Application Note: Powerflex 753 Fault Codes 01 May 2018

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Application Note: PowerFlex 753 Fault Codes

Version 001
01 May 2018

PowerFlex 753 Fault Codes

If a FAULT has occurred, and you are at the TELEMETRY USER INTERFACE:


3. Address the condition that caused the FAULT.
See Table Below For List of Fault Codes and Descriptions.
The cause must be corrected before the fault can be cleared.
Corrective action may require a troubleshooting/repair visit to the VFD site.
4. After corrective action has been take, clear the fault by:
Modify Station Setpoints with a CHECKMARK in the setting:
5. To resume normal operation, turn all VFD’s back to AUTO via the TELEMETRY USER

If a FAULT has occurred, and you are at the KEYPAD:

1. See Table Below For List of Fault Codes and

2. Turn all VFD’s OFF via the TELEMETRY USER
INTERFACE or via Control Panel.
3. Press RESET_BUTTON on the KEYPAD to
acknowledge the FAULT.
The fault information will be removed so that you can
resume using the keypad.
4. Address the condition that caused the FAULT.
The cause must be corrected before the fault can be
5. After corrective action has been take, clear the fault
Press STOP at the KEYPAD
Cycle VFD Power (VFD shutdown may take up
to 1 minute to discharge capacitor energy).
6. To resume normal operation, turn all VFD’s back to
the Control Panel.

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Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Drive Fault and Alarm Table 10 contains a list of drive-specific faults and alarms and includes the
following information:
• The fault or alarm type
• The action that is taken when the drive faults
• The parameter that is used to configure the fault or alarm (if applicable)
• A description and action (where applicable)

The faults and alarms that are listed in Table 10 only apply to non-Integrated
Motion applications. See Table 39 on page 527 for a list of Integrated Motion

Table 10 - Drive Fault and Alarm Types, Descriptions, and Actions

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)
No. Action Parameter Reset
0 No Entry
2 Auxiliary Input Resettable Fault Coast 157 [DI Aux Fault] Y An auxiliary input interlock is open. A condition within the application
is not allowing the drive to energize the motor and the digital input
that is assigned in P157 [DI Aux Fault] has forced this fault.
3 Power Loss Configurable 449 [Power Loss Actn] Y The DC bus voltage remained below the [Pwr Loss n Level] of nominal
for longer than the time programmed in [Pwr Loss n Time].
4 UnderVoltage Configurable 460 [UnderVltg Action] Y If the bus voltage indicated in P11 [DC Bus Volts] falls below the value
set in P461 [UnderVltg Level] an undervoltage condition exists.
5 OverVoltage Resettable Fault Coast Y The DC bus voltage exceeded the maximum value.
See P11 [DC Bus Volts].
7 Motor Overload Configurable 410 [Motor OL Actn] Y An internal electronic overload trip has occurred.
See P7 [Output Current], P26 [Motor NP Amps, P413 [Mtr OL Factor],
and/or P414 [Mtr OL Hertz].
8 Heatsink OvrTemp Resettable Fault Coast Y The heatsink temperature has exceeded 100 % of the drive
Heatsink over temperature occurs between 115…120 °C. The exact
value is stored in drive firmware.
See P943 [Drive Temp Pct] and/or P944 [Drive Temp C].
9 Trnsistr OvrTemp Resettable Fault Coast Y The output transistors have exceeded the maximum operating
See P941 [IGBT Temp Pct] and/or P942 [IGBT Temp C].
If using the drive on a chiller plate, P38 [PWM Frequency] must be set
to 2 kHz.
10 DynBrake OvrTemp Alarm 1 The dynamic brake resistor has exceeded its maximum operating
Check settings of parameters P382 [DB Resistor Type] through P385
[DB ExtPulseWatts].
12 HW OverCurrent Resettable Fault Coast Y The drive output current has exceeded the hardware current limit.
Insulation Resistance (IR) test the wiring to motor.
13 Ground Fault Resettable Fault Coast Y A current path to earth ground greater than 25 % of drive rating has
14 Ground Warning Configurable 466 [Ground Warn Actn] The ground current has exceeded the level set in P467 [Ground Warn
15 Load Loss Configurable 441 [Load Loss Action] The output torque current is below the value programmed in P442
[Load Loss Level] for a time period greater than the time programmed
in P443 [Load Loss Time].

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
17 Input Phase Loss Configurable 462 [InPhase LossActn] The DC bus ripple has exceeded a preset level. Make these checks and
adjustments in this order.
• Check input impedance balance.
• Increase the setting of P463 [InPhase Loss Lvl] to make the drive
less sensitive.
• Tune the bus regulator or speed regulator to mitigate the effects of
dynamic cyclic loads on DC bus ripple.
• Disable the fault by setting P462 [InPhase LossActn] to 0 “Ignore”
and use an external phase loss detector such as a Bulletin 809S
18 Motor PTC Trip Configurable 250 [PTC Cfg] Motor PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) over temperature.
19 Task Overrun Alarm 1 System resource utilization is at or above 90 % of capacity. Review the
system resource allocation table on page 307.
20 TorqPrv Spd Band Resettable Fault Coast The difference between P2 [Commanded SpdRef] and P3 [Mtr Vel
Fdbk] has exceeded the level programmed in P1105 [Speed Dev
Band] for a time period greater than the time programmed in P1106
[SpdBand Intgrtr].
21 Output PhaseLoss Configurable 444 [OutPhaseLossActn] The current in one or more phases has been lost or remains below the
threshold set in P445 [Out PhaseLossLvl] for 1 second. Decreasing the
threshold makes the drive less sensitive to tripping. A deceased
threshold is necessary when the motor is smaller than the drive
If TorqProve™ is active, the current in one or more phases has been
lost or remains below a threshold for five msecs. The phases are
checked at start to be sure that torque is delivered to the load. If the
drive is faulting on start, increase P44 [Flux Up Time].
If TorqProve is active, and the brake is slipping, this fault occurs. When
TorqProve is used, before the signal to the brake is applied to release
it, the flux up time is used to check the three phases. The angle is
adjusted to be sure that current is flowing through all three phases. If
the motor moves during this test, the brake is not holding and a phase
loss can occur.
If TorqProve is active, and no brake is present, this fault occurs.
Check for an open output contactor.

ATTENTION: If a PM motor is used and motor

phase is lost, lower P445 [OutPhaseLossLvl]
to 0 if TorqProve is not used or the drive
output (motor) contacts are not used.
Otherwise, lower P445 [OutPhaseLossLvl]
until the drive is able to start and run without

24 Decel Inhibit Configurable 409 [Dec Inhibit Actn] The drive is not following a commanded deceleration because it is
attempting to limit the bus voltage.
For high inertia loads, set P621 [Slip RPM at FLA] to 0 (V/Hz and SVC
modes only).
25 OverSpeed Limit Resettable Fault Coast Y The motor operating speed exceeds the limit set by the maximum
speed setting P524 [Overspeed Limit]. For forward motor rotation,
this limit is P520 [Max Fwd Speed] + P524 [Overspeed Limit]. For
reverse motor rotation, this limit is P521 [Max Rev Speed] - P524
[Overspeed Limit]. When flux vector control modes are selected in P35
[Motor Ctrl Mode], P131 [Active Vel Fdbk] determines the motor
operating speed. For all other non-flux vector control modes, P1
[Output Frequency] determines the motor operating speed.

310 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
26 Brake Slipped Alarm 1 The encoder movement has exceeded the level in P1110 [Brk Slip
Count] after the brake was set and the brake slip maneuver is
controlling the drive. (Drive is active.) Cycle power to the drive to
Alarm 2 The encoder movement has exceeded the level in P1110 [Brk Slip
Count] after the brake was set and the brake slip maneuver is finished.
(Drive is stopped.) Cycle power to the drive to reset.
27 Torq Prove Cflct Alarm 2 When P1100 [Trq Prove Cfg] is enabled, these parameters must be
properly configured:
• P35 [Motor Ctrl Mode]
• P125 [Pri Vel Fdbk Sel] and P135 [Mtr Psn Fdbk Sel] must be set to
a valid feedback device. The feedback device does not have to be
the same device. However, Open Loop and Simulation Feedback
are not considered valid feedback devices.
If parameters 125 and 135 are set to a feedback module, verify
that the module parameters are set properly. On the module, the
feedback loss action CANNOT be set to 0 “Ignore.” Does not work in
PM FV mode. Does not work with single ended or channel A only
28 TP Encls Config Alarm 2 Encoderless TorqProve has been enabled but the application concerns
of encoderless operation have not read and understood. Read the
“Attention” on page 356 relating to the use of TorqProve with no
29 Analog In Loss Configurable 263 [Anlg In0 LssActn] Analog input has a lost signal.
33 AuRsts Exhausted Resettable Fault Coast 348 [Auto Rstrt Tries] The drive attempted to reset a fault and resume running for the
programmed number of tries, unsuccessfully.
35 IPM OverCurrent Resettable Fault Coast The current magnitude has exceeded the trip level set by P1640 [IPM
Max Cur]. Set this value to 0 only when the drive is set to the V/Hz or
SVC mode.
36 SW OverCurrent Resettable Fault Coast Y The drive output current has exceeded the 1 ms current rating. This
rating is greater than the 3 second current rating and less than the
hardware overcurrent fault level. It is typically 200…250% of the
drive continuous rating.
38 Phase U to Grnd Resettable Fault Coast A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and
39 Phase V to Grnd motor in this phase.
40 Phase W to Grnd Rotate U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 connections.
• If the problem follows the wire, suspect a field wiring problem.
• If no change, suspect a problem with the drive.
41 Phase UV Short Resettable Fault Coast Excessive current has been detected between these two output
42 Phase VW Short terminals.
43 Phase WU Short Rotate U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 connections.
• If the problem follows the wire, suspect a field wiring problem.
• If no change, suspect a problem with the drive.
44 Phase UNegToGrnd Resettable Fault Coast A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and
45 Phase VNegToGrnd motor in this phase.
46 Phase WNegToGrnd Rotate U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 connections.
• If the problem follows the wire, suspect a field wiring problem.
• If no change, suspect a problem with the drive.
48 System Defaulted Resettable Fault Coast The drive was commanded to write default values.
49 Drive Powerup – A Power Up Marker in the Fault Queue indicating that the drive power
51 Clr Fault Queue – Indication that the fault queue has been cleared.
55 Ctrl Bd Overtemp Resettable Fault Coast The temperature sensor on the main control board detected excessive
heat. See product temperature requirement.
58 Module Defaulted Resettable Fault Coast The module was commanded to write default values.
59 Invalid Code Resettable Fault Coast Internal error.
61 Shear Pin 1 Configurable 435 [Shear Pin 1 Actn] Y The programmed value in P436 [Shear Pin1 Level] has been exceeded.
62 Shear Pin 2 Configurable 438 [Shear Pin 2 Actn] Y The programmed value in P439 [Shear Pin2 Level] has been exceeded.

