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Boyd - Fatigue Strength of An Alloy Steel Effect of Tempering Temperature and Directional Properties

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By R. K. Boyd*

INTRODUCTION results of tests in the transverse direction on five different

ALTHOUGHIT IS GENERALLY ACCEPTED that no precise steels. Although in each individual case one tensile value
relation exists between the fatigue and static properties of only was chosen, the range covered by the entire tests is
materials, the ultimate tensile strength is often used to about 60-110 ton/in2, and Frith suggests that within this
make a rough estimate of the fatigue limit. Many years range the transverse fatigue limit could remain practically
ago Gough (I)tconcluded that ‘Over the whole range of constant.
sound wrought ferrous metals a general relation appears This paper is concerned with an investigation into the
to exist between the limiting stress for reversed bending fatigue properties in rotating bending of one material,
stresscs and the ultimate tensile strength‘, and Moore and both in the longitudinal and transverse directions,
Kommers (2) illustrated the relation by giving the results tempered at seven different temperatures to produce a
of fatigue tests in rotating bending by some nine workers on tensile strength ranging from 60 to 130 ton/in2.
about 49 different steels having tensile strengths ranging
from 20 to 110 ton/in2 (Fig. 1). Although more recent MATERIALS A N D T E S T S P E C I M E N S
work, e.g. (3)-(6), indicates that such a conclusion must
be regarded with suspicion, particularly in relation to The material used was En 25, a nickel-chromium-
steels of very high tensile strength, the tradition that the molybdenum steel of the following composition.
fatigue limit is closely associated with, and for a given
steel perhaps directly proportional to, the ultimate tensile
strength dies hard. This is shown by the fact that the
C ~ Si I M n / S ! P 1 Ni I Cr I M o

ratio between these two quantities is quoted as the ‘fatigue

I - i.
027 072
0013 0 0 1
, I . 1
8 I .
i 0-55

The vast majority of specimens used in fatigue work Sulphur prints gave no indication of segregation.
are ‘longitudinal‘, i.e. they are cut from wrought material All the specimens were cut from 25-in square bar which
in such a fashion that their axes coincide with the direction had been rolled from an ingot about IS+ in square (thus
of the ‘grain’. The fatigue limit for a given ultimate tensile suffering a reduction in area of 97 per cent), oil-quenched
strength is always lower for transverse than for longitudinal from 835”C, and tempered at 600°C by the manufacturers.
specimens, but from the limited information available They were machined in the ‘as received’ condition, with
one would expect the fatigue limits of both longitudinal a u.t.s. of approximately 70 ton/in2. As the majority of
and transverse specimens to rise as the ultimate tensile the tests were to be carried out at a u.t.s. higher than this
strength is increased. In recent years Frith (7) has it was necessary to reharden and temper some of the
published numerous fatigue results on steels of various specimens. To ensure uniformity all were reheat-treated
tensile strengths; although the greater part of this work as described below.
too has been on longitudinal material, he has given the Seven batches of specimens were cut in the longitudinal
The M S . of this paper was received at the Institution on 24th April direction and seven in the transverse direction, each batch
1964. consisting of at least eight rotating-bending fatigue
* University of Bristol, Mechanical Engineering Department, specimens, two small (0.20-in diameter) tension specimens
Queen’s Building, University Walk, Bristol 8.
t References are given in the Appendix. and one hardness slab. In addition two large (0.357411
Proc Insrn Mcch Engrs 1964-65 Vo117Y Pt I No 23
734 R. K. BOYD

ULTIMATE T E N S I L E S T R E N G T H - t o n /in2

Fig. 1. Ultimate tensile strength plotted against fatigue limit

hardness slabs were then ground and the small tension
specimens polished along the gauge lengths. The gauge
lengths of the rotating-bending fatigue specimens were

polished to a surface finish of 4 pin or better. Three
machines designed and made in the Department but now
commercially available were used for this process: one
polishes in the longitudinal direction, another in the
circumferential, and a third in the longitudinal direction
with successively finer grades of emery paper, the final
polishing in the longitudinal direction being carried out
with 000 paper,
The last operation before testing was to temper each
batch at the required temperature for 1 h. At temperatures
I of 300°C and above this was carried out in a vacuum

furnace at a pressure not greater than 5 x torr, the
temperature being measured by three thermocouples
attached to the specimens. At temperatures of 100 and
200°C the specimens were immersed in hard paraffin wax
and heated in an electric oven, the temperatures being
measured by thermometers immersed in the paraffin wax.

a tension specimen tested in 10-ton machine.
b tension specimen tested in 3-ton machine. Fatigue, tension, and hardness tests have been carried
c fatigue specimen. out on both longitudinal and transverse specmiens
Fig. 2. Specimens tested tempered at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 650°C.

diameter, 6$-in long) tension specimens were cut for each Static tests
longitudinal batch. The specimen designs are shown in Four small tension specimens, two longitudinal and two
Fig. 2. transverse for each tempcring temperature, have been
During preliminary work it was found that, by careful tested in a 3-ton machine (8) in which the eccentricity of
quenching, the small specimens could be hardened with loading, though known to be small by normal standards,
no appreciable distortion; the large tension specimens was not measured. A true yield point (see below) is
tended to bend slightly. Micro-hardness tests for de- evident in all tests othcr than those on specimens
carburization showed that the affected depth was much tempered at 100 and 200°C. For these there is no drop in
less than 0.001 in and this amount of material could easily stress or large increase in strain at the elastic limit. The
be removed by the first stage of polishing the specimen as results of the tests are given in Table 1 and the ultimate
described below. The small specimens were therefore tensile strengths are shown plotted in Fig. 7.
machined to leave 0.002 in on the diameter of the gauge Two large longitudinal tension specimens have been
length, and the large tension specimens to leave 0.010 in tested for each tempering temperature in a 10-ton
on all diameters. All specimens were then hardened machine (9). To find and correct for the very small
(835°C for 30 min in neutral salts, oil-quenched) and eccentricity of loading (10)the strain is measured with
tempered at 100°C. The large tension specimens and the three separate Martens-type extensometers fitted at 120”
Proe Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Vo1179 Pr 1 No 23

from each other on the 1-in gauge length. The results from (4.5 ton/in2). This drop becomes progressively smaller
the individual tests in each pair are practically in- with specimens tempered at 600, 500, and 400°C. At
distinguishable, and one of each is shown plotted as a 300°C no drop in stress at yield is apparent and at the
stress-strain curve in Fig. 3. The material tempered at 200 and 100°C tempering temperatures a smooth curve is
650°C produces quite a large drop in stress at yield obtained with no true yield.
The six tension results at each tempering temperature
are in good agreement with each other. In the harder
material the tensile strength is higher than the figure
quoted by the manufacturers, but this may be due to the
difference in diameter of the material during the hardening
and tempering, the manufacturer’s material being of
15 in diameter during this process.
After the tension tests the diameter of each specimen
at the fracture is measured and the percentage reduction
of area obtained. The reduction of area decreases as the
material becomes harder only up to a tempering tempera-
ture of 400°C; after this the reduction of area increases
noticeably and finally at 100°C again falls. This is true of
both longitudinal and transverse specimens although the
results for the transverse specimens are less consistent.
The hardness tests are given in Table 1 and agree well
with those published by the steel manufacturers.

