Clinical Assessment of Repeated Propofol-Associated Anesthesia in Cats
Clinical Assessment of Repeated Propofol-Associated Anesthesia in Cats
Clinical Assessment of Repeated Propofol-Associated Anesthesia in Cats
propofol-associated anesthesia in cats
Carla Rohrer Bley, d r med vet, dacvr; Malgorzata Roos, phd ; Jill Price, dvm, phd;
Katja Ruess-Melzer, dr med vet, dacvim; Julia Buchholz, dr med vet; Valerie Poirier, dvm, dacvim;
Barbara Kaser-Hotz, dr med vet, dacvr
JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007 Scientific Reports: Original Study 1347
adverse clinical or hematologic effects or by recovery tered in the afternoon) on any given day, anesthesia was
from anesthesia that was prolonged or associated with induced by use of midazolam (0.2 mg/kg, IV) followed
complications. The purpose of the study reported here by ketamine (6 to 8 mg/kg [2.7 to 3.6 mg/lb], IV) and
was to assess the effects of repeated episodes of pro- maintained with bolus IV injections of ketamine (1 to 2
pofol-associated anesthesia (performed according to a mg/kg, to effect). The mean induction dose of ketamine
protocol that allowed short-duration radiotherapy to was 8.2 mg/kg (3.7 mg/lb; range, 6.0 to 10.6 mg/kg [2.7
be completed) on quality of recovery from anesthesia, to 4.8 mg/lb]). Data from the second anesthetic episode
clinical status, and erythrocyte physiology in cats. The each day were not used in the study.
intent was to gain information to guide development of In treatment group 2, cats were anesthetized once
appropriate anesthetic protocols for other minor medi- daily on 4 days of each week (Monday, Tuesday, Thurs-
cal and surgical procedures in this species. day, and Friday) during a 19-day period (12 anesthetic
episodes/cat). These cats were randomly assigned to
Materials and Methods receive either propofol administered IV as the sole an-
esthetic agent (n = 13) or midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) ad-
Cats—Thirty-seven client-owned cats (18 neutered ministered IV followed by administration of propofol to
females, 17 neutered males, and 2 sexually intact males) effect (11). For either protocol, IV bolus administration
of various breeds admitted to the Section of Diagnos- of propofol was used to maintain the desired plane of
tic Imaging and Radiation Oncology, Vetsuisse Facul- anesthesia. In both groups 1 and 2, each cat was as-
ty, University of Zurich, Switzerland for radiotherapy signed to 1 particular propofol protocol and received
of squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum (13 either propofol alone or midazolam-propofol combina-
cats [group 1]) or vaccine-associated sarcoma (24 cats tion for all anesthetic episodes.
[group 2]) were included in this study. In 18 of the 24 Propofol was administered as repeated boluses to ef-
cats in group 2, radiotherapy was instituted within 30 fect to maintain a plane of anesthesia sufficient to allow
days of surgical excision of the primary tumor. Because radiotherapy to be performed by use of a linear accel-
propofol is licensed for induction and maintenance of eratorc with applicable electron beams. The target plane
anesthesia in cats at the doses used in the study and of light to moderate anesthesia was evaluated and main-
is routinely used at licensed doses in the university tained according to criteria similar to those described
clinic, ethical approval of the study was not required by Matthews et al4 (ie, no movement, palpebral reflexes
at our institution. Clinical practice at the university in- present or barely absent, and corneal reflex present). The
cludes assessment of hematologic values (particularly cats were not intubated and breathed spontaneously dur-
Hct and hemoglobin concentration) in cats during re- ing the procedure. Supplementary oxygen was adminis-
peated anesthesias for radiotherapy or other radiation tered via a face mask with a flow rate of 2 L/min. Dur-
protocols, and informed consent specifically for these ing anesthesia, heart rate was measured via auscultation;
assessments was not obtained from owners. No addi- respiratory rate was assessed via observation of thoracic
tional blood samples were collected for preparation of excursions, and oxyhemoglobin saturation was moni-
blood smears. tored by use of a pulse oximeterd with a probe attached to
Thoracic radiography, computed tomography, and a peripheral site (tongue or a toe). These variables were
palpation of regional lymph nodes or cytologic exami- assessed for monitoring purposes only.
