I hope that USBRL maintains the momentum and spirit and continues to move forward in
realisation of dreams of connecting Kashmir valley to the Indian Railway network as well as to
take forward this fascinating journey of publication of a magazine to enrich all experienced and
young engineers alike.
I am glad to see the 12th issue of Himprabhat Technical News Magazine giving an account of the
achievement of technical marvels and the challenges faced by the USBRL Organisation of
Northern Railway. The USBRL team has had a breakthrough in tunneling efforts, excavating
26.34 km in 2018-19 against last year’s progress of 17.05 km, which is 54.5% more compared
to last year. Actual expenditure too surged to `2,587 crore i.e crossing `2,500 crore impelling
paradigm shift on progress of work.
The unprecedented work is being chronicled by publication of Himprabhat. I find that the
magazine covers a wide variety of topics and activities enumerating the details of work carried
out, the challenges faced and the measures adopted the USBRL team’s initiative and endeavour.
The efforts in publication of this magazine are laudable and deserve to be complimented.
I am sure the USBRL team will maintain the momentum and spirit this year to surpass the
benchmark set up last year and also to continue to chronicle the knowledge and experience by
periodical publication of this magazine.
The USBRL Rail Link Project was envisioned with a view to provide reliable and efficient mass
transportation system and to connect the Kashmir Valley with the rest of Indian Railway network. The
12th issue of Himprabhat lives up to the technical standards that had been laid in the previous issues
of the magazine.
This issue of Himprabhat captures a rich and varied technical experience of project engineers and
international consultants encompassing a wide gamut of activities on tunnels and bridges in the
mountainous terrain of Himalayas. I have vivid memories from my last visit on how engineers
overcame technical challenges deep inside tunnels or while building piers on steep cliffs facing over
deep gorges. It is an endeavour of this magazine to document every innovative work on USBRL for
posterity to cherish and learn lessons. It is a matter of pride and huge satisfaction that works on
tunnels and bridges are progressing very well.
I wish that USBRL takes forth this fascinating journey in the magazine to enrich the knowledge
of all engineers.
t gives me immense pleasure to apprise tackle difficult ground situations typically
that concerted and sustained efforts by encountered in fault sections and ensure
team USBRL made it possible to achieve adequacy of support selection during
all time high tunnel excavation of 26.34 excavation of tunnels.
Km in 2018-19 against last year progress The alignment USBRL Project passes
of 17.05 Km. Also, expenditure incurred for through the difficult geology in Himalayas.
the year 2018-19 is `2587/- crores ie crossing Thorough knowledge of geology is imperative
`2500/- Crores mark against the last year for successful execution of engineering projects
expenditure of `2088.5/- Crores. The above in Himalayas.The article by Sh. Aejaz Ahmad,
two parameters are ever highest since the start Geotechnical expert, PEMS engineering
of USBRL project. I take this opportunity to consultant and Pratap Chandra Dhang,
assure that USBRL project will continue to Dy.GM/C/Geology/IRCON International
strive and make sincere endeavours to further Ltd.covers descriptive methodologies for the
take up challenges and surpass the bench mark geological and geotechnical works during
set up in preceding year. construction of railway tunnels in Himalayan
As we all know, the project is passing AS WE ALL KNOW, region. This article provides the geological
through the most difficult geology, Surprises THE PROJECT IS assessment of the ground during construction
and imponderables are a routine affairs. So, THROUGH THE stage of tunnel. The narrative provided in the
does the ingenuity and the undying spirit of MOST DIFFICULT paper gives simple and compact methods of
engineers, geologists and other experts in the SURPRISES AND
tunnelling process through this young
field. For every difficulty and challenge, they IMPONDERABLES Himalayan Mountain Belt.
work out solutions and move ahead with their ARE A ROUTINE The article by Sh. Sandeep Gupta Chief
experiences and knowledge. Their work and THE INGENUITY Engineer/South/USBRL Project,Sh. Sumeet
experiences are once again chronicled and AND THE Khajuria Deputy Chief Engineer/Sangaldan
recorded in this issue of Himprabhat. This OF ENGINEERS,
& Sh.Anirudh Bansal Executive
publication includes very useful articles and GEOLOGISTS AND Engineer/Katraon "Rectification of Up-heaved
case studies which will definitely inspire OTHER EXPERTS portion of Ballast less Track(RHEDA 2000-
engineers and professionals alike and enrich EVERY DIFFICULTY VOSSLOH 300-1Usystem) laid in Tunnel
them with fruitful knowledge and AND CHALLENGE, T-25 on Udhampur-Katra section under
information. SOLUTIONS AND
running traffic conditions, by employing an
Riella.A., Quaglio.G., Sikka. V. and MOVE AHEAD innovative non-destructive method using
Zammit. H. of Geodata SpA, Italy and India WITH THEIR specially designed VOSSLOH 300-1U
in their article Tackling squeezing Ground KNOWLEDGE. fittings" has added a new dimension towards
during Tunnel T1 Excavation have shared their THEIR WORK AND the maintenance & repair work of Ballast less
experiences involving various phases like ONCE AGAIN
track, which can be done under running traffic
geological studies of the tunnel strata, analysis CHRONICLED conditions for such peculiar problem.
of behaviour of rock mass, geo-structural AND RECORDED Sh. Sabarna Roy, Sr. Vice President,
analysis, determination of support classes and HIMPRABHAT Electrosteel Castings Ltd.and Sh. Rajat
monitoring of the section in the process of Chowdhary, Sr. Executive, Electrosteel
tackling the squeezing ground condition. This Castings Ltd. in their paper on Ductile Iron
topic will help geologists and engineers alike to Pipeline System for Fire Fighting in tunnels
Kundan Adit
Tackling Squeezing Ground During Tunnel T1 Rectification of Up-heaved portion of Ballast less
Anji Bridge - Adoption Of Cable Stayed
Bridge / 58
Execution Of 100t Cable Anchors At
Chenab Bridge Site / 65
Geological Studies Of Major Bridges At
Sangaldan / 69
Geotechnical Assesment Of The Cracks
And Sinking Developed In Front Of The
Dumping Yard At Buni Village / 94
Chief Administrative Financial Advisor & Chief Engineer/North Chief Engineer/ Dy. CE/Design/USBRL
Officer Chief Accounts Officer/USBRL Coord./KRCL
Editor-in-Chief RANDHAWA SUHAG Chief Engineer/South D.P. LAL Secy. to CAO
Chief Electrical Engineer/USBRL Executive Director/IRCON CAO/USBRL/JAT
(Clockwise top from left): View of completed sub structure of Bridge no 43 in Bakkal area on
Katra-Banihal section; Reinforcement Binding work at foundation MA2, Anji Bridge near Reasi;
DMU train stationed at Qazigund station in Kashmir valley; View From tunnel T-49;
Arpinchala Station yard after Snowfall and Excavator work in Tunnel T-77D
(Clockwise from left): Panoramic view Chenab Bridge site; casting of foundation of a bridge Br-39;
View of piers of Bridge Br-38, Tunnel T-3 in Reasi and Erection of Arch at Chenab Bridge site
(Clockwise from left): Adit of tunnel T-49 in Kundan area; USBRL stall during Rail mela at Ambala
and Drilling Main Tunnel T-49A By Boomer (TAM Rock Machine)
Senior Engineering Geologist, 290 km of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) Project is being
Geodata SpA. Italy constructed by Indian Railways as National Project in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. The Railway Board, Government of India has entrusted the construction
QUAGLIO G. of Katra-Dharam (72.91 Km) Section of USBRL project to KRCL through
TUNG Director, Northern Railway. A Contract Agreement has been executed between KRCL and
Geodata SpA. Italy Northern Railway on 9th August 2005 whereby the design and construction of
new BG Rail link from Katra (Excluding) -Dharam (including) between km 30 to
SIKKA V. km 100.868 has been entrusted to KRCL and KRCL is executing this project in
Civil Engineer, terms of above agreement on behalf of Northern Railway. The works are already in
Geodata India Pvt. Limited, progress at various portions of the alignment. As a part of this project under the
New Delhi-110038 present tender, it is proposed to award the work for Tunnel Design Consultancy,
Site Services and 3D monitoring of Tunnels T1, T2, T3 & T5 between on Katra -
ZAMMIT H. Dharam Section of USBRL Project. KRCL has appointed Geodata Engineering
Technical Head, S.p.A. for Tunnel Design Consultancy with NATM including rigid support design,
Geodata India Pvt. Limited, site services and 3D monitoring of balance tunneling work of the project alignment
New Delhi-110038 traverses through the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) at the lower Himalayas which
includes the Siwalik Mudstone Formation Identified as Squeezing prone Ground.
This note gives a summary of the regional and local geology at Tunnel T1 location,
describes the methodology applied for excavation of the squeezing sections and
associated rectification works, followed by recommendations for tunnel excavation
in similar conditions.
and synclines that are in many cases quite sheared, has been shown as active through the Pleistocene (Ni
and over-thrust at the South onto the Siwalik Molasse 1984). In fact, most of the accurately located epicenters
(Sub-Himalaya zone) along the step NNE dipping of seismic events along the Himalayan arc (78°E-95°E),
Riasi Thrust. that occurred between 1961 and 1981, are concentrated
The Siwalik Molasse represents a foreland zone in a narrow zone, about 50 km wide, lying between the
consisting of clastic sediments that were produced by the northerly dipping Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and
uplift and subsequent erosion of the Himalaya belt, and Main Central Thrust (MCT).
deposited by rivers. These young sedimentary formations In turn, the Sub-Himalayas are bounded by a thrust
have been folded and faulted to produce the Siwalik Hills fault to the south and are forced over sediments on the
that are at the foot of the great mountains. Indian plate. This fault system is called the Himalayan
The MBT developed during the Pliocene time, and Frontal thrust (Sorkhabi 1999).
Figure-5: Geological map of the area around Tunnel 1. thrust zone is generally invisible due to thick and
(from “Report on geological investigation of Tunnel no. 1 & widespread quaternary cover formed by debris, slope
2 of Katra - Laole Rail Link project of KRCL in Jammu &
Kashmir”, by SJVNL 2008). deposits and alluvial soil (Figure 6 and 7).
In the central sector the tunnel (from about Ch 30
+600 to about Ch 32+100) crosses the Reasi Thrust
and Sirban Dolomite that is about 400m thick
consists of sedimentary rock mass mainly composed
of (Shivalik Formation) siltstone, claystone, thin
beds of sandstone, Angular Fragments of Dolomite
with silty sandy clay matrix and Jointed Dolomite
with crushed & Sheared Dolomite. Between CH
31+680 to CH 31+780, moderately weathered
variegated reddish brown Mudstone with soft infilling
/Sheared very soft showing swelling property in
presence of water was encountered.
Figure-6: Outcrops of conglomerates - Middle Siwalik Formation. Figure-7: Alluvial soil - Quaternary formation
Figure-8: Reddish Brown Mudstone at the Thrust Zone. Figure-9: Outcrops of crusched dolomite - Riasi Thrust / Main Boundary Fault
In the final portion the tunnel (Ch 32+100 Figure-10: Outcrops of dolomite in the T1P2 area -
Sirban Dolomite Formation
to T1-P2) crosses the Sirban Dolomite
Formation (Figure 9). The unfossiliferous
carbonate rocks form a generally well bedded
sequence of light grey to bluish dolomites
and limestone. Many forms of stromatolites,
intra-formational breccias, oolites, fine
laminations and lenticular arenaceous layers
occur. Chert lenses and bands, as arenaceus and
quartzitic beds are also very common. In the
lower part of the series intercalations of dark
marls, shale and slates are also described. The
thickness of this shallow water sequence is
estimated at 1000 to 2000 m.
The rocks forming the Sirban Formation are
generally hard and highly to moderately jointed
with a general trend of bedding oriented NW-SE
and dipping 60-65° trough NE.
