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Seven Stages of Life - Avatar Adi Da Samraj's Teaching 9/14/13 2:25 PM

Seven Stages of Life

Adi Da Samraj has “mapped” the entire Spiritual Process culminating in Divine
Enlightenment. He describes it in terms of seven stages of life.

The first three (or foundation) stages of life constitute the ordinary course of
human adaptation—bodily, emotional, and mental growth. The fourth and fifth
(or advanced) stages of life are characterized by the Awakening to Spirit, or
the Spiritualizing of the body-mind.

In the sixth and seventh (or ultimate) stages of life, Consciousness Itself is
directly Realized, beyond identification with the body-mind. In the sixth stage
of life, the Realizer Identifies with Consciousness (in profound states of
meditation) by excluding all awareness of phenomena.

Avatar Adi Da has Revealed that the sixth stage of life was the highest form
of Realization known in the religious and Spiritual traditions previous to His
Appearance. But this Realization is incomplete. Even the necessity to turn
away from the world in order to fully Enjoy Consciousness represents a
contraction, a refusal of Reality in its totality.

The seventh stage of life (or the Realization of “Open Eyes”), which is
Revealed and Given only by Avatar Adi Da, transcends this last limit. No
exclusion is necessary, because the world is Realized to be a mere
modification of Consciousness, not separate (or “different”) from
Consciousness at all.
Read an excerpt from Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching
on transcending the first six stages of life

Read an excerpt from Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching

on the seven stages of life

Dimensions of Reality | Cosmic Mandala
Esoteric Anatomy | Seven Stages of Life | Samadhis

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