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Physiological Demands of The Firefighter Candidate Physical Ability Test

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Physiological Demands of the Firefighter

Candidate Physical Ability Test

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA


WILLIAMS-BELL, F. M., R. VILLAR, M. T. SHARRATT, and R. L. HUGHSON. Physiological Demands of the Firefighter
Candidate Physical Ability Test. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 653-662, 2009. Purpose: The Candidate Physical Ability
Test (CPAT) is used by fire departments across North America to screen for minimal physical capabilities in potential candidates, but its
physiological demands are unknown. Methods and Results: We examined oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide output (V0 2, VCO 2) and
heart rate (HR) responses with the portable system in 57 subjects (23 females) who were familiarized before completing the CPAT in
times similar to those of actual candidates. Two men and nine women failed to complete the circuit because of fatigue. Thirty-two men
(91%) and four women (15%) completed the circuit under the criterion time (10 min 20 s) with mean completion times for men (8 min
32 s ± 51 s) and women (1I min 16 s ±-I min 28 s, P < 0.05). For all finishers, V0 2 during the test was 38.5 and 36.6 mL'kg- min-1,
corresponding to 73% and 71% of V"2m, for men and women, and HFR was 90% and 91% of maximum (P > 0.05). RER averaged
1.02 for men and 0.97 for women suggesting elevated anaerobic metabolism. Women had a drop in RER after the second event, and
they were significantly slower at each event after the step mill than the men. Prediction of circuit completion time by backward stepwise
regression yielded models with absolute VO1ma,malone or relative VO2ma,, plus body mass and handgrip strength accounting for more
than 67% of the variance but with large errors of estimation exceeding 75 s. Conclusion: The CPAT challenged both the aerobic and
anaerobic energy supply systems, and the average V0 2 and HR were similar to reported values during firefighting simulations with

During actual and simulated firefighting tasks, researchers

select individuals capable of meeting the high physi- have measured high heart rate (HR) (1,3,17,21). Further
p reemployment
cal demands ofscreening of firefighter
the profession has been candidates
supported to
in during simulated tasks of firefighting, direct measurement
judgments by courts of law and human rights tribunals. Var- of oxygen uptake (V0 2) or HR (4,14,19,21,22) as well as
ious means to screen suitable candidates have been suggested elevated posttask blood lactate concentrations (4,14,19,
during the years using a "construct" approach of testing 21,22) have confirmed the strenuous nature of the tasks.
individual components of physical fitness as well as a "con- On the basis of these measurements, previous researchers
tent" approach in which typical tasks are incorporated in a have proposed that there should be lower limits for maxi-
circuit that simulates the demands of firefighting (2). Re- mal oxygen uptake (VO2max) for firefighters such as 33.5
cently, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to 42.0 mL'kg-'min-1 (22), 40 mL.kg-'min-1 (14),
and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) 42 mL'kg-'min-1 (1), 45 mL-kg-'min-' (4), 2.8 to
have collaborated in the development of the Candidate 3.0 L'min-1 (12), 3.5 L-min- 1 (15), and 4.0 L'min-1 (25).
Physical Ability Test (CPAT), which is a content-based The CPAT does not incorporate the direct measurement
circuit of activities designed for screening of potential fire- of VO2max. Rather, it uses an exclusively content-based
fighter candidate recruits (11). approach to testing and bases its validity on the evaluation
The basis for the CPAT is well established in an ex- by experts of videotapes of the test being performed at
tensive literature on the physical demands of firefighting. different speeds by incumbent male and female firefighters
(11). The CPAT is accepted as a bona fide occupational
qualification or requirement (BFOQ or BFOR). To date, the
energy demands of the CPAT and its relationship to other
Address for correspondence: Richard L. Hughson, Ph.D., Faculty of
standard laboratory measures of physical fitness have not
Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
been evaluated. It was the purpose of this study to measure
Canada N2L 3GI; E-mail: [email protected].
Submitted for publication May 2008. the energy requirements of the CPAT in subjects typical of
Accepted for publication August 2008. candidate recruits and to compare the performance time
with other standard laboratory measurements of fitness. It
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE® was hypothesized that direct measurement of respiratory gas
Copyright © 2009 by the American College of Sports Medicine exchange would reveal not only the high aerobic demands
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31818ad117 of the tasks but also an important anaerobic component.

