Pathophysiology: Aglossia
Pathophysiology: Aglossia
Pathophysiology: Aglossia
Aglossia: congenital absence of the tongue is very rare. Usually, the tongue
is absent in cases of gross underdevelopment or maldevelopment of the 1 st
visceral arches.
Cleft tongue: It is also known as bifid tongue and occurs when the lateral
swellings fail to merge. It can be partial or complete. The former is a more
common entity and is manifested as a deep groove on the dorsal surface of
the tongue in the midline. It occurs when the mesenchymal proliferation
interferes with the merging leading to failure of the obliteration of the
groove. There are reports of bifid tongue in syndromic cases like Opitz G
BBB syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome type I, Klippel–Feil anomaly,
and Larsen syndrome.[7]