nation of lymph node samples were performed when The total volume of propofol administered and the
considered necessary to achieve complete tumor stag- duration of anesthesia (from induction until the end of
ing (data not analyzed). Before radiation therapy began, radiotherapy) were recorded. Recovery from anesthesia
a jugular venous blood sample was collected from each (ie, time from cessation of propofol administration to
cat for hematologic (CBC and blood smear examina- complete recovery from anesthesia) was evaluated sub-
tion) and serum biochemical analyses. For monitoring jectively for each cat after each anesthetic episode.
purposes, baseline measurements of heart rate, respira-
tory rate, and mucous membrane color and hydration Collection of hematologic data—Baseline jugular
were made prior to each treatment. A 20-gauge catheter venous blood samples were collected prior to radiother-
was placed in a cephalic vein and changed at least twice apy (time [T] 0). Midtherapy (T1) samples were collect-
weekly. Food was withheld from the cats for at least 6 ed after the third morning anesthetic episode involving
hours before anesthesia, and access to water was not al- propofol in group 1 (day 3) or after the sixth anesthetic
lowed for 30 minutes before induction of anesthesia. episode in group 2 (day 9). Samples were collected at
In group 1, cats were anesthetized twice daily on 5 the end of radiotherapy (T2), which occurred on day
consecutive days. For the first period of radiation treat- 5 (after the fifth morning anesthetic episode involving
ment (administered in the morning) on any given day, propofol) for group 1 and on day 19 (after the 12th an-
anesthesia was induced by use of either propofola (ad- esthetic episode) for group 2. When possible, another
ministered IV) as the sole induction agent or by use of blood sample was collected at a clinical examination
midazolamb (0.2 mg/kg [0.09 mg/lb], IV) followed by performed 3 weeks after radiation treatment (T3); this
administration of propofol to effect. Each cat was ran- occurred a median of 30 days after T0 for group 1 and
domly assigned to 1 particular anesthetic protocol and 40.5 days after T0 for group 2. Hematologic data were
thus received either propofol alone (n = 6) or midazolam- collected from all cats prior to and during treatment, in
propofol combination (7) on each of 5 consecutive days. 35 of the 37 cats at the end of radiotherapy, and in 13
For either protocol, IV bolus administration of propofol of the 37 cats at an examination 3 weeks after radiation
was used to maintain the desired plane of anesthesia. treatment. The undesired loss of hematologic data was
For the second period of radiation treatment (adminis- a result of incomplete written orders to the laboratory.
1348 Scientific Reports: Original Study JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007
For each blood sample, Hct, hemoglobin concentra- 2) were anesthetized with propofol alone; 18 cats (7
tion, WBC count, mean corpuscular volume, mean cor- in group 1 and 11 in group 2) were anesthetized with
puscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin the midazolam-propofol combination. Among cats that
concentration were determined by use of an automated received propofol as the sole anesthetic agent in both
analyzer.e Heinz bodies were identified via examination of groups, the mean dose of propofol per time admin-
blood smears stained with supravital new methylene blue, istered during an anesthetic episode was 0.80 ± 0.18
and the total number of Heinz bodies in each smear was mg/kg/min (0.36 ± 0.08 mg/lb/min) and the mean total
classified as none, few, intermediate, or many. The blood volume was 6.34 ± 1.19 mg/kg (2.88 ± 0.54 mg/lb).
smears were assessed by laboratory technicians who were Among cats that received the midazolam-propofol com-
unaware of the group allocation or anesthetic protocol of bination for induction of anesthesia, the mean dose of
each cat. A reticulocyte count (calculated as percentage of propofol administered during the procedure was sig-
reticulocytes per 1,000 RBCs) was performed on the same nificantly less with 0.61 ± 0.17 mg/kg/min (0.28 ± 0.08
blood smears. To correct for coexistent anemia, the CRP mg/lb/min; P = 0.003) and the mean total volume of
was determined to estimate the reticulocyte percentage if propofol administered was 4.71 ± 1.0 mg/kg (2.14 ±
the cat were not anemic. The CRP was calculated accord- 0.45 mg/lb; P = 0.001). The mean dose of midazolam
ing to an equation as follows: administered during induction was 0.2 mg/kg (range,
0.17 to 0.25 mg/kg [0.08 to 0.11 mg/lb]). In both ra-
Reticulocyte percentage X diation treatment groups, administration of midazolam
(cat’s Hct/mean Hct for species).7 before propofol decreased the total volume of propofol
required to induce and maintain anesthesia by 26%.