Further, we anticipated that individuals capable of complet- An incremental exercise test was conducted on a
ing the CPAT within the criterion time would possess both motorized treadmill (Quinton, WA) to determine VO 2max.
high aerobic fitness and high muscle strength. After a 4-min warm-up at a brisk walking pace, speed was
METHODS increased 1.6 km.h-1 every 2 min until reaching a com-
fortable running speed, followed by 2% increases in grade
Subjects and experimental design. Fifty-seven (23 every 2 min thereafter. The test was terminated when
women) healthy, physically active subjects, with age subjects were unable to continue and reached volitional
ranging from 19 to 46 yr (mean 23.7 ± 4.6 yr), volunteered fatigue. VO2 max was taken as the highest 20-s average
for this study (Table 1). This research was approved by during the final minute of the test.
the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Muscular strength measures were obtained using a
Waterloo. Full written and verbal details were provided, predictive one-repetition maximum (1-RM) formula, as
and informed written consent was obtained before partici- previously described (13):
pating in the study.
To simulate as closely as possible the actual conditions of load lifted
(1-0.025 x repetitions)
the CPAT for candidate recruits, all subjects were given the
instructions and opportunities for practice similar to those Before each of the predicted I-RM strength tests, partic-
prescribed by the IAFF/IAFC Wellness-Fitness Task Force. ipants completed a five-repetition warm-up using -40% of
An exception to this was that testing occurred within 2-3 their I-RM (13). After a 1-min rest period, a load was
wk of initial familiarization rather than the 8 wk that could determined, which would fatigue the participant with fewer
be used for specific training and practice timed trials than 10 repetitions. After a predictive 1-RM test, a 3- to
(although candidates can opt of this longer period); 5-min rest period was implemented before proceeding to the
however, each subject could practice events until he or next muscle group. The muscular strength tests that were
she was comfortable with the demands. All testing was used (in order of testing protocol) were maximal handgrip
conducted on a certified course at an accredited testing using a hand dynamometer (Takei Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan),
facility (24). The tests for data acquisition were obtained on flat bench press using a 20-kg Olympic bar, seated 450
two separate days separated by at least 48 h. On one test incline leg press, military shoulder press using a seated
day, subjects completed the CPAT, and on the other, they weight machine, and seated bicep curls using a 7-kg bent
completed fitness testing. Tests of VO2ma, during maximal curl bar with elbows placed on a preacher stand.
treadmill running, muscle strength and endurance, and Muscular endurance was evaluated for upper and lower
Wingate anaerobic tests were conducted (in that order) on body using the flat bench press and seated 45' incline leg
the same day with a minimum of 20-min rest breaks press. For the upper body endurance, an absolute load of
between testing procedures. 30 kg was raised and lowered at 30 repetitions per min. For
Materials and methods. Ventilation (PE) and gas lower body endurance, subjects lifted and lowered an
exchange (V0 2 , carbon dioxide output, VCO 2 , and RER) absolute load of 123 kg at a cadence of 50 repetitions per
were measured breath-by-breath during the maximal tread- min. For both muscular endurance tests, subjects were
mill tests and the CPAT with the Cosmed K4b 2 portable required to lift the load until no further repetitions could be
metabolic system (Cosmed, Italy). Before each test, the 02 completed or until there was an inability to maintain
and CO 2 gas analyzers were calibrated according to the cadence.
manufacturer's specifications using room air and a precision- CPAT. The CPAT was conducted in accordance with
analyzed gas mixture (approximately 5% C0 2 , 16% 02, the actual administration of the test for firefighter
balance N2). The volume turbine was calibrated using a candidate recruits with the exception of wearing the
3.0-L hand-pumped syringe with flow rates approximating Cosmed K4b 2 throughout the test. Subjects wore a 22.68-
those during heavy exercise. HR was recorded during the kg vest to simulate the weight of the self-contained
tests using the Polar monitoring system incorporated with breathing apparatus and firefighter protective clothing
the portable unit. ensemble as well as safety gloves and protective hard

TABLE 1. Group means for selected anthropometric measurements (age, height, body mass) and physiological variables at peak exercise during the treadmill test to exhaustion
2 mau, VCO 2 , RER, HRIA) for those who completed irrespective of time (a) and those who did not complete (b) the CPAT.
(VEpeak, V0

Body Mass 1 VEpOek

02max V02max VCO2peak HRmax
Age (yr) Height (cm) (kg) (Lminl) (mlmin-1) (mLkg-'min-1) (mlmin-1) RER (hpm)
(a) Completed
Men (n = 32) 24.3 ± 5.6 180 ±6.9" 81.8 ± 12.2" 140.8 ± 18.0* 4282 ± 566* 53.0 ± 7.4 4498 ± 590* 1.06 + 0.11 188 ± 8
Women (n = 14) 24.2 ± 3.3 167.8 ± 4.9 64.7 ± 10.4 108.3 + 11.7 3330 ± 408 51.9 ± 6.3 3347 ± 424 1.01 ±0.07 188 ± 6
(b) Did not complete
Men (n= 2) 20.5 ± 2.1 173.5±10.6 77.0 ± 17.0 101.0 ± 18.6 2985 ± 266 39.3 ± 5.2 3342 + 550 1.12+0.08 200 ±12
Women (n = 9) 22.1 ± 1.9 166.0 ± 4.1 61.3 ± 10.8 92.0 ± 15.0t 2814 ±559t 45.9 ± 4.4t 2814 + 503t 1.01 ± 0.10 196 ±5
Significant difference between men and women who 'completed" (P< 0.05).
t Significant difference between women who 'completed' and 'did not complete" (P < 0.05).

