Teenage Pregnancy Refers To The Adolescent Girls, Usually With in The Ages

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Teenage pregnancy refers to the adolescent girls,usually with in the ages

of 13 to 19 who haven’t reach the legal age adulthood,whp became pregnant.Research
and statistical show that most of these girls that become teen moms are more likely to
become financial unstable,drop out of school,have no or low qualifications,and live in
poor housing conditions.Teen pregnancies have become such a global issue that it is
not as shocking when another young girls reveal that she is expecting at such a young
age.More precautions should be enforced upon young girls at the appropriate age in
order to prevent the rate of teen pregnancies from increasing.This issue might seem
less serious than other global issues currently happening,but it comes with many
downfalls for both the mother and the child.Becoming a mother during one’s early teens
or late teens can lead to worse things for both herself,and her child.Cases have shown
that the most of the girls that become pregnant at such an early age are not fit to be
mothers yet beacause of their maturity levels and sometimes even their current
lifestyle.Some girls that became pregnant at their age are current alcoholics and drug
abusers,which will affect their child and themselves in the long run.

For the past years in our country,early pregnancy is very rampant

speacially to teens age 15 to 18 years old.The reason of it is the
curiousity,experenmentation and the irresponsible parenting.According to World Health
Organizations reports,pregnancy at an early age is risky both mother and baby’s.The
foremost concerns are the health complication.Babies born to mothers younger than 20
to 24, the most reproductively viable ages have a 50% higher chance of dying during or
after birth.They are more likely to be born premature or weigh little and have life long
health risks.Today teenage pregnancy is one of the major that affect population growth
in the Philippines.It is considered as one of the majors problem of the government is
facing of today.Most teenage girls don’t plan to get pregnant,but many do.Teen
pregnancies carry extra health risk to both the mother and the baby.Often,teens don’t
get prenatal care soon enough,which can leads to problem later on.They have a higher
risk for pregnancy related high blood pressure and its complications.Teenage
pregnancy is continue growing and really affect our economic status.
Background of the Study:
The popularity of teen pregnancy worldwide has become a
major concern in recent years.It is viewed as a global crisis as the increasing number of
teenage girls bearing children outside of marriage or before graduating high school
continue to rise.There are many reasons to scale down the teen pregnancy rate,and the
financial cost of teens giving birth are importants.Teenage Pregnancy and Teen
Pregnancy Pregnant teenagers face many of the same pregnancy related issues as
other women.There are,however,addional concern for those under the age of 15 as they
are less likely to be physicaly developed enough to sustain a healthy pregnancy or to
give birth.For girls aged 15 to 19 risk are associated more with socio-economic factors
than with the biological effects of age.Risk of low birth weight premature
labor,anemia,and pre-eclampia connected to the biological age being observed in teen
birth even after controlling for other risk factors.(Teenage Preagnancy Page)

Statement of the Promblem:

This research are to be educate young audience about
teenage pregnancies by providing facts and addressing myths abouts this issues:

 What is the profile of respondent students in terms of the following variables:

A. Age
B. Gender
C. Grade Level
D. Status

 How aware are the students about this issue?

 Are these research gives them knowledge about teenage preagnancies?

Significance of the Study:

This study will benfits the following:

Students: It will help them to understand,what will happen when they do this in
the wrong time and wrong person.

Parents: It will enlighten them about the issue and they will make way to avoid
this issue from their children.

Schools: It will lessen the issue to their schools.Avoiding of very controversial


Scope and Delimitaion:

This study is primarily concerned about the issue pf teenage

pregnancy and research goals in to create change in the increasing number of
teenage pregnancies and connect with pregnant teens.
Chapter ll: Related Literature

From 2000 to 2010 the number of live births by teenage mothers in the
Philippines rose by more than 60% latest data from the national statistical office.

Another alarming fact is that the number of teenage mother who gave
birth to their second or third child during their teenage year has increased in the
last years.This is according to the data shown in the press conference in Quezon
City by Carmelita Ericta,administrator and civil registrar general of the National
Statistic Office.(Ime Morales,July 9,2013).Teenage pregnancy is aglobal issue
and a major contributor to school droup-out among girls.Permanent expulsion
was one of the solutions made for teenage pregnancy but this has been proven
ineffective and unfair to the girls.Now there is a return to school policy where a
student is temporarily dismissed from school due to teenage pregnancy to further
pursue their education.(Okeyo,2012)

As stated by Brown and Amankwa (2007) as more female high school

students are involved in sexual relationship their risk of conception
increases.However,when pregnancy occurs it is only the woman who bears the
burden and risks of the pregnancy and in most cases child care often this type of
pregnancy are unplanned or planned caring or a child becomes a full time
job.Having a child while being a student becomes stressful beacause child
rearing consumes time and energy with a few exeptions the women are the
primary care giver of the child.(Hoffer,Reid, and Molt,Lool as cited by Brown and
Amankwa,2007).According to Kidwell (2004) rearing a child while being full time
students maube daunting and difficult however,it will be easier if she has a
partner or a family member who can help her in talking care of the child.

