Arcane Artillery Firearms

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The document describes various rules for firearms in roleplaying games, including optional rules for misfires and primitive firearms as well as standard properties like reloading. It also covers high-tech and alien firearms.

There is an optional rule where if an attack roll equals or is lower than a firearm's misfire number, the gun jams until cleared. A firearm's misfire number increases each time until maximum 5. With a check, the number can be reduced by 1. For primitive firearms, more than 2 attacks per turn increases the number to maximum 10.

Properties described include automatic, burst fire, scatter, and recharge. Automatic allows an area of effect attack. Burst fire similarly allows multiple attacks. Scatter has regular and scatter damage. Recharge expends charges per attack and requires recharging.


General Rules Firearm Properties

These are universal rules for every gun found in this book. The following properties will not be featured universally on
Misfire (Optional Rule). This rule is made only for games every firearm and will vary from gun to gun.
where firearms are prominent and you wish to emphasize Automatic. Automatic firearms can make a separate attack
inferiority of Primitive Firearms. These rules only apply to that releases a salvo of bullets per pull of the trigger. As an
them in this instance. action, you can force any creatures of your choice in a 25-foot
If you make an attack roll and the roll matches or is lower square centered on a point within your firearm's maximum
than a firearm's misfire number, (such as 2, for example), your range to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the gun's
gun jams. You cannot make an attack with it again until you automatic damage (listed in parenthesis) on a failed save, and
spend an action to clear the chamber. Your firearm's misfire half that damage on a success. This action subtracts 10
number then goes up by 1, to a maximum of 5. You can spend rounds from your gun. You can use this action only if you
1 minute and make a DC 10 + your firearm's misfire number have the ammunition available to do so.
Dexterity(Tinker's tools) or Intelligence(Tinker's tools) check Firearms with the automatic property always expend six
to reduce your gun's misfire number by 1, to a minimum of its ammunition per attack.
original misfire number. Automatic Save DC (Proficient) = 8 + Dexterity modifier
Primitive Guns (Optional Rule). In games where firearms Automatic Save DC (Proficient) = 8 + Dexterity modifier +
are prominent, you can use this optional rule. Primitive Profiicency Bonus
Firearms are not properly built for combat. If you make more
than two attacks with these weapons on your turn, the Burst Fire. Burst fire firearms are able to make a special
firearm's misfire number goes up by 1, to a maximum of 10. attack that releases a stream of multiple bullets. As an action,
Reload. Some ranged weapons can be fired a number of you can force up to 6 creatures of your choice in a 15-foot
times before they must be reloaded. Ranged weapons with square centered on a point within your gun's maximum range
the reload property take an action (player's choice) to reload to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking your gun's burst fire
its ammunition. damage (listed in parenthesis) on a failed save, and half that
If you wield two light ranged weapons with the reload damage on a success. This action subtracts 6 rounds from
property, you can reload them both at once as an action your gun. You can use this action only if you have the
during your turn. ammunition available to do so.
Mundane Ammo Types Additionally, guns with the burst fire property always
Name Cost Usable with Weight Properties
expend 3 rounds per attack.
Musketball 2gp(20) Primitive 1 lb Piercing Burst Fire Save DC (Not Proficienct) = 8 + Dexterity
firearms modifier
without Burst Fire Save DC (Proficient) = 8 + Dexterity modifier +
scatter Profiicency Bonus
Spreadshot 2gp(20) Blunderbusses 1 lb Bludgeoning
Cartridge 3gp(10) Advanced 1 lb Piercing Scatter. Firearms with the scatter property have two types of
firearms damage, a regular damage roll and a scatter damage roll.
without When you hit a creature with a firearm that has the scatter
scatter property, creatures within 5 feet of the target take scatter
Buckshot 2gp(20) Shotguns 2 lbs Bludgeoning damage if the attack would hit them. The original target does
Slug 3gp(10) Shotguns 3 lbs Removes the
not take this damage.
scatter You gain resistance to the scatter damage dealt from your
property. firearm attacks.
functions like
a Cartridge
Round. Proficiency with Firearms
Firearms are not typical weapons. The nature of their
construction and the complexity of their use and care make a
special kind of training required to become proficient with
them. Unless otherwise specified by the DM, firearms count
as a separate proficiency from martial and simple weapons.
There are two types of proficiencies associated with firearms.
Longarms, which include Two-Handed firearms, and
Sidearms, which include every other kind of firearm.
Sidearms can be wielded in one hand.

