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United States Patent: Ledgerwood Et Al. Jun. 14, 2016

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,368,905 B2

Ledgerwood et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 14, 2016
(71) Applicants: Adam Douglas Ledgerwood, Syracuse, 3,585,563 A 6/1971 Hegle
NY (US); Alvah Benjamin Aldrich, 3,739,128 A * 6/1973 Kaesser ................. HO1H 37,04
Geneva, NY (US); Joseph Michael 200,293
Manahan, Manlius, NY (US) 3,761,601 A * 9/1973 Kaesser ................. HO1H 9,041
4,335,932 A 6, 1982 Herrmann, Jr.
(72) Inventors: Adam Douglas Ledgerwood, Syracuse, 4,795,372 A 1/1989 Kobler
NY (US); Alvah Benjamin Aldrich, 4,893,215 A 1/1990 Urushiwara et al.
Geneva, NY (US); Joseph Michael 5,645,451 A * 7/1997 Ohsumi ............. HO1R 13,5208
Manahan, Manlius, NY (US) 6,193,536 B1* 2/2001 Sanuki ................. HO1R 13,521
(73) Assignee: Cooper Technologies Company, 6,964,575 B1 1 1/2005 Sailor
Houston, TX (US) 7,014,502 B2 * 3/2006 Rasmussen .......... H01O 1/1207
7,118,646 B2 10/2006 Hunkeler
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7,238,036 B2 7/2007 Sato et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,445,481 B2 * 1 1/2008 Nagashima .......... HO1R 13,521
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 7,821,791 B2 10/2010 Popp et al.
8,657,609 B2 2/2014 Yanagisawa et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/337,985 (Continued)
Primary Examiner — Hae Moon Hyeon
(22) Filed: Jul. 22, 2014 Assistant Examiner — Peter G Leigh
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — King & Spalding LLP
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2016/OO281.82 A1 Jan. 28, 2016 An electrical chamber is disclosed herein. The electrical
chamber can include at least one wall forming a cavity, where
the at least one wall includes a first end and an inner Surface.
(51) Int. Cl. The electrical chamber can also include a first isolation Zone
HOIR 13/40 (2006.01) disposed on the inner surface at a first distance from the first
HOIR 3/52 (2006.01) end, where the first isolation Zone is formed by a first bridge,
HOIR 3/527 (2006.01) a first underhang, and a first isolation Zone inner Surface,
(52) U.S. Cl. where the first bridge protrudes inward toward the cavity from
CPC .......... H0IR 13/5216 (2013.01); H0IR 13/527 the inner Surface, and where the first underhang extends from
(2013.01) a distal end of the first bridge. The cavity can be configured to
(58) Field of Classification Search receive at least one electrical conductor. The cavity and the
CPC. H01R 13/5612; H01R 13/527; H01R 13/70 first isolation Zone can be configured to receive a potting
USPC .................. 439/625,936,587,271, 276, 937 compound.
See application file for complete search history. 20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets


y ea
US 9,368,905 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited 2012fO236479 A1 9, 2012 Tamai et al.

2013/0223O37 A1 8, 2013 Mikami
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2013/0224979 A1* 8, 2013 Sato ................... HO1R 13,52O2
8, 2014 Endo .................... HO1R 13/405
8,814,606 B2* 2014/0076772 A1 3, 2014 AZumi et al.
439,736 2014/0235088 A1* 8, 2014 Fawcett ................. HO1R 13,53
2006/0286845 A1 12, 2006 Hinze 439,349
2007/0212918 A1* 9, 2007 Gruebel ............. HO1R 13,4538 2014/0329399 A1* 11/2014 Ohsumi ............. HO1R 13,52O2
439,271 439,276
2009/0057006 A1 3, 2009 Kishibata et al. 2015,0171543 A1* 6, 2015 Sittner ................. HO1R 13/405
2009, O145656 A1 6, 2009 Tschudin 439,271
2009/0173393 A1* T/2009 Grabert ................. F16K 17,162
137/68.23 * cited by examiner
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FIG. 7 FIG. 8
!----------------- e
% 919

N 92
%ZW4. FIG. 9B
US 9,368,905 B2
1. 2
POTTING COMPOUND CHAMBER DESIGNS are therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope, as
FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS potting compound chamber designs for electrical connectors
may admit to other equally effective embodiments. The ele
ments and features shown in the drawings are not necessarily
to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon clearly illustrat
Embodiments of the invention relate generally to electrical ing the principles of the example embodiments. Additionally,
connectors, and more particularly to systems, methods, and certain dimensions or positionings may be exaggerated to
devices for potting compound chamber designs for electrical
COnnectOrS. help visually convey such principles. In the drawings, refer
ence numerals designate like or corresponding, but not nec
BACKGROUND essarily identical, elements.
FIG. 1 shows an electrical connector currently known in
Electrical connectors known in the art are configured to the art.
couple to a single device or a number of devices having the FIGS. 2A and 2B show an electrical connector end in
same Voltage and/or current requirements. In some cases, a accordance with certain example embodiments.
potting compound is used to fill at least a portion of a chamber 15
FIG.3 shows a portion of another electrical connector end
within an electrical connector. The potting compound can
serve one or more of a number of purposes, including but not in accordance with certain example embodiments.
limited to providing electrical isolation of one or more com FIG. 4 shows a portion of yet another electrical connector
ponents within the chamber and providing a barrier to prevent end in accordance with certain example embodiments.
fluids from traversing through the chamber. As another FIG. 5 shows a portion of still another electrical connector
example, the potting compound can be used to withstand end in accordance with certain example embodiments.
extreme service temperatures over a long service life (accel FIG. 6 shows a portion of yet another electrical connector
erated in test by higher temperatures) while preventing the end in accordance with certain example embodiments.
passage of hazardous gas and flame therethrough. The potting FIG. 7 shows a portion of still another electrical connector
compound can be designed to serve these purposes within the 25 end in accordance with certain example embodiments.
chamber under a certain amount of pressure. FIG. 8 shows a portion of yet another electrical connector
SUMMARY end in accordance with certain example embodiments.
FIGS. 9A and 9B show a portion of still another electrical
In general, in one aspect, the disclosure relates to an elec connector end in accordance with certain example embodi
30 mentS.
trical chamber. The electrical chamber can include at least
one wall forming a cavity, where the at least one wall has a DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXAMPLE
first end and an inner Surface. The electrical chamber can also
include a first isolation Zone disposed in the inner Surface at a EMBODIMENTS
first distance from the first end, where the first isolation Zone
is formed by a first bridge, a first underhang, a first roof, and 35 The example embodiments discussed herein are directed to
a first isolation Zone inner surface, where the first bridge and systems, apparatuses, and methods of potting compound
the first roof each protrudes inward toward the cavity from the chamber designs for electrical connectors. While the example
inner Surface, and where the first underhang extends from a potting compound chamber designs for electrical connectors
distal end of the first bridge. The isolation Zone inner surface shown in the Figures and described herein are directed to
can be part of the inner Surface. The cavity can be configured 40 electrical connectors, example potting compound chamber
to receive at least one electrical conductor. The cavity and the designs for electrical connectors can also be used with other
first isolation Zone can be configured to receive a potting devices aside from electrical connectors, including but not
compound. limited to instrumentation devices, electronics devices, light
In another aspect, the disclosure can generally relate to an fixtures, hazardous area sealing fittings, lighting for restricted
electrical connector. The electrical connector can include an
electrical chamber having at least one wall forming a cavity,
45 breathing, control devices, and load cells. Thus, the examples
where the at least one wall has a first end and an inner Surface. of potting compound chamber designs for electrical connec
The electrical chamber of the electrical connector can also tors described herein are not limited to use with electrical
have a first isolation Zone disposed in the inner Surface at a connectors. An example electrical connector can include an
first distance from the first end, where the first isolation Zone electrical connector end that is coupled to a complementary
is formed by a first bridge, a first underhang, a first roof, and 50 electrical connector end.
