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IIII: United States Patent

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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,546,281
Poplawski et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 13, 1996
54) REMOVABLE OPTOELECTRONIC MODULE 5,202,943 4/1993 Carden et al. ............................ 385/92
5,337,391 8/1994 Lebby ....................................... 385/88
75 Inventors: Daniel S. Poplawski, Montgomery; 5,337,398 8/1994 Benzoni et al. .......................... 385/90
James W. McGinley, Schaumburg, 5,345,530 9/1994 Lebby et al............................... 385/88
both of Ill. 5,416,871 5/1995 Takahashi et al. ........................ 385/88
(73) Assignee: Methode Electronics, Inc., Chicago,
l, 0652696A1 11/1994 European Pat. Off. ......... HO5K 9/00
2264843 9/1993 United Kingdom.
21 Appl. No.: 372,780 Primary Examiner-Leo P. Picard
Assistant Examiner Y. Whang
22) Filed: Jan. 13, 1995 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-David L. Newman
51 Int. Cl. ...r. HOSK 5100 57 ABSTRACT
52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 361/752; 361/756; 361/802;
439/153 A robust optoelectronic transceiver module which is quick,
58) Field of Search ..................................... 361/752, 756, easy, and inexpensive to manufacture. The transceiver mod
361/759, 796, 801, 802; 385/88, 89,92, ule has a main housing which consists of a potting box with
94; 257/432, 433; 439/131, 153 potting material inserted therein. In addition, a circuit board
is encased by the potting material. The circuit board has an
(56) References Cited optical subassembly mounted thereon. The optical subas
sembly extends outside of the potting box through a recess.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Correspondingly, a recess cover is provided for forming a
4,798.430 1/1989 Johnson et al. . liquid fight seal between the recess cover, the potting box,
4,811,165 3/1989 Currier et al. . and the optical subassembly.
5,039,194 8/1991 Block et al. .............................. 383/88
5,107,404 4f1992 Tam. 17 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Aug. 13, 1996 Sheet 1 of 3 5,546,281

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36 40
U.S. Patent Aug. 13, 1996 Sheet 2 of 3 5,546,281
U.S. Patent Aug. 13, 1996 Sheet 3 of 3 5,546,281
1 2
REMOVABLE OPTOELECTRONIC MODULE placed onto the circuit card assembly so that the mounting
ports align with holes provided in the circuit card assembly.
Once the module is properly aligned, screws are inserted
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION through the holes in the circuit card assembly and into the
This invention relates generally to optoelectronic trans mounting ports of the module. The screws are then tightened
ceiver modules and in particular, it relates to an optoelec until the module is firmly affixed to the circuit card assem
tronic transceiver module, and its method of manufacture, bly.
whereby the module is inexpensive to manufacture, has a Similarly, to remove the module from the circuit card
small yet robust package, and can be installed and replaced assembly, the screws must be removed and the wires either
10 unsoldered from the circuit card or pulled from the connec
via a ribbon style connector.
Optoelectronic transceiver modules provide for the bi tor which is a timely and expensive process requiting
directional transmission of data between an electrical inter multiple components.
face and an optical data link. The module receives electri Therefore, there is a need for a transceiver module which
cally encoded data signals which are converted into optical 15
provides for a small, yet robust package, which is inexpen
signals and transmitted over the optical data link. Likewise, sive to manufacture and can easily and quickly be installed
the module receives optically encoded data signals which and removed from a circuit card assembly. The present
are converted into electrical signals and transmitted onto the invention is such an apparatus.
electrical interface. In view of the above, it is an object of the present
Normally, the transceiver is mounted onto one of the 20 invention to provide a small transceiver module package.
circuit card assemblies of a host computer, input/output It is another object of the present invention to provide a
system, peripheral device, or switch. Therefore, as will all module package that has a robust and tamper resistent
electronic equipment, there is a need for a transceiver having design.
an outer package design which occupies as little circuit card Also, it is an object of the present invention to provide a
surface area as possible. 25 module which can quickly be installed and replaced from a
In addition, there is a need for a transceiver module which circuit card assembly.
is highly reliable and durable. One method presently used to Another object of the present invention is to provide a
ensure reliability and durability is to encapsulate the elec module package design that can quickly and easily be
tronics of the transceiver within an insulative potting mate produced.
rial. Encapsulating the transceiver electronics results in 30
A further object of the present invention is to provide a
reducing vibration sensitivity and prevents unauthorized module package that can be produced inexpensively.
personnel from meddling with the module's electronics.