Primitive Firearms
Name Damage Cost Weight Properties
Flintlock Pistol d6 piercing 250gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 30/90), Loading, Light, Misfire 3
Dragoon d8 bludgeoning 300gp 4 lbs Ammunition (range 10/30), Loading, Scatter (1d4), Misfire 3
Pepperbox d8 piercing 800gp 4 lbs Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload 4, Misfire 1
Musket d12 piercing 500gp 10 lbs Ammunition (range 70/200), Two-Handed, Loading, Misfire 2
Arquebus 3d4 piercing 200gp 13 lbs Ammunition (range 60/150), Two-Handed, Loading, Heavy, Misfire 4
Blunderbuss d12 900gp 7 lbs Ammunition (range 15/45), Two-Handed, Loading, Scatter (1d6), Misfire
bludgeoning 3
Wheellock Gun d10 piercing 400gp 5 lbs Ammunition (range 50/160), Two-Handed, Loading, Misfire 2
Matchlock d12 piercing 600gp 10 lbs Ammunition (range 80/230), Two-Handed, Loading, Misfire 2

Advanced Firearms (Gunsmith DC 8 + max damage/2)

Name Damage Cost Weight Properties
Pistol d6 piercing 1,000gp 2 lbs Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload 8, Light
Heavy Pistol d8 piercing 1,150gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 40/140), Reload 8
Sawn-Off Shotgun 2d4 bludgeoning 1,200gp 4 lbs Ammunition (range 20/40), Reload 4 4, Scatter (1d4)
Rifle d12 piercing 1,500gp 10 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 6
Carbine d10 piercing 1,350gp 6 lbs Ammunition (range 60/200), Two-Handed, Reload 8
Shotgun d12 bludgeoning 2,000gp 7 lbs Ammunition (range 30/60), Two-Handed, Scatter(1d6), Reload 4 6
Bulky Rifle 3d8 piercing 2,900gp 18 lbs Ammunition (range 200/1,000), Two-Handed, Loading, Heavy

For You Technophobic Plebs, Here's Some Crossbow Variants or Whatever

Name Damage Cost Weight Properties
Simple Ranged
Repeating Light d8 100gp 7 lbs Ammunition (range 100/400), Heavy, Two-Handed, Reload 4 6
Crossbow piercing
Martial Ranged
Repeating Heavy d10 100gp 18 lbs Ammunition (range 100/400), Heavy, Two-Handed, Reload 4 6
Crossbow piercing
Automatic Crossbow d12 200gp 19 lbs Ammunition (range 100/400), Heavy, Two-Handed, Automatic (2d12),
piercing Reload 4 4
Reloading Hand d6 350gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 30/120), Light, Reload 4
Crossbow piercing

