Circulars For Crushed Stone Sand or M-Sand
Circulars For Crushed Stone Sand or M-Sand
Circulars For Crushed Stone Sand or M-Sand
Ref: This office retter No. AEE / TLo (B) / stato / 2003-r,
dated 25.05.2A04.
The High Level committee consisting of scientists, .Geologists
Environmentarists constituted in G.o(2D).No.46, Industries,
dated 2s.09.2002to
conduct a specific survey with reference to sand quarrying
in rivers and river
beds in the state and submitted their findings and the
suggestions based on
their field visit and also considering the views expressed
by the District
Collectors to the Government.
6.0. In this regard, the Superintending Engineer, pWD., planning & Design
Circle (Buildings), Chennai has been requested to send a report on the usage of
crushed stone sand as fine aggregate in construction works. The Superintending
Engineer, PWD., Planning and Designs Circle, Chennai after obtaining test
reports from the Executive Engineer, PWD., Tamilaga Arasu Building Research
Station, Chennai-113 reported that crushed stone sand is nothing but the
crushed stone fines and which passes through the sieves as defined in IS:383-
L97A in respect of concrete, IS:1542-t992 in respect of mortar and IS:2116-
1980 in respect of masonry works provides the compressive strength as that of
natural sand and therefore the same can be used as alternate material to the
river sand.
iii. The Crushed stone sand to be used on mortar for plastering shall
conform to the gradation requirements as per IS 1542 / 1992.
iv. The Crushed stone sand to be used on masonry work shall conform
to the gradation requirements as per IS 27.76 / 1980.
v. Suitable admixtures as recommended by the BIS conforming
IS:4032-1985 shall be adopted while using quarry rock fines(
s.,aehcA gtot*
vi. crushed stone sand manufactured onry from the approved quarry
can be used.
8.0. Stone dust and quarry rubbish for which rates are,available in
schedule of rates can be used only in filling low lying areas, filling
in basement
etc. Necessary steps will be initiated to include the crushed stone sand in the
schedule of rates, so as to adopt uniform rates through out the
9'0' The use of crushed stone sand for Reinforced Cement Concrete
structure requires more detailed research studies before going in for
practical application and hence, the instructions thereon will
be issued
To #nlr
All the Superintending Engineers &
Executive Engineers of pWD.,
Buildings Organisation.
Copy to
No. Description Unit
L supplying and filling in basement with sano a@ 1m'
dust [sand and quarry rubbish / stone dust mixed in the ratio of 1:1] in
layers of not more than 10cm thick well rammed, watered and well
consolidated complete complying with standard specification.
2 SupplyingandfillinginbasementwithGraver,@ 1mr
dust mix [gravel and quarry rubbish / stone dust mixed in the ratio of
1:11 in layers of not more than 10cm thick well rammed, watered and
consolidated upto the optimum limit complete complying with
5 cement concrete 1:5:10 [one part of cement, fite parts of crusrred 1m'
stone sand and ten parts of hard broken granite stone jellyl using
40mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for flooring including laying
in alternate bays, consolidating, rendering the top surface rougn to iate
the floor finish and curing etc., cornplete complying with standard
specification. [The crushed stone sand to be used on concrete work
shall conform to gradation as per IS 383 - 19701
Paving the floor with design colour ceramic tiles of size 305 x 305 x
6mm in all floors over a base layer of cement Mortar 1:3 [One part of
cement and three parts of crushed stone sandl 20mm thick pointed
with white cement mixed with colouring pigments at the rate of 0.3 kg /
sqm. including finishing neatly and curing etc., complete complying with
standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
[The crushed stone sand to be used in base moftar shall conform to
gradation as per IS 1542 - L9771
Dadooing the walls with best approved first quality printed design glazed
tiles of size 305 x 200 x 6mm set in cement mortar 1:2 [One part of
cement and two parts of Crushed stone sandl 10mm thick and pointed
with colour cement at the rate of 0.40 kg pbr sqm. finishing neaily and
curing in all floors etc., complete complying with standard specification.