Presently, the molding of the potting material around the Furthermore, it is an object of the present invention to
transceiver electronics is performed by placing the electron
provide a module with a coating which dissipates an elec
trostatic discharge and serves as an electromagnetic shield.
ics within a silicone mold. Any portion of the electronics 35
which extends outside of the mold is caulked, by hand, with SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
a silicone compound which provides for a liquid tight seal.
Once the mold is sealed, potting material is inserted therein. In one form of the invention, a robust optoelectronic
After the potting material is allowed to cure, the silicone transceiver module is provided which is quick, easy, and
mold is peeled away from the newly formed module. 40 inexpensive to manufacture. The transceiver module has a
The above described prior art molding process has several main housing which consists of a potting box with potting
drawbacks. For example, it is time consuming and results in material inserted therein. In addition, a circuit board is
a transceiver module which has a pitted outer surface. In encased by the potting material.
addition, the silicone mold used in the molding process has 45 The invention further provides for an optical subassembly
a limited life of only three to five modules before a new mold to be mounted on a circuitboard. In addition, the potting box
must be employed. has a recess which allows the optical subassembly to extend
The optoelectronic module is provided with a plurality of outside of the potting box. Furthermore, a recess cover may
electrical pins for forming an electrical connection with a be provided for forming a liquid tight seal between the
circuit card assembly. The electrical pins consist of solid 50 recess cover, the potting box, and the optical subassembly.
wire strands with each pin having one end connected to the The optoelectronic transceiver module may also have a
electronics within the module and the other end protruding ribbon style connector attached to the circuit board and
from the module's potting material. protruding from the main housing. The ribbon style connec
The portion of each pin which protrudes from the potting tor may protrude from either the bottom or one end of the
material is either soldered within a plated through-hole, 55 main housing. In addition, the ribbon style connector may
which is provided by the circuit card assembly, or placed comprise of either a male ribbon style connector or a
within a connector which grasps onto the pin. However, the resilient male ribbon style connector.
flimsy wire pins are very susceptible to deformation during In another form of the invention, an optoelectronic trans
both the normal handling of the module and its removal and ceiver module is provided which mounts onto a circuit card
installation onto a circuit card assembly. Thus, the flimsy 60 assembly. The module has a main housing with a bottom.
pins currently used in the prior art are difficult and time Protruding from the bottom of the main housing is a ribbon
consuming to attach to a circuit card assembly since they style connector which allows for quickly installing and
must be periodically inspected and realigned. Furthermore, replacing the module from the circuit card assembly.
the pins may break if they are realigned too many times. In yet another form of the invention, a method of assem
In addition to the electrical pins, the module also is 65 bling an optoelectronic transceiver module is provided. The
equipped with two mounting ports for physically securing steps of the method consists of placing a circuitboard within
the module onto the circuit card assembly. The module is a poring box and injecting potting material within the
3 4
potting box. In addition, the circuit board may be affixed depicted. The module 10 has a main housing 12 which
within the potting box after the circuit board is positioned generally has the shape of an oblong box. The main housing
within the potting box. Furthermore, a liquid tight recess 12 has a generally rectangular top 14 with a first end 16 and
cover may be mounted within the potting box's recess after an opposite second end 18 extending perpendicularly from
the circuit board is positioned within the potting box. the top. Attached to the first end 16 of the main housing 12
Also, the method of manufacture provides for coating the is a transceiver connector 20 for receiving fiber optic plugs.
