Basic 3 DDesign Tutorial X5
Basic 3 DDesign Tutorial X5
Basic 3 DDesign Tutorial X5
mastercam x getting started tutorials
Basic 3D Design
October 2010
TERMS OF USE Use of this document is subject to the Mastercam End User License Agreement. A
copy of the Mastercam End User License Agreement is included with the
Mastercam product package of which this document is part. The Mastercam End
User License Agreement can also be found at:
Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
Tutorial Goals ................................................................................... 1
Before You Begin ............................................................................. 1
If You Need More Help.................................................................... 3
Additional Documentation .............................................................. 3
1. Geometry Translation ................................................ 5
Lesson Goals.................................................................................... 5
Exercise 1: Setting Up the Part ................................................. 5
Exercise 2: Creating the Drill Holes........................................... 8
Exercise 3: Creating the Pocket and Slot ................................ 10
Exercise 4: Creating the 3D Outside Perimeter ....................... 15
Exercise 5: Completing the Wireframe Model ........................ 16
2. Dynamic Planes ........................................................ 21
Lesson Goals.................................................................................. 21
Exercise 1: Creating the Text Plane ........................................ 21
Exercise 2: Creating the First Set of Letters............................ 26
Exercise 3: Creating the Second Set of Letters....................... 29
3. Surface Creation....................................................... 33
Lesson Goals.................................................................................. 34
Exercise 1: Preparing for Surface Creation.............................. 34
Exercise 2: Creating the Top Flat Boundary Surface ............... 35
Exercise 3: Creating the Bottom Flat Boundary Surface ......... 38
Exercise 4: Creating the Middle Flat Boundary Surface .......... 42
Exercise 5: Creating Ruled/Lofted Surfaces ............................ 43
Exercise 6: Creating Draft Surfaces ........................................ 48
Exercise 7: Creating the Final Ruled/Lofted surface ................ 53
4. Creating the Tool Holder Part ................................... 59
Lesson Goals.................................................................................. 60
After you have mastered drawing parts with Mastercam’s 2D functions, you are ready to move onto
3D part drawing. Drawing in 3D opens a whole new world of possibilities. In this tutorial, you learn
many 3D drawing techniques as you construct the connector and tool holder parts, shown in the
following pictures.
The tutorial titled Basic 2D Design covers 2D drawing with Mastercam. Before attempting this 3D
tutorial, you must be familiar with the 2D techniques demonstrated in the 2D tutorial.
Tutorial Goals
Use construction planes in a 3D environment.
Create 3D geometry from 2D parts using translation and offsetting.
Define custom views using 3D Dynamic Planes.
Use levels to organize 3D geometry.
Generate 3D surfaces.
Use construction lines as reference geometry.
Use Mastercam’s Trim features to clean up your part.
TIP: If you have trouble with an exercise, use Mastercam’s undo function ([Ctrl+Z]) to
return to a point where the part is correct and start again from there. If undo does not help,
go back to the beginning of the exercise, load the supplied file for that exercise, and start
Exploring Series: Explores a single Mastercam product—for example, Mill, Solids, or Wire,
and teaches in-depth skills for working with the product.
The Mastercam tutorial series is in continual development, and we will add modules as we
complete them. For information and availability, please contact your local Mastercam Reseller.
IMPORTANT: Screen colors in the tutorial pictures were modified to enhance image
quality; they may not match your Mastercam settings or the tutorial results. These color
differences do not affect the lesson or the exercise results.
Additional Documentation
You can find more information on using Mastercam in the following materials, located in the
\Documentation folder of your Mastercam installation:
Geometry Translation
By translating existing 2D geometry, you can create a 3D part with minimal effort. This lesson takes
the completed 2D part from the Basic 2D Design tutorial and shows how to use geometry
translation to convert it into a full 3D part. The final 3D part is then used as the source file for the
Basic 3D Machining tutorial, the next book in this tutorial series.
This lesson includes the following files, which you can use as needed:
CONNECTOR_START.MCX-5: The file you load to start this tutorial.
CONNECTOR_L01EX01.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 1, Exercise 1. You
can use this file to start Exercise 2.
CONNECTOR_L01EX02.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 1, Exercise 2. You
can use this file to start Exercise 3.
CONNECTOR_L01EX03.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 1, Exercise 3. You
can use this file to start Exercise 4.