While the increase of higher education students 10% of this population

are parents or motherswho are hoping to give their children a better future and
attending to there needs through receiving a degree. These nontraditional
student are often student mothers and should be given special attention because
aside from their roles as student they are also mothers and care givers at home .
many see or consider their families a hindrance to their eduation which is wrong
they should see it as a motivator because they want to provide for their child.

When pregnant students and student mother are expected to

subordinate their needs and desires to those of their children and families, they
are force to grapple with the conflicting roles of motherhood and studentship
( berg and mamhute,2013 ) brown and amankwaa,(2007) stated that parenting
is a very streesful and some women cannot handle all the trasks involved
especially the first time mothers and need help or assistance from the people
around them. Although having someone help the mother is good but expectation
of receiving support after giving birth to a baby often causes stressors that my
lead to depression during postpartum period student and students mothers have
expressed feelings of guilt,worry and inadequacy in both as a students and as a

Though not always does being a student mother have negative

effect,it also has positive effects.Story (1999) as cited by Brown and Amankwaa
(2007),has found out that student mothers are more responsible than those
regular students.He has seen that’s girls who were irresponsible before
pregnancy has become more responsible after pregnancy and is more less likely
to droupout of high school than the regular students.

For women who juggle family and students responsibilities the lack
of time is one of the major issues faced.(Liversidge,2004).Many students mother
use different coping strategies to adjust to their situation.As stated by Gronman
(2009) students mothers depend on time management to handle the many
different tasks of a student mother.Another coping cited by Gronmon and
Remelan (2009) is managing task to handle the things needed to be done as
both student and a mother as well as emotional and physical support from both
the partner and the parents of the student mother.Student due to other factors
like lack if finances and time being limited.

A study by Bouton (2012) shows the feeling of student mother in

regards to lifestyle she said the Gale (her participant) said she she juggles
multiple lifestyles as a fulltime student and a fulltime mom.This does make her
feel disconnected from campus life.Due to student mother situation being difficult
they have adopted coping mechanism.According to Okeyo (2012),Their coping
mechanisms included: problem focused.Avoidance and emotion focused
strategies and the support they received upon resuming studies were spiritual
and social support.It was argued that raising a child involces a great deal of
financial,emotional,and practical plannind (Kidwell,2004).It is necessary to make
sure that there are adequate child care resources available.This maybe very
diffecult to do if the students fulltime.However,if the students decide to remain in
school and take care of the child it maybe more possible if she has a partner or
family member who will provide additional help to care for the child
(Kidwell,2004).Parenting is very stressful and some women cannot deal with all
of the tasks that are involved.It is best if there are people around who are there to
assist.Although it is best to have family,friends and spousal support after giving
birth to a baby.This expectional often causes stressors thay may lead to
depression during the postpartum period (Brown and Amankwa,2000).


In this study a qualitative exploratory design was use,allowing the

researchers to get in-depth understanding of the socio-educational problem
faced by student mothers.Qualitative research has the advantage of an covering
the lived experienced of individuals by enabling them to interpret and attribute
meaning to their experiences and in the process construct there worlds ( Merriam
and Simpson,2000, as cited in Berg and Mamhule,2013).


Respondents of the study are the student mothers of Bugayong

Integrated School,in the second semester of SY 2018-2019.There were a
number of three (3) identified student mother in Bugayong Integrated School who
volunteered and provided time to participate in this study.


Prior to data gathering,the researchers prepared an informed

concent letter to be given to the respondents of the study,voluntary participation
was highly imphasized in the letter of concent.The data gathering procedure was
done in a form of one to one interview in which the researchers took written


Time management is the biggest obstacle of being a student mother

as you need to devide your time between school and caring for the child.As for
the coping strategies it is seen that the having a positive outlook is effective in
handing different situation as a student mother.

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