Reviews in Physics: Harald Haas T
Reviews in Physics: Harald Haas T
Reviews in Physics: Harald Haas T
Reviews in Physics
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In this paper we will first explain what Light-Fidelity (LiFi) is and argue that it is a 5th Generation
(5G) technology. Peak transmission speeds of 8 Gbps from a single light source have been de-
monstrated, and complete cellular networks based on LiFi have been created. We will discuss
numerous misconceptions and illustrate the potential impact this technology can have across a
number of existing and emerging industries. We also discuss new applications which LiFi can
unlock in the future.
LiFi is a wireless communication technology that uses the infrared and visible light spectrum for high speed data communication.
LiFi, first coined in [1] extends the concept of visible light communication (VLC) to achieve high speed, secure, bi-directional and
fully networked wireless communications [2]. It is important to note that LiFi supports user mobility and multiuser access. The size of
the infrared and visible light spectrum together is approximately 2600 times the size of the entire radio frequency spectrum of
300 GHz (see Fig. 1). It is shown in [3] that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of wireless traffic has been 60% during the last
10 years. If this growth is sustained for the next 20 years, which is a reasonable assumption due to the advent of Internet-of-Things
(IoT) and machine type communication (MTC), this would mean a demand of 12,000 times the current bandwidth assuming the same
spectrum efficiency. As an example, the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) RF band in the 5.4 GHz region is about 500 MHz, and
this is primarily used by wireless fidelity (WiFi). This bandwidth is already becoming saturated, which is one reason for the in-
troduction of Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig). WiGig uses the unlicensed spectrum between 57 GHz–66 GHz, i.e., a maximum
bandwidth of 9 GHz. In 20 years from now, the bandwidth demand for future wireless systems would however, be 12,000 × 500 MHz
which results in a demand for 6 THz of bandwidth. The entire RF spectrum is only 0.3 THz. This means a 20 times shortfall compared
to the entire RF spectrum, and a 667 times shortfall compared to the currently allocated bandwidth for WiGig. In comparison, the
6 THz of bandwidth is only 0.8% of the entire IR and visible light spectrum. One could argue that a more aggressive spatial reuse of
frequency resources could be adopted to overcome this looming spectrum crunch. This approach has been used very successfully in
the past and has led to the ‘small cell concept’. In fact, it has been the major contributor towards the improvements of data rates as
illustrated in Fig. 2. The cell sizes in cellular communication have dramatically shrunk. The cell radius in early 2 G systems was
35 km, in 3G systems 5 km, in 4G systems 100 m, and in 5G probably about 25 m in order to reuse the available RF spectrum more
efficiently and to achieve higher data densities. However, further reductions in cell sizes are more difficult to achieve due to the high
infrastructure cost for the backhaul and fronthaul data links which connect these distributed access points to the core network.
Moreover, with a smaller cell size the likelihood of line-of-sight between an interfering base station and a user terminal increases. The
resulting interference can significantly diminish data rates and may cause a major problem in cellular networks [4]. Therefore, WiFi
access points have been mounted under the seats in stadia to use the human body as an attenuator for the RF signals and to avoid line-
of-sight interference links. Clearly, this is not a viable solution for office and home deployments. For these reasons, it is conceivable
Fig. 1. The radio frequency (RF) spectrum is only a fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The visible light spectrum and the infrared (IR) spectrum are
unregulated, and offer 780 THz of bandwidth.
Fig. 2. The main contributors that led to the factor 1,000,000 improvement of data rates in cellular communications during the last decades. The key factor has been
the small cell concept, followed by the allocation of new spectrum. Interestingly, new physical layer technologies have only contributed by an overall factor of 5.
that the contributions for the future mobile data traffic growth will stem from more spectrum rather than spatial reuse. In particular,
the optical resources are very attractive as they are plentiful as shown in Fig. 1 and they are license-free.
These resources can be used for data communication which is successfully demonstrated for decades in fibre-optic communication
using light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (lasers). With the widespread adoption of high brightness light emitting
diodes (LEDs) an opportunity has arisen to use the visible light spectrum for pervasive wireless networking.
Traditionally, a VLC system has been conceived as a single point-to-point wireless communication link between a LED light source
and a receiver which is equipped with a photo detection device such as a photo detector (PD). The achievable data rate depends on
the digital modulation technology used as well as the lighting technology. The available lighting technologies are summarised in
Fig. 3.