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
64 Drive OverLoad Alarm 1 Y P940 [Drive OL Count] has exceeded 50 % but is less than 100 %.
Resettable Fault Coast P940 [Drive OL Count] has exceeded 100 %. Reduce the mechanical
load on the drive.
Inverter fiber-optic connection is not detected on Frame 8 drive.
This fault can occur on power-up if the control detects that no inverter
is detected via the fiber-optic communication on a Frame 8 drive.
67 Pump Off Alarm 1 Pump Off condition has been detected.
71 Port 1 Adapter Resettable Fault Coast The DPI communications option has a fault.
72 Port 2 Adapter See device event queue.
73 Port 3 Adapter
74 Port 4 Adapter
75 Port 5 Adapter
76 Port 6 Adapter
77 IR Volts Range Alarm 2 The value for P73 [IR Voltage Drop], which is calculated from the
motor nameplate data, is not within the range of acceptable values,
as determined by the Calculated Autotune procedure.
Check the motor nameplate data against parameters P25 [Motor NP
Volts] through P30 [Motor NP Power].
Resettable Fault Coast The measured value for P73 [IR Voltage Drop] is not within the range
of acceptable values, as determined by the Static or Rotate Autotune
78 FluxAmpsRef Rang Alarm 2 The value for flux amps exceeds the value programmed in P26 [Motor
NP Amps], as calculated by the Autotune procedure.
Check motor nameplate data against parameters P25 [Motor NP
Volts] through P30 [Motor NP Power].
Resettable Fault Coast The value for flux amps exceeds the value programmed in P26 [Motor
NP Amps], as measured by the Static or Rotate Autotune procedure.
79 Excessive Load Resettable Fault Coast The motor did not come up to speed in the allotted time during
80 AutoTune Aborted Resettable Fault Coast The Autotune function was manually canceled or a fault occurred.
81 Port 1 DPI Loss Resettable Fault Coast 324 [Logic Mask] The DPI port stopped communicating.
82 Port 2 DPI Loss Check connections and drive grounding.
83 Port 3 DPI Loss
84 Port 4 DPI Loss
85 Port 5 DPI Loss
86 Port 6 DPI Loss
87 IXo VoltageRange Alarm 2 The default for P70 [Autotune] is 1 “Calculate” and the voltage that is
calculated for motor inductive impedance exceeds 25 % of the value
of P25 [Motor NP Volts].
Resettable Fault Coast P70 [Autotune] is set to 2 “Static Tune” or 3 “Rotate Tune” and the
voltage that is measured for motor inductive impedance exceeds 25
% of the value of P25 [Motor NP Volts].
91 Pri VelFdbk Loss Configurable Note: See option module A Feedback Loss has been detected for the source of P127 [Pri Vel
for configuration Feedback]. The feedback loss could be due to a problem detected by
parameter number the feedback option module selected by P125 [Pri Vel Fdbk Sel] or due
to a loss in communication between the feedback option module and
main control board. The source of primary velocity feedback must be
configured not to fault if the feedback loss switchover feature is used.
93 Hw Enable Check Resettable Fault Coast The hardware enable is disabled (a jumper is installed) but indicates
not enabled.
94 Alt VelFdbk Loss Configurable Note: See option module A Feedback Loss has been detected for the source of P128 [Alt Vel
for configuration Fdbk Sel]. The feedback loss could be due to a problem detected by
parameter number the feedback option module selected by P128 [Alt Vel Fdbk Sel], or
due to a loss in communication between the feedback option module
and main control board.

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Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
95 Aux VelFdbk Loss Configurable Note: See option module A Feedback Loss has been detected for the source of P132 [Aux Vel
for configuration Fdbk Sel]. The feedback loss could be due to a problem detected by
parameter number the feedback option module selected by P132 [Aux Vel Fdbk Sel], or
due to a loss in communication between the feedback option module
and main control board.
96 PositionFdbkLoss Configurable Note: See option module A Feedback Loss has been detected for the source of P847 [Psn Fdbk].
for configuration The feedback loss could be due to a problem detected by the feedback
parameter number option module selected by P135 [Mtr Psn Fdbk Sel], or due to a loss in
communication between the feedback option module and main
control board.
97 Auto Tach Switch Resettable Fault Coast 635 [Spd Options Ctrl] Indication that either of the two following conditions exists.
Bit 7 “Auto Tach SW” • Tach switch has occurred and alternate feedback device has failed.
• Tach switch has not occurred, Auto Tach Switch Option is enabled
and both primary and alternate devices have failed.
100 Parameter Chksum Resettable Fault Coast The checksum read from the non-volatile storage does not match the
checksum calculated. The data is set to the default value.
101 PwrDn NVS Blank Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
• Reset parameter defaults. See publication 20HIM-UM001 for
• Reload parameters.
• If problem persists, replace main control board.
Fault normally occurs after a flash update to correct F117 fault.
102 NVS Not Blank Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
103 PwrDn NVS Incomp Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
104 Pwr Brd Checksum Non-Reset Fault The checksum read from the non-volatile storage does not match the
checksum calculated. The data is set to the default value.
106 Incompat MCB-PB Non-Reset Fault Coast The main control board did not recognize the power structure. Flash
with newer Application revision.
107 Replaced MCB-PB Resettable Fault Coast The main control board was moved to another power structure. The
data is set to the default values.
108 Anlg Cal Chksum Non-Reset Fault Coast The checksum read from the analog calibration data does not match
the checksum calculated. Replace main control board.
110 Ivld Pwr Bd Data Non-Reset Fault Coast Power structure data invalid.
• Verify ribbon cable connection between the main control board
and the power interface board.
• Replace power interface board.
111 PwrBd Invalid ID Non-Reset Fault Coast Power structure ID invalid.
• Verify ribbon cable connection between the main control board
and the power interface board.
• Replace power interface board.
112 PwrBd App MinVer Resettable Fault Coast Power structure needs newer Application revision. Flash with newer
Application revision.
113 Tracking DataErr Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
115 PwrDn Table Full Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
116 PwrDnEntry2Large Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
117 PwrDn Data Chksm Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
118 PwrBd PwrDn Chks Resettable Fault Coast Internal data error.
124 App ID Changed Resettable Fault Coast Application Firmware changed. Verify Application revision.
125 Using Backup App Resettable Fault Coast Application did not flash correctly. Reflash.
134 Start On PowerUp Alarm 1 When P345 [Start At PowerUp] is enabled, an alarm is set for the time
programmed in P346 [PowerUp Delay].
137 Ext Prechrg Err Configurable 323 [Prchrg Err Cfg] The seal contact on the external precharge contactor has opened (as
signalled by P190 [DI Prchrg Seal]) while the drive was running (PWM
was active).

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
138 Precharge Open Resettable Fault Coast 321 [Prchrg Control] The internal precharge was commanded to open while the drive was
190 [DI Prchrg Seal] running (PWM was active). The internal fault latch is automatically
189 [DI Precharge] cleared when PWM is disabled.

141 Autn Enc Angle Resettable Fault Coast P78 [Encdrlss AngComp] is out of range.
142 Autn Spd Rstrct Resettable Fault Coast Frequency limit settings are preventing the drive from reaching a
suitable speed during an Inertia Tune test.
143 Autotune CurReg Resettable Fault Coast Calculated values for P96 [VCL Cur Reg Kp] and/or P97 [VCL Cur Reg
Ki] are out of range.
144 Autotune Inertia Resettable Fault Coast Results from the Inertia Tune test out of range for P76 [Total Inertia].
145 Autotune Travel Resettable Fault Coast When P77 [Inertia Test Lmt] is set, the Inertia Tune test was prevented
from reaching a suitable speed to run the test.
152 No Stop Source Resettable Fault Coast Last stop source has been removed.
155 Bipolar Conflict Alarm 2 P308 [Direction Mode] is set to 1 “Bipolar” or 2 “Rev Disable” and one
or more digital inputs is enabled for direction control.
157 DigIn Cfg B Alarm 2 Digital input conflict. Input functions that cannot exist
simultaneously have been selected (for example run and start).
Correct Digital Input configuration.
Digital Input combinations marked “•” cause an alarm.
DI Jog 2 Forward

DI Jog 1 Forward
DI Jog 2 Reverse

DI Jog 1 Reverse

DI Cur Lmt Stop

DI Run Forward
DI Stop Mode B

DI Fwd Reverse

DI Run Reverse
DI Manual Ctrl
DI Speed Sel 2
DI Speed Sel 1
DI Speed Sel 0

DI Clear Fault

DI Coast Stop
DI HOA Start

DI Aux Fault
DI Decel 2
DI Accel 2

DI Jog 2

DI Jog 1

DI Start

DI Stop
DI Run
DI Stop
DI Coast Stop
DI Cur Lmt Stop
DI Aux Fault • •
DI Clear Fault •
DI HOA Start • • • • • • • • • •
DI Start • • • • • • • • •
DI Run • • • • • • • •
DI Run Forward • • • • • •
DI Run Reverse • • • • • •
DI Jog 1 • • • • • •
DI Jog 1 Forward • • • • • •
DI Jog 1 Reverse • • • • • •
DI Jog 2 • • • • • •
DI Jog 2 Forward • • • • • •
DI Jog 2 Reverse • • • • • •
DI Fwd Reverse • • • • • •
DI Accel 2
DI Decel 2
DI Manual Ctrl
DI Speed Sel 0
DI Speed Sel 1
DI Speed Sel 2
DI Stop Mode B

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Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
158 DigIn Cfg C Alarm 2 Digital input conflict. Input functions that cannot be assigned to the
same digital input have been selected (for example run and stop).
Correct Digital Input configuration.
Digital Input combinations marked “•” cause an alarm.

