Arif Rahman S - S1 - 1710013 - Jurnal Radang
Arif Rahman S - S1 - 1710013 - Jurnal Radang
Arif Rahman S - S1 - 1710013 - Jurnal Radang
Oleh :
One Health
Sigit Priohutomo
The world community is facing increasing threats from infectious diseases (infectious) derived
from animals (Zoonosis). Trigger most common to the emergence of new diseases is a growing
human and animal populations are fast, rapid urbanization, farming systems that change, the
integration of the approaching between domestic animals and wildlife, deforestation, changes in the
ecosystem, and the globalization of trade in animals and veterinary products. Control of zoonotic
diseases requires the collaboration of various sectors both locally, nationally, and globally to
achieve optimal health for people, animals, plants and the environment are often called "one health".
Zoonotic diseases are not addressed comprehensively and professionally can cause unexpected
Veterinary business in Indonesia has considerable growth potential, both for the pet and animal
production, in line with Indonesia's economic growth continues to improve. In many cases, formed
starting from the Veterinary Business self-employed,
where veterinary practitioners started the business of self-service, which then gradually evolved into
the business of animal health clinics. Therefore, in addition to medical technical capabilities,
business managerial ability veterinary practitioners who also works as a businessman also needs
to be developed in order to manage their business more profitable and
Supreme Budiyanto
Keywords: sexing, embryo, sperm, AI, embryo transfer male, female, application requirements
Sperm and embryo sexing aims to help determine the sex of a child who wants to dairy cows and beef
Commercially, this method can reduce the cost of management and livestock production costs.
Female gender is needed in dairy cows and beef cattle males needed on having a faster growth and
heavier. The current technology is based on the difference in the X and Y-sperm in the amount
of DNA. The technology uses a modified tool Flow cytometric instrumentation to sort X
Y-bearing sperm. The separation of the X chromosome Ysperma, then used in artificial insemination
(AI), in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (. Parati et al, 2006; Prasad et al, 2010). Percoll
degradation method and degradation of the molecular weight and concentration of the media is
the basis of separation of sperm-based X and Y chromosome, while for embryo using DNA from
blastomere embryo detection method based on PCR using the LAMP methods. In sexing embryos
using the technique of X and Y
chromosome detection in blastomeres of the embryo that is done invasive ( entered in the structure of
the cell) and Non-invasive ( outside the cellular system) Both of these methods can be validated on
the basis of live births, analytical laboratory with sorted sperm for
DNA content, and embryo biopsy for sex determination, while the analysis is based on the observation of
sexing ambryo calf birth gender. Currently, sex of animals have been determined with an accuracy of 90%
by using the sperm sexing flowcytometri methods.
To embryo several studies about the diameter of embryos and embryo oxygen consumption of
the sex or gender of the embryo into an interesting discussion related to some of sexing circulating
in the community. Application of this method in developed countries has been a lot of farm fields,
in Japan embryo sexing application mostly done by small-scale dairy farm until large enough
to use methods LAMP 36 minutes was able to determined the sex of the embryo. While the
sperm sexing has long been applied by the dairy farmer and wagyu. One consideration for the
application of this method is the fertility rate has been good IB results, since the manipulation of the
process of making sperm sexing spermatozoa resulting in decreased quality deterioration in the level
of fertilization so that the pregnancy rate is also declining. This becomes an important consideration
in Indonesia where the artificial insemination of sperm regular kebuntingannya level is still not
satisfactory, the use of sperm sexing which has undergone manipulation longer need to be
considered. Management systems established and stable to other requirements in order to be more
effective application. This paper-based review, to provide additional information about sexing and
applications so there needs to be a complete study before widespread application.
Study stem cell has been done since the mid-1800s but began to light after Dr. James
Thomson a professor from the University of Wisconsin isolate the cells in
the inner cell mass ( ICM) of human blastocysts. Thomson with these cells develop into
various types of cells and proved that these cells are pluripotent [2]. Until a Japanese
researcher, Sinya Yamanaka was able to prove that skin cells can be induced into cells that are
pluripotent, known as Induced Pluripotent stem cells
(IPSC; [3, 4]) and received the Nobel Prize in 2012. Various studies have aimed to do
medication or treatment of various diseases, especially degenerative diseases. Major degenerative
diseases in humans are not much different from the animals mentioned by Howe et al. [ 2]
which are stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's or other neurological
disorders, cardiovascular disease, and persembuhan wounds. On progress stem cell began to
be used for the treatment of various degenerative diseases in humans.
