STP880 Eb DL.15102 PDF
STP880 Eb DL.15102 PDF
STP880 Eb DL.15102 PDF
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A symposium sponsored by
ASTM Committees C-16 on Thermal
Insulation and G-1 on Corrosion
and the National Association of
Corrosion Engineers, the Institution
of Corrosion Science and Technology, and
the Materials Technology Institute
of the Chemical Process Industries
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
The Society is not responsible, as a body,
for the statements and opinions
advanced in this publication.
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ASTM Publications
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A Note of Appreciation
to Reviewers
The quality of the papers that appear in this publication reflects not only
the obvious efforts of the authors but also the unheralded, though essential,
work of the reviewers. On behalf of ASTM we acknowledge with appreciation
their dedication to high professional standards and their sacrifice of time and
A S T M C o m m i t t e e on Publications
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ASTM Editorial Staff
Susan L. Gebremedhin
Janet R. Schroeder
Kathleen A. Greene
Bill Benzing
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Introduction 1
Index 231
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STP880-EB/Aug. 1985
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Copyright9 by ASTM International
Warren L Pollock
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.. En-
gineering Department, Wilmington, DE
19898; symposiumcochairmanand editor.
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Technical Overview
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Jack M. Barnhart 1
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tions, and the effectiveness of water vapor retarders in relation to other vapor
resistances within the composite structure.
The moisture resistance depends on the basic material of the insulation and
the type of physical structure. Most insulations are hygroscopic and will gain
or lose moisture in proportion to the relative humidity of the air in contact with
the insulation. Fibrous and granular insulations permit transmission of water
vapor to the colder side of the structure. A vapor retarder should therefore be
used with these materials where moisture transmission is a factor. Other insu-
lations having a closed cellular structure are relatively impervious to water and
water vapor. Properties that express the influence of moisture include: absorp-
tion (capillarity), adsorption (hygroscopicity), and the water vapor transmis-
sion rate.
Other properties of insulating materials that may be important, depending
upon the application, include: density; resilience; resistance to settling; per-
manence; reuse or salvage value; ease of handling; dimensional uniformity
and stability; resistance to chemical action and chemical change; ease in fabri-
cating, applying, or finishing; and sizes and thickness obtainable.
In some specific applications, thermal insulation is called on to perform
another function, namely, to retard chloride induced stress corrosion.
An inherent characteristic of austenitic stainless steel is its tendency to crack
at stress points when exposed to certain corrosive environments. The mecha-
nisms of stress corrosion cracking are complex and incompletely understood,
but apparently related to certain metallurgical properties. Chloride ions con-
centrated at a stress point will catalyze crack propagation. Other halide ions
are also suspect.
Chlorides are common to most environments, so great care must be taken to
protect austenitic stainless steels. Water, dust and soil, process liquids, chemi-
cal fumes, even the air in coastal regions, contain chlorides in measurable, and
thus additively significant quantities.
Most thermal insulations will not, in themselves, cause stress corrosion
cracking as may be shown by tests. However, when exposed to environments
containing both chlorides and moisture, insulation systems may act as collect-
ing media, transmigrating and concentrating chlorides on heated stainless
steel surfaces. If, however, moisture is not present, the chloride salts cannot
migrate, and stress corrosion cracking will not take place.
Insulations may also be specially formulated to inhibit stress corrosion
cracking in the presence of chlorides through modifications in basic composi-
tion or incorporation of certain chemical additives. Stress corrosion cracking
is a metallurgical shortcoming of austenitic stainless steel. It is unrealistic to
expect an insulation to overcome this shortcoming. If the conditions are such
that stress corrosion cracking will occur, then, the very best an insulation
could hope to do is delay the inevitable. This is demonstrated by the occurrence
of stress corrosion cracking under insulations that were mostly sodium silicate,
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The author does not claim that insulation materials cannot or will never
cause stress corrosion cracking, but plant experience and laboratory screen-
ing tests indicate that most insulation materials which remain relatively dry
play only a secondary role in stress corrosion cracking. The real problem in
chemical plants exists as a result of the combination of corrosive atmosphere
and the many types of crevices, joints, and areas where atmospheric chloride
contamination and concentration can occur.
T h e real p r o b l e m a n d need of insulation m a n u f a c t u r e r s is to inform the
users of the "real p r o b l e m " a n d ways to address it. T h e insulation cannot a n d
should not be forced to overcome the shortcomings of austenitic stainless steel
when used in real world environments.
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The Problem
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Peter Lazar, l i p
REFERENCE: Lazar, P., III, "Factors Affecting Corrosion of Carbon Steel Under Ther-
mal Insulation," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation, A S T M S T P 880, W . I.
Pollock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila-
delphia, 1985, pp. 11-26.
IStaff engineer, Exxon Chemical Americas, P.O. Box 241, Baton Rouge, LA 70821.
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Equipment Design
The design of pressure vessels, tanks, and piping generally includes numer-
ous details for support, reinforcement, and connection to other equipment.
These details include stiffening rings, gussets, brackets, reinforcing pads,
flanges, and so forth. Design of equipment, including these details, is the re-
sponsibility of engineers or designers who use construction codes to assure con-
sistently reliable designs for both insulated and noninsulated subjects. Consid-
eration of the problem of insulating those details and of leaving room for the
insulation is lacking in those codes and in the instructions to the designers;
thus, the equipment is designed like those that would not be insulated. The
weather barrier on such designs is broken frequently because of inappropriate
details for insulated equipment or the lack of space for the specified thickness
of insulation.
The consequence of broken jacketing is that more water gets into the insula-
tion at each exposure cycle, taking longer to dry, cooling the insulated equip-
ment item to temperatures where corrosion is possible, and increasing the
amount of cumulative damage. Some of the equipment details, such as
gussets, actually channel water into the insulation. There are also economic
consequences such as energy inefficiency and construction costs. The ineffi-
ciency of wet insulation is obvious. Also obvious is the cost of insulating equip-
ment not designed for insulation, as one watches insulators cut up insulation
and jacketing and sees needless hours spent installing around complicated
The solution to the factor of equipment design affecting CUI is to take an in-
tegrated approach to the design. Specify the insulation thickness and type,
and the jacketing type before designing the equipment. Define acceptable
"code" details for the weatherproofing type, and specify spacing standards. In
every case, simplify the surface to be insulated.
See Figs. 1 and 2.
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FIG. l--Opening in metaljacketing, cut by insulators to accomrnodate piping that was run too
close to a pressure vessel for the specified thickness. Piping has been moved as part of our effort to
rectify deficiencies.
Service Temperatures
Service temperature is important in CUI for two reasons:
(1) higher temperatures allow water to be present against the steel for less
time, but
(2) higher temperatures make the water more corrosive, and paints and
caulking fail sooner.
Generally, equipment that operates below freezing a large fraction of its life is
protected against corrosion; however, attachments to that equipment, which
are not as cold, are vulnerable in the transition out of the vapor barrier into
warm humid air. For the most part, corrosion associated with equipment oper-
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FIG. 2 - - J a c k e t i n g cut b.v btsulators to accommodate I-beam f o r platform support that was
closer to the vessel than the hlsulation thickness specified. Water can run on the f l a n g e a n d enter
the insulation at this point.
ating below freezing temperatures is corrosion outside of, not under insula-
tion. Corrosion of equipment operating between freezing and atmospheric
dew points suffers less localized corrosion, and corrosion rates tend to be lower
because, first, the water temperature is lower and second, because contami-
nants are continuously diluted by condensation; however, since the corrosion
occurs continuously, damage can accumulate almost as quickly as it does
under warm insulation.
Corrosion under warm insulation is more difficult to manage or understand
because of the dryout of entering water. Dryout produces surprisingly corro-
sive conditions on a cyclic basis, as well as less than adequate performance by
many protective coatings on which we often rely. The following is a summary of
some of our observations vis-a-vis warm service.
1. The temperature range of 60 to 80~ appears to account for the greatest
amount of damage, but failures have occurred even on systems operating at or
above 370~ when weatherproofing is poorly maintained.
2. On very warm equipment with relatively small weatherproofing defects,
corrosion will tend to be at points of entry of water where rapid evaporation oc-
curs. As equipment temperatures are reduced or weatherproofing defects get
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larger, water is allowed to run to lower points where it is held up to dry more
slowly, or not at all.
3. Annual corrosion damage rates may exceed 1.5 m m . y -1. The cor-
rosivity is partly a function of water temperature itself, but also a function of
concentration of salts carded in with the water, drying out in the same loca-
tions repeatedly.
The temperature on some equipment varies by location, especially on towers.
For example, temperatures can range from more than 80~ on the bottom to
less than 0~ at the top. This produces extremes of corrosion condition on a
single equipment item.
See Figs. 3 through 8.
Insulation Selection
Insulation characteristics most influential on corrosion under insulation are
water absorbancy and chemical contributions to the water phase. While no in-
sulation selection will preclude the possibility of corrosion, some insulation
types leave the system less sensitive to defects in weatherproofing or paint film,
because they are nonabsorbent and chemically benign.
FIG. 3--Corrosion above an insulation support ring and around a small p i p e connection. This
is a vertical d r u m that had been heated with a steam coil at one time. Insulation rhzgs act as a hold
up f o r water entering through deficient top head weatherproofing.
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FIG. 4--htsulation for personnel protection has bt the past been stopped about 2 m above
grade. Severe corrosion at the open end of the insulation system (water entry pohtt) is typical of
very hot systems such as steam lines.
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FIG. 5--Another example of the effect of corrosion under personnel protection. Note the re-
duction h7 diameter of the pipe where indicated, corresponding to the water entry point.
These kinds of considerations are virtually impossible to model for cash flow
analysis, but they should not be ignored. It is therefore necessary to exercise
judgment when selecting insulation, beyond acceptance of calculated returns
on investments.
Cellular glass has been widely adapted by our plants for use from 150~
down, including low temperature requirements. The main advantage is zero
water absorption and reasonable installation cost. Drawbacks are that the ma-
terial is somewhat prone to breakage, and with rising temperatures, has an un-
acceptable k factor. Theoretically the hydrogen sulfide contained in the cells
would contribute to corrosion when water was present between insulation and
steel, but it is not released from those cells unless they are broken.
Calcium silicate insulation is highly water absorbent, and as such has con-
tributed to much of our corrosion problems at moderate temperatures and on
cyclic services. Some calcium silicate still in service may also have contained
corrosive salts, although this may be corrected for the most part with new
material being produced. The advantages of calcium silicate is primarily in k
factor at elevated temperature versus most block insulation types. To realize
this advantage requires that weatherproofing be in good condition and that the
system should be in steady hot service to keep the insulation dry.
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FIG. 6--A steam traced line showing severe corrosion under the tracing tubing. Galvanic cor-
rosion may be a ,factor between copper tubing and steel pipe. when water frequently enters the
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FIG, 7--A ladder bracket on a tower operated at about 80~ Corrosion at this water entry
point is highly concentrated. Surface was abrasivly cleaned to remove scale from the corrosion
trench around the bracket.
Protective Coatings
Protective coatings, or paint, are extremely important in preventing CUI;
failure of protective coatings is essential before corrosion can occur. In the past
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the preyailing attitude has been, that a single coat of primer is adequate, on
the assumption that the weatherproofing never let water into the insulation
system. Consider the nature of the service in which a coating under insulation
serves. From that review some direction can be taken on coating selection.
First, the service is virtually an immersion service. In general, the insulation
environment is wet longer than that on the surface of most uninsulated equip-
ment, once the weather or vaporproofing is breached. Second, under warm in-
sulation the coating is obviously subject to higher temperatures than most
painted uninsulated equipment. Consideration must be given to both chemi-
cal degradation and permeability of the coating. Highly permeable coatings
allow corrosion to start behind the coating, even in the absence of breaks or
pinholes. Finally, many coatings depend on some form of sacrificial inhibitor
or are essentially only that (for example inorganic zinc rich coatings). Zinc rich
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coatings have given extremely poor performance in our plants under insula-
tion. The following are possible explanations for that performance:
1. There is the possibility of reversal in the polarity of galvanic couples, with
increasing temperature.
2. Salts carried in and deposited with the water interfere with or destroy the
effectiveness of the inhibitors.
3. The subinsulation environment is not freely ventilated and may not have
adequate oxygen or carbon dioxide for film forming reactions to occur.
In general, our plants prefer a coating system directionally like a tank coat-
ing system, involving epoxy or epoxy phenolics in at least a two coat applica-
tion on an abrasive blast cleaned surface. Selection considerations include
temperature resistance, abrasion resistance, and some service rating for im-
mersion service. For warm insulation in particular, inorganic or organic zinc
rich primers are avoided. Inspection of the surface preparation is critical in
nonideal areas such as welds.
Visual inspection for the purpose of identifying the need to touch up failure
points is not possible. Unless corrosion or insulation failure causes rework of
the insulation entirely, there is no chance to do coatings work for 10 to 15
years, or more. Reluctance to spend resources on a coating system considering
these limitations would be unwise, given the corrosion problems that often
See Fig. 10.
The outer covering of the insulation system is a critical factor. First, it is the
primary barrier to water that provides the corrosive environment. Second, it is
the only part of the system that can be quickly inspected and economically re-
paired. The importance of desirable equipment design features was mentioned
earlier. The following is a review of barrier properties as factors in CUI.
The purpose of a vapor barrier is to keep both liquid and vapor out of the in-
sulation system. The purpose of a weather barrier, which should be used on
warm equipment, is to keep liquid out, but permit evaporation of any liquid
that gets in. For weatherproofing our standards require a minimum perme-
ance of 115 ng. Pa -1 9s -1 9m -2 measured according to ASTM Test Method
for Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Materials Using a Rapid Tech-
nique for Dynamic Measurement (E 398). Extensive use of metallic non-
breathing jacketing has probably contributed a great deal to our corrosion
damage. Various types of mastic are applied to the breaks in jacketing sys-
tems, trying vainly to keep water out. With time, these seals are failing because
of temperature limitations of mastics and aging characteristics. Liquid water
entering at these breaks is evaporating in the insulation system with inade-
quate opportunity for vapor to escape.
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FIG. lO--Corrosion under fiberous insulation on another idle unit. In service, operating tem-
peratures were high enough that paint was not considered necessary.
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Maintenance Practices
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which are not always on hand when mechanical or inspection work is com-
pleted, probably contributes to this habit. In at least one case in our plant,
openings made in the insulation of one of our vessels for ultrasonic inspection
and inspection for external corrosion were never closed and are suspected as a
major cause of later severe corrosion damage at the low points in that insula-
tion system.
At our plant a very strong policy direction has been established that insula-
tion openings will be closed promptly. All mechanical and inspection work
cost estimates are to include insulation repair costs. This was not the case in
the past, when the insulation work was estimated separately, and approved or
not approved. If worked it would be several months and sometimes years later.
By comparison, in some of our units, loss or insulation would mean solidifi-
cation of the process stream. There, a resident insulator follows mechanical
work with immediate insulation repairs, and also pursues general insulation
maintenance at other times. In this particular unit, temperatures are too high
for corrosion as long as the weatherproofing is reasonably maintained. None
FIG. ll--Mechanical work (a nozzle addition) has been completed. The insulation was left as
shown for several weeks before insulation was closed. Note the deteriorating condition of the alkyd
primer on the exposed steel surface.
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FIG. 12--Inspection openings and mechanical damage that had been left unrepaired &defi-
nitely until the present program started.
the less, the visible contrast between this and other areas of the plant shows the
benefit of a resident insulator in maintenance of insulation systems.
It should be noted that both the National Board Inspection Code and Ameri-
can Petroleum Institute (API) Pressure Vessel Inspection Code 510 require re-
moval of some insulation at least every five years on all vessels where external
corrosion is possible. In our plant alone we should be inspecting, very roughly
30 or 40 insulated vessels per year this way. The need for insulators in support
of this inspection function should be obvious.
See Figs. 11 and 12.
In summary, there are numerous factors involved in causing or preventing
corrosion under insulation. They have been grouped into seven categories and
reviewed to show how they influence the three requirements for corrosion: ex-
posure cycle, corrosivity of the water, and failure of coatings. Twelve illustra-
tions were included, showing examples of equipment design details, mainte-
nance and inspection openings, corrosion at entry points in hot insulation
systems, and corrosion in moderate temperature insulation.
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Dale Mclntyre 1
REFERENCE: Mclntyre, D., "Factors Affecting the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Aus-
tenltic Stainless Steels Under Thermal Insulation," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal
Insulation, ASTMSTP880, W. I. Pollock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 27-41.
ABSTRACT- Fundamental factors affecting the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of stain-
less steels under thermal insulation will be reviewed. Specific topics are susceptible alloys,
problem temperature ranges, sources of chloride ions, effect of halides other than chlo-
rides, effect of geographical location, effect of potential, pH and buffering agents, mech-
anisms of concentration, and mechanisms of inhibition. Field experience with closed cell
versus wicking type insulation will be discussed. The effectiveness of the weather barrier in
preventing SCC under insulation will be discussed in light of maintenance procedure and
detail design practice.
IBattelle-Houston Operations, 2223 West Loop South, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77027.
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0 t__ i i ~ , J 1 i . . . . . . I _ i , , i a~L.tal 1 I ~ * t l [
0 0.1 1 I0 I00
Distance From Sea, k m
Sources of Chlorides
When chloride stress corrosion cracking first surfaced in the closed pore in-
sulation (CPI), it was assumed that the source of the chlorides was the insula-
tion itself.
Is this valid? Certainly some of the old magnesia insulations were particu-
larly high in chlorides, and certainly these materials would cause rapid failures
of U-bends in the ASTM Evaluating the Influence of Wicking-Type Thermal
Insulations on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Tendency of Austenitic Stainless
Steel (C 692) test. Since then, most agencies and companies specify chloride
contents in insulation that varies from 5 to 600 p p m [3]. How do these materials
compare with atmospheric moisture as a potential source of chlorides?
If one imagines 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of a stainless steel vessel surface in the hori-
zontal plane, under a nozzle, perhaps, on a column head, covered with 76.2 m m
(3 in.) thick 2.24-kg/m 3 (14-1b/ft 3) calcium silicate insulation, the amount of
chloride ion per unit area that could be leached out of that insulation is readily
calculated as a function of its original concentration, Such data are shown in
Fig. 2. If the insulation has 600-ppm bulk chlorides, the maximum allowed in
the ASTM and Military (MIL) specifications, then 10 070 mg of chloride
might deposit per square metre of stainless surface if all leachable chlorides
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ended up on the stainless. On the other end of the spectrum, insulation with
less than 5-ppm chlorides in the bulk might deposit 84-mg C I - / m 2.
These numbers take on considerable significance when considered in the
light of experiments done by Yajima and Arii of Japan's Toshiba Corporation
[4]. At 80~ these workers produced SCC in humidified air on stainless sur-
faces having deposited chloride levels of from 100 to 10 000 mg/m 2. This
would suggest that even insulation with very low levels of chlorides (between 5
and 10 ppm) could still produce SCC if conditions of concentration were right.
How do these figures compare with chlorides transported by rainwater?
Considering the hypothetical 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of stainless surface, assume
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that its weather barrier has been completely ineffective, as they sometimes are
around nozzles or after some aging. Rainfall in the Gulf Coast industrial re-
gions ranges from 1016 to 1524 m m (40 to 60 in.) per year. Taking 1270 m m
(50 in.) as an average, our 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of insulation would be exposed
to 0.0928 m 2 X 1270 m m / y e a r -- 0.1179 m3/0.0010 m3/L = 118 L/year
(144 in. 2 • 50 in./year = 7200 in.3/61 in.3/L = 118 L/year) of rainfall. On
any facility more than about 1.609 km (1 mile) from the coast this rain would
be expected to contain about 10-ppm chloride ion. The insulation itself cannot
trap more than an absolute maximum of its own volume of this water, which
for a 76.2 m m (3 in.) thick block 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) in area would be about 7 L.
Thus 111 L of rainwater must somehow find its way through the insulation
block per year, and these 111 L will carry 111 000 X 10 • 10 -6 = 1.1 g of
chloride. If this salt is all deposited on the underlying stainless steel this would
result in 11 721 nag of C I - per m 2 per year. On facilities closer to the coast, for
example, marine terminals, up to 117 200 mg/m2/year might be expected.
A 0.0929-m 2 (1-ft 2) rip in the weather barrier may seem unrealistic. Con-
sider, then, a 38.7-cm 2 (6-in. 2) defect. Falling rain must first saturate the en-
tire insulation block, not just the exposed area, before moisture can begin to
drip onto the stainless. Even so, the calculated chloride density is ten times
greater than that from insulation of equal chloride content.
Evaporation of rainwater results in some transfer of deposited chloride back
to the atmosphere. Actual measured rates of chloride deposition on exposed
surfaces range from 10 to 1000 mg/m2/day [2].
These values suggest that chlorides leached from insulation can indeed
cause external SCC if conditions of concentration are right. However, chlo-
rides deposited from the atmosphere are potentially many times more danger-
ous. The density of atmospheric chlorides is higher and, unlike the insulation
itself, the potential supply is infinite.
Many engineers argue that, as a source of chlorides, wash water or water
from testing deluge systems cannot be ignored. Such exposure is difficult to
quantify, since the amount of water impinging on the exposed surface of the in-
sulation will vary widely depending on the interest and enthusiasm of the
worker holding the wash hose. However, again taking 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of ex-
posed calcium silicate insulation, if 114 L (30 gal) of potable city water are al-
lowed to run into the surface per year, and assuming a chloride content of
150 ppm, the potential maximum density of deposited chlorides is 171 000 nag
C I - per m 2 per year, worse even than seacoast rainwater. However, the actual
amount of chlorides deposited would be significantly less than the calculated
value since the relatively brief, intense duration of washing, or deluge-system
testing, would cause more runoff and less evaporation and concentration than
the more gradual accumulation of moisture from rainfall. To counter this, the
more intense runoff would also result in greater dilution and depletion of any
inhibitor deposited on the surface.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plants and some other chloride-based processes
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are of themselves significant sources of chlorides. Resin fines can often be seen
covering vessels and piping to a depth of several millimetres in some PVC
plants; breakdown of this PVC because of water and heat can cause ESCC in
plants sited hundreds of miles from any seacoast.
Sources of Water
The work of Yajima and Arii [4] also brings focus on the second fundamental
assumption that corrosion engineers must make regarding stress corrosion
cracking under insulation. What is the mechanism by which water comes in
contact with the stainless surface? Is it rainwater soaking through the insula-
tion at defects in the weather barrier? Or does condensation or droplet forma-
tion during periods of high humidity play a part? How about runoff from other
areas of the vessel?
The assumed answer to this question (and there are only assumed answers)
is affected by assumptions to the first question, and in turn affects the choice of
preventive measure. If rainwater only is to be feared, and that rainwater must
soak through the insulation to contact the surface, then the insulation system's
efficiency as a weather barrier determines its ability to prevent SCC, and the
use of inhibited insulation is logical.
If, on the other hand, humidified air alone is sufficient to cause SCC, then to
prevent SCC the insulation system must not only function as a weather barrier
but also as a vapor barrier to prevent moisture-laden high-humidity air from
contacting the stainless surface. There was a time, when thick tarry asphaultic
insulation covers were used, when an effective vapor seal may have been
achieved. Today's metal foil weather sheeting, however, was never designed as
a vapor barrier but only as a weather barrier. Thus, if an effective vapor barrier
is necessary, some sort of barrier coating or sacrificial coating will be required.
Yajima and Arii covered thin stainless steel tubes with salt densities varying
from 100 to 10 000 m g / m 2. They then exposed these tubes in humidity cabi-
nets where temperatures could be controlled at 50 to 80~ and relative humidi-
ties from 60 to 80%. They produced SCC at 80~ at all salt densities and rela-
tive humidities down to 60%. At high salt densities they observed SCC at 60~
down to relative humidities of 70%.
These data suggest that in the presence of deposited salt humid air by itself
might be sufficient to cause SCC. How can this be?
Two mechanisms suggest themselves. Droplet formation is possible even at
relative humidities below saturation if the surface temperature is lower than
some value related to the absolute water content.
Figure 3 presents a series of curves showing the temperature difference that
would cause droplet formation at various relative humidities and ambient tem-
peratures. This effect may be significant on many vessels in cyclic service,
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_= 40
0 i 1 1 i _ L
5 lO 15 20 25
/~,T Degrees, C
FIG. 3--Temperature difference A T between stainless surface and ambient air temperature
.for droplet condensation [1].
whereby droplets could condense when the pipe or vessel is cool, then evapo-
rate when the vessel is heated.
Another mechanism revolves around the hygroscopic nature of salt deposits.
Figure 4 presents data showing the weight gain of sodium chloride at ambient
temperature and various relative humidities as a function of time. Note that
after two weeks at high relative humidities the salt had absorbed over three
times its original weight of water. Such a deposit should cease to be a salt parti-
cle and should become in essence a droplet of saturated brine, with an expected
conductivity on the order of 210 S 9cm -1, a better electrolyte than seawater.