DI Jog 2 Forward

DI Jog 1 Forward
DI Jog 2 Reverse

DI Jog 1 Reverse

DI Cur Lmt Stop

DI Run Forward
DI Stop Mode B

DI Fwd Reverse

DI Run Reverse
DI Manual Ctrl
DI Speed Sel 2
DI Speed Sel 1
DI Speed Sel 0

DI Clear Fault

DI Coast Stop
DI HOA Start

DI Aux Fault
DI Decel 2
DI Accel 2

DI Jog 2

DI Jog 1

DI Start

DI Stop
DI Run
DI Stop • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Coast Stop • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Cur Lmt Stop • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Aux Fault • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Clear Fault • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI HOA Start • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Start • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Run • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Run Forward • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Run Reverse • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Jog 1 • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Jog 1 Forward • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Jog 1 Reverse • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Jog 2 • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Jog 2 Forward • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Jog 2 Reverse • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Fwd Reverse • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Accel 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Decel 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Manual Ctrl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Speed Sel 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Speed Sel 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Speed Sel 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
DI Stop Mode B

161 Sleep Config Alarm 2 There is a Sleep/Wake configuration error. With Sleep Wake Mode =
Direct, possible causes include:
Drive is stopped and Wake Level < Sleep Level.
Stop=CF, Run, Run Fwd, or Run Rev is not configured in Digital Input
162 Waking Alarm 1 The Wake timer is counting toward a value that starts the drive.
168 HeatSinkUnderTmp Resettable Fault Heatsink temperature sensor is reporting a value below -18.7 °C (-
1.66 °F) or the sensor feedback circuit is open.
See P943 [Drive Temp Pct] and/or P944 [Drive Temp C].
169 PWM Freq Reduced Alarm 1 The PWM Frequency has been reduced from the value set in P38
[PWM Frequency] due to excessive IGBT junction temperatures.
See also P420 [Drive OL Mode].
170 CurLimit Reduced Alarm 1 The current limit value has been reduced from the value set in
[Current Limit n] due to excessive IGBT junction temperatures or P940
[Drive OL Count] = 95 %.
See also P420 [Drive OL Mode].

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
171 Adj Vltg Ref Alarm 1 Invalid adjustable-voltage reference selection conflict.
175 Travel Lim Cflct Non-Reset Fault Current Travel limits are in conflict. Both the forward and reverse travel limits
Limit indicate that they are simultaneously active.
Stop If digital limits (hardware signals) are in use, ensure that the
following forward and reverse digital input pairs are not both off
simultaneously: fwd/rev decel travel limit digital inputs and fwd/rev
end stop travel limit digital inputs. The travel limit digital inputs are
meant to be connected to normally closed switch contacts, so the
digital input status reads an off (0 = False) bit status when the
machine is on limit and the switch contact opens. A possible cause for
this condition is loss of common power to both the forward and
reverse travel limit switches.
If software travel limits are in use, check the state of the fwd/rev
travel limit bits in P1101 [Trq Prove Setup]. These bits read an on (1 =
Enabled) bit status when the machine is on limit. Bit 2 “Decel Fwd”
and Bit 4 “Decel Rev” should not be on simultaneously. Similarly, Bit 3
“End Stop Fwd” and Bit 5 “End Stop Rev” should not be on
177 Profiling Active Alarm 1 The Profile/Indexer is active.
178 Homing Active Alarm 1 The Homing function is active.
179 Home Not Set Alarm 1 The Home position was not set before profile operation.
181 Fwd End Limit Resettable Fault Current The selected digital input for one of the end limit switches, P196 [DI
Limit Fwd End Limit] or P198 [DI Rev End Limit], has detected a falling edge
Stop and P313 [Actv SpTqPs Mode] is not set to 1 “Speed Reg.”
If digital limits (hardware signals) are in use, ensure that the digital
inputs are connected to normally closed contacts. When the end limit
is reached the contacts open.
182 Rev End Limit Resettable Fault Current The selected digital input for one of the end limit switches, P196 [DI
Limit Fwd End Limit] or P198 [DI Rev End Limit], has detected a falling edge
Stop and P313 [Actv SpTqPs Mode] is not set to 1 “Speed Reg.”
If digital limits (hardware signals) are in use, ensure that the digital
inputs are connected to normally closed contacts. When the end limit
is reached the contacts open.
185 Freq Conflict Alarm 2 Indicates that the values of P520 [Max Fwd Speed] and P521 [Max
Rev Speed] are in conflict with the value of P63 [Break Frequency].
186 VHz Neg Slope Alarm 2 Indicates that the V/Hz curve segment resulted in a negative V/Hz
See P60 [Start Acc Boost] through P63 [Break Frequency].
187 VHz Boost Limit Alarm 2 Indication that one of the two following conditions exists.
• P60 [Start/Acc Boost] and P61 [Run Boost] are greater than P25
[Motor NP Volts] x 0.25 when P65 [VHz Curve] = 0 “Custom V/Hz.”
• P61 [Run Boost] is greater than P25 [Motor NP Volts] x 0.25 when
P65 [VHz Curve] = 1 “Fan/Pump.”
190 PM FV Pri Fdbk Alarm 2 Indicates a control mode and primary-feedback device configuration
error. P35 [Motor Ctrl Mode] is set to the permanent magnet flux
vector “PM FV” control mode, P125 [Pri Vel Fdbk Sel] is set to P137
[Open Loop Fdbk] (port 0).
191 PM FV Alt Fdbk Alarm 2 Indicates a control mode and alternate-feedback device configuration
error. P35 [Motor Ctrl Mode] is set to the permanent magnet flux
vector “PM FV” control mode, P635 [Spd Options Ctrl] is set to bit 7
“Auto Tach SW,” P128 [Alt Vel Fdbk Sel] is set to P137 [Open Loop
Fdbk] (port 0).
192 Fwd Spd Lim Cfg Alarm 2 The forward speed reference is out of range.
Verify the settings of P38 [PWM Frequency] and P520 [Max Fwd
Speed]. Lower carrier frequencies reduce the output frequency range.
Verify that P522 [Min Fwd Speed] is less than or equal to P520 [Max
Fwd Speed].

316 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
193 Rev Spd Lim Cfg Alarm 2 The reverse speed reference is out of range.
Verify the settings of P38 [PWM Frequency] and P521 [Max Rev
Speed]. Lower carrier frequencies reduce the output frequency range.
Verify that P523 [Min Rev Speed] is greater than or equal to P521
[Max Rev Speed].
194 PM Offset Conflict Alarm 2 Both P80 [PM Cfg] bit 0 “AutoOfstTest” and bit 2 “StaticTestEn” are set.
Select only one.
195 IPMSpdEstErr Resettable Fault Coast Speed Estimator failed to track High-Speed angle.
196 PM FS Cflct Alarm 2 Attempted to set P356 [FlyingStart Mode] to 2 “Sweep” with a
permanent magnet motor selected in P35 [Motor Ctrl Mode].
197 PM Offset Failed Resettable Fault Coast Indicates that the PM Offset test failed due to interruption of the test
before completion or the motor movement failed to reach the proper
amount of rotation during the test. The test is rescheduled when this
fault occurs. If failure occurred because of movement limitations,
increase the [PM OfstTst Cur]. If this solution fails to correct the
problem, the load on the motor maybe too large.
201 SpdReg DL Err Alarm 2 Attempted to establish a Datalink to P644 [Spd Err Flt BW], P645
[Speed Reg KP], or P647 [Speed Reg Ki] and P636 [Speed Reg BW] is
set to a value other than zero.
202 AltSpdReg DL Err Alarm 2 Attempted to establish a Datalink to P649 [Alt Speed Reg Kp], P650
[Alt Speed Reg Ki], or P651 AltSpdErr FltrBW] and P648 [Alt Speed
Reg BW] is set to a value other than zero.
203 Port 13 Adapter Resettable Fault Coast The embedded EtherNet/IP adapter has a fault. See EtherNet event
204 Port 14 Adapter Resettable Fault Coast The DeviceLogix adapter has a fault.
205 DPI TransportErr Alarm 1 A DPI Communication Error has occurred.
210 HW Enbl Jmpr Out Resettable Fault Coast A Safety Option module is present and ENABLE Jumper is removed.
Install the jumper. This fault occurs only on frames 1…7.
211 Safety Brd Fault Resettable Fault Coast A Safety option module has indicated a fault. Verify that ENABLE
Jumper is installed. Reset or power cycle drive.
Safe Speed Monitor (20-750-S1):
• See P67 [Fault Status] on page 298 for more information on the
fault statuses.
• See publication 750-RM001 for more information.
Safe Torque Off (20-750-S):
• If DC power drops below 17V DC “Not Enable” is indicated.
• If voltage drops below 11V DC the module faults.
• See publication 750-UM002 for more information.
ATEX (20-750-ATEX):
• Possible hardware damage.
• The motor to the thermal sensor is shorted.
• Excessive EMC noise due to improper grounding/shielding.
• See publication 750-UM003 for more information.
212 Safety Jmpr Out Resettable Fault Coast SAFETY Jumper is not installed and a Safety option module is not
present. Install the jumper.
213 Safety Jumper In Resettable Fault Coast SAFETY Jumper is installed and a Safety option module is present.
Remove the jumper.
214 SafetyPortCnflct Alarm 2 Allowable number of safety options exceeded. Only one safety option
module can be installed at a time.