In 2010, Zucconi et al. [ 5] succeed megisolasi mesenchymal stem cells derived from the
umbilical cord vein in dogs. The purpose of this study was the dogs were used as models of
human diseases such as fractures, myocardial infarction and medullar lesion
can be done cell therapy with stem cell This [5]. This research is motivated by Schneider et al. [
6] stating that the dog is an animal that is suitable and most
widely used to model a wide range of human degenerative diseases requiring isolation stem cell from various sources in dogs were used to prove the success of therapy
stem cell. Scheneider et al. [ 6] mentions various models of disease in dogs that
intersect with stem cell is transplantation, gene therapy, stem cell, genetic, embryonic stem cell ( ICE) derived tissue replacement, comparative oncology, new
therapeutiyc and
regenerative medicine.
Mobasheri et al. [ 7] in a review trade journal mentions that based therapy
chondrocyte and mesenchymal stem cells a therapy that is able to create cartilage repair in the event of osteoarthritis, especially in humans. Horses are animals that
have a high predisposition of the incident osteoarthritis because the burden of high activity associated with the leg joints. osteoarthritis in dogs has also been proven
to be cured with therapy stem cell. The first case is the incidence elbow osteoarthritis and the second is coxofemoral joint arthritis. Bone marrow stem cell (
BMSC) also showed positive results in persembuhan osteoarthritis in horses with therapy focused on repairing the meniscus [8]. In addition to the joint McIlwraith
[8] also mentioned that
mesenchymal stem cells capable of being used as therapy tendon injury in horses.
Neural stem cells ( NSC) in mammals that are in certain areas of the central nervous system or brain, including in the area subventricular zone on the wall lateral
ventricle and
subgranular zone gyrus dentatus hyppocampus [ 9] and has been demonstrated by Uchida et al. [ 10] which isolates the NSC and the potential for
transplantation. One example is the use of NSC transplantation treatment spinal cord injury by using the NSC of the embryo into an animal model in mice [11].
In a subsequent study, NSC transplanted into an animal model of mice obtained from IPSC derived from human skin cells [12]. Adult Autologous mesenchymal
stem cells also can be used as therapy suspected noninflamatory canine disease of the central nervous system. stem cell were isolated from bone
marrow (BMSC) in dogs with impaired central nervous and are used for therapy in the same dog. The results showed improvement in clinical, MRI and
histopathological picture [13].
stem cell also used in the development of the world veterinary Ophthalmology. Wood et al.
[14] tried to inject mesenchymal stem cells the periocular area and intra-articular in dogs. stem cell are able to survive in the area, especially periocular injections
for 2 weeks and allegedly worked for persembuhan various eye diseases such as keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Kim et al. [ 15] proved that the transplant
subconjunctival allogenic mesenchymal stem cells on beagles show test results and good security in case corneal deffect. Beagles have performed surgery to
create corneal damage and culture of mesenchymal stem cells subconjunctiva injected in the area.
stem cell is a biological material that has great potential as a cell therapy for degenerative diseases. Along shifting from infectious diseases to degenerative both
in poultry, small animals, and large animals then the development of the study stem cell in the veterinary world will be increasingly necessary. Resources and technology
stem cell abundant become therapeutic development support stem cell in animals. Other than on the need for banks
stem cell in Indonesia for endangered animals is very necessary as support for the preservation and improvement of health quality endangered in Indonesia
[1] CIVAS. Death Grief Envelop 2011. The Sumatran rhino 'Torgamba'. CIVAS ed. 26 April 2011 [2] RJ Howe, Howe MA, Tankovich NI, DA
Howe, Tager JR. 2009. The Miracle of Stem Cell. Change Well.
[3] Takahashi K, Yamanaka S. 2006. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult
fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell, 126: 663-676.