654 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

helmet. The CPAT protocol consists of eight events in a over, under, and around obstacles before reaching the
continuous circuit with a 22.9-m walk between each of exit of the maze.
the events (11). The pass/fail cutoff criterion for the 7. Rescue. Subjects had to grasp a 74.84-kg manikin by
CPAT circuit has been established at 10 min 20 s, but in the shoulder harness, using one or both hands, and
accordance with the CPAT timed trials that are allowed drag it 10.67 m around a pre-positioned drum and
before the formal test, subjects were permitted to back to an additional 10.67 m to the finish line.
continue to completion or until they decided they were 8. Ceiling Breach and Pull. Subjects picked up a pike
unable to complete the circuit. pole then used it to push the door of the ceiling
completely open three times followed by hooking an
1. Stair Climb. Subjects wore two additional shoulder adjacent ceiling device and pulling down completely
weights (5.67 kg each) to simulate the weight of a high-
five times. Subjects completed four sets of three
rise pack and climbed on the step mill (Stair Master, pushes and five pulls with the time stopped upon
Stepmill 7000 PT, StairMaster Sports, Kirkland, WA) completion of this event.
for 3 min at a stepping rate of 60 steps per min. Data analysis. Anthropometric data and results of
2. Hose Drag. Subjects dragged a 44-mm hose equipped fitness testing were compared between men and women
with a 3-kg automatic nozzle at a distance of 22.86 m and between finishers and nonfinishers with one-way
to a pre-positioned drum then made a 90' turn and ANOVA. Breath-by-breath values of VE, V0 2 , VCO 2 , and
dragged the hose to an additional 7.62 m. The subject RER along with the HR during each breath were recorded.
then dropped to one knee and pulled the hose for Average values were then calculated from the last 20-30 s
15.24 m.
of each event. Group data were used to obtain the mean and
3. Equipment Carry. Subjects removed two saws (14.5 SD for the men and the women separately at each event.
and 12.7 kg, respectively), one at a time, from a tool Comparisons were made at each event by one-way
cabinet and placed them on the floor. They picked up ANOVA with significance accepted for P < 0.05. Com-
both saws and walked 22.86 m around a pre- parisons were also made between women who passed by
positioned drum and back to the starting point. At the criterion time and those who finished but did not meet
the tool cabinet, subjects placed the saws on the the criterion time by one-way ANOVA. Because of the
ground and then put them one at a time back into the smaller sample size in comparisons of pass versus fail, trends
cabinet. are reported for P < 0.1. In addition, coefficients of deter-
4. Ladder Raise and Extension. Subjects grabbed a mination (r2) were calculated for pairs of variables, and
7.32-m ladder by the top rung and walked it up, using stepwise backward regression (SigmaStat V. 3.5, Systat
each rung on the ladder, until it was placed against the Software Inc., Point Richmond, CA) was used to estimate
wall. Subjects then proceeded to a secured ladder and predictive models of performance on the CPAT.
extended it 7.32 m to its stopper before lowering it in
a controlled manner back to the ground.
5. Forcible Entry. Subjects picked up a 4.54-kg sledge-
hammer and struck the forcible entry device until a Of the 34 men and 23 women who participated in this
buzzer .was activated. The forcible entry device study, 2 men (5.9%) and 9 women (39.1%) were unable to
simulated hitting a door and had a resistance between complete the CPAT circuit. The data of the nonfinishers
700 and 800 psi (4826-5516 kNm -2) requiring have been displayed separately in Tables 1 and 2; they are
approximately four to five solid hits by most men. contrasted with finishers but they were not included in any
After activating the buzzer, subjects placed the other analyses related to CPAT completion time.
sledgehammer on the ground. The women who completed the CPAT circuit were
6. Search. Subjects crawled on their hands and knees significantly shorter, weighed less (Table 1), and had higher
through a blackout tunnel for a total length of 19.51 m body mass index (BMI; 25.2 + 3.6 vs 22.9 ± 2.8 kgm -2)
with two 90' right turns. Subjects had to maneuver than the men in this study (P < 0.05). Women who did not

TABLE 2. Group means for predicted 1-RM hiuscular strength measurements (handgrip, bench press, shoulder press, biceps curls, and leg press), muscular endurance to fatigue
(bench press and leg press), and Wingate performance for those who completed irrespective of time (a) and those who did not complete (b) the CPAT.
Predicted 1-RM Muscular Endurance Wingate Test
Handgrip Bench Press Shoulder Biceps Leg Press Leg Press Bench Press Peak Power Fatigue
(kg) (kg) Press (kg) Curls (kg) (kg) (reps) (reps) (W) Index
(a) Completed
Men (n = 32) 56.2 ± 8.1 * 82.7 ± 23.0* 51.7 ± 15.9* 36.8 + 7.2* 340.9 ± 89.1 * 41.7 + 29.2* 35.1 + 14.0" 633.8 ± 160.5* 43.9 + 11.8
Women (n = 14) 34.5 ±3.6 42.5 ± 10.2 26.7 + 4.2 20.2 ± 3.4 204.1 ±70.2 20.1 + 15.9 13.2 ± 9.5 412.9+ 92.9 41.1 ± 9.1
(b) Did not complete
Men (n = 2) 44.4 ± 19.2 44.6 ±- 25.7 30.0 + 7.1 27.1 ± 7.4 245.5 ± 38.6 17.5 + 9.2 14.0 + 4.2 413.1 + 184.8 41.0 + 4.9
Women (n = 9) 30.9 ± 4.1t 34.5 ± 6.6t 21.0 ± 4.71t 17.9 ± 2.9 129.8 ± 24.8t 4.9 ± 7.2t 6.2 + 5.0 323.7 + 76.6t 47.5 ± 7,9
Significant difference between men and women who 'completed" (P < 0.05).
t Significant difference between women who 'completed' and 'did not complete" (P < 0.05).

