Heavy-Duty ROV: Heavy-Duty Vehicle For IMR, Drill Support, Medium-Duty Construction
Heavy-Duty ROV: Heavy-Duty Vehicle For IMR, Drill Support, Medium-Duty Construction
Heavy-Duty ROV: Heavy-Duty Vehicle For IMR, Drill Support, Medium-Duty Construction
M a n i p u l ato r S y s t e ms
Heavy-Duty Vehicle for
IMR, Drill Support, Medium-Duty Construction
The Schilling HDTM vehicle is designed for performance, reliability, and maintainability.
Innovative features in the frame design and modular subsystems combine to produce a
high performance vehicle suitable for IMR, drill support, and medium-duty construction
operations, while maintaining a compact system footprint ideal for rapid transportation and
The HDTM features substantial space for equipment payload at the side and forward areas of the vehicle,
with payload capacity biased towards the forward area. The HDTM can be fitted with any of the Schilling
range of high capability manipulators, including the new ATLASTM heavy-duty manipulator.
Key performance features include StationKeepTM dynamic positioning capability as standard, tightly
integrated with active power management and thruster feedback. Schilling’s integrated modular design
philosophy enables rapid maintenance in the field, with changeout of key modules of the HPU and power
supplies possible in under one hour.
The vehicle is pre-installed with attachment points for typical IMR and survey tooling, including an
underslung four-point skid attachment interface, aft tooling attachment interface for TDU or workpacks, and
a forward attachment interface for interchangeable equipment mounting racks or bumper bars.
The HDTM is fully protected by impact resistant polypropylene fendering. Areas of the fendering can
be removed by quick release catches, providing quick access for equipment installation or maintenance
So Deep, No One Comes Remotely Close www.schilling.com
Vehicle Dimensions HDTM ROV Specifications
: Structural
Safe Working Load 6,700kg 14,771lb
Through-Frame Lift 3,000kg 6,614lb
Weight in Air 3,500kg 7,716lb
Payload 250kgf 551lbf
Dynamic Amplification Factor 3.0 Vertical
Dynamic Amplification Factor 1.0 Horizontal