CONNECTOR_L01EX04.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 1, Exercise 4. You
can use this file to start Exercise 5.
CONNECTOR_L01EX05.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 1, Exercise 5. You
can use this file to start Lesson 2, Exercise 1.
Lesson Goals
Set up the part for 2D to 3D conversion.
Use translation to create new geometry.
Define views for setting the Cplane.
Toggle between 2D and 3D drawing modes.
Note: If Mastercam warns you that you are changing units of measurement, click the message’s
OK button to continue.
2 From Mastercam’s menu bar, choose File, Save As, and save the part as
By saving the file under another name, you avoid accidentally overwriting the original file.
3 In the Gview menu on the status bar, select
Isometric (WCS).
TIP: You can also select a Gview from Mastercam’s toolbars. For example, to select the
Isometric view, click the Isometric (WCS) button ( ) in the Graphics Views toolbar.
Mastercam sets the construction plane (Cplane) to the Front orientation. The changes you
make to the part now are relative to the Front plane.
7 On the status bar, click inside the Level drop-down box, type 4:3DGEOM, and then press
Note: Although the Level drop-down places spaces on both sides of the colon, you do not need to
type the spaces when selecting or creating a level.
Mastercam creates a new level 4 and names it 3DGEOM. Geometry you create in the
following steps will now go on the 3DGEOM level. You can manage your file’s levels in
Mastercam’s Level Manager (shown in the picture below). For more information on levels,
refer to Mastercam Help.
Mastercam sets the circles as the currently selected geometry, which is the geometry that
gets translated in the following step.
b Set Y to -30.
c Click OK.
Mastercam creates copies of the selected
geometry, 30 mm down the Y axis.
Mastercam sets the new geometry to the default color. The following image shows the part
at this point.
3 Click the inner pocket, as shown in the following picture, and then click End Selection on
the ribbon bar.
b Set Y to -10.
c Click OK.
Mastercam creates copies of the selected geometry 10 mm down the Y axis, as shown in the
following picture.
b Set Y to -10.
c Click OK.
6 Click the slot where shown to chain it counterclockwise, and then click OK in the Chaining
dialog box.
TIP: If you click in the wrong place and Mastercam chains the geometry clockwise (as
indicated by the arrow on the selected geometry), click the Reverse button in the Chaining
dialog box. Mastercam then reverses the chaining direction.
b Set Distance to 2.
c Set Height to -20.
d Click OK.
Mastercam first creates a copy of the
selected loop and offsets it 2 mm from the
original. Mastercam then translates the
copy 20 mm down the Z axis.
b Set Z to -30.
c Click OK.
Mastercam not only creates a copy of the
geometry 30 mm down the Z axis, but also
connects the copy with the original,
forming a 3D shape.
Although the part view in the graphics window is unchanged, your construction plane is
now aligned with the part’s front view.
2 On the status bar, toggle the 2D/3D button
to 3D.
In 3D mode, you can work unconstrained by the current Cplane and Z depth.
3 Set the level to 5:HOLE.
6 Click the upper pocket contour on the line’s midpoint, as shown in the following picture.
9 Click the midpoint of the new line, as shown in the picture below.
Mastercam now constrains geometry you create to the current Cplane and system Z depth
(shown in the status bar).
2 Select the new line’s midpoint again.
The following picture shows the connector part as it looks at this point. In the next lesson, you learn
about Dynamic Planes as you place lettering on the part.
Dynamic Planes
With Dynamic Planes, you use your mouse to visually specify views in Mastercam’s graphics
window. You learn to use Dynamic Planes in this lesson, as you add 3D lettering to the connector
This lesson includes the following files, which you can use as needed:
CONNECTOR_L02EX01.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 2, Exercise 1. You
can use this file to start Exercise 2.
CONNECTOR_L02EX02.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 2, Exercise 2. You
can use this file to start Exercise 3.
CONNECTOR_L02EX03.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 2, Exercise 3.
Lesson Goals
Use Dynamic Planes to create custom views.
Align geometry on custom views.
Add 3D lettering to the part.
Mastercam now allows you to pick locations anywhere in the 3D coordinate system,
without being constrained by the current plane and view.
2 From the status bar, select Planes,
Dynamic Planes.
The Dynamic Planes dialog box opens.
TIP: You can also use Dynamic Planes to manipulate the WCS. To do this, click WCS on the
status bar, and then choose Dynamic WCS from the menu that opens. Please refer to
Mastercam Help for more information about the WCS.
