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Seismic Behavior of Steel Beam and Reinforced Concrete Column Connections

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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606


Seismic behavior of steel beam and reinforced

concrete column connections
Chin-Tung Chenga,∗, Cheng-Chih Chenb
a Department of Construction Engineering, National Kaohsiung First University of Science & Technology,
1 University Road, Yenchao, Kaohsiung 824, Taiwan
b Department of Civil Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, Taiwan

Received 7 May 2004; accepted 23 September 2004


This paper aims to investigate the seismic behavior of steel beam to reinforced concrete column
connections with or without the floor slab, acting as a proof test for a three-story–three-bay reinforced
concrete column and steel beam (RCS) in-plane frame tested at the National Center for Research on
Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan, by the Taiwan–USA international research cooperation
group. In total, six cruciform RCS joint sub-assemblages were constructed and tested. Parameters
considered included composite effects of the slab and beam, the tie configuration in the panel
zone, effects of the cross-beam, and the loading protocol. Force–deformation behavior was also
simulated by a nonlinear analysis program, DRAIN-2DX, with consideration of composite effects of
the beam and slab as well as shear distortion in the panel zone. Test results showed that all specimens
performed in a ductile manner with plastic hinges formed in the beam ends near the column face.
It was found that the ultimate strength of the composite beam was increased by 27% on average,
compared with that of the steel beam without the slab.
© 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Composite structures; Beam–column connections; Panel zone

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 7 6011000x2118; fax: +886 7 6011017.

E-mail address: [email protected] (C.-T. Cheng).

0143-974X/$ - see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
588 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606


bf width of the beam flange

dbeam depth of the steel beams
d pz depth of the panel zone
hc width of the column
fc concrete strength of the strut concrete in the panel zone
f c concrete compressive strength
( f c )eff effective concrete strength of the strut concrete in the panel zone
H column height
Ibp flexural inertia of the steel band plates
kt c ratio of the principal tensile and compressive strains of the strut concrete
kc parameter for considering the confinement of the strut concrete
kbp stiffness provided by the steel band plates
k pz total stiffness in the panel zone
k pzs stiffness provided by the panel shear only
L beam length between two inflection points
L bp half-length of the steel band plates in the bending direction
tw width of the beam web
Vih shear strength resisted by the inner element of the panel zone
Voh shear strength resisted by the outer element of the panel zone
Vwh shear strength resisted by the beam web in the panel zone
V pz total shear strength of the panel zone
Z parameter for defining the post-peak descending slope in the stress–strain
relation of the strut concrete
β parameter for considering the softening effect of the concrete strength
M total beam end moment
εc principal compressive strain of the strut concrete
εt principal tensile strain of the strut concrete
εx horizontal strain of the strut concrete
εy vertical strain of the strut concrete
εo concrete strain corresponding to f c
γ shear strain in the panel zone
γx y shear strain of the concrete in the panel zone
θp angle of the diagonal strut corresponding to the beam flange
θ pz beam end rotation due to the panel shear
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 589