a first isolation Zone inner surface, where the first bridge Any example electrical connector, or portions (e.g., fea
protrudes inward toward the cavity from the inner surface, tures) thereof, described herein can be made from a single
where the first isolation Zone inner surface is part of the inner piece (as from a mold). When an example electrical connector
Surface, and where the first underhang extends from a distal orportion thereofis made from a single piece, the single piece
end of the first bridge. The electrical connector can also 55 can be cut out, bent, stamped, and/or otherwise shaped to
include at least one electrical conductor disposed within the create certain features, elements, or other portions of a com
cavity. The electrical connector can further include a potting ponent. Alternatively, an example electrical connector (or
compound disposed within the cavity and the first isolation portions thereof) can be made from multiple pieces that are
ZO. mechanically coupled to each other. In Such a case, the mul
These and other aspects, objects, features, and embodi 60 tiple pieces can be mechanically coupled to each other using
ments will be apparent from the following description and the one or more of a number of coupling methods, including but
appended claims. not limited to epoxy, welding, fastening devices, compression
fittings, mating threads, and slotted fittings. One or more
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS pieces that are mechanically coupled to each other can be
65 coupled to each other in one or more of a number of ways,
The drawings illustrate only example embodiments of pot including but not limited to fixedly, hingedly, removeably,
ting compound chamber designs for electrical connectors and slidably, and threadably.
US 9,368,905 B2
3 4
Components and/or features described herein can include electrical connectors are disposed can be integrated with an
elements that are described as coupling, fastening, securing, explosion-proof enclosure (also known as a flame-proof
or other similar terms. Such terms are merely meant to dis enclosure). An explosion-proofenclosure is an enclosure that
tinguish various elements and/or features within a component is configured to contain an explosion that originates inside, or
or device and are not meant to limit the capability or function 5 can propagate through, the enclosure. Further, the explosion
of that particular element and/or feature. For example, a fea proof enclosure is configured to allow gases from inside the
ture described as a "coupling feature' can couple, secure, enclosure to escape across joints of the enclosure and cool as
fasten, and/or perform other functions aside from merely the gases exit the explosion-proof enclosure.
coupling. In addition, each component and/or feature The joints are also known as flame paths and exist where
described herein can be made of one or more of a number of 10
suitable materials, including but not limited to metal, rubber, two Surfaces (which may include one or more parts of an
and plastic. electrical connector in which example in-line potting com
A coupling feature (including a complementary coupling pounds are disposed) meet and provide a path, from inside the
feature) as described herein can allow one or more compo explosion-proof enclosure to outside the explosion-proof
nents and/or portions of an electrical connector (e.g., a first 15 enclosure, along which one or more gases may travel. A joint
connector end) to become mechanically and/or electrically may be a mating of any two or more surfaces. Each surface
coupled, directly or indirectly, to another portion (e.g., a may be any type of Surface, including but not limited to a flat
second connector end) of the electrical connector. A coupling Surface, a threaded Surface, and a serrated Surface. By defi
feature can include, but is not limited to, a conductor, a nition the potting compound used in example embodiments
conductor receiver, portion of a hinge, an aperture, a recessed eliminates any potential flame-path it contacts by virtue of the
area, a protrusion, a slot, a spring clip, a tab, a detent, and testing requirements. Other flame-paths may still exist within
mating threads. One portion of an example electrical connec the electrical connector. In other words, the potting com
tor can be coupled to another portion of an electrical connec pound creates a flameproof barrier, not a flame path.
tor by the direct use of one or more coupling features. In one or more example embodiments, an explosion-proof
In addition, or in the alternative, a portion of an example 25 enclosure is subject to meeting certain standards and/or
electrical connector (e.g., an electrical connector end) can be requirements. For example, the National Electrical Manufac
coupled to another portion of the electrical connector (e.g., a turers Association (NEMA) sets standards with which an
complementary electrical connector end) using one or more enclosure must comply in order to qualify as an explosion
independent devices that interact with one or more coupling proofenclosure. Specifically, NEMA Type 7. Type 8, Type 9,
features disposed on a component of the electrical connector. 30
and Type 10 enclosures set standards with which an explo
Examples of such devices can include, but are not limited to, Sion-proof enclosure within a hazardous location must com
a pin, a hinge, a fastening device (e.g., a bolt, a screw, a rivet), ply. For example, a NEMA Type 7 standard applies to enclo
and a spring. One coupling feature described herein can be the Sures constructed for indoor use in certain hazardous
same as, or different than, one or more other coupling features locations. Hazardous locations may be defined by one or
described herein. A complementary coupling feature as 35
described herein can be a coupling feature that mechanically more of a number of authorities, including but not limited to
couples, directly or indirectly, with another coupling feature. the National Electric Code (e.g., Class 1, Division I) and
As defined herein, an electrical connector for which Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. (UL) (e.g., UL 1203). For
example potting compound chamber designs are used can be example, a Class 1 hazardous area under the National Electric
any type of connector end, enclosure, plug, or other device 40 Code is an area in which flammable gases or vapors may be
used for the connection and/or facilitation of one or more present in the air in Sufficient quantities to be explosive.
electrical conductors carrying electrical power and/or control Examples of a hazardous location in which example
signals. As described herein, a user can be any person that embodiments can be used can include, but are not limited to,
interacts with example potting compound chamber designs an airplane hanger, an airplane, a drilling rig (as for oil, gas, or
for electrical connectors or a portion thereof. Examples of a 45 water), a production rig (as for oil orgas), a refinery, a chemi
user may include, but are not limited to, an engineer, an cal plant, a power plant, a mining operation, and a steel mill.
electrician, a maintenance technician, a mechanic, an opera As another example, Directive 94/9/EC of the European
tor, a consultant, a contractor, a homeowner, and a manufac Union, entitled (in French) Appareils destinés a etre utilisés
turer's representative. en Atmospheres Explosibles (ATEX), sets standards for
The potting compound chamber designs for electrical con 50 equipment and protective systems intended for use in poten
nectors described herein, while within their enclosures, can tially explosive environments. Specifically, ATEX 95 sets
be placed in outdoor environments. In addition, or in the forth a minimum amount of shear strength that an electrical
alternative, example potting compound chamber designs for connector must be able to withstand. As yet another example,
electrical connectors can be subject to extreme heat, extreme the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) devel
cold, moisture, humidity, high winds, dust, chemical corro 55 ops and maintains the IECEX, which is the IEC system for
Sion, and other conditions that can cause wear on the potting certification to standards relating to equipment for use in
compound chamber designs for electrical connectors or por explosive atmospheres. IECEX uses quality assessment speci
tions thereof. In certain example embodiments, the potting fications that are based on International Standards prepared
compound chamber designs for electrical connectors, includ by the IEC.
