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Associate Professor Ph.D. Chiru Claudiu


Databases and Database Management Systems 3

Information Systems. Design and Implementation 21

Enterprise Resource Planning 38

1. Databases and database management systems
Computer applications and more, information systems are in need of informatio n
on magnetic storage
racks. This is dictated by the large amount of information to work with your computer and
that there must be continuity from one session of work from one computer to another session.

The file is a collection of homogenous data from the point of view of the nature, content and
processing criteria. The collection of data is maintained on an external memory in accordance
with restrictions imposed by the process of automatic processing of their data, in order to
meet the requirements of information of one or more users.

In the files, the data is organized into articles, (equivalent to a row in a table) and in the
framework of article fields (the equivalent of a column in a table). Of zavantajul file is that its
structure should be outlined in each program that works with that file and any modification to
the structure of fiţierului should be operated and in programs.

In addition, any operation with the data in the files must bespelled out in the programme-
based, which makes designing programs that work with files to be quite cumbersome and
time-consuming IE is rather tiresome, with chances to make mistakes as the programmer of

The data files are moreîntrebuinţea tion and currently programs written in programming

The database is a solution to the disadvantages of file and consists of a system of data
collections, among which there are multiple logical interdependence, accordingto relations on
the occasion of ilite prestab defining data structure. This system is designed to satisfy the
most various operative requests coming from different groups of users. Database users are:
administrator, plicaţii of developers and end-users. For working with the database they have a
soft interface, called the system of database management (DBMS).

Database management systems(DBMS)

DBMS company programs, are specialized in storing and pr elucrarea of large amounts of
data held in databases

A DBMS must ensure that the following functions elementary in relation to databases:

▫ defining or creating the database;

▫ entering data in the database (add);
▫ modification of existing data in the database;
▫ deleting data from databases;
▫ consultation of databases, i.e., query or retrieval of information stored therein
and generating reports.
In addition, the DBMS can provide sites and other services such as

▫ support for programming language;

▫ interface as attractive and efficient for communicating with the user;
▫ various advanced techniques to remember, organize and access data in the
▫ built-in utilities: System of gesture of tables and databases, designere, wizards,
builders, text editor, etc.;
▫ help or help for user databases.
DBMS offer a range of facilities. These include:

▫ the logical level at separation,creation of a logical data independence;

▫ appearance, alongside access to direct access, sequential, this having the effect
of an immediate increase of speed of access to data;
▫ techniques for the selection and processing of information;
▫ DBMS e relaţ national are provided with the possibility of linking two or more
database connections that allow accessing the data simultaneously, which lies
in a particular relationship. Data can be of different data bases;
▫ technical data bases query (SQL);
▫ increased speed and much data protection legislation and programmes;
▫ Some DBMS like Visual FoxPro or access databases are provided with RQBE
(R elaţional Query B y E xample), consisting of a method of consultation of

Generalit amounts
The ANSI-SPARC architecture (Standard Planning and Requirement Commetee) involves
three levels of database: conceptually, external (logical) and internally (physically).

The conceptual level is the result of modeling information system in terms of d atelor with
which it operates and does not refer to data on the physical organization or media

The level of external function keeps users marked their information needs and access rights.
As a result, each user (user groups), you will see only the parts of the database, called

Physical layer (domestic) corresponds to the representation of data on magnetic brackets. For
the moment we will insist only onthe conceptual model.

Conceptual modelfor a S.G.B.D.is aformal process used in the conceptual structure and
logical description of data and relationships between them in a database. This description is
done by way of defining the elements of the conceptual structure (record types, features, etc.),
data types (links/reference ring-type recordsets, etc.) and by the terminology used.

Data modelling has three stages: identification of phenomena, the pairing of characters
specific information/RADO phenomena, representing characteristics through achievements.
There is also a model of working. The data model is validated by that of processing and vice

Ways of addressing the conceptual model (conceptual schema):

▫ descend ent: Enterprise, external subscheme (oriented), internal schemes;

▫ ascending: external schemas and schema conceptual schema.
A.ch model C= entity attributes, correspondences (relations).

Relationships can be:

▫ binary: 1-1, 1-n, n-1,m-n.

▫ No: (there are relationshipsbetween n features; such a relationship leads to a
realization or a tuple
An entity can have relationships with several entities and all those relations as a whole, forms
the plot structure of representation.

Structurile representation may be: linear, the pine tree and the network.

There are two rules concerning this structure:

▫ the integrity of the relationship-to be not null primary key;

▫ reference integrity: If a feature take null values or repeated to no f ieprimary
key in a different database.
The structure of representation does not depend on S.G.B.D. instead of each S.G.B.D. must
have a formal process able to describe in its own conceptual and logical structure of the data,
as well as the relations d within the database. It is aconceptual model of S.G.B.D.

It follows that a structure of representation (the one we are in the early stage of design logic,
when we have not yet decided on the S.G.B.D.) can be modeled in several cooking settings
resulting in more conceptual models and vice versa more conceptual models can be modeled
through a single structure representation. Subsequently, the physical design phase, when we
decided on the S.G.B.D., we get a single conceptual model.

M odelele conceptual may be hierarchical, relational and network type. There are also object-
oriented model of data bases, as well as newer concepts such as distributed databases,
databases and hypermedia databases.

Model ierarhic is actually a tree structure with great levels (root), grandfather (intermediate
files), father and son. To connect the lower level at the upper nodes are used. Extreme leaf
files are files.s

The network model is used in situ, but others need complex high-class specialists that work
with such models.

The relational model of databases

The relational model of databasesis most commonly used on PCs. It is based on the
development of links between the entities, between the fields of primary key and foreign key.

The relational model depends exclusively on links between objects. In this model it is on the
grounds that although paramount importance for the user entity, di n termsof the relational
model, entity exist through combinations of values its characteristics. In this respect it should
be known, i.e., features fields of each of the values crowd that one feature you can take and
take these domains from combinaţ, will result in achievement of the entity. Apparently up
here didn't say anything new, but this approach has allowed entities mathematician c. f. Codd
in 1969, to expose the relational model of database organization.

The relational model employs the following physical concepts:

▫ relationship = bidimensional table consisting of rows (lines) called tupluri and

columns called fields. Relations addressed are finite; even if the fields are
constructed can be infinite (for example the field of integers);
▫ tuple = a row from a table;
▫ feature = not my column header/from a table (relationship);
▫ key = a feature or a lot of characteristic whose value uniquely identifies each
tuple from a table;
▫ primary key = key that uniquely identify a tuple of (registration);
▫ secondary key = key that allows the identification of all tuplurilor that have the
same property;
▫ foreign key = key the same as the primary key of the associated relationship;
by constructing foreign keys is a quick access to the information contained in
the database, because connections carried out;
▫ domain = value of a crowd (a column in a table);
▫ grade = the number of columns within a table; Note G (R) = n, where R is the
name of the table;
▫ cardinalitate= Cajun rows within a table; Note C = m (R), where R is the table
▫ the relationship between product size = cardinal i tate andthe degree of the
A relational model is comprised of three elements:

▫ data structure;
▫ integrity rules, which govern the use of the keys in the model;
▫ operators.
the data in the model Structure) conceptual schema is defined by therelationship orentity-
relationship diagrams through combined with the list of characteristics from the composition
of a table.

The general syntax of a schemarelationship is me:

< name relationship> (< car 1 >,<car 2 >, ..., < car m >), where the field highlighted (one of
those <car...>) is key. As for the second form of representation of relationships between
tables, one example is the us were:

b) for those who have studied theDBMSAccess integrity rules, which govern the use of the
keys in the model are known from virtually as they were defined in Access relationships
between database tables and more specifically of how they have been used for window
options t Edit Relationship,whose image we have in this paragraph.

c) as for the operators, it should be noted that for handling relationships, relational model
offers two kinds of languages:

▫ algebraic languages based on operatori specialized mixing relationships

between them, or filter them. Underlying these languages relational algebra
stands. These languages include two types of operators:
▫ Boolean operators: reunion, the intersection, difference and Cartesian
▫ r elaţionali: operators selection and projection, composing,
semicompunerea, Division;
-logical languages(predicative) that allow you to specify the logical relationship using
mathematical formulas, whatwe call relational calculus (tupluri-oriented or domains).
Relational calculus is the language logic on which were built the majority of query languages
for databases. Of these languages we study the SQL.Q

Examples of relational S.G.B.D.: FOXPRO (P.C.), ORACLE (P.C. + mini-computers),


Distributed databases
A distributed database is a database logical integrated, but physically distributed across
multiple computer systems interconnected with each other. This is transparent to users
globally, knowing her only global schema (conceptual), they use it as a local database. Local
users, do not have access only to the local database (which is part of the distributed database).
Part of the building on a given node (computer) network constitutes a partition and it is levied
at the level of that node as a centralized database that can be managed and operated locally.
Partitioning can be achieved horizontally and in this case the fragments they obtained B.D.
will present the same conceptual schema, rather than one that only through tuplurile
contained, or vertical-thus obtained being fragments of the overall projections B.D. (comprise
only part of the overall scheme). These special needs access directly swept by B.D. at B.D.
distributed, ensuring transparency of physical data allocation towards the user, portability of
software (to go on many types of computers, O.s: or even DBMS), application programs must
be present in all network nodes, etc.

There are two strategies for achieving distributed: a BD BD single at a conceptual level, or
BD to be partitioned at both conceptually as well as internally.

Multimedia databases
Multimedia database stores the xte, you graphics, images and sound, using three-dimensional
tables, developed strong structured lines and columns.

