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Буклет 2012 року

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1. A 49-year-old patient complains about pain in the oral cavity induced by eating. He suffers
from CHD. Objective examination revealed dyspnea, limb edema. Oral cavity isn’t sanitated.
On the mucous membrane on the right, there is an ulcer with irregular edges covered with
greyish-white necrotic deposit with low-grade inflammation around it. There is also halitosis.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Trophic ulcer *
B. Traumatic ulcer
C. Tuberculous ulcer
D. Cancerous ulcer
E. Ulcero-necrotic stomatitis

2. A 48-year-old patient complains about itching gums. Objectively: gums are dense, of normal
colour; cold water causes short-term toothache. X-ray picture shows osteosclerosis of
interalveolar septa (fine granular bone texture), height of interalveolar septa and integrity of
compact substance on their tops is unchanged. Which diagnosis is the most likely?
A. Initial parodontosis *
B. Atrophic gingivitis
C. Initial periodontitis
D. I degree periodontitis
E. I degree parodontosis

3. A 34-year-old patient had got in a car accident. The patient stayed conscious. He complains of
headache, dizziness, general weakness, nausea. 12 hours after the injury the patient got
"raccoon eyes"(periorbital haematomas) within the circular muscles of eye. What fracture does
the victim have?
A. Fracture of skull base *
B. Le Fort II fracture of maxilla
C. Fracture of nasal bones
D. Bilateral fracture of zygomatic bones
E. Fracture of frontal bones

4. A victim got a perforating wound of the left cheek contaminated with radioactive materials on
the battlefield. The wound was dressed with aseptic bandage from the individual first-aid pack
and processed with anaesthetic and antibacterial medicaments. The dressing should be
changed at the following station of medical evacuation:
A. At each station of evacuation *
B. At the battalion aid station
C. At the regimental aid station
D. At the station of the separate medical battalion
E. Only when the dressing is unsatisfactory

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5. A 47-year-old female patient complains of inability to eat hot and cold food, as well as of
intense pain caused by sour, sweet and salty food. Objectively: there is a slight loss of enamel
on the molars and incisors. Probing and cold test cause acute pain. What is the most likely
A. Hyperesthesia of dental hard tissues *
B. Enamel erosion
C. Enamel necrosis
D. Enamel hypoplasia
E. Pathological abrasion of dental hard tissues

6. After removal of dental plaque an 18-year-old patient underwent preventive examination. It

revealed painless chalky spots in the precervical region on the vestibular surface of the 22 and
41 teeth. Result of enamel resistance test is 7 What morphological changes are typical for this
A. Subsurface enamel demineralization *
B. Changes in the mantle dentine
C. Damage of dentinoenamel junction
D. Superficial enamel demineralization
E. Degeneratic changes of odontoblasts

7. A 49-year-old patient complains of constant mandibular pain irradiating to the ear, soft tissue
edema, body temperature rise up to 39,0oC. Objectively: there is an edema in the
submandibular region, the skin has not changed in colour. Alveolar mucosa around the 45, 46
teeth is hyperemic and edematic on the oral and vestibular side. Crowns of the 45,46 teeth are
completely destroyed, the teeth are mobile. Vincent’s symptom is present. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Acute mandibular osteomyelitis *
B. Abscess of submandibular region
C. Exacerbation of chronic mandibular osteomyelitis
D. Acute serous periostitis of mandible
E. Acute purulent periostitis of mandible

8. An 8-year-old boy complains of having toothache during eating. Objectively: approximal

surface of the 55 tooth has a deep carious cavity communicating with the tooth cavity. Probing
causes acute pain, there is bleeding, percussion is pai- nless. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic fibrous pulpitis *
B. Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
C. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
D. Chronic granulating periodontitis
E. Chronic fibrous periodontitis

9. A 36-year-old patient complains of pain under the dental bridge. After its removal the patient
has been found to have an ulcer 0,3x0,5 cm large on the alveolar process. The ulcer is slightly
painful and soft, the surrounding mucosa is hyperaemic, submandibular lymph nodes are not
enlarged. What is a provisional diagnosis?
A. Decubital ulcer *
B. Trophic ulcer

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C. Sutton aphtha
D. Cancerous ulcer
E. Tuberculous ulcer

10. A 45-year-old female patient complains of worsened fixation and frequent breakages of her
partial removable laminar denture for the lower jaw, which she has used for 5 years.
Objectively: alveolar process in edentulous areas is considerably atrophied, the denture keeps
balance. What is the most likely cause of worsened fixation and frequent breakages of the
denture in this case?
A. Atrophy of the alveolar process *
B. Wear of artificial teeth
C. Improper keeping of the denture
D. Using the denture during sleep
E. Eating solid food

11. A 42-year-old female patient complains of tooth mobility, difficult mastication. Objectively: face
configuration is unchanged. The 35,36,38,44,46,48 teeth are missing. The 31, 32, 41, 42 teeth
have 1-2 grade mobility. What is the most efficient denture construction in this case?
A. Whole-piece splint with vestibular clowlike hooks *
B. Whole-piece splint with Roach clasps and a multijoint clasp
C. Mamlock splint
D. Removable plastic splint
E. Interdental splint

12. A 42-year-old patient complains of pain in the submaxillary and sublingual areas that is getting
worse during eating, body temperature rise up to 37,6°C. He has been suffering from this for 2
months. Objectively: infiltration along the right sublingual torus, hyperemia, soft tissue edema,
acute pain during palpation. The duct of the right submandubular salivary gland excretes
turbid saliva mixed with pus. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of salivolithiasis *
B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis of submaxillary area
C. Adenophlegmon of submaxillary area
D. Abscess of maxillolingual groove
E. Retention cyst of sublingual salivary gland

13. A 4-year-old girl presents with body temperature rise, aggravation of general condition. The
symptoms has been observed for 3 days. Objectively: general condition is grave, body
temperature is 38,6°C, the girl is anxious and pale. She presents also with halitosis,
hyperaemia and edema of gingival mucous membrane in the region of the 83, 84, 85 teeth on
both sides from the alveolar process. The mentioned teeth are mobile, their percussion causes
acute pain; the 84 tooth is filled. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute odontogenous mandibular osteomyelitis beginning from the 84 tooth *
B. Acute sialoadenitis of submandibular salivary gland
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 84 tooth
D. Suppuration of the radiculodental mandibular cyst beginning from the 84 tooth
E. Acute odontogenous mandibular periostitis beginning from the 84 tooth

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14. A 48-year-old female patient had been delivered to a hospital with a cheek wound and severe
headache, nausea, dizziness. It is known from the history that the patient got a trauma as a
result of a fall. After examination she was diagnosed with a contused lacerated wound of
cheek, closed craniocerebral injury, brain concussion. This trauma can be qualified as:
A. Concominant trauma *
B. Isolated trauma
C. Combined trauma
D. Polytrauma
E. Single

15. A 26-year-old patient needs prosthetics. Objectively: crown of the 16 tooth is destroyed by 1/3.
It is planned to restore its anatomical shape with a metal inlay. What is the first stage of
making a cavity for the inlay?
A. Removal of affected tissues *
B. Making additional cavities
C. Making a bevel
D. Making the cavity floor
E. Making the cavity walls

16. An 8-year-old boy complains of improper arrangement of teeth. Examination at an orthodontic

clinic revealed broad, tight, low-attached upper lip frenulum. Broad frenulum and its low
attachment may cause:
A. Diastema *
B. Shortening of the upper dentition
C. Elongation of the upper dentition
D. Narrowing of the upper dentition
E. Protrusion of the upper front teeth

17. During extraction of the 47 tooth its distal root was broken halfway along its length. What tool
should be chosen for extraction of the residual root fragments?
A. Left angled elevator *
B. Broad-beaked forceps
C. Close-beaked forceps
D. Right angled elevator
E. Straight elevator

18. A 22-year-old student complains of gingival haemorrhage during tooth brushing. Objectively:
hyperaemia and edema of marginal gingiva of the front teeth on both jaws, periodontal pockets
are absent. X-ray reveals no pathological changes. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis *
B. Localized periodontitis
C. Ulcerative gingivitis
D. Hypertrophic gingivitis
E. Generalized periodontitis

19. A 37-year-old male patient complains about pain of the 46 tooth during food intake, especially

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hot food, offensive breath when he sucks his tooth. Objectively: the face is symmetrical,
masticatory surface of the 48 tooth has a deep carious cavity communicating with the dental
cavity. X-ray picture shows widening of periodontal fissure at the root apex of the 46 tooth.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis *
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
D. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
E. Chronic fibrous pulpitis

20. A 24-year-old male complains of pain, bad breath, body temperature rise up to 38,0oC.
Objectively: the patient is pale, adynamic. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.
Gums are edematic, hyperaemic, ulcerated, covered with necrotic plaque. There is an
excessive buildup of calculus. What additional study should be done in the first place?
A. Complete blood count *
B. Blood sugar test
C. Microscopy of gingival plaque
D. Test for HIV infection
E. X-ray of jaws

21. A 46-year-old patient complains of spontaneous pain in the 36 tooth. Its crown is decayed. The
patient presented with edema of soft tissues adjacent to the mandible. Body temperature rose
up to 39,0oC, the patient has chill. Examination of the oral cavity revealed a pronounced
edema of the left mandibular alveolar process on the vestibular and oral side (acute
periostitis); the 35, 36, 37 teeth are mobile, subgingival pockets contain purulent exudate;
their percussion causes acute pain. Positive Vincent’s symptom is present. What is the
presumptive diagnosis?
A. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of mandible from the 36 tooth *
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis from the 36 tooth
C. Acute purulent periostitis of mandible from the 36 tooth
D. Exacerbation of generalized periodontitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic mandibular osteomyelitis

22. An 11-year-old girl complains about gingival haemorrhage during tooth brushing and eating.
She has been suffering from this for a year. Gum of both upper and lower jaws is edematic and
congestively hyperemic. Hygienic state of oral cavity is unsatisfactory. Bite is edge-to-edge.
Roentgenological examination of periodontium revealed no pathological changes. What is the
provisional diagnosis?
A. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis *
B. Acute catarrhal gingivitis
C. Generalized periodontitis
D. Localized periodontitis
E. Hypertrophic gingivitis

23. Preventive examination of a 4,5-year- old child revealed some hidden cavities on the contact
surfaces of the 54 and 55 teeth. After removal of the overhanging edges of the enamel the
softened dentin could be easily removed within the mantle dentin. Select the optimal material

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for a permanent filling:

A. Compomer material *
B. Composite material
C. Silicate cement
D. Silicophosphate cement
E. Polycarboxylate cement

24. A 54-year-old woman complains about wear of the 35 and 36 teeth and pain caused by thermal
and chemical stimuli. Objectively: crowns of the 35 and 36 teeth are worn by 1/3 of their
height (horizontal type), the 24, 25 26 teeth have fullcast crowns. What crowns should be
made for the 35 and 36 teeth?
A. Fullcast *
B. Combined Belkin’s
C. Metal stamped
D. Plastic
E. Metal-ceramic

25. An 18-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise, weakness, pain induced by
eating and deglutition. Objectively: mucous membrane of the oral cavity is erythematic with
multiple petechia. Pharynx is hyperaemic. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, mobile,
painless. In blood: leukocytosis, monocytosis, atypic mononuclear cells, ESR is 30 mm/h. What
is the leading factor of disease development?
A. Viral infection *
B. Bacterial infection
C. Autoimmune disorders
D. Immediate allergy
E. Delayed allergy

26. An 18-year-old student needs prosthetic metal-ceramic denture for the 11, 21 teeth. There are
no contraindications for the use of such construction. What is the most appropriate material
for taking impressions?
A. Sielast *
B. Stomalgin
C. Orthocor
D. Stens
E. Repin

