hours, officials added. November 2019. Subsequently, the ru- certain Sino-Indian pacts, ET has le- Opposition Nepali Congress, on Sa- labour could be a problem,” ur phases of the lockdown ha-
India is expecting a similar ling party hardened its position as decision to alter arnt. Interestingly, Kathmandu had turday, took a u-turn and decided to National Restaurant Associa- ve hit the industry hard. The
action against its officials in nationalism dominated the discour- never raised any objections to those vote in favour of the Constitution tion of India president Anu- sector employs 7.3 million peo-
Pakistan which may further se in Nepali polity. map ignores certain Sino- pacts since 1990s. amendment bill put forth by the go- rag Katriar says. ple — as per NRAI data of 2018-
deteriorate the relationship However, the Oli government’s mo- In December 1991, during the then vernment in Parliament to update The industry lobby group, 19 — more than half the num-
between the two countries. ve could vitiate the atmosphere im- Indian pacts premier Li Peng’s visit to New Delhi, the new political map of the country. which represents over 500,000 ber of people working for the
restaurants, cafes, bars and Indian railways.
pubs in the country, has asked
for restaurants to be allowed to ‘FRESH COMMERCIAL TERMS
Amid Standoff, China Builds Road to Mineral Rich Area stay open beyond 9 pm and for
reopening of public transport
fully to aid staff movement.
Another key industry requ-
Since business volume is ex-
pected to be subdued, it is criti-
cal that landlords and opera-
ad skirts along the LAC, it can be used
to quickly move in vehicles and person-
ARMY SAYS CAN’T AUTHENTICATE VISUALS est is for restobars to be per-
mitted to reopen. “If vendors
tors arrive at fresh commerci-
al terms soon, according to the
Blacktop road gives nel to the resource rich mountain that are allowed to sell and home industry. “It will be most un-
China access to
mountain near Gogra
lies on the Indian side of the LAC.
While the Indian side has bolstered
defences at the Gogra post, there is no
Leaked Videos, Photo of deliveries of alcohol are also
allowed, then why not con-
sumption in bars and restau-
fortunate if businesses don’t
kickstart due to the commer-
cial stalemate,” Katriar of
1. Name a ' tae corporate debtor Indira Priyadarshini Hydro Power Private Limited
Requires Internal Auditors for Mumbai Branch for 3 years -2020-21 to 2. Date of incorporation of co rpo rate 25" Aonl 2011 1 Total income from operations 260600 226698 969795 888547
2023 CA firms having practice for more than 5 years and in CAG for debtor
MAHANADI COALFIELDS LIMITED Union power ministry for relax-
ation of the loan disbursement
Corporation of Uttarakhand Ltd. (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
rules including easing borrow- [email protected] [email protected]
29, IIE (IT Park), Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun Jagruti Vihar , Burla - 768020, Dist. - Sambal pur , Odisha
u ar / 4/ 20 / 438
0'170 1T iI (UBNNO AGM202 ' WSOB00036t o 043) r'
3T+ 16rvr 3Tfk1
1 1T , jxl rlq
craft deliveries in 2020.
India’s passenger airli-
Over 3m tors at New Delhi, Benga-
luru and Hyderabad for
(1)Tender No: e-Tender-NORTHKUR - M I S C E L L A N E O U S N A T U R E AND opening of tender is extended Iror r job losses
43-2020 Dt.: 20 .05.2020 SUPPLIES EACH COSTING RS. 5 , 00,0001- 29 0 5 2 0 2 0 t o 1 6 0 6 2020 T h s
nes operate a combined automation of aprons.
REPAIR WORKSHOPIMANCHESWAR has been up loaded in I R E P S NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION fleet of 650 planes. Last ye- “To borrow a new exten-
(An Enterprise of DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology,
ar, Airbus and Boeing de- ded adage from one of
STRUCTURES , ALL ORDINARY REPAIR ( W O R K SHOP ) U N D E R S E C T I O N w e b s i t e https :/ / ireps .go v. in .
livered about 70 planes to
A N D M A I N T E N A N C E W O R K S OF ENGINEER (WORKS )IMANCHESWAR FOR Other t e rns and c o n d i t i o n s - i e Govt of India) airlines and several more
our customers, cash is
king, but cooperation is
THE PERIOD UPT030.06 . 2021 .
unchang ed 20-22, Zamroodpur Comm. Centre, Wash Colony Extn., N.Delhi-48 were leased by carriers. queen,” said Andrade, explaining his
14643 Lakhs
Dy. Chief Engineer /TP (HU) TeL: 011-29240401-07, Fax: 011-29240409-10 AirAsia India CEO Sunil Bhaskaran sa- plans to increase charges for ground servi-
EIvID Z 2,23, 2001 , Cost of Tender fo b
Z 5 , 9001-, Comp let ionperod 30.06.2021. W.C.Railway , 2nd Floor , Annex- I Website: ; email: [email protected] id the airline has frozen its expansion ces. AI-SATS has 40 airline customers, in-
ROAD ( EX) UNDER SENIOR SECTION plans for this year. Vistara chief strategy
Bldg. G.M. Office . Indira cluding its parent Air India, Vistara as
ENGINEER (WORKS )BHADRAK FOR THE (13) Tender No: e-Tender - ESTATEKUR- Pmposals invited f or Seed Funding fbr Start-ups officer Vinod Kannan told ET the airline well as SpiceJet and GoAir at some air-
PERIOD UPTO30 .06.2021. 55-2020 Dt.: 20.05.2020 M a r k e t . J a b al p u r - 4 8 2 0 0 1
Z 89.17 Lakhs , r NEW WORKS , ADDITIONS Proposals are invited under NRDC-Seed funding programme 2020-21 from is in talks with Airbus and Boeing to defer ports. Before the Covid-19 outbreak, its
EMD: Z 1,78,4001, Cost of Tender form
75 ,900I- , Com peto Period : 30.06.2021.
Start-ups and early stage growth focused innovative companies (mainly deliveries.
Vistara has inducted a Boeing Dreamliner
11,000 employees handled 12,000 flights eve-
engaged in development and commercialization of new products or new ry day across airports in New Delhi, Hyde-
4' 1171
(2)Tender No: c-Tender -NORTHKUR - AND M A I N T E N A N C E W O R K S OF 787 plane and two leased Airbus A320 air- rabad, Bengaluru, Mangalore and Tri-
44-2020 Dt. : 20.05 .2020 M I S C E L L A N E O U S N A T U R E AND applications of existing products or new technologies or processes) beng craft into its fleet between January and vandrum.
incubated in incubators in any State/Central Government supported institutions.
March 2020. It couldn’t take delivery of its se- On March 24, the government suspended
KITOT032020 , DL27 .05.2020
For more details and guidelines please visit NRDC webste: cond Dreamliner in March as the country all flights as part of a nationwide lockdown. Last date for submission of proposal is 191 June 2020.
AND M A I N T E N A N C E W O R K S OF COLONY ( EXCLUDING WORK SHOP) went into a lockdown. SpiceJet is awaiting Since then, AI-SATS, like its customers, has
MISCELLANEOUS NATURE AND INCLUDING CENTRAL HOSPITAL UNDER ALLWORKS FOR PROVISION deliveries of Boeing 737 Max planes. been in a no-revenue situation, using only
SENIOR SECTION ENGINEER (WORKS)! OF DOUBLE DISTANT SIGNALS IN KUH U RI - davp 3620611110001/2021 IndiGo, SpiceJet and GoAir didn’t re- 5% of its workforce and providing services
MANCHESWAR FOR THE PERIOD UPTO KHALLIKOT SECTION OF B-ROUTE N spond to ET’s queries. Discussions are ong- mostly to repatriation flights operated to
KEONJHAR ROAD (IN) TO JENAPUR ( IN) & 3006.2021, KHURDA ROAD DIVISION INCLUDING ONE oing and will change entirely if demand in-
JAKHAPURA TO DAITARI UNDER SENIOR ferry people to their homelands. It has pro-
FORTHE PERIOD UPTO 30 .06.2021 . EMD Z 2,24, 8001 Cost of Tender form CROSSING GATES WITH ALTERATION IN
r creases later this year, a senior IndiGo ex- vided services to 400 flights operated by 44
ecutive said. “There are a lot of moving planes that have ferried 22,000 passengers
Z 94.23 Lakhs , Z 5 , 9001-, Completion period: 30.06.2021. HITACHI RAIL STS INDIA M A K E (Under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process) parts,” the executive said. to 125 destinations.
EMD: Z 1,88,5001-. Cost of Tender form (14) Tender No: e-Tender - ESTATE-KUR- ELECTRONIC INTERLOCKING AT 04
Z 5,9001 , Compet ion penod . 30.06 .2021. 56-2020 Dt . : 20.05.2020 STATIONS , ALTERATION IN PANEL
(3) Tender No: e-Tender NORTHKUR - NEW WORKS , ADDITIONS INTERLOCKING AT 02 STATIONS OF EAST Notice for inviting "Expression of Interest " (EO1) from prospective Resolution
45-2020 Dt.: 20.05 .2020 AND ALTERATIONS TO THE EXISTING COAST RAILWAY. Applicants for submitting Resolution Plans in the matter of KSK Mahanadi
Power Company Limited ("KSKMPCL") was published in The Economic
Z 1,47,62, 593+ - . EMD : Z 2.23.800:- . Cost
of Tender Document :? 5,900!- . Per iod of
Completion :Six Months.
2. e-Tender Notice No. SNTPBBSDDKIT
Times" and other regional newspapers, on 8th January 2020, in terms of
provisions of Section 25(2)(h) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code , 2016 and
Notice for extension of the date of submission of EO1 till 31st May 2020 was
Yes Bank may Find it Tough to
UPTO30 .06.2021 .
178.89 Lakhs,
CAPOT042020 , D1.27 .05.2020
Z 5 ,9001-, Competoc period : 02 Months . M I S C E L L A N E O U S NATURE AND Indira Gandhi Bhavan , Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj Marg,
pundits are puzzled over crore for the
(9) Tender No: e-Tender -CENT-KUR- SUPPLIES EACH COSTING RS. 5, 00, 0001- Z 1,79 ,07, 1711- . EMD : ? 2 ,39,500;- C os t Bhaindar (W), Tal. Dist -Thane the timing of Yes Bank’s quarter ended
51-2020 Dt.: 19.05.2020 OR LESS IN THE SECTION CUTTACK (IN)
of Tender Document :? 5,9001- . Period of
Completion :Six Months.
Public Health Department move.
“It will be very difficult
December 31,
6. e-Tender Notice No. SNTPVSKPO DT U No. MBMC/Health/62/2020-21 , Dated 3015 for Yes Bank to realise However,
CPPOT022020 , Dt.27.05.2020
D I F F E R E N T Y A R D S U N D E R THE any value from the Dish Dish TV’s loss
Z 7 6 .75 Lakhs, TENDER NOTICE
DIVISIONAL ENGINEER , BHUBANESWAR EMD Z 1,53,5001, Cost of Tender form
Z 5 ,9001-, Completionpenoc 30.06.2021.
OF DOUBLE DISTANT SIGNALS IN EX Mira Bhaindar Municipal Corporation invites online tender from experienced contractor for
TV stake because the
market cap has fallen
in the third
quarter was
Z 122.17 Lakhs, ( 19) Tender No: e-Tender -EAST KUR-
Part - A" sharply. If they try to sell at ` 66.8 crore. EXIM BANK
EMD: Z 2,11 , 1001-, Cost of Tender form : 61.2020 Dt. :20 .05.2020 Supply of contractual labour for daily sweeping & cleaning of roads, footpaths , public places , sw(
2 55 ,9 Com peton per iod : 12Months , r NEW WORKS , ADDITIONS
GATES WITH ALTERATION IN HITACHI RAL in commercial areas at night , cleaning of gutters twice in a month for contract period of 04 yr
52-2020 Dt.: 19.05 .2020 STRUCTURES , ALL ORDINARY REPAIR
STS I N D I A M A K E E L E C T R O N I C "Part- B.
AND M A I N T E N A N C E W O R K S OF INTERLOCKING AT 05, ALTERATION OF i. Door to door collection and transportation of wet and dry waste separatel y from waste gene VARIOUS WORK Export-Import Bank of India
PANEL INTERLOCKING AT 01 STATION OF invites applications for Pre-
within the limits of the Corporation area to the processing plants with the help of 7 ton F E-Tender Notice No. RR / P R / W C /
SHALLOW SCREENING , LIFTING & SUPPLIES EACH COSTING RS. 5, 00, 001 1518 / 2020-21 / 04 & RR / P R/ W C / qualification of Engineering,
PACKING, DEEP SCREENING OF POINTS OR LESS IN THE SECTION CUTTACK (EX) Compactor and 3 ton Tipper vehicles of the Bidder for period of 01 year (for the first year
1519/2020 -21105 . Tender Procurement and Construction
& C R O S S I N G S , RENEWAL OF PSC TO PARADEEP UNDER SENIOR SECTION ? 2 1 8 2 2 , ' 31+- . EMD 2 .59 . 100:- . Cost contract period) with labour. ( E P C ) C o n t r a c t o r for
No. : RR/ PR/WC / 1518 12020-21104.
SLEEPERS ETC. AND OTHER ENABLING ENGINEER ( WORKS ) IPARADEEP FOR of Tender Document 11 .8001- , Period ii. Door to door collection and transportation of wet and dry waste separately from waste gene Name of Work : Construction of RCC Construction of Nineteen Multi-
W O R K S IN C U T T A C K - P A R A D E E P THEPERIOD UPTO30 .06.2021 .
of Completion : Six Months within the limits of the Corporation area to the processing plants with the help of 7 ton F compound wall between stores and Village Drinking Water Supply
2 80.20 Lakhs , Systems (MVWSS) in Benin.
EI,.D,Z 1, 60,4001, Cost of Tender form compactor and 3 ton Tipper vehicles to be owned by Corporation (vehicles such as Ashok Le workshop at Matunga Workshop
K A N D A R P U R OF K H U R D A R O A D 1200hrs of 18 .06.2020 (Forall tender sl Mahindra and Mahindra/Eicher Motors/Tata Motors etc. may be procure by the Corporatic (Approx . Length- 200 m). Approx. Details on:
DMSION . Z 5, 9001-, Completion period : 30.06.2021.
Cost of work : Rs 23 , 14 , 259 .76. Date http:l/www.exlmba nklndla.lnl
Z 58. 34 Lakhs, at 1500 hrs. of
No manual offers sent by Pos UCou- 07 years (from 2^° year to 811year of the contract period). The total contract period of this and time of closing of tender - -
Ilnes of credit tenders.aspx
Fax or in person shall be accept
EMD Z 1,16,7001-, Cost of Tender form : 10.06.2020 ( 'or al terde rs).
against such e-Tenders even if these B' is 8 years. submission : 24.06.2020 upto 12.00 All subsequent Addenda/
2 5,9001 , Completion penod : 06 Months . No manual offers sent by Posl/Courier/Fax or submitted on firm' s letter head iii. Supply of labour on vehicles for the contract period of 8 years hrs. T e n d e r No. : Corrigenda shall be notified on
(11) Tender No: e-Tender - ESTATE-KUR - in person shall be accepted against such received in time. All such manual c " i R R / P R/W C / 151912020 - 21/05. Name Bank' swebsite.
53-2020 Dt .: 20.05 .2020 e-tenders even if these are submitted on firm 's
The tender form and other relevant document will be available from Dt.01/06/2020 to DL24/0E
shall be considered invalid and sha ofWork R e p a r s to Line No . 5of Paint
ZONAL CONTRACT FOR letter head and received in time . All such rejected summarily without
till 01.00 pm on website tender will be submitted online on w
Shop wrh embedded t rack flooring
MAINTENANCE , ADDITION & ALTERATION manual offers shall be rejected summarily consideration. till Dt24/06/2020 at 1.00 pm. Tender technical bids will be open along with provision of drainage.
OF EXISTING HORTICULTURAL WORKS without any consideration.
NOTE : The prospective tenderers are DL26/06/2020 at 3.00 pm, A p p r o x . C o s t of w o r k : Rs
Complete information including e-tender advised to revisit the webstte 7 days
MANCHESWAR SETTLEMENT EACH documents of the above e-tender is available before the date of closing of tender
Prebid meeting will be Dt.09/06/2020 at 12.00 pm. at the office of the Dy.Commissioner (H 35 , 79 ,534 .93 . Date and time of Raapafz a r a a t mike
approorat..ic o . o ara e.ek appop lale
COSTING UPTO RS.5.00 LAKHS OR LESS Mira Bhaindar Municipal Corporation , Head Office , Bhaindar (W.), Tal-Dist-Thane, Pin-4011 closing of tender submission : advice uetce xe ieim 'roner r any
inwebsit e: to note any changes I corrigenda axpp nxec ng o nod, e a i
UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF SENIOR 24.06 ,2020 upto 12 .00 hrs . Tenders a g Int
mtoo a
Note : The prospective tenderers are advised Issued for this tender. rapmemar n t a l e to r t o an Y ebe 0
DIVISIONAL ENGINEER ( ESTATE )/ shall be accepted only in E-tendering
BHUBANESWAR FOR THE YEAR ENDING to revisit the website 10 (Ten) days before the Complete information including Sd/- IMia
ea n
nd,a Group ao
axx nt
tiun. TY< Tmn
t,OOS 01
oixn b anY damx
e-tender documents is available n f o r m a t t h r o u g h the w e b s i t e prctricd a
(Dr. Sambhaji Panpatte)
maM. [ry Otn
30TH JUNE 2021 . date of closing of tender to note any changes/ e' mea r,e rrma r eiarec ep¢ot ena
website http :Ilwww .ireps www .ireps . Tender coeu-,t 0-- O a
PI n l o ' P, IS
tree 0 Uie Gmup
Z 140 .93 Lakhs, corrigenda issued for this tender Dy. Commissioner (Health) pt N i ca :o r0 xt,all rot n. b' anY
SR ,NO. MBMC/PRO/43/2020-21 .. . . . , st e x o flt o ms
th ca
ENID Z 2,20,5001, Cost of Tender form Divisional Railway Manager ( Engg), Deputy Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer P 100 rat iccnpu.w
o n 0 000p v :ne,Ado
Z 5 ,9001-, Competion penod : 30.06 2021.. PRggNyO 21 - Khurda Road
FPR 1 1 / CD / 20 21
Bhubaneswa r DATE:- 30/05/2020 Mira-Bhaindar Municipal Corporat
Impact: Pharma & Companies 5
‘Govt Didn’t Take Expert Advice Before Imposing Lockdown’ ITR Forms for
FY20 Notified
In a joint statement to Prime Mini- “This draconian lockdown is pro- ences, Benaras Hindu University, limiting the spread of virus. New Delhi: The government has
Experts in statement ster Narendra Modi, representati-
ves of Indian Public Health Associ-
bably in response to a modeling ex-
ercise from an influential institu-
Questions Raised Jawaharlal Nehru University, Post-
graduate Institute of Medical Edu-
The signatories make a range of
recommendations, including the
notified income tax return forms
for 2019-20 and made it mandatory
ation (IPHA), Indian Association of tion which was a ‘worst-case The draconian cation and Research, among others. setting up of a panel of inter-disci- for entities to file ITR if deposits in
to PM say the country Preventive and Social Medicine simulation’. The model had lockdown is prob- When asked why these concerns plinary preventive health and a current account exceed `1 crore
(IAPSM) & Indian Association of come up with an estimated 2.2 ably in response were not raised earlier, Dr Shashi public health experts and social or electricity bill in the fiscal is
is now in community Epidemiologists said that the go- million deaths globally. Subse- to a modeling Kant, professor, Centre for Com- scientists at central, state and dis- over `1 lakh or spent above `2 lakh
vernment should have consulted quent events have proved that exercise from munity Medicine AIIMS, who is trict levels to tackle both public on foreign travels.
transmission phase epidemiologists while formulating the predictions of this model an influential one of the signatories told ET, “the health and humanitarian crises. The Central Board of Direct Tax-
policies to tackle Covid-19. were way off the mark,” it said. institution which deliberation of the task force is Speaking to ET, DCS Reddy, anot- es (CBDT) on Saturday notified Sa-
Teena Thacker “Had the government of India con- A study published by Imperial was a ‘worst-case confidential in nature. Nonethe- her member, said, “We need to now haj (ITR-1), Form ITR-2, Form
& Divya Rajagopal sulted epidemiologists who had bet- College London in March 2020 simulation’ less as a member of the public he- have a pragmatic approach to the ITR-3, Form Sugam (ITR-4), Form
ter grasp of disease transmission estimated 2.2 million deaths in alth community in the country I epidemic, the situation needs to be ITR-5, Form ITR-6, Form ITR-7 and
New Delhi | Mumbai: India is dynamics compared to modelers, it the US alone, but it also assumed no was approached to look at the con- tailored to local situations and not Form ITR-V (Verification) for the
Allowing migrant workers to re-
now in a community transmis- would have perhaps been better ser- containment measures or changes sensus communication and there- be a blanket one. The government assessment year 2020-21 (income
turn home added to challenges
sion phase, top public health ex- ved,” the statement said. It pointed in behaviour by the public at large. fore I lent my name,” he said. from the beginning should have ad- earned between April 1, 2019, and
in limiting the spread of virus
perts have said, as the country out that the government was prima- The signatories include former The statement further says vised states to take a local approach. March 31, 2020).
starts a phased exit from a two- rily advised by “clinicians” and advisors to the health ministry, cur- that the delay in allowing mig- We did not do badly, but we could ha- The new ITR forms require enti-
month lockdown they describe as “academic epidemiologists” with li- rent and former professors at the rant workers to return ho- ve used our resources for better ties to furnish details of specified
“draconian.” mited field training and skills. All India Institute for Medical Sci- me added to challenges in things and hence done more”. high spend transactions. — PTI
be Managed by Govt Gilead Drug for Cipla "S CIN : U36911PN2017PLC173262 Rating
ICRA Limited (ICRA)
1832 Regd . Office: Abhiruchi Mall , S. No. 59 /1-C, Wadgaon (BK),
MA+ (mt
Sinhgad Road , Pune 411041. Tel.: 020- 24612000, Fax 020-24612185
Mea the rating
Gold I S,[,,, I ITiamomis Email: [email protected] , Website : www.pngadgilandsons .com
obtained :stable
obtain le
Direct sale to pvt hospitals may not be allowed But it is unclear whether sub-licensing is allowed Public Notice for Change in Terms and Conditions of acceptance of Fixed Deposits by the
poor and middle-income nations in- P. N. Gadgil & Sons Ltd. with effect from June 01", 2020
[email protected]
The Right Dose GREY AREA cluding India, had flagged concerns
over the Mumbai company’s entry
In furtherance to the statutory advertisement published by P. N. Gadgil & Sons Limited ("Company") in "Sc sa
Pacer " and "Economic Times " on 11" October, 2019 and subsequentl y in Mint Newspaper on November 06 ,
Mumbai: The subject expert com- The MEURI* guideline was Gilead had sought into the fray. The US company had 2019 as per section 73 (2)(a) and section 76 of the and Rule 4 (1), 4(2) and 4(6)of the Companies (Acceptance
mittee of the Drug Controller of In- established for emergency govt support for written to the Indian government se- of Deposits) Rules , 2014, it is hereb y notified that the following interest rates on acceptance / renewal of fixed
dia has suggested that drugmaker use of investigational drugs applications of “patent eking its intervention and support de posit shall come into force with effect from June 01", 2020, with all other terms & conditions remainirg
Gilead’s experimental drug remde- holder” and not for for applications of the “patent hol- unchanged .
