The Relationship Between Art and Technology: Photzy
The Relationship Between Art and Technology: Photzy
The Relationship Between Art and Technology: Photzy
Look at each of the above photos and how technology made The ease with which the modern-day photographer can
them possible. All four utilized a DSLR camera. Two of the shots edit their image is astounding. Programs like Photoshop
utilized a tripod for stability. For all four, the camera settings had and Lightroom allow for quick fixes of exposure, color,
to be adjusted to use available light sources and expose the sharpness, and noise. For those that gain even more skill,
image properly. Three different lenses were used to capture the photo manipulation is only hampered by the photographer’s
four images. imagination.
1. What are three artistic elements that go into 6. True or False: You can’t capture engaging
creating a great image? images with a phone camera.
2. What are three technological elements that 7. The skill, or workable knowledge, of the
go into creating a great image? technology at hand is also part of the
photographer’s _____________.
3. Modern technology allows beginner
photographers to learn through 8. True or False: Sometimes specific types of
_____________. technology are necessary to achieve certain
4. The best camera is one that the
photographer can use _______________to
capture their subject and tell their story ··