[The Crushed stone sand to be used in base mortar shall conform to
gradation as per IS 1542 - L9771
Finishing the top of roof with one course of approved first quality
machine pressed tiles of size 230mm x 230mm x 20mm thick laid in
cement mortar 1:3 [One part of cement and three parts of Crushed
stone sandl, 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound
conforming to indian Standard Specifications at 2olo by weight of cement
used and the joints pointed neatly to full depth of tiles with the same
mortar mixed with red oxide etc., complete complying with standard
specification. [The Crushed stone sand to be used in base mortar shall
conform to gradation as per IS 1542 - 19771
Plain cement concrete 1:2:4 [One part of cement, two parts of Crushed
stone sand and four parts of hard broken stone jellyl using 20mm / 10
to 12mm HBGS metal for wearing coat including laying consolidating,
finishing and curing etc., complete complying with standard specification
as directed by the departmental officers [The Crushed stone sand to be
used on concrete work shall conform to gradation as per IS 383 - Ig70
and also as per IS 456 - 20071
Plastering with cement mortar 1:5 [one part of cement and five parts of
crushed stone sandl 12mm thick in all floors including finishing neaUy
curing etc., complete complying with standard specification. [The
Crushed stone sand to be used shall conform to IS 1542 - 79771
casting and fixing in position of 50mm thick RCC precast slab in cement
concrete 1:2:4 [one part of cement, two parts of crushed stone sand
and four pafts of stone jellyl using machine crushed hard granite broken
stone jelly of 20mm / 10mm to 12mm size excluding cost of steel
reinforcement but including cost of moulding charges, casting of slab,
finishing, curing and fixing the precast slab in position in all floors etc.,
complete complying with standard specification. [The crushed stone
sand to be used for concrete work shall conform to IS 383 - I97Ol
cement concrete 1:2.# lone part of cement, two parts of crushed stone
sand and four parts 6f stone jellyl using 20mm machine crushed hard
broken granite stone jelly for plain cement concrete precast pavement
slab of following size including moulding charges, finishing, curing and
fixing them in position including pointing with cement mortar 1:3 [one
part of cement and three parts of crushed stone sandl to full oepirr or
the slab etc., complete complying with the standard specification. [The
crushed stone sand to be used for concrete work shall conform to IS
383 - 1970 and in respect of modar shatl conform to IS IS42 - 19771
1.0. Sand resulting from the natural disintegration of rock which have been deposited by
streams / rivers are known as Natural Sand or River Sand. Extensive use of this river sand as
fine aggregate in construction works result in scarcity of river sand. Further Excess mining of
sand affects the river system and lowers the ground water level. Therefore it is imperative to find
alternate material to river sand. ln this connection a circular has already been issued in the
Chief Engineer ( Buildings) PWD , Circular No AEE/T101 5701712007 DT 09.05.2008 for the use
of Crushed Stone Sand as an alternate to river Sand, based on the Recommendations of the
2.0. The Sand Manufactured by crushing hard stones are called Manufactured Sand
(M-Sand) or Crushed Stone Sand. ln stone crusher units stone boulders are crushed and
converted in to 40mm, 20mm, 12mm, and 6mm stone jellies. The other crushed particles are left
unutilized as quarry debris and dust. The particles of sizes ranging from 4.75mm to 150 microns
are collected and commercially sold as Manufactured Sand or M-Sand in open market.
3'0. The Quarry dust is not M-Sand and it should not be used as an alternate to sand
except for filling basement. Most of the M-Sand now sold in the open market produced by
compression crushing is flaky and more angular in shape. The surface texture is very rough and
concrete results in honey combing. The process of manufacturing M Sand shall be such that it
should give Cubical particles and the Manufactured Sand shall comply with Bureau of lndian
Standards to ensure good quality. Vertical Shaft lmpactor ( VSI) is the best machine for making
M-sand from stone and therefore the M-Sand manufactured using this type of machinery only
4.0. ln the circular under reference, the field officers of PWD have been permitted to use
Crushed Stone Sand in the construction work as an alternate material to Natural Sand subject
to certain conditions. Regarding this, it is reiterated specifically that the Crushed stone sand
should comply with all the provisions furnished in the following lS Codes and detailed in the
following paragraphs.