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
224 Port 4 Comm Loss Resettable Fault Coast The device at the port has stopped communicating with the main
225 Port 5 Comm Loss control board.
226 Port 6 Comm Loss Verify that the device is present and functional.
227 Port 7 Comm Loss Verify network connections.
228 Port 8 Comm Loss Verify options that are installed in ports 4…8 are seated in the port
229 Port 9 Comm Loss and secured with mounting screws.
230 Port10 Comm Loss
231 Port11 Comm Loss
232 Port12 Comm Loss
233 Port13 Comm Loss
234 Port14 Comm Loss
244 Port 4 Cfg Alarm 2 The main control board does not have the correct option in the port.
245 Port 5 Cfg Option may not be compatible with product or MCB firmware must be
246 Port 6 Cfg updated to support it. Option may have to be moved or removed,
247 Port 7 Cfg accept option configuration change.
248 Port 8 Cfg
249 Port 9 Cfg
250 Port 10 Cfg
251 Port 11 Cfg
252 Port 12 Cfg
253 Port 13 Cfg
254 Port 14 Cfg
264 Port 4 Checksum Resettable Fault Coast An option module storage checksum failed.
265 Port 5 Checksum Option data has been set to default values.
266 Port 6 Checksum
267 Port 7 Checksum
268 Port 8 Checksum
269 Port 9 Checksum
270 Port10 Checksum
271 Port11 Checksum
272 Port12 Checksum
273 Port13 Checksum
274 Port14 Checksum
281 Enet Checksum Resettable Fault Coast EtherNet/IP storage checksum failed. Data set to default values.
282 DLX Checksum Resettable Fault Coast DeviceLogix storage checksum failed. Data set to default values.
290 Prev Maint Reset Alarm 1 Predictive maintenance function has reset an elapsed life parameter.
291 HSFan Life Configurable 493 [HSFan EventActn] Predictive maintenance function has reached the event level. Perform
292 InFan Life Configurable 500 [InFan EventActn]
293 MtrBrng Life Configurable 506 [MtrBrngEventActn]
294 MtrBrng Lube Configurable 510 [MtrLubeEventActn]
295 MachBrng Life Configurable 515 [MtrBrngEventActn]
296 MachBrng Lube Configurable 519 [MchLubeEventActn]
307 Port7InvalidCard Non-Reset Fault Coast Option not valid in that port. Remove option module.
308 Port8InvalidCard Non-Reset Fault Coast
310 Regeneration OK Resettable Fault Coast The drive has detected that the 'Regeneration OK' input has transition
to an ‘inactive’ state.
315 Excess Psn Err Configurable Configured with Logix The absolute maximum Position Error value has been exceeded.
318 OutCurShare PhU Alarm 1 There is output current sharing imbalance between parallel inverters
319 OutCurShare PhV in the phase indicated that is greater than 15 % of the inverter rated
320 OutCurShare PhW current.

318 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
322 N-1 Operation Alarm 1 20 (Port 10) Drive is operating with fewer inverters than the original parallel
[Recfg Acknowledg] configuration.
21 (Port 10)
[Effctv I Rating]
324 DC Bus Mismatch Non-Reset Fault Coast There is a bus voltage imbalance between parallel inverters that is
greater than 50V DC.
327 HS Temp Imbal U Alarm 1 There is a heatsink temperature imbalance between parallel inverters
328 HS Temp Imbal V in the phase indicated that is greater than 11.5 °C (52.7 °F).
329 HS Temp Imbal W
331 I1 Comm Loss Resettable Fault Coast A communications fault has occurred between the main control board
332 I2 Comm Loss and the power layer interface board on inverter n.
333 I3 Comm Loss
341 C1 Comm Loss Resettable Fault Coast A communications fault has occurred between the main control board
342 C2 Comm Loss and the converter gate board on converter n.
343 C3 Comm Loss
351 In Cur Share L1 Alarm 1 There is an input current sharing imbalance between parallel
352 In Cur Share L2 converters in the AC line indicated that is greater than 15 % of the
353 In Cur Share L3 converter rated current.

357 In Vlt Imbal L12 Alarm 1 There is an input line voltage imbalance between parallel converters
358 In Vlt Imbal L23 in the AC lines indicated that is greater than 5 % of the converter rated
359 In Vlt Imbal L31 voltage.

360 N-1 See Manual Resettable Fault Coast The number of active inverters has been reduced from the original
parallel configuration.
See N-1 and Re-Rate Functions on page 337.
361 Rerate See Manual Resettable Fault Coast The drive rating has changed from the original parallel configuration.
See N-1 and Re-Rate Functions on page 337.
362 Cnv/Inv Mismatch Alarm 2 There is a voltage class mismatch between the installed parallel
inverters and converters.
363 CBP/Inv Mismatch Alarm 2 There is a voltage class mismatch between the installed parallel
inverters and common DC bus precharge units.
364 CBP Num Mismatch Alarm 2 The number of active inverters and active common DC bus precharge
units does not match.
365 Zero Cnv/Prechrg Alarm 2 No converter or common DC bus precharge unit exists.
366 Cnv Num Mismatch Alarm 2 The number of active inverters and active converters does not match.
371 P1 Comm Loss Resettable Fault Coast A communications fault has occurred between the main control board
372 P2 Comm Loss and the DC precharge control board on the common DC bus precharge
unit n.
380 PWM FPGA Overrun Alarm 1 The time limit on the PWM write to the FPGA was exceeded.
900 900 Automatic Drive Coast Critical input exception.
Reset Contact technical support.
901 Machine Check Automatic Drive Coast Internal error.
Reset Replace the main control board.
902 Data Storage Error Automatic Drive Coast Cache memory corrupt.
Reset Replace the main control board.
903 Instruction Storage Error Automatic Drive Coast Cache memory corrupt.
Reset Replace the main control board.
905 Alignment Error Automatic Drive Coast Pointer is pointing to a non-boundary member.
Reset Obtain test points and check grounding.
906 Program Error Automatic Drive Coast Bad memory read.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
907 Floating Point Unit Not Automatic Drive Coast Firmware issue.
On Reset Obtain test points.
909 Aux Processor Not On Automatic Drive Coast Auxiliary processor interrupt.
Reset Contact technical support.
912 Watchdog Automatic Drive Coast The timer counted down, reached 0, and fault occurred.
Reset Replace the main control board.
913 Data TLB Error Automatic Drive Coast Processor attempted to access non-boundary memory.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.
914 Instruction TLB Error Automatic Drive Coast Processor attempted to access non-boundary memory.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.
916 FPGA Failed to Load Automatic Drive Coast MCB failed to load on powerup.
Reset Replace the main control board.
917 FPGA CRC Failure Resettable Fault Coast 964 [CRC Flt Cfg] Change fault configuration (753).
(753) 753 only Replace the main control board.
Disabled (755 LP)
Automatic Drive
Reset (755 HP)
918 Control Task Overrun Automatic Drive Coast Carrier frequency changes when passing through 7 Hz.
Reset In P40 [Mtr Option Cfg], set the PWM to 2 kHz or turn on the “PWM
FreqLock” Bit 9. Or flash the drive to 8.001.
919 System Task Overrun Automatic Drive Coast The control task not finished and being told to run again.
Reset If fault does not clear, replace the main control board.
920 5 mSec Task Overrun Automatic Drive Coast The control task not finished and being told to run again.
Reset If fault does not clear, replace the main control board.
921 Control Task Stall Automatic Drive Coast Control task stalled.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.
922 System Task Stall Automatic Drive Coast System task stalled.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.
923 5 mSec Task Stall Automatic Drive Coast 5 msec task stalled.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.
924 Background Task Stall Automatic Drive Coast Background task stalled.
Reset Check grounding or replace the main control board.
925 Stack Overflow Automatic Drive Coast Firmware overflow.
Reset Obtain test points.
926 Ethernet Error Automatic Drive Coast Ethernet error.
Reset Contact technical support.
927 CIP Motion Error Automatic Drive Coast Integrated motion error.
Reset Contact technical support.
14037 Net IO Timeout Configurable 52 [DLX Prog Cond] DeviceLogix has been disabled.

IMPORTANT A module installed in a port generate fault and alarm event numbers 3000…13999. See Fault and Alarm Display Codes on
page 308 for an explanation. For event numbers that fall from 13000 to 13999, refer to the PowerFlex 755 Drive Embedded
EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual, publication 750COM-UM001 for descriptions.

320 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Table 11 - Drive Fault and Alarm Cross Reference By Name

Fault/Alarm Text Number Fault/Alarm Text Number
Adj Vltg Ref 171 Fwd Spd Lim Cfg 192
Alt VelFdbk Loss 94 Ground Fault 13
AltSpdReg DL Err 202 Ground Warning 14
Analog In Loss 29 Heatsink OvrTemp 8
Anlg Cal Chksum 108 HeatSinkUnderTmp 168
App ID Changed 124 Home Not Set 179
AuRsts Exhausted 33 Homing Active 178
Autn Enc Angle 141 HS Temp Imbal U 327
Autn Spd Rstrct 142 HS Temp Imbal V 328
Auto Tach Switch 97 HS Temp Imbal W 329
AutoTune Aborted 80 HSFan Life 291
Autotune CurReg 143 Hw Enable Check 93
Autotune Inertia 144 HW Enbl Jmpr Out 210
Autotune Travel 145 HW OverCurrent 12
Aux VelFdbk Loss 95 I1 Comm Loss 331
Auxiliary Input 2 I2 Comm Loss 332
Bipolar Conflict 155 In Cur Share L1 351
Brake Slipped 26 In Cur Share L2 352
C1 Comm Loss 341 In Cur Share L3 353
C2 Comm Loss 342 In Vlt Imbal L12 357
CBP Num Mismatch 364 In Vlt Imbal L23 358
CBP/Inv Mismatch 363 In Vlt Imbal L31 359
Clr Fault Queue 51 Incompat MCB-PB 106
Cnv Num Mismatch 366 InFan Life 292
Cnv/Inv Mismatch 362 Input Phase Loss 17
Comm Loss Net 280 Invalid Code 59
Ctrl Bd Overtemp 55 IPM OverCurrent 35
CurLimit Reduced 170 IPMSpdEstErr 195
DC Bus Mismatch 324 IR Volts Range 77
Decel Inhibit 24 Ivld Pwr Bd Data 110
DigIn Cfg B 157 IXo VoltageRange 87
DigIn Cfg C 158 Load Loss 15
DLX Checksum 282 MachBrng Life 295
DPI TransportErr 205 MachBrng Lube 296
Drive OverLoad 64 Module Defaulted 58
Drive Powerup 49 Motor Overload 7
DynBrake OvrTemp 10 Motor PTC Trip 18
Enet Checksum 281 MtrBrng Life 293
Excess Psn Err 315 MtrBrng Lube 294
Excessive Load 79 N-1 Operation 322
Ext Prechrg Err 137 N-1 See Manual 360
FluxAmpsRef Rang 78 Net IO Timeout 14037
Freq Conflict 185 No Stop Source 152
Fwd End Limit 181 NVS Not Blank 102

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Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Fault/Alarm Text Number Fault/Alarm Text Number

