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Analysis of Coupled Microstrip Lines With DGS UWB Printed Filter

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Analysis of Coupled Microstrip Lines with DGS UWB Printed Filter

Article · March 2013

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4 authors, including:

Khurram Saleem Alimgeer

COMSATS University Islamabad


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Analysis of Coupled Microstrip Lines with DGS
UWB Printed Filter

Athar Shahzad Fazal1, Shabana Hafeez2, Mushtaq K.S.Alimgeer4, Y.wani5

Ahmed3 4
Center for Advance Studies in Telecommunication (CAST)
Department of Telecommunication Engineering COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Foundation University of Engineering & Management SIT, The University of Lahore, Islamabad, Pakistan
Sciences Rawalpindi, Pakistan [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract—This paper will present a microstrip bandpass filter been aroused among both academic and industrial aspects
design with controllable cutoff frequencies. The proposed design on exploring various UWB components and systems [2].
of filter is simulated, fabricated, measured and analyzed for Researchers have developed many UWB filters using
UWB system application. The expected of filtering range is about different techniques and designs. In the recent studies there
3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz. This filter also expected to produce low was a technique developed for designing a composite
insertion loss. A bandpass filter, based on microstrip structure
microstrip bandpass filter suitable for ultra wide band (UWB)
provides the advantage of easy design, lower fabrication cost and
compact size and has been widely used. This filter is simulated by wireless communications with the 3-dB fractional band width
HFSS and result show reasonable performances over entire of more than 100%. The design is made of a highpass and a
UWB and the averaged insertion loss for UWB of this filter is lowpass filter embedding individually into each other. The
about 0.2 dB with constant group delay. impedance of lowpass filter attenuate the upper stop band and
Index Terms—Bandpass, filter design, DGS, UWB, quarter wave short circuited stubs are used to realize the lower
stop band [3], the main challenge about the bandpass filter is
to maintain wide stop-band and sharp passband. An UWB
filter was designed in [3] that absorb high frequency signals
Recent research in microwave filters shows that many by using a lossy composite substrate, the insertion loss of this
efforts have been focused on designing ultra wide band filter was 6dB and at high frequency the impedance matching
(UWB) band pass filter (BPFs) due to its increasing was poor and also lacking the sharpness at the lower
demand for ultra wide band applications because ultra wide frequency. Lumped element filter design is very difficult to
band technology provides high data rates which results low design in microwave frequencies; due to limitations of
interference, low cost, resistance to jamming and providing lumped-element values these designs are generally unpopular.
high data rates in multipath channel, compared with narrow The design of filters on microstrip lines being a popular choice
wide band which provides low channel capacity, providing [4]. Another technique for the design of ultra wide band filter
more interference signal in radio systems. The ultra wide is the highpass filter (HPF) model in which short circuited
band (UWB) radio system has been receiving great stubs are cascaded [5]. Another simplest structure of filter
attention among both academic and industrial aspects, consists of cascaded short circuited stubs which are separated
because of its attractive features in high speed wireless by identical connecting lines. At the lower cut off frequencies
applications; the ultra wide band (UWB) communication the electrical length of these connecting lines is two times of
has been authorized by the Federal Communication the length of short circuited stubs [6]. In [7] the UWB filter
Commission (FCC) in USA released the unlicensed was developed by cascading of many different ring filters. In
frequency limits from 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz for the indoor this technique there are some disadvantages i-e these types of
and hand held UWB systems in February 2002 [1], UWB filters have sharp band rejection and their response
extensive instant bandwidth of 3.1-10.6GHz with constant would degrade out-of -band response and number of sections
group delay is required to operate in UWB filter. are increased producing large insertion loss and the group
A key passive component in UWB system is the front-end delay was very poor.
filter required to meet some stringent specifications Because of low loss, small size and compactness, light
including compactness, low insertion loss, flat group delay, weight and high selectivity the microstrip open loop filters
in-band frequency rejection notch, high selectivity, and have been extensively used for wireless communications
wideband rejection. These all are requirements for UWB systems. Many authors have suggested the microstrip square
filters and by considering these, an increasing interest has open loop resonators but the arrangement of elements will
occupy a large circuit area which is not appropriate for