Data from Fig. 4, combined with the results of Yajima and Arii, suggest that
stainless steel with salt deposits (resulting perhaps from simple atmospheric
exposure after erection.and before insulation is applied) might suffer SCC even
under an intact weather barrier if high-humidity air could reach the hot stain-
less surface.
Neither of these mechanisms has been proven to general satisfaction. Cer-
tainly the majority of SCC failures under insulation occur in areas where the
weather barrier has broken down, and where the insulation is actually wet to
the touch. However, such mechanisms are useful for understanding failures
observed on vessels inside buildings, which are never exposed to rainfall, and
the preservice cracking of vessels shipped by sea to high-temperature areas
such as the Middle East.
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_= 200
0 1" 3 7 14
Duration of Exposure, D a y s
FIG. 4-- Water absorption of salt particles as a function of time and relative humidity [2].
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~ 10
1 i i 9 i ,,t j i J ii J,tJ i J I i IJ_ll i I i i t it
FIG. 5--Inhibitor to hal~des ratios required by MIL specifications and the U.S. Nuclear Reg-
ulatory Agency [5].
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certainly not true for vessels in cyclic service, where condensation of droplets
directly on the stainless surface may play a role in cracking. Runoff water,
whether rainwater or wash water, can find its way to the stainless surface at
breaks in the caulking without actually soaking through the insulation. If, as
has been suggested, droplet formation at hygroscopic salts can take place,
once again the water, not having passed through the insulation, will not be
The assumption that inhibitor will concentrate on the hot stainless surface is
worth examining in the light of the extremely high solubility of sodium meta-
silicate in water. Consider again the hypothetical 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of exposed
insulation covering 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of stainless steel. If rainwater is allowed to
impinge on this surface, what will happen? After approximately 7 L of rain
have fallen, the insulation will be more than saturated with water. After that,
some of the rain will run off the surface, some will reevaporate back out of the
insulation, and certainly some will make its way through the insulation, carry-
ing with it chlorides and inhibitor.
Inhibitor concentrations in insulation that will pass the ASTM C 692 test
vary from 1.5 to up to 20% by weight of the insulation. In 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of
76.2 mm (3 in.) thick insulation, there would thus be from 24 to 318 g of inhibi-
tor. The initial 7 L of rainwater it would take to saturate 0.0929 m 2 (1 ft 2) of in-
sulation, would therefore have an inhibitor concentration of from 0.34 to
4.5%. The solubility of sodium metasilicate in water exceeds 5 equivalents per
litre, or 30%. Therefore, would not essentially all the inhibitor go into solution
in that first 7 L of rainwater? Why would there be any sodium metasilicate left
to inhibit the remaining 111 L of rainwater expected to fall on the hypothetical
square foot of insulation in the course of a year?
Assuming that the inhibitor leached from the insulation is reconcentrated
on the surface, very high densities of inhibitor will contact the stainless steel,
from 253 000 to 3.3 million m g / m 2. However, this is not renewable. Chloride
deposition from rainwater near the coast, or from the assumed 0.113 m 3 (30 gal)
of wash water or deluge-test water spilled on the vessel per year, accumulating
at rates as shown in Fig. 2, would result in unsafe inhibitor to silicate ratios of
less than 10 to 1 in about three months with 15 000 original p p m sodium sili-
cate in the insulation. For the highly inhibited 20% sodium silicate material,
the inhibitor to chloride ratio could drop below 10 after something less than
three years. For the more typical case of plants sited more than about 16-km
(10 miles) inland, inhibitor depletion would obviously take longer if rainwater
is the source of the chlorides, from about 2.5 years on insulation with low levels
of inhibitor up to a calculated 25 years at high inhibitor concentrations.
However, this assessment ignores the possibility of the inhibitor being dis-
solved off the stainless surface after deposition. Evaporation at 60 to 80~ al-
though rapid compared to room temperature, is still slow enough to allow
some runoff if enough water seeps through the insulation. Once again, the
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Susceptible Materials
It has been clear for 40 years that the austenitic stainless steels have a partic-
ular susceptibility to chloride stress corrosion cracking. The vast majority of
problems have been observed on the 300 series stainless steels, simply because
these alloys make up about 50% of the world's stainless steel production. Fail-
ures have been recorded on equipment of AISI Types 304,304L, 321,347, 316,
and 316L (UNS $30400, $30403, $31600, $31603) stainless steels. Are there
any significant differences in susceptibility between these types? Intuitively
one would expect that the nonmolybdenum bearing grades, with their known
higher susceptibility to the pitting that so often provides the stress raisers from
which SCC propagates, would be more susceptible than the more highly al-
loyed grades. Would the nonmolybdenum bearing grades therefore justify
more extensive protection? Laboratory evidence on this point is contradictory.
Some data collected by operators of PVC plants would suggest that Type 316 is
indeed somewhat more resistant [7]. For the more general diversified plant no
convincing statistics have been advanced to support any significant difference
in susceptibility.
Are the L-grade materials more resistant than regular-carbon materials? No
laboratory researcher has ever been able to show that low-carbon materials re-
sist transgranular SCC better than regular-carbon materials. However, re-
ports of external intergranular SCC are becoming more and more common on
regular-carbon vessels and piping even in ambient temperature applications,
or during shipping and storage. How many SCC failures of regular-carbon
stainless steel near welds have been replaced without analysis on the assump-
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tion that it was transgranular cracking and not to the sensitization known to
occur during welding?
One effect that has not been adequately researched is the effect of weld metal
composition on SCC resistance of nearby base metal. Weld rods for austenitic
stainless steels are almost always balanced to give some ferrite on cooling by sili-
con additions. Silicon is known to shift the potential of alloys to which it is added
in the noble direction. Such a shift will not hurt the resistance of the welds them-
selves, which are known to be slightly more resistant than their base metal to
SCC. But what about the galvanic effect on the adjacent base metal? Surely the
effect will be small, no more than 50 or 100 mV. But 100 mV of anodic potential
shift has been shown to profoundly affect the SCC of many alloys in many differ-
ent environments.
The considerations set forth above suggest a modification or supplementa-
tion to traditional methods for testing insulation regarding ESCC. In particu-
lar, the SCC preventive system must be addressed rather than just the insula-
tion. One suitable test, first proposed by Ashbaugh in 1967, would retain the
use of heated U-bends but would introduce test solution to seep through the in-
sulation from the top rather than wick up through the bottom. The test solu-
tion would contain 100-ppm chloride as sodium chloride and be acidified to a
pH of 4.5. The ratio of the total test solution volume to the volume of the insu-
lation block should be at least 10 to 1; the report of test results should include a
phenolthalein spot test for sodium metasilicate inhibitor on both the stainless
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surface and in the insulation itself. Test solution drip rate and total test time
could be determined by round robin testing or a project undertaken by a group
industry association such as MTI or ASTM.
Some of the engineering concerns regarding stress corrosion cracking under
insulation have never been satisfactorily resolved. Major operational questions
remain, including:
1. How can a major vessel or piping run be inspected economically for ex-
ternal stress corrosion cracking without completely stripping the insulation
during a total shutdown?
2. If stress corrosion cracks are located by dye-penetrant, how can they be
characterized as to depth?
3. How can the structural integrity of a vessel with extensive stress corrosion
cracking be analyzed to either assure against catastrophic failure, or justify
4. How can existing stress corrosion cracks be arrested until a production
window allows repair or replacement?
These are vital questions for plants trying to live with aging vessels and piping
runs. Approaches have been formulated to address each of these concerns;
perhaps they might be worthy of a symposium such as this in future years.
Study of available data, which are by no means complete, suggest the follow-
ing conclusions:
1. Even insulation with only 10-ppm chloride might cause chloride densi-
ties high enough to support stress corrosion cracking if the chlorides are
leached out and deposited on the stainless surface.
2. However, the density of potential deposits of environmental chlorides
(from rainwater, droplet condensation, or wash water) is 10 to 100 times greater
than leachable chlorides in the insulation itself. Environmental chlorides
would therefore appear to be more of a threat than chlorides in insulation.
3. Although the most common mode of failure is leakage or seeping, cata-
strophic failure of stainless steel vessels stress-cracked under insulation is pos-
sible and has been documented.
4. Although the most common source of the electrolyte to support cracking
appears to be water ingress (of rain, wash water, or fire water) at defects in the
weather barrier, stress corrosion cracking under intact weather barriers is pos-
sible on vessels in cyclic temperature service or on surfaces previously con-
taminated with hygroscopic salts.
5. A successful long-term preventive measure for stress corrosion cracking
must be able to handle chlorides both from the insulation and from other ex-
ternal sources, and must be able to cope with water contacting the stainless
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[1] Rocenfeld, I. L., Atmospheric Co~Tosion of Metals, National Association of Corrosion Engi-
neers, 1972, p. 97, 203.
[2] Rocenfeld, I. L., Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals, National Association of Corrosion Engi-
neers, 1972, p. 98.
[3] Nickolson, J. D., "Application of Thermal Insulation to Stainless Steel Surfaces," Bulletin of
the Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 5, Oct. 1981.
[4] Yajima, M. and Arii, M., "Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking of AIS1 304 Stainless Steel in
Air," Materials Performance, Dec. 1980, pp. 17-19.
[5] Gillett, J. and Johnson, K. A., "An Experimental Investigation inot Stress Corrosion Crack-
ing of Austenitic Stainless Steel Under Insulation," Corrosion Under Lagging, Institute of
Corrosion Science and Technology, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, Nov. 1980.
[6] Dillon, C. P., Guidelines.for the Prevention of Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Nickel-Bearing
Stainless Steels and Nickel Alloys, MTI Manual 1, Materials Technology Institute, 1979.
[7] "Report on Vinyl Chloride Safety Association Meeting," Sept. 1983, Toronto, Canada.
[8] Dillion, C. P., Ed., Forms of Corrosion: Recognition and Prevention, National Association of
Corrosion Engineers, 1982, p. 66.
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James A. Richardson 1
REFERENCE: Richardson, J. A., "A Review of the European Meeting on Corrosion Un-
der Lagging Held in England, November 1980," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal
Insulation, A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pollock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 42-59.
ABSTRACT: The Meeting on Corrosion Under Lagging was sponsored by the Institution
of Corrosion Science and Technology, the Thermal Insulation Manufacturers' and Sup-
pliers' Association, and the Thermal Insulation Users' Liaison Group. Ten papers were
read representing the interests of users, suppliers/contractors, consultants, and inspec-
tion engineers, and the abstracts of these papers are recorded in the appendix of this
paper. Additionally, the themes, lessons, or perspectives arising out of the meeting are
reviewed in the areas of corrosion phenomena/case histories; corrosivity of wet insula-
tion/fireproofing; corrosion prevention using inhibited laggings, organic coatings, metal-
lic foils, and paints and alloy fabrication/selection; and corrosion prevention through de-
sign, specification, inspection, and maintenance. Areas where a consensus emerged are
KEY WORDS: carbon steels, low alloy steels, austenitic stainless steels, calcium silicates,
insulation, cellular glass, ceramic fibers, mineral wool, corrosion, stress corrosion, or-
ganic coatings, aluminum foil, stainless steel foil, specifications
T h e o r i g i n a l i m p e t u s for t h e M e e t i n g o n C o r r o s i o n L a g g i n g c a m e f r o m t h e
T h e r m a l I n s u l a t i o n U s e r s L i a i s o n G r o u p in t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m . T h e y w e r e
c o n c e r n e d t h a t a c o m m u n i c a t i o n g a p h a d d e v e l o p e d b e t w e e n t h e t h e r m a l in-
s u l a t i o n s u p p l i e r / c o n t r a c t o r a n d t h e u s e r on t h o s e a s p e c t s of s p e c i f i c a t i o n s
r e l a t i n g to c o r r o s i o n c o n t r o l . S u p p l i e r s a n d c o n t r a c t o r s w e r e not in all cases
f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e v a r i o u s c o r r o s i o n m e c h a n i s m s t h a t c a n o p e r a t e u n d e r lag-
g i n g systems, a n d w e r e t h e r e f o r e n o t n e c e s s a r i l y " s y m p a t h e t i c " t o w a r d s cor-
r o s i o n c o n t r o l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s " t h r u s t u p o n t h e m " by t h e user, with c o n s e q u e n t
J Senior corrosion engineer, Engineering Department, North East Group, Imperial Chemical
Industries PLC, P.O. Box 6, Billingham, Cleveland TS23 1LD, United Kingdom.
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based thermal insulants. However, specific anions, notably the chloride ion,
which can arise either from the materials themselves, or as airborne or water-
borne contaminants, are able to break down passivity locally and initiate pit-
ting corrosion. If penetration by acidic airborne or waterborne contaminants,
for example, sulfur or nitrogen oxides, is possible, or if water extracts from
the lagging materials are acidic as in the case of certain organic cellular
foams, then general corrosion is likely to ensue. Certain specific air or water-
borne contaminants, notably the nitrate anion, can give rise to external stress
corrosion cracking of nonstress-relieved systems, particularly if a cyclic wet-
ting or drying concentration mechanism prevails. The consensus was that a
plant operating continuously or intermittently within the temperature range
approximately --5 to 200~ is at risk, although opinions varied on the limits
(particularly the upper limit) and on the definition of "intermittently."
2. Stainless Steels--By far the most significant problem is external stress
corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels. This is caused by chloride
ions that originate either in the insulation or fireproofing materials them-
selves, or as airborne or waterborne contaminants. The simple expedient of
thermal stress relief, normally so successful in preventing stress corrosion
cracking (SCC) of carbon or low alloy steel systems, is not normally practica-
ble in austenitic stainless steel systems. Surprisingly small levels of chloride
are sufficient to cause the problem, particularly if a cyclic wetting or drying
concentration mechanism prevails.
The consensus was that a plant operating continuously or intermittently
above approximately 60~ is at risk. There was some divergence on the signif-
icance of the risk at temperatures at approximately > 200~ on the grounds
that surfaces normally hotter than this can spend but a fraction of their life
wet. However, there was a consensus that most significant problems had oc-
curred on surfaces operating normally at temperatures < 200~
Case histories of specific carbon steel corrosion problems were presented in
Paper 8, and other cases were cited in the discussion. Corrosion beneath ce-
mentitious fireproofing had been experienced at locations in the Caribbean
Sea, United Kingdom, United States, Singapore, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.
Corrosion had usually, but not always, been exacerbated by the presence of
sea salts caused by either their inclusion in the originally cast concrete or by
their progressive accumulation from the atmosphere at coastal sites. In one
case, 50% metal loss had been experienced in 16-years service. Corrosion un-
der thermal insulation had been experienced under a range of lagging materi-
als at different temperatures. In one case, significant corrosion had been ex-
perienced after 12 years under a cold lagging system (--5~ on some tanks,
particularly on the roof and the first two shell courses. The insulant was in-
situ foamed polyurethane under a galvanized steel vapor jacket. In another
case, corrosion of a carbon steel heavy fuel oil pipeline operating at approxi-
mately 120~ beneath preformed calcium silicate insulation, metal clad, had
resulted in hydrocarbon leakage and a significant fire.
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F A U L T Y D E S I G N - $1050
~ I~, ~F
T . _ N V I R vC~
TY I N S T A L L A T I O N - $5050
FIG. 1--Categories under which stainless steel failures can be grouped and the costs of corro-
sion within these categories [ 1].
to 11. Cellular glass is free of soluble chloride. The other materials can con-
tain chloride. For example in the United Kingdom, The British Standard for
Thermal Insulating Materials (BS 3958, Part 1), for preformed calcium sili-
cate allows "up to approximately 500-ppm chloride, and a figure of 20-ppm
chloride on a water extract from calcium silicate" was quoted in discussion.
2. Mineral wool furnishes essentially neutral environments when wet, typi-
cally pH 6 to 7. Chloride levels are low, one figure of 2 ppm on a water extract
being quoted.
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TABLE 3-- Physical properties of aqueous extracts from various thermal insulations [3].
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It was pointed out in Paper 1 that excessive concern about the chloride
content of the lagging material per se in relation to the risk of stress corrosion
cracking of austenitic stainless steels avoids to some extent the real problem,
which is the total chloride available to the lagged surface during its lifetime.
Chloride from all sources must be considered, including that accumulated
during storage and installation, and that available from the atmosphere,
rainwater or wash water, and other liquid contaminants in service. Some in-
teresting data from the nuclear industry were quoted and are presented in
Table 4. There was little recognition of this problem in lagging system specifi-
cations, which tended to concentrate on the lagging material chloride con-
tent. Paper 1 reported the following references to chloride content in a sample
of 20 specifications from the oil, petrochemical, marine, and power genera-
tion industries in the United Kingdom:
1 specified less than 6 ppm
2 specified less than 10 ppm
1 specified less than 20 ppm
1 specified less than 50 ppm
2 specified "low chloride content"
13 gave no specific limit
The physical properties of the various lagging systems in relation to fluid
transport were also discussed. There was a consensus that calcium silicate has
unfavorable "wicking" properties, and that closed cell foam glass is relatively
impermeable. There were differing views on the degree of permeability of or-
ganic foams. Regardless of the intrinsic permeability of the lagging material,
the role of joints in relation to the permeability of the lagging system was
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10 3
4 4- /
CORROSIVE . . . . . .
3z4. ~ MAX.o Cl o
.~, ='//; ~,oO =
~ .{/~ . .
10 2 & 4- o o
i I
10 o i 4 a/a ZONE
,~, ,"
i 0_ 1,~, l 0/~ 0
* o ~
~,~ ~,~-
i ' 1013 i
I0 10 2 10 ~I 10 5
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TABLE S--Incidence of stress corrosion cracking on coiled 304 spring specimens in boiling
saturated sodium chloride solution at 108 ~ C."
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ASTM A 285C +
SAE 4140 +
ASTM A-200T4 +
5 Cr 0.5 Mo +
7 Cr 0.5 Mo +
9 Ni +
AISI 405 + --
18 Cr 2 Mo + --
26 Cr 1 Mo + --
AF 22 + --
3 RE 60 + --
AISI 304
AISI 316
lncoloy 800 +
Hastelloy C +
"Presented originally in Paper 6.
/,Blank means not tested.
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AISI 304 + m
AISI 310 +
AISI 316 +
AtSI 317 +
A1SI 321 +
AISI 347 +
Incoloy 800
Incoloy 825 +
Hastelloy B +
Hastelloy C
AF 22 m
18 Cr 2 Mo
26 Cr 1 Mo
AISI 405
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1. "Top hats" are of considerable value in shedding water away from up-
per termination joints between fireproofing and steel.
2. Joints in metal foil and cladding should always be arranged to shed
3. Drainage points should be arranged at the base of insulation systems on
long vertical pipe runs, columns, and so forth to prevent water holdup.
4. Waterproof sealant should be applied around any protrusions from lag-
ging systems, such as hangers, supports, and so forth, and these should be
kept to a minimum.
5. Joints in steam tracing pipework should always be outside, preferably
beneath, the main lagging system.
While there was general recognition of the need for an appropriate non-
permeable vapor barrier on cold insulation systems, there was some diver-
gence as to the relative merits of metal cladding versus reinforced mastic coat-
ings for weatherproofing hot insulation systems.
The case for using "specialist" insulation application inspection was pre-
sented in Paper 9. The key tasks for such inspection were identified as
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(1) confirmation that correct specified materials are applied in each area,
(2) approval or control of storage to avoid wetting,
(3) confirmation that insulant remains dry after application until sealing
or cladding is completed,
(4) checking correct application of vapor barrier,
(5) checking correct cladding application, including arrangement of joints
to shed water, and sealing of gaps, cut-outs, and so forth,
(6) confirming appropriate staggering of joints in multilayer insulation
(7) checking for damage at all stages of application, and
(8) witnessing laboratory tests on in-situ foamed materials.
There was also a consensus that vigilance on many of the latter points needs
to be maintained throughout the life of the lagging system. Caulking or joint-
ing materials dry out and lose flexibility, cladding or barrier systems suffer
local damage or perforation, joints leak in service and so forth. Accepting
that the corrosion control system within the lagging or fireproofing system
cannot provide unlimited containment, such problems need to be identified
and remedied, or corrosion problems are inevitable.
Finally, the in-service inspection of metal surfaces beneath lagging systems
was discussed briefly. The specific use of a magnetoscope for detecting zinc
embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel surfaces was discussed in Paper 6.
Otherwise, no new initiatives were reported at the meeting, and there ap-
peared little alternative to the costly removal of lagging/fireproofing systems
to allow access for the traditional nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques.
There was a consensus that this is an unsatisfactory situation, and that there
is a need for the development of an appropriate in-situ technique.
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Corrosion under Lagging Conference Held in
Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Nov. 1980
Paper 1
"Thermal Insulation. Specification and Materials. Application to Stain-
less Steel Surfaces," J. D. Nicholson, Darlington Insulation Co Ltd., West
Auckland Road, Darlington, Co Durham DL30UP, United Kingdom.
The problem of external stress corrosion cracking of certain grades of stainless steel
is well known in the process industries. Soluble chlorides and fluorides in contact with
austenitic stainless steels under stressed conditions create a potential.risk, which can
be reduced if the plant designer chooses the optimum grade of steel.
Insulating materials are available which, in association with suitable accessories,
can reduce the risk of stress corrosion cracking. Materials with low content of free
chloride, the presence of barrier materials, and inhibited insulation can be of value.
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Paper 2
"The Basics of Corrosion Mechanisms in Lagged Steelwork," RAE
Hooper, Stainless Steels Department, BSC Sheffield Laboratories, Swindon
House, Moorgate, Rotherham $60 3AR, United Kingdom.
Process plant vessels and pipework are usually lagged to conserve heat, and occa-
sionally cold, and this has been a common practice for a very long time. The sharp rise
in fuel prices in the last decade, and the other increasing need to conserve energy, is
making the lagging of process equipment more and more necessary. The usual effect
of lagging is to raise the temperature of the outer side of the plant wall, which is most
commonly made of steel. This should be dry and free from corrosion hazards but,
unfortunately, this ideal situation frequently does not occur as moisture enters the
lagging. On some occasions this arises from undetected leaks in the process equip-
ment but more often the moisture comes in through inadequate weather protection of
the lagging. Lagging should be covered with a waterproof coating to provide protec-
tion from the rain, sea spray, or spillage or leakage from other parts of the plant.
When moisture does get into the lagging the high temperature causes evaporation and
concentration of any dissolved solids, either in the incoming water or leached from the
lagging itself. The point of maximum concentration depends upon the rate of water
ingress, the plant temperature, and the extent of temperature transients, but it is inev-
itable that the hot plant wall will see an environment concentrated in the dissolved
solids. As a result, corrosion can occur.
Carbon and low alloy steels tend to suffer general attack in hot, moist environments
but if the liquids trapped under lagging contain substances such as nitrates or caustic,
then stress corrosion cracking can also occur. This type of corrosion is typified by
intergranular cracks and can be rapid under some circumstances. Stainless steels gen-
erally suffer from pitting or crevice corrosion rather than general corrosion, and the
most harmful dissolved species are the halogens, of which chlorides are by far the most
common and most aggressive. If the stainless steel has an austenitic structure, for
example, Types 304 and 316 (Unified Numbering System [UNS]), which contain ap-
proximately 10% nickel, then stress corrosion cracking can also occur in the presence
of chlorides. This type of cracking is characteristically transgranular and highly
branched, although in some instances some intergranular cracking can also occur.
Corrosion under lagging can be prevented by a number of methods, which include
the prevention of ingress of moisture, the use of laggings which do not contain harm-
ful, leachable chemical species, the surface coating of pipes and vessels and last, but
by no means least, the correct choice of material.
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Paper 3
"External Use of Austenitic Stainless Steel Vessels and Pipework--A Case
Study," D. Geary and G. Bailey, CAPCIS, Corrosion and Protection Centre,
UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 IQD, United Kingdom.
No abstract supplied.
Paper 4
"ICI Practice for Preventing SCC Under Lagging," M. E. D. Turner,
Consultant, 1 Norfolk Crescent, Ormesby, Cleveland T S 3 0 L Y , United
Experience has shown that a significant reduction in the risk of stress corrosion of
stainless steel under lagging can be effected by the simple expedient of interposing a
layer of aluminum foil between the equipment and the lagging.
The underlying theory is explained and laboratory test and practical experience
Some alternatives are discussed and the reasons for their rejection given.
Paper 5
"Use of Paint Coatings for Under-Lagging Corrosion Prevention. A User
View," F. H. Palmer, Engineering Department, BP Trading Ltd., Britannic
House, Moorgate, London EC3, United Kingdom.
No abstract supplied.
Paper 6
"Stress Induced Cracking of Steels by Molten Zinc and Aluminum," P.
Geenen, Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Shell Research B.V., Postbus
3003, 1003AA, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
After the Flixborough disaster had highlighted the risk of contact between molten
zinc and austenitic stainless steels, failures caused by such contact have been reported
regularly. Disagreement in the literature about the prevailing mechanism and igno-
rance of what materials are susceptible have stimulated our interest in this matter.