The next section describes the methodology
used for the excavation through the squeezing
section of Tunnel T1.
o Geostructural analyses (2) can be broadly grouped NOTES: Russo and Grasso, 2006; δ0=radial deformation at the face
(prevalent classification criterion); Rpl/R0=plastic radius/radius of the
in two sets: cavity; σθ=max tangential stress; σcm=rock mass strength. In the brittle
failure domain, the deformation indices of the stress analysis are not
u limit equilibrium methods, which are normally
representative and can be taken just as an indicator of the increasing
utilized when both rock mass spatial patterns of potential of failure. The limits of shadow zones are just indicative.
Hereafter, the description of the behavioural classes is away from the face the indicative ratio Rpl/R0 is often in
reported in detail: the range of 2÷4. It has been observed that this condition is
o Behavioural category “a-b”: the strength of the rock frequently rather comparable with the lower limit of Severe
mass exceeds the stress level at the face and around the squeezing indicated by Hoek & Marinos (H&M, 2000).
cavity. The ground behaviour is elastic and in general o Behavioural category “e”: differs from category “d” with
deformations are of negligible magnitude. Instability respect to the magnitude of deformation at the face and
phenomena may be only related to wedge failures and this away from the face. At the face δo is greater than 1.0%
possibility is low if, for the absence of discontinuities, the while the ratio Rpl/R0 is very high (frequently >4). It has
rock mass can be assimilated to a “continuum” (→category been observed that this condition is frequently rather
“a”) and high, in the opposite case, if may be related to a comparable with the lower limit of Very severe squeezing
“discontinuum” medium (→category “b”). indicated by Hoek & Marinos (H&M, 2000).
o Behavioural category “c”: the magnitude of stress o Behavioral category “f”: is characterised by immediate
concentrations at the face approaches the strength of the collapse of the face during excavation (impossible to install
rock mass. Therefore, the behaviour is elasto-plastic but support). This behavior, not necessarily highlighted by
resulting in minor instabilities. The radial deformation stress analysis, is generally associated with non-cohesive soils
(δo), defined as the percentage ratio of radial displacement and cataclastic rock masses such as these found in fault
at the face (uo) to the equivalent cavity radius, Ro, is zones, especially under conditions of high hydrostatic
limited (less than 0.5%). Away from the face, on the pressure and/or high in-situ stresses.
periphery of the cavity the stresses exceed the strength of The practical implementation of the described
the rock mass, resulting in the formation of a plastic zone classification system in the preliminary design phases, as
around the excavation, frequently having a width less than well as during tunnel construction can be reasonably
Ro (i.e. 1<Rpl/R0<2). obtained by the multiple diagram of Figure 8.2, in which
o Behavioural category “d”: the magnitude of stress the basic procedure for the selection of the support section
concentrations at the face exceeds the strength of the rock type is approximately reproduced with some reasonable
mass. The deformation at the face δo is 0.5÷1.0%, while simplifications, (See figure no. 13 below).
Figure-13: Multiple graph for the evaluation of the excavation behavior and typical potential hazards (Russo, 2008).
Competency Index (IC)
is the ratio between
rock mass strength
(σcm) and the max
tangential stress (for
circular tunnel and
k=1, σθ=2γH, where γ
is the rock mass density
and H is the
Proceeding clockwise
from the left bottom
graph (I→IV), the
rational scheme applied
in the multiple diagram
of Figure 8.2 is [in
parenthesis the
representative property]:
I) Rock block volume [Vb] + Joint Conditions [jC] Rock 10dm3 and slightly undulating, rough joint jC=1.75 →
Mass Fabric [GSI] GSI ≈ 50.
II) Intact strength [σc] + Rock Mass Fabric → [GSI] Rock II) GSI ≈ 50 and Intact rock strength c=50MPa Rock mass
mass strength [σcm] strength σcm=2.8MPa.
III)Rock mass strength [σcm] + In situ stress [σθ] → III) σcm=2.8MPa and overburden H=300m → Index
Competency [IC] of Competency IC = 0.19 (GD class from stress
IV)Competency [IC] + Self-supporting capacity [RMR] → analysis: c).
Excavation behaviour [Hazards] IV) IC= 0.19 and RMR =45 → Prevalent hazard wedge
It should be noted that the GSI (Geological Strength instability/rockfall → Application of the support section
Index) determination in the I quadrant is obtained by type C1.
the “quantitative” approach proposed by Russo (2007, For Tunnel T1 squeezing section, based on the above
2009): evidently, the original “qualitative” chart of Hoek procedure, Support Class D which featured installation
and Marinos (2000) can be used as well and then to of TH44 deformable steel sets, was recommended. The
enter the GSI value directly in the II quadrant. associated excavation and support application sequence is
o Rock Classes and definition of support section types given the figure below:
Based on the anticipated Rock Mass Behaviour, the
Figure-16: GDE Support Class D Sequence
appropriate mitigation measures and consequently of the
support section types are defined and summarized in
support classes as shown in the Tender Drawings for
Excavation and Support.
In the Table 1, the general criterion of application of
the support section types, as a function of the
Geomechanical classification of reference, is anticipated,
(See Table No. 1 below).
During the excavation, the xx formation was encountered
at section CH 31+680 as shown in the Fig 14.3D.
Based on the results of probing ahead and geological
face mapping, the intact rock, joint condition, and
hydrogeological parameters are estimated. The process to
determine the required support class during excavation
follows the GDE multiple graph as shown in the figure 5. TUNNEL T1 - MONITORING SCHEME FOR
below. The GSI is determined based on the volume block THE SQUEEZING SECTION BETWEEN CH
and jointing conditions observed on the face. Then, the 31+650 TO CH 31+780:
rockmass strength is estimated and the excavation Correspondence between design assumptions, actual
competency is evaluated considering the actual ground behaviour and adequacy of new enlarged tunnel
overburden at the section chainage. support will be checked during tunnel rectification works
Behaviour type is deduced based on expected RMR through the following actions:
and finally Support Class and further additional support o Radial displacement monitoring
measures are selected from the last quadrant and the o Radial pressure between rock and support monitoring
design, (See figure no. 15). o Steel rib deformations monitoring
I) Fractured dolomite with Rock block volume Vb ≈ o Force acting in the rock bolt
NOTES: The terms for Rockburst and Squeezing intensity are referred to the Canadian Rockburst Support Handbook (CRSH,1996) and Hoek & Marinos
(H&M, 2000), respectively. Incidentally, in the specific case of T1 tunnel, the application of the section type C4 it is not foreseen at the present design phase.
Figure-14: 3D: Geological Log of the squeezing section at Tunnel T1
Figure-15: Application of the multiple graph for at the squeezing section in Tunnel T1
Convergence monitoring is the predominant tool to o should be installed in the invert as required and
evaluate tunnel stability. Direct observation by according to site Engineer’s instruction, in order
experienced construction staff and site geologists is to be to monitor any additional radial pressure from
regarded as one essential monitoring activity and needs swelling.
to be performed on a continuous basis. The following o No. 5 Strain Meter;
instruments should be adopted. o No. 2 (3) Load Cells (to be installed only after rock
o Displacement Monitoring Point (DMP; Optical anchors are in their final. configuration, i.e. after
Targets for 3D Displacement Monitoring); rebuilding of anchor head assembly).
o Pressure Cell (PC): Contact pressure acting on the The following monitoring sections has been
steel sets; recommended during the excavation of the squeezing
o Strain Meter (SM): Maximum stress in the steel rib; section: (See Figure no. 17).
o Load Cell (LC): Maximum force in the bolt head A level action plan is suggested for which specified
actions are required should the trigger limit threshold be
A typical monitoring array is composed by: exceeded. The data will be downloaded and processed by
o No. 7 Displacement Monitoring Point (DMP) or the surveyor for review by the contractor and designer
bi-reflex targets, as shown in the figure below; within the day of survey and the data will be reviewed
o No. 3 (+1) Pressure Cells (1+1 sidewalls & 1 crown); and evaluated in terms of displacement and convergence
one additional pressure cell by the designer against the following limits:
The geological mapping procedures used in India are divided into three different
stages: (i) round mapping, (ii) systematic mapping and (iii) supplementary studies.
The main purpose of round mapping is to obtain geological data for the
geotechnical assessment of the rock mass for excavation purposes, especially for the
design of tunnel reinforcement. The systematic mapping takes place soon after the
roof of the round has been shotcreted. Most of the geological data is gathered
during this phase and after the mapping, all observations are measured with
specific instrument like Brunton, Clar compass, Schmidt hammer to obtain precise
location data.
The supplementary studies comprise several mapping phases, which include
mapping of the significant fractures (Tunnel Crosscutting Fractures -TCF), detailed
mapping and descriptions of deformation zone intersections, as well as petrological
and mineralogical sampling. Many of these features are already recognized during
the round and systematic mapping, but their detailed definition and description is
completed during this last mapping phase. Over time, several improvements have
been made to the mapping procedures. The current mapping methods give both
detailed information and an extensive view of the geology of the excavated areas.
However, the development of the mapping procedure is still undergoing. This
paper describes and evaluates the geological and geotechnical mapping procedures
used in the railway tunnels in Himalayan region.
When the project alignment traverses through regions Boundary Thrust (MBT) or Murree Thrust in the south
with full of geological surprises (geological features, such and Main Central Thrust (MCT) or Panjal Thrust in the
as faults, tectonic mélanges, hidden channels, etc. which north. The succession of the Lesser Himalaya comprises
remains unnoticed during preliminary survey) and Proterozoic and Cambrian sedimentary and meta-
continuous changing geology, as in Himalaya or in Alps, sedimentary rocks. The Higher Himalaya is separated
it is appropriate to adopt the approach known as from Lesser Himalaya along MCT and consists of
‘observational method’, in which the design can be sedimentary, low-to high-grade metamorphic rocks of
reviewed during construction after interpreting Paleoproterozoic to Ordovician. The Higher Himalayan
monitoring data (geological, geotechnical, Crystalline passes into the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence
geomechanical, etc.). For this geologists and geotechnical towards north along South Tibetan Detachment (STD)
engineers play significant role. The alignment of the and comprises sedimentary sequence and igneous rock of
Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) Proterozoic to Cretaceous-Eocene age. On the extreme
Project passes through the Himalaya (Lesser and Higher) north, Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) is represented
situated in Jammu and Kashmir. An observational by ophiolite sequence indicating presence of Neo-
approach known as New Austrian Tunnelling Method Tethyan Ocean.
(NATM) has been adopted for the construction of
tunnels in this new Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail DETERMINATION OF GEOLOGICAL
Link (USBRL) Project. USBRL Project is a project of CONDITION :
national importance and is under the supervision of Tunnelling is an underground work, where the rock or
Northern Railway (NR). NR deployed Ircon soil, generally termed as ‘ground’ is considered as the
International Limited and Konkan Railway Corporation main construction material for the tunnel, therefore the
Limited (KRCL) for execution. Under whom several initial or natural strength of the ground has to be
executing agencies and Detail Design Consultancies preserved (Deere et al., 1967).
(DDC) are working. It is the geologist who understands the ground and its
behaviour and how the ground will react during
GEODYNAMICAL SETTING OF PROJECT AREA: excavation process. To understand and to document
The entire region is characterized by highly immature these, the geologist used to perform the followings
and rugged topography with high relative relief described below.
influenced by active erosional processes of Himalayan Rock mass is rarely continuous, homogeneous and
Rivers. The valleys are ‘V’shaped, often featured by very isotropic, and is usually dissected by several discontinuity
gentle slope on their higher levels, whereas lower levels planes (fractures, cleavage, joints, etc.) and other
are narrow ‘V’ shaped and terminates into narrow gorges structures, especially in the geodynamical setting
in the lowermost levels. The evolution of Himalayan described above (Fig. 2). Mapping of such elements is an
mountain chain began when Indian Plate collided with essential component for the design of underground
Eurasian Plate, after its detachment from Gondwanaland excavation. Different engineering geological parameters,
and buckling of sediments which were deposited in such as, weathering/alteration, structure, colour, grain
Tethyan Ocean(GSI, 2005; DeCelles, 2001; An Yin, size, rock type, groundwater influence, details of
2006). Mountain range is subdivided into four principal discontinuities (number of joint sets, orientation,
tectonic zones, namely, (1) Sub-Himalaya (or Foreland persistence, spacing, aperture/thickness, infilling,
Zone), (2) Lesser or Lower Himalaya (or Autochthonous waviness and unevenness), etc. are used to be collected.