The mean Hct for the species was 36%. Wintrobe’s
erythrocyte indices (mean corpuscular volume, mean Recovery from anesthesia—Although the interval
corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemo- between discontinuation of propofol final administra-
globin concentration) were used to characterize eryth- tion and recovery and maintenance of sternal recumben-
rocytes in peripheral blood and detect regenerative ane- cy was not measured, there appeared to be no marked
mia when a reticulocyte count was unavailable.7 increase in the time taken to achieve full recovery as-
sociated with repeated anaesthetic episodes. There was
Statistical analysis—Data are presented as mean ± SD interindividual variation in the time taken to achieve
unless otherwise specified. A 2-sample t test was applied to full recovery, but individual cats typically had the same
compare propofol doses and durations of anesthesia among pattern of behaviour during recovery with repeated
the anesthesia groups. Baseline variables (T0 data) were de- anaesthetic episodes. All cats stretched intermittently
scribed. Data were plotted graphically, and the Kolmogo- during the recovery period, and a few cats sneezed and
rov-Smirnov test was applied. No signs of violation of the
approximate normality assumption (P > 0.4) were found. Table 1—Mean ± SD total dose of propofol and duration of an-
Differences between the relevant baseline T0 value esthesia in 13 cats with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal
and Hct at T1, hemoglobin concentration at T1, Hct planum (group 1) and 24 cats with vaccine-associated sarcoma
(group 2) that underwent repeated anesthetic episodes induced
at T2, and hemoglobin concentration at T2 were com- with propofol alone or a midazolam-propofol combination and
puted, and a 1-sample t test was used to describe the maintained with propofol for radiation treatments.
decreases in the hematologic variables. The analysis
was applied to the differences at T1 and T2 for each of Total dose of Duration of
Group Anesthetic protocol* propofol (mg/kg) anesthesia (min)
the groups separately. A 2-sample t test was applied to
assess differences in the Hct and hemoglobin concen- 1 Propofol (n = 6) 6.38 1.42 8.1 1.57
Midazolam-propofol 5.08 1.37 8.2 1.35
tration changes between groups 1 and 2; at the vari- (n = 7)
ous time points, only P values < 0.025 were considered
to be significant (according to Bonferroni correction). 2 Propofol (n = 13) 6.32 1.40 8.03 1.22
Midazolam-propofol 4.48 0.70 8.38 1.06
Statistical analyses were performed by use of computer (n = 11)
softwaref; for all remaining analyses, a value of P < 0.05
considered significant unless otherwise specified. *In group 1, cats were anesthetized twice daily on 5 consecutive
days. For the first period of radiation treatment (administered in the
morning) on any given day, anesthesia was induced and maintained
Results by use of either propofol (administered IV) as the sole induction
agent or midazolam (0.2 mg/kg, IV) followed by administration of
Cats—At the time of diagnosis, mean weight of the propofol to effect. For the second period of radiation treatment
(administered in the afternoon) on any given day, anesthesia was
cats was 4.9 kg (10.78 lb; range, 3.5 to 7.9 kg [7.7 to induced by use of midazolam (0.2 mg/kg, IV) followed by ketamine (6
17.38 lb]); mean age was 9.5 years (range, 3.0 to 15.0 to 8 mg/kg, IV) and maintained with bolus IV injections of ketamine
years). None of the cats had clinical evidence of metas- (1 to 2 mg/kg, to effect). These data were not analyzed. In group 2,
cats were anesthetized once daily on 4 days of each week (Monday,
tasis, and none had notable systemic disease other than Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) for 3 weeks (12 anesthetic episodes/
the diagnosed neoplasia. cat during a 19-day period). These cats were randomly assigned to
receive either propofol administered IV as the sole anesthetic agent
Anesthesia protocols—For groups 1 and 2, the or midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) administered IV followed by administration
of propofol to effect. In both groups, propofol was administered
total dose of propofol or midazolam-propofol combi- as repeated boluses to effect to maintain a plane of anesthesia
nation administered for induction and maintenance of sufficient to allow radiotherapy to be performed; each cat was
anesthesia and mean duration of anesthesia (8.1 min- assigned to 1 particular protocol and received either propofol alone
or midazolam-propofol combination for all anesthetic episodes. To
utes; range, 5 to 20 minutes) did not differ significantly convert kilograms to pounds, multiply by 2.2.