Particularly the need for a nondestructive detection technique called for an experi-
mental program.
The work was done in cooperation with the laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry and
Materials Science, Department of Chemical Engineering, Twente University of Tech-
nology, Enschede, Holland.
Specimens of the relevant materials were coated with a zinc or aluminum com-
pound, subsequently TIG welded without filler material and examined microscopi-
cally. SEM and X-ray distribution images were made. The susceptibility of a range of
alloys has been determined quantitatively by comparing the time to fracture and the
maximum loads applied during slow straining of specimens, with and without zinc
coating or aluminum metal layer.
A basis for nondestructive testing was laid by comparing observed metal attack un-
der zero strain and measured change in relative magnetic permeability by means of a
Forster Magnetoscope.
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Paper 7
"An Experimental Investigation with Stress Corrosion Cracking of Aus-
tenitic Stainless Steel under Insulation," J. Gillett and K. A. Johnson, Fi-
breglass Ltd., Insulation Division, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3TR,
United Kingdom.
The paper discusses the definition of insulation, its usage and the conditions that
may be encountered during application and afterwards in service.
The discussion includes the definition of when corrosion can be a problem and hav-
ing apparently restricted it to a narrow range of conditions demonstrates that, in fact,
these conditions are likely to be accounted transiently even if only infrequently and so
may be more common than is generally supposed. The possible origins of chloride ions
are listed and discussed.
The paper highlights the current approach of specifiers with the general require-
ment of low CI- being very common. However many international authorities do not
follow the U.K. approach, and require high sodium and silicate contents for inhibi-
tion purposes.
Investigation of fibreglass materials was followed by an extensive test program to
establish whether or not fibreglass materials could cause corrosion. These tests dem-
onstrate that in fact fibreglass materials could cause corrosion, in fact that fibreglass
does not cause corrosion of stainless steel. Further, the program investigates protec-
tive measures that could be taken against corrosion caused by contamination from
external sources of CI- ions.
The paper concludes with discussion of the results and recommendations for future
Printed copies of this paper are available from Fibreglass Ltd.
Paper 8
"Corrosion Control Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing," J. F.
Delahunt, Exxon Research and Engineering Co., P. O. Box 101, Florham
Park, NJ 07932.
In recent years there have been an increasing number of reports concerning corro-
sion occurring on carbon steel structures and equipment that are either thermally in-
sulated for energy conservation or coated with concrete for protection from fire. In
view of this, Exxon Engineering has been involved in a number of field investigations
as well as laboratory investigative programs to evaluate the cause of corrosion and to
determine appropriate means to mitigate it. The cumulative result of these various
programs is presented within this paper, and it includes discussions concerning:
9 Examples of corrosion in refineries, petrochemical plants, and pipelines occur-
ring on insulated or fireproofed structures and equipment.
9 Descriptions of potential corrosion mechanisms.
9 Corrosion mitigation systems used to prevent attack of such equipment.
Paper 9
"Application Inspection of Insulating Materials," P. G. Blackburn and
R. G. Roberts, ITI Anti-Corrosion Ltd, 177 Hagden Lane, Watford, Hert-
fordshire WD1 8LW, United Kingdom.
In order to minimize heat losses it is important that thermal insulation is correctly
applied. Insulation inspectors, operating independently of the contractors and on be-
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half of the client, can play an important part in the operation. Particularly in high-
lighting defects that would subsequently, and very expensively, waste heat or promote
Insulation materials should be inspected before installation for any damaged areas.
Joints should be offset, slabs or sections correctly butted, and in the case of two layer
application the inspector must ensure that horizontal and vertical joints are correctly
Insulation on bends is a potential weakness because careless cutting on site can
leave gaps. These gaps are sometimes masked by the bands used to retain the insula-
tion in position. The bands themselves can also cause damage to fragile insulating
Metal cladding joints have to be correctly overlapped and wrongly positioned joints
can encourage water ingress, it is also important to see that joint sealants are correctly
applied or that fixing methods, such as pop rivets, do not penetrate the insulating
In general the most competent insulation inspectors are recruited from the thermal
insulating industry. Preferably they would have had at least ten years practical experi-
ence so that they are well aware of the short cuts, mistakes, and malpractices of
Paper 10
"How to Write a Specification," I. G. Huggett, Consultant, Orchard
House, Low Worsall, Yarm, Cleveland, United Kingdom.
The specification has an important role in the lagging of process plant and is both
the interface and the means of communication between the lagging contractor and the
client. Thus, for example, whatever decisions are reached about the precautions nec-
essary to minimize corrosion, they have to be defined and put into effect by means of
the specification.
A good specification for lagging, as for other relatively complex construction activi-
ties, is hard to write and even the best cannot incorporate all that is necessary to
achieve good lagging; thus it can never be completely self-contained. Some things have
to be planned in advance by the client or others; additional communication between
client and contractor is almost always worthwhile and rarely unnecessary.
The way in which the specification is drafted, the phraseology, and the way the
ideas are expressed are always important. Frequently there is also real technical diffi-
culty in coming to decisions, and great care is necessary when trying to formulate
written rules: the provision for minimizing corrosion often falls into this category.
[1] Page, G. G., New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, Vol. 15, 1980,
pp. 143-157.
[2] Karnes, H. F., American Institute of Chemical Engineers 57th National Meeting, Sept.
[3] Delahunt, J. F. Insulation Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. 1982, p. 10.
[4] Nicholson, J. D., Bulletin of the Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology, Vol. 19,
No. 5, Oct. 1981, p. 2.
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Thermal Insulation Materials
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George E. Lang 1
REFERENCE: Lang, G. E., "Thermal Insulation Materials: Generic Types and Their
Properties," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation. " A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pol-
lock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
1985, pp. 63-68.
ABSTRACT: Thermal insulation plays a very important function in all of our lives. With-
out it the cost of energy used in our homes would skyrocket, perishable foods would be avail-
able only within a short distance of the source, plastic items and many petroleum products
would not exist, and we would have to get used to warm beer and soupy ice cream.
Now to the generic and functional differences of the various types of thermal insulation.
One of the most defining properties of a thermal insulation is its service temperature range.
Since we are discussing generic types of insulation, and some manufacturers' recommended
service temperatures vary slightly, the du Pont Company's established recommended ser-
vice temperatures are listed in the paper. The properties, good and bad, of generic thermal
insulation materials that have a bearing on their individual influence on corrosion of the
metals they cover will be discussed.
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One of the most defining properties of a thermal insulation is its service tem-
perature range. The established service temperatures recommended by the du
Pont Company's engineering d e p a r t m e n t for the thermal insulation materials
it normally uses, as generic types are shown in Table 1.
The properties a n d characteristics of these generic thermal insulation mate-
rials, which have a bearing on their individual influence on corrosion of the
metals they cover, are discussed in the following sections. The information is
based on our m a n y years of experience.
I have not included c o m m e n t s on thermal efficiency. The reason is that m a n u -
facturers' literature values are for thermal conductivities determined in labora-
tories for "dry" samples. But installed thermal insulation frequently contains
more moisture t h a n these samples. This increased moisture may have come
from shipping, storage, installation, or service. The good low K values of ther-
mal insulations are quickly lost when the insulations become wet. Therefore, in
the field we frequently have poorer thermal efficiency of the installed insulation
than the K values used in the initial design calculations. In the practical sense,
comparing thermal insulations solely on the K values from "dry" samples can be
misleading. W h a t their values are in the field when they have more water in them
depends, of course, on the a m o u n t of water. W h e n thoroughly wet, m a n y have
similar high K values (Table 2).
Polystyrene Foam
9 This insulation is available in the form of polystyrene foam billets or poly-
styrene beads e x p a n d e d in a mold.
9 To be functional as a process thermal insulation, the density cannot be less
t h a n 24 k g / m 3 (1.5 lb/ft3).
9 In the prescribed density, it does not absorb or wick water as long as the cell
structure remains intact.
Generic Thermal
Insulation Materials Recommended ServiceTemperature, ~ (~
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9 This plastic foam is primarily used for cold a n d anti-sweat service.
9 It does not absorb a n d wick water as long as the cell structure remains in-
tact. It is p e r m e a b l e to water vapor in cold service when required vapor barrier
fails. Vapor diffuses through cell walls to the t e m p e r a t u r e zone where it con-
denses a n d further to where it freezes.
9 It has a m a x i m u m service t e m p e r a t u r e of 82~ (180~
9 T h e typical average b u l k density is 132 k g / m 3 (2 lb/ft3).
9 Compressive resistance is 17 k P a (25 psi) average at 5% deformation.
9 If in continuously cold service, it does not corrode u n p r o t e c t e d metal sur-
faces. If in intermittent service to its m a x i m u m service t e m p e r a t u r e , it can
cause corrosion of u n p r o t e c t e d wet metal surfaces from released chlorides in
fire r e t a r d a n t s a n d blowing agents. The sun's ultraviolet rays decompose this
9 This insulation is very fire resistant for an organic foam; it is a low flame
propagation rate plastic foam of the polyurethane family.
9 It does not absorb a n d wick water as long as the cell structure remains in-
tact. It is p e r m e a b l e to water vapor in cold service when required vapor barriers
9 M a x i m u m service t e m p e r a t u r e is 149~ (300~
9 Typical average b u l k density is 32 k g / m 3 (2 lb/ft3).
9 Compressive resistance is 17 k P a (25 psi) average at 5 % deformation.
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9 When this material is exposed to heat and moisture, the cell structure in
the heated zone is damaged. The decomposition products may contain chlo-
rides from the fire retardant and blowing agent and are thus fairly aggressive as
corrodants of unprotected wet metal surfaces. The sun's ultraviolet rays de-
compose this insulation.
Cellular Glass
9 This insulation is a rigid glass foam whose blowing agent contains hydro-
gen sulfide and carbon dioxide.
9 It does not absorb and wick water as long as the cell structure remains
9 The maximum service temperature is 149~ (300~
9 Average bulk density is 136 k g / m 3 (8.5 lb/ft 3)
9 Compressive resistance is 690kPa (100 psi) average.
9 W h e n water is present and the cell structure is damaged, release of the
foam blowing agent may cause corrosion on unprotected carbon steel surfaces.
Glass Fiber
9 This insulation is pure glass fiber containing various types of binders.
9 It will absorb and wick water, but is more able to drain excess moisture
than other types of insulation.
9 The maximum service temperature is 191 to 454~ (375 to 850~ depend-
ing upon type and brand.
9 The bulk densities range from 24 to 96 k g / m 3 (1.5 to 6 lb/ft 3) depending
upon type and brand.
9 It has poor compressive resistance.
9 The fact that it will wick water makes it conducive to corrosion on unpro-
tected wet metal surfaces.
Mineral Wool
Calcium Silicate
9 This insulation is a cementitious mixture, known in the trade as "white
9 It readily absorbs and wicks water. Can hold up to 400% of its own weight
of water without dripping.
9 Maximum service temperature is 649~ (1200~
9 Average bulk density is approximately 224 k g / m 3 (14 lb/ft3).
9 Compressive resistance is 621 to 1103 kPa (90 to 160 psi) at 5% deforma-
tion, depending upon brand.
9 Although its p H is initially high, 10 average, it is fairly aggressive in sup-
porting corrosion on unprotected wet metal surfaces because of its moisture re-
tention, particularly when the moisture contains chlorides from an external
Perlite- Silicate
9 This insulation consists mostly of expanded perlite with sodium silicate as
a binder.
9 It may contain an ingredient to resist water absorption up to a certain tem-
perature at which point the moisture resistance burns out. When this happens,
it will absorb and wick water.
9 The maximum service temperature is 593~ (ll00~ above which shrink-
age becomes excessive.
9 Average bulk density is approximately 224 k g / m 3 (14 lb/ft3).
9 Compressive resistance is somewhat less than the calcium silicates being
in the 483 to 552 kPa (70 to 80 psi) range at 5% deformation.
9 The pH is high, being 10 plus, making it less conducive as a corrodant on
wet metal surfaces particularly when it contains a water repellant.
Selection of a thermal insulation depends on many factors. We believe an im-
portant characteristic to consider is what extent the insulation can contribute
to corrosion of the metal underneath if the insulation gets wet. In general, we
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Field Experience
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Tore Sandberg 1
ABSTRACT: A program to detect corrosion under insulation has been ongoing at the
Stenungsund ethylene plant since 1976. Experience to prioritize inspection has been de-
veloped. During the years 1978 to 1980, the number of yearly inspected lines with more
than 0.5-mm corrosion decreased from 50 to 15%. A surveyof the condition of 530 pres-
sure vesselswas carried out in 1980. Corrosionwas found under hot insulation on 75% of
not painted vessels and on 20% of painted and insulated vessels. No corrosion was found
on equipment in continuous cold service.
IEngineering associate, Esso Chemical AB, Box 852, S-444 01 Stenungsund, Sweden.
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Corrosion Encountered
During the years 1963 through 1969 corrosion maintenance and corrosion
inspection programs were developed. Spot examinations of equipment
showed no major concerns regarding CUI. Our inspection program was con-
sidered to be built on several years experience and was kept unchanged after
the large plant expansion in 1969.
In February 1976 the first major prohlems appeared. In an area, close to
the cooling tower, severe corrosion was found under insulation. Lines had to
be taken out of operation to be repaired.
A number of questions had to be answered:
9 Where to look (area, service conditions, type of insulation, and so forth)?
9 How to look (technique, organization)?
9 How serious were the problems?
9 What were the reasons?
9 How to prevent corrosion in the future?
9 How to prioritize the inspection?
9 Costs involved?
9 And many more questions.
During March through May 1976, a comprehensive corrosion detection
program was carried out on hydrocarbon lines, hot service insulated and with
an operating temperature less than 150~ During the three month period,
317 lines were inspected by removing sections of insulation.
The following are the results from the 1976 spring investigation: About
18% of the lines had areas with more than 1-mm corrosion. For more details
see Table 1. It was also noticed that steam-traced lines were corroded to about
the same extent as nonsteam-traced lines. Examples of typical CUI are shown
on Figs. 1 through 4.
We concluded from these results that an intensive inspection program must
be organized. A prioritization of offsite lines and facilities in the 1969 plant
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TABLE 1--Inspection of 317 lines. March through May 1976. All lines hot service insulated.
Operating temperature less than 150~
"Example: 56% of 91 lines from 1963 had less than 0.1-mm corrosion.
was made. All high risk lines were to be inspected before the end of 1976.
From 1976 to 1981, 1430 lines were inspected. Of these lines repairs were
made as listed in Table 2.
We increased our ability to predict corrosion from 1976 to 1978 as a result
of the knowledge built up in 1976. After 1978 there was a dramatic decrease
in the number of corrosion findings. This is viewed as a result of the experi-
ence in how to prioritize an inspection program for corrosion detection. This
experience can be summarized with the following list of criteria for selection
of lines to be inspected.
Stress corrosion in American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Type 304 and
316 (Unified Numbering System [UNS] $30400 and $31600) stainless steel
has been experienced mainly on small diameter instrument piping. These
lines are replaced using material that is better resistant to stress corrosion.
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FIG. 1--Examples of typical CUl--trapped water." (a) bottom of bend, (b) and (c) water en-
trance at vend may cause corrosion at drain. Example t~f trapped water is also shown on Fig. 8a.
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FIG. 2--Example of CUl__jacketing open at support. Insulation jacket open at vertical beam
eaused severe local corrosion. The line diameter is 900 mm.
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FIG. 3--Examples of typical CUl--effect of painting: (a) band of shop painting locally pre-
vented CUI and (b) inorganic zinc silicate without top coat does not protect for CU1. Insulation
removed after four years.
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Pressure Vessels
9 Operating temperature
9 Corrosion protection (painting)
9 Mechanical design details
9 Standard of insulation
9 Standard of jacketing
The environmental conditions and the equipment condition explain the
results listed in Table 4. W h a t can not be seen in the table is that cyclic tem-
perature service increases the risk of corrosion for hot and cold insulated
The high extent of corrosion on hot insulated, unpainted equipment is a
result of the above factors. The reasons identified for corrosion on painted
equipment were ascribed mainly to poor detailed mechanical design.
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vai, findings, and so forth. It is quickly evident that good updated isometric
drawings and flow diagrams greatly simplify inspection, prework, and re-
Using the data in the line register a judgment can be made about the risk of
corrosion under insulation. If there is a risk, the inspector can look for the
following details:
9 Attachments to piping and process equipment
9 Connections, especially vertical segments
9 Unsealed or damaged jacketing
9 Signs of rust
9 Low points especially if jacketing is damaged above the low point
9 Bottom of absorbent insulation
9 Dead legs
Insulation is removed for spot checking. Complete removal is only required
for exceptional cases. Inspection areas or openings in the insulation are not
recommended. Inspection openings are more likely to cause corrosion than
prevent it. Nondestructive testing methods have so far proven to be unrelia-
ble. Figure 5 gives an example where critical corrosion areas are likely to be
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i~dor S U R V E Y .
~ / ~.~ ~RGANIZING
~ ~ ~ _ _ . _ PER Y~AR
i . . . . . . . . . .
0 5 i0 YEARS
< 2O
' ; . . . . . 5. . . . i0 Y E A R S
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FIG. 7--Examples of designs to prevent CUI: (a) painted galvanized steel jacketing in service
20 years now at the end of life, and (b) valve design without gusset easier to seal.
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FIG. 8--Examples of"designs to prevent CUI: (a) this design of insulation support ring should
prevent corrosion shown on the left and (b ) jaeketing details at manhole.
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During 1981, total maintenance costs for painting, insulation and scaffold-
ing were 2 million dollars averaging 39 people working per year. This amount
is four times the cost of our program for the period of 1973 through 1974.
Inspection cost for corrosion control is typically 0.2 million dollars per year.
The initial costs for developing programs and routines correspond to one to
three man-years depending on existing routines and plant size and age. Safety
and environmental aspects, together with the risk of unplanned shutdown
have justified the costs of our program.
For budgeting and resource planning it is necessary to know the incidence
frequency for the years after corrosion under insulation has been recognized.
Our experiences at Stenungsund are probably similar to those experienced at
other mature plant sites. These experiences are illustrated in Fig. 6.
This information may give guidance for those plant sites where the problem
is new and some plan to tackle it is being developed. Figures 7 through 9 show
some examples of improved detail design to prevent corrosion.
In the long run maintenance costs would be considerably reduced, provid-
ing improved techniques in painting, insulation and construction details were
utilized both in new projects and for repairs.
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Victor C. L o n g 1 and Paula G. Crawley 1
ABSTRACT: Corrosion of carbon and stainless steels under wet thermal insulation can
be a serious problem and can be especially prevalent in the humid Gulf Coast area. This
paper discusses an inspection program that has been in progress since late 1982 at a ten-
year old chemical plant located at La Porte, TX. The program is intended to determine
the extent of corrosion damage to major pieces of equipment that has occurred under
inhibited calcium silicate insulation finished with aluminum jacketing and to recommend
remedial action.
Key elements of a successful inspection program are discussed. A series of pictures is
presented that correlate visual external telltale signs with corrosion beneath the insula-
tion. At the time of writing, significant localized corrosion of carbon steel has been found,
as well as evidence of incipient stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel.
KEY WORDS: corrosion, thermal insulation, carbon steel, austenitic stainless steel,
C o r r o s i o n b e n e a t h t h e r m a l i n s u l a t i o n is a serious p r o b l e m . It is i n s i d i o u s in
n a t u r e a n d o f t e n g o e s u n d e t e c t e d u n t i l m a j o r d a m a g e has o c c u r r e d . I n t h e
c a s e of stainless steel, t o t a l r e p l a c e m e n t of d a m a g e d e q u i p m e n t m a y b e t h e
only r e c o u r s e . Costs c a n b e h i g h , b o t h for r e p a i r s a n d lost p r o d u c t i o n .
M o s t m a j o r c h e m i c a l p l a n t s h a v e active c o r r o s i o n m o n i t o r i n g p r o g r a m s
a i m e d at p r o c e s s side c o r r o s i o n . U n f o r t u n a t e l y , too little a t t e n t i o n is often
g i v e n to e x t e r n a l c o r r o s i o n u n d e r wet i n s u l a t i o n , or m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e l y to t h e
p r e v e n t i o n t h e r e o f . P e r h a p s o n e r e a s o n is l a c k of a w a r e n e s s , e s p e c i a l l y at
n e w e r p l a n t sites w h e r e t h e r e has n o t b e e n e n o u g h t i m e for c o r r o s i o n r e l a t e d
p r o b l e m s to d e v e l o p . C o s t is a n o t h e r r e a s o n . It is o f t e n difficult to j u s t i f y ex-
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above the insulation support ring as shown in Fig. 1. Note the deteriorated
caulking. Figure 2 shows perforation of the aluminum jacketing and staining
caused by the leached sodium silicate. The insulation was removed from the
area above the insulation support ring. Crusty deposits were found just above
the ring, as well as spotty iron stains on the stainless steel. In Fig. 3, the crusty
deposits above the ring may be seen. They are very hard and difficult to
scrape off. Iron stain areas are also noted (Figs. 4 and 5) both along the crusty
deposits and more isolated specks where the stainless steel is relatively free of
deposits. These iron stains are symptomatic of corrosive attack on the stain-
less steel. One would expect to find stress corrosion cracking in these areas, if
After the area was cleaned up and the metal surface polished with a sand-
ing disk, it was dye checked. Very little if any cracking was found. Figure 6
shows several small potential cracks in the column shell adjacent to a vertical
weld, a stressed area. Figure 7 shows two small pits possibly connected by a
short crack in an area where there was relatively few crusty deposits. We have
concluded that these were signs of incipient stress corrosion cracking. Fortu-
nately, there is no serious equipment damage in this area, but all the condi-
tions for stress corrosion cracking are there. We further conclude that if cor-
rective action is not taken, serious equipment damage will occur.
Next, I plan to discuss the inspection of the carbon steel column. Again,
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the insulation looked good from a distance, but it also suffered from moisture
intrusion. Figures 8 through 11 deal with an area near the base of the column.
Moisture entered the insulation system at a mastic joint where there was a
slight change in column diameter (Fig. 8) and around a nozzle. Telltale perfo-
ration of the aluminum jacket had occurred (Fig. 9). After the insulation was
removed, general corrosion of the carbon steel was noted. However, it was
relatively mild, just a few hundred micrometres (Fig. 10) except around a
manway and several nozzles (Fig. 11). In these areas heavy scale 7 m m thick
extended several centimetres back underneath the insulation. Metal loss
ranged from 0.5 to 2 mm. While this amount is still within the allowable
thickness loss, further corrosion must be avoided or repairs will be required.
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We have identified numerous areas of wet insulation including some where
the sodium silicate has been completely leached out. Significant corrosion of
carbon steel equipment is localized, primarily to areas around manways, noz-
zles, and other moisture collection points. Signs of incipient stress corrosion
cracking of stainless steel equipment are present, but no serious cracking has
yet been found. Without prompt remedial action and a good preventive main-
tenance program, we conclude that significant equipment damage will occur
in the future.
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B. J. M o n i z 1 a n d M . C. R i t t e r 2
REFERENCE: Moniz, B. J. and Ritter, M. C., "Failure of Type 316 Stainless Steel Noz-
zles in Contact with Fire Retardant Mastic," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insula-
tion, A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pollock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 95-102.
ABSTRACT: Two vertical American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 316L (Unified Num-
bering System [UNS] $31603) stainless steel (SST) nozzles on the head of a process vessel
operating at 120~ leaked after six years in service. It has been plant practice to apply
mastic reinforced with glass cloth as a sealer over insulation around nozzles on vessel
heads. The cracking occurred where the fire retardant brominated mastic met the noz-
zles. Chloride stress corrosion cracking developed when the mastic seal with the nozzles
broke, allowing water to enter and chloride to concentrate. The water source is the fire
protection sprinkler system (S0-ppm chloride), which deluged the vessel eight to ten times
in six years. Up to 60 000-ppm chloride was detected on the fracture face and, signifi-
cantly, no bromide. Tests showed that the mastic contained 363-ppm leachable chloride
and 36 300-ppm leachable bromide. The remedy was to terminate insulation with a metal
cover and seal the gap between cover and nozzles with caulking compound.
KEY WORDS: stainless steels, thermal insulation, fire retardants, calcium silicates,
UNS $31600, chloride analysis, bromide analysis
D e s c r i p t i o n of Failure
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Figure 1 shows the location of the nozzles in the vessel head. They were 7.6
cm (3 in.) and 10.2 cm (4 in.) in diameter, both schedule 40S (wall thick-
ness approximately 5.7 mm). After the leak was detected the vessel was shut
down, the insulation stripped, and the nozzles liquid penetrant inspected to
detect cracking. The two affected nozzles were cut off and examined more
A second liquid penetrant inspection confirmed that the cracking had
started on the outside (Figs. 2 and 3). Metallographically mounted sections
taken through cracked regions indicated the highly branched morphology
characteristic of chloride stress cracking (Figs. 4 and 5).