potting box with a conductive metal before the circuit board Turning to FIG. 2, a front view of the optoelectronic
is placed within the potting box or after the potting material transceiver module 10 is depicted. The transceiver connector
is injected within the potting box. Moreover, a connector 20 is attached to the first end 16 of the main housing 12 by
shell may be mounted onto the potting box after the potting 10 two screws 22.24. The two screws 22.24 extend through the
material is injected within the potting box. transceiver connector's mounting ears 26.28 and into the
main housing 12. Extending perpendicularly from the
In still another form of the invention, a method of mounting ears 26,28 is a generally rectangularly shaped
assembling an optoelectronic transceiver is provided which connector shell 30. The connector shell 30 provides two
includes the steps of affixing a circuitboard within a housing 5 receptacles 32,34 for receiving fiber optic connector plugs.
and securing a conductive metal coating onto the housing. The receptacles 32.34 are formed by the connector shell 30
In anotherform of the invention, a potting box is provided along with a divider wall 36 which extends along the center
for potting optoelectronic components which include an of the connector shell. Furthermore, located in the bottom 38
optical subassembly. The potting box includes a wall having of each receptacle 32.34 is a keying channel 40,42 which
a recess which allows the optical subassembly to extend 20 extends toward the first end 16 of the main housing.
outside of the potting box. In addition, a recess cover is In the preferred embodiment, the receptacles 32,34 of the
provided for forming a liquid tight seal between the recess connector shell30 are specifically dimensioned to receive an
cover, the potting box, and the optical subassembly. Fur SC duplex plug. Therefore, the keying channels 40,42
thermore, the invention provides for the potting box to have ensure that an SC plug will be inserted so that receptacle 32
a standoff column for mounting a circuit board within the 25 will only accept a plug for sending data and receptacle 34
potting box and an alignment guide for engaging a groove will only accept a plug for receiving data.
within the recess cover.
Extending from the main housing 12 and into each of the
Various means for practicing the invention and other receptacles 32,34 is an optical subassembly 44,46. As pre
advantages and novel features thereof will be apparent from viously indicated, the optical subassembly 44 is for sending
the following detailed description of an illustrative preferred 30 transmissions over a data link and the optical subassembly
embodiment of the invention. 46 is for receiving transmissions over a data link. In order to
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS facilitate the connection between the transceiver 10 and the
data links, each optical Subassembly has a ferrule receiving
There is shown in the drawings a preferred embodiment portion 48.50. The ferrule receiving portion 48,50 couples
of the present invention, wherein like numerals in the 35 with the SC plug. Furthermore, the transceiver's latch mem
various figures pertain to like elements, and wherein: bers 52,5456, and 58 firmly hold the SC plugin contact with
FIG. 1 is an enlarged perspective view of an optoelec connector 20.
tronic transceiver module in accordance with the present The actual sending and receiving of optically encoded
invention and having a partial fragmentary view depicting data is performed by a laser diode within the optical sub
the module's circuit board and potting material; 40
assembly 44 and a photo diode within the optical subassem
FIG. 2 is a front view of the optoelectronic transceiver bly 46. Both the laser diode and the photo diode are
module depicted in FIG. 1; electrically connected to a circuit board which is mounted
FIG. 3 is a bottom perspective view of the optoelectronic within the main housing 12.
transceiver module depicted in FIG. 1; 45 Turning back to FIG. 1, a portion of the circuit board 60
FIG. 4 is an enlarged perspective view of the potting box is depicted. Incorporated onto the circuit board 60 is cir
used in the manufacture of the optoelectronic module cuitry for transmitting and receiving optically encoded data
depicted in FIGS. 1-3; (circuitry not shown). The circuit board 60 is encased in
FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the recess cover used with potting material 62 and a poring box 64 which forms the
the potting box of FIG. 4; 50 main housing 12. The potting material 62 encases the circuit
FIG. 6 is another enlarged perspective view of the potting board 60 such that only the circuit board's male ribbon style
box of FIG. 4;
connector 66 extends from the potting material 62.
FIG. 7 is an enlarged cut-away side view of the female Turning to FIG.3, a perspective view of the bottom 68 of
the transceiver module 10 is depicted. In the preferred
ribbon style connector taken along line 7-7 of FIG. 1; 55 embodiment, the bottom 68 has two mounting ports 70,70
FIG. 8 is an enlarged perspective view, along with a which are adjacent to the first end 16 of the main housing 12.
partial fragmentary view, of a resilient male ribbon style In addition, the male ribbon style connector 66 protrudes
connector for use with the optoelectronic transceiver module perpendicularly from the bottom 68 and is adjacent to the
of FIGS. 1-3; and second end 18 of the main housing 12.