Issues raised by these databases:

▫ the volume of data presents a complex structure (objects);

▫ define and share objects use inddeclarative languages;
▫ realization of specific operations on objects (retrieval, addition, editing);
current products only allow archiving and consultation;
▫ Databases created with ACCESS, FoxPro, PARADOX, or Dbase can include
and process sounds and video images just as easily as text, numbers or graphs;
▫ requires CD-ROMs;
There are specialized products on multimedia:

▫ ARCHIS DOC-MAC: integrates a scanner or a camera and at the same time

take over and store your images on your hard disk or optical dis c numerically.
For consultation are used key words;
▫ GESCO-WINDOWS management system for Documentary Fund, thought of
as a BD multimedia under TAURUS nucleus (nucleus multimedia created in
Windows environment for the management of heterogeneous type docume
ntelor). For consultation are used, list-index, descriptive texts;
▫ PALS-WINDOWS IMAGE an organized three-block (BD):
▫ catalog for the management and organization of images;
▫ UPS electronic module of the image;
▫ module p for capturing or working with a portion of the screen.

Databases of object-oriented
Abstractizări objects represent real-world entities are defined by two coordinates:
(characteristics,traits,) and behavior (local procedures).

An object emits and receives messages having the following structure:

[<destinatar> < method > <argument>]

Because of polymorphism, object sender just tells the recipient what to do, and decide how to
make the recipient.

Objects can present in the composition (structure) and their other objects and their attributes
so they are no longer oftomice.

-The identity of the object. An object identifier can be independent of its value, and the user
can use giving him names that have no connection c u identifier. The identity of an object is
generally implantată through a uniqueinternal identifier which is independent of the value or
the address of the object in memory. In the context of the BD object oriented, object identity
is managed at the n system, in a manner independent of the application that manages objects.
The programmer can compare objects of strong identity and equality

-Encapsulation. We must make a distinction between the object and its State structure. Status
is determined by the values we have at some point attributes contained in the structure of the
object. These attributes can contain atomic values, but can also contain objects referenced by
their identifiers. The behavior of the object can be con trolat through an interface that
contains tabs methods. This interface is visible to other objects, instead of the object structure

is known only by the subject himself. Encapsulation principle determines the structure and
methods of the object s cannot be accessed and/or modified directly from outside.

The model of object-oriented databases.It is based on the process of fit-consular agencies

attributes and methods (functions) in structures called classes. The model of object-oriented
databases show like the one below.

Class object that describes the Assembly presents the same characteristics and behavior. A
class described by name, attributes and methods.

Heritage. It is based on the hierarchy of classes and on the fact that every class inherits the
attributes and methods of the upper class (superclasei in which it is included).

Persistence. Represents an object permanence. It makes sense when you can just use objects
created during execution.
Comparison between concepts used de object-oriented model and relational model:

Deductive databases
Belonging to the category of intelligent databases, which are considered to be "bridge"
crossing from the databases databases knowledge. Deductive databases have emerged as a
result of the integration of technology with programming logic. Such BD could operate with
reasoning (inferences), for example with a interpreterul coupling of SGBDR PROLOGUE,
via an interface.

Modeling of data bases of creation of relationships

The relational model depends exclusively on the connections between objects. In this model
the following terms are used: relation (table); tuple (realization), feature (column in the table),
key (one or more columns with which they can identify tuplurile), primary key, secure
secondary key (the one with which you can select all the tuplurile which have the same
ownership, foreign), (value of a crowd features), degree (number of columns), cardinalitate
(number of records).

The relational model (conceptual) include:

▫ data structure (relationships);
▫ integrity rules, relating to the use of the keys;
▫ operators.

Stage analysis
Based on information content and a structure:

▫ content information consists of the totality of the CHOKEY attributesc e

flectã phenomena and economic processes in the beneficiarã;
▫ the structure is a homogeneous information of entitãţi in which are
grouped by attributes.

As a result, the design information database involves two phases:su b

▫ determination ofc onţinutului database information and useful
algorithms izaţi;
▫ structuring information database in entitãţi

Determination of the contents and the algorithms used

Basis of information involves an information input anda ţionalã outputinformation. Since the
output is the totality of information indicators structure within the system outputs, we can say
that it has been completed in phase of cost/output documents (lists/reports, summary
indicators and outputs afice, gr to other systems). Now we will refer only to the content of
the input information. It determines which depending on how the existing attributes on the
basis of output informationsuch as:

▫ a subset of the attributes of output obtained by taking over or represented

by a formation of some attributes of database synonyms informational
output will go in full based on the incoming information;
▫ a subset of the attributes of output obtained as a result of operating a
computing algorithm or algorithms is broken down further by means of
algorithms, the operands, i.e. primary ope r Andes which donot come
from formulas and only they will proceed on the basis ofinput in

Sometimes the algorithms contain ritmi subalgo; in this case the decompositionof co tinuã n
until it reaches a situation where neither operand is not the result of an algorithm, that is, until
it reaches the operands mayors. If an attribute is obtained on the basis of several algorithms,
all attributes which prove to be beesc primary will be introduced on the basis of the
information in thereturn.

The algorithms can be of five types: arithmetic expressions, tables, tdecision tables, tables and
charts with conditional actions:

▫ arithmetic expressions do not require comments;

▫ tabelele: an example is the table with salary ranges that apply different

▫ I suppose the decision tables in tabular form the materialization of all

possible will it orilor you can take each operand as expression to it either
rezultatu specified for each combination with potential between the
possible values of the operands. It is about the rule of operands with
logical values (or type Yes or no).

Structuring information base in entities

Structuring information database entry involves identifying e n titãţil or they still have access
to the computer system and contain its bundling u ment (attributes) on entitãţi including
identification of correspondences (legãturilor) of entitãţi. Structuring your database info
rmaţionale entry is done through int ermediul a model representation of ENTITY-
ATTRIBUTE-E-MAIL (EAC), which provides logical and physical independence of
prelucrãrilor to c a database where the lessons will be transposed based on information. This
property provides a default pr lessdependentrelative of General enţa proiectãrii, to the
technical solutions adopted in the proiectãrii of detail.
In the context of the ECA model each entity must be uniquely karstic relief a lot of attributes
and a set of correspondences (legãtur i) established with other entitãţi or even inside it.
Corespo n denţele can be defined as the linking between the various entitãţi or realizãrile
realizãrile same entitãţi. There are correspondences type 1 1;1 nand m.

Achievement is in factmaking a case of the kind represented by the entity (for example a
concrete input materials, namely an input of material), or a copy of many of the same kind for
which it has been designated an entity (for example, nomenclatoru it, i.e. material). Once
desemnatã, once i gave a name (an identifier), the entity must be defined by its attributes
butele, by maximum number of can and then through his correspondence with other entitãţi or
spondenţa corepotential between itsre alizãrile.

Entities can be:

▫ Elementary-that cannot be decomposed into other entitãţi;

▫ compound-made up of two or more elementary and entitãţi use a site to

optimize the database. These entitãţi are used in the event of type m
which decompose intotwo correspondences type 1 m and 1 n
entitãţie rea interferes with a composed two entitãţi elementary.

Includes entity can be made up in principle of three parts:

▫ part constructed from attributes to identify the entitãţii compound;
▫ part constructed from attributes of the description of the entitãţii
▫ part constructed from related attributes that will define the connections
between the entity and includes the elementary.
ATR ibutul is a property of a entitãţi, of a group of entitãţi, or relate. I attribute associates a
identif i values which can be considered a variable that i can assignamu l ţime.
Attributes in classification:
from a structural p.d.v.:
▫ Elementary (which cannot be decomposed into other attributes);
▫ compound (which can be reduced to the other attributes elmentare;
▫ from p.d.v. of stability over time in relation to the semantics of the

The correspondence is a link between two or more entitãţi in order to r e flectãrii associations
that can be established between them. The field of definition of entitãţii is called the reference
domain, and thatof e n titãţii which concerns the reference is called codomeniu.

In this contex t, connection type 11 requires that an element of the industry to comply with
an element of codomeniu, connection type 1 n implies that an element of the industry to
comply withthe code a menu 0, 1, or more elements (max.), and connection type n implies
that an element of the industry to comply with the codomeniu 0 ,1, or more elements (max.),
and an element in codomeniu to comply with 0, 1 or more (max. 1 m) he's hunting.
Ţã in accordance with the model of the information base for structuring the ECA input
produces the following sequence:

▫ definition of entitãţilor information base;

▫ defining specific attributes entitãţilor;

▫ establish correspondences between entitãţi;
▫ Optimizing the database information struct hatred;
▫ representation of the structure of the information base;

Definition of the entitãţilor informational base involves structuring n u cleului entitãţi

information and setting the attributes of the connection between them so as to see emphasizes
the following:
▫ fields and subtask through uniformity of attributes and sema borntabu
▫ economic operations via the input database information;
▫ sintezã the value of the level attribute (analytic synthetic) and the degree
of stability in their time (constants, variables and status);
▫ the frequency of occurrence and use of database attributes entry
▫ the specificity of functional compartments involved in setting-up the
databaseinfo maţionale r input;
The aspects listed above, can be used individually orco m binate, for the determination of
entitãţi to best reflect the specific information i database development.

After determining entitãţilor information shall be established between the respo denţele co
entitãţi n through connection attributes.

Defining specific attributes entitãţilor attributes is unified name, identifier, the type of the data
and their format, including how repetition factor directly or indirectly relating to use.