Special Firearm Examples (Gunsmith DC 8 + max damage)
Name Damage Cost Weight Properties
Automatic Pistol 2d4 Piercing 2,100gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 40/120), Light, Reload 24, Automatic(6d4)
Burst Pistol d8 Piercing 2,100gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 30/90), Light, Reload 24, Burst Fire(3d8)
Derringer d4 Piercing 2,500gp 1 lbs Ammunition (range 20/60), Light, Loading, Special
Revolver d8 Piercing 2,200gp 3 lbs Ammunition (range 50/180), Light, Reload 4 6
Hand Cannon d10 Piercing 2,700gp 4 lbs Ammunition (range 60/200), Reload 4 6
Pistolblade d6 Piercing 4,000gp 5 lbs Ammunition (range 40/120), Reload 8, Bayonet(1d6 Piercing/Slashing)
Submachine Gun d8 Piercing 3,500gp 6 lbs Ammunition (range 40/160), Two-Handed, Reload 30, Automatic(3d8)
Automatic Rifle 2d6 Piercing 3,500gp 8 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 30, Automatic(6d6)
Burst Rifle d12 Piercing 3,500gp 8 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 24, Burst Fire(3d12)
Personal Minigun 2d8 Piercing 5,000gp 25 lbs Ammunition (range 100/500), Two-Handed, Reload 60, Heavy,
Double Barrel 2d6 2,400gp 11 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Scatter (1d8) Loading,
Shotgun bludgeoning Special
Anti-Material 3d12 Piercing 4,500gp 18 lbs Ammunition (range 300/1,800), Two-Handed, Loading, Heavy
Shoulder Cannon 4d10 6,500gp 30 lbs Ammunition (range 60/200), Two-Handed, Loading, Heavy, Special
Rifleblade d12 Piercing 5,000gp 10 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Reload 6, Bayonet(1d6
Gunlance 2d6 Piercing 6,000gp 16 lbs Ammunition (range 70/230), Two-Handed, Reload 4 6, Bayonet(1d12
Piercing, Reach), Special
Nock Gun d12 Piercing 5,500gp 20 lbs Ammunition (range 70/210), Two-Handed, Reload 4 7, Bulky, Special

Derringer Special Rules

You have advantage on checks made to conceal this weapon on your person. If you make an attack with this weapon while a
hostile creature is within 5 feet of you, you do not get disadvantage on the attack roll.
Shoulder Cannon Special Rules
You can make a special attack with a Shoulder Cannon that targets any creature within a 5 wide foot line out to their maximum
range. Any target in the path of this special attack must succeed a DC (8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus)
Strength saving throw or take it's damage roll and be knocked prone. They take half damage on a success and are not knocked
prone. Shoulder Cannons are considered siege weapons for the purposes of damage.
Nock Gun Special Rules
You can use your action to fire all 7 barrels of this gun at once. Make an attack roll with disadvantage. If you succeed, roll 7d12
piercing damage. This attack deals 7d4 bludgeoning damage to you and forces you to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Gunlance Special Rules
You have disadvantage when you use the lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. You can wield the lance one handed when
Double Barrel Shotgun Special Rules
Double Barrel shotguns can be fired twice per attack. When you make an attack roll with a double barrel shotgun, you can make
two attack rolls at the same creature. The second attack roll is made with disadvantage, and on a hit, you do not add your ability
score modifier to the damage of that attack, unless your modifier is negative.
Attachment Rail Placement Chart
Gun Rail Placement
Primitive Firearms Top, Sides (1) Barrel
Advanced and Special Firearms Top, Bottom, Sides (2), Barrel
Crossbows Top, Bottom
Rifleblades, Gunlances Top, Sides (2)

Removing And Placing Attachments

You can remove any attachment from its rail as an action during your turn, and you can place one as a bonus action.

Attachments (Gunsmith DC 8 + Cost/100, Rounded Down)

Name Weight Placement Restrictions Cost Properties
Attachment - Any - 100gp Firearms can now have attachments placed on the rail.
Telescopic .25 lbs Top - 500gp Increases the normal and maximum range of the firearm by 10
Sight feet.
Longshot 2 lbs Top Bulky 700gp Increases the normal and maximum range of the firearm by 30
Sight Rifles, Anti- feet.
Glowing - Top - 400gp +1 to damage rolls at creatures within 30 feet.
Dot Sight
Foregrip - Bottom Sidearms 300gp You are immune to being disarmed if you have a free hand to
hold the foregrip
Bipod - Bottom/Barrel Bulky 200gp +1 to attack rolls when prone or behind half-cover.
Rifles, Anti-
Bayonet + 1/2 the Barrel - 100gp Adds a melee weapon to the barrel of the gun. You are not
melee considered proficient in melee attacks made with this bayonet
weapon's unless you are proficient with improvised weapons. You cannot
weight have a Barrel or Bottom attachment when you have this
attachment equipped.
Beam - Sides, Bottom - 700gp You can use a bonus action to mark a creature with the beam
Marker and reroll 1s and 2s to all damage rolls until the end of your
Glowtorch 1 lb Sides, Bottom - 500gp Adds a magic torch that can be turned on and off as a bonus
action. It sheds bright light in a 30 foot cone and dim light in a
30 foot cone.
Canted .5 lbs Top - 1,000gp Grants the benefits of a Telescopic Sight and a Glowing Dot
Sights Sight. You must switch between them as a bonus action to get
each one's bonuses.
Suppressor .25 lbs Barrel - 700gp When you make an attack roll with this firearm while hidden,
each creature in a 30 foot radius must make a
Wisdom(Perception) check. The DC of this check is 10 + (attack
roll result) / 5. You are still considered hidden to any creature
that fails the check, even if other creatures succeed.
Advanced .25 lbs Barrel - 1,300gp Functions exactly like the Suppressor custom part, except the
Suppressor DC of the Wisdom(Perception) check is 10 + (attack roll result)
/ 2, and the radius is 10 feet.