Fatigue tests
All the fatigue tests have been carried out at a speed of
4000 c/min on rotating bending machines producing a
constant bending moment on the specimen. The fatigue
limits have been determined on the basis of at least lo7
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1809 reversals of stress for the material in the lower u.t.s. range
STRAIN x l o 4 where a definite ‘knee’ on the SIN curve has been estab-
Fig. 3. Static tension tests lished, and as an endurance limit of lo8 reversals for the

Table 1. Results of static and hardness tests

Temuering. ~ In 3-ton machine I In 10-ton machine 1 Average

Uncorrected I U.T.S., 1 Reduction of area, Corrected I U.T.S., I Reduction

650 1
yield stress,

! 60.7 1
per cent

trans. I yield stress,I ton/in2
long. 1 long. ~
of area,
per cent
long. long. 1 trans.

I1 75.2
1 82.4
1, 54.3
55.0 I 28.9
805 ! 83.0
833 I 55.3
415 I
____- , _ ~ ~ 1
_ _ _
1 79.8
1 80.6
1 90.2
I 89.5 52.8
21.2 1 83.0
82.5 1 91.4
91.5 1 50.7 1
400 79.6 80.8 90.0 90.0

300 865
1 86.7
1 101.8
1 1014
I 58.4
1 23.8
1 83.5
I 103-4 I ;2: I 497 489
_ _ _ _ ~
- j--
- 1




30.3 I

84.5“ 1

1 %: 1
552 546

- II1263
54.1 I 26.2
9.4 i
52.7 1
736 R. K. BOYD

material in the higher range of u.t.s. where no definite times caused failures in the specimen shanks after as
knee has been established. many as 60 x lo6 c. Where these results are significant they
Scatter of results is one of the main concerns of most are shown as points for unbroken specimens on the SIN
workers engaged in fatigue testing. Gough (11) divided curves.
the results of his work into three categories: clearly The transverse material tempered at 650°C (Fig. 4a)
defined and reliable; less reliable but probably not far
from correct; those in whose accuracy little confidence
could be placed. This system cannot be applied with
precision since the boundaries between the three categories
can be fixed only subjectively, and where in the present
work the fatigue limit is not well defined the author has
preferred to plot in the diagrams not a point but a line 42
joining the values of the highest stress at which a specimen
is unbroken and the lowest stress at which a specimen is
broken. In the Tables the mean of these values has been 38
quoted. 36
Another unfortunate result of scatter in fatigue work is
that it is seldom possible to have a sufficient number of 48
points to define a mean curve or cover the limit of scatter
with certainty. Here, as elsewhere, criticism could be
levelled at the limited number of results, but it must be 44

remembered that every single point at lo8 c requires 42

over 400 h of testing. Fourteen separate conditions have *
been investigated and some degree of compromise is
inevitable. The author does not believe that the values
quoted are significantly in error.
Marked scatter was found in the fatigue tests for
specimens with a higher u.t.s. than 80 ton/in2 and in
some tests severe fretting occurred between the specimen
shanks and the grips of the fatigue machine. This some-



I 34
$ 28

a tempered at 650°C.
b 0 tempered at 200°C. a tempered at 300’C. a tempered at 650°C. b tempered at 600°C.
u tempered at 400°C. + tempered at 500°C. c tempered at 500°C. d tempered at 400°C.
o tempered at 600°C. e tempered at 300°C. f tempered at 200°C.
c tempered at 100°C. g tempered at 100°C.
F k . 4. Fatigue tests on transverse specimens Fig. 5. Fatigue tests on longitudinal specimens
Proc Instn Mech Engrs 196465 Vol 179 Pt 1 No 23


L 70
80 i 90 100 110

Fig. 6. Fatigue limit plotted against ultimate tensile strength ~-

- -
gave a u.t.s. of 60.6 ton/in2 and a fatigue limit of
f28.0 ton/in2. In the next batch tempered at 600°C the
u.t.s. increased to 72 tonjin2 and the fatigue limit to I I A h 1
f29.6 ton/in2, but in the following four batches tempered f l
at 500,400,300, and 200°C with ultimate tensile strengths I I
of 83,90,102, and 114 ton/in2respectively, no appreciable
increase was obtained in the fatigue strength, which
remained almost constant at f 3 0 ton/in2 over the u.t.s.
range 72-114 ton/in2 (Fig. 4b). In the final batch
tempered at 1OO'C (Fig. 4c) with a u.t.s. of 128 ton/in2
the endurance limit fell to f25.0 ton/in2. TEMPERING TEMPERATURE- *C

The longitudinal specimens (Fig. 5) tempered at 650°C Fig. 7. Fatigue and static strengths plotted against
gave a fatigue limit of f32.8 ton/in2 and the batches tempering temperature
tempered at 600,500,400,300,200, and 100°Cproduced
progressively higher limits up to a maximum of f49.5 Table 2. Tensile strengths, fatigue strengths, and fatigue
ton/in2. The fatigue ratios (fatigue limit/u.t.s.) for the ratios
longitudinal specimens dropped from 0.54 to 0-39, where-
as with the transverse specimens the ratios fell from 0.46 Tempering U.T.S., Fatigue strength, 1 Fatigue ratios
temperature, ton/ina ton/in2
to 0.20. "C
The results are shown as S / N diagrams in Figs 4 and 5; 1
long. 1 trans. long. I trans.
the fatigue limits are plotted against u.t.s. in Fig. 6 and
against the tempering temperatures in Fig. 7. The tensile
and fatigue strengths and the fatigue ratios are given in
Table 2. 500 1 82.9 1 f41.0 I f29.7 1 0.49 I 0.36

400 1 90.4 ! rt42.0 ~ *30.3 , 0.46
1 0.33

In the static tests the reductions of area are the only results 300 1 102.1 1 444.0 1 f30.0 , 0.43 I-GF
affected by the directional properties of the material. The 200 1 113.8 I 446.5 1 f29.0 I 0.41 1 0.25
yield points and the ultimate tensile strengths of the
transverse and longitudinal specimens are in good agree-


- -

. -

. .