Guideline lays down
sivir should be administered under “non-licensees.” der” and not for “non-licensees.”
7 criteria before 1.INTEREST RATES ON FRESH DEPOSITS / RENEWALS ( w i t h effect from June 01" , 2020)
a ‘compassionate use’ programme investigational drugs It is not known if Gilead has permit- Rate of interest : (Non-Cumulative)
It is not clear
and not sold directly to private ho- are given outside the ted its licensees to enter into sub-li-
if Gilead had
spitals, considering that the drug is purview of clinical trial censing manufacturing contracts. Period Rate of Interest p.a * Minimum Deposit (Rs.)**
permitted licensees
still under trial. “In this case, BDR gets covered by
*Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered to enter into sub- 36 months 7.00% 1,00,000/-
This essentially means that the the licensee holder Cipla to manufac-
and Investigational Interventions licensing deals
companies which have got the licen- ture and hence none of the compani-
ce to manufacture the drug will have es should have an objection. Howe- The above mentioned interest rates are subject to periodic change with public notice.
to sell it to government institutions, government, in collaboration with ver, since the terms and conditions of " Additional amount acceptable in multi ples of Rs . 50,000/-
ET has learnt from officials aware of the state as well as local government [email protected] Gilead’s voluntary licence are not in Any pre-maturity during 91 days to 365 affects interest rate and applicable rate in that case will be 1% less
the development. authorities. the public domain, nobody can com- than the offer rate . ( i.e. 6% p. a . instead of 7% p.a .)
The recommendations come as fo- “Since most patients who are cur- New Delhi: BDR Pharmaceuticals ment on how this will pan out,” a Any pre- maturity on or after 366" day, the interest rate will remain same (i.e. 7% p.a.)
ur Indian drug companies, Cipla, rently being treated for Covid-19 are has signed a contract-manufactu- pharma analyst said on condition of Applicable interest rate will be equal to offer interest rate for the period of deposit
Hetero, Mylan and Jubilant, gear up in public hospitals and since the ef- ring deal with Cipla for remdesivir, a anonymity. Cipla declined to com- The special interest rate of 7.50% p.a. will be given for the single deposit of Rs. 50 lakhs and above
to get an approval for the drug in the ficacy is still not known, this seems patented product of US company Gi- ment on the development. Interest will be paid annually with cut off of 31" March every year. (first interest and last interest will be for
treatment of Covid-19. to be the thinking,” said an official lead Sciences and the only drug app- “There is too much ambiguity. We fractional period)
Remdesivir received an emergen- who was aware of the development roved to treat Covid-19 patients. don’t know if BDR can benefit from Gi-
cy authorisation approval in count- and did not wish to be quoted due to In late May, BDR had sought the app- lead’s data on the drug and can manu- 2. The Company will accept app lication for fresh / renewal of Fixed Deposits at the revised
ries like US and Japan, and in US its the sensitivity of the issue. roval of India’s drug regulator to make facture it. We don’t know if Gilead’s rates of interest specified as per above mentioned para under point no.1 till further notice .
distribution is controlled. In case of remdesivir, Indian com- and sell remdesivir in India without contract allows sub-licensing,” anot- Thereb y, it is declared that the earlier Fixed Deposit Scheme stands closed with effect
The US Food and Drug Administra- panies have asked for a trial waiver. entering into an arrangement with Gi- her pharma analyst said. Dharmesh from May 31, 2020.
tion (FDA), while giving its emer- "In India, if the Indian health mini- lead. The Mumbai-based company has Shah, MD of BDR, said “nothing is 3. The Company reserves right to close the scheme at any point of time.
gency approval, has restricted supp- stry introduced the drug out of cli- now signed a contract to make the more important than accessibility
ly where it said that distribution of nical trials, it should ensure that the drug for Cipla, which is one of the li- and affordability for Covid-19 pati- By order of the Board of Directors
the drug will be controlled by the US guidelines are in place for informed censed companies, people aware of the ents and if remdesivir is working, it Of P. N. GADGIL & SONS LIMITED
government. consent and monitored emergency matter told ET. should be available soon.” Shah said
The US FDA directed that Gilead use of remdesvir, the results of Following BDR’s request for appro- his company has the active pharma- Sd/-
will supply the drug to authorised which are documented and shared val to sell the drug, Gilead, which has ceutical ingredients needed to make Govind Vishwanath Gadgil
distributors, or directly to a US go- in a timely manner with the wider signed voluntary licensing agree- remdesivir, without divulging deta- Chairman & Whole Time Director
vernment agency, who will then dis- medical and scientific community," ments with Cipla, Hetero Labs and ils about the BDR-Cipla tie-up. DIN : 00616617
Date : May 30, 2020
tribute to hospitals and other he- said Leena Menghaney, who is a la- Jubilant Life Sciences for the manu- Gilead did not respond to e-mailed 576, N C Kelkar Road , Shaniwar Peth , Opp Kesari Wada , Pure-
Place : Pone
althcare facilities as directed by the wyer with Doctors Without Borders. facture and sale of remdesivir in 127 queries on this issue. 411030 MH
Tel.Nos.: 023S2324641 to 2324646,Fax 0233-2=107, small [email protected]
LL- 1 . . L 1_ .. . 1 y .- . L..., 6--
to Fall 15% in 2020’ Offers are invited by the undersigned for selling or leasing out (rentin g out) Manufacturing of
soya oils & poultary feeds unit Devine Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. A-1, M.I.D.C. Palus
Tal.,Palus Dist. Sangli (Maharashtra) Owned by Bank
The Tenders are invited in sealed envelope to be submitted to Sangli D C C Bank Ltd
Offers are invited by the undersigned for selling or leasing out (renting out) sugar
factory of Manganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Sonarsidhanagar, Atpadi
Tal.Atpadi, Dist. Sangli ( Maharashtra ) Owned By Bank
The Tenders are invited in sealed envelope to be submitted to Sangli D C C Bank Ltd
along with prescribed earnest money amount by Demand Draft drawn on SANGLI and along along with prescribed earnest money amount by Demand Draft drawn on SANGLI and along
Downward Trajectory with KYC documents . The sealed envelope contained with remark' Tender application for Sale
or Let Out (Leasing Out) properties / Machinery situated at Palus'to be opened on 08/07/2020
with KYC documents. The sealed envelope contained with remark' Tender application for Sale
or Let Out (Leasing Out) properties / Machinery situated atAtpadi'to be opened on 08/07/2020
IDC Data Counterpoint at 2.00 P.M. The said Tenders will be opened on said date and time, described herein below at at 2 .00 P.M. The said Tenders will be opened on said date and time , described herein below at
158 M Sangli Dist. Central Co-Op. Bank Ltd., Sangli, Head Office, Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Sangli Dist, Central Co-op. Bank Ltd; Sangli , Head Office, Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil
130 M 137 M smart-
Marg Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Chowk , Sangli, Dist. Sangli.(MAHARASHTRA) Marg Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Chowk, Sangli , Dist. Sang li. (MAHARASHTRA)
Likely sales of Likely sales of Brief Description of the Properties Brief Description of the Properties
smartphone smartphone sold
this year this year last Part iculars Location Land Area Part iculars Location Land Area
year Propert y belonging to Devine Foods (India) Pvt . Ltd ., Plot Property belong ing to hlanganga Sah akar i Sakh ar Ka rk hana Ltd. Kouthuli and
Plot No A- 1
41905 g6.63
140 M 142 M No.A-1 ,M.I.D.C. Palus Property situated at M.I.D. C.Palus MIDC Palus
Sonarsdhanagar , Atpadi Property situated at Kouthu land Pujarwadi Hector
Earlier estimate Earlier estimate Tal.Palus Dist.Sangli Plot No A-1 having Land, Factory Tal.Palus Pujarwadi Tal.Atpadi Dist. Sangli Main Factory Building. Mll
Building, Office Building, Godowns ,Staff Quarters Total Civil House . Boiler House , Power House , Boiling House , Sugar
42% Dist.Sangli Dist. Sangli
Current pent-up Work 7668 Sq. Mtr. and Plant and Machinery. Manufacturing House . Godowns , Administrative Building, Guest House , Distillery
Likely fall in sale demand likely to (Maharashtra) Unit and Plant and Machinery of 1250 TCD Capacity Sugar Factory (Maharashtra)
of soya oils & poulta ry feeds etc.
of feature phones taper off by June
For Sale For Lease /Let Out ( Rent ) Last Date & Time of Day, Date& Time For Sale For Lease /Let Out (Rent ) Last Date & Time of Day, Date& Time
Submission of Bids. of opening of Bids Submission of Bids . of opening of Bids
Writankar.Mukherjee making models pricier. Reserve Earnest Money Reserve Price Earnest Money 04/07/2020 till Wednesday Reserve Earnest Money Reserve Price Earnest Money 04/07/2020 till Wednesday
IDC has now projected the
smartphone market in India Price Deposit (ENID) for Rent Yearly Deposit (EMD) 3.00 Pm at Date 08/07/2020 Price Deposit (E% !D) for Rent Yearly Deposit (EMD) 3.00 Pm at Date 08/ 07/ 2020
Kolkata: Market research- could hit as low as 130 million Head office on 2.00 PM a: Head office on 2.00 PM at
3844 . 20 384 . 42 400.00 40.00 Head office 8059 .48 805 .95 810.00 81.00 Head office
ers International Data Cor- handsets as compared to ear- Sangli Sangli
Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs San li Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs San li
poration (IDC) and Counter- lier estimate of 140 million.
point Research have down- Counterpoint has just revised Terms and C o n d i t i oc f o r S:ile:- Terms and C o n d i t i o ns , E Sale:-
ward revised their outlook its outlook pegging the indus- (1) The bank intends to sell the assets detailed above " AS IS WHERE IS AS IS WHAT IS, (1) The bank intends to sell the assets detailed above " AS IS WHERE IS, AS IS WHAT IS ,
decline by 13-15% due to Co- Last year, India had sold WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any shortfall of the WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any shortfall of the
vid-19, making it the first around 154-158 million smart- movable/immovable assets for procurin g any permissions etc. or for any dues , statutory or movable/immovable assets for procuring any permissions etc. or for any dues , statutory or
otherwise of any authority established by law.such dues if any will have to be borne/paid by the otherwise of any authority establis hed by law. such dues if any will have to be borne/paid by the
year of decline ever. phones and before Covid purchaser (2) The Tenders are acceptable and valid if they are received to Bank on or before till purchaser (2) The Tenders are acceptable and valid if they are received to Bank on or before till
The trackers said this is go- trackers had expected high the opening of Tenders. (3) The EMD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD in the openin gg of Tenders. (3) The EMD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD in
ing to be due to recent spate of single digit growth this year. favour of The Sangli District Central Co-Op . Bank Ltd.," payable on Sangli on any favour of The Sang li District Central Co -Op. Bank Ltd.," payable on Sangli on any
job and salary cuts whereby In case of feature phones, Nationalised/Schedule Bank. The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same Nationalised/Schedule Bank. The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same
consumers will postpone pur- the decline in sales is estimat- day, The EMD will not carry any interest. (4) 25% amount shall be deposited by D.D or RTGS/ day. The EMD will not carry any interest , (4) 25% amount shall be deposited by D.D or RTGS/
NEFT on our Bank Account by highest bidder on the same day of opening of tenders. (5) 75% NEFT on our Bank Account by highest bidder on the same day of opening of tenders. (5) 75%
chases, companies unable to ed to be a steep 42% from 130 amount of remaining highest bidding and stamp duty, registration fee , Machinery GST and amount of remaining highest bidding and stamp duty, registration fee , Machinery GST and
ramp up production impact- million handsets sold last other expenses for sale deed shall be deposited within 15 days from the date of opening of other expenses for sale deed shall be deposited within 15 days from the date of opening of
ing supply of models, and the year to around 75 million with tenders. If not deposited within stipulated period , deposited amounts will be forfeited and the tenders . If not deposited within stipulated period, deposited amounts will be forfeited and the
recent increase in GST on income of this set of consum- said bidder shall not have any rights on said properties / machinery, Bank is not bound to pay said bidder shall not have any rights on said properties / machinery. Bank is not bound to pay
smartphones from 12-18% ers badly hit, as per IDC. interest on amounts deposited by tender applicants. 6) After opening of tenders , the highest interest on amounts deposited by tender applicants. 6 After opening of tenders , the highest
bidder is responsible for financial and legal activities. 7) Tender applicant has a right to submit bidder is responsible forfinancial and legal activities , 7 Tenderapplicant has a rightto submit
one or more tenders- He has to deposit earnest money for each tender app lication separately. one or more tenders- He has to deposit earnest money f or each tender application separately.
(8) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tenders. (9) The Tender property (8) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tenders . (9) The Tender property
will remain open for seein g after p
prior permission of Bank in office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm
Demand for Covid Test (except Holidays) from 12106/202 0 to 30/06/2020 (10) The bid document can be obtained from
t he undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 on any working days (exce ppt Holidays )
between 10 00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable fee of s_5000/-(Rs. Five
(except Holidays) from 12106/2020 to 30/06/2020 (10) The bid document can be obtained from
the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 on any working days (exce pPt Holidays )
between 10 00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable fee of F7s.5000/ -(Rs_ Five
at Diagnostic Units Up Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sangli the bid documents are available at our
head office Sangli (11)The Bank reserves the right to retain the Tender sale (12)The maximum
bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of Bank , bank has right to
Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sangli the bid documents are available at our
head office Sangli (11) The Bank reserves the right to retain the Tender sale (12) The maximum
bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of Bank , bank has right to
vate companies requesting cancel/post pone the said Sale. And he reserves the right to accept/ reject any/ or all the bids cancel/post pone the said Sale. And he reserves the right to accept/reject any/ or all the bids
Nidhi.Sharma us to test their employees so without assigning any reason . (13) The said Tender Notice is published on our bank' s website without assigning any reason , (13) The said Tender Notice is published on our bank' s website ,,,sanc p k .ccii (14) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved w+ r:.s a a n l l o u ,k .con (14) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved
that they can resume work.
by Bank , WBank .
There are very strict guide-
New Delhi: As India gradu- lines for conducting RT-PCR Terms and Conditions for Lease / Let Out (Rent): - Terms and Conditions for Leas e /Let Out (Rent)
ally opens up malls, restau-
rants and offices, private
tests so we have not been able
to conduct these tests.” Dr
Thebank in tends
t the S detailed
R Thebank in tends
t the assets
Tech Buzz
Projects, Infy Flags Risks Pune: A final proposal on visa fee
increase, submitted by the US im-
migration agency last week with
the US President’s office, is expec-
ted to hike the cost of an H-1B visa
FB’s ‘Venue’ Firm says key clients
ling with the US Securities and
Exchange Commission. “Our profi-
by 22% and that of the L-1 visa —
used by technology companies to
to Jazz up cutting costs due to
tability may be negatively impac-
ted if we are unable to eliminate fix-
transfer employees between offi-
ces — by as much as 77%.
Live Events prolonged economic
ed or committed costs in line with
reduced demand,” Infosys added.
The US Citizenship and Immigra-
tion Services (USCIS) submitted the
In April, Infosys suspended its an- proposal to the White House Office
impact of the outbreak nual revenue guidance for the first
time due to the economic uncerta-
of Immigration and Regulatory Af-
fairs. Although the timelines of the
inty, as the United States and Euro- fee hike are unclear, the USCIS is
Our Bureau pe waded into a recession, af- currently facing a funding crisis on
fecting businesses at cli- account of a sharp drop in visa fee
Bengaluru: Some clients of Info- ents. The company said income. ET reported last week that The proposal to hike fees was
sys have terminated projects or that some of the specific the USCIS may have to furlough at first put forth in November 2019,
reduced demand for its services “consequent risks related least half of its 18,700 employees if and it recommends different fees
San Francisco, Facebook amid the Covid-19 induced econo- to the occurrence of Co- its demand for $1.2 billion in govern- for Form I-129, depending on the
is rolling out a new app mic crisis, which could impact its vid-19 that have materiali- ment funding is not met by July. visa category. This will result in
profitability in the year ahead, sed” include delay and su- Immigration attorneys, who did the base fee for the H-1B visa in-
called ‘Venue’ which aims the Bengaluru-based company sa- spension of some existing not want to be named, said that an creasing by 22% to $560 and for
to provide an interactive
second-screen experi-
id in a filing.
The IT services provider high- Salil Parekh’s Remuneration services projects. “Addi-
tionally, any sudden
attempt would be made to “finalise
this ruling soon”.
the L-1 intra-company transfer
visa by 77% to $815.
ence for live events. Fa-
cebook will first test
lighted that the pandemic could
pose a major risk going forward as Up 27% to $6.15 m in FY20 change in demand
may impact utili-
9,000 rise in the previous financial year, 2019. Some of these cer has said. comments vid-19 pandemic. ed guidelines for phased re-opening, nels for visitors to pass through
allowing malls outside contain- them but the mall is not sure if the
Over according to the company’s annu-
al report. Revenue from Tata Sons
technology initiatives
are still in progress at these large
The Teaneck, New Jersey-based
IT services provider earns aro-
come amid
moves to
“Even if, for some
reason, we have di- ment zones to open after June 8. Delhi state government will allow
Covid-19 cyber attacks in as well as subsidiaries and associ- companies,” the executive who is und 38% of its $16.8 billion reve- shed staff as gital talent that be- From installing UV baggage scan- such measures to be used or not.
ates grew to nearly `2,656 crore aware of the developments said. nue from digital businesses, part of cost comes unutilised ner and using expensive chemicals to The Shopping Centres Associa-
India between February sanitise washrooms and other com- tion of India has created a video ad
compared to a more than 13% TCS and Tata Sons did not re- which include helping clients optimisation during this time-
2 and May 2. —Microsoft mon areas, to ensuring contactless showing health workers in perso-
growth to `2,566 crore in financial spond to emails seeking comment. shift applications to the Cloud, frame, assuming that they have
year 2019, when the software servi- Analysts said revenue contribu- marketing online and on social the right skills and capabilities parking and deploying staff for adhe- nal protective equipment (PPEs)
ces exporter capitalised on the tion from government contracts media and building applications and so forth, we will protect that rence to social distancing norms, fumigating the centres, marked
malls are set to roll out several mea- areas for visitors to stand in eleva-
Indian Coder
group’s new tech initiatives. has seen sharper growth as firm for smartphones and maintai- talent for the recovery,” McLough-
According to a Tata Sons executi- increased revenue contribution ning them at scale. Karen McLo- lin said during a Bernstein confe- sures to make shoppers feel safe. tors and escalators and mandatory
ve, group firms had invested hea- from the public sector. ughlin’s comments come amid rence last week. DLF Mall of India will be encou- check of the Aarogya Setu app.
Gets `75 lakh raging customers to book their vi-
sit to the mall on DLF Malls ‘Luko-
Malls well be shelling out big
bucks to ensure safety measures. “If
TRADERS TO PAY 20-25% MORE as upfront margins for naked positions TO ENABLE RBI INTERVENTION IN OFFSHORE MARKET
Higher Margins for Unhedged Bets from Today Local Banks to Start
Nishanth.Vasudevan New Rules for Trades The initial
hedges are considered risky becau-
se, in theory, losses can be unlimited.
Knowledgeable traders using ‘na-
Rupee Trading in
Mumbai: Risk-takers will have to
pay a steeper price to participate in
Jump in margins As volatility reverts Hedged
for buying
Nifty futures
from Monday
ked futures’ trading model follow
stricter risk practices; but the less
experienced, who do not hedge, are
Overseas NDF Mkt
India’s equity derivatives market. mainly because to long-term aver- strategies will be roughly exposed to steep losses.
Traders betting on the direction of of the higher vol- ages, margins would to become `1.35 lakh per lot The new upfront margin rules and
the index or a stock without insu- atility in the past fall, but the decline cheaper as against `1.1 lakh the recent regulatory curbs on large
Move will curb wild Liquidity, Stability
three months would be gradual by 50-70% last week LOCAL BANKS will be able
rance will have to pay higher up-
front money from June 1 when the
F&O trades could dry up liquidity in
the equity derivatives segment.
swings in currency; to serve overseas clients
National Stock Exchange’s new
margin norms kick in. The rules, ho- What has changed? NSE has twea- gins. By increasing the PSR, the up- rithm is based on naked futures,” sa-
Sebi and exchanges have been tigh-
tening margin requirements for fu-
may help MNCs save with better efficiency
at 9,037-10,160
market. Multinational companies, many readying infrastructure
too, are likely to save hedging cost platforms.