[4] Takahashi K, Tanabe K, Ohnuki M, Narita M, Ichisaka T, Tomoda K, Yamanaka S. 2007.
Induction of
pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors. Cell, 131: 861-872. [5]
Zucconi E, Vieira NM, DF Bueno, Secco M, Jazedje T, Ambrosio CE, Bueno MRP, Miglino
MA, M. Zatz, 2010.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived From Umbilical Cord Vein Canine-A Novel Source for Cell
[6] Mobasheri A, Kalamegame G, Musumecif G, Batt ME. 2014. Chondrocyte and
mesenchymal stem cell-
based therapies for cartilage repair in osteoarthritis and related orthopedic conditions. Maturity,
78: 188-198.
[7] McIlwraith WC. 2015. Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Appropriate Use in Equine Joint
SYMPOSIUM Studies. Stem cells and development. 19 (3): 395-402.
[8] Schneider MR, Wolf E, Braun J, Kolb HJ, 2008. Canine H. Adler embryo-derived
stem cells and models for
human diseases. Human Molecular Genetics, 17 (1): R42-R47.
/ 2015
[9] Okano, Hideyuki. 2002. Stem Cell Biology of the Central Nervous System. Journal of
Research, 69: 698-707.
[10] Uchida N, Buck DW, He D, Reitsma MJ, Masek M, Phan TV, US Tsukamoto, Gage
FH, Weissman IL. 2000.
Direct isolation of the human central nervous system stem cells. PNAS, 97 (26): 14720-14725.
[11] Abematsu M, Tsujimura K, Yamano M, Saito M, Kohno K, Kohyama J, Namihira M,
Komiya S, Nakashima
K. 2010. Neurons derived from transplanted neural stem cells restore disrupted neuronal circuitry in a
mouse models of spinal
cord injury. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120: 3255-3266. [12] Fujimoto Y, Abematsu
M, Falk A, Tsujimura K, Sanosaka T, Juliandi B, Semi K, Namihira M, Komiya S,
Smith A, Nakashima K. 2012. Treatment of a mouse models of spinal cord injury by
transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived long-term self-renewing
neuroepithelial-like stem cells. Stem Cells, 30: 1163-1173.
The use of animal in scientific activities, such as research, testing and teaching is still a
controversial topic, and some may raise animal welfare concerns. In scientific activities involving
animal, the quality of animal care is the key of quality of science. Reliable scientific results depend
on high quality and healthy animals, and excellent animal care. When non-animal models is not
available as an alternative, and the use of animal is justified, careful ethical review, humane
care, use and treatment are important keys in the use of animal.
AAALAC International has Become a Recognized around the world as a gold standard of
quality of animal care and use, and good science. Today, more than 950 organisasi worldwide are
accredited by AAALAC International. Located in 41 countries / territories, organisasi that have
earned accreditation includes companies, universities, hospital, government agencies, contract
research organizations, and other research institutions. Among them, 161 institutions in 13 Pacific
Rim countries are accredited by AAALAC-International, and 2 are located in Indonesia.
The primary objectives of this presentation are to feature AAALAC-International; Adopted and
endorsed the principles in the assessment and accreditation process; and the key components of a
high quality of animal care and use program for the high quality of science.