ing any portions thereof, are made of materials that are 60 As a specific example, a potting compound within an elec
designed to maintain a long-term useful life and to perform trical connector may be required to prevent gas and/or liquid
when required without mechanical failure. from leaking through the electrical connector while under a
In addition, or in the alternative, example potting com pressure that is at least four times the pressure at which the
pound chamber designs for electrical connectors can be electrical connector, without the potting compound disposed
located in hazardous and/or explosion-proof environments. 65 therein, ruptures (e.g., explodes). In testing, example electri
In the latter case, the electrical connector (or other enclosure) cal connectors having potting compound disposed thereincan
in which example potting compound chamber designs for be tested for liquid leakage at high pressures to simulate
US 9,368,905 B2
5 6
whether gases may leak during normal operating conditions. The insert 150 can include one or more apertures that
In such a case, an applicable standard is ATEX/IECEX Stan traverse through some or all of the insert 150. For example,
dard 60079-1. there can be one or more apertures (hidden from view by the
Example embodiments of potting compound chamber electrical coupling features 130, described below) disposed in
designs for electrical connectors will be described more fully 5 various locations of the insert 150. In such a case, if there are
hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings, in multiple apertures. Such apertures can be spaced in any of a
which example embodiments of potting compound chamber number of ways and locations relative to each other. In certain
designs for electrical connectors are shown. Potting com example embodiments, one or more of the apertures can have
pound chamber designs for electrical connectors may, how an outer perimeter that is larger than the outer perimeter of the
ever, be embodied in many different forms and should not be 10 electrical coupling features 130. In Such a case, there can be a
construed as limited to the example embodiments set forth gap between an electrical coupling feature 130 and the insert
herein. Rather, these example embodiments are provided so 150.
that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will The one or more apertures for the electrical coupling fea
fully convey the scope of potting compound chamber designs tures 130 can be pre-formed when the insert 150 is created. In
for electrical connectors to those of ordinary skill in the art. 15 Such a case, the electrical coupling features 130 can be post
Like, but not necessarily the same, elements (also sometimes inserted into the respective apertures of the insert 150. Alter
called modules) in the various figures are denoted by like natively, the insert 150 can be overmolded around the elec
reference numerals for consistency. trical coupling features 130. The insert 150 can be made of
Terms such as “first,” “second.” “end” “distal and “proxi one or more of a number of materials, including but not
mal’ are used merely to distinguish one component (or part of limited to plastic, rubber, and ceramic. Such materials can be
a component or state of a component) from another. Such electrically conductive and/or electrically non-conductive.
terms are not meant to denote a preference or a particular The one or more electrical coupling features 130 can be
orientation. Also, the names given to various components made of one or more of a number of electrically conductive
described herein are descriptive of example embodiments and materials. Such materials can include, but are not limited to,
are not meant to be limiting in any way. Those skilled in the art 25 copper and aluminum. Each electrical coupling feature 130 is
will appreciate that a feature and/or component shown and/or configured to mechanically and electrically couple to, at one
described in one embodiment (e.g., in a figure) herein can be (e.g., distal) end (hidden from view), one or more electrical
used in another embodiment (e.g., in any other figure) herein, conductors, and to mechanically and electrically couple to, at
even if not expressly shown and/or described in such other the opposite (e.g., proximal) end, another portion (e.g.,
embodiment. 30 complementary electrical coupling features) of an electrical
FIG. 1 shows an electrical connector 100 currently known connector. Any of a number of configurations for the proxi
in the art. The electrical connector 100 can have a first end 110 mal end and the distal end of an electrical coupling feature
and a second end 160 that are coupled to each other. The 130 can exist and are known to those of ordinary skill in the
electrical connector end 110 can include a shell 111, an insert art. The configuration of the proximal end and/or the distal
150, a number of electrical coupling features 130, and a 35 end of one electrical coupling feature 130 of the electrical
coupling sleeve 121. The shell 111 (also generally referred to connector end 110 can be the same as or different than the
as an electrical chamber 111) can include at least one wall 112 configuration of the proximal end and/or the distal end of the
that forms a cavity 119. The shell 111 can be used to house remainder of electrical coupling features 130 of the electrical
some or all of the other components (e.g., the insert 150, the connector end 110.
electrical coupling features 130) of the electrical connector 40 The electrical coupling features 130 can take on one or
end 110 within the cavity 119. The shell 111 can include one more of a number of forms, shapes, and/or sizes. Each of the
or more of a number of coupling features (e.g., slots, detents, electrical coupling features 130 in this case is shown to have
protrusions) that can be used to connect the shell 111 to some Substantially the same shape and size as the other electrical
other component (e.g., the shell 161 of a complementary coupling features 130. In certain example embodiments, the
electrical connector end 160) of an electrical connector and/ 45 shape and/or size of one electrical coupling feature 130 of an
or to an enclosure (e.g., a junction box, a panel). The shell 111 electrical connector end 110 can vary from the shape and/or
can be made of one or more of a number of materials, includ size of one or more other electrical coupling features 130.
ing but not limited to metal and plastic. The shell 111 can be This may occur, for example if varying amounts and/or types
made of one or more of a number of electrically conductive of current and/or voltage are delivered between the electrical
materials and/or electrically non-conductive materials. The 50 coupling features 130.
shell 111 can include an extension 179 that couples to a One or more electrical cables (not shown) can be disposed
portion (e.g., the body 173) of a complementary coupling within the cavity 119. Each electrical cable can have one or
sleeve (e.g., coupling sleeve 171). Also, the shell 111 can have more electrical conductors made of one or more of a number
an end 105 that is opposite the end in which the insert 150 is of electrically conductive materials (e.g., copper, aluminum).
disposed. 55 Each conductor can be coated with one or more of a number
The insert 150 can be disposed within the cavity 119 of the of electrically non-conductive materials (e.g., rubber, nylon).
shell 111. One or more portions of the insert 150 can have one Similarly, an electrical cable having multiple conductors can
or more of a number of coupling features. Such coupling be covered with one or more of a number of electrically
features can be used to couple and/or align the insert 150 with non-conductive materials. Each conductor of an electrical
one or more other components (e.g., the inner Surface 113 of 60 cable disposed within the cavity 119 can be electrically and
the shell 111) of the electrical connector end 110. As an mechanically coupled to an electrical coupling feature 130.
example, a recessed area (e.g., a notch, a slot) can be disposed The coupling sleeve 121 can be disposed over a portion of
in the outer perimeter of the insert 150. In such a case, each the shell 111 and can include one or more coupling features
coupling feature can be used with a complementary coupling 122 (e.g., mating threads) disposed on the body 123 of the
feature (e.g., a protrusion) disposed on the shell 111 to align 65 coupling sleeve 121. The coupling sleeve 121, along with the
the insert 150 with and/or mechanically couple the insert 150 coupling sleeve 171 of the electrical connector end 160, can
to the shell 111. make up the electrical connector coupling mechanism 120.