Plastic Pipes Sector 1 The bank intends to sell the assets detailed above " AS IS WHERE IS, AS IS WHAT IS,
WHATSOEVER " The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any shortfall of the
movable/immovable assets for procurin g any permissions etc. or for any dues , statutory or
WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any shortfall of the
movable/immovable assets for procuring any permissions etc. or for any dues , statutory or
Set to Boom, Finolex otherwise of any authority established by law- such dues if any will have to be borne/paid by the
purchaser (2) The Tenders are acceptable and valid if they are received to Bank on or before til l
the opening of Tenders. (3) The E MD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD in
favour of "The Sangli District Central Co -Op. Bank Ltd.," payable on Sangli on any
otherwise of any authority established by law. such dues if any will have to be borne/paid by the
purchaser (2) The Tenders are acceptable and valid if they are received to Bank on or before till
the openin g of Tenders- (3) The E MD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD in
favour of The Sang li District Central Co -Op. Bank Ltd., " payable on Sangli on any
Analysts’ Top Pick Nationalised/Schedule Bank. The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same
day. The EMD will not carry any interest. (4) 25% amount shall be deposited by D.D or RTGS/
NEFT on our Bank Account by highest bidder on the same day of opening of tenders. (5) 75%
amount of remaining highest bidding and stamp duty, reg istration fee , Machinery GST and
Nationalised/ScheduleBank_ The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same
day. The EMD will not carry any interest. (4) 25% amount shall be deposited by D.D or RTGS/
NEFT on our Bank Account by highest bidder on the same day of opening of tenders- (5 )) 75%
amount of remaining highest bidding and stamp duty, registration fee , Machinery GST and
other expenses for sale deed shall be deposited within 15 days from the date of openin g of other expenses for sale deed shall be deposited within 15 days from the date of opening of
Rajesh.Mascarenhas tenders- If not deposited within stipulated period , deposited amounts will be forfeited and the tenders. If not deposited within stipulated period , deposited amounts will be forfeited and the said bidder shall not have any rights on said properties / machinery, Bank is not bound to pay said bidder shall not have any rights on said properties / machinery. Bank is not bound to pay
interest on amounts deposited by tender applicants. 6 ) After opening of tenders , the highest interest on amounts deposited by tender applicants. 6 After opening of tenders , the highest
bidder is responsible forfinancial and legal activities . (7) Tender applicant has a right to submit bidder is responsible forfinancial and legal activities. 7 Tender applicant has a rightto submit
Mumbai: With a strong ba- one or more tenders- He has to deposit earnest money ffor each tender application separately- one or more tenders- He has to deposit earnest money f or each tender application separately.
lance sheet, compelling valua- (8) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tenders . (9) The Tender property (8) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tenders . (9) The Tender property
tions, comfortable liquidity will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm
position and leadership in ag- (except Holidays) from 12106/2020 to 30/06/2020 (10) The bid document can be obtained from (except Holidays) from 12/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 (10) The bid document can be obtained from
ri-pipe segment, Finolex In- the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 on any working days (exce pPt Holidays ) the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/20 20 on any working days (exce ppt Holidays
dustries is analysts’ top pick between 10 00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable fee of s_5000 /-(Rs. Five between 10 00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable fee of Rs.5000/-(Rs_ Five
Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sangli the bid documents are available at our Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sangli the bid documents are available at our
among plastic pipe stocks. head office Sangli (11) The Bank reserves the right to retain the Tender sale (12) The maximum head office sanglr (11) The Bank reserves the right to retain the Tender sale (12) The maximum
The sector is likely to boom in bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of Bank , bank has right to bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of Bank , bank has right to
the coming months due to sur- cancel/post pone the said Sale. And he reserves the right to accept/rej ect any/ or all the bids cancel/post. pone the said Sale. And he reserves the right to accept/ re ect any/ or all the bids
ging rural demand, paced by a without assigning any reason. (13) The said Tender Notice is published on our bank's website without assgning any reason , (13) The said Tender Notice is published on our bank' s website
healthy output of winter- ngIidcchnnk .com (14) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved wvv;vsanc l ccb a nk .co n (14) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved
by Bank. by Bank .
sown crops and increased sta-
te assistance to farmers. Terms and Conditions for Lease / Let Out (Rent): - Terms and Conditions for Lease /Let Out (Rent):-
Finolex Industries’ shares,
which declined 41% between ANIRBAN
Thebank int ends e the Sets detailed above "
IS , Thebank in tends
t the Sets r led abo v " AS
19 February and 27 March, ha- a PE of 14 times its FY22 esti- ANY KIND WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any ANY KIND WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any
ve recovered 29% to close at mated earnings, a 21% disco- shortfall of the movable/immovable assets for procurin g any permissions etc.or for any dues, shortfall of the movable/immovable assets for procuring any permissions etc , or for any dues,
`422 on Friday. The company unt to its five-year average pri- statutory or otherwise of any authority established by law, Such dues if any will have to be statutory or otherwise of any authority established by law. Such dues if any will have to be
has a debt-free balance sheet ce-to-earnings of 17.7. Its en- borne/paid by the purchaser (2) The EMD amount as mentioned above should be paid b y DD borne/paid by the purchaser (2) The MD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD
and almost nil utilisation of terprise value-to-sales and in favour of "The Sangli District Central Co Op Bank Ltd. , " payable on Sangli on any in favour of "The Sang li District Central Co Op Bank Ltd., " payable on Sangli on any
fund-based working capital li- price-to-book are 1.5 times and Nationalised/Schedule Bank, The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same Nationalised/Schedule Bank. The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same
mit. The stock is likely to rally 1.6 times its FY22 estimated day. The EMD will not carry any interest. 3)1 year rent will be taken as deposit without interest day. The EMD will not carry any interest- 3)1 year rent will be taken as deposit without interest
from successful bidder but yearly rent s hould be paid to bank as per agreement (4) Tender from successful bidder but yearly rent s ould be paid to bank as per agreement (4) Tender
up to 40% from the current le- earnings, at nearly 33% disco-
applicant has a right to submit one or more tenders. He has to deposit earnest money for each applicant has a right to submit one or more tenders. He has to deposit earnest money for each
vel in a year, as per Bloomberg unt to five-year averages. The tender application separately. (5) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tender application separately. (5) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount
consensus estimate. other two major players in the tenders. (6) The Tender property will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in tenders. (6) The Tender prope y will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in
“Given sharp recovery in industry — Astral Poly and off ice hours 11,00 am to 3 ,00 pm (except Holidays) from 12/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 (7) The bid office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm (except Holidays) from 12/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 (7) The bid
demand in rural areas, Fino- Supreme Industries — are document can be obtained from the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/20 0 on any document can be obtained from the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 on any
lex is expected to see a better currently trading at a PE of 55 working days (except Holidays ) between 10,00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable working days (except Holidays ) between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable
pick-up in pipe demand due times and 27 times FY22 esti- fee of Rs,5000/-(Rs. Five Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sang li the bid fee of Rs.5000/-(Rs. Five Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head off ice Sangli the bid
to its leadership position in mated earnings, respectively. documents are available at our head office Sang li (8) The Bank reserves the right to retain the documents are available at our head off ice Sangli (8) The Bank reserves the right to retain the
Tender let out (9) The maximum bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of Tender let out (9 ) The maximum bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of
agri-pipe segment and strong “Considering healthy re- Bank, bank has right to cancel/post pone the said let out tender And reserves the right to Bank , bank has right to cancel/post pone the said let out tender And reserves the right to
presence in rural areas,” said turn ratios, cash flow and accept/rej ect any/ or all the bids without assigning any reason. (10)The said lease tender accept/ reject any/ or all the bids without assigning any reason. (10)The said lease tender
Utkarsh Nopany, analyst, Ha- high dividend payout of 41% agreement will be for 3 years , but as per performance of tenderer it can be extended for agreement will be for 3 years , but as per performance of tenderer it can be extended for
itong Securities India. “Fino- between FY15-19, we expect maximum 2 years (11)The said Tender Notice is published on our bank's website maximum 2 years (11)The said Tender Notice is published on our bank's website
lex is a potential re-rating the valuation discount of Fi- www , sanglid ccb an k .com (12) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved www .sanglidccnank . ,-o ^ (12) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved
candidate as it is likely to nolex compared to its peers by Bank. by Bank
For Sangli Dist , Central Co-Op. Bank Ltd.,Sangli For Sangli Dist. Central Co-Op. Bank Ltd. ,Sangli
earn free cash flow yield of to narrow, going ahead,” said Sd/- Sd/-
6.2% in FY22. Arafat Saiyed, analyst, Reli- Place : SANGLI. Place : SANGLI.
(B. M. Ramdurg) (B. M. Ramdurg)
Finolex shares are trading at ance Securities. Date : 01/06/2020 General Manager (Admin-Agro. Ind. Loans) Date : 01/06 /2020 General Manager (Admin-Agro. Ind, Loans)
Improving TRIPLE WHAMMY Demand for scooters, its mainstay, is set to take a hit while exports face Day Trading Guide Motilal Oswal Fin Services
Finances Bode pressure due to Covid and already weak operating margins may undergo further stress We are witnessing strong market breadth and con-
Well for Lupin
TVS Motor may Lose Premium
solidation breakout in many sectoral indices from last
few sessions, indicating broad-based buying interest.
From ET Markets Page 1 Momentum oscillator RSI is also placed positively on
daily chart and may continue the up move in coming
However, the real impact of Co- days, too. Going forward, the resistance for Nifty is
vid on operations could reflect placed at 9,730 and then 9,889 levels, while support
in the current quarter’s per-
Divestment of its Japanese
business and undertaking of a
second impairment of Gavis –
its ambitious American acqui-
Edge in Face of Multiple Bumps mand, rising exports and operating an operating profit of `3,870 per vehi-
Tech Picks
is inching higher between 9,375 and 9300 zones.
Derivatives & Technical Analyst
sition made in 2015 – has streng- [email protected] margins — which buoyed the stock co- Volume Growth Trends cle in the March 2020 quarter, the wea- BUY
thened the balance sheet. The uld be on the wane in the near-term. In kest among peers. Another headwind Given a small triangle breakout and respecting
to its rising support trend line TARGET
debt-equity ratio at the end of ET Intelligence Group: TVS Motor addition, the company’s weaker ba- Q1 0.93 (Fig in lakh)
is the incremental cost due to BS-VI
FY20 stands at 0.12. The compa- Company is expected to face several lance sheet compared to its peers du- Q2 1.09 emission norms, which in a fragile `2,880
LAST CLOSE X `2,710 STOP LOSS X `2,625
ny has significantly improved headwinds in volume growth in both ring the current downcycle may furt- Q3 0.99 demand environment would be to-
its manufacturing compliance domestic and overseas markets in her weigh down the high valuations. ugh to absorb. Then there is the thre-
Q4 0.91 DR REDDY’S
record with the USFDA, securi-
ng a clearance of all the five fac-
FY21, which is likely to erode signifi-
cantly its premium valuations.
The scooter segment, TVS Motor’s
mainstay, makes up nearly one-third
Q1 0.92
at of price wars to gain market share.
TVS Motor’s market share has drop-
Given the recent highest daily close with con-
Q2 0.89 TARGET
tories that were inspected by The stock is currently trading at 22 of domestic volumes. This is expec- ped 100 bps to 13.8% in two-wheelers in solidation breakout in all the time frame
the drug regulator in this calen- times one-year forward earnings, a ted to see a higher demand contrac- Q3 0.82 FY20 due to rising competition and ` 4,250
dar year. It is readying its key fa- 21% premium to its long-term avera- tion in the overall two-wheeler space. Q4 0.63 weak moped demand. Operating mar- LAST CLOSE X ` 4,071 STOP LOSS X `3,980
cilities at Somerset (US), Goa ge, making it the second most expen- Domestic volumes fell 18% in FY20 gins stood at 7% in the March 2020 qu-
and Indore for the FDA’s re-in- sive two-wheeler stock after Eicher broadly in-line with the industry, but arter versus Bajaj Auto’s 18.4%. ICICI BANK
spection this year. The compa- Motors. The company is seen as a pro- it could maintain its share due to the rural demand is the driving factor. TVS had a hedge against domestic BUY
ny has invested in foreign talent xy play on growing demand for scoo- 21% growth in sales of its premium The Street estimates 10-15% volume cyclical troubles in its export busi- Negated lower top-lower bottom on weekly scale
with positive crossover on mechanical indicator TARGET
to head its key business func- ters and its premium price-earnings model Ntorq. The scooter segment decline in FY21for scooters. ness. While domestic volumes fell
tions, along with bringing its is on account of improving export bu- has been primarily driven by urban The company’s margins could come 23%, exports rose 10%. This, too, may
` 353
former CFO back in charge. siness share and scope of a sizeable demand, which is likely to fall for the under pressure due to lower utilisa- falter due to the pandemic-induced
Cost control, improving oper- improvement in operating margins. third year in a row. Recovery could ta- tion and rising competition in the disruptions. The Street is pricing a
ational efficiencies, and reduc-
ing working capital level and
These three factors — scooter de- ke longer than motorcycles, where motorcycle segment. TVS Motor has 15% drop in export volumes for FY21. BUY
Consolidation breakout above 900 zones by
overall debt are the key focus on TARGET
surpassing its 50-DEMA
the finance side.
Even as the Lupin stock closed FINANCIAL RATIOS a lot healthier than other lenders that came out of PCA, Local Banks to ` 980
nearly 2% low following its Q4
results, investors may well be- says deputy MD Khatanhar, making a case for removal of restrictions Trade Rupee in
come hopeful of a recovery in
LEGAL NOTICE Want Sebi to issue directions to
its fortunes from here on. Ka-
mal Sharma, the company’s
vice chairman, said in the earn-
IDBI Turns in a Profit, Hopes for Overseas NDF
From ET Markets Page 1 the fund house until regulations are framed
ings call, “FY20 has been a year
of settling a lot of overhang,
which had been in the system,
and we are in a much stronger
Quick Exit from Corrective Action
“It also opens up window for RBI to
directly intervene at the source of
volatility in offshore through local
banks,” he said.
Investors Demand
position to take the company
ahead now.” [email protected]
Looking Up
turday showed that with a capital
adequacy of 13.31% and net NPA of
4.19% the bank has met two of the
The differential between offshore
and onshore forwards rates was as
much as one rupee across one-two-
Reopening of Schemes
All Eyes on Virus
Mumbai: IDBI Bank is getting closer
to exiting the Reserve Bank of India’s
(RBI) restrictive prompt corrective
action (PCA) framework after posting
Net Profit
of `135 cr
three parameters to get out of PCA.
It made a profit of `135 crore in the
quarter ended March 2020 from a
loss of `4,918 crore a year ago, large-
three month contracts in March,
when India first imposed a lock-
down and the rupee plummeted to
new record lows against the dollar.
Franklin is Winding Up and to restrain Kotak Mahind-
Containment aprofit for the first time in 13 quarters. from loss ly due to a `1,511 crore of write-back The offshore one-month for- Rajesh.Mascarenhas
ra Bank or any other agency ap-
pointed by the fund house from
Though the profit was due to write of `4,918 cr in NPA provisions. wards rate is trading at a 25-26
back of provisions, the bank mainta- on-year NIM: 3.80% It is only on the RoA that the LIC-ow- paise premium over the spot ex- acting in any manner for win-
From Page 1 ins that its financial ratios are a lot from 2.26% ned lender does not qualify. The change rate, about five paise Mumbai: Investors in Franklin ding up.
May be the smokin’ hot graph more healthy and it deserves to come Net NPA: 4.19% on-year bank’s RoA at the end of March 2020 higher than the onshore one- Templeton’s debt schemes that Investors have accused Sebi of
of post-Covid recovery is the out of PCA soon. was -4.26% versus -4.68% a year earli- month forwards, dealers said. are in the process of being wo- “deliberately turning a blind eye
one that looks like those old-fas- “Some other banks were brought RoA: -4.26% Capital er which means it still has two conse- On April 16, the rupee fall peaked und up have sent a legal notice to to patent and blatant violations”
hioned tobacco pipes. NR Bha- out of PCA despite not making pro- in FY20 from Adequacy: cutive years of negative RoA.IDBI at 76.87 a dollar, its all-time low. market regulator Securities and by Franklin Templeton AMC in
numurthy, professor at the Na- fits. We have now delivered on all pa- -4.68% in FY19 13.31% Bank officials argue that RoA is an “RBI intervenes in the domestic Exchange Board of India (Sebi) managing its debt funds which
tional Institute of Public Fi- rameters and are even profitable. It is annual calculation and should not market to check the rupee’s sharp demanding necessary direc- has resulted in unprecedented clo-
nance and Policy, says that’s only return on assets (RoA) where we PCA is triggered when a bank’s ca- stop the RBI from delaying a change losses,” said Anindya Banerjee, tions to be issued to Franklin sure of six of them.
our near future. A pipe graph is have to improve. But we will write to pital adequacy ratio falls below in its status. currency analyst at Kotak Securi- Templeton Trustee Services “My clients have been compel-
a V graph with a longer tail — RBI pleading our case to released 10.25%, net NPAs are above 6% and However, analysts said the bank's re- ties. “But it could do little in the (FTTS) to re-open the schemes led and constrained to issue the
the recovery isn’t one that hap- from the PCA restrictions,” said Su- RoA is negative for two consecutive covery is still a work in progress. “De- NDF market, where speculating until the regulatory framework present notice due to a complete
pens quickly over one quarter resh Khatanhar, deputy managing years. Banks under PCA have to con- fault risks have increased post the Co- bets surge amid volatility.” has been put in place. apathy of the Sebi to look after in-
but over two-three quarters. director at IDBI Bank. He was refer- serve capital and face restrictions on vid-19 crisis and this bank has had a Trading of NDFs has almost dou- Investors have also demanded vestors’ interest
Mind you, the pipe is different ring to the RBI removing Bank of In- dividend payments, branch expan- history of NPAs. Though most of it bled over the past three years, con- that Sebi should appoint an ad- and is in fact has
from the Swoosh, because in the dia, Bank of Maharashtra, Oriental sion, management compensation has been provided for with 27% gross tributing significantly to the sub- ministrator to take over Frank- been bending over
latter the economy bears the pa- Bank of Commerce, Allahabad Bank and credit growth. IDBI has been un- NPAs a turnaround is very difficult to stantial increase in the trading of lin Templeton Asset Manage- backwards to em-
in for longer. And of course U is and Corporation Bank last year after der PCA since May 2017. believe at this stage,” said an analyst forwards recorded in the 2019, show ment Company (FTAMC) and bank and insulate
different from both. U happens capital infusion by the government. The fourth quarter released on Sa- with a foreign brokerage. a Triennial Survey by Bank of In- FTTS and evolve a mechanism FT from actions
when the base of V gets exten- ternational Settlement (BIS). The for ensuring timely payment of by investors
ded, and growth stays bad long- key currencies behind the NDF the dues of the unitholders. have also when as a regula-
er, but unlike in Swoosh or pipe,
the recovery is sharp. Higher Margins for Unhedged Bets LOWER COSTS FOR HEDGED TRADES
The new upfront margins would,
surge include the Korean won, Bra-
zilian real, Indian rupee and New
Several Delhi-based investors
including Kaj Associates LLP,
that Sebi
tor, with omnibus
powers, it ought
As DK Joshi, chief economist however, benefit traders using Taiwan dollar. Daily average vol- Ultra Walls and Floors LLP, Sa- appoint an to have acted pre-
at CRISIL, explains: “If you as- From ET Market Page 1 ity Index, a measure of near-term combinations of equity futures ume was about $250 billion in nyam Jain and Sarika Mittal administrator emptively aga-
sume the virus is contained by risks in the market, surged from 14 and options to create strategies April last year compared to esti- among others through their ad- to take over inst it with pro-
June-July, then you will get a V- HIGHER VOLATILITY = MORE MARGINS to 83.6 on March 25. VIX has dipped that would limit losses. Such trad- mated $100 billion in 2013. “Given vocate Puneet Jain in a legal no- the AMC and mptitude,” said
shaped recovery, but if that does The higher upfront margins for the to 30 on Friday on account of the re- ing bets are usually done by sophis- that NDF volume and depth will in- tice said that Sebi should direct ensure timely the legal notice.
not happen and recovery again so-called naked positions under the newed stability in the market but ticated traders with deep knowl- crease, we need to wait and see how FTTS to seek approval of the payments “It is strange
falters then its shape will new framework are because of the the current average levels are still edge of the intricacies of the deriv- effectively the offshore activity in unitholders to wind up the that despite kno-
change — and we will get an U.” climb in volatility. “The jump in up- above the historical averages. atives markets. rupee derivative migrates to on- schemes as required under Se- wing that FT had actually de-
If you don’t get a V, though, front margins is mainly because of Brokers said once the volatility re- “We will see a new breed of options shore market,” said Prasanna. bi regulations and only after it faulted, but instead of acting
pray for an U or a Swoosh or a the higher volatility in the past verts to long-term averages, the traders because hedged trading Onshoring of offshore market is granted should a fresh mee- against FT and stopping it from
pipe — because a W is scarier. If three months,” said Nithin Kamath, margins would also fall but the de- strategies will become cheaper by proved fruitful for the Chines yuan. ting be called to deliberate and operating other schemes, Sebi
the infection returns in full for- founder of online brokerage Zerod- cline would be gradual. 50-70%,” said Kamath. At the beginning of the decade, approve further steps in the has extended a long rope which
ce, forcing more stringent lock- ha. “The calculation of the new mar- “One thing that will change is The benefit of lower margins will CNH, the Chinese currency traded process of winding up. has been misused by it to de-
downs, and economy shut- gin structure is based on volatility.” there won’t be sharp spikes or falls not be available for basic trades or in Hong Kong, was introduced to the They also demanded that the fraud more investors” the notice
downs, growth will plunge af- Since February 19 — when the in margin requirements in the new ones where an investor buys futures offshore NDF market. Consequent- fund house be debarred from said. An email query sent to Sebi
ter initial recovery, and only spread of coronavirus triggered the system because of the higher PSR,” or options as a hedge against his ly, it narrowed arbitrage opportuni- functioning for any of the six did not elicit any response until
then recover. stock market turmoil —- the Volatil- said Kamath. share portfolio. ties adding relative stability. schemes as they are in default, press time.
Aditi Nayar, principal econo-
mist, ICRA, bets on a V but says
a “second wave of infections-
…could result in a W-shaped
economic cycle.”
Bottom line? Pray for a Z and
Meeting NCD Exposure Cap Allegations & Counter Allegations
pray harder we never get an L. funds a breathing space. The Franklin after the Franklin episode came to the ugh Cyrus Mistry. without any misunderstanding-
A Z-shaped recovery is when a From Page 1 crisis broke out on April 24 after the fore. To contain its effect on the indust- From Page 1 “It was only after the procee- and in the best interest of Tata
post-lockdown spending surge A short-term listing window could global asset management firm deci- ry—mainly credit risk schemes—the The first letter was an informal dings commenced that Tata Sons Sons as a company. Our standing
is so fierce that growth is lifted help mutual funds meet the regula- ded to wind up six debt schemes due to RBI late in April allowed mutual one written in 1991, soon after Ra- illegally removed Mistry as a di- together will also be a matter of
above trendline and then after a tor’s October 2019 circular that man- rising redemptions and inability to funds to borrow from banks by kee- tan Tata took over as chairman rector. In 2017, after the NCLAT strength… In ending, let me re-
party settles down to trend. dated the industry to cap exposure to find a market for its lower-rated paper. ping securities that are of investment of Tata Sons. The second was had granted a waiver in favour of iterate that I will never do anyt-
An L-shaped trajectory is NCDs at 10% of the scheme’s corpus. Franklin also halted payments to in- grade as collateral. Though many in written in May 2004 when Tata the Mistry family, and when pro- hing consciously to hurt you or
when after the initial fall in This step had dried up demand for vestors from these funds. the industry have not utilised the cen- asked Mistry to continue as di- ceedings resumed before the your family’.”
growth rate doesn’t return to NCDs among mutual funds. Industry officials said majority of tral bank’s liquidity window in a big rector of Tata Sons to ensure NCLT, the prayer for ‘proportio- In June 2016, the nominations
trendline, the economy never Franklin Templeton’s global chief these unlisted NCDs are held by way, industry officials claim the move continuity in the midst of the nate representation’ was intro- and remuneration committee of
gets its mojo back. Jennifer Johnson had partly blamed Franklin and other top seven mutual has infused confidence. ongoing Tata Consultancy Servi- duced to remedy the illegality ef- Tata Sons had given Cyrus Mist-
the rule for the winding up of its six funds. “There is a better chance of mu- The mutual fund industry’s troubles, ces (TCS) share sale. The third fected by Tata Sons,” the person ry a glowing performance feed-
debt schemes, a comment which invi- tual funds being able to sell illiquid however, may be far from over. Fund was an informal one in January said. back, which was endorsed by the
ted Sebi’s wrath forcing Franklin to la- debt if foreign funds and HNIs see va- managers agree that the stressed com- 2005 that Tata wrote to thank the “The Articles of Association of full board of Tata Sons, said the
Cash Crunch ter apologise.