V0 2 AND VC0 2
DURING SIMULATED FIREFIGHTING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,& 655
complete the CPAT circuit did not differ from the women together between different measures of upper body strength
who did complete the circuit in terms of height or body (bench press to shoulder press, r2 = 0.80; bench press to
mass (Table 1). Likewise, there were no differences bicep curl, r2 = 0.71); therefore, further comparisons will
between women who passed and those who failed the consider only bench press. Men also had significantly
criterion time (pass: 167.8 + 6.5 cm, 64.7 + 3.7 kg; fail: greater muscular endurance than the women in terms of
167.9 + 4.5 cm, 64.6 + 12.3 kg). total number of repetitions to fatigue for bench press and
The men who completed the CPAT circuit had greater leg press endurance (Table 2; P < 0.05). The women who
values than women during the maximal treadmill testing did not complete the CPAT had strength and endurance
for each of peak VE, V0 2 m.. (mL.min-1), and peak VCO 2 values that were remarkably lower than the women who did
(P < 0.05; Table 1). There was no difference between men complete the circuit (Table 2). Likewise, the two men who
and women in VO2max expressed as milliliters per kilogram did not finish the circuit were considerably less strong and
per minute and in HRmax and RER (Table 1; P > 0.05). had lower muscular endurance than the finishers. Women
Women who did not complete the CPAT circuit when who passed the criterion time had slightly greater endurance
compared to those who did complete the circuit had (bench press: 19.0 + 14.1 vs 10.9 + 6.6 repetitions; leg
significantly lower VO2max (expressed in absolute or press: 26.5 ± 16.0 vs 17.6 ± 16.0 repetitions) but the
relative terms) as well as peak VCO 2 and a higher HRmax differences were not significant (P > 0.1).
(Table 1). Women who passed the criterion time had The Wingate test revealed that the men had significantly
"VO2max only marginally greater than those who failed greater peak power than the women (Table 2, P < 0.05) but
(53.4 + 5.6 vs 51.23 ± 6.7 mL'kg-'.min-', P > 0.1). there was no difference in the fatigue index. The women
Statistical comparisons were not made for the men who did who did not finish the circuit had lower peak power than the
not complete the CPAT circuit because of the very small finishers. As with muscle strength and endurance, women
sample size (n = 2), but it can be seen that they were who passed by the criterion time had a fatigue index that
slightly smaller but had markedly lower values of VO 2max. was slightly less than women who completed the circuit but
Muscular strength and endurance tests. Men who failed the criterion time (36.0% ± 3.3% vs 43.2% + 9.9%),
completed the circuit were significantly stronger than but the difference was not significant.
women in terms of maximal bench press, maximal biceps CPAT-simulated firefighting circuit. The energy
curl, maximal leg press, maximal shoulder press, and demands of the circuit are shown for a single male subject
maximal handgrip strength (Table 2; P < 0.05). There were in Figure 1 by the time course of V0 2 , VCO 2 , and HR
strong correlations when comparing men and women across the eight circuit items. The mean completion time for

Baseline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Recovery
4000 200

3000 160

E 140 cD

0, 2000 120
o) CD

100 3

1000 80


0 40
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Time (min)
FIGURE 1-The oxygen uptake (V0 2 ; black), carbon dioxide Output (VCO 2 ; gray), and HR (dashed) are displayed for a male subject during the
eight-event CPAT. The individual events (I = 3-min step mill exercise, 2 = hose drag, 3 = equipment carry, 4 = ladder raise, 5 = forcible entry,
6 = maze search, 7 = victim rescue, and 8 = ceiling breach and pull) were separated by 22.9-m walking.

656 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

the circuit was significantly faster for men (8 rnin 32 s + 130 * * *
51 s) than for women (II rmin 16 s ± I min 28 s), resulting 120
in a pass/fail rate of 91% (31/34) and 15% (4/23), respec- E 110
tively (P < 0.05). Time to complete the individual events ..J
was significantly slower for women than men for each of > s0
the seven events after the stair climb, especially for last two 80
events, namely, the victim rescue and ceiling breach and
pull, which took approximately twice as long for the 1.15
women (Fig. 2). The women who passed the criterion time 1.10
had faster times for all events than those who failed to meet
the criterion time with the largest differences in the search 0.95

