Latihan Jeda

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A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in

a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.

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5min Related Video: circuit training

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Circuit training is an intensive form of fitness training in which a group of exercises are
completed one after the other. Each exercise is performed for a specified number of repetitions or
for a prescribed time before you move on to the next exercise. Whether you are a swimmer,
cyclist, rower, racket player, or runner, circuit training will improve your mobility and stamina,
enabling you to move more powerfully.

Circuit training using weight machines improves aerobic fitness, flexibility, and strength. Each
machine in the circuit is designed to exercise a different group of muscles. Individuals move
from machine to machine completing a set of exercises, usually in a predetermined time.
Generally there are between 6-15 stations to complete in a time of 5-20 minutes. Aerobic benefit
is gained by moving swiftly between machines and completing the circuit as a continuous flow
of activity. This keeps the heart rate at a steady and fairly high level.

Circuits without weights or with free standing weights usually consist of eight to ten exercises
chosen from a large number of possible ones, such as pattering or running on the spot, press-ups,
abdominal curl-ups, free squats, squat thrusts, step ups, and arm curls (figure 22). Each session
should start with a warm-up and mobility exercises, and end with cool-down exercises. The
circuit should be designed so that the same muscle groups are not worked in consecutive stations.
In the following circuit each part of the body is worked twice:

1 total-body exercise: e.g. ski-jumps

2 upper-body exercise: e.g. press-ups
3 lower-body exercise: e.g. bench step-ups
4 trunk exercise: e.g. sit-ups
5 total-body exercise: e.g. squat thrusts
6 upper-body exercise: e.g. chin-ups
7 lower-body exercise: e.g. free squats
8 trunk exercise: e.g. back extensions.
A complete session (warm-up, stretching, circuits, and cool down) should take about one hour.
Generally, you should circuit train two to three times per week; circuit training should not be
performed on consecutive days.
Figure 22 A typical circuit

Circuit training is excellent for developing overall body strength and aerobic fitness. However, it
is essential that the correct weights, repetitions and positions are established to avoid injury and
to achieve all the fitness objectives. For serious athletes, the aim of the first training session is
usually to establish the maximum number of repetitions that can be completed for each exercise,
either to a point of exhaustion or in a given time. Each score is divided by three to determine the
training rate for the exercise. At subsequent training sessions the athlete performs three circuits
of all the exercises at the training rate. This rate can be adjusted as the athlete improves. Stage
training is a variation of circuit training. Individuals perform exercises in sets, repeating the same
exercise a number of times, before moving on to the next exercise. It tends to make more
demands on the lactic acid system than traditional circuit training.

Sports Science and Medicine: circuit training

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Training that involves performing selected exercises or activities at a series of stations (typic

Latihan litar ialah salah satu daripada kaedah latihan yang selalu digunakan untuk
menguji kecergasan fizikal. Latihan ini telah diperkenalkan oleh R.E.Morgan dan
G.T.Adamson pada tahun 1953 di Universiti of Leeds, England.

Latihan litar merupakan latihan yang melibatkan stesyen-stesyen tertentu dan

dilakukan dalam jangkamasa yang telah ditetapkan. Satu litar telah dilakukan jika
pelaku telah melakukan semua aktiviti. Latihan ini adalah latihan di mana peserta
melakukan beberapa aktiviti secara bersiri atau dalam satu litar. Jumlah aktiviti
yang dipilih adalah di antara 8 hingga 12 yang mana melibatkan otot-otot yang

Objektif latihan
1. Meningkatkan daya tahan otot
2. Meningkat dan melatih keupayaan anaerobik dan aerobik.
3. Meningkatkan kederasan, ketangkasan dan kelembutan
4. Membina daya tahan kardiovascular

1. Latihan berasaskan prinsip lebihan beban
2. Tidak memerlukan alatan dan ruang yang banyak
3. Jangka latihan singkat
4. Aktiviti boleh dipelbagaikan mengikut kesesuaian
5. Memberi kebebasan kepada individu berlatih mengikut kemampuannya
6. Keputusan cepat diperolehi.

