278 Vibration Analysis
278 Vibration Analysis
278 Vibration Analysis
The importance of vibration problems induced by pile driving is addressed and guidelines for establishing limiting vibration levels
with respect to buildings with different foundation conditions are presented. Basic concepts of pile dynamics and stress-wave
measurements, which were developed for the determination of driving resistance and bearing capacity of impact-driven piles, provide
important information about ground vibration induced by pile penetration. Dynamic hammer properties and geometry as well as the
driving process are important for ground vibration emission from the pile. It is shown that the energy-based, empirical approach,
which is still widely used by practicing engineers, is too crude for reliable analysis of ground vibrations and can even be misleading.
The main limitations of the energy approach are the assumption that driving energy governs ground vibrations, the omission of
geotechnical conditions and soil resistance, and the uncertainty with regard to input values.
Three types of ground waves are considered when analyzing pile driving: spherical waves emitted from the pile toe, cylindrical waves
propagating laterally from the pile shaft, and surface waves, which are generated by wave refraction at the ground surface at a critical
distance from the pile. These three wave types depend on the velocity-dependent soil resistance at the pile-soil interface. The most
important factor for analyzing ground vibrations is the impedance of each system component, i.e., the pile hammer, the pile, and the
soil along the shaft and at the pile toe. Guidance based on geotechnical conditions is given as to the selection of appropriate
impedance values for different soil types.
A theoretical concept is presented, based on a simplified model that considers the strain-softening effect on wave velocity in the soil,
making it possible to calculate the attenuation of spherical and surface waves and of cylindrical waves generated at the pile toe and the
pile shaft, respectively. The concept is applied to define k-values, which have been used in empirically developed models and
correlated to type of wave and soil properties.
An important aspect of the proposed prediction model is the introduction of vibration transmission efficacy, a factor which limits the
amount of vibration force that can be transmitted along the pile-soil interface (toe and shaft). Results from detailed vibration
measurements are compared to values calculated from the proposed model. The agreement is very good and suggests that the new
model captures the important aspects of ground vibration during penetration of the pile into different soil layers. Finally, based on the
presented model, factors influencing the emission of ground vibrations during impact pile driving are discussed.
addressed in a scientific way vibrations due to pile driving as a RISK OF BUILDING DAMAGE
dynamic pile-soil interaction problem. Most published case
records suffer from lack of basic information regarding the When planning a project, where driven piles or sheet piles are
equipment and method of pile driving, dynamic properties of to be used, the design engineer must identify potentially
the pile and the surrounding soil or details about the vibration vulnerable structures and installations in the vicinity of the
response obtainable from dynamic measurements. project site and propose limiting values of ground vibrations.
Geotechnical information is often insufficient and has resulted As part of this task, the risks must be assessed of vibration
in difficulties to interpret results of case histories and to damage to structures and vibration-susceptible installations or
advance empirically developed prediction models. environmental aspects affecting occupants of buildings. As
the prediction of building damage can be complex, theoretical
The current reliance on empirical models puts the construction methods have low reliability. However, it is possible to assess
industry in a precarious situation in the light of recent rapid the potential damage to buildings based on statistical
development of potentially powerful construction equipment observations. This approach is used in codes and standards
for installing piles, such as hydraulic impact hammers and but is limited to the specific conditions in the region where the
advanced vibratory driving equipment, when their use is observations were made. Therefore, local building standards
restricted due to vibration concerns. The advancement of field should be applied with caution in other regions, where pile
measurements and electronic data acquisition systems has now driving methods, geological conditions, and building standards
made it possible to monitor and document not just pile may be different.
penetration resistance and rate, but also the dynamic response
of the ground and of adjacent structures. Sophisticated
computer programs are available to the engineer, offering a Swedish Standard for Pile Driving Vibrations
variety of methods to analyze signals in the time and
frequency domain. The main constraint at present is lack of Several standards pertaining to ground vibrations from traffic
understanding how to interpret results of vibration and construction activities have been developed (Massarsch
measurements. Significant progress has also been made with and Broms 1991). The Swedish Standard SS 02 542 11 (SIS
respect to determining dynamic soil parameters from seismic 1999) is one of the more elaborate standards currently
field and laboratory tests, which were developed primarily for available. It deals with vibrations caused by piling, sheet
earthquake and machine foundation applications, but could piling but also includes soil compaction and provides
also be applied to the analysis of vibrations from pile driving. guidance levels (limit values) for acceptable vibrations of
buildings based on more than 30 years of practical experience
In this paper, the authors discuss the most important aspects in a wide range of Swedish soils. It is important to note that
that govern the propagation of driving energy from the source the vibration limit values apply to buildings at the foundation
of the vibrations — the pile driving hammer — to the level and do not take into consideration psychological
surrounding soil layers. It is shown that current models result consequences (noise or comfort) for occupants of buildings.