lS 383:1970 Gradation details for fine aggregate for concrete shall be ai in raole + ;
The information to be furnished by the supplier and the Description &
Physical characteristics of aggregates for concrete shall be as in
Appendix A & C
ts 1542.1992 Gradation details of sand (Natural and crushed stone sano; ror internat
wall, Externalwall and Ceiling Plastering shall be as in Table 1
The tables mentioned above are enclosed in the Annexure for Ready Reference
4.1. Since the quality of the fine aggregate depends on the source and the nature of the
rock to be crushed, the information of the fine aggregate to be furnished by the supplier
should be as per the APPENDIX A of lS 383:1970 (Clause 0.8) enclosed in the Annexure.
4.2. ln the circular under reference it is already instructed to make proper Mix Design
and adequate number of cubes shall be tested for 28 days compressive strength as per lS
456:2000. lt is now instructed that the description and physical characteristics of aggregates for
concrete should be as on Appendix C of lS 383: 1970 wherein the Trade groups of Rocks
Note 1-For crushed stone sands, the permissible limit on 150-micron lS Sieve is increased
to 20
percent' This does not affect the 5 percent allowance permitted in 4.3 applying to
other sieve
Note 2 - Fine aggregatecomplying with the requirements of any grading zone in this table is
&table for concrete but the quality of concrete produced will depend upon number of factors
including proportions.
Note 3 - Where concrete of high strength and good durability is required, fine aggregate
conforming to any one of the four grading zones may be used, but the concrete mix should be
properly designed. As the fine aggregate grading becomes progressively finer, that is, from
Grading Zones I to lV the ratio of fine should be progressively reduced. The most suitable fine
to coarse ratio to be used for any particular mix will, however, depend upon the actual grading,
particle shape and surface texture of both fine and coarse aggregates.
Note 4- lt is recommended that fine aggregate conforming to Grading Zone lV should not be
used in reinforced concrete unless tests have been made to ascertain the suitability of proposed
mix proportions.
Percentage Passing
lS Sieve Designation
by Mass
4 75 mm 100
2.36 mm 90 to 100
1.18 mm 70 to 100
600 micron 40 to 100
300 micron 5to70
150 micron 0 to 15
Tabfe 1 of lS 1542:1992 - Grading of Sand for lnternal Wall or External Wall or Ceiling
4.7Smm 95-1 00
2.36 mm 95-1 00
1.1Bmm 90-1 00
NOTE - Forcrushed stone sands and crushed gravel sands, the permissible limit on 150 micron
lS Sieve is increased to 20 percent. This does not affect the 5 percent allowance permitted in 5.1.
APPENDIX A of lS 383:1970 (Ctause 0.8):
A-1.1 When requested by the purchaser or his representative, the supplier shall provide the
following particulars:
a) Source of supply, that is, precise location of source from where the materials were
b) Trade group of principal rock type present (as in Appendix c of the code);
c) Physical characteristics (see Appendix of the code C);
d) Presence of reactive minerals; and
e) Service history, if any.
A-1.2 Subject to prior agreement, the supplier shallfurnish such of the following additional
i. Specific gravity,
ii, Bulk density,
iii. Moisture content,
iv. Absorption value,
v. Aggregate crushing value or aggregate impact value,
vi. Abrasion value,
vii. Flakiness-index,
viii. Elongation-index,
ix. Presence of deleterious materials,
x. Potential reactivity of aggregate, and
xi. Soundness of aggregate
ewwwwwww ffi
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I Clwsa C-3.7.)
&tn t
1.0. In recent years, considerable emphasis has been made by the experts in the
construction industry to use Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) as River Sand resources are
exhausting very rapidly. It has also been proved that Good quality M-sand can be used as an
alternative construction material to River sand.
2.0. Though the definition of Manufacturing Sand (M-Sand) as per IS 383:2016 code
refers to processed fine aggregates, the Crushed Stone Sand is commercially called as M-sand
in the Market.
3.0. IS 383:2016 code under clause 3.1.2 defines the crushed sand as, (1) Crushed
stone sand - Fine aggregate produced by crushing hard stone. (2) Manufacturing fine
aggregate (Manufactured Sand) - Fine aggregate manufactured from other than natural
sources, by processing materials, using thermal or other process such as separation, washing,
crushing and scrubbing.