This operation is made by the administrator of the database and this occasion he must have in
sight the following desiderata:

▫ the existence of a concordance between the descriptive definitions of

attributes and their semantics and phenomena carried over economic
processes r e bent basic information;
▫ descriptivã presentation attributes will be used in the elaboration of a
dictionary of attributes, necessary at the stage of proiectãrii detailto his
computer system and this u will need to surprindã as objective reality
phenomena and proce introduction;
Definition of attributes includes and setting attributes of the connection between entitãţi. They
must be of numeric type and minimum length,what r the role that will be secured via

Establish correspondences between entitãţi; mail it aims at securing better integrãrias

entitãţilor in structure info r maţionale.

Corespondenţel e of entitãţi are reflected through connection attributes that meet "primary key
function within each entitãţi. When theentity that we refer to (the current entity), is in the
chorusespondenţã with another entity, the "primary key of entitãţi key isex ternã for the
current entity. This name comes from the fact that from a current entity can, must i comply
with the entity that is in the coresponedenţã, an achievement which has the primary key
primary key equalto aim for the current trends in the entity.

Primary key of the other entitãţi foreignkey is entitãţii.

Establishment of correspondence between the entitãţi is done using a grid where all entitãţile
are present both on the horizontal and near vertically, so that it can analyze the possibility of a
corespo n denţe between each entity with each entity. It is worth noting that between e n titãţi
must remain a free row horizontally and vertically a free columns asshown in the figure
below; This is done to be able to recover at the intersection of the two entitãţi type link (mail)
and foreign key. If you have e-mail between two entitãţi pãtratul is located at the intersection
is haşureazã; in his left is no. of a reference entity can from, and above the number of can
excitement of opportunity from them related. The right to write the external key.

Optimizing database structure. It is considering to ensure appropriate disposal flexibilit ãţi

redondanţelor of attributes and creating the preconditions necessary for coherent an update tut
u allentitãţilor information input through the base operations of add, modify, delete, and insert
the data collections will be transposed based on information input. Optimize information
structure allows the simplification of entry either by putting discoveries into entitãţilor m
entitãţi complex, either through incremental attribute in entitãţi composition, the comedones
in order to ensure an optimal information structure of entries. Here, it appears two m e Tahiri:

▫ Normalizãrii method entitãţilor entry information base, through the

decomposition of their entitãţi;
▫ The method of entitãţilor information base through the integration of
input attributes in the entitãţi, in the ratio of simple or multiple
functional dependencies.

normalizãrii Method of entitãţilor database) information.

Normalization of relational databases (nţelor and eliminating faults redunda storage) means
the obtaining of relationships "atomic", without losing any information. After normalization,
as optimizing internal schema, consisting of any denormalizãri (join) and then choose: how to
organizeyour belelor, access methods, index keys.

Basically it means normalization to eliminãm "functional dependencies" using pieces of

modeling that can be:

▫ entitãţi decomposition scheme;

▫ the synthesis schema attributes.
Functional dependencies refers to connections between attributes and can be:

▫ reflexive (cyclical);
▫ transitive;
▫ growth.
Functional dependencies can be partial or total, as well as multiple.

Normalization is done in 5 steps (Forms):

▫ 1NF: require that each display of the table to fill the roll a single
nedecompozabilã value: If there is any compound features (e.g. address
= address + town), then it will result in more features, if there are several
features that each one could be a field's values, will tuplurithe boar more

▫ 2NF: the claim met 1NF + each feature key is non-dependentã of a
primary key; What if there are no fields depend on the primary key, all
of them will be placed separately in a new table of tariffs with the
primary key will only be part of that question depended on the fields and
in the old table. Eliminã is thus partial dependencies.

▫ 3nfNr: 2NF claims that there are no dependencies + functional non-

transitive characteristics. Tranzitivã means that a field (char. eristicã) X
depends on Y and it depends on Z, but X depends directly on the Z in
this case we may initiate a table having primary key on Y, and X in this
table will be a non-key field. Y will remain in the old table and, as a
non-key field.

Something intermediate between level 4 and 5 normalization is Boyce Codd NF (BCNF);

This claim for any dependency 3NF Nr + total X-has, it appears that X is a key change R (the
table in question).

▫ 4nf: pretend each multiple BCNF + dependency becomes an addictive


▫ 5NF: claims and has no 4NF + ciclicã dependency (joints) or if there is

any, should be involved through a secure secondary key.

Representation of input database information aims to describe the unmanaged entitãţilor,

mponente co., attributes the primary keys, foreign keys and correspondences between the
entitãţi ved unit to playback was the final structure of the input information.

Logical design is bad it izeazã through three specific phases, namely:

▫ relational analysis of fezabilitãţii modelulu i in the design of the

▫ design dictionary of attributes designed;
▫ description of the conceptual structure of the database and the reflection
of functional dependencies via synthetic and analytical bathing.

Analyze the relational model f ezabilitãţii in designing the database press uput the reflection
entitãţilor the General design information designed in terms of the characteristics of the
relational model and communal facilities. This model uses the following concept: it's physical
relationship or attribute table (columns), d a menu (a column values crowd in the table), tuple
(realization), value (attribute value), cardinalitate (total number of can), the degree of the
relationship (the number of attributes in the table), the size of the relationship (the product of
cardinal i tate and the degree of the relationship), candidate key (an attribute whosetype value
e x act a tuple; sometimes there may be multiple attributes in a position to do so, and hence
the name of the candidate as n didatã f uncţia "primary key, the primary key and foreign k

A relation has the following proprietãţi:

▫ the set of attributes is invariably determined by structure in formaţionale

and hasbeen used for the characterization of the relationship, and the
cardinalitatea, gra and size relationship Boulevard can change over time;

▫ order lines (tuplurilor) and columns (fields) of a relationship is not
significant but is dependentã prelucrãrilor a relationship specificity:
▫ coresponenţele of relations (tables) are as igurate by default through the
inte r keys environment (attributes) of the connection
▫ effective processing of relations (tables) is done via operators generals
and relaţionali operators;
▫ the values in the context of the relationship are nedecompozabile and
tupluri between two spared some;
▫ the product of rank and cardinaliatea relationship defines the total
number of real values.

The feasibility of the model is secure if they are satisfied the following co nditions

▫ transformation of information in entitãţilorelaţii (tables);

▫ independenţelor logical-physical realization of secure data through the
independence of the internal reprezentãrii data to access to them;
▫ the possibility of using some non-procedural languages;
▫ the uniqueness of the keys;
▫ It excludes the existence of theirtupluri for the which the key attributes
they value
▫ nulã or neprecizatã;
▫ in a relationship R1 is checks the existence of at least one entry in the
relationship for a R2 attribute or set of attributes is e xternã.

The dictionary covers design atributelo r playing in a form sintetizatã, focussed and
neambiguã kernel informational base determined in general design that follows to be stored in
the database so that each type of attribute to be uniquely defined. The dictionary is specific for
each attribute name, identifier, the characteristics (type and length), validation. Dictionaries
may be established for attributes on each functional unit in or onround system.

The phases proiectãrii award: ute dictionary

▫ analysis of core information database (P12) to show the den umirile in

extenso of input attributes, nature, length, factor I repeati hem them
▫ analysis of existenţã interval for formalized attributes via codes;
▫ study of the restrictions imposed by the operating system including the
DBMS used;

▫ study of the restrictions imposed by the electronic system that will

manage the database and network teleinformaticã is used;
▫ the establishment of core attributes-p identifiers information + r
licensingwith syntactic and semantic constraints imposed by the DBMS.
Identify eachattribute of the associated selector. During these phases will
keep account ofr e stricţiile DBMS used regarding:
▫ length max. allowed for identifiers;
▫ the nature of the first character (e.g. only digit or letter);
▫ permissible types of attributes; (e.g. numeric integer or real, String,
logical, date calendar, etc.).

General description of the conceptual structure of the database/data and functional
dependencies coverage considering the definition of a set of relations (tables), showing the
entitãţile database and the attributes of the component,specifying keys preunã m and e x are
dullas in the table on the following pa gina.

Description of the general structure of the relational database can be done through two
methods: sinteticã and analiticã.

thesinteticã Method is entitãţile) (tables) correspondences between their attributes and entitãţi.
After this method e ntitãţile is categorize into:

▫ nuclei;
▫ intermediate (displaced prelucrãrile other entitãţi; are came up);
▫ status (derived from synthetic data retained prelucrãrile data stored in the
ent i kernel type tãţile, intermediate or even status).

Phases of thegeneral structure of the descr ierii relational data base:

▫ specificatorului dispozivul entitãţii: assignment, the directory where it
will be stored on e n titatea, its extension (e.g., .dbf);
▫ description of specific attributes (NUM entitãţii (serial number of his
atributu under the entitãţii), the FIELD NAME, FIELD TYPE, WIDTH,
INDEX (keyin dexare), job validation;
▫ the description of the corresponding entitãţi (determination of entitãţii
foreign key connection, and cardinalitatea);

The phases described the structure of the ge nerale relational database:

▫ specificatorului dispozivul entitãţii: assignment, the directory where it

will be stored on e n titatea, its extension (e.g., .dbf);
▫ description of specific attributes entitãţii (NUM (number of entities
within the ãţii attribute), FIELD NAME, FIELD TYPE, WIDTH,
INDEX (key in dexare), job validation;
▫ the description of the corresponding entitãţi (determination of entitãţii
foreign key connection, and cardinalitatea);

▫ physical characteristics and access (it is organizing entitãţilor veder e

definition-type index, index keys, the maximum number of recordings
and the maximum length of a recording; keys indexing can be primary or
secondary. The c items switched on they meet key conditions, giving the
early rnot were they designated as the primary key.

b) method analiticã applies when there is a database of relaţionalã already intended, and its
structure should be optimized: it applies when the database was verified only have depenţel
efunctional form C where C is the primary key, and to any other attribute of the entity.