1 ~ -

f25.0 1
~ -


- - . -

- ~

ment with each other throughout the entire range of

tempering temperature. In the fatigue tests, however, the the fatigue limit rises as the u.t.s. increases, reaching a
directional properties are of the utmost importance. With maximum of f49.5 ton/in2 at a u.t.s. of 128 ton/in2.
the transverse material the fatigue limit is practically Mr W. H. Dearden has kindly examined samples of this
constant throughout almost the entire range of u.t.s. at a steel and produced many photomicrographs of which four
stress of f 3 0 ton/in2 whilst in the longitudinal material have been selected for reproduction in Fig. 8. Inclusions
Pruc Imtn Mech Engrs 196445 Vol179 Pi I No 23
738 R. K. BOYD

a longitudinal. b transverse.
unetched x 100.

c longitudinal. d transverse.
etched with Fry’s No. 1 reagent X 12.
Fig. 8. Photomicrographs

are visible but they are relatively small. Figs 8a and 8b the chemical anisotropy or non-homogeneity of the steel.
show typical examples as seen in longitudinal and trans- This is associated with micro-segregation effects during
verse sections. The elongated inclusions, typified in solidification and ultimately results in the banded or fibre
Fig. 8a, would of course be parallel to the axes of structure which can be demonstrated in rolled and forged
longitudinal specimens and perpendicular to the axes of steels by suitable etching. For example, Figs 8c and 8d
transverse specimens and it is possible thar their presence show the results of etching longitudinal and transverse
may account for the low fatigue values obtained for the sections with a solution of cupric chloride (Fry’s No. 1
transverse tests, but it seems doubtful if inclusions of reagent). This type of solution is sensitive to variations in
this type are sufficiently numerous to give results as the phosphorus content of the steel and, in the photo-
uniform as those which have been obtained. Another graphs, the dark areas are lower in phosphorus than the
factor which might have some bearing on the matter is light areas, and their banded arrangement in the
Proc Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Val 179 Pt I No 23

longitudinal direction is striking. It is this kind of non- B.Sc. (Graduate), for their encouragement and guidance
homogeneity which may well give rise to differences given during the course of this work. Advice on, and help
between longitudinal and transverse fatigue tests. with, metallurgical problems has been most gratefully
In the designing of components it is often possible to received from Mr W. H. Dearden, M.Sc. This work was
ensure that the maximum stress is parallel to the grain carried out in the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
flow of the material and where this is so the fatigue limits University of Bristol, and the assistance given by the
obtained for the longitudinal specimens may be used. workshop staff is gratefully acknowledged.
However, there are many cases in which it may be difficult,
or indeed impossible, to avoid applying large stresses
perpendicular to the grain flow. Examples which come to APPENDIX
mind include components subjected to repeated high REFERENCES
pressure, such as cylinders, intensifiers, and tubing, GOUGH,H. J. The fatigue of metals 1926 (Ernest Benn and
crankshafts machined from the solid, rails in which spalling Co.,London).
can occur, and gears cut from bar or only moderately MOORE,H. F. and KOMMERS, J. B. The fatigue of metals
forged stock. In such cases the results obtained for the 1927 (McGraw-Hill Book Go., New York and London).
POMEY, J. and ANCELLE,A. ‘Introduction B l’itude de la
transverse specimens are relevant and no increase in the fatigue-corrosion’, Minzoires des travaux de la commission
fatigue strength of these components can be obtained by d‘e‘tude de la corrosion des produits me’tallurgiques de
increasing the u.t.s. above 70 ton/inz. l’aviation 1935-1936.
VON ROSSING,G. ‘Die Biegewechselfestigkeitvon Schmiede-
CONCLUSIONS stiicken aus legiertcm Stahl in Quer- und Langsfaser’,
Arch. Eisenhuttenw. 1941-42 15, 407.
The directional properties of the nickel-chromium- PERRIN,F. ‘Considtrations sur la limite de fatigue des
molybdenum steel tested, although causing no significant aciers’, Bull. Cerc. Mitaux, St-Etienne 1945 4, 125.
differences in the static strength, greatly influence the LIORET, M. ‘Le travers de l’acier’, Bull. Cerc. Mitaux,
fatigue limits as determined in rotating bending tests. St-Etienne 1945 4 (No. 8).
FRITH, I?. H. ‘Fatigue of wrought high-tensile alloy steel’,
As the ultimate tensile strength is increased (by varying R o c . Int. Conf. Fatigue of Metals 1956 462 (Institution
the tempering temperature) from 60 to 128 ton/in2 the of Mechanical Engineers, London).
fatigue strength of longitudinal specimens rises from MORRISON, J. L. M. ‘A three-ton testing machine’, Engineer,
A32.8 to A49.5 ton/in2; that of transverse specimens is Lond. 1934 157,626.
constant at k30 ton/in2 throughout most of the range and ROBERTSON, A. and NEWPORT,A. J. Report on the drop of
stress at yield in Awnco iron 1927 Aeronautical Research
falls at each end to 28 ton/in2 for the softest material and Council R. and M. No. 1161.
to 25 ton/in2 for the hardest material. MORRISON, J. L. M. ‘The yield of mild steel with particular
reference to the effect of size of specimen’, Proc. Instn
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS mech. Engrs, Lond. 1939 142, 193.
GOUGH,H. J. and POLLARD, H. V. Some experiments on the
The author wishes to thank Professor J. L. M. Morrison resistance of metals t o fatigue under combined stresses 1951
C.B.E., D.Sc. (Member of Council), and Dr J. S. C . Parry, Aeronautical Research Council R. and M. No. 2522.

Proc Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Vol179 Pt I No 23


Mr J. 0. Almen (Sierra Madre, California)-The first in aircraft, and if the factors chosen by the design staff
two words of Mr Boyd’s title ‘Fatigue strength‘ suggest have been below those actually required, the test ends
that his measured fatigue strength is a property of the prematurely, modifications must be made and the test
material. Actually, fatigue strength is a function of the repeated or a definite ‘life’for the part must be established.
material plus processing, The latter, which includes During fatigue testing of compound parts, fretting is
heat-treatment and subsequent mechanical operations, sometimes encountered and this can reduce the fatigue
often being the greater factor. life very markedly.
Fatigue strength is also a function of the method of Low-temperature tempering must be applied with
testing. Repeated unidirectional loading yields a greater great caution in supersonic aircraft because aerodynamic
amount of fatigue strength than reversed loading. Inter- heating and other heat sources may raise the part to above
mediate results are obtained for intermediate stress ranges. the tempering temperature. Incidentally, were the tem-
Work hardening is an illusion; the apparent increased peratures of the specimens measured during test ?
hardness is a result of the residual compression stress that Summarizing, any addition to our knowledge of the
is induced by cold working. connection between ultimate stress, yield or 0.1 per cent
proof stress, reduction in area with fatigue limits would be
Mr F. J. Ash (Associate Member)-It is natural today extremely valuable.
for designers to try to take advantage of the higher yield Further references are shown below.
steels that are becoming available. The paper indicates
that advances of this nature should be tempered with BIBLIOGRAPHY