FIG. 9 is a cut-away side view of the resilient male ribbon 60 In an alternative embodiment, the ribbon style connector
style connector taken along line 9-9 of FIG. 8. 66 may protrude perpendicularly from the second end 18 of
DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE the module 10 so that it can be connected to a circuit card
PRESENTLY PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS assembly in a direction which is parallel to the direction of
insertion of the optic plugs into the module's receptacles.
Referring to the drawing, and particularly to FIG. 1, an 65 However, in this alternative embodiment, another recess
enlarged perspective view of an optoelectronic transceiver cover will be needed in order to prevent potting material
module 10 in accordance with the present invention is from escaping the second end of the potting box.
S 6
Referring to FIG. 4, an enlarged perspective view of the Referring back to FIG. 4, during the manufacture of the
optoelectronic module's potting box 64 is depicted. The transceiver module the circuit board is placed in the potting
potting box 64 forms the outer housing of the optoelectronic box 64 with the male ribbon connector protruding outside of
module. Thus, the potting box generally has the shape of an the potting box and the circuitboard's optical subassemblies
oblong box with a rectangular bottom 72, two parallel side protruding out of the recess 84 in the first wall 76. The
walls 74.74, a first end wall 76, and an opposite second end optical subassemblies 44,46 are properly positioned within
wall 78. In a preferred embodiment, the potting box 64 is the potting box 64 by the alignment guides 88,90 located
injection molded of a polymer material such as VALOX, within each through-port 86,86.
STANYL, or any other glass-filled heat resistent material Once positioned within the potting box 64, the circuit
which can withstand solder reflow temperatures. The use of 10 board 60 is affixed by two screws which are mounted to the
Such a potting box eliminates the need for a silicone mold
required by prior art modules. In addition, it is preferred that standoff columns 80 via the circuitboard mounting ports 82.
the potting box 64 be either plated, wet plated, or vacuum Once the circuitboard 60 is secured within the potting box
metalizied with an aluminum or stainless steel coating in 64, the recess cover 96 is mounted onto the first end wall 76.
order to dissipate an electrostatic discharge and provide for The recess cover 96 is mounted by engaging its alignment
electromagnetic shielding. 15 grooves 108,110 with the potting box's recess cover align
As previously indicated, all of the transceiver's latch ment guide beams 92.94. When the recess cover 96 is slid
members 52, 54,56, and 58 extend from the first wall 76 of into position, the cover's through-ports 98,100 and associ
the potting box 64. Also, the first end wall 76 of the potting ated alignment guide beams 102,104 will adjoin the circuit
box furnishes the mounting ports 70.70 which are located on board's optical subassemblies 44,46. Furthermore, due to
the bottom of the main housing. In a preferred embodiment, 20 the fight tolerances of both the potting box 64 and the recess
the latch members 52, 54, 56 and 58 are integrally molded cover 96, a liquid fight seal will be formed between the
with the potting box 64. potting box 64, the recess cover 96, and the optical subas
Circuit board standoff columns 80 are also provided by semblies 44,46. Thus, with the recess cover 96 in place,
the potting box 64 (only one standoff column is depicted in potting material is injected within the potting box 64 for
FIG. 4). Each standoff column protrudes from the bottom 72 25 encasing the circuit board 60. The time to mold the module
of the potting box 64 and is positioned next to the first end by the above method is reduced by approximately 90% over
wall 76 and one of the side walls 74,74 for supporting the the prior art molding process because no hand caulking is
circuit board 60. The standoff columns 80 have a length needed to form the liquid fight seal.
equal to approximately half the depth of the potting box 64 Finally, referring to FIG. 6, the connector shell 20 (See
with the distal end of the column having a circuit board 30
FIG. 1 & 2) is mounted onto the first end wall 76 of the
mounting port 82. potting box 64 after the potting material has cured. Align
As depicted in FIG. 4, the first wall 76 of the potting box ment of the connector shell 20 is provided by two mounting
64 has a recess 84 for allowing the placement of the circuit posts 112, 112. Each mounting post 112 has a bore 114
board's optical subassemblies. The recess 84 has two semi which facilitates the attachment of the connector shell 20, by
circular through-ports 86,86. Within each through-port 35
the use of the previously mentioned screws, onto the potting
86,86 are two guide beams 88.90 which are positioned on box 64.
