Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Cheat Sheet: ADB Basics Package Installation
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Cheat Sheet: ADB Basics Package Installation
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Cheat Sheet: ADB Basics Package Installation
adb devices (lists connected devices) adb shell install <apk> (install app)
adb root (restarts adbd with root permissions) adb shell install <path> (install app from phone path)
adb start-server (starts the adb server) adb shell install -r <path> (install app from phone path)
adb kill-server (kills the adb server) adb shell uninstall <name> (remove the app)
adb reboot (reboots the device)
adb devices -l (list of devices by product/model)
adb shell (starts the backround terminal)
exit (exits the background terminal) Package Installation
adb help (list all commands)
adb -s <deviceName> <command> (redirect command to specific device)
adb –d <command> (directs command to only attached USB device) adb shell install <apk> (install app)
adb –e <command> (directs command to only attached emulator) adb shell install <path> (install app from phone path)
adb shell install -r <path> (install app from phone path)
adb shell uninstall <name> (remove the app)