caution and that careful consideration must be given to (I) MURRAY, W. M. (Ed.) Purigue atid jructtlre of metals 1950
particular designs. It is clear from the paper that there is (John Wiley, New York).
( 2 ) CAZAUD,R. Fatisue of metah 1953 (Chapman and Hall,
relatively little change of transverse fatigue with increase London).
in tensile strength and that this fact can be of considerable (3) POPE, J. A. Metal fatigue 1953 (Chapman and Hall,
importance in many cases. It would be of interest to know London).
the impact figures for each specimen at room and low
temperature to see if there is any correlation with such Mr A. Coles (Associate Member)-The value of the
test figures and fatigue life. work reported by the author is that it clearly shows there
Another point to be mentioned is that the slope of the is no enhancement of transverse fatigue strength with
initial part of the SjN curve varies with the tempering increased tensile properties-a feature generally un-
temperature. What is the relation between tensile strength recognized by designers. The scatter obtained in the fatigue
and the limited fatigue life properties at, say, lo3 cycles ? tests is somewhat disturbing (> 100: 1 in some cases),
which, when coupled with the number of fretting failures
Mr A. E. Bingham (Associate Member)-The rotating of dubious value, makes one regret that a few more tests
test piece gives comparative results in a reasonable time, were not carried out to fully establish the end points.
but these results must be applied with care in circumstances The care taken in material heat-treatment, surface
not strictly comparable with the test. On p. 734, the effect finish and the general inclusion level indicated, suggest
of size is mentioned and this again shows the need for the cause of scatter is other than these-possibly the
care in applying results. testing equipment. Have statistical reproducibility tests
The speed used, i.e. 4000 c/min, is rather high for indicated the various machine reliabilities? If not, an
anything other than engine work, and, within limits, the elegant way to do this, and to distinguish between material
higher the speed the better the result. and machine scatter, is that outlined by Weibull*; using
Scatter of results is mentioned on p. 736. When fatigue- a limited number of single and double notched specimens.
testing expensive complicated aircraft structures it is The subject of notched specimens raises a further
usual to include a scatter factor of 6 when only one unit comment: a valuable extension to the work reported
is tested. This makes the process long, tedious and ex- * WEIBULL,W. (Ed.) Fatigue testing und a;zalysis of results 1961
pensive especially when deflections are considerable, as (Pergamon Press, Oxford).
Proc Insdn Mech Engrs 7964-65 Vol 179 Pt 1 No 23

would be a similar programme on notched specimens. higher by about 30 per cent. I n these instances a rather
Material used in service invariably contains stress con- wide scatter band was observed for specimens cut trans-
centrations in some form, and the general tendency to versely from bar stock and it is difficult to draw significant
obtain higher fatigue strength from increased tensile conclusions. However, his data for fatigue tests on notched
strength would be shown to be a suspect principle in both test bars show no significant difference between the longi-
transverse and longitudinal directions as increased notch tudinal and transverse values; both fall within a rather
sensitivity takes effect. narrow scatter band. It would be helpful and perhaps
even more significant if the author could continue his
Professor T.J. Dolan (Urbana, Illinois)-The con- studies in tests of notched samples to determine whether
clusion that when one considers the properties in the the same conclusions as those in his present paper would
transverse direction no increase in the fatigue strength of apply to notched samples since a designer is always con-
these components can be obtained by increasing the fronted with such stress raisers in practical design.
ultimate tensile strength of 70 ton/in2 should be of In a study of the fatigue properties of leaded steels
great importance to designers of a wide variety of com- Brock and Sinclair (14)found that the inclusions left by
ponents. the lead addition tended to lower the longitudinal fatigue
There is always the tendency among designers to feel strengths of higher strength steels when tested in the un-
intuitively that if strength is an important factor a notched condition. However, when notched samples were
change to a material of higher tensile strength will solve tested there was no significant difference between the
the design problem. The author’s data show that this is endurance limits of the same steel with or without the
wishful thinking particularly in those instances where the lead addition. It would be interesting to know in the
fatigue properties in a direction transverse to the direc- author’s steel whether the presence of a severe notch
tion of rolling may be the controlling factor in a design. would minimize the difference between longitudinal and
This result is not entirely unexpected. Engineers have transverse endurance limits reported in the paper.
known for about 30 years that for severely notched speci-
mens (or for those with corroding surfaces or decarburized REFERENCES
surfaces) the endurance limits are not markedly different (12) TEMPLIN, R. L., HARTMANN, E. C . and HOWELL, F. M.
for steels having a wide range in tensile strength values ‘Grainflow’, A S M E Metals Engineering Design Handbook
(say 50-130 ton/in2 tensile strength). If inclusions and 1953, 112.
(13) BOEGEHOLD, A. L. ‘Test bar results compared with tests
micro-segregations develop banding in the longitudinal on components’, Metal Progress 1950 (March), 349.
direction the transverse fatigue tests might appear to be (14: BROCK,G . W. and SINCLAIR, G. M. ‘How good are leaded
somewhat similar to tests with severe notches transverse sheets in fatigue’, Iron Age 1958 (January 9), 59.
to the direction of stressing. Thus the data would be
consistent with previous observations on the lack of corre- Mr E. R. Ellis (Associate Member)-It would be
lation between fatigue properties of severely notched interesting to see plots on Fig. 6 for specimens cut from
specimens and tensile strength of the material. En 25 as cast and from a block of En 25 that had been
It is unfortunate that the inherent scatter in fatigue forged equally in all directions.
data makes the curves of Figs 4 and 5 somewhat arbitrary;
the conclusions would be somewhat more satisfying
if larger numbers of specimens had been employed to Mr P. G. Forrest, B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D. (Associate
determine more precisely the endurance limits plotted in Member)-The paper is valuable in providing a wide
Fig. 6 . However, the trends are unmistakable and the range of fatigue test results under carefully controlled
results seem sufficiently consistent to justify the author’s conditions for a single material. The demonstration that
method of interpretation and his ultimate conclusions. the transverse fatigue strength is substantially independent
It is not clear whether the conclusions drawn by the of the tensile strength for this steel is particularly interest-
author could be generalized to apply to other steels or to ing. The author has suggested that the marked effect of
non-ferrous metals. For example, Templin (12)has in- directionality on the fatigue strength might be attributed
dicated that for a variety of aluminium alloys the fatigue partly to the segregation of phosphorus but this seems
properties bear no consistent relation to static properties unlikely as the fatigue strength of steel is relatively in-
or to the direction of grain flow. The static properties can sensitive to the alloy content. On the other hand, there is
be highly directional while the fatigue properties show now a wealth of evidence that the fatigue strength of high
almost no directional effect. On the other hand, Boegehold tensile steels can be substantially increased by reducing
(13), in discussing tests of steel crank shafts, suggests ‘in the inclusion content, for example, by vacuum melting.
crank shaft tests the effect of grain was not prominent There seems little doubt, therefore, that the marked effect
though in general the fatigue properties are affected by of directionality on the fatigue strength observed by the
the relation of flow line direction to applied stresses’. author can be attributed predominantly to the presence
Boegehold shows differences between fatigue strengths of of inclusions which are elongated in the longitudinal
test bars cut from crank shafts in longitudinal and trans- direction. The author could check this by examining the
verse directions with the longitudinal fatigue limits being fractured surfaces of the broken fatigue specimens. I
Proc Instn Mech Engrs 196445 Vol I79 Pt I No 23