(14.8 + 3.6 vs 21.2 + 6.2 s, P = 0.07), the rescue (46.0 + 0.90

6.6 vs 58.3 + 22.6 s, P > 0.1) and the breach and pull 0.80
(64.3 + 6.6 vs 117.7 ± 52.7 s, P = 0.07). 190
Compared to the women, the men had significantly "E185
- 180I
greater values during the entire CPAT circuit for each of ..o
absolute V0 2 (3128 + 484 vs 2357 ± 368 inLmin-1),
VCO 2 (3209 ± 368 vs 2270 ± 318 mL-min-1), and S165
expired ventilation (103.9 + 10.6 vs 85.0 ± 7.0 L'min- ; "M-155
Fig. 3; P < 0.05). There were no differences during the 150 j
circuit between men and women for relative VJO2 (38.5 ± 44
5.3 vs 36.6 + 5.5 mL'kg-'min-1), percent of VO Oax
2 E 42
(73.1% + 8.0% vs 70.6% + 7.3%), HR (169 + 10 vs 171 ± 40
C, 38
5 bpm), percent of HRm... (90.1% + 5.3% vs 90.8% +
. 36
3.2%), and RER (1.03 + 0.11 vs 0.97 ± 0.12; Figs. 3 and E
4; P > 0.05). The women who passed the criterion time o 32
had a relative V0 2 during the circuit that was higher than
those who did not meet the criterion time (78.6% ± 4.8% 4000 -

vs 67.5% ± 5.5%, P < 0.02). S3500 * * * * * * *

Laboratory exercise tests versus CPAT-simulated E
"3000 I

firefighting circuit. To test the hypotheses that faster -L 2500

completion times in the CPAT circuit would be associated 0
o 2000

with high levels of aerobic fitness and muscle strength, > 15000-
1000 "
individual and stepwise linear regressions were performed. C
" "o 0 19~0
Linear regression of completion time on individual
0100, , 'a0 '-4
variables revealed that absolute VO2,.... had a strong

FIGURE 3-Expired ventilation (V,.), RER, HR, and oxygen uptake

200 (relative to body mass and absolute VO2) were measured for men (solid
circles) and women (open circles) during each of the eight events of the
CPAT circuit. See Methods for complete description of the events.
Equip. Carry indicates equipment carry; Ladder, ladder raise;
150 Forcible, forcible entry; Ceiling, ceiling breach and pull. Values are
aC; mean ± SD. *Significant difference between men and women (P < 0.05).
relationship for men, women, and the combined men plus
E women observations (Table 3 and Fig. 5). On the other
hand, relative VO 2,,a, had a poorer relationship to comple-
aI tion time except in the women (Table 3). With the

iqifl.H..riiflhl I
50 -
exception of the relationship between completion time and
relative VO 2 max.,
the coefficients of determination increased
when men and women were combined rather than for the
0 I
men or the women alone (Table 3).
04 0 9.
o Backward stepwise regression to predict completion
ok I&-C'
0 time for all men and women was performed by including
different sets of independent variables that accounted for
FIGURE 2-Time for each of the eight events in the CPAT circuit is
the collinearity of body mass and absolute VO2ma,
shown for men (solid bars) and women (open bars). Values are mean i
SD. * Significant difference between men and women (P < 0.05). compared to relative V02,,,... Two different sets of

V0 AND VCO 2 DURING SIMULATED FIREFIGHTING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise& 657
When the backward stepwise regression was performed
with relative VO 2 ,, the equation predicting completion
times was as follows:
completion time = 24.62 -0.161 (VO 2 ,,_., mL.kg], rin- )
-0.052 x body mass -0.074 x handgrip

80 The SEE was 1.25, and the SE for the coefficients

were 2.512, 0.0373, 0.0259, and 0.0313, respectively, with
r2 = 0.71 (P < 0.001, P = 0.052, P = 0.023, respectively,
85 power with a = 0.05: 1.0).

75 This is the first study to describe the energy requirements
for completing the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)

65 A 14

1' U)
U 9 q.
c a C U
FIGURE 4-HR and V0 2 response represented in percent of HR.,.,
and percent of ý'02.. for men (closed circles) and women (open E 10
circles). Values are mean ± SD. Note different ranges on y axes.
*Significant difference between men and women (P < 0.05). .0 9

E 8
regression analyses were perfonned, namely, one included
relative VO2m,x and the other included absolute VO2 ,,.. 7

and each model included body mass, maximal bench press,

bench press endurance, maximal leg press, leg press 3i5 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
endurance, anaerobic capacity, and anaerobic peak
VO2m.. (m L'kg" min-1 )
power. In the backward stepwise regression with abso-
lute VO2max, each of these variables except absolute
VO2max was removed from the final model. The equation B 14-

that predicts completion times for all finishers was as Men r2=0 44
13 0 2
follows: 0
Women r =0.16
12 0 Combined r =0.57
completion time= 18.94-0.0023(V'O2,,,, mEl-min-1 )

The SEE was 1.30, and the estimates of variability for the Criterion Time
coefficients given by the SE were 1.132 and 0.00028, 10
00 0
respectively, with r 2 = 0.65 (P < 0.001, power with a = S9 00
0.05: 1.0). 0Ii
E 8
0 0
TABLE 3. Correlation coefficients from simple linear regression for time to completion 0
of the CPAT circuit with respect to key physiological variables in men, women, and men
and women combined.
Coefficient of Determination r2 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Variable Men Women Combined
VO max (mL,min- 1)
Body mass 0.07 0.01 0.28 2