Fold Belt), (3) Higher or Greater Himalaya Crystalline Geologists used to determination actual ground type
(or Nappe Zone), and (4) Tethyan Himalaya ( ). Sub- (GT), assessment of the system behaviour in the
Himalaya is bounded by Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) in excavation area (GBT), determination of excavation and
the south and Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) or Murree support (following the design given by DDC), check of
Thrust in the north; it consists of Tertiary to Quaternary the system behaviour and geotechnical safety
sediments. Lesser Himalaya is bounded by Main management. Geologists used to prepare the reports or
do documentation on daily basis on the format provided of joints and tunnel axis to depict whether the tunnelling
by DDCs of respective tunnels. The documentation is in favourable direction or not, (f ) taking note of how
format involves three sheets (excluding the photographic much seepage is occurring.
documentation sheet), namely, (1) Tunnel Face Mapping
Sheet (TFMS), (2) Rock Mass and Support Section
(RMSS), and (3) GSI Index Estimation (GSIE). The
Figure 3: Representative face log showing different rocks and
format used to document the geological and geotechnical geological features. Each square is of 1X1 m.
condition of the tunnel face is similar and uniform in all
tunnels Project.
Face logging on the scale of 1:100, involves mapping
of geological information on the excavated tunnel face
(Fig. 3). It includes: (a) identification of rock or ground
types (RT or GT), (b) identification of geological
structures, like foliation, joints, bedding planes, faults,
folds, etc., (c) measurement of orientation of geological
structures by compass, those are strike, dip, plunge, etc.
of linear as well as planar features, (d) marking of special
features on face, such as, shear seams, quartz veins, etc.,
(e) Proper marking of seepage areas on face, (f ) taking
note of geological over breaks due to conjugate joints
(wedges), decomposed rock-mass and/or water. uniaxial
compressive strength (UCS) by following the method of
ISRM, (c) determination of weathering grade by ISRM
method , (d) measurement and calculation of rock
quality designation (RQD), (e) using of orientation data
Table -1
(iii) Behavioural category “C”-Magnitude of stress On the periphery of the cavity the stress exceeds
concentrations at face approaches strength of rock-mass. strength of rock-mass, resulting in formation of plastic
Behaviour will be elasto-plastic and minor instabilities zone around excavation having width less than radius of
will occur. the tunnel. (iv) Behavioural category “D”-Magnitude of
Advance probing of 12 to 25 m are often carried out to
determine the geological condition ahead. During
advance probing, joint measurements and collection of
data (torque, penetration rate, type of out-coming rock
chips and colour of water, etc.) with contractor and
DDC representatives.However, at each of the tunnels in
USBRL Project, the escape tunnel (ET) with smaller
diameter is ahead of the main tunnel (MT), hence
advance probing is not so required. If the strike of the
stress concentrations at face exceeds strength of the rock mass is perpendicular to the tunnel orientation,
rock-mass. Face will be in plastic zone. Though the then the ground condition encountered at ET definitely
deformation gradient is low, therefore, immediate comes in MT. If the case is not so, then advance probing
collapse of the face will be prevented. There will be are used to be done. Even at a few tunnels in this project
development of plastic zone around the cavity results in Tunnel Seismic Prediction (TSP) has also been used to
worse stability conditions overall. (v) Behavioural know the ground condition ahead.And finally 3D map
category “E”-Stress to strength state results in high and longitudinal section are used to be prepared from
deformation gradient which causes critical conditions of the face logs to show the geological variation (expected
face stability. Width of the plastic zone is greater than and actual geological condition) along the tunnel path
tunnel radius. This category includes highly squeezing (Fig. 6).
DEFINING APPROPRIATE SUPPORT SYSTEMS and other instruments like extensometer, strain gage,
The design of the tunnels is based on New Austrian pressure cell, etc. are also used.
Tunneling Method (NATM), which is based on a
concept whereby the ground surrounding an CONCLUSION
underground opening becomes a load bearing The geological assessment of the ground during the
structural component through activation of a construction stage of the tunnel is significant,
ring-like body of supporting ground (Rabecewicz, 1964; especially in the diverse and ever changing geology
1965; Muller and Fecker, 1978; Austrian National of the Himalayas. Geological assessment involves
Committee of ITA, 1980; Karakus and Fowell, 2004). geological mapping of different rocks and the
NATM also known as Sequential Excavation Method discontinuities present, the prediction of rocks’
(SEM) works on understanding of the behavior of the behaviour during the excavation, application of proper
ground as it reacts to the creation of an underground supportive measures to tackle the adverse behaviour of
opening. The cross-section of the tunnels is generally the rock and also the assessment of deformation after
modified horse-shoe shape to promote smooth stress support installation, if any. There are different
redistribution around newly created opening. stages of geological mapping, which were described
Primary support (shotcrete, lattice girder and rockbolts) earlier. Here the emphasis has been given to the face
allowed a controlled ground deflection to mobilize logging which are generally done soon after the
inherent shear strength in the ground and to initiate excavation. At least three hours of time of mucking
load distribution. after the blast are used to do geological mapping,
Considering geomechanical parameters and in-situ assessment and evaluation of the support which will be
stress depending on overburden, appropriate support provided after mucking. If the ground condition in
classes have been defined (classes varies depending upon actual differs from the ground condition predicted, the
the designers), which is made possible by considering support system also used according to the ground
precedent experiences in other similar tunnels. Supports condition, the support class gets changed. The face
are further verified by Confinement-Convergence logging and rock mass rating methods which are in use at
Method (CCM) and numerical models. Based on the the railway project in Himalayan region have been
ground characteristics (RT or GT) and the determined described here. The RMR and GSI are in use for rock
ground behaviour (RBT or GBT) a feasible construction mass classification and deduction of support system
concept is to be chosen, consisting of excavation method, accordingly. Other methods like analysis of wedge
excavation sequence, support measures and auxiliary stability, relationship between major joint and tunnel
methods. The tunnelling concept in general contains: orientations, determination of geological condition
(a) Ground improvement methods, (b) Dewatering ahead, etc. are also described. Based on which the
methods, (c) Excavation methods, (d) Excavation and instability phenomena like wedge failure, spalling,
support sequence, (e) Pre-supports, (f ) Support rockbursting, squeezing, etc. are predicted.
concept, (g) Possible round length. Therefore after proper Accordingly the engineers provide the appropriate
rock mass classification and identification of behaviour, supportive measures, so as to do tunnelling safely.
the appropriate support class determined for that Therefore geologists and geotechnical engineers are
particular ground condition are used to be provided. To important in understanding and determining the
evaluate the deformation in the provided support system, ground condition and the required support systems,
tunnel instrumentation and 3D monitoringare used to be especially in this observational method (NATM) of
done, for which bireflex targets as Deformation tunnelling. The methodologies described in the paper
Monitoring Points (DMP) were installed in the tunnel are very simple and compact and are very useful during
roof and at selected points along the tunnel walls (5 to 7 the tunnelling process through this young notorious
in a section). Himalayan mountain belt. These data acquiring
Vertical, horizontal, and longitudinal (in tunnel methods are quite safe and are helpful in proper
direction) movements were measured from the targets determination of supports.
This paper gives an insight into the unique and innovative work of
rectification done to solve the longstanding problem of an upheaval
existing in ballastless track (RHEDA 2000- VOSSLOH 300-1U
system) laid in Tunnel No. T-25 located between Udhampur and Katra
section of USBRL Project. This rectification work was unique in nature
for the reason, being the first of its kind executed in a ballastless track
SANDEEP GUPTA under operation on Indian Railways, which has not yet been done
Chief Engineer, anywhere so far. The rectification work involved flattening of up-heaved
South USBRL portion of BLT by introduction of a properly designed vertical curve of
1 in 4000 radius in the track structure without any destruction to the
permanent concrete structure. For providing a vertical curve of 1 in
4000 radius in track structure, special fittings from VOSSLOH 300-1U
Germany involving height adjustment steel and plastic plates , angled
guide vanes etc were got designed ,imported and installed in order to
introduce the designed vertical versine under each rail seat. This
entailed precise survey of rail levels, data collation and plotting, design
SUMEET KHAJURIA of best fitting vertical curves (Radii more than 1 in 4000) over the
Deputy Chief Engineer design track length and working out vertical versines for each rail seat
Sangaldan and accordingly design ,manufacture and install height and gauge
adjustment plates underneath each rail seat for execution. The entire
work was planned and successfully executed under three traffic block of
4 hours duration each, taken for three (03) days in all.
After installation, fittings were tightened for the design torque 250
N-m to achieve the designed service track parameters for gauge, cross
level, twist, unevenness and longitudinal rail levels. Speed was relaxed in
stages before finally a joint speed trial was done with open line to check
ANIRUDH BANSAL the riding comfort over the rectified track length. No abnormality was
Executive Engineer noticed and speed was thus relaxed to sectional speed of 80 kmph on
Katra 05.04.2019.
(Ap 20u) of 6mm and 10mm, Rail pads 5.4 Sleeper screws were opened using spanners and
(Zw692) varying 2mm to 12 mm were Rails were lifted using Manual jacks. Rail seat
designed. Gauge adjustment was done through was cleaned, already installed fittings were taken
angle Guide Plates (Wfp 15U) of varying width. e out and modified fittings were seated under
Dowel Screw (Ss 36) length of increased length each rail seat as per the shimming and
were designed and manufactured to cater regulation sheet. The work was completed in
increased height adjustments . (Exhibit: 3). two days and then sleeper screws were tightened
4.5 Detailed shimming and regulation sheet was using torque wrench of design torque to
prepared for various track components for the maintain track parameters.Track parameters
designed track length. (Gauge, Cross levels, longitudinal rail levels etc)
4.6 After finalisation of the Shimming list and were measured and found within prescribed
regulation sheet, manufacturing of these service limits.The entire work was done in the
modified fittings was done in Germany, China presence of Open line (Exhibit :5).
and India, before they were finally imported to 5.5 Track profile plotted pre and post rectification
India and transported to site of the work. work is placed at Exhibit: 6.
5.6 Speed Relaxation was carried out in stages of 30
5 TEAM MOCK UP AND WORK EXECUTION kmph and 45 kmph before a final joint speed
5.1 Fittings designed as per regulation sheet were trail was done in conjunction with open line to
enumerated assembled and synchronized as per relax the speed restriction to sectional speed of
the sleeper no. and were placed on both sides of 80 kmph. The joint speed trail done was
the sleepers. successful and no abnormality was noticed.
5.2 A Mock up trail for replacement of 5-6 fittings
with modified ones was carried out on 17.01.19 6 CONCLUSION
under traffic block so as to determine its fitment As Indian Railways is fastly moving from ballasted
at site.(Exhibit: 4). to slab track system , this kind of non-destructive
5.3 Execution of Replacement work was planned to rectification work done has added a new dimension
be done under a traffic block of four hours towards the maintenance and repair work of BLT , which
(12.00AM to 4.00 AM) taken for 3 days each can be done under running traffic conditions for such
w.e.f 20.01.19 to 22.01.19. peculiar problems.
Electrosteel products have been tested as per the protocol of Burning Test on
accredited testing, inspection and certification body in Austria and have cleared
them for tunneling chimney preparation in accordance with ONORM EN
1363, Part I and RVS 09.02.24 /EN 13501-2. The piping system was flooded
SABARNA ROY 300 liter/minute, which simulates a water removal in the event of fire. As such,
Senior Vice President Electrosteel Ductile Iron products are suitable for fire-fighting works.
(Business Development),
In CAST IRON, graphite is present in plate like flakes which are a source of
inherent weakness. Under heavy shock loads, cracks spread along the flakes making
CI brittle.
Senior Executive
(Business Development),
Electrosteel Castings
The Rubber Gasket insulates one pipe from the other and
prevents electrolytic corrosion in the pipeline.