each end of the through-port's semicircle for positioning the In an alternative embodiment, the ribbon style connector
optical subassemblies 44.46. 66 may protrude perpendicularly from the second end 18 of
Also located on the first wall 74 are two recess cover the module 10 so that it can be connected to a circuit card
alignment guide beams 92.94. The alignment guide beams assembly in a direction which is parallel to the direction of
92.94 boarder each side of the recess 84 and extend along the insertion of the optic plugs into the module's receptacles.
entire depth of the recess. The bottom of the recess 84 has However, in this alternative embodiment, another recess
three flat mating surfaces 95 (only two of the mating cover will be needed in order to prevent potting material
surfaces are depicted in FIG. 4). 45 from escaping the second end of the potting box.
Correspondingly, referring to FIG. 5, a recess cover 96 is Referring back to FIG. 1, the male ribbon style connector
depicted for placement within the recess located in the first 66 protruding from the module 10 has a beam portion 116,
wall of the potting box. Preferably, the recess cover 96 is made of insulative material, which extends perpendicularly
made of the same material as the potting box and is either across the length of the circuit board 60. The male ribbon
plated, wet plated, or vacuum metalizied with an aluminum 50 style connector 66 also has a first side 118, an opposite
or stainless steel coating. second side 120, and a distal end 122. Extending perpen
In FIG. 5, the recess cover 96 has two semicircular dicularly from the circuitboard 60 on both the first side 118
through-ports 98,100. Within each of the through-ports and the second side 120 of the made ribbon style connector
98,100 are two guide beams 102,104 positioned on each end 66 are twenty-eight electrical contacts 124. Each electrical
of the through-port's semicircle. Also, the top of the recess 55 contact 124 consists of a strip of conductive material which
cover includes three flat mating surfaces 105. is affixed to the male ribbon style connector 66 and is
The recess cover 96 firmly mounts within the recess of the electrically connected to the circuitry mounted on the circuit
potting box's first wall so that the mating surfaces 95 and board 60.
105 of both the recess 84 and the recess cover 96 will abut Correspondingly, the male ribbon style connector 66
each other. The recess cover 96 includes three indentions 60 couples to a female ribbon style connector 126 which is
106 which allow the cover to be positioned around the mounted onto the circuit card assembly 128. Referring to
location where the latch members 52, 54, 56, and 58 attach FIG. 7, an enlarged cut-away side view is shown of the
to the potting box. In addition, on each end of the recess female ribbon style connector 126 taken along line 7-7 of
cover 96 there are alignment grooves 108, 110 which FIG. 1. The female ribbon style connector 126 has two
provide for sliding engagement with the alignment guide 65 parallel rows of twenty-eight (28) contact beams 130,130
beams 92.94 bordering the recess within the potting box's contained within a contact chamber 132 (only one contact
first wall. from each row is depicted). Each contact beam 130 is
7 8
constructed of a flat strip of conductive metallic material. contact beam 230 extends through the circuit board. In a
Furthermore, each contact beam 130 has a first end 134, a preferred embodiment, the first end 234 of the contact 230
second distal end 136, and a bend 138 which is located is inserted within a through-hole of the circuit board 260
adjacent to the second end and extends toward the contact which contains traces for providing an electrical connection
beam located in the opposite row. from the contact 260 to components mounted on the board.