Prinsip Latihan
1. Aktiviti yang dipilih bersesuaian dengan objektif
2. Kaedah perlakuan mestilah betul dan diselaraskan
3. Aktiviti disusun supaya tidak bebankan kumpulan otot yang sama
4. Peserta melakukan aktiviti secara berterusan

Aktiviti latihan litar (contoh)

1. Tekan tubi
2. Bangun tubi
3. Lari ulang alik
4. Burpee
5. Skipping
6. Lompat selang seli (alternate split jump)
7. Jack knife
8. Angkat kaki

Langkah-langkah keselamatan
Sebelum menjalankan sebarang latihan kecergasan, perlulah diambil perhatian
supaya atlit kita sentiasa dalam keadaan selamat dan boleh menjalani aktiviti
secara berterusan.
1. Aktiviti tidak menyakitkan.
2. Pergerakan sendi hingga ke tahap maksima.
3. Alatan atau tempat latihan hendaklah selamat digunakan.
4. Pakaian sesuai.
5. Ulangan adalah munasabah dan dalam kemampuan peserta.
6. Intensiti yang terlalu berat akan mendatangkan masalah kepada pernafasan.

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Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a form of conditioning which puts stress
mainly on the aerobic energy system due to the continuous nature of the exercise. The difference
between this type of training and continuous training is that the intensity or speed of the exercise
varies, meaning that aerobic and anaerobic systems can be put under stress. Most fartlek sessions
last a minimum of 45 minutes and can vary from aerobic walking to anaerobic sprinting. Fartlek
training is generally associated with running, but can include almost any kind of exercise.


• 1 Gösta Holmér
• 2 Fartlek sessions
• 3 Advantages of fartlek
o 3.1 Fitness benefits
• 4 Fartlek in American Culture

• 5 External links

[edit] Gösta Holmér

Fartlek training was developed in the 1930s by Swedish coach Gösta Holmér (1891–1983) and
has been adopted by many physiologists since. It was designed for the downtrodden Swedish
cross-country teams that had been thrashed throughout the 1920s by Paavo Nurmi and the Finns.
Holmér's plan used a faster-than-race pace and concentrated on both speed and endurance

[edit] Fartlek sessions

This is the first session that was designed by Gösta Holmér for a cross-country runner. This is
also an example of what a fartlek session might look like, but fartlek sessions should be designed
for an athlete's own event or sport, as well as catering to their individual needs. Sessions should
be at an intensity that causes the athlete to work at 60% to 80% of his or her maximum heart rate
(estimated at 220 minus age), as outlined by the Karvonen Method. This should mean that the
body will not experience too much discomfort while exercising. An athlete should also include a
good warmup at the beginning of the session, and a cool down at the end of the session, to
improve performance and to decrease the chances of injury and for other reasons.

• Warmup: easy running for 5 to 10 minutes.

• Steady, hard speed for 1.5–2 km; like a long repetition.
• Recovery: rapid walking for about 5 minutes.
• Start of speed work: easy running interspersed with sprints of about 50–60 m, repeated
until a little tired.
• Easy running with three or four "quick steps" now and then (simulating suddenly
speeding up to avoid being overtaken by another runner).
• Full speed uphill for 175–200 m.
• Fast pace for 1 minute.
• The whole routine is then repeated until the total time prescribed on the training schedule
has elapsed.

[edit] Advantages of fartlek

[edit] Fitness benefits

One of the main reasons for the success of fartlek training is that it can be adapted to the needs of
the individual. Unlike continuous training, fartlek training can benefit participants of field games
such as football, field hockey, ultimate, lacrosse, and rugby, as it develops aerobic and anaerobic
capacities which are both used in these sports. To take this a step further, athletes can make the
most of the flexibility of fartlek training by mimicking the activities which would take place
during their chosen sport or event. It improves aerobic capacity.

[edit] Fartlek in American Culture

Fartlek Hill in Quantico, Virginia, on the grounds of United States Marine Corps Officer
Candidates School, is named after Fartlek training, as the hill is the central part of Fartlek-type
physical training evolutions regularly throughout the training cycle.

[edit] External links

Latihan Jeda
Latihan Jeda adalah satu kaedah latihan fizikal yang melibatkan
tekanan kerja yang berulang-ulang dan diselangi dengan masa
rehat yang mencukupi. Ia merupakan satu sistem latihan yang
diperkenalkan oleh Astrand dan diamalkan oleh Paavo Nurmi pada
tahun 1920. Latihan Jeda ini berbeza dari latihan-latihan fizikal
yang lain kerana terdapatnya masa rehat antara jeda kerja,
sedangkan kaedah latihan lain berterusan tanpa rehat di antara
ulangan kerja. Latihan ini dapat meningkatkan kapasiti anaerobik
atlit dan amat berfaedah untuk membina dan meningkatkan sistem
tenaga aerobik dan sistem anaerobik.