(Table 1). Nineteen cats (6 in group 1 and 13 in group
JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007 Scientific Reports: Original Study 1349
rubbed their faces transiently. No cat included in the anesthesia protocols for group 1 were not significant (P
study was anorexic or developed signs of malaise at any = 0.35). Also in group 1, the decreases in hemoglobin
time following anesthesia; thus, the full complement of concentration at T1, compared with the value at T0,
repeated anesthetic episodes was performed in all cats. in the cats anesthetized with propofol only and those
anesthetized with the midazolam-propofol combina-
Hematologic data—Before radiotherapy, mean Hct tion did not differ significantly (P = 0.17).
and hemoglobin concentrations in both radiation treat- After 6 anesthetic episodes during a 9-day period
ment groups were within laboratory reference limits (ref- (T1), mean Hct had decreased significantly from base-
erence range for Hct, 33% to 45%; reference range for he- line by 8.85 ± 6.94% (P = 0.001) in group 2 cats that
moglobin concentration, 11.3 to 15.5 g/dL; Table 2). The received propofol only and by 5.18 ± 6.12% (P = 0.02)
baseline hemoglobin concentrations of cats in both groups in group 2 cats that received the midazolam-propofol
that were subsequently anesthetized with the midazolam- combination. However, these decreases were not sig-
propofol combination was significantly (P = 0.014) lower nificantly (P = 0.17) different between the 2 anesthetic
than the values of cats that were subsequently anesthetized protocols. Compared with baseline values, mean he-
with propofol alone, although there was no significant dif- moglobin concentration at T1 was significantly lower
ference in baseline Hct between the 2 protocols. No differ- in group 2 cats anesthetized with propofol only (value
ences in Hct and hemoglobin concentration were detected decreased by 2.73 ± 2.18 g/dL; P < 0.001) and those
between groups 1 and 2 at any time point, indicating that anesthetized with the midazolam-propofol combina-
previous excision of the primary tumor (group 2) did not tion (value decreased by 1.48 ± 1.74 g/dL; P = 0.018).
have an effect on these hematologic variables. These decreases were not significantly (P = 0.15) differ-
Before treatment, 1 of the 37 cats was anemic (Hct = ent between the 2 anesthetic protocols.
26%). On the basis of a low reticulocyte count, anemia
in this cat was defined as nonregenerative. This cat had Comparison of hematologic variables before (T0)
nasal squamous cell carcinoma, and hemorrhage may and at the end (T2) of radiotherapy—Compared with
have occurred prior to the start of radiation treatment. baseline values, neither anesthetic protocol resulted in
At the midpoint of therapy (T1), CRP was measured in significant changes in mean Hct and hemoglobin con-
17 cats (mean, 0.18%; range, 0% to 0.69%) and values centration at T2 (Table 2). After 12 anesthetic episodes
were within reference range (0% to 1.0%) in all cats. during a 19-day period (T2), mean Hct had decreased
At the end of radiotherapy (T2), CRP was measured in significantly from baseline by 9.0 ± 6.18% (P < 0.001) in
13 cats (mean, 0.13%; range, 0% to 0.43%) and values group 2 cats that received propofol only and by 6.55 ±
were within reference range in all cats. 7.02% (P = 0.01) in group 2 cats that received the mid-
azolam-propofol combination. Compared with baseline
Comparison of hematologic variables before (T0) values, mean hemoglobin concentration at T2 was sig-
and during (T1) radiotherapy—Compared with the nificantly lower in group 2 cats anesthetized with propo-
mean baseline value, Hct decreased by 7.17 ± 10.94% fol only (value decreased by 2.78 ± 2.01 g/dL; P = 0.001)
at T1 in group 1 cats anesthetized with propofol only and those anesthetized with the midazolam-propofol
(Table 2). In group 1 cats receiving the midazolam-pro- combination (value decreased by 1.9 ± 2.33 g/dL; P =
pofol combination, the mean difference in Hct values 0.02). The decreases in Hct and hemoglobin concentra-
at T1 and T0 was lower than the baseline T0 value by tion were not significantly (P = 0.35 and P = 0.40, respec-
2.29 ± 6.08%. However, these differences between the tively) different between the 2 anesthetic protocols.