OutCurShare PhU 318 Port 5 Checksum 265
OutCurShare PhV 319 Port 5 Comm Loss 225
OutCurShare PhW 320 Port 5 DPI Loss 85
Output PhaseLoss 21 Port 6 Adapter 76
OverSpeed Limit 25 Port 6 Cfg 246
OverVoltage 5 Port 6 Checksum 266
P1 Comm Loss 371 Port 6 Comm Loss 226
P2 Comm Loss 372 Port 6 DPI Loss 86
Parameter Chksum 100 Port 7 Cfg 247
Phase U to Grnd 38 Port 7 Checksum 267
Phase UNegToGrnd 44 Port 7 Comm Loss 227
Phase UV Short 41 Port 8 Cfg 248
Phase V to Grnd 39 Port 8 Checksum 268
Phase VNegToGrnd 45 Port 8 Comm Loss 228
Phase VW Short 42 Port 9 Cfg 249
Phase W to Grnd 40 Port 9 Checksum 269
Phase WNegToGrnd 46 Port 9 Comm Loss 229
Phase WU Short 43 Port10 Checksum 270
PM FS Cflct 196 Port10 Comm Loss 230
PM FV Alt Fdbk 191 Port11 Checksum 271
PM FV Pri Fdbk 190 Port11 Comm Loss 231
PM Offset Conflict 194 Port12 Checksum 272
PM Offset Failed 197 Port12 Comm Loss 232
Port 1 Adapter 71 Port13 Checksum 273
Port 1 DPI Loss 81 Port13 Comm Loss 233
Port 10 Cfg 250 Port14 Checksum 274
Port 11 Cfg 251 Port14 Comm Loss 234
Port 12 Cfg 252 Port7InvalidCard 307
Port 13 Adapter 203 Port8InvalidCard 308
Port 13 Cfg 253 PositionFdbkLoss 96
Port 14 Adapter 204 Power Loss 3
Port 14 Cfg 254 Precharge Open 138
Port 2 Adapter 72 Prev Maint Reset 290
Port 2 DPI Loss 82 Pri VelFdbk Loss 91
Port 3 Adapter 73 Profiling Active 177
Port 3 DPI Loss 83 Pump Off 67
Port 4 Adapter 74 PWM FPGA Overrun 380
Port 4 Cfg 244 PWM Freq Reduced 169
Port 4 Checksum 264 Pwr Brd Checksum 104
Port 4 Comm Loss 224 PwrBd App MinVer 112
Port 4 DPI Loss 84 PwrBd Invalid ID 111
Port 5 Adapter 75 PwrBd PwrDn Chks 118
Port 5 Cfg 245 PwrDn Data Chksm 117

322 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Fault/Alarm Text Number Fault/Alarm Text Number

PwrDn NVS Blank 101 Start On PowerUp 134
PwrDn NVS Incomp 103 SW OverCurrent 36
PwrDn Table Full 115 System Defaulted 48
PwrDnEntry2Large 116 Task Overrun 19
Regeneration OK 310 Torq Prove Cflct 27
Replaced MCB-PB 107 TorqPrv Spd Band 20
Rerate See Manual 361 TP Encls Config 28
Rev End Limit 182 Tracking DataErr 113
Rev Spd Lim Cfg 193 Travel Lim Cflct 175
Safety Brd Fault 211 Trnsistr OvrTemp 9
Safety Jmpr Out 212 UnderVoltage 4
Safety Jumper In 213 Using Backup App 125
SafetyPortCnflct 214 VHz Boost Limit 187
Shear Pin 1 61 VHz Neg Slope 186
Shear Pin 2 62 Waking 162
Sleep Config 161 Zero Cnv/Prechrg 365
SpdReg DL Err 201

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 323

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Inverter (Port 10) Faults and Table 12 contains a list of Inverter-specific faults and alarms, the type of fault or
alarm, the action that is taken when the drive faults, the parameter that is used to
Alarms (Frame 8 and Larger) configure the fault or alarm (if applicable), and a description and action (where
applicable). These faults and alarms only apply to Frame 8 drives and larger.

Table 12 - Inverter Fault and Alarm Types, Descriptions, and Actions

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)
No. Action Parameter Reset
10101 I1 Comm Loss Non-Reset Coast Indicates that the communication connection from the fiber optic
10201 I2 Comm Loss Fault interface board to the power layer interface board has been lost. Once
10301 I3 Comm Loss the root cause of the communication fault has been resolved, power
must be cycled or a drive reset must be initiated to clear this fault.
• Verify the status of the Fiber Loss pin segment of the power-layer
interface board LED.

ATTENTION: Hazard of permanent eye damage

exists when using optical transmission
equipment. This product emits intense light and
invisible radiation. Do not look into fiber-optic
ports or fiber-optic cable connectors. Remove
power from the drive before disconnecting fiber
optic cables.

• Verify that the fiber optic cables are properly connected to the
• Verify that the transceivers are properly seated in the ports.
• Verify that the fiber optic cable is not cracked or broken.
• Verify that power is applied to the fiber optic interface board and
power layer interface board.
10102 I1 Thermal Const Non-Reset Coast The thermal model data sent to the power layer interface board is
10202 I2 Thermal Const Fault incorrect.
10302 I3 Thermal Const • Verify that the inverter is the correct rating for the drive.
• Compare the firmware revisions of the power layer interface and
control board for compatibility.
• If necessary, reflash the application firmware in control board.
10103 I1 HSFan Slow Alarm 1 The inverter heatsink fan is running below normal operating speed.
10203 I2 HSFan Slow • Verify the actual fan speed in [In HSFan Speed] (Port 10).
10303 I3 HSFan Slow • Check for debris in the fan. If necessary, clean the fan and housing.
• Check for noise at the fan, indicating motor bearing failure.
• Verify that the fan power and feedback connections are not loose or
• Replace the fan, if necessary.

324 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
10104 I1 Overcurr UPos Resettable Coast Y An instantaneous overcurrent (IOC) has occurred in the U, V, or W phase,
10204 I2 Overcurr UPos Fault positive or negative leg.
10304 I3 Overcurr UPos • Reduce the mechanical load.
• Check the motor and connections.
10105 I1 Overcurr UNeg • With motor disconnected, run the drive in open loop, in V/Hz mode
10205 I2 Overcurr UNeg and check for sufficient output phase-to-phase voltages. If an IOC
10305 I3 Overcurr UNeg occurs immediately after restarting the drive, check the appropriate
current sensor.
10106 I1 Overcurr VPos • Check the power and signal connections to the gate driver board for
10206 I2 Overcurr VPos the phase that is identified, or replace it. The IGBT could also have
10306 I3 Overcurr VPos failed open (and the opposite leg is receiving excess current).
10107 I1 Overcurr VNeg
10207 I2 Overcurr VNeg
10307 I3 Overcurr VNeg
10108 I1 Overcurr WPos
10208 I2 Overcurr WPos
10308 I3 Overcurr WPos
10109 I1 Overcurr WNeg
10209 I2 Overcurr WNeg
10309 I3 Overcurr WNeg
10110 I1 Bus Overvolt Resettable Coast Y The DC bus has exceeded the maximum value.
10210 I2 Bus Overvolt Fault • Verify the correct voltage on the AC input line.
10310 I3 Bus Overvolt • Reduce the mechanical load and/or rate of deceleration.
• Compare the DC bus voltage displayed in [In DC Bus Volt] (port 10), in
[Cn DC Bus Volt] (port 11), and with a meter using the DC+ and DC-
test points at the top of the inverter. If the measurements do not
match, the components that are used for DC bus voltage feedback
sensing can be damaged or incorrect. Replace the power supply,
power control, and power-layer interface circuit boards.
10111 I1 Ground Fault Resettable Coast Y A current path to earth ground greater than 25 % of drive rating has
10211 I2 Ground Fault Fault occurred.
10311 I3 Ground Fault • Perform a Megger or surge test on a disconnected motor. Replace the
motor, if necessary.
• Check the output phase current displayed in [In U Phase Curr], [In V
Phase Curr], and [In W Phase Curr] (port 10) for an imbalance. [In
Gnd Current] (port 10) is the calculated (not measured) ground
current based on the phase currents.
• If the ground fault happens immediately when the drive is started,
view the values of the output phase current parameters (noted in the
second bullet) when running the drive with a light load or perform a
trending analysis.
• Reseat the rating plug and current transducer wiring harness.
10112 I1 IGBT OvrTemp Resettable Coast Y An IGBT over temperature has been detected. This power layer interface
10212 I2 IGBT OvrTemp Fault board calculated this value based on the NTC temperature plus a rise
10312 I3 IGBT OvrTemp based on recent currents through the inverter.
• Check the NTC temperature that is displayed in [In Heatsink Temp]
(port 10) and verify that it is not near the limit. If this value is near
the limit, check for cooling problems caused by a blocked or slow
heatsink fan.
• Check the output phase current displayed in [In U Phase Curr], [In V
Phase Curr], and [In W Phase Curr] (port 10) for an imbalance.
• Check for high-current operation at low speeds, since nearly all
current goes through one IGBT in this case.
• Replace the power layer interface board.
10113 I1 HS OvrTemp Resettable Coast Y A heatsink over temperature has occurred in inverter 1.
10213 I2 HS OvrTemp Fault • Verify that the NTC is not disconnected or shorted.
10313 I3 HS OvrTemp • Check for cooling problems - the heatsink cooling fan is running
slow, the enclosure filter or heatsink fins are dirty, or the ambient
temperature is too high.
• Check the NTC resistance with a meter. If the resistance is correct,
replace the power layer interface board.