Most commercial LEDs are composed of a blue high brightness LED with a phosphorous coating that converts blue light into
yellow. When blue light and yellow light are combined, this turns into white light. This is the most cost-efficient way to produce
white light today, but the phosphor color converting material slows down the frequency response, i.e., higher frequencies are heavily
attenuated. Consequently, the bandwidth of this type of LED is merely in the region of 2 MHz. With a blue filter at the receiver to
Fig. 3. The maximum achievable data rates in LiFi depend on the technology of the actual light sources. Here we consider single blue chip technology with phos-
phorous coating; red, green and blue (RGB) LEDs; Gallium Nitride (GaN) micro LEDs and laser-based lighting. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
H. Haas Reviews in Physics 3 (2018) 26–31
Fig. 4. The concept of LiFi attocell networks applied to indoor wireless networking.
remove the slow yellow components it, however, is possible to achieve data rates in the region of 1 Gbps with these devices. More
advanced red, green and blue (RGB) LEDs enable data rates up to 5 Gbps as white light is produced by mixing the base colors instead
of using a color converting chemical. Record transmission speeds with a single micro LED of 8 Gbps have been demonstrated [5], and
it was shown that 100 Gbps are feasible with laser-based lighting [6].
The key advantages of a LiFi wireless networking layer are: (i) three orders of magnitude enhanced data densities [7]; (ii) unique
properties to enhance physical layer security [8]; (iii) use in intrinsically safe environments such as petrochemical plants and oil
platforms where RF is often banned; iv) with the advent of power-over-ethernet (PoE) and its use in lighting, there exists the
opportunity to piggy-back on existing data network infrastructures for the required backhaul connections between the light sources
with its integrated LiFi modem and the Internet.
LiFi networking
Fig. 4 illustrates the concept of a LiFi attocell network. The room is lit by several light fixtures, which provide illumination. Each
light is driven by a LiFi modem or a LiFi chip and, therefore, also serves as an optical base station or access point (AP). The optical
base stations are connected to the core network by high speed backhaul connections. The light fixtures also have an integrated
infrared detector to receive signals from the terminals. The illuminating lights are modulated at high rates. The resulting high
frequency flickers which are much higher than the refresh rate of a computer monitor are not visible to the occupants of the room.
Power and data can be provided to each light fixture using a number of different techniques, including PoE and power-line com-
munication (PLC) [9,10]. An optical uplink is implemented by using a transmitter on the user equipment (UE), often using an IR
source (so it is invisible to the user). Each of these light fixtures, which at the same time act as wireless LiFi APs, create an extremely
small cell, an optical attocell [11]. Because light is spatially confined, it is possible in LiFi to take the ‘small cell concept’ to a new
level by creating ultra-small cells with radii less than 5 m while exploiting the huge additional unlicensed spectrum in the optical
domain. The balance of light fixtures that contain APs and those that provide only illumination is determined by the requirement of
the network, but potentially all light fixtures can contain APs. Compared to a single AP wireless hot-spot system, such cellular systems
can cover a much larger area and allow multiple UEs to be connected simultaneously [12]. In cellular networks, dense spatial reuse of
the wireless transmission resources is used to achieve very high data density - bits per second per square meter (bps/m2). Conse-
quently, the links using the same channel in adjacent cells interfere with each other, which is known as co-channel interference (CCI)
[13]. Fig. 5 illustrates CCI in an optical attocell network.
The move from point to point links to full wireless networks based on light poses several challenges. Within each cell, there can be
several users and therefore multiple access schemes are required. The provision of an uplink can also require a different approach
from the downlink. This is because low energy consumption is required in the portable device, and an uplink visible light source on
the device is likely to be distracting to the user. Therefore, the use of the infrared spectrum seems most appropriate for the uplink. In
addition, modulation techniques for a high-speed uplink have to be spectrum efficient and power efficient at the same time. Two
recently developed modulation techniques that achieve this are enhanced unipolar OFDM (eU OFDM) [14], or spectral and energy
efficient (SEE OFDM) [15]. Advanced CCI mitigation techniques [16] often require that these multiple LiFi APs are operated by
means of a centralized control mechanism such as ‘resource schedulers’ within the controller of a software defined network (SDN)
H. Haas Reviews in Physics 3 (2018) 26–31
Fig. 5. CCI occurs in the region where the same light spectrum of neighboring APs overlaps, and when these APs use the same modulation bandwidth for data
[17]. The main tasks of the ‘resource scheduler’ are to adaptively allocate signal power, frequency, time and wavelength resources.
Typically, there are trade-offs between signaling overhead, computational complexity, user data rates, aggregate data rates and user
fairness, and the optimum selection of respective CCI mitigation and resource scheduling techniques depend on actual use cases and
system constraints [18,19]. Other functions of the central controller include achieving multi-user access, and the process of handover
from cell to cell when terminals move. Handover plays an important role in LiFi networks. For example, the handover controller has
to ensure that connectivity is maintained when users leave a room, or the premises. Therefore, there might be situations when there is
no LiFi coverage. In these scenarios to avoid loss of connectivity we utilize the fact that LiFi is complementary to RF networks. To this
end, there have been studies on hybrid LiFi/RF networks, and the three key findings are: (i) LiFi networks will significantly improve
services quality to mobile users, (ii) service delivery can be uninterrupted, and (iii) WiFi networks significantly benefit from LiFi
networks. The latter is because well-designed load balancing will ensure that WiFi networks suffer less from inefficient traffic
overheads caused by constant re-transmissions which happen when two or multiple terminals are in contention [20].