Sebi on April 28 extended the deadli-
lue in some of the long-term papers,”
said the chief executive of a mid-sized
panies, which have issued bonds to
debt schemes, may struggle to repay
elder Mistry after he stepped
down as director for his “support
Tata Sons also don’t state that the
minority shareholders should be
person close to him.
“To date, there has been no proof
ne for complying with these exposure mutual fund. money on time due to the recent losses and confidence.” oppressed. The Tata Trusts have or any evidence provided to show
From Page 1 caps to December 31 giving mutual Sebi and RBI have been on high alert on account of the lockdown. “If this relief (proportionate re- been held guilty of violating the the grounds on which the board
But there has been an exodus presentation) were to be granted Articles of Association when claims to have lost confidence.
on top of that due to the lock- to the Mistry family, the Supreme they illegally removed Mistry,” This is further reinforced by Ta-
Unorganised Sector on Maruti, Kia
to Increase
Along with the Jan-Mar quarter & annual FY21 GDP
estimates, the statistics office has substantially re-
vised down estimates for previous quarters as well.
Kirtika Suneja takes a look
India for TRIPS Flexibility
to Ensure Drugs’ Access
Workers may Get IDs Freight Kitty
Our Bureau
GDP Growth (%)
Provisional Previous
Kirtika.Suneja Clear Priorities
U-WIN to be seeded with Aadhaar & have expanded coverage New Delhi: The Indian Railways Estimate Estimate Ensure access to afforda-
is betting on increased freight loa- Q1 5.2 5.6 New Delhi: India has pitched ble medicine using flexi-
ding by automakers including Ma- for flexibility in global intellec- bilities in TRIPS pact
Q2 4.4 5.1
Yogima.Seth Addressing Data Gaps ruti Suzuki and South Korea’s Kia
Motors as the lockdown is eased. Q3 4. 4.7
tual property rights (IPR) agre-
ements, in order to ensure ac- Build e-education, tele-
Labour ministry During the lockdown, the railwa- Q4 3.1 4.7* cess to essential medicines and medicine capacities in LDCs,
New Delhi: The government to revive U-WIN ys had been in touch with both vaccines at affordable rates to developing countries
has pulled out a 2014 proposal companies for their transporta- FY 4.2 5 all as the world grapples with
U-WIN for Labour Resolve Appellate
to provide identification tion requirements, a senior rail- Provisional Estimate released May 29 the Covid-19 pandemic. Body impasse
Data to be made How it
numbers to workers from the way ministry official said. At the virtual General Council
the unorganised sector after more comprehensive Will Help One freight train loaded with 100 *Computed Meeting of the World Trade Or- Ensure food security,
facing all round criticism for Electronic data to be units of Kia Seltos left from Beng- ganization on Friday, New Delhi eliminate asymmetries in
not doing much for migrant Aadhaar seeded Data to be aluru on Sunday. The rate for one SHARPER GVA DECLINE also said there was an “urgent entitlements in farm pact
labour hit hard by the Co- used to such train, known as a rake, is Gross value added (GVA) Growth (%) need” to build the digital capaci- Special treatment to
Info on migration,
vid-19 lockdown. provide social about `19 lakh. ties of developing countries and protect developing
skills sets to be added Provisional Previous
The new look ‘Unorganised security least developed countries (LDC) countries’ small fishermen
Worker Identification Num- Coverage to be benefits Estimate Estimate so that they benefit from e-edu-
ber (U-WIN)’ will be seeded
with Aadhaar and have ex-
widened to include all
unorganised workers It will help
Back On Track Q1 4.8 5.4 cation and tele-medicine.
Highlighting its five priorities affordable prices, especially in
1 freight train loaded with 100 Q2 4.3 4.8
panded coverage. Besides, it Data will be fed into employers hire at the WTO, India called for ef- the context of the Covid-19.
units of Kia Seltos left from Q3 3.5 4.5
would include other informa- NCS portal them directly fective use of flexibilities inhe- It stressed on building capaciti-
Bengaluru on Sunday Q4 3 5
tion such as qualifications rent in the Trade-Related es of developing countries and
and skill set of the worker. SW Railway Aspects of Intellectual Proper- LDCs in areas like digital skills
A senior labour ministry of- “The current crisis has to ensure a more comprehensi- division also in WHAT THE REVISION SHOWS? ty Rights (TRIPs) to ensure ac- and broadband infrastructure so
ficial told ET that the govern- shown that a specific data re- ve profile of a worker is crea- touch with TCL cess to essential medicines, tre- that the benefits of e-commerce
ment will aggressively push gistry is needed for migrant ted. Of the total workforce of for dispatch of XPre-Covid slowdown was sharper than estimated atments and vaccines to all at applications are available to all.
the U-WIN project to create a workers,” another official 50 crore, only 10 crore are co- TAFE tractors X8 consecutive XChances Q3 &
comprehensive database of said. vered under government-run quarters of overall growth may
unorganised workers, inclu- On being asked as to why the social security scheme of ` `19 lakh: Rate for one
ding the migrant workers. government did not consider Employees’ Provident Fund train, known as a rake
slowdown be revised down
Cyclone Likely to Hit Maha, Guj
“We are evaluating the deta- cash transfer for migrant wor- Organisation and Employees’ ISSUES WITH THE REVISION
ils of the workers that can be kers in the ` 20 lakh crore reli- State Insurance Corporation, “We are expecting orders from ke the Kerala coast this week,
added into the electronic data- ef package, finance minister which makes them eligible for automakers to stabilise and go up XQ1, Q2 growth XExperts say downward revi- Shashwat.Mohanty disagreeing with Skymet which
base to make it all encompas- Nirmala Sitharaman had told health and disability benefits, to 10 rakes every month,” said RS was revised up when sion raises data quality issues said the monsoon has already
sing,” the official added. ET in an earlier interview " I amongst others. Saxena, divisional railway mana- Q3 estimates reached the mainland.
In 2014 the labour ministry wish we had enough data to A robust database will help ger at Bengaluru. were XQ4 absolute GDP not higher New Delhi: A cyclone is likely The storm is forecast to hit the
had launched a pilot for Unor- assess that and be able to as- reach out to the balance. While the cost of moving SUVs by released than Q3: Pronab Sen, former to hit coasts of Maharashtra coasts of Kerala, Karnataka,
ganised Worker Identification sign something to them. The "This would make it easier to rail is similar to that by road, rail chief statistician and Gujarat on June 3, accor- Goa, Maharashtra and sout-
Number (U-WIN) in Gujarat, motive is not to exclude." provide social security bene- transportation is faster — rakes ding to a weather office fore- hern Gujarat from Monday to
but the project was stalled on A finance ministry official fits to such workers," the offi- from Bengaluru reach New Delhi
XOn unchanged Q1, Q2 and Q3 numbers, Q4 cast, adding trouble for these Wednesday, the IMD said. It will
the grounds that it was a dupli- said the ministry is now wor- cial said. in three to four days compared with growth comes at 1.2%: SBI Research two states which are already intensify into a cyclone over the
cation of Aadhaar that was king with the labour ministry Data from U-WIN will also a week by road, Saxena told ET. struggling to rein in the rising sea and strike Maharashtra and
conceived as a single identifica- to address this data issue. feed into the government’s The South Western Railway divi- number of Covid-19 cases. Gujarat with wind speeds hig-
tion number for individuals. National Career Service Por- sion is also in touch with TCL for The India Meteorological De- her than 100 kmph.
The Covid-9 outbreak and na- EXPANDING DATA COVERAGE tal, making it easier for pro- the dispatch of its TAFE brand partment (IMD) said conditions Its trajectory is not yet accu-
tionwide lockdown prompted U-WIN will be expanded to co- spective employers to reach tractors.“We are confident to load were turning favourable for the rately forecast as it is still de-
an unprecedented reverse mig- ver 40 crore unorganised sector out to them directly without about 10 to 12 rakes during June if further advance of the south- veloping, but some models pro-
ration of labour from cities to workers, the first official said. any need of a contractor or they are provided timely,” the offi- west monsoon. The weather of- ject it to move close to the
their native villages. More data sets would be added middlemen. cial said. ILLUSTRATION ANIRBAN BORA fice expects the monsoon to stri- Mumbai coast.
I 1 1 1 i r ' i
2020 Ref. Tender Notice No. 2020 Terms and Conditions For Sale:-
(1) The bank intends to sell the assets detailed above " A S IS WHERE IS, AS IS WHAT IS,
Terms and C o n d i t i o n s For Sale:-
(1) The bank intends to sell the assets detailed above " AS IS WHERE IS , AS IS WHAT IS,
WHATSOEVER " The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any shortfall of the
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School Bag Tender 2020-21 has been favour of The Sang li District Central Co -Op. Bank Ltd.," payable on Sangli on any
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NEFT on our BankAccount by highest bidder on the same day of opening of tenders. (5 )) 75%
day. The EMD will not carryany interest . (4) 25% amount shall be deposited by D.D or RTGS/
NEFT on our Bank Account by highest bidder on the same day of opening of tenders- (5) 75%
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Basic Education , U.P. bidder is responsible for financial and legal activities , 7 Tender applicant has a right to submit bidder is responsible for financial and legal activities , (7) Tender applicant has a right to submit
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(8) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tenders . (9) The Tender property (8) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tenders . (9) The Tender property
will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm will remain open for seeing after prior Permission of Bank in office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm
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Removal of Dead and dangerous trees /
branches from public as well as private 1 ,02 ,000- Termsand Conditions for Lease /Let Out (Rent) :- Terms and Conditions for Lease /Let Out (Rent): -
1 Thebank in tends Let-out (Leasing the assets ( The bank intends to L et-out (Leasi ng the ( R
premises in "A" Ward BELAPUR Ward
Removal of Dead and dangerous trees / ANY KIND WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any ANY KIND WHATSOEVER" The Bank does not take or assume any responsibility for any
branches from public as well as private 1 , 17,000- shortfall of the movable/immovable assets for procuring any permissions etc . or for any dues , shortfall of the movable/immovable assets forprocuring any permissions etc. or for any dues ,
2 statutory or otherwise of any authority established by law. Such dues if any will have to be statutory or otherwise of any authority established by law. Such dues if any will have to be
premises in "B" Ward NERUL Ward
borne/paid by the purchaser (2) The MD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD borne/paid by the purchaser (2) The EMD amount as mentioned above should be paid by DD
(Tender Notice no.68 (2) in favour of "The Sangli District Central Co Op Bank Ltd. , " payable on Sangli on any in favour of "The Sangli District Central Co Op Bank Ltd. , " payable on Sangli on any
Removal of Dead and dangerous trees / Nationalised/Schedule Bank. The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same Nationalised/Schedule Bank. The EMD shall be refunded to unsuccessful bidder on the same
branches from public as well as private day- The EMD will not carry any interest. 3)1 year rent will be taken as deposit without interest day. The EMD will not carry any interest. 3)1 year rent will be taken as deposit without interest
3 premises in "D" Ward TURBHE (SANPADA) 59,000- from successful bidder but yearly rent should be paid to bank as per agreement (4) Tender from successful bidder but yearly rent should be paid to bank as per agreement (4) Tender
Ward applicant has a right to submit one or more tenders. He has to deposit earnest money for each applicant has a right to submit one or more tenders- He has to deposit earnest money for each
tender application se p arately. (5) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount tender application separately. (5) Bank has a right to take decision in case of equal amount
(Tender Notice no.68 (3) ) tenders. (6) The Tender property will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in tenders . (6) The Tender property will remain open for seeing after prior permission of Bank in
Removal of Dead and dangerous trees / office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm (except Holidays) from 12/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 (7) The bid office hours 11.00 am to 3.00 pm (except Holidays) from 12/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 (7) The bid
branches from public as well as private 55 ,000;- document can be obtained from the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 on any document can be obtained from the undersigned during 15/06/2020 to 30/06/2020 on any
4 working days (except Holidays ) between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable working days (except Holidays ) between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on payment of non-refundable
premises in "E" Ward KOPERKHAIRNE Ward
fee of Rs.5000/-(Rs, Five Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sangli the bid fee of Rs.5000/-(Rs, Five Thousand Only)+ GST by cash at Head office Sangli the bid
(Tender Notice no . 68 (4) )
documents are available at our head office Sangli (8) The Bank reserves the right to retain the documents are available at our head office Sangli (8) The Bank reserves the right to retain the
Removal of Dead and dangerous trees / Tender let out (9) The maximum bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of Tender let out (9) The maximum bidding amount is not satisfactory and not with expectation of
branches from public as well as private 34 ,100/- Bank , bank has right to cancel/post pone the said let out tender And reserves the right to Bank , bank has right to cancel/post pone the said let out tender And reserves the right to
premises in "F" Ward GHANSOLI Ward accept/ reject any/ or all the bids without assigning any reason. (10)The said lease tender accept/reject any/ or all the bids without assigning any reason. (10)The said lease tender
agreement will be for 3 years , but as per performance of tenderer it can be extended for agreement will be for 3 years , but as per performance of tenderer it can be extended for
(Tender Notice no. 68 (5) ) maximum 2 years (11)The said Tender Notice is published on our bank' s website maximum 2 years (11)The said Tender Notice is published on our bank' s website
All Tender details are a v a i l a b l e at www . n m me wv.v .s a n g ld c c b a n k .ccr (12) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved ww .v .sang ldccbank .con (12) Right to alter and relaxation in terms and conditions is reserved
and w ww . nmmc . maharashtra by Bank. by Bank.
For Sangli Dist. Central Co-Op , Bank Ltd.,Sangli For Sangli Dist. Central Co-Op. Bank Ltd.,Sangli
Place : SANGLI. Sd/- Place : SANGLI. Sd/-
Dv.Municipal Commissioner (Garden ) (B. M. Ramdurg) (B. M. Ramdurg)
NMMC:PR Adv no 1793,2020 Navi Mumbai Munici pal C o r por a t i on Date : 01/06 /2020 General Manager (Admin-Agro. Ind, Loans) Date : 01/06 /2020 General Manager (Admin-Agro. Ind, Loans)
Sharp fall in the latest growth estimates is a wake-up call to GoI to ramp up its stimulus package
Get Back to Work,
Taking Precautions
States must focus on strengthening healthcare
It is welcome that the government has finally changed the
Smell the GDP Numbers sombre warning of how the rest of tor banks. But that will not change
the current fiscal is likely to unfold. the growth trajectory.
nomenclature of the next phase of the ongoing, calibrated Of whether we will see any growth.
emergence from lockdown to Unlock 1, instead of Lock-
down 5. The name matters, as an economy is not quite a Ro-
Or whether, in line with predictions,
the economy will contract some- High-frequency economic indica- To Change
where between 25% and 40%. tors already point to a deep contrac-
meo, whose name Juliet thought to be of no consequence.
Economies export and consumers in other lands would be
The harsh reality is that two
months into FY2020-21, not only are
tion in economic activity. Industrial
output contracted an unpreceden-
wary of buying the produce of a part of the world that is Mythili Bhusnurmath we nowhere near returning to pre-
Covid-19 levels of economic activity,
ted 16.7% in March, and is bound to
see an even sharper reduction in
locked down, ravaged by a dread disease. Allowing re- but we also have no idea when ‘nor- April, when the entire country was French sociologist Emile
sumption of economic activity and inter-state movement or all its shortcomings, malcy’ will return. The 13 urban Durkheim says collective
under lockdown for the entire
of goods and people are apposite. The philosophy guiding both at a conceptual and centres that remain hotspots for the month. Core sector output fell 38% consciousness means a set of
statistical level, gross do- virus are also the main centres of in April, steel and cement output fal- beliefs, ideas and moral attitu-
the unlocking of the economy was outlined by the prime mestic product (GDP) — or economic activity. Given the reality ling by more than 80% YoY. des common as per social
minister in his radio message: India will get back to work the money value of goods of inter-linked supply chains, re- The truth is there is no alternati- norms of the times. The fate of
and resume life, except in some select areas, taking every and services produced in an econo- sumption of activity elsewhere will ve to government spending. The FM the earth depends upon our
my in a year — remains the least not translate into much. Add to that is right when she says it is difficult collective consciousness. All
care, whether maintaining social distancing, wearing a bad measure of economic well-be- the shortage of labour, consequent to make a realistic assessment of life forms have interactive
mask or working from home as far as possible. It is up to in- ing. So, what do the latest GDP num- on the flight of migrant labour to Give us this day our daily bread... growth at this point, as there is no roles to play. What an individu-
dividual states to decide how much of the permitted ope- bers released by the Central Statis- their villages, and the shortage of clarity of when the pandemic would al creature thinks or acts has a
tical Organisation (CSO) last Fri- capital from risk-averse banks and ry and practice when it comes to the retreat. But precise numbers are ir- bearing on itself and others.
ning up is to be allowed within their territories. day tell us? we have the recipe for a perfect, if right fiscal-monetary policy mix in relevant. What is relevant is that Actions bring equal and oppo-
It is to be hoped that the states would spend more ener- A sad story. That GDP growth prolonged, ‘storm’. a downturn. The truth is no amount our growth rate would be grossly in- site reactions. Nature restores
gy on strengthening their healthcare plunged to a 11-year low in FY2019-20 of over-compensation by monetary adequate for a country of our size its balance through these laws.
at 4.2%. That estimates made in the Demand Demanded policy can make up for the drag of a and need. Nature can choose any means
systems than on clamping down on February 1 budget are now way off, There is nothing inevitable about mindlessly conservative fiscal poli- At a time when the International to bring forth that change. The
economic activity. India has one of the with attendant implications for the this. Sure, it will be a while before we cy. A `20 lakh crore stimulus packa- Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the present Covid-19 pandemic
lowest casualty rates per million peo- fiscal deficit, for government borro- get back anywhere near the 7-8% ge that is no more than a tenth of the global economy to contract 3%, the situation is no exception.
wing and interest rates. Worse, that growth of the go-go years. But there headline number once the fluff is re- US economy to shrink 5.9%, the eu- Fear and anxiety are so
ple in the entire world, with a popula- growth in the January-March 2020 is no reason why growth should fall moved, is grossly unequal to the rozone to shrink by between 8% and widely prevalent today. We
tion 82% of whom is below 50. While quarter plunged to 3.1%, the lowest off the cliff. Provided — and this is task on hand. 12%, it is naïve to expect the Indian need to change gears at our
obesity, diabetes and pulmonary dise- since the GDP base year was revised the big if — GoI reads the message In such a scenario, RBI’s actions economy to be immune from the conscious levels first and then
to 2011-12; even as estimates for three contained in the GDP numbers, ta- are like water off a duck’s back. Re- knock-out effects of the virus. It is the rest will fall in place. Then
ases aggravate the impact of Covid-19, previous quarters were revised kes courage in its hand, and goes all peated reductions in repo and re- instructive to remember that in Oc- our insights will guide us to
the real vulnerability is reserved for the elderly. While down, suggesting the economy had out to stimulate demand. That is verse rates and other financial and tober 2008, soon after Lehman Brot- follow the right path in the
shielding them from exposure to the virus, including, as slowed significantly, well before Co- what virtually every other govern- regulatory measures will not result hers collapsed, IMF predicted the right direction. We need to
vid-19 hit us. ment in the world is doing. in increased credit offtake. Banks US economy would grow 0.1% in educate and feed our conscio-
far as possible, within multi-generational homes as well, The national lockdown started on Sadly, GoI seems to be a prisoner have been depositing most of the 2009, countries in the eurozone 0.2% usness and the next genera-
working-age Indians must get back to work. Govern- March 25. On paper, therefore, it sho- of its own fears. Rather than let fi- excess liquidity with RBI rather and the global economy 2.6%. What tion needs to be trained in
ments must ensure that the 2.5% or so of those infected uld have affected only about one we- scal policy take the lead, it seems than lend, thanks to elevated risk happened was a far cry from those these methods as soon as
ek’s activity in Q1. If, despite that, content to shoot over RBI’s shoulder, levels. Finance minister Nirmala predictions. Output declined 3.5%, possible to stop the negative
who would require intensive care in a hospital have ac- growth should fall so sharply, it is a seemingly impervious to both theo- Sitharaman’s announcement of a 4.2% and 2.6%, respectively. cycle.We are spending enor-
cess to such care. The rest must have the assurance that 100% sovereign guarantee for fresh So, when IMF’s head Kristalina mous energy to make our lives
credit (20% of outstanding) to the Georgieva says ‘Covid-19 is a crisis comfortable, disease-free and
they would be provided care, should they require it. That
extent of `3 lakh crore to MSMEs is like no other’ and US Fed chief Jero- long. We need to also spend our
must be manifested, not in assurances by leaders but by a Repeated reductions in repo and reverse rates and unlikely to change this risk percep- me Powell says ‘The downturn is energy on self-observation
robust administrative mechanism visibly active. tion. Of course, we might see some without modern precedent’, heed and take corrective action.
other financial and regulatory measures will not lending happen, courtesy not-so- their words. Our response to the cri- The need to understand the
The Centre must now turn its attention to forging a sti-
result in increased credit offtake gentle arm-twisting of public sec- sis, too, must be ‘like no other’. cosmos, nature and evolution
mulus package that will generate demand for industry as of life is of paramount neces-
it resumes work and on mitigating the ills of financial in- sity today. The pandemic may
help us wake up to the fact that
termediation that had crippled the economy even before we are not isolated species of
Covid struck.
Home is Where the Engine is this universe. We are not super
brains too, but a pure consci-
ence that needs to be kept pure
by the eternal efforts and
most vulnerable — electrification, would lead to import substitution- inputs from our side, asking
While the Covid-19 lockdown has significantly reduced ove- unleashes the vast potential of the in defence manufacturing has been
Kickstart the
Diplomatic parleys are invariably predicated on what each par- chosen his partners well. Singapore Bharti has been bulking up its emerging trends like gaming, has far more bang for the buck.
ty ‘brings to the table’. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morri- Telecommunications Limited, or
Singtel, has been a consistent ally.
digital assets incrementally. Its
digital platform now has around
education and healthcare. Build,
back, or even buy.