3 In the graphics window, place the origin of the Dynamic Planes icon on the line
intersections shown in the following picture, and click.
TIP: Where you click the Dynamic Planes gnomon determines how you can manipulate the
axes. Each of the gnomon’s “legs” has five clickable areas:
8 Change the view’s name from NEW VIEW (8) to TEXT PLANE, and click OK to close the
Dynamic Plane dialog box. .
You have now used Dynamic Planes to create a new view named TEXT PLANE. In the
following steps, you use the new TEXT PLANE view to position a line of text on the part.
The geometry in your graphics window should now look like the following picture.
This is another way of starting a new level. Mastercam will now place the text that you
create on the level named TEXT.
4 In the status bar, click the System color
The Colors dialog box opens.
5 In the Colors dialog box, select color 9, and
click OK.
Mastercam will now use the selected color
for the lettering that you create in the
following steps.
Note: When you click OK to dismiss the Create Letters dialog box, Mastercam waits for you to
type the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the lettering. Be sure to type lowercase letters.
Mastercam creates the lettering (in the color you selected in Step 5) and places it at the
position you typed.
5 Type x25 y-18 z15, and then press [Enter], followed by [Esc].
Mastercam places the second set of letters on the part, as shown in the following picture.
TIP: If you type the lettering incorrectly, you must delete the lettering geometry, and try
again from Step 3.
In the next lesson, you complete the part by creating various types of surfaces on the wireframe
Surface Creation
In this lesson, you complete the part by creating surfaces on the wireframe model. These surfaces
form the part’s top, bottom, and many side walls.
Note: As you work though this tutorial, your surfaces may display differently than those shown
in the illustrations. In wireframe display mode, Mastercam draws surfaces with a set of lines.
The number of lines drawn on a surface is determined by the Surface drawing density setting.
The higher the drawing density setting, the more lines Mastercam uses to display a surface in
wireframe mode. The picture on the left shows a surface with a drawing density of 2. The picture
on the right shows the same surface with a drawing density of 10. To change surface drawing
density, select Settings, System Configuration. The surface drawing density setting is located
on the CAD Settings page
This lesson includes the following files, which you can use as needed:
CONNECTOR_L03EX01.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 1. You
can use this file to start Exercise 2.
CONNECTOR_L03EX02.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 2. You
can use this file to start Exercise 3.
CONNECTOR_L03EX03.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 3. You
can use this file to start Exercise 4.
CONNECTOR_L03EX04.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 4. You
can use this file to start Exercise 5.
CONNECTOR_L03EX05.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 5. You
can use this file to start Lesson Exercise 6.
CONNECTOR_L03EX06.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 6. You
can use this file to start Exercise 7.
CONNECTOR_L03EX07.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 3, Exercise 7.
Lesson Goals
Create Flat Boundary surfaces.
Create Ruled surfaces.
Create Lofted surfaces.
Create Draft surfaces.
Trim surfaces to curves and other surfaces.
Note: If Mastercam opens a dialog box showing the message “Switching system units from
English to Metric,” just click OK to accept the default settings.
TIP: If you can not turn off level 6, it is probably set as the main level. To proceed, click the 1
in the Number column, which makes level 1 the main level. You can now turn off level 6.
Alternatively, turn off the Make main level always visible option, and then turn off level 6.
TIP: If clicking the outside perimeter results in an incomplete chain, and Mastercam tells
you that a branch point has been reached, then you forgot to select the C-plane option in
the Chaining dialog box. To fix your mistake, first click the Unselect button ( in the
Chaining dialog box) to remove the selected geometry from the chain. Then select the
dialog box’s C-plane option ( ), and try chaining again.
4 Click the OK button in the dialog box and the ribbon bar.
You now have a surface on the bottom of the part, as seen in the following picture.
IMPORTANT: In the following step, you are instructed to click twice on a surface. Do not
move your mouse off of the surface between the two mouse clicks. On the first click, an
arrow indicating the surface normal appears. On the second click, the cursor returns to its
default arrow. At that point, you can again move your mouse.
Mastercam trims the slot, leaving the geometry as it is shown in the following picture.
Note: You could have chained the lower slot with the other geometry in Step 3. This tutorial,
however, left the slot to demonstrate the Trim to Curves function, which you used in Steps 5
through 8.