LiFi attocell networks have many advantages over incumbent technologies. Firstly, unlike omnidirectional RF antennas radiating
signals in all directions, a LED light source typically radiates optical power directionally because of the way it is constructed.
Therefore, the radiation of the visible light signals is naturally confined within a limited region. In contrast, RF mm-wave systems
require complicated and expensive antenna beamforming techniques to achieve the same objective. Secondly, LiFi attocell networks
can be implemented by modifying existing lighting systems. Any LiFi attocell network can provide extra wireless capacity without
interference to RF networks that may already exist. LiFi attocell networks, therefore, have the potential to augment 5G cellular
systems in a cost-effective manner [21].
A unique feature of LiFi is that it combines illumination and data communication by using the same device to transmit data and to
provide lighting. Fig. 6(a) depicts a simple room scenario with two lights. Fig. 6(b) shows the resulting illuminance at desk level of
0.75 m. In the particular example, the lights are placed such that within the plane at desk height, 90% of the area achieves an
illuminance of 400 lx based on a given illumination requirement. Fig. 6(c) depicts the resulting signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
(SINR). The region where the light cones overlap is subject to strong CCI, and the SINR drops significantly. It is interesting to note that
the SINR can vary by about 30 dB within a few centimeters. This example also highlights that the peak SINR can be in region of 50 dB
which is two to three orders of magnitude higher than the peak SINR in RF based wireless systems. The achievable data rate strongly
depends on the location of the receiver and also on the field of view (FoV) of the receiver [22].
Interference mitigation techniques are required to ensure that within the region of strong CCI, a mobile station can also achieve
high SINR, and this is a non-trivial problem which involves signal processing such as successive interference cancellation [23].
Fig. 6. A room of size 2.5 m × 5 m is equipped with two LiFi luminaires installed at 3 m height pointing vertically downwards. The LiFi luminaires are illustrated by
two blue squares in subplot (a). Both luminaires use the same visible light spectrum to transmit independent information. Vertically upwards pointing receivers at
0.75 m desk height are assumed. The illuminance at desk height is illustrated in subplot (b). The resulting SINR assuming a receiver FoV of 45° is depicted in subplot
(c). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
H. Haas Reviews in Physics 3 (2018) 26–31
Fig. 7. This illustration shows the operation of a LiFi link under strict non-line-of-sight (LoS) conditions (courtesy pureLiFi).
LiFi misconceptions
LiFi is a disruptive technology that is poised to impact many industries. LiFi is a fundamental 5G technology. It can unlock the IoT,
drive Industry 4.0 applications, light-as-a-service (LaaS) in the lighting industry, enable new intelligent transport systems, enhance
road safety when there are more and more driverless cars, create new cybersecure wireless networks, enable new ways of health
monitoring of aging societies, offer new solutions to close the digital divide, and enable very high-speed wireless connectivity in
future datacenters. LiFi will have a catalytic effect for the merger of two major industries: i) the wireless communications industry
and ii) the lighting industry. In 25 years from now, we argue that the LED lightbulb will serve thousands of applications and will be an
integral part of the emerging smart cities, smart homes and the IoT. LaaS will be a dominating theme in the lighting industry, which
will drive the required new business models when LED lamps last 20 years or more. LaaS in combination with LiFi will, therefore,
provide a business model driven ‘pull’ for the lighting industry to enter what has traditionally been a wireless communications
market. In the wireless industry, LiFi has the potential to create a paradigm shift by moving from cm-wave communication to nm-
wave communication – see Fig. 8. It is, therefore, conceivable that the wireless industry and the lighting industry will merge into one.
H. Haas Reviews in Physics 3 (2018) 26–31
Fig. 8. The transition from cm-wave to mm-wave is already happening in 5G. LiFi will take this paradigm shift to a radically new level.
An important prerequisite for the large-scale adoption of LiFi technology is the availability of standards. In this context, efforts have
started in IEEE 802.15.7, IEEE 802.11 as well as ITU-R to standardize LiFi technology.
In this paper we have shown that there has been a clear trend in wireless communications to use ever higher frequencies. This is a
consequence of the limited availability of RF spectrum in the lower frequency bands of an exponential growth in wireless data traffic
that we have been witnessing at the same time during the last decade. This growth will continue. It is, therefore, inevitable that other
spectrum than the RF spectrum must be used for future wireless communication systems. We, therefore, forecast a paradigm shift in
wireless communications when moving from mm-wave communication to nm-wave communication which consequently involves
light – i.e., LiFi. There has been significant research in physical layer technologies for LiFi during the past 15 years and data rates
have increased from a few Mbps in around 2002 to 8 Gbps from a single LED in 2016. In the last five years there has been increasing
research in LiFi networking techniques such as multiuser access, interference mitigation and mobility support, and in parallel LiFi
products have entered the market which have enabled wireless networking with light. Therefore, LiFi has become a reality and this
technology is here to stay for a long time.
Prof Haas acknowledges support from the EPSRC under established career fellowship grant EP/K008757/1.
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