That’s why Mittal should put in a
call to Google CEO Sundar Pichai,
Economy Now
son has added a new meaning to that phrase by putting out pho- Vodafone, too. Walmart was equally 160 million active users across Payments alone is a $60 billion and talk deal. Like Microsoft and Apropos the edit ‘Structural
tos on social media of the vegetarian ‘ScoMosas’ he made over charmed after meeting the Mittal Airtel Thanks, Wynk and XStre- market opportunity. Bharti already Jio, Google has already partnered Reform, Not Just Spending’
the weekend, ahead of a video charcha with his Indian counter- brothers at Bentonville in Arkan- am. Further, over 60% of Bharti’s has a payments bank. Along with with Airtel to offer it G Suite, a (May 30). The March quarter
sas, US, and decided to team up. own business is digital channels, its own applications, it has the bouquet of cloud solutions to GDP growth is the lowest in 11
part Narendra Modi. Our PM’s response that the two nations years. The economic impact of
Even Softbank’s Masayoshi Son and it has 1.1 million retailers on ability to collect cash and digital SMEs. It’s time to take the relations-
are “connected by the Indian Ocean, united by the Indian sam- broke bread with Bharti. Mittal can its Mitra app. payments online. With a far healthi- hip to the next level. the lockdown is severe, accor-
osa” and that he looked forward to eating them with Morrison also claim credit for the private Now comparisons with Jio are er balance sheet — net debt to Alphabet, Google’s parent, is ding to a survey, as Covid-19
after “a decisive victory against Covid-19” certainly portends a equity gold rush to India, having earnings before interest, taxes, sitting on a cash pile of $121billion, has hit the income of 60% of
ensured a massive payday for its depreciation and amortisation says analyst firm FactSet. Even a households. Companies are
larger international diplomatic role for samosas. Perhaps Mo- resorting to layoffs and pay
first big investor, the New York- (Ebitda) at 2.88 times vs 4.15 times a $4.4 billion buy-in for a 9.9% in
di will reciprocate by expressing fondness for (or at least, inter- based Warburg Pincus. year back — smart acquisitions of Bharti Airtel by paying a 10% cuts as the economy has come
est in) that very Aussie vegetarian spread, Vegemite. The focus is once again on Mittal young payments companies of premium to current prices will not to a standstill. The real estate
Earlier this year, industrialist Anand Mahindra had high- to leverage his global network and scale with beaten down valuations be that hard to sell. sector is on the brink of a
create a digital moat around Bhar- will be equally opportunistic. Having vacated that space, it will complete breakdown. Fear of
lighted the unifying potential of our desi deep-fried dough ti’s flagship Airtel, and offer an Surely, investors like SoftBank’s be futile to be a me-too online retai- income and job loss is rising
when he observed that with Indians now heading four US ecosystem of products and offe- Son wouldn’t mind consolidation ler now, and take on a troika of and may cause social unrest.
technology giants, the White House would “have to ensure rings, along with strategic allies, to efforts involving portfolio compani- Reliance, Walmart and Amazon in a The government should focus
the snacks are samosas and not hamburgers”. And while take advantage of changing con- es that are a win-win for all. blood fest. Reliance’s ecommerce on revival of the economy,
sumption habits of the world’s Likewise, it is keen to offer more play is built on its existing infrast- especially manufacturing and
Morrison stuck to the conventional potato filling for ScoMo- largest data consumers who view, bundled B2B (business to business) ructure of warehouses and physi- rural economy.
sas, it may be recalled that when US President Donald listen, shop and play on their mobi- services. Like the Tatas, the bigger cal stores. So, for Bharti, even a
Trump visited India this February, the specially concocted le phones. This trend will only get marque corporate clients are alrea- merger with Walmart or Amazon to BL TEKRIWAL
bigger and consumers, too, would dy with Bharti. And they tend to be create an alternative flank will lead Via email
broccoli and corn samosas on the table in Ahmedabad rema-
want a strong choice to the Reliance stickier. it down a rabbit hole.
ined untouched. Thus, Samosa Diplomacy will have to be Jio juggernaut. Google, too, has been on the prowl
Letters to the editor may be addressed to
mindful of content, not merely the contours. Fundamentally, Airtel has always Search and ye shall find in India in search of its next billion [email protected] [email protected]
CONTRAPUNTO Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. ALBERT EINSTEIN
Thailand Passes Record
Stimulus Package to
Protests Heat Up as Curfews Trump Postpones G7
Summit, Wants India,
Combat Virus Impact
Bangkok: Thailand’s parliament
approved on Sunday a near-$60
billion stimulus package, the
Imposed in Several US Cities Other Nations to Join
kingdom’s biggest-ever cash American cities hit by unrest as protests over the death of George Floyd turn violent DipanjanRoy.Chaudhury
injection, to revive an economy
that has been hammered by the
coronavirus. The 1.9 trillion baht
Minneapolis: Civil unrest flared
and curfews were imposed in seve- National Guard New Delhi: US President Donald
Trump has suggested expansion
($59.7 billion) package would be a
much-needed boost for Southeast
ral major US cities on Saturday as
demonstrators took to the streets Called in to Quell of the Group of Seven, saying G7
is a “very outdated group” and
Asia’s second biggest economy,
expected to contract by 6-7
to vent outrage at the death of a
black man shown on video gasping Violence in LA that India, Australia, South Ko-
rea and Russia be included and
percent in 2020. About $17.3 for breath as a white Minneapolis Los Angeles: A fourth day of the grouping called G10 or G11.
policeman knelt on his neck. violence in Los Angeles prompted Trump also said he is postpo-
billion of the package will be given
From Los Angeles to Miami to the mayor to impose a rare citywi- ning the next meeting of the G7, Donald Trump
as aid to farmers and informal Chicago, protests marked by which the US is hosting, to Sep-
de curfew and call in the National
workers such as street vendors chants of “I can’t breathe” — a ral- tember or November. He said he was considering other options.
Guard after demonstrators clashed
and those employed in massage lying cry — echoing the dying with officers, torched police had “roughly” discussed the idea “Maybe I’ll do it after the elec-
parlours and bars who have seen words of George Floyd — began pe- vehicles and pillaged businesses in with the leaders of the four count- tion,” he said. “Think a good time
their work dry up. AFP acefully before turning unruly as a popular shopping district. ries he would like to add to G7. would be before the election… We
demonstrators blocked traffic, set Mayor Eric Garcetti said on India did not react to Trump’s want Australia, we want India,
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fires and clashed with riot police, Saturday he asked Gov. Gavin comments till press time on Sun- we want South Korea. And what
some firing tear gas and plastic bul- day. G7 is a grouping of some of do we have? That’s a nice group of
Malta to Reopen Airport to lets in an effort to restore order. 1 Newsom for 500 to 700 members
the world’s largest economies – countries right there.”
of the Guard to assist the 10,000
Passenger Flights on July 1 The sight of protesters flooding Los Angeles Police Department the US, UK, France, Germany, Ita- The US media also reported that
streets fuelled a sense of crisis in officers. The Guard members were ly, Canada and Japan. he mentioned Russia, which was
Valletta: Malta will reopen its the United States after weeks of In 2019, France had invited India part of G8 until it became G7. Sec-
expected to arrive early Sunday.
airport to passenger flights on July lockdowns due to the coronavirus Garcetti said the soldiers would to the G7 meet it hosted at the re- tions of the strategic community
1, Prime Minister Robert Abela said pandemic, which has seen millions be deployed “to support our local sort town of Biarritz. Prime Mi- in the US want the administra-
on Sunday, as the Mediterranean thrown out of work and has dispro- response to maintain peace and nister Narendra Modi also under- tion to develop tactical ties with
portionately affected minority took a bilateral trip to Paris on Russia to balance China.
island rolls back restrictions
2 safety on the streets of our city.”
the occasion, elevating strategic Trump has suggested earlier
introduced in March to halt Co- Firefighters responded to dozens
In the nation’s capital, hundreds of fires, and scores of businesses partnership to the next level. that Russia be readmitted to the
vid-19 infections. Tourism acco- of demonstrators assembled near “I’m postponing it because I group, arguing, as he did before
were damaged.
unts for almost a quarter of Malta’s the Justice Department headquar- One of the hardest-hit areas was don’t feel that as a G7 it properly the 2019 summit in Biarritz, “be-
economy and hoteliers have been ters shouting, “black lives matter”. the area around the Grove, a represents what’s going on in the cause a lot of the things we talk
pressing the government to Many later moved to the White Ho- popular high-end outdoor mall world,” Trump told media per- about have to do with Russia”.
reopen the airport or risk mass use, where they faced off with shi- west of downtown where hund- sons on Air Force One on the way The US president had pressed
unemployment. The southern
eld-carrying police, some mounted 4 3 reds of protesters swarmed the back from the launch of the first the G7 heads of state and govern-
on horseback. area, showering police with rocks manned mission into space by a ment at a dinner during the Biar-
Mediterranean island has recor- President Donald Trump said on private company, SpaceX. “It’s a ritz summit to readmit Russia.
1. Demonstrators jump on a damaged police vehicle in Los Angeles on Saturday and other objects and vandalising
ded some 600 coronavirus cases Saturday that if protesters who gat- very outdated group of countri- Only Italy had backed him, as it
during a protest against the death of George Floyd 2. A woman wears a mask shops. One officer suffered a
and nine deaths, having carried hered the night before in Lafayette that reads ‘I can’t breathe’ during a demonstration in Colorado Springs 3. A fractured skull, Los Angeles Police es,” he said. has been doing for the past few
out an intensive testing and Square, across from the White Hou- journalist seen bleeding after police started firing tear gas and rubber bullets Chief Michel Moore said. The US President suggested the years. Japan was neutral on the
contact tracing programme. Reuters se, had breached the fence, “they near the 5th police precinct in Minneapolis, Minnesota 4. Demonstrators When the curfew took effect at 8 meeting could take place in the occasion.
would have been greeted with the confront police officers outside of the White House in Washington DC pm, police moved aggressively to weekend before or after the annu- In 2005, the then Prime Minister
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll most vicious dogs, and most omin- get people off the streets and there al UN General Assembly, which is Manmohan Singh had attended a
ous weapons, I have ever seen.” protests over Floyd's death to sow — suggested opposite ends of the was no repeat of the late-night scheduled to start on September meeting of the G8 in Gleneagles,
Italy’s Tower of Pisa The full Minnesota National Gu- chaos. “We are under assault,” Walz, political fringe were to blame. rampage that occurred downtown 15 and end on September 22. Scotland at the invitation of then
Reopens After 3 Months ard was activated for the first time a first-term governor elected from Civil rights activists said video of Friday night and led to more than Trump hinted, though, that he British PM Tony Blair.
since World War Two after four Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer- Floyd’s arrest on Monday — captu- 500 arrests. Community leaders
Rome: Italy’s celebrated leaning nights of arson, looting and vanda- Labor Party, told a briefing on Satur- red by an onlooker’s cellphone as denounced the violence that has
Tower of Pisa has reopened to lism in parts of Minneapolis, the
Barnier Tells UK to Be ‘More
day. “Order needs to be restored.” he repeatedly groaned, “please, I accompanied protests over the
tourists three months after closing state’s largest city, and its adjacent Separately, US Attorney General can’t breathe” before he died — death of George Floyd, a handcuffed
due to the coronavirus pandemic. capital, St. Paul. William Barr also pointed the fing- triggered an outpouring of rage black man who was died after a
First to climb the more than 280
steps on Saturday were 10-year-
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz sa-
id the deployment was necessary be-
cause outside agitators were using
er at extremist instigators, though
he and Walz — neither offering evi-
dence to support their assertions
long simmering over persistent ra-
cial bias in the US criminal justice
system. Reuters
white Minneapolis police officer
pressed his knee to Floyd’s neck. AP Realistic’ on Trade Talks
old Matilde and her father Rober-
to, BBC quoted the Italian Ansa Brussels: The UK needs to be
Murder Accused
Ex-First Lady SpaceX Crew Dragon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Start to reconnoitre every
pass (5)
3 Trendy TV company gets shot
Leaves Lesotho Docks with International 9 10
of first jet (4)
4 Organise coaching, doing
Space Station
Police in Lesotho without a pasta dish (7)
6 A girl’s not quite right (5)
on Saturday said 11 7 Overseer said count should be
former first lady amended (9)
A SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule carrying two Nasa astronauts
Maesaiah 12 13 8 Unfinished business – bath-
docked on Sunday with the International Space Station, the
Thabane had left room needs to be renovat-
first time a crewed US spacecraft has performed the feat in ed (5,3)
the country, a 14
nearly a decade. It was also a first for the private sector, a 11 A legionnaire displays one like
day after her bail
triumphant moment for the company founded 15 16 17 Pierre essentially? (4)
was revoked on 14 Obscure brief quotation on
by Elon Musk in 2002. “Soft capture,” the
murder charges over the 2017 jacket? (4)
moment when the spacecraft makes first 18
killing of her husband’s estranged 15 Perfectly fair entitlement (4,5)
contact and starts latching with the target 16 Back American leaving
wife. Maesaiah Thabane is 21
vehicle, occurred at 10:16 am Eastern Time 19 20 Portuguese resort (3)
suspected of orchestrating the
(1416 GMT), a little ahead of schedule. At the time, 17 A ruler not entirely compara-
shooting of Lipolelo Thabane who 22 ble (4)
the ISS was orbiting 422 kilometres over the
was gunned down outside her home 18 Glorify ladies dancing in im-
border between Mongolia and northern China.
in the capital Maseru. Police have 23 24 25 26 maculate frills (8)
A few minutes later, “hard capture” was 20 Secretary starts to try her
also charged her with the attempted
achieved when the two spacecraft were 27 way (4)
murder of Lipolelo Thabane’s friend
joined with an airtight seal. On board 21 Parson’s home, removing iron
Thato Sibolla. Lesotho police from dining room (7)
are astronauts Bob Behnkhen and 28 29
commissioner Holomo Molibeli said 22 Kindness is what’s unusual
Doug Hurley, both veterans of the
authorities were informed on Friday about Royal Marines (6)
Space Shuttle program that was 24 Unsophisticated graduate’s in
through her lawyer that she had
shuttered in 2011. AFP charge (5)
accompanied her husband Thomas 30 31 26 Bond grabs one extended
Thabane to South Africa for medical rest (3-2)
treatment. Previously freed by
Lesotho’s high court on a 1,000 Amazon Removes Racist Messages ACROSS
27 Record find? Not half! (4)
maloti ($57) bail, on Friday
Lesotho’s court of appeal revoked
from Some Product Listings 1 Victoria, for example, represents air
and grace (8)
lack of balance (13)
23 Costa Rica prepared to host British SOLUTION TO No. 7734 HIDATO 7 LITTLE WORDS said it was removing certain images after messages 5 Pack up and quietly clear off (6) gymnastics (10) ACROSS: 6 Relative clause. 9 En- Ritik J. P. Agochiya
her bail and ordered her re-arrest. 9 Board to start to name tiny items of 25 Plant found in sea area of Trafalgar (4) trap. 10 Lodestar. 11 Gendarme. Chennai New Delhi
using extremely strong racist abuse appeared on some listings on its
seafood (8) 28 Swallow nested in housing estate (6) 13 Allege. 15 Encode. 17 Insert. S P Agrawal Sumita Sarkar
UK website when users searched for Apple’s AirPods and other similar 10 Car racing on short racetrack leads 29 Short piece in paper about one 19 Septum. 20 Mulberry.22 Bengaluru New Delhi
products. The message sparked outrage on Twitter, with the topic to disaster (6) Home Counties theatre (8) Pince-nez.24 Tiptoe.26 Psycho-
Nike says ‘Don’t Do “AirPods” trending in the UK. “We are removing the images in question
and have taken action on the bad actor,” an Amazon spokeswoman
12 What reverberates from teenage
choirs? (4)
30 English books and diamonds are
seductive (6)
DOWN: 1 Fringe benefits. 2 Slur.
It’ on Racism told Reuters on Sunday. Screenshots and video grabs of the messages 13 One way to get in expert to sup-
press tax on fish (6,4)
31 Bulb in yacht exploded next to har-
3 Stupor. 4 Acid rain. 5 Lass.
7 Valuer.8 Slaughterhouse.
Nike has taken a stand against were trending on Twitter, with users sharing the images. The listings 15 One fellow and I dropped into new 12 Ducat. 14 Liege. 16 Domin-
racism with a “Don’t do it” with the abusive messages were no longer visible on the Amazon UK local joint for fun (13) DOWN ion. 18 Amazon.21 Lately.
campaign, a twist on its famous website and it was not clear how long they were there for. Reuters 19 Girl’s professional piece displays 1 Company mole’s office machine (6) 23 Cock. 25 Past.
©The Daily Mail
catch phrase, as protests against
police brutality spread across the
US. “For once, Don’t Do It... Don’t
A Virtual
pretend there’s not a problem in Grandstand in
America,” the US sports apparel
giant said in a video posted to Danish Superliga
Twitter late Friday. In a rare sign of As many as 10,000 people Dilbert by S Adams
solidarity, competitor Adidas crammed into the seating at a
retweeted the video, with a Danish soccer match to cheer
message stating: “Together is how their team except... none of
we move forward. Together is how the fans were actually there! Giant screens showed each fan in a
we make change.” glorified and massive Zoom conference call for the match between the
“Don’t turn your back on racism. AGF Aarhus and Randers teams. A home crowd like no other for AGF
Don’t accept innocent lives being Aarhus as the league resumed on Thursday. According to the club, Yesterday’s Answers:
taken from us. Don’t make any spectators picked up a free ticket and as the match began, gathered
more excuses. Don’t think this with those who had a ticket to the same virtual grandstand section. ET will carry the names of winners for
doesn’t affect you,” Nike said in the Just like in a regular soccer stadium with 22 different sections to Hidato and 7 Little Words every day.
video, in which white words appear choose from, there was room for both home fans, neutral spectators Please whatsapp your solutions for both
across a black background. AFP and even away fans. Reuters to 79 01010174 with your name and city.
Exit strategy
Hedge fund
manager Bill MUMBAI
Ackman sold MONDAY
1 JUNE 2020
his $1-bn worth
stake in Warren
Buffett’s Berkshire
Borgohain says she is also using soon, and it’s set to be an Olympic hostel area and stairs was how the Cars in India, is awaiting difference. “I spend nearly 11 hopefully be possible in the
he sporting world has this extra time to learn and correct base for some of those chasing 2018 Asian Games gold medallist international travel to hours working, to ensure coming months. I can’t wait
been badly hit by the her weaknesses. medals in Japan next year. kept fit. Now with the permission commence, so he can smooth functioning of to go back to the office, meet
C o v i d -1 9 o u t b r e a k , of sports authorities, Chopra does return to his Mumbai the business when I am my team in person, walk
wit h a l l events over Brotherly help his warm-ups outside, although he office. thousands of miles around the office, and get
the past few months Boxer Ashish Kumar has been is continuing his indoor exercise But while working apart,” he said. in-person chats and
cancelled. Many upcoming ones staying with his brother Sandeep regimen as well. remotely can be taxing, Knapp’s day starts updates.”
are either rescheduled or scrapped C hou d h a r y i n S u n d e r n a g a r, “I stay positive following my Knapp is grateful for the at 5.15 am, and meetings Until that happens, he has
completely. Now, the quest for Himachal Pradesh, during the training routine twice a day. I do additional time he gets begin at 6 am. Austria is 3.5 set aside a dedicated space at
Olympic glory will be in 2021 for lockdown. a lot of shuttle runs, slackline and with family. “These are hours behind India, and to home for work. “I don’t dress
these first timers. However , the 75-kg middleweight core exercises. Breaks affect an times when we get closer to ease operations, he matches in formals while working
boxer h a s t a ken t he Oly mpic athlete’s mental frame but I have our families, and each one timings with his colleagues. from home, but I do wear my
Upper cut postponement in his stride. “I tried to keep negative thoughts becomes a pillar of strength. “Working from home is best casuals. It’s comfortable
L ovli na Borgohai n i s I nd i a’s
welter wei g ht b ox i n g me d a l
hopeful. During this lockdown, she
am saving my best for Japan by
working on building strength with
focus on my form,” the 25-year-old
away by listening to music,” he
We’re eating our meals
together, which couldn’t
more productive, as time
isn’t wasted on commuting, he said.
and suitable for the weather,”
it was
you need to know clues on Mars
For people who are thinking An instrument named
of flying, air travel will be a
SHERLOC will look
Tips to support a vastly different experience
t ha n it was before t he
coronavirus. Here’s what we
for minerals and
loved one through potential biosignatures
$100 million
The value of Pablo Picasso’s 1943 painting ‘Le Marin’
make this easier.
Encourage them to see a therapist, for
depression is hard to talk about but is
treatable. Rather than letting them fix it
current policies on drop-off
and parking are.
careless acts” that were performed without
“reasonable care” to the performance of their duties . teamwork. If they are going for therapy,
they may wish for some company, at least
for the first few sessions. Make time and
should carry — and use — a
mask, wip es a nd h a nd
sanitisers. Some experts
Will someone be in
the seat next to me?
Possibly. When choosing
SHERLOC’s full name is a mouthful,
Scanning Habitable Environments
accompany them. They may even want you suggest wearing gloves. you r seat, i f you t hi nk with Raman & Luminescence for
to participate in these sessions. I nd i a n a i r p or t s h ave you won’t need to get up, a Organics & Chemicals. ‘Raman’
However, it’s important to maintain your restricted the number of window seat is a good idea refers to Raman spectroscopy, a
own health and well-being throughout this. bags each traveller can because people sitting in scientific technique named after
Remember, depression isn’t anyone’s fault. If carry and stopped manual window seats have less the Indian physicist CV Raman,
— Daily Mirror
check-ins. So think about
the luggage you are going to
sick people .
contact with potentially
cooked meal you prepared would appropriate temperatures and clarify. foil, or in a washable and reusable
taste even better if you could only refrigerate them promptly. If these container. While unpacking, place
share it with your friends and precautions are followed, you can How to clean the container on a counter which
family. The only question: Is it safe share food with friends, For cleaning vegetables and fruits, has some extra available space.
PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. by R. Krishnamurthy at to share food? neighbours, your aged relatives, or never use soap or bleach. These can Open the bowls and transfer the
The Times of India Building, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai 400001Tel. No (022) 6635 3535, 2273
3535, Fax (022) 2273-1144 and printed by him at (1) The Times of India Suburban Press, Akurli “The general answer is ‘yes’,” says even those with compromised make people very sick. Rinse food to your own storage
Road, Western Express Highway, Kandivli (E), Mumbai - 400 101. Tel. No. (022) 28872324,
28872930, Fax (022) 28874230, (2) Elegant Offset Printers, Shed No. D2-31, Thivim Industrial Elizabeth A Bihn, professor at the low, provided you take adequate immunities. thoroughly with plenty of cool, containers. Throw away the bag
Estate, Karaswada, Mapusa Goa - 403526. Tel No. (0832)-3045100, Fax - (0832)-3045102. department of food science at precautions. The concerns lie running water. and wash the containers in hot,
EDITOR Mr. R. Sriram. (Responsible for the selection of news under PRB Act). © All rights
reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher is
prohibited. TN/Chief PMG/400/2002. RNI NO. 6252/1961 VOLUME 60 NO. 88 AIR
CHARGE Chennai & via Rs. 3.00, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mangalore & via Rs. 4.00,
500 (annual), US $ 250 (half yearly) US $ 125 (Quarterly).
Cornell University. The risk of
transmitting coronavirus through
food or food packaging is very
beyond coronavirus. “The last
thing anyone wants now is a
food-borne illness that calls for a
Masks and gloves
You don’t need to wear masks or
gloves while preparing food. But if
How to send
Arrange for contactless delivery
after this is done .
soapy water. Clean the counters
All the signals suggest the economy is contracting in a big way.