Table 2—Mean ± SD values of Hct, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and CRP determined at various time points in 13 cats with squamous
cell carcinoma of the nasal planum (group 1) and 24 cats with vaccine-associated sarcoma (group 2) that underwent repeated anesthetic
episodes induced with propofol alone or a midazolam-propofol combination and maintained with propofol for radiation treatments.
Assessments were performed before (T0), during (midpoint; T1), and at the end (T2) of radiotherapy, as well as at 3 weeks after
completion of radiotherapy (T3). Values in parentheses represent the number of cats.
T0 = Before radiotherapy in both groups 1 and 2. T1 = After 3 morning anesthetic episodes involving propofol (3 days) in group 1 and after 6
anesthetic episodes (9 days) in group 2. T2 = After 5 morning anesthetic episodes involving propofol (5 days) in group 1 and after 12 anesthetic
episodes (19 days) in group 2. T3 = Median of 30 days after T0 in group 1 and 40.5 days after T0 in group 2. Reference range for Hct, 33% to 45%.
Reference range for Hb, 11.3 to 15.5 g/dL. CRP = Reticulocyte percentage X (cat’s Hct/ mean Hct for species); reference range, 0% to 1.0%.
See Table 1 for remainder of key.
1350 Scientific Reports: Original Study JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007
Table 3—Distribution of Heinz body formation (number of cats) in blood smears from cats that underwent repeated anesthetic episodes
induced with propofol alone or a midazolam-propofol combination and maintained with propofol for series of radiation treatments
determined at the midpoint (T1; n = 17) and end (T2; 18) of radiotherapy.
T1 T2
No. of cats No. of cats
Group Anesthetic protocol* evaluated None Mild Moderate Severe evaluated None Mild Moderate Severe
Propofol 3 0 3 0 0 6 0 4 2 0
Midazolam-propofol 2 0 1 1 0 5 2 2 1 0
2 Propofol 6 0 6 0 0 5 0 1 3 1
Midazolam-propofol 6 1 3 2 0 2 0 1 1 0
Heinz body count—Because markedly low or ab- study, we must recognize that the hematologic changes
sent reticulocyte counts were detected and Heinz bod- detected may have been at least partly attributable to
ies in routine blood smears were not evident prior to repeated daily ketamine administration.
radiation treatment, a Heinz body count was not avail- The total dose of propofol used in the cats of the
able at T0. The presence of Heinz bodies was evaluated present study to induce and maintain an anesthetic
in blood smears from 17 cats at T1 and 18 cats at T2. plane adequate for completion of radiotherapy was
At T1 and T2, Heinz bodies were detected in some cats slightly lower than doses used in previous studies,2,4 in
in each anesthetic protocol subgroup in groups 1 and which propofol was also administered without preanes-
2 (Table 3). When present, the extent of Heinz body thetic medication. This finding is mostly attributable to
formation was classified as mild to moderate at T1 and the fact that, compared with those other investigations,
as mild to severe at T2. the procedure used in the present study was of shorter
duration. Prior administration of midazolam, however,
resulted in a 26% reduction in the total dose of propo-
Discussion fol required for completion of radiotherapy. Although
There are many potential anesthetic options for detrimental effects of midazolam in cats have been re-
repeated procedure-associated anesthesia of domestic ported,16 they were not evident in our study.
cats, including protocols that are based on induction Pascoe et al3 used propofol doses of 7.4 to 7.8 mg/kg
and maintenance of anesthesia with agents adminis- (3.36 to 3.55 mg/lb) for induction of anesthesia in cats,
tered via inhalation or IV (eg, propofol, ketamine, thio- similar to doses reported in earlier studies2,4 involving
pentone, etomidate, and alphaxalone). Although pro- cats that were not premedicated. In 1 study in healthy
pofol has properties that make it attractive as an agent cats,2 6 mg of propofol/kg was administered IV followed
for repeated short-duration anesthesia for procedures by an infusion of 0.2 to 0.3 mg of propofol/kg/min (0.09
such as radiotherapy, we were concerned about previ- to 0.14 mg/lb/min) for 30 minutes, providing a total dose
ously reported adverse effects associated with repeat- of 15 mg of propofol/kg (6.8 mg/lb) for each 30-minute
ed administration of high doses of propofol in cats.2,4 period of anesthesia. In another study involving 10 cats,4
Because of the potential for adverse effects, a decision a single bolus dose of 10 mg of propofol/kg was adminis-
was made that the cats in group 1 requiring anesthe- tered IV during a 70-second period and provided 6 to 8
sia twice daily for 5 consecutive days would undergo minutes of anesthesia before first movements occurred.