in crude predictions that ignore the influence of geotechnical Neither do they consider the effects of vibrations on sensitive
site conditions and neglect the fact that the velocity-dependent machinery or equipment in buildings. Although, the guidance
resistance between the pile and the soil is the source of ground levels given in the Swedish standard should be used with
vibrations. This effect can be analyzed using concepts caution in areas with different geological conditions and
developed in dynamic pile analysis. building construction methods, they can provide useful
information as to which factors should be taken into
Based on a rational concept, the authors put forward a method consideration when assessing the risk of building damage.
for estimating vibrations from pile driving, which includes the
force that is applied to the pile head, the dynamic stresses in The guidance levels are based on experience from measured
the pile and the dynamic resistance along the pile toe and pile ground vibrations in terms of the vertical component of
shaft. Emphasis is placed on the development of a prediction vibration velocity and observed damage to buildings with
method applicable to engineering practice that incorporates comparable foundation conditions. This is a severe limitation
essential aspects of the pile driving and wave propagation when considering the effect of horizontal vibrations on
process, as well as geotechnical conditions. The proposed buildings founded on long piles, as piles provide little
model is compared to field measurements from a well- resistance to horizontal excitation. Moreover, the standard
documented case history. Finally, factors influencing ground does not address the risk of liquefaction or densification of the
vibrations during impact pile driving are discussed as well as soil (especially disregarding the risk for loose sand and silt),
measures to reduce ground vibrations. which can lead to unacceptable total or differential settlement
of the structure.
The Material Factor, Fm, depends on vibration sensitivity of Class Type of Foundation Foundation
the structural material and is divided into four classes, as Factor
shown in Table 3. The most sensitive material component of 1 0.60
Spread footings, raft foundations
the structure determines the class to be applied.
2 Buildings founded on shaft-bearing 0.80
The Foundation Factor, Fg, separates between building on type piles
of foundation, as shown in Table 4. Buildings on piled 3 Buildings founded on toe-bearing 1.00
foundations are accorded higher factors due to their reduced piles
sensitivity to ground vibrations in the vertical direction.
Swedish Standard SS 02 542 11 (SIS 1999)
However, if the horizontal vibration component is high, this
4,000 80
3,000 60
ZP = = AP c P ρ P
2,000 40
1,000 20
0 0
-1,000 -20
where ZP = impedance of pile -2,000
-2 0 2 4 6
Note that in the following, to avoid confusion between 3,000
-2 0 2 Start of Toe 4 6
In the absence of any resistance along the pile, the force trace B TIME (L/c) Reflection
1,000 10
effect is a separation of the two curves, which is a measure of
500 5
the total (dynamic and static) soil resistance at the location of
0 0
the reflection along the pile.
-500 -5
The resistance to the driving can be considered in terms of -1,000 Pile with toe resistance and -10
that it is only the dynamic resistance which gives rise to A TIME (L/c)
ground vibrations—emitted from the pile shaft and/or pile toe
to the surrounding soil layers). When plotting the WAVE DOWN
measurement against time scaled to the length of time for the 1,500
impact wave to reach the pile toe, i.e., in L/c units, a visual 1,000
records from the driving of two piles, one meeting mostly -500
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
shaft resistance, and one mostly toe resistance. Fig. 2A shows TIME (L/c) Start of Toe
measured force and velocity wave traces and calculated B Reflection
transferred energy trace. Fig. 2B shows calculated Wave Fig. 3. Examples of force and velocity wave traces measured
Down trace, the mean of the two wave traces and the force in an 8 m long H-pile driven through soft soil into weathered
entering the pile from the hammer, and calculated Wave Up bedrock in Oklahoma and encountering mostly toe resistance.
trace, half the difference between the wave traces, i.e. the (Data courtesy of AATech Scientific Inc.).
Influence of Pile Penetration Depth Fig. 5. Influence of pile penetration depth on the distance to
measuring points at two locations, A and B.
The above presented energy-based relationships refer to the
attenuation of vibrations from the vibration source to the The distance to the vibration source depends also on the
observation point. However, in the case of pile driving, the variation of soil resistance along the pile shaft, RS and at the
location of the source of the vibration energy is not well pile toe, RT. This case is illustrated in Fig. 6, showing two
defined (in contrast, for example, to the case for blasting) as penetration resistance curves, Cases 1 and 2, which typically
vibrations can be emitted from the shaft or the toe of the pile would be obtained from pile driving records or, for
— or from both at the same time — and also more from some predictions, be determined from in-situ tests, such as the cone
layers penetrated by the pile and less from others. Thus, as the penetrometer, or be calculated in a wave equation analysis.
pile encounters dense soil layers close to the ground surface at
the beginning of driving and then continues into weaker soil,
the depth of the energy source will change and, accordingly,
so will the distance from the source to the observation point.
However, most cases reporting results from vibration
measurements use the horizontal distance at the ground
surface in correlating energy source and vibrations. The
problem is illustrated in Fig. 5, showing two ground surface Case 1
measuring points, A and B, located at different distances from Dense sand
a long pile.
