Latihan Jeda
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Circuit training is an intensive form of fitness training in which a group of exercises are
completed one after the other. Each exercise is performed for a specified number of repetitions or
for a prescribed time before you move on to the next exercise. Whether you are a swimmer,
cyclist, rower, racket player, or runner, circuit training will improve your mobility and stamina,
enabling you to move more powerfully.
Circuit training using weight machines improves aerobic fitness, flexibility, and strength. Each
machine in the circuit is designed to exercise a different group of muscles. Individuals move
from machine to machine completing a set of exercises, usually in a predetermined time.
Generally there are between 6-15 stations to complete in a time of 5-20 minutes. Aerobic benefit
is gained by moving swiftly between machines and completing the circuit as a continuous flow
of activity. This keeps the heart rate at a steady and fairly high level.
Circuits without weights or with free standing weights usually consist of eight to ten exercises
chosen from a large number of possible ones, such as pattering or running on the spot, press-ups,
abdominal curl-ups, free squats, squat thrusts, step ups, and arm curls (figure 22). Each session
should start with a warm-up and mobility exercises, and end with cool-down exercises. The
circuit should be designed so that the same muscle groups are not worked in consecutive stations.
In the following circuit each part of the body is worked twice:
Circuit training is excellent for developing overall body strength and aerobic fitness. However, it
is essential that the correct weights, repetitions and positions are established to avoid injury and
to achieve all the fitness objectives. For serious athletes, the aim of the first training session is
usually to establish the maximum number of repetitions that can be completed for each exercise,
either to a point of exhaustion or in a given time. Each score is divided by three to determine the
training rate for the exercise. At subsequent training sessions the athlete performs three circuits
of all the exercises at the training rate. This rate can be adjusted as the athlete improves. Stage
training is a variation of circuit training. Individuals perform exercises in sets, repeating the same
exercise a number of times, before moving on to the next exercise. It tends to make more
demands on the lactic acid system than traditional circuit training.
Training that involves performing selected exercises or activities at a series of stations (typic
Latihan litar ialah salah satu daripada kaedah latihan yang selalu digunakan untuk
menguji kecergasan fizikal. Latihan ini telah diperkenalkan oleh R.E.Morgan dan
G.T.Adamson pada tahun 1953 di Universiti of Leeds, England.
Objektif latihan
1. Meningkatkan daya tahan otot
2. Meningkat dan melatih keupayaan anaerobik dan aerobik.
3. Meningkatkan kederasan, ketangkasan dan kelembutan
4. Membina daya tahan kardiovascular
1. Latihan berasaskan prinsip lebihan beban
2. Tidak memerlukan alatan dan ruang yang banyak
3. Jangka latihan singkat
4. Aktiviti boleh dipelbagaikan mengikut kesesuaian
5. Memberi kebebasan kepada individu berlatih mengikut kemampuannya
6. Keputusan cepat diperolehi.
Prinsip Latihan
1. Aktiviti yang dipilih bersesuaian dengan objektif
2. Kaedah perlakuan mestilah betul dan diselaraskan
3. Aktiviti disusun supaya tidak bebankan kumpulan otot yang sama
4. Peserta melakukan aktiviti secara berterusan
Langkah-langkah keselamatan
Sebelum menjalankan sebarang latihan kecergasan, perlulah diambil perhatian
supaya atlit kita sentiasa dalam keadaan selamat dan boleh menjalani aktiviti
secara berterusan.
1. Aktiviti tidak menyakitkan.
2. Pergerakan sendi hingga ke tahap maksima.
3. Alatan atau tempat latihan hendaklah selamat digunakan.
4. Pakaian sesuai.
5. Ulangan adalah munasabah dan dalam kemampuan peserta.
6. Intensiti yang terlalu berat akan mendatangkan masalah kepada pernafasan.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a form of conditioning which puts stress
mainly on the aerobic energy system due to the continuous nature of the exercise. The difference
between this type of training and continuous training is that the intensity or speed of the exercise
varies, meaning that aerobic and anaerobic systems can be put under stress. Most fartlek sessions
last a minimum of 45 minutes and can vary from aerobic walking to anaerobic sprinting. Fartlek
training is generally associated with running, but can include almost any kind of exercise.
• 1 Gösta Holmér
• 2 Fartlek sessions
• 3 Advantages of fartlek
o 3.1 Fitness benefits
• 4 Fartlek in American Culture
• 5 External links
One of the main reasons for the success of fartlek training is that it can be adapted to the needs of
the individual. Unlike continuous training, fartlek training can benefit participants of field games
such as football, field hockey, ultimate, lacrosse, and rugby, as it develops aerobic and anaerobic
capacities which are both used in these sports. To take this a step further, athletes can make the
most of the flexibility of fartlek training by mimicking the activities which would take place
during their chosen sport or event. It improves aerobic capacity.
Latihan Jeda
Latihan Jeda adalah satu kaedah latihan fizikal yang melibatkan
tekanan kerja yang berulang-ulang dan diselangi dengan masa
rehat yang mencukupi. Ia merupakan satu sistem latihan yang
diperkenalkan oleh Astrand dan diamalkan oleh Paavo Nurmi pada
tahun 1920. Latihan Jeda ini berbeza dari latihan-latihan fizikal
yang lain kerana terdapatnya masa rehat antara jeda kerja,
sedangkan kaedah latihan lain berterusan tanpa rehat di antara
ulangan kerja. Latihan ini dapat meningkatkan kapasiti anaerobik
atlit dan amat berfaedah untuk membina dan meningkatkan sistem
tenaga aerobik dan sistem anaerobik.
Objektif latihan
Rasional latihan
Prinsip latihan
i. kadar jarak dan jangkamasa kerja, ini ditentukan berdasarkan kadar nadi
latihan dan jarak set.
ii. masa rehat atau pemulihan
iii. jenis aktiviti masa rehat
iv. bilagan ulangan dan set setiap sesi latihan
v. kekerapan latihan
vi. tempuh latihan dijalankan
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