Performance Appraisal-2
Performance Appraisal-2
Performance Appraisal-2
I consider myself very fortunate to get the opportunity to conduct the training approval and
project assignment by TOSCANO. I got opportunity to get practical exposure into actual
environment and it provides me the golden opportunity to make my theoretical concept of
recruitment and selection process in a clearer way.
I am very much thankful to MR. Bruce Jansen for providing me the opportunity to do
the training in TOSCANO. Also, thankful to all the officials at TOSCANO for their
cooperation during my training, training for providing me necessary information without
which this project report would not have been completed.
I have gone through various sites, Research Books, Magazines and Newspapers to get
the accurate information for analysis and tried to find the best conclusion.
Summer training is the most vital part of an BBM course, both as a link between theory and
actual industrial practices as well as an opportunity for hands on experience in corporate
environment. I therefore, consider myself fortunate to receive the training in an esteemed
organization viz. TOSCANO. Yet the opportunity could not have been utilizes without the
guidance and support of many individuals who although held varied positions, but were
equally instrument for although completion of my summer training.
Mr. Bruce Jansen And also thanks to all my faculty members and my Parents and friends.
However, I accept the sole responsibility errors of omission and would be extremely grateful
to readers of this project report if they bring such mistake to my notice.
Most organization have a performance appraisal (PA) program that has evolved over
time and is likely not meeting the need of employees and managers.
Many competing PA theories and practices exist making development of an effective
program difficult. However, done well, a strong PA program reinforces organizational
culture and helps employees achieve high levels of performance.
An effective PA program can improve key business measures such as Return on
Assets, Return on Equity, profit margins and earnings.
Every strong PA program has three elements performance tracking, informal
feedback, and formal appraisal.
Build on these three elements to customize your program to your organization’s goals
and values:
o Informal coaching is the single most significant factor in easing
retention and development talent.
o Forced ranking and forced distribution are techniques that work well in
competitive environments. Avoid them in team-based departments.
o 360-degree evaluations help to improve people management abilities.
Stay away from using them for manager compensation or disciplinary
Effectively practiced and development oriented performance appraisal & Review system,
substantially contribute to the organization health. Organization cannot do away with
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. Some form of assessment of performance on a continuing
basis is essential for survival as well as growth of an organization. If and develop yardsticks
to measure it. If you want to improve performance. The performer has to be able to
understand it.
Under performance appraisal, we evaluate not only the performance of a worker but also
his potential for development.
The appraisal can be accomplished by one or more individuals involving a combination of the
immediate supervisor, a higher level manager, a personal manager, the assessee’s peers, the
assesse himself and the assessee’s subordinates.
Usually the immediate supervisor must be interested with the task of rating the assesse
because he his most familiar with his work, and because he is also responsible for
recommencing or approving personal action based on the performance appraisal. The staff
specialists, i.e. the personal offer officer also do appraisal.
They may advise the supervisor while evaluating their subordinates stressing the need for
evidence for making specific appraisal judgments and comparing a particular subordinate’s
evolution with those of others.
The appraisal of an individual may also be done by his peers such appraisal proves effective
in predicting future management success.
This approach has its disadvantage that the individual may rate himself excessively high then
it would be if his superior rated him. Many companies use rating committees to evaluate
employees. These committees consist of supervisors, peers, and subordinates.
The “when” answers the query about the frequency of appraisal? It has been suggested in
formal counseling should occur continuously. The manager should discuss an employee’s
work as soon as possible after he has judged it.
The where indicates the location where an employee may be evaluated. It is usually done at
the place of work or office of the supervisor.
Under how the company must decide what different methods are available and which of these
may be used for performance appraisal. Based on the comparative advantages and
disadvantages it is decided which method suit the propose best.
1) Quality: The degree to which the process or result of carrying out an activity
approach perfection
2) Quantity: The amount produce expressed in monetary terms number of units, or
number of completed activity cycles
3) Timeliness: The degree to which an activity or an result produced
4) Cost effectiveness: The degree to which the use of organizations resources ( e.g,
human, monetary, technological, material) is maximized in the séance of waiting
the highest gain
5) Need for supervision: The degree to which a job performer can carry out job
function without supervisory assistance
6) Interpersonal impact: The degree to which performer promotes feeling of self-
esteem, goodwill and cooperation among co-workers and subordinates.
7) Training: Need for training of improving his skills knowledge.
Management by objectives
Psychological appraisals
Assessment center
Rating scales:
This is the simplest and the most popular technique for employee performance. The
typical rating-scales system consists of several numerical scales, each representing job
related performance criterion such as dependability, initiative output, attendance,
attitude, co-operation and the like. Each scales ranges from excellent to poor. The rater
checks the appropriate performance level on each criterion, and then computes the
employees total numerical scores.