The female ribbon style connector 126 is mounted onto Likewise, the second end 236 of each contact beam 230
the circuit card 128 such that the first end 134 of each contact extends within a travel limitation slot 240 formed in the top
beam 130 extends through the circuit card assembly. Like 242 of the resilient male ribbon style connector 166. Each
wise, the second end 136 of each contact beam 130 extends slot 240 provides a backstop 244, consisting of the connec
within a travel limitation slot 140 formed in the top 142 of 10 tor's support wall 246, and a frontstop 248. Corresponding,
the female ribbon style connector 126. Each slot 140 pro contact beams 230,230 are positioned such that the second
end 236 of each contact beam 230 resiliently urges against
vides a backstop 144, consisting of one of the connector's the frontstop 248.
walls 146, and a frontstop 148. Correspondingly, contact Access for making an electrical connection with the
beams 130,130 are positioned in the chamber 132 such that contact beams 230,230 is provided since they protrude from
the second end 136 of each contact beam 130 resiliently 15
the male ribbon style connector 166 in the area around the
urges against the frontstop 148. bends 238,238. Correspondingly, in order to make an elec
In order to provide access to the contact beams 130,130 trical connection between a female ribbon style connector
within the female ribbon style connector 126, the top 142 of and the resilient male ribbon style connector 166, the distal
the connector has a slot 150 positioned between the two 20
end 222 of the male ribbon style connector is inserted within
rows of contact beams. Correspondingly, in order to make an a slot provided by the female connector. As the male ribbon
electrical connection between the female ribbon style con style connector 166 is pushed within the female connector,
nector 126 and the male ribbon style connector 166 depicted the two rows of contact beams 230,230 will be forced to
in FIG. 1, the distal end 122 of the male ribbon style compress towards each other. In addition, each contact beam
connector is inserted within the female connector's slot 150. 230 will resiliently urge against a corresponding electrical
As the male ribbon style connector 66 is pushed further 25 contact mounted within the female ribbon style connector.
within the female connector's chamber 132 the two rows of Thus, an electrical connection will be formed between the
contact beams 130,130 will be forced to separate further male ribbon style connector's electrical contact beams 230,
230 and the female connector's contact beams.
from each other. In addition, each contact beam 130 will
resiliently urge against a corresponding electrical contact Similarly, to disconnect the resilient male ribbon style
124 mounted on the male ribbon style connector 66. Thus, 30 connector 166 from the female connector, the male connec
an electrical connection will be formed between the male tor is simply pulled from the female connector. Once the
ribbon style connector's electrical contacts 124,124 and the male ribbon style connector 166 has been removed, the
female connector's contact beams 130,130, contact beams 230,230 will resiliently regain the configu
ration of FIG.9, whereby the second end 236 of each contact
Similarly, to disconnect the male ribbon style connector's 35 beam will abut its corresponding frontstop 248.
electrical contacts 124,124 from the female connector's It should be understood that in describing the top and
contact beams 130,130 the male connector 66 is simply bottom portions of the transceiver module and its respective
pulled from the chamber 132 of the female connector. Once potting box components, the terms “top” and "bottom' are
the male ribbon style connector 66 has been removed from used by way of example only due to the orientation of the
the chamber 132, the contact beams 130 of the female 40 drawings. It should also be understood that various changes
connector 126 will resiliently regain the configuration of and modifications to the presently preferred embodiments
FIG. 7, whereby the second end 136 of each contact beam described herein will be apparent to those skilled in the art.
will abut its corresponding frontstop 148. Furthermore, although the transceiver module depicted in
Turning to FIG. 8, an enlarged perspective view, along the presently preferred embodiment has its male ribbon style
with a partial fragmentary view, is depicted of a resilient 45 connector extending from the bottom, it should be under
male ribbon style connector 166. The connector 166 stood from the outset that the connector can be configured to
includes a beam type housing 216 having a first side 218, an extend, for example, from the second end of the transceiver.
opposite second side 220, and a distal end 222. The resilient Therefore, changes and modifications may be made without
male ribbon style connector 166 in FIG. 8 serves as another departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention
embodiment of the male ribbon style connector depicted in 50 and without diminishing its attendant advantages. Thus, it is
FIGS. 1-3 wherein the male connector in FIG. 8 is resilient intended that such changes and modifications be covered by
and the male connector in FIG. 1-3 is non-resilient. It should the appended claims.
be noted, however, that other means for quickly installing We claim:
and replacing the module from a circuit card assembly may 1. A potting box for potting optoelectronic components
Referring to FIG.9, an enlarged cut-away side view of the 55 which includes an optical subassembly, said potting box
resilient male ribbon style connector 166 is shown taken comprising:
along line 9-9 of FIG. 8. The male ribbon style connector a) a wall having a recess for allowing said optical sub
166 has two parallel rows of twenty-eight (28) contact assembly to extend outside of said potting box; and
beams 230,230 (only one contact from each row is b) a recess cover for forming a liquid tight seal between
depicted). Each contact beam 230 is constructed of a flat 60 said recess cover, said potting box, and said optical
strip of conductive metallic material. Furthermore, each subassembly.