Mastercam creates a surface on the area between the selected chains, as shown in the
following picture.
Mastercam creates a surface on the sidewall between the selected contours, as shown in
the following picture.
Mastercam switches the display to wireframe, which better shows the drill-hole geometry.
The following picture shows the wireframe model.
TIP: To reverse a chain’s direction, click the Reverse button ( ) in the Chaining dialog
TIP: Use Dynamic Rotation ( ) to examine the holes on the back of the part. Then set
your view back to isometric. You can also rotate the part by moving your mouse while
holding down the middle button.
IMPORTANT: In the following step, you are instructed to click twice on a surface. Do not
move your mouse off of the surface between the two mouse clicks. On the first click, an
arrow indicating the surface normal appears. On the second click, the cursor returns to its
default arrow. At that point, you can again move your mouse.
5 In the ribbon bar, select the 1 button (not to be confused with the First Surface button,
which has a “1” on it).
Mastercam performs the trim function. However, you can not yet see the trimmed area.
7 On Mastercam’s toolbar, click the Fit
9 Use the Isometric (WCS), Fit, and Un-zoom .8 commands to reposition the part on the
10 Save your work.
IMPORTANT: In the following two steps, you are instructed to click twice on a line. Do not
move your mouse between the two mouse clicks. On the first click, an arrow indicating the
surface normal appears. On the second click, the cursor returns to its default arrow. At that
point, you can again move your mouse.
8 Click OK in the ribbon bar, resize the part to fit, and turn on shading.
You have now completed the connector part. (The tutorial book titled Basic 3D Machining shows
how to prepare the connector for machining by creating various types of toolpaths on the part.) The
next lesson in this tutorial demonstrates other 3D drawing techniques, as you create a tool holder
In this lesson, you draw the tool holder shown in the following blueprint. Along the way, you
discover powerful drawing techniques, such as using construction lines and offsetting geometry. In
the tutorial book titled Basic 3D Machining, you learn to create toolpaths for this part.
This lesson includes the following files, which you can use as needed:
TOOLPATH01.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 4, Exercise 1. You can use
this file to start Exercise 2.
TOOLPATH02.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 4, Exercise 2. You can use
this file to start Exercise 3.
TOOLPATH03.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 4, Exercise 3. You can use
this file to start Exercise 4.
TOOLPATH04.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 4, Exercise 4. You can use
this file to start Exercise 5.
TOOLPATH05.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 4, Exercise 5. You can use
this file to start Exercise 6.
TOOLPATH06.MCX-5: The part file after the completion of Lesson 4, Exercise 6.
Lesson Goals
Use construction lines as reference geometry.
Offset lines from reference geometry to create part geometry.
Trim geometry to clean up your part.
Use rotation to form 3D geometry.
Create Net surfaces on wireframe geometry.
Note: For the remainder of this lesson, when you are instructed to offset a line, use the same
procedure you used in the previous steps, as reviewed below. Remember to click Apply or OK
after each offset operation.
1 Open the Offset dialog box.
2 Set the Copy option.
3 Set the offset length.
4 Click the line to copy.
5 Click in the graphics window to choose the offset direction
TIP: Use the MRU Function Bar to easily access commands that you use often in these
exercises. The MRU Function Bar is located on the right edge of Mastercam’s window, but
for even faster access to the bar’s commands, drag and drop it onto the graphics window,
close to the geometry you are working on.
Note: From now on, exercise steps describe Trim operations by showing the trim command to
use, followed by the name of the ribbon bar button to select, as seen in Step 6. To perform the
Trim operation, do the following:
1 Select the command.
2 Click the ribbon bar button.
3 Click the geometry indicated in the step.
4 Click the ribbon bar’s OK button to end the Trim operation.
c Style to Normal
a Select Join.
b Set # to 3.
c Set Angle to 180.
d Select Total sweep.
e Click OK.
Mastercam changes the part’s display from wireframe to fully shaded, as seen in the
following picture.
You have now completed the tool holder part. The tutorial book titled Basic 3D Machining shows
how to prepare the tool holder for machining by creating various types of toolpaths on the part.
Congratulations! You have completed the Basic 3D Design tutorial. Now that you have mastered the
skills in this tutorial, we encourage you to explore Mastercam’s other features and functions.
Additional tutorials may be available in this or other series. Please contact your authorized
Mastercam Reseller for further training.
Attention! Updates may be available.
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