27. A soldier was delivered to the regiment medical station with dislocation asphyxia caused by a
gunshot wound. What actions should be taken for asphyxia suppression?
A. Pul the tongue forwards and sew it through *
B. Intubation of trachea
C. Tracheostoma establishment
D. Artificial airway
E. Artificial pulmonary ventilation

28. A week ago an 18-year-old girl complained of pain in the 22 tooth which was treated and filled

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several years ago. Over the past two days the pain got worse. Objectively: the 22 tooth is filled,
percussion is painful, mucous membrane is hyperaemic and edematic. Spot-film
roentgenograph of the 22 tooth shows an ill-defined pariapical bone rarefaction 0,4x0,5 cm
large. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 22 tooth *
B. Suppuration of the radicular cyst
C. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
D. Acute purulent periodontitis of the 22 tooth
E. Acute maxillary periostitis

29. A 22-year-old patient complains of a painful swelling in the right parotid gland. A week earlier
the patient got a cheek abrasion which healed under the purulent crust. Over the past two
days the patient had observed progressing pain and fever up to 38,6oC. Objectively: there is a
soft tissue edema in the right parotid region, the skin is slightly strained but has not changed
in colour. There is a dense painful infiltration 2,5x3,5 cm large, the skin over it exhibits limited
mobility. The mouth can be fully opened, the mucous membrane around the orifice of the
salivary duct is unchanged, the saliva is transparent. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute lymphadenitis *
B. Exacerbation of chronic parotitis
C. Abscess of the parotid-masticatory region
D. Acute non-epidemic parotitis
E. Epidemic parotitis

30. A 33-year-old female patient has been admitted to the maxillofacial department with
complaints of pain and edema of the right submandibular region, body temperature rise up to
39,5oC. Objectively: the patient has asymmetric face because of soft tissue edema of the right
submandibular region, palpation reveals a dense infiltration, the skin over it is hyperemic,
does not make a fold. The 46 tooth has a deep carious cavity. What is the most likely
A. Submandibular phlegmon on the right *
B. Acute submandibular sialoadenitis
C. Acute purulent periostitis of mandible
D. Acute purulent submandibular lymphadenitis
E. Acute right-sided osteomyelitis of mandible

31. Analysis of the contents of periodontal pockets revealed a significant contamination with
Candida yeast fungi. Which of the following drugs should be used for instillations?
A. Clotrimazole *
B. Trichopol
C. Dioxydin
D. Diclofenac sodium
E. Tinidazole

32. A 25-year-old patient consulted a doctor about massive gingival haemorrhages, dry mouth,
mobility and shifting of teeth, purulent discharges from the gums, bad breath. According to
the patient, these presentations turned up about 2 months ago. Before the diagnosis can be
made, the following tests should be done in the first place:

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A. Blood sugar test *

B. Immunological studies
C. Allergological tests
D. Acute-phase reactants tests
E. Serologic studies

33. A 59-year-old patient has a bilateral fracture of mandible in the region of the 44, 34 teeth,
other masticatory teeth are missing, toothless fragments are not displaced but mobile. Which
orthosis should be used for the immobilization of bone fragments?
A. Vankevich splint with orthodontic elastics *
B. Rudko’s apparatus
C. Limberg’s splint
D. Petrosov’s apparatus
E. Zbarzh apparatus

34. A 20-year-old patient has asymmetric face due to an upper lip edema on the left. The skin over
it is bluish, there are positive symptoms of "compression"and "filling in". What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Cavernous hemangioma *
B. Branched hemangioma
C. Capillary hemangioma
D. Lymphangioma
E. Lentigo

35. A 3-year-old girl complains of pain and swelling in the region of the decayed 51, 52 teeth, body
temperature rise up to 37,5 — 37,9°C. Objectively: the face is asymmetric because of a
swelling in the upper lip region and right infraorbital region. The crown of the 51 tooth is
completely decayed. Mucous membrane in the region of the 52, 51, 1 teeth is edematic,
mucogingival fold is smoothed, palpation provokes pain, mobility of I-II grade of the 51, 52
teeth is also present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent odontogenic maxillary periostitis *
B. Acute albuminous odontogenic maxillary periostitis
C. Acute odontogenic maxillary osteomyelitis
D. Odontogenic abscess of infraorbital region
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 51 tooth

36. A 31-year-old male patient complains of dryness and burning of tongue back that appeared for
about a week ago and get worse when he eats irritating food. The patient has a history of
recent pneumonia. He had been treated in the in-patient hospital for 2 weeks, the treatment
program included antibiotics. Now he doesn’t take any drugs. Objectively: mucous membrane
of the oral cavity is hyperemic, dry, glossy. Tongue back and palate have greyish-white plicae
that can be easily removed. Threads of saliva trail behind the spatula. What is the most likely
A. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis *
B. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis
C. Acute atrophic candidiasis
D. Medicamental stomatitis

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E. Chronic atrophic candidiasis

37. During the examinations and everyday orthopaedic manipulations a dentist uses a dental
mirror. What is the way of dental mirrors sterilization?
A. In the triple solution for 30 minutes *
B. In the 0,5% ethyl chloride solution for 20 minutes
C. In the 6% hydrogen peroxide solution for 6 hours
D. In the dry heat sterilizer at 180oC for 10 minutes
E. In the 0,01% chloramine solution for 10 minutes

38. A 65-year-old patient complains about partially missing teeth on his upper jaw, difficult
mastication, rhinolalia. Objectively: the 18, 16, 15, 11, 23, 28, 35, 38, 48, 47 teeth are missing;
there is postoperative midline defect of hard palate. It was decided to make a clasp dental
prosthesis with obturating part. The obturating part should be placed on the following element
of the clasp dental prosthesis:
A. On the arch *
B. On the saddle
C. On the artificial teeth
D. On the base
E. On the clasps

39. Examination of an 11-year-old boy revealed thickened, somewhat cyanotic, dense gingival
margin overlapping the crowns of all teeth by 1/2 of their height. Fedorov-Volodkina oral
hygiene index is 2,6, PMA index is 20%. X-ray picture shows no pathological changes of
periodontium. The child has a 2-year history of neuropsychiatric treatment for epilepsy. Make
a provisional diagnosis:
A. Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis *
B. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis
C. Localized periodontitis
D. Acute catarrhal gingivitis
E. Generalized periodontitis

40. A 39-year-old patient complains of a cosmetic defect, hypersensitivity of the 12, 11, 22 teeth.
Objectively: vestibular surface of these teeth has oval defects with smooth shiny walls. Probing
causes no pain, there is a pain reaction to cold stimuli. The defects can be stained with 5%
tincture of iodine. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Enamel erosion *
B. Superficial caries
C. Wedge-shaped defect
D. Systemic hypoplasia
E. Fluorosis, erosive form

41. A 70-year-old patient complains of pain in the lower jaw region on the right. He has been using
complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw for 12 years. He is smoker.
Objectively: the right retromolar region exhibits a 1,5x1,2 cm large proliferation of mucous
membrane in form of cauliflower, here and there there are dense fissurelike ulcers. The

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surrounding mucous membrane is cyanotic, infiltrated. When the teeth are closed, the
mentioned formation contacts with the posterior edges of the dentures. What is the provisional
A. Cancer of the mucous membrane *
B. Leukoplakia
C. Decubital ulcer
D. Hypertrophic gingivitis
E. Papillomatosis

42. A 40-year-old patient complains of discoloration of the vermilion border of the lower lip that he
noticed about 4 months ago. Objectively: in the center of the vermilion border of the lower lip
there is an irregular homogeneous grayish-white area 1x1,5 cm large that doesn’t rise above
the vermilion border and has distinct outlines. Palpation of this area is painless, the
surrounding tissues are not changed. The film cannot be removed when scraped. The 31,
32,41,42 teeth are missing. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Leukoplakia *
B. Lupus erythematosus
C. Lichen ruber planus
D. Candidous cheilitis
E. Premalignant circumscribed hyperkeratosis

43. A 35-year-old patient complains about itch, burning and edema of lips. He has been suffering
from this for a week. Objectively: reddening of vermilion border and skin, especially in the
region of mouth corners, there are also vesicles, crusts, small cracks along with erythematous
affection of vermilion border. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute eczematous cheilitis *
B. Multiform exudative erythema
C. Acute herpetic cheilitis
D. Allergic contact cheilitis
E. Exudative form of exfoliative cheilitis

44. A 45-year-old man complains about liquid outpouring from his nose, inability to blow his nose,
inflated cheeks. Objectively: there is a perforating defect (1x1,5 cm) of alveolar process at a
level of the extracted 26th tooth in the lateral part of his upper jaw. Air inhalation through the
nose with held nostrils is accompanied by generation of bubbles in the area of perforation.
What denture construction should be recommended?
A. Minor saddle denture with clasp fixation *
B. Clasp denture with obturating part
C. Common partial removable denture
D. Common dental bridge
E. Protective palatal bars

45. Preventive examination of an 8-year-old boy revealed some lusterless chalklike spots on the
vestibular surface of the 11 and 21 teeth, which are localised in the precervical region.
Subjective complaints are absent. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute initial caries *
B. White-spotted fluorosis

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C. Local enamel hypoplasia

D. Acute superficial caries
E. Chronic initial caries

46. A 44-year-old male patient complains of fatigue and headache, limb numbness, dry mouth,
burning and pain in the tongue. Objectively: skin and oral mucosa are pale. There are painful
cracks in the corners of mouth. Dorsum of tongue is smooth, glossy, with bright red striae. In
blood: Hb- 70 g/l, RBCs - 1,5 • 1012/l, color index - 1,6, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
lymphocytosis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Addison-Biermer anemia *
B. Chronic posthaemorrhagic anemia
C. Late chlorosis
D. Iron deficiency anemia
E. Aplastic anemia

47. A 25-year-old patient presents with fluorosis of vestibular surfaces of the upper incisors. Which
of the following constructions will provide the maximum aesthetic result?
A. Veneers *
B. Plastic crown
C. Ceramic crown
D. Combined Kurylenko crown
E. Metal-plastic crown

48. A 27-year-old patient complains about acute pain in the region of the 34 tooth that is getting
worse when biting down on food. Roentgenographical survey revealed an ill-defined zone of
bone tissue destruction in the periapical region of root of the 34 tooth. What is the most likely
A. Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis *
B. Acute purulent pulpitis complicated by periodontitis
C. Exacarbation of chronic pulpitis
D. Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
E. Acute serous periodontitis

49. A 48-year-old patient complains of subfebrile temperature and a growing ulcer on the gingival
mucosa around the molars; looseness of teeth in the affected area, cough. Objectively: gingival
mucosa in the region of the lower left molars has two superficial, extremely painful ulcers with
undermined edges. The ulcers floor is yellowish, granular, covered with yellowish, and
sometimes pink granulations. The ulcers are surrounded by the tubercles. Dental cervices are
exposed, there is a pathological tooth mobility. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and make
dense matted together groups. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Tuberculosis *
B. Syphilis
C. Acute aphthous stomatitis
D. Infectious mononucleosis
E. Decubital ulcer

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50. A 56-year-old man complains of pain in the left parotidomasticatory region, progressing face
asymmetry that was noticed a month ago. Objectively: left-sided paresis of mimic muscles. To
the fore of earflap there is an ill-defined infiltration, the skin above it is tense and cyanotic; left
lymph nodes are enlarged. Opening of mouth is limited down to 2,5 cm. The left parotid duct
doesn’t excrete saliva. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Adenocarcinoma *
B. Mixed tumour
C. Cyst of the gland
D. Glandular tuberculosis
E. Chronic lymphadenitis