1. Introduction

Composite structures, including concrete filled steel tubes (CFT) and steel reinforced
concrete (SRC) structures, have become popular in the US and Japan recently. One of the
composite systems investigated, starting in 1989, is referred to as the RCS system. RCS
composite systems resist seismic moments based on the connection between reinforced
concrete columns and steel beams. Using RC rather than structural steel as columns can
result in substantial savings in material cost and increase of the structural damping and
lateral stiffness of the building. The two main categories in RCS connections to date can
be characterized as the beam-through-type and the column-through-type. According to
the literature, beams continuously passing through column panel zones (beam-through-
type) behave in a ductile manner under seismic loading; however, orthogonal moment
connection in the panel zone may be labor intensive. Use of the column-through-type,
using diaphragms or cover plates to connect the steel beam and column, may facilitate
field construction; however, additional effort in connection details to ensure a better seismic
capacity in terms of strength and ductility is needed.
In 1989, Deierlein et al. [1] and Sheikh et al. [2] started the research on RCS composite
systems in Texas University, where 15 beam-through-type connections without slabs were
tested. Two distinct failure modes in RCS systems were identified: panel zone yielding and
bearing failure of column concrete when subjected to cyclic loading, as shown in Fig. 1. In
1993, Kanno [3] tested a series of RCS connections without the slab. Research parameters
included tie details in the panel zone, the column axial load, and the bearing strength of
the concrete. Test results showed that the seismic capacity of RCS systems was not less
than that of reinforced concrete or steel structures. Since 1997, cooperative research on
RCS systems has been conducted in the US and Japan, such as the work of Baba and
Nishimura [4], Kim and Noguchi [5], Nishiyama et al. [6], Parra-Montesinos and Wight
[7], and Bugeja et al. [8].
To study the composite effects of the steel beam and floor slab, Yu et al. [9] have
tested several composite beam to steel or SRC column connections. Test results showed
that composite effects may vary with the types of connection, distribution of shear studs,
slab thickness, and amount of reinforcing bars in the slab. In general, the shallow beam
depth used in low rise to mid-rise buildings tends to have larger composite effects. Test
results also revealed that slabs provided lateral support for the beam top flange, preventing
torsional buckling. In addition, floor concrete also increased the flexural stiffness for the
composite beams. Beside this research, Liu and Astaneh-Asl [10] also conducted six tests
of composite beam to steel or RC column connections. Investigated parameters included
connection details, shear studs, and the slab reinforcement. Test results showed that the
composite effect was sustained until the drift angle reached 0.04 rad.
In 2002, a Taiwan–US research cooperation group proposed to test a full-scale three-
story–three-bay in-plane RCS frame. Before the frame test, the seismic behavior of
the beam–column connections needs to be clarified. According to the literature, beam-
through-type connections may have improved seismic performance when compared with
the column-through-type ones. Therefore, six full-scale beam-through-type composite
beam–column sub-structures were designed and tested, to act as a component test for the
design of a three-story–three-bay in-plane RCS frame. Parameters considered included
590 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

(a) Panel shear failure.

(b) Bearing failure.

Fig. 1. The failure mechanism of an inner panel [3].

composite effects of the slab, tie details in the panel zone, effects of the transverse beam,
and the loading protocol.

2. Experiments

In the full-scale plane frame, the span of the columns was seven metres from
centerline to centerline of the columns with four metres of story height. Based on loading
combinations, the beam sections from the roof to the first floor were designed to be
H 396 × 199 × 7 × 11, H 500 × 200 × 10 × 16, and H 596 × 199 × 10 × 15. In the
sub-structural tests, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3, all specimens have the same dimensions,
with the steel beam H 596 × 199 × 10 × 15 in size and 65 × 65 cm columns reinforced
with 12 #11 longitudinal bars, representing beam–column connections of the first floor
of the in-plane frame. According to the research of Kanno and Deierlein [11], the panel
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 591

Fig. 2. A photograph showing specimen ICLCS before the test.

zone of beam-through-type connections can be divided into two elements: inner and outer
elements. Failure modes in the inner element can be panel shear yielding or bearing failure
of the column concrete, while failure modes in the outer element may be bond failure of the
longitudinal reinforcement or panel shear yielding. To prevent these premature failures for
all specimens, two retrofit techniques were applied, as shown in Fig. 4. To prevent bearing
failure of the column concrete that faces the steel beam, band plates (BP) were embedded
around the column. To enhance the shear transfer in the panel zone, face-bearing plates
(FBP) were fillet welded to the beams at the column face.
In the labeling of the six specimens, the first character, I, represents the interior
column connections. The second character, C or N, represents whether the connection
is with or without a cross-beam in the orthogonal direction, respectively. The third
character represents the shape of the ties reinforced in the panel zone. As shown in Fig. 5,
L-shaped, square, and U-shaped ties were used in the specimens with or without a cross-
beam intersected in the panel zone. The fourth character distinguishes different loading
protocols, with C for cyclic loading and P representing near-fault pulse-type loading. If a
fifth character S is added, it indicates a composite beam with a steel beam supporting a
reinforced concrete slab on a metal deck, these acting together to resist bending through
the shear studs. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of shear studs on the beam, and the temporary
brace for the pouring of the floor concrete. As shown in the figure, the slab was reinforced
with #3 bars spaced 300 mm apart in the bottom layer and wire mesh 7 ϕ × 7 ϕ mm with
100 × 100 mm spacing in the upper layer. The material strengths of steel are summarized
in Table 1. Table 2 shows the compressive strength of the concrete. As shown in Fig. 3, the
column with shorter beams was precast together at the factory for easy transportation and
592 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 3. Details of the beam–column joint.