think he would find that the failures in the transverse Mr P. H. Frith (Associate Member)-As stated in the
specimens each originated at an inclusion. paper all the specimens were cut from 23 in square bar,
There is an interesting similarity between the results and therefore the 23 in long fatigue specimens in both the
of the transverse fatigue tests quoted by the author and longitudinal and transverse directions could have been
the results of fatigue tests on specimens containing edge machined from different positions of the bar. That is to
fatigue cracks quoted by Frost (15) who has shown that say some specimens could have the critical section near
for a number of materials the fatigue limit, m, is related to the surface of the bar, while others could be machined
the crack length, 1, by the simple empirical relation: from the centre of the bar. This no doubt could affect
u31 = constant the scatter of the fatigue test results, depending on the
macro structure of the bar, which was not given, neither
Frost found that the constant in this relation had the was the exact method of sectioning stated in the paper.
same value, 5.5 ton in units, for steels of widely different Another surprising omission was the tensile elongation
strengths. In other words, the cyclic stress required to values in Table 1, and also the tensile 0.1 per cent proof
propagate a fatigue crack is independent of the strength stress values, although these latter values are given on Fig. 7.
of the steel. If the failures in the transverse fatigue However, it is very interesting to note the excellent
specimens are found to originate from inclusions, then agreement between the fatigue results obtained by the
the results quoted by the author show that the cyclic author and myself. Both sets of tests showed that as the
stress required to propagate a fatigue crack from the end ultimate tensile stress was increased above 60.0 ton/in2
of an inclusion is also independent of the strength of the the longitudinal fatigue limit was increased, although in
steel. Special Report Number 50*, it was shown that for standard
This indicates that inclusions in steel may behave like basic electric arc steel the maximum longitudinal fatigue
cracks under fatigue conditions but a comparison with limit obtainable was f38-0 ton/in2. This has been con-
Frost’s results shows that they arc not so damaging. Sub- firmed a number of times during this last few years.
stituting the transverse fatigue strength, 30 ton/in2, into However, with modified basic electric arc steels and with
Frost’s relation, 0 3 Z = 5.5, gives a value of 1 of about open hearth steels longitudinal fatigue limits as high as
0.005 mm. That is to say, an edge crack 0.005 mm long f50.0 ton/in2 have been obtained.
(or an interior crack 0-01 mm long) would reduce the The transverse tests given in Special Report number 50
fatigue strength of a high tensile steel to 30 ton/in2. and also reported by the author showed that as the ultimate
However, the inclusion shown in Fig. 8(u) is about 10 tensile stress was increased above 60.0 ton/in2, the trans-
times as long as this. verse fatigue limit was not appreciably affected up to an
Other evidence that inclusions can behave like cracks ultimate tensile stress of approximately 110.0 ton/in2, the
has been provided by Duckworth and Ineson (16) by value in both reports being approximately f29.0 ton/in2.
means of fatigue tests on an En 24 steel (treated to 120 Therefore, the attainment of a longitudinal grain flow for
ton/in2 tensile strength) to which alumina particles of components at the points of highest stress becomes more
varying size had been deliberately introduced into the
important as the ultimate tensile stress is raised above
melt. The fatigue failures in their specimens generally 60.0 ton/in2.
propagated from an inclusion and the size of the inclusion
at the origin of each failure was measured on each broken Mr S. M. Jorgensen (Carteret, New Jersey)-It is
specimen. They were able to show that the relation true that a precise relation between fatigue limit and ulti-
between fatigue strength and inclusion size in the steel mate tensile stress cannot be proven, but it is equally true
they tested was similar to the relation between fatigue that the non-existence of such a relation cannot be proven
strength and crack length quoted by Frost. either. Considering the scatter of data in fatigue testing,
The significance of this interpretation, of course, is one might, with considerable justification, say that the
that a very great improvement in the transverse fatigue author’s Fig. 1 shows that the fatigue limit for the steels
strength can be expected by using clean steel. There is tested is around one-half the ultimate tensile strength.
evidence that by vacuum melting the transverse fatigue However, I readily grant that it is not more than a ‘rule of
strength can be increased almost to the value of the
thumb’. Unfortunately, the rules that have been proposed
longitudinal fatigue strength (17). after years of intensive research do not seem to be much
more accurate. It is now more than 100 years ago since
fatigue phenomena began to attract the attention of en-
(15) FROST, N. E. ‘A relation between the critical alternating gineers, and probably no other single engineering problem
propagation stress and crack length for mild steel’,
Proc. Instn mech. Engrs, Lond. 1959 173, 811. has been subjected to such a mass of research and tech-
(16) DUCKWORTH, W. E. and INESON,E. ‘The effects of ex- nical discussions and yet managed to remain a partially
ternally introduced alumina particles on the fatigue life unsolved problem.
of En 24 steel’, Iron and Steel Znst. Special Report 77, Although not specifically stated, it is assumed that the
1962, 87.
(17) RANSOM, J. T. and MEHL,R. F. ‘Anisotropy of the fatigue stress-strain curves and the ultimate tensile stresses are
properties of SAE 4340 steel forgings’, Proc. Amer. SOC. * Special Report No. 50 of the Iron and Steel Institute, October
Test. Mater. 1952 52, 779. 1954.
Proc Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Vo’02179Pt I No 23