The cracking location in both cases was just below the line of contact with
fire retardant mastic, which was applied as a sealant between the nozzles and
thermal insulation applied to the vessel head. Figure 6 shows the location of
cracking in relation to the insulation system.
Investigation of Cause
The vessel head was examined before the insulation was removed. The
mastic had separated part of the way around the cracked nozzles. Since there
was no elastomeric sealant between the nozzles and the mastic, it is quite
3" ~ 41aIlM~II~FLANGE
FIG. 1--Sketch showing location of nozzles on vessel head.
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FIG. 4--Section through l O.2-cm r nozzle. Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. (Ap-
proximately X100).
FIG. S--Section through 7.6-cm (3-in.) nozzle. Stress corrosion cracking. (Approximately
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__ Ii : , , rFoR . , S T U . E .
possible that the gap had existed for a large part of the time the vessel had
been in service.
Samples of mastic and synthetic organic cloth (which make up the insula-
tion termination system) were analyzed for leachable chlorides and bromides.
The test is described in Table 1. The mastic contained 363-ppm chloride and
36 300-ppm bromide. The organic cloth contained 2010-ppm chloride; it was
not analyzed for bromide (because it is not a fire-retardant product).
In order to detect whether bromide was partly or totally responsible for
cracking, samples of the stress cracked nozzles were broken open and ana-
lyzed using energy dispersive X-ray analysis under the scanning electron mi-
croscope. There was a detection of 4.86 and 6.57 weight % chloride and, sig-
nificantly, no bromide. The results are shown in Table 2.
Note that the analyses obtained by energy dispersive X-ray analysis do not
include elements below atomic n u m b e r 20. The results are normalized, as-
suming no elements below atomic n u m b e r 20 exist.
5 g of solid is mixed with 200 mL water (If very low CI is suspected, 100-mLwater is used)
The mixture is refluxed overnight at the boiling point.
The mixture is filtered.
The filtrate is analyzed by potentiometric titration for Cl and Br .
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Nozzle, weight %
Element and Line 7.6 cm (3 in.) 10.2 cm (4 in.)
Silicon K alpha 3.89 2.77
Sulfur 15.3
Chloride 6.57 4186
Calcium ... 1.49
Titanium 0.22
Chromium 12194 32.11
Iron 61.77 47.06
Nickel 13.31 10.48
Copper ... 1.01
Explanation of Failure
The investigation points to chloride stress cracking as the mode of failure.
Despite the possible presence of bromide ions, Br- does not appear to be
responsible in any way for stress cracking.
Chloride stress cracking requires a source of water and usually a chloride
ion evaporation-concentration mechanism. The source of water was most like
the fire protection deluge system (Fig. 7). The system was tested approxi-
mately eight times during the six-year life of the vessel. The deluge water con-
tains 50-ppm chloride and the vessel operates at 120~ In addition the mas-
tic and cloth contain 363- and 2010-ppm leachable chloride, respectively. The
conditions are extremely conducive for chloride stress cracking.
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I \ ,
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*Not determined.
a n d f a s t b u t a r e g i v e n as t h e g u i d e l i n e s of t h e i n d u s t r y . I n s o m e c a s e s (for
example, good company-wide experience) materials having leachable chlo-
r i d e i n e x c e s s of 2 5 0 p p m a r e n o t r e j e c t e d .
L a t e l y , c o m p a n y g u i d e l i n e s h a v e f u r t h e r e v o l v e d t o p a i n t s t a i n l e s s steel
with two coats of polyamide catalyzed epoxy paint, minimum dry film thick-
n e s s 0 . 0 8 t o 0 . 1 1 m m (3 t o 4 m i l ) u p t o a s e r v i c e t e m p e r a t u r e of 1 2 1 ~
(250~ Also, fiberglass reinforced polyester or thixotropic two-part epoxy
r e i n f o r c e d o p e n w e a v e c l o t h h a s s u p e r c e d e d a l u m i n u m j a c k e t i n g as t h e rec-
ommendation for heads. These materials can be buttered up to nozzles and
reportedly do not break away like glass cloth reinforced mastic.
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William G. A s h b a u g h 1
ABSTRACT. In the mid-1960s, a rash of costly stress corrosion cracking failures of stain-
less steel under insulation occurred. A series of tests were performed to establish the failure
mechanism and to provide information for prevention. Since that time, the Union Carbide
Corporation (UCC) Central Engineering policy has been to use protective coatings on the
stainless steel. No special insulation materials, inhibitors, or protective weather barriers
have been used to prevent external stress corrosion cracking (ESCC). During these past 20
years, there has been only a few incidents of ESCC of painted stainless steel; therefore a sat-
isfactory pay back on the cost of painting the stainless steel has been realized. There are still
questions to be answered, and optimization of the painting practice is taking place.
Although painting is not the only way to prevent ESCC, it is a proven procedure that can be
accomplished with today's technology.
KEY WORDS: austenitic stainless steel, corrosion, stress corrosion, insulation, thermal
insulation, chloride cracking, external stress corrosion cracking, external stress cracking,
protective coatings, paintings, cracks, concentration cell corrosion
D u r i n g t h e p a s t 20 years, we h a v e h a d c o n s i d e r a b l e e x p e r i e n c e in d e a l i n g
with a t t e m p t s to p r e v e n t e x t e r n a l stress corrosion c r a c k i n g ( E S C C ) of stainless
steel u n d e r t h e r m a l insulation. W i t h t h e o c c a s i o n of this m e e t i n g we t h o u g h t
t h a t it w o u l d b e a p p r o p r i a t e to s u m m a r i z e t h e s e e x p e r i e n c e s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n
in t h e h o p e t h a t it will assist i n d u s t r y in c o m b a t i n g this costly a n d w a s t e f u l f o r m
of corrosion a t t a c k . Several years ago, a survey was m a d e to e v a l u a t e t h e a n n u a l
cost of corrosion. T h e s e dollar figures are h u g e . T h e p o i n t t h a t I f o u n d interest-
ing was t h a t it was e s t i m a t e d t h a t as m u c h as t h r e e q u a r t e r s of this cost c a n b e
p r e v e n t e d u s i n g k n o w n t e c h n o l o g y . I believe t h a t in this c o n f e r e n c e t h e r e is suf-
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The Problem
In the early 1960s, a large chemical production unit was built at one of Union
Carbide's Gulf Coast plants. Much of the process equipment in this unit was
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Type 316 L (Unified Numbering Sys-
tem [UNS] 5316) stainless steel. In less than six months, several of the stain-
less steel distillation columns developed leaks in their shells. As we investigated
this, we were shocked to find large areas of tiny cracks visible on the outside of
the column sections. The cracks appeared very much like the root system of
small plants (Figs. 1 and 2). The cracking resulted in drop-wise seeping of pro-
cess liquid through the cracks, which ultimately leaked from under the insula-
tion calling attention to the leaks. What first seemed to be very tiny leaks soon
turned out to be significant areas of badly transgranularly stress corrosion
cracked stainless steel.
As more and more insulation was removed from adjacent vessels, piping,
and columns, other areas of ESCC were found, in many cases, just the begin-
ning traces that had not yet penetrated the vessel walls. Once all the areas
where stress corrosion cracking had occurred were identified and repaired or
replaced, we turned to the question of what caused the cracking. In all cases,
the cracking occurred under cellular glass insulation with the equipment oper-
ating at moderately elevated temperatures. We knew we were looking for chlo-
rides; did they come from the Gulf Coast air, from nearby process units during
FIG. l - - E x t e r n a l stress corrosion crackhtg q/" a Type 310 vessels under cellular glass and anti-
abrasion coathtg.
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FIG. 2--Another example of ESCC. Here the sample had been bent to open up the main crack.
construction and before insulation was applied, from contact with the ground
before erection, or from the insulation? What was the source of the chlorides?
A review of all possible sources included the cellular glass insulation and the
anti-abrasion coating on the inside surface. When we tested the anti-abrasion
coating, we found that it contained polyvinyl chloride. Upon warming it up in
the presence of water, we found hydrochloric acid! Other sources of chlorides,
while feasible, were not believed to be highly involved since there was nothing
unusual about the exposure of the stainless steel equipment during its fabrica-
tion or erection compared to many other stainless steel items.
The evidence all pointed to the warm, stainless steel equipment operating in
contact with the anti-abrasion coating. Rainwater inside the insulation was the
third necessary ingredient. Any anti-abrasion coating based on polyvinyl chlo-
ride was summarily banned from use in our insulation activities from then on.
The magnitude and the cost of this particular ESCC problem focused our at-
tention on the mechanism of cracking stainless steel under insulation and
brought a number of questions to mind. What other insulation materials might
cause the stress corrosion cracking, under what conditions, and what must be
done to prevent a recurrence of this incident?
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FIG. 3--Lab test apparatus used to determh,e (f insulation materials would cause stress corro-
sion cracking of Type 316 stainless steel
terial and the stainless steel. After an appropriate exposure time and tempera-
ture, observations were made as to whether or not cracking had developed.
This test procedure was later reported in an article in Materials Protection [1].
Evaluation of some 36 insulation materials using this procedure showed that
only four would, in themselves, cause stress corrosion cracking. If this were
true, or even close to being correct, it indicated to us that insulation as a class
was not responsible for the majority of failures.
While we were engaged in the laboratory testing phase, we had been review-
ing our company history of stainless steel corrosion problems and found scat-
tered, but widespread reports of stress corrosion cracking that were either cor-
rectly diagnosed as ESCC or were described as simply stainless steel cracking
failures without a metallurgical examination. We observed that many of these
cases of ESCC occurred in the absence of thermal insulation. For example, one
of the most prevalent trouble spots was underneath steel slip-on flanges at
stainless steel lap joints (Figs. 4 and 5).
As we completed the test program and reviewed plant operating history, it
became apparent that if we were to attack the ESCC problem by concentrating
on the type or quality of the insulation material, we would be overlooking the
bigger culprit, that is, the total surrounding presence of chlorides from a vari-
ety of sources.
Reconstructing the mechanism of attack, we suggest that the chloride and
water somehow must enter into the annular space between the insulation and
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FIG. 4--Example q[ E S C C of a 316 pipe at lap joint. Chloride and water collected under slip-on
flange causing stress corrosion cracking.
FIG. 5--A stainless steel column section sample showbzg E S C C that occurred under a lap ring
flange. This area had not been pabtted as specified.
the outer surface of the stainless steel equipment. In addition, heat and stress
must also be present to allow the stress corrosion cracking to initiate and pro-
ceed. We have further concluded that heat plays a large role in the evaporation
of water and subsequent concentration of chlorides to the point where they be-
come quite aggressive. Since we have no control over the austenitic stainless
steels normal stress patterns, the only other parts of the equation we can deal
with are the presence of chlorides and water.
The use of "inhibited" insulation materials was investigated and rejected be-
cause our lab tests showed they would not prevent stress corrosion cracking
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when chlorides were introducted under the insulation. Use of inhibited insula-
tion would limit the insulation designers freedom of materials selection if it
were required for all stainless steel equipment. And finally, it would not offer
protection under flanges, and so forth. This then left us with the consideration
of waterproof insulation systems to exclude water and chlorides or applying a
protective coating to the stainless steel.
To achieve a watertight protective coating for an insulation system, one
would have to produce, in effect, a pressure tight covering. This then would
have to be maintained in this pressure tight condition to prevent ingress of
water and chlorides. Our insulation advisors were quick to point out that such
protective covering would be exorbitantly expensive and that maintaining such
a system, if it were installed, would probably be impractical.
We then concluded that a protective coating on the stainless steel under the
insulation would be the most workable approach. The protective coating sys-
tem also would deal with the stress corrosion cracking problems under flanges,
pipe clamps, and other external appurtenances.
Thus, we came to the conclusion in the middle 1960s that the way to protect
stainless steel from ESCC was to paint it. The mere thought of painting stain-
less steel was at first repelling and strange to many people who had not experi-
enced the problems we have already described. The selection of which paint for
stainless steel also become quite a point of discussion, that is still going on to-
day. However, at that time we selected two paints that we felt would be suitable
based on previous experience with them in other applications.
In order to effectively proceed with painting stainless steel to protect it from
ESCC, it was necessary to select appropriate paints and generate the painting
criteria or guidelines for what to paint and where to paint. The selection of pro-
tective coatings was based on several criteria such as ease of application, good
adhesion to mill finished stainless steel, and resistance to hot water vapors.
The ability to maintain coating integrity in the presence of hot water vapors
and to withstand temperatures up to about 200~ was important. The 300~
we felt, was the safe upper limit above which stress corrosion cracking would
not occur because the equipment and insulation would be dry. If equipment
were cycling from higher to lower temperatures, it would have to be dealt with
as a special case.
Our first coating selection was a modified, carbon filled silicone that cured at
ambient temperature (Fig. 6). This product was tested on our stress corrosion
cracking apparatus and proved to be effective in preventing cracking from
chloride bearing water. One weakness of the modified silicone was its poor re-
sistance to chemical fumes and spills. We therefore added an epoxy phenolic
coating for those areas where we felt chemical exposure might occur. The selec-
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FIG. 6--A portion of the first process unit to have all its stabtless steel painted--both insulated
and uninsulated areas were painted.
tion of protective coatings turned out to be much easier than the development
of a criteria for when and where to use them.
Our original project criteria, dealing with this subject, stated that the respon-
sible materials engineer assigned to the proiect or the plant corrosion engineer
would identify those critical pieces of equipment that needed to be painted.
Our intention was to spend the money for the protective coating only where it
would be most needed and where the pay off in preventing stress corrosion
cracking would be most obvious. Typical items to be painted were stainless
steel pressure vessels, equipment handling corrosive or toxic materials where
leaks would not be acceptable, or one of a kind pieces of equipment whose out-
age would seriously affect a major production unit. Any number of discussions
were held about various projects and plant maintenance jobs to sort out what
was critical and not critical, as well as what was or was not worth painting. At
times, it seemed that it would be cheaper to go ahead and paint rather than to
discuss it; but we were making a real effort to be selective in the use of the pro-
tective coatings through a conscious and logical decision process.
As a result, a regular patch work of painted stainless steel developed in the
late 1960s, and we found that inevitably we had some failures of items that were
not painted, which we wished we had painted. We also found that painting this
item and not painting that item, painting this pipe and not painting another
pipe in the same project was confusing and the cause of mistakes in the con-
struction phase. In 1970, a new unit was being designed and a decision was
made at that time to paint all the stainless steel (Fig. 7). Since most of the unit
would be stainless steel, this was a major decision and change in criteria. This
change was rather like running the first 4-min mile; once we overcame the bar-
rier and reached understanding and acceptance of the new philosophy, paint-
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FIG. 7--A view of a Type 316 L column that had been in service about 12years. It was painted
with the rood(fled silicone.
ing of all stainless steel, as a general rule, became easier. Exceptions could now
be made as to where paint was not required, rather than as previously, when
painting was the exception.
Up to this point we have been describing our past experience, history, and
philosophy. Where are we today? After almost exactly 20 years of using paints
to protect stainless steel from stress corrosion cracking, our experience has
been excellent. We are convinced that a proper paint film protects stainless
steel for many years and that the small cost for this kind of insurance has been
paid for many times over.
But all is not perfect in this world and we have had some problems. We have
had piping and column sections painted where the painters did not pull back
the lap flange rings and paint underneath them: the result was ESCC. Painted
vessels had the paint damaged by steel cable slings, tearing and scarring the
paint: the result was ESCC. A series of small tanks that were insulated with cell-
ular glass, and contrary to explicit instructions, a polyvinyl chloride contain-
ing anti-abrasion coating was used as a cement to glue the cellular glass to the
painted vessel. The solvents in the adhesive/anti-abrasion coating penetrated
and destroyed the protective coating allowing the soon to be formed hydrogen
chloride to do its stress corrosion cracking work: the result was ESCC. A substi-
tution was made for paint specified, the paint failed: the result was ESCC.
Painting was specified for small process piping; the project manager needed to
save money and cut out the painting: the result was ESCC.
Another problem area is the total paint job on stainless steel equipment,
which has steel flanges and attachments. We know that the one coat of modified
silicone will not offer protection to carbon steel (Figs. 7 and 8). The epoxy phe-
nolic must be used to protect the steel. (Note: We do not allow zinc primers on
steel in contact with stainless steel.) Thus, a careful reading of our engineering
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FIG. 8--A closer view of the column shows how this silicone paint has disappeared from the steel
rein/brcing rings. The paint on the stabdess steel is still in good condition.
criteria would have portions of a stainless steel vessel painted with the epoxy
phenolic and other portions painted with modified silicone (Figs. 9 and 10).
This makes for a colorful paint job but presents possibilities for confusion by
the fabricator or painter and probably extra cost compared to a single paint sys-
tem. As a result, we now use the epoxy phenolic for the entire vessel provided it
is compatible with the process temperature (Figs. 11 and 12).
In summary, our position and experience regarding stress corrosion crack-
ing of stainless steel under insulation indicates that the most practical way to
FIG. 9--A new heat exchanger that has its stainless steel surface painted with modified silicone
and its steel painted with epoxy phenolic.
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FIG. IO--A combhtation of steel attd stahdess steel, each with its own paint spec(fieation.
FIG. 11--A short column section of Type 316 L with all parts pahtted whh epoxy phenolic.
FIG. 12--A large distillation column, Type 304 stahtless steel behtg insulated. Both stahtless
steel and steel portions are pab~ted with epoxy phenolic.
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protect the stainless steel is with a coat of good paint. While our results over the
past 20 years have not been perfect, the few and isolated failures have essen-
tially been physical problems, which actually served to demonstrate that while
the paint film is intact, stress corrosion cracking is prevented. It is also worth
noting that the limited cracking that occurs at defects in the paint film is repair-
able. A general stress corrosion cracking failure often resists repair thus requir-
ing replacement.
The use of a protective coating on stainless steel to ward off chloride stress
corrosion cracking may be looked at like the wearing of a seat belt in an auto-
mobile. The seat belt does not guarantee that somebody will not come up and
hit you, but if it happens, your risk of serious injury and death is considerably
less. So the protective coating on stainless steel has to be evaluated against the
risk and consequences of ultimate stress corrosion cracking failaure. We can-
not predict when or how chlorides might invade the insulation system, but we
can trust the coating to protect the stainless steel when the inevitable happens.
[1] Ashbaugh, W. G., "ESCC of Stainless Steel Under Thermal Insulation," Materials Protec-
tion, May 1965, pp. 19-23.
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D o n a l d O. Taylor 1 and R o d n e y D. Bennett 1
ABSTRACT: An 87.78 m (288 ft) diameter by 24.77 m (81.25 ft) high liquid butane stor-
age tank was insulated in 1976 using vertically foamed in-place (FIP) low flame spread
polyurethane with an aluminum outer jacket. The tank had not been painted since the
vendor stated the urethane would not properly bond to painted surfaces. In 1979 corro-
sion of the aluminum jacket and aluminum rivets was noted. Chemicals, leached from the
urethane foam, resulted in streaks of discoloration down the sides of the tank. Detailed
inspection in 1980 involved cutting out sections of jacket and insulation to uncover the
tank shell. Extensive pitting was noted on the steel shell as well as the foam side of the
aluminum jacket. Corrosion is attributed to the intrusion of water from a seawater deluge
system that leached the acidic fire retardant chemicals from the urethane foam. A task
force was organized to investigate and evaluate various methods for insulating large cyro-
genic liquid storage tanks. The study involved visitations both in the United States and
Europe. As a result, detailed specifications were developed for the blasting, painting,
installation of foam glass insulation, and weather proofing of the tank. Since corrosion
had apparently reduced the tank wall thickness below that required by American Petro-
leum Institute (API) Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded
Low Pressure Storage Tanks (API 620), detailed analyses of mechanical properties of the
steel were investigated, a program was established to acoustically monitor the tank during
hydrotest, and procedures were established for minor localized weld repair to the deepest
pits. Details of the inspection procedure, testing, painting, and insulation specifications
are discussed.
1Engineering consultant group leader of Process Department and supervisor of Technical Sup-
port Unit, Technical Engineering, respectively, Arabian American Oil Co., Process Department,
E-6100 Engineering Building, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
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In 1976 an 87.78 m (288 ft) diameter by 24.77 m (81.25 ft) high liquid
butane storage tank operating at --40~ was insulated using vertically
foamed in-place polyurethane with fire retardant additives and an aluminum
sheeting weather barrier (Figs. 1 and 2). The carbon steel tank was not
painted before insulation since the vendor stated the urethane would not
properly bond to painted surfaces. No provision was made to prevent mois-
ture ingress other than a sealant between the overlap of the aluminum sheet-
ing, which was pop riveted together.
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In 1979 there was external evidence in the form of large rust stains indicat-
ing failure of the insulation system. Random areas of the sheeting and poly-
urethane were removed to permit visual inspection and ultrasonic thickness
measurement of the steel shell. The polyurethane foam was generally found to
be water saturated for at least 152.4 m m (6 in.) on either side of the aluminum
overlap joint. Some areas in the lower region of the tank were wet throughout.
Earlier data gathered from inspection of insulated butane lines indicated
expected corrosion rates of 0.254 m m (0.01 in.) per year although lines had
been painted. Thus plant experience indicated that corrosion rates in excess
of 0.254 m m (0.01 in.) per year might reasonably be expected on the un-
painted steel tank shell.
Randomly sampled areas were found to have a general metal corrosion loss
of 2.54 m m (0.100 in.) plus as much as 2.54 m m of pitting in some locations!
Further investigation verified that the water leached the acidic fire retard-
ants (fluorine-bromine compounds) from the urethane. These acidic addi-
tives, plus breakdown of the urethane foam by intense sunlight and periodic
seawater deluge, resulted in acid solutions having a pH as low as 1.7. Addi-
tional high chloride water was introduced by the weekly testing of the seawa-
ter deluge system.
Coinciding with the early stages of this investigation there was an on-going
project to reinsulate 80 000 butane liquid (bbl) tanks with a horizontal
foamed in-place urethane system (Fig. 3). The procedure was modified to
paint the tank shell with red oxide primer before insulation.
An additional skirt modification to shed water was added to the bottom of
the tanks to avoid the collection of water at the interface of the aluminum
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sheeting and the ring wall foundations. This skirt modification was used in
the construction of 7 new 750 000 bbl tanks. Five additional terminal tanks
were constructed in 1980 through 1981 with an epoxy primer, full ring wall
skirt and the horizontal foamed in-place urethane system.
In mid 1980 an Engineering Task Force Group was formed to conduct a
worldwide investigation of cold insulation systems. After consulting with
more than 20 different companies and visiting some 22 sites with cold service
storage facilities operating at temperatures from --10 ~ to --2~ (14 to 28~
the task force concluded that no two companies used the same system. Al-
though a decision had not been reached as to the optimum method of insula-
tion, it became critical to remove one of the 895 000 bbl tanks from service
because of evidence of accelerating corrosion rates on the steel shell. The tank
was stripped of insulation, sandblasted, marked off by square foot, and had
ultrasonic thickness measurements made and recorded. All pitted areas were
also minutely inspected and gaged. Results showed general corrosion loss
over the entire tank. The areas in contact with the wet polyurethane insula-
tion, more than 40% of the tank, showed heavy metal loss of 2.54 to 5.08 m m
with extensive deep pits, a corrosion rate of 0.68 to 1.35 m m per year (based
on actual service life).
In late 1980 the decision was made to use 152.4 m m (6 in.) of adhered
cellular glass insulation covered with a 2.03 m m (.080 in.) thick moisture bar-
rier of polyester mesh reinforced acrylic/aliphatic urethane. Detailed stress
calculations indicated that the steel shell could adequately be repaired by fill-
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ing the critically deep pits with weld metal that was then ground flush. Ac-
cordingly, the shell was repaired, sandblasted to white metal, and coated with
an inorganic zinc silicate (Fig. 4). The tank was then hydrotested to the maxi-
mum fill level, and acoustic emission was monitored during the test to detect
any crack or flaw propagation. No indications were recorded.
The cellular glass blocks were installed in two layers. The first 101.4 mm (4
in.) thick layer was completely bonded to the tank shell and to each adjacent
block using a polyurethane adhesive. The joints in the second 50.8 mm (2 in.)
thick layer were offset 50% to prevent any joint in the second layer lining up
with a joint in the first layer. Extreme care and rigid inspection insured that
all blocks were bonded to adjacent blocks and that all joints were completely
filled with the urethane adhesive (Fig. 5). The contractor was required to have
a technical representative from the insulation manufacturer present at all
times during application of the cellular glass to provide training and inspec-
tion assistance.
After all cellular glass block had been installed, a coat of high solids acrylic
mastic was applied at 0.76-mm (0.030-in.) dry film thickness, and while still
wet a knitted open mesh polyester cloth was rolled in to achieve complete wet-
out and a smooth surface. A second coat of acrylic mastic was then applied to
achieve a total dry film thickness, including fabric, of 1.78 mm (0.070 in.).