Fig. 4. Two reinforcing techniques in the panel zone of the beam-through-type connections.

then spliced with extended beams using bolts in the laboratory. Specimen ICLC was the
first one to be tested; however, slips at the beam splice that occurred during testing caused a
sudden drop in the force–deformation curve. Therefore, the splice plates were fillet welded
to the beam to prevent slips for the remaining tests.
Fig. 7 shows the test apparatus. Before the test, the hydraulic jack at the top of the
column applied a 1000 kN constant axial load to represent the gravity load that was
obtained from the frame analysis. Then hydraulic actuators at each beam tip applied
the cyclic load with displacement control in the form of triangular waves, as shown in
Fig. 8. During the test, a horizontal actuator at the top of the column held the column in
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 593

(a) Four L-shaped ties.

(b) Two U-shaped ties.

(c) Four square ties.

Fig. 5. Shapes of ties in the panel zone.

Table 1
Material strength for the steel

Item Rebar #3 Rebar #4 Rebar #11 Beam web Beam flange

f y (N/mm2 ) 442.3 430.7 443.3 478.5 444.2

f u (N/mm2 ) 650.3 680.6 674.6 598.7 568.0

Table 2
Concrete strength

Specimen Column f c (N/mm2 ) Slab f c (N/mm2 )

ICLCS 48.9 22.5

INUCS 54.5 24.3
ICLPS 49.9 21.0
ICLC 52.4 –
ICSC 42.7 –
INUC 54.3 –
594 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 6. Details of the composite beam.

position, but allowed it to rotate accordingly. For specimen ICLPS, the loading protocol
simulates the waveform of near-fault excitations, as shown in Fig. 9, based on the report of
Krawinkler et al. [12].
The test results show that all specimens performed in a ductile manner with plastic
hinges formed at the beam ends near the column face, where local buckling took place
successively at the beam flange and web, and only minor damage such as cracks was
observed in the column and the panel zone. Visual observation revealed that all specimens
except ICLPS performed similarly, with yielding and local buckling of the beam bottom
flange occurring at drifts of 1.0% and 4.0%, respectively. For specimens with a slab,
the composite effect disappeared after 3% drift because of the insufficient shear transfer
provided by the shear studs which were fractured during the test. With the lateral support
of the floor slab, the beam top flange can only buckle downward at 5.0% drift, compared
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 595

Fig. 7. Test apparatus.

Fig. 8. The loading protocol for all specimens except ICLPS.

with 4.0% drift for the specimens without a slab. All tests concluded at the drift of 6%
due to the fracture of the beam bottom flange—with the exception of that for specimen
INUC, which fractured in the top flange. Figs. 10 and 11 show images at the conclusion
of testing for specimens INUCS and INUC, respectively. For specimen ICLPS loaded with
the near-fault protocol, fracture of the bottom flange and separation of the beam and the
slab was not seen till the end of the testing, unlike in the tests of specimens INUCS and
ICLCS. Since all connections were designed and behaved in a strong column and weak
596 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 9. The loading protocol for specimen ICLPS [12].