Physical design

It is closely related to the design prelucrãrilor prelucrãrilor database. This substantiates the
agenda ofu entitãţilor GR crare her basic data and sets the unitãţilor typologyof GR u crare in

order to ensure an optimal level of functional at unitãţilor. Designing specific functional
prelucrãrilor viz unitãţilor in two phases:

Establishing the order of processing thedata basis they established in relation to the types of
correspondences between the entitãţile database by applying the next procedure:
correspondences diagram is elaboreazã of entitãţi
▫ builds a matrix that contains the horizontally and vertically n entitãţilor
included in the name of diagramã; further, it complements the one at the
intersection of row as follows: entitãţii (them) from one end of the row
withthe other e n titãţi (ej) pass 0 if correspondence is her type1 ej m
or n and 1 if the value is oftype coresponde nţei mor n 1; These are the
weights of each related entitãţi
▫ amount on line is made and then decide the order of processing for
entitãţile that have the lower fee;
▫ subsequently they are excluded from the calculation of the amount and
the sum is recalculeazã, taking into account the lower;
▫ the previous step is repeated until it determines the order of processing
for all entitãţile.

Determination of unitãţilor processing requires typology and su c assignment unitãţilor. PR

elucrãriledatabase are provided by the following logical sequence in thefollowing types of
good functional:

▫ functional unit for creating and updating of the database;

▫ functional unit for operation and exits the system i n formatic;
▫ functional unit for reorganizing the structure and conceptual n
trusecurity-protecting your database (if there is such a thing).

For functional unitãţile to create and update the database, the sequence unitãţilor is processing
determines based on the order of processing the entitãţilor database. For afunctional
operating tãţile the database and exits were a bid, unitãţilor processing sequence is determined
in relation to the nature of subsystems designed ormatice, inf, the term frequency and content
of its own information output statements precon iplied.

The processor orprocedure is a secvenţã automatic, repetitive operations, carried out without
external switches from a term i n al, enabling aset of input databased on a pr a gram in a set of
data output throughoperaţ unite.

Specifically determining processing unitãţilor e pr besubject:

to establish unity of function); in this p.d.v. There are

▫ good processing for all unity routing prelucrãrilor functional (Upd);

▫ good for processing and validating data base (Upc);
▫ good processing for updating the content of the database gods ba (Upa);
▫ good for processing database and get bad output statements e (UPi);
▫ good processing of reorganizing database (Upr);
▫ good for saving and processing the database protection (Ups);

b) setting intrãrilor: processing options, input data and physical structure of the database
(device will indicate where you enter the path to the file and data-entity);

c) setting outputs: entitãţi created or information displayed on theterminal, through the

graphics or the printer; (be sure to indicate which device coming out data and the path to the
file-list result);

d) internal processing logic (mode of transformation of intrãr i in their outputs (validation,

conversion, upgrade, improvement of entitãţilor Constitution in termediare, ordering and
composing them, getting some indic of tori, situations, etc.);

e) interface between the unitãţile processing is constructed from entitãţile database at time t
that may constitute the input to another processing unit at time t + 1.

Specific functional design is prelucrãrilor unity concretizeazã unity in the form of functional
organizational structure,a table of the following form:

Unit name Functions Of Asracteristici Good processing

(U.P.) The U.P. inputs/output components
Functional unit 1
Up 1
Up 2
Functional unit 2
For completing this table seţine account:

▫ nature designed computer system, frequency and peripheral device d e

the output statements;
▫ the structure of the input/output, UGH UGH, how to make ferenţelor
inte r from UF;
▫ the restrictions imposed by the operating system, DBMS, including
restrictions of electronic computing system;
▫ logical-physical description of the database;
▫ attribute type identifiers;
▫ the order of creation of entitãţilor;

Flow chart of functional unity is organized:

for the creation/UF) updating B.D.:

▫ For personal conduct;

▫ For updating the data base;

b-p UGH) exploitation of the database and exit statements listing;

▫ UP the conduct of prelucrãrilor;

▫ PROCESSING UNIT for listing output statements;

c) UF for conceptual reorganisation of the database;

▫ UP the conduct of processingrãrilor;

▫ UP for the reorganization of the database;

d) security/protection UGH B.D.:

▫ UP the conduct of prelucrãrilor;

▫ UPS protection to B.D.;
▫ UP for encryption/decryption of B.D.

Design of specific structure of your database.

Designing the structure of s Pecific database involves the initial determination of intrãrilor-
related outputs of each good processing and unity modules components of processing, design
videofo r matelor input-output and a description of the content of iecãrei concrete structuresf e
x dull/specific data base.

Determination of intrãrilor-outputs and modules

the Data Structure) input-output: entitãţile database lists errors, external transactions, or
general system exits i n fo rmatic

b) components of the Modules unity processing aimidentified complex function

implementation of m unity of processing in elementary functions, intreconectate and
intercondiţionate, so that they may ensure the integral function of uniting Generaltãţii
processing. The module is zat i character:

▫ module name;
▫ function module;
▫ calling variables and return; the last is intended to specify if the module
has fulfilled its function or not;

Inputs and outputs of the modules dir ectoarele devices, says su b,name and extension
directories for each input-output;
Design of input-output videoformatelor.
Videoformatele input processing and contain options input formats for documentelede.

Tele output Videoforma contain areas with fixed character (e.g. explicit descriptions of output
attributes accompanying the display areas) and variable (e.g., attribute values from the
database) from video terminal required afişãrii or the printer indicated synthetic orilor,list
their e/output statements, charts, lists and external transactions.

Description of the specific structure of the database is lectarea mobile-specific attributes on

user categories (active&amp; functional compartments or vitãţi).

Designing specific structure is based on:

▫ analysis of the correlation between the content and the structure of

information downloaded from the form P12;
▫ grouping output statements, activities of the beneficiary and the
frequency bins getting depending on the objectives of the new system

▫ analysis of the nature of the work and by the attributes of the
subactivitãţilor reflected b utele the existing situations of uncalculated
▫ analysis of functional compartments involved in implementing his
system u;
▫ analysts consider za processing frequency through the attributes of the
▫ analysis of omogenitãţii attributes in the structure of the information

The design of the physical structure of the database involves responding to specific
algorithms to make the c personal physical structure of the database physical structure and
operation of the database
Designing specific algorithms processing the physical structure of the database involves the
determination and use ofpr e paper, memory variables, including checking the attributes of the
b utelor, as follows:

▫ General processing operators: duplicating, converting, sorting,

separating the salt, intercl, Association, split, update;
▫ relaţionali: operators, significant difference, intersection, projection, s e
lesson, compositing, Reformation, and Division;
▫ memory variables: prelucrãrilor are used to direct the proceedings, or to
store temporary values used in the niv (e) or a Web interface, the way a
good processing. They can be saved in specifictitãţi e n have the default
extension MEM; There are local variables and memory variables global
▫ checking the attributes of the data base presupposes the introduction of
data in documents, translating input in structura physical database
backup, followed by checking (validation) attribute value into aduse.

Exploiting physical structure of the database assumes the count procedures required a elab
for creating, updating, reo listing activities, saving ba r gods database.
Exploiting physical structure of the database is done via a through e and freedoms of good
logical sequences, routing, create, update, list, and save to the database, whether in the form
of homogeneous basesprocedures une (BP). If unitãţile produces each processing function
modules in complex, which they are formed, which produces elementary functions consist in
fact complex functions.

There are three fundamental types of module:

▫ personal training (color choice, iniţializãri variable, save the result of

unity of processing);
▫ general mode (the user who made the processing options and
programming structures);
▫ the wayof processing (for closing the database, specifying the final
values for the variables in memory, use the RETURN command, QUIT,

Good processing types used in the operation of the physical structure of the database are:

▫ by dirij (Upd);
▫ creation (Upc);
▫ (Upa);
▫ listing (Upl);
▫ reorganization of the database (Upr);
▫ (Ups);

2. Information systems. Design and implementation

The design of an information system is a task requires the use of financial resources,
human and material, in a great period of time.
This presumes a large number of groups of activities, with a pronounced character
creative such as: System analysis, design, programming and implementation.
Efficient use of resources in all these activities, in order to obtain a computer system
preformant led to the ordering of this complex process in a sequence of stages, well
established sub-phases and the use of appropriate methods and techniques.
Between the various stages of implementation of information system there is an
indestructible bond, reflected by the fact that, logically and practically to achieve the quality
of previous phases and influences directly the quality of activities in stages that follow them.

