Assignment Based On Experiments: To Be Filled by Student

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Assignment based on Experiments (2020-21) as per the letter from DU Ref no Dean(Exams)/

dated 13.05.2020

Assignment based on Experiments Dated 24.05.2020


Name of the program: B.Sc.(H) Electronics

Semester: VI
Title of the paper: Photonics
Paper Code: 32511603
Maximum Marks :25
Period of submission: From 24.05.2020 to 25.5.2020


Name of the program:

Title of the paper:

Name of the Student:

College Roll No :

University Roll No:

Note :
You have to fill above information on your answer sheet.
Attempt All Questions
It is compulsory for all students to submit this assignment.
Email this assignment at the email I'D: [email protected]
Attempt all Questions :

1 I. Two coherent sources of light will produce constructive interference when the phase
difference between them is ______________.
II. In Newton’s ring experiment the diameter of the rings are proportional to___________.
III. Law of malus is given as I = _____________.
IV. A grating has 15000 lines per inch , the grating element will be ______________cm.
V. Wavelength of yellow light doublet is ________________cm and _______________ cm.

2. I. In Newton’s Ring experiment, a diameter of 10th dark ring due to wavelength 6000A0 in
air is 0.5 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.
II. Explain why grating with large number of lines are preferred.
III. At = 4000 A0 (violet light) and = 8000 A0 (red light); which colour will show more
dispersion and why?

IV. When movable mirror of Michelson’s interferometer is shifted by 0.0589nm, a shift of

200 fringes is obtained. Find the wavelength of light.

V. Explain resolving power of grating using Rayleigh’s criterion.

VI. Explain briefly how polarimeter is used to determine specific rotation of sugar solution.

VII. For a typical step index multimode fibre, N1= 1.45 and =0.01. Determine the Numerical
aperture of the fibre.

VIII. If unpolarized light falls on two polarizing sheets placed one on top of other, what must
be the angle between the characteristics directions of the sheet if the intensity of the
transmitted light is 1/3 of the maximum intensity of the incident beam.

IX. Give the principle involved in Newton’s Ring experiment. Why do you use plano-convex

X. Which statement is more correct? Justify your answer.

a) the light waves are electromagnetic waves
b) light waves are the electromagnetic transverse waves with vibrations in all possible
directions in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of light
c) polarized light waves have the property of symmetry about the direction of propagation
of the light
d) sound waves in air can be polarized

2 x 10 = 20

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