Detailed Lesson Plan in Electronics I. Objectives

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Cagayan National High School

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Detailed Lesson Plan in Electronics

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify the collector, base and emitter of the transistor;
b. Perform the task based on the steps being discussed;
c. Follow the steps in identifying the different terminals of the transistor correctly.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Transistor
B. Sub-Topic: Identifying Transistor Leads
C. Materials: Marker, Manila paper, Set of Transistors, Enlarged Transistor
D. Reference: Practical Electronics Solid State Servicingpp.98-99

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good Afternoon, Class! Good Afternoon, Ma’am.


Checking of attendance.

B. Motivation

So before we start the discussion for today, I

will group you first into four.

Upon doing the activity, we must be Safety Precautions:

informed ourselves for the safety 1. Set the pointer to zero.
precautions or the do’s and don’ts 2. Avoid touching the transistor lead and metal
incorporated with the task. part of the test probe when identifying collector,
base and emitter.
The students will be grouped into four. The 3. Be careful when holding transistors. The
teacher prepared a coated jar containing leads are pointed and may lead to minor
different electronic components inside. Each accidents if it use carelessly.
jar has one component. Every group will
assign a member to identify the component
inside by merely touching it. After knowing
the component, he will write the answer on
a piece of paper and pass it backward until it
reaches the last member. The last member
will be the one to write the final answer on
the given mini board and raise it
immediately as they finish answering. RUBRIC:
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points
Accuracy All 1 2 or more
transistor transistor transistor
leads were lead was leads were
identified not not
correctly. identified identified
correctly. correctly.
Speed Finished 2 minutes 4 minutes
before the after the or more
time time given after the
time given
Discipline Strongly Slightly Not
Observed Observed Observed
Teamwork Strongly Slightly Not
Observed Observed Observed

After having the activity, how did you By its texture and shape.
identify the different components?

How about in capacitor, how can you The shaded part with broken lines of the
identify the negative terminal? capacitor determines its negative terminal.

C. Presentation

How about in transistor? How can you Using multitester, Ma’am.

identify the collector, base and emitter?

Do you know the steps? No, Ma’am.

That is what we are going to learn today.

D. Lesson Proper 1. Range the multi-tester to x1 or x10

What are the steps in identifying the 2. Identify the base.

terminals of the transistor using multi-tester.
Who can read the first one?

How about the second step, Aldrei? 3. Place one of the test probe on any terminals
of the transistor and the other to any of the two
In identifying the base, the third step will terminals left. Keep the first test probe used to
dictate the procedure. Please read, Kristina. its original terminal while the other probe will
be transferred to the remaining terminal. If the
chosen terminal takes conduction with the other
two terminals, then the chosen terminal is the

Kindly read the fourth step, Jules. 4. After finding the base, range the multitester
to x10k.

How about the fifth step? 5. Do the reverse bias.

Why do we need to perform reverse bias? To determine the collector and emitter.

What is the next step, Francesca? 6. Place the negative probe to one of the
remaining terminals. If the needle pointer
deflects, the chosen terminal is the EMITTER.

How about the last step? Kindly read, 7. Place the other probe to the remaining
Rhyne. terminal. If the needle pointer does not deflect,
then the chosen terminal is the COLLECTOR.

Did you understand class? Yes Ma’am.


 Transistor- a semiconductor device used to

amplify or switch electronic signals and
electrical power.
 Base- controls the collector and emitter;
acts as a flood gate and accepts only a tiny
amount of current.
 Emitter- releases the current you want to
 Collector- collects the current you want to

E. Application

Each group will be given a set of transistors. RUBRIC:

Let the students identify the terminals using Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points
the multi-tester. The students will be given Accuracy All 1 2 or more
transistor transistor transistor
ten minutes to finish the activity.
leads were lead was leads were
identified not not
correctly. identified identified
correctly. correctly.
Discipline Strongly Slightly Not
Observed Observed Observed
Teamwork Strongly Slightly Not
Observed Observed Observed
F. Generalization

Based from our lesson and your experience

in the activity, who can tell me in their own Student response.
words the steps in identifying the collector,
base and emitter?

Very well said, Charity.

Do you think it is important for us to follow Yes. To identify correctly the different terminal
correctly the steps in identifying the leads and for us to perform the right
terminals of the transistor? connections in a circuit later on.

Very good!

In what situation in life can you apply your We can apply our knowledge in identifying the
knowledge in identifying the collector, base collector, base and emitter when we choose
and emitter of transistor? electronics as our field of specialization in the
future when we enter college. Just for example,
in assembling certain devices. We can use our
knowledge for securing right connections of the
Yes. Please give Jake three big claps.
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher will present infront the Steps in Identifying Transistor Leads. The steps are not set
according to its order. The students will number the steps from the first one up to the last step
to arrange the said steps.

V. Assignment

A. Follow up:
Draw an enlarge transistor and illustrate the deflections of the multitester depending on the
terminals of the component.

B. Advance:
1. What are the types of Field Effect Transistor?
2. How do they differ?

Industrial Technology Electronics 1 pp. 123-124

Prepared by:
Marie Joie B. Baquiran

Checked by:
Norman Mangulad

Noted by:
Nonito Mora, Ph.D.

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