A common aspect to these phases and activities is the fact that the transition from one
stage to another is done only after a substantive analysis of the accomplishment of the tasks
completed and phase of avizarii by the makers of liability of the beneficiary of the results
Any stage, already completed, ends with the activities relating to the preparation of the
conditions of implementation of the following activities, through developing or updating the
work plan for the next steps.
Methodologies can be defined in different ways. We will remember only one of these
definitions: "methodology is an implementation of life cycle of systems that includes:
• Step-by-step activities for each phase of work;
• Individual and group rules for each activity;
• Quality standards in every activity;
• The tools and techniques used in each activity. "
From this definition we can deduce two aspects. The first means that a methodology
encompasses the entire life cycle of a computer system, and the second aspect relates to the
fact that a modern methodology must incorporate appropriate tools and techniques of
realization of computer systems.
In conclusion, a methodology of implementation of an information system shall
• Steps/processes for the realization of an information system in sub-phases,
activities, tasks and their content;
• These stages of writing/flow processes, and sub-phases;
• Method of life cycle of the information system;
• The approach of the systems;
• Strategies/methods of achievement;
• Rules of formalization of information system components;
• The techniques, procedures, tools, norms and standards;
• Project management methods (planning, tracking, programming) and how to use
financial resources, human and material, etc.
Regardless of the proposed models and adopted for the life cycle of a software
product, then the decision carrying it proceed to analyze the problem and then to product
The analysis and design processes are defining the requirements and design of the
proposed solution to the problem of information.
The analysis is the first stage of the cycle of achievement in establishing the
requirements of the application, starting from the end-user's requirements, identify future
software functions as well as the data concerned. The analysis must answer the question what
to do future product, starting from the knowledge of the whole of the whole and its
decomposition into parts more easily studied.
The design is the stage in which achievement cycle is established how to achieve
requirements identified in the analysis phase, meaning you have to answer the question how it
will achieve these requirements both at global level and at the level of detail. This stage starts
from the requirements and specifications as defined above and proceed with its processing of
the detailing and defining the structure of a solution to be represented using a textual or
graphic language, mixed. The project thus obtained must be used to build or further
elaboration software (coding, testing, integration).
In the case of software products, the designbreaks down into two subactivitati:
• overall design or architectural logic called and that the copespunde object
orientation system design;
• design and physics detail called or structural, which copespunde object in object-
orientation design.
Overall design of product structure, identify, based on the structure of the problem
and the purpose for which you create a new product. In this way the system components are
identified, the relationships between them, the algorithms that will be used, common data
components. At the end of this stage is reached, the choice of a solution, possibly as a result of
successive reruns. It then passes the solution chosen detailing.
Design of detail involves detailing components, defines the precise data structures,
algorithms, interfaces between components and how the implementation of components. The
process unfolds in successive steps and ends when all the necessary details are included on the
next stage of building product sitemap program. In conclusion, the design plan sets a alike
better defined and represented, shall be satisfied by the implementation. Each of the design
phase activities will be achieved through specific methods and techniques.
A method is generally an integrated set of techniques and procedures are applied in a
certainsequence resulting in specification and documentation information system/application.
A method for analysis and design must clearly define the structure of the product, IE:
• the components of the programme and/or data type;
• relationships between components (interfaces between the components of the
product programme);
• interacting with the environment in which it will be used (environmental
communication channels, information exchange, etc.).
To be able to be used practically any method of analysis and design must specify:
• How to make a project;
• How to represent a project throughout the process of implementation;
• How to evaluate the quality of a project.
In general, any method involves one or more principals, which is based on the process
of the project. For designing programs that respect the principles: abstraction, modularization,
location, information hiding, uniformity, completeness, confirmabilitatea or combinations
Analysis and design methods can be grouped into two major categories:
• traditional methods-oriented data structure, functional structure, the flow of data,
which we'll call and data functions/methods;
• object-oriented methods.
Traditional methods of modeling modeling data separate functions and as a result,
lead to getting the two separate structures: the data structure and the structure of functions.
Functional structure elements are active and have a dynamic behavior and data structures are
passive data warehouses that are affected by the functions. A system developed by using a
traditional method is hardly maintained and developed.
Methods data orientated functions/modularize and allowed structuring, as a general
principle for controlling complexity, standardize the way of achievement.
Modularization can be achieved given that:
• dfunctional escompunerea;
• structura;
• data flow;
• abstraction.

Functional decomposition methods are based on dividing the system into subsystems
with strong internal cohesion and minimal interfaces; sharing files is based on the structure of
the system functions. In this category belong:
• top-down design;
• HYPO method (Hierarhycal-Input-Output Proccessing);
• SADT method (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) developed by d.
Data structure lead to another class of methods, including:
• LCS method (Seikkailu from Construction des Systemes) LCP (Seikkailu de la
Construction des Programes) developed by j. d. Wariner in France and
completed by Orr in S.U.A. known as Wariner method-Orr;
• Jackson method developed by m. a. Jackson in England.
These methods consider the structure of the programmes is directly derivabila from
data structure. If the basis for determining the structure of programmes starts from within the
data flow problem, it can form a third class of methods, represented by:
• a structured analysis (Marco);
• a structured analysis and design, developed by e. Yourdon and Constantine;
• a composite design, developed by g. Myers starting from the design of the
structure by changing the terminology and the representation of the project.
Where to modularizarii base stand abstractia (as a powerful tool for reducing the
complexity), it highlights the methods:
• Parnas's method, based on the principle of information hiding;
• Abstract machines method initiated by Dijkstra;
• cars with the method used by States, IBM.
Unlike traditional methods, object-oriented methods,developed overthe past decade
indifferent variations, Ipropose two simultaneous modelling of structures, and
dataprocessing,dataanalysis and through iteration of their behaviour in the system, in order to
obtaina hierarchy of classes thatînglobeaza both data andbehavior.
Object oriented modelingrepresentsanew mindset and approach to problems using
models whose construction areused concepts fromthe real world. Objectorientedmodels
areimportant for understanding issue forcorrect and complete descriptionofthe system for
communicating with the end user, todesign programmes and databases, forpreparing and
draftingdocumentation. In other words, object orientationas a aimsthe method,solving the
difficulties that arise in the development of computer applications in atleast two momentsof
this approach,namely::
• the passage described the problem of the language-specific application domain
in a domain-specific language, computer formalized;
• the passage from the description of the problem using formal language (graphic,
textual or mixed) in a programming language.
Of themostpopularmethods of object-orientedanalysis and design:
• OOD-Object Oriented Design (G. Booch);
• OMT-Object Modeling Technique (James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William
Premerlani s.a.);
• OOA-Object Oriented Analysis (Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon);
• OOSE-Object Oriented Software Engineering (Ivar Jacobson);
• Referring to both traditional methods and the object-oriented ones, they involve
the use of different models, in all stages and activities of their achievement. As a
new concept is proposed so and to Model-based Software Engineering (Model-
Based Software Engeneering) involving the development starting from models
of systems, processes, software products, for an easier understanding, expand
and their construction.
Allthe methods listed have a few common features
• provides criteria for evaluating the analysis and design;
• propose techniques for representation of the system at different stages of
implementation, allowing easy communication and neambigua between
• impose structure and system modularization;
• uses patterns (logical and physical).

HYPO Method
Use the methodto ensure correctness of HYPO (consistency and completeness) and
ease of maintenance the product program. Use the method to ensure correctness of HYPO
(consistency and completeness) and ease of maintenance the product program.

HYPO method (HierarchicalInput-or Output-Proccessing Hierarchy plus Input-Output
description Proccess-inputs, processing and outputs in hierarchical mode) used in the
realization ofsoftware, is based on the principles of functional decomposition (modularity)
and from top to bottom (topdown).
HYPO, design method and standardized documentation has the following general
• ease of understanding the structure and functions of a product produced by
splitting the program into smaller parts, called modules, which can be the logical
• listing of functions to be performed by the system and expressing workflow
graphics processing inputs-outputs;
• documentation of the product of the program:
o the overall design, including specifications, defining
o the design of detail specifications for achieving portrayals
o Maintenance Kit
o the technical manual of the product.
Phase iactivitiesat
Design-using the method documentation HYPO presumes the following steps:
• drafting specifications definition:
o the design of the list of functions, sorting and arranging it;
o elaboration of hierarchical diagram (diagram H) express that top-down
decomposition ofthe global functions of the product programme up to
the level of elementary functions, the first block in the portrayals of
general system function;
o drafting diagrams-processing inputs-outputs (IPO) for each function in
thechart, showing you the ins and outs of the lower-level functions;
• elaboration of implementation specifications:
o expanding hierarchical charts and diagrams; in some cases there are
hierarchies of diagrams and charts, IPO;
o choose data management system;
o the data structure is projected;

o include administrative functions of product programs (openings,
closures, copyingfiles, etc.);
o included in the set data structures forms HYPO;
o entry points are defined in modules/programs for data identifiers;
o It details the processing errors, etc.
• drafting specifications maintenance starting from specs and achievement
• technical documentation of the product.
Each set of documentation allows you to:
• description of the functional structure of the product program represented
through a hierarchical diagram or chart (the chart content), with the difference
that each H diagram of a certain level is a submultime of a top-level chart H;
• writing a functional structure components by specifying inputs-outputs
processing necessary for carrying out the respective functional component,
represented by a diagram input-processing-output or the IPO diagram.
For every function block from a hierarchical diagram H diagram building an IPO
The basic concepts, definet ii symbols used
Concepts and symbols, diagrams are:
• how functional is the result of hierarchical decomposition product functions:

o n-the number of the parent module (top level)

o m-number of module on same-level connections between module-
displays the hierarchical decomposition structure.
Concepts and symbols are: IPO charts
• modules (Input-input)
• modules P (Processing-machining)
• modules (outputs outputs)
Symbols used for these types of modules are similar but differentiated by the type of
the module and its contents in detail.
• horizontal connections between modules of type I, P, one representing the data
flows between them.

T notice:
• IPO charts is done only for functional modules in the H who inputs and/or
• IPO charts are kept and functional modules code from diagrams H.
• H charts are followed by a description of their contents, which play the role of
Ways ofrepresenting them at
The figure below shows an example of a diagram or chart content, and in the next IPO
chart corresponding to the figure (or detail chart).