LEAK TIGHTNESS OF JOINTS TO POSITIVE AND o Joint assembled with gasket and a shear load is
NEGATIVE INTERNAL PRESSURE: applied on the spigot end.
o Spigot end is machined to minimum. o Joint is tested at a higher pressure than the works test
o Socket opening is machined to maximum. pressure with and without joint deflection.
Gaskets for Ductile Iron Pipes- Aging: In the case of socket joints, the seal is obtained
The change in the mechanical properties of elastomers with time by the contact pressure between the metal and
can be indicated by two phenomena: gasket. The elastomer deformation produced
o Creep (increasing deformation under constant loading). during jointing remains constant. The relaxation
o Relaxation (compression relaxation under constant deformation). phenomenon is therefore the only one of interest.
Thermal expansion
The advantage of ductile iron pipelines is that they do
not require the installation of expansion absorbers.
Fixed point: every clamp must be sufficiently secured to
constitute a fixed point (use a clamp of adequate width).
Expansion accommodation: the push-in joint between
each support acts as an expansion absorber, taking up the
expansion of the pipe length (within the permissible
limits of ΔT).
The following points are usually followed when laying
pipes above ground.
Supports Anchoring
o one per pipe, Every component subjected to hydraulic thrust
o each support behind a socket, (bends, tees, isolating valves) must be stabilized by an
o a support saddle (α=120° is a good precaution), anchoring system (rigid welding to fixing plates is often a
o a fixing clamp with rubber lining. good method).
Directional changes involving large radius bends can
be achieved simply by joint deflection (within the
specified limits).
In this case, care must be taken to reinforce the
support anchorage of the pipes involved, having assessed
the hydraulic thrusts at the joint positions.
It is recommended to include a safety coefficient, to
compensate the hydraulic forces due to a possible
misalignment of the pipeline.
Anchoring Block Dimensions for a Buried Section SUPPORTING PIPES ABOVE GROUND:
a: height of the block heel
a: gradient Socket and Spigot Pipes
F: slip force It is recommended that above ground installations of
L: seating length spigot and socket pipes be provided with one support per
B: seating width pipe, the supports being positioned behind the socket of
H: block height each pipe.
W: weight of pipe or section filled with water This results in a normal maximum distance between
S: cross section supports of 5.5 m.
Pmax: maximum service pressure for anchored joint Pipes should be fixed to the supports with mild steel
γ: soil/pipe friction coefficient straps, so that axial movement due to expansion or
Φ: angle of internal friction. contraction resulting from temperature fluctuation is
G: block weight taken up at individual joints in the pipeline. In addition,
γ: bulk density of concrete (22 000 N/m3) joints should be assembled with the spigot end
D: pipe diameter withdrawn 5 to 10 mm from the bottom of the socket to
accommodate these thermal movements.
Pipes supported in this way are capable of free
deflection and axial movement at the joints which
accommodate small movements of the pipe supports.
Purpose designed anchorage must be provided to
resist the thrust developed by the internal pressure bends,
tees, etc.
When determining the actual position of the support
centers, it should be borne in mind that the length of
pipes is subjected to manufacturing tolerances.
o R passes through the central third of the block base.
o The hydraulic thrust on the top bend is not taken
into account
Block dimensions
L = [6Fcosα/γβ](1/2)
H = 0.5 L tg a+ a (a = 0.10 m mini)
G = γLBH
F = W (sin a - fcos ?)
f = a2 tg (0.8. Φ) with a2 = 1 pipe coated with zinc+varnish
a2 = 2/3 pipe in PE sleeve, PE or PU
For Unsupported spans slightly larger than the
Other conditions to be checked: normal 5.5 m
o anchored joint resistance: W < Pmax . S If necessary, unsupported spans between 5.5 m and 6 m
o block non-slippage: Fcosα / G ≤ 0.9 tg Φ can be obtained by positioning the pipe supports relative
(otherwise increase H) to the pipe joints as indicated in the following figure.
Flanged Pipes
Flanged pipes are subjected to stress caused by internal
pressure and stress due to local bending moments created
by tightening of the bolts.
Flanged pipes installed as self-supporting spans
are subjected to additional stress due to bending Standard 4 m long flanged pipes with welded-on
moments caused by their own weight and the weight flanges installed as a beam with fixed ends (stream
of their contents. crossings).
The length of unsupported spans of flanged piping The recommended maximum unsupported span at
are limited by the need to confine stress due to the stream crossings, etc. is 12 m. The relative positions of
combined effects of internal pressure, bolt tightening and pipe joints and pipe supports should be as shown in the
bending moments, within safe limits. figure below.
The supports of all flanged pipework spans must be GUIDELINES FOR JOINTING OF DUCTILE
accurately align to ensure each support carries its share of IRON PIPES:
the weight of the pipeline and they must be stable and
unyielding since movements of the supports will induce
additional bending moments in the pipeline. The straps
must prevent any lateral movement or lifting of the main
but not restrict expansions and contractions of the main
caused by temperature fluctuations.
Consideration of Laying Depth:
o Nature of surface load - a) Vehicular traffic load. b)
Non-vehicular load.
o Depth of underground facilities like telephone cables,
sewers etc.
o Nature of soil - a) Soft / hard / rock.
b) Presence of underground water.
Generally, unless otherwise specified, the normal
trench depth is such that the depth of backfill above the
crown of the pipe is not more than 1m.
Width of Trench:
Unless otherwise specified, the width of trench is outer
diameter + 600 mm.
Use of DI pipes in Tunnel
SH. B.K. SHARMA 272 km of Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) Project is being
Dy. CE constructed by Indian Railways as National Project in the State of Jammu &
Anji/USBRL Kashmir. The Railway Board, Government of India entrusted the construction of
Udhampur-Katra section of USBRL Project to Northern Railway which already
stands completed and is under operation. The construction of rest of the section
viz. Katra-Baramulla has been entrusted to Konkan Railway Corporation Limited
(KRCL) and IRCON. The construction from Banihal to Barramulla has also
been completed and is already commissioned. The construction activities from
Katra-Banihal section of the Project are under progress and are under different
stages of completion.
1.1 Importance of Bridge
Since ancient times, bridges have been the most visible testimony to the
contribution of bridge. Bridges have always figured prominently in human
history. Some bridges embody the spirit and characteristics of a people or a
place as: The Brooklyn Bridge for New York City, the Golden Gate Bridge
for San Francisco, the Tower Bridge for London, the Harbor Bridge for
Sydney and the Howrah Bridge for Kolkata. Similarly, Chenab and Anji
Bridges always figure prominently in the Udhampur-Srinagar- Baramulla
Rail Link (USBRL) Project.
1.1.1 Location of Anji Bridge
Anji Bridge is proposed to be constructed between Tunnel T-2
(towards Katra side) and Tunnel T-3 (towards Reasi side) across Anji
Khad (tributary of River Chenab). Construction of Anji Bridge is
extremely challenging Engineering task in the balance work of
project traversing through young Himalaya.
Although, it is smaller in comparison to Chenab Bridge but it is also
an important bridge on this section and after construction, it will be
195m above the river bed and main span across steep slope of Anji
Khad River will be more than 290 mtrs.
stable; it cannot be said with certainty that were used as input parameter in various
the final exercise would be positive. And till slope stability analysis including the
such time this is concluded, it would not be recent slope stability analysis done by
possible to commence work up to Km 42. M/s. ITASCA.
Any shifting of the site of the bridge iii. Prof. Sitha Ram in its report submitted in
donstream as proposed by Amberg or April, 2009 has made it clear that wedge
upstream as stipulated in the Railway failure is not possible at both the locations
Board's directives Km 42. It is a matter for of Abutments.
consideration as to whether the present site iv. International expert on slope stability
be given up and the bridge shifted to new M/s. TASCA has been engaged for Bridge
location either upstream or downstream for no 43, Anji & Chenab Bridge. Interim
purposes of speeding up the work. The report by M/s. ITASCA has confirmed
Ministry may take a view. Global stability of slopes on both ends of
3.3 Railway Board Order Anji Bridge.
On receipt of Expert Committee Report, v. Additional Geotechnical investigations
Railway Board vide its letter no 86/W- for Br. No. 35 (Anji old) were conducted
2/NL/NR/25-Pt IV Com dated 31.08.2009 by RITES from March, 2015 to Aug,
directed NR to recommence the work on 2015 and RITES submitted its report in
present alignment with following instructions on Nov, 2015.
Anji Bridge:-
“To carryout and submit to the Bd, as 4. TENDER FOR BALANCE WORK BY KRCL:
recommended by the committee, results of tests Northern Railway vide its letter dated 20.4.2010
and studies over Bridge Anji, so as to take apprised the Board about slope stability analysis of
decision on recommencing the work at Anji Anji Khad done by IIT-Delhi and requested the
Bridge, between km 30-42”. Board to allow NR to proceed with the work between
1.1.1 Compliance of Railway Board instructions: km 30 and km 42 including Anji Khad Bridge.
i Slope Stability analysis by SLIDE, UDEC Board vide its letter no 2010/W-2/NL/NR/10 dated
& 3DEC was performed by IIT Delhi in 23.04.2010 allowed Northern Railway to proceed
January’10, April’10 and September’10 with the works between km 30-42 including Anji
respectively. All the reports concluded that Khad Bridge. Tender for balance work of design and
slopes are stable under different loading construction of Anji Khad Bridge was invited by
conditions. Further M/s ITASCA, USA KRCL and was scheduled for opening on
(Slope stability expert) has been engaged for 30.03.2012, which was postponed four times till
slope stability analysis of Anji Bridge Nov’2012 due various reasons.
(including T2/P2 portal), Bridge no. 43 & 4.1 In the meantime, the then CAO/USBRL
Chenab Bridge. approached Railway Board for shifting of
ii Following tests were prescribed to be alignment of Anji Bridge on the upstream side.
conducted during meeting: Decision conveyed by Railway Board through
a. In situ shear test in drift on both sides. its letter dated 15.11.12 is enumerated verbatim
b. Plate load test in drift on both sides. as follows:
c. Seismic shear wave velocity Test. “After careful consideration of the matter, Board
d. P&S wave velocity test. (ME) has agreed to Railway’s proposal contained
e. Bore hole, one on either side using triple in their letters under reference for shifting of
core tube with split spoon sample. location of Anji Bridge on the upstream side and
Note: Tests mentioned at S. No. i, ii & v the resultant modification in the alignment.
have been conducted and there results Board (ME) has also desired that Railway may
During presentation, the main aspects for ii A heavy equipment (“Blondin”) spanning
deciding the type of Bridge to be adopted for about 300 m and able to carry at least 30
this site are listed as follow: tons is necessary to build the arch. The left
i The first layers of the rock are highly tower of this Blondin is difficult to place as
fractured (with many "shear zones") on well as to anchor to the soil.
iii The foundations of the arch are at different In a first stage the side span and a small part of the
level. This unusual configuration can pose main span will be pushed (pulled) into the final position
problems during a strong earthquake. without stays. All the joints of this part will be welded.
iv The inspection of the arch and the After that the construction will go on by cantilevering,
maintenance interventions during its service with 10 m long segments, and suspending the deck to
life are difficult. the stays. The joints between the segments will be bolted.
A massive concrete abutment on Reasi side will
6.2 Alternate Solutions: act as anchorage of the lateral stays and will resist all
As defined in tender condition of DDC, the the longitudinal forces transmitted by the deck, both
consultants of M/S ITAFERR presented in service (breaking forces, frictional forces) and during
alternate solutions. an earthquake.
6.2.1 Alternate-I: Conceptualisation of the
Cable Stayed Bridge: Merits:
This solution derives from the i. On Katra side only a small foundation for the
considerations of avoiding, first of all, abutment is needed.
any cut on Katra side. It is therefore an ii. All the works are carried on Reasi side.
asymmetric scheme with only one tower iii. No heavy equipment to build the bridge is requested.
placed in a position where the iv. The construction phases are clear and well defined.
disturbance to the slope is reduced. In v. Construction time is reduced and a reliable program
order to limit the excavations as much as can be prepared.
possible, the foundation of the tower will
be based on a well. So doing, it is Demerits:
possible to reach the sound strata of the Lack of experience of this type of Railway Bridge in
rock without disturbing the slope. India, however important road cable-stayed bridges have
been constructed and are successfully in service.