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 325

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
10114 I1 Main PS Low Resettable Coast The main power supply is producing a low voltage. The inverter power
10214 I2 Main PS Low Fault board provides +/- 24V for the stirring fans, LEMs, and floating supply
10314 I3 Main PS Low for the gate driver boards. This fault can occur during a power-down
• If this fault occurs when the drive is started, check the stirring fans
for a short.
• Disconnect the individual loads that are powered by this board and
look for a short or excessive current.
• Replace the inverter power supply board.
10115 I1 IPwrIF PS Low Resettable Coast The local power supply is producing a low voltage. The inverter power
10215 I2 IPwrIF PS Low Fault supply board generates +/-12V from the system power supply and
10315 I3 IPwrIF PS Low provides power to the power control and power layer interface (PLI)
• Check for a short on the power layer interface or backplane board
and replace as necessary.
• If no short is present on the power layer interface or backplane
board, replace the inverter power board.
10116 I1 Sys PS Low Alarm 1 A system power supply under voltage has occurred.
10216 I2 Sys PS Low • Using a meter, check for 24V on the inverter power supply board.
10316 I3 Sys PS Low Replace the board if necessary.
10117 I1 SysPS Overcur Resettable Coast A system power supply over current has occurred. This fault can occur
10217 I2 SysPS Overcur Fault during a power-down sequence.
10317 I3 SysPS Overcur • Check the wiring harness from the inverter power supply board to
the converter gate firing board and control pod for shorts/reversals.
• Check for a short on incoming power to the converter gate firing
board or fiber interface board.
• Disconnect P6 on the inverter power board to remove the load from
this power supply. If the breaker remains tripped, replace the
inverter power supply board.
10118 I1 HSFan PS Low Alarm 1 A heatsink fan power-supply undervoltage has occurred.
10218 I2 HSFan PS Low • Check for 230V supply on the inverter power supply board at
10318 I3 HSFan PS Low connector P6. If there is voltage, replace the inverter power supply
• If there is no voltage, check the control power transformer, its
primary and secondary fuses, and wiring harness.
10119 I1 CT Harness Non-Reset Coast The drive has detected a connection loss to a current transducer.
10219 I2 CT Harness Fault • Verify that the current transducer wiring harness is connected to J22,
10319 I3 CT Harness J23, and J24 on the power interface board.
10120 I1 PLI OvrTemp Resettable Coast Y The power-layer interface circuit board is over temperature.
10220 I2 PLI OvrTemp Fault • Verify that the ambient temperature is not too high.
10320 I3 PLI OvrTemp • Verify that the stirring fans are operational.
• Check the temperature sensor test point on the power layer interface
board to verify that the output is within range. If necessary, replace
the power layer interface board.
10121 I1 PSBrd OvrTemp Resettable Coast Y The power supply board is over temperature.
10221 I2 PSBrd OvrTemp Fault • Verify that the ambient temperature is not too high.
10321 I3 PSBrd OvrTemp • Verify that the stirring fans are operational.
• Check the temperature sensor test point on the power layer interface
board to verify that the output is within range. The temperature
sensor is on the inverter power supply board but the A/D processing
is on the power layer interface board. If necessary, replace the
inverter power supply board. If this problem persists after replacing
the inverter power supply board, replace the power layer interface

326 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
10122 I1 InFan1 Slow Alarm 1 / Stirring fan 1 is under speed.
10222 I2 InFan1 Slow Resettable • Visually verify that fan 1 is turning.
10322 I3 InFan1 Slow Fault • Check the measured fan speed displayed in [In InFan n Speed] (port
10123 I1 InFan2 Slow • Check the wiring harness to the stirring fans to verify that the power
10223 I2 InFan2 Slow and tachometer signals are connected.
10323 I3 InFan2 Slow • If necessary, replace both stirring fans. When the fans are replaced,
the elapsed hours, displayed in [In PredMainReset] (port 10) must be
10124 I1 NTC Open Non-Reset Coast An NTC open condition has occurred.
10224 I2 NTC Open Fault • Check the ribbon cable that runs between the backplane board and
10324 I3 NTC Open gate driver board for loose connections or damage. The capacitor
bank must be removed to check this cable.
• If the drive is located in cold conditions, raise the ambient
• Check the power-layer interface board testpoints for the individual
phase NTC temperatures to determine which is open.
• Reseat the power layer interface board. If this problem persists,
replace the power layer interface board.
10125 I1 Incompat UBrd Non-Reset Coast The power layer interface and power control board do not detect the
10225 I2 Incompat UBrd Fault correct gate driver board on the U, V, or W phase. This fault can occur
10325 I3 Incompat UBrd during a power-down sequence.
• Check the ribbon cable that runs between the backplane board and
10126 I1 Incompat VBrd gate driver board for loose connections or damage and verify that the
10226 I2 Incompat VBrd correct gate driver board is installed. The capacitor bank must be
10326 I3 Incompat VBrd removed to check this cable and the board.
• Reflash the control board.
10127 I1 Incompat WBrd • Check the rating plug.
10227 I2 Incompat WBrd
10327 I3 Incompat WBrd
10128 I1 Incompat Brdn Non-Reset Coast The drive detected an incompatible burden resistor.
10228 I2 Incompat Brdn Fault • Verify that the correct rating plug is installed. Reseat the rating plug.
10328 I3 Incompat Brdn
10129 I1 DC Bus Imbal Resettable Coast Either the lower or upper leg of the capacitor bank is getting too much
10229 I2 DC Bus Imbal Fault voltage (based on the bus voltage, measured voltage across the lower
10329 I3 DC Bus Imbal leg, and a calculation to find the voltage across the upper leg) or the
voltage sensing components are damaged.
• Check the value of the bus bleeder resistor and bus balancing resistor
and replace as necessary.
• Inspect the capacitor bank for leakage or damage and replace as
necessary. Replacing the capacitor bank assembly also replaces the
bus balancing resistor.

ATTENTION: The DC bus voltage can only be

measured when the drive is energized. Servicing
energized equipment can be hazardous. Severe
injury or death can result from electrical shock,
burn, or unintended actuation of controlled
equipment. Follow Safety related practices of
WORKPLACES. DO NOT work alone on energized

• Measure the voltage on each half of the bus to confirm the

calculations. If the bus measurements aren’t correct, replace the
power interface board and/or inverter power supply board.
10130 I1 Curr Offset Alarm 1 The calculated current offset for any phase is larger than expected.
10230 I2 Curr Offset • Check the current sensor offset reading inverter testpoint and power
10330 I3 Curr Offset supply. If necessary, replace the current sensor.
• If this problem persists, replace the inverter power supply board and/
or the power layer interface board.

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 327

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
10131 I1 Fault Q Full Resettable Coast The fault queue is full. There are at least three other faults in the queue.
10231 I2 Fault Q Full Fault Troubleshooting and clearing the existing faults makes room for
10331 I3 Fault Q Full additional faults in the queue (if any).
This fault can occur during a power-down sequence.
10132 I1 Incompat PS Resettable Coast The drive has detected an incompatible power supply for the drive AC
10232 I2 Incompat PS Fault input rating.
10332 I3 Incompat PS • Check the power supply and replace it if incorrect.
• If the power supply is correct, reflash the control board.
• If this problem persists, replace the inverter power supply board or
power layer interface board.
10134 I1 UBrd Fault Resettable Coast The power supply on the U, V, or W phase gate driver board has failed.
10234 I2 UBrd Fault Fault • If this fault occurred on this phase only, replace the appropriate gate
10334 I3 UBrd Fault driver board.
• If this fault occurred on all three phases, check the 24V power supply
10135 I1 VBrd Fault on the inverter power supply board that feeds the gate driver boards
10235 I2 VBrd Fault and replace the inverter power supply board if necessary.
10335 I3 VBrd Fault
10136 I1 WBrd Fault
10236 I2 WBrd Fault
10336 I3 WBrd Fault
10137 I1 Flash Failed Resettable Coast This fault will be asserted if an attempt to flash the FPGA configuration
10237 I2 Flash Failed Fault device fails.
10337 I3 Flash Failed
10138 I1 Powering Down Resettable Coast This fault will be asserted at 80% of the rated DC bus voltage.
10238 I2 Powering Down Fault
10338 I3 Powering Down

328 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Converter (Port 11) Faults Table 13 contains a list of Converter-specific faults and alarms, the type of fault
or alarm, the action that is taken when the drive faults, the parameter that is used
and Alarms (Frame 8 and to configure the fault or alarm (if applicable), and a description and action (where
Larger) applicable). These faults and alarms only apply to Frame 8 drives and larger.

Table 13 - Converter Fault and Alarm Types, Descriptions, and Actions

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)
No. Action Parameter Reset
11101 C1 Precharge Alarm 1 1. The AC line voltage is in the range of 50...300V (for 400V class drives)
11201 C2 Precharge or 50...400V (for 600V class drives). Precharge begins when the AC
Non-Reset Coast line voltage reaches 300V or 400V.
11301 C3 Precharge Fault 2. The drive has been in precharge for more than 12 seconds. If the “Cn
Precharge” alarm persists for more than 30 seconds the drive will
fault. Following powerup or a fault reset, the converter does not
issue any voltage-related alarms until the AC input voltage exceeds
50V to prevent an alarm when a customer-supplied auxiliary power
supply is used.
3. The DC bus open circuit test can be cycling. If this test cycles for more
than 10 seconds, event 144/244 “Cn DC Bus Open” occurs.
• Check the line voltage displayed in [Cn L12 Line Volt], [Cn L23 Line
Volt], and [CV L31 Line Volt] (port 11).
• Check the phase current displayed in [Cn L1 Phase Curr], [Cn L2 Phase
Curr], and [Cn L3 Phase Curr] (port 11) and the bus voltage in [Cn DC
Bus Volt] (port 11). Line current, line voltage, and bus voltage
sensing are all performed on the converter gate firing board. If this
alarm persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
• Verify that the current transducers have not all failed. If necessary,
replace all three current transducers.
• Verify that the DC link inductor has not failed. If necessary, replace
the DC link choke.
• Verify that the converter line and DC bus wiring is connected.
• Verify that the capacitor bank is properly installed and connected.
11102 C1 Phase Loss L1 Alarm 1 The AC line-to-line voltages are imbalanced, indicating an open AC
11202 C2 Phase Loss L1 input phase.
11302 C3 Phase Loss L1 • Check for an upstream AC line loss.
• Verify that the AC input line wiring is properly connected.
11103 C1 Phase Loss L2 • Check the wiring harness to the converter gate firing board for loose
11203 C2 Phase Loss L2 connections and/or damage. If necessary, replace the converter
11303 C3 Phase Loss L2 gate-firing board wiring harness.
11104 C1 Phase Loss L3
11204 C2 Phase Loss L3
11304 C3 Phase Loss L3
11111 C1 SCR OvrTemp Alarm 1 Y An alarm occurs if the calculated SCR temperature exceeds 125 °C (257
11211 C2 SCR OvrTemp °F) and a fault occurs when the calculated SCR temperature exceeds 135
Resettable Coast °C (275 °F).
11311 C3 SCR OvrTemp Fault
• Check for cooling problems - the heatsink cooling fan is running
slow, the enclosure filter or heatsink fins are dirty, or the ambient
temperature is too high.
11112 C1 HS OvrTemp Alarm 1 Y An alarm when the heatsink temperature exceeds 95 °C (203 °F) and a
11212 C2 HS OvrTemp fault when the heatsink temperature exceeds 100 °C (212 °F).
Resettable Coast
11312 C3 HS OvrTemp Fault • Check the NTC for a short or verify that it is connected.
• Measure the resistance of the NTC. The reading should be
approximately 11.5 Ω, at room temperature.
• Check for cooling problems - the heatsink cooling fan is running
slow, the enclosure filter or heatsink fins are dirty, or the ambient
temperature is too high.