Objektif latihan

i. Meningkatkan keupayaan anaerobik

ii. Meningkatkan dayatahan kardiovaskular jantung dan otot.
iii. Meningkatkan ketangkasan, kelajuan, kelembutan dan koordinasi

Rasional latihan

i. Dalam kebanyakan permainan, ia memerlukan keupayaan anaerobik dan

kaedah latihan ini amat sesuai dipraktikkan.
ii. Jangka masa kerja yang panjang dan ulangan yang banyak serta masa
pemulihan yang pendek akan memberikan kesan tekanan (stress) kepada
sistem pengangkutan oksigen, ini akan meningkatkan sistem tenaga
iii. Penetapan jangkamasa dan jenis aktiviti masa rehat yang sesuai akan dapat
mempertingkatkan proses glikolisis anaerobik dan menjadi lebih efisyen.
iv. Atlit berkeupayaan untuk melakukan kerja pada isipadu yang tinggi jika
ianya diselang selikan dengan masa rehat berbanding dengan perlakuan
yang berterusan.

Prinsip latihan

Kaedah latihan Jeda ini berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip di antara masa

dan masa rehat. Penggunaan lebihan beban digunakan dalam
menentukan intensiti kerja yang diberi berdasarkan kepada
angkubah-angkubah tertentu. Prinsip latihan hendaklah diberi
penekanan kepada perkara-perkara berikut:

i. kadar jarak dan jangkamasa kerja, ini ditentukan berdasarkan kadar nadi
latihan dan jarak set.
ii. masa rehat atau pemulihan
iii. jenis aktiviti masa rehat
iv. bilagan ulangan dan set setiap sesi latihan
v. kekerapan latihan
vi. tempuh latihan dijalankan

Contoh latihan Jeda permainan bola keranjang


KEMAHIRAN Menjaring Hantaran Mengelecek ‘Jump shot’

JEDA KERJA 12 jaringan/10s 15 balingan 10s 10 meter/15s 12 jaringan/10s

JEDA REHAT 30s 30s 45s 30s

AKTIVITI Kelonggaran sendi Kelonggaran sendi Berjalan Kelonggaran sendi


SET 3 3 2 3

REHAT 2 minit 2 minit 2 minit 2 minit


MASA LATIHAN Jumlah kesemua 4


Latihan Fartlek adalah aktiviti larian yang mempunyai pelbagai

kelajuan (speed-play) yang bermula di Sweden. Latihan ini
dikategorikan dalam latihan aerobik berterusan yang memberikan
peningkatan daya tahan sistem kardiovaskular. Boleh digunakan
sebagai latihan komplementari awal musim untuk membina sistem
tenaga aerobik dan anaerobik tetapi ia kurang ‘saintifik’. Dilakukan di
kawasan luar dengan permukaan tanah yang tinggi rendah. Ia juga
dianggap sebagai latihan jeda tidak rasmi yang memerlukan disiplin
kendiri yang tinggi. Intensiti latihan ditetapkan dari 60% ke 75%.
Kekerapan latihan boleh dilakukan sebanyak 3 hingga 5 kali seminggu
manakala untuk peningkatan linear bagi 10 – 11 minggu. Latihan
fartlek dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu latihan fartlek bebas
dan terkawal. Latihan fartlek bebas intensiti, masa, jarak dan aktiviti
ditentukan olet atlet sendiri. Bagi latihan fartlek terkawal bergantung
pada rangcangan latihan yang disedikan oleh jurulatih. Intensiti latihan
berdasarkan tahap kecergasan dan keupayaan atlet. Objektif utama
latihan adalah memberi penekanan kepada tempoh masa larian dan
bukannya kelajuan. Lebih lama masa larian lebih baik kesan kepada
sistem kardiovaskular.

a. Cadangan bagi contoh satu sesi latihan fartlek seperti berikut:

1. Memanaskan badan selama 5 hingga 10 minit.

2. Berlari pantas pada keadaan malar sejauh 1 hingga 1.5 km
3. Berjalan pantas selama 5 minit.
4. Berlari anak berselang-seli dengan larian pecut antara jarak 60
higga 70 meter sehigga mula terasa letih.
5. Berlari pantas selama 1 minit.
6. Larian anak beberapa pusingan sebagai pemulihan.

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