6.3.2 Alternate-II: Conceptualisation of the Two
Span Truss Bridge:
A possible asymmetrical solution without stays
could be a large truss bridge with the main span
still 290 m long and with the train running at
level of the bottom chord of the truss. To balance
the reactions the main span will have an
orthotropic steel plate while the side span will
The deck is composed by two steel trusses of constant have a concrete slab.
height connected by transverse girders that support a
concrete slab. This latter collaborates with the steel
The lower part of the tower (from the foundation
up to the deck ) will be in concrete. The upper part,
shaped as inverted Y, could have steel-concrete
composite sections or, alternatively, could be made
entirely with steel.
The stays allow an easy construction by cantilevering,
without any provisional support and without heavy
equipment to carry the segments of the bridge in the
final position.
GIRI PRAKASH BOLLINENI Ground anchors have been used since decades for slope stability
Design Manager enhancement and landslide stabilization with considerable success in the
environmental protection. Their beneficial effect on the slope stability is
VENKADESAN B. attributed to the provided forces and moments counteracting destabilizing
Business Unit Head forces/moments and to the improvement of the shear resistance along the
slip surface by increasing the normal stresses on this surface.
KANNAPPAN SUBRAMANIAN Ground anchor is composed of three parts (1) ground anchor body,
Chief Operating Officer (2) anchor head, and (3) relevant accessories. Ground anchor body is again
divided into two parts: free anchor length and fixed anchor length. The part
of free anchor length where strand or rod is covered by sheath delivers the
residual force from anchor head to the part of fixed anchor length where
tendon is grouted. A part of fixed anchor length again delivers residual force
to ground by friction and compression. Depending on the types, ground
anchor systems requires its own relevant accessories (e.g., wedge, nut and
saddle of anchor head) to facilitate the operation of the mechanism.
The present paper explains the fabrication and installation of 100T
capacity Pre-Stressed cable anchors for Slope stabilization in Chenab
Bridge project.
Figure-2: Strand Specifications The drilled hole will be checked and flushed with air
to remove any loose materials and filled with water. The
Prefabricated Anchors along with grout pipe will be
lowered to the required length.
Grouting will be done in 3 stages at different portions of
anchor as explained below:
1st stage: Between HDPE Duct-1 & HDPE Duct-2
(Fixed Length of Anchor)
2nd Stage inside & Outside: In this stage grout will be
injected to the grout hose pipes fixed inside & outside of
the HDPE Duct. This operation will be stopped after the
grout overflow from the top of the hole.
Description of DCP Cable Anchor: 3rd Stage: will commence after completion of stressing
The ground anchor is 100T capacity Double Corrosion at the location of top unfilled portion (RCC pad
Protection cable Anchor (Confirming to BS 8081:1989) location) of anchor
made up of 8 Steel Cables (Strands) of dia 15.7mm. After 2nd Stage grouting, Precast reaction pad of
In Fixed length strands surrounded by 2 layers of 1.5m × 1.5m × 0.6 m will be brought to the anchor
HDPE corrugated ducts acts as double corrosion location with help of crane and carefully placed around
protection and annualr space filled with Grout. In Free the grouted anchor
length, each strand is surrounded by greased filled
sheathing and encased in HDPE corrugated duct acts a Stressing:
corrosion protection. Base plate and Anchor block will be fixed on RC
Reaction pad and the pad sealed from three sides using
Installation of Anchors: the cement sand mortar and grout is poured from top
Drilling through Rock will be carried out by using (under gravity) in order to fill the opening left in the
pneumatic percussion method. Prior to installation of reaction pad.
anchors drilling, grouting and re-drilling of hole will be Stressing operations shall be carried out after 14 days
done to satisfy the permeability of the hole, ie. less than of grouting of anchors and the Grout strength attains
3 lugeons. The depth of hole will be 40 m long and dia. its strength of 30 MPa after ensuring the Design Strength
of 160 mm. The borehole will be drilled by an extra based on Grout Cube Strength results. The stressing
200-300mm to ensure complete grouting at the end of shall be carried out by using multi strand jack in one
the cable anchor. single operation.
Testing of Anchors:
Before any anchorage installation, it should have been
proved by previous testing or by adequate properly
documented site experience. The test shall be performed
by incrementally loading the ground anchor in
accordance with the schedule provided by BS 8081:1989.
o Test performed on all working anchors.
Figure-6: Proving Test Anchor Location o Loading applied incrementally to 150% of working
load and locked at 110% of working load.
Upon successful completion of testing, cables locked
at 110% of working load and Galvanized Steel Cap
will be mounted on bearing plate by means of
sealing and galvanized bolts and filled with corrosion
protection compound (Grease) which will help for
future restressing.
Proving Tests: The stability of a slope is dependent on maintaining
Proving tests required to demonstrate or investigate in the tension levels in the cables. Therefore, Long-term
advance of the installation of a working anchorages, the monitoring of anchors shall provide the safety of the
quality and adequacy of the design in relation to ground anchor reinforced slope by timely application of tendon
conditions and materials used and the levels of safety that re-tensioning processes which will enable further increase
the design provides. of the design life of anchors.
o Proving tests conducted on 6 sacrificial Anchors of
fixed lengths 6m,10m & 14m. Figure-8: Completion details of Anchor head
1. BS 8081:1989, “Code of Practice for Ground Anchorages”.
2. IS:10270-1982, “Guidelines for Design and Construction of Prestressed Rock Anchors”.
3. IS:6066-1994, “Pressure grouting of rock foundations in river valley projects - Recommendation”.
4. EN 10138-3, “Prestressing steels - Part 3: Strand”.
5. IS 5529-2 (2006), “In-situ Permeability Tests, Part 2 : Tests in Bedrock”.
The new railway line project between Jammu, Srinagar and Baramulla is
one of the most auspicious & prestigious railway projects after
independence, aiming to connect the Kashmir valley with Jammu. The two
major bridges Br.85 Br.87 are currently under construction phase at
Sangaldan .The construction work remains challenge during execution due
JAVEED HUSSAIN to weak geological strata having predominance of clay and fragile slopes of
ALAMGEER overburden, weakfaulted and weathered Murree formation of Rocks.
Senior Asstt. Geologist Stabilizing the slopes during earth cutting for Abutments and Piers posed
KRCL /Sangaldan big challenge for engineers and Geologists. Planed berm cuttings in
overburden / weak Murree rocks with immediate protection measures paved
way for smooth functioning of the construction work. Detailed geotechnical
investigation was done prior to construction work. Borehole drilling at every
Abutment and Pier location was done and detailed Bore logs was prepared
to give fair idea about rock types, permeability etc .Accordingly standard
penetration tests (SPT) inside drill holes at every 1.50m interval was done
to see the standard penetration resistance or N-Value of soil for geotechnical
design purposes and Pressure meter tests (PMT) inside drill holes at every
3.00m interval was done, the objective of the test is to determine the in-situ
deformation modulus of the overburden soil/rock at respective depths in the
drill hole through loading of the surrounding soil /rock up to a peak
pressure of 70 or 80 bars.
The Bridge No.85 will connect the Tunnel T42/43 with Tunnel
T44/T45, the Bridge No.87 will connect the Tunnel T44/45 with Tunnel
T46 .The Bridges No 85 is 290.49 meters in length and consists of two
numbers of Abutments with four numbers of piers in-between .The Bridges
No 87 is 243.45 meters in length and consist of two numbers of Abutments
with three numbers of piers in-between. The construction methodology
adopted in above mentioned bridges was open foundation.
The paper describes the geological studies of major bridges at Sangaldan
in reliance to encountered geological conditions based on Geological logs of
Drill Holes along the bridge alignment and geological pit Net safe Bearing pressure based on rock classification:
maps prepared after open cutting. Concise overview of
Plate load tests PLT conducted at every Abutment & Pier
location was conducted to ascertain the settlement in
footing .The average settlement of plate will be worked
out by using the formula
St = Sp [B (Bp+0.3) / Bp (B+0.3]²
Where B: size of footing in m, Bp: size of test plate in
m, Sp: settlement of test plate in m,
St: settlement of footing in m.
In general IS Code 1888-1982 will be used for
conducting the above tests.
According to various codes of practices in case of filling soil material, compactness and general geology of
overburden. the terrain.
Indian Railway Standard Code of practice for the
design of sub-structures and foundations of bridges Keywords:
(Revised 1985): Geological logs, Geological investigation, Foundation,
Gravel sand and gravel, compact and offering high Slope Stability, Hilly terrain, Slope protection, Rock
resistance to penetration when excavating by ordinary mass, Bridge, Abutment, Pier, PMT, SPT, PLT.
tools - 44.87 t / m2.
Loose gravel or sand gravel mixture, loose coarse to Introduction
medium sand, dry - 24.98 t / m2. At Sangaldan a series of tunnels, between the T40/41 to
German specifications for foundations FRG. DIN T47 had already been completed in 2014. Because of the
1054: -Cobbles and gravels in sandy soil matrix -25 to excavation difficulties related to landslides, slope
28 t/ m2. instability and very poor rock-mass conditions, the open
British specifications for foundations (CECP No. 4): - foundation methodology remains the great challenge for
Cobbles and gravels in sandy soil matrix - engineers and Geologists. The deep earth /rock cutting
Compact - 40 to 60t/m2 required for pier and abutment foundation was
Less Compact - 20 to 40t/m2 successfully tackled with proper slope cutting with berms
Above recommended values have a wide range and the and adequate slope protection measures was put in
choice of design value should be based on the nature of practice to avoid any slope failures.
The geological strata encountered during execution of GEOLOGICAL OVERVIEW OF THE AREA
major Bridges at Sangaldan belonging to the Murree
formation (sandstone, siltstone, claystone) .The Murree Regional Geology
Formation has been named after a village in Pakistan. The Kashmir railway link ,heading northward from katra
The Murree Formation is predominantly composed of crosses up to Banihal ,a main part of the Indian margin
sandstone, Siltstone, Claystone and shales with ripple of the Himalayan collisional range ,by now concordantly
marks and pseudo-conglomeratic structure. This constituted by three major units ,the sub-himalaya and
Formation forms the inner part of the foreland thrust the lesser and the higher Himalaya crystalline,
belt (Tertiary belt of Jammu & Kashmir) extending respectively divided ,in this chain sector ,by the Murree
from Pooch to Basoli and laterally up to Pakistan in the thrust and the panjal thrust.
west. The Murree Formation has been divided into These main thrusts as well as most of the belts and
Lower and Upper Murree formations, which are in units of this NW region of Himalaya orogeny show a
conformable contact. regional strike of NW-SE to WNW - ESE with moderate
The sediments of the Murree Group form a broad to steep dips either towards north or the south.
rim in the inner Tertiary belt of the Himalaya, extending Within this regional geological context, the major bridges
from the Jhelum syntaxis to the Jammu foothills on the at Sangaldan mainly crosses the rocks belonging to
Indian subcontinent. The Murree foreland basin, in Murree formation,The entire area consists of Murree
which the sediments from the Himalayan uplifts have formation of rocks of Upper Eocene age the area is
accumulated, was formed as a result of the early Tertiary rugged and occupied by high hills with deep depressions
Himalayan Orogeny. Recent paleo magnetic and and Nalla in between. Generally hill slopes are covered
paleontological studies have revealed that these sediments with a layer of slope debris derived from parent Murree
were deposited in the late Eocene-early Miocene. rocks consisting of clay shale /clay stone, siltstone&
Lithologically, the Murree Group of rocks has been sandstone trending NW - SE.
divided into a Lower Murree Formation, exhibiting a
cyclic sandstone-siltstone-mudstone sequence, and an The generalized geological succession in the region is
Upper Murree Formation with sandstone-mudstone given below:
cycles. The individual cycles in the Lower Murree start
with an erosional base, followed by channel-lag
conglomerates, cross-bedded sandstones with thin mud
flasers and massive sandstones. The latter are overlain by
laminated sandstones displaying ripples, massive
sandstones and mudstone-siltstone intercalations. In the
upper Murree Formation, the arrangement of the rock
units changes with a general increase of sandstone facies
as compared to mudstone facies.
