What Is HIV
What Is HIV
What Is HIV
What Is HIV?
V – Virus – A virus can only reproduce itself by taking over a cell in the body of its host.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a lot like other Viruses, but the difference is that, your
immune system can clear most viruses out of your body. But can not get rid of HIV.
Scientists are still trying to figure out why.
What Is AIDS?
A – Acquired – AIDS is not something you inherit from your parents. You acquire AIDS
after birth.
I – Immuno – Your body's immune system includes all the organs and cells that work to
fight off infection or disease.
D – Deficiency – You get AIDS when your immune system is "deficient," or isn't working
the way it should.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the final stage of HIV infection. People at this
stage of HIV disease have badly damaged immune systems, which put them at risk for
opportunistic infections (OIs).
You will be diagnosed with AIDS if you have one or more specific OIs, certain cancers,
or a very low number of CD4 cells. If you have AIDS, you will need medical intervention
and treatment to prevent death.