Athar Shahzad | Introduction 21

wireless communication system where the miniaturization is configuration by using the impression of lower portion
an important factor. Therefore it is necessary to upgrade new diagonal section of the coupled lines in the upper right section
types of square open-loop micro-strip resonators which are not to constitute a symmetrical compact band pass filters.
only an alternative designs but they also have the structure [15]. Ultimately the characteristics of the compact
miniaturization factor [8]. Therefore a good filter which is structure are more improved by realizing the I/O portions of
suitable for ultra-wide band microstrip filter must have the microstrip feed lines in DGS. In [16] another Z
effective out-of-band spurious rejection and which is very transformation technique is used to combine UWB filter in
good in band performance. which the open circuited stubs are engaged to produce
Dielectric resonators are also used to design the ultra wide transmission zeroes in the upper and lower stop band to
band band-pass filter. Dielectric resonators (DR) have a lot of receive the sharp attenuations. Newly ultra wide band filters
advantages in increasing the performance of radio frequency consists of coupling from microstrip line to coplanar wave
(RF) and microwave devices such as filters and oscillators and guide which can be implemented on the basis of simple
it is also widely used in the wireless applications, because it broad side coupling structure [17]. The proposed filters in
contains low design profile having wide band width [9]. But [17] matched nearly all the demands of FCC‟s spectrum
the performance of most the distributed resonators are limited mask. Another structure for the implementation of ultra
because of the use of effective constant dielectric and there is wide band (UWB) band pass filter is suggested by using the
some discontinuity in transmission lines. Strip line structures coupled microstrip line and U-shaped ground defected
are widely used now days due to the advantages such as easy ground (DGS). These filters can be combined with any
implementation of both series and shunt stubs and there is no UWB antenna to have better performance of overall system
need of holes [10]. The more famous structures of filters are [18, 19]. The main advantage of UWB filter is that it can
more widely used because the fabrication of these filters can minimize the signal processing cost when combined with
be done by using the printed circuit technology which is UWB filters in order to mitigate out-band interference.
suitable for commercial applications because of their small
size and lower fabrication cost. Therefore the design of a filter II. THE PROPOSED FILTER CONFIGURATION
at low cost with high performance is of great concern. Many The proposed filter configuration is shown in Figure 1,
authors have proposed different shapes of bandpass filters where Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b) are top and bottom views of
such as fractal shaped microstrip coupled line, dumbbell the designed structure. The filter has been designed using
shaped, T shaped, C shaped, E shaped etc. duroid6010 and FR4 materials with dielectric constants of 10.8
Defected ground shaped (DGS) is another technique for the and 4.4 respectively both having thickness of 0.508mm. The
designing of ultra wide band bandpass filter. Basically DGS is design of proposed filter is by using coupled microstrip lines
the technique where the ground plane is transform and a defected ground plane separated by the substrate. The
intentionally to improve the performance of the filter. With the mutual inductance and capacitance can explain the coupling
help of DGS technique, improvement of the steepness of the between each microstrip line conductor and the ground plane.
roll off, gain is observed with ease of impedance matching. In most general structures the input and output lines are
Improvement in the selectivity of the filter by using DGS connected to the ends of opposite sides of the coupled lines but
technique is also observed. DGS is the systematic procedure to here these are connected to the ends in the same sides. Without
improve the performance of the filter and it exhibits that the DGS this structure naturally shows a band stop property so
DGS can enhance the battenuation of stop band and DGS is important to consider.
completely removes the parasitical passband in stopband.
DGS technique can be understood clearly by etching a A E
defected pattern in the ground plane. The limitation on gap
size may be relaxed for a particular coupling, so that the space
of the entire circuit area can be greatly saved [11]. Another L G
new compact structure for the ultra-wide band (UWB)
bandpass filter is the steeped impedance resonator (SIR) and
rectangle slot-defected ground structure DGS which has the F
advantages of small size and it produces good filtering B C
characteristics [12]. The utilization of high dielectric constant D
substrate, stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) structure and the S
slow wave effect are highly successful techniques to achieve (a) Top view (b) Bottom view
compact size. In [13] a compact coupled micro-strip line filter Figure 1: Geometry of the filter with proposed parameters
design with enhanced performance qualifications by making
use of symmetrical filter configuration printed on DGS was TABLE I. Parameters of Proposed Filter Design
discussed. An unsophisticated design method for the coupled Variable A B C D E F G H L S
microstrip line bandpass filter can be found in [14]. The Duroid
1 2.5 1.5 0.5 1.4 0.5 1.4 4.1 4 0.2
design methodology used in [14] is further improved to realize (mm)
the compact symmetrical parallel coupled bandpass FR4
(mm) 1 2.5 1.5 0.5 1.4 0.5 1.4 5.6 6 0.2

Athar Shahzad | the proposed filter configuration 22

Parametric analysis has been carried out to demonstrate the
effect of varying lengths (L) of the coupled lines. Results of
insertion loss have been shown in Fig. 1. These results show
that by varying the length there is great effect on the operating
bandwidth of the filter, by increasing the length, the band
become congested and by decreasing length, it expands. At
L=4 it almost fulfils the requirement of bandwidth passed by
FCC for UWB.
Port 1
Figure 5: Improving the isolation of UWB from adjecent bands by varying „S‟
Graphs shows that by varying „S‟ the gain of the filter can
be controlled.

Port 2

Figure 2: Complete geometry of the filter


Tentative improvement in the results of the above structure
can be assumed by mirroring the filter. The scheme of the
mirrored structure is shown in fig. 2, where Fig. 2(a) and Fig. Figure 6: Phase response of the filter for transmssion and reflection
2(b) are top and bottom views of the mirrored structure It is coffiecient.
observed that mirroring deteriorates the flat behaviour of A good filter‟s response doesn‟t varry rather it remains
transmission coefficient however with some slight constant through out the band. Above graph of phase shows a
improvements in cut-off slopes. The insertion loss is increasing good linear property throughout the band.
with the increase in frequency due to bad matching conditions
at higher frequencies. Figure 7 shows the graph of insertion
loss after mirroring the original structure.

(a) Top view

Figure 7: group delay

Figure 7, as shown above, signifies that the group delay is
almost constant.

(b) Bottomview
Figure 3: Geometry of higher order band pass filter


Following are results of insertion loss of proposed filter
after simulation.

Figure 8: Comparison of transmission coefficient for mirrored strcuture

with un-mirrored.
Figure 8 shows the comparison of the mirrored structure with
un-mirrored structure. Graph shows that cascading of the band
pass filter doesn‟t lead to better performance. This is due to the
matching of input to filter, because the input feed of the filter is
divided, due to which there is matching disturbance and
Figure 4: Effect of length at controllable higher cutoff interference is also produced due to cascading. From the graph

Athar Shahzad | Cascading of bandpass filter 23

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Athar Shahzad | Results and discussion 24

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