contact beam 230 has a first end 234, a second distal end 2. The potting box of claim 1, further comprising a
236, and a bend 238 which is located adjacent to the second standoff column for mounting a circuitboard containing said
end and extends away from the contact beam located in the optoelectronic components.
opposite row. 65 3. The potting box of claim 1, with said wall having an
The male ribbon style connector 166 is mounted onto the alignment guide for engaging a groove within said recess
module's circuitboard 260 such that the first end 234 of each COWC.
9 10
4. A robust optoelectronic transceiver module which is 9. A method of assembling an optoelectronic transceiver
quick, easy, and inexpensive to manufacture, said module comprising the steps of:
comprising: a) placing a circuit board within a potting box;
a) a main housing comprising a potting box and potting b) injecting potting material within said potting box; and
material contained within said potting box, said potting c) coating said potting box with a conductive metal before
box having a bottom and a recess; said circuit board is placed within said potting box.
b) a circuit board encased within said potting material and 10. A method of assembling an optoelectronic transceiver
having an optical subassembly mounted onto said cir comprising the steps of:
cuit board, through said recess, and outside of said 10 a) placing a circuit board within a potting box;
potting box;
c) a male ribbon style connector connected to said circuit b) injecting potting material within said potting box; and
board and protruding from said bottom of said main c) coating the potting box with a conductive metal after
housing for quickly installing and replacing said mod said potting material is injected within said potting box.
ule; and 15
11. A method of assembling an optoelectronic transceiver
d) a recess cover for forming a liquid tight seal between comprising the steps of:
said recess cover, said potting box, and said optical a) placing a circuit board within a potting box;
subassembly. b) injecting potting material within said potting box; and
5. An optoelectronic transceiver module comprising: c) mounting a connector shell onto said potting box after
a) a main housing comprising a potting box and potting 20 said potting material is injected within said potting box.
material contained within said potting box and having 12. An optoelectronic module comprising:
a recess for allowing said optical subassembly to a) a housing including a first end wall having a through
extend outside of said potting box; port,
b) a circuitboard encased within said potting material and b) a circuit board mounted within said housing and an
an optical subassembly mounted onto said circuit 25
optical subassembly mounted onto said circuit board
board; and adjacent said through port; and
c) a recess cover for forming a liquid-tight seal between c) an electrical connector at a second end of said housing
said recess cover, said potting box and said optical connected to said circuit board and protruding from
subassembly. 30 said housing for quickly installing and replacing said
6. An optoelectronic transceiver module comprising: module to or from a circuit card assembly and the
a) a main housing comprising a potting box and potting electrical connector including at least a pair of metallic
material contained within said potting box; fingers extending from said housing.
b) a circuit board encased within said potting material; 13. The optoelectronic module of claim 12 wherein the
and 35 metallic fingers are separated by an insulator.
c) a male ribbon style connector connected to said circuit 14. The optoelectronic module of claim 12 wherein the
electrical connector includes a beam of insulative material
board and protruding from said main housing for having electrical contacts.
quickly installing and replacing said module. 15. The optoelectronic module of claim 14 wherein the
7. The optoelectronic transceiver module of claim 6 electrical connector protrudes perpendicularly from the sec
wherein said ribbon style connector is a resilient male ribbon 40
ond end and poarallel to the circuit board.
style connector. 16. The optoelectronic module of claim 12 wherein said
8. A method of assembling an optoelectronic transceiver electrical connector is a male ribbon style connector.
comprising the steps of:
a) placing a circuit board within a potting box; 17. The optoelectronic module of claim 12 wherein said
45 housing includes a mouting member for facilitating the
b) injecting potting material within said potting box; and insertion and removal of said module to and from a circuit
c) mounting a liquid-tight recess cover within a recess in card assembly.
said potting box after said circuit board is positioned
within said potting box.

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