Fig. 1.2. Diagram contents

Comparewith other methods t

HYPO method, compared to other methods, has the following disadvantages:
• It is difficult to use in design at the level of detail;
• the diagrams are time consuming, difficult to maintain and are not oriented
towards a description of the data.
Of the advantages of the method, we can mention:
• the representation of functional decomposition;
• ins and outs in lawsuits are clearly stated.
We recommend using the method especially HYPO overall design.

Technique analysis and structured design-SADT

Basic principlesofthe method
SADT technique (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) based on the principles
of functional decomposition in a downward manner (top-down). Developed in 1974 to 1975
the company SofTech 1, is mainly a graphics method. Specific functions and application data,
and the connections between them and verifying the completeness and the character of the
functions and data at.
This technique achieves the representation in terms of both application activities (the
activities) as well as the data (data model), which ensure completeness and absence of

contradictions in the models; Because the method cannot be expected from data streams and
control, does not recommend placing in models of algorithmic aspects.

Functional decomposition has the objective of ensuring the conditions:
• Parties (subprogramele) that make up a package of programs to be designed in
the context of their Assembly,
• Designer focus with a view to the elaboration of such components.
Functional architecture and overall system architecture are characterized by a high
level of detail, delivering within each hierarchical level of decaying structures.
The term architecture was justified primarily by the need to define the position of the
parties in a whole and secondly, by the necessity of perfect all wrapped together.

Phase iactivitiesat
The technique applied in the preparation of SADT package programs are characterized
• defining the project structure in the manner of the product;
• rescheduling tasks within complex teams analyze-design-coding, in the context
of structured design;
• the use of unique concepts and symbols, which ensures the consistency of the
• perform a complete control over the stages of progressive development through
elaborate documentation;
• analysis of ranging throughout the stages of development, the quality of the
product program with making corrections, providing quality planned level;
• integration of existing components and to ensure a high level of reuse.
JH acterul SADT technique iteratively resumption of steps within the development of
software, but the volume of slow or changes that you assume these is reduced. For the
discipline and coordination of team work, we use so-called cycle "reader-writer".
SADT in a team, are included the following people:
• Authors are people who study the demands and restrictions, explores and
represents the system functions using methods based on SADT diagrams.

• Commentators-are usually authors who need to review and comment on the
work of other authors in writing.
• Readers-are people who read SADT diagrams for information, near Gura
râului hut from its written comments.
• Experts-are people from whom the authors obtain specialized information
about requirements and restrictions.
• The Technical Committee is a group of experienced specialists who solve
tough technical problems and recommend project management decisions.
• Project Librarian-is a person who has the task of maintaining a centralised to
obvious all documents, copies of project documents, execute you obvious etc.
• The project manager is a member of the team and has responsibility for final
analysis technique and design.
• Chief Analyst is the person who knows well the SADT, guide and advise team
members in the use and application of the SADT technique.
• Instructor-one who initially instructs the authors and commentators use SADT.
Throughout the project, through the interaction of these people ensure a continuous
and effective communication.

The basic concepts, defineti

• Data entry
• Data output
• Data control (restrictions)
• Mechanism of support-service or person responsible defines the completion
activity, in the case of a task descriptor, i.e. the means of storage of the data in
case of a data descriptor
• Activity data generators
• User activity data
• Control activity
• Actigrame-diagrams of activities
• Datagram data charts
• The activity descriptor — description of activity
• Descriptor-database description of entity data

Ways ofrepresenting them at

SADT technique is materialized through graphical representations at different levels;
lower-level details of the upper represents. Graphical representations for determining the level
of detail, the position of the component in the system and the connections between
components. For this purpose they are used:
• diagrams of activities (actigrame);
• charts data (datagrams).
All charts are made top-down. Each diagram is either a wiring diagram sumarizata
(parent), or one of the detail (son). A diagram of the SADT is composed of rectangles and
In an activity diagram (see figure next page):
• the rectangle corresponding to the arrows correspond to activity data
• each activity is named with a verb and one object (for example: "SORT DATA
• control data define taxes upon the activities,
• mechanism of support means defining the service or person responsible for the
realization of activity.
In adiagram:
• rectangle corresponds to the data
• arrows indicate the activities relating to those data
• each date has a name (noun)
• control activity is that which limits the generation and use of data
• support mechanism is the means of data storage (for example:), serving also as a
means of connection between diagrams.
Graphic language SADT provide a limited set of primitive construction with which
analyst and designer can compose ordered structures of any size. A model is therefore an
SADT of sequence diagrams, each of which can be accompanied by a descriptive text
concise. At the first level, the entire subject represents a general diagram. Each diagram at
lower levels introduces a limited level of detail, the vane wheel case, but the connection with
the upper portions of the model while complying with the logic of each relationship with
global components (see figure next page).
A model is therefore an SADT graphic representation of the hierarchical structure of a
system, structured so as to expose herself, gradually becoming more and more details.
Structure of arrows represents the relationships between dreptughiuri and no flow of control
through a logic diagram. The layout of the levels of the structures allows starting from
documentation to understand the source text, but also the way of understanding, the
programme directly through the use of the text source.

The following figure shows a diagram of activities, and in the following figure is an
example of decomposition for the SADT of personnel and payroll calculation.Activity
diagram in the figure above represents the module detailing "of State functions" in the
following figure.

Comparewith other methods t

The SADT projects you can use tools for automating the activities of analysis and
design methodology, developed independently by the SADT.
SADT method compared to other methods:
• You can use in designing applications of any size, than other methods that we
recommend for small applications.
• SADT diagrams number depends on the complexity of the activities and not on
the size of the projects.
• The model database is the same importance with the model activities, but more
difficult to achieve
• Data model can lead to the identification of activities.
• Method is used with the appropriate design tools for developing your own
diagramming method.

Jackson method (the concept of nested-logic)

Basic principlesofthe method
Jackson method belongs to the category design methods based on data structure and
giving good results both in designing applications, as well as in the design of real-time
This method is based on the following principles:
• the structure of the programme is derived from the structure of the problem;

• the process of structuring of the program based on the decay of the whole into
parts is yielding a hierarchical structure;
• the principles of structured programming can be used both for the preparatory
phase of the programme, as well as for their design phase
Structured methodologies in category, those who like basic decomposition principle
owing to the structure of the data the application constitute a special category, used
extensively in the course of time by analysts programmers. For this reason using ca method
• dapplication eterminarea data structure and the deduction in this program
• representation of the data structure and the structure of the graphic processing
unit using a language for both types of structure
• combinarea of the two kinds of structures at the level of elementary operations

Phase iactivitiesat
The method requires the use of Jackson design process to take place in the following
• determining the structure of the data;
• determination of the corresponding components of the structures;
• the deduction program structure from data structure;
• determination of elementary operations that will be performed and their
allocation to the program structure;
• description of the programme with the help of pseudocodului (schema structure).

The basic concepts, definet ii symbols used

The types of components (blocks) used by Jackson's method are:
• sequence-a group of marks statements executed in the order in which they were
• selection-marks the separation of the assertions in two groups depending on the
achievement of an unfilled/conditions;
• iteration-marks a group of statements with repeated execution a number of times,
including zero times repetition (removal of the block).
The blocks are organised by the following rules:
• the entry point in a block is unique;
• exit point of a block is unique;
• block iterative processing starts by testing the condition out of cycle;
• a block may contain any combination of satisfying rules 1), 2), 3).

Ways of representing
Jackson method proposes two types of representations. A graphical representation of
the structure and chart-a type of structure schema-pseudocode. They are used for both data
structure and processing structure.
Structural diagram of the structure of the diagram indicates there a graphical
representation of data structures or of processing levels of detail, according to the following
• levels of detail is passed from the top down (top-down);
• (f) each level represents a level of detail which is before;
• the blocks are situated on the same level as it passes from left to right;
• completing this level presumes the first block on the next level.
The basic element of the diagram is plotted, the bloc through a rectangle and identified
by a name inscribed inside the block.
Reading a chart structure is done as follows:
• the process of transition from a higher level to a lower level is done by using the
expression CONSISTS of;
• the operation of crossing from one block to another block on the same level as is
done using expression FOLLOWED by;
• read operation from a lower level to a higher level is done by switching to the
next higher level of the block using the expression FOLLOWED by;
• the character "*" marked in the upper right corner of the block identify a block
with repeated execution and read using the phrase MORE;
• the character "a" in the upper right corner of the block identify a block is read
using the optional expression.
Advantagesof using this concept:
• The diagram is independent of the programming language used and the type of
computer on which you execute the program;

• The chart allows brief and clear representation of the structure and data
processing programs;
• Top-down design can be achieved at the general level design detail with different
degree of detail;
• Diagram of the structure of logic diagram replace, emphasizing data and
modular structure of the programme;
• Diagram of the structure and placement of operations control enables I/E
component programs;
• Diagram of the structure has all the advantages of programming and testing of
top-down modular design.
Disadvantages of the structure diagram:
• Diagram of the structure is the structure of the remote programming languages;
• The diagram can be transposed into a programming language without preserving
the structure NESTEDLOGIC.
Structural diagram is a representation of the pseudocode, concise and clear a
programme. Buildings or blocks its main elements are as follows:
processing Block 1) meaning of the imperative "execute" and has the format:
2) Sequence that has the format:
SEQ END utterance had the same label and e; single point of entry into the bloc stated
it represents, and the sole SEQ output is represented by the stated END.
3) Selection t takes the following format:
e IF condition c
sequence for c = T (true)
sequence for c = F (false)

Utterance had IF, ELSE, and END mandatory, have same label e, the first and the last
representing the unique entry points respectively out of the block. Blocks in IF and ELSE are
executed when the condition is true (c = T) then ELSE acts as a enunt GO TO END, and the
blocks between ELSE and END run when the condition is false (c = F).
4 the next Iteration) format:
e LOOP UNTIL condition (c)
Utterance had LOOP UNTIL and END have the same label and represents the sole
input, i.e. the output of the block. The building blocks of the LOOP is executed UNTIL the
END and until the completion of the exit condition (for example, when c = F).
5) Stated that HOUSES type represents a generalization of selection has the format:
e IF cond (c1)
e ELSE IF condition (c2)
e ELSE IF condition (NC-1)
The link between the structure diagram and schematic of the structure is given by the
names of chart blocks become labels from the layout of the structure.