Point A is located close to the pile, while the distance to Case 2
Point B at the end of driving may correspond to more than one
pile length. When the horizontal distance is used for the Soft soil on
vibration measurements at Point A during the penetration of stiff soil
the pile, neglecting the gradually increasing pile penetration
length, the vibration amplitude will be overestimated due to a
much shorter assumed propagation distance. The effect of the
neglect is smaller for a measuring point away from the pile RT Driving Resistance, R S +R T
location, such as at Point B. In most cases, problems
associated with vibrations from pile driving occur at distances
up to approximately one to two pile lengths, which cases are Fig. 6. Conceptual picture of soil resistance along the shaft,
representative for a point located between A and B. It is RT and toe, RS when driving a pile into dense sand and soft
obvious that consistent results cannot be expected from clay on a stiff layer, respectively. Note, the driving resistance
analyses based on horizontal distance values. is indicated in units of force, not in units of penetration
resistance ("blow count").
Hammer efficiency is defined as the ratio between the kinetic A dynamic model of pile driving forces is shown in Fig. 7,
energy of a gravity hammer (ram) on impacting the helmet which can be analyzed using stress-wave theory (e.g., Smith
cushion (or, for a diesel hammer on impacting the anvil) over 1960; Goble et al. 1980; Broms and Bredenberg 1982;
the kinetic energy of the ram free-falling the same distance Massarsch 2005). The model shows a pile being driven with
without loss of energy. Hammer efficiency can only be an impact hammer having a mass, MH, and a height-of-fall, h.
determined by field measurements of impact velocity The impact mobilizes soil resistance along the pile shaft, RS,
(Rausche, 2000). The hammer efficiency should not be used to and at the pile toe, RT. The relationship between the axial
imply that one hammer is better or worse than another. force, Fi, and the particle velocity (i.e., physical velocity) of
However, it is an important input to a wave equation analysis the pile, vP, as defined by Eq. 5, is a starting point for the
of pile driving. In the absence of any measurements, the analysis. Note that the model is a simplification of reality,
practice applies an approximate hammer efficiency input, a showing velocities as rectangular waves, as opposed to
factor, FH, chosen based on experience. Table 7 presents an increasing to a peak and attenuating thereafter.
array of recommended ranges of efficiency factors according
to Rausche (2000). It should be noted that, for a conservative Fi = Z P v P (5)
prediction, it is recommended to use the larger value of the
ranges, unless otherwise prompted.
where Fi = force in pile
vP = particle velocity (physical velocity) of pile
Table 7. Recommended values of hammer efficiency
factor, FH (after Rausche, 2000)
Note, that several notations are shared between equations. In
order to save space, notations are defined only at their first
Hammer Type Hammer mention below the equation. All notations are provided in the
Efficiency Notation Appendix.
Factor, FH
The pile impedance, ZP, can be determined from Eq. 6. See
Free-fall hammer (free release) 0.90 – 0.95
also Eq. 2.
Single-acting air/steam hammer:
Steel piles (end of driving) 0.55 – 0.70 Z P = AP c P ρ P (6)
Concrete or wood piles (end 0.40 – 0.60
of driving) where cP = velocity of stress wave in pile
ρP = density of pile material
Double and differential acting
AP = cross section area of the pile
air/steam hammers:
Steel piles (end of driving) 0.35 – 0.50
Concrete or wood piles (end 0.30 – 0.45
Equations 2 and 6 can be used to calculate the axial impact
of driving)
force in a pile based on measurement of the particle velocity
Diesel hammers during driving. The parameters defining the propagation of a
Steel piles (end of driving) 0.30 – 0.40 stress wave caused by the impact of a drop hammer on a pile
are given in Fig. 7.
Concrete or wood piles (end 0.25 – 0.30
of driving)
At impact, the particle velocity, ν0, of the hammer (the ram)
Hydraulic drop hammers (self- 0.85 – 0.95 with mass, MH, hammer length, LH, and a height-of-fall, h,
monitored) while the particle velocity of the pile head is zero. The
Hydraulic drop hammers (other types) 0.55 – 0.85 velocity of the hammer immediately before (i.e. at) impact, ν0,
can be estimated from the hammer height-of-fall, assuming no
loss of energy in the fall, as expressed in Eq. 7.
Energy ratio, or transferred-energy ratio, is the ratio between
the maximum energy transferred through the driving system
(air, anvil, hammer cushion, pile cushion, etc.) to the pile over ν 0 = 2 gh (7)
the potential or positional energy of the impact. The
transferred energy is obtained from dynamic measurements as where v0 = velocity of hammer at impact
the integration of measured force times velocity times pile g = acceleration of earth gravity.
impedance. h = hammer-height-of-fall
Inserting ZH = ZP, into Eq. 10 yields Eq. 11, which shows that
when the impedances of the hammer and the pile are equal,
the peak particle velocity of the pile, vP, will be half the
hammer impact velocity, v0, (the velocity immediately before
touching the pile head).
