Accudiag™ Ifa Kit: Toxoplasma Igm (T-Gondii)
Accudiag™ Ifa Kit: Toxoplasma Igm (T-Gondii)
Accudiag™ Ifa Kit: Toxoplasma Igm (T-Gondii)
AccuDiag™ most common clinical manifestation of acute toxoplasmosis in the adult is
asymptomatic lymphadenopathy involving single or multiple nodes.
Toxoplasma IgM (T-gondii) Lymphadenopathy may be accompanied by fever, malaise, and atypical
lymphocytosis symptoms which mimic infectious mononucleosis. Very rarely will
IFA Kit more serious complications, such as encephalitis, myocarditis or pneumonitis, be
seen in the normal host.
Cat# 431508-MD
Although the normal host usually suffers no ill effects from infection with T. gondii,
infection in an immunocompromised host is often fatal. Immunocompromised
patients may develop severe disseminated toxoplasmosis or toxoplasmic
See external Label 10x 8 wells encephalitis, or both. Toxoplasma is a common opportunistic infection of the central
nervous system in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Serologic evidence indicates that toxoplasmic encephalitis in AIDS patients results
Toxoplasma IgM from reactivation of latent infections. Approximately 30% of AIDS patients who are
(T-gondii)IFA toxoplasma antibody positive will develop toxoplasmic encephalitis.
Indirect Fluorescent
Method When a seronegative woman becomes infected with T. gondii during pregnancy, the
Antibody Method
organism is often transmitted across the placenta to the fetus. The severity of
Principle Qualitative infection in the fetus varies with the trimester during which the infection was
acquired. Infection during the first trimester may lead to spontaneous abortion,
Sample 10 µL serum stillbirth, or overt disease in the neonate. Infection acquired later during pregnancy is
Sensitivity 92.3 % usually asymptomatic in the neonate, and may not be recognized. Approximately
Specificity 100 % 75% of congenitally infected newborns are symptomatic. However, nearly all
Total Time ~ 130 min. children born with subclinical toxoplasmosis will develop adverse ocular or
12 Months from the neurologic sequelae later in life. Approximately 80 - 85% develop chorioretinitis and
Shelf Life some may also experience blindness or mental retardation.
manufacturing date
A variety of serologic tests for antibodies to T. gondii have been used as an aid in
diagnosis of acute infection and to assess previous exposure to the organism. The
INTENDED USE more widely used tests include the Sabin-Feldman dye test, direct agglutination,
The Diagnostic Automation, Inc. Toxoplasma IgM(T-gondii) IFA Kit Test System is indirect hemagglutination, latex agglutination, indirect immunofluorescence, and
an indirect fluorescent antibody assay designed for the presumptive qualitative ELISA. Serologic procedures that measure IgM class antibodies to T. gondii include
detection of IgM antibodies to T. gondii in human serum and for the presumptive indirect immunofluorescence, immunosorbent agglutination, and ELISA. High
diagnosis of acute, recent, or reactive T. gondii infection. To adquately assess the affinity IgG antibodies to T. gondii, if present in a sample, may interfere with the
patient’s serological status; testing must be performed in conjunction with an anti-T. detection of IgM specific antibody. High affinity IgG antibody may preferentially
gondii IgG antibody assay. This product is not FDA cleared (approved) for use in bind to T. gondii antigen leading to false negative IgM results; also, rheumatoid
testing (i.e., screening) blood or plasma donors. Performance characteristics have not factor, if present along with antigen-specific IgG, may bind to the IgG causing false
been established for screening sera from prenatal women or newborns. positive IgM results.
Both of the above problems can be eliminated by removing IgG from the sample
SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION before testing for IgM. Several different methods of separating IgG have been used.
These include gel filtration, absorption with protein A ion exchange
T. gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite with a worldwide chromatography, precipitation of IgG with anti-human IgG serum, or the use of IgG
distribution. Although cats are the definitive host, the organism can infect almost all Removal Regent.
mammals and birds. Serological data indicates that approximately 30% of the
population of most industrialized nations is chronically infected with the organism,
although the prevalence varies among different populations. TEST PRINCIPLE
The Diagnostic Automation, Inc. T. gondii IgM Test System is designed to detect
Toxoplasma exists in three forms: trophozoite, cysts, and oocysts. The trophozoite is IgM class antibodies to the T. gondii antigen. The assay employs T. gondii
the invasive form present during the acute phase of infection. Tissue cysts are organisms and fluorescein labeled anti-human IgM (µ chain specific). The procedure
formed after multiplication of the organism within the host cell cytoplasm and may involves three steps:
contain up to several thousand organisms. Oocysts develop in the intestinal epithelial
cells of cats and are not found in other hosts. Oocysts are excreted in the feces of cats 1. Test sera are first treated to remove IgG and rheumatoid factor.
and mature after a few days. 2. Test sera, properly treated and diluted, are added to the wells and incubated.
Antigen specific IgM antibody will bind to T. gondii substrate immobilized on
Infection of man and other animals occurs after ingestion of either cysts in raw or the slide. The Slides are washed to remove unbound antibody and other serum
undercooked meat, or mature oocysts in material contaminated with cat feces. Once components.
ingested, the parasites are liberated from cysts or oocysts by digestive enzymes and 3. Fluorescein labeled anti-human IgM Conjugate is added to the wells and the
invade the intestinal mucosa. The parasites multiply locally and are then transported Slides are incubated. The Conjugate will react with the antigen specific IgM
to other organs forming tissue cysts which persist for the life of the host. Cysts are antibodies bound to the slides in step 2. The Slides are washed to remove
found predominantly in brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. unbound Conjugate. The Slides are then mounted with a coverslip and read
under a fluorescence microscope.