Custom Parts List (Gunsmith DC 8 + Cost/1000, Rounded Down)
Applying And Removing Custom Parts
Any firearm can only have two custom parts at one time. You must build a custom part onto the weapon in order to use it. Doing
so takes 1 week of work (8 hours per day) and 500gp of raw materials. Dismantling a custom part takes one day of work (8 hours)
and 10gp of raw materials. You must dismantle a custom part to build another onto it if your gun is already at its custom part
Name Weight Usable with Cost Properties
Pistol Grip - Siderarms 3,000gp +1 to attack rolls.
Heavy Barrel 1 lbs Rifles, Carbines 4,000gp Increases the normal range of the gun by 20 feet and the maximum
range by 20 feet. This cannot be combined with Light Barrel.
Light Barrel -1 lb Rifles, Carbines 4,000gp Reduce the normal range of the gun by 5 feet and the maximum range by
10 feet. This cannot be combined with Heavy Barrel.
Tight Choke - Shotguns 4,000gp Add your ability score modifier to your firearm's scatter damage. This
Barrel cannot be combined with Wide Choke Barrel
Wide Choke - Shotguns 4,000gp The range for your firearm's Scatter damage roll is now 10 feet around
Barrel the original target. This cannot be combined with Tight Choke Barrel
Sawn Off -3 lbs Shotguns - Removes the two-handed property from the shotgun and changes its
Barrel classification to sidearm. Lowers the damage die and scatter damage die
by one category. (For example, a d12 die lowers to a d10.) Reduces the
shotgun's normal and maximum range by 10.
Magazine .5 lbs All firearms 7,000gp Increases the ammunition count of longarms by 6, and increases the
Capacity reload count of sidearms by 8. If firearm has the loading property, it loses
that property and gains the reload property instead. (6 rounds for
longarms, 8 rounds for sidearms.)
Rifling - Muskets, 3,000gp +30 normal range, +10 max range. Weapon now uses rifled bullets
Flintlock Pistols, instead of round bullets. Some firearms have this built in inherently.
Wheellock Guns
Light Frame -2 All Firearms 5,000gp Gun's weight cannot decrease past 1 lb.
Burst - Rifles 10,000gp Turns firearm into Burst Rifle.
Automatic - Rifles, Pistols 10,000gp Turns the firearm into Automatic Rifle or Automatic Pistol.
Recoil - Firearms with 12,000gp You can add your Dexterity modifier to your Automatic and Burst Fire
Compensator the Automatic or damage.
Burst Fire

A Note About Attachments & Custom Parts

Custom Parts and Attachments are primarily for games where guns are both advanced and commonplace in your worlds. They're
made to explicitly make them superior to more primitive weapons. If every character in your current game is not holding at least
one gun and they are not a Barbarian or Druid, or something equivalent, then it is wise to keep them out or just give those who
don't wield guns more magic items and armor to compensate.