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 329

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
11113 C1 TVSS Blown Alarm 1 The MOV block is reporting that the transient voltage suppression
11213 C2 TVSS Blown system (TVSS) has blown.
11313 C3 TVSS Blown • Check the MOV wiring harness for loose connections and/or damage
and replace if necessary.
• Replace the MOV block.
• If the MOV block is not blown and the wiring harness is properly
connected and not damaged, replace the converter gate firing board.
11114 C1 Blower Speed Alarm 1 The converter cooling fan is running below normal operating speed.
11214 C2 Blower Speed • Check for debris in the fan. If necessary, clean the fan and housing.
11314 C3 Blower Speed • Check for noise at the fan, indicating motor bearing failure.
• Verify that the fan power and feedback connections are not loose or
• Replace the fan, if necessary.
11115 C1 Line Dip Alarm 1 Y The bus voltage has fallen below the value specified in P451 [Pwr Loss A
11215 C2 Line Dip Level] or P454 [Pwr Loss B Level] (port 0) minus 20 volts. Until the
Resettable Coast converter has established communications with the main control board,
11315 C3 Line Dip Fault this value defaults to 180V below the converter bus memory. The
converter stops firing the SCRs until the nominal value of the DC bus
voltage for the present AC line voltage is within 60 volts of P12 [DC Bus
Memory] (port 0). If the line dip condition persists for more than 60
seconds the alarm becomes a fault.
• Verify the power wiring connections.
• Compare the actual DC bus voltage to the value displayed in [Cn DC
Bus Volt]. If the values are different, replace the converter gate firing
11116 C1 Minimum Line Alarm 1 The AC line voltage is less than 280V (for a 400V class drive) / 400V (for a
11216 C2 Minimum Line 600V class drive).
11316 C3 Minimum Line • The AC line voltage must exceed 320V / 440V to recover from this
11117 C1 Line Freq Alarm 1 The measured line frequency is out of the range (below 40 Hz, or above
11217 C2 Line Freq 65 Hz). This alarm becomes a fault if the condition persists for more than
Resettable Coast 30 seconds.
11317 C3 Line Freq Fault
• Check the incoming power line frequency.
• Check the wiring harness to the converter gate firing board for loose
connections and/or damage and replace if necessary.
• If the wiring harness is properly connected and not damaged,
replace the converter gate firing board.
11118 C1 Single Phase Alarm 1 The converter was intentionally powered up in single-phase mode with
11218 C2 Single Phase only AC phase L1-L2 present. Intentional single-phase mode is only
Resettable Coast detected at the initial application of AC line voltage. Application of 3-
11318 C3 Single Phase Fault phase voltage after the converter has entered single-phase mode results
in the single phase alarm becoming a fault.
• Verify that only one phase is applied to a drive in single-phase mode.
11134 C1 Overcurrent Resettable Coast The peak AC input current has exceeded 3000 A for five line cycles.
11234 C2 Overcurrent Fault • Verify that the current transducers are connected.
11334 C3 Overcurrent • Check the wiring harness to the converter gate firing board for loose
connections or damage and replace if necessary.
• If the current transducers are properly connect and the wiring
harness for the gate firing board is OK, replace the converter gate
firing board.
• Check for an open SCR or DC bus short.

330 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
11135 C1 Ground Fault Resettable Coast Y The converter input ground current (peak) has exceeded the threshold
11235 C2 Ground Fault Fault set P16 [Gnd Cur Flt Lvl] (port 11) for 5 line cycles. A possible internal
11335 C3 Ground Fault short in the drive between a phase, ground, or the DC bus can have
• Verify that the current transducer wiring harness is connected to the
converter gate firing board and that they are functioning properly. If
necessary, replace all three current transducers (CTs).
• If the current transducer wiring harness is connected and the CTs are
functioning properly, replace the converter gate firing board.
• To determine if there is an imbalance between the phases, view the
input phase current values in [Cn L1 Phase Curr], [Cn L2 Phase Curr],
and [Cn L3 Phase Curr] (port 11). [Cn Gnd Current] (port 11) is the
calculated (not measured) ground current based on the phase
currents. If necessary, use trending when the ground fault occurs
upon drive power-up.
11136 C1 HS NTC Open Non-Reset Coast The converter heatsink NTC is open. The heatsink NTC is mounted on the
11236 C2 HS NTC Open Fault converter heatsink and is wired to the converter gate firing board. An
11336 C3 HS NTC Open open NTC is assumed when the heatsink temperature is below -40 °C
(-40 °F).
• Check for loose connections or damage to the NTC wiring harness.
• Measure the resistance of the NTC and verify that it is within range.
• If the NTC wiring harness and resistance measurement is OK, replace
the converter gate firing board.
11137 C1 HS NTC Short Non-Reset Coast The converter heatsink NTC is shorted. The heatsink NTC is mounted on
11237 C2 HS NTC Short Fault the converter heatsink and is wired to the converter gate firing board. A
11337 C3 HS NTC Short shorted NTC is assumed when the heatsink temperature is above 200 °C
(392 °F).
• Check for loose connections or damage to the NTC wiring harness.
• Measure the resistance of the NTC and verify that it is within range.
• If the NTC wiring harness and resistance measurement is OK, replace
the converter gate firing board.
11138 C1 Brd OvrTemp Resettable Coast Y The gate firing board is over temperature. This fault occurs when the
11238 C2 Brd OvrTemp Fault gate firing board temperature exceeds 70 °C (158 °F).
11338 C3 Brd OvrTemp • Check the cabinet fan wiring harness for loose connections or
damage and that the fan is running. If necessary, replace the fan
wiring harness and/or fan.
• Lower the ambient temperature.
• Replace the converter gate firing board.
11139 C1 Brd NTC Open Non-Reset Coast The converter gate firing board NTC is open. An open NTC is assumed
11239 C2 Brd NTC Open Fault when the temperature is below -40 °C (-40 °F).
11339 C3 Brd NTC Open • Replace the converter gate firing board.
11140 C1 Brd NTC Short Non-Reset Coast The converter gate firing board NTC is shorted. A shorted NTC is assumed
11240 C2 Brd NTC Short Fault when the temperature is above 200 °C (392 °F).
11340 C3 Brd NTC Short • Replace the converter gate firing board.
11141 C1 Power Supply Resettable Coast A power supply input voltage (24V input and/or +/-12V internal supply)
11241 C2 Power Supply Fault is operating outside of the acceptable range.
11341 C3 Power Supply • Check input power to the converter gate firing board. The following
thresholds are used:
24V is below 20.1V
12V is below 10.0V
12V is above 15.0V
-12V is above -10.0V
• If the power supply voltage is within the acceptable range, replace
the converter gate firing board.

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 331

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
11142 C1 Comm Loss Resettable Coast The converter gate firing board lost communications (through the
11242 C2 Comm Loss Fault power layer interface board) to the main control board. Once the root
11342 C3 Comm Loss cause of the communication fault has been resolved, power must be
cycled or a drive reset must be initiated to clear this fault.

ATTENTION: Hazard of permanent eye damage

exists when using optical transmission
equipment. This product emits intense light and
invisible radiation. Do not look into fiber-optic
ports or fiber-optic cable connectors. Remove
power from the drive before disconnecting fiber
optic cables.

• Verify that the fiber optic cables are properly connected to the
• Verify that the transceivers are properly seated in the ports.
• Verify that the fiber optic cable is not cracked or broken.
• Verify that power is applied to the fiber optic interface board, gate
firing board, and power layer interface board. If necessary, replace
the fiber optic interface, gate firing board, and/or power layer
interface board.
11143 C1 Firmware Flt Non-Reset Coast A firmware fault has occurred.
11243 C2 Firmware Flt Fault • Reset the drive. If this fault persists, replace the converter gate firing
11343 C3 Firmware Flt board.
11144 C1 DC Bus Open Non-Reset Coast The DC bus voltage did not rise above 12V (for 400V class drives) or 20V
11244 C2 DC Bus Open Fault (for 600V class drives) as the SCRs began to ramp on. In this case, the
11344 C3 DC Bus Open converter tries to turn on the SCRs for approximately 10 seconds before
issuing this fault. Event 101/201 “Cn Precharge” is issued following the
first retry.
• Verify that the current transducers have not all failed. If necessary,
replace all three current transducers.
• Verify that the DC link inductor has not failed. If necessary, replace
the DC link choke.
• Verify that the converter line and DC bus wiring is connected.
• Verify that the capacitor bank is properly installed and connected.
11145 C1 DC Bus Short Non-Reset Coast The peak current has exceeded 150 % of the converter rating during the
11245 C2 DC Bus Short Fault precharge sequence. Peak charging current is normally limited to 50 %
11345 C3 DC Bus Short of the converter rating.
• Check for a DC bus short, internally and externally.
• Verify that the wiring harness to P10 on the converter gate firing
board is connected and not damaged. Replace the harness as
• Verify that the capacitor bank is properly installed and connected.
• Check for an IGBT short and replace as necessary.
11146 C1 CT Harness Non-Reset Coast A current transducer (CT) wiring harness connection loss has been
11246 C2 CT Harness Fault detected.
11346 C3 CT Harness • Verify that the CT wiring harness is not damaged and is connected to
P6 on the converter gate firing board. Replace the wiring harness if
• If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11147 C1 LFuse Harness Non-Reset Coast A line-fuse wiring harness connection loss has been detected.
11247 C2 LFuse Harness Fault • Verify that the line fuse wiring harness is not damaged and is
11347 C3 LFuse Harness connected to P7 on the converter gate firing board. Replace the
wiring harness if necessary.
• If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.