US 9,368,905 B2
7 8
The coupling features 122 of the coupling sleeve 121 comple end of one electrical coupling feature 180 of the electrical
ment the coupling features 172 of the coupling sleeve 171 of connector end 160 can be the same as or different than the
the electrical connector end 160. configuration of the proximal end and/or the distal end of the
The electrical connector end 160 can include a shell 161, an remainder of electrical coupling features 180 of the electrical
insert 151, a number of electrical coupling features 180, and connector end 160.
a coupling sleeve 171. The shell 161 can include at least one The electrical coupling features 180 can take on one or
wall 162 that forms a cavity 169. The shell 161 can be used to more of a number of forms, shapes, and/or sizes. Each of the
house Some or all of the other components (e.g., the insert electrical coupling features 180 in this case is shown to have
151, the electrical coupling features 180) of the electrical Substantially the same shape and size as the other electrical
connector end 160 within the cavity 169. The shell 161 can 10 coupling features 180. In certain example embodiments, the
include one or more of a number of coupling features (e.g., shape and/or size of one electrical coupling feature 180 of an
slots, detents, protrusions) that can be used to connect the electrical connector end 160 can vary from the shape and/or
shell 161 to some other component (e.g., the shell 111 of the size of one or more other electrical coupling features 180. The
complementary electrical connector end 110) of an electrical shape, size, and configuration of the electrical coupling fea
connector and/or to an enclosure (e.g., a junction box, a 15 tures 180 of the electrical connector end 160 can complement
panel). The shell 161 can be made of one or more of a number (be the mirror image of) the electrical coupling features 130
of materials, including but not limited to metal and plastic. of the electrical connector end 110.
The shell 161 can be made of one or more of a number of One or more electrical cables (not shown) can be disposed
electrically conductive materials and/or electrically non-con within the cavity 169. Such electrical cables are different
ductive materials. Also, the shell 161 can have an end 155 that from the electrical cables described above with respect to the
is opposite the end in which the insert 151 is disposed. electrical connector end 110, but can have similar character
The insert 151 can be disposed within the cavity 169 of the istics (e.g., conductors, insulation, materials) as Such cables.
shell 161. One or more portions of the insert 151 can have one Each conductor of an electrical cable disposed within the
or more of a number of coupling features. Such coupling cavity 169 can be electrically and mechanically coupled to an
features can be used to couple and/or align the insert 151 with 25 electrical coupling feature 180.
one or more other components (e.g., the inner Surface 163 of The coupling sleeve 171 of the electrical connector end 160
the shell 161) of the electrical connector end 160. As an can be disposed over a portion of the shell 161 and can include
example, a recessed area (e.g., a notch, a slot) can be disposed one or more coupling features 172 (e.g., mating threads)
in the outer perimeter of the insert 151. In such a case, each disposed on the body 173 of the coupling sleeve 171. The
coupling feature can be used with a complementary coupling 30 coupling features 172 of the coupling sleeve 171 complement
feature (e.g., a protrusion) disposed on the shell 161 to align the coupling features 122 of the coupling sleeve 121 of the
the insert 151 with and/or mechanically couple the insert 151 electrical connector end 110. One or more sealing devices
to the shell 161. (e.g., sealing device 152) can be used to provide a seal
The insert 151 can include one or more apertures that between the coupling sleeve 121 and the coupling sleeve 171.
traverse through some or all of the insert 151. For example, 35 FIGS. 2A and 2B show various cross-sectional side views
there can be one or more apertures (hidden from view by the of an electrical connector end 200 in accordance with certain
electrical coupling features 180, described below) disposed in example embodiments. In one or more embodiments, one or
various locations of the insert 151. In such a case, if there are more of the components shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B may be
multiple apertures, such apertures can be spaced in any of a omitted, added, repeated, and/or Substituted. Accordingly,
number of ways and locations relative to each other. In certain 40 embodiments of electrical connector ends should not be con
example embodiments, one or more of the apertures can have sidered limited to the specific arrangements of components
an outer perimeter that is larger than the outer perimeter of the shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B.
electrical coupling features 180. In Such a case, there can be a The electrical connector end 200 of FIGS 2A and 2B is
gap between an electrical coupling feature 180 and the insert substantially similar to the electrical connector end 100 of
151. 45 FIG. 1, except as described below. Any component described
The one or more apertures for the electrical coupling fea in FIGS. 2A and 2B can apply to a corresponding component
tures 180 can be pre-formed when the insert 151 is created. In having a similar label in FIG. 1. In other words, the descrip
Such a case, the electrical coupling features 180 can be post tion for any component of FIGS. 2A and 2B can be considered
inserted into the respective apertures of the insert 151. Alter Substantially the same as the corresponding component
natively, the insert 151 can be overmolded around the elec 50 described with respect to FIG. 1. Further, if a component of
trical coupling features 180. The insert 151 can be made of FIGS. 2A and 2B is described but not expressly shown or
one or more of a number of materials, including but not labeled in FIGS. 2A and 2B, a corresponding component
limited to plastic, rubber, and ceramic. Such materials can be shown and/or labeled in FIGS. 2A and 2B can be inferred
electrically conductive and/or electrically non-conductive. from the corresponding component of FIG.1. The numbering
The one or more electrical coupling features 180 can be 55 scheme for the components in FIGS. 2A and 2B herein par
made of one or more of a number of electrically conductive allels the numbering scheme for the components of FIG. 1 in
materials. Such materials can include, but are not limited to, that each component is a three digit number having the iden
copper and aluminum. Each electrical coupling feature 180 is tical last two digits.
configured to mechanically and electrically couple to, at one Referring to FIGS. 1-2B, the electrical connector 200 of
(e.g., distal) end (hidden from view), one or more electrical 60 FIGS. 2A and 2B includes an electrical connector end 211
conductors, and to mechanically and electrically couple to, at and an electrical connector end 262. The insert and the cou
the opposite (e.g., proximal) end, another portion (e.g., pling features of the electrical connector end 200 of FIGS. 2A
complementary electrical coupling features) of an electrical and 2B have been removed. The principal difference between
connector. Any of a number of configurations for the proxi the electrical connector end 200 of FIGS. 2A and 2B and the
mal end and the distal end of an electrical coupling feature 65 electrical connector end 100 of FIG. 1 are the addition of
180 can exist and are known to those of ordinary skill in the example isolation Zones 240 to the shell 211 and the shell 261.
art. The configuration of the proximal end and/or the distal In this case, two isolation Zones 240 are disposed on the inner
US 9,368,905 B2
surface 213 of the wall 212 of the shell 211, and two isolation extend from a distal end of the bridge 241 to which the
Zones 240 are disposed on the inner surface 263 of the wall underhang 242 is coupled. The underhang 242 and the bridge
262 of the shell 261. In certain example embodiments, there 241 can be formed from a single piece. Alternatively, the
can be any number (e.g., one, two, three, six) of example underhang 242 and the bridge 241 can be separate pieces that
isolation Zones 240 disposed on a shell (e.g., shell 211, shell are mechanically coupled to each other, directly or indirectly,
261). When there are multiple isolation Zones disposed on a using one or more of a number of coupling methods, includ
shell, one isolation Zone can be substantially the same as (e.g., ing but not limited to epoxy, compression fittings, fastening
size, shape, configuration), or different than, the other isola devices, mating threads, slots, and detents. The underhang
tion Zones. In this example, all of the isolation Zones 240 242 can have one or more of any number of thicknesses along
disposed on the shell 211 and the shell 261 are substantially 10 its length. Also, the underhang 242 can have any Suitable
the same. lengths. For example, the underhang 242 can be longer than,
Each isolation Zone 240 can be located some distance from shorter than, or Substantially the same length as the length of
an end (e.g., end 205, end 255) of the shell (e.g., shell 211, the isolation Zone inner surface 243. In this case, the under
shell 261) on which the isolation Zone is disposed. In this hang is shorter than the length of the isolation Zone inner
example, for shell 211, one of the isolation zones 240 is 15 surface 243.