Example.A file is submitted by the main module program the following operations:

1. Start the program STARTPROG.

2. Open file OPENFIS.

3. Processing Operations performed on the rows to GR until end of file EOF

condition, marked in the following way: if it is dissatisfied with the condition of
COND1 is achieved then the processing PREL1, otherwise the creation of PREL2.

PREL1 processing involves the following operations: OP1 if condition is

satisfied or else COND2 is executing module ERR. OP1 OP11 OP12 consisting of or as
the condition is satisfied or not COND3.
PREL2 processing involves operations: If condition is satisfied OP2A COND4
or OP2B if not anyother condition; the surgery consists of OP2A1 OP2A or ERR as the
condition is not satisfied or COND5, and OP2B1 operations consist of OP2B or ERR as
COND6 is satisfied or not.

4. Closure of the file CLOSEFIS.

5. The end of the program ENDPROG.

3. Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) systems based on means client/server architecture

developed for the processing of transactions and encourage the integration of all processes,
from production planning and development phase, up to relations with suppliers, customers
and other business partners.
In the late ' 80s, the market appeared early ERP systems, originally intended for big
companies, because their costs of development, deployment and maintenance of extremely
high. They contained information solutions "turnkey", assuming their implementation to adapt
them to the specific requirements of the recipient firms (Setup). ERP followers assert that
these turnkey solutions do not require writing code to implement your application to an actual
organization, but only the appropriate setting of some parameters. The systems are so General
that they cover the entire range of possible situations.
ERP systems and also on-premise applications in the context of the information
explosion and the extraordinary development of information technologies and communication
since the early ' 90s.
The primary requirement of this system consists of (primarily) in providing
information necessary for the decision-making process at the appropriate time (in real time).
In today's world, information availability for real-time management plays a pivotal role in the
physical production of goods, together with the resources, manpower etc.

The term ERP is one of the most abused in the industry at this time and used in the
most inappropriate way. That's because resource planning, or ERP-catching, it's a term that
already has a history in the back and has a historical designation itself. Systems that are now
on the market are within technological peak two generations away from what he called the
traditional ERP systems. The first generation of systems indicated exclusively production and
take charge of the planning of material resources of an enterprise. After that appeared, or
MRP Manufacturing Resource Planning, resource management so of productive activities.
At the time that the MRP II have been added to the functions of the HR and finance
ERP appeared. It follows from here is that all the systems presented on the market that offer
ERP cannot call so if they have not included the financial functions, human resources and
production, supply and sale.
After generation ERP was called XRSP and integrated ERP with supply management
(Supply Chain Management) and customer relationship management (CRM). We are talking
here of the first wave of the Internet and dot.com. After that followed, which means ERP
adding to the package of solutions collaborative environments, i.e. all the relationships
between enterprises. I arrived at the moment in terms of the complexity of the solutions.
What does it mean in fact such a system? He is a combination of functionality and
responds to information requirements of the functional areas within a given area. After that it
is about the architecture of the system, as defined by the data bases used and the programming
languages used.
The idea is that the potential customer who has a choice between several offers ERP
solutions must do so according to all these factors. In addition to the features of the system,
the potential customer needs to consider and factor the supplier within the meaning of that

solution provider is able to keep up with technological developments, in order to be able to
consistently perform an update of the solution being sold.
On the Romanian market, unfortunately, due to a lack of critical mass, comparing
apples with pears at present, from the point of view of solutions. In other words, comparing
solutions of some long-distance providers with solutions of suppliers that have no future and
which, from the economic point of view, will disappear over two or three years.
How should look like a robot portrait of the kind ofsystem? He must have some
essential attributes. First, the system must be to unify the information, in the sense of all the
data from the system must permeate into a single data model. The second matter relates to
automating processes. The third characteristic refers to the possibility of having open systems.
No producer is unable to provide all who want any company and then you have maintained
the opening of any existing solutions in an organization. Then, the system must be
configurable, because no two client companies equally.
The following characteristic refers to the accessibility of such solutions. Any
application-level performance the year 2003 should provide access by web clients, access
your mobile type and so on another feature is the provision of collaborative working
environments, which means that businesses are no longer some fortresses and enemies around
them, but some environments open process to customers and business partners.
Finally, the last characteristic refers to the ability to provide this Automation and
integration of business processes as a service. The only ones who will be able to offer such a
thing will be suppliers who have built solutions from the very beginning focused on such
Concluding from all the above, companies have two strands: they may adopt a
progressive alignment method in the sense in which the automation is done gradually. The
second direction, the better, is to burn the stages. There is a chance for the businesses to reach
the technological level of the current worldwide dîntr once-through understanding and
selecting the share has the right solution.
The problem here is born the opportunity cost by selecting what you don't have. In
reality, the economic cost of gradual implementation of solutions is greater than the cost of
choosing a integrated solutions. Ultimately, it is about comparing the mindset to spend with
the mindset to make investments. We can take the computer systems as an expense with
ţârâita, and then what we do is going to be little and stupid, or we can consider investments
and then results will be those of an investment.
In any case, the market is growing. The dynamics but it's slower than it could be, dîntr
a multitude of causes. The State of normalcy here is given by the degree of saturation with
ERP solutions deployed among the largest companies dîntr a country. While Romania is,
unfortunately, still far away, because less than half of the top 100 Romanian companies
currently have such a system.

Transition to ERP from the perspective of the client

When a company decides to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning solution must

take into account, in addition to all the aspects more or less technical factors "sentimentali"
enablers: it is a change that does not produce without effort and without leaving traces in the
culture of the organization.
A company in Romania may be interested in one component or the other solutions of
Enterprise Resource Management, or a solution, in whole, or another, whatever the field of
activity of the company in question. Whether it's a bank or a company producing screws, in
order to increase productivity and reduce costs, a company needs ERP.

Most companies that have turned so far to ERP solutions are for the most part,
multinationals that have come, as they say, "lesson learned" from parent companies. As such,
the method of electing the ERP solution follows the strategy of "home". In addition, though,
and the Romanian State companies-but also private deals choice and implementation of ERP
Beneficiaries of the ERP solutions or components of such solutions, so far, are
Maritime Ports Administration, ALRO Slatina, Butan Gas, Romanian Customs, Daewoo
Automobile Romania, Dacia Pitesti, Romania to Henkel, Romcontrol SA, Gerovital,
Interbrew Romania, AIG Life, Aviva, ING Barings Romania First, KPMG, and many others.
How they chose all these ERP solution? How to choose, in general, a client ERP solution you
implement? ERP implementation consultants speak for certain steps to be taken, steps which
differ from case to case, from the consultant and Advisor to a beneficiary to another.
First, whether we like to admit it or not, an important factor in the purchase of an ERP
solution is the purchase price (the famous Total Cost of Ownership-TCO). It often dictates the
choice of a solution or the other. The advantage, however, of the Romanian market that
provides applications available to a wide variety of prices, and the ability to apply
customization il. The total cost ofan ERP solution depends on several factors: existing
infrastructure, consultancy, licensing and provided the cost of the necessary adaptations.
Sometimes a problem may arise: the endpoint may undergo some changes, expected costs and
increasing them initially.

Anyway I take this process of selection and implementation of an ERP system, it is

important to remember a few things:
◊ only one consultant may know better what I need for my company;
◊ to do this, you must "powered" consultant with information from inside the company;
◊ implementation process goes through several phases, "digs" into the company,
changing many of the "habits";
◊ implementation does not end when the application becomes operational, but continues
with the process of technical support from your service provider and lifelong learning
from the customer.

Following the implementation

By the day and as you are taking place more and more implementations, it becomes
obvious that the use of the software is not a universal panacea for optimizing a business.
Nothing is perfect, nor the programs do not work and error-free. Ensuring a constant and
efficient support from solution are a necessity for companies benefiting from the
Providing and implementing a solution with technical support later represents a sales
and product (purchased the app and the license to use) and services (post deployment
support). Not defining this transaction poses a problem, but the fact that an implementation of
midsize to large requires rethinking organizational structures including the entire firm. And no
it wouldn't be a problem, perhaps, so critical. In fact, a good project management can define
correct what steps should be taken and thus, can successfully complete-that is to say in time
and in budget.

It is only the beginning, practically, of the relationship between the supplier and the
recipient. How have applicability particularly in the financial and accounting operations, they
decisively influence the functionality of the user company. In our country, the main problem
in using a solution is beyond staff training, providing service updates (new modules, new
operations, new regulations and implementing rules) and technical support where failures
occur. Without these two components deployment, post a solution is no more than an exercise
in configuration.
Therefore, companies that provide solutions and support implementation undertakes to
provide this much needed support in the long term, atleast in principle, through service
contracts valid for a minimum time period mutually agreed with the beneficiary. However, for
various reasons, this relationship supplier-recipient may be affected by crises and emergencies
can be unpleasant or even discontinued. Regardless of the reasons due to which the party had
held the contract rupture or failure thereof, will partner have suffered enormously.