1 anesthetic episode involving propofol (alone or in The reason for the reduced dose requirements of
combination with midazolam) and 1 anesthetic episode cats for propofol when it was administered alone in the
with midazolam and ketamine each day. The adverse present study is unclear. The end point of light anes-
behavioral effects commonly observed during recovery thesia is fairly subjective and could account for this dif-
from short-duration midazolam-ketamine anesthesia ference in dose. Induction and maintenance doses of
were considered to be less disadvantageous than the propofol were sufficient to allow short-duration radio-
potential adverse effects of progressively more delayed therapy to be completed in cats that remained lightly
recoveries and development of clinical illness that have anesthetized and breathed spontaneously throughout
been previously reported2 following repetitive anesthe- the procedure without development of postinduction
sia involving high doses of propofol. apnea. Because the cats were closely monitored during
Midazolam-ketamine combinations are commonly radiotherapy, supplementary oxygen was administered
used for repeated anesthetic episodes in pediatric hu- to each cat via a face mask, and oxyhemoglobin satura-
man patients and in laboratory animals.8-11 Although tion was maintained > 95% for the duration of all an-
midazolam and ketamine is a well-characterized and esthetic procedures in all animals, endotracheal intuba-
popular combination for induction and short-term an- tion was not considered necessary. However, propofol
esthesia in cats,12,13 undesirable behavioral effects dur- administration used in our study involved an induction
ing recovery including sedation, excitement, restless- dose followed by IV boluses as needed and should not
ness, vocalization, and difficulty in handling must be be used as a guideline for constant-rate infusions.
expected.14,15 The pharmacokinetic profile and clinical Clearly, in theory, the reduction in propofol require-
effects of repeated ketamine anesthesia in cats have not ments among domestic cats following prior administra-
been determined; thus, in group 1 cats of the present tion of midazolam can be advantageous in this species,
JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007 Scientific Reports: Original Study 1351
in which impaired metabolism of propofol and con- many as 7 days, Hct and total protein has been reported3
cerns about subsequent inhibition of cytochrome p450 to decrease during propofol infusion in dogs and cats, pos-
enzyme function are of concern. However, potential in- sibly as a result of propofol-induced splenic sequestration
teractions at the metabolic level among the cats in the of erythrocytes or changes in peripheral circulation. The
present study can not be ruled out. Further reduction in apparent decrease in Hct during the initial phase of re-
propofol dose requirements and subsequent decreased peated daily propofol anesthesia detected in the cats of the
risk of adverse effects following repeated propofol anes- present study warrants further investigation.
thetic episodes could be achieved by administration of Among the cats from both anesthetic groups 1 and
preanesthetic medication selected from the wide range 2 in which RBC Heinz body counts were evaluated, most
of sedative drugs that have been characterized in cats, had a mild to moderate Heinz body count in the examined
including acepromazine and opioids.17,18 blood smears at the midpoint and end of radiotherapy, re-
Among the cats in the present study, the interval gardless of anesthetic protocol. In healthy cats, a signifi-
between final administration of propofol and attain- cant daily increase in the percentage of Heinz bodies fol-
ment of sternal recumbency was not recorded, but in- lowing the third day of propofol anesthesia was detected
terindividual variation in the time taken to achieve full in parallel with development of clinical illness.2 In another
recovery was evident. The uneventful recoveries from study,4 there was an unspecified increase in Heinz body
anesthesia and absence of adverse effects in the study formation in 6 of 10 cats that were administered 10 mg of
cats contrast with findings of another investigation2 of propofol/kg (4.5 mg/lb) on each of 3 consecutive days, but
repeated daily propofol anesthesia in 6 cats; 5 of those the significance of that change was not analyzed.