Find out how you should navigate the imminent turbulence. P2
Should Meeting
you invest financial
in new goals
Bharat despite
Bond ETF Be the help in irregular Use Excel to
series? these trying income manage your
P6 times P10 P11 investments P14
cover story TELEGRAM
02 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
By Narendra Nathan
How to I
ndia is staring at its first recession in 40 years.
Despite the stock market appearing upbeat, econo-
mists are revising growth estimates downwards
regularly. “Our current estimate for 2020-21 is -2.1%,
assuming the lockdown will not be extended beyond
31 May. If it is extended, we will revise estimates,” says
Sunil Sinha, Principal Economist, India Ratings. He is not
alone. Crisil has also downgraded its growth forecast for
2020-21. “Due to the Covid pandemic, the first quarter of
2020-21 will suffer a staggering 25% contraction and despite
some recovery in the second half, the Indian economy is
expected to end the financial year with a 5% contraction,”
says Dharmakirti Joshi, Chief Economist, Crisil.
the coming
Unlike previous recessions—India has seen four since
Independence—agriculture is expected to report normal
growth this time. The overall numbers will be dragged
down by the services sector and industries like manufac-
turing, mining, etc. One of the major factors contributing
to the sorry state of affairs has been the prolonged lock-
down. “Industry and services would have restarted if the
lockdown was withdrawn after the first phase. However,
the massive reverse migration of labourers is changing the
picture now. Due to this, economic activity will not be back
at normal levels anytime soon,” says Sinha. The global
nature of the pandemic has added to the woes. “The global
disruption has upended whatever opportunities India had
on the exports front,” says Joshi.
Already weak economy becoming weaker Compared to the same period last year, in-
dustrial production contracted by 16.7% in
some time before things come back to nor-
mal,” says Raamdeo Agrawal, Joint MD
Instead of slower growth, economy is expected to contract in next two quarters. March. As the lockdown came into effect and Co-Founder, Motilal Oswal Financial
10 only in the second half of March, negative Services.
Real GDP by expenditure (y-o-y %) performances of this magnitude can’t be So how much would the aggregate net
attributed to the pandemic. GDP fell to a profits fall by? “Nifty earnings are ex-
9 decade low of 3.1% in the fourth quarter. pected to contract by around 20% in the
India’s core sector output contracted 38.1% first quarter and 5%-7% in the second
8 in April, the worst performance since quarter,” says Shailendra Kumar, CIO,
2005. This does not bode well for first quar- Narnolia Financial Advisors. “Aggregate
9.1 7.0 ter numbers. earnings in 2020-21 may fall by high single
Mar 2016 Mar 2017
7 India Inc was struggling even during to low double digits. This is on the assump-
8.1 the January-March period and its aggre- tion that Covid-19 cases will peak in June-
6 7.1 Mar 2018 gate revenues and net profit fell 6.36% and July. If there are second or third waves
Mar 2015 9.95% respectively y-o-y (see chart). Most as feared, the earnings contraction will
sectors reported falling net profits in the get extended to 2021-22 as well,” predicts
5 fourth quarter (see table). Agrochemicals Pankaj Pandey, Head of Research, ICICI
and cement were among the handful that Direct. The high base effect, triggered by
4 5.8 bucked the trend. While last year’s good corporate tax cut in 2019-20, will also im-
Mar 2019 monsoon and increased planting helped pact earnings. “Though the lockdown im-
agrochemical companies, fall in input pact was only for eight days in March, the
3 costs helped cement companies. Several fourth quarter results are not great. Lack
3.1 sectors like construction, real estate and of corporate tax cut benefit will be another
Mar 2020 telecom, slid from profit to losses. reason why 2020-21 earnings growth will
be negative,” says Rajat Sharma, CEO,
Earnings shock Sana Securities.
Corporate profitability remains an area of However, it may not be all doom and
Contraction in industrial production worse concern with the numbers expected to be
bad in 2020-21 as well. This is because the
gloom. “Recent increase in power demand
shows that some economic activities are
than what it was during 2009 crisis first quarter will be a washout due to the back, may be in green zones, and that is
lockdown and there is no clarity on how positive news,” says Agrawal. “Most stores
The numbers will become worse as the lockdown halted all activity April onwards.
things will shape up in the second quarter. are empty now because they are not get-
10 “Earnings growth in 2020-21 will be really ting enough products due to the lockdown
IIP growth (y-o-y %) bad. Even if the lockdown goes, it will take and logistic issues and restocking by deal-
Q4 net profits slump in most sectors
Only agrochemicals and cement managed to buck the trend.
-5 Mar 2019
Agrochemicals (5) 28.63 219.46
Cement & cement products (14) -5.96 104.55
Retail (2) 24.10 51.70
-15 Banks (11) 9.44 19.62
-16.66 Telecom equipment (4) 0.79 7.16
Mar 2020
-20 Infotech (41) 7.21 1.16
Compiled by ETIG Database
Tyres (2) -16.44 -2.35
Automobiles (4) -12.16 -13.24
Q4 numbers look grim, more bad news likely FMCG (16) 1.19 -26.40
Despite the tax cut benefit, net profits show fall of 9.95% so far. Consumer durables (4) -16.07 -26.76
Analysts have cut EPS estimates for 2020-21 ers before Diwali will push sales at com-
pany levels,” says Kumar.
Since big and strong companies will be-
come bigger and stronger, investors should
This fall is expected to gain momentum once all companies declare results. One can’t decide on market investments bet on them,” says Agrawal. The expected
2,400 based on fundamentals alone. While funda- earnings volatility is another reason why
mentals are expected to be weak in 2020-21, experts are asking you to concentrate on
2,346.46 Sensex EPS estimate for 2020-21
the stock market may remain strong in the balance sheet strength. “With this kind of
2,300 short term due to increased liquidity. Here earnings volatility, earnings-based valu-
is what you should do as an investor. ation won’t work. It is better to look at the
balance sheet. The companies with strong
Ignore the left out feeling balance sheets can survive the turmoil,”
Along with global indices, the Sensex has says Pandey. Modi agrees. “Concentrate
also rallied 25% from the March closing on companies that have the balance sheet
bottom of 25,981, mostly on hopes of fur- strength to survive 2-3 years of pain,” he
ther actions by governments and central says. In addition to cash on books, inves-
bankers across the globe. Feeling left out, tors should also look at cash flows.
several investors are ready to jump in now.
However, experts say this is not the correct Shun cash-strapped firms
strategy. “When things turn around, the We all know debt is a bad word now and
market will give enough opportunities to it is prudent to avoid companies with
get in. Investors should avoid the fear of high debts or those expected to raise debt
missing out and wait for opportunities,” in future. However, investors should
1,831.24 says Jimeet Modi, CEO, Samco Securities. also avoid companies that need to raise
While the broader economy is heading capital in the form of equities in the near
26 May 2019 28 May 2020
towards a recession, stock market valu- future. “In the current depressed market,
Source: Bloomberg; Compiled by ETIG Database
ations are still high, another reason why dilution will be high because companies
experts are asking you to be cautious and won’t be able to get the right multiple.
wait for further corrections. “The Nifty For example, banks raising equity below
Sensex PE still above 20-year average has fallen from its peak, but it still remains
overvalued. Though liquidity can keep the
book value is bad for existing investors,”
says Pandey.
Need to be cautious because PE may go up in future due to fall in earnings. market strong in the short-term, reality
Sensex EPS Estimate For 2020-21
will catch up eventually. The Nifty may go Stick with promising sectors
back to 7,500 levels in the next 6-8 months,” A strategy that will work in the short-term
says Sharma. Amit Jain, CEO & Co- is to go with sectors that are expected to do
Founder, Ashika Wealth Advisors concurs. well in 2020-21. For example, IT and telecom
“Due to expected fall in EPS, the measured may do well because the entire world is be-
91 PE ratio will go up in the coming quarters. coming more digitised thanks to the age of
Market sentiment will also take a hit later working from home. As the pandemic is a
because the health crisis is turning into health crisis, pharmaceutical is an obvious
a financial crisis now and soon, this will sector that is expected to do well. “Pharma
20.33 turn into a geopolitical crisis. Wait till sector is also getting a lot of funding now,”
20 October for better opportunity,” he says. says Sharma. Since people can’t avoid basic
19.36 consumption, FMCG is another sector that
Sell on rallies will not be impacted badly in this turmoil.
While weak fundamentals drag the market The impact of lockdown is much smaller in
15 down, the same is supported by liquidity rural areas and therefore, agriculture and
injections by global governments and related sectors are also expected to do well
central bankers. That means the market in 2020-21.
may go up further in the short term. So,
1,841.30 the best strategy right now is to utilise the Look at market share
10 prevailing bullishness. “We are in a sell on You may be tempted to look at sectors that
24 May 2019 29 May 2020 rally phase and investors can lighten their are expected to do badly because of falling
equity load if the market continues to move share prices. Anyone using this strategy
up,” says Modi. should scan the quarterly numbers for
market share gain and not headline earn-
Muthoot Moderate fin sector numbers ings. Profitability will fall because the
Finance Since RBI’s recent measures will help entire market will shrink. “The companies
Strong banks to supress their non-performing that can gain market share in situations
’m beginning to become a little al-
lergic to the word ‘sector’. Over the
past three weeks, I have participated
in four long online Q&As about in-
CEO, VALUE RESE ARCH vesting. In three of these, I was the
person answering the questions and in one,
I was in the audience. In the last one, which
money I wrote about a week ago, the questions were
is of only negligible
advantage, if any.
to say, companies that are doing well in a sec-
tor that is down in the dumps are likely to be able value from an investment perspective. I I don’t know and it doesn’t matter actually.
great wealth-generators while the opposite, do not mean, even for a moment, that the ques- What does matter is how well equity does
badly run companies in good sectors will be tion of economic revival is not important—it when compared to the inflation rate and to
great wealth destroyers. The deviation from is of the greatest importance to our lives and fixed income returns. During the quarter
the norm of the sector will prove to enhance jobs and businesses. However, asking that century past, there was a period when fixed
the effect. question does not help you as an investor. income returns were enormously high. I
I’m not making any predictions here (that In my last week’s Q&A with investors on remember a time when Government of India
would be absolutely contrary to the spirit of the Value Research YouTube channel, there tax-free bonds were offering an interest rate
this article) but do not be surprised if you see was another question that looks facile but is of 11%. We were a high-inflation, capital-
this being played out in sectors like travel worth a little bit of a dig. One person asked starved economy where the numbers just
and banking, where everyone thinks that what would be the returns of large cap, mid kept ballooning anyway. This inflation rate
the future is much more clearly mapped out cap and small cap stocks over the next 25 to and the fixed income return was a cushion
than in many other sectors. 30 years. At first sight, it’s easy to dismiss under equity returns which made the num-
At the end of the day, equity investing is a such a question. I too started my answer by bers look large without that much real value
bottom-up activity and not a top-down one. pointing out that I was not an astrologer. being added.
Mutual funds are the opposite but that’s a dis- However, even though the returns are not In the quarter century to come I would be
cussion for another day, perhaps next week. predictable, there is a framework within happy if we had an inflation rate of 2-3 % and
You make money by being right about compa- which one can think of such a question. equity returns of 6-8%upwards. That may
nies and their stocks. In sharp contrast, be- The starting point would obviously be the look niggardly in comparison to the past but
ing right about industries, sectors, national previous 30 years. During this time, the BSE would be quite a bonanza.
economies and even the global economy is of Sensex is 37 times of what it used to be, up
only negligible advantage, if any. This makes from 800 points on 1 June 1990. Is there any
Please send your feedback to
almost the entire conversation about econo- basis of thinking that such a performance
[email protected]
mies that is currently going on of question- could be repeated?
mutual funds TELEGRAM
06 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
by Sanket Dhanorkar Previous offerings have seen liquidity at the time of the launch of the
first offering. However, the ETF contin-
healthy trading volumes
fter the successful launch of the ues to enjoy healthy investor participa-
initial set of Bharat Bond ETF tion and good liquidity on exchanges. Its
Daily average trading volumes make it one of the more liquid ETFs.
offerings, Edelweiss AMC is daily average trading volumes make it
set to launch its second tranche Bharat Bond ETF Bharat Bond ETF one of the more liquid ETFs. The bid-ask
in the series. Two new sets of April 2023 April 2030 spread has stayed in a narrow range of 5
ETFs, maturing in April 2025 and April to 10 bps, resulting in low cost impact. It
2031 respectively, will be rolled out in July. AUM (` cr) 5,749 7,233 remains to be seen if the ETFs can sus-
The Bharat Bond ETF is a passively man- Return (%) since inception^ 5.17 6.43 tain this liquidity over time. For those
aged instrument with a fixed maturity who do not have demat accounts, the fund
date. It will invest only in AAA rated bonds Average maturity (years) 2.79 9.67 of fund (FoF) variants are also available,
issued by public sector companies matur- with ETFs as the underlying. FoFs do
Yield to maturity (%) 5.71 6.84
ing on or before the maturity of the ETF. not have any liquidity constraints, un-
The ETF will hold the bonds till maturity Avg daily trading volume (units)* 54,340 44,882 like ETFs. The minimum investment is
and any coupons (interest income) received `1,000 for both.
from them will be reinvested in the scheme. While the 2023 and 2030 series offered
^Date of inception is 26 Dec 2019. *since 28 Feb. Source: NSE, Value Research.
There are several reasons why the yields of around 5.7% and 6.84% respec-
Bharat Bond ETF can be a part of your frames, these ETFs can provide predict- This is unlike conventional bond funds tively, the upcoming offerings are likely
portfolio. First, planners feel the Bharat able returns if held till maturity. As indica- which disclose portfolios at the end of to offer lower yields. This is because
Bond ETF will provide debt fund investors tive yields are disclosed at the outset, in- every month. yields on corporate bonds have softened
a safe and liquid avenue. Since it invests vestors can take more informed decision. Apart from this, planners reckon inves- quite sharply since. Investors should
purely in bonds of AAA-rated government “Having a target maturity also nullifies tors can use defined maturity ETFs to take a call accordingly. Current ETFs are
undertakings, investors need not be wor- any interest rate risk for investors if hold- invest with specific timeframes and goals trading at 6.35% and 7.22% respectively.
ried about the underlying credit quality—a ing till maturity,” points out Tarun Birani, in mind. “The launch is in line with our vi- Analysts reckon these are quite lucrative
major pain point in debt funds in recent Founder and Director, TBNG Capital sion to create a ladder of Bharat Bond ETFs from a post-tax perspective. Investors
times. “The reason for sticking with AAA Advisors. This is missing in actively man- across various maturities on the yield may consider buying from the secondary
names is that investors should have abso- aged open-ended debt funds. At the same curve. This will provide more options for markets, if residual maturity matches
lute comfort that this is a debt instrument time, investors should not mistake indica- investors to match their investment needs their time horizon. Birani says, “These
they can trust,” asserts Radhika Gupta, tive yield for guaranteed returns. Like with different time horizons,” says Gupta. are particularly good options for senior
CEO of Edelweiss Mutual Fund. The ETFs traditional bond funds, bond ETFs do not Suppose you want to invest targeting a citizens or others nearing retirement to
comprise high quality PSU names includ- guarantee return. horizon of next 2.5, 5 and 10 years. You can create laddered cash flow. Parents target-
ing Exim Bank, HPCL, Hudco, IRFC, Besides, Bharat Bond ETF is by far the separately buy the Bharat Bond ETFs with ing expenditure towards children’s high-
Nabard, NHAI, NHPC, PFC, Power Grid, lowest cost offering among existing debt corresponding maturities. Edelweiss AMC er studies may also consider investing for
among others. If any issuer gets down- funds. The ETF charges up to 0.0005% on eventually intends to offer a series of ETFs relevant time frame,” he adds. However,
graded below AAA or ceases to be a public its assets—or 50 paise per lakh. This is a that will cover more maturity buckets and he cautions against trading these instru-
sector undertaking, it is removed from fraction of the cost levied by traditional fill any gaps in the ladder. Meanwhile, in- ments actively in the secondary markets
the portfolio on the next rebalancing date. bond funds that typically charge around vestors who missed out on the first tranche as interim price movements can be very
“With its 100% AAA PSU bonds, holding 1-2%. Even existing bond ETFs charge can still buy them in the secondary mar- volatile. The best way to benefit from this
Bharat Bond ETF is a safe, long term bet slightly more than Bharat Bond ETF. In kets. “Ladder of maturities can be created avenue is to hold till maturity.
and can find place in investors’ long term bond funds, this cost differential can make if that is your specific need. Else, simply
debt portfolio,” says Amol Joshi, Founder, a material difference to returns over time. invest when the fund maturity matches
Please send your feedback to
PlanRupee Investment Services. Further, the entire portfolio held by the your money requirement,” argues Joshi. [email protected]
Since these have defined maturity time- bond ETF is disclosed on a daily basis. There were some question marks over
mutual funds
The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020 07
by Sanket Dhanorkar
Credit risk funds have sold mostly investors at risk. Prateek Pant, Head
– Products and Solutions, Sanctum
AA rated bonds to sister schemes
redit risk funds have encoun- Wealth Management, says, “Even if
tered a wave of redemptions these transfers fall within the ambit
in the wake of the Franklin Investors in funds receiving such bonds must remain vigilant. of the law, they may not be in the spirit
Templeton fiasco. Battling a Value of of the law. Fund houses have used the
liquidity crunch, fund hous- Scheme Transferred to back-door to shift lower rated bonds
transfer (` cr)
es are resorting to inter-scheme trans- into defensive schemes.” In April port-
fers of bonds to repay investors. Here is ICICI Pru Balanced Advantage, ICICI Pru Debt folios, some hybrid funds have suddenly
ICICI Prudential Credit Risk 2,207
why you should be concerned. & Equity, ICICI Pru Multi-Asset seen appearance of lower rated NCDs
Faced with redemptions, funds first HDFC Hybrid Equity, HDFC Hybrid Debt and perpetual bonds. AMCs may per-
HDFC Credit Risk 1,781
tap their own cash reserves. When that (among others) ceive hybrid funds as ideal candidates
tap runs dry, they look to sell off bonds to house these bonds as the higher vola-
in the secondary market to generate Kotak Mahindra Credit Risk 612 Kotak Savings (among others) tility in equity segment can mask any
cash. However, in adverse market Aditya Birla SL Equity Hybrid ‘95, Aditya value erosion in the debt portion.
conditions, the secondary market Aditya Birla SL Credit Risk 490 Several of the AA rated bonds sold be-
Birla SL Balanced Advantage (among others)
doesn’t provide any succour—liquidity long to issuers with strong fundamen-
practically disappears, particularly SBI Equity Hybrid, SBI Magnum Medium tals. Papers transferred include those
SBI Credit Risk 255
for lower rated bonds. Most debt funds Duration issued by the likes of Muthoot Finance,
avoid selling off the more liquid, higher Nippon Equity Hybrid, Nippon Ultra Short Tata Motors, Godrej Properties, among
Nippon India Credit Risk 158
grade bonds in the portfolio. So as a last Duration, Nippon Low Duration others. These companies are backed
resort, funds may approach banks to by healthy operating metrics or strong
borrow some money. Most fund houses Figures for the month of April. Data compiled by Pulse Labs parentage. The likelihood of these de-
avoid this route as it could entail a hit faulting on their obligations is remote.
on the fund’s returns. The only way out these are permitted by the regulator as of conservative investors. For instance, Some fund managers insist that the AA
for stressed funds to generate liquidity long as the transfer occurs at a fair value ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund trans- papers in fact spell a great opportunity
in such circumstances is to arrange as determined by a rating agency. A ferred bonds worth `2,207 crore from its for buying schemes. “In the wake of
for transfer of securities within their transfer is frowned upon if it happens at credit risk offering to ICICI Prudential events in April, the AA-rated segment
own schemes. Termed as inter-scheme a price which hurts the interest of inves- Balanced Advantage, ICICI Prudential of debt markets got priced at a steep
transfer, it involves one fund selling se- tors in either scheme. “As long as the in- Equity & Debt and ICICI Prudential spread, providing the best risk-return
curities to another fund from the same vestments are done according to scheme Multi Asset. HDFC AMC transferred payoff,” points out Manish Banthia,
fund house. objectives, it should not matter whether securities worth `1,782 crore to HDFC Senior Fund Manager – Fixed Income,
Over the month of April, credit that exposure is coming from a primary Hybrid Equity and HDFC Hybrid Debt, ICICI Prudential AMC. He insists ICICI
risk funds sold bonds worth roughly or secondary market transaction or among other debt schemes. Kotak AMC Prudential Balanced Advantage bought
`5,500 crore to sister schemes. ICICI through inter-scheme transfer,” argues arranged some transfer into Kotak these bonds from various market par-
Prudential AMC, HDFC AMC, Kotak Amit Tripathi, Head-Fixed Income Savings while ABSL shifted bonds to ticipants considering the attractive val-
AMC, Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC, SBI Investments, Nippon India Mutual Fund. ABSL Balanced Advantage and ABSL uations and as part of its shift towards
AMC and Nippon India AMC are among However, even when such transfers fit Equity Hybrid, among others. debt in its regular rebalancing exercise.
the fund houses that carried out the into the broader mandate of the receiv- Experts point out that a spike in However, not all the AA names are
transfers. This is not a new phenom- ing fund, it must be noted that many of lower rated bonds in the portfolio may in good financial shape. Among the is-
enon. Inter-scheme transfers have been these are illiquid bonds. Data compiled materially alter the risk profile of the suers whose bonds have been shifted,
going on for many years. There is noth- by Pulse Labs shows that the bulk of the receiving fund—both in terms of credit Shriram Transport Finance has
ing wrong with such transactions— transfers have been of AA rated bonds. risk as well as liquidity risk. A few fund been put under rating watch. Piramal
Further, most of the transfers have houses may be dumping their bad assets Enterprises reported net loss to the
been into hybrid schemes—a preserve to low risk profile schemes, putting their tune of `1,703 crore in the March quar-
ter. Some A-rated securities have also
been shunted to other schemes. These
include Avanse Financial Services,
Security and Intelligence Services,
Syndicate Bank, to name a few.
Experts say investors in funds receiv-
ing such bonds must remain vigilant—
particularly if they belong to a category
perceived to carry lower risk. If the
proportion of such papers in the overall
portfolio rises beyond a certain level, it
should be a cause for alarm. “It should
not happen that one set of investors are
saved at the cost of others,” avers Pant.
