3467 01
3467 01
3467 01
In recognition of the successful completion of the A2LA evaluation process, accreditation is granted to this
laboratory to perform the following calibrations1, 8:
I. Acoustic
Acoustic Level Calibrator 94 dB, 104, 114 dB @ 1 kHz 0.6 dB CEL Inst. (digital sound
level meter)
II. Chemical
III. Dimensional
(2 to 5) in 41 µin
(6 to 8) in 74 µin
(9 to 11) in 130 µin
(12 to 16) in 170 µin
Up to 4 in 62 µin
(>4 to 8) in 100 µin
(8 to 11) in 140 µin
AC Voltage – Generate
AC Voltage – Measure³
AC Current – Generate
AC Current – Measure3
AC Current – Measure
(0 to 200) µA 0.038 % + 0.022 µA Fluke 8508A
10 Hz to 5 kHz (0 to 2) mA 0.035 % + 0.26 µA
(0 to 20) mA 0.038 % + 0.002 µA
(0 to 200) mA 0.038 % + 0.02 µA
(0 to 2) A 0.070 % + 0.30 mA
(0 to 20) A 0.29 % + 0.0023 A
Electrical Calibration of
Thermocouples –
Generate and Measure
Electrical Calibration of
Thermocouples –
Generate and Measure3
Electrical Calibration of
RTD – Generate
Electrical Calibration of
RTD – Measure3
V. Fluid Quantities
Gas Flow/LPG and Gas (1 to 20) cc/m 0.5 % + 0.013 cc/m Airflow calibrator
Regulators³ (>20 to 50) cc/m 0.7 % + 0.012 cc/m with low flow cell
(>50 to 150) cc/m 0.5 % + 0.06 cc/m
(>150 to 240) cc/m 0.4 % + 0.21 cc/m
Tension – Weights and (0 to 1000) kgf 0.02 % + 0.06 kgf + 0.6R S-load cell
Test Weights (0 to 2500) lbf 0.07 % + 0.28 lbf + 0.6R
(0 to 10 000) lbf 0.08 % + 1.8 lbf + 0.6R Dillon dynamometer
(0 to 50 000) kgf 0.08 % of F.S + 0.6R
5 kg 14 mg Mettler Toledo,
1, 2 kg 12 mg GG40002-S / Class E2
VII. Thermodynamics
Multifunction calibrator
Ovens – Direct Up to 200 °C 0.77 °C (probe)
Multifunction calibrator
Chiller and Incubator3 (-15 to 100) °C 0.50 °C
thermocouple probe
(Direct Verification) (>100 to 600) °C 0.2 % + 0.3 °C
Frequency – Measuring