[1] [2] Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. 2010. National
Research Council. 8 th edition. [3] Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in
Research and Teaching, FASS 2010
iis Sulistiyani
Skin cytologic examination is an examination conducted on the skin by taking samples of the
suspect area to see the cells involved in the inflammatory process atapun neoplasia using a
• Lesions appear dry and dandruff can be done with scrapping technique
• For lesions dry and oily surfaces are always performed in conjunction with a Pap tape
• To pustule using 25 G needle to open pustules and press the slide on the surface
pustule already open
• For ulcerated nodules and use the ear swab smear technique to obtain exudate
• For nodules and plaque samples were taken using the technique of fine-needle
aspiration using aspiration and non-aspiration technique
• Mechanical aspiration;
oPeriod localized with his left hand / right hand
next to it holding 3ml syringe injection of
no. 23
oStick a needle in the center of mass
oPull plunge to about ¾ volume syringe to
make pressure negative
oBy maintaining the negative pressure, take samples
at 3-5 direction different (without the needle tip
out of the mass)
o For each area, should not take more than 2 seconds
oWhen blood is inspired, stop sampling
oRemove the plunge back to negate the negative pressure
oExit an injection syringe of the masses and skin
o Remove the syringe from needle
oAspirasikan air into the syringe
oReplace the needle
oUse the syringe to remove air in the
cells tersampel the needle on the
prepared glass preparations
• Mechanical non aspirations:
o A good method for sampling a wide range of
masses, especially the accompanied by
vascularization dominant
o 3-5 ml syringe with a tiny needle 23/24 G
o Aspirasikan air into the syringe to about ¾
volume or volume full
o Hold the syringe in the section close to the base
of the needle with using the thumb and index
finger for maximum control
o The needle is moved back and forth with a stable
stitch lines and end needle remains in mass
o An injection syringe is pulled out from the masses, the cells
in the needle tersampel issued to spread over the glass
• Samples were prepared in advance and ready dried colored
Making preparations:
• Slide over slide smears (squash preps) --- great for solid masses
• Blood smears good technique to mass liquid form
• Starfish preps alternative method on samples with a little liquid
staining technique
Staining performed on cytologic samples using quick diff consisting of a fixative solution, a solution
of eosin and methylene blue solution
• After the samples were dried, preparations dipped in a fixative solution for 5 seconds (5 dye)
• Jump eosin dipped back into the solution for 5-10 seconds, lift
• Direct dipped into a solution of methylene blue for approximately 5 seconds
• Wash with aqua bidest or with water flowing slowly
• be dried
• Ready to be examined under a microscope
• Doing kroscek samples with pathological if it is not sure that we see under the microscope !!!
• Do a biopsy if the cytological not provide information, especially for the case of neoplasia and
identification of inflammatory
• See any inflammatory cells were predominant
• Viewed cell morphological abnormalities
• See whether there is any inflammation causes
inflammation netrofilic
• 70% of inflammatory cells are neutrophils
• > 85% neutrophils suppurative
• Neutrophil degenerative and non degenerative -----
• Karyolysis----degenerative neutrophil cell swelling and cell nuclei from exposure to
bacterial toxins or irritants
material such as urine, pancreatic enzymes or bile.
• Non degenerative neutrophils same picture as in the peripheral blood pillowcase, no
damage to the cell and the cell nucleus (there is no influence of external factors)
common in the case of sterile inflammatory response such as
meningitis or immune mediated polyarthritis
• In the case of degenerative neutrophils kausa agents typically found intra and
granulomatous inflammation
• Macrophages are the predominant (approximately 50% macrophages)
• Overview responses chronic inflammatory process
• The existence of giant cells (multinucleated macrophages) inflammation continues
• Cause; fungal, FIP, protozoa, foreign body
inflammation pyogranulomatous
• The mix between neutrophil and macrophage inflammatory cells
• chronic response
• Cause; fungal, protozoal,
eosinophilic inflammation
• Eosinophils are above 20%
• Often associated with hypersensitivity reactions, parasites and tumor
Inflammatory lymphocytic / plasmacytic
• Contains 50% lymphocytes and plasma cells
• Associated with stimulation of the immune system Web vaccine reaction
• subcutaneous lymphoma
inflammatory mix
• There is no dominant inflammatory cells
• All inflammatory cells are occasionally found
• Not found inflammatory cells of the area taken
• If found inflammatory cells, neoplastic cells more predominant amount above 80%
• Divided into ; epithelial tumors, mesenchymal tumors and tumor cells round
epithelial tumors
Cell size medium - large with a clear picture of the limits cytoplasm, the cell is usually
composed in the form of clusters and groups of cells.