disposed a distance 202 from the end 205, while the other In certain example embodiments, such as shown in FIGS.
isolation Zone 240 is disposed a distance 203 from the end 2A and 2B, the underhang 242 is embedded in the wall 212 of
205, where distance 203 is greater than distance 202. In the shell 211, so that the outer edge of the underhang 242 is
addition, for shell 261, one of the isolation Zones 240 is planar with the inner surface 213 of the shell 211. In such a
disposed a distance 206 from the end 255, while the other case, the underhang 242 is formed by removing a portion of
isolation Zone 240 is disposed a distance 207 from the end the wall 212 between the inner surface 213 (which becomes
255, where distance 207 is greater than distance 206. The the underhang 242) and the outer surface of the shell 211. The
distance measured can be from an end (e.g., end 205, end 255) underhang 242 can also have any of a number of orientations
of the shell (e.g., shell 211, shell 261) to any point of the within the cavity (e.g., cavity 119). For example, as shown in
isolation Zone. In this case, each distance is measured to the 25 FIGS. 2A and 2B, the underhang 242 can be substantially
part of the isolation Zone inner surface 243 located closest to parallel to (extends at an angle of approximately 0° relative
the end. to) the isolation Zone inner Surface 243. As another example,
Example isolation Zones can have any of a number of the underhang 242 can form an acute angle (extends at an
configurations and/or features. In this example, each of the angle less than 0°) relative to the isolation Zone inner surface
isolation Zones 240 shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B is formed by 30 243. Regardless of the orientation of the underhang 242, in
a bridge 241, an underhang 242, a roof 217, and an isolation certain example embodiments, the underhang 242 avoids
Zone inner surface 243. In certain example embodiments, an physical contact with the isolation Zone inner surface 243 and
isolation Zone 240 can be disposed continuously around all of the inner surface 213 of the shell 211. The outer surface of the
the inner surface 213 at the distance (e.g., distance 202, dis underhang 242 can be Smooth. Alternatively, Some or all of
tance 203) from the end (e.g., end 205, end 255). Alterna 35 the outer Surface of the underhang 242 can have one or more
tively, an isolation Zone 240 can be disposed around one or of a number of features (e.g., textured Surface, Sawtooth
more portions of the inner surface 213 at the distance from the shape, curvatures).
end. In certain example embodiments, the isolation Zones In certain example embodiments, the isolation Zone inner
disposed on a shell are located on a different part of the inner surface 243 is part of the inner surface 213 of the shell 211.
surface of that shell compared to where the insert is located. 40 The isolation Zone inner surface 243 can have any of a number
In certain example embodiments, the bridge 241 protrudes of orientations relative to the inner surface 213 of the shell
inward toward the cavity (e.g., cavity 219) of the shell (e.g., 211. For example, as shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B, the isolation
shell 211) from (relative to) the inner surface (e.g., inner Zone inner surface 243 can be recessed relative to the remain
surface 213) of the wall (e.g., 212) of the shell. As shown in der of the inner surface 213 of the shell 211. As another
FIG.2B, the bridge 241 can protrude inward toward the cavity 45 example, the isolation Zone inner Surface 243 can be substan
219 at an angle that is substantially perpendicular to the inner tially planar to the remainder of the inner surface 213 of the
surface 213. Alternatively, as shown for example in FIG. 3 shell 211. The isolation Zone inner surface 243 can be smooth.
below, some or all of the bridge can protrude inward from the Alternatively, some or all of the isolation Zone inner surface
inner Surface at a non-normal angle (i.e., at Some angle other 243 can have one or more of a number of features (e.g.,
than 90°). For example, as shown in FIG. 3 below, the top 50 textured surface, Sawtooth shape, curvatures).
portion of the bridge 241 can form an obtuse angle with the The roof 217 is positioned at the opposite end of the isola
inner surface 213 of the shell 211. The bridge 241 can have tion Zone 240 from the bridge 241. The roof 217 protrudes
any height and/or can protrude any distance inward (i.e., inward toward the cavity (e.g., cavity 219) of the shell (e.g.,
thickness) from the inner surface 213 toward the cavity 219. shell 211) from (relative to) the inner surface (e.g., inner
In some cases, such as shown in FIG. 2B, the distance that 55 surface 213) of the wall (e.g., 212) of the shell. As shown in
the bridge 241 protrudes inward is less than the distance from FIG. 2B, the roof 217 can protrude inward toward the cavity
the inner surface 213 to the center of the cavity 219 along the 219 at an angle that is substantially perpendicular to the inner
length of the shell 211. For example, when the shell 211 forms surface 213. Alternatively, as shown for example in FIG. 3
a circle when viewed cross-sectionally along the length of the below, some or all of the bridge can protrude inward from the
shell 211, the distance that the bridge 241 protrudes inward is 60 inner Surface at a non-normal angle (i.e., at Some angle other
less than the radius of the cross-sectional view of the cavity than 90°). For example, as shown in FIG. 3 below, the top
219. In certain example embodiments, such as shown in portion of the roof 217 can form an obtuse angle with the
FIGS. 2A and 2B, the bridge 241 is embedded in the wall 212 inner surface 213 of the shell 211. The roof 217 can have any
of the shell 211, so that the outer edge of the bridge 241 is height and/or can protrude any distance inward (i.e., thick
planar with the inner surface 213 of the shell 211. 65 ness) from the inner surface 213 toward the cavity 219.
The underhang 242 (which can also be called an overhang, In some cases, such as shown in FIG. 2B, the distance that
depending on its orientation) of an isolation Zone 240 can the roof 217 protrudes inward is less than the distance from
US 9,368,905 B2
11 12
the inner surface 213 to the center of the cavity 219 along the of the bridge 341 of FIG. 3 forms an obtuse angle with the
length of the shell 211. For example, when the shell 211 forms inner surface 313 of the wall 312 of the shell311. Similarly,
a circle when viewed cross-sectionally along the length of the the roof 317 of FIG. 3 forms an obtuse angle with the inner
shell 211, the distance that the roof 217 protrudes inward is surface 313 of the wall 312 of the shell 311. In addition, the
less than the radius of the cross-sectional view of the cavity wall 312 of the shell 311 has different thicknesses along its
219. In certain example embodiments, such as shown in length. Specifically, the wall 312 is thicker to the left of the
FIGS. 2A and 2B, the roof 217 is embedded in the wall 212 of isolation Zone 340 (where the roof 317 is located) relative to
the shell 211, so that the outer edge of the roof 217 is planar the wall 312 to the right of the isolation Zone 340.
with the inner surface 213 of the shell 211. Further, the insert 350 is disposed within the cavity 319 of
In certain example embodiments, the dimensions of the 10 the shell311. Also disposed within the cavity 319 of the shell
roof 217 are determined based, at least in part, on a minimal 311, adjacent to the insert 350, is potting compound 390.
shear stress that the electrical connector end 210 must expe Potting is a process of filling an electronic assembly (in this
rience without deformation in order to comply with one or case, the cavity 319 and the isolation Zone340) with a solid or
more standards (e.g., ATEX 95). Shear stress directly propor gelatinous compound (in this case, the potting compound
tional to the force applied to the electrical connector end 210 15 390) for resistance to shock and vibration, as well as for
and indirectly proportional to the cross-sectional area that is exclusion of moisture and corrosive agents. The potting com
parallel with the vector of the applied force. Thus, the height pound 390 can include one or more of a number of materials,
of the roof 217 can be based on the cross-sectional area including but not limited to plastic, rubber, and silicone.