51. A 4-year-old girl complains of spontaneous acute toothache in the upper jaw on the right
increasing during eating. The pain arose two days ago. Objectively: there is a deep carious
cavity filled with softened dentin in the 55 tooth. There is no intercommunication with the
tooth cavity. Probing of the cavity floor is slightly painful. Percussion is painful. What is the
presumptive diagnosis?
A. Acute pulpitis complicated by periodontitis *
B. Acute purulent pulpitis
C. Acute generalized (serous) pulpitis
D. Exacerbation of chronic gangrenous pulpitis
E. Acute purulent periodontitis

52. A 35-year-old man complains of shortterm pain caused by thermal stimuli in the 46 and 47
teeth. Objectively: masticatory surfaces of the 46, 47 teeth are intact, approximal surfaces
could not be examined because of a very close arrangement of teeth. What methods of study
can be used in this case if you suspect the presence of hidden cavities?
A. X-ray *
B. Vital staining
C. Fluorescent study
D. Measuring electrical resistance
E. Electro-odontometry

53. A 52-year-old man undergoes treatment of the 36 tooth for chronic periodontitis. Radiography
revealed convoluted medial root canals; an irregular-shaped focus of destruction of bone tissue
0,2x0,2 cm large in the region of the medial root apex. Which of the following drugs is optimal
for intracanal electrophoresis?
A. 10% solution of potassium iodide *
B. 1 % solution of decamethoxin
C. 1 % solution of novocaine
D. 3% solution of copper sulphate
E. 0,1% solution of trypsin

54. A 44-year-old patient consulted a surgeon about constant acute pain in the upper jaw region
on the left that is getting worse during teeth joining. The pain was noted 3 days ago.
Objectively: the face is symmetrical, mouth opening is unlimited. The crown for the 26 tooth is
half-destroyed. Probing of the carious cavity is painless. Percussion of the 26 tooth provokes
acute pain. Mucous membrane of the alveolar process is edematic, hyperaemic at the level of

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the 26 tooth. The 26 tooth had been treated before. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 26 tooth *
B. Acute purulent periodontitis of the 26 tooth
C. Acute pulpitis of the 26 tooth
D. Acute purulent periostitis of upper jaw of the 26 tooth on the left
E. Periodontitis of the 26,27, 28 teeth

55. A 22-year-old medical student complains of the changed colour of his central upper incisor on
the right. Two years ago the tooth was gray. Objectively: the 2 tooth is filled, changed in
colour, stable, percussion is painless. The patient has closed bite. What is the absolute
contraindication to making porcelain crowns for this patient?
A. Closed bite *
B. Defects of the anterior teeth that cannot be restored by fillings
C. Enamel hypoplasia with a change of tooth shape and colour
D. Abnormal tooth colour
E. Defects of pulpless teeth that can not be restored by inlays

56. A 18-year-old patient complains of acute spontaneous toothache irradiating to the right eye
and temporal region. Objectively: there is a deep carious cavity in the 27 tooth within
circumpulpar dentin. Dentin is light, softened. Probing of the cavity floor and cold test cause
acute pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute diffuse pulpitis *
B. Acute purulent periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. Acute purulent pulpitis

57. A 43-year-old patient was found to have no crown of the 13 tooth. The root protrudes above
the gum by 0,5-1 mm. The apical part is filled. History: coronal part of the tooth broke off
three weeks ago. Prior to this the tooth had been treated for chronic periodontitis. Percussion
is painless. The root edges are made by hard moist mucous membrane of pale pink colour.
Specify the dentist’s tactics:
A. Fabricate a crown-root inlay and metal-ceramic crown *
B. Remove the tooth root
C. Fabricate a simple pivot crown
D. Restore the tooth by means of an anchor and photopolymer material
E. Fabricate a pivot Richmond crown

58. A 40-year-old patient with mandible fracture consulted a doctor 3 weeks after immobilization
of fragments because of pain and body temperature rise. Objectively: a slight swelling in the
mental region, mucous membrane of alveolar process in the area of the 21|12 teeth is
hyperaemic, edematic, palpatory painful. Overtooth splint on 54321|12345 teeth is in
satisfactory condition, no occlusion abnormalities were detected. The patient was diagnosed
with acute purulent periostitis of mandible. What surgical action is indicated?
A. Lancing of abscess to the bone *
B. Intraoral novocaine block
C. Removal and replacement of the overtooth splint by a new one

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D. Trepanation of the 21 and 12 teeth

E. Surveillance of patient

59. A 32-year-old patient complains of acute spontaneous attacks of pain in the 14 tooth. The pain
lasts for 10-20 minutes and occurs every 2-3 hours. Carious cavity in the 14 tooth is filled with
softened dentin. Probing of the cavity floor is painful at one point. Cold stimulus causes pain.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute localized pulpitis *
B. Acute deep caries
C. Hyperemia of the pulp
D. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
E. Acute diffuse pulpitis

60. A 32-year-old patient complains of the long-term dull toothache caused by hot food. The
toothache appeared a month ago. Objectively: the 26 tooth has changed in colour, on the
masticatory surface there is a deep carious cavity communicating with the tooth cavity.
Superficial probing of pulp is painless, deep probing is painful. Electro-odontodiagnostics
results: 85 /iA. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis *
B. Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
C. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
D. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
E. Chronic concrementous pulpitis

61. A 27-year-old patient complains of the long-term pain in the 22 tooth caused by cold and hot
food, as well as of spontaneous pain lasting for 30 minutes and occurring 3-4 times per day,
getting worse at night. Pain arose 3 days ago after preparation of the tooth for the acrylic
crown. Objectively: the 22 tooth is intact, the thermal test causes acute long-lasting pain,
percussion is painless. What is the optimal treatment tactics?
A. Vital pulp extirpation *
B. Application of fluorine lacquer
C. Biological treatment of pulpitis
D. Devital pulp extirpation
E. Vital pulp amputation

62. A 5-year-old child has been diagnosed with congenital complete nonclosure of soft and hard
palate. What type of anaesthesia is indicated for uranostaphyloplasty?
A. Nasotracheal narcosis *
B. Mask narcosis
C. Intravenous narcosis
D. Orotracheal narcosis
E. Endotracheal narcosis through tracheostome

63. A 24-year-old patient complains of aching pain in the 11 tooth that is getting worse on biting.
Two days ago the tooth was filled for pulpitis. Objectively: the 11 tooth is filled. The thermal
test causes no pain, vertical percussion is slightly painful. X-ray picture of the 11 tooth shows

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that the endodontic filling is 1 mm above the root apex. Which of the following methods will be
most effective for eliminating this complication?
A. Fluctuorization *
B. Ultrahigh frequency therapy
C. Relaxing incision
D. Submucous injection of 1% solution of hydrocortisone
E. Analgetics

64. It is planned to make a metal-ceramic crown supported by stump inlay for the 23 tooth.
Objectively: the crown of the 23 tooth is decayed down to the gingival edge. Root canal is filled
to the top. The dentist made a wax stump model with a pin, cast it in metal, fitted it to the
tooth, fixed it by means of visphat-cement and got a working plaster impression. At what stage
did he make an error?
A. Impression taking *
B. Wax construction making
C. Casting
D. Stump fitting
E. Stump fixing

65. A 23-year-old military servant needs orthopaedic treatment at a specialized hospital. He was
diagnosed with false joint of mandible in its frontal part. The teeth are intact, stable, in threes
on each side. Orthopaedic treatment by means of a bridge denture will be possible only if the
jaw defect is no more than:
A. 1 cm *
B. 2 cm
C. 3 cm
D. 3,5 cm
E. 4 cm

66. According to the mother, a 5-year-old child complains about pain during swallowing,
weakness, body temperature rise upt to 39,5oC, swelling of submental lymph nodes.
Objectively: the child’s condition is grave, body temperature is 38,8oC. Mucous membrane of
oral cavity is brightly hyperaemic and edematic with haemorrhages and ulcerations. Pharynx
is brightly hyperemic, lacunae are enlarged and have necrosis areas. Regional, cervical,
occipital lymph nodes are painful, enlarged and dense. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Infectious mononucleosis *
B. Acute herpetic stomatitis
C. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis
D. Herpetic angina
E. Lacunar tonsillitis

67. A patient is 48 year old, according to the results of clinicoroentgenological examination it is

indicated to remove the 26 tooth because of acute condition of chronic granulomatous
periodontitis. What kind of conduction anesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. Tuberal and palatinal *
B. Torus
C. Infraorbital and incisive

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D. Plexus
E. Infraorbital and palatinal

68. Examination of an 8-year-old child revealed irregular white spots on the vestibular surface in
the precervical region of the of 11 and 12 teeth. The spots are smooth and stainable. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Focal demineralization *
B. Enamel hypoplasia
C. Superficial caries
D. Enamel erosion
E. Fournier’s teeth

69. A 45-year-old patient complains of missing teeth in the lower jaw on the right. Objectively: the
46, 45, 38, 48 teeth are missing. The 47 tooth is mobile (1 grade mobility), the crown of the 44
tooth is destroyed by 1/2. What orthopedic construction should be recommended for
restoration of masticatory efficiency and prevention of periodontal overload of the 47, 44
A. Arch denture with clasp fixation for the 47,44, 34 teeth *
B. Soldered bridge supported by the 48, 44 teeth
C. Metal-ceramic bridge supported by the 47, 46 teeth
D. Bridge supported by the 47 tooth
E. Small saddle denture with clasp fixation for the 47, 44 teeth

70. A 57-year-old patient complains of tooth mobility, inability to eat. Objectively: the lower 35, 36,
37, 38, 44, 45, 46 and 48 teeth are missing; the 31,32,33,34, 41, 42, 43, 47 teeth exhibit II
grade mobility, their clinical crowns are low, tooth equator is not pronounced. What is the
optimal denture construction in this case?
A. Removable whole-piece splint *
B. Removable partial denture
C. Kurliandsky splint bar
D. Removable Bynin splint
E. Removable splint with vestibulo-oral clasp

71. A patient working as a bricklayer complains of itching, burning, soreness of lips that show up
only in the summer period. He has been ill for 3 years. Objectively: vermilion border of the
lower lip is hyperemic, edematic, covered with blisters and painful erosions 2 mm in diameter,
crusts, cracks. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Actinic cheilitis, exudative form *
B. Contact allergic cheilitis
C. Meteorological cheilitis
D. Eczematous cheilitis, exudative form
E. Exfoliative cheilitis, exudative form

72. A 60-year-old patient complains of pain in the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular
joints. The pain occurs when she uses complete removable dentures fabricated a month ago.
Objectively: the lower third of the face is elongated, the lips can be closed with difficulty,

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smiling causes exposure of the denture base, the articulation is impaired. A mistake must have
been made at the following stage of denture fabrication:
A. Determination and fixation of the central occlusion *
B. Taking anatomic impressions
C. Taking functional impressions
D. Testing the denture construction
E. Fitting the dentures and their correction

73. A patient consulted a dentist about a cosmetic defect in the cervical region of the upper and
lower canines. Various stimuli cause no pain. Objectively: there are V-shaped defects on the
vestibular surface in the cervical area of the upper and lower canines. Their surface is smooth,
shiny, hard. The reaction to probing and cold stimuli is absent. What treatment should be
A. Filling of the defects *
B. Metal crowns
C. Applications with 10% solution of calcium gluconate
D. Application of fluorine lacquer
E. Medical intervention is not necessary

74. A 57-year-old patient complains about dryness and burning of the lateral surface of her
tongue. These sensations disappear during eating. She noted such sensations three months
ago. She has a history of gastritis with reduced secretory function. Objectively: mucous
membrane of tongue and oral cavity has no peculiarities. The back of tongue has thin white
coating. Regional lymph nodes are unpalpable. Oral cavity is sanitized. What is the most likely
A. Glossodynia *
B. Lingual nerve neuritis
C. Candidiasis
D. Desquamative glossitis
E. Hunter-Moeller glossitis