ν P = 0.5ν 0 (11)
The particle velocity in the pile (and, therefore, the force in the
pile) is not affected by the hammer mass, MH, but rather by the
hammer height-of-fall, h (Eq. 7), and the impedance ratio of
the impact hammer and the pile. However, neither the height-
of-fall nor the impedance ratio is normally mentioned when
measurements of ground vibrations are reported in the
literature. Combining Eqs. 5 and 11 yields Eq. 12 which
expresses the magnitude of the impact force, Fi, the peak
force, at the pile head for equal impedance of hammer and
pile. Note, in the terminology common in dynamic pile
a) b) c) testing, the time of impact is the instant of the peak force
(occurs when acceleration becomes negative).
Fig. 7. Definition of parameters governing stress wave
propagation in piles. Fi = Z P 0.5 ν 0 (12)
When the hammer strikes the pile, a stress wave will be Another important aspect of pile driving is the duration of the
generated simultaneously in the pile and in the hammer, as impact, as this determines the length of the propagating stress
indicated in Fig. 7b. The hammer velocity starts to slow wave. The upward traveling stress wave in the hammer
down, by a velocity denoted vH, while the pile head starts to caused by the impact with the pile is reflected when the front
accelerate, gaining a velocity of vP. Since the force between reaches the top of the hammer. The upper end of the hammer
the hammer and the pile must be equal, applying Eq. 5 yields is a free end, which means that the force is equal to zero at all
the relationship expressed in Eq. 8. times. Therefore, the upward traveling wave reflected from
the pile head is now reflected as a tension wave. The time, t,
during which the pile head and the hammer are in contact is
Z Hν H = Z Pν P (8)
the time it takes for the strain wave to travel the length of the
hammer, LH, twice, i.e., from the top of the hammer to the
where ZH = impedance of hammer (ram) bottom end and back up to the top, is expressed in Eq. 13.
vH = particle velocity of wave reflected backup
the hammer
2L H
t= (13)
At the contact surface, the hammer velocity—decreasing—and cH
the pile head velocity—increasing—are equal, as expressed in
Eq. (9). where t = duration of impact (i.e., duration of contact
between hammer and pile head)
ν 0 −ν H = ν P (9) LH = length of hammer
cH = velocity of stress wave in hammer
Note, the change of hammer particle velocity is directed Then, if the impedances of the hammer and the pile are equal,
upward, while the velocity direction of the pile head is during the same time interval, the stress wave will travel the
downward. The hammer and the pile will remain in contact length expressed in Eq. 14, which defines the length of the
only for a short time, the impact time. Combining Eqs. 8 stress wave in the pile (and the length of pile along which
and 9 and rearranging the terms, yields Eq. 10. vibrations are transferred to the surrounding soil).
During pile penetration, dynamic soil resistance will be
generated along the pile shaft and at the same time at the pile 0.5
where cS = shear-wave velocity of the soil at the where RC = reduction factor for strain-softening
pile-soil interface vP = particle velocity of the ram at impact
ρsoil = total (bulk) soil density RR = reduction factor for remolding/disturbance
bP = pile diameter
The vibration transmission efficacy can be determined from where ZP = soil impedance for P-waves at the pile toe
Eq. 19 for any pile shape and effective contact length of the AP = cross section area of the pile toe
pile shaft. It is evident that the impedance ratio zs/zP and cP = velocity of P-wave in the soil
the LW/b-ratio are important factors which need to be
considered when determining the emission of cylindrical [Note, the two impedance symbols, ZP and ZP, the pile
waves from the pile shaft. For example, the LW/bP-ratio will be impedance and the soil impedance, respectively, can easily be
large in the case of sheet piles or H-piles, as these have a confused with each other].
larger average diameter (read: surface area) than cylindrical
piles. It must be expected, therefore, that ground vibrations The soil impedance for P-waves, ZP, depends on the cross-
will be higher when driving sheet piles as opposed to driving section area of the contact between the pile toe and the
cylindrical piles. underlying soil and is not the same as the specific soil
impedance, zP, for P-waves, which is a material property of the
During pile penetration, friction between the pile shaft and soil and does not involve the pile geometry. Also, the soil
granular soil can also give rise to a horizontal vibration impedance is strain-dependent and needs to be adjusted for
component, which is important in the case of vibratory strain level during pile driving/testing. The dynamic portion
driving, but is usually neglected in the case of impact driving. of the driving resistance at the pile toe, RT, can now be readily
calculated by combining Eqs. 20 and 21 to arrive at Eq. 23.
The dynamic force at the pile toe, RT, which is the source of The damping factor Jc does not appear in Eq. 23, in contrast to
spherical waves emitted from the pile toe, can be estimated the widely used relationship given in Eq. 20. Indeed, the soil
from Eq. 20 (Goble et al. 1980). impedance, ZP, of the P-wave is sufficient to determine the
dynamic resistance at the pile-soil interface. Note that the
RT = J c Z P ν P (20) P-wave depends on the degree of water saturation (ground
water conditions) in loose soils, an aspect which is not
generally appreciated.