Siege Equipment Advanced Siege Equipment
This is an expanded list of siege equipment for use in games. Dragon's Maw
Gargantuan object.
Primitive Siege Equipment Armor Class: 22
Hit Points: 300
These are weapons to be used in a setting where firearms Damage Immunities: fire, poison, psychic
and gunpowder are not prominent. Anything more advanced
will be contained in the other category. The Dragon's maw is one of the most fearsome weapons to
be used on the battlefield when sieging large fortifications. It
Crank Gun is a large, metallic boiler in the shape of a dragon, and is
Medium object either remotely piloted by a creature or latched onto a
Armor Class: 16 wheeled support. In order to fire this weapon, it must be
Hit Points: 70 loaded first. It takes three actions to load it and one action to
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic fire it. It shoots out a large burning rock in 500 foot line that
is 15 feet long. Creatures within the line must succeed a DC
Crank guns are miniature weapons that use gunpowder and a 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 fire and 10d6
turning mechanism to fire a mass of bullets. Compared to bludgeoning damage on a failed save, and half as much
cannons, they're far lighter and easier to move around, damage on a successful save.
generally being supported by a small wheeled chassis or
tripod mount. It's typically used as an antipersonnel tool Howitzer
rather than a weapon to assault castles. Large object
Before it can be fired, a crank gun must be loaded and Armor Class: 20
aimed. It takes an action to load the weapon, a bonus action Hit Points: 250
to aim it, and an action to fire it. A crank gun has a total of 60 Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
rounds in it, and each shot expends 6 rounds.
Gunfire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range A howitzer is a seige implement that fires huge shells in a
200/1,000 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (6d10) piercing damage. large arc that explode upon landing. These implements are
Automatic Fire. You can force any creatures of your choice perfect for bombing fortifications, designed to have their
in a 30-foot square centered on a point within your gun's rounds travel over high walls and cover. It's typically built into
maximum range to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, a stationary battery or on a metallic wheeled chassis.
taking 50(10d10) piercing damage on a failed save, and half Before it can be fired, a howitzer must be loaded by two
that damage on a success. This action subtracts rounds from creatures and aimed by two others. It takes two actions to
your gun equal to the number of creatures affected. load it, two actions to aim it, and one action to fire it.
Howitzer Shell. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, ignores
Heavy Cannon cover, range 1,000/6,000 ft., one target. Hit: 20d6 bludgeoning
Huge object damage and all creatures within an 60 foot radius sphere
Armor Class: 20 centered on the target must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity
Hit Points: 150 saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) fire damage on a failed saving
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic throw, and half as much damage on a successful save.
A heavy cannon is a much larger device that uses gunpower Mortar
to propel heavy balls of cast iron through the air at Small object
devastating speeds. Armor Class: 15
A heavy cannon requires a much wider support system to Hit Points: 60
move it. Before a heavy cannon can be fired, it must be loaded Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
and aimed. It takes two actions to load the weapon, one
action to aim it, and one action to fire it. Mortars are relatively small weapons that are designed to fire
Heavy Cannon Ball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, explosive shells in a wide arc into enemy fortifications, and is
range 800/3,000 ft., one target. Hit: 55 (10d10) bludgeoning designed to go behind cover. These things are small and easy
damage. enough to be carried by a single creature.
In order to fire this weapon, it must be aimed first. It takes
a bonus action to aim, and an action or bonus action (player's
choice) to fire it. Once it is aimed, it does not need to be
aimed a second time unless it is moved.
Mortar Shell. Ranged Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, ignores
cover, range 500/2,000 ft., one target. Hit: 21(6d6)
bludgeoning damage and all creatures within a 10 foot radius
sphere must succeed a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
18 (4d8) fire damage on a failed save, and half as much
damage on a successful save.
Heavy Mortar
Medium object
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 75
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Heavy mortars are larger mortars that function exactly like
their smaller counterparts, but deal more damage.
In order to fire this weapon, it must be aimed first. It takes
an action to aim, and an action or bonus action (player's
choice) to fire it. Once it is aimed, it does not need to be
aimed a second time unless it is moved.
Mortar Shell. Ranged Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, ignores
cover, range 800/3,000 ft., one target. Hit: 28(8d6)
bludgeoning damage and all creatures within a 10 foot radius
sphere must succeed a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
27 (6d8) fire damage on a failed save, and half as much
damage on a successful save.
Medium object
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 55
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Miniguns are mounted weapons that fire a constant stream of
bullets towards creatures. They tend to be anti-personnel
weapons rather than being used to take down castle walls.
They can even unleash a hail of bullets at concentrated
swarms of enemies to cut them down.
Before it can be fired, a minigun must be loaded first. It
takes an action to load the weapon, and an action to fire it. A
minigun has a total of 500 rounds inside it, and each shot
expends 10 rounds.
Gunfire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
500/2,000 ft., one target. Hit: 50 (10d10) piercing damage.
Automatic Fire. You can force any creatures of your choice
in a 30-foot square centered on a point within your gun's
maximum range to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 77 (14d10) piercing damage on a failed save, and half
that damage on a success. This action subtracts rounds from
your gun equal to the number of creatures affected.