75. A 65-year-old patient needs complete removable dentures for both jaws. At the stage of
"testing the denture constructi-on"the doctor checks the pronunciation of sounds "S"and "Z".
Which method of normalization of speech functions should be applied in this case?
A. Phonetic tests *
B. Graphic
C. Myogymnastics
D. Spectrographic
E. Acoustic

76. An 18-year-old man complains of the 14, 13, 12, 23, 24 teeth being sensitive to sweet and sour
food. Examination revealed some isolated ill-defined chalky spots in the precervical region.
What is the most informative method of study that allows to confirm the diagnosis?
A. Vital staining *
B. X-ray
C. Probing
D. Electro-odontometry

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E. Thermometry

77. Parents of a 12-year-old child complain of white patches on the upper front teeth, which
appeared six months ago. Objectively: chalk-like patches on the vestibular surfaces in the
precervical region of the 13,12,11,21, 22,23 teeth. Their enamel is dull, pliable and rough on
probing. There is a history of short-term pain caused by chemical stimuli. What is your
provisional diagnosis?
A. Acute initial caries *
B. Chronic initial caries
C. Acute superficial caries
D. Systemic enamel hypoplasia
E. Dental fluorosis

78. A 32-year-old female patient needs dental prosthetics. After the objective examination it was
decided to use ceramic-metal crown. What impression material should be used for taking
impressions for this construction?
A. Stomaflex *
B. Plaster
C. Stomalgin
D. Stens
E. Orthocor

79. A 55-year-old patient has a painless, tuberous, cyanotic pedunculated formation 2x1x1,5 cm
large that appeared on the site of the extracted 46 tooth. Opening of mouth is not limited.
Intra-oral X-ray picture of alveolar process in the region of the removed 46 tooth shows a focus
of bone tissue destruction. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Giant-cell epulis *
B. Hard odontoma of mandible
C. Hypertrophic gingivitis
D. Papilloma of mucous membrane in the area of the extracted 46th tooth
E. Ameloblastoma of mandible

80. A 52-year-old patient presented to the prosthetic dentistry clinic complaining of missing upper
jaw teeth and difficult mastication. The patient has an indication for a partial laminar denture
for the upper jaw with retaining clamps on the 14, 23 teeth. What kind of denture stabili-
zation will enable such positioning of the clasps?
A. Transversal *
B. Sagittal
C. Diagonal
D. Sagitally-transversal
E. Diagonally-sagittal

81. A 56-year-old patient presents to a dental clinic. He has an indication for the extraction of the
22 tooth. Examination revealed periosteal abscess in the projection of the 21, 22, 23 teeth,
flattening of the mucogingival junction. What kind of peripheral conduction anaesthesia is
most advisable?

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A. Extraoral infraorbital anaesthesia + incisor anaesthesia *

B. Intraoral infraorbital anaesthesia + incisor anaesthesia
C. Intraoral infraorbital anaesthesia + palatinal anaesthesia
D. Plexus anaesthesia in the projection of the 22 tooth + incisor anaesthesia
E. Plexus anaesthesia in the projection of the 22 tooth + palatinal anaesthesia

82. A 33-year-old patient complains about pain, gingival haemorrhage, halitosis, body temperature
rise up to 37,8oC. Objectively: gums are apparently hyperaemic, edematic, bleed easily,
parodontal pouches are 34 mm deep, and contain purulent exudate. Orthopantomogram shows
diffuse osteoporosis of alveolar process, resorption of interdental septa down to 1/3 of their
height. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of chronic generalized I degree periodontitis *
B. Chronic generalized I degree periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic generalized II degree periodontitis
D. Chronic generalized II degree periodontitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic catarrhal gingivitis

83. A 43-year-old patient consulted a maxillofacial surgeon about a cosmetic defect in the right
half of his nose. It is known from the history that 7 months ago he got a gunshot wound.
Objectively: there is a perforating defect 1,5 x2 cm large in the right half of the nose. The skin
around the defect has not changed in colour. It was decided to use the "Indi-an"method of
rhinoplasty. What tissue should be taken for the defect correction?
A. Forehead flap *
B. Cheek flap
C. Infraorbital flap
D. Shoulder flap
E. Scapulohumeral flap

84. A 21-year-old patient complains of constant progressing throbbing pain in the 27 tooth.
Objectively: a large carious cavity is filled with softened dentin, the tooth cavity is closed.
Probing of the cavity floor is painless, percussion causes acute pain, there is grade II tooth
mobility. Palpation of the mucous membrane in the projection of the root apex of the 27 tooth
causes pain. Radiological changes are absent. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis *
B. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis
D. Acute serous periodontitis
E. Acute purulent pulpitis

85. A 25-year-old patient got a trauma in the chin region. On the basis of X-ray he was diagnosed
with bilateral mental fracture of mandible. Specify the direction of displacement of the minor
A. Downward and backward *
B. Upward and forward
C. Upward and backward
D. Downward and forward
E. There is no displacement

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86. 2 days ago a 12-year-old patient prsented with body temperature rise up to 38,0oC, on the
second day he developed a bilateral edema in the parotid region. The skin over the edema was
tense, of normal color. Palpation revealed soft, enlarged, painful parotid salivary glands.
Salivation from the parotid ducts was abnormal, the duct orifices were hyperaemic. Palpation
caused pain in the angle of mandible, at the top of mastoid bone, in front of the antilobium.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Mumps *
B. Herzenberg pseudoparotitis
C. Acute bacterial parotitis
D. Purulent-necrotic parotitis
E. Sjogren’s syndrome

87. A 38-year-old patient with chronic generalized periodontitis has been referred to orthopedic
treatment. Objectively: dentitions are without gaps, the 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth are pulpless and
exhibit I grade mobility. The other teeth are stable. What is the most aesthetic splint for the
anterior teeth?
A. Mamlok splint *
B. Ring adhesion splint
C. Soldered combined crowns
D. Cap splint
E. Brace

88. A 42-year-old patient has been hospitalized with Le Fort II fracture of maxilla. Select an
appliance for the treatment of this patient:
A. Zbarzh *
B. Kulagin
C. Rudko
D. Penn-Brown
E. Yadrova

89. An 8-year-old child presents with an edema of the submandibular region, the mouth can be
opened by 1,5 cm, further opening is difficult, body temperature is 37,6oC, mucogingival fold
is vestibularly flattened, hyperaemic and swollen. The 84 and 85 teeth have fillings, their
percussion is painless. The 84 tooth exhibits I degree mobility. What is the most likely
A. Acute odontogenic periostitis *
B. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis
C. Chronic odontogenic periostitis
D. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

90. A 43-year-old patient complains about mobility of lower jaw teeth. Objectively: the dentition is
intact. Tooth mobility is of I-II grade. It is planned to immobilize teeth by means of a
removable splint common for the whole dentition. What stabilization will be provided by means
of this splint?
A. Circle *
B. Frontal

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C. Frontal-lateral
D. Sagittal
E. Transversal

91. A patient needs a clasp denture for the lower jaw. Objectively: dental formula is 31, 32, 33, 34,
41, 42, 43, 44. The 44 totoh is inclined toward the cheek. What type of Ney’s clasp should be
A. Fourth *
B. First
C. Second
D. Third
E. Fifth

92. A 17-year-old man complains of a cosmetic defect in form of light spots on the teeth. In the
area of his residence the fluoride concentration in drinking water is at the rate of 1 mg/l.
Objectively: vestibular surface of the 11,12, 21, 22, and tubercles of the 16, 26, 36 and 46
teeth have chalky spots with shiny surface that have been present since the time of eruption.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Systemic hypoplasia *
B. Multiple caries
C. Endemic fluorosis
D. Enamel erosion
E. Amelogenesis imperfecta

93. A 65-year-old patient complains about unsatisfactory fixation of complete removable lamellar
denture of his upper jaw. The denture was fabricated 6 years ago. Objectively: balancing and
poor fixation of complete removable denture is present. What is the reason of such condition?
A. Atrophy of osseous base of the prosthetic bed tissues *
B. Wear of artificial teeth
C. Bad hygiene of removable denture
D. Discoloration of basic plastic
E. Loss of certain antagonists

94. A patient complains of heaviness in the left section of his head, pain in the 26 tooth.
Objectively: the crown of the 26 tooth is destroyed by 2/3 by caries, the tooth percussion is
weakly positive. X-ray picture of paranasal sinuses shows definite unilateral dome-shaped
veiling of the upper left maxillary sinus. On the X-ray picture of the 26 tooth the periodontal
fissure at the root apex is missing. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Radicular cyst ingrown into the maxillary sinus *
B. Rhinoantritis
C. Odontogenic sinusitis
D. Cyst of the maxillary sinus mucosa
E. Malignant maxillary tumour

95. Preventive examination of a 5-year-old child revealed half-open mouth, difficult closing of lips,
primary occlusion, 4 mm sagittal gap, homonymous canines and second molars. The upper

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dental arch is V-shaped, the lower one is trapezoid. Both dental arches in primary occlusion
should have the following shape:
A. Semicircle *
B. Semiellipse
C. Parabola
D. Quadrangle
E. Triangle

96. A 46-year-old patient complains about pain and bleeding from the carious cavity of her 27
tooth during eating. Previously she had spontaneous pain. Examination of the 27 tooth
revealed a deep carious cavity on the masticatory surface consisting of red tissue, probing
induced pain and haemorrhage. What treatment method should be chosen?
A. Vital extirpation *
B. Devital extirpation
C. Devital amputation
D. Vital amputation
E. Biological method

97. A 25-year-old student complains of a carious cavity in the 22 tooth. The fillings fell out 2
months ago. The tooth had been treated before for pulpitis. Objectively: there is a deep carious
cavity with the rests of filling on the medial surface of the 22 tooth. The crown of the 22 tooth
is dirty pink. X-ray shows a root canal filled with the filling material by 1/2 of the root length;
in the region of the root apex there is a well-defined focus of destruction of bone tissue 0,3x0,3
cm large. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis *
B. Residual pulpitis
C. Radicular cyst
D. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
E. Chronic granulating periodontitis

98. A 35-year-old patient consulted a dentist about extraction of the 14 tooth because of
exacerbation of chronic periodontitis following ineffective therapeutic treatment. What tools
should be applied for extraction?
A. S-shaped forceps *
B. Crown bayonet-shaped forceps
C. S-shaped forceps curved right
D. Straight forceps
E. Root bayonet-shaped forceps

99. A 32-year-old patient complains of mouth soreness, body temperature rise up to 38,5oC,
indisposition. Such condition has occurred periodically for several years after the patient had
had a cold. Objectively: lips are covered with haemorrhagic crusts, hyperaemic mucous
membrane of lips and cheeks has erosions covered with fibrinous films. Hypersalivation is
present. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Multiform exudative erythema *
B. Pemphigus vulgaris
C. Herpes recidivicus

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D. Herpetiform Duhring’s dermatitis

E. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

100. A 25-year-old man consulted a dentist about extraction of the 18 tooth, it’s crown is destroyed
by 1/2. The tooth was treated more than once. During tooth extraction the maxillary tuber was
accidentally torn off. What actions should be taken?
A. To remove the fragment and stitch up the wound *
B. To try to restore the fragment to its place
C. To restore the fragment to its place and fix it there
D. To remove the fragment
E. To remove the fragment and tampon the wound

101. A 10-year-old child complains of gingival pain and haemorrhage which appeared two days ago
after a cold. Objectively: the gingiva is edematic, hyperaemic, bleeds easily, painful on
palpation. The tips of gingival papillae are dome-shaped. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute catarrhal gingivitis *
B. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis
C. Hypertrophic gingivitis
D. Ulcerative gingivitis
E. Generalized periodontitis