Absolute VO02.1. 0.44 0.44 0.57 FIGURE 5-The relationship is shown between completion time on the
Relative V0 2rnu, (mLkg- min-') 0.11 0.36 0.13 CPAT circuit and relative VO0,,,. (mL'kg -min-1; A) absolute
Bench press 0.11 0.28 0.42 V•O2 . (mL'min-1; B) for men (solid circles) and women (open
Bench press endurance 0.17 0.37 0.47 circles). Regression lines were calculated for combined men and
Handgrip 0.04 0.20 0.47 women. The regression equation for the relationship in B is as follows:
Leg press 0.20 0.05 0.38 Completion time = 16.67 - 0.0018(1O0,__. P < 0.001, SEE = 1:09 min.
Leg press endurance 0.14 0.09 0.20
Anaerobic power 0.06 Horizontal dashed lines indicate the pass/fail criterion time of
0.14 0.33
the CPAT.

658 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine hftp://www.acsm-msse.org

within the guidelines as prescribed by the International weights. As anticipated, this caused a marked rise in VO,
Association of Fire Chiefs and the International Association and HR. In the final 30 s of stair climbing, VO 2 was
of Fire Fighters. Confinning the first part of our hypothesis, markedly elevated, reaching values of approximately 38
the energy requirements were high with V0 2 averaging mL.kg-'.min-1 or more than 3000 mL'min-1 in the men
approximately 37-39 mL'kg, 'mmin-' or 70%-73% V0 2max (73.6% + 8.0% VO 2 .....x) and 40 mL'kg'--min-' or more
and with HR approximately 90% of maximum across than 2500 mL.min-1 in the women (76.9% ± 7.6%
the entire circuit in men and women. The second compo- VO2,,,,.). The %VO2mm. for women who completed the
nent of the hypothesis that anaerobic energy contribution CPAT under the criterion time was 81.7% + 8.1%, whereas
would be relatively high was also confirmed by the elevated for those unable to complete the circuit within the criterion
RER that was higher throughout the circuit than anticipated time, it was 74.9% ± 6.9%. HR, which was observed to be
for this percentage of V0O2max. The final component of the 166-173 bpm and was already close to 90% HRma, by the
hypothesis was partially supported by the multiple linear end of the stair climb. The kinetics of the V0 2 and HR
regression analysis as we found that performance time in responses are known to be very fast during heavy exercise
the circuit could be predicted by absolute VO 2 max or by
relative VO 2max. in combination with handgrip and body
mass. However, upper and lower body strength measure-
ments were not included within the prediction models. 3:00
Overall, the results in this circuit designed to test candidate
recruits showed energy requirements that were at least
into the low to mid range of values of V0 2 or HR measured 2:00
during testing of incumbent firefighters doing simulations
of work tasks (5,8,14,16,20,22,25).
The CPAT is a bona fide occupational qualification 1:00
developed by the IAFF/IAFC Joint Labor Management
Wellness/Fitness Task Force to serve as a screening tool for
determining, which candidate recruits were able versus not
able to perform the physically demanding job of firefighting
(11). The eight-event circuit was developed by an expert 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
panel that first surveyed approximately 100 firefighters in Subject Number (Male Candidates)
each of 10 different jurisdictions in North America to
determine representative tasks. The criterion time was es-
tablished by filming completion of the circuit at 13 different
rates with finishing times between 7:30 and 12:10 then 3:00

having 33 different training officers rate the performance in IF

each videotape as acceptable, marginally acceptable, mar-
ginally unacceptable, or unacceptable. The time of 10:20 2:00
corresponded to the boundary between the marginally IF
acceptable and the marginally unacceptable rating. The
results from our study allbw characterization of the 1:00 r
demands of the tasks and provide insight into the types of
individuals capable of meeting the criterion time.
We found a success rate for our subjects to complete the 0:00
CPAT within the criterion time of 10 min 20 s to be 91% of
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
men and 15% of women. Although these rates differ
somewhat from the success rates for firefighter candidates Subject Number (Male Candidates)

on the same circuit (98% and 48%, respectively), the FIGURE 6-The 896 men who successfully passed the CPAT as part
distribution of the time to completion of our population was of their job application requirements are used as the reference
framework for describing the relative distribution of the successful
representative of testing under actual conditions (Fig. 6). female candidates as well as the male and female research subjects.
Therefore, we believe the current results to be representa- The individual men's data are presented as "Time Remaining for
tive of the demands of this bona fide occupational Pass," which was calculated as the difference between the criterion
time (10 min 20 s) and the individual's completion time then plotted
qualification and to reveal the characteristics of those (sinall circles) in a cumulative fashion for all 896 successful male
individuals most likely to be successful in meeting the candidate recruits tested in the facility. Superimposed at the appro-
standard established by the CPAT. priate point on the distribution of times for the men are the time
remaining for the 34 successful female candidate recruits (inverted
Cardiorespiratory response to CPAT. The first triangles in A) and 4 successful female research subjects (large open
event of the CPAT is the 3-min stair climb while wearing circles in A) and for the 31 successful male research subjects (upright
the 22.68-kg weighted vest plus the two 5.67-kg shoulder triangles in B).