1.5 Effect of
Wave Attenuation in Elastic Medium
Wk (t ) = 0.5 ρ ν 2 (t ) (27)
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
P -1
where ρ = material density of soil
INVERSE OF PILE IMPEDANCE, (Z ) (m/kNs) v(t ) = v0 sin(ω t)
Cylinder height = 30m
Poisson’s ratio, ν, and angles of incidence.
Upper Empirical Range
Amplification Factor, FV
Lower Empirical Range
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cylindrical Wave 1
WAVE LENGTH (m) Cylindrical Wave ν = 0.25
hC = 5 m hC = 30 m
ν = 0.30
Fig. 12. Variation of k-factor (Eq. 3) as function of wave 0.5
ν = 0.35
length according to Table 9 for a spherical wave and cylinder
waves with height ranging from 5 m through 30 m. Soil ν = 0.49
density is 1,800 kg/m3. Upper and Lower Empirical Range
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
according to Fig. 4.
A Angle of Incidence (°)
Reflection of Spherical Waves
When spherical waves, such as those emitted from the pile toe, 2.0
ν = 0.25
encounter a free surface (ground surface), the waves are
A m plification Factor, Fh
B Angle of Incidence (°)
cos θ P sin 2θ S Fig. 13. Variation of vibration amplification factor at free
Fh = 2 (30b)
s sin 2θ P sin 2θ S + cos2 2θ S
2 surface of impinging P-wave for different values of Poisson’s
where ΘP = angle of incidence of P-wave (cylindrical)
ΘS = angle of incidence of S-wave (spherical)
s = ratio of sinus for angles of incidence of the It is apparent that the vertical vibration amplification factor is
not strongly affected by Poisson’s ratio. However, in the case
P-wave and the S-wave
of the horizontal vibration amplitude, a significant difference
Fv = amplification factor vertical direction
Fh = amplification factor horizontal direction is obtained for horizontal amplification factors in granular
(small Poisson's ratios) and fine-grained soils (large Poisson's
ratios), respectively. For clays with a Poisson’s ratio of 0.50,
The angles of incidence, Θ are measured to the vertical. The
ratio between the angles of incidence of the P-wave and the amplification effect due to the incidence angle can be
disregarded. This is not the case for granular soils with
S-wave is conveniently expressed by s, which depends on
Poisson’s ratio ranging typically between 0.25 and 0.35.
Poisson’s ratio, ν, according to the relationship in Eq. 31.
It is now possible to estimate the critical distance, rcrit, from For surface waves, the exponent n is equal to 0.5. Equation 34
the pile at which wave refraction will occur at the ground is shown in Fig. 14. Note that in the vicinity of the pile, shear
surface (i.e. where surface waves will be generated), as strain levels can be larger and reduce wave velocities; this
indicated by Eq. 33. effect should be taken into consideration in a detailed analysis.
rcrit = tan Θcrit D (33) 1 10
R1 = 10 m
n = 0.5
where D = pile penetration depth
rcrit = critical distance from pile at ground surface at
which surface waves are generated
Typical values of the critical distance are given in Table 10 for 0.1
different values of Poisson’s ratio. The table suggests that in
dry coarse-grained soil (Poisson’s ratio between 0.20 – 0.35),
the critical distance from the pile, rcrit, is located at a distance ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT, α (m-1)
approximately equal to half the embedment depth of the 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.020
pile, D. In loose or soft soils below the groundwater level, the
0.030 0.050 0.070 0.100
critical distance becomes much shorter and is in the case of 0.01
clay almost zero.
Fig. 14. Attenuation of surface waves (n = 0.5): relative
The procedure expressed in Eqs. 30a and 30b of determining
the R-wave amplification factor is a powerful approach which amplitude, A2 /A1, as a function of relative distance, R2 R1, for
a range of absorption coefficients (R1 = 10 m). cf. Fig 15.
For elastic waves (at a distance of at least one wave length), Spherical Waves
the material damping can be assumed to be within the range
Spherical waves are caused by the dynamic resistance at the
of 3 to 5 %.
pile toe. Assuming only P-waves is a simplification of the real
situation, but makes it possible to capture the most important
The surface wave velocity is for most practical purposes the
aspects of vibration transmission. The attenuation of vibration
same as that of the shear wave velocity. The variation of the
velocity emitted from the pile toe can be calculated based
absorption coefficient is shown in Fig. 15 as a function of the
on Eq. A14 as given in Table 9. Note that the vibration
wave velocity and for different values of vibration frequency.
amplitude is taken in the radial direction from the pile toe.
10 100 The vibration transmission factor at the pile toe, ET, defines
soil at the toe, as well as the hammer efficiency factor, FH,
takes into account the loss of impact energy from the hammer
to the pile head. The amplification effect due to vertical
35 reflection of vertical vibration amplitudes at the ground
30 surface is accounted for by Fv, considering also the angle of
25 incidence of the emitted wave at the ground surface Θ.