the ordinary engineering data based on the original areas longitudinal and transverse specimens respectively is
of the tensile test specimens. This is an approved and indeed noteworthy-the more so since it does not correlate
acceptable method of great service in many areas, par- with any variations in static tensile properties. Tentatively
ticularly when comparing the merits of different materials. the effect is ascribed to chemical anisotropy, illustrated
However, where strength is to be compared or used in by segregated phosphorus, rather than that hard-worked
connection with other properties of one particular material, scapegoat, the elongated inclusion. However, while
the use of other strength criteria might have given a phosphorus has been connected with inter-crystalline
quite different relationship between static and fatigue weakness in iron by Tipler and Forrest (IS) they point
strength ratios for longitudinal and transverse specimens. out that this condition is rare in commercial steels. Inclu-
At the end of the paper, the author himself mentions, sions in steel, on the other hand, were located by Stulen,
among other examples, cases where the main stresses per- Cummings and Schulte (19) at fatigue crack nuclei at or
pendicular to the grain flow would lower the life limit in just below the surface of rotating bending specimens. In a
case of fatigue conditions, such as cylinders and intensi- related field, increases in ball race endurance were
fiers. It has been amply proved that the strength of attributed (20) specifically to reductions in inclusion
cylinders is a function of the true stress-strain curve, and content by vacuum remelting. The curves presented in
the author’s figures for transverse specimens show that a Fig. 6 diverge more markedly as the steel becomes harder
cylinder with the main stresses perpendicular to the grain and, presumably, more notch sensitive.
flow for this particular material would also have a lower Inclusions, especially stringers, can be supposed to
bursting strength in addition to the shorter fatigue life, a exacerbate fatigue both by a notch effect concentrating
fact which is not immediately obvious from the author’s stress to initiate a crack nucleus, and by providing a path
fatigue data plotted against ultimate strength. for rapid crack propagation. In bending fatigue, cracks
However, this was not the author’s objective. The prob- are known to nucleate at and propagate from the specimen
lem, as stated by the author, has been investigated and surface. Now the density of intersections of transverse
brought to a proper conclusion. stringers with the surface of a circular specimen will be
This leads one to ask ‘how can the design engineer greatest at the ends of the diameter aligned with the
benefit from this and the multitude of similar data brought stringers. This disposition of stringers, due to their shape
forth every year?’ There are undoubtedly pieces of and isolation in a complex matrix, is different from that
machinery, for which the material is selected with the of the bands of segregated phosphorus which must cut
utmost care, the machining done with precision tools, and the specimen surface all around the circumference.
the surfaces finely polished. If the geometry is simple and It seems pertinent to ask whether a significant number
the stress distribution is comparable to that of a known of the fractured transverse specimens exhibit discernible
fatigue test specimen, then it might be possible to predict crack nuclei? If so, are these nuclei in general located
the fatigue life with some accuracy, but in most cases, this near the ends of the diameter aligned with the elongated
is not possible. inclusions ? A random distribution of crack nuclei around
The new Nuclear Vessel Code, Section I11 of the the circumference would support the contention that
A.S.M.E. Pressure Vessel Code contains a fatigue design inclusions are not sufficiently numerous in the material
curve, plotting allowable stresses against numbers of investigated to cause the relative weakness of transverse
cycles. The curve is the lower limit of a number of care- fatigue specimens.
fully conducted tests on large scale vessels of materials
covering a wide range of strengths. From our present
(18) TIPLER, H. R. and FORREST, P. G. ‘The fatigue behaviour
knowledge of fatigue it should really have been a family of iron with intergranular weakness’, Proc. Int. Conf.
of curves, but the test data points were so scattered that Fatigue of Metals 1956 (Institution of Mechanical
there could be justification for showing but one single Engineers, London).
curve, the lower limit for all points. (19)STULEN,F. B., CUMMINGS, H. N. and SCHULTE, W. C.
It has been known for years that the fatigue lives of ‘Relation of inclusions to the fatigue properties of high-
strength steels’, Proc. Int. Conf. Fatigue of Metals 1956
apparently identical fatigue specimens may vary by factors (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London).
of 10 to 1 or more. The first step toward an understanding (20) L M ~T. W., ~ TALLIAN,
~ ~ T., ~ WALP,
~ ~H. 0. , and BAILE,
of the problem is the realization that fatigue failure is a G. M. ‘The effect of trace element content and multiple
multiphase phenomenon : the formation of slip planes, vacuum melting on the fatigue life of ball bearings made
from AISI 52 100 steel’, Proc. Syvnp. Fatigue in Rolliw
formation of microscopic cracks, crack propagation and Contact 1963 (Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
final failure. Although the mechanisms of the separate London).
phases is very little understood, there is now so much work
being done in this field that one might hope that fatigue Dr G. Z. Libertiny (Miami, Florida)-I have worked
data at some future date might be a more precise design on similar problems using exactly the same steel that the
tool than it is at present. author used for his experiments. In my work the strain
versus number of cycles to failure curve was established
Mr D. A. Kelly, B.Sc. (Graduate)-The divergence of in the range of 1/4to lo’ cycle life. (Fig. 9.) It is shown
the fatigue limit/u.t.s. curves, presented in Fig. 6, for from this diagram that the endurance limit depends upon
Proc Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 vo1179 Pt I No 23

Data used to plot Fig. 10.

Tempering Cyclic stress amplitude at 2 x lo6 cycle

temperature, life, tonfir?
"C - _ _ .- ____-- - -
I-- Transverse
Boyd's ex- Calculated Boyd's ex- Calculated
perimental results 1 perimental results
results 1
I 315 3
' 26 (28)
400 42.3 43.44 ' 30.32 37~48
Fig. 9. Graph of strain versus number of cycles to failure 300 49.6 45.47 ~ 30-32 39.28
200 52.0 53.51 1 30-32 46-75
kl;kz; N , ; er; cy, where N = number of cycles to failure, 100 52.5 48.14 I 28.3 38.67
E = cyclic strain range, C1 and C, = constants, K, and
k, = slope of the curves. Equations used for calculation are:
The author's results provided an opportunity to investi- N I s ~ "=~C1 . . .
gate which of these parameters are influenced by heat N+,"a = C, . . ,
treatment or by the directional properties of the steel.
(Are the fatigue properties affected by heat treatment
because heat treatment changes the ductility and the similar indicating that the heat-treatment really affects
yield strength of the steel or is there also an effect on the only the yield strength of the material and the fracture
other parameters ? Is the fatigue life of the specimen cut strain (reduction of area-ductility) and affects fatigue
in the transverse and longitudinal direction different be- only indirectly. This finding supports the idea that fatigue
cause the ductility and yield strength of the steel is dif- depends primarily upon ductility and yield strength; and
ferent in these directions or are there other reasons 2 ) is independent of the ultimate tensile strength of the
In the following text an attempt is made to discuss material, i.e. the so-called 'fatigue ratio' is meaningless.
these questions using Mr Boyd's results and my previous The experimental and calculated results concerning the
transverse specimens are qualitatively somewhat similar
It is a fairly well established fact that k, is constant for but quantitatively are very different. At first it was thought
most of the steels. I n the case of the steel Mr Boyd used it that it might be due to a difference in the values of the
was found to be 0.577. Similarly it was found that K2 = 0.1 modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio in the transverse
if the steel is tempered to 650°C and the specimen is cut and longitudinal directions. A large number of combina-
longitudinally. (This value might vary.) The influence and tions of various E and v values were substituted into the
extent of the value of N , has not yet been established. equations using an IBM 7040 computer and the results
The yield strain of the material was obtained by Mr Boyd indicated that these parameters do not contribute suffi-
and similarly the fracture strain can be calculated from the ciently to the difference. This leaves only one possibility,
reduction of the area determined in his work. i.e. k, is different in the longitudinal and transverse
From these data it is possible to predict the stress direction, (k, in the longitudinal direction can be con-
amplitude corresponding, let us say, to 2 x lo6 cycle life sidered constant on the basis of Mr Boyd's results, within
and compare it to the experimental results of Mr Boyd the accuracy of his results).
(Fig. 10). It is demonstrated again, that the long life fatigue
As shown in Fig. 10 in the case of longitudinal speci- property of a steel depends upon the ductility (reduction
mens, the experimental and calculated results are very of area) and the yield strain of the metal. Heat treatment
influences these values and thus indirectly influences the
60 fatigue property of the steel. Fatigue is not dependent
upon the ultimate tensile stress and thus the so-called
'fatigue ratio' has very limited value. The directional
I 40 properties of the steel tested influence not only the reduc-
a LONGITUDINAL tion of area (ductility) but also the slope of the long life
k fatigue curve.
n. E = 2 9 x 1 0 6 Ib/in2
2 20
d 9~0.270 Professor H. Majors, Jr. (Seattle, Washington)-The
author is to be commended for presenting the relation of
the wrought directional effects to the mechanical proper-
ties for one material for a range of tempering temperatures.
This effect has been recognized in the past but very little
Fig. 10. Comparison of calculated and experimental results experimental work ha.s been reported. If one is interested
Proc Imtn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Vol179 Pt I No 23