6 cats were withdrawn from that study because of de- The relationship between propofol administra-
velopment of generalized malaise, anorexia, and diar- tion, Heinz body formation, and clinical disease in cats
rhea. Similarly, no adverse effects were detected in cats remains unproven. The incidence of Heinz bodies in
anesthetized by use of a single bolus of 10 mg of propo- clinically normal cats ranges from 0% to 96%19; this
fol/kg daily for 3 days.4 The absence of adverse clinical relatively high proportion has been attributed to ultra-
effects of repeated daily propofol anesthesia in the cats structural properties of the nonsinusoidal feline spleen,
of the present study may be attributed principally to the which make it unable to remove nondeformable eryth-
markedly lower total dose of propofol administered. rocytes containing Heinz bodies from the circulation.5
Although all cats in the present study had neoplas- Although increases in Heinz body formation following
tic disease and 18 of 24 cats in group 2 had undergone propofol administration may be the result of oxidative
surgery within 30 days before commencement of ra- erythrocyte damage induced by propofol, important an-
diotherapy, no concurrent disease was evident in any tioxidant properties have been attributed to propofol in
cat, with the exception of 1 cat with anemia. Although humans, rats, and pigs, including protection of cerebral
the prevalence of infectious diseases among cats in glutamate clearance mechanisms from oxidative dam-
Switzerland is low, FeLV or FIV seronegativity was not age, enhanced tissue antioxidant activity, and protec-
confirmed in the cat with anemia; infection with either tion of RBCs against oxidative stress.20-24
virus was not excluded as a differential diagnosis and On the basis of the results of the present study,
neither was anemia of chronic disease. propofol appears to be a clinically useful and effective
Hematocrit values at the midpoint of radiotherapy anesthetic agent for repeated daily anesthetic episodes
(T1) were lower than baseline values in each anesthetic of short duration in cats. Propofol administered at the
protocol subgroup in groups 1 and 2, but the differenc- doses and dosing interval used in our study provided
es were not significant, reflecting wide interindividual anesthesia that was adequate for completion of short-
variation. The values did not decrease further between duration radiation treatments and was not associated
the midpoint and end of radiotherapy. Although the with adverse effects in any cat included in the study.
decreases in Hct were not cumulative over days and Preanesthetic medication with an appropriate neuro-
were not associated with a critical degree of anemia in leptic combination and prior administration of mid-
any individual cat, the Hct values (and, in association, azolam allowed a significant reduction in the total dose
hemoglobin concentrations) at the end of radiotherapy of propofol required to induce and maintain anesthesia.
were decreased relative to baseline values in all 4 anes- Despite the lack of significance, the apparent decreases
thetic protocol subgroups. There was considerable in- in Hct and hemoglobin concentration over the study
terindividual variation in the change in Hct associated period promote the recommendation of routine hema-
with repeated propofol anesthesia; it is possible that tologic monitoring of cats that are anesthetized repeat-
the magnitude and direction of the change would have edly with propofol for procedures of short duration.
become significant if a larger number of cats had been
a. Propofol 1%, Fresenius, Stans, Switzerland.
included in the study. A power analysis for the 1-sided b. Dormicum, 5 mg/mL, Roche AG, Basel, Switzerland.
unpaired and 2 sample t tests (for T1 minus T0 hema- c. Dynaray LA20, ABB/VARIAN, Baden, Switzerland.
tologic values) with α of 5% and power of 80% revealed d. Vet/Ox SDI 4402, San Diego Instruments, San Diego, Calif.
that inclusion of 7 cats receiving the midazolam-propo- e. Abott Cell-Dyn 3500, Abott, Baar, Switzerland.
fol combination and 12 cats receiving propofol alone in f. StatView, version 5.0.1 for Windows, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC.
group 1 would have been needed to detect a difference
of 10% in Hct changes between the 2 groups. References
Although no significant changes in RBC variables rel- 1. Reves JG, Glass PSA, Lubarskz DA, et al. Intravenous nonopioid
ative to baseline values were detected in 6 healthy cats that anaesthetics. In: Miller R, ed. Miller’s anaesthesia. 6th ed. Phila-
received repeated daily administrations of propofol for as delphia: Elsevier, 2005;318–326.
1352 Scientific Reports: Original Study JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007
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Correction: Survival rate and short-term fertility rate associated with the use of fetotomy
for the resolution of dystocia in mares: 72 cases (1991–2005)
In the report “Survival rate and short-term fertility rate associated with the use of fetotomy
for the resolution of dystocia in mares: 72 cases (1991–2005)” (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2007;
230;1502–1505), the dosage for detomidine chloridrate in the third line in the first full
paragraph in the right-hand column on page 1503 is incorrect. The correct dosage for
detomidine is 0.008 µg/kg (0.0036 µg/lb), IV.
JAVMA, Vol 231, No. 9, November 1, 2007 Scientific Reports: Original Study 1353