required to maintain the shear stress below a certain level The potting compound 390 can be in one form (e.g., liquid)
(e.g., below the shear strength of the material of the shell when it is inserted into the cavity 319 and the isolation Zone
211). Example embodiments can help the shell 211 to with 340 and, with time, transform into a different form (e.g.,
stand a shear stress set forth in any applicable standard. solid) while disposed inside the cavity 319 and the isolation
Similar considerations can apply with respect to one or Zone 340. If the initial form of the potting compound 390 is
more locations along the wall 212 of the shell 211 where an liquid, the potting compound has a number of characteristics,
isolation Zone 240 is disposed. For example, if a certain 25 including but not limited to a viscosity and electrical conduc
location along the length of the shell 211 is likely to experi tivity. These characteristics can dictate the dimensions (e.g.,
ence excessive forces, then a bridge 241 can be placed at that length, width) of the isolation Zone 340 and/or the character
location. Such considerations are important for an electrical istics (e.g., features) of the bridge 341, the underhang 342,
connector end 211 to comply with a shear strength require and the isolation Zone inner surface 343 that forms the isola
ment of one or more standards, such as ATEX 95. 30 tion Zone 340. In addition, these characteristics can dictate
Any transition points involving the isolation Zone 240 (e.g., whether an additional process (e.g., anodizing some or all of
transition point between the inner surface 213 and the roof the shell 311) can be used to increase the effectiveness of the
217, transition point between the roof 217 and the isolation potting compound 390 (e.g., encourage covalent bonding).
Zone inner surface 243, transition point between the isolation In certain example embodiments, the potting compound
Zone inner surface 243 and the bridge 241, transition point 35 390 is used to prevent liquids (e.g., water) and/or gases from
between the bridge 241 and the underhang 242, transition traveling from one end of the shell 311 to the other end of the
point between the bridge 241 and the inner surface 213) can shell 311, even at high pressure (e.g., 435 pounds per square
be flat, rounded, angled, linear, curved, and/or have any other inch (psi), 2000 psi, four times the pressure required to rup
suitable feature. ture the shell 311 without the potting compound 390). In
FIG.3 shows a portion of another electrical connector end 40 some cases, the electrical connector (of which the electrical
310 in accordance with certain example embodiments. In one connector end 310 is a part) can be certified under ATEX
or more embodiments, one or more of the components shown standards. For example, if a pressure that is four times the
in FIG.3 may be omitted, added, repeated, and/or substituted. pressure required to rupture the shell 311 without the potting
Accordingly, embodiments of electrical connector ends compound 390 is applied to the electrical connector end 310
should not be considered limited to the specific arrangements 45 with the potting compound 390 disposed in the cavity 319,
of components shown in FIG. 3. and if no liquids leak during this test, then the potting com
The electrical connector end 310 of FIG. 3 is substantially pound 390 disposed in the shell 31 is gas-tight (e.g., flame
similar to the electrical connector end 210 of FIGS. 2A and proof) and meets the standards as being flameproof under
2B, except as described below. Any component described in ATEX/IECEX Standard 60079-1. In other words, the potting
FIG. 3 can apply to a corresponding component having a 50 compound 390 can create a barrier that prevents flame pro
similar label in FIGS. 2A and 2B. In other words, the descrip pogation.
tion for any component of FIG. 3 can be considered substan As the potting compound 390 changes from an initial (e.g.,
tially the same as the corresponding component described liquid) state to a final (e.g., Solid) state, the potting compound
with respect to FIGS. 2A and 2B. Further, if a component of 390 can experience shrinkage. For example, if the potting
FIG.3 is described but not expressly shown or labeled in FIG. 55 compound 390 cures from a liquid state to a solid state, the
3, a corresponding component shown and/or labeled in FIG. potting compound can shrink by approximately 0.5%. This
3 can be inferred from the corresponding component of FIGS. shrinkage can create gaps between the potting compound 390
2A and/or 2B. The numbering scheme for the components in and the inner surface 313 of the shell311. Such gaps can allow
FIG. 3 herein parallels the numbering scheme for the com fluids to seep therethrough, especially at higher pressures.
ponents of FIGS. 2A and 2B in that each component is a three 60 Shrinkage and expansion of the potting compound 390 can
digit number having the identical last two digits. also occur during normal operating conditions due to factors
Referring to FIGS. 1-3, the electrical connector end 310 of Such as temperature and pressure.
FIG.3 has only one isolation Zone340 disposed on the inner As a result, the shrinkage in the potting compound 390 can
surface 313 of the wall 312 of the shell 311. Further, the cause actual gas leakage within the electrical connector, cause
components forming the isolation Zone 340 of FIG. 3 have a 65 an electrical connector to fail a leakage test (also called a
different configuration than the components forming the iso blotting test), cause an electrical connector to fail a shear
lation Zones 240 of FIGS. 2A and 2B. Specifically, the top part stress test under the ATEX 95 standard, and/or create other
US 9,368,905 B2
13 14
issues that can affect the reliability of the electrical connector. one or more components that are inserted within the cavity of
As an example, if the diameter of the inner surface 313 of the the shell. For example, for the electrical connector end 410 of
shell 311 is approximately 2.5 inches, the total shrinkage of FIG.4, mating threads 445 can be disposed along some or all
the potting compound 390 can be a total of approximately of the length of the inner surface 413 of the wall 412 of the
0.0125 inches, which amounts to approximately 0.006 inches shell 411. In such a case, an insert 417 can be disposed within
at any point along the inner surface 313 of the wall 312 of the the cavity 419 and coupled to the inner surface 413 of the shell
shell 311. Especially at higher pressures, 0.006 inches can be 411 using complementary mating threads 491 disposed along
a large enough gap to allow fluids and/or gases to pass along the outer surface of the insert 417. In this case, the insert 417
the length of the shell 311. is the roof that helps form the isolation Zone 440.
By integrating one or more example isolation Zones 340 10 The insert 417 can have any shape and/or size suitable for
into the electrical connector end 310, the effects of the shrink the shape and size of the desired isolation Zone 440 and/or for
age of the potting compounds on a pressurized leakage test the desired reinforcement, adding to the shear strength of the
are greatly reduced. For example, if the distance between the shell 411. In this case, the insert 417 is substantially rectan
underhang 342 and the isolation Zone inner surface 343 is gular when viewed cross-sectionally, having a height 418 and
approximately 0.08 inches, the total shrinkage of the potting 15 a width 409. In this case, the insert 417 defines the length of
compound 390 can be a total of approximately 0.0004 inches, the isolation Zone inner surface 443. The bridge 441 and the
which amounts to approximately 0.0002 inches at any point underhang 442 in this case are machined into place within the
along the portions of the underhang 342, the ramp 341, and inner surface 413 of the wall 412.
the isolation Zone inner surface 343 that form the isolation As another example, for the electrical connector end 510 of
Zone340. Even at higher pressures, 0.0004 inches is too small FIG. 5, one or more detents 577 can be disposed along some
to allow fluids to pass along the length of the shell 311. In or all of the length of the inner surface 513 of the wall 512 of
addition, the approximate “C” shape (and the orientation of the shell 511. In such a case, an insert 517 can be disposed
the “C” shape relative to the inner surface 313 of the shell within the cavity 519 and coupled to the inner surface 513 of
311) along the portions of the underhang 342, the ramp 341, the shell 511 by press fitting the insert 517 into the detent 577.
and the isolation Zone inner surface 343 that form the isola 25 In this case, the insert 517 is the roof that helps form the
tion Zone 340 help to prevent gases and/or liquids from leak isolation Zone 540. As with the insert 417 of FIG.4, the insert
ing through the electrical connector end 310 (create a gas 517 in this case is substantially rectangular when viewed
tight and/or a liquid-tight seal). cross-sectionally, having a height 518 and a width 509. In this
FIGS. 4-7 show different ways in which a ramp, an under case, the insert 517 defines the length of the isolation Zone
hang, and/or an isolation Zone inner Surface that forms an 30 inner surface 543. The bridge 541 and the underhang 542 in
isolation Zone can be manufactured. FIG. 4 shows a portion of this case are machined into place within the inner surface 513
yet another electrical connector end 410 in accordance with of the wall 512.
certain example embodiments. FIG. 5 shows a portion of still As yet another example, for the electrical connector end
another electrical connector end 510 in accordance with cer 610 of FIG. 6, one or more snap fittings 626 can be disposed
tain example embodiments. FIG. 6 shows a portion of yet 35 along some or all of the length of the inner surface 613 of the
another electrical connector end 610 in accordance with cer wall 612 of the shell 611. In such a case, an insert 617 can be
tain example embodiments. FIG. 7 shows a portion of still disposed within the cavity 619 and coupled to the inner sur
another electrical connector end 710 in accordance with cer face 613 of the shell 611 by snapping the insert 617 into the
tain example embodiments. In one or more embodiments, one snap fittings 626. In this case, the insert 617 is the roof that
or more of the components shown in FIGS. 4-7 may be 40 helps form the isolation Zone 640. As with the insert 417 of
omitted, added, repeated, and/or Substituted. Accordingly, FIG. 4, the insert 617 in this case is substantially rectangular
embodiments of electrical connector ends should not be con when viewed cross-sectionally, having a height 618 and a
sidered limited to the specific arrangements of components width 609. In this case, the insert 617 defines the length of the
shown in FIGS. 4-7. isolation Zone inner surface 643. The bridge 641 and the
The electrical connector end 410 of FIG. 4, the electrical 45 underhang 642 in this case are machined into place within the
connector end 510 of FIG. 5, the electrical connector end 610 inner surface 613 of the wall 612.
of FIG. 6, and the electrical connector end 710 of FIG. 7 are As still another example, for the electrical connector end
substantially similar to the electrical connector end 210 of 710 of FIG. 7, a one or more detents 777 can be disposed
FIGS. 2A and 2B and the electrical connector end 310 of FIG. along some or all of the length of the inner surface 713 of the
3, except as described below. Any component described in 50 wall 712 of the shell 711. In such a case, two inserts can be
FIGS. 4-7 can apply to a corresponding component having a used. Insert 717 can be disposed within the cavity 719 and
similar label in FIGS. 2A-3. In other words, the description coupled to the inner surface 713 of the shell 711 by press
for any component of FIGS. 4-7 can be considered substan fitting the insert 717 into the detent 777. In this case, the insert
tially the same as the corresponding component described 717 is the roof that helps form the isolation Zone 740. As with
with respect to FIGS. 2A-3. Further, if a component of FIGS. 55 the insert 417 of FIG. 4, the insert 717 in this case is substan
4-7 is described but not expressly shown or labeled in FIGS. tially rectangular when viewed cross-sectionally, having a
4-7, a corresponding component shown and/or labeled in height 718 and a width 709. In this case, the insert 717 defines
FIGS. 4-6 can be inferred from the corresponding component the length of the isolation Zone inner surface 743.
of FIGS. 2A, 2B, and/or 3. The numbering scheme for the Insert 787 can also be disposed within the cavity 719 and
components in FIGS. 4-7 herein parallels the numbering 60 coupled to the inner surface 713 of the shell 711 by press
scheme for the components of FIGS. 2A-3 in that each com fitting the insert 787 into a different detent 778. The insert 787
ponent is a three digit number having the identical last two in this case includes the bridge 741 and the underhang 742.
digits. Thus, the isolation Zone 740 is positioned between and
Referring to FIGS. 1-7, the isolation zones 240 of FIGS. defined by the insert 787 and the insert 717.
2A and 2B and the isolation Zones 340 of FIG. 3 can be 65 FIG. 8 shows a portion of yet another electrical connector
formed by using a machining process. By contrast, the isola end 810 in accordance with certain example embodiments. In
tion Zones of FIGS. 4-7 are formed, at least in part, by using one or more embodiments, one or more of the components
US 9,368,905 B2
15 16
shown in FIG. 8 may be omitted, added, repeated, and/or flush with the end 905 of the shell 911. The grommet 990 has
Substituted. Accordingly, embodiments of electrical connec a thickness 992 that extends into the cavity 919.
tor ends should not be considered limited to the specific The isolation Zone 940 is positioned a distance 902 from
arrangements of components shown in FIG. 8. the end 905, where the distance 902 is greater than the thick
The electrical connector end 810 of FIG. 8 is substantially ness 992 of the grommet 990. In such a case, one or more
similar to the electrical connector end 210 of FIGS. 2A and electrical cables (or one or more conductors from one or more
2B, except as described below. Any component described in electrical cables) can be pulled through the apertures 991 that
FIG. 8 can apply to a corresponding component having a traverse the thickness 992 of the grommet 990 and become
similar label in FIGS. 2A and 2B. In other words, the descrip electrically and mechanically coupled to one or more electri
tion for any component of FIG. 8 can be considered substan 10 cal coupling features disposed is an insert (all not shown)
tially the same as the corresponding component described within the cavity 919. Subsequently, a potting compound (not
with respect to FIGS. 2A and 2B. Further, if a component of shown) can be injected through one or more of the apertures
FIG. 8 is described but not expressly shown or labeled in FIG. 991 in the grommet 990 so that the potting compound is
8, a corresponding component shown and/or labeled in FIG. disposed between the grommet 990 and the insert.
8 can be inferred from the corresponding component of FIGS. 15 The systems and methods described herein allow an elec
2A and/or 2B. The numbering scheme for the components in trical chamber to be used in hazardous environments and
FIG. 8 herein parallels the numbering scheme for the com potentially explosive environments. Specifically, example
ponents of FIGS. 2A and 2B in that each component is a three embodiments allow electrical chambers (e.g., electrical con
digit number having the identical last two digits. nector ends, junction boxes, light fixtures) to comply with one
Referring to FIGS. 1-8, the electrical connector end 810 of or more standards (e.g., ATEX 95) that apply to electrical
FIG. 8 shows how the orientation of multiple isolation Zones devices located in Such environments. Example embodiments
840 can vary. Specifically, in this case, there are two isolation also allow for reduced manufacturing time and costs of elec
Zones 840 that face each other (as opposed to being oriented trical chambers. Example embodiments also provide for
in the same direction as in FIGS. 2A and 2B). The bridge 841 increased reliability of electrical equipment that is electri
in this case is common for both isolation Zones 841, and the 25 cally coupled to electrical chambers.
two underhangs 842 extend from the distal end of the bridge Although embodiments described herein are made with
841 in opposite directions. Similarly, the isolation Zone inner reference to example embodiments, it should be appreciated
surfaces 843 of the two isolation Zones 840 extend in opposite by those skilled in the art that various modifications are well
directions from each other. In certain example embodiments, within the scope and spirit of this disclosure. Those skilled in
the isolation Zones 840 have enough separation between them 30 the art will appreciate that the example embodiments
that each isolation Zone 840 has its own separate bridge 841. described herein are not limited to any specifically discussed
In such a case, the underhang 842 of one isolation Zone application and that the embodiments described herein are
extends from the bridge 841 to which it is attached in one illustrative and not restrictive. From the description of the
direction, and the underhang 842 extends of the other isola example embodiments, equivalents of the elements shown
tion Zone 840 extends from the bridge 841 to which it is 35 therein will Suggest themselves to those skilled in the art, and
attached in an opposite direction. ways of constructing other embodiments using the present
FIGS.9A and 9B (collectively “FIG.9") show a portion of disclosure will suggest themselves to practitioners of the art.
yet another electrical connector end 910 in accordance with Therefore, the scope of the example embodiments is not
certain example embodiments. In one or more embodiments, limited herein.
one or more of the components shown in FIG. 9 may be 40 What is claimed is:
omitted, added, repeated, and/or Substituted. Accordingly, 1. An electrical chamber, comprising:
embodiments of electrical connector ends should not be con at least one wall forming a cavity, wherein the at least one
sidered limited to the specific arrangements of components wall comprises a first end and an inner Surface; and
shown in FIG. 9. a first isolation Zone disposed in the at least one wall
The electrical connector end 910 of FIG.9 is substantially 45 adjacent to the inner Surface at a first distance from the
similar to the electrical connector end 210 of FIGS. 2A and first end, wherein the first isolation Zone is formed by a
2B, except as described below. Any component described in first underhang, a first roof, and a first isolation Zone
FIG. 9 can apply to a corresponding component having a inner surface, wherein the first roofextends from the first
similar label in FIGS. 2A and 2B. In other words, the descrip isolation Zone inner Surface toward the cavity, and
tion for any component of FIG.9 can be considered substan 50 wherein the first underhang extends toward the first roof
tially the same as the corresponding component described along the at least one wall without contacting the first
with respect to FIGS. 2A and 2B. Further, if a component of roof,
FIG.9 is described but not expressly shown or labeled in FIG. wherein the first isolation Zone is in communication with
9, a corresponding component shown and/or labeled in FIG. the cavity,
9 can be inferred from the corresponding component of FIGS. 55 wherein the first underhang and the first isolation Zone
2A and/or 2B. The numbering scheme for the components in inner Surface are disposed at opposite ends of the first
FIG. 9 herein parallels the numbering scheme for the com isolation Zone, and
ponents of FIGS. 2A and 2B in that each component is a three wherein the cavity is configured to receive at least one
digit number having the identical last two digits. electrical conductor, and wherein the cavity and the first
Referring to FIGS. 1-9, the electrical connector end 910 of 60 isolation Zone are configured to receive a potting com
FIG. 9 shows how other components (e.g., a grommet 990, a pound.
sealing member, a damming device) can be disposed within 2. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first
the cavity 919 of the shell 911 without affecting the function underhang extends at an angle relative to the first isolation
ality of the isolation Zone 940. In other words, the example Zone inner Surface.
isolation Zone 940 can be positioned away from one or both 65 3. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first
ends (e.g., end 905) of the shell 911. In this case, the grommet underhang avoids contact with the first isolation Zone inner
990 is positioned within the cavity 919 and is substantially Surface, the roof, and a remainder of the inner Surface.
US 9,368,905 B2
17 18
4. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first end, wherein the isolation Zone is formed by an under
isolation Zone inner Surface is recessed relative to a remainder hang, a roof, and an isolation Zone inner Surface,
of the inner surface. wherein the roof extends toward the cavity from the
5. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first isolation Zone inner Surface, wherein the underhang
isolation Zone further comprises a first bridge that protrudes 5 extends toward the first roofalong the at least one wall
Substantially perpendicularly from the inner Surface, and without contacting the first roof, wherein the isolation
wherein the first underhang extends Substantially perpendicu Zone is in communication with the cavity, and
larly from the first bridge. wherein the first underhang and the first isolation Zone
6. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the electrical inner Surface are disposed at opposite ends of the first
chamber further comprises: 10
isolation Zone;
a second isolation Zone disposed on the inner Surface at a at least one electrical conductor disposed within the cavity;
second distance from the first end, wherein the second and
isolation Zone is formed by a second underhang, a sec a potting compound disposed within the cavity and the first
ond roof, and a second isolation Zone inner Surface,
wherein the second roof protrudes inward extends from 15 isolation Zone, and disposed around the at least one
the second isolation Zone inner Surface toward the cav electrical conductor.
ity, and wherein the second underhang extends toward 16. The electrical connector of claim 15, wherein the pot
the second roof along the at least one wall without con ting compound creates a gas-tight seal within the first isola
tacting the second roof. tion Zone.
7. The electrical chamber of claim 6, wherein the second 17. The electrical connector of claim 15, further compris
distance is greater than the first distance. ing:
8. The electrical chamber of claim 6, wherein the first a mechanical sealing member disposed adjacent to the
isolation Zone further comprises a first bridge, wherein the inner Surface at a second distance from the first end.
second isolation Zone further comprises a second bridge, 18. The electrical connector of claim 16, wherein the pot
wherein the first underhang extends from the first bridge in a 25 ting compound creates a flameproof barrier within the cavity
first direction, and the second underhang extends from the of the electrical chamber.
second bridge in the first direction. 19. The electrical connector of claim 16, wherein the gas
9. The electrical chamber of claim 6, wherein the first tight seal withstands at least four times a pressure required to
isolation Zone further comprises a first bridge, wherein the rupture the at least one wall of the electrical chamber.
second isolation Zone further comprises a second bridge, 30
20. An electrical chamber, comprising:
wherein the first underhang extends from the first bridge in a at least one wall forming a cavity, wherein the at least one
first direction, and the second underhang extends from the wall comprises an end and an inner Surface; and
second bridge in a second direction, wherein the first direc an isolation Zone disposed within the cavity at a distance
tion is opposite the second direction.
10. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first roof 35 from the end, wherein the isolation Zone is formed by a
protrudes toward the cavity relative to the inner surface. bridge, an underhang, a roof, and an isolation Zone inner
11. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first roof surface, wherein the bridge and the roof each protrudes
comprises a top portion that forms an obtuse angle with the away from the inner surface toward the cavity, wherein
inner Surface. the underhang extends from a distal end of the bridge
12. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first 40 toward the roof along the at least one wall without con
underhang, the first roof, and the first isolation Zone inner tacting the roof,
Surface are formed by machining the at least one wall. wherein the bridge and the roof are disposed at opposite
13. The electrical chamber of claim 1, wherein the first first ends of the isolation Zone,
underhang is mechanically coupled to the at least one wall. wherein the underhang and the isolation Zone inner Surface
14. The electrical chamber of claim 13, wherein the first 45 are disposed at opposite second ends of the isolation
roof is mechanically coupled to the at least one wall. Zone, wherein the opposite first ends are substantially
15. An electrical connector, comprising: transverse to the opposite second ends,
an electrical chamber, comprising: wherein the cavity is configured to receive at least one
at least one wall forming a cavity, wherein the at least electrical conductor, and wherein the cavity and the iso
one wall comprises a first end and an inner Surface; 50 lation Zone are configured to receive a potting com
an isolation Zone disposed in the at least one wall adja pound.
cent to the inner surface at a distance from the first

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