Fig. 10. A photograph showing the fracture of the beam flange for specimen INUCS after the test.

beam manner with the column and panel zone remaining elastic at all times, the factor
of the cross-beam and the configuration of the ties in the panel zone had only a marginal
effect on the seismic performance.
Fig. 12 shows the hysteretic curves of force versus displacement at the east beam
end for all specimens. On the basis of these figures, the ultimate strength and initial
stiffness of each specimen under positive and negative bending were obtained, and these
are summarized in Table 3. Under positive bending, it was found that the initial stiffness
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 597

Fig. 11. A photograph showing the damage of the beam flange for specimen INUC after the test.

Table 3
The strength and stiffness of the specimens

Specimens Experimental results Analytical panel shear

Moment in east Moment in west Stiffness Panel K & D P & W AIJ
Beam (kN m) Beam (kN m) (kN/m) Shear
Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative (kN)

ICLCS 1539 1283 1609 1236 17592 10643 3884 3440 5557 5671
INUCS 1701 1342 1652 1337 17571 12257 4134 3572 5760 5790
ICLPS 1669 1218 1661 1307 14999 10666 4012 3458 5746 5694
ICLC 1286 1256 1274 1229 10883 10463 3457 3527 5935 5749
INUC 1293 1276 1275 1229 12321 11515 3477 3570 5760 5546
ICSC 1272 1253 1244 1204 12418 10776 3408 3229 5083 5788

and ultimate strength of the composite beams increased by 67% and 27% on average,
respectively, when compared to those for the steel beam without a slab. Under negative
bending, the average ultimate strength of specimens with a slab is 1.02 times that of
specimens without a slab. It is also noted that the post-peak deterioration of specimen
ICLPS is less than that of other specimens due to the different loading protocol. Table 3
also summarizes the analytical shear strength in the panel zone, based on the research of
Kanno and Deierlein [11], Para-Montesinos and Wight [7], and AIJ [13]. It was found that
Kanno and Deierlein’s suggestions tend to be conservative for the design of connections,
when compared with the test results.
598 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 12. Hysteretic curves for the specimens.

C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 599

On the basis of the measurements made using transducers and inclinometers installed
in the joint area, beam end deformations can be decomposed into components due to the
flexural deflection of the column and the beam, in addition to the shear distortions in the
panel zone. Panel zone deformations consist of distortions due to the panel shear and the
concrete bearing. Fig. 13 shows a typical decomposition of deformations for specimen
ICLCS. As shown in this figure, most of the nonlinear deformations were concentrated on
the beam, while the flexural deformation of the column and distortion due to the concrete
bearing in the panel zone remained elastic at all times, and a slightly inelastic distortion
was induced by the joint shear.

3. Force–deformation simulations

The DRAIN-2DX program [15] was applied to simulate the force–deformation behavior
of RCS beam–column connections. This program can simulate the nonlinear behavior of
the beam and column easily upon inputting its material properties and failure surface,
while a simulation of the inelastic deformation of the panel zone needs to be created.
As shown in Fig. 13, panel zone deformations consist of distortions due to the bearing of
the column concrete and panel shear. According to the research of Para-Montesinos and
Wight [7], panel shear can be resisted by the superposition of three components such as
the concrete struts in the inner and outer elements, and the steel beam web. Compatibility
in this disturbed region suggests that
εx + ε y εx − ε y γx y
εc = + cos(2θ p ) + sin(2θ p ) (1)
2 2 2
εx + ε y εx − ε y γx y
εt = + cos[2(θ p + 90◦)] + sin[2(θ p + 90◦ )] (2)
2 2 2
where γx y = tan(2θ p )(εx − ε y ), εc and εt are the principal compressive and tensile strains
of the concrete strut, εx and ε y are the horizontal and vertical strains of concrete strut, and
θ p is the main concrete strut angle. On the basis of the geometry, the strut angles for the
inner and outer elements can be shown to be as follows:
θinner = a tan (3)
θouter = a tan (4)
where dbeam is the depth of the steel beams and h c is the width of the column. Empirical
values of kt c = −εt /εc , varying with different details such as ‘T-shaped’ or cruciform
joints, and inner or outer elements, are provided in the paper of Para-Montesinos and Wight
[7]. By using Eqs. (1)–(4), and the kt c value, the shear strain γx y and εc can be obtained.
For the inner element, the stress–strain relationship of the strut concrete can be
expressed as

f c (εc ) = f c [2(εc /ε0 ) − (εc /ε0 )2 ] εc ≤ ε0 (5)

f c (εc ) = f c [1 − Z (εc − ε0 )] εc > ε0 (6)
600 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 13. The displacement decoupling for specimen ICLCS.