In this method, the raters don’t evaluate employee performance, he supplies reports
about it and the personal department does the final rating a series of question are
presented concerning and employee to his behavior. The rater, then, to indicate if the
answer to a question about an employee in positive or negative. Generally, the
questions are on yes/no pattern.
Forced choice method:
In this rater is given a series of statements about employee. These statements are
arranged in block of two or more, and the rater indicates which statements is most or
least disruptive of the employee
Critical incident method
The approaches focus on certain critical behavior of an employee that makes all the
difference between effective and noon effective performance of a job. Such incidents
are recorded by the superiors as and when occur.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
Sometimes this is called behavioral expectation scales, are rating scales whose scale
point are determined by statements of effective and ineffective behaviors. A rater must
indicate which behavior on each scale best describes an employee’s performance.
Field review method
This is an appraisal by someone outside the assesses on department usually someone
from the corporate office or H.R department. The outsider review employee records
and holds interviews with the rate and his or her superior, the method is primarily used
for make promotional decision at the managerial level.
Annual confidential report method
In this method each employee is rated confidentially by one or more senior officers
for his performance. The report deals with the years work and general opinion of the
rater towards the employee. The main problem with his method is that it is not data
based and the appraisal is done the bases of impression.
Essay method
In the essay method, the rater must describe the employee with in a number of broad
categories such as-
a) The rater’s overall impression of the employee’s performance
b) The promotability of the employee
c) The jobs that the employee is now able or qualified to perform
d) The strength and weakness of the employee and the training and the development
assistant required the employee.
Comparative Evolution Approaches
These are a collection of a different methods that compare one worker’s performance
with that his/ her co-workers. Supervisors usually conduct comparative appraisals. As
these appraisals can results in a ranking from best to worst they are useful on deciding
merits-pay increases promotions and organizational rewards. We can classify it into-
a) Ranking method
In this, the superior his or her subordinates in the order of there merits starting from
the best to the worst. This method is subject to the hallo and recency effects, although
ranking by two or more raters can be averaged to help reduce biases. It advantages
include ease of administration and explanation.
b) Paired-Comparison method:
Under this method the appraiser compares each employee with every other employee,
one at a time. The number of comparisons may be calculated with the help of formula,
which reads thus-:
N (N-1)/2
1. Supervisors:
Supervisors include superiors of the employee other superiors having knowledge
about the work of the employee and department head or manager. General practices is
that immediate superiors appraise the performance, hitch in turn reviewing by the
departmental head/ manager.
2. Peers:
Peer appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over a reasonably long
period of time and perform tasks that require integration.
3. Subordinates:
The concept of having superiors rated by subordinates is being used in most
organizations today especially in developed countries, such a novel method can be
useful in other organizational settings too provided the relationship between superiors
and subordinates are coordinal.
4. Self-Appraisal: -
In individuals understand the objective they are expected to achieve and the standard
by which they are to be evaluated, they are to a great extent in the best position to
appraise their own performance.
6. Consultants: -
Sometimes consultants may be engaged for appraisal when employees or employers
not trust supervisor and management does not trust the self-appraisal a peer appraisal
or subordinate appraisal.
This interview provides the employee the feedback information, and an opportunity to the
appraiser to employee his rating, the trail and behavior he has taken into consideration etc.
Further it helps both the parties to review standards, set new standards based on the reality
factors and helps the appraisal to offer his suggestion, help, guide and coach the employee for
his advancement.
Thus, the post appraisal interview is designed to achieve the following the objectives.
To let employee know where stand
To help employee do better job by clarifying what is expected of them
To plan opportunities for development and growth
To provide an opportunity for employees to express themselves on performance relate
Thus, post appraisal interview is most helpful to the employee as well as his superior.
1) Performance improvement: -
2) Compensation adjustments: -
3) Placement decisions: -
Poor performance may indicate the need for retraining. Likewise, good performance
indicates untapped potential that should be developed.
6) Information Inaccuracies: -
Poor performance indicate errors in job analysis information’s human resource plan,
or other parts, or the personal management information’s systems. Reliance on
inaccurate information may have led to inappropriate hiring, training, or counseling
Good/bad performance throughout the organization indicate how well the human
resource function is performing.
At the First stage, performance standards are established based on job description
and job specification. The standard should be clear, objective and incorporate all
the factors.
The Second stage, is to inform these standards to all the employees including
The Third stage, is following the instruction given for appraisal measurement of
employee performance by the appraisers through observations interview, records
and reports
The Fourth stage, is finding out the influence of various internal and external
factors on actual performance.
The Fifth stage is comparing performance with that of other employee and
previous performance.
The Sixth stage is comparing the actual performance with the standards and
finding out deviations.
The Seventh stage, is communicating the actual performance of the employee and
other employees doing the same job and discuss with him the reasons for positive
or negative deviations from the preset standards as the case may be.
