Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
o ARP Package
n Examples
o 48-bit MAC addresses in Ethernet
o We need both the physical address and the
logical address for packet delivery
o Thus, we need to be able to map a logical
address to its corresponding physical address
and vice versa
o Solutions
n Static mapping
n Dynamic mapping
Static Mapping
o Create a table that associates a logical address with a
physical address and store in each machine
o However, physical addresses may change
n A machine could change its NIC resulting in a new
physical address
n In some LANs, such as LocalTalk, the physical address
changes every time the computer is turned on
n A mobile station can move from one physical network to
another, resulting in a change in its physical address
Dynamic Mapping
o Use a protocol to find another address
ARP Operation
ARP Packet
Example 1
Example 1 (Continued)
Proxy ARP
ARP Components
RARP Operation
RARP Packet