mesenchymal tumors
Fusiform cell shape and is shaped like a whip at the end of the cytoplasm (except for fat
cells), cells are typically seen individually, not too obvious limitation sitoplasmic
Round cell tumor
Cells are round and divided into various sizes individually have different characteristics
depending on the color, content and size of the cytoplasm
normal skin
• <1 microorganisms perlapang view emersi oil (OIF)
• No inflammatory cells
• Mallasezia:
• Cats:> 1 Mallasezia / OIF significant -----
• Dogs:> 3 Mallasezia / OIF significant -----
• The epidermis:
• corneocytes; no cell nucleus, seen flat or sometimes like a roll
• Basal and spinous keratinocytes; cell nucleus, the cell nucleus is round, basophilic
• dermis:
• fibroblasts; Spindle shaped, oval-shaped cell nucleus
• subcutaneously; adipocytes (fat cells)
Polydipsia or the increased amount of water you drink in dogs (> 90ml / kg / day)
and in cats (> 60 ml / kg / day) is generally an effect of polyuria condition as a form of
homeostasis of the body and prevent dehydration. The primary polydipsia rare. Meanwhile
polyuria is the increased frequency of urination in dogs and cats (> 50ml / kg / day). Polyuria
may occur through 6 (six) pathogenesis is increasing urine volume primary (primary
polydipsia), osmotic diuresis (glucosuria), reduced number of tubular function, impaired
hypertonisitas of renal medulla, the lack of secretion of ADH (vasopressin) and a
decrease in the sensitivity of the renal tubule to ADH , Kidney is one of the main organ
responsible for the clinical symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia. The ability of the
kidneys to thicken and dilute the urine becomes important to look at the function
Urinalysis is a test that is very important to make the diagnosis of clinical symptoms of
polyuria and polydipsia. Besides urinalysis polyuria and polydipsia diagnostic approach
should also be linked and based on other clinical symptoms that follow and other ancillary
tests such as hematology, blood chemistry, hormonal tests, diagnostic imaging and
water deprivation test. The right approach and the selection of appropriate supporting test will
Prosiding KIVNAS ke-14, ICE-BSD City, Tangerang 22-25 September 2016 | 1
help in diagnosing the disease with clinical symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia.
One Health
Sigit Priohutomo
Agung Budiyanto
Kata kunci: sexing, embryo, spermatozoa, IB , Transfer embryo jantan, betina, syarat
Kata kunci: stem cell, penyakit degeneratif, satwa terancam punah, terapi hewan
Daftar Pustaka
[1] CIVAS. 2011. Dukacita Menyelimuti Kematian Badak Sumatera ‘Torgamba’.
CIVAS ed. 26 April 2011
[2]Howe RJ, Howe MA, Tankovich NI, Howe DA, Tager JR. 2009. The Miracle of
Stem Cell. Change Well. California.
[3] Takahashi K, Yamanaka S. 2006. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from
mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell, 126:663-
[4]Takahashi K, Tanabe K, Ohnuki M, Narita M, Ichisaka T, Tomoda K, Yamanaka
S. 2007. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by
defined factors. Cell, 131:861-872.
[5] Zucconi E, Vieira NM, Bueno DF, Secco M, Jazedje T, Ambrosio CE, Bueno
MRP, Miglino MA, Zatz M. 2010. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived From
Canine Umbilical Cord Vein—A Novel Source for Cell Therapy
Studies. Stem cells and development. 19 (3):395-402.
[6] Schneider MR, Wolf E, Braun J, Kolb HJ, Adler H. 2008. Canine embryo-derived
stem cells and models for human diseases. Human Molecular Genetics,
[7]Mobasheri A, Kalamegame G, Musumecif G, Batt ME. 2014. Chondrocyte and
mesenchymal stem cell- based therapies for cartilage repair in osteoarthritis and
related orthopaedic conditions. Maturitas, 78: 188–198.
[8] McIlwraith WC. 2015. Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Appropriate Use in Equine
[9]Okano, Hideyuki. 2002. Stem Cell Biology of the Central Nervous System.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 69:698–707.
[10] Uchida N, Buck DW, He D, Reitsma MJ, Masek M, Phan TV, Tsukamoto AS,
Gage FH, Weissman IL. 2000.
Direct isolation of human central nervous system stem cells. PNAS,
97(26):14720-14725. [11]Abematsu M, Tsujimura K, Yamano M, Saito M, Kohno
K, Kohyama J, Namihira M, Komiya S, Nakashima
K. 2010. Neurons derived from transplanted neural stem cells restore disrupted
neuronal circuitry in a mouse model of spinal cord injury. The Journal of
Clinical Investigation, 120:3255-3266.