After complete curing, inspection, and repair of any imperfections or bub-
bles, two coats of an aliphatic urethane were applied to a dry film thickness of
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0.254 mm (0.010 in.). Thus, the total thickness of the completed vapor bar-
rier system was 2.03 mm (0.080 in.). This system is not only highly imperme-
able to moisture but is also very resistant to damage by wind blown objects. In
case of such damage it is readily repaired, access to the damaged area being
the biggest problem.
A very important aspect of the job, which is often neglected, is the proper
sealing of areas where there are penetrations through the insulation. Such
might be ladder supports, gage connections, nozzles, and so forth. The seal-
ant must be readily applied (preferably by a gun), must have excellent bond to
the surfaces to which it is applied, must be nonshrinkable (thus must have
minimal solvents), must have excellent weatherability, and should be capable
of accepting a paint cover coat if desired (Fig. 6).
The most significant factor in the massive corrosion of the shell and jacket
was determined to be the acidic fire retardant solution leached from the poly-
urethane foam by the moisture penetration of the inadequately sealed jacket
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joints. The high humidity of the marine environment and the repeated exer-
cise of the deluge system accelerated the water ingress. The decision not to
paint the tank before application of the polyurethane foam permitted direct
exposure of the steel to the corrosive environment.
The new system has now been in service for over one year with no signs of
any deterioration. The fiber reinforced polyurethane exterior retains its gloss
finish and pleasing appearance. There is no evidence of moisture infiltration
at any point.
Thus we feel it has been effectively demonstrated that a proper, cost effec-
tive, insulating system can be accomplished if necessary care is given to sys-
tem selection, specification, training, and inspection plus time and money.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of their fellow col-
leagues for their assistance in gathering data and photographs. We also wish
to thank the Arabian American Oil Company of Saudi Arabia for their per-
mission to publish and present this paper.
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William G. A s h b a u g h 1 a n d T h o m a s F. Laundrie 1
ABSTRACT: Corrosion of steel equipment under thermal insulation is and has been a
costly problem in Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) chemical operations as well as other
refining and chemical plants throughout the world. The Materials Technology Institute
(MT1) has spent about $30 t h o u s a n d trying to develop a nondestructive inspection
method to detect and measure corrosion under insulation. The corrosion rate of carbon
steel under insulation depends upon a n u m b e r of variables: moisture, oxygen availability,
metal temperature, paint system, and the insulation. Little work has been published that
defines the effects different types of insulation have on the corrosion rate of carbon steel.
Some suggest that the type of insulation does make a difference. An in plant test was
designed and operated to obtain quantitative data comparing several types of insulation
and their effect on eon-osion of steel.
Twelve pieces of insulation were applied to carbon steel pipe and were exposed to the
atmosphere at Texas City, TX. Water, in addition to rain, was occasionally added to the
outside of the pipe, and steam was run through the inside of the pipe once a week in order
to accelerate the corrosion rate.
This paper will report qualitatively and quantitatively on the corrosion rates of the car-
bon steel under the various types of insulation. The data will be useful to insulation spe-
cialists in guiding their selection of the kind of insulation from the standpoint of its influ-
ence on steel corrosion.
KEY WORDS: corrosion, thermal insulation, steels, paints, coatings, pipes, thermal cy-
cling, industrial atmosphere
'Manager of corrosion and materials engineering, and corrosion and material engineer, re-
spectively, Union Carbide Corporation, P.O. Box 471, Texas City, TX 77590.
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rosion rate of carbon steel under insulation depends upon a number of vari-
ables: moisture, oxygen availability, metal temperature, type of paint system,
and the insulation. Until now, little information has been published on the
effects different types of insulation have on the corrosion rate of carbon steel.
An accelerated test was run at a Gulf Coast plant using twelve different types
of insulation for a one year period. Qualitative and quantitative measure-
ments were made on the corrosion rates of carbon steel under the various
types of insulation.
In general, the types of insulation used had a small effect on the corrosion
rates of carbon steel compared to the other factors such as moisture and oxy-
gen availability. The corrosion rate was worse where the moisture was allowed
to collect on the pipe, such as underneath where the insulation hung away
from the pipe or at the edges of the test pieces. Some of the insulation types
drew the water away from the pipe and reduced the corrosion rate. An ex-
tended test of three years or more would be needed to bring out the subtle
differences that may exist between the types of insulation.
A protective coating of paint is effective in preventing corrosion, regardless
of the type of insulation and is still our recommended procedure.
The problem of corrosion under thermal insulation is well known in the
refining and petrochemical industry. It has been a growing concern as more
and more cases come to light. Two recent examples are shown in Figs. 1 and
2. An increasing number of papers are being written on the subject. The Ma-
terials Technology Institute (MTI) has spent about $30 thousand trying to
FIG. 1--Example of corrosion under insulation. Gas heater periodically steamed out, only
had an inorganic zinc primer originally, and was insulated for personnel proteetion after it had
been in service f o r awhile. The hole resulted in afire.
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FIG. 2--Example of corrosion under insulation. Th& area is in the kettle section of a column,
which was slightly above ambient. Upper portions of the column run well below ambient and
condense moisture, which runs down the wall. The proper coating had been used, but it had been
applied too thin. Pinholes allowed the corrosion to get started.
It has been suggested that the corrosion rate of carbon steel is influenced by
different types of insulation. Virtually no quantitative data exist on this sub-
ject. This accelerated test was designed to obtain such data under carefully
controlled conditions. This data will be useful to insulation specialists in
guiding their selection of the kind of insulation from the standpoint of its
influence on steel corrosion.
The Test
Twelve pieces of insulation, each approximately 0.6 m long (2 it), were ap-
plied to 7.62-cm (3-in.) carbon steel pipe. The insulation was wrapped with
an aluminum weather barrier, but the ends were left open. The insulation
samples were spaced approximately 0.3 m (1 ft) apart on the pipe. The mate-
rials were then exposed to the atmosphere at the plant paint test site, located
just north of a cooling tower, for approximately one year (Figs. 3 through 5).
Before the insulation was installed, the steel pipe was sandblasted to a
near-white metal finish and painted with an epoxy-phenolic paint covering
about one-fourth of the outer circumference as a longitudinal stripe.
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FIG. 3--Insulation test site north td" the cooling tower. Test stand be~ore steam tubing was
Seventy-pound steam was run through the pipe for 15 min once a week in
order to expose the steel to a cycle of cold/wet to hot/dry in the expectation
that this would disturb the semi-protective oxide films that develop as steel
rusts. When the steam was turned on, the pipe wall temperature would level
out at 93~ within 5 min.
Originally, it was hoped that rainwater would be an adequate source of
moisture for the corrosion of the pipe. However, after three months, a few
pieces of insulation were removed, and it was discovered that very little corro-
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sion was occurring under the insulation. Rain fell during this period only 14
of the 90 days.
A number of holes were then punched through the weather barrier and the
insulation, and 0.24 L of water was squirted into the holes of each piece of
insulation twice a week, if it did not rain. The water used was the plant un-
treated river water.
The above steps, particularly the water addition and thermal cycling were
taken to provide an accelerated corrosion test so that useful data could be
obtained in one year's time.
Moisture sensors 2 were installed under the insulation on some of the test
pieces to detect the presence or absence of water between the pipe and the
inner surface of the insulation (Fig. 6).
The Evaluation
The wall thickness of the pipe was measured before and after the test with
an ultrasonic thickness instrument by the Plant Inspection Department. Vis-
ual observations were made, and data were recorded of the heating and water-
ing cycles of the pipe during the test. Observations were recorded for each
piece of insulation concerning the appearance of the pipe immediately after
the removal of the insulation at the end of the test (Fig. 7). Thickness mea-
surements were taken under the middle and near the edges of each of the
insulation samples. Some of the worst looking areas near the edges of the
insulation were measured in more detail (Fig. 8). It was also noted how far
from the edge of the insulation the severe corrosion occurred. The general
2Sereda Miniature Sensor, Model SMMS-01, Epitek Electronics Inc., Ogdensburg, NY.
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FIG. 6 - - S e t u p near the end of the test. Plastic cups protecting moisture sensor leads can be
FIG. 7 - - T h e pipe and baked expanded Perlite insulation at the end of the test.
degree of pitting was recorded under the middle of the insulation piece on the
top of the pipe, the bottom of the pipe, and the side of the pipe. A forced
ranking of the insulation was made.
The corrosion of the bare pipe between the insulation pieces was more se-
vere than that underneath any of the insulation samples. The rate over the
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FIG. 8--Part of the pipe after the test and cleanup. Ultrasonic thickness measurements were
taken at this time.
one year period averaged about 50 mil per year (mpy, where 1 mil ----0.001 in.
---- 0.0254 mm). The iron oxide formation seemed to be rather rapid in the
first half of the year and then slowed down somewhat.
A steel corrosion coupon was exposed in the test area to determine the cor-
rosion rate on bare steel by weight measurements. This coupon showed a cor-
rosion rate of 18 mpy as opposed to the 50 mpy on the pipe. This difference
was probably caused by two factors:
9 The reference sample was hanging in a vertical position, allowing it to
dry faster than the pipe.
9 The sample was not subject to the heating cycle that the pipe was put
through every week to deliberately increase the corrosion rate.
The corrosion rate of the reference coupon is much higher than the rural
atmospheric corrosion rate on steel; but is typical of a chemical industrial/
marine atmosphere, particularly downwind of a cooling tower. This spot was
chosen for the accelerated test.
The heating cycle was selected to dry out the surface of the pipe and its rust
scale, yet not dry out all of the moisture that had accumulated in the insula-
tion. Observations during the test confirmed this mode of operation.
Each week, if it did not rain, some untreated Brazos River water was
squirted among the holes of each of the insulation samples. The pipe was
watered approximately twice a week, whether it was from rain or artificial
watering. It was later discovered that the corrosion rate directly under the
water holes was virtually the same as that on the bare steel. Two points specif-
ically measured showed a corrosion rate of 47 and 53 mpy. These spots were
not included in judging the effect the insulation had on the corrosion rate of
the steel.
Several moisture sensors (Fig. 9) were used as a " G o - N o - G o " indication of
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FIG. 9--Moisture sensor used in the test. Alternating strips of gold and copper set up a poten-
tial difference when an electrolyte is present gthat is, water).
moisture under the insulation. They showed that the pipe surface did dry out
rapidly while the steam heated up the pipe. The sensors failed over a period of
three months. However, enough data were obtained to show that the holes
and water addition did help bring moisture to the pipe-insulation interface,
whereas before the holes were punched, it had stayed relatively dry.
A paint stripe covering approximately one-quarter of the pipe's outside sur-
face was applied to the entire length of the pipe. It was one coat of Plasite
7122, 3 an epoxy phenolic. We normally specify that two coats of an epoxy
phenolic be put on carbon steel under insulation. The one coat system was
used to evaluate the performance of the thinner coating. This paint stripe was
6 to 7 mil thick and held up very well, both under the insulation and between
the pieces of insulation on the exposed pipe. There was some undercutting
along the edges, but this was to be expected. Overall, the paint performed
well and the corrosion rate under it was nil.
The corrosion under the edge of the insulation was almost as severe as that
outside the insulation. This was expected because there was nearly equal ac-
cess to water and oxygen at this point. Moving from the exposed steel to the
middle of a piece of insulation, the corrosion rate generally dropped off
quickly. The distance that the high corrosion rate continued to occur from the
edge of the insulation on inward, in most cases, was 2.5 to 5.0 cm (1 to 2 in.).
In all of the types of insulation tested, the corrosion was usually worse along
the bottom of the pipe than on the sides or top. Along the bottom where a
piece of insulation would hang away from the pipe, the moisture would form a
drip line and not be drawn away by the insulation. The pipe was installed on
slight angle (approximately 5 ~ see Fig. 4) to allow for draining of the conden-
sate when steam was put into the pipe. This also affected the direction the
rainwater entered, and the corrosion under the edge of the insulation was
generally worse on the "high end" than on the "low end" of each piece.
See Table 1 for a summary of the results. Table 2 lists the detailed data
"~Wisconsin Protective Coating Company, Union Carbide Corp. Paint Specification PCM-214.
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TABLE 1--Results.
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Amount of Corrosion
Worst Metal Pit Depth in Middle" ~D
Typical Metal Loss at Edges, Extent Ranking by 0
Loss, i n ? in. of Edge 1-Least 5-Most Appearance J
Effect, Before 5
Rank" Middle Edges Up Down in. Top Side Bottom Sandblasting Comments
1 0.008 0.010 0.046 0.010 2 2 5 unbaked expanded perlite
line of pitting along bottom 2.5 to 5.0 cm m
2 3 5 unbaked expanded perlite f--
2 0.018 0.029 0.032 0.029
line of pitting along bottom 2.5 to 5.0 cm
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3 0.016 0.018 0.027 0.028 1.5 2 2 4 calcium silicate types all about the same
4 0.013 0.025 0.031 0.042 2 1 2 3 calcium silicate types all about the same
5 0.017 0.020 0.027 0.031 2 2 3 3 calcium silicate types all about the same
Although this test produced no final answers, the results have added to our
understanding of the several mechanisms that are taking place between the
steel-water-insulation combination. We may conclude the following from the
test results:
9 Corrosion rates differed slightly under the various types of insulation. A
similar test of three years or more would be needed to bring out the subtle
differences between materials.
9 The more corrosion occurred the longer moisture was in contact with the
pipe. This was mainly on the underside of the pipe and at the elevated end of
the insulation sample.
9 Insulation that trapped the moisture against the pipe, without drawing it
away by absorbing it, produced the most corrosion. The pipe in contact with
insulation that was absorbent had a relatively lower corrosion rate.
9 The corrosion rate of the bare steel between insulation test pieces was
higher than normal because of the thermal cycling.
9 The epoxy-phenolic paint did an excellent job of protecting the steel and
preventing corrosion.
With a good weather barrier, the nonabsorbent insulation may actually
help keep the moisture away from the pipe. Where there are breaks in the
insulation covering, water can get under the insulation and be trapped
against the steel. The corrosion rate is then largely dependent on how long the
moisture is in contact with the steel and the thermal operating conditions.
Absorbent insulation types aid in removing the water from the metal surface.
They lose their advantage, however, if there is a continuous source of water
such as condensation or process leaks.
The present UCC Engineering policy of painting steel under insulation
(PCM-500, UCC Painting and Coating TechnologyManual) continues to be
the most effective way to prevent corrosion.
We wish to acknowledge the assistance of E. C. Powell, Jr. in planning the
test program and J. H. Rapp in obtaining the insulation materials and having
them installed.
[1] "Investigation of Nondestructive Testing Techniques for Detecting Corrosion of Steel Un-
der Insulation," MIT Report 4, July 1981.
[2] "Investigationof an Approach to Detectionof Corrosion Under Insulation," M1T Report 7,
March 1982.
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James R. Myers 1 and A r t h u r Cohen 2
REFERENCE: Myers, J. R. and Cohen, A., "Behavior of a Copper Water Tube Exposed
to Natural Carbonaceous Granular and Cellulosic Insulation Materials," Corrosion of
Metals Under Thermal lnsulalion. A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pollock and J. M. Barnhart,
Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 132-142.
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The unaffected underground copper tube domestic cold water and steel gas distribution
systems were bonded to the cathodically protected copper hot water tubes in order to
prevent the possibility of stray current corrosion.
In addition, other insulation systems have been shown to be deleterious to copper. For
example, certain chemicallytreated cellulosic insulation materials can contain constitu-
ents that become aggressiveto copper when either moist or under high relative humidity
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Constituent Weight, %
carbon 64 to 76
hydrogen 4.4 to 5
nitrogen 1.2 to 1.5
sulfur 0.4 to 1
oxygen 12.8 to 17
FIG. 1--External surfaces of corroded underground copper water tube that had been ther-
mally insulated with a natural carbonaceous granular material. The performation in Specimen 5
(see encircled area) had initiated on the outside surface of the tube (-XO.4).
FIG. 2--External surfaces of additional corroded underground copper water tube that had
been thermally insulated with a natural carbonaceous granular material. Typically, the corrosion
products consisted of black copper sulfide overlain with green copper sulfate (~XO.4).
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FIG. 3 - - E D X A and microchemical analyses revealed that the green copper corrosion product
on the outside surface of the tube consisted primarily of copper sulfate.
FIG. 4 - - E D X A and microchemical analyses revealed that the black copper corrosion product
on the outside surface of the tube consisted primarily of copper sulfide.
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cess. Analysis of soil and insulation specimens collected during the on-site
inspection provided additional insight regarding this corrosion incident.
Typically, the resistivity of the wet thermal insulation ranged from 1 200 to
5 100 ~- cm. By contrast, wet soil resistivity adjacent to the insulation varied
from 9 500 to 12 000 These results established that the low resistivity
of the thermal insulation was not associated with the leaching of minerals
from the soil but could only be related to the inherent characteristics of the
wet natural carbonaceous granular material.
Belief that neither the soil nor groundwater chemistry was a factor in the
corrosion process was supported by p H measurements. The p H of the insula-
tion was as low as 4.8 whereas the p H of the adjacent soil varied from 7.7 to
Based upon these results, it was concluded that the domestic hot water lines
corroded because they had been exposed to an aggressive wet thermal insula-
tion. The accelerated corrosion of the copper was caused by the presence of
carbon and sulfur in a wet insulation, which had a low resistivity and a rela-
tively low pH.
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FIG. S--External surfaces of corroded underground copper water tube that had been ther-
mally insulated with a natural carbonaceous granular material. Typically. the corrosion products
consisted of porous reddish-brown cuprous oxide overlain in part with green copper sulfate and
copper chloride ( - X 1 ) .
Based upon the general guidelines established for copper water tube in un-
derground building systems, it is apparent that finely pulverized natural car-
bonaceous granular insulation materials must be kept dry. If they become
wet, they become poor thermal barriers and create an environment that is
aggressive to copper and other commonly used construction materials. Cop-
per cannot exhibit its normal resistance to corrosion if subjected to wet, low
resistivity, low pH environments containing appreciable amounts of carbon,
and sulfur.
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cause of the unavailability of open land for conventional anode systems and
the desire to provide uniform current distribution to the underground piping.
The cathodic protection systems concurrently provide protection to the unin-
sulated copper tube cold water lines and the coated steel gas service pipes in
the area because all of the underground systems are electrically continuous.
Each of the anode beds contains eight vertically positioned, 76 mm (3 in.)
diameter, 1524 mm (60 in.) long graphite anodes evenly spaced between 17
and 61 m (55 and 205 ft) below the surface. The anodes are backfilled in each
254 mm (10 in.) diameter, vertically drilled hole with low resistivity calcined
petroleum coke breeze. Each anode bed is activated by an 80-V 34-A capacity
direct current rectifier. Individual anode leads to a junction box for each rec-
tifier; permanently installed reference electrodes and the necessary test sta-
tions were included in the cathodic protection design and installation to facili-
tate current control and system monitoring.
The results of field testing following initi~d energizing of the cathodic pro-
tection systems revealed that the thermally insulated copper water tubes
could be sufficiently polarized for effective corrosion mitigation.
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water extraction has been made, it is not possible to state with assurance
whether the minor constituents were in the original paper stock or were added
by the insulation manufacturer.
The copper and brass specimens in Fig. 6 showed patches of bluish mate-
rial identified as partly a m m o n i u m sulfate and partly unknown compounds.
Crystals of various intensities of blue color suggested the presence of Cu + +
ions in an otherwise colorless crystal (such as ammonium sulfate). Small re-
gions had the whitish cast sometimes seen when hydrates have lost some or all
of their water.
Some hard blue material adhering to the pipe seemed to consist mainly of
paper fibers, an unidentified binder, and a few tiny crystals. All of these ad-
herent materials contained copper and boron in excess of 10% and minor
amounts of such elements as silicon and aluminum.
Ash from the insulation remote from the pipe contained boron and alumi-
num in excess of 10% and minor amounts of calcium.
Table 2 [10] lists the compositions of fire retarding chemicals extracted
from 19 different cellulosic insulation samples. The wide variation is notewor-
thy as is the great p H range of the water extract with one sample having a p H
of only 3.7, which is distinctly acidic. As the actual formulations were not
revealed by the chemical tests, there is no apparent correlation with p H and
the chemical content.
FIG. 6--Outside surface of copper water tube displaying extensive attack caused by aggressive
cellulos& insulation ( - X1).
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526-1 18 4.4 18
526-5 20 8.0 11 1 5
527-A 22 8.2 16 3
527-B 31 4.8 23
527-C 28 8.1 22
527-C1 24 8.2 20 5
527-D 22 8.0 13 s
527-E 26 4.5 2'6
527-F 21 5.9 ... 10 2
527-G 19 4.4 19
527-H 21 7.8 ... 16 3" 1
527-I 20 5.0 ... 4 1
535 24 7.4 ... 17 4
562 22 3.7 18 1 2
563-4 24 4.0 10 7 2
563 -5 19 7.7 '1"2 4 1 2
563-6 17 5.9 ... 4 6
563-7 23 6.1 ... S 8
593 17 7.7 ... 1'7
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W h e n m o i s t i n s u l a t i o n s u p p o r t s f u n g a l g r o w t h , m o r e m o i s t u r e is t a k e n i n t o
t h e s y s t e m , a n d a c i d p r o d u c t s r e s u l t i n g f r o m b i o l o g i c a l p r o c e s s e s m a y also
cause corrosive attack.
[1] Myers, J. R. and Cohen, A., "Conditions Contributing to Underground Copper Corro-
sion," Journal td" the American Water Work Association, Aug. 1984, pp. 68-71.
[2] Denison, i. A., "Electrolytic Behavior of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals in Soil Corrosion
Circuits," Transactions of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 81, 1942, pp. 435-453.
[3[ Gilbert, P. T., "Corrosion of Copper. Lead and Lead Alloy Specimens After Burial in a
Number of Soils for Periods Up to 10 Years," Journal of the Institute of Metals, Vol. 73,
1947, pp. 139-174.
I4] Romanoff, M., "Underground Corrosion," National Bureau of Standards Circular 579,
Washington, DC, 1957.
[5] McGannon, H. E., Ed., The Makhlg. Shaphlg and Treating of Steel, Herbick and Iteld,
Pittsburgh, PA. 1971, p. 78.
[6] Haslarn, R. T. and Russell, R. P., Fuels and Their Combhlation, McGraw-Hill Book Com-
pany, New York, 1926, p. 52.
[7] Manual on Underground Corrosion ill Rural Electric Systems, Bulletin 161-23, Rural Elec-
trification Administration (U.S. Department of Agriculture), Oct. 1977.
[8l Rogers, P. C., Gross, E. E., and Husock, B., "Cathodic Protection of Underground Heat-
ing Lines," Materials Protection, Vol. 1, No. 7, July 1962, pp. 38-43.
[9] Corrosive Attack of Copper Water Tube by Cellulosic hlsulation, Copper Development As-
sociation Inc., Jan. 1978.
[10] Survey of Cellulosic hlsulation Materials, Energy Research and Development Administra-
tion. U.S. Department of Commerce, Table 1, Jan. 1977, p. 4.
[1I] "Push for Insulation Linked to Fire Peril." The New York Times, 27 Nov. 1977.
112] "Insulation Hazards Mounting," The Washhlgton Post, 1 Oct. 1977.
[13] Energy Conservation Digest, Vol. 1, No. 3, Washington, DC, 6 March 1978.
[14] Energy Conservation Digest, Vol. 1, No. 13, 24 July 1978.
[15] Chemical Week, 3 May 1978, p. 13.
[161 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC, Public Calendar, Vol. 5,
No. 43, 28 July 1978.
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Control Measures
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Paul E. Krystow 1
ABSTRACT: Corrosion under hot and cold thermal insulation can be a serious problem
in chemical plants. Not only has corrosion under insulation caused staggering mainten-
ance costs in the millions of dollars but also has led to lost production time as well as
affected plant safety. Many of the chemical plants have experienced a variety of problems
and some of the specific experiences will be described in this symposium.
As a result, Exxon Chemical Company and many other chemical companies have em-
barked on a major effort to address the problem. In a companion paper, Exxon Chemi-
cals at Baton Rouge will describe identifiable factors that cause the problem. This paper
will review the important steps that Exxon Chemical has taken to control carbon steel
corrosion under insulation. Specifically, the review will include (1) organizing and sched-
uling more rigorous programs of inspection including typical examples, (2) preparation of
improved insulation specifications that address each of the factors affecting corrosion,
and (3) action programs required to assure that improved insulation specifications are
An important aspect of controlling corrosion under insulation is through an appropri-
ate inspection program. Unfortunately under normal circumstances, inspection requires
the removal of the insulation during downtime, which is both costly and extremely diffi-
cult particularly on large towers and complex piping systems. There is an urgent need to
develop a nondestructive onstream examination (NDE) method to detect corrosion with-
out removal of insulation. In this connection, the Materials Technology Institute for the
Chemical Process Industries is investigating some of the NDE methods. A brief synopsis
will be made of the NDE methods employed. However, these methods have had only lim-
ited success, and a breakthrough inspection method is still needed. This need for break-
through represents an important challenge to the international scientific community.