102. A 53-year-old patient consulted a dentist about pain and an ulcer that turned up in the region
of hard palate under his partial removable denture. He hasn’t used the denture for three
weeks, but the ulcer does not heal or reduce in size. Examination reveals a 2x1,5 cm large
ulcer in the region of the alveolar process and hard palate at the level of the missing 14 tooth.
The ulcer has everted rolled edges and necrotic floor, it is dense and painful. Gingival and
palatal tissues around the ulcer are infiltrated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Maxillary carcinoma *
B. Maxillary syphilis
C. Maxillary tuberculosis
D. Maxillary actinomycosis
E. Decubital ulcer

103. A 13-year-old girl complains about frequent falling out of a filling in the 21 tooth. It is known
from the anamnesis that 2 years ago she underwent treatment on account of a dental trauma.
Objectively: a transverse defect of 1/3 of the crown in the 21 tooth. Percussion is painless.
Tooth colour is unchanged. X-ray picture shows that root canal is filled by 1 mm from the apex,
filling material closely fits the walls of root canal. What stomatological tactics should be
A. The defect should be restored with photopolymer *
B. The root canal should be refilled
C. The root apex should be resected
D. The tooth should be extracted
E. The tooth should be crowned with an artificial crown

104. A 34-year-old male patient complains of acute spasmodic pain in the region of his upper jaw on

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the left that is getting worse as affected by cold stimuli. Toothache irradiates to the ear and
temple. He had acute toothache of the 37 tooth one year ago, but he didn’t consult a dentist.
Pain recurred three days ago. Objectively: the 37 tooth has a carious cavity communicating
with the dental cavity. Probing of the opened carious cavity is extremely painful. X-ray picture
shows widening of periodontal fissure at the root apex of the 37 tooth. What is the most likely
A. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis *
B. Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous periodontitis
D. Acute diffuse pulpitis
E. Acute purulent pulpitis

105. During tooth extraction a 32-year-old patient presented with sudden weakness, pale skin, cold
sweat, weak pulse, a significant AP drop (diastolic pressure - 40 mm Hg). What complication
developed in the patient?
A. Collapse *
B. Syncope
C. Traumatic shock
D. Anaphylactic shock
E. Attack of stenocardia

106. A patient complains about pain in the 45 tooth induced by cold, sour and sweet food stimuli.
The pain abates when the stimulus action is stopped. Objectively: there is a carious cavity on
the masticatory surface within mantle dentin filled with food rests and softened dentin,
overhanging enamel edeges are chalky. What is the diagnosis?
A. Acute median caries *
B. Chronic median caries
C. Acute superficial caries
D. Acute deep caries
E. Chronic deep caries

107. A 79-year-old female patient consulted a prosthodontist about denture replacement. The
patient has a history of a stroke. Objectively: acute irregular atrophy of the alveolar processes
of both jaws is present; mucous membrane of the oral cavity is dry and nonmobile. The
previous dentures cannot be fixed. What is the most appropriate prosthetic construction?
A. Dentures with elastic lining *
B. Dentures with extended borders
C. Dentures with metal bases
D. Dentures with shortened borders
E. Implant-supported dentures

108. A 56-year-old patient consulted a dental surgeon about the root extraction of the 17 toot. What
kind of anaesthesia should be applied?
A. Palatinal, tuberal anaesthesia *
B. Palatinal, infraorbital anaesthesia
C. Infiltration, inscisor anaesthesia
D. Mandibular anaesthesia

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E. Torus anaesthesia

109. A 23-year-old female patient complains of a pronounced limitation of mouth opening, throat
pain irradiating to the ear. Objectively: body temperature is 37,9oC. The face is symmetrical,
the colour of skin has not changed. Palpation of the jaw causes acute pain, mouth opens by 1
cm. The patient had been given anasthesia by Berchet-Dubov. After it oral examination
revealed an edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the pterygomaxillary fold, there
was an infiltration painful on palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Abscess of pterygomaxillary space *
B. Abscess of alveololingual groove
C. Parapharyngeal space phlegmon
D. Peritonsillar space abscess
E. Submandibular phlegmon

110. Parents of an 8-year-old child complain about a painful formation in the child’s oral cavity that
obstructs food intake. The same complaints were registered two years ago. Mucous membrane
of lateral tongue surface is hyperemic and edematic. There is an oval erosion over 0,7 cm large
covered with yellow greyish deposit. Erosion edges are hyperemic and painful on palpation.
The child has a history of chronic cholecystocholangitis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis *
B. Erythema multiforme
C. Behcet’s syndrome
D. Stevens-Johnson syndrome
E. Traumatic erosion

111. A 12-year-old child complains of body temperature rise up to 39,8oC, weakness, headache and
pain in throat getting worse when swallowing. Objectively: mucous membrane of gums is
edematic, hyperemic. Tonsils are bright red, hypertrophic, covered with yellow-gray deposit
which does not extend beyond the lymphoid tissue and can be easily removed. Submandibular,
occipital lymph nodes are significantly enlarged, slightly painful on palpation.
Hepatosplenomegaly is present. Identify the causative agent of this disease:
A. Epstein-Barr virus *
B. Bordet-Gengou bacillus
C. Coxsackie virus
D. Herpes virus
E. Loeffler’s Bacillus

112. A 57-year-old patient complains about mobility of his metal-ceramic dental bridge supported
by the 33, 37 teeth. The bridge has been in use for 9 months. Objectively: X-ray picture shows
alveolar process atrophy by 2/3 in the area of the 33, and by 1/2 of root length in the area of
the 37; there are pathological pockets, gingivitis. What is the cause of pathological mobility of
supporting teeth?
A. Functional shifting of supporting teeth under stress *
B. Injuring of circle ligament by crown edges
C. Devitalization of supporting teeth
D. Massive grinding off of hard tissues
E. Garland modelling in the precervical region

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113. An orthodontist monitors a 4-year-old child with mouth breath. The child has a history of
adenotomy. Objectively: primary dentition occlusion; the upper incisors overlap the lower ones
by 1/3; distal surfaces of the second temporary molars are situated in the same vertical plane.
What preventive device will help the child to give up the habit of mouth breath?
A. Standard Schonherr’s vestibular screen *
B. Vesibular and oral Kraus’ screen
C. Frankel’s function regulator
D. Andresen-Haupl activator
E. Rudolph’s appliance

114. A 5-year-old boy complains of a carious cavity, periodic toothache, gum swelling. Objectively:
masticatory surface of the 74 tooth has a deep cavity not communicating with the tooth cavity,
cold stimuli, probing and percussion are painless, mucous membrane is pale pink, there is a
caicatrix from a fistula. X-ray picture shows an ill-defined focus of bone tissue destruction in
the region of the roots bifurcation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic granulating periodontitis *
B. Exacerbation of chronic fibrous periodontitis
C. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
D. Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
E. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis

115. A 13-year-old girl complains of toothache increasing while biting. Objectively: the 36 tooth has
a deep carious cavity not communicating with the tooth cavity, the response to thermal stimuli
is painless, percussion is sharply painful, mucous membrane is intact. X-ray picture shows no
changes. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute serous periodontitis *
B. Acute purulent periodontitis
C. Acute serous pulpitis
D. Acute purulent pulpitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

116. A 12-year-old patient complains of gingival haemorrhage, tooth mobility. He has has these
presentations since the age of 4. Objectively: gingiva around all the teeth is hyperaemic,
edematic, bleeds during instrumental examination. The teeth roots are exposed by 1/3 and
covered with whitish plaque. The teeth are mobile. Dentogingival pockets are 4-5 mm deep.
External examination revealed dryness and thickening of the outer layer of skin on the palms,
anterior third of the forearms, soles; there are skin cracks. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome *
B. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
C. Niemann-Pick disease
D. Letterer-Siewe disease
E. Cyclic neutropenia

117. A 47-year-old patient came to an orthopaedic stomatology center with complaints about
missing tooth in the frontal part of his upper jaw, cosmetic defect. Objectively: the occlusion is
orthogenic, the 11 tooth is missing. Anamnesis data: the patient had myocardial infarction 3
months ago. What denture should be applied for the time being?

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A. Partial removable lamellar denture *

B. Bridge denture suported by the 21 and 12 teeth
C. Bridge denture suported by the 21 tooth
D. Clasp denture
E. Implant

118. Parents of a 6-year-old child applied to a pedodontist for preventive examination of their child.
The oral cavity is sanitized. According to the parents, the child has recently cut the 36 and the
46 tooth. What method of caries prevention should be applied within 1,5-2 years after cutting
of the mentioned teeth?
A. Fissure hermetization *
B. Fissure silvering
C. Coating the teeth with fluorine lacquer Ftorlak
D. Remodentum solution applications
E. Gargling with sodium fluoride

119. A 70-year-old patient is awaiting complete removable dentures for both upper and lower jaws.
Teeth placement will be made by Vasilyev’s method. What teeth in the upper denture must not
touch glass?
A. Lateral incisors and second molars *
B. Central incisors and first molars
C. First and second premolars
D. Canines and first molars
E. Second premolars and first molars

120. A 20-year-old pregnant woman complains of gingival enlargement, bleeding and pain during
eating and tooth brushing. Objectively: gingival papillae on the upper and lower jaw are
hyperaemic, haemorrhagic, painfu, cover the crowns of teeth by 1/2. Scalloped contours of
marginal gingiva are abnormal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Hypertrophic gingivitis, edematous form *
B. Acute catarrhal gingivitis
C. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis
D. Generalized periodontitis
E. Hypertrophic gingivitis, fibrous form

121. A 55-year-old patient consulted a dentist about a roundish tumour-like formation of about 1 cm
in diameter located within the vermilion border of his lower lip. Objectively: the tumourlike
formation protrudes about 5 mm above the vermilion border, it is dense and grayish-red. The
surface of the formation is covered with thin scales that can hardly be removed. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Verrucous precancer of the vermilion border of lip *
B. Abrasive precancerous Manganotti’s cheilitis
C. Precancerous limited hyperkeratosis of the vermilion border of lip
D. Bowen’s disease
E. Erythroplasia of Queyrat

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122. A 50-year-old patient has a defect of the lower dental arch. It is planned to make an implant-
supported bridge for its restoration. X-ray picture shows that the height of the bone mass from
projection of mandibular canal up to the top of alveolar crest is 2 cm. What type of implant
should be applied?
A. Threaded *
B. Endodontic-endoosseous
C. Plate-form
D. Subperiosteal
E. Conical

123. External examination of a 7-year-old child revealed: thickening of nose bridge, semi-open
mouth, dry lips. Mouth corners are peeling. Anamnesis data: the child sleeps with open mouth.
Examination of oral cavity revealed no changes. What dispensary group will this child fall into?
A. The second *
B. The first
C. The third
D. The fourth
E. -

124. A 10-year-old child undergoes sanitation of the oral cavity. The girl was found to have chalky
spots on the vestibular surfaces in the precervical region of the 21 and 12 teeth. Enamel
surface is dull, smooth. Pain reaction to the temperature stimuli is absent. What additional
method of examination is expected to confirm the diagnosis?
A. Vital staining *
B. Orthopantomography
C. Intraoral roentgenography
D. Electroodontodiagnostics
E. Ultraviolet stomatoscopy

125. Objective examination of a 10-year-old child revealed that the whole lower lip was slightly
hyperemic, infiltrated, dry, covered with small scales. Architectonics of lips is changed. The
child complains of dryness and a feeling of tense lips, especially in autumn and winter. The
child had a bad habit of lip sucking. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Meteorological cheilitis *
B. Allergic cheilitis
C. Atopic cheilitis
D. Exfoliative cheilitis
E. Microbial cheilitis