in fatigue under multi-axial stresses, then the directional often be an economically unacceptable solution. It would,
endurance limits under uni-axial stresses are needed. then, be of the utmost value to repeat this work on, say,
There are a number of engineering structures where the specimens with a rough turned finish. There may be some
maximum alternating stresses occur in the transverse difficulty in achieving uniformity throughout the batch
direction, perpendicular to the wrought grain direction, and in consequence more variability would be expected
such as tubes under certain stress ratios. It is not certain in the results.
if the cross-rolling of plates eliminates the directional One is always worried about size effects in bending
effect on the endurance limit. One seldom determines the fatigue and it would be most valuable to do this work in
directional effect on endurance limit through the plate direct stress (push-pull). This test gives the lowest
thickness. results of any and that is the kind of information the
Although it is customary to test solid specimens, would designer prefers.
the author comment on the use of hollow specimens? An intriguing feature of the results is that at tempering
Hollow specimens with thin wall section would reduce temperatures below about 500°C the ‘scatter’ increases
the stress-gradient as a variable. The author does not Considerably and there is no apparent ‘knee’ in the SjN
mention grain size, but this must be considered in regard curves. It could be that this is due, in part, to the effect
to wall thickness and stress gradient. of residual stresses introduced by quenching during
hardening. Rapid cooling of the surface may cause tensile
Mr D. J. White, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Associate Mewhe?)- yield there followed by a residual compressive stress when
All too frequently, the design of a component subject to the specimen has finally cooled. The polishing operation
fluctuating stresses is based on the minimum ultimate would not remove sufficient material to eliminate the com-
tensile strength of the material multiplied by a factor pressive surface layers and at 500°C and below no sub-
known as the fatigue ratio. This is quite commonly done stantial stress relief would occur during the tempering
at the design stage and often it is not possible to justify treatment. However, the residual stresses might vary
this subsequently by testing either the material or the considerably from specimen to specimen because of
component. The method is firmly established and it is differing amounts of surface removed. This might then
probably true to say that every designer has his factor. partially account for the scatter and for the absence of a
The value used for the fatigue ratio will depend on one’s ‘knee’ because compressive residual stresses may be
particular knowledge and appreciation of fatigue; if well beneficial in retarding crack initiation. However, under the
versed in the subject one will modify the ratio for effects influence of alternating stresses, the residual stresses will
of surface finish, mean stress, and stress systems other gradually fade away as shown by Pattinson and Dugdale
than uniaxial. However, it is not uncommon to find ratios (22) and then a delayed failure will occur.
of 0.4 to 0.5 in use, in conjunction with a factor of safety To see if there is any substance in this suggestion it
of about 2, with little or no allowance made for the above would be sufficient to test a batch of specimens which had
modifying effects. Nor is it unusual to hear it asserted been polished and tempered at one low temperature after
that a higher strength material will make a deficient design removing about 0.020 in from the diameter by grinding
into a sound one. The argument depends, of course, on following the hardening treatment. This should eliminate
the constancy of the fatigue ratio. most of the residual surface stresses before the test begins
The author’s paper, confirming as it does the earlier without affecting the hardness of the material. It would
supposition of Frith (21), provides timely warning against also simulate closely the treatment received by a through
the indiscriminate or uninformed use of such practices. hardened component which must have some grinding
In particular, the almost constant value of the transverse allowance to allow for distortion during quenching.
fatigue limit at about f 3 0 ton/in2 over a wide range of
tensile strengths shows that there is nothing to gain from
the high tensile state if significant stresses exist perpen- REFERENCES
dicular to the grain. Indeed, things may be far worse (21) FRITH,
P. H. ‘Fatigue of wrought high tensile alloy steel’,
because the higher tensile state may be more susceptible Proc. Znt. Conf. Fatigue of Metals 1956, 462 (Institution
to those defects of surface finish from which practical of Mechanical Engineers, London).
(22) PATTINSON, E. J. and DUGDALE, D. S . ‘Fading of residual
parts suffer as compared with polished specimens carefully stresses due to repeated loading’, Metallurgiu 1962 66
prepared in the laboratory. It is noted that the tentative (No. 397), 228.
suggestion is made in the paper that the unfavourable
orientation of the inclusions may account for the lower
fatigue strengths in the transverse direction. Mr R. B. Winn, B.A. (Associate Mernber)-The com-
It is, of course, appreciated that if one is looking for an mon belief that the fatigue limit is proportional to the
effect in an experiment one tries to eliminate all others u.t.s. of a steel is upset by the author’s careful experi-
and this demands, for example, uniformity of surface ments. He saw the danger of drawing conclusions from
finish and preparation. Nevertheless, fatigue failures are statistical presentations such as Fig. 1 and confined
more usually associated with rough finishes and to suggest himself to testing one particular steel in fatigue. He found
that an improvement is made by grinding or polishing may that hardening the particular steel did not improve its
Proc Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Vo1179 Pt I No 23

transverse fatigue strength at all, and that the longitudinal tubing, where the hoop stress is often perpendicular to the
strength was increased by only a modest amount. In grain flow, to avoid the temptation of hardening the steel
round figures the fatigue limit of the transverse material beyond a u.t.s. of 70 ton/ina.
is almost constant at f 3 0 ton/in2 up to 100 ton/in2 u.t.s. Referring to Fig. 7, can the author please suggest an
when it begins to fall away; and the fatigue limit of the explanation for the limit of proportionality rising as the
longitudinal material rises from 32 to only 50 ton/in2 as u.t.s. falls from 130 to 100 ton/in2 ? Does the low limit of
the u.t.s. is increased over its whole practical range of proportionality for the hardest steel partly account for its
hardening from 60 to 130 ton/in2. disappointing performance in fatigue at low tempering
The paper warns users of cylinders, intensifiers and temperatures ?