The absence of siltstone facies is a characteristic
feature in the Upper Murree Formation. The presence of
strongly bioturbated, pebbly & cross-bedded sandstones
with thin mud flasers indicates deposition in a subtidal
environment. The sandstone -mudstone intercalations
along with laminated siltstones represent a mixed tidal
flat sequence deposited in the intertidal zone. Slope
instability phenomena are widely presents along the
length of bridge alignment, both as slow but wide and
deep landslides and as shallower but faster debris flows /
rock falls.
Considering the available data coming from the oriented (i.e. the direction of maximum horizontal
world stress Map - WSM (a global compilation of compressive stress-sh max - is almost parallel to the
information on the present day stress field of the earth's direction of plate motion).At regional scale under-
crust with 21.750 stress data records in its current WSM thrusting of the Indian plate below the Eurasian
database release 2008 ,http://dc-app3-14.gfzpotsdam.de/ plate thrust faults are propagating to the foreland side of
pub/introduction/introduction_frame.html,the project the Himalaya indicating southern most front as a most
zone falls very near the border between the Asian and the active zone.
Indian plate. This is also shown by focal mechanism solution of a
The available stress indicators are earthquake moderate to large earthquakes that are mainly thrust type
focal mechanisms, most of them indicating a events .However ,there are some events along the
compressive field with principal tensor NNE-SSW transverse fault indicating strike slip motion.
Local Project Geology In actual fact, these rock types represent the complex
The rock exposed in project area belongs to lower succession of continental sediments, ranging from clay to
Murree formation which is represented by alternate sand showing different depositional energy degrees.
sequence of siltstone, sandstone and claystone bands .Bed
rock exposures are seen in nearby area of the proposed Geological Considerations for Bridge Construction:
bridge sites along the approach road cuttings, Nalla A bridge may be defined as a structure built over a river,
cuttings and ridges. The rock type exposed in area is a dry valley, low land or an estuary or any depressed part
purple brown to grayish brown alternate bands of of the land to provide a link between the two opposite
Sandstone, Siltstone and Clay-stone. Rocks are soft to sides. It is essentially a communication link on a road or
hard, massive, closely jointed, shattered and sheared. A railway track or a highway. Bridges especially over major
major Discontinuity known as Murree Thrust crosses the rivers and in hilly and mountainous areas are very
alignment somewhere near Dharam village. Murree important civil engineering structures. Their role in
thrust separates the younger Murree rocks from the socio-economic development and defense strategies can
overlying older Dogra Slates of Precambrian which is well hardly be overemphasized.
known in the geological literature. Another Saladar In most cases the location of a bridge is decided more
thrusts present within Ramban slates has merged with by socio-economic factors than by geological
Murree thrust in this area. Due to the presence of considerations. Thus, there are two major bridges in
Saladar& Murree thrusts, rocks in the area especially USBRL project at Sangaldan connecting tunnels
Murree group of rocks is badly damaged & crushed. T42/43 with T44/45 and Tunnels T44/45 with T46.
Within big cities divided by rivers or streams, a bridge up to a reasonable depth. Utmost care is needed not
has to be placed where it is needed, irrespective of the to mistake isolated big boulders buried underneath
subsurface geology. the river bed as the bed rock.
However, on highways, there is often some flexibility o Boulders are rocks but they are not bed rocks and
available in the choice of placement of a bridge. This is cannot be trusted as foundations for bridge piers.
unlike tunnels and bridges, where alignment is primarily
and essentially controlled by geological considerations. (b) Nature of Bed Rock: The very first rock
But, in the case of bridges also, the design, stability and encountered below the bed cover material may not be
durability depend, to a great extent, on the subsurface suitable as a foundation.
geological conditions that must be properly investigated It should be kept in mind that three types of loads are to
and cautiously interpreted. In any major bridge be borne by a bridge pier foundation:
construction project, the designer is keen to place the i. The compressive, vertical loads due to the weight of
bridge abutments and piers on as sound, strong and the bridge span and that of pier material;
stable rock foundation below as possible. This being so, ii. The horizontal loads due to the thrust of the water
the geological characters that need to investigate and flowing above as transmitted directly and through
thoroughly established are: the pier;
(a) The depth to the bed rock; iii. The dynamic, complex load, often inclined and
(b) The nature of the bed rock; shearing in character, due to heavy traffic on the
(c) The structural disposition of rocks. bridge.
Consequently, the bed rock selected as foundation for
(a) Depth to Bed Rock: In most cases, the river bed the pier must be strong enough to bear the sum total of
below the water is covered by varying thickness of all these loads, not temporarily, but throughout the
unconsolidated natural deposits of sand, gravels and proposed life of the bridge.
boulders. The nature of the bed rock is commonly determined
through study of petrological characters and engineering
Such loose materials are not safe as foundations for properties, especially the strength values, using the core
bridge piers for at least two reasons: samples obtained during drilling of test bore holes. In
o Firstly, piers placed directly on them would be fact complete and very useful geological profiles could be
unstable; prepared all along the centre line of the proposed bridge
o Secondly, the cover material is liable to be removed from the study of such core logs.
due to scouring by river water. These (profiles) would depict complete sequence (and
o As such, the pier must be placed on stable even structural disposition) of the rock formations
foundation, preferably of rock, under a suitable existing below the surface material up to a desired depth.
thickness of cover material so that it is safe from A decision to place the pier on a particular rock at a
scour by river water. particular depth is then matter of judgment and design
o The height of pier from under the span to the requirements.
foundation level, therefore, depends on the 'depth of Most igneous and massive type of sedimentary and
the bed rock' below the river water. metamorphic rocks is quite strong, stable and durable as
o Such sound bed rocks might be available within a foundations for bridge piers and abutments. The group
depth varying from 5 to 20 meters below a river bed of weak rocks which might behave badly in the presence
or they might not at all be available even up to 100 of water includes such types as cavernous limestone's,
meter or more .All that depends on the local geology chalk, friable sandstones especially with clayey cements,
which has to be investigated and understood. shales, clays, slates, schists and the layers of peat and
o To achieve this, drill holes are made all along the compressible organic material.
centre line of the proposed bridge, even on the right Many of them are amenable to treatment by artificial
or left of it, till they reach the sound rock sequence or methods.
(c) Structural Disposition: Ideally, the horizontal The slope protection works was mainly soil slope; soil-
attitude and uniformly massive structure with depth are rock slope and rock catch type.
desirable characters in the foundation rocks as these offer For a soil slope, soil nailing, revetment wall or stone
inherent resistance against failure. However, even masonry walls have been used to protect the slopes to
inclined rocks in a confined situation under the bridge control slip /slides. For highly fractured rock mass, the
piers are considered quite safe if these possess normal revetment wall, SDA, wire mesh shotcrete was applied to
strength values. protect the slopes as per the site condition. In the
Folding and faulting might cause some uncertainty in special protection works such as planer, wedge and
establishing a perfect geological profile but are not toppling failure ,we can stitched the jointed rock
otherwise negative factors. Acute fracturing and profuse mass by fully grouted rock anchoring, dowelling with or
jointing is, however, undesirable at the foundation without shotcrete as per site condition but detail
levels as these might cause settlement beyond the kinematic slope stability analysis have been done to check
allowable limits. the failure mechanism.
When the bridge sites are located in the zones of As we know this area exists in zone IV on earthquake
seismic activity, the foundations are required to be zonation map of India. The topography of this area is
designed for additional seismic loads as specified in the much roughed and geologically very complex in nature.
codes of respective areas. Due to weathering (physical, chemical and biochemical)
In the glaciated areas, special care must be taken to that drastically decreases strength parameter of rock mass.
establish the existence of drowned or buried valleys that When the shear strength parameters of the rock mass
might be filled by secondary material of most are reached at peak value due to natural or manmade
heterogeneous characters. In such cases a bed rock may forces, slope fails in continuum or discontinuum
be encountered only at great depth and it may be materials. Most of landslides /slip failures of the project
desirable to reach it through piles. In fact, occurrence of area are governed by weak geological strata of Murree
drowned valleys is considered one of the major formation having clay dominance.
complications in bridge foundations that limit the The nature of slide is governed by kinematic
options of a design engineer. mechanism and required slope protection as trimming of
Similarly, the factor of scour must never the the slope, berm cutting, SDA, Shotcrete and rock
overlooked. Riverbed materials and rocks under them at bolting. The shotcrete wire mesh, SDA, rock bolts
shallow depths are liable to removal by scouring. The revetment wall has been used to protect slopes.
scour itself is a function of river velocity and direction of Sometimes slope failure have occurred along closely
the currents on the one hand and nature and degree of spaced and steeply dipping joints as a planar and wedge
consolidation of the rocks on the other hand. mechanism due to the intersection of adversely-oriented
joint planes. For control measure of this slip failure we
Slope Protection works: have first redesign the slope face geometry and removed
As the terrain of the project is through the mountainous all loose materials from rock slope then we have done
region, various protections works, such as revetment rock bolting/SDA & wire mesh shotcreting. A detail
walls, Shotcrete, SDA, rock bolting and special slide analysis has been carried out before finalizing special
protection works have been done to stabilize the slopes. protection measures.
Sub-surface Exploration
The summary of bore holes drilled at Pier/Abutment locations is tabulated below:
Bridge No.85 Abutment A1: penetration resistance or N - value ranges from 15 to 65.
The borehole drilled at chainage Km.95/985.320 reveals The geological strata encountered during geotechnical
overburden material up to drilled depth of 68.00 m investigation correlates with geological pit map prepared
consisting of angular to sub angular, sub rounded, after excavation.
boulder, cobble, pebble size fragments of sandstone The Rock mass rating (RMR) of geological strata
mixed with silty clay matrix interpreted as slide cum during geotechnical investigation at Br.85 A1 is IVPoor.
slope debris material. The foundation level of the bridge
was at RL 1245.35m level which was in overburden, for Bridge No.85 Abutment A2:
calculating safe bearing pressure SBP ,Plate load tests The borehole drilled at Chainage Km.96/274.680 reveals
PLT was done to ascertain the settlement in footing . overburden material up to drilled depth of 40.00 m
Cyclic plate load test has been conducted at Bridge consisting of angular to sub angular, sub rounded,
No.85 A1 Ch :96/298.9 Km .The plate test was boulder, cobble, pebble size fragments sandstone mixed
conducted at a depth of 16.75 m BGL below ground with silty clay matrix interpreted as slide cum slope
level at (RL 1243.85) .At this site stratum consists of debris material.
slope debris /overburden material comprising of medium The bedrock encountered at 40.00m to 51.30m
to fine grained ,reddish brown silt & clayey silt with depth comprises of fresh to slightly weathered, partial to
pebbles ,cobbles and boulders. Slope debris is damp and moderately fractured, moderately strong, well bedded,
water dripping points are noticed at few places. Initially jointed greyish sandstone interbedded with weak to
at same chain age, Ist PLT was conducted between moderately strong, and reddish brown siltstone. Staining
17th& 18th Feb 2017, where SBP observed was about along the structural planes was also found. Calcite veins
25.41T/m2.As this does not meet with design are also noticed.
requirements of SBC of 40T/m2.Therefore, Second PLT The geological strata encountered during geotechnical
was conducted between 21st& 22nd March after investigation correlates with geological pit map prepared
excavating soil of 1.5 m below first PLT location. In this after excavation.
cyclic PLT, under action of 50.05 T/m2 pressure, The foundation level of the bridge was at RL
estimated settlement of Abutment location is 7.299mm 1215.50m level which was in overburden, for calculating
which was less than the permissible settlement of safe bearing pressure SBP, Plate load tests PLT was done
12mm.It is important to mention at this site, foundation to ascertain the settlement in footing .
was resting on slope debris material which is basically Cyclic plate load test has been conducted at Bridge
very stiff to hard clayey silt in nature. Hence, correction No.85 A2 Ch: 96/58 Km .The plate test was conducted
for slope which is normally applied for sloping rock mass at a depth of 11 m BGL below ground level at (RL
is not applicable here. From the results it can be 1249.00).
summarized that PLT at Abutment A1 ,existing stratum At this site stratum mainly consists of slope wash
at depth of 16.75m below ground level (RL 1243.85) is material in the form of very hard clay up to 40m. Cyclic
having SBC of about 40.0 T/m2. plate load test was conducted between 03.04.17 &
The bedrock encountered at 68.00m to 75.00m depth 04.04.17 In this cyclic PLT, under action of 150.14
comprises of weathered, weak, fractured, fine grained T/m2 pressure, estimated settlement of Abutment
reddish grey claystone to medium strong moderately location is 17.498mm From the results it can be
fractured medium to fine grained reddish grey siltstone. summarized that PLT at Abutment A2, existing stratum
Staining along the structural planes was also found. at depth of 11m below ground level (RL 1249.00) is
Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical having SBC is more than 50.04T/m2 which is more than
design purposes was done from 0.00 m to 55.00m depth. assumed design value of 45T/m2 for bridge 85 -
Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen during test due to Abutment A2.
heterogeneous overburden of intermixing soil mixed with The Rock mass rating (RMR) of sandstone exposed
fragments of pebbles, cobbles & boulders of siltstone along Br.85 A2 is III Fair and Rock mass rating (RMR)
&sandstone. The assumed corrected Standard of siltstone exposed along Br.85 A2 is IV- Poor.