C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 601

where f c is the concrete compressive strength (N/mm2 ), εc is the concrete strain

corresponding to f c , ε0 is the concrete strain corresponding to f c , and Z is the parameter
for defining the post-peak slope of descending strength. Z is 50 for the inner element and
ε0 = 0.001648 + 0.0000165 f c . (7)
Therefore, the effective strut concrete stress is expressed as
( f c )eff = f c (εc )kc β (8)
where kc takes into consideration the confinement of the concrete. In general, kc is equal
to 2.0. If a cross-beam intersects in the panel zone, kc is equal to 2.3. β takes into
consideration the softening effect on the concrete strength due to the orthogonal tension
in the panel zone. According to the research of Vecchio and Collins [14], β is
1 1
β= = (9)
0.85 − 0.27 εεct 0.85 + 0.27kt c
where kt c is the ratio of the principal tensile and compressive strains of the concrete strut.
Then, the shear strength resisted by the inner element is
Vih = 0.3( f c )eff h c (b f − tw ) (10)
where h c is the column width, b f is the width of the beam flange, and tw is the width of
the beam web.
The calculation of the shear strength resisted by the outer element is the same as that
for the inner element except for the adjustments of the parameters Z , β, and kc . When ties
are applied in the panel zone, kc is equal to 1.1. Application of steel band plates in addition
to ties increases kc to 1.5. If steel band plates are applied alone without ties, kc is adjusted
to 1.3. Under the above conditions, Z is equal to 150. If steel plates are applied to confine
the panel zone, kc is equal to 2.0 for the inner and outer elements, and Z is equal to 50.
Therefore, the shear strength resisted by the outer element is calculated as
Voh = 0.3( f c )eff h c b0 (11)
where b0 is the effective width of the outer element defined in the research of Para-
Montesinos and Wight [7]. The shear strength resisted by the beam web can be calculated
Vwh = τweb (x)tw dx (12)
where τweb (x) = γweb (x)G s ≤ √y = τ y . Then, the shear strength of the panel zone is the
superposition of three components:
V pz = Vih + Voh + Vwh . (13)
Fig. 14 shows the shear force–strain curve predicted using this model together with
results from experiments on the specified specimens. The prediction was calculated on the
basis of 42 N/mm2 concrete strength and 420 N/mm2 yield strength for the steel. It was
found that the predictions might have higher stiffness than the tests. The reason is that this
analysis did not account for the distortion of the band plates that were applied to prevent
602 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 14. The panel shear force and strain relationship predicted by the theory of Parra-Montesinos [7].

the bearing failure of the column concrete. Therefore, the stiffness of the band plates can
be estimated using
kbp = 3E s Ibp /L 3bp (14)
where Ibp is the second moment of area of the three plates and L bp is the half-length of
the band plates as shown in the Fig. 4. Fig. 15 shows that the analytical stiffness may be
appropriate when compared with the tests. Therefore, the total stiffnesses of the panel zone
k pz due to the concrete bearing and panel shear may be combined and expressed as
1/k pz = 1/kbp + 1/k pzs (15)
where k pzs is the shear stiffness, as shown in Fig. 14. Fig. 16 shows the comparison
between the total panel stiffness predicted and the test results. It is found that the proposed
prediction is more appropriate than the prediction shown in Fig. 14.
To simulate the force–deformation behavior of beam–column connections by using
DRAIN-2DX, the panel shear distortion can be applied to replace the rigid joint. However,
this shear force–strain relationship needs to be transformed into a moment–rotation
relationship due to the loads applied at the beam tip in the tests, as shown in Fig. 17.
The beam end total moments M and panel shear V pz can be related as
M d pz L
V pz = 1− (16)
d pz H (L − h c )
where d pz is the depth of the panel zone, L is the beam length between two inflection
points (actuators), H is the column height between two inflection points, and h c is the
column width. The beam end rotations due to panel shear, θ pz , and shear strain in the panel
zone, γ , can be related as
d pz L
θ pz = γ 1 − . (17)
H (L − h c )
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 603

Fig. 15. The shear force and strain relationship due to the bearing.