332 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
11148 C1 Line Fuse L1 Non-Reset Coast The line fuse for Line n has blown.
11248 C2 Line Fuse L1 Fault • Check the fuse and replace if necessary.
11348 C3 Line Fuse L1 • Verify that the line fuse wiring harness for line 1 is not damaged and
is connected to P7 on the converter gate firing board. Replace the
11149 C1 Line Fuse L2 wiring harness if necessary.
11249 C2 Line Fuse L2 • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11349 C3 Line Fuse L2
11150 C1 Line Fuse L3
11250 C2 Line Fuse L3
11350 C3 Line Fuse L3
11157 C1 BFuse Harness Non-Reset Coast A bus-fuse wiring harness connection loss has been detected.
11257 C2 BFuse Harness Fault • Check the bus fuse harness and replace if necessary.
11357 C3 BFuse Harness • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11158 C1 BFuse Pos Non-Reset Coast The DC+ bus fuse is blown.
11258 C2 BFuse Pos Fault • Check the DC+ bus fuse and wiring harness and replace if necessary.
11358 C3 BFuse Pos • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11159 C1 BFuse Neg Non-Reset Coast The DC- bus fuse is blown.
11259 C2 BFuse Neg Fault • Check the DC- bus fuse and wiring harness and replace if necessary.
11359 C3 BFuse Neg • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11160 C1 Command Stop Resettable Coast Y The main control board has commanded the converter gate firing board
11260 C2 Command Stop Fault to stop due to an asymmetrical bus condition.
11360 C3 Command Stop • Check the DC bus connections and wiring.
11161 C1 AC Line High Resettable Coast The AC line voltage has exceeded 565V (for 400V class drives) or 815V
11261 C2 AC Line High Fault (for 600V class drives), which corresponds to the nominal bus voltage of
11361 C3 AC Line High 799V DC (for 400V class drives) or 1150V DC (for 600V class drives). This
fault is intended to protect the capacitor bank from an overvoltage
condition especially if a 400V class drive is inadvertently placed in a
600V system.
• Verify the incoming line voltage.
11162 C1 Line Loss Resettable Coast Y An AC line loss has occurred.
11262 C2 Line Loss Fault • Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line power
11362 C3 Line Loss interruption.
11163 C1 Fault Q Full Resettable Coast The fault queue is full. There are at least three other faults in the queue.
11263 C2 Fault Q Full Fault • Troubleshooting and clearing the existing faults make room for
11363 C3 Fault Q Full additional faults in the queue (if any).

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 333

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Precharge (Port 11) Faults Table 14 contains a list of Precharge-specific faults and alarms, the type of fault or
alarm, the action that is taken when the drive faults, the parameter that is used to
and Alarms (Frame 8 and configure the fault or alarm (if applicable), and a description and action (where
Larger) applicable). These faults and alarms only apply to Frame 8 drives and larger.

Table 14 - Converter Fault and Alarm Types, Descriptions, and Actions

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)
No. Action Parameter Reset
11101 P1 Precharge Alarm 1 The DC bus delta voltage (Vbus_in - Vbus_out) is greater than 25V
11201 P2 Precharge when the molded case switch (MCS) is open. This alarm is suppressed
11301 P3 Precharge when the Precharge Fault is present.
Resettable Coast The DC bus voltage did not meet the conditions that are required to close
Fault the molded case switch (MCS) within the timeout period.
1. DC bus input is not overvoltage
2. DC bus input is not undervoltage
3. DC bus delta voltage (Vbus_in - Vbus_out) is less than 25V
11115 P1 Bus Dip Alarm 1 Only occurs when the drive is offline or in stand-alone mode. The bus
11215 P2 Bus Dip voltage has dipped more than 180V below the drive bus memory. The
11315 P3 Bus Dip alarm is released when the bus voltage rises back to within 60V of the
drive bus memory.
11119 P1 240 V AC Loss Alarm 1 240V AC not present while the drive is in the inactive state. This alarm is
11219 P2 240 V AC Loss suppressed when the 240V AC Loss Fault is present.
11319 P3 240 V AC Loss Resettable Coast 240V AC was lost while in the active state. Active state whenever the
Fault drive is not stopped, for example, the molded case switch (MCS) is
opening or closing or is closed.
11120 P1 240V AC Discon Alarm 1 The 240V AC disconnect is open when the precharge controller is in the
11220 P2 240V AC Discon ready state (MCS is not closed).
11320 P3 240V AC Discon
11121 P1 Bus Undervolt Alarm 1 The input bus voltage is below 400V DC while the molded case switch
11221 P2 Bus Undervolt (MCS) is open. Hysteresis level 420V DC. This alarm is suppressed when
11321 P3 Bus Undervolt the Bus Undervoltage Fault is present.
Resettable Coast The bus input voltage fell below 400V while the molded case switch
Fault (MCS) was closed. Hysteresis level at 420V. The system SMPS cuts out
near 340V DC.
11122 P1 Bus Overvolt Alarm 1 The input bus voltage exceeds 820V DC. Hysteresis level 800V DC.
11222 P2 Bus Overvolt
11322 P3 Bus Overvolt
11123 P1 Door Open Alarm 1 Door closure contact is open.
11223 P2 Door Open
11323 P3 Door Open
11130 P1 MCS ShuntTrip Resettable Coast The molded case switch (MCS) auxiliary contact did not open within 1
11230 P2 MCS ShuntTrip Fault second following the shunt trip coil activation.
11330 P3 MCS ShuntTrip
11131 P1 MCS CloseFail Resettable Coast The molded case switch (MCS) auxiliary contact did not close within 2
11231 P2 MCS CloseFail Fault seconds following the close coil activation.
11331 P3 MCS CloseFail
11132 P1 MCSAuxContact Resettable Coast The molded case switch (MCS) auxiliary contact was open when the MCS
11232 P2 MCSAuxContact Fault was closed or closed when the MCS was open. If the MCS Failed to Close
11332 P3 MCSAuxContact Fault is present, then this fault is not reported.

11133 P1 MCS Closed Resettable Coast The voltage across the molded case switch (MCS) when it was closed
11233 P2 MCS Closed Fault exceeded 10V.
11333 P3 MCS Closed

334 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

Troubleshooting Chapter 6

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
11138 P1 Brd Overtemp Resettable Coast Y The gate firing board is over temperature. This fault occurs when the
11238 P2 Brd Overtemp Fault gate firing board temperature exceeds 70 °C (158 °F).
11338 P3 Brd Overtemp • Check the cabinet fan wiring harness for loose connections or
damage and that the fan is running. If necessary, replace the fan
wiring harness and/or fan.
• Lower the ambient temperature.
• Replace the converter gate firing board.
11139 P1 Brd NTC Open Non-Reset Coast The converter gate firing board NTC is open. An open NTC is assumed
11239 P2 Brd NTC Open Fault when the temperature is below -40 °C (-40 °F).
11339 P3 Brd NTC Open • Replace the converter gate firing board.
11140 P1 Brd NTC Short Non-Reset Coast The converter gate firing board NTC is shorted. A shorted NTC is assumed
11240 P2 Brd NTC Short Fault when the temperature is above 200 °C (392 °F).
11340 P3 Brd NTC Short • Replace the converter gate firing board.
11141 P1 Power Supply Resettable Coast A power supply input voltage (24V input and/or +/-12V internal supply)
11241 P2 Power Supply Fault is operating outside of the acceptable range.
11341 P3 Power Supply • Check input power to the converter gate firing board. The following
thresholds are used:
24V is below 20.1V
12V is below 10.0V
12V is above 15.0V
-12V is above -10.0V
• If the power supply voltage is within the acceptable range, replace
the converter gate firing board.
11142 P1 Comm Loss Resettable Coast The converter gate firing board lost communications (through the
11242 P2 Comm Loss Fault power layer interface board) to the main control board. Once the root
11342 P3 Comm Loss cause of the communication fault has been resolved, power must be
cycled or a drive reset must be initiated to clear this fault.

ATTENTION: Hazard of permanent eye damage

exists when using optical transmission
equipment. This product emits intense light and
invisible radiation. Do not look into fiber-optic
ports or fiber-optic cable connectors. Remove
power from the drive before disconnecting
fiber-optic cables.

• Verify that the fiber optic cables are properly connected to the
• Verify that the transceivers are properly seated in the ports.
• Verify that the fiber optic cable is not cracked or broken.
• Verify that power is applied to the fiber optic interface board, gate
firing board, and power layer interface board. If necessary, replace
the fiber optic interface, gate firing board, and/or power layer
interface board.
11143 P1 Firmware Flt Non-Reset Coast A firmware fault has occurred.
11243 P2 Firmware Flt Fault • Reset the drive. If this fault persists, replace the converter gate firing
11343 P3 Firmware Flt board.
11145 P1 DC Bus Short Non-Reset Coast The peak current has exceeded 150 % of the converter rating during the
11245 P2 DC Bus Short Fault precharge sequence. Peak charging current is normally limited to 50 %
11345 P3 DC Bus Short of the converter rating.
• Check for a DC bus short, internally and externally.
• Verify that the wiring harness to P10 on the converter gate firing
board is connected and not damaged. Replace the harness as
• Verify that the capacitor bank is properly installed and connected.
• Check for an IGBT short and replace as necessary.
11157 P1 BFuse Harness Non-Reset Coast A bus-fuse wiring harness connection loss has been detected.
11257 P2 BFuse Harness Fault • Check the bus fuse harness and replace if necessary.
11357 P3 BFuse Harness • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.

Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017 335

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Event Fault/Alarm Text Type Fault Configuration Auto Description/Action(s)

No. Action Parameter Reset
11158 P1 BFuse Pos Non-Reset Coast The DC+ bus fuse is blown.
11258 P2 BFuse Pos Fault • Check the DC+ bus fuse and wiring harness and replace if necessary.
11358 P3 BFuse Pos • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11159 P1 BFuse Neg Non-Reset Coast The DC- bus fuse is blown.
11259 P2 BFuse Neg Fault • Check the DC- bus fuse and wiring harness and replace if necessary.
11359 P3 BFuse Neg • If this problem persists, replace the converter gate firing board.
11160 P1 Command Stop Resettable Coast Y The main control board has commanded the converter gate firing board
11260 P2 Command Stop Fault to stop due to an asymmetrical bus condition.
11360 P3 Command Stop • Check the DC bus connections and wiring.
11163 P1 Fault Q Full Resettable Coast The fault queue is full. There are at least three other faults in the queue.
11263 P2 Fault Q Full Fault • Troubleshooting and clearing the existing faults make room for
11363 P3 Fault Q Full additional faults in the queue (if any).

336 Rockwell Automation Publication 750-PM001N-EN-P - February 2017

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