Profit and Loss Account

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Profit/Loss account

Meaning of profit

The starting point in understanding the profit and loss account is to be clear about
the meaning of "profit".

Profit is the incentive for business; without profit people wouldn't’t bother. Profit
is the reward for taking risk; generally speaking high risk = high reward (or loss if
it goes wrong) and low risk = low reward. People won’t take risks without reward.
All business is risky (some more than others) so no reward means no business. No
business means no jobs, no salaries and no goods and services.

Profit also has an important role in allocating resources (land, labour, capital and
enterprise). Put simply, falling profits (as in a business coming to an end eg black-
and-white TVs) signal that resources should be taken out of that business and put
into another one; rising profits signal that resources should be moved into this
business. Without these signals we are left to guess as to what is the best use of
society’s scarce resources.
Profit/Loss account
The Task of Accounting - Measuring Profit
The main task of accounts, therefore, is to monitor and measure profits.
Profit = Revenue less Costs

So monitoring profit also means monitoring and measuring revenue and costs.
There are two parts to this:-

1) Recording financial data. This is the ‘book-keeping’ part of accounting.

2) Measuring the result. This is the ‘financial’ part of accounting.
Profits are ‘spent’ in three ways.
1) Retained for future investment and growth.
2) Returned to owners eg a ‘dividend’.
3) Paid as tax.
Parts of Profit/Loss account
The Profit & Loss Account aims to monitor profit. It has three parts.
1) The Trading Account.
This records the money in (revenue) and out (costs) of the business as a
result of the business’ ‘trading’ ie buying and selling. This might be buying
raw materials and selling finished goods; it might be buying goods
wholesale and selling them retail. The figure at the end of this section is the
Gross Profit.

2) The Profit and Loss Account proper

This starts with the Gross Profit and adds to it any further costs and
revenues, including overheads. These further costs and revenues are from
any other activities not directly related to trading. An example is income
received from investments.

3) The Appropriation Account. This shows how the profit is ‘appropriated’

or divided between the three uses mentioned above.
Uses of Profit/loss account
1) The main use is to monitor and measure profit, as discussed above. This
assumes that the information recording is accurate. Significant problems
can arise if the information is inaccurate, either through incompetence or
deliberate fraud.

2) Once the profit(loss) has been accurately calculated, this can then be used
for comparison ie judging how well the business is doing compared to
itself in the past, compared to the managers’ plans and compared to other

3) There are ways to ‘fix’ accounts. Internal accounts are rarely ‘fixed’,
because there is little point in the managers fooling themselves (unless
fraud is going on) but public accounts are routinely ‘fixed’ to create a
good impression out to the outside world. If you understand accounts,
you can usually (not always) spot these ‘fixes’ and take them out to get a
true picture.
Proforma of P&L A/C
Balance sheet
A balance sheet is a snapshot of a business’ financial condition at a specific
moment in time, usually at the close of an accounting period. A balance
sheet comprises assets, liabilities, and owners’ or stockholders’ equity.
Assets and liabilities are divided into short- and long-term obligations
including cash accounts such as checking, money market, or government
securities. At any given time, assets must equal liabilities plus owners’
equity. An asset is anything the business owns that has monetary value.
Liabilities are the claims of creditors against the assets of the business.
A balance sheet helps a small business owner quickly get a handle on the
financial strength and capabilities of the business. Is the business in a
position to expand? Can the business easily handle the normal financial
flows of revenues and expenses? Or should the business take immediate
steps to bolster cash reserves
Balance sheet
• Balance sheets can identify and analyze trends,
particularly in the area of receivables and payables. Is
the receivables cycle lengthening? Can receivables be
collected more aggressively? Is some debt uncollectible?
Has the business been slowing down payables to
forestall an inevitable cash shortage?
Balance sheet Proforma

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