4.0. In the reference circular cited, PWD permitted to use Crushed Stone Sand
hereafter called “CS-Sand” in the construction work as an alternate material to Natural Sand
with the condition that it should comply with all the requirements as stipulated by relevant
codes of Bureau of Indian Standards.
5.0. However, there has been general reluctance to use the CS-Sand in construction
works mainly due to lack of supply of good quality CS-Sand. It has been noticed that Quarry
Dust which contains Flaky particles and higher percentage of Micro fines (particles less than 75
micron) is being supplied in the name of CS-Sand and these properties affect the quality of
concrete and other works.
6.0. Hence, in continuation of earlier circular instructions issued, to bring awareness
about the use of good quality CS-Sand and to promote the use of the CS-Sand an alternate to
River Sand, the following further circular instruction are issued in respect of quality checks to
be carried out on CS-Sand and the manufacturing process of good quality CS-Sand.
9.0. Particles retained on 4.75mm and 2.36 mm can be verified visually for the particle
shape. Additionally, an image taken with the help of Mobile camera that has resolution of 8 MP
and more can be zoomed to verify the shape.
VSI Crushed Sand - Cubical - Good Quality JAW Crushed Sand - Flaky - Poor Quality
10.0. Sieve Analysis can be carried out at site with the set of sieves as stipulated by
BIS to find out the particle size distribution of CS-Sand across various size fractions.
11.0. This test is done by “Wet Sieving” CS-Sand sample through 75 micron sieve
through which the presence of Micro fines can be measured. Though IS 383:2016 accepts 15%
as upper limit for presence of Micro fines, according to Industry experts it is advisable to limit
this upper value to 7%.
Cube test for compressive strength
12.0. After the use of CS-Sand, to test the compressive strength of concrete, the
specimen of required numbers of standard cube of (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm) have to be
casted and cured in water and tested for 3, 7 and 28 days and test results should comply the
stipulated requirements of Bureau Indian Standards.
13.0. CS-Sand should adhere to the highest standards and must undergo the following
quality tests
1. Sieve analysis
2. Specific gravity
3. Water absorption
4. Bulk density (loose and compact)
5. Alkali aggregate reaction
6. Soundness
7. Deleterious materials
8. Organic impurities
9. Micro fines content
10. Chloride and Sulphate Content
11. Petro graphical Analysis if Manufacturer does not possess.
12. Tests for Silt and clay
14.0. List of few labs for conducting test on CS-Sand are furnished below :
15.0. The specialized CS-Sand of particular gradation (as called Puuchchu Manal)
should alone be used for plastering with addition of super plasticiser at the rate of 100ml per
bag of cement for better bonding and achieving the required strength of plaster.
16.0. By-products during crushing of rocks are not Crushed Stone Sand. A Crusher Dust
(or Quarry Dust) produced from fine screening of quarry crushing cannot be called Crushed
Stone Sand.
The fine particles obtained, as by-products during crushing of rocks to produce coarse
aggregates (by jaw crusher and/or cone crusher) are known as Quarry Rock Fines / Quarry
Dust / Crusher Dust. These by-products are not suitable for concrete or mortar as they contain
higher percentage of dusty, flaky particles of un-controlled sizes with high water absorbent
property. If the crusher dust is flaky and angular in shape, the workability will be very difficult.
There is no plasticity in the concrete and mortar which makes it even difficult for the mason to
work, whereas if it is cubical in shape with grounded edge, superior gradation and good
plasticity to concrete will be obtained.
Jaw Crushers
Cone Crushers
This involves an important stage of using Tertiary crusher called Vertical Shaft Impact
(VSI) Crusher which carries out a combined process of reducing coarser particles into finer
particles and shaping the fine particles by removing the flaky and weak edges.
Input Feed
19.0. Conclusion
Adhering to the above mentioned technical aspects and based on various studies
conducted by Industry experts and also examination made by TNPWD, Use of Good quality
Crushed stone Sand with distinctive properties, manufactured following the above mentioned
processes can be permitted in PWD for construction works as alternate material to River Sand.