Romanian ERP Solutions

Nr. Company Name Name ERP Solution Address

1. APLIX Software SRL APLIX ERP www.aplix.org
2. The Atlas System Llc MyERP www.my-erp.ro
3. Bit Software LTD Socrateopen www.bitsoftware.ro
4. CRIsoft LLC CROS www.crisoft.ro
5. EBS ROMANIA Clarvision ERP http://www.ebs.ro/
6. EXPERT Software Expert X 5 http://www.expert-software.ro
Group SRL
7. Integrator Software Clarus ERP http://www.integrator.ro
8. Keysoft SRL Keysoft http://www.keysoft.ro
9. Many Soft SRL AZet http://www.multi-soft.ro/
10. Yonder Networker ERP www.yonder.ro
11. Prodinf Software LTD. EMSYS www.prodinf.ro
12. Romfast LLC ROA Romafast http://www.romfast.ro/
13. SAN Software SRL San. ERP http://www.san.ro
14. SC Soft & Service SRL Synchron http://www.softservice.ro
15. Senior Software LTD URSenior.ERP Suite http://www.seniorsoftware.ro
16. Sistec SBsol SRL Cogito3 http://www.cogito-erp.ro
17. Siveco Romania SA http://www.siveco.ro
Applications 2020

18. TeamNet SRL http://www.teamnet.ro

Optimus ERP

19. Wizrom Software LTD. http://www.wizrom.ro


20. SC Inventory LLC http://www.transart.ro


Comparative analysis of the Romanian ERP solutions sale

Siveco APS

Senior ERP



General Accounting       
Managerial accounting of       
Consolidation accounting       
Management of fixed assets and       
inventory items
Cash payments       
Stock management       
Sales management       
Production management     -  
Human resources and payroll       
Warehouses and logistics management - - - -   
After-sales services and insurance    -   
Transport management  - - -   -
Maintenance  - -   - -
Retail       
Management of budgets   -    
Management of projects -  - - - - 
Management documents  - -  - - -
E-commerce - -  -   

Management of customer relationship -  - - - - 
Connecting mobile devices -  -    -
Interface Windows       
Web Interface   - - - - 
Carrying tools and analysis       
economic, financial
OLAP Tool       
Carry Forward The IAS   - -   
(International Accounting Standards)
Tools for collaboration
Email - - - - - - 
Instant messaging - - -  - - -
Task manager - - -  - - -
SMS - - - - - - 
Notifications - - - -   
Client-Server Architecture       
Operating system
Windows       
UNIX  - - - - - 
Others - - - - - - -
System databases
Oracle  - - - - - 
Microsoft SQL Server -      
Others - 
Applicable industries
Manufacturing   -  -  
Distribution    -   
Retail    - -  
Service industry    -   -
The industry hadto - -   - - 
Construction industry -  -  - - 
Import - - - -  - -

Tabula- Database client proprietate Wizpro
Market segment
Small companies - - - -  - 
Medium-sized companies       
Large companies  - -   - -

Why ERP?

An ERP is an integrated business, a computer programme with several components

which have been designed to function as an integrated whole. An ERP solution helps to drive
the enterprise both in terms of financial accounting and management (you know the whole
business) or logistically (to keep track of inventories, distribution). And these are just a few of
the categories of information to which you have access thanks to an ERP. In terms of
organization, ERP is the main functions of the enterprise accounting-financial, sales and
receivables, purchasing and Payables, inventory, warehouse management, service, resources,
human resources, manufacturing, marketing and sales together with other useful functions.
Each functional area is in turn divided into several subfunctiuni. List of functionalities listed
here above is found in the form of integrated modules that companies can choose only what
they need. Such a flexible approach to ensure a smooth adaptation of the application as to the
specific requirements of each company.
ERP allows instant access to any information carried within the system. One of the most
important functions of an ERP is able to have at any time correct reports relative to each
business area. And another advantage: it allows you to use a single ERP applications for the
management of the entire business, eliminating the inconsistency that may occur from the use
of several different systems for each business area. With a single integrated solution
information will always be accurate, reducing time lost with the reorganization, which before
were extracted from different systems. Remove such and managing multiple databases. Users
have access to the information stored in a database, managed by a server. User access to the
database is controlled by the server, both in terms of authentication, as well as the number of
users provided in the use license.
Another advantage of using ERP is online access, having access to the information
manager for business from wherever they are. Decreases the time required also the
introduction and processing of documents.

The advantages provided by an ERP system

Streamline business processes may be derived from a series of advantages resulting
from its implementation of an ERP system, suchas: r reduce operational costs.
Although it has a highly varied nature, this information is operated once and is
accessible to any module is required. This saves time, reurse, diminishes the probability of
committing errors, facilitate access to last-minute information etc. One of the common
features of a Sage ERP store all information in a database.

A client launches (by telephone to fax/email). This command is then operated by
different departments (sales, warehouse, purchasing, invoicing, bookkeeping) as various
activities are provided for the purpose of meeting the demand. Identification at the time of the
order's status is a process that involves contacting each Department may be stepped over it.
Identify the causes that generate losses for sale is also extremely difficult. Through the
implementation of an ERP, the whole processcan be automated: the order through a portal
(Business to Business or business to consumer) or through other channels, to delivery and
invoicing, anytime there is the possibility of verifying the current status and the identification
of possible non-conformance with the original request.

To facilitate the management of current operations

Daily decisions are taken based on information available at the time. Using standard
reports provided by ERP or pin implementing tools of Business Intelligence (BI)
complementary system ERP, information is current, accurate, consistent and intuitive
prezenate. So I truly believe that the prerequisites for the decision-making.

Stock optimization

In many cases reported major reductions in stocks of fixed values, given that customer
satisfaction has increased. This is due to new management tools that enable operational
control and decision-making processes for purchasing, shipping, picking, production,
targeting, etc. There are also kept under control stocks that have short expiry deadlines, slow
rotation etc.

Increasing the level of fulfilment of orders

By automating the supply chain to take over the controls, domain inventory management,
warehouse management, logistics, it eliminates the vast majority of potential malfunctions
that lead to failure of the applications, or the supply of unsolicited goods.

Improving cashflow

Through the implementation of coherent trade policy and the ease with which they can
obtain specific indicators, their company controls more strictly cash flow and recovery
periods, imponing a financial discipline all factors involved.

The integration of financial information

Being a single system, there is a single vision of the results. Eliminate such problem
"restatement", where each Department has its own set of results, analysis and conclusions,
often contradictory.
Current ERPsystems realizes the integration of all functions of the company, starting
from planning, provision of raw stock and materials, defining the technologies, coordination
of production processes and, not least, to the achievement of financial accounting,
management of human resources, the stocks of finished products and finishing with
developing and maintaining relationships with customers and business partners.
Such an ERP system enables decision makers to achieve full on ana Anoop business
plan. Through simulation options of activities and through flexible and dynamic nature of
applications can be forecast plans, assessments of trends and predefiniri evolution of the
industry in which the company, qualitative analysis, integration with new technologies, e-
business and online communication.

You need an ERP solution?

In general, according to published studies, there are two types of motivations

which determine the implementation of an ERP:
Technological aspects
 Replacement of an information system not integrated (more applications,
technological or otherwise, to be outdated, as it operates independently).
 The replacement of one or more integrated systems technologically outdated, or not.
 Improve the quality and accessibility of information.
 Integrate business processes and systems that support them.
 Purchasing a system able to support the increases projected business.
 To simplify the process of integrating new business (acquiring other companies) in
technological infrastructure.
Operational rationale
 Optimization of business processes
 Structural cost reduction
 Improving response times to customer requests
 Simplify complex business processes, but ineffective
 Implementation of new business strategies
 Massive expansion of business
 Standardization of business processes at the level of the company.

Steps to purchasing a ERP system

1. You must know what solution you would really help

ERP system must fit perfectly the needs of the company. It should cover all the activities of
society, from the type of the business, number of employees, business flows. If the choice is
not made properly, problems arise. 2. Infor

Inform yourself on the industry standard in which you work

solution you choose must be compatible with the requirements of the business, but at the
same time it should provide extensibility by other modules or functionalities to meet your
future needs arising from the development of the business.

3. Adapt your solution to the requirements of the law of the country

n which you enable the solution you select must be designed from the outset to take into
account the requirements (legal, financial, accounting, management, etc.) to which the
company must answer daily

4. Get the right information
No decision should be taken before you see the system at work. To be sure of your choice,
product demonstration should be included as a mandatory step in the selection process, to see
the product at full capacity. 5. Do not put pri

5. Do not place the price on the first place

Price is one of the most important criteria, but a purchase of this magnitude should be made
carefully, observing the principles as: maturity, and the flexibility of the solution and long
term maintenance. Nobody wants to experiment on the skin to a product without a guarantee
of some previous implementations and has solid support in the future. 6. choose th

6. Get the best product on the market

The ERP system should be regarded as a business decision, not a decision of the IT
Department. Choose a leader to ensure that the product meets the essential elements, which
are necessary for the success of the organization. Far from being an easy acquisition, choice
of integrated information system is impacting a strategically decisive process for your
organization, should therefore be given the whole attention starting with the Executive level
of the company.


Chiru, C. – Integrated Information Systems, Course on CD, 2016

Stair, R, Reynolds, G. - Fundamentals of Information Systems, Sixth Edition, Course
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