High-Tech Firearms
Name Damage Cost Weight Properties
Gauss Pistol 2d4 piercing - 3 lbs Ammunition (range 60/230), Reload 12, Light
Smart Gun d8 piercing - 2 lbs Ammunition (range 50/200), Reload 8, Special
Pulse Pistol d10 plasma - 3 lbs Ammunition (range 60/240), Recharge 40
Beam Pistol d12 plasma - 3 lbs Ammunition (range 40/160), Recharge 60
Pulse Rifle 3d6 plasma - 9 lbs Ammunition (range 100/600), Two-Handed, Recharge 100
Beam Rifle 2d12 plasma - 12 lbs Ammunition (range 80/500), Two-Handed, Recharge 120
Pulse Carbine 2d6 plasma - 6 lbs Ammunition (range 50/200), Two-Handed, Recharge 80
Arc Rifle 3d8 lightning - 10 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Recharge 70, Special
Railgun 2d12 piercing, 2d12 - 19 lbs Ammunition (range 800/8,000), Two-Handed, Heavy, Loading
Mass Driver 3d12 piercing, 3d12 - 19 lbs Ammunition (range 1,000/9,000), Two-Handed, Heavy, Loading
Rifle lightning
Gungnir Laser 5d10 plasma, 5d10 - 24 lbs Ammunition (range 900/8,500), Two-Handed, Heavy, Recharge
radiant 100, Special

Alien Firearms
Name Damage Cost Weight Properties
Disintegrator 6d8 necrotic - 5 lbs Ammunition (range 30/150), Recharge 10, Special
Ray Gun 4d6 force - 3 lbs Ammunition (range 40/200), Recharge 50
Gamma Gun 3d8 fire - 6 lbs Ammunition (range 10/30), Recharge 30
Ion Laser 6d6 force - 11 lbs Ammunition (range 90/300), Two-Handed, Recharge 80
Microwave 6d12 fire - 20 lbs Ammunition (range 20/60), Two-Handed, Heavy, Recharge 60
Particle Rifle d12 piercing, d12 - 18 lbs Ammunition (range 250/2,000), Two-Handed, Heavy, Recharge
plasma 100, Special

High-Tech & Alien Firearms Arc Rifle. When you succed an attack with this weapon,
These properties are used for the more advanced guns you creatures within 5 feet of the target take 1d8 lightning
include in your games. damage.
Recharge. Guns with the Recharge property have a charge Gungnir Laser. You can make a special attack with this
that they expend with each pull of the trigger. Every attack laser. Creatures within the gun's range must succeed a DC 8
made with these weapons expends 5 rounds. Once the + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier Dexterity
recharge count reaches 0, you must replace or recharge the saving throw, taking the gun's damage on a failed save, and
battery to use it again. You use an action to replace batteries. half as much damage on a successful save.
Recharging a battery requires attaching it to a power source Disintegrator. If damage from this gun brings a creature to
for at least 12 hours. 9 hit points, it disintegrates into a pile of ash, and cna only be
Smart Gun. As long as you do not make an attack roll at brought back with a wish or true ressurection spell, or equally
long range, attacks with this weapon are made with powerful magic.
advantage. If you roll a critical hit, the target has Particle Rifle. You can attack creatures behind total cover
disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the end with this weapon if you are aware of them. These attacks are
of your next turn. made with disadvantage. Your attacks with this weapon
ignore half and three-quarters cover.

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