Fig. 16. The proposed shear force and strain relationship due to the bearing and panel shear.

According to Eqs. (16) and (17), the panel shear force and strain relationship of the joints
can be transformed into a beam end moment and rotation relationship in the form of four
springs, as shown in Fig. 17. The four nodal points within the rotational springs have the
same coordinate slaving together. This model was built to simulate the force–deformation
behavior of an east beam subjected to the load at the beam tip by the vertical actuator.
Therefore, the boundary condition on the inflection points was set the same as for the test
apparatus for the specimens.
Fig. 17 also shows a compression link element for compensating for the composite
effect due to the floor slab that only exists when the beam is subjected to positive bending.
On the basis of AISC-LRFD provisions [16], the stiffness of the link elements was
calculated as the difference of the bare steel beam effect without the slab and the composite
effect of the steel beam with the slab, and transformed into the direction of the link element.
604 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

Fig. 17. A schematic graph showing a model of the beam–column sub-structure.

A tri-linear force–deformation relationship for simulating the behavior of the slab concrete
was adopted for the link element. The bare steel beams were modeled by a beam–column
element with a bi-linear force–deformation relationship acting in an elastic–plastic manner.
The yield strength was calculated on the basis of the plastic modulus of the steel beam
section. The ratio of the post-yield stiffness to the initial stiffness was set to be 0.01 to
account for the strain-hardening effect of the steel. The reinforced concrete columns were
also modeled by a beam–column element with a yield surface based on the interaction
between the axial load and the moment applied on the columns. For the column stiffness,
an effective second moment of area (70%) was used to account for the flexural cracks.
Finally, monotonic loads were applied on the beam tip to simulate the experimental
procedure. Fig. 18 shows the predictions for the force–deformation relationship compared
with test results for the specimens ICLCS and ICLC. It is found that the force–deformation
simulations agree very well with test results for both specimens.

4. Conclusions
Test results show that all specimens performed in a ductile manner with plastic hinges
formed in the beam ends near the column face. Under positive bending, it was found that
the initial stiffness and ultimate strength of the composite beam had average increases of
67% and 27% respectively, compared with the steel beam without the slab. Under negative
bending, similar ultimate strengths of specimens with and without the slab were obtained.
This composite action disappeared after 3% drift of loading and then the lateral strength
slowly deteriorated until fracture of the bottom flange occurred. Sub-structure loaded by a
near-fault protocol performed well, showing good strength and ductility, slightly better than
C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606 605

Fig. 18. Predicted force–deformation relationships for specimens ICLCS and ICLC.

that of other tests where fracture of the bottom flange and separation of the beam and the
slab was seen during the test. Moreover, the test performance revealed that cross-beams and
the configuration of ties in the panel zone had only a marginal effect on the shear transfer
in the panel zone due to the strong column and weak beam design for all specimens.
On the basis of the comparison of the force–deformation simulation and test results, it
was found that distortions in the panel zone accounting for the concrete bearing in addition
to the panel shear can appropriately predict the total shear stiffness in the panel zone of
RCS connections. Adding a compression link element to simulate the composite effect of
the slab, the DRAIN-2DX program can simulate the envelope of the force–deformation
relation for composite RCS beam–column sub-structures.


Financial support from the National Science Council in Taiwan and technical help
from the NCREE Labs are greatly appreciated. The authors would also like to thank
Mr. P.H. Chan, J.T. Yang and N.J. Lin for their assistance in the experiment.
606 C.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Chen / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 587–606

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