Corrosion under hot and cold thermal insulation can be a serious problem
in chemical plants. Not only has corrosion under insulation caused staggering
1Engineering associate, Exxon Chemical Company, P.O. Box 271, FIorham Park, NJ
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maintenance costs in the millions of dollars, but it also has led to lost produc-
tion time as well as affected plant safety. Many of the chemical plants have
experienced a variety of problems and some of the specific experiences are
being described in the other papers in this publication.
As a result, Exxon Chemical Company and many other chemical compa-
nies have embarked on suitable programs to address the problem. In a com-
panion paper, Exxon Chemical Americas at Baton Rouge describes the iden-
tifiable factors that cause the problem. 2 This paper will review the important
steps that Exxon Chemical has taken to control carbon steel corrosion under
insulation from each of the identifiable factors.
Specifically, this presentation will review the following control measures as
shown in Fig. 1:
9 Prepare improved insulation specifications and guidelines for controlling
corrosion under insulation.
9 Organize and schedule more rigorous programs of inspection to assure
that the improved insulation specifications are implemented.
9 Visual inspection is the most reliable method, but some promising NDE
methods are emerging.
Before discussing the items shown in Fig. 1, let us quickly review the vari-
ous factors leading to corrosion under insulation as discussed in Lazar's pa-
per (Exxon Chemical Americas, Baton Route). 2 In addition, we shall give ex-
amples of how these corrosion factors are overcome through improved
insulation specifications and corrosion control guidelines. A brief synopsis of
the various figures as reproduced in the attachment is presented below.
Figure 2
Equipment operating with a process temperature ranging between --3.89
to 121.11/148.89~ (25 to 250/300~ is subject to corrosion under insula-
tion, and consideration should be given to providing suitable paint protection
underneath. If equipment operates at a temperature outside the range, then
painting is not necessary. Equipment that operates alternatively from a tem-
perature outside the range, but within the critical range for 20% of the time,
should be painted. However, suitable high-temperature paints are required
when elevated temperatures are encountered during alternate exposure
within the critical temperature range. Recommendations on coatings are cov-
ered in several of the other papers in this publication.
Equipment geometry and design is very critical and Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate
the variety of geometry configurations that can lead to corrosion problems.
Insulation type is important, not only from the cost and thermal insulation
capability, but also in respect to moisture retention and water leachable con-
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- 2SOF TO 5000F
tents. Insulation types, such as calcium silicate, which can absorb and retain
substantial amounts of water and leach chlorides, can lead to more problems
than other insulations such as foam glass, that is not normally subject to
moisture absorption and does not contain significant leachable material. For
critical insulation service, it is necessary to consider all the factors, including
those relating to corrosion.
Figures 3 and 4
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the equipment geometry and the variety of attach-
ments that appear on a vessel, the points where water can enter and become
trapped and the areas where corrosion can occur underneath insulation. It is
recommended that similar guideline sketches be prepared for all types of
equipment, that is, piping, storage tanks, exchanger shells, drums, and so
forth, to facilitate proper inspection and serve for preparing appropriate me-
chanical design sketches for the attachments that will provide more adequate
weatherproofing, vapor proofing and painting.
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[..~"i'~ G LUGS
i ~ ~tAn,c~,tu~o~ ~.Ac~rrs
r ~ A L L GUSSFrTF~ .
VF-SS~. SU~OR'r ,L
Some undesirable geometry and design features that should not be used are
as follows:
(1) flat horizontal surfaces (vacuum rings),
(2) structural shapes that trap water ( " H " beams),
(3) shapes that are impossible to properly weatherproof (structural shapes,
gussets, and so forth),
(4) shapes that funnel or lead water into the insulation (angle iron brack-
ets), and
(5) inadequate spacing that causes interruption of the vapor or weather
barrier (nozzle extension, ladder brackets, and deck spacing).
A good discussion of equipment design is included in Lazar's paper. 2
Figure 5
30I ran
i~ " OL
ra"~ $/5 SHE~r~='TAL
allow water to wick upward into the insulation. Case B illustrates a method
that allows for drainage of water that may enter through breaks in the
weatherproofing/vapor barrier, rather than the water collecting at the vari-
ous impediments imposed by the attachments, support rings, and so forth.
Figure 6
As a secondary defense to preventing corrosion at service temperatures
from - 3 . 8 9 to 121.11/149.89~ (25 to 250/300~ it is recommended that
painting be applied to protect the steel under insulation. Not only should the
specification include type of paint, surface preparation, inspection require-
ments, and so forth but also should be satisfactory for all temperatures that
may be encountered, particularly during upset operation.
The design of weatherproofing/vapor proofing is considered to be the pri-
mary defense against corrosion and needs special attention around attach-
ments and protrusions, such as illustrated in Fig. 3. The use of proper seal-
ants around protrusions is especially important and needs to be checked and
reapplied in critical areas at least once every two years. Further specific de-
tails are included in Lazar's paper. 2
Climatic conditions are extremely important, and locations, such as the
Gulf Coast, where humidity and rainfall are high, require more attention
than in the less humid northern areas such as in Canada. Also, insulated
equipment in the vicinity of cooling towers or subject to splash from further
washing operations require special attention. Equipment operating at tem-
peratures below the dew point, which is subject to frequent sweating, is also of
special concern. Thus, the climatic condition, location, and operating condi-
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tion will influence whether more or less stringent insulation specifications and
inspection programs are required.
Maintenance practices are extremely important. All equipment is eventu-
ally exposed to insulation damage, and a rigorous repair program is neces-
sary. The insulation repair program should not only detail the proper mainte-
nance procedure but include inspectors participation to verify that the
insulation has been properly installed. This is particularly important since
insulation work is often carried out by contract personnel who may not be
familiar with your insulation repair specifications. Often it is necessary to
complete maintenance insulation while onstream. This can be particularly
difficult with cold service insulation systems that are subject to icing. Proce-
dures have been developed using methanol spray wrapping with polyethylene
sheet and taping to prevent ice from reforming before insulation installation.
Figure 7
This figure illustrates a natural tendency that occurs with insulation main-
tenance. Not only is finishing the job important from an energy conservation
standpoint, but it would be even more important from the corrosion stand-
point if the same system as illustrated were upside down and rainwater and
atmospheric moisture could enter and collect into the piping system.
Figure 8
It is important to initiate an organized plant-wide program for controlling
corrosion under insulation. This is best accomplished through preparation of
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a guideline that addresses all the concerns and pitfalls. Figure 8 lists the im-
portant items that should be included in the guidelines, and we suggest the
preparation of similar guidelines that conform with the particular needs of
your plant.
Figure 9
An important aspect of controlling corrosion under insulation is through
an appropriate inspection program. Unfortunately, under normal circum-
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Figure 10
At the moment, the most reliable, positive inspection method is by direct
visual examination that requires physical removal of the insulation. It is diffi-
cult to pinpoint areas to be checked, but, most assuredly, areas where wet
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insulation exists is where the corrosion will take place. These areas tend to be
at lower locations of equipment and piping where moisture can accumulate
and collect at obstructions. Also, equipment is subject to sweating caused by
service conditions or located in a vicinity where cooling water drift or water
washing splash can be encountered.
The cutting of small insulation windows for spot checking corrosion under
insulation is not always adequate. It is necessary to remove large areas of in-
sulation in critical wet regions and realize that there is a level of risk where
one has not looked. However, it is emphasized that dry areas of insulation do
not experience corrosion, and visual inspection need not be carried out in
these areas. Figure 10 gives a suggested guideline for inspection.
Figure 11
This is the concluding slide. It summarizes the program for overcoming
corrosion under insulation as presented in this paper.
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Peter A . Collins, 1 John F. D e l a h u n t , 1 a n d D e b b i e C. M a a t s c h 1
REFERENCE: Collins, P. A., Delahunt, J. F., and Maatsch, D. C., "Protective Coating
System Design for Insulated or Fireproofed Structures," Corrosion of Metals Under
Thermallnsulation, STP880, W. I. Pollock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 155-164,
ABSTRACT: Corrosion of carbon steel equipment beneath thermal insulation and con-
crete is a critical concern anmng refineries, chemical plants, marketing organizations,
and pipelines. Corrosion has been detected worldwide under all types of thermal insulat-
ing materials. At Exxon this concern has been addressed in a number of laboratory inves-
tigations and also during field troubleshooting assignments. This paper describes work
undertaken to develop protective coating systems suitable for equipment to be insulated
or fireproofed. These systems are described. In addition, the advantages of organic coat-
ings compared to inorganic zinc-rich coatings are reviewed. Also discussed are recently
completed novel evaluations to select coating systems for thermally insulated and ther-
mally cycled equipment.
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E'~D- - ' ~
FIG. 1--Specimen used to measure the corrosivity of carbon steel beneath wetted thermal
insulation and concrete fireproofing.
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to an alternating wet and dry cycle using distilled water for 30 days. Tempera-
tures were maintained at 66~ (150~ Uncoated carbon steel test coupons
without the covering of insulation or fireproofing were also tested for compar-
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FIG. 2--(a) Cross section of a panel coated with IZRC before testing. The coating is continu-
ous, tightly adherent to the steel substrate, and contained a few isolated pores. (b)Cross section
of a panel coated with IZR C after testing under polyurethane foam. Degradation of the coating
has occurred with a buildup of corrosion products at the coating/substrate interface. (X150)
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F I G . 3 - - A p p a r a t u s used to measure the bond strength o f coated and uncoated steel bars to
concrete. The concrete cube was held f i x e d by the upper arm of the tensile machine, while the
lower arm pulled the bar downward. Loads were monitored to the nearest 89 N 120 Ib).
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~ m
llio~ !
5.w0 |
Z o
8 z_ z
, |
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WMet ~
2YI" ~ 50mm
r OJ F
F~m ~
C ~ l x m ,Tmml. I- 89 NPS
w i l l 9 24" k a ~
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550 -- 288
525 274
I P ~ O Z60
475 -
450 --
4Zb I 1 I 1 I i 1 t 218
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
sen for two reasons: it is frequently used by refineries, and it is easy to handle.
In addition, water leached through calcium silicate is known to be alkaline
and thereby increases the severity of the test. Fire retardant polyurethane
foam was used to insulate the upper one-third of the test pipe, even though
the pipe surface temperature exceeded the suggested operating limit for poly-
urethane foam (83~ [180~ However, polyurethane foam was included
because earlier work showed that water leached from this type of insulation,
when treated with fire retardants, was more corrosive because of an acidic pH
than other frequently used types of insulation. Therefore, it was felt that this
would provide a severe test of the protective properties of the paints and coat-
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From these evaluations, we have reached the following conclusions:
9 Many organic maintenance primers should give satisfactory service be-
neath insulation and concrete. Lead chromate phenolics and amine epoxies
have been used satisfactorily in the field.
9 IZRC primer should not be used under insulation or concrete. Field expe-
rience also supports that conclusion.
9 For high-temperature cyclic service under insulation oleoresinous or sili-
cone acrylic coatings are recommended based upon accelerated testing.
[1] Mathey, R. G. and Cligton, J. R., "Bond of Coated Reinforcing Bars in Concrete", Journal
of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Jan.
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Louis C. Sumbry 1 and E. Jean Vegdahl 2
ABSTRACT: Chloride stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel under insulation can
occur because of concentration of chlorides at the metal surface. This paper discusses our
company's current recommended practices for controlling this type of corrosion and
results of a research program to improve our recommended practices.
Our current recommended practice for controlling corrosion of stainless steel under
insulation is to select insulation materials low in extractable chlorides, jacket or coat insu-
lation to exclude water and chlorides from the environment, and to coat the stainless steel
equipment where applicable. Coating stainless steel to prevent contact with chlorides is
recommended with some reservation because of generally poor experience in coating
stainless steel equipment.
A research program is being conducted on coatings for stainless steel equipment. A
variety of coatings have been evaluated using adhesion and flexibility tests, outdoor expo-
sure, salt fog cabinet, environmental cabinet containing hydrogen sulfide, carbon diox-
ide, nitrogen dioxide, and wet air, a Weatherometer cabinet, elevated temperature expo-
sure (260 to 500~ thermal shock tests, and chloride permeability tests. Adhesion to
stainless steel is generally fair. For elevated temperature applications, straight silicones
are generally superior. Many coatings are adequate for ambient temperature applications
if protected from mechanical damage.
KEY WORDS: chlorides, stress corrosion, insulation, jackets, coatings, stainless steels,
mechanical bonds, chemical bonds
~Senior chemist, Gulf Research and Development Co., P.O. Drawer 2038, Pittsburgh, PA
2Consultant, 14120 SW Rochester Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005; formerly, engineer, Gulf Re-
search and Development Co., Pittsburgh, PA 15230.
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tion at the surface of the metal if the insulation becomes wet. The moisture
can leach soluble chlorides out of the insulation, or may already contain chlo-
rides from the environment. At the warm metal surface the moisture is vapor-
ized, leaving behind an increasing concentration of chlorides. Then during
operation or startup/shutdown when the piping is in the susceptible tempera-
ture range, chloride stress corrosion cracking can quickly take place. Our
experience indicates that the problem is primarily within the 50 to 200~ (120
to 390~ temperature range. In this temperature range, waterborne chlo-
rides concentrate by evaporation of the water.
The exact mechanism of chloride stress corrosion cracking is still a matter
of discussion, however, the conditions required for it to take place are clear
and fairly well known. The four required factors are an austenitic stainless
steel, chloride ions, tensile stress on the metal, and certain temperature lim-
its. The cracks are generally highly branched, transgranular, and occur with
no deformation, and hence no warning.
This paper will discuss our current recommended practice for controlling
corrosion of stainless steel under insulation and results of a research program
to improve our recommended procedures for coating under insulation. As
this paper is concerned with chloride stress corrosion cracking, we will only
deal with equipment operating at 50~ (120~ and above.
Design Basis
Unless a heat loss is desired, vessels, heat exchanger units, and piping op-
erating at temperatures above 93~ (200~ are insulated. Insulation at lower
temperatures is required when it is necessary to limit heat losses or for person-
nel protection.
Codes--The basic design, assembly, and installation must conform to fed-
eral, state, and local codes or regulations. If a conflict exists among the codes
and regulations, the most stringent requirement will govern.
Insulation Thickness--The economic thickness, based on Gulf's standard
drawings for rigid type insulation, is defined as the thickness of a given insu-
lation that will save the greatest amount of energy while paying for itself
within an assigned period of time.
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Insulation--The high-temperature insulation materials listed in Table 1
are used for vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, and piping, with the exceptions
that are listed below:
9 No asbestos bearing insulation materials (except mastic or asphalt base
materials) are used in new installations or as replacement material in existing
9 The insulating materials used on austenitic stainless steel surfaces are
low in extractable chlorides ( < 50 ppm). For additional protection against
chloride attack, austenitic stainless steel surfaces operating below 204~
(400~ are painted with a zinc free silicone or an epoxy-phenolic blend be-
fore insulating.
9 Below 121~ (250~ blanket insulation is avoided so as to eliminate
possible sagging and moisture pickup. Consideration should be given to the
use of cellular glass.
9 Installation of jacketing in order to provide watertight joints is empha-
sized. Stainless steel jacketing over insulation on stainless piping or equip-
ment is recommended when there is any possibility of the piping or equipment
reaching a metal temperature above 650~ (1200~ Aluminum jacketing
can be used; however, extreme care must be exercised to avoid contact be-
tween the aluminum and stainless steel. For example, a scrap from the trim-
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ming of the jacketing coming in contact with stainless steel could melt and
cause liquid metal corrosion resulting in rapid premature failure of the stain-
less equipment.
Accessories--The accessories are as follows:
9 Materials used for welding studs and support clips are carbon steel for
carbon and alloy steel, and American Iron and Steel Institute (AISt) Type 304
(Unified Numbering System [UNS] $30400) stainless steel for austenitie
stainless steel vessels. All support rings are carbon steel if not welded directly
to alloy vessels. Welding and heat treatment of attachments meet the fabrica-
tion specifications for the vessel.
9 Tie wires, bands, band seals, wire mesh, and self-tapping screws for at-
taching insulation and aluminum sheets to equipment are 18 Cr, 8 Ni stain-
less steel. Bands and band seals may be aluminum for thin pipe jacketing.
9 Where insulation can not be used because of the irregular surface (such
as on valves, fittings, and flanges), insulating cement is used. Insulating ce-
ment exposed to the weather is waterproofed with a coat of asphalt emulsion.
Installation Practices
Surface preparation of nonaustenitic piping and equipment having operat-
ing temperatures of 10 to 121 ~ (50 to 250~ involves cleaning (Steel Struc-
ture Painting Council Grade SP-5) and coating with a rust inhibiting type
primer before applying insulation.
The following procedures are strictly observed:
1. Rigid type insulation is applied with staggered joints.
2. Double layer construction is used for equipment and piping in all ser-
vices above 260~ (500~
3. In multiple layer, rigid type insulation, both longitudinal and end joints
of the outer layer are staggered with respect to joints of inner layers. Each
layer is separately secured. Support rings for insulation are provided on
straight vertical piping runs. The maximum spacing of rings is 6 m (20 ft).
Insulated flanges are not used for vertical insulation support.
4. Insulation materials must be kept dry until protective coating or jacket-
ing is installed.
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the amount of mechanical bonding between the steel and a coating. In addi-
tion, the oxide at the surface provides a different chemistry than a carbon
steel for chemical bonding with the coating.
In 1981, we began a research program to evaluate the performance of coat-
ings on austenitic stainless steels. It was hoped that the results of this research
would allow us to improve our recommended practices for insulating stainless
steel equipment.
A review of the literature indicated that silicones and epoxies are being
used to coat stainless steel [1-5]. Based on this information and on manufac-
turer's recommendations, seven coatings were selected for the initial test pro-
gram, including five silicones, an epoxy, and a vinyl. Coatings tested in the
second phase were selected primarily on the basis of the previous results, with
the addition of one new coating. Tables 2 and 3 give additional information
on all the coatings that have been tested.
Test Program
The tested coatings (described in Tables 4 and 5) were applied to 7.6 by
22.9-cm (3 by 9-in.) panels of Type 304 stainless steel for all tests except the
outdoor exposure. In the first phase, our in-house personnel applied the coat-
ings over solvent cleaned panels. For the second phase, the manufacturers
supplied us with coatings over solvent cleaned (only) and sandblasted (ap-
proximately l/2-mil surface profile) surface preparation.
The test program was designed to evaluate
(1) adhesion to stainless steel,
(2) flexibility, and
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Coating Manufacturer's
Identification Color Used Recommended Maximum
Number Coating Type in Tests Service Temperature, ~
NOTE: Coating 8233 and 8324 are the same. Coating 8234 and 8318 are the same. Coating
8235 and 8321 are the same. Coating 8236 and 8323 are the same. Coating 8237 and 8325 are the
Coating Type of Number Thickness,
# Coating of Coats mil dry Comments
NOTES: Material was applied over the following type surfaces: (1) carbon steel (CS)--sand-
blasted to white metal (SSPC-SP5 or NACE #1) and (2) stainless steel (SS)--solvent wiped
(SSPC-SPI). Conventional pressure pot spray equipment was used. 1 mil = 10 • 10 - s m.
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NOTE: All coating systems in Phase 2 were applied by the manufacturer. 1 mil = 10 •
10 - s m.
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by 9-in.) panels of carbon steel and 304 stainless steel, which were placed on
outdoor racks at Harmarville, PA and Port Arthur, TX. The panels are evalu-
ated annually.
Coated stainless steel panels are placed in a standard salt fog (ASTM Salt
Spray [Fog] Testing [B 117]) cabinet at 35~ (95~ and 100% relative hu-
midity. The panels are evaluated after four months and after one year.
Coated stainless steel panels are placed in an environmental cabinet con-
taining a gaseous mixture of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen diox-
ide (0.67 volume % each), and air, saturated with water at 33~ (91~ The
panels are evaluated after 24 and 48 h.
Coated stainless steel panels are placed in a Xenon-Weatherometer (ASTM
Recommended Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-
Arc Type) With and Without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials
[G 26]) at 63~ (145~ where they are exposed to Xenon-arc light and cyclic
water spray (18 min water spray, and 102 min no water spray). Panels are
evaluated after 250 and 500 h.
To test for high-temperature stability, coated panels are placed in furnaces
at 260 and 400~ (SO0 and 7S0~ and evaluated after 24 h and 4 months.
Coatings that remain intact after the four-month exposure are retested for
adhesion with the Elcometer Adhesion Tester.
To test for ability to withstand thermal shock, coated panels are placed in a
furnace at 400~ (750~ for a minimum of 3 h and then immersed in room
temperature water. This cycle is repeated eight times. The panels are evalu-
ated after each cycle.
Results of the adhesion, flexibility, outdoor exposure, salt fog cabinet, en-
vironmental cabinet, and Weatherometer tests are summarized in Tables 6
and 7. Tables 8 and 9 summarize the results of the elevated temperature and
thermal shock tests.
Good adhesion of a coating to stainless steel has generally been considered
a difficult goal to achieve because of the smooth oxide layer at the surface of
the metal. Our results would tend to confirm this, with most coatings having
only fair adhesion to stainless steeL. The exceptions were the epoxy polyamide
(#8322) and vinyl copolymer (#8235 and #8321), which both demonstrated
good adhesion. Adhesion of the coatings was essentially the same for solvent
cleaned (only) and sandblasted panels, indicating that the additional effort of
sandblasting is unjustified. Flexibility, which is less dependent on the sub-
strate, was good for a number of the coatings tested.
Despite only fair adhesion, most coatings performed adequately in the out-
door exposure, salt fog cabinet, environmental cabinet, and Weatherometer
tests. The copolymerized silicone (#8232 and #832S), tended to blister in tests
that constantly wetted the panel surface. The silicone alkyd, #8239, had little
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TABLE 6 - - R e s u l t s o/" tests at a m b i e n t a n d near a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s (Phase 1).
Coating Coating Scratch Adhesion, Outdoor" Salt Fog h Environmental Z
Number Type Adhesion MPa (psi) Flexibility Exposure Cabinet Cabinet Wealtherometer
8233 silicone fair 1.25 (180) good fair (carbon poor (rust good good
steel was at edges)
rusted) -1-
8234 silicone fair 0.95 (135) good good fair good (slight color change) good
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Feb 8 07:23:51 EST 2019
8235 vinyl good 4.60 (665) good good good good (slight color change) fair (slight color change) O
8236 modified fair 2.25 (325) good good good good (slight color change) fair (color change)
silicone c)
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TABLE 7 - - R e s u l t s o f tests at a m b i e n t a n d near a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s (Phase 2).
Elcometer 3o
Coating Coating Scratch Adhesion, Outdoor" Salt Fog h Environmental O
Number Type Adhesion MPa (psi) Flexibility Exposure Cabinet Cabinet Weatherometer Go
8318 silicone good 1.40 (200) fair-good N/A excellent excellent excellent
8318A silicone good 1.25 (183) fair-good N/A excellent excellent excellent -13
8321 vinyl excellent 2.80 (400) excellent N/A excellent fair-good good
copolymer I"11
8321A vinyl excellent 2.60 (375) excellent N/A fair fair-good good
copolymcr t"
8322 epoxy good 5.45 (783) excellent N/A excellent excellent excellent
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Feb 8 07:23:51 EST 2019
8322A epoxy good 4.75 (638) excellent N/A excellent excellent excellent
8323 modified good 1.45 (208) excellent N/A fair fair poor
Elcometer >
Elcometer Z
Coating Coating Adhesion," Adhesion, b Thermal
Number Type 24 h 4 Months MPa (psi) 24 h 4 Months MPa (psi) Shock <
8233 silicone good good 1.40 (200) good good 2.30 (330) good
8234 silicone good good 1.60 (230) good good (coating 1.65 (240) good "1"
lost its gloss) I'-
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8235 vinyl fair poor poor (gone) poor O
copolymer (color change) (rubs off) z
8236 modified good poor poor poor C~
silicone (peeled off) (peeled off) I'-
[1] Dillon, C. P. and Associates, Stress Corrosion Crackhlg o/"Stainless Steels and Nickel-Base
Alloys, Materials Technology Institute of the Chemical Process Industries, Inc., 1979, pp.
57-62, 104, 143-144.
[2] Mersberg, A. R. and Wee, F. W., Materials Performance, Vol. 19, No. 12, Columbus, OH,
Dec. 1980, p. 13.
[3] Willhelm, A. C., "Protective Coatings to Resist Salt Corrosion and Heating to 650~ '' Pro-
ceedings of the Air Force Materials Lab 50th Anniversary Technical Conference on Corro-
sion of Military and Aerospace Equipment, Denver, CO, 1967, p. 1581.
