Relating Stress, Anxiety and Depression Among Flood Victims'Quality of Life in Malaysia: A Theoretical Perspective
Relating Stress, Anxiety and Depression Among Flood Victims'Quality of Life in Malaysia: A Theoretical Perspective
Relating Stress, Anxiety and Depression Among Flood Victims'Quality of Life in Malaysia: A Theoretical Perspective
6, November 2013
Manuscript received May 25, 2013; revised August 1, 2013. This work
was supported in part by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under II. CONCEPTUAL DEFINITION
the Long-Term Research Grant Scheme
(LRGS/b-u/2012/UUM/Communication Technology and Information). A. Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Johana Johariand Najib Ahmad Marzuki arewith the School of Social Selye (1968) mentioned that the stress tradition
Development, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). encompasses a diffuse and multifaceted array of psychic,
somatic, and interpersonal problems that often arise as aspects of life and has been used in a variety of disciplines
responses to the strains of everyday life. There is eustress such as geography, philosophy, medical sciences, social
when it helps us perform better, or distress when it causes sciences, health promotion and advertising [13].
upset or makes us sick. The causes of stress are called Many factors such as physical, spiritual and health state,
stressors or triggers [7]. independence level, social relationship with the environment
The anxiety disorders represent a failure to either elect an and others are influencedby the quality of life[14]. Quality of
adaptive response or to inhibit a maladaptive response given life has also been defined “as the satisfaction of an
a situation. Anxiety is a state of diffuse arousal following the individual’s values, goals and needs through the actualization
perception of a real or imagined threat. This fundamentally of their abilities or lifestyle” [15].
experiential, future-oriented, self-focusing emotion at times Quality of life is assessed with the help of both objective
can be adaptive, as anticipatory problem-solving thoughts are and subjective indicators. In the quality of life research, one
triggered. Anxiety disorders will directly implicates emotion often distinguishes between the subjective and objective
[8], [9]. quality of life. Subjective quality of life is about feeling good
Depression is not the same as a blue mood, which is a and being satisfied with things in general. Objective quality
normal short-term experience of sadness or loss. Depression of life is about fulfilling the society and cultural demands for
is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. material wealth, social status and physical well-being [16].
Often referred to as the invisible disease, it affects the way a According to Ferrell, quality of life is one’s well-being
person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and covering four areas, namely physical, mental, social and
the way one thinks about things. Depression is not a sign of spiritual well-being [17]. Quality of life and well-being are
weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. practically interchangeable concepts but may be
People who are depressed cannot merely “pull themselves distinguished by the manner they are measured [18].
together” and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can In this paper quality of life refersto the World Health
last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, Organization (WHO) definition [19] in the WHO Quality of
however, can help most people who suffer from depression Life-BREFF (WHOQOL-BREFF)as an individual's
[10], [11]. perception of their position and life in the context of culture
and value systems associated with staying connected with the
TABLE II: SCALE AND FEATURES OF DEPRESSION,ANXIETY AND STRESS goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It covers
Scale Features
physical health, psychological state, level of independence,
Depression Chide
Frustrated, moody, blue social relationships, personal beliefs and relationship with the
Convinced that life has no meaning and environment. The quality of life is not just simply related to
worth health, lifestyle, life satisfaction, mental state and well-being,
Pessimistic about the future
Do not get the pleasure or satisfaction
but is also related to the perception of the individual
Not interested in engaging in any activity assessment of the level of mental health, the psychosocial and
Less initiative other aspects of life. The quality of life also includes physical
Anxiety Worry, panic
and mental health and social well-being.
Shy, not confident
Sweating, dry mouth, shortness of
breath, heart palpitations, sweatiness of the
Worried about performance, the possibility of
losing control The theory which will be discussed and is appropriate to
Stress Over-aroused, tense the study of stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life is
Unable to relax
Sensitive, irritable
the stress life event theory, Freud’s anxiety theory, Beck's
Easily startled cognitive theory of depression and the quality of life
Worried, agitated, restless conceptual model.
Tolerance interrupted or otherwise
affected A. The Stressful Life Events Theory
The Theory of Stressful Live Events was presented by
In this paper definitionsof depression, anxiety and stress Holmes and Rahe[20], and, Holmes and Matsu[21]. They
are based on the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) by agree with the opinion that the occurrence of specific
Lovibond and Lovibond [12]. It has been noticed that stress eventsin life can have an impact on individual physical and
makes the person easily offended, becomes angry, loses mental self. Their research aims to formulate specific events
focus on the job and this will have an impact on one's health. in life that cause stress. According to this theory, stress
Concerns about uneasyfeelingsareusually responded as appears to be based on the individual’s experienced incidents
nervous, scared and worried about the effects of where the incident raises coping behavior and adaptive
psychological factors, while depression is a disturbance responses. According to this theory, stress stems from life
resulting in the loss of a sense of happiness and excitement experience which in turn affects and change someone’s life.
about things around. This reaction is caused by a condition or This reflectnegative pressure that can affect the daily life
event that causes a person to feel loss in terms of economic journey.
factor, family, health and social services. The salient features
of the scale are as Table II. B. Freud’s Anxiety Theory
According to Freud in Strongman [22], anxiety is caused
B. Quality of Life
by threats or harassment individuals received. Anxiety is part
Quality of life is a broad concept that incorporates all
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 3, No. 6, November 2013
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 3, No. 6, November 2013
experienced by a person as a result of negative assumptions integrated model for flood victims’ quality of life. Hopefully,
on the environment held the loss of a loved one and the same the flood relief management programs and strategies maybe
scene over and over [33]. put forward and utilized by relevant authorities throughout
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the security perspective as well as places of residence and
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