The Eighth stage is suggesting necessary changes in standards, job analysis
internal and external environment.
The Ninth stage is fallow up performance appraisal report. This stage includes
guiding, counseling coaching and directing the employee or making arrangements
for the training and development of the employee.
1) Rating Biases: -
The problem subjective measure (is that rating which is not verifiable by
others) has the opportunity for biases include: -.
a) Halo effect
b) The error of central tendency
c) The leniency and strictness biases
d) Personal prejudice
e) The Recency effect
Halo Effect: -
It is the tendency of the raters to defend excessively on the rating of
one trait or behavioral consideration in rating all other traits or
behavioral consideration. One way of minimizing the halo effect is
appraising all the employee by one trait before going to rate basis of
another trait.
Personal Prejudice: -
If the rater dislikes any employee or any group, he may rate them at the
lower them which may distort the rating purpose affect the career of
these employee.
The Recency Effect: -
Performance appraisal techniques have often failed to give a correct assessment of the
employee. The causes of such failure are: -
1) The supervisor plays dual and conflicting role of the both the judge and the helper.
2) Too many objectives often cause confusion.
3) The superior feels that subordinate appraisal is not rewarding.
4) A considerable time gap exist between two appraisal programs.
5) The skills required for daily administration and employee development are in conflict.
6) Poor communication keeps employees in the dark about what is expected of them.
7) There is the difference of opinion between a supervisor and a subordinate concerning
the liter’s performance.
8) Feedback on appraisal is generally unpleasant for both supervisor and subordinate
9) Unwillingness on the part of superior to tell employee plainly how to improve their
About Employee: -
Use of Employees-:
Is the business maximizing it’s use of employee to best suit the business needs?
Employee Knowledge-:
How familiar (what knowledge) are your employee with the running of
machine/equipment, products of the companies? Does employee require training?
Employee Happiness-:
Are the employees happy with their wages, rewards and hours of work given?
In principle the individual performance matrix (IPM) can be notionally divided into two
Team matrix
Individual matrix
KRA 1 to 5
For achievement of the set targets, the prescribed credit points would accrue to all
team members for the team performance and to an individual for the individual
Any drop / deviation from the targets will lead to ‘Debit’ to while the overall debit
points for the negative variance vis-à-vis has been prescribed for the team the
individual will be liable to the lose additional points bin case of direct responsibility
for deviation.
These ‘debit’ points will be determine depending on gravity of error, quantum of loss,
extraneous/inhibiting factors, etc, as a part of appraisal process.
(health Safety/fire, environment) “Debit” will apply to an individual and his superiors but his
not peers / others who may not be connected with the safety incident. Similarly there is scope
to earn separate credit points for an individual through safety suggestion and reporting of
“near misses” and unsafe acts/conditions/
(Training and HR) this is intended to cover self training, training of subordinates, for the
training programs organized by learning center are HR based on individual need assessment
of self & subordinates.
These also include quarterly review, counseling and maintaining of performance diary.
(Quality System & Documentation) this include proper maintenance of each and every
documents of ISO 9000 and 14001 for surveillance audits, also revision of SOPs / SOCs
decided by the plant.
KRA 10
(Industrial Relations) there is a scope for a team to earn separate credit points based on the
number of implement suggestion. In this case the team means the concern immediate
supervisor, production / department manager and plant manager.
Disciplinary Action
It will be deemed to be complete when the matter is brought to logical Conclusion resulting
in either appropriate punishment or withdrawal of Chargge sheet. However, no debit will be
accrued in the event of Prolonged enquiry beyond the control of the employee. Further for the
Discipline violations not reported and discovered.
Tier – II
The appraisal for managerial key dimension determined carder wise with 20% weightage.
Performance Diary
The performance diary is a meant to track / capture the significant performance events
whether positive or negative ( Credit or Debit). This is also the tool for recording the personal
contribution in terms of innovative ideas, suggestions, cost saving efforts etc.
The filling up the performance diary is most critical and important aspect on which the entire
system rests. Each and every individual has responsibility to highlight ‘event’ in the
performance diary, timely and properly.
While for an individual on the other hand, it may mean establishing clear responsibility for a
fault/formal operation / misjudgment etc. on the other hand it will mean recording of credits
worthy efforts / contribution which may otherwise go unnoticed.
It is also essential to mention the impact of the incident in the terms of beneficial and
detrimental consequences as the case may be. Where ever possible, the consequence needs to
be quantified. Two important factors which is likely to be recorded in the performance diary
are as follows-:
Facilitating Factor:
Are those factors that are beyond the control of the appraise that have led to better
performance. Example: Availability of resources in time.
Inhibiting Factor:
Are those factors that are beyond the control of the appraise they have led to poor
performance. EXAMPLE: power failure that has led to loss of output.