The vertical ground vibration velocity, vSv, due to spherical
(body) waves emitted from the pile toe can now readily be
determined from Eq. 36.
( F HW 0)0.5
ν Sv = k s Fv ET cos Θ (36)
Fig. 15. Absorption coefficient α as function of wave rr
velocity for different vibration frequencies (the assumed
value of material damping is 4 %). where vSv = vertical component of spherical
wave amplitude
kS = vibration factor for spherical waves
Fv = vibration amplification factor (Eq. 9a)
The concept of calculating ground vibrations induced by pile ET = vibration transmission efficacy at pile toe
driving is based on the following approach: (Eq. 25)
FH = hammer efficiency factor (Table 7)
• Determine the dynamic pile hammer properties W0 = potential energy generated of pile hammer
• Determine the dynamic pile properties Θ = angle of incidence of spherical wave at
• Estimate the peak particle velocity of the stress wave ground surface
• Assess the vibration transmission efficacy along the rr = radial distance to the pile toe
pile shaft and at the pile toe
The authors have had access to comprehensive field tests Test Pile
published by Nilsson (1989), describing vibration
measurements during the driving of a series of test piles. The The existence of a stiff surface layer on top of the clay
main objective was to establish site-specific driving methods indicated that vibration problems would likely occur during
and to select the optimal pile type which would minimize the beginning of the driving. Vibration problems could also
ground vibrations. Ground vibrations were of major concern be expected during seating of the piles into the bearing layer
due to the fact that several buildings and installations in the at 24 to 25 m depth. Allowable vibration values with respect
vicinity were susceptible to vibrations. Although the reported to damage to the existing structures and installations were
data are not complete (stress-wave measurements were carried estimated according to Swedish standard SS 02 52 11
out, but data were not available), they offer the possibility of (SIS 1999). As the piles were driven into sandy, clayey soils,
analyzing the field data and to compare these with the the standard indicated a vibration velocity, v0, equal to 9 mm/s
theoretical concepts proposed in this paper. (Table 1). The buildings were of normal type (Fb = 1),
constructed of reinforced concrete (Fm = 1.2), and with
The field tests were performed in the southern part of Sweden foundations on toe-bearing piles (Fg = 1.0). Therefore,
near the city of Skövde. In this area, located inland, the soil according to Eq. 1, the maximum allowable vibration velocity
conditions are somewhat different to the well-known, soft clay (vertical component) was vmax = 10.8 mm/s. A separate study
deposits in the coastal regions. The soil profile in the test area regarding the environmental effects of pile driving (noise and
was about 2 m to 4 m of surface fill, consisting of well- vibrations) on occupants of buildings and installations was
compacted, alternating layers of furnace slag sand-size performed, but is not addressed in this paper.
particles and sand and gravel. Below followed a relatively
homogeneous, 12 m thick layer of medium stiff clay with In order to assess the effect of ground vibrations at the site
average undrained shear strength of 30 kPa deposited on a from driving different pile types, a series of piles were
layer of sand with a thickness of 7 m on glacial till. Bedrock installed and extensive vibration measurements were
was encountered at a depth of about 25 m below the ground performed (Nilsson, 1989). The present paper is limited to the
surface. The groundwater table was located about 3 to 4 m results of driving one test pile, a reinforced concrete pile with
below the ground surface at the top of the clay layer. a square cross section (270 x 270 mm). The concrete pile has
Unfortunately, data from more detailed geotechnical a wave velocity of 4,000 m/s, a bulk density of 2,400 kg/m3,
investigations (such as penetration tests or soil sampling) are and a cross section area of 0.0729 m2, which corresponds to a
10 CLAY Inclination of
Waves from
15 the Pile Toe
0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 3,200 3,600 4,000
Fig. 18. Inclination of resultant vibration amplitude (as
Total Number of Blows
angle to the vertical) and estimated angle of incidence of
waves emitted from pile toe. Note that a low angle of
Fig. 16. Penetration resistance during driving of 29 m long inclination implies a larger vertical vibration amplitude.
concrete pile with hydraulic hammer to 25 m depth. Also
indicated are main soil layers and by arrows the depths at The inclination of vibration amplitudes during pile driving
which detailed vibration analyses were carried out. through the surface fill and clay layer is clearly lower than the
inclination if vibrations would have been emitted from the pile
At 20 m horizontal distance from the pile, ground vibrations toe only. Therefore, in these layers, it can be concluded that a
were measured in three directions, during penetration of the large part of vibration energy occurs at, and is transmitted
pile and termination driving at 25 m depth. Since all three along the pile shaft and/or propagate as surface waves.
h = 0.4m direction. The time history traces are shown for three
interesting depths, 11.5 m (where pile driving was halted to
splice the pile), at 17 m depth (during penetration into the stiff
layer of sand and gravel) and at 25 m depth (during end-of-
When the driving was resumed at 11.5 m depth, the
penetration resistance showed an increase relative the
20 resistance before the pause. (It is well-known that piles driven
h = 0.5m
in clay and left to rest, excess pore water pressure dissipates
causing pile “set up”. The increased penetration resistance
resulted in an increase of vibration velocity, as can be seen in
Fig. 22 and Fig. 23, an effect which also is even more apparent
Fig. 19. Vertical vibration velocity at three distances as in Fig. 19. The velocity decreased as the shaft resistance
function of pile depth together with the hammer height-of-fall. diminished in the continued driving.