V0 2 AND V/CO 2 DURING SIMULATED FIREFIGHTING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercisee 659
(10,23), so observation of high levels by the end of 3 min is mately 1570 mL of CO 2 (70 mmol C0 2 ). It can be assumed
not surprising. The high values of V0 2 and HR are also that this 70-mmol output of CO 2 reflects a total of 70-mmol
consistent with previous research of stair climbing while reduction in predominately plasma bicarbonate and an
wearing a firefighter gear. Manning and Griggs (17) found approximately 70-mmol increase in lactate. It is difficult
that within the first minute of a firefighting task, HR to know the distribution of this lactate, but if distributed in
increases 70% to 80% of maximum with a subsequent 5-6 L of total blood volume, the numbers are consistent
plateau between 90% and 100% until the task is completed. with the 13-mmol.L-1 blood lactate reported by von
O'Connell et al. (19) observed the V0 2 in excess of 80% Heimburg et al. (25) after stair climbing and victim rescue
"VO2max and HR more than 90% maximum after 5 min of simulations.
stair climbing. Firefighters in the study of von Heimburg The cause of the marked increase in RER and blood
et al. (25) had M02 of 34 + 4 mL.kg- 'min- or 64% + 7% lactate, although the M0 2 is only approximately 750/-80%
VO2 max and HR of 167 + 13 bpm or 88% - 4% maximum
V02m.ax throughout the whole CPAT circuit, is likely the
after climbing six flights of steps (20.5 m vertical) in 90 ± inadequate 02 delivery owing to high muscle tensions
31 s. The CPAT protocol mandates walking between required to perform the tasks including carrying the extra
events, and there is slight recovery of M0 2 and HR weight of the vest simulating the firefighter's protective
(Fig. 1); however, overall energy demands remain high. equipment. Muscle blood flow can be impeded during
Throughout the circuit, men had significantly higher relatively low-force isometric contractions (7). Even the
absolute values of VýE, W02 , and VJCO 2 . During the stair stair climbing had an important anaerobic contribution to
climb activity, women had slightly higher values for M02 metabolism because of the very high forces generated in the
when expressed as milliliters per kilogram per minute or leg muscles and in trunk support muscles to raise body
percent V0 i,,..
2 and they had significantly higher HR mass plus an additional 34 kg. Unfortunately, technology is
(absolute and percent maximum) during the stair climbing not available in humans to measure blood flow under the
compared to the men. However, in the subsequent activities conditions of this testing. However, the technology to
(hose drag, equipment carry, and ladder raise), the women's assess continuous VCO 2 in combination with M0 2 as in
V0 2 and HR declined until the women had significantly the current study and in our previous report (6) provides
lower values for M02 than the men during the ladder raise considerable insight into the true metabolic demands of
and forcible entry. The women's V0 2 and HR both firefighting that are hidden by previous studies that reported
increased during the search and the victim rescue so that only average M0 2 values of approximately 70% V02m.ax
they were not different from the men. At this point, it is worthy without data for VCO 2 . Moreover, these findings suggest
to note that the four women who completed the circuit in less that tests that rely on exercise capacity at a predicted
than 10 min 20 s had an average V0 2 during the circuit of submaximal HR (18) also fail to represent the demands of
41.8 ±- 3.3 versus 34.5 + 4.8 mL.kg- min-' for the women firefighting.
who failed to meet the criterion time (78.6% + 4.8% vs Predictors of CPAT performance. Simple linear
67.5% + 5.5% V0 2 m.ax), so the slower women did bias the relationships between CPAT completion time and physical
overall mean for some variables. characteristics of the subjects revealed some modest
I The RER reflects the dynamic relationship between correlations. For most characteristics, the correlation was
VCO 2 and M0 2 as dictated by gas storage and metabolism greater when men and women were combined (Table 3),
including both oxidative phosphorylation and anaerobic and this is not surprising because there was a greater range
glycolysis. At the onset of the stair climbing exercise, of values for attributes that are largely dependent on body
VCO 2 initially lags behind V0 2 (Fig. 1) owing to CO 2 mass. Individual analysis of the men and women actually
storage (9), but it can be seen from the RER taken as the revealed a very low correlation between completion time
average of the last 30 s of the 3-min stair climbing that and body mass, whereas other factors such as absolute and
VCO 2 was already exceeding M0 2 during the first activity relative V02niax, bench press strength and endurance, and
of the CPAT. The RER for the men, as in a previous study handgrip had modest predictive ability within the sexes.
(6), was consistently above 1.0 and exceeded 1.1 during the Backward stepwise multiple linear regression analyses
hose drag and the ceiling breach and pull. For the women, for the total sample of 32 men and 14 women who finished
RER was above 1.0 during the stair climbing but then the test were performed to determine whether combinations
progressively decreased and was significantly less than the of physical attributes might predict CPAT completion time.
men at several activities (with no difference between Because of the relationship between absolute V02max and
women who met and did not meet the criterion time). As the combination of body mass with relative V02,nax, these
the metabolic respiratory quotient for the men was probably two components were examined independently within the
close to 1.0 during the CPAT, reflecting predominantly analyses. When absolute VO 2n,,x was included in the
carbohydrate metabolism, excess CO 2 could be estimated model, all other variables (body mass, strength, endurance,
from the difference between VCO 2 and M0 2 . For the typical and power indicators) were dropped from the predictive
subject shown in Figure 1, the excess volume of CO 2 equation. However, when relative V02n,ax was entered in
produced between 1 and 10 min of exercise was approxi- the model, it emerged in combination with body mass and