[12] Fujimoto Y, Abematsu M, Falk A, Tsujimura K, Sanosaka T, Juliandi B, Semi
K, Namihira M, Komiya S, Smith A, Nakashima K. 2012. Treatment of a mouse
model of spinal cord injury by transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem
cell‐derived long‐term self‐renewing neuroepithelial‐like stem cells. Stem Cells,
[13] Zeira O, Asiag N, Aralla M, Ghezzi E, Pettinari L, Martinell L, Zahirpour D,
Dumas MP, Lupi D, Scaccia S, Konar M, Cantile C. 2015. Adult autologous
mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of suspected non- infectious
inflammatory diseases of the canine central nervous system: safety, feasibility
and preliminary clinical findings. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 12:181-190.
[14] Wood JA, Chung DJ, Park SA, Zwingenberger AL, Reilly CM, Ly I, Walker
NJ, Vernau W, Hayashi K, Wisner ER, Cannon MS, Kass PH, Cherry SR,
Borjesson DL, Russell P, Murphy CJ. 2012. Periocular and Intra- Articular
Injection of Canine Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: An In Vivo
Imaging and Migration Study. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and
Therapeutics, 28(3):307-317.
[15] Kim JW, Lee SY, Park HM. 2012. Safety and outcomes of subconjunctival
allogenic mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in canine experimental corneal
defects. http//
The use of animal in scientific activities, such as research, testing and teaching
is still a controversial topic, and some may raise animal welfare concern. In
scientific activities involving animal, the quality of animal care is the key of quality
of science. Reliable scientific results depend on high quality and healthy animals,
and excellent animal care. When non-animal model is not available as alternative,
and the use of animal is justified, careful ethical review, humane care, use and
treatment are important keys in the use of animal.
AAALAC-International is a private, non-profit accrediting organization with
mission “to enhance the quality of research, teaching, and testing by promoting
humane, responsible animal care and use”. Currently it is the only organization that
offers international accreditation for the
care and use program. Accreditation is awarded to organization that meets or
exceeds the standards. “AAALAC International is where science and responsible
animal care connect”.
AAALAC International has become recognized around the world as a gold
standard of quality of animal care and use, and good science. Today, more than 950
organizations worldwide are accredited by AAALAC International. Located in 41
countries/ territories, organizations that have earned accreditation includes companies,
universities, hospital, government agencies, contract research organization, and other
research institutions. Among them, 161 institutions in 13 Pacific Rim countries are
accredited by AAALAC-International, and 2 are located in Indonesia. The benefit of
achieving AAALAC International accreditation includes to promote scientific validity,
to provide assurance in a global marketplace, as a recruiting tool, demonstrates
accountability, and it provides a confidential peer-review. There are many
reasons for institutions to participate in AAALAC accreditation program, such as to
commit to maintaining high standards animal care and use programs, to promote
scientific validity, and to demonstrate
a strong commitment to go above and beyond the minimum standards.
AAALAC-International adopts Three Primary Standards in the assessment and
accreditation of animal care and used program: a) the 8th Edition of the Guide for
the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide), NRC 2011; b) the Guide for the
Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching (Ag Guide), FASS
2010; and c) the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals
Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Council of Europe (ETS 123).
AAALAC Frequently Asked Question and Position Statement are also used by
Council on Accreditation in the program evaluation. AAALAC International also
expects accredited institutions to comply with national or regional regulations, and
requirement from funding institution. In addition, the importance of performance
criteria and standards are considered when evaluating animal care and use program
for research, testing or teaching.
The primary objectives of this presentation are to feature AAALAC-
International; the principles adopted and endorsed in the assessment and
accreditation process; and the key components of high quality of animal care and
use program for high quality of science.
[2]Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. 2010. National Research Council.
8th edition.
[3] Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching,
FASS 2010
[4]The European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for
Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Council of Europe (ETS 123)
[5]Unpublished data – AAALAC-International
Manfaat Sitologi untuk Pemeriksaan Penyakit Kulit pada Anjing dan Kucing
Iis Sulistiyani