When the pile was driven through the surface fill, the At 17 m depth, the driving resistance increases sharply as the
magnitude of the vibration amplitudes at 10 and 20 m distance pile enters into the denser layer of sand and gravel. However,
are relatively equal, compared to that at 40 m distance. The it is noted that the vertical ground vibrations did not increase
vertical vibration velocity decreases markedly with increasing correspondingly, while the horizontal vibration rose sharply.
horizontal distance to the pile. This observation reinforces the
previously mentioned observation that cylindrical waves (or During termination driving at 25 m depth (with hammer
surface waves) dominate during pile driving through the upper height-of-fall increased to 0.5 m), the width of dominant
soil layers. However, when the pile toe encounters stiff soil frequencies of the horizontal vibrations increased and covered
layers, spherical waves begin to dominate. At a pile depth a much wider range, while the dominant frequency of vertical
range of 17 to 25 m, the direct distance from the pile toe to the vibrations remained low at around 10 Hz. The vertical and
measurement points V1 and V2 are 26 m and 32 m, horizontal vibration amplitude were now almost equal.
respectively (small difference in terms of vibration
to first peak, using horizontal propagation direction 300
(cylindrical waves emitted from pile shaft) and interval time 250
from hammer impact to first arrival (spherical waves emitted 200
from pile toe). It is acknowledged that the method is crude,
but it provides useful insight which wave velocity values Depth of Pile Toe (m)
should be used when analyzing pile vibrations. Figure 24 100
17 18 20
shows the calculated wave velocities determined from 0.5 m 50
to 16 m depth, for which depth range most of the vibration 21 25
energy propagated by cylindrical waves. This wave velocity 0 10 20 30 40 50
was close to the average shear wave velocity of the soil layers DIRECT DISTANCE FROM PILE TOE TO SENSOR (m)
of 125 through 175 m/s.
Fig. 25. Velocity of direct (spherical) wave determined from
400 first arrival from pile toe to sensors V1, V2, and V3,
respectively, as measured at different pile toe depths.
When the pile toe penetrates into a soil layer, vibrations are
Calculation of Surface Waves due to Spherical Waves
emitted in the form of spherical waves (mainly P-waves).
The vertical vibration (mainly P-wave) amplitude was
In the theoretical assessment of the vibration propagation from
measured when the pile toe was at four depths (3.0, 11.5, 17.0,
the pile, it was shown that surface waves (R-waves) can be
and 24 m) for the three vibration sensors at the horizontal
generated when P-waves encounter a free surface (ground
distances, 10, 20 and 40 m from the pile. The calculation
surface) at a critical angle, Eq. 33. The critical incidence
depths are indicated in the pile driving diagram, Fig. 16. As a
angle for the different soil layers is given in Table 16 and
first step, the incidence angle of the wave at the ground
depends on the ratio of the S-wave and P-wave velocity.
surface is calculated, assuming a straight ray path from the
pile toe to the ground surface. The vibration amplification
Once the critical distance at the ground surface, rcrit, has been
factor Fv can then be determined, assuming Poisson’s ratio
calculated, and the vibration amplification factor Fv, is known,
of 0.33. Next, the kS-factor is calculated according to the
the vibration velocity at the critical distance vcrit, can be
equations presented in Table 9 (Eqs. A14 and A16).
calculated. The results of the calculations for the example pile
P-Waves: 3.0 11.5 17.0 24.0
The calculated cylindrical waves according to Table 18 are
shown in Fig. 28 and compared with the measured ground 3
Considering the simplified analysis, the agreement shown in
Fig. 28 between calculated and measured vibrations is very
good during the driving through the overburden above about 0
15 m depth. Note that during the final phase of driving, 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
cylindrical waves are overestimated as the relative dis- DISTANCE (m)
placement between the pile shaft and the surrounding soil will
be small. Therefore, vibration velocities calculated for the last Fig. 29. Comparison of measured and calculated vertical
about 8 m of driving are not representative. However, they are vibration velocities as function of distance for different pile
included in Fig. 28 to illustrate the point. penetration depths for spherical, surface and cylindrical
waves, respectively.