The high death toll of Covid-19 could push up The aggressive marketing of term plans ary of HDFC Life. “More than 15% hike Maruti offers flexible EMI
insurance premium rates in the coming also kept premiums low. “Pricing of term in premium will mean a new product and scheme to buyers
months. Life insurance companies hiked plans has been very aggressive in India. requires approval of the IRDAI.” Tata-AIA Maruti Suzuki has tied up with
term plan premiums by 5-15% following The premiums have not been in line with Life launched a new term plan that is 35% HDFC Bank to offer flexible EMI
an increase in reinsurance rates and their the mortality experience,” says an indus- costlier than its old plan. options to car buyers. Under the
mortality experience in recent years. try veteran. He says the surge in number For others, the premiums are up by scheme, a buyer can avail low
Reinsurance companies hiked premiums of Covid deaths is likely to worsen the mor- 5-15%. The hike is not uniform and varies EMIs for three months every
by 30-50% in April. Also, companies have tality experience and could possibly push across companies, age groups and risk pro- year. The company is also offer-
witnessed adverse mortality experience in up premiums by 20-30%. files. In case of Max Life Insurance, young- ing up to 100% on-road funding
recent years. “It is assumed that for every IRDAI rules have prevented insur- er buyers below 30 have to shell out 10% and monthly installments start-
10,000 lives covered, only 3 deaths would ance companies from hiking premium higher premiums while older buyers above ing from `899 per lakh for the
occur in a given policy year. However, the rates too much. “According to the guide- 40 will only pay 5-6% more. The situation first six months. Maruti Suzuki
had sold no cars in April due to
actual deaths are between 4 and 4.5,” says lines, the modified premium cannot be is reverse in case of HDFC Life—younger
the lockdown and its factories
Santosh Agarwal, CBO-Life Insurance, more than 15% higher,” says Srinivasan buyers will pay only 1-5% more while older
were shut. Some factories reo- Parthasarathy, chief and appointed actu- buyers will pay 12% more (see table).
pened in May after lockdown
restrictions were eased.
You can open an NPS New Form 26AS
to be effective
:: Insurance
Aegon Life in assocation with Flipkart
account using Aadhaar from today
The income tax department has noti-
has launched a life insurance with
Covid-19 plan to cover hospitalisation
Online exit option proposed as well by PFRDA. fied the revised Form 26AS, which will
now include information pertaining to
expenses up to `1 lakh. Customers can
The Pension Fund Regulatory and property and share transactions.
get a comprehensive insurance cover
Development Authority (PFRDA) has al- With this, Form 26AS has now been
against Covid-19 that can be availed on
the Flipkart app along with the base life lowed Aadhaar-based KYC for onboarding revamped to an ‘Annual Information
insurance plan. It offers the cover on a new National Pension System (NPS) sub- Statement’ which apart from the TDS/
minimum of 24 consecutive hours of scribers. The process enables immediate TCS details, shall contain comprehen-
hospitalisation on the first diagnosis. activation of the NPS account due to instant sive information relating to specified
KYC verification and also facilitates im- financial transactions, payment of
HDFC Life has launched Protect mediate deposit of NPS contribution by the taxes, demand/refund and pending/
Plus, a rider that provides enhanced subscriber. completed proceedings undertaken
life insurance cover, cover against An applicant can download the password- by a taxpayer in a particular financial
accidental death and disability and protected Aadhaar XML file by accessing year that has to be mentioned in the
cancer protection. Protect Plus can the UIDAI portal through e-NPS and share income tax returns.
be added to new policies as well as the same for his KYC. The facility can also The revamped Form 26AS will come
21 existing linked and non-linked be availed through the Points of Presence into effect from 1 June, the CBDT
products of HDFC Life. Buyers can (POP). said. Nangia Andersen Consulting
choose four options: Life cover, In this process, the KYC details are in can be made into the NPS. Chairman Rakesh Nangia said
personal accident, accidental death machine-readable XML format, which is In another development, the PFRDA has Form 26AS in its new avatar seeks to
and cancer. digitally signed by UIDAI, allowing eNPS/ proposed an online option to exit the NPS. provide much more comprehensive
POPs to verify the demographic contents of Currently, an e-NPS account can be opened information regarding taxes paid by
:: Real estate the file and certify the same to be authentic. online, however, no online process was a taxpayer, details of pending as well has launched an end- The identity and address of the applicant can available to exit the scheme. as completed income tax proceed-
to-end online booking facility on its be verified this way. In the proposed process, the KYC of e-NPS ings, status of income tax demand and
portal. Buyers can find a property and Recently, the pension fund regulator subscribers shall be verified by the respec- refund along with details of specified
complete the entire booking process also introduced a new mode of payment for tive bank-POPs where these subscribers financial transactions undertaken by
online. The firm has partnered with NPS subscribers called Direct Remittance have their existing banking relationship. taxpayer during a particular finan-
12 developers whose projects will be (D-Remit). This allows the subscriber to Banks shall also be eligible for payment of cial year such as share purchase and
open for purchase on the platform. set up a systematic investment through processing fees. property purchase in a single form/
Netbanking by which regular contributions —Navneet Dubey statement.
POS terminals in the country as of March
2020. Private sector banks represent
Dip in month-on-month
transactions volume and value at
about 69% POS terminal market, while merchant touch points in April 2020
public sector banks make up for 27%. due to the extended lockdown.
ation is and see if you can help them solve it on
their own. Most people do not need external
monetary help or may be hesitant to reach out
assuming you would shy away from getting
involved. What they may truly need is the reas-
y friend lost his job. At the increased. The man is quick to take offence surance that their thought process is right.
end of March, just as the and the woman is too scared to take charge. Be that person whom someone can trust and
horrors of the new pandemic The relationship is on the brink of becoming confide in.
were unfolding, his employ- abusive despite best intentions. The worried Third, not everyone is willing to discuss
ers told him that they had to children find the parents tense. difficult financial matters with their spouses.
let him go. He had not expected it. Panic and Using accumulated savings and invest- They like to insulate the family from any
anger took over first. How could they do it ment is problematic. In theory the house- trouble with the finances. If the spouse is not
to me, he seethed. How will I face the family hold can run for another 12 months without involved in these decisions, it is even tougher.
and friends, he worried. How will I find a an income. However, every decision seems Try to help a friend unload their anxieties,
new job in these times, he feared. A week tough. Liquidating the mutual funds at a work out their options, and think through their
was spent speaking to friends and holding loss is difficult; selling stocks at a loss is un- decisions without the fear of being judged or
FOR INVES TMENT the information from his wife and children. thinkable; drawing the PF down now looks reprimanded.
EDUC ATION AND LE ARNING Then he told his wife. She did not work. like a risk. The couple are unable to decide. Fourth, do not tell your friend that you under-
She quit her job years ago after the children What could we as friends do? Here is what stand their situation. You don’t if you yourself
were born. They decided to not let the chil- the four of us who are close to the couple haven’t been fired from your job. Do not offer
dren know, and manage with their savings. have done in the last 60 days: empty empathy. Be genuine about how you can
In the last 60 days, the turmoil in that house- First, we are taking turns to talk to him help, and be aware that these are tough times
hold has been a scary picture. and engage him in things happening in our that call upon the more fortunate to be kind,
Our friend was angry initially and is now lives. Two of us are entrepreneurs and have generous and helpful. Remain honest about
Do not tell your depressed. He is not confident of finding a given him some problems to solve and small how far you are willing to go for a friend.
friend you new job. Every application has returned projects to work on. We are focused on get- Fifth, help your friend see the big picture.
understand his or with the comment that there are no posi- ting a set of scheduled activities done in his Unless the situation is very dire with no sav-
her situation. You tions to fill in these difficult times. He wor- day, so he doesn’t spend time listlessly. ings, investments or assets, your friend will be
don’t if you yourself ries this temporary phase might become Second, one of us has taken over his able to ride this phase with the assets they al-
haven’t been fired permanent. It is difficult to get him to see finances from his wife who was doing fine ready have. Everything that is used now can be
from your job. Do that things might be better. As a 40 plus pro- all along but is now struggling to make rebuilt when the times get better. Enable your
not offer empty fessional, he thinks he is unemployable. decisions under the new situation. We have friend to see a liquidity crunch for what it is and
empathy. Be aware The household’s routine money decisions made a liquidity plan with the assets, and stop them from equating it to bankruptcy.
that these are tough have become tougher to make. They con- have initiated the process to draw down the Life has been indescribably tough for so
times that call upon tinue to pay for the school that is no longer money the household needs, keeping ex- many around us. Make sure you reach out and
the more fortunate open but for the online version; they pay fees penses controlled. support those that you can. So many of them
to be kind, generous for online courses and summer classes they Third, one of us has spoken to the chil- are suffering in silence and need a shoulder to
and helpful. don’t see value in; they buy things the chil- dren and told them that in the new circum- lean on.
dren want ordered online. But each decision stances where so much is changing, it would
is painful. They do not know how to let the be foolhardy to spend too much. Dealing
Please send your feedback to
kids know that they can’t spend like before. with the older child who had plans to go
[email protected]
The quarrels between the couple have abroad to study this Fall has been the tough-
The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020 11
ujay needs to review his budget and see
how he has dealt with his income and Information
expenses so far. If he is consistently fall- Account number and type of
ing behind on his savings targets, it could account and name of the holder
mean that he either overestimated his in- whose name is to be deleted,
come or underestimated his expenses. Reviewing should be mentioned in the form. If the
will help him get a better idea of how much can he account holder whose name is to be
save every month. This may require him to re-work deleted is a minor, the guardian’s name
his goals in the light of the current situation. also should be mentioned.
As a self-employed professional, it is better for
Sujay to be conservative and underestimate his
income until there is stability in earnings. Working
with a lower income will help him keep a tighter Mode of operation
rein on his expenses and increase his chances of The account holders can
reaching the savings target. Also, he may not have change the mode of operation
considered all his expenses and the amount he of the account to either
actually spends on them with costs increasing over jointly, survivor or single. Else one can
time. Some expenses, such as food and fuel will continue with the original mode of
change frequently. Others like housing, education operation.
and medical may change less frequently, however,
the quantum of change will be higher. Sujay will
need to make these estimations correctly to get a
fair idea of what he can spend and save. Debit card/ATM cards
Sujay should observe his spending over a period The account holders should
of time to understand what he was spending on. He return debit/ATM cards
should consider every item of expense, whether issued to the account holder
recurring or not, and then decide on what is pos- whose name is being deleted, or should
sible given his income and savings target. He must sign a declaration that the same has
review his budget every time there is a change in been destroyed by them.
his personal situation, which will have a significant
:: Points to note
The first or primary account
Inflation risk: Reinvestment holder’s name cannot be deleted.
Liquidity risk: FD returns risk: In If the number of the account holder
Bank FDs can be Default risk: Bank at times can a falling whose name is being deleted is
easily liqui- defaults are rare but pos- be around interest rate registered for PIN, OTP notifications,
3 5
dated. However, a sible. However, deposit the same as environment, the same will be delinked from the
penalty could be amount including interest inflation or Interest rate risk: FDs that are records of the bank.
levied. Tax saver of up to `5 lakh per even lower Bank FDs carry due to mature
FDs cannot be person per bank is guar- than inflation the risk of being will get offered
withdrawn before anteed by the DICGC and rates leading to locked in for a a lower rate
completion of the any amount over that is wealth erosion long tenure at low at the time of
5-year tenure. subject to default risk. for the investor. rate of return. maturity.
learn & keep
12 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
You are unlikely to meet your You are running out of your
short-term goal emergency fund
If your goal is just a year away and your investments have suffered heavy
losses, or the property you were hoping to help finance the goal is not If you have lost your job, faced a big salary cut, or have run into a financial
finding any buyer, or you dipped into this goal corpus for some other emergency, which has depleted your contingency corpus, what should you do?
emergency, you may not be able to meet your goal. Try to replenish it without dipping into the corpus for other goals because the
tough financial times are likely to continue for an unspecified time.
What to do...
If your salary cut is such that you will be unable to repay the loans, ap-
What to do...
proach each loan with a different strategy. In case of a small, expensive You can either look for a better paying job, which may not be likely
loan, such as a personal or credit card loan, use your existing savings to in the current scenario, or try to live within the financial constraints.
foreclose it. If it’s a mid-sized car loan, calculate the value of your car The latter will require a two-step process, wherein you will first have
and the remaining loan. If the latter is less than the former, you could to reframe your budget factoring in the lower income and listing
sell your car and repay the loan. If the car value is less than the loan, out the existing expenses. Then identify the expenses that can be
you should talk to the lender if he is willing to offer an EMI holiday for avoided. In the next step, to make up for the shortfall, find out how
a few months till your finances get back on track. If it’s a big home loan, you can increase your income. You could supplement it by finding a
you could request the bank to increase the tenure and reduce your EMI second job or freelancing (if your employer permits), or cashing in
or again ask for a buffer period and take an EMI holiday. on your other skills and hobbies.
What to do...
First, research whether the entire industry has been affected or only
What to do...
your company. If your company seems to be facing bigger problems, Unfortunately, you have very few options in the current circum-
start sending your resume to other firms or get in touch with head stances. What you can do is streamline your work in such a way that
hunters. If possible, negotiate for a pay cut or even unpaid leave, it does not impact you or your targets. Firstly, you need discipline of
since it will be better than losing your job. If, on the other hand, work hours and clear demarcation of office area. If you fix the time
the entire industry is impacted, you may not easily find a job in the and place, there will be less chaos and overlap between work and
same stream in other companies. So it is better to use your time at home activities. Next, interact with your colleagues even if the work
home and upskill yourself or learn a new skill that will enable you to does not demand it; it will keep you active and your creative juices
make a transition to allied industries. Start freelancing as well so you flowing. Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you don’t need
know of job opportunities in the market. a leave. In fact, you need it more now. So talk to your boss about
your problem and take a break to rejuvenate yourself.
What to do...
First check how far away your goals are. If they are a good 10 years What to do...
away, it might make sense to stay put, especially if you are investing If you are working from home, try to keep your work area off limits
through SIPs. If your goal is just a year or two away, you should start for the family, including your spouse, for specified hours. Next,
a systematic withdrawal plan to retrieve the money. It’s a good idea avoid bringing up money randomly in every conversation, especial-
to invest in government bonds and secure debt funds with AAA rated ly in front of kids; fix a time when you are relaxed to discuss the
securities for capital safety. Remember to always have a diversified issues. If the differences seem irreconciliable, you can even have a
portfolio with investments in equity, bonds, gold and cash so that your video call with a financial adviser or a behavioural therapist.
losses can be minimised during volatile times.
he interaction or inter-relation need to be placed in different excel cells.
between business, economy and However, instead of using the working
financial market variables have methodology of the array functions, the
a considerable influence over output of the LINEST function can also be
the performance of investments. managed by combining it with the ‘INDEX
The impact of such interactions is visible function’.
across asset classes like equities, debt, bul- If the LINEST is applied on the single-
lion and commodities. Examples include cell (as shown in Screenshot1), it will
the effect of an interest rate hike on long- output the sensitivity of the last factor in
term debt funds, the effect of weakening the list, which is 4.64 for the WPI infla-
currency on FPI flows and the effect of ris- tion. However, there are four outputs from
Screenshot 1
ing inflation rate on asset risk premiums. the above equation (three coefficients
Quantifying such interactions helps in and intercept ). To obtain these, the
determining the relative significance of INDEX function will have to be used with
such variables and assists in forecasting. the LINEST function. For obtaining the
One of the widely used tools for quanti- intercept, we have used the following
fying such relationships is the simple formula in B13 cell (Screenshot2): INDEX
regression analysis. It estimates the influ- (LINEST(B3:B10,C3:E10),1,4). Similarly
ence of a single independent variable on for obtaining factor sensitivity of the first
the dependent variable. independent variable (GDP growth), the
However, there may be several inde- index function will have to be modified
pendent variables that could be influenc- with INDEX(LINEST(B3:B10,C3:E10),1,3).
ing the dependent variable. Therefore, Likewise, for obtaining factor sensitivity
an analysis based on simple regression of second and third independent variables,
may not always produce effective results. the last two inputs of the INDEX formula
For example, a household’s expenditure will have to be modified with (1,2) and (1,1)
growth in any time period ‘t’ is not only respectively.
influenced by income growth but also by Following the pattern, if there are ‘n’
the savings and inflation rates. Similarly, independent variables, the total number
an investment portfolio return is not only of outputs will be ‘n+1’ (n coefficients
influenced by the market index return, and an intercept). The last two inputs in
(which is technically termed as a portfolio the INDEX function combination will
beta) but by other factors like domestic start from (1, n+1) and will have to be
economic growth, the international value decremented till it reaches (1, 1). Also, the
of the currency, the performance of devel- LINEST function inputs will have to be
Screenshot 2
In This Section
KEC International 1 1 192.85 23.83 33.00 10.19 2.04 3.14 0.32 2.17 1.15 34.00 4.74
1 Fast growing stocks
Power Grid Corp of Indi 2 3 157.25 13.42 22.33 6.55 1.39 5.38 0.29 1.44 0.61 27.00 4.70
Top 5 stocks with the highest
HG Infra Engineering 3 2 157.10 42.87 74.12 8.04 1.54 0.32 0.12 2.37 1.00 16.00 5.00 expected revenue % growth
JK Cement 4 4 1,130.65 16.18 73.25 30.77 3.24 1.56 0.47 1.65 0.72 28.00 4.79 over the previous year
Emami 5 7 191.75 9.35 81.59 28.71 4.19 4.09 0.34 1.86 0.66 33.00 4.03 HG Infra
Engineers India 6 10 62.80 22.59 18.09 10.74 1.69 7.05 0.50 1.91 0.63 15.00 4.47
Tata Consumer 41
Alkem Laboratories 7 8 2,324.30 29.92 79.12 36.54 5.11 1.30 0.48 1.37 0.36 21.00 4.24 Products
UPL 8 -- 391.10 8.60 33.87 16.83 1.55 1.38 0.46 2.39 1.21 34.00 4.76 Ipca 40
Larsen & Toubro 9 11 905.50 15.38 17.07 14.26 2.04 3.29 0.96 1.84 1.08 43.00 4.77
V-Mart Retail 39
Tata Power Co 10 -- 36.90 8.43 10.67 6.99 0.51 3.64 0.32 2.01 0.61 18.00 4.39
Info Edge India 33
CCL Products India 11 12 197.45 21.56 24.91 16.96 3.13 3.70 0.68 1.74 0.81 10.00 4.80
ITC 12 13 190.65 11.63 23.40 18.51 3.95 2.99 0.79 1.77 0.81 38.00 4.53
Jubilant Life Sciences 13 20 434.15 10.43 28.07 11.78 1.44 2.20 0.44 2.37 1.01 12.00 4.50
2 Least expensive stocks
CESC 14 19 573.15 11.90 8.51 6.42 0.85 3.56 1.00 1.73 0.71 18.00 4.94 Top 5 stocks with the lowest
NTPC 15 18 95.70 18.96 9.82 6.24 0.86 0.53 0.72 1.55 0.74 27.00 4.93
price-earnings ratio
Transport Corp of India 16 26 152.50 12.41 28.94 8.04 1.31 1.35 0.48 1.95 0.93 10.00 4.90 NTPC
Aurobindo Pharma 17 24 713.95 28.64 24.99 17.69 3.01 0.42 0.71 2.86 0.89 35.00 4.60
CESC 6.42
Ipca Laboratories 18 17 1,550.40 39.74 85.90 44.03 6.27 0.32 0.52 1.53 0.15 24.00 4.13
Dilip Buildcon 6.46
Gujarat Gas 19 14 232.85 32.54 143.43 38.30 7.27 0.43 0.25 1.83 0.81 30.00 3.97
APL Apollo Tubes 20 16 1,412.45 19.27 58.35 22.61 3.49 1.01 0.46 2.21 1.23 10.00 4.60 India 6.46
Pfizer 21 23 4,183.10 18.13 40.96 44.61 6.36 8.10 1.09 1.41 0.36 10.00 4.60 Power Grid 6.55
Dilip Buildcon 22 27 256.95 21.92 20.81 6.46 1.25 0.39 0.31 2.69 1.25 15.00 4.53 Corp of India
Cipla/India 23 28 628.35 11.30 26.75 32.74 3.21 0.63 1.22 1.35 0.28 43.00 4.35
3 Best PEGs
Century Plyboards India 24 21 102.85 4.07 36.00 15.40 2.34 0.98 0.61 1.96 0.73 20.00 4.45
Top 5 stocks with the least
VRL Logistics 25 30 146.95 8.16 19.01 14.45 2.06 4.67 0.82 1.77 0.71 14.00 4.36 price-earnings to growth ratio
Thermax 26 29 720.35 1.09 35.79 24.93 2.85 1.92 0.82 1.35 0.39 32.00 2.88 Gujarat Gas Dilip Buildcon
Bajaj Finserv 27 -- 4,285.95 24.76 37.03 20.25 2.18 0.23 0.46 2.59 1.42 14.00 4.14
Ramco Cements 28 31 616.80 14.94 33.64 26.78 3.20 0.90 0.97 1.72 0.91 28.00 3.71
0.12 0.25 0.29 0.31 0.32
HeidelbergCement India 29 35 158.00 6.72 22.96 16.22 3.06 0.96 0.53 2.01 1.05 15.00 4.60
Apollo Hospitals 30 33 1,337.05 25.25 49.85 78.79 5.58 0.49 1.32 1.97 1.02 23.00 4.87
HG Infra Power Grid KEC
Dr Reddy's Laboratories 31 41 3,887.75 8.46 32.98 33.05 4.17 0.52 0.99 1.20 0.32 47.00 3.64 Engineering Corp of Indi International
SRF 32 34 3,409.40 14.89 46.48 30.53 4.75 0.41 0.63 2.01 1.11 20.00 4.35
Adani Ports & SEZ 33 45 331.80 9.90 13.55 17.92 2.63 1.04 1.14 2.00 1.16 26.00 4.85 4 Income generators
Carborundum Universal 34 40 222.15 13.21 23.65 16.96 2.44 1.85 1.00 1.80 0.91 11.00 4.18 Top 5 stocks with the highest
Info Edge India 35 32 2,570.90 33.09 56.02 51.91 12.34 0.33 0.38 2.15 0.74 27.00 3.30
dividend yield (%)
Redington India 9.25
Tata Consumer Products 36 39 371.15 40.59 92.79 74.38 2.48 0.68 2.08 1.91 1.00 12.00 4.42
Pfizer 8.10
Lupin 37 42 881.15 4.01 56.84 65.71 2.90 0.56 1.15 1.37 0.30 46.00 3.04
Engineers India 7.05
Ahluwalia Contracts 38 47 159.95 10.81 11.25 9.14 1.46 0.19 0.49 2.37 1.13 18.00 4.50 Power Grid
Corp of Indi 5.38
Prestige Estates Projec 39 43 145.15 27.45 5.92 13.10 1.29 2.14 3.10 3.01 1.03 18.00 4.56
VRL Logistics 4.67
Voltas 40 46 486.80 17.41 18.24 31.71 3.92 0.86 1.83 1.67 0.90 43.00 4.16
Redington India 41 44 82.70 19.49 1.53 6.46 0.82 9.25 7.03 2.63 0.92 10.00 4.80
5 Least risky
Oberoi Realty 42 49 307.15 3.24 14.03 13.47 1.39 0.66 0.93 2.00 0.60 26.00 4.08
Top 5 stocks with the lowest
Rallis India 43 -- 216.80 12.85 23.22 22.81 3.28 1.16 0.96 2.08 1.05 21.00 3.71 downside risk
Britannia Industries 44 -- 3,323.25 13.92 35.00 68.88 18.78 1.55 1.97 1.60 0.75 40.00 3.90 Cipla/India Alkem
Asian Paints 45 50 1,643.60 12.51 42.58 73.02 16.56 1.12 1.77 1.53 0.78 41.00 3.78
AIA Engineering 46 -- 1,625.30 10.07 25.14 29.97 4.36 1.69 1.30 1.66 0.68 18.00 3.72
1.20 1.35 1.35 1.37 1.37
Galaxy Surfactants 47 -- 1,313.75 4.89 23.71 24.39 5.31 1.29 0.95 1.58 0.64 11.00 4.27
Kajaria Ceramics 48 -- 326.20 0.63 18.55 22.89 3.29 1.90 1.23 1.88 0.93 28.00 4.14
Dr Reddy's Thermax Lupin
V-Mart Retail 49 -- 1,592.85 38.70 36.61 46.83 7.06 0.11 0.85 2.16 0.95 16.00 4.06 Laboratories
Zee Entertainment 50 -- 180.70 9.07 11.02 11.07 1.94 2.13 1.25 3.36 1.06 28.00 3.79 SEE DOWNSIDE RISK AND BEAR BETA COLUMNS
smart stats TELEGRAM
16 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
ET Wealth collaborates with Value Research to identify the top-performing Equity: Large-cap 5-year returns
funds across categories. Equity funds and equity-oriented hybrid funds are
-0.85 6.82
ranked on 3-year returns while debt-oriented hybrid and income funds are Taurus Largecap Equity Axis Bluechip
ranked on 1-year returns. -0.23 5.77
Principal Nifty 100 Equal Weight Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity
0.95 5.31
Franklin India Bluechip Mirae Asset Large Cap
Value Research Net Assets
Expense 1.02 5.09
Fund Rating (` Cr) 3-Month 6-Month 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year Ratio (%) Nippon India Large Cap Nippon India ETF Shariah BeES
1.23 4.50
Axis Bluechip Fund 12,716.81 -18.46 -16.20 -10.02 6.44 6.82 1.98
6.44% Baroda Large Cap Sundaram Select Focus
Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund 418.00 -16.76 -14.32 -9.86 3.51 5.77 2.56 THE 3-YEAR
Sundaram Select Focus Fund 932.85 -19.23 -19.53 -16.85 1.44 4.50 2.42
Tata Index Sensex Fund 23.61 -20.13 -22.70 -19.54 1.33 3.35 1.00
Equity: Multi-cap 5-year returns
HDFC Index Fund - Sensex Plan 1,177.38 -20.58 -23.17 -20.09 1.27 3.67 0.30 THE HIGHEST
Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund 1,153.47 -17.86 -16.83 -11.77 0.45 4.00 2.24 IN ITS -2.78 8.21
CATEGORY. Nippon India Multi Cap Parag Parikh Long Term Equity
Edelweiss Large Cap Fund 165.33 -20.78 -20.99 -18.72 0.06 2.48 2.44
UTI Nifty Index Fund 2,097.08 -19.99 -23.08 -21.32 -0.02 3.20 0.17 -1.59 6.77
Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 15,347.16 -20.73 -23.09 -20.65 -0.45 5.31 1.67 Nippon India Retirement SBI Focused Equity
ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund 21,820.93 -17.96 -20.86 -19.64 -0.84 3.75 1.92
Indiabulls Bluechip Fund 127.95 -22.98 -24.93 -23.05 -2.85 3.39 2.43
-1.42 6.61
Taurus Starshare (Multi Cap) Axis Focused 25
Invesco India Growth Opportunities Fund 2,282.43 -21.37 -20.76 -16.83 0.83 4.24 2.02
0.83% HDFC Focused 30 Tata Retirement Savings
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund 8,838.98 -20.18 -19.28 -15.44 0.83 9.45 1.81 THE 3-YEAR
RETURN OF -0.07 6.20
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund 2,980.18 -19.87 -17.59 -15.80 -1.01 4.96 2.10
INVESCO IN- LIC MF Multicap Quant Active
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund 4,845.74 -21.49 -16.05 -16.73 -1.09 6.64 1.97 DIA GROWTH
LIC MF Large & Mid Cap Fund 594.43 -23.77 -20.96 -15.63 -1.54 4.80 2.47 OPPORTUNI-
Sundaram Large and Mid Cap Fund 1,012.99 -26.10 -25.86 -22.55 -1.76 4.09 2.36 TIES FUND IS
Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund 1,822.03 -21.32 -17.81 -16.69 -2.12 5.29 2.18
Equity: Mid-cap 3-year returns
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund 4,439.07 -21.81 -21.43 -19.02 -2.79 4.71 1.96 CATEGORY.