Further it is informed that, Good Quality C.S-Sand provides greater durability and
required strength to concrete by overcoming deficiencies like segregation, honey combing,
voids and capillary action.
Hence, through this circular memorandum, it is instructed that all the officials of PWD
are requested to use CS-Sand in construction activities as alternate to River Sand without any
reluctance by adhering to all the above instructions.
The rates for Crushed Stone Sand and River Sand are provided vide page 19 of PWD
Schedule of Rates for the year 2017-2018.
(Sd/- R. Jayasingh)
All Chief Engineers of PWD,
All the Superintending Engineers of PWD,
All the Executive Engineers of PWD,
All the AEEs & HDO, O/o Engineer-in-Chief (Buildings), PWD., Chennai
Copy to the Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9
Copy to the Principal Secretary to Government, Public Works Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9
/ "'r
1'0' In this office Circular 2nd cited orders were already issued to use the M Sand
(technically called as Crustred stone sand) as alternate to River
2'0' It is necessary to identify and use good quality M Sand in all building works executed
by PWD. To ensure the quality of the M.Sand, firms manufacturing M Sand
place their product in the PWD Assessment Committee for approval
of the product.
3.0. The Government in G.o. Ms. No. 106, Department of Housing, dated
constituted Assessment Committee to evaluate the innovations in use of materials
and construction techniques with representatives from various institutions.
11'0' After approval also the nominated PWD Engineer shall inspect then
and there to see
that the M sand is manufactured as per approved specification. whenever
deviations in manufacturing process/ quality of the products aie
noticed the approval
sfiall be cancelled by the chairman of the Assessment Committee pwD
at any time.
Hence, through this circular memorandum, the Superintending Engineers and
Executive Engineers of PWD are requested to interact with the interested firms which are
manufacturing M Sanci as per BIS Specifications so as to apply for approval of their product
in the PWD Assessment committee to qualify for the use of their product in the Government
1. The Principle Secretary to Government, Public Works Department, Secretariat.
Chennai - 600 009.
2. All the District Collectors.
3. Commissioner of Geology and Mining, Department of Geology and Mining, Thiru.Vi.Ka.
Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600032.
4. All Assessment Committee Members of
(i) Indian Institute of Technology (liT),
(ii) Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
(iii) Anna University,
(iv) Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC),
(v) Tamil Nadu housing Board,
(vi) Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board,
(vii) Tamil Nadu Police Housing Corporation,
(viii) Tamil Nadu Electricity Board.
(ix) Directorate of Technical Education,
(x) Military Engineering Service,
(xi) institution of Engineers and Builders Association.
5. Spare Copy to File,
b. Full Address
Telephone Number
d. Mobile Number
e. Email ID
o Tax/-GST Registration
j Annual Turnover
Product, Product Range for which approval is
required (Any brand name)
Machineries / Equipments auaitabte t'o.
(i) Collection of Good Stones
(ii) Jaw Crusher
J a.
(iii) Cone Crusher
(iv) Vertical Shaft Impactor
(v) Sieve
Technical Specification / codes Followed for
for n-Chief (Buildings) ,
Chief Engi ings) Chennai Region &
Chief Engin {Gener"al) PWD.
tor Engrneer
f (Buildirngs!,
(i) Collection of Good Stones
(ii) Jaw Crusher
3 4.
(iii) Cone Crusher
(iv) Vertical Shaft hnpactor
(v) Sieve
Own in house Laboratories / testing facilities
available in the Factory
& Site
Technical Specification / codes Followed for
for -Chief (Buitdings) ,
Chief Engi ings) Chennai Region &
Chief Engin General) PWD.
Engineer-in-Chief (Buildings),
Chief Engineer (Buildings) Chennai Region &
Chief Engineer (General), PWD.,
Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
Sub : "M Sand" Product approval by Public Works Department Assessment committee-
Application and 6 point document - Company Name. Reg.
We enclose filled in application for approval of our "M Sand" product in the Tamil Nadu
Public Works Department Assessment Committee. We enclose the enquired details in the
prescribed 6 point document.
We are also sending the soft copy of the filled checklist to [email protected]
Yours Sincerely,
:tAuthorized Signatory|