126. A patient has got a traumatic fracture of mandible in the area of the missing 34, 35 teeth with
a slight displacement and a defect of alveolar part in the area of the 34, 35 teeth. Other teeth
on both lower and upper jaws are intact. What splint would be optimal in this case?
A. Tigerstedt’s splint with a spreading curve *
B. Plain splint cramp
C. Port’s splint
D. Vasilyev’s splint
E. Vankevich splint

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127. A 30-year-old patient needs to have his 26 tooth extracted because of exacerbation of chronic
periodontitis. Objectively: the crown of the 26 tooth is decayed by 1/3. What forceps can be
used for this tooth extraction?
A. S-shaped forceps with a projecting tip on the left beak *
B. S-shaped forceps with a projecting tip on the right beak
C. Straight forceps
D. Straight elevator
E. S-shaped forceps without projecting tips

128. A 25-year-old male patient has bilateral fracture of the lower jaw. A fragment in the region of
the 44,43,42,41, 31,32,33, 34 teeth is displaced downward and backward. What appliance
should be used for the fragment reposition?
A. Post’s appliance *
B. One-jaw bite-guard splint
C. Kurlyandsky’s appliance with levers
D. Weber’s appliance
E. Shur’s appliance

129. A 49-year-old patient consulted a dental surgeon about the oral cavity sanation. He has an
indication for the extraction of the 16 tooth. History: the tooth hasn’t been treated before,
decayed within the last 4 years. Objectively: the 16 tooth’s crown is destroyed by over 2/3, the
mucosa exhibits no pathological changes. Which tool is required for the tooth extraction?
A. Bayonet root forceps *
B. S-shaped forceps (right)
C. Straight elevator
D. S-shaped closed-beak forceps
E. Crown bayonet forceps

130. A 9-year-old child complains of pain caused by sweet and sour food in an upper tooth on the
left. Objectively: the 26 tooth has a carious cavity on the masticatory surface within the
enamel limits. What is the optimal material to fill the 26 tooth?
A. Composite *
B. Glass ionomer
C. Silicophosphate cement
D. Silicate cement
E. Zinc phosphate cement

131. A patient complains about spontaneous pain in the area of his 15 tooth he has been feeling for
2 days. Thermal stimuli make the pain worse, its attacks last up to 30 minutes. Objectively:
there is a deep carious cavity in the 15 tooth consisting of light softened dentin, floor probing
is painful in one point, reaction to the thermal stimuli is positive, percussion is painless. Make
a diagnosis:
A. Acute local pulpitis *
B. Acute diffuse pulpitis
C. Pulp hyperemia
D. Acute deep caries
E. Acute condition of chronic pulpitis

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132. A 6-year-old child presents with weakness, pain in throat when swallowing, body temperature
rise up to 38,0oC. Examination of the the oral cavity revealed massive hyperaemia of the
mucous membrane of the soft palate, palatine arches, tonsils, uvula; there were also single
vesicles and erosions extremely painful when touched. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged,
painful on palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Herpangina *
B. Chickenpox
C. Mycotic angina
D. Infectious mononucleosis
E. Diphtheria

133. A 35-year-old patient complains of progressing throbbing pain in the 26 tooth. Objectively: the
26 tooth has a carious cavity filled with softened dentine, tooth cavity is closed, probing of the
cavity floor is painless, percussion causes acute pain. There is I grade tooth mobility.
Roentgenological changes are absent. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent periodontitis *
B. Acute purulent pulpitis
C. Acute serous periodontitis
D. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
E. Acute diffuse pulpitis

134. A patient complains of burning, itch and lower lip enlargement. He has been suffering from
this for a long time. Objectively: the patient’s face is asymmetric due to the flattening of
nasolabial fold. His lower lip is edematic, of normal colour, painless on palpation. The patient
has plicated tongue. What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome *
B. Quincke’s edema
C. Lymphangioma
D. Hemangioma
E. Granulomatous Miescher’s cheilitis

135. A 50-year-old woman complains about a neoplasm on her lower lip on the side of oral cavity
that appeared a month ago and has been slowly growing since that. Objectively: there is a
roundish, elastic, painless neoplasm inside the lower lip. Mucous membrane hasn’t changed its
colour. Make a diagnosis:
A. Retention cyst of lower lip *
B. Lip abscess
C. Lip papilloma
D. Lip fibroma
E. Lip lipoma

136. A 35-year-old patient complains of a neoplasm on the tip of the tongue which he hurts with his
teeth. The neoplasm sometimes increases, and sometimes decreases in size. Objectively: on
the tip of tongue there is a roundish neoplasm 0,5 cm in diameter with distinct borders and
broad base. The neoplasm is the same colour as the mucosa of tongue. What is the most likely
A. Papilloma of tongue *

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B. Abscess of tongue
C. Lipoma of tongue
D. Hemangiofibroma of tongue
E. Fibroma of tongue

137. A 35-year-old female patient consulted a dentist about a painless, slowly growing neoplasm in
the region of the 11 and 12 teeth. Examination revealed that the tumour was light-pink, flat,
adjacent to the teeth, had a pedicle. The tumour was up to 1,5 cm large, with smooth surface
and dense consistency. It was diagnosed as an epulis in the region of the 11 and 12 teeth.
What form of epulis are these clinical findings typical for?
A. Fibrous *
B. Angiomatous
C. Giant-cell
D. Pregnancy epulis
E. -

138. As a result of a car accident a 45-year-old patient got an injury of his upper jaw. Examination
revealed elongated and flattened face, profuse nasal haemorrhage, liquorrhea from the nose
and ears. These clinical presentations are typical for the following fracture of upper jaw:
A. Subbasal (Le Fort III) *
B. Subnasal (Le Fort I)
C. Suborbital (Le Fort II)
D. Bilateral fracture of zygomatic bones
E. -

139. A 7-year-old child has protruding chin, the lower lip overlaps the upper one. There are
diastemas and tremas between the lower incisors, the lower incisors overlap the upper
incisors by 2/3 of the crown height. First permanent molars demonstrate Angle’s class III
relation. Sagittal gap is 3 mm. The correct doctor’s tactics will be to:
A. Use Bruckl’s appliance *
B. Recommend a complex of myogymnastic exercises
C. Use Angle’s apparatus
D. Use Bynin appliance
E. Use Schwartz appliance

140. A 5-year-old child was found to have missing upper molars. Lower incisors are in contact with
the mucous membrane of palate. Specify the doctor’s tactics:
A. Fabricate a removable laminar denture *
B. Examine the child every six months until the eruption of permanent teeth
C. Examine the child once a year until the eruption of permanent teeth
D. Fabricate an orthodontic appliance for the treatment of closed bite
E. Medical intervention is not needed

141. A child is 7 years old. He has early transitional dentition. There is overcrowding of the lower
front teeth: the 42 and 32 teeth erupted orally with a complete lack of space. Make a plan of

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A. Serial consecutive extraction by Hotz method *

B. Extraction of the 42 and 32 teeth
C. Extraction of the 41 and 31 teeth
D. Extraction of the 83 and 73 teeth
E. Extraction of the 84 and 74 teeth

142. A 14-year-old girl complains of indistinct pronunciation that showed up at the age of 14 after
the acute respiratory viral disease. Examination revealed normal face and normal teeth
alignment, occlusal disharmony was not found. Palpation didn’t reveal cleft palate. Uvula
doesn’t move during pronunciation of sounds, its palpation does not cause gag reflex. What is
the reason for indistinct pronunciation of sounds?
A. Paresis of the soft palate and uvula muscles *
B. Adenoid vegetations
C. Palatal slit
D. Hypertrophy of lingual tonsil
E. Deformation of the bite

143. A 35-year-old patient complains of a swelling in the sublingual region which impairs speech
and causes discomfort during eating. The swelling turned up about a week ago. Objectively:
there is a roundish bulge up to 3 cm in diameter in the right sublingual region. Mucous
membrane over it is not hyperaemic, there is fluctuation symptom in the center. Which disease
do these symptoms correspond with?
A. Retention cyst of the right sublingual salivary gland *
B. Retention cyst of the right submandibular salivary gland
C. Acute sialoadenitis of submandibular salivary gland
D. Chronic sialoadenitis of sublingual salivary gland
E. Sjogren’s disease

144. During orthopaedic treatment a 47-year-old patient was given anaesthesia (with Ultracain DS
forte). 20 minutes after the injection the patient presented with hyperaemia of skin, headache,
dizziness, increased heart rate. The patient had previously undergone dental treatment with
the use of this anaesthetic. What complication developed in this patient?
A. AP rise *
B. Anaphylactic shock
C. Syncope
D. Collapse
E. Attack of stenocardia

145. A 35-year-old patient seeks prosthetic dentistry. Objectively: 18, 14, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24,
28. The crowns confining the defect are high and stable. To restore the integrity of the
dentition it is planned to fabricate a one-piece clasp denture. What kind of mechanical fixator
should be used?
A. Bar fixation *
B. Supporting-retaining clasps
C. Retaining clasps
D. Telescopic fixation
E. Dentoalveolar clasps

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146. A 42-year-old woman prsented to a prosthetic dentistry clinic seeking dental prosthetics.
Objectively: dental formula is 18.... 13 12 11 21 22 23.... 28 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 ' The bite is deep, clinical crowns are low, survey line is not marked. The patient
suffers from epileptiform attacks. What prosthesis is indicated?
A. Partial removable lamellar prosthesis with metal base *
B. Dental bridges
C. Partial removable lamellar plastic prosthesis with retaining clasps
D. Partial removable lamellar prosthesis with supporting-retaining clasps
E. Clasp denture

147. A 22-year-old patient presented to a prosthetic dentistry clinic because of missing of the 21
tooth, the 11 and 22 teeth are intact. The 21 tooth was extracted 2 months ago. What
construction is most suitable in this case?
A. Two-stage implantation *
B. One-stage implantation with simultaneous fabrication of metal-ceramic crown
C. Partial removable denture
D. Stamped-soldered denture supported by the 11 and 22 teeth
E. Metal-plastic denture supported by the 11 and 22 teeth

148. A 48-year-old patient has undergone unilateral resection of the upper jaw. He needs a
resection prosthesis. Objectively: the 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 teeth are stable, hard palate is
broad, flat. What connection of clasps with the base will reduce the instability of the resection
A. Articular *
B. Stable
C. Elastic
D. Fixed
E. Does not matter

149. At a dentist’s appointment a 12-year-old child inhaled a cotton turunda: he developed noisy
respiration with a whistling sound, sudden dyspnea, pallor along with pronounced cyanosis,
sweating. What kind of urgent condition developed in this patient?
A. Obstructive asphyxia *
B. Dislocation asphyxia
C. Valvular asphyxia
D. Anaphylactic shock
E. Collapse

150. A 39-year-old patient complains of experiencing pain in the region of the 21 tooth for 2 days. It
is known from the history that the indicated tooth had been treated before for caries.
Objectively: the 21 tooth is covered with metal-ceramic crown, mucous membrane in apex
projection is edematic and hyperaemic. Percussion of the tooth is extremely pai- nful. X-ray
picture shows improperly filled root canal. It is planned to remove the 21 tooth crown. What
kind of anaesthesia should be given?
A. Field block anaesthesia *
B. Infiltration anaesthesia
C. Intraligamentous anaesthesia

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D. Application anaesthesia
E. Intraosseous anaesthesia