[4] Pilla, G. J. and DeLuccia, J. J., Metals Progress, Vol. 117, No. 6, June 1980, p. 57.
[5] Vegdahl, E. J., Damin, D. G., and Sumbry, L. C., "Eclectic Material Problems in the Petro-
chemical Industry," Preprint No. 17, Meeting of the National Association of Corrosion Engi-
neers, Anaheim, CA, 18-22 April 1983.
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Charles T. M e t t a m 1
ABSTRACT: The paper concentrates on the corrosion of carbon steel under insulation.
Austenitic steel corrosion is also mentioned. Hot and cold insulation materials are dis-
cussed with the main consideration place on "cold" problems. The current solution of the
problem is to paint all carbon steel that is to be insulated and operating between -- 1 and
121~ Insulation material and thickness is then selected. A moisture barrier or a vapor
barrier is added to protect the insulation. Additional deterents added are vapor stops and
contraction/expansion joints. A European versus an American design is examined as a
conclusion. An Appendix, including protective coatings used, and drawings for addi-
tional clarification are included.
1Senior piping engineer, Lummus Crest Inc., 1515 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ 07090.
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problem. Many companies were unaware of their insulated carbon steel cor-
rosion problems. Included in our investigation was an ethylene plant con-
structed about 5 to 10 years ago. A "cold" piping system was examined. The
insulation used was urethane with an inadequate vapor barrier. The moisture
condition caused by "ice melt" was so bad that it was difficult to continue our
task and stay dry. The observed failure of the insulation system resulted in
large-scale corrosion of the structural steel supporting the vessels and pipe.
Replacement of the steel at great expense and downtime to the owner was the
inevitable outcome. Another large company recently interviewed revised their
specifications and now requires two coats of coal tar epoxy at 200/~m/eoat
under insulation. The change is indicative of a solution to a definite corrosion
problem. Corrosion under insulation is indeed a very serious condition as is
evidenced by the number of people attending this meeting. Extensive repair
must be made to rectify the problem, especially in cold service. The repairs
are very costly. They are difficult to make while systems are on stream, and in
some cases unit shutdowns are necessary before repairs can be made.
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hours. Compliance with this is very hard to obtain and the activity should be
monitored. On a job a few years ago, the heating up of an insulated line was
witnessed. Water poured from the jacketing to such an extent that it ap-
peared that a weld had failed. It turned out that the insulation was soaked
during recent rainstorms, and the water was being expelled in the warming
We impose special requirements on cold insulation handling. Every effort
is made to ensure that the vapor barrier is not mechanically damaged during
installation. Injury to the barrier permits warm circulating air and subse-
quent moisture to reach the steel.
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ik':: I
-o -
-----L L--
---P F--
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F " Z E P P E L I N ~ TYPE
insulation project. The specifications were more than adequate. The main
design ingredients the European contractor used for prevention of corrosion
are metal jacketing, sealing tape, plastic grommets, sealer, and a government
regulation, "Insulation Works--Protection Against Corrosion for Cold and
Hot Insulation at Industrial Plants." Their methods are summarized as fol-
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3. Foam is then pumped in through openings drilled into the metal jacket-
ing. The openings are fitted with grommets after pumping.
4. If parts of the equipment, such as manholes or nozzles, cannot be insu-
lated at the same time as the equipment, jacketing must be installed very
close to these parts and banded tight. The jacketing is cut back when the
parts are insulated. This is necessary to make a good foam connection and to
avoid thermal leaks.
5. Finally all joints, laps, and crimps of the metal jacket are covered with
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NONIN~:. * - -
'~~ I.t?
So 1.4
V I .$S
t0" t .e
12" 2.0~
t4" 2.21
re" 2.3r
tr 2.S4
2O" 2.79
24" 3.17
]r 3.r
M" 4.11
sealing tapes. The tape must be permanently elastic and weather resistant. As
stated previously, our practice is to specify cellular glass or urethane for cold
insulation. In our design one of the most important items other than insula-
tion thickness is the vapor barrier used. Normally used is a product with a low
water vapor permeability. Most material can be sprayed or trowelled on.
With either of these methods the thickness of the material can vary considera-
bly, unless it is closely monitored. To avoid thickness inconsistency, we spec-
ify the product to be supplied in sheets of standard thickness. Also specified is
the adhesive to be used for bonding the sheets together. Pipe fittings have not
yet been developed for sheets so a sprayed or trowelled on vapor barrier is
specified. Valves are handled slightly different (Fig. 4). The use of prefabri-
cated expansion/contraction joint seals [2] is a necessity in designing against
failures leading to corrosion (Fig. 5). Since our best design does not prevent
human error or acts of God, termination seals [3] are used (Fig. 6) to prevent
a failure from propagating into the system. Our design is monitored periodi-
cally by our engineering staff with visits to projects after they have been in
operation a while.
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NORMAL D § 0 +
PIPE 1 2
10" .43 .$3
12" .51 .61
14" .SG .~
16" ,61 ,71
lr ,s .TG
20" .74 .84
24" .Im .97
1.01 1.12
" I.l? 1.27
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Surface Preparation and Coating System for Insulated and Fireproofed Carbon and
Low Alloy Steel
1. Where metal surface temperature is between --1 ~ and 121 ~
2. Vessels-tanks, towers, drums, fireproofed skirts, fireproofed heads, fireproofed
structural steel, fired heaters, exchangers and similar equipment, pipe hangers, and
3. Priming is to be done in the shop unless otherwise specified.
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Surface Preparation
1. Before blasting, grind smooth-sharp edges, rough welds, steel silvers, and so
forth, remove all oil, and weld spatter and flux.
2. Blasting media shall be a 16 to 40 mesh nonmetallic abrasive, a Society of Auto-
motive Engineers (SAE) GL-40 steel grit, a S-230 steel shot or equivalent abrasive that
will give a m i n i m u m surface profile of 25/~m deep and maximum of 65 #m with rogue
peaks not exceeding 75/~m. Blasting media shall be free of all oil and moisture.
3. Blast clean all steel surfaces and welds to be coated to SSPC-SP6.
4. No blasted surfaces shall be allowed to remain uncoated overnight in humid
areas. All paints shall be applied to a surface free from moisture, oil, dust, grit, or any
other contaminants and discoloration. The initial blast quality shall be maintained
immediately before painting.
[t] Rheinhold and Mahla, "Cold Insulation for Equipment and Piping with Polyurethane
(PUR) Foamed in Situ," Project Engineering Specification, Mannheim, West Germany,
Aug. 1977.
[2] Sheldahl, "Flexible Vapor Barrier Seal for Insulated Terminations," Northfield, MN,
[3] Sheldahl, "Flexible Vapor Barrier Seal for Insulation Expansion/Contraction Joints,"
Northfield, MN, 1982.
[4] Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., "Specification for Multi-Layer Polyurethane Pipe Insula-
tion," Oak Park, IL, June 1976.
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James A. Richardson 1 and Trevor Fitzsimmons 1
REFERENCE: Richardson, J. A. and Fitzsimmons, T., "Use of Aluminum Foil for Pre-
vention of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenltie Stainless Steel Under Thermal Insula-
tion," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation. A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pollock
and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
1985, pp. 188-198.
ABSTRACT: For many years, it has been preferred practice within Imperial Chemical
Industries (ICI) to use aluminum foil on austenitic stainless steel surfaces operating at
temperatures within the range 60 to S00~ The foil protects in two ways. It presents a
physical barrier to chloride-containing fluids migrating through lagging materials to-
wards hot stainless steel surfaces. It also cathodically protects stainless steel in the event of
flooding of the lagging system, thereby preventing initiation of pitting and stress corrosion
cracking. ICI's experience with aluminum foil is summarized. Laboratory data are pre-
sented that confirm the galvanic protection afforded by the foil, and the efficiency of the
foil in preventing chloride stress corrosion cracking relative to a number of coating sys-
tems specified for the same purpose.
KEY WORDS: aluminum foil, stress corrosion, austenitic stainless steel, thermal insula-
tion, cathodic protection, silicone-alkyd coatings, aluminum-rich silicone coatings, zinc-
rich coatings
1Senior corrosion engineer and materials engineer, respectively, Imperial Chemical Industries
PLC, Engineering Department--North East Group, P.O. Box 6, Billingham, Cleveland TS23
1LD, United Kingdom.
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Use of Coatings
This approach essentially involved the provision of a physical barrier be-
tween the stainless steel surface and any corrodent accumulating thereon. It
was concluded that this too was insufficient to meet the policy objective. Al-
though paints capable of operating at relatively high temperatures, for exam-
ple, silicone-based formulations were available, they could only be as efficient
in preventing cracking as they were free of holes and imperviousness. It would
be virtually impossible to achieve a defect-free paint system under a lagging
system, bearing in mind the likely damage caused during lagging application.
It would be costly to achieve a near defect-free system involving multi-coats,
spark, or sponge testing, and so forth. A relatively cheap, single-coat system
would inevitably leave a significant risk of crack initiation at defects.
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TABLE 1--1ncidence of stress corrosion cracking on coiled 304 spring specimens in boiling
saturated sodium chloride solution at 108~
Total Number
Corrosion Potential, of Cracks, Protection Efficiency,
Protection System mV/SCE" 4 Specimens %
"Potentials recorded at the test temperature of 108~ SCE is saturated calomel electrode.
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Total Number
of Cracks, Protection Efficiency,
Protection System 4 Specimens %
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The above comments are not to be taken as a justification for the extensive
use of aluminum alloys in high fire risk areas. ICI shares the concerns of other
major operators on the latter topic, and the comments above relate strictly to
the context of the paper.
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tion system failed to meet specification for one or more of the following rea-
1. A single wrap of excessively thick, rigid material (thin sheet) had been
used, instead of a double wrap of foil. Rigid material tends to stand away
from pipe surface, denying intimate contact between the aluminum and the
pipe surface, and making overlaps difficult.
2. Flanged joints in the steam tracing had been located so as to make
weatherproofing of the adjacent lagging system virtually impossible, and so as
to leak into the lagging system.
3. Steam lances had clearly been pushed into the lagging to assist in clear-
ing blocked lines, with consequent excessive damage to the lagging system.
In all cases, there was clear evidence that significant quantities of conden-
sate had evaporated to dryness on pipe surfaces isolated from contact with
aluminum in the "cavities" between the excessively rigid sheet and the pipe
surfaces. Under these circumstances, galvanic protection cannot operate.
In the latter context it is appropriate to comment on corrosion of the alumi-
num foil, which is < 5-mil thick. Obviously, if such thin foil is exposed to
flooded lagging for prolonged periods then significant corrosion is bound to
occur. Experimental work reported here and elsewhere [5] indicates that gal-
vanic protection is achieved even with a significant degree of perforation of
the foil. For example, at the conclusion of the tests in saturated calcium chlo-
ride solution reported in Table 2, the foil was extensively perforated as a
result of pitting corrosion. However if the gaps in the foil achieve dimensions
such that aqueous extracts can concentrate on austenitic stainless steel sur-
faces in isolation from the foil, then galvanic protection cannot operate. Cor-
rosion of this severity had occurred in some of the steam tracing failures cited
In this context it is important to recall the initial primary objective in devel-
oping the aluminum foil system, that is, that it should prevent stress corrosion
cracking arising from "migration" of water and occasional transient flooding
of the lagging system. None of the available stress corrosion cracking preven-
tion systems, aluminum foil, coatings, inhibited laggings, for example, can
provide unlimited protection during prolonged exposure to flooded insulation
systems. This automatically imposes a primary requirement for prevention
that adequate levels of weatherproofing and vapor sealing be maintained
throughout a plant's life.
Finally, the few significant failures caused by external stress corrosion
cracking we have experienced in ICI over the past 10 to 15 years have been on
surfaces either without any protection at all or protected by coatings. In the
latter category, the most significant failure involved a number of columns op-
erating in the temperature range of 110 to 180~ which had been coated with
a zinc oxide filled silicone-alkyd paint before lagging. After approximately 10
years service at a coastal site, the Type 304 columns were found to have suf-
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1. Thin, 46-SWG aluminum foil can be applied to austenitic stainless steel
surfaces beneath lagging systems to prevent chloride-induced stress corrosion
2. The foil acts as a physical barrier to the "migration" of small quantities
of aggressive fluid towards stainless steel surfaces, and provides galvanic pro-
tection in "flooded" lagging systems, preventing initiation of and pitting and
stress corrosion cracking.
3. Laboratory tests confirm that aluminum foil is more efficient than sin-
gle-coat paint systems in reducing the risk of stress corrosion crack initiation.
4. Zinc-rich paints are also highly efficient at preventing stress corrosion
crack initiation, but there are more significant attendant concerns about
liquid metal embrittlement than in the case of aluminum foil.
A number of members of ICI's Materials Group have contributed to the
development of an aluminum foil policy over the past 10 to 15 years. In partic-
ular the authors would like to acknowledge J. G. Hines and M. E. D. Turner,
much of whose distilled wisdom is presented in this paper.
[1] U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Regulatory Guide 1.36, "Non-metallic Thermal Insulation
for Austenitic Stainless Steel."
[2] Nicholson, J. D., Bulletin of the Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology, Vol. 19,
No. 5, Oct. 1981, pp. 2-5.
13] Wranglen, G., An Introduction to Corrosion and Protection of Metals, Institute for Me-
tallskydd, Stockholm, Sweden, 1972, pp. 117-118.
[4] Andresen, P. A. and Duquette, D. J., Corrosion, Vol. 36, No. 8, Aug. 1980, pp. 40%415.
[5] Gillett, J. and Johnson, K. A., presented at Conference on Corrosion Under Lagging, Insti-
tution of Corrosion Science and Technology, Nov. 1980, published by Fibreglass Ltd.
[6] West, E. G., The Metallurgist and Materials Technologist, Vol. 14, No. 9, Sept. 1982,
pp. 395-398.
[7] Ruskin, A. M., The Metallurgist and Materials Technologist, Vol. 15, No. 7, July 1983,
p. 358.
[8] Cantwell, J. E. and Bryant, R. E., Hydrocarbon Processing, May 1973, pp. 114-116.
[9] Eisner, H. S., The Engineer, 17 Feb. 1967, pp. 259-260.
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John W. Kalis, Jr. 1
REFERENCE: Kalis, J. W., Jr., "Using Specifications to Avoid Chloride Stress Corro-
sion Cracking," Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation, A S T M STP 880, W. 1.
Pollock and J. M. Barnhart, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadel-
phia, 1985, pp. 199-203.
ABSTRACT: Insulated austenitic stainless steel above the critical temperature must be
clearly identified to receive specific protection. Specify appropriate insulation and
weather barrier material to prevent moisture entry. Proper application of insulation mate-
rials is an important part of the specification. Considerations for applying additional pro-
tection to austenitic stainless steel are dependent on the operating temperature and criti-
cal service of the insulated facility.
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get wet are defined as outdoors, open structures, or washdown areas or are
the presence of fire sprinklers and deluge systems that are periodically tested.
For moderately hot operating temperatures, a two-coat polyamide epoxy
system is used. For higher temperatures, a two-coat heat resistant silicone
system is specified. The equipment and piping to be painted are identified in
the insulation specification. Providing this information will alert the insula-
tion supervisor that the surface must be painted before applying the insula-
tion. Since he is usually not responsible for painting, specific information on
surface preparation and painting is normally indicated in the painting specifi-
cation. Paint provides additional protection to the austenitie stainless steel
should moisture-containing chlorides enter the insulation system.
The use of insulation systems for personnel protection on hot pipe and
equipment is discouraged. Shielding the hot surfaces with expanded metal
will eliminate potential areas for ESCC.
The insulation specification must identify all insulated austenitic stainless
steel pipe and equipment and provide precise requirements for protection. It
should specify low wicking insulation materials, rigid aluminum jacket
weather barrier, aluminum flashing with detailed sketches, and silicone
caulking compound. For irregular shapes, such as equipment heads, use a
reinforced polyester or epoxy finish. The specification must instruct the insu-
lator to the proper application of the materials. Complying with the above
specification should reduce the possibility of ESCC of austenitic stainless steel
under insulation.
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H e r b e r t A. M o a k i
ABSTRACT:This paper is an overviewof what to look for in inspectionto prevent the prob-
lem of corrosion under wet insulation. To assure quality, do not limit inspectionof thermal
insulation systems to just the installation. Reviewthe work of the designer as criticallyas
you do that of the installer. An excellentphysical installationcannot alwayscure a poor de-
sign. Inspect on a routine basis to look for "tell-tale" signs of pending failures and follow
up with prompt repair.
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nance, and so forth) exactly how the work is to be done and the minimum qual-
ity level that will be accepted. Do not assume anything. An open discussion can
help to avoid later misunderstandings and possible rework.
During installation,
9 Make sure installation is dry.
9 If insulation is temporarily covered with plastic, be sure it is vented to pre-
vent condensation.
9 Use close fitting (6-mm [1/8 in.] maximum opening) metal flashing at all
9 Apply silicone caulking at all points of possible moisture entry. Apply a
minimum bead of 6-mm (n/4 in.) and do not "feather" edges. "Feathered"
edges curl and pull away from the metal.
9 Apply all jacketing so that all overlaps shed water.
Inspections following installation must be made frequently on a routine
basis by a qualified person. Damage that may seem insignificant to the un-
trained eye can have serious potential. As an example, a superficial look at
caulking or mastic may show that it is in place, however, a closer examination
will reveal cracked mastic, exposed reinforcing, and caulking that has pulled
away from metal surfaces.
Any gouge or puncture of the finish system can permit water entry. Openings
where insulation has been removed for maintenance or modification or both
presents the same problem.
Other inspection techniques, such as infrared or ultrasound, can detect "hot
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spots" or a change in metal thickness, but they do not detect points of water en-
try and are not a substitute for visual inspection.
Inspection without proper and prompt correction is wasted effort because
just knowing there is a problem is not enough.
In summary, inspection is an excellent tool but only when used properly.
This means having a qualified owner's representative to
9 Review design.
9 Inspect daily during construction (installation).
9 Periodically and routinely inspect for damage after installation.
9 Assure that necessary repairs are made promptly and properly.
This effort is the best insurance against metal corrosion and is the most cost
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Test Methods
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Francis B. Hutto, Jr., 1 Ralph G. Tissot, Jr., 1
Thomas E. Whitaker 1
REFERENCE: Hutto, F. B., Jr., Tissot, R. G., Jr., and Whitaker, T. E., "A New Appa-
ratus and Test Procedure for Running ASTM C 692 Stress Corrosion Cracking Tests,"
Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation, A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pollock and J. M.
Barnhart, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp.
ABSTRACT: A new experimental technique has been developed for running stress corro-
sion cracking tests on insulating materials. The new technique uses a steam heated pipe
for heating the coupons and uses an "upside down" dripping action rather than a "wick-
ing" action, as in ASTM Evaluating the Influence of Wicking-Type Thermal Insulations
on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Tendency of Austenitic Stainless Steel (C 692). In addi-
tion to providing a more realistic approach, the new procedure correlates well with the
old, simplifies sample coupon preparation and gives added reliability to the test results.
KEY WORDS: stress corrosion, insulation, test apparatus, external stress corrosion
IDirector of research and development, senior research technician, and senior research engi-
neer, respectively, Pabco Insulation Division, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, Fruita, CO 81521.
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immersed in a dish of distilled water. During the course of the test, the U-
bend is heated to near the boiling point, such that water is wicked through the
insulation to the U-bend surface where it evaporates. If chlorides are present
in the insulation material, they tend to concentrate on the metal surface
where external stress corrosion cracking (ESCC) can occur. Based on a large
body of data developed by some investigators, it was determined that if ESCC
did not take place in 28 days, the material under testing could be considered
to be benign insofar as ESCC was concerned in the field.
It was recognized early that even though chlorides contained in insulation
materials could contribute to ESCC, chlorides introduced from outside
sources were an even more important factor to consider. Ashbaugh reported
in 1965 [2] that the "frequency of ESCC, as reported, appears to be higher in
coastal locations."
A companion test, generally referred to as the "accelerated Dana test,"
calls for the use of 1500-mg/L chloride solution in place of the distilled water
and running the test only 6 days rather than 28 days. This accelerated test was
allowed as an alternate pre-production test in Research, Development, Test,
and Evaluation (Navy) (RDT) Test Requirements for Thermal Insulating for
Use on Austenitic Stainless Steel (M12-1T), which has been abandoned in
favor of ASTM C 692.
The accelerated Dana test was testing more than the regular 28-day test. By
introducing additional chloride into the system, this test was evaluating the
ability of the insulation to inhibit the action of chlorides introduced from out-
side sources. Several organizations, including du Pont, Hercules, and On-
tario Hydro, have recognized this by requiring that an insulating material be
capable of passing the accelerated Dana test to qualify for use over austenitic
stainless steel. The addition of the accelerated Dana test as an alternate test
procedure is currently under ballot in ASTM Committee C 16 on Thermal
The objective of this project was to develop an improved test procedure that
reduces or eliminates uncontrollable variables in the existing ASTM C 692
test method.
lower temperatures than the dummy, which is in air and has no liquid to wick
up), the temperature is controlled by controlling the established offset of the
dummy coupon. When each test coupon is instrumented with an attached
thermocouple, it becomes clear that the temperature uniformity require-
ments of ASTM C 692-77 are very difficult to meet (Table 1).
Problems with Evaporation R a t e - - W a t e r evaporation is impacted by many
factors including coupon temperatures, coupon fit to insulation block, tight-
ness of enclosure around test coupon, temperature of test environment, rela-
tive humidity of test environment, liquid level in test system, and local boiling
point for water. ASTM C 692-77 is in conflict with Military Specification In-
sulation Material with Special Corrosion, Chloride, and Fluoride Require-
ments (MIL-I-24244B), which allows the use of C 692-77 test procedures
"with certain restrictions." The evaporation rate specified in the MIL-I is not
allowed in ASTM C 692-77! With the accelerated Dana test, using 1S00-mg/
L chloride solution, one might expose different coupons to different amounts
of chloride, depending on the evaporation rate and whether makeup is with
chloride solution or distilled water.
Electrical Effects--There has been some conjecture about the possible ef-
fects of utilizing an electric current for resistance-heating of the coupons.
Testing Difficulty with Certain M a t e r i a l s - - A s presently constituted,
ASTM C 692-77 addresses itself only to wicking-type insulations. If the insu-
lation will not wick, it cannot be tested. There is also some question as to
whether or not wicking is a reasonable test mode, since there would be rela-
tively few "real life" situations where the insulation would be partially im-
mersed in a "wicking" mode. Insulations with a water-repellent treatment
cannot be tested "as received" but might well wick after exposure to service
temperatures. ASTM C 692-77 makes no provision for broadening the appli-
cability of the test by such means.
t Insulationtest
I ~
lest couporl
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FIll valve L
~-Rellef valve F
1.5" IPSpipe
.i 5 liter bl)ller
] l ] h ~ gldhS
It was also judged that a more uniform start would be given the various
samples if all were presoaked for 1 h in 1500-mg/L chloride solution by par-
tial immersion m an evaporating dish as shown in Fig. 3.
The following test procedure was established:
1. Prepare test coupons and insulation samples as prescribed in C 692-77.
Reserve positions 1 and 20 for "blanks" where the corroding liquid is allowed
to drip directly on the coupons. If distilled water is being used, the blank
coupons must not crack in order to validate the test. If 1500-mg/L chloride is
being used, the blank coupons must crack in order to validate the test.
2. Place coupons side by side on the heating pipe with a dab of heat trans-
fer grease under each. The second and nineteenth coupons must be instru-
mented by placing a 28 American Wire Gage (AWG) (or finer) thermocouple
under the coupon in the heat transfer grease. The test temperature shall be
the average of the two thermocouples.
3. Stress coupons in accordance with ASTM C 692-77. Rather than drill
holes and stress with through-bolts, it was found that ordinary C-clamps
could do an equivalent job with much less effort and extraneous damage to
the coupon.
~ Insulation
test block
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4. Carefully fit each insulation sample to its coupon by sanding the insula-
tion where necessary. Mark both coupons and samples to match, using a per-
manent coupon marking system for future reference.
5. Presoak each insulation sample in the test liquid by partial immersion
for 1 h as shown in Fig. 3.
6. Turn on pipe heater and bring to temperature (boiling point + 6 -- 3~
[ + 10 - - 5~ while the insulation samples are soaking.
7. Place the soaked insulation samples on their respective coupons and
start peristaltic pump.
8. Note starting time (start of pump).
9. With the peristaltic pump, set to deliver 250 mL/day, monitor closely to
be sure that all deliveries are within ___10% of this prescribed amount. Posi-
tive data points (cracking occurred) where the fluid delivery rate was more
than 10% high must be discarded. Negative data points where the fluid deliv-
ery rate was more than 10% low must also be discarded. Generally lower rates
of flow or no flow may be attributed to crimps or bends of the delivery tubes
within the peristaltic cassettes.