660 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

handgrip as a significant predictor of completion time. Each energy expenditure and HR. Our subjects tended to be lean
of these models was capable of explaining 65%-71% of the (BMI: men = 25.2 + 3.6 kg-m- 2 and women = 22.9 ± 2.8
variance in CPAT completion time. However, it is im- kg.m- 2 ) and might not be fully representative of the
portant to note that the SEE were more than I rain 15 s. firefighter candidates or incumbents. Another factor that
This suggests that VO2max alone is not an adequate can explain the relatively high success rate of male and
predictor of CPAT performance. Indeed, it can be seen in female candidate recruits is that several municipalities that
Figure 5A and B that men who completed the CPAT use the CPAT for screening require completion of a
between 8 and 9 rain could have a V02,,,ax between 38 and community college program that does include a course in
67 mL'kg-'min-' or approximately between 3800 and physical fitness. It is not possible to differentiate for the
5400 mL'min-1. This latter observation is similar to that actual candidates who were enrolled in the college program
of von Heimburg et al. (25) who found an error of esti- and who were not. Information is available on the stage of
mate for a linear regression of 65 s for performance time the CPAT at which individuals failed the test. Of the 34
during a high-rise rescue simulation predicted from ab- men who failed, 6 were unable to complete the step mill
solute VO2max. phase, 3 stopped during the test for different reasons,
Practical considerations. In comparison with the 8 reached the 10 rain 20 s time limit, and all of these were at
actual applicants for positions as firefighters, our population the final event. Of the 37 women who failed the CPAT, 14
of male subjects had slightly faster than average times for were unable to complete the step mill test, I timed out
completion of the CPAT circuit, whereas our female during the search, 6 timed out during the victim rescue, and
subjects were slightly slower than the female candidates. 16 timed out during the final breach and pull event.
The fastest time recorded was 6 min 50 s by a male
candidate recruit (who completed the circuit without the gas CONCLUSION
collection system) compared to our fastest male subject
whose fastest time recorded was 7 min 10 s. The
distribution of candidate times is shown in Figure 6, with We studied the energy demands of the CPAT in a group of
each male candidate represented by a single dot in a young men and women who had some characteristics similar
cumulative fashion (i.e., of the 896 successful male to actual firefighter candidate recruits but who might not be
candidates, approximately 100 men completed the CPAT fully representative of that population. We found the energy
with less than 1 min remaining to the criterion time, male demands to be high, although perhaps at the lower end of
candidates numbered from 100 to 800 had between I rain values recorded in previous studies of incumbent firefighters
and 2 min 15 s remaining, and the final 96 had more than 2 performing task simulations (4,8,14,16,20,22,25). In our
min 15 s remaining). The fastest female recruit was 8 min population of male and female test subjects, more than
10 s, whereas our fastest female subject was 9 rain I s. Our 65% of the variance in CPAT completion time was predicted
male subjects were distributed along the spectrum of times by maximal aerobic power, both absolute VO2max alone or
observed in the candidate recruits with some bias toward relative V02,..x in combination with body mass and
faster times (Fig. 6B), but the female subjects were toward handgrip strength. However, the predictive ability was quite
the lower end of the spectrum of successful candidate low as evidenced in an SEE that exceeded I rain 15 s.
recruits (Fig. 6A). As noted, the success rates for the actual Therefore, high physical fitness is required to successfully
candidates tested in this same facility were 98% and 48% complete the CPAT, but the ability to predict performance
for men and women, respectively, compared to our subjects from individual elements such as V02m.ax is not sufficiently
at 91% and 15%. A probable reason for the relatively high accurate. The CPAT evaluates physical fitness of firefighter
success rate of the female candidates is that women who candidate recruits at a specific time point, but it does not
elect to become firefighters have recognized the need to be indicate the likelihood of maintaining long-term fitness.
physically fit (aerobic fitness, strength, and muscle endur-
ance) to enter their chosen profession, whereas our subjects This research was supported by the Ontario Workplace Safety
were selected as fit and healthy young women with no Insurance Board of the Province of Ontario (No. 04024). The authors
specific training. Unfortunately, we do not have data on thank Caryl Russell and Lori Kraemer of UW Fitness for their
physical dimensions or physical fitness in the female assistance with the CPAT testing site and for providing candidate
recruit testing data.
candidates; however, based on success rates, they might No financial conflicts. The results of the present study do not
have been fitter than our subjects and had relatively lower constitute endorsement by ACSM.

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662 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org


TITLE: Physiological Demands of the Firefighter Candidate

Physical Ability Test
SOURCE: Med Sci Sports Exercise 41 no3 Mr 2009

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