151. An 8-year-old child has a deep carious cavity communicating with tooth cavity on the distal-
approximal masticatory surface of the 75 tooth. Probing causes pain. Percussion is painless.
Cold water causes slowly abating pain. The tooth decayed several months ago and wasn’t
treated. What treatment method would be efficient in this case?
A. Devital amputation *
B. Biological method
C. Vital extirpation
D. Vital amputation
E. Devital extirpation

152. An 8-year-old child complains about pain in the 21 tooth that is getting worse during biting
down. A month ago a part of tooth crown broke off as a result of a fall. The child didn’t consult
a dentist. Objectively: in the region of medial angle of the 21 tooth there is a crown defect that
makes up 1/3 of the crown’s height. Tooth cavity is open, probing and thermal stimulus cause
no pain. Percussion is acutely painful. Gum around the 21 tooth is edematic and hyperaemic.
What is the provisional diagnosis?
A. Acute condition of chronic periodontitis *
B. Acute condition of chronic pulpitis
C. Acute serous periodontitis
D. Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Pulpitis complicated by periodontitis

153. A 12-year-old patient complains about an aesthetic defect. Objectively: the lower third of face
is shortened, upper frontal teeth overbite the lower teeth by 3/3 of height, exhibit oral
inclination, lateral parts all along exhibit cusp-to-cusp relationship between the antagonists;
Angle’s class II malocclusion (joining of the upper permanent molars) is also present.
Malocclusion is observed in the following planes:
A. In sagittal and vertical *
B. In transversal
C. In transversal and vertical
D. In vertical
E. In sagittal

154. A 52-year-old female patient complains of dry mouth, taste impairment, burning and pricking
sensations in the tongue that disappear during eating but intensify at the end of the day. For
the first time such problems arose 2 years ago after a psychic trauma. She has a history of
anacid gastritis. Objectively: the general condition is satisfactory, the patient is restless,
tearful. Oral mucosa is pale pink, dry; filiform papillae on the dorsum of tongue are reduced.
Pharyngeal reflex is dramatically reduced. There is segmetal disturbance of facial skin
sensation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Glossodynia *
B. Moller-Hunter glossitis
C. Ganglionitis of sublingual ganglions
D. Chronic atrophic candidous glossitis

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E. Desquamative glossitis

155. A 40-year-old patient complains about difficult mastication as a result of lower jaw
displacement. He has a history of mental fracture 2 months ago. Objectively: the 35,36,38 ...
45,46 teeth are missing. Remaining teeth are intact. The 43,44, 47 48 teeth have no contact
with antagonists and their oral deviation makes up 1 cm. What is the optimal construction of
lower jaw denture?
A. Denture with double dentition *
B. Metal-ceramic dental bridge
C. Soldered splint on rings
D. Removable lamellar denture
E. Adhesive denture

156. The department of maxillofacial surgery admitted a patient who needs repair of a post-
traumatic defect of nose wing up to 3,0 cm in diameter. The trauma occured six months ago.
What kind of grafting is indicated in this clinical situation?
A. Grafting with chondrocutaneous flap of the auricle *
B. Grafting with local tissues of nasolabial or cheek regions
C. Grafting with pedicle flap of frontal and buccal regions
D. Grafting with tubed pedicle (Filatov’s) flap
E. Free grafting with dermal flap

157. During taking of impressions at a dentist’s appointment a patient presented with the following
symptoms: paroxysmal cough, cyanosis, vomiting, clapping sound during inspiration. Make the
A. Aspiration of a foreign body *
B. Attack of bronchial asthma
C. Acute bronchitis
D. Tracheitis
E. Hypersensitive gag reflex

158. At a dentist’s appointment a patient complained of weakness, nausea, blackout, and then he
lost consciousness. Make a diagnosis:
A. Syncope *
B. Shock
C. Collapse
D. Coma
E. Insult

159. During the preparation of a tooth a patient had an epileptic seizure. The seizure was arrested.
What mistake did the orthopaedist make?
A. Didn’t collect complete history data *
B. Did not apply one of the types of local anesthesia
C. Violated the rules of preparation
D. Skipped psychological preparation of the patient
E. Didn’t apply general anaesthesia

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160. A 32-year-old patient needs to be provided with metal-ceramic crowns for the 12, 11, 21 and
22 teeth. During the dental visit he is given infiltration anaesthesia with Ultracain DS
anaesthetic. What elements enter into its composition?
A. 4% articaine with adrenaline *
B. 2% mepivacaine with adrenaline
C. 4% articaine without a vasoconstrictor agent
D. 3% mepivacaine without a vasoconstrictor agent
E. 2% articaine with epinephrine

161. A 9-year-old boy has been diagnosed with a complete dislocation of the 21 tooth. The child got
injured 20 hours ago. He has diabetes. Select a treatment tactics:
A. The tooth cannot be preserved or reimplanted *
B. Reimplantation, fixation of the tooth and further follow-up
C. Root apex resection, reimplantation, fixation of the tooth
D. Filling of the root canal with amalgam, reimplantation
E. Filling of the root canal with paste containing calcium, reimplantation, fixation of the

162. Parents of a 7,5-year old child brought him to the dentist for oral cavity sanitation. Objectively:
DEF (for primary teeth) + DMF (for permanent teeth) index = 4, Green-Vermillion index = 2,5.
Fissures of the first permanent molars are open, intact, non-pigmented. What method of
primary prevention of dental caries may be appropriate in this case?
A. Non-invasive hermetization *
B. Invasive hermetization
C. Application of fluoride varnish
D. Application of antibacterial varnish
E. Application of calcium gels

163. A 35-year-old patient complains of a significant enlargement of the upper lip and eyelids,
which developed within a few minutes (during cleaning the house with a detergent).
Objectively: there is an edema of the upper part of face, upper lip and eyelids. Palpation is
painless. What disease are these symptoms typical for?
A. Angioneurotic Quincke’s edema *
B. Macrocheilitis
C. Lymphedema
D. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
E. Glandular cheilitis

164. A 25-year-old HIV-infected patient presented to a clinic of prosthetic dentistry seeking

prosthetic services. What aseptic and antiseptic precautions should be taken?
A. According to the scheme *
B. The impressions should be desinfected by means of a quartz lamp
C. The patient should be refused appointment
D. No special precautions are required
E. The orthopaedist should work in gloves and a mask

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165. A 20-year-old patient got an injury. Objectively: the patient’s chin and lower jaw up to the 34
and 45 teeth are missing. The 45, 46, 47, 48, 34, 35, 36, 37 teeth are stable. At what stage of
medical evacuati- on the patient will get special medical aid?
A. Specialized army surgical hospital *
B. Battalion aid station
C. Regimental aid station
D. Separate medical detachment
E. Separate medical battalion

166. A 3-year-old child got an injury of the upper teeth as a result of a fall. Objectively: crowns of
the 51 and 61 teeth are deep in the surrounding tissues with only their cutting edge visible,
the gingival margin is hyperaemia, edematic. What is the treatment tactics?
A. Tooth extraction *
B. Monitoring
C. Reposition
D. Endodontic treatment
E. Anti-inflammatory therapy

167. A 25-year-old patient complains of a light brown spot in the upper front tooth. Objectively: the
23 tooth has a single light brown spot in the precervical region. Probing shows smooth
surface. The tooth is nonresponsive to cold and probing. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic initial caries *
B. Fluorosis
C. Local enamel hypoplasia
D. Acute initial caries
E. Chronic superficial caries

168. A 45-year-old patient complains of a rapidly growing formation on his lower lip. Examination of
the red border of lips revealed a greyish-red nodule with a hollow in the centre which is filled
with corneous masses that can be easily removed. The nodule is painless, mobile. What is your
provisional diagnosis?
A. Keratoacanthoma *
B. Papilloma
C. Nodulous verrucous precancer of vermilion border
D. Basal cell carcinoma
E. Circumscribed precancerous hyperkeratosis of vermilion border

169. A 35-year-old man complains about pain in the region of the 38 tooth, painful deglutition,
difficult mouth opening. What anaesthesia method will be optimal during operation on account
of pericoronaritis?
A. Conduction Bersche-Dubov’s anesthesia *
B. Infiltration anaesthesia
C. General anaesthesia
D. Stem anaesthesia
E. Application anaesthesia

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170. A 42-year-old patient complains about gingival pain, progressing gingival haemorrhage,
increasing tooth mobility, halitosis. Objectively: gums are evidently hyperaemic, extremely
edematic, they bleed easily on palpation. Tooth roots are exposed, parodontal pouches are 4-6
mm deep, and contain purulent exudate, there is also supragingival and subgingival dental
calculus. II-III grade tooth mobility is present. Orthopantomogram shows resorption of
interdental septa down to 1/2 of their height. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of generalized II degree periodontitis *
B. Exacerbation of generalized I degree periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of generalized III degree periodontitis
D. Chronic generalized II degree periodontitis
E. Chronic generalized III degree periodontitis

171. A female patient applied to the oral surgery department and underwent radical maxillary
sinusotomy with plastic repair of fistula through the alveolar socket of the extrated 27 tooth.
Infiltration and all the peripheral block anaesthesias of the left upper jaw were performed with
6,0 ml of 2% lidocaine solution. 3 minutes later the patient registered double vision in her left
eye, inability to close it. Which of the performed anaesthesias is the reason for the above-
mentioned presentations?
A. Infraorbital *
B. Tuberal
C. Palatinal
D. Incisor
E. Infiltration

172. A boy is 10 years old. His face is symmetric and proportional. He presents with mouth breath.
Examination of the oral cavity revealed saddle-like shape of dental arches and high arched
palate. Upper first molar relationship (Angle’s key to occlusion) remains intact. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Narrowing of dental arches *
B. Distal occlusion
C. Mesial occlusion
D. Widening of dental arches
E. Elongation of dental arches

173. A 51-year-old lecturer presented to the orthopaedic department and complained about
painfullness and mobility of his frontal teeth of the lower jaw. Cervices of the 42, 41, 31, 32
teeth are exposed, III grade mobility with deep pathological pockets is present. When would it
be reasonable to fix dentures after dental extraction?
A. On the day of dental extraction *
B. In 16-30 days
C. In 2-3 months
D. In 4-6 months
E. In 5-6 days

174. A 5-year-old child complains of spontaneous pain in an upper jaw tooth on the right that is
getting worse at night and during eating cold food. Objectively: the 65 tooth has a deep cavity
communicating with the tooth cavity. Probing is painful, percussion is painless. Cold water

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causes long-standing pain. What is your provisional diagnosis?

A. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis *
B. Acute periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
D. Acute serous pulpitis
E. Acute purulent pulpitis

175. A 30-year-old patient complains about body temperature rise up to 39,0oC, a roundish
infiltrate on his upper lip, general weakness. He has been presenting with these symptoms for
3 days. Objectively: a roundish infiltrate in the region of the upper lip 2,5 cm in diameter, the
skin over the infiltrate is red with a necrotic core in the centre. The upper lip is hyperemic and
edematic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Furuncle of the upper lip *
B. Carbuncle of the upper lip
C. Retention cyst of the upper lip
D. Acute periostitis of the upper jaw
E. Acute glandular abscess

176. A patient complains about paroxysmal upper jaw toothache on the left that is getting worse at
night. Toothache intensifies also under stimulation and irradiates to the left eye and temple.
Similar attacks were noted three months ago, the patient didn’t undergo any treatment.
Objectively: the 25 tooth has a deep carious cavity communicating with the tooth cavity.
Probing causes acute pain at the point of communication, vertical percussion is slightly
painful, horizontal one is painless. Mucous membrane in the projection of root apex of the 25
tooth is unchanged, its palpation is painless. Thermal probe causes acute pain, the pain attack
is long-lasting. Electroodontodiagnosis is 60 microampere. X-ray picture shows a slight
widening of periodontal fissure at the root apex of the 25 tooth. What is the most likely
A. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis *
B. Acute generalized pulpitis
C. Acute purulent pulpitis
D. Acute purulent periodontitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

177. A 48-year-old woman complains of aching dull pain in the region of the left TMJ, that is getting
worse during eating solid food. The pain appeared about 2,5 years ago. Objectively: mouth
opening is limited, there is sideward deviation of jaw during mouth opening, TMJ is clicking.
Examination of the oral cavity revealed secondary partial adentia. X-ray picture shows
sclerosis of the cortical plate of articulat head and narrowing of cartilage space. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
A. Arthrosis of the TMJ *
B. Chronic arthritis of the TMJ
C. Acute arthritis of the TMJ
D. Painful dysfunction of the TMJ
E. Exacerbation of chronic arthritis of the TMJ

178. An oral surgeon attended a 3-day-old child staying in the newborn pathology department.

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Objectively: bilateral hypogenesis of zygomatic bones and orbits, antimongoloid slant of

palpebral fissures, nonclosure of inferior eyelids, hypogenesis of mandible (bird face),
deformity of auricles with a preauricular fistula on the right. What congenital disease does the
child have?
A. Mandibulofacial dysostosis *
B. Oculocerebrorenal syndrome
C. Oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia
D. Oculomandibulofacial syndrome
E. Oculodentodigital syndrome

179. A pregnant 24-year-old woman complains about emergence of several new carious cavities,
falling out of old fillings. Objective examination revealed: index of decayed, missing and filled
teeth (DMF) = 16, Feodorov-Volodkina hygiene index is 3,3. Choose the optimal material for
carious cavity filling in this case:
A. Glass ionomer cement *
B. Silver amalgam
C. Chemical-cure composite
D. Light-cure composite
E. Silicophosphate cement

180. A patient with a missile wound of face was delivered to the station of dental aid group that was
organized by order of medical corps commander. What kind of aid can be rendered by the
dental aid group?
A. Secondary care *
B. Professional care
C. Consultancy
D. Dental health service
E. Dental orthopaedic service

181. A 62-year-old patient has a median fracture of mandible along with formation of a false joint.
Objectively: dental formula is 33, 34, 35, 36, 27, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43. The teeth are intact, stable,
with high crowns. Fragment mobility is insignificant, there is no displacement. X-ray picture
shows a bone defect 0,8 cm large. What prosthesis is indicated?
A. Bridge-like prosthesis with a pivot point *
B. Lamellar prosthesis without a pivot point
C. Lamellar prosthesis with Gavrilow’s pivot point
D. Lamellar prosthesis with Oxman’s pivot point
E. Lamellar prosthesis with Weinstein’s pivot point

182. After supercooling a 42-year-old patient presented with headache in the left frontal region and
left upper jaw. Objectively: the face is symmetric, breathing through the left nasal meatus is
obstructed, seropurulent discharges are present. Palpation is slightly painful in the infraorbital
region as well as along the mucogingival fold in projection of the 24, 25 teeth. Percussion of
these teeth is painless. The 24 tooth is filled. Mucuous membrane of alveolar process has no
visible changes. X-ray picture shows reduced pneumatization of the left upper jaw sinus. What
is the provisional diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis *

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B. Acute periodontitis of the 24 tooth

C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 24 tooth
D. Acute rhinogenous maxillitis
E. Acute albuminous periostitis of the left upper jaw

183. An 8,5-year-old child is apparently healthy. The child complains of pain in an upper tooth on
the left caused by a traumatic injury sustained three hours ago. Objectively: the crown part of
the 21 tooth is destroyed by 1/2, the pulp is red and significantly exposed, probing causes
acute pain and bleeding. Percussion of the 21 tooth is extremely painful. Choose the most
efficient treatment method of the 21 tooth:
A. Vital amputation *
B. Vital extirpation
C. Devital amputation
D. Devital extirpation
E. Bioassay technique

184. A 23-year-old patient complains of root exposition, gingival haemorrhage during tooth
brushing, gum itch. Objectively: there is supragingival and subgingival dental calculus. Gums
are hyperaemic, edematic, pockets are 3,5 mm deep. X-ray picture shows resorption of
interalveolar septa by 1/3. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Chronic generalized I degree periodontitis *
B. Chronic generalized II degree periodontitis
C. Exacerbation of generalized I degree periodontitis
D. Exacerbation of generalized II degree periodontitis
E. II degree periodontitis

185. A 14-year-old child complains about acute spontaneous pain in an upper jaw tooth on the right.
The pain has been lasting for 3 days, it is throbbing, irradiating to the temple, getting worse at
night. Objectively: surface of the 15 tooth exhibits a carious cavity within parapulpar dentine.
Dentine is softened, of greyish colour. Probing of the whole cavity floor is painful, percussion
of the 15 tooth is painless. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute purulent pulpitis *
B. Acute diffuse pulpitis
C. Acute focal pulpitis
D. Acute periodontitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

186. A 9-year-old boy presents with face asymmetry due to the chin displacement to the left. When
the third Il’ina-Marcosian diagnostic test is performed, face asymmetry disappears. What is
the most likely clinical form of this occlusal abnormality?
A. Habitual displacement of mandible *
B. Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint
C. Unilateral hypoplasia of mandible
D. Bilateral narrowing of the maxillary dental arch
E. Unilateral narrowing of the maxillary dental arch

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187. A 65-year-old male patient complains of crepitation and clicking in both temporomandibular
joints, pain induced by displacement of the lower jaw to the right, ear noise, dry mouth,
glossalgia. He has been using complete removable prosthesis of the lower jaw for 6 months.
The patient denies having rheumatosis. Objectively: the lower third of face is shortened,
mental fold is strongly pronounced, mouth corners are lowered, there are angular fissures and
cracks. Palpation reveals crepitatnt rale observed during TMJ moving. What is the most likely
A. Costen’s syndrome *
B. Temporomandibular arthritis
C. Temporomandibular arthrosis
D. Temporomandibular dislocation
E. Temporomandibular osteoarthritis

188. A 52-year-old patient complains of teeth mobility, gingival haemorrhage. The 44, 45, 34, 35
teeth exhibit I grade mobility, the 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 teeth exhibit II grade mobility. There
is gingival edema, peridontal pockets are 5-6 mm deep. X-ray picture shows destruction of
bone tissue by 1/2 of root length. The patient has been diagnosed with generalized
periodontitis of median severity. What orthopaedic construction is most efficient in this
A. Elbrecht splint *
B. Plastic mouthguard
C. Murray’s splint
D. Mamlock splint
E. Temporary Novotny splint

189. It is planned to lance an abscess of hard palate (it is localized close to the 23, 24, 25 teeth) and
to extract the causative 24 tooth that had caused abscess development. What type of
anaesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. Infraorbital, palatinal and incisor *
B. Tuberal, infraorbital and incisor
C. Tuberal, infraorbital and palatinal
D. Tuberal and incisor
E. Tuberal and palatinal

190. A 23-year-old patient complains about unpleasant sensations in the region of the 12 tooth, X-
ray picture shows a well-defined low-density area up to 8-10 mm in diameter around the root
apex of the 12 tooth. What method of surgery will be the most efficient?
A. Root apex resection *
B. Root amputation
C. Hemisection
D. Tooth removal
E. Cystotomy

191. Examination of a 6-year-old boy revealed enlarged lymph nodes in both submandibular and
cervical regions. Objectively: the 75, 84 and 85 teeth are decayed, there are presentations of
commissural cheilitis. According to the boy’s mother, he has been quickly getting tired,
sweating from the least physical exercise, complaining about weakness throughout the last 2-3

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months. He also gave up training in a sports class. What plan of additional examination should
be adopted?
A. Complete blood count, haematologist consultation *
B. Biochemical blood test, endocrinologist consultation
C. Puncture biopsy, oncologist consultation
D. Magnetic resonance tomography, immunologist consultation
E. Pulmonary roentgenography, pulmonologist consultation

192. A 12-year-old girl undergoes treatment at the maxillofacial department for nonodontogenic
abscess of the left submandibular region. Postoperative wound in the stage of granulation and
epi-thelialization. What medications speed up these processes?
A. Vishnevsky ointment, methyluracil ointment, solcoseryl gel *
B. Laevosin, luronitum, trypsin ointments
C. Levomecol, laevosin ointments etc.
D. Trypisin, chymotrypsin, terrilytin etc.
E. 0,5-1% dioxydin solution, 0,1-0,2% chlorhexidine solution

193. While conducting experiments in chemistry lesson a 14 year-old child got a traumatic shock of
face. Objectively: the skin dehydrated in the affected region. It is covered with thick dry crust
with clear boundaries and peripheral hyperaemia, the crust is recessed into the skin. What is
the most likely traumatic agent?
A. Acid *
B. Alkaline
C. Radiation
D. Thermal
E. Saline

194. A 7-year-old child has to undergo plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum. What operation
should be performed to lengthen the frenulum of the upper lip?
A. Dieffenbach grafting *
B. Thiersch grafting with local flaps
C. Relaxing incisions of the mucosa
D. Grafting with a pedicle flap
E. Szymanowsky grafting with local flaps

195. The 47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37, 38 teeth of a 57-year-old patient are missing. It is planned to make
a clasp denture. The 48 tooth inclines to the lingual side and forwards. On the lingual side of
the 48 tooth the border line is diagonal, on the buccal side it runs on a level with gingival
edge. What type of Ney’s clasp should be applied?
A. V type clasp *
B. I type clasp
C. IV type clasp (reverse back-action)
D. I-II type clasp
E. II type clasp

196. A patient complains about worsened fixation and frequent breakages of partial removable

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lamellar denture for the lower jaw that has been in use for 5 years. Objectively: alveolar part
in edentulous regions is significantly atrophied, the denture balances. What is the most
probable cause of worsened fixation and frequent breakages of the denture?
A. Alveolar process atrophy *
B. Improper care of denture
C. Denture using during sleep
D. Consumption of solid food
E. Wear of artificial teeth

197. A 15-year-old patient has got a trauma. He complains of mandibular pain getting worse during
swallowing, chewing, especially mouth opening. Objectively: face configuration isabnormal,
there is a large haematoma in the region of the right mandibular angle. Palpation of this
region is painful. The mouth is half open, lower lip frenulum is shifted to the right of the
central line. Pressing upon the chin causes pain in the part of mandible on the right. What is
the provisional diagnosis?
A. Fracture of mandibular angle on the right *
B. Bilateral fracture of mandibular branches
C. Posterior unilateral dislocation of mandible
D. Anterior unilateral dislocation of mandible
E. Bilateral fracture of articular processes

198. A 12-year-old boy has been injured. In the region of the 44 and 45 teeth there is pathological
displacement of the alveolar process and the body of the mandible, rupture of the mucous
membrane of the alveolar process. What additional tests should be done to specify the
A. Radiography of mandible in the frontal and lateral projections *
B. Radiography of skull in axillary projection
C. Radiography of skull in the frontal projection and of mandible in Parma projection
D. Tomogram of mandible
E. Radiography of skull in the axillary projection

199. A 73-year-old patient consults a dental orthopaedist about total edentia. Objectively: there is
insignificant regular atrophy of the alveolar process of mandible, the process is covered with
mucous membrane of moderate elasticity. According to Keller’s classification, such
manifestations are characteristic for the folowing type of edentulous jaw:
A. First *
B. Third
C. Fifth
D. Second
E. Fourth

200. Intraoral examination of a 5-year-old child revealed primary occlusion, tremas and diastemas,
worn tubercles and cutting surfaces of teeth. The distal surfaces of the second lower molars
are anterior to the distal surfaces of the second upper molars. This stage of primary occlusion
is called:
A. Aging *
B. Stable occlusion

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C. Formation
D. Eruption
E. There is no correct answer


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