10. Monitor temperature as measured by thermocouples on Coupons
2 and 19 and keep the average of the two thermocouples within + 6 -- 3~
( + 10 --5~ of the boiling point.
11. At the completion of the test period, remove and clean all coupons in
accordance with ASTM C 692-77.
12. Examine at X30 for stress corrosion cracks in accordance with ASTM
C 692-77. If in doubt, bend the coupons on a smaller radius over the suspect
area. Real cracks will open up.
V a l i d a t i o n of T e s t P r o c e d u r e
Extensive testing was carried out with two calcium silicate materials, one
(Calsil A) which routinely passes the accelerated Dana test, and one (Calsil B)
which routinely fails the accelerated Dana test. Both materials routinely pass
the regular Dana test, as do most other insulation materials.
When 10 samples of Calsil A and 10 samples of Calsil B were tested simul-
taneously for six days using 1500-mg/L chloride solution, 10 samples of Calsil
A passed (did not crack) while 10 samples of Calsil B failed (cracked). When
Calsil A and Calsil B were tested for 28 days with distilled water, both passed.
Test Data
Several materials were tested on both the 28-day and the 6-day tests, and all
results were basically in agreement with ASTM C 692-77 (Tables 2 and 3).
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TABLE 2-- Test data on various materials run six days at 250 mL/day of
1500-mg/L chloride solution.
Test Material ~ (~ Result
A r g o n Sensitization
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Sample Results
Catsil A no cracks (5 of 5)
Calsil B all cracked (5 of 5)
Calsil D all cracked (5 of 5)
Blank all cracked (2 of 2)
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As compared with ASTM C 692-77, the proposed test method:
(1) has better temperature control,
(2) requires less operator attention,
(3) requires less critical sample preparation,
(4) is a more realistic approach to the mode of contamination, and
(5) is more broadly applicable to different types of insulating materials.
[1] Dana, A. W., Delong, W. B., Corrosion, Vol. 12, No. 7, July 1956, pp. 19-20.
[2] Ashbaugh, W. G., "ESCC of Stainless Steel Under Thermal Insulation," Materials Protec-
tion, May 1965, pp. 18-23.
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Keith G. Sheppard, 1 S u n i l Patel, 1M u k e s h Taneja, 1 a n d
R o l f Weil 1
REFERENCE: Sheppard, K. G., Patel, S., Taneja, M., and Weil, R., "Comparisons of
Several Aeeelerated Corrosiveness Test Methods for Thermal Insulating Materials," Corro-
sion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation. A S T M STP 880, W. I. Pollock and J. M. Barn-
hart, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985, pp. 220-230.
ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to provide data on which to base a corrosiveness test
for the thermal insulating materials used in residential structures. Several possible test
methods were compared. The materials tested included celluloses containing several dif-
ferent fire-retardant additives, glass fiber, rock wool, and a urea formaldehyde foam. Be-
cause of their widely differing physical properties, testing was conducted in water leachants
made from the insulations. In addition, a test was performed that simulated the condensa-
tion conditions that might occur in a residence. It was found that two leachant-based meth-
ods could be suitable for accelerated corrosiveness testing of thermal insulation. One
method involved determining the corrosion rate of metal coupons immersed in leachant for
14 days at 45~ The other test was cyclic potentiodynamic voltammetry, which can be
completed in only a few hours.
The purpose of this study was to provide data upon which to base an acceler-
ated corrosiveness test applicable to different thermal insulation materials,
particularly those used in residential structures. The Corrosion Task Group of
ASTM Subcommittee C16.31 on Chemical and Physical Properties has been
charged with the development of such a test procedure. At the present time,
ASTM Specification for Cellulosic Fiber (Wood-Base) Loose-Fill Thermal In-
IAssistant professor, graduate assistant, graduate assistant, and professor, respectively, De-
partment of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken,
NJ 07030.
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sulation (C 739) includes a corrosion test. ASTM C 739 is for loose-fill cellulo-
sic insulation, and the corrosion test procedure is not applicable to other types
of insulation. The only other relevant ASTM standard for thermal insulation
that includes corrosion testing is ASTM Evaluating the Influence of Wicking-
Type Thermal Insulations on the Stress Cracking Tendency of Austenitic
Stainless Steel (C 692), but this covers a very specific corrosion condition. The
Corrosion Task Group is impeded in its consideration of a new uniform corro-
siveness test for thermal insulation by the severe lack of published laboratory
and field performance data on the corrosiveness of these materials. The study
reported here attempts to provide some of the data necessary to enable rational
decisions to be made on possible test procedures.
There are several desired characteristics of a new corrosiveness test. It should
be quantitative and be applicable to various insulating materials with their dif-
fering physical and chemical properties. It should provide rapid results, so that
the test can be applied to quality control during manufacture. The test should
be reproducible, and ideally from its results, the behavior of the insulating ma-
terial under typical field conditions as well as under "worse-case" conditions
should be predictable. The ability to predict performance under field conditions
is perhaps the area of most controversy in corrosion test development. It is likely
to be the least attainable of the desired characteristics because of the many fac-
tors other than the inherent corrosiveness of the insulation itself that influence
corrosion in the field.
A prerequisite for corrosion is the presence of moisture. Moisture can be pro-
vided by condensation, leakage, for example, from a faulty roof, or by absorp-
tion caused by hygroscopic components of the insulation material. As an exam-
ple of the latter, Anderson and Wilkes [1] found that in a moisture absorption
test (ASTM C 739), cellulosic insulation containing sulfate fire-retardent addi-
tives showed as much as a 40% weight gain in 24 h when exposed to an atmo-
sphere at 90% relative humidity. Weight gains of up to 76% were recorded with
longer exposures. The presence of any type of insulation may produce conden-
sation conditions in a wall cavity [2], particularly in the absence of an effective
vapor barrier. Thus, the potential for corrosion of metal components may be
created solely by the physical presence of insulation and its influence on thermal
gradients. Some characteristics of the insulation that may also influence corro-
sion are the already mentioned moisture content, the permeability of the insula-
tion to moisture, and the nature of the physical contact between insulation and
any metal components, particularly the presence of occluded areas that have be-
come anodic because of oxygen deprivation.
Another major factor that can influence corrosion is the presence in an insu-
lation material of chemicals such as fire-retardant additives, binders, and so
forth. These ingredients can affect the corrosion rate when conditions exist that
allow corrosion to occur. The physical distribution of chemicals within the in-
sulation and the stability of those chemicals over long time periods are also im-
portant considerations. In addition to the characteristics of the insulation ma-
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1. Visual observation
1.1 pitting (pass-fail criterion)
1.2 general corrosion (rating)
Advantages: no sophisticated equipment needed--easily performed
Disadvantages: slow, often poorly reproducible, subject to judgement
2. Coupon weight loss
Advantages: same as 1
Disadvantages: poor indication of pitting, slow
3. Electrical resistance probes
(measures resistance change caused by cross-sectional area reduction)
Advantages: can be used with "dry" insulation
Disadvantages: poor indication of pitting
4. Linear polarization
(determines corrosion current (rate) by application of small potential change and extrapolation
of assumed linear potential-log current relationship)
Advantages: rapid quantitative measurement of general corrosion rate as function of exposure
time; fairly simple equipment requirements
Disadvantages: requires "wet" insulation or leachants, poor pitting indication
5. Voltammetry
(application of increasing and then decreasing anodic potential while current is monitored)
Advantages: rapid, some pitting indication as well as general corrosion
Disadvantages: requires "wet" insulation or leachants; relatively sophisticated equipment re-
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Experimental Procedure
The t h e r m a l insulation materials studied in this p r o g r a m are listed in Table 2.
The choice of those insulation materials to be tested resulted from an initiative
by the A d Hoc Cellulose I n d u s t r y - G o v e r n m e n t Agencies G r o u p . This group
decided to supply a n u m b e r of cellulosic insulation batches to be used in various
test programs. These b a t c h e s were therefore included in the present study to-
gether with three b a t c h e s of glass-fiber insulation, one of mineral wool, a n d one
of urea f o r m a l d e h y d e (UF) foam. T h e cellulose b a t c h e s chosen by the A d Hoc
G r o u p all contained b o r a x as an additive. As borax is known to be a corrosion
inhibitor, it was d e c i d e d to include an additional cellulose b a t c h (593) contain-
ing no borax a n d known to be relatively corrosive from previous testing [1]. Un-
fortunately, because of the limited quantity of Cellulose 593 available, we were
not able to use this material in all the tests.
The test m e t h o d s (refer to Table 1) c o m p a r e d in this study included weight
loss and a p p e a r a n c e of steel coupons. The corrosion rate of steel coupons was
also d e t e r m i n e d by the polarization-resistance m e t h o d . These tests will be re-
ferred to as the " l e a c h a n t - c o u p o n " tests. In addition, values of the limiting cur-
rent density together with observations of the presence or absence of a positive
hysteresis loop were d e t e r m i n e d by p o t e n t i o d y n a m i c cyclic voltammetry (Fig. 1)
on steel. This testing will be referred to as voitammetry. It should be noted t h a t
limiting current density d e t e r m i n e d by voltammetry (that is, the value at which
the current limits as the anodic potential a p p l i e d to the specimen is increased),
is an arbitrary measure in t h a t its value is subject to mass t r a n s p o r t conditions.
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However, it was felt that the limiting current density provided a means for mak-
ing a relatively simple assessment of corrosiveness under standardized condi-
tions, and it had been found in earlier work [4] to correlate well, at least for cel-
lulosic materials, to the relative corrosiveness determined by embedding metal
coupons in wet insulation. Figure 1 shows examples of typical voltammetry
curves obtained in our earlier work with cellulosic insulation containing differ-
ent fire-retardant additives [4]. The limiting current density is indicated on
Curve a. Curve c shows the positive hysteresis loop on reversing the anodic po-
tential scan that is typically obtained for pitting-type corrosion.
The test methods outlined above were compared using steel specimens im-
mersed in leachants (that is, water extracts of soluble components) made from
the different insulation samples. The reason for using leachants rather than the
insulation materials themselves is that some types of insulation are relatively
hydrophobic, and it is difficult to achieve the conductive path between elec-
trodes necessary for application of the electrochemical testing methods. Pre-
vious tests [4] had shown that leachants from cellulosic insulation produced
values of relative corrosiveness similar to those obtained using the wet insula-
tion materials. It was desirable to use an existing standard leaching method if
possible. Therefore the leaching procedure used in this study was essentially
that specified in ASTM Chemical Analysis of Thermal Insulation Materials for
Leachable, Chloride, Silicate, and Sodium Ions (C 871), however the amount
of each type of insulation leached was based on the ratios of the applied densi-
ties of the materials obtained from manufacturers' data. This approach was
considered more appropriate than using equal weights, because of the widely
differing densities of the materials being compared. The weight of each mate-
(o) -- - - C e l l u l O S e A ( . S u l p h a t e - $(itel
(b) _ _ - C e l l u l o S e Borax/Boric acid - s i e e (
(C) - - Cellulose Borax~Boric acid-copper
/ / L~mlt~ng
/ / Current
Oenslt y
0 / 9
- Corrosion Potenh al
- 1.010 "e I I I I
10 ~ l0 ~ 10' 10'
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rial leached was equivalent to that required to fill the 102 by 102 by 102 mm
(4 by 4 by 4 in.) volume used in the condensation test (to be described later).
For the leachant-coupon tests, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
1010 (Unified Numbering System [UNS] 10100) coupons 51 by 51 by 0.076 mm
(2 by 2 by 0.003 in.) were prepared and cleaned according to the ASTM C 739
procedure. Two coupons were fully immersed in leachant contained in a poly-
propylene dish with a fitted lid. Duplicate dishes were prepared for each insula-
tion batch. Duplicate blanks were prepared using distilled water in place of a
leachant. The leachant level was marked on the outside of each dish, and the
dishes maintained in an environmental chamber at 45~ and 95% relative hu-
midity for 14 days. The dishes were inspected regularly, and distilled water used
where necessary to maintain the liquid level in each dish. At the completion of
the test, the coupons were visually assessed for corrosion and then cleaned ac-
cording to the ASTM Recommended Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and
Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimens (G 1) and their corrosion rates deter-
mined from weight loss measurements. Corrosion rate measurements obtained
by the polarization-resistance method were carried out using a similar exper-
imental arrangement except that three coupons were used in each dish. In-
sulated wires were attached to each coupon, and then the soldered joints were
lacquered. The three coupons became the anode, cathode, and reference elec-
trodes when immersed in leachant and were polarized using a Petrolite M-1010
instrument (Rohrbach Industries). This instrument operates on the polariza-
tion-resistance principle and gives a direct readout of corrosion rate. Corrosion
rate readings were monitored throughout the 14-day test period.
Specimens for voltammetry consisted of SAE 1010 steel mounted in epoxy
resin and abraded to a 600-grit finish. The area of steel exposed was 1 cm 2. Each
specimen was carefully inspected to ensure that no crevice existed between the
steel and its epoxy mount. Cyclic voltammetry curves were obtained using a
Princeton Applied Research Model 175 Programmer controlling a Model 173
Potentiostat such that the specimen potential was scanned anodically at 1 mV/s
in stagnant deaerated leachant. The cell current necessary to maintain the ap-
plied potential was plotted on a logarithmic scale versus the applied potential.
The scan was reversed at 1.0 V versus a saturated calomel reference electrode.
Specimens were allowed to establish a constant corrosion potential in the leach-
ant before commencement of the anodic scan. From the recorded curves,
values of corrosion potential and limiting current density were obtained, and the
presence or absence of a positive hysteresis loop, indicative of pitting, was noted.
A microscopic evaluation of each specimen was made after the test. As with the
leachant-coupon test, distilled water was used to run a blank experiment.
In addition to the leachant-based tests described above, the same batches of
insulation were tested by placing them dry into 102- by 102- by 102-mm (4- by 4-
by 4-in.) compartments within a Plexiglas | box, the bottom of which was a lac-
quered, water-cooled copper plate. This allowed a 10~ temperature gradient
to be established through the insulation specimens when the box was located in
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The test involving steel coupons embedded in initially dry insulation and ex-
posed for 65 days at 45~ and 75% relative humidity without a temperature
gradient through the insulation, resulted in negligible corrosion of the steel. No
corrosion was obtained greater than 0.03 m m per year as determined by coupon
weight loss. This result suggests that in the absence of moisture from conden-
sation or a leak, there is little likelihood of corrosion occurring in the presence
of the batches of insulation tested in the present program. In contrast, the re-
suits obtained when a 10~ temperature gradient was set up through the insu-
lation are recorded in Table 3. Corrosion is measured by coupon weight loss
and by visual assessment. Only data for the bottom coupon in each insulation
specimen are given, that is, the coupon nearest the cooled plate and therefore
within the condensation zone. These bottom coupons experienced significantly
greater corrosion, in specimens where corrosion occurred, than the two other
coupons in each insulation specimen. Corrosion rates for the upper coupons,
that is, located above the condensation zone, were all less than 0.03 m m per
year. Coupons located at the mid-depth of the insulation exhibited corrosion
rates intermediate to those obtained from the upper and lower coupons for all
insulation specimens. The data in Table 3 indicate that the coupons in glass
fiber and rock wool insulation exhibited little corrosion. Of the cellulosic insu-
lations, Celluloses 1 and 2 containing solely boron fire-retardant additives,
produced the least corrosion. Celluloses 4, 6, and 593, containing sulfate fire-
retardants, produced relatively severe corrosion.
Data from the leachant-coupon and voltammetry tests are also given in
Table 3 to allow comparison. Values of leachant pH are recorded. Only the
average corrosion rates for the 14-day test period are given, although corrosion
rates were recorded on a daily basis by the polarization resistance method. The
presence of a positive hysteresis loop in the voltammetry curves is indicated.
The visual appearance ratings of corrosion in each test are tabulated; the rating
scheme is in Footnote b of Table 3.
Table 4 shows the results of the various tests summarized in terms of corro-
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TABLE 3--Corrosiveness test results./br steel.
Corrosion Rates O
Condensation test from 0.08 0.08 0.13 >0.2 0.1 >0.2 0.03 <0.03 <0.03 < 0.03 0.08
weight loss, m m / y O
Leachant coupon tests" m
Polarization resistance, 0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.11 0.06 ... <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.05 0.03 r-
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From weight loss, mm/y 0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.2 0.10 ... <0.03 0.03 <0.03 0.03 0.08 0.03 -=4
Leachant voltammetry m
Limiting current density, 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.1 0.07 80 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.08 0.04
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Type of Insulation m
Cellulose Glass Fiber
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1 2 3 4 6 593 A B C Wool Foam
"A represents a corrosion rate > 0.03 mm/ y and B represents a corrosion rate _< 0.03 mm/y.
hA represents corrosion rates greater than in distilled water and B represents corrosion rates equal to or less than in distilled water.
siveness compared to distilled water. The letter A was assigned where corrosion
was greater than and B when it was equal to or less than that produced by dis-
tilled water. The condensation test results cannot be compared with distilled
water in the same way. However, in order to make a comparison to the leachant
test results, an arbitrary index was assigned to the condensation test results
such that A was given to corrosion rates greater than 0.03 m m per year and B to
corrosion rates equal to or less than 0.03 m m per year.
Reasonable agreement is seen in Table 3 between average corrosion rates ob-
tained from coupon weight loss and by the polarization-resistance method for
steel in leachants of the different insulation materials. Comparing corrosion
rates obtained in the leachant tests with those obtained in the condensation
test, one also finds reasonable agreement. Glass fiber and rock wool specimens
produced very low corrosion rates in both types of tests. Celluloses 4 and 6 con-
taining sulfates were seen to be corrosive in both types of test. Celluloses 1, 2,
and 3 had higher corrosion rates in the condensation test than in the leachant
. The limiting current densities obtained from voltammetry show good corre-
lation with the corrosion rate data of the other tests, particularly the leachant-
based tests. Corrosion potentials measured in the voltammetry, however, do
not show such good correlation. Certainly, Celluloses 4 and 593, the most cor-
rosive in the other tests, had the most active corrosion potentials. Cellulose 2,
Glass Fiber A, and Rock wool had the most noble corrosion potentials and very
low corrosion rates. However, among the other insulation batches, a correla-
tion between corrosion potential and corrosion rate is not apparent. A positive
hysteresis loop was obtained in the voltammetry curves for all specimens except
Celluloses 2, 3, and 593 and the distilled water. Microscopic observations of the
steel specimens after the tests confirmed the presence of pitting corrosion in all
cases where a positive hysteresis loop was obtained.
No direct correlation between leachant pH and corrosion rate was observed.
This is in agreement with our previous findings [4] and that of others [1,5]. The
appearance ratings in Table 3 shows only fair agreement when comparing the
different test methods for a particular insulation. The visual assessment is in-
herently subjective and likely to be unreliable as a standard test. For each
insulation batch, the A and B ratings of Table 4, comparing corrosion rates to
those in distilled water, are found to agree for all the testing methods. Excep-
tions are Celluloses 1, 2, and 3 for which greater corrosion was produced in the
condensation test than in the leachant tests. Such a rating against distilled
water might provide a pass/fail assessment of corrosiveness in any new testing
It appears that a leachant-based test is capable of indicating the relative cor-
rosiveness of different types of thermal insulation. Corrosiveness in this sense is
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Feb 8 07:23:51 EST 2019
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[1] Anderson, R. W. and Wilkes, P., "Survey of Cellulosic Insulation Materials," Technical
Report ERDA 77-23, Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, DC,
[2] "A Field Study of Moisture Damage in Walls Insulated Without a Vapor Barrier," Technical
Report ORNL/Sub 78/977261/1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, May
[3] "Minesota Retrofit Insulation In-Situ Program," Technical Report HCP/W 2843-91, U.S.
Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1978.
[4] Sheppard, K. G. and Well, R., Thermal htsulation. Materials and Systems jbr Energy Con-
servation in the '80s. STP 789, F. A. Govan. D. M. Greason, and J. D. McAIlister, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1982, pp. 132-144.
[5] Shen, K. K., Journal of Thermal btsulation, Vol. 3, Jan. 1980, p. 190.
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STP880-EB/Aug. 1985
Author Index
Ashbaugh, W. G., 103-113, 121-131 Kalis, J. W., Jr., 199-203
Krisher, A. S., 153
Krystow, P. E., 145-154
Bailey, G., 57
Barnhart, J. M., editor, 5-8
Bennett, R. D., 114-120 Johnson, K. A., 58
Blackburn, P. G., 58 Johnson, W. D., 68
Cohen, A., 132-142 Lang, G. E., 63-68
Collins, P. A., 155-164 Laundrie, T. F., 121-131
Crawley, P. G., 86-94 Lazer, P., III, 11-26
Long, V. C., 86-94
Delahunt, J. F., 58, 155-164
Maatsch, D. C., 155-164
Mclntyre, D., 27-41
Mettam, C. T., 178-187
Fitzsimmons, T., 188-198 Moak, H. A., 204-207
Moniz, B. J., 95-102
Myers, J. R., 132-142
Geary, D., 57
Geenen, P., 57
Gillett, J., 58 Nicholson, J. D., 55
It P
Hooper, R. A. E., 56 Palmer, F. H., 57
Huggett, I. G., 59 Patel, S., 220-230
Hutto, F. B., Jr., 211-219 Pollock, W. I., editor, 1-2
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Tan~a, M., 220-230 Weil, R., 220-230
Taylor, D. O., 114-120 Whitaker, T. E., 211-219
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STP880-EB/Aug. 1985
Subject Index
A E 398, 22
G 1,225, 226
Alkaline environments, 45
G 26, 172
Aluminum flashing installation,
ASTM Subcommittee C16.3, Corro-
201, 202, 203
sion Task Group, 220, 221,
Aluminum foil, 51, 57
applications and performance of,
fire risk, 194-196
in stress corrosion cracking pre- B
vention, 188 Bond strength and coatings, 159-161
Aluminum sulfate, 139 Borax, 139
American Petroleum Institute Pres- Boron, 226
sure Vessel Inspection Code British Standard for Thermal Insula-
510, 26 tion Materials (BS 3958, Part
Ammonium sulfate, 139, 140 2), 190
Apparatus and test procedure for Bromides, 99, 100
ASTM C 692, 211
modified apparatus, illustration,
Aqueous environment (see Water)
Argon sensitization, 217 Calcium silicate insulation, 17
table, 218 corrosion under, 44-45
Asbestos in insulation, 167 in high-temperature testing, 162-
ASTM Committee C-16 on Thermal 163
Insulation, 141,212 in hot service, 72
ASTM standards moisture absorption, 147
B 117, 172 properties, 67
C 192, 160 testing, 216-218
C 234, 160 water extract, 46
C 692, 29, 36 water migration in, 200
C 692-77, 211 Capillarity, 7
problems with, 212-213 Carbon steel (see Steels, carbon)
C 739, 141,220-221,225 Cathodic protection, 138-139
C 871,224 Caulking
C 962, 221 breaks in, 36
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Equipment design, 146, 147, 204 phenolic, table, 47 (See also Epoxy,
effects, 12 phenolic)
features, 148 (see also Polyisocyanurate foam;
Equipment painting, 156 Polyurethane foam)
Evaporation rate problems, 213 Foils
Exposure tests, carbon steel, 157 aluminum, 51, 57
applications and performance
of, 196-198
fire risk, 194-196
in stress corrosion cracking pre-
Fabrication of materials, 52-54 vention, 188
Failure, stainless steel stainless steel, 51-52
explanation of, 100 Freezing effects on corrosion, 13-14
investigation of cause, 96-99
prevention program, 100-102
Federal Standard Thermal Insulation
(Loose Fill for Pneumatic or Galvanic protection, 190-191, 194,
Poured Application): Cellu- 197
losic or Wood Fiber (HH-I- Glass insulation, cellular, 17, 45-46
515), 141 blocks, 118
Fiberglass insulation, 19, 58 in cold insulation, 179
Fire protection deluge system, 100 performance, 129
illustration, 101 properties, 66
Fire retardants source of chlorides, 105
additives, 221,226 sources of sulfuric acid, 68
chlorides from, 66 Glass-fiber insulation
compositions of, 140 corrosiveness testing, 223, 226, 229
table, 141 properties, 66
corrosivity, 139, 221,226
halogenated, 47
mastic, 95
Fireproofed structures, protective Halide ions, 7
coating system design for, 155 leachable, 99, 100
Fireproofing table, 102
cementitious, 43 Halogenated flame retardants, 18
corrosion under, 44, 45-48, 156 Heat flow control, 6
Fire risks with aluminum foil, 194- Heat loss, reduction, 5
196 Hot water heating/chilled water cool-
Foam glass, moisture absorption, 147 ing system, 137-138
FOAMGLAS, 68 Hot water lines, domestic, corrosion,
Foams 134-137
fire resistance, 65 Humidity, sensitivity to, 18-19 (see
organic, 47 also Moisture; Vapor; Water)
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