An Introduction To Electrical Instrumentation and Measurement Systems
An Introduction To Electrical Instrumentation and Measurement Systems
An Introduction To Electrical Instrumentation and Measurement Systems
Electrical Instrumentation
and Measurement Systems
An Introduction to
Electrical Instrumentation
and Measurement Systems
A guide to the use, selection, and limitations of electrical instruments
and measurement systems
B.A. Gregory
Senior Lecturer Specialising in Electrical Instrumentation, Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Brighton Polytechnic
Second Edition
© B.A. Gregory 1973, 1981
Preface ix
1. Introduction
1.1 Methods of Measurement 4
1.2 Display Methods 16
1.3 Accuracy 22
1.4 Input Characteristics 37
1.5 Waveform 41
1.6 Interference 49
1.7 Selection 51
2. Analogue Instruments 53
2.1 Moving Coil Instruments 53
2.2 The Electrodynamic Instrument 97
2.3 Other Pointer Instruments 103
2.4 Energy Meters 113
2.5 Solid State Indicators 114
2.6 The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 115
2.7 Instrumentation Tape Recorders 134
3. Comparison Methods 146
3.1 D.C. Potentiometer 146
3.2 A.C. Potentiometer 155
3.3 D.C. Bridges 156
3.4 A.C. Bridges 166
4. Digital Instruments 186
4.1 Counters 186
4.2 Multi·function Digital Voltmeters 205
4.3 'Intelligent' Instruments 215
4.4 Hybrid Instruments 221
5. Transducers 234
5.l Resistance Change Transducers 238
5.2 Reactance Change Transducers 255
5.3 Semiconductor Devices 261
5.4 Self·generating Transducers 264
5.5 Ultrasonic Transducers 272
5.6 Digital Transducers 272
Index 439