Proc Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Voi 179 Pt I No 23


Author’s Reply
Mr R. K. Boyd-I wish to thank all the contributors for Professor Majors suggests the use of hollow specimens
their interesting and helpful communications. as a means of reducing the stress gradient as a variable.
The two main topics raised in the discussion are size Some work has been carried out using such specimens,
effect and notched specimens. A great deal of work has particularly by Chodorowski(23)and Burns and Parry (zq),
been published on size effect, and although much dissen- although this work was concerned with torsional fatigue.
sion still exists, recent work in this department (not yet The stress gradient is unaltered, however, and as the fatigue
published) shows that with carefully prepared and stress- crack starts from the surface, it seems unlikely that any
relieved specimens of two different steels, there is no benefit would be obtained.
measurable size effect with specimens ranging from Professor Dolan asks whether similar results can be
0.05 in to 1.6 in diameter. On the other hand, we have expected from other materials. From tests carried out in
carried out very little work with notched specimens. A these laboratories, it is certain that several materials show
programme of tests on specimens, with a stress concentra- the same characteristics and it seems likely that they are
tion, tempered at various temperatures, could undoubtedly shared by all wrought materials. Many materials have
prove to be a most useful and interesting piece of work, been tested in the lower u.t.s. range including stainless
but it competes with other programmes of even greater steel (En 58B), 3 per cent chromium molydenum steel
interest to us. (En 4OB), titanium, mild steel and 12-14 per cent
h4r Bingham suggests that the speed of testing (4000 chromium steel (En 56C) and all show a lower transverse
cjmin) is rather high and that this could enhance the fatigue limit. En 31, tempered at 200°C (a very brittle
results. It is generally agreed that the speed effect is not material), with a u.t.s. of 120 ton/in2 gave a longitudinal
significant until the rate exceeds 10000 cjmin. The endurance limit (at lo8 cycles) of f43.0 ton/in2 and a
temperature of the specimens was not measured during transverse endurance limit: of f28.5 ton/in2.
the test, but immediately after failure the specimens are Reproducibility tests have been carried out on the fatigue
not even warm to the touch. machines, although not in the manner suggested by Mr
The scatter in the fatigue tests is obviously distressing- Coles. A large number of identical specimens have been
though it is by no meam worse than that commonly tested in each machine normally used for this size of
experienced with such materials. Dr White’s suggestion specimen and, by using special adaptors, in the machine
for reducing it is most interesting, and we shall certainly used for testing a larger size of specimen. In this way
follow it up, but it is quite certain that scatter will remain. checks have been carried out, not only on identical
On the other hand, although work on rough-turned speci- machines, but on machines of various sizes and these
mens might be of practical value, with the inevitable tests have proved very convincingly that the scatter cannot
variation in surface finish, scatter would certainly be be attributed to the fatigue machines.
increased. Mr Frith suggests that the positioning of the specimens
Mr Winn raises the question of the limit of propor- within the bar may have had some effect upon the results.
tionality falling as the u.t.s. increases (specimens tem- The position of each specimen was carefully recorded
pered at 200 and 100cC).This is probably due to residual and this information was omitted only for the sake of
stresses introduced during the hardening which are not brevity; but it is available if required. There is no indica-
removed by the subsequent tempering operation; the tion whatsoever that there is any variation due to the
temperatures of 200 and 100°C are too low to remove position of the specimens within the bar. The tensile
these stresses completely. No correlation appears to exist elongation values were not measured, but the reductions
between either the yield stress or the limit of propor- of area are given in Table 1. The 0.1 per cent proof
tionality and the fatigue limit, so it seems unlikely that stresses are given for the material tempered at 100 and
the low limit of proportionality of the harder material 200°C only because this material gave no true yield. At
accounts for the low fatigue limit. all other tempering temperatures the drop in stress or
The comments by Mr Ellis have been uppermost in our large increase in strain shows a definite yield point
minds for some time and a further programme is already which makes the 0.1 per cent proof stress wholly inappro-
under way which includes both material with different priate.
rolling reductions and vacuum-melted steel. The stress-strain curves and the u.t.s. values given, are,
Instn Mech Engrs 1964-65 Val 179 Pt 1 No 23

as Mr Jorgensen assumes, derived from the approved reversed loading. If by this he means that the safe repeated
and accepted method based on the original area of the unidirectional stress exceeds the semi-range in reversed
specimen. stress, one can only agree with him-but WGhler demon-
Dr Libertiny’s contribution is interesting, but there is strated this roughly a century ago, and it has ever since
no correlation whatsoever between the yield strength and been accepted as true: indeed, it has often been demon-
the fatigue limit of the material tested. Moreover, the strated that mean stress has only a secondary effect on the
yield strengths of the transverse and longitudinal speci- safe range. The statement that work hardening is an
mens are identical throughout the entire range of illusion is heterodox, but might provide a subject for an
tempering temperatures. interesting discussion.
Mr Forrest raises the question of vacuum melting, and, In reply to Mr Ash, no impact results were obtained
as previously stated, a programme to include this is already during the course of this work, and although it would
under way. However, vacuum-melted material is also have been interesting and more satisfying to have deter-
rolled or forged after vacuum melting, and although the mined the mortal curve back to say lo3 cycles, our efforts
fatigue strength may be increased, the directional effect were concerned mainly with finding the fatigue limits.
may well still exist. Commercially pure titanium (which is Both Mr Forrest and Mr Kelly have referred to the
vacuum melted during manufacture) has been tested in initiation of fatigue cracks; investigations are in hand to
this department and the transverse fatigue limit is again try to determine whether the cracks started at an inclusion.
lower than the longitudinal fatigue limit (f18 and f21
ton/in2 respectively), a reduction of 14.3 per cent, whereas REFERENCES
En 25 tempered at 650°C gives a reduction of 14.6per cent. (23) CHODOROWSKI, W. T. ‘Fatigue strength in shear of an alloy
Mr AImen says that the fatigue strength is a function of steel with particular reference to the effect of mean stress
the material and processing, the processing often being and directional properties’, Proc. Int. Conf. on Fatigue of
the greater factor. The first part of this statement is Metals 1956, 122 (Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
irrefutable. He goes on to say that repeated unidirectional (24) BURNS,D. J. and PARRY, J. S . C . J . mech. Engng Sci. 1964 6
loading yields a greater amount of fatigue strength than (No. 3), 293.

Proc Inrtn Mech Engrs 1964-65

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