-10.98 7.31
EQUITY: MULTI CAP Aditya Birla Sun Life Mid Cap Axis Midcap
Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund 2,925.43 -8.05 -6.70 -1.50 7.05 8.21 2.09
SBI Focused Equity Fund 7,967.80 -22.00 -18.54 -15.03 4.59 6.77 1.99
-9.32 0.81
IIFL Focused Equity Fund 785.87 -22.61 -17.10 -11.83 3.34 6.09 2.30 Motilal Oswal Midcap 100 ET Quant Mid Cap
Canara Robeco Equity Diversified Fund 1,896.90 -18.16 -14.26 -13.25 2.78 4.86 2.31 -9.25 -1.50
Axis Focused 25 Fund 9,493.38 -22.43 -20.50 -14.04 2.76 6.61 1.73 Sundaram Mid Cap DSP Midcap
Tata Retirement Savings Fund 689.21 -17.10 -17.66 -13.69 0.95 6.39 2.45
-8.86 -2.22
Kotak Standard Multicap Fund Regular Plan 26,049.43 -20.89 -21.57 -20.86 -1.18 5.22 1.70
Edelweiss Multi Cap Fund 488.67 -21.74 -21.43 -22.09 -1.61 3.66 2.46
SBI Magnum Midcap Tata Midcap Growth
JM Multicap Fund 118.78 -22.43 -21.95 -14.37 -2.07 4.40 — -7.77 -2.91
SBI Magnum Multicap Fund 7,912.14 -22.66 -22.58 -22.49 -2.30 4.07 2.01 IDBI Midcap Edelweiss Mid Cap
Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 Fund 10,236.93 -23.12 -23.28 -22.33 -4.33 3.82 1.82
The Top 100 includes only those funds that have a 5- or
4-star rating from Value Research. The rating is determined
EQUITIES (figures over the past one year)
Large-cap: Mostly invested in large-cap companies.
4 Debt: Liquid
by subtracting a fund’s risk score from its return score.
The result is assigned stars according to the following
Multi-cap: Mostly invested in large- and mid-cap
companies. FUND
distribution: Mid-cap: Mostly invested in mid-cap companies.
0.18 0.18
0.16 0.17
Top 10% Small-cap: Mostly invested in small-cap companies.
Next 22.5% Tax planning: Offer tax rebate under Section 80C.
(Not covered
Middle 35% International: More than 65% of assets invested abroad.
Next 22.5%
Bottom 10%
in ETW Funds
100 listing) Income: Average maturity varies according to objective.
Gilt: Medium- and long-term; invest in gilt securities.
`19,239 Cr
Fixed-income funds less than 18 months old and equity funds Equity-oriented: Average equity exposure more
was the net outflow
less than three years old have been excluded. This ensures than 60%. from credit risk funds in
that all the funds have existed long enough to be tracked for the month of April 2020. Canara IDFC IDBI Taurus Axis
Debt-oriented aggressive: Average equity exposure Robeco Cash Liquid Liquid Liquid
consistency of performance. Given the focus on long-term between 25-60%. The outflows jumped Liquid
investing, liquid funds, short-term funds and FMPs are not
part of the list. For the same reason, we have considered only Debt-oriented conservative: Average equity exposure 3.5 times compared to
the growth option of funds that reinvest returns instead of less than 25%. March 2020.
offering dividends that increase the NAV of funds. Arbitrage: Seek arbitrage opportunities between equity % AS ON 30 APR 2020
Despite these rigorous filters, the list includes 2/3 funds of and derivatives. % EXPENSE RATIO IS CHARGED ANNUALLY.
each category to maximise choice from the best funds. Asset allocation: Invest fully in equity or debt as per METHODOLOGY OF TOP 100 FUNDS ON
The fund categories are: market conditions. WWW.WEALTH.ECONOMICTIMES.COM
loans and deposits TELEGRAM
18 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
TENURE: 3 YEARS Bank of India 7.25 7.25 7.55 7.25 8.15 1 April 2020
RBL Bank 7.50 12,497 Central Bank of India 7.25 7.25 7.35 7.25 7.35 1 April 2020
DCB Bank 7.35 12,442 Canara Bank 7.30 7.30 9.30 7.30 9.30 7 April 2020
IDFC First Bank 7.25 12,405
Punjab & Sind Bank 7.30 7.30 7.65 7.30 7.65 16 April 2020
AU Small Finance Bank 7.25 12,405
SBI Term Loan 7.05 7.35 7.85 7.50 8.00 1 May 2020
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank 7.25 12,405
IDFC First Bank 7.40 7.40 8.40 7.40 8.40
DCB Bank 7.35 14,393 Indian Overseas Bank 7.25 7.45 7.70 7.45 7.70 14 April 2020
IDFC First Bank 7.25 14,323 Indian Bank 7.20 7.55 7.85 7.60 7.90 1 April 2020
RBL Bank 7.15 14,252 SBI Max Gain 7.05 7.70 8.20 7.85 8.35 1 May 2020
AU Small Finance Bank 7.00 14,148
J & K Bank 7.60 7.70 8.00 7.70 8.00 28 Mar 2020
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank 6.75 13,975
ICICI Bank 7.70 7.70 8.70 7.95 8.80 22 May 2020
Axis Bank 7.75 7.75 8.40 7.95 8.55 26 May 2020
IDBI Bank 7.80 7.80 8.40 7.80 8.80 12 April 2020
Top five senior citizen bank FDs
Interest rate (%) What `10,000 South Indian Bank 8.10 8.10 9.35 8.10 9.35 16 April 2020
TENURE: 1 YEAR compounded qtrly will grow to
Karur Vysya Bank 7.60 8.20 10.05 8.20 10.05 1 April 2020
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank 8.00 10,824
IDFC First Bank 7.75 10,798 Bank of Maharashtra 7.45 8.20 9.50 8.45 9.60 7 April 2020
RBL Bank 7.70 10,793 Kotak Mahindra Bank 8.20 8.20 9.15 8.30 9.25 16 April 2020
Indusind Bank 7.50 10,771
Bandhan Bank 7.25 10,745
Post office deposits Interest (%)
investment (`)
investment (`)
Kisan Vikas Patra 6.90 1,000 No limit Can be encashed after 2.5 years Nil
Top five tax-saving bank FDs 5-year NSC VIII Issue 6.80 100 No limit No TDS 80C
Interest What `10,000
TENURE: 5 YEARS AND ABOVE rate (%) will grow to Time deposit 5.50-6.70 200 No limit Available in 1, 2, 3, 5 year tenures 80C#
DCB Bank 7.35 14,393
Single 4.5 lakh 5-year tenure, monthly returns Nil
IDFC First Bank 7.25 14,323 Post Office Monthly Income
6.60 1,500
RBL Bank 7.15 14,252 Joint 9 lakh 5-year tenure, monthly returns Nil
AU Small Finance Bank 7.00 14,148
Recurring deposits 5.80 10 No limit 5-year tenure Nil
Indusind Bank 6.75 13,975
Savings account 4.00 20 No limit `10,000 interest tax-free Nil
([email protected]) Data as on 28 May 2020 # Benefit available only for 5-year deposit
market watch
The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020 19
Apr '19
May '19
Jun '19
Jul '19
Aug '19
Sep '19
Oct '19
Nov '19
Jan '20
Feb '20
Mar '20
Dec '19
X 1 WEEK 4.10% 1 WEEK -4.30 (bps) 1 WEEK 0.04% LATEST 1.00%
X 1 YEAR -18.99% 1 YEAR -115.80 (bps) 1 YEAR 8.90% 1-YEAR AVG 1.74%
Equity markets surged due to heavy Bond yields declined after The rupee weakened due to GDP Primary articles and fuel and power
buying in banking and financial stocks, RBI slashed repo rate in order downgrades, increased probability segments witnessed deflation of 0.79%
firm European markets and short-covering to contain the impact of of negative economic growth, and and 10.12% respectively in the truncated
ahead of the monthly derivatives expiry. coronavirus on the economy. falling Asian currencies. WPI release for the month of April 2020.
Educomp Solutions 4.52 20.86 149.72 0.67 605.46 55.35 A & M Febcon 8.45 -3.87 -21.03 0.02 3,768.97 10.82
Siti Networks 2.49 9.21 126.36 2.62 22.95 217.15 Uttam Value Steels 0.21 -4.55 10.53 50.20 3,125.98 138.77
Jyoti 6.59 17.68 118.21 0 -76.46 15.22 KSS 0.19 0 0 12.96 2,843.08 39.51
Vikas Ecotech 3.69 9.82 98.39 4.01 101.57 112.77 Mandhana Retail 6.77 -0.44 -38.9 0.20 2,785.42 14.95
Urja Global 2.73 20.80 86.99 8.94 -7.16 138.47 ISMT 3.85 28.33 35.09 1.66 1,584.33 56.40
Ruchi Infrastructure 5.71 10.02 85.39 0.01 -95.13 117.17 Birla Cotsyn (I) 0.10 0 25.00 5.21 1,240.08 26.87
Digispice Technologies 7.41 21.28 85.25 0.03 66.03 168.85 Prismx Global Ventures 7.10 -7.55 -34.26 0.04 1,121.33 20.16
Opto Circuits (India) 6.39 9.79 84.15 4.40 97.57 192.10 Surana Telecom 2.88 -2.37 -13.51 0.08 955.73 41.82
Subex 7.17 21.32 81.98 5.43 921.91 402.95 Subex 7.17 21.32 81.98 5.43 921.91 402.95
Modern Dairies 5.06 8.35 80.71 0.09 18.52 11.80 SE Power 2.56 -14.67 31.28 0.36 814.00 10.40
mutual funds TELEGRAM
20 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
Cement 4.07
1-YEAR Larsen &
Toubro 3.93
11.12 NAV**
The fund has placed high relative bets on
15.62 Ultratech Cement, SRF & Petronet LNG,
3-YEAR DIVIDEND OPTION among others.
11.54 `18.01
Recent portfolio changes
16.86 New Entrants
11.59 `500 Page Industries, SBI Cards &
EXPENSE RATIO*** (%) Payments Services (March)
The rolling return figures suggest a healthy AS ON 26 MAY 2020 1.70
track record of outperformance over the years. EXIT LOAD Complete Exits
For units in excess of 10% Indusind Bank (April)
of the investment,1% will
be charged for redemption
within 365 days Additions
Bharat Electronics, Godrej Consumer Products,
**AS ON 26 MAY 2020
***AS ON 30 APR 2020
HDFC Bank, HUL, Interglobe Aviation, Jubilant
FoodWorks, Page Inds, SBI Life Insurance, Shree
Cement, The Ramco Cements, Ultratech Cement,
Portfolio asset Fund United Breweries (April)
allocation style box
Growth Blend Value How risky is it?
Equity 92.73% Fund Category Index
Small Medium Large
Large-cap 72.62%
Standard Deviation 20.29 20.74 21.06
Mid-cap 25.46%
Small-cap 1.92% Sharpe Ratio -0.14 -0.18 -0.12
This fund, earlier known as its new mandate. The approach in energy and construction past 12-18 months, but remains an
Should Kotak Select Focus, continues
to maintain a large cap tilt in its
remains the same as earlier. It
takes focused exposure in select
sectors. The thrust is on containing
downside by avoiding names
outperformer over 3 and 5 years.
Past track record under current
You revised positioning as a multi-cap sectors but maintains reasonable with low quality and poor fund manager provides comfort
industan Zinc’s numbers for the fourth quarter power price variations. Its blended realisation is also expect-
of 2019-20 remained on expected lines despite ed to improve in coming years due to increased contribution
a fall in its revenues and net profit y-o-y. The from silver. CONSENSUS
33% y-o-y net profit decline during the quarter The main advantage of Hindustan Zinc is its huge reserves
2019 2020 2021 2022
was because of the fall in volumes, triggered by of high grade ores and that provides clear earnings visibility
Revenue (` cr) 20,657 18,332 17,844.88 21,754.76
the Covid induced disturbances in the second half of March into the future. At current mining rate, these reserves are ex-
and fall in metal prices at London Metal Exchange (LME). pected to last at least 25 years. High dividend yield is another Ebitda (` cr) 10,670 8,847 8,086.18 10,513.05
However, fall in input costs and depreciation in rupee miti- factor attracting analysts to this counter. Hindustan Zinc is Net profit (` cr) 7,956 6,805 5,687.47 7,354.36
gated a part of the fall in interna- declaring lavish dividends and EPS (`) 18.83 16.11 14.40 18.25
tional metal prices. it paid out `16.5 per share in 2019- DIVIDEND
After halting operations in Analysts’ views 20. Sustaining high dividends in Valuations PBV PE YIELD (%)
March, all mines and smelters future also won’t be a big prob- Hindustan Zinc 2.12 10.47 11.86
of Hindustan Zinc have become 15 lem for Hindustan Zinc. After Hindalco Industries 0.54 7.27 0.87
operational now, though at lower Buy accounting this year’s dividend National Aluminium Company 0.54 21.15 18.88
capacity levels. For example, outgo, Hindustan Zinc still has Hindustan Copper 1.47 NA 2.01
smelter capacity has already a cash balance of `33 per share. Tinplate Company of India 1.21 9.00 2.43
reached 80% levels and this 1 More importantly, all its major
ramp up shows that Hindustan capacity expansion projects are
Zinc may get back to normal op-
already complete and therefore,
Latest brokerage calls TARGET
erations soon. However, opera- Hindustan Zinc’s free cash flow
tions at full capacity may not be 8 (FCF) is expected to double be- 22 May ’20 Axis Capital Buy 214
resumed in 2020-21 owing to the Hold tween 2019-20 and 2021-22. 22 May ’20 IIFL Buy 213
uncertainty on commodity de- 22 May ’20 Buy 200
mand due to Covid related issues. The main advantage of Hindustan Zinc is its huge reserves of Selection Methodology: We 22 May ’20 Credit Suisse Outperform 195
high grade ores which are expected to last at least 25 years at
Since all its products (zinc, pick up the stock that has shown 21 May ’20 J.P. Morgan Overweight 210
the current mining rate. This provides clear earnings visibility
lead and silver) are international into future of the company. High dividend yield is another factor maximum increase in “consen-
commodities, Hindustan Zinc’s which has made the company a favourite of analysts. sus analyst rating” during the Relative performance 64.09
short term fortunes will be de- last 1 month. Consensus rating 100 MARKET PRICE: `168.65 67.09
pendent on international metal prices. After falling in the is arrived at by averaging all analyst recommendations after
last quarter of 2019-20, zinc prices have already recovered attributing weights to each of them (ie 5 for strong buy, 4 for 81.01
by more than 5% in the first quarter of 2020-21 due to revival buy, 3 for hold, 2 for sell and 1 for strong sell) and any improve-
in Chinese demand, disruption and production cuts from ment in consensus analyst rating indicates that the analysts
other global miners. Since lockdown is being lifted across are getting more bullish on the stock. To make sure that
the globe, commodity prices are not expected to fall further. we pick only companies with decent analyst coverage, this
To maintain its competitive advantage, Hindustan Zinc’s search will be restricted to stocks with at least 10 analysts
management is also taking capacity augmentation and cost covering it. You can see similar consensus analyst rating 28 MAY 2019 HINDUSTAN ZINC ET METAL 28 MAY 2020
reduction measures like commissioning of new shafts. With changes during the last one week in ETW 50 table. Hindustan Zinc compared with ET Metal and Sensex. Stock price and index values
100% captive power plants, Hindustan Zinc is also saved from —Narendra Nathan normalised to a base of 100. Source: ETIG and Bloomberg.
All its manufacturing facilities have resumed operations and strong recovery is expected from the
S H Kelkar Motilal Oswal Buy 51 90 76 second half of 2020-21. It may come from body washes, soaps, sanitizers, floor cleaners, etc.
Closure of Indus-Infratel deal is imminent and it would not only result in Voda India's deleveraging but
Bharti Infratel IIFL Sec Buy 224 274 22 also pave way for reducing telcos’ ownership and higher perceived independence for Bharti Infratel.
IEX remains in a sweet spot as it gains market share in an expanding market pie. Its May volumes till
Indian Energy Exchange Jefferies Buy 165 195 18 date rose by 49% y-o-y, as low spot energy pricing in a lockdown period is aiding volumes.
Concerns on leverage to be gradually allayed due to asset sales. With Jio capex largely complete, RIL
Reliance Industries Edelweiss Buy 1,473 1,678 14 should generate free cash flow of `20,000 crore in 2020-21. despite weaker oil & gas earnings.
Thyrocare earnings will be impacted due to losses during first half of 2020-21 triggered by lockdown.
Thyrocare Technologies Prabhudas Lilladher Sell 513 307 -40 High operating expenses to comply with Covid guidelines is another worry.
Apcotex is also exposed to auto along with carpet, construction sectors, which seem under pressure due
Apcotex Industries ICICI Direct Sell 116 80 -31 to ongoing turbulent time. Thus, this can expose Apcotex to earnings vulnerability.
Dmart's cost of retailing may go up because the contract labour will come at a premium now after the
Avenue Supermarts HDFC Sec Sell 2,308 1,750 -24 reverse migration and increased contribution from lower margin Dmart Ready during the pandemic.
your queries TELEGRAM
22 The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020
The law states that any amount withdrawn from a recognised provident fund is exempt in the hands of
the employee if the employee renders continuous service for 5 years or more. In your case, the amount
has been withdrawn before completing continuous service of 5 years. Therefore, the amount will be
taxable. The benefit of EPF advance to fight Covid-19 is only available to employed members of the
EPF Scheme. Since you left employment in 2019, no benefit of the scheme will be available in your case. Ask our experts
Have a question for the experts?
[email protected]
Amit Maheshwari
Partner, AKM Global
mutual funds
The Economic Times Wealth June 1-7, 2020 23
Rishi Raghavan is saving for his children’s goals and retirement. Here’s what the doctor has advised: know
1 2 3 4 5 6 whether
invested in
8 years 12 years CURRENT NEED: `1.1 crore Managing Director
Investing in equity
PRESENT COST: `35 lakh PRESENT COST: `35 lakh (`1 lakh per month) funds and stocks for and Founder,
FUTURE COST: `60 lakh FUTURE COST: `78 lakh CORPUS REQUIRED: `4.25 crore past 3-4 years.
Goals are ambitious
Readers’ response, online and in print, to ET Wealth stories has been enlightening.
We pick some that add information and perspective to our articles from previous issues.
Schools 10+ Hospitals 6+ Restaurants 20+ Banks 20+ Grocery Stores 20+ Petrol Pumps 10+ In dia’s No. 1 P ropert y Sit e
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