For comparison, the empirical relationship given in Eq. 3 and General Comments
shown in Fig. 4 has been used to calculate vibration velocities
for the case history. Figure 30 presents the calculated ground In spite of the wide use of driven piles and sheet piles and the
vibrations at the horizontal distances from the pile of the three increasing awareness of the public and authorities for
sensor locations for different penetration depths, when environmental problems, little progress has been made in the
assuming a k-value, equal to 0.75 and a nominal energy, W0, understanding of ground vibrations caused by impact pile
equal to 1,600 J (mass of 4,000 kg and height-of-fall driving. Local codes and standards are available giving advice
of 0.4 m). Similar to Fig. 26 to 29, the measured vibration regarding limiting values of vibration velocity based on local
velocities are also plotted in the figure. As can be seen, the or regional experience, which can be used to assess broadly
vibration velocities calculated from the energy concept the risk for damage to nearby structures.
underestimate the actual velocities considerably. It should
also be noted that if only the horizontal distance from the pile The engineering profession has accepted crude prediction
location at the ground surface would have been used in Eq. 3, models, based on empirically developed concepts, which do
the calculated values shown in Fig. 30 would correspond to not reflect the key factors controlling the pile driving with
those at zero pile penetration depth—agreeing very poorly regard to vibration emission. This is surprising, because
with the actually measured vibration velocities. dynamic pile testing and sophisticated analytical methods are
commonly used to predict pile drivability and bearing capacity
and, as shown, they can be easily adapted to vibration
Risk of Damage to Buildings problems.
The main purpose of the pile driving tests at the site was to
determine the distance where ground vibrations could be Requirements Regarding Case History Data
expected to be lower than the limiting value recommended by
the Swedish standard. From Eq. 1, the maximum allowable Most case histories describing vibration measurements during
vibration velocity (vertical component) is vmax = 10.8 mm/s. pile driving provide insufficient information for a scientific
According to Fig. 29, at 40 m distance, the maximum vertical evaluation and interpretation of measurement results. Case
vibration velocity would not exceed 4 mm/s and even at 10 m histories documenting stress-wave measurements in
distance the expected maximum value would be combination with ground vibration measurements at different
below 7 mm/s. The project was completed without any distances from the driven pile would offer important
damage to the structures. However, some concern was information which would facilitate the assessment of how
expressed with regard to environmental considerations vibration energy is transferred from the pile hammer, along
(occupants in buildings and vibration-sensitive equipment and the pile shaft, to the pile toe, and to the surrounding soil
installations). layers. However, such information is not available for
application to ground vibration problems.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 Importance of Pile and Soil Impedance
10 m
40 m
20 m
A fundamental aspect of ground vibrations induced by pile
The impedance of the pile and of the soil are the single most
Fig. 30. Ground vibrations calculated according to Eq. 3 at important parameters for calculating ground vibrations as
three horizontal distances from the test pile during the driving these govern the transfer and propagation of vibrations in the
to the 25 m depth assuming a value of k = 0.75. pile, along the pile-soil interface, and in the surrounding soil.
Three wave types can be caused by pile driving: spherical The most important advantage of the presented analysis is the
waves emitted from the pile toe (primarily P-waves), improved understanding of how geotechnical and dynamic
cylindrical wave due to shear along the pile shaft and surface parameters affect ground vibrations—factors that have been
waves which are composed of refracted P- and S-waves, when completely neglected in the past. It is believed that, with the
these encounter the ground surface at a critical angle. It is increasing availability of stress-wave measurements and
possible, based on the concepts presented in the paper, to ground vibration recordings in the three principal directions
determine the vibration amplitude generated by each of these and at several distances from the source, the present model can
wave types. be further refined.
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The energy can be potential (positional), We, or kinetic, Wk. where W = energy density (J/m3)
When the particle velocity, v, is zero, the kinetic energy is ρ = material density (kg/m3)
zero and all energy has been stored as the elastic strain energy.
In contrast, when the displacement is zero, the velocity and v0 = initial particle velocity (m/s)
kinetic energy are at maximum, and all the elastic strain A = area of the wave front
energy has been released. The total energy, W0, is therefore k = wave number (Eq. 8)
limited to: x = pile penetration (m)
Eq. (A3) W0 = We (t ) + Wk (t ) = 0.5 ρ ν 2 (t ) By integration of Eq. A7 to yield Eq. A8, the solution of the
total energy density is obtained.
where W0 = total energy density (J/m3)
We = potential energy density (J/m3) Eq. (A8) W = 0.5ρν 02 A λ
Wk = kinetic energy density (J/m3)
ρ = material density (kg/m3) The maximum vibration energy can now readily be calculated
v = particle velocity (m/s) for different types of waves (P-waves, S-waves or R-waves).
It is possible to determine quantitatively the k-value (Eqs. A5
and A6) for different wave types, taking into account several
important factors, such as wave length and material properties
A coefficient, kS, can now be defined according to Eq. A12. With the coefficient kR, taken as a constant, Eq. A17 can be
expressed in a simplified form, as shown in Eq. A18.
Eq. (A12) 1
kS =
( 2 π ρ λ ) 0.5 (W0 ) 0.5
Eq. (A18) ν1 = kR
( r1 ) 0.5