The borehole drilled at chainage Km.96/033.310 greyish sandstone. Staining along the structural planes
reveals overburden material up to drilled depth of 59.00 was also found.
m consisting of slope debris /overburden material Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical
comprising of medium to fine grained, reddishbrown, design purposes was done at every 1.50 meters from 0.00
semi-unconsolidated mixture of silt and clay with angular m to 36.00m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen
to sub angular, sub rounded, boulder, cobble, pebble size during the test. Penetration was found from 2.00cm to
fragments sandstone, siltstone and claystone mixed with 26.00cm in most of the test stretches while hammering
fine grained reddish grey silty clay matrix. 50 blows / 30cm as per the test procedure. The Standard
The bedrock was not encountered up to the penetration resistance or N - value ranges from 23 to 75.
foundation depth (1232.04 m) at Ch Km 96/346.897 Pressure meter tests (PMT) was taken at every 3.00m
which correlates with the borehole log of bridge 85P1 interval all through up to 36.00m depth.The test was
prepared during geotechnical investigation works. done inside drill holes at every3.00m interval; the
The RL of foundation PCC top at location is objective of the test is to determine the in-situ
1232.04m.Excavtion starting edge is at RL 1260.00m, deformation modulus of the overburden soil/rock at
hence the maximum height from bottom of foundation respective depths in the drill hole through loading of the
to the excavation starting edge is 28m.Bedrock is not surrounding soil /rock up to a peak pressure of 70 or 80
encountered to the foundation depth 1232.04m which bars. The test was used in geotechnical investigation to
correlates with borehole data. know the stiffness or complete deformation due to
The bedrock encountered at 59.00m to 62.00m looseness or oversize of borehole in ground. Overview of
depth comprises of fresh to slightly weathered, PMT was given and the detailed discussion regarding
moderately fractured medium to coarse grained strong PMT is beyond the scope of this topic.
The geological strata encountered during geotechnical to moderately strong reddish brown siltstone and
investigation correlates with geological pit map prepared claystone. The rockmass is transverse by 3 sets of joints
after excavation. with smooth joint surfaces in siltstone & Claystone and
The Rock mass rating (RMR) of geological strata moderately rough surfaces in sandstone respectively.
calculated during geotechnical investigation at Br.85 A1 Staining along the structural planes was also found.
is IV - Poor. Calcite veins are also noticed. The RL of the foundation
top is 1215.500m
Bridge No.85 (Pier - P2) Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical
The borehole drilled at chainage Km.96 /097.770 reveals design purposes was done at every 1.50 meters from 0.00
overburden material up to drilled depth of 45.00 m m to 32.00m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen
consisting of angular to sub angular, sub rounded, during test. Penetration was ? 10cm in 50 blows in most
boulder, cobble, pebble size fragments sandstone, siltstone of the test stretches. The Standard penetration resistance
mixed with fine grained reddish silty clay matrix. or N - value ranges from 22 to 91.
The bedrock encountered at 45.00m to 66.00m Pressure meter tests (PMT) was taken at every 3.00m
depth comprises of slightly weathered, moderately interval all through up to 32.00m depth. The test was
fractured, medium hard to soft, fine grained light grey to done inside drill holes at every3.00m interval, the
reddish brown siltstone and claystone. Staining along the objective of the test is to determine the in-situ
structural planes was also found. The RL of the deformation modulus of the overburden soil/rock at
foundation top is 1215.500m. respective depths in the drill hole through loading of the
Total 15 number of SPT taken at different depths surrounding soil /rock up to a peak pressure of 70 or 80
Standard for geotechnical design purposes from 1.00m to bars detailed discussion regarding PMT is beyond the
55.54m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen scope of this topic.
during the test. Penetration was 02.00 cm to 22.00 cm The Rock mass rating (RMR) of geological strata
60 - 65 blows in most of the test stretches. The Standard calculated during geotechnical investigation at Br.85 P3
penetration resistance or N - value ranges from 20 to 82. is IV - Poor.
The Pier P2 of bridge 85 is the only pier for which
excavated has hampered due to massive landslide Bridge No.85 Pier P4:
happened on hill side of the foundation dated February The borehole drilled at Chainage Km. 96 /226.790
2019 .This leads to delay in excavation work .Now reveals slope debris /overburden material comprising of
excavation work is going on in full swing at P2 of bridge medium to fine grained ,reddish brown ,semi
85 and the excepted date for PLT test will be 25th or unconsolidated angular to sub angular, sub rounded,
26th of April 2019. boulder, cobble, pebble size fragments sandstone,
The Rock mass rating (RMR) of geological strata siltstone and claystone intermixed with fine grained
calculated during geotechnical investigation at Br.85 P2 ,reddish grey silty clay. Bed rock was not encountered up
is IV - Poor. to the foundation depth of (1234.836) which correlates
with borehole log of bridge 85P4 prepared during
Bridge No.85 (Pier - P3) geotechnical investigation. Bed rock starts at RL:
The borehole drilled at chainage Km.96 /162.230 reveals 1219.0m as per geological log of 85P4.The bedrock
overburden material up to drilled depth of 46.25 m encountered at 25.00m to 54.00m depth comprises of
consisting of angular to sub angular, sub rounded, fresh to slightly weathered, medium to coarse grained,
boulder, cobble, pebble size fragments sandstone, moderately fractured, medium strong jointed
siltstone and claystone mixed with silty clay matrix. grayishsandstone and siltstone.The foundation level of
The bedrock encountered at 46.25m to 63.25m the bridge was at RL 1234.836m which was in
depth comprises of fresh to slightly weathered, overburden, for calculating safe bearing pressure SBP,
moderately to highly fractured, moderately strong well Plate load tests PLT was done to ascertain the settlement
bedded jointed greyish sandstone interbedded with weak in footing.
Static maintained Plate load test has been conducted at BRIDGE NO 87:
Bridge -85, at the location of Pier-4, at Chainage The Bridge 87 is located from chainage Km. 98
96/540.277Km conducted at a depth of 20.2m below /344.587 (A1) to Km. 98 /587.989 (A2) on Duksar
ground level (RL 1255m).At this site stratum consists of Nalla was one of the toughest bridges, keeping weak and
overburden material consisting of medium to fine grained, fragile geological conditions in consideration, slope
reddish to brown, semi unconsolidated mixture of silt and cuttings for open foundation in lose strata with inclined
clay with pebbles, cobbles and boulders embedded in it. slopes pose major challenge for engineers and geologist
Bed rock is not encountered up to the excavated depth during execution work. The proper slope stabilizing
where Plate Load Test is conducted i.e.at RL 1234.8m. measures have been taken during cutting of slopes to
Side walls of excavated pit are slightly damp may be evade any slip and slide failures.
due to heavy rainfall before conducting Plate Load Test. The Duksar Nalla has minor flow except
In this Static Maintained Plate Load test, under the considerable flow during the rainy season. The bridge
action of 100.10 T/m² pressure acting on Test plate, consists of two numbers of Abutments and three
Total Settlement = 5.13 mm numbers of Piers.
Net Settlement = 5.12mm The rock exposed at bridge site belongs to Lower
Elastic Rebound = 0.01mm Murree Formation which is represented by alternate
From the graph of applied load vs. Total settlement sequence of siltstone, sandstone and claystone bands. Bed
drawn on log scale, Yield stress is not observed. rock exposures are seen in the nearby area of the
Hence, considering maximum pressure as ultimate proposed bridge site along the approach road cutting,
pressure which is 100.10T/m² and Adopting FOS as3, Nalla cuttings and ridges.
hence Allowable Safe Bearing Capacity of strata is about The bridge site is covered with 3.50m to 23.00 m
100.10/3 ˜33.34T/m² thick hill wash/slope debris material. The rock mass is
Hence, it can be summarized that at the Plate Load jointed and fractured with slide area having slickenside
Test location, existing stratum at a depth of 20.2m below surfaces. The trend of the rock mass is N80°W -S80°E
ground level (RL-1234.8m) is having Safe Bearing dip 55°-65° northerly. The bridge site is having disturbed
Capacity of about 33T/m². rock mass due to the close proximity of Murree thrust.
The Rock mass rating (RMR) of geological strata The rock mass is traversed by two to three no. of joint
calculated during geotechnical investigation at Br.85 P4 sets which are closed to partly open in nature. The
is IV - Poor. bedrock is dipping from 55° to 65°.
The various joint sets recorded in the area are tabulated below:
Sub-surface Exploration
The summary of bore holes drilled at Pier/Abutment locations is tabulated below:
Bridge No.87
Bridge 87 Abutment A-1: traversed by three plus joint sets with bedding as
The bore hole drilled at chainage km 98031.00 prominent joint set. Partial (40%-50%) drill water loss
reveals over burden material up to 3.50m depth recorded from 0.0 - 29.0m depth and water level is not
comprises of angular to sub angular, cobble, pebble size met in the borehole.
fragments of Sandstone mixed with silty clay, Cyclic plate load test has been conducted at Bridge
unconsolidated in nature and interpreted as slide cum No.87 A1 .The plate test was conducted at a depth of 12
slope debris material. m BGL below existing ground level at (RL 1263.2m )
The bedrock encountered at 3.50m depth comprises .At this location stratum consists of completed
fresh to slightly weathered, partial to highly fractured, disinterred ,weathered ,fractured ,light grey to reddish
moderately strong to strong, well bedded, jointed, greyish brown ,weathered siltstone and sandstone . Cyclic PLT
Sandstone interbedded with weak to moderately strong, was conducted between 21th&23th sept. 2016, total
reddish brown Siltstone and weak soft reddish Claystone settlement of test plate under the action of 55.86 T/m2
with minor shear seams. Staining and coating along the applied pressure is 5.79 mm .The bridge foundation at
structural planes has also been observed at places. Calcite this location is expected to undergo a total settlement of
veins also noticed. The same strata was observed and 11.59 mm under 55T/m2, as permissible settlements for
authenticated during pit mapping. bridge foundation are order of 12mm, the expected
The core recovery in bed rock varies from 32% to settlement of 11.59 mm under a loading of 55 T/m2 is
100% and R.Q.D. from Nil to 58%.The rock mass is within permissible limits.
It can be summarized that at PLT location ,existing looseness or oversize of borehole in ground. Overview of
stratum at a depth of 24m BGL (RL -1252.00 )is having PMT was given and the detailed discussion regarding
safe bearing capacity of about 43T/M². PMT is beyond the scope of this topic.
Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical At site weathered rock was encountered at depth of
design purposes was done at Ch Km 98/587.850 ground 23m BGL .The weathered rockmass at proposed
elevation 1252.603 m for every 1.50 meters from 0.00 m founding level consisting of fine grained ,highly fractured
to 08.00m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen ,very closely jointed ,moderately hard ,grey sandstone
during test. Penetration was 02cm in 33.00cm blows in The rockmass is high sheared intensely crushed and
most of the test stretches. fragile at most places with infillings consists of clayey
Three number of Pressure meter tests (PMT) was material. At this location cyclic plate load test was carried
taken at 2.00m, 5.00m, and 8.00m intervals all through out on 27th Nov 2016 .Later on at same location static
up to 08.00m depth.The test was done inside drill holes; PLT was conducted between 3rd& 4th December
the objective of the test is to determine the in-situ 2016.The first PLT was test was stopped when total
deformation modulus of the overburden soil/rock at settlement of 50mm was observed under pressure of
respective depths in the drill hole through loading of the 134.06T/M².In the second PLT conducted using larger
surrounding soil /rock up to a peak pressure of 70 or 80 plat size, total settlement of more than 50mm was
bars. The test is usually used in geotechnical investigation observed under a loading of 135.84T/M². Allowable
to know the stiffness or complete deformation due to Bearing capacity at this location can be taken as 128.69
T/M² =42.90 say 43T/M².Considering minimum of excavation starting edge is at RL :1250.0m ,bedrock
85.90 T/M²& 43T/M². ,it can be summarized that at encountered at foundation level 1210m .Hence the
PLT location ,existing stratum at a depth of 24m BGL maximum height from bottom of foundation to
(RL -1252.00 )is having safe bearing capacity of about excavation edge is 40m .The exposed walls after slope/
43T/M². berm cutting on all the four sides are dominated by rocks
with overburden layers at top. The walls are generally dry,
Bridge 87 Pier No.1: but few seepage points & shear seams are also noticed
The bore hole drilled at chainage km 98/095.722 reveals during geological mapping. The rock mass was highly
over burden material up to 20.00m depth comprises of jointed, four number of joint sets are observed as follows
angular to sub angular, Pebbles,cobble,boulders of hard as J1:55 - 60 /200 - 210 SW, J2:60 -70 /320 -330 NE,
grey Sandstone &siltstone with clay matrix. The bedrock J3:40 - 45 /250 - 260 NE, J4:50-60 /340- 350 N.
startsfrom20.00m onwards comprises fresh to slightly Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical
weathered, jointed & fractured reddish brown to design purposes was done at every 1.50 meters from 0.00
grayish Sandstone interbedded with weak to moderately m to 15.00m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen
strong reddish brown Siltstone and weak soft reddish during test. The penetration found was 03cm to 12cm in
Claystone. Staining and coated along the structural 50 blows in most of the test stretches.
planes has also been observed at places. Calcite veins also Plate load test has been conducted at Bridge No.87
noticed. The same strata was observed and authenticated P1. The proposed load was 214.4T/M². at 150kg /cm2
during pit mapping. of applied pressure, the average maximum settlement
The rockmass exposed at location of Bridge 87 P1 found was 14.68 mm. From the results it can be
near Ch: Km 98/410 is represented by alternate layers of summarized that PLT at 87P1, is having SBC of about
thinly bedded sandstone, siltstone and claystone. The 70.0 T/M².
Bridge No.87 Pier no.2: mixed with Silty clay matrix and interpreted as slide cum
The rock mass exposed at bridge 87P2 near chain age slope debris material. The bed rock from 18m depth
Km 98/474.1 is represented by alternate bands of thinly onwards comprises of mainly fresh to slightly weathered,
bedded moderately to highly fractured moderately moderately fractured and jointed greyish Sandstone
weathered medium to fine grained medium hard interbedded with weak to moderately strong reddish
sandstone, siltstone and claystone .The exposed walls brown Siltstone. Intercalations of weak soft reddish
after slope/ berm cutting on all the four sides are Claystone are also present at places. Staining and coating
dominated by rocks with overburden at the top. The along the structural planes at places is also observed.
bedrock is encountered at the foundation level 1214.5 m Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical
which is 24 m from the excavation edge at RL design purposes was done at every 1.50 meters from 0.00
1238.0m.The four number of joint sets are observed ass m to 18.00m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen
follows ;J1:40-50 /200 210 NE ,J2:50-60 /100- during test. Penetration was seen from 05cm to 23cm in
110NW,J3:45 - 55 /160-170 SW ,J4:40 -50 /320 - 50 blows in most of the test stretches. The Standard
330NE. penetration resistance or N - value ranges from 46 to
The bore hole drilled at bridge no 87 P2 chainage 60.The SBC at bridge 87P2 is 70.0 T/M².
km 98/160.462 reveals over burden material up to Pressure meter tests (PMT) was taken at every 3.00m
18.00m depth comprising of angular to sub angular, interval all through up to 42.00m depth.The test was
cobble, pebble size fragments of Sandstone and Siltstone done inside drill holes at every3.00m interval, the
objective of the test is to determine the in-situ angular to sub angular, cobble, pebble size fragments of
deformation modulus of the overburden soil/rock at Sandstone and Siltstone with silty clay matrix and
respective depths in the drill hole through loading of the interpreted as slide cum slope debris material. The
surrounding soil /rock up to a peak pressure of 70 or 80 bedrock encountered at 21.00m depth comprises
bars. The test is usually used in geotechnical investigation alternate beds of fresh to slightly weathered, moderately
to know the stiffness or complete deformation due to fractured, moderately strong to strong, jointed
looseness or oversize of borehole in ground. Overview of brownish/grayish Sandstone interbedded with weak to
PMT was given and the detailed discussion regarding moderately strong reddish brown Siltstone and weak soft
PMT is beyond the scope of this topic. reddish brown Claystone. Staining along the structural
Plate load test at bridge 87 P2 on 06.12.18 to planes is observed at places. Calcite veins also noticed.
07.12.18 was done in which static loading with proposed The same strata was observed and authenticated during
test load of 214.5T/m2 was taken. At applied pressure of pit mapping.
271.7 kg/cm2 average settlement of 10.44 was found. Standard Penetration test (SPT) for geotechnical
The SBC at Bridge 87 P2 was 70T/m2. design purposes was done at every 1.50 meters from 0.00
m to 32.00m depth. Mostly the refusal of SPT was seen
Bridge 87 Pier No.P3: during test.
The rock mass condition exposed at the location of Penetration was seen from 02cm to 27cm in 50 blows
bridge no.87 P3 near chain age Km 98/538.929 is in some of the test stretches. The Standard penetration
represented by alternate layers of thinly bedded sandstone resistance or N - value ranges from 22 to 91.The SBC at
,siltstone and claystone .Rock mass is thinly bedded bridge 87P2 is 70.0 T/M².
,moderately to highly weathered ,medium to fine grained Pressure meter tests (PMT) was taken at every 3.00m
highly jointed grey sandstone and sheared siltstone and interval all through up to 32.00m depth. The test was
reddish grey claystone. Clay infillings are observed in the done inside drill holes at every 3.00m interval; the
rockmass with few quartz veins at places .The exposed objective of the test is to determine the in-situ
walls after slope cutting on all the three sides are deformation modulus of the overburden soil/rock at
dominated by rocks with overburden layer at the top. respective depths in the drill hole through loading of the
Gentle warping in sandstone & siltstone layers is surrounding soil /rock up to a peak pressure of 70 or 80
observed. The excavation starting edge is at RL 1254m bars. The test is usually used in geotechnical investigation
.Bedrock is encountered at foundation level 1237m .The to know the stiffness or complete deformation due to
17m from excavation edge. looseness or oversize of borehole in ground. Overview of
The rock mass is highly jointed; five major joint sets PMT was given and the detailed discussion regarding
are observed as follows J1:55-60/160-170S, J2:60 - PMT is beyond the scope of this topic.
65/025 -030N, J3:60-65/260-265W, J4:40-50/300- Plate load test at bridge 87 P2 on 06.12.18 to
310NW, J5:60-65 /225-235 SW 07.12.18 was done in which static loading with proposed
The geological conditions correlates with the bore test load of 214.5T/M² was taken. At applied pressure of
hole drilled at chainage km 98/225.202 which reveals 271.7 kg/cm2 average settlement of 10.44 was found.
over burden material up to 21m depth comprising of The SBC at Bridge 87 P2 was 70T/M².
Construction work on the Rail line section in Sangaldan area was in
progress at various sites i.e, tunnels, Sangaldan Station yard area and other
ancillary structures. For the dumping of excavated muck an area measuring
around 400m X 350m was selected in the Buni village Sangaldan .This area
is bounded by two nallas, a perennial nallas which follows towards west and
a seasonal nalla towards east. During the raining season their will be
considerable flow in the nalla. The dumping yard is located on a spur
between these two nallas.These nallas meet almost at the end of the spur
DR. JOGINDER SINGH and flows further down and ultimately joins Chingi nalla a major drainage
Consultant Geologist system in the area flowing from west to east .The spur is sloping towards
KRCL - Reasi north with slope angle of around 25,º immediately below the dumping area,
crates were erected to block the excavated dumped material from moving
further down. The general angle of the slope is around 15-20º. (Photo: 1).
The area along the spur is occupied by slope wash/ slope debris material
represented by fragments and blocks of sandstone and siltstone embedded in
soil. The material is semi-consolidated to unconsolidated in nature.
Visually estimated ratio of the coarse and fine material is around 45% - 55% respectively. The excavated muck from
various sites is being dumped in this area within the dumping limits.
Photograph no.2 & 3: Showing cracks along the spur in front of the dumping yard.
Photograph no.4: Showing wide cracks along the spur in front of the dumping yard.
Photograph no.5: Showing horizontal cracks across the spur in front of dumping yard.
In the initial stretch these cracks were generally along of the Gulkhad nalla. Because of the free face available
the slope and further down slope where the spur becomes towards nalla and thrust of the slided material from the
narrow these were both along and across the spur, which right bank, the material was moved towards the nalla. The
was a great matter of concern, if it continues to expand nalla bed was also uplifted at places and partially blocked
endangering the whole area in the upslope. The spur at this the nalla. Small damming in the nalla have also been
location forms steep scraps particularly along the right bank recorded in Gulkhad nalla (Photograph no. 6)
In the further down slope some small as well as a (photograph no. 8) More than 10m wide and 20m long
huge trees wer uprooted and fallen in the seasonal nalla area along the center 0f the spur was sunk up to 2m,
towards east of the spur (photograph no. 7) their by reducing the natural slope angle from 20º to 15º
About 2m wide animal track was also damaged (Photograph no. 9)
Photograph no.7: Showing multiple cracks along the slope and uprooting of the trees.
Photograph no.8: Showing damaged animal foot track along the left bank of seasonal nalla
Photograph no.9 (Two views): Showing sinking area by about 2mtrs in front of the dumping yard.
Photograph no.10: Showing water following through seasonal nalla which disappears behind the dumping yard
Photograph no.11: Blocked portion of the seasonal nalla by the fallen material from the side was being cleared.
Further it was also suggested that cracks developed After implementation of some of the suggestions
particularly along the slope should be filled with imperious made over five years back no further slumping /
clay. The affected area should be made free of any water sinking in the area has been observed. Now some areas
charging. No surface runoff from the adjoin area should be which appears to be more stable dumping of the
allowed to flow over this area. Plantation of fast growing materials from some of the remaining sites is again
trees should be carried out in the barren area upslope of continued. It is also suggested that after completion
the dumping yard and in the affected area to avoid the soil of the dumping from various sites plantation in
creeping or sliding in future. The protection work should the area as suggested above may be carried our
be carried out before the onset of rainy season. immediately.
(Above) Chenab bridge Arch erection in progress. (Below): Bridge no.39 having 105m heigh Pier which is tallest in Indian Railways
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individual writers. Unless specifically mention the articles and statements published in this magazine do not necessarily
reflect the views or policies of Northern Railway, Ministry of Railways or Govt. of India.