Dynamic Modeling of Diesel Generator Based On Electrical and Mechanical Aspects
Dynamic Modeling of Diesel Generator Based On Electrical and Mechanical Aspects
Dynamic Modeling of Diesel Generator Based On Electrical and Mechanical Aspects
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Abstract– Nowadays the studies of diesel generators are parameters and they didn’t represent a complete model as well
limited to present mechanical dynamic of the process or as not coupling both mechanical and electrical events. Some of
the electrical one, this is due to the complexity and the high these models are based on an experimental or a numerical
no linearity of the DG. This paper gives a revue of study. However experimental studies is not always feasible as
different model which can describe the total dynamic it is too expensive to instrument a GD and for safety reasons it
process of the diesel generator. Then a developed model is is advisable to always carry a numerical study to meet the
proposed to study the interaction between the mechanical challenges and analyze the dynamic performance of a model.
and electrical aspects in a DG. The validity of the proposed The aim of this paper is to present a proposed complete
model is verified by an application in a study case. The dynamic model that takes into account the mechanical and
developed model has been implemented in electrical aspects of DG developed in real time with Matlab /
Matlab/Simulink, and the simulation result confirms the Simulink. The work presented is part of a research project on
dynamic performances of the system compared with the the development of a dynamic simulator for a wind-diesel
operational data of the DG of TechnoCentre éolien (TCE). hybrid system with compressed air storage for a project
designed to Esker Camp, Canada [8]. The rest of the paper is
Keywords—diesel generator; fuel; diesel engine; dynamic organized as follows:
modeling; speed generator; governor; mechanical & electrical Section 2 presents a brief description of the operation of DG
components; AVR then a review of different types of models of DG implemented
on Matlab / Simulink with a brief analysis of the advantages
and limitations of each model. In section 3 the developed
Diesel engines currently find applications in most heavy-load model is presented with the principal blocks of the
mobile and in many stationary power-generation units, mathematical model. In Section 4, a case study was essential
because of their high torque output, size flexibility, durability to validate the performances of the proposed model where the
and fuel efficiency [1]. In fact, in remote communities in results are presented and analyzed. The last section is
Canada, the most demanding application for the diesel engines considered to the remarks and the conclusion.
is when it’s coupled to a synchronous machine operating in
parallel with renewable energy sources used for power supply II. OPERATING DIESEL GENERATOR AND MODEL
and providing light and energy services to these places. A. General Operating of the DG
Customer expectations for higher quality power generation
with lower operating costs have continued to increase in recent The basic components of a diesel generation system are:
years which attracted more researchers to investigate in a new engine, governor, excitation and synchronous generator.
technology for modeling and control of diesel generators
(DG). An efficient model of the diesel generator set can
significantly improve the analysis stage prior to the design of
the hybrid wind-diesel plan as well as its control,
identification, performance prediction and diagnosis processes
Under that context, a literature review has been done and
several different model of diesel generator set has been found
[3, 4] [2, 5-7] but their development was either very specific
and cannot be used for other applications or not developed for
dynamic studies. In addition, most of these researches have Figure 1. Block diagram of the diesel generator module: principal functional
been conducted for a reduced number of diesel generator blocks and their interconnections[10]
A DG set (a unit of diesel engine and governor) is a device 2) Model 2
which converts fuel (diesel oil) energy into mechanical energy This model developed in SPS(simpower systems)/Matlab
in diesel engine and subsequently converts mechanical energy environement inspired from a dynamic model of a gasoline
into electrical energy in a governor. A governor can be defined engine in SPS library [13] deals with purely mechanical
as a mechanical or electromechanical device for automatically phenomena such as modeling of combustion process by
controlling the speed of an engine by relating the intake of controlling engine speed with a fast throttle actuator. This
fuel. The controller for the engine is a simple speed governor model present a detailed mechanical part of the engine, so we
that keeps the turbine operating at its designed speed. The tried to adapt it to a DG with adding the electrical section (GS)
output of the speed governor is throttle signal that controls the and with minor modifications to the inputs in the admission
fuel going into the engine[9]. bloc because the inputs of principal model is based on a
B. Model DG and criterion selection gasoline concept.
After a literature review, four models has selected and analysis
in order to show the most efficient model which presents a
dynamic study of the DG and the more flexible to be used with
several technologies. The models are implemented in
Matlab/Simulink and the simulation results will not be
presented here. Only models structure are presented and
discuss by considering the interaction between mechanical and
electrical part of DG, the ability to integrate supercharging,
and others many criteria which are presented in the end of this
1) Model 1
A developed model on Simulink described by physical
equations is shown in figure 2.It is defined by mathematical
model and physics characteristic. The electrical part is
ontained from the laws of physics, such as the Park Figure 3. Block diagram Generator diesel model
transformation in order to model the synchronus machine and
the grid connection. Mechanical part of diesel engine is Physical and empirical relationships were used to describe the
carrried out by the combustion process [11] that takes into dynamic behavior of the system. The model was able to
account the air mass flow and the speed regulation acts in the respond only for a little power rate and for a short simulation
rack position to control the fuel injection in the cynlinders. time (in order of milliseconds). The model is cannot be easily
The combustion efficiency and the fuel consumption are used for another application and is too specific, evidently it
improved by optimizing air/fuel ratio thanks to the CAES cannot get along with variation load and the interaction
assistance [12]. between mechanical and electrical parameter of DG does not
exist. Then the model is not flexible, a few parameter that can
be controlled and they confirm the limited validity of this
3) Model 3
It is a dynamic model, ready to use from the Simulink library
that addresses the electrical aspects (Figure 4). The internal
combustion chain